Psa_142:3.privily/laid a snare for me I/looked 132/279
Psa_119:110..have/laid a snare for me yet/I 129/279
Jer_50:24....have/laid a snare for thee/and 158/279
Est_10:1Ahasuerus/laid a tribute/upon... 106/279
2Sa_18:17.....and/laid a very/great...... 59/279
Oba_1:7......have/laid a wound/under.... 182/279
Act_25:27..crimes/laid against him Then/Agrippa 266/279
Act_25:16...crime/laid against him Therefore/when 265/279
Joh_11:41.....was/laid And Jesus/lifted. 235/279
Mat_8:14...mother/laid and sick/of...... 196/279
Luk_23:53.....was/laid And that/day..... 228/279
Luk_23:55.....was/laid And they/returned 229/279
Mar_15:47.....was/laid And when/the..... 212/279
Joh_13:4......and/laid aside/his........ 236/279
Luk_16:20.....was/laid at/his........... 222/279
Zec_3:9......have/laid before Joshua/upon 190/279
Psa_119:30......I/laid before me/I...... 128/279
Ezr_3:12......was/laid before their eyes/wept 94/279
Exo_19:7......and/laid before their faces/all 18/279
Ezr_3:11......was/laid But/many.......... 93/279
Gen_38:19.....and/laid by her/vail........ 8/279
Eze_32:29.....are/laid by them/that..... 170/279
Luk_24:12.clothes/laid by themselves/and 230/279
Hag_2:18......was/laid consider/it...... 189/279
Act_3:2......they/laid daily/at......... 243/279
Joe_1:17......are/laid desolate the/barns 179/279
Eze_35:12.....are/laid desolate they/are 173/279
2Sa_13:8......was/laid down And/she...... 57/279
1Jn_3:16.......he/laid down his/life.... 277/279
1Sa_3:2.......was/laid down in/his....... 47/279 down no/feller... 137/279
Jos_2:8......were/laid down she/came..... 34/279
Act_7:58witnesses/laid down their clothes/at 252/279 down their own/necks 269/279
1Sa_3:3.......was/laid down to/sleep..... 48/279
Gen_15:10.....and/laid each/piece......... 2/279 for him/in....... 108/279
Psa_141:9....have/laid for me/and....... 131/279
Jos_10:27.....and/laid great/stones...... 37/279
2Ki_11:16....they/laid hands on her and she/went 77/279
2Ch_23:15....they/laid hands on her and when/she 85/279
Mat_18:28......he/laid hands on him and/took 198/279 hands on him because/his 231/279
Act_21:27.....and/laid hands on him Crying/out 261/279 hands on him for/his 233/279 hands on him Then/came 232/279
Mat_26:50.....and/laid hands on Jesus/and 200/279
Oba_1:13.....have/laid hands on their/substance 183/279
Act_4:3......they/laid hands on them/and 244/279 he/up............. 11/279
Psa_89:19....have/laid help/upon........ 124/279
1Ki_3:20......and/laid her dead/child.... 61/279
Rut_3:7.......and/laid her down/And...... 44/279
2Sa_13:19.....and/laid her hand/on....... 58/279
Act_9:37.....they/laid her in/an........ 254/279
Joh_20:15....hast/laid him and I/will... 241/279
Joh_20:13....have/laid him And when/she. 240/279
Mar_16:6.....they/laid him But/go....... 213/279
1Ki_19:6......and/laid him down again/And 70/279
1Ki_21:4.......he/laid him down upon/his. 71/279
Luk_2:7.......and/laid him in a manger/because 215/279
Act_13:29.....and/laid him in a sepulchre But/God 256/279
Mar_15:46.....and/laid him in a sepulchre which/was 211/279
2Ch_16:14.....and/laid him in the/bed.... 84/279
Gen_22:9......and/laid him on the altar/upon 6/279
2Ki_4:21......and/laid him on the bed/of. 72/279
1Ki_18:33.....and/laid him on the wood/and 69/279
Joh_20:2.....have/laid him Peter/therefore 239/279 him They/said.... 234/279
1Ki_17:19.....and/laid him upon/his...... 68/279
1Ki_13:30......he/laid his carcase/in.... 65/279
