Num_31:17....every/male among the little/ones 33/46
Gen_17:23....every/male among the men/of.... 9/46
Lev_7:6......Every/male among the priests/shall 20/46
Gen_34:22....every/male among us/be........ 11/46
Jdg_21:11....every/male and every/woman.... 38/46
Mat_19:4......them/male and female And/said 43/46
Gen_5:2........him/Male and female created he them and blessed/them 2/46
Gen_1:27.......him/male and female created he them And God/blessed 1/46
Mar_10:6......them/male and female For/this 44/46 and female of all/flesh 8/46 and female Of fowls/after 3/46
Num_5:3.......Both/male and female shall/ye 31/46
Gen_7:2........the/male and his female and/of 4/46
Gen_7:2........the/male and his female Of/fowls 5/46
Gen_7:9........the/male and the female as/God 7/46
Gen_7:3........the/male and the female to/keep 6/46
Jdg_21:12......any/male and they/brought... 39/46
Mal_1:14.........a/male and voweth/and..... 42/46 But/the............ 14/46
Num_1:2......every/male by/their........... 27/46
Jos_17:2.......the/male children/of........ 37/46
Lev_27:6.......the/male five/shekels....... 25/46
Num_3:15.....every/male from a/month....... 30/46
Num_1:20.....every/male from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Reuben/were 28/46
Num_1:22.....every/male from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Simeon/were 29/46
Lev_27:3.......the/male from twenty years old even/unto 23/46
1Ki_11:15....every/male in Edom For/six.... 40/46
1Ki_11:16....every/male in Edom That/Hadad. 41/46
Gal_3:28...neither/male nor/female......... 46/46
Exo_12:5.........a/male of the/first....... 13/46
Gen_34:15....every/male of you/be.......... 10/46
Lev_12:7.........a/male or a/female........ 21/46 or female barren/among 35/46
Lev_3:1..........a/male or female he shall offer it without blemish before/the 17/46
Lev_3:6......flock/male or female he shall offer it without blemish If/he 18/46
Deu_4:16........of/male or female The/likeness 34/46
Num_18:10....every/male shall/eat.......... 32/46
Luk_2:23.....Every/male that/openeth....... 45/46
Lev_27:7.........a/male then/thy........... 26/46
Deu_20:13....every/male thereof/with....... 36/46
Lev_27:5.......the/male twenty/shekels..... 24/46
Gen_34:24....every/male was/circumcised.... 12/46
Lev_1:10.........a/male without blemish And he shall kill/it 16/46
Lev_4:23.........a/male without blemish And he shall lay/his 19/46
Lev_1:3..........a/male without blemish he/shall 15/46
Lev_22:19........a/male without blemish of/the 22/46
Joh_18:30........a/malefactor/we............. 1/1
Luk_23:32....other/malefactors led/with...... 1/3
Luk_23:33......the/malefactors one/on........ 2/3
Luk_23:39......the/malefactors which/were.... 3/3
Luk_3:37........of/Maleleel/which............ 1/1
Lev_6:18.......the/males among the children/of 6/32
2Ch_31:19......the/males among the priests and/to 20/32
Lev_6:29.......the/males among the priests shall/eat 7/32
Ezr_8:3........the/males an/hundred........ 21/32
Ezr_8:14...seventy/males And I/gathered.... 32/32
Ezr_8:12.......ten/males And of the last/sons 30/32
Ezr_8:11.....eight/males And of the sons of Azgad/Johanan 29/32
Ezr_8:10threescore/males And of the sons of Bebai/Zechariah 28/32
Ezr_8:6......fifty/males And of the sons of Elam/Jeshaiah 24/32
Ezr_8:9...eighteen/males And of the sons of Shelomith/the 27/32
Ezr_8:7....seventy/males And of the sons of Shephatiah/Zebadiah 25/32
Gen_34:25......the/males And they slew Hamor/and 1/32
Num_31:7.......the/males And they slew the/kings 15/32
Deu_16:16......thy/males appear/before..... 17/32
Exo_12:48......his/males be/circumcised..... 2/32
Exo_13:15....being/males but/all............ 4/32
Num_3:43.firstborn/males by/the............ 13/32
Jos_5:4.......were/males even/all.......... 18/32
Num_3:22.......the/males from a month old and upward even/those 8/32
Num_26:62......all/males from a month old and upward for/they 14/32
Num_3:28.......the/males from a month old and upward were eight/thousand 9/32
Num_3:34.......the/males from a month old and upward were six/thousand 10/32
Num_3:39.......the/males from a month old and upward were twenty/and 11/32
2Ch_31:16.......of/males from three/years.. 19/32
Num_3:40.......the/males of the children/of 12/32
Ezr_8:5....hundred/males Of the sons also of Adin/Ebed 23/32
Ezr_8:13threescore/males Of the sons also of Bigvai/Uthai 31/32
Ezr_8:8..fourscore/males Of the sons of Joab/Obadiah 26/32
Ezr_8:4....hundred/males Of the sons of Shechaniah/the 22/32
Exo_23:17......thy/males shall appear/before 5/32
Exo_13:12......the/males shall be/the....... 3/32
Deu_15:19firstling/males that/come......... 16/32
