Jer_11:16........thy/name A/green.......... 649/928
Exo_39:14........his/name according/to..... 132/928
Gen_5:2........their/name Adam/in........... 14/928
Eze_39:25.......holy/name After that/they.. 704/928
Joh_20:31........his/name After these/things 830/928
Psa_148:13.......his/name alone is excellent/his 575/928
Psa_83:18......whose/name alone is JEHOVAH/art 524/928
2Ki_18:2....mother's/name also was Abi/the. 351/928
2Ch_22:2....mother's/name also was Athaliah/the 437/928
2Ch_26:3....mother's/name also was Jecoliah/of 440/928
2Ch_27:1....mother's/name also was Jerushah/the 443/928
2Ch_13:2....mother's/name also was Michaiah/the 430/928
2Ch_24:1....mother's/name also was Zibiah/of 438/928
Isa_45:3.........thy/name am/the........... 607/928
Luk_24:47........his/name among all/nations 807/928
1Ch_11:24........the/name among the three mighties/Behold 384/928
1Ch_11:20..........a/name among the three Of/the 383/928
2Sa_23:22........the/name among three mighty/men 298/928
2Sa_23:18........the/name among three Was/he 297/928
Rom_1:5..........his/name Among whom/are... 868/928
Zep_3:20...........a/name and a praise/among 739/928 and a pure/offering 749/928
Rom_15:9.........thy/name And again/he..... 872/928
Act_5:28........this/name and behold/ye.... 842/928 and caused/every. 682/928
Act_5:41.........his/name And daily/in..... 844/928 And David/gathered 285/928
Psa_79:9.........thy/name and deliver/us... 520/928
2Ch_6:33.........thy/name and fear/thee.... 421/928
1Sa_25:25........his/name and folly/is..... 264/928
Jer_13:11..........a/name and for/a........ 653/928
1Ch_16:35.......holy/name and glory/in..... 392/928 and hast/not..... 901/928
Mar_5:9..........thy/name And he answered/saying 774/928 And he blessed/him 73/928 And he built/altars 353/928
Gen_35:10........thy/name and he called/his. 79/928
Mar_9:38.........thy/name and he followeth/not 779/928 And he hath/made. 615/928 And he said I/beseech 127/928
Gen_32:27........thy/name And he said Jacob/And 70/928
Luk_8:30.........thy/name And he said Legion/because 798/928
Luk_10:17........thy/name And he said unto/them 801/928
Gen_32:29........thy/name And he said Wherefore/is 72/928 and he shall be/my 402/928 and he shall come/upon 601/928
Luk_1:49.........his/name And his mercy/is. 791/928
Rev_13:6.........his/name and his tabernacle/and 916/928
1Co_1:15.........own/name And I baptized/also 876/928
Isa_51:15........his/name And I have/put... 617/928 and I say/not.... 824/928 and I sent/them.. 656/928 and I will hear/them 744/928 and I will stablish/the 277/928
Lev_20:3........holy/name And if/the....... 136/928 and in honour/and 189/928
Hos_2:17.......their/name And in that/day.. 721/928
Mat_7:22.........thy/name and in thy/name.. 760/928
2Sa_18:18........own/name and it is/called. 293/928 and it shall/remain 740/928
Psa_54:1.........thy/name and judge/me..... 499/928 and leadeth/them. 814/928
1Ki_1:47.........thy/name and make/his..... 300/928 and my/glory..... 602/928
1Ki_8:42.......great/name and of/thy....... 315/928
2Ch_6:24.........thy/name and pray and make supplication before/thee 419/928
1Ki_8:33.........thy/name and pray and make supplication unto/thee 313/928
Neh_1:11.........thy/name and prosper/I.... 458/928
Isa_14:22........the/name and remnant/and.. 593/928 and sanctify/the. 599/928 and say/We....... 641/928
Est_8:8.......king's/name and seal/it...... 467/928
Est_8:10..Ahasuerus'/name and sealed it/with 469/928
1Ki_21:8......Ahab's/name and sealed them/with 339/928
Est_8:8.......king's/name and sealed with/the 468/928 and should/ye.... 665/928 And the LORD hath/performed 310/928
Jos_7:9........great/name And the LORD said/unto 196/928
Act_4:17........this/name And they called/them 839/928
Amo_2:7.........holy/name And they lay/themselves 724/928
Luk_1:61........this/name And they made/signs 793/928
Mal_3:16.........his/name And they shall/be 754/928 and thou/hast.... 126/928 And thus/shall... 261/928
Isa_54:5.........his/name and thy/Redeemer. 620/928
2Sa_7:23...........a/name and to do/for.... 278/928
Isa_26:8.........thy/name and to the/remembrance 597/928
Act_15:14........his/name And to this/agree 857/928
Psa_106:47......holy/name and to triumph/in 543/928
1Ki_8:35.........thy/name and turn from their sin when thou afflictest/them 314/928
2Ch_6:26.........thy/name and turn from their sin when thou dost/afflict 420/928 and upon/thee.... 325/928
Luk_9:49.........thy/name and we/forbad.... 800/928
Pro_30:4.........his/name and what/is...... 581/928 and when he/saw.. 776/928
Est_2:22..Mordecai's/name And when inquisition/was 465/928
Dan_9:19.........thy/name And whiles/I..... 716/928
Joh_17:26........thy/name and will/declare. 828/928
1Ki_18:31........thy/name And with/the..... 337/928
Joh_5:43....Father's/name and ye receive/me 812/928 And ye say/Wherein 746/928
Eze_39:7........holy/name any more and/the. 702/928
Gen_17:5.........thy/name any more be/called 30/928
Rev_9:11.........his/name Apollyon/One..... 913/928
Amo_9:6..........his/name Are/ye........... 729/928
Psa_74:21........thy/name Arise/O.......... 516/928
Jer_32:20..........a/name as at/this....... 676/928
Luk_6:22........your/name as evil/for...... 797/928
Neh_9:10...........a/name as it/is......... 462/928
Gen_30:13........his/name Asher/And......... 63/928 ask/and.......... 823/928 at/the........... 643/928
Deu_3:14.........own/name Bashanhavothjair/unto 159/928
Gen_17:15........her/name be And/I.......... 33/928
Psa_109:13.....their/name be blotted/out... 544/928 be for/ever...... 448/928
Psa_5:11.........thy/name be joyful/in..... 477/928
2Sa_7:26.........thy/name be magnified/for. 279/928 be named/on....... 99/928
Deu_25:6.........his/name be not/put....... 185/928 be polluted/and.. 613/928
Nah_1:14.........thy/name be sown/out...... 735/928 because thou hast been/a 405/928 because thou hast shed/much 400/928 because ye/belong 781/928 become/a......... 642/928
Rev_3:5..........his/name before my/Father. 905/928 before the/Gentiles 849/928 Behold I will deliver/them 671/928 Behold I will make/them 906/928
Gen_19:38........his/name Benammi/the....... 37/928
Gen_35:18........his/name Benoni/but........ 82/928
1Ch_7:23.........his/name Beriah/because... 380/928
Isa_56:5...........a/name better/than...... 622/928 Bezaleel the son of Uri the son of Hur of the tribe of Judah And he/hath 131/928 Bezaleel the son of Uri the son of Hur of the tribe of Judah And I/have 125/928
Psa_103:1.......holy/name Bless/the........ 540/928
1Ch_16:29........his/name bring an offering and come before/him 391/928
Psa_96:8.........his/name bring an offering and come into/his 534/928
Jdg_13:6.........his/name But he/said...... 213/928
Jer_20:9.........his/name But his/word..... 660/928
Lev_22:32.......holy/name but I/will....... 139/928
Act_9:14.........thy/name But the/Lord..... 848/928
Heb_13:15........his/name But to/do........ 892/928
1Ch_29:13...glorious/name But who/am....... 406/928 But ye/turned.... 681/928
Act_13:8.........his/name by interpretation/withstood 856/928
Jam_2:7.......worthy/name by the/which..... 893/928
Eze_43:8........holy/name by their abominations/that 706/928 by their dreams/which 663/928
Jer_33:2.........his/name Call/unto........ 678/928
Gen_25:30........his/name called Edom/And... 46/928
Gen_29:34........his/name called Levi/And... 58/928 came/in.......... 375/928