Est_8:7........he/laid his hand/upon.... 102/279
Luk_4:40.......he/laid his hands on every/one 217/279
Luk_13:13......he/laid his hands on her/and 220/279
Act_28:8......and/laid his hands on him/and 268/279
Mat_19:15......he/laid his hands on them/and 199/279
Mar_6:5........he/laid his hands upon a/few 204/279
Num_27:23......he/laid his hands upon him and gave/him 28/279
Deu_34:9......had/laid his hands upon him and the/children 32/279
Act_19:6......had/laid his hands upon them/the 259/279
Mal_1:3.......and/laid his mountains/and 194/279
Rev_1:17.......he/laid his right hand upon me/saying 278/279
Gen_48:17..father/laid his right hand upon the/head 13/279
Jon_3:6........he/laid his robe/from.... 184/279 hold on him/And.. 210/279
Jdg_19:29.....and/laid hold on his/concubine 43/279
Mat_26:57.....had/laid hold on Jesus/led 202/279
Mat_14:3......had/laid hold on John/and. 197/279
2Ch_7:22......and/laid hold on other/gods 83/279
Rev_20:2.......he/laid hold on the/dragon 279/279 hold upon his/hand. 3/279
Mar_6:17......and/laid hold upon John/and 205/279
Luk_23:26....they/laid hold upon one/Simon 225/279
1Sa_15:27......he/laid hold upon the/skirt 53/279
Psa_105:18....was/laid in iron/Until.... 127/279
Jos_2:6.......had/laid in order/upon..... 33/279 in the balance/they 120/279
Job_6:2..calamity/laid in the balances/together 107/279
Psa_49:14.....are/laid in the grave/death 119/279
Eze_11:7.....have/laid in the midst of it/they 163/279 in the midst of the/uncircumcised 171/279
1Ki_6:37.....LORD/laid in the month/Zif.. 62/279
Act_7:16......and/laid in the sepulchre/that 251/279 in the walls/and.. 95/279
Num_16:18.....and/laid incense/thereon... 25/279
Act_4:37......and/laid it at the apostles' feet But a/certain 246/279
Act_5:2.......and/laid it at the apostles' feet But Peter/said 247/279
Luk_23:53.....and/laid it in a sepulchre/that 227/279
Mar_6:29......and/laid it in a tomb/And. 206/279
Rut_4:16......and/laid it in her bosom and became/nurse 46/279
1Ki_3:20......and/laid it in her bosom and laid/her 60/279
Mat_27:60.....And/laid it in his/own.... 203/279
1Sa_19:13.....and/laid it in the bed/and. 54/279
Exo_2:3.......she/laid it in the flags/by 14/279
Isa_42:25......he/laid it not/to........ 146/279
Rut_3:15......and/laid it on her/and..... 45/279
Jdg_9:48......and/laid it on his/shoulder 41/279
2Ki_20:7......and/laid it on the/boil.... 80/279
2Ki_12:11....they/laid it out/to......... 78/279
Isa_57:11.....nor/laid it to/thy........ 153/279
1Sa_10:25.....and/laid it up before the LORD/And 50/279
Exo_16:34...Aaron/laid it up before the Testimony/to 17/279
Exo_16:24....they/laid it up till/the.... 16/279
Gen_9:23......and/laid it upon both/their. 1/279
Gen_48:14.....and/laid it upon Ephraim's/head 12/279
Gen_22:6......and/laid it upon Isaac/his.. 4/279
Isa_6:7........he/laid it upon my/mouth. 135/279
1Ki_13:29.....and/laid it upon the/ass... 64/279
Psa_79:1.....have/laid Jerusalem/on..... 121/279
Act_25:7......and/laid many and/grievous 264/279
Act_16:23.....had/laid many stripes/upon 258/279
Psa_3:5.........I/laid me down/and...... 114/279
Psa_88:6.....hast/laid me in/the........ 123/279
Hos_11:4........I/laid meat/unto........ 177/279
Joe_1:7......hath/laid my/vine.......... 178/279 no/hold.......... 201/279
Luk_19:22.......I/laid not down/and..... 224/279
Exo_24:11......he/laid not his/hand...... 21/279
Est_9:15.....they/laid not their hand/But 104/279
