Est_2:5..........of/Kish a/Benjamite........ 21/21
1Ch_26:28........of/Kish and Abner/the...... 19/21
1Ch_8:30........and/Kish and Baal and Nadab/And 8/21
1Ch_9:36........and/Kish and Baal and Ner/and 11/21
1Ch_23:21.......and/Kish And Eleazar/died... 15/21
1Ch_9:39......begat/Kish and Kish begat Saul and Saul begat Jonathan and Malchishua and Abinadab and Eshbaal And the son of Jonathan was Meribbaal and Meribbaal begat Micah And the sons of Micah were Pithon and Melech and Tahrea/and 12/21
1Ch_8:33......begat/Kish and Kish begat Saul and Saul begat Jonathan and Malchishua and Abinadab and Eshbaal And the son of Jonathan was Meribbaal and Meribbaal begat Micah And the sons of Micah were Pithon and Melech and Tarea/and 9/21
1Ch_12:1.........of/Kish and they/were...... 14/21
1Ch_9:39........and/Kish begat Saul and Saul begat Jonathan and Malchishua and Abinadab and Eshbaal And the son of Jonathan was Meribbaal and Meribbaal begat Micah And the sons of Micah were Pithon and Melech and Tahrea/and 13/21
1Ch_8:33........and/Kish begat Saul and Saul begat Jonathan and Malchishua and Abinadab and Eshbaal And the son of Jonathan was Meribbaal and Meribbaal begat Micah And the sons of Micah were Pithon and Melech and Tarea/and 10/21
2Sa_21:14........of/Kish his/father.......... 7/21
1Sa_10:11........of/Kish Is/Saul............. 4/21
1Sa_9:3.........And/Kish said/to............. 3/21
1Sa_9:3..........of/Kish Saul's/father....... 2/21
2Ch_29:12....Merari/Kish the son of Abdi/and 20/21
1Sa_9:1.........was/Kish the son of Abiel/the 1/21
1Ch_24:29Concerning/Kish the son of Kish/was 17/21
1Ch_23:22........of/Kish took/them.......... 16/21
1Ch_24:29........of/Kish was Jerahmeel/The.. 18/21
1Sa_10:21........of/Kish was taken/and....... 5/21
1Sa_14:51.......And/Kish was the/father...... 6/21
1Ch_6:44.........of/Kishi/the................. 1/1
Jos_19:20.......and/Kishion/and............... 1/1
Jdg_4:13.........of/Kishon And Deborah/said... 3/6
1Ki_18:40.....brook/Kishon and slew/them...... 6/6
Jdg_5:21......river/Kishon O/my............... 5/6
Jdg_4:7.......river/Kishon Sisera/the......... 2/6
Jdg_5:21.........of/Kishon swept/them......... 4/6
Jos_21:28..Issachar/Kishon with/her........... 1/6