1Ch_29:16.......holy/name cometh/of........ 407/928 continually/every 618/928
Gen_30:6.........his/name Dan/And........... 60/928
Isa_12:4.........his/name declare/his...... 591/928
Gen_30:21........her/name Dinah/And......... 66/928
Mat_7:22.........thy/name done/many........ 762/928
Mat_1:23.........his/name Emmanuel/which... 757/928
Gen_4:26.........his/name Enos/then......... 12/928
Gen_38:3.........his/name Er/And............ 89/928
Gen_25:25........his/name Esau/And.......... 44/928
Gen_3:20......wife's/name Eve/because........ 5/928
Psa_68:4.........his/name extol/him........ 506/928 falsely/neither.. 134/928
Isa_65:15.......your/name for a/curse...... 637/928
Isa_55:13..........a/name for an/everlasting 621/928 for Baal/The..... 664/928
Psa_145:1........thy/name for ever and ever Every/day 570/928
Psa_145:2........thy/name for ever and ever Great/is 571/928
Psa_9:5........their/name for ever and ever O/thou 482/928
Psa_145:21......holy/name for ever and ever Praise/ye 572/928
Psa_72:19...glorious/name for ever and let/the 512/928 for ever and this/is 107/928 for ever Neither will I any/more 449/928 for ever Neither will I make/the 354/928
1Ch_23:13........his/name for ever Now/concerning 404/928
Psa_44:8.........thy/name for ever Selah/But 494/928
Psa_61:8.........thy/name for ever that/I.. 502/928
Psa_74:10........thy/name for ever Why/withdrawest 514/928
Psa_86:12........thy/name for evermore/For. 527/928 for I/have....... 604/928
Psa_52:9.........thy/name for it is good/before 498/928
Psa_99:3....terrible/name for it is holy/The 535/928
Psa_135:3........his/name for it is pleasant/For 563/928
Psa_100:4........his/name For the/LORD..... 537/928
Psa_79:6.........thy/name For they have devoured/Jacob 519/928
Jer_10:25........thy/name for they have eaten/up 648/928
Psa_86:9.........thy/name For thou art/great 525/928
Isa_25:1.........thy/name for thou hast/done 596/928
Rev_15:4.........thy/name for thou only/art 922/928
Psa_138:2........thy/name for thy/lovingkindness 565/928
Dan_9:18.........thy/name for we/do........ 715/928
Jos_7:9..........our/name from the/earth... 195/928
Deu_9:14.......their/name from under heaven and I/will 164/928
Deu_29:20........his/name from under heaven And the/LORD 192/928
Deu_7:24.......their/name from under heaven there/shall 163/928
Gen_30:11........his/name Gad/And........... 62/928
Jer_10:16........his/name Gather/up........ 647/928
Exo_2:22.........his/name Gershom/for...... 105/928
Psa_115:1........thy/name give/glory....... 549/928
Gen_12:2.........thy/name great and/thou.... 23/928
Psa_18:49........thy/name Great deliverance/giveth 484/928
Jer_32:18........his/name Great in/counsel. 675/928 hath lifted/up... 295/928
Act_3:16.........his/name hath made/this... 835/928
Mat_7:22.........thy/name have cast/out.... 761/928
Act_4:7.........what/name have ye/done..... 836/928
Jdg_8:31.......whose/name he called/Abimelech 211/928
Exo_5:23.........thy/name he hath/done..... 108/928
2Sa_22:50........thy/name He is the/tower.. 296/928
Deu_10:20........his/name He is thy/praise. 166/928 he may/give...... 821/928 He shall call/upon 531/928 he shall teach/you 820/928
Jer_50:34........his/name he shall throughly/plead 690/928 He that/hath..... 909/928 he will/give..... 822/928
Mic_6:9..........thy/name hear ye the/rod.. 734/928
Amo_4:13.........his/name Hear ye this/word 725/928
Rev_14:11........his/name Here is the/patience 920/928
Rev_13:17........his/name Here is wisdom/Let 918/928 him they/compelled 772/928
Joh_5:43.........own/name him ye/will...... 813/928
Isa_48:2.........his/name I have declared/the 612/928 I have not/sent.. 670/928 I have spread/out 636/928
Isa_45:4.........thy/name I have surnamed/thee 608/928 I sent/them...... 655/928 I will come/unto. 121/928 I will do/it..... 819/928
Psa_86:11........thy/name I will praise/thee 526/928 I will require/it 177/928
Jer_31:35........his/name If those/ordinances 674/928
Pro_30:4.......son's/name if thou/canst.... 582/928
1Ki_8:43.........thy/name If thy people go out to battle/against 317/928
2Ch_6:33.........thy/name If thy people go out to war/against 422/928
Isa_7:14.........his/name Immanuel/Butter.. 588/928
Psa_8:9..........thy/name in all the earth I/will 480/928
Psa_8:1..........thy/name in all the earth who/hast 479/928
Deu_25:7...........a/name in Israel/he..... 186/928
Act_9:21........this/name in Jerusalem/and. 850/928 in remembrance/and 292/928
Heb_6:10.........his/name in that/ye....... 891/928
Psa_149:3........his/name in the dance/let. 576/928
Psa_138:2........thy/name In the day/when.. 566/928
Rev_9:11.......whose/name in the Hebrew/tongue 912/928 in the street/He. 473/928
Deu_16:6.........his/name in there/thou.... 173/928
Lev_22:2........holy/name in those/things.. 138/928
Psa_139:20.......thy/name in vain Do/not... 567/928
Deu_5:11.........his/name in vain Keep/the. 161/928
Exo_20:7.........his/name in vain Remember/the 120/928
Son_1:3..........thy/name is as/ointment... 586/928
Ecc_7:1.........good/name is better/than... 585/928
2Sa_6:2........whose/name is called by/the. 271/928
1Ch_13:6.......whose/name is called on/it.. 386/928 is called saith/the 858/928
Rev_19:13........his/name is called The/Word 926/928 is dreadful/among 751/928
Isa_12:4.........his/name is exalted/Sing.. 592/928
Isa_63:16........thy/name is from/everlasting 632/928
Psa_76:1.........his/name is great in Israel/In 518/928
Jer_10:6.........thy/name is great in might/Who 646/928
Isa_57:15......whose/name is Holy/I........ 625/928 is in him/But.... 123/928
2Ch_20:9.........thy/name is in this/house. 434/928
Gen_35:10........Thy/name is Jacob/thy...... 77/928
Exo_34:14......whose/name is Jealous/is.... 130/928
Luk_1:63.........His/name is John/And...... 794/928
Mar_5:9...........My/name is Legion/for.... 775/928
Psa_75:1.........thy/name is near/thy...... 517/928
Pro_22:1........GOOD/name is rather/to..... 580/928
1Sa_25:25........his/name is so/is......... 263/928
Zec_6:12.......whose/name is The BRANCH/and 741/928
Amo_5:27.......whose/name is The God/of.... 727/928
Jer_46:18......whose/name is the LORD of hosts Surely/as 687/928
Jer_48:15......whose/name is the LORD of hosts The/calamity 688/928
Jer_51:57......whose/name is the LORD of hosts Thus/saith 692/928 is The LORD The/sin 658/928
Psa_113:3.....LORD's/name is to/be......... 548/928
Gen_17:19........his/name Isaac/and......... 34/928
Gen_16:11........his/name Ishmael/because... 27/928
Gen_35:10........his/name Israel/And........ 80/928
Gen_30:18........his/name Issachar/And...... 64/928
1Ch_4:9..........his/name Jabez/saying..... 374/928
Psa_68:4.........his/name JAH/and.......... 507/928
2Sa_12:25........his/name Jedidiah/because. 284/928 JEHOVAH/was...... 110/928
Mat_1:21.........his/name JESUS for/he..... 756/928
Luk_1:31.........his/name JESUS He/shall... 790/928
Mat_1:25.........his/name JESUS Now/when... 758/928
Hos_1:4..........his/name Jezreel/for...... 718/928
Luk_1:13.........his/name John/And......... 787/928
Gen_30:24........his/name Joseph/and........ 67/928
Gen_29:35........his/name Judah/and......... 59/928 Jude/the......... 900/928
Eze_39:7........holy/name known in/the..... 701/928
Isa_64:2.........thy/name known to/thine... 634/928
Jer_14:9.........thy/name leave/us......... 654/928
Gen_11:4...........a/name lest/we........... 19/928
1Ch_16:10.......holy/name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face continually/Remember 390/928