Est_9:16.....they/laid not their hands/on 105/279 on him a/sum...... 19/279
Isa_53:6.....hath/laid on him the/iniquity 152/279
2Ki_12:12.....was/laid out/for........... 79/279 over/with........ 187/279
Psa_31:4.....have/laid privily/for...... 116/279
2Ch_32:9..himself/laid siege against Lachish/and 90/279
Mic_5:1......hath/laid siege against us/they 185/279
1Ki_15:27..Israel/laid siege to/Gibbethon 66/279
Zec_8:9.......was/laid that/the......... 193/279
1Sa_6:11.....they/laid the ark/of........ 49/279
Neh_3:6......they/laid the beams thereof and set up the doors thereof and/the 100/279
Neh_3:3......also/laid the beams thereof and set up the doors thereof the/locks 99/279
Job_38:6......who/laid the corner/stone. 113/279
Luk_23:26....they/laid the cross/that... 226/279
1Co_3:10.....have/laid the foundation and another/buildeth 270/279
Luk_14:29....hath/laid the foundation and is/not 221/279
Isa_48:13....hath/laid the foundation of the earth and my/right 149/279
Psa_102:25...thou/laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the work/of 125/279
Heb_1:10.....hast/laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the works/of 276/279
Ezr_5:16......and/laid the foundation of the house/of 96/279 the foundation of the temple/of 92/279
Zec_4:9......have/laid the foundation of this/house 191/279
Luk_6:48......and/laid the foundation on/a 218/279
1Ki_16:34......he/laid the foundation thereof/in 67/279
Isa_51:13.....and/laid the foundations of the earth and/hast 150/279
Job_38:4........I/laid the foundations of the earth declare/if 111/279
Psa_104:5.....Who/laid the foundations of the earth that/it 126/279
Ezr_6:3..strongly/laid the height/thereof 98/279
Eze_40:42....they/laid the instruments/wherewith 175/279
Eze_33:29....have/laid the land/most.... 172/279
Job_38:5.....hath/laid the measures/thereof 112/279
Neh_13:5.....they/laid the meat/offerings 101/279
Zec_7:14.....they/laid the pleasant/land 192/279
Gen_30:41...Jacob/laid the rods/before.... 7/279
Mar_6:56.....they/laid the sick/in...... 207/279
2Ki_4:31......and/laid the staff/upon.... 73/279
Gen_22:9......and/laid the wood/in........ 5/279
Job_29:9......and/laid their hand/on.... 109/279
Mar_14:46....they/laid their hands on him/and 209/279
Act_5:18......And/laid their hands on the/apostles 249/279
Act_6:6......they/laid their hands on them And/the 250/279
Act_13:3......and/laid their hands on them they/sent 255/279
Lev_8:14.....sons/laid their hands upon the head of the bullock/for 22/279
Lev_8:18.....sons/laid their hands upon the head of the ram And he killed/it 23/279
Lev_8:22.....sons/laid their hands upon the head of the ram And he slew/it 24/279
2Ch_29:23....they/laid their hands upon them/And 88/279
Eze_32:27....have/laid their swords/under 169/279
2Ch_31:6......and/laid them by/heaps..... 89/279
Act_4:35......And/laid them down at/the. 245/279
Jos_4:8.......and/laid them down there/And 35/279
1Sa_25:18.....and/laid them on asses/And. 56/279
Act_5:15......and/laid them on beds/and. 248/279
Act_28:3......and/laid them on the/fire. 267/279
Jos_7:23......and/laid them out/before... 36/279
Luk_1:66.....them/laid them up/in....... 214/279
2Ki_5:23......and/laid them upon/two..... 75/279
Num_21:30....have/laid them waste/even... 27/279
Joh_19:41.....yet/laid There/laid....... 237/279 thereon/and...... 242/279
Ezr_3:6.......yet/laid They gave/money... 91/279
Joh_19:42...There/laid they Jesus/therefore 238/279