Psa_105:3.......holy/name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face evermore/Remember 542/928
Psa_33:21.......holy/name Let thy/mercy.... 490/928
1Ch_17:8...........a/name like the/name.... 394/928
2Sa_7:9........great/name like unto/the.... 275/928
Hos_1:9..........his/name Loammi/for....... 720/928
Isa_63:14...glorious/name Look/down........ 631/928
Hos_1:6..........her/name Loruhamah/for.... 719/928
Isa_8:3..........his/name Mahershalalhashbaz/For 589/928
Psa_66:2.........his/name make his/praise.. 504/928
1Ch_16:8.........his/name make known his deeds among the people Sing unto him sing psalms unto him talk ye of all his wondrous works Glory ye in his holy name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face continually/Remember 389/928
Psa_105:1........his/name make known his deeds among the people Sing unto him sing psalms unto him talk ye of all his wondrous works Glory ye in his holy name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face evermore/Remember 541/928 may be declared/throughout 111/928
Rut_4:14.........his/name may be famous/in. 233/928
1Ch_17:24........thy/name may be magnified/for 397/928
Jer_11:19........his/name may be no/more... 650/928 may be there/for. 426/928 might be declared/throughout 870/928 might be there and/have 413/928 might be there neither/chose 412/928 might be therein/but 307/928
Gen_19:37........his/name Moab/the.......... 36/928
Exo_2:10.........his/name Moses/and........ 104/928
Psa_63:4.........thy/name My/soul.......... 503/928
Gen_30:8.........his/name Naphtali/When..... 61/928
Eze_20:39.......holy/name no/more.......... 696/928
Gen_5:29.........his/name Noah/saying....... 16/928
2Sa_14:7.....neither/name nor/remainder.... 288/928 Now therefore/command 304/928 Now when/the..... 464/928
Psa_74:18........thy/name O deliver/not.... 515/928
Psa_48:10........thy/name O God/so......... 497/928
Psa_135:13.......Thy/name O LORD endureth/for 564/928
Psa_54:6.........thy/name O LORD for/it.... 500/928
Jer_15:16........thy/name O LORD God/of.... 657/928
Psa_119:55.......thy/name O LORD in/the.... 557/928
Psa_83:16........thy/name O LORD Let/them.. 523/928
Lam_3:55.........thy/name O LORD out/of.... 694/928
Psa_92:1.........THY/NAME O MOST/HIGH...... 532/928
Psa_9:2..........thy/name O thou/most...... 481/928
Rut_4:17.........his/name Obed/he.......... 235/928
Mat_10:42........the/name of a disciple/verily 765/928
Mat_10:41........the/name of a prophet/shall 763/928
Mat_10:41........the/name of a righteous/man 764/928
Neh_9:7..........the/name of Abraham/And... 461/928
Gen_11:29........the/name of Abram's/wife... 21/928
Num_26:59........the/name of Amram's/wife.. 156/928
1Ki_18:26........the/name of Baal/from..... 336/928
Dan_1:7..........the/name of Belteshazzar/and 708/928
Rev_13:1.........the/name of blasphemy/And. 915/928
2Ti_2:19.........the/name of Christ depart/from 888/928
1Pe_4:14.........the/name of Christ happy/are 896/928
Jos_19:47........the/name of Dan their father This/is 201/928
Jdg_18:29........the/name of Dan their father who/was 221/928
1Sa_25:9.........the/name of David/and..... 262/928
Jdg_1:11.........the/name of Debir before was Kirjathsepher And Caleb said He that smiteth Kirjathsepher and taketh it to him will I give Achsah my daughter to wife And Othniel the son of Kenaz Caleb's/younger 205/928
Jos_15:15........the/name of Debir before was Kirjathsepher And Caleb said He that smiteth Kirjathsepher and taketh it to him will I give Achsah my daughter to wife And Othniel the son of Kenaz the/brother 200/928
Exo_6:3..........the/name of God Almighty/but 109/928
1Ti_6:1..........the/name of God and/his... 887/928
Dan_2:20.........the/name of God for/ever.. 709/928
Rom_2:24.........the/name of God is/blasphemed 869/928
Rev_16:9.........the/name of God which/hath 923/928
Psa_69:30........the/name of God with/a.... 508/928
1Ch_17:21..........a/name of greatness/and. 396/928
Jdg_1:10.........the/name of Hebron before was Kirjatharba and/they 204/928
Jos_14:15........the/name of Hebron before was Kirjatharba which/Arba 199/928
1Ch_7:16.........the/name of his brother was/Sheresh 379/928
Deu_25:6.........the/name of his brother which/is 184/928
Gen_36:35........the/name of his city was Avith And Hadad/died 84/928
1Ch_1:46.........the/name of his city was Avith And when/Hadad 367/928
Gen_36:32........the/name of his city was Dinhabah And Bela/died 83/928
1Ch_1:43.........the/name of his city was Dinhabah And when/Bela 366/928
1Ch_1:50.........the/name of his city was Pai/and 368/928
Gen_36:39........the/name of his city was Pau/and 85/928
Luk_1:59.........the/name of his father/And 792/928
1Sa_8:2..........the/name of his firstborn/was 241/928
Mic_4:5..........the/name of his god/and... 731/928
1Sa_8:2..........the/name of his second/Abiah 242/928
Gen_4:17.........the/name of his son Enoch/And 7/928
1Jn_3:23.........the/name of his Son Jesus/Christ 897/928
Gen_21:3.........the/name of his son that/was 38/928
Rut_1:2..........the/name of his two/sons.. 225/928
1Sa_25:3.........the/name of his wife Abigail/and 260/928
Rut_1:2..........the/name of his wife Naomi/and 224/928
Isa_48:1.........the/name of Israel and/are 610/928
2Ki_14:27........the/name of Israel from/under 348/928
Psa_83:4.........the/name of Israel may/be. 522/928
Isa_44:5.........the/name of Israel Thus/saith 606/928
Gen_11:9.........the/name of it called Babel/because 20/928
Gen_31:48........the/name of it called Galeed/And 68/928
1Sa_7:12.........the/name of it Ebenezer/saying 240/928
Exo_17:15........the/name of it Jehovahnissi/For 116/928
2Ki_14:7.........the/name of it Joktheel/unto 347/928
Gen_26:22........the/name of it Rehoboth/and 49/928
Gen_26:21........the/name of it Sitnah/And.. 48/928
Gen_50:11........the/name of it was called Abelmizraim/which 101/928
Gen_35:8.........the/name of it was called Allonbachuth/And 76/928
Exo_15:23........the/name of it was called Marah/And 113/928
Isa_44:5.........the/name of Jacob/and..... 605/928
Act_9:27.........the/name of Jesus And he/was 851/928
Act_5:40.........the/name of Jesus and let/them 843/928
Act_4:18.........the/name of Jesus But/Peter 840/928
Act_2:38.........the/name of Jesus Christ for/the 832/928
Act_3:6..........the/name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise/up 833/928
Act_4:10.........the/name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom/ye 837/928
1Co_1:2..........the/name of Jesus Christ our/Lord 873/928
Act_8:12.........the/name of Jesus Christ they/were 846/928
Act_16:18........the/name of Jesus Christ to/come 860/928
Php_2:10.........the/name of Jesus every/knee 883/928
Act_26:9.........the/name of Jesus of/Nazareth 866/928
Jer_33:9...........a/name of joy/a......... 679/928
Est_3:12.........the/name of king/Ahasuerus 466/928
Gen_48:16........the/name of my fathers/Abraham 100/928
Dan_4:8..........the/name of my God and in/whom 712/928
Rev_3:12.........the/name of my God and the/name 907/928
Pro_30:9.........the/name of my God in/vain 583/928
Gen_11:29........the/name of Nahor's/wife... 22/928
Gen_10:25........the/name of one/was........ 17/928
Deu_18:20........the/name of other gods even/that 179/928
Exo_23:13........the/name of other gods neither/let 122/928
Num_27:4.........the/name of our father/be. 157/928
Psa_44:20........the/name of our God or/stretched 495/928
Psa_20:5.........the/name of our God we/will 486/928
2Th_1:12.........the/name of our Lord Jesus Christ may/be 885/928
Eph_5:20.........the/name of our Lord Jesus Christ Submitting/yourselves 880/928
1Co_1:10.........the/name of our Lord Jesus Christ that ye all/speak 874/928
2Th_3:6..........the/name of our Lord Jesus Christ that ye withdraw/yourselves 886/928
Act_15:26........the/name of our Lord Jesus Christ We/have 859/928
1Co_5:4..........the/name of our Lord Jesus Christ when/ye 877/928
1Co_1:13.........the/name of Paul/I........ 875/928
Est_9:26.........the/name of Pur/Therefore. 470/928
1Sa_14:50........the/name of Saul's/wife... 249/928
1Ki_16:24........the/name of Shemer/owner.. 332/928
1Ki_1:47.........the/name of Solomon/better 299/928
Gen_28:19........the/name of that city/was.. 53/928
2Ch_3:17.........the/name of that on the left/Boaz 411/928
2Ch_3:17.........the/name of that on the right/hand 410/928
2Sa_5:20.........the/name of that place Baalperazim And there/they 270/928
1Ch_14:11........the/name of that place Baalperazim And when/they 387/928
Gen_28:19........the/name of that place Bethel/but 52/928
Jdg_2:5..........the/name of that place Bochim/and 210/928
Gen_22:14........the/name of that place Jehovahjireh/as 40/928
Num_11:34........the/name of that place Kibrothhattaavah/because 149/928
Gen_32:2.........the/name of that place Mahanaim/And 69/928
Jos_7:26.........the/name of that place was/called 197/928
Rev_13:17........the/name of the beast/or.. 917/928
1Sa_14:50........the/name of the captain/of 250/928
Zep_1:4..........the/name of the Chemarims/with 736/928
Gen_4:17.........the/name of the city after/the 6/928
Jdg_1:23.........the/name of the city before/was 207/928
Jdg_18:29........the/name of the city Dan/after 220/928
Eze_48:35........the/name of the city from/that 707/928
Gen_26:33........the/name of the city is/Beersheba 51/928
Rev_3:12.........the/name of the city of/my 908/928
Eze_39:16........the/name of the city shall/be 703/928
Jdg_1:17.........the/name of the city was called Hormah/Also 206/928
Gen_19:22........the/name of the city was called Zoar/The 35/928
Jdg_18:29........the/name of the city was Laish/at 222/928
1Ki_16:24........the/name of the city which/he 331/928
Num_26:46........the/name of the daughter/of 155/928
Eze_24:2.........the/name of the day/even.. 697/928
Rut_4:10.........the/name of the dead be/not 232/928
Rut_4:5..........the/name of the dead upon his inheritance And/the 230/928
Rut_4:10.........the/name of the dead upon his inheritance that/the 231/928
Gen_29:16........the/name of the elder/was.. 54/928
Mat_28:19........the/name of the Father/and 773/928
Gen_2:11.........The/name of the first is/Pison 1/928
Job_42:14........the/name of the first Jemima/and 474/928
Gen_41:51........the/name of the firstborn Manasseh/For 96/928
1Sa_14:49........the/name of the firstborn Merab/and 247/928
Ezr_5:1..........the/name of the God of Israel/even 453/928
Psa_20:1.........the/name of the God of Jacob/defend 485/928
1Ch_17:8.........the/name of the great men that are in the earth Also/I 395/928
2Sa_7:9..........the/name of the great men that are in the earth Moreover/I 276/928
Num_25:14........the/name of the Israelite/that 153/928
Gen_12:8.........the/name of the LORD And Abram/journeyed 24/928
Psa_102:15.......the/name of the LORD and all/the 538/928
2Ch_2:1..........the/name of the LORD and an/house 408/928
Deu_21:5.........the/name of the LORD and by/their 181/928
Lev_24:11........the/name of the Lord and cursed/And 140/928
1Ch_16:2.........the/name of the LORD And he dealt/to 388/928
1Ki_18:32........the/name of the LORD and he made/a 338/928
1Ki_22:16........the/name of the LORD And he said/I 340/928
Zec_13:3.........the/name of the LORD and his/father 743/928
Luk_13:35........the/name of the Lord And it came to pass as/he 803/928
Act_22:16........the/name of the Lord And it came to pass that/when 865/928
Mat_23:39........the/name of the Lord And Jesus went/out 770/928
Joh_12:13........the/name of the Lord And Jesus when/he 816/928
Gen_13:4.........the/name of the LORD And Lot/also 25/928
Isa_48:1.........the/name of the LORD and make/mention 611/928
1Ch_21:19........the/name of the LORD And Ornan/turned 398/928
Gen_26:25........the/name of the LORD and pitched/his 50/928
Isa_50:10........the/name of the LORD and stay/upon 616/928
1Ki_18:24........the/name of the LORD and the God/that 334/928
Exo_34:5.........the/name of the LORD And the LORD/passed 129/928
Jam_5:14.........the/name of the Lord And the prayer/of 895/928
2Ki_2:24.........the/name of the LORD And there/came 342/928
Deu_28:10........the/name of the LORD and they/shall 190/928
Deu_32:3.........the/name of the LORD ascribe/ye 193/928
Exo_33:19........the/name of the LORD before/thee 128/928
Mar_11:9.........the/name of the Lord Blessed be the kingdom/of 782/928
Psa_113:1........the/name of the LORD Blessed be the name/of 546/928
Isa_30:27........the/name of the LORD cometh/from 600/928
Jam_5:10.........the/name of the Lord for an/example 894/928
Amo_6:10.........the/name of the LORD For behold/the 728/928
Psa_148:5........the/name of the LORD for he/commanded 573/928
Psa_148:13.......the/name of the LORD for his/name 574/928
Psa_122:4........the/name of the LORD For there/are 559/928
Isa_59:19........the/name of the LORD from the/west 626/928
Psa_113:2........the/name of the LORD from this/time 547/928
1Ki_8:20.........the/name of the LORD God of Israel And I/have 311/928
2Ch_6:10.........the/name of the LORD God of Israel And in/it 417/928
1Ki_8:17.........the/name of the LORD God of Israel And the/LORD 308/928
2Ch_33:18........the/name of the LORD God of Israel behold/they 450/928
2Ch_6:7..........the/name of the LORD God of Israel But/the 414/928
Isa_24:15........the/name of the LORD God of Israel in/the 595/928
Lev_24:16........the/name of the LORD he/shall 142/928
Deu_18:5.........the/name of the LORD him/and 175/928
2Ki_5:11.........the/name of the LORD his God and strike/his 343/928
Mic_5:4..........the/name of the LORD his God and they/shall 733/928
Deu_18:7.........the/name of the LORD his God as/all 176/928
1Ki_5:3..........the/name of the LORD his God for/the 302/928
Mar_11:10........the/name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest And Jesus/entered 783/928
Mat_21:9.........the/name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest And when/he 769/928
Psa_118:11.......the/name of the LORD I will destroy them They/compassed 554/928
Psa_118:12.......the/name of the LORD I will destroy them Thou/hast 555/928
Psa_116:17.......the/name of the LORD I will pay my vows unto the LORD now in the presence of all his people In/the 552/928
Psa_116:13.......the/name of the LORD I will pay my vows unto the LORD now in the presence of all his people Precious/in 551/928
Deu_18:22........the/name of the LORD if/the 180/928
Job_1:21.........the/name of the LORD In all/this 472/928
Psa_102:21.......the/name of the LORD in Zion/and 539/928
Pro_18:10........The/name of the LORD is/a. 578/928
1Co_6:11.........the/name of the Lord Jesus and by/the 878/928
Act_9:29.........the/name of the Lord Jesus and disputed/against 852/928
Act_21:13........the/name of the Lord Jesus And when he/would 864/928
Act_19:5.........the/name of the Lord Jesus And when Paul/had 861/928
Col_3:17.........the/name of the Lord Jesus giving/thanks 884/928