Est_9:10....spoil/laid they not/their... 103/279
Act_8:17.....Then/laid they their/hands. 253/279
Psa_139:5.....and/laid thine/hand....... 130/279
2Ki_9:25.....LORD/laid this/burden....... 76/279 Thus/saith....... 147/279
Isa_51:23....hast/laid thy body/as...... 151/279
Isa_47:6..heavily/laid thy yoke/And..... 148/279
Act_23:29.nothing/laid to his/charge.... 262/279
Psa_35:11....they/laid to my/charge..... 118/279
Amo_2:8...clothes/laid to pledge/by..... 180/279 to their/charge.. 275/279
Act_13:36.....was/laid unto his/fathers. 257/279 unto the root of the trees every/tree 216/279 unto the root of the trees therefore/every 195/279
Isa_23:18.....nor/laid up for her/merchandise 143/279
Luk_12:19...goods/laid up for many/years 219/279 up for me/a...... 274/279 up for the/just.. 133/279
Son_7:13.....have/laid up for thee/O.... 134/279
Psa_31:19....hast/laid up for them/that. 117/279 up for you/in.... 273/279
Isa_10:28....hath/laid up his carriages/They 136/279
Gen_39:16.....she/laid up his garment/by.. 9/279
Luk_19:20....kept/laid up in a/napkin... 223/279
Ezr_6:1......were/laid up in Babylon/And. 97/279
Isa_39:6.....have/laid up in store until/this 145/279
2Ki_20:17....have/laid up in store unto/this 81/279
Deu_32:34....this/laid up in store with/me 31/279
Isa_15:7.....have/laid up shall/they.... 140/279
Gen_41:48.....and/laid up the food/in.... 10/279
Num_17:7....Moses/laid up the rods/before 26/279
Jer_36:20....they/laid up the roll/in... 157/279
1Sa_21:12...David/laid up these/words.... 55/279
Hag_2:15......was/laid upon a/stone..... 188/279 upon Abimelech/their 38/279
2Ch_24:27.burdens/laid upon him and/the.. 87/279
Psa_21:5.....thou/laid upon him For/thou 115/279 upon him to cause/him 63/279 upon him to make/him 82/279 upon him Whether/he 20/279
2Ki_4:32......and/laid upon his/bed...... 74/279
2Ch_24:9......God/laid upon Israel/in.... 86/279
Deu_29:22....hath/laid upon it/And....... 30/279 upon me/yea...... 272/279
Mar_7:30.daughter/laid upon the bed/And. 208/279 upon the men/that. 15/279
Dan_6:17......and/laid upon the mouth/of 176/279
Eze_4:5......have/laid upon thee/the.... 160/279
Eze_39:21....have/laid upon them/So..... 174/279
Deu_26:6......and/laid upon us/hard...... 29/279
Jdg_9:34.....they/laid wait against/Shechem 39/279
Job_31:9.....have/laid wait at/my....... 110/279
Jdg_16:2......and/laid wait for him all/night 42/279
Act_20:3.....Jews/laid wait for him as/he 260/279
1Sa_15:2.......he/laid wait for him in/the 51/279
Act_23:30....Jews/laid wait for the/man. 263/279
Lam_4:19.....they/laid wait for us/in... 159/279
Jdg_9:43......and/laid wait in the field/and 40/279
1Sa_15:5......and/laid wait in the valley/And 52/279
Isa_37:18....have/laid waste all/the.... 144/279 waste and brought to silence because/in 138/279 waste and brought to silence He/is 139/279 waste and I/will. 181/279 waste And it/shall 142/279 waste and made/desolate 162/279 waste and the high/places 161/279 waste and the land/shall 164/279 waste But/if..... 156/279
Psa_79:7......and/laid waste his/dwelling 122/279
Eze_29:12.....are/laid waste shall/be... 167/279 waste so/that.... 141/279
Eze_19:7.......he/laid waste their/cities 165/279 waste Therefore/thus 166/279 waste who/will... 186/279
Isa_64:11.....are/laid waste Wilt/thou.. 154/279 waste without/an. 155/279 which/is......... 271/279
Eze_32:19....thou/laid with/the......... 168/279
Psa_66:11....thou/laidst/affliction......... 1/1