Act_19:13........the/name of the LORD Jesus saying/We 862/928
Act_8:16.........the/name of the Lord Jesus Then/laid 847/928
Act_19:17........the/name of the Lord Jesus was/magnified 863/928
Psa_7:17.........the/name of the LORD most/high 478/928
1Ki_5:5..........the/name of the LORD my God as/the 303/928
1Ch_22:7.........the/name of the LORD my God But/the 399/928
2Ch_2:4..........the/name of the LORD my God to/dedicate 409/928
Psa_116:4........the/name of the LORD O/LORD 550/928
2Sa_6:18.........the/name of the LORD of hosts And/he 274/928
2Sa_6:2..........the/name of the LORD of hosts that/dwelleth 272/928
1Sa_17:45........the/name of the LORD of hosts the God/of 254/928
Isa_18:7.........the/name of the LORD of hosts the mount/Zion 594/928
Mic_4:5..........the/name of the LORD our God for/ever 732/928
Jer_26:16........the/name of the LORD our God Then/rose 667/928
Psa_20:7.........the/name of the LORD our God They/are 487/928
Psa_129:8........the/name of the LORD Out/of 561/928
Luk_19:38........the/name of the Lord peace/in 804/928
Psa_135:1........the/name of the LORD praise/him 562/928
1Sa_20:42........the/name of the LORD saying The/LORD 256/928
Jer_26:9.........the/name of the LORD saying This/house 666/928
Joe_2:32.........the/name of the LORD shall be delivered/for 723/928
Lev_24:16........the/name of the Lord shall be put/to 143/928
Rom_10:13........the/name of the Lord shall be saved How/then 871/928
Act_2:21.........the/name of the Lord shall be saved Ye/men 831/928
1Ki_10:1.........the/name of the LORD she/came 322/928
1Ch_22:19........the/name of the LORD So/when 403/928
Gen_16:13........the/name of the LORD that spake/unto 28/928
Jer_11:21........the/name of the LORD that thou/die 651/928
Gen_21:33........the/name of the LORD the everlasting/God 39/928
Zep_3:12.........the/name of the LORD The remnant/of 738/928
2Ch_18:15........the/name of the LORD Then he/said 432/928
Act_10:48........the/name of the Lord Then prayed/they 854/928
Gen_4:26.........the/name of the LORD This/is 13/928
Isa_60:9.........the/name of the LORD thy God and/to 627/928
Jos_9:9..........the/name of the LORD thy God for/we 198/928
Deu_5:11.........the/name of the LORD thy God in vain for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Keep/the 160/928
Exo_20:7.........the/name of the LORD thy God in vain for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Remember/the 119/928
Isa_56:6.........the/name of the LORD to be/his 624/928
Jer_3:17.........the/name of the LORD to Jerusalem/neither 640/928
Zep_3:9..........the/name of the LORD to serve/him 737/928
1Ki_3:2..........the/name of the LORD until/those 301/928
Jer_26:20........the/name of the LORD Urijah/the 668/928
Psa_118:26.......the/name of the LORD we have/blessed 556/928
Jer_44:16........the/name of the LORD we will/not 684/928
Psa_124:8........the/name of the LORD who/made 560/928
Psa_118:10.......the/name of the LORD will/I 553/928
Joe_2:26.........the/name of the LORD your/God 722/928
Rut_1:2..........the/name of the man was Elimelech/and 223/928
1Sa_25:3.........the/name of the man was Nabal/and 259/928
Num_25:15........the/name of the Midianitish/woman 154/928
Gen_4:19.........the/name of the one was Adah/and 8/928
2Sa_4:2..........the/name of the one was Baanah/and 267/928
1Sa_14:4.........the/name of the one was Bozez/and 245/928
Num_11:26........the/name of the one was Eldad/and 147/928
Exo_18:3.........the/name of the one was Gershom/for 117/928
1Sa_1:2..........the/name of the one was Hannah/and 237/928
Rut_1:4..........the/name of the one was Orpah/and 226/928
1Ch_1:19.........the/name of the one was Peleg/because 364/928
Exo_1:15.........the/name of the one was Shiphrah/and 102/928
Joh_3:18.........the/name of the only/begotten 811/928
Num_11:26........the/name of the other Medad/and 148/928
1Sa_1:2..........the/name of the other Peninnah/and 238/928
Exo_1:15.........the/name of the other Puah/And 103/928
2Sa_4:2..........the/name of the other Rechab/the 268/928
Rut_1:4..........the/name of the other Ruth/and 227/928
1Sa_14:4.........the/name of the other Seneh/The 246/928
Exo_18:4.........the/name of the other was/Eliezer 118/928
Gen_4:19.........the/name of the other Zillah/And 9/928
Num_21:3.........the/name of the place Hormah/And 152/928
Jos_5:9..........the/name of the place is called Gilgal/unto 194/928
Gen_33:17........the/name of the place is called Succoth/And 75/928
Exo_17:7.........the/name of the place Massah/and 115/928
Gen_32:30........the/name of the place Peniel/for 74/928
2Sa_6:8..........the/name of the place Perezuzzah/to 273/928
Num_11:3.........the/name of the place Taberah/because 146/928
Gen_35:15........the/name of the place where/God 81/928
2Ch_20:26........the/name of the same/place 435/928
Gen_41:52........the/name of the second called/he 97/928
Job_42:14........the/name of the second Kezia/and 475/928
Gen_2:13.........the/name of the second river/is 2/928
1Ch_7:15.........the/name of the second was/Zelophehad 377/928
1Jn_5:13.........the/name of the Son of God And/this 899/928
1Jn_5:13.........the/name of the Son of God that/ye 898/928
Rev_8:11.........the/name of the star/is... 911/928
Job_42:14........the/name of the third Kerenhappuch/And 476/928
Gen_2:14.........the/name of the third river/is 3/928
Gen_26:20........the/name of the well/Esek.. 47/928
Pro_10:7.........the/name of the wicked/shall 577/928
1Ch_2:29.........the/name of the wife/of... 371/928
1Sa_14:49........the/name of the younger Michal/And 248/928
Gen_29:16........the/name of the younger was/Rachel 55/928
Gen_48:6.........the/name of their brethren/in 98/928
Lev_21:6.........the/name of their God/for. 137/928
Jos_23:7.........the/name of their gods/nor 203/928
1Ch_4:3..........the/name of their sister/was 373/928
Lev_19:12........the/name of thy God I am the LORD Thou shalt not defraud/thy 135/928
Lev_18:21........the/name of thy God I am the LORD Thou shalt not lie/with 133/928
Act_4:30.........the/name of thy holy/child 841/928
1Ki_18:24........the/name of your gods and/I 333/928
1Ki_18:25........the/name of your gods but/put 335/928
Isa_63:19........thy/name Oh/that.......... 633/928
Gen_38:4.........his/name Onan/And.......... 90/928
Zec_14:9.........his/name one/All.......... 745/928
Psa_119:132......thy/name Order/my......... 558/928 out of my/father's 258/928 out of the armies/of 253/928
Rev_3:5..........his/name out of the book/of 904/928
Jer_20:3.........thy/name Pashur/but....... 659/928
1Ch_7:16.........his/name Peresh/and....... 378/928
Psa_41:5.........his/name perish/And....... 492/928
Exo_15:3.........his/name Pharaoh's/chariots 112/928 receiveth me and whosoever shall receive me receiveth him/that 799/928 receiveth me and whosoever shall receive me receiveth not/me 778/928 receiveth me But/whoso 767/928
Isa_66:22.......your/name remain/And....... 639/928
Gen_29:32........his/name Reuben/for........ 56/928 rose/up.......... 445/928 saith the LORD of/hosts 752/928
Zec_10:12........his/name saith the LORD Open/thy 742/928 saith the LORD that doeth/this 730/928
Jer_44:26......great/name saith the LORD that my/name 685/928
Jdg_13:24........his/name Samson/and....... 216/928
1Sa_1:20.........his/name Samuel/saying.... 239/928
Gen_17:15........her/name Sarai/but......... 32/928
Jer_48:17........his/name say/How.......... 689/928 saying I am Christ and shall deceive many And when/ye 784/928 saying I am Christ and shall deceive many And ye/shall 771/928 saying I am Christ and the/time 805/928 saying I have/dreamed 662/928
2Ch_20:8.........thy/name saying If/when... 433/928
Rut_4:17...........a/name saying There/is.. 234/928 seeing/it........ 215/928
Psa_66:4.........thy/name Selah/Come....... 505/928
Gen_5:3..........his/name Seth And/the...... 15/928
Gen_4:25.........his/name Seth For/God...... 11/928
Gen_17:5.........thy/name shall be Abraham/for 31/928
Deu_25:10........his/name shall be called in/Israel 187/928
Gen_32:28........Thy/name shall be called no/more 71/928
Isa_9:6..........his/name shall be called Wonderful/Counsellor 590/928
Psa_72:17........his/name shall be continued/as 511/928
Ecc_6:4..........his/name shall be covered/with 584/928 shall be great among the Gentiles/and 748/928 shall be great among the heathen/saith 750/928
Rev_22:4.........his/name shall be in/their 928/928
1Ch_22:9.........his/name shall be Solomon/and 401/928
2Ki_23:27.........My/name shall be there Now/the 357/928
1Ki_8:29..........My/name shall be there that/thou 312/928
Psa_69:36........his/name shall dwell/therein 509/928
Psa_72:17........His/name shall endure/for. 510/928 shall his/horn... 530/928 shall humble/themselves 425/928 shall no/more.... 686/928
Gen_35:10........thy/name shall not/be...... 78/928
Mat_12:21........his/name shall the Gentiles/trust 766/928
Eze_43:7........holy/name shall the house/of 705/928 shall the Sun/of. 755/928
Exo_28:21........his/name shall they be/according 124/928 shall they cast/out 785/928
Psa_89:16........thy/name shall they rejoice/all 529/928
Gen_38:5.........his/name Shelah/and........ 91/928
Psa_96:2.........his/name shew/forth....... 533/928
Isa_48:19........his/name should/not....... 614/928
Gen_29:33........his/name Simeon/And........ 57/928
Rev_11:18........thy/name small/and........ 914/928
2Sa_12:24........his/name Solomon/and...... 283/928
2Ch_26:8.........his/name spread abroad/even 441/928
2Ch_26:15........his/name spread far/abroad 442/928
Rev_15:2.........his/name stand/on......... 921/928
Heb_1:4....excellent/name than/they........ 889/928
Php_2:9........every/name That at/the...... 882/928 that can/lightly. 780/928
Isa_65:15....another/name That he/who...... 638/928 that I/might..... 669/928
Eph_1:21.......every/name that is/named.... 879/928
Isa_63:12everlasting/name That led/them.... 630/928
Rev_6:8..........his/name that sat/on...... 910/928
Isa_56:5.everlasting/name that shall/not... 623/928
Isa_64:7.........thy/name that stirreth/up. 635/928
Amo_5:8..........his/name That strengtheneth/the 726/928
Rev_3:1............a/name that thou/livest. 903/928
Jdg_13:17........thy/name that when/thy.... 214/928 that will/I...... 818/928
Psa_111:9........his/name The fear/of...... 545/928
Isa_47:4.........his/name the Holy/One..... 609/928 The law/of....... 753/928 The LORD liveth/as 652/928 The LORD therefore/hath 416/928
Deu_28:58....fearful/name THE LORD THY/GOD. 191/928
Psa_142:7........thy/name the righteous/shall 569/928
Psa_140:13.......thy/name the upright/shall 568/928
Joh_12:28........thy/name Then came/there.. 817/928
2Ch_6:38.........thy/name Then hear thou from the heavens even/from 424/928
2Ch_6:34.........thy/name Then hear thou from the heavens their/prayer 423/928
1Ki_8:44.........thy/name Then hear thou in/heaven 318/928
1Ki_8:48.........thy/name Then hear thou their/prayer 319/928 Then I/proclaimed 456/928 there am/I....... 768/928
2Ch_12:13........his/name there And his mother's name was Naamah an Ammonitess And he/did 428/928
1Ki_14:21........his/name there And his mother's name was Naamah an Ammonitess And Judah/did 326/928 there And I/will. 324/928
Deu_26:2.........his/name there And thou shalt go/unto 188/928
Deu_16:11........his/name there And thou shalt remember/that 174/928
Deu_12:21........his/name there be/too..... 169/928
Deu_12:5.........his/name there even/unto.. 167/928 there for/ever... 320/928 there Now/these.. 457/928
Deu_14:23........his/name there the/tithe.. 170/928
Deu_16:2.........his/name there Thou/shalt. 172/928
2Ch_6:20.........thy/name there to/hearken. 418/928
Deu_14:24........his/name there when/the... 171/928 therefore/they... 619/928
Gen_2:19.........the/name thereof And/Adam... 4/928
1Ki_7:21.........the/name thereof Boaz/And. 306/928
Jdg_15:19........the/name thereof Enhakkore/which 217/928
1Ki_7:21.........the/name thereof Jachin/and 305/928
Jdg_1:26.........the/name thereof Luz/which 208/928
Exo_16:31........the/name thereof Manna/and 114/928
Jdg_1:26.........the/name thereof unto/this 209/928
Num_32:42........own/name These are/the.... 158/928
Neh_7:63.......their/name These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy but it/was 459/928
Ezr_2:61.......their/name These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy but they/were 452/928
Isa_26:13........thy/name They are/dead.... 598/928
Joh_10:25...Father's/name they bear/witness 815/928
Psa_99:6.........his/name they called/upon. 536/928
Joh_17:12........thy/name those that/thou.. 827/928
Joh_17:11........own/name those whom/thou.. 826/928
Isa_43:1.........thy/name thou art mine/When 603/928
Jer_51:19........his/name Thou art my/battle 691/928 thou didst well in/that 415/928 thou didst well that/it 309/928
Psa_89:12........thy/name Thou hast/a...... 528/928
Isa_62:2.......shall/name Thou shalt/also.. 629/928
Psa_61:5.........thy/name Thou wilt/prolong 501/928
Act_3:16.........his/name through/faith.... 834/928
Luk_11:2.........thy/name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done as/in 802/928
Mat_6:9..........thy/name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done in/earth 759/928
Psa_45:17........thy/name to be/remembered. 496/928 to come/and...... 385/928 to defile/it..... 677/928
Ezr_6:12.........his/name to dwell there destroy/all 455/928
Deu_12:11........his/name to dwell there thither/shall 168/928
1Ki_8:43.........thy/name to fear/thee..... 316/928 to give portions/to 447/928 to give thanks/to 393/928
2Ch_36:4.........his/name to Jehoiakim And Necho/took 451/928
2Ki_23:34........his/name to Jehoiakim and took/Jehoahaz 359/928
Dan_9:6..........thy/name to our/kings..... 714/928 to pollute/it.... 645/928
Isa_4:1..........thy/name to take/away..... 587/928
Psa_74:7.........thy/name to the/ground.... 513/928
2Ki_24:17........his/name to Zedekiah/Zedekiah 362/928
Psa_34:3.........his/name together/I....... 491/928
Psa_80:18........thy/name Turn/us.......... 521/928
Act_4:12.......other/name under/heaven..... 838/928
Jer_29:25........thy/name unto all/the..... 673/928
Heb_2:12.........thy/name unto my brethren in the midst of the church/will 890/928
Psa_22:22........thy/name unto my brethren in the midst of the congregation/will 488/928
Joh_17:6.........thy/name unto the/men..... 825/928
1Sa_16:3...........I/name unto thee And Samuel/did 251/928
1Sa_28:8.......shall/name unto thee And the/woman 265/928
Deu_10:8.........his/name unto this/day.... 165/928
Deu_22:19.......evil/name upon a/virgin.... 183/928
Deu_22:14.......evil/name upon her/and..... 182/928's/name upon his/rod..... 150/928 upon the children/of 145/928
Num_17:3.....Aaron's/name upon the rod/of.. 151/928
2Ch_29:1....mother's/name was Abijah/the... 446/928
1Ch_2:26.......whose/name was Atarah/she... 370/928
2Ki_8:26....mother's/name was Athaliah/the. 344/928
1Ki_22:42...mother's/name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi And he walked in all/the 341/928
2Ch_20:31...mother's/name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi And he walked in the/way 436/928
Act_13:6.......whose/name was Barjesus/Which 855/928
Dan_4:8........whose/name was Belteshazzar according/to 711/928
Dan_2:26.......whose/name was Belteshazzar Art/thou 710/928
Dan_4:19.......whose/name was Belteshazzar was/astonied 713/928
Rut_2:1..........his/name was Boaz/And..... 228/928
Dan_10:1.......whose/name was called Belteshazzar/and 717/928
Gen_25:26........his/name was called Jacob/and 45/928
Luk_2:21.........his/name was called JESUS/which 795/928
Gen_38:29........his/name was called Pharez/And 93/928
Gen_38:30........his/name was called Zarah/And 94/928
Luk_24:18......whose/name was Cleopas/answering 806/928
Jdg_16:4.......whose/name was Delilah/And.. 218/928
1Sa_21:7.........his/name was Doeg/an...... 257/928
Luk_1:5..........her/name was Elisabeth/And 786/928
1Sa_1:1..........his/name was Elkanah/the.. 236/928
Gen_16:1.......whose/name was Hagar/And..... 26/928
Jer_52:1....mother's/name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah And he did that which was evil in the eyes/of 693/928
2Ki_23:31...mother's/name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD according to all that his/fathers 358/928
2Ki_24:18...mother's/name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD according to all that Jehoiakim/had 363/928
2Ki_21:1....mother's/name was Hephzibah/And 352/928
Gen_38:1.......whose/name was Hirah/And..... 87/928
Jer_37:13......whose/name was Irijah/the... 683/928
2Sa_17:25......whose/name was Ithra/an..... 291/928
1Ch_2:34.......whose/name was Jarha/And.... 372/928
2Ki_15:2....mother's/name was Jecholiah/of. 349/928
2Ki_22:1....mother's/name was Jedidah/the.. 356/928
2Ch_25:1....mother's/name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD but/not 439/928
2Ki_14:2....mother's/name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD yet/not 346/928
2Ki_15:33...mother's/name was Jerusha/the.. 350/928
1Sa_17:12......whose/name was Jesse/and.... 252/928
Job_1:1........whose/name was Job/and...... 471/928
Joh_1:6........whose/name was John/The..... 808/928's/name was Joktan And Joktan begat Almodad and Sheleph and Hazarmaveth and Jerah And/Hadoram 18/928's/name was Joktan And Joktan begat Almodad and Sheleph and Hazarmaveth and Jerah Hadoram/also 365/928
2Sa_13:3.......whose/name was Jonadab/the.. 287/928
Luk_1:27.......whose/name was Joseph/of.... 788/928's/name was Jubal/he...... 10/928
Gen_25:1.........her/name was Keturah/And... 43/928
1Sa_9:1........whose/name was Kish/the..... 243/928
Gen_24:29........his/name was Laban/and..... 42/928
1Ch_8:29......wife's/name was Maachah And his firstborn son Abdon and/Zur 381/928
1Ch_9:35......wife's/name was Maachah And his firstborn son Abdon then/Zur 382/928
1Ch_7:15....sister's/name was Maachah and the/name 376/928
1Ki_15:10...mother's/name was Maachah the daughter of Abishalom And Asa/did 330/928
1Ki_15:2....mother's/name was Maachah the daughter of Abishalom And he/walked 329/928
Joh_18:10..servant's/name was Malchus/Then. 829/928
Jdg_13:2.......whose/name was Manoah/and... 212/928's/name was Mary/And..... 789/928
Gen_36:39.....wife's/name was Mehetabel the daughter of Matred the daughter of Mezahab And/these 86/928
1Ch_1:50......wife's/name was Mehetabel the daughter of Matred the daughter of Mezahab Hadad/died 369/928
2Sa_4:4..........his/name was Mephibosheth/And 269/928
2Ki_21:19...mother's/name was Meshullemeth/the 355/928
Jdg_17:1.......whose/name was Micah/And.... 219/928
2Sa_9:12.......whose/name was Micha/And.... 282/928
Est_2:5........whose/name was Mordecai/the. 463/928
1Sa_18:30........his/name was much/set..... 255/928
1Ki_14:31...mother's/name was Naamah an Ammonitess And Abijam/his 328/928
2Ch_12:13...mother's/name was Naamah an Ammonitess And he/did 429/928
1Ki_14:21...mother's/name was Naamah an Ammonitess And Judah/did 327/928
2Ki_24:8....mother's/name was Nehushta/the. 361/928
2Ch_28:9.......whose/name was Oded/and..... 444/928
Act_28:7.......whose/name was Publius/who.. 867/928
Gen_22:24......whose/name was Reumah/she.... 41/928
2Sa_3:7........whose/name was Rizpah/the... 266/928
1Sa_9:2........whose/name was Saul a/choice 244/928
Act_7:58.......whose/name was Saul And/they 845/928
2Sa_20:1.......whose/name was Sheba/the.... 294/928
Lev_24:11...mother's/name was Shelomith/the 141/928
Ezr_5:14.......whose/name was Sheshbazzar/whom 454/928
2Sa_16:5.......whose/name was Shimei/the... 290/928
Gen_38:2.......whose/name was Shuah/and..... 88/928
Luk_2:25.......whose/name was Simeon/and... 796/928
Mar_6:14.........his/name was spread/abroad 777/928
2Sa_13:1.......whose/name was Tamar and Amnon/the 286/928
Gen_38:6.......whose/name was Tamar And Er/Judah's 92/928
2Sa_14:27......whose/name was Tamar she/was 289/928
2Ki_23:36...mother's/name was Zebudah/the.. 360/928
1Ki_11:26...mother's/name was Zeruah/a..... 323/928
2Sa_9:2........whose/name was Ziba/And..... 281/928
2Ki_12:1....mother's/name was Zibiah/of.... 345/928
2Ch_14:11........thy/name we/go............ 431/928
Exo_3:13.........his/name what/shall....... 106/928
2Sa_8:13...........a/name when he/returned. 280/928
Eze_36:20.......holy/name when they said/to 698/928
Joh_2:23.........his/name when they saw/the 810/928
Jer_23:6.........his/name whereby/he....... 661/928 wherein/ye....... 644/928
Eze_20:29........the/name whereof/is....... 695/928
Jer_33:16........the/name wherewith/she.... 680/928
Gen_16:15......son's/name which Hagar/bare.. 29/928 which I have not commanded him/to 178/928 which I have not commanded them/even 672/928
Php_2:9............a/name which is above/every 881/928
Neh_9:5.....glorious/name which is exalted/above 460/928 Which the children/of 202/928
Eze_36:21.......holy/name which the house/of 699/928 which the mouth/of 628/928
Eze_36:23......great/name which was/profaned 700/928
Joh_1:12.........his/name Which were/born.. 809/928
Pro_21:24........his/name who/dealeth...... 579/928
Act_10:43........his/name whosoever/believeth 853/928 will I cast out of my sight and Israel/shall 321/928 will I cast out of my sight and will/make 427/928
Psa_9:10.........thy/name will put/their... 483/928
Psa_44:5.........thy/name will we/tread.... 493/928's/name with/whom........ 229/928
Psa_29:2.........his/name worship/the...... 489/928
Rev_14:1....Father's/name written in/their. 919/928
Rev_19:16..........a/name written KING/OF.. 927/928
Rev_17:5...........a/name written MYSTERY/BABYLON 924/928
Rev_19:12..........a/name written that/no.. 925/928 written which/no. 902/928
Mal_1:6..........thy/name Ye offer/polluted 747/928
Deu_6:13.........his/name Ye shall not/go.. 162/928 ye shall reckon/the 144/928
Gen_41:45...Joseph's/name Zaphnathpaaneah/and 95/928
Gen_30:20........his/name Zebulun/And....... 65/928
1Sa_22:20.....Ahitub/named Abiathar/escaped... 7/57 Aeneas/which...... 38/57
Act_11:28.......them/named Agabus and signified/by 40/57
Act_21:10....prophet/named Agabus And when/he 50/57 already/and....... 10/57 among the/Gentiles 54/57
Eph_5:3.........once/named among you/as...... 57/57
Act_9:10....Damascus/named Ananias and/to.... 36/57 Ananias coming/in. 37/57 Ananias with/Sapphira 34/57
Act_18:24........Jew/named Apollos/born...... 47/57
Luk_6:13..........he/named apostles/Simon.... 24/57
Act_18:2.........Jew/named Aquila/born....... 45/57 Barabbas/which.... 19/57
Dan_5:12........king/named Belteshazzar/now.. 13/57
Joh_11:49.......them/named Caiaphas/being.... 33/57
Amo_6:1..........are/named chief/of.......... 14/57
Act_17:34......woman/named Damaris/and....... 44/57 Demetrius/a....... 48/57 Eutychus/being.... 49/57
Act_5:34....Pharisee/named Gamaliel/a........ 35/57
Mar_14:32........was/named Gethsemane/and.... 18/57
1Sa_17:4.Philistines/named Goliath/of......... 6/57
Gen_23:16........had/named in the audience/of. 1/57 in the mouth/of... 12/57
2Ki_17:34.........he/named Israel/With........ 8/57
Gen_27:36....rightly/named Jacob/for.......... 2/57 Jairus/and........ 26/57 Joseph a/counsellor 30/57
Mat_27:57.Arimathaea/named Joseph who/also... 17/57 Julius/a.......... 52/57 Justus/one........ 46/57
Joh_11:1........sick/named Lazarus of/Bethany 32/57
Luk_16:20.....beggar/named Lazarus which/was. 28/57
Rom_15:20........was/named lest/I............ 53/57
Luk_5:27....publican/named Levi/sitting...... 23/57
Act_16:14......woman/named Lydia/a........... 43/57
Luk_10:38......woman/named Martha/received... 27/57 Matthew/sitting... 16/57
Luk_1:26.....Galilee/named Nazareth/To....... 21/57
Joh_3:1....Pharisees/named Nicodemus/a....... 31/57 not/only.......... 55/57 of the angel/before 22/57
1Ch_23:14.......were/named of the tribe/of.... 9/57 on/them............ 3/57
Luk_6:14........also/named Peter/and......... 25/57 Rahab/and.......... 4/57
Act_12:13....hearken/named Rhoda/And......... 41/57
Act_9:36....disciple/named Tabitha/which..... 39/57
Act_24:1......orator/named Tertullus/who..... 51/57 That/he........... 56/57
1Sa_4:21.........she/named the child/Ichabod.. 5/57 the house/of...... 15/57 the Priests/of.... 11/57
Act_16:1.......there/named Timotheus/the..... 42/57 Zacchaeus/which... 29/57
Luk_1:5.......priest/named Zacharias/of...... 20/57 Bezer/in.......... 6/23
Isa_7:20.......hired/namely by/them.......... 19/23
Jer_26:22......Egypt/namely Elnathan/the..... 20/23
Num_31:8.......slain/namely Evi/and........... 5/23
Jdg_3:3......thereof/Namely five/lords........ 9/23
1Ch_23:6........Levi/namely Gershon/Kohath... 14/23
Jdg_8:35...Jerubbaal/namely Gideon/according. 10/23
1Ch_6:57.......Judah/namely Hebron/the....... 11/23
Act_15:22...Barnabas/namely Judas/surnamed... 22/23
Num_1:32......Joseph/namely of the children/of 2/23
Deu_13:7.....fathers/Namely of the gods/of.... 7/23
Lev_1:10......flocks/namely of the sheep/or... 1/23
Ezr_10:18......wives/namely of the sons/of... 15/23
Num_13:11.....Joseph/namely of the tribe/of... 4/23
1Ch_6:61.......tribe/namely out/of........... 12/23
Ecc_5:13.........sun/namely riches/kept...... 18/23
Deu_20:17.......them/namely the Hittites/and.. 8/23
1Ch_9:23........LORD/namely the house/of..... 13/23
Num_9:15..tabernacle/namely the tent/of....... 3/23 this/Thou........ 21/23
Rom_13:9......saying/namely Thou/shalt....... 23/23
Est_8:12...Ahasuerus/namely upon/the......... 17/23
Neh_12:35...trumpets/namely Zechariah/the.... 16/23
Gen_25:13......their/names according/to...... 3/127
Gen_26:18......their/names after/the......... 5/127
Ezr_5:10.......their/names also/to.......... 74/127
Act_18:15........and/names and of/your..... 116/127
1Ch_6:65.......their/names And the/residue.. 67/127
Num_1:17.......their/names And they/assembled 26/127
Num_3:40.......their/names And thou/shalt... 44/127
Php_4:3........whose/names are in/the...... 117/127
Rev_13:8.......whose/names are not/written. 122/127
1Ch_8:38.......whose/names are these Azrikam Bocheru and Ishmael and Sheariah and Obadiah and Hanan All/these 68/127
1Ch_9:44.......whose/names are these Azrikam Bocheru and Ishmael and Sheariah and Obadiah and Hanan these/were 69/127
Ezr_8:13.......whose/names are these Eliphelet/Jeiel 76/127
Luk_10:20.......your/names are written/in.. 110/127
Exo_28:12......their/names before/the....... 17/127
Num_32:38......their/names being/changed.... 52/127 by the/greatness. 88/127
Num_1:20.........the/names by their polls every male from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Reuben/were 28/127
Num_1:22.........the/names by their polls every male from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Simeon/were 29/127
1Ch_23:24.........of/names by their polls that/did 71/127
Gen_25:16......their/names by their towns/and 4/127
Gen_26:18........the/names by which/his...... 6/127
Gen_36:40......their/names duke/Timnah....... 9/127
Rev_3:4..........few/names even/in......... 121/127
Num_1:2........their/names every/male....... 24/127
Dan_1:7.........gave/names for/he.......... 102/127
Num_3:43..........of/names from a/month..... 45/127
Num_1:40.........the/names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Asher/were 38/127
Num_1:36.........the/names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Benjamin/were 36/127
Num_1:38.........the/names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Dan/were 37/127
Num_1:32.........the/names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Ephraim/were 34/127
Num_1:24.........the/names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Gad/were 30/127
Num_1:28.........the/names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Issachar/were 32/127
Num_1:26.........the/names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Judah/were 31/127
Num_1:34.........the/names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Manasseh/were 35/127
Num_1:42.........the/names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Naphtali/were 39/127
Num_1:30.........the/names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Zebulun/were 33/127
Num_1:18.........the/names from twenty years old and upward by/their 27/127
Num_3:17.......their/names Gershon/and...... 42/127
Psa_147:4......their/names Great/is......... 87/127
Psa_16:4.......their/names into/my.......... 78/127
Exo_39:14......their/names like the engravings of a signet every one with his name according/to 23/127
Exo_28:21......their/names like the engravings of a signet every one with his name shall/they 19/127
Psa_49:11........own/names Nevertheless/man. 82/127
Hos_2:17.........the/names of Baalim/out... 103/127
Rev_17:3..........of/names of blasphemy/having 123/127
Gen_36:10........the/names of Esau's/sons.... 7/127
1Ch_14:4.........the/names of his children/which 70/127
Jos_17:3.........the/names of his daughters Mahlah and/Noah 57/127
Num_27:1.........the/names of his daughters Mahlah Noah/and 51/127
1Sa_17:13........the/names of his three/sons 60/127
1Sa_14:49........the/names of his two/daughters 59/127
Exo_39:6.........the/names of the children of Israel And/he 21/127
Exo_28:29........the/names of the children of Israel in/the 20/127
Exo_28:9.........the/names of the children of Israel Six/of 13/127
Exo_28:11........the/names of the children of Israel thou/shalt 16/127
Exo_39:14........the/names of the children of Israel twelve according to their names like the engravings of a signet every one with his name according/to 22/127
Exo_28:21........the/names of the children of Israel twelve according to their names like the engravings of a signet every one with his name shall/they 18/127
Exo_1:1..........the/names of the children of Israel which came into Egypt every/man 11/127
Gen_46:8.........the/names of the children of Israel which came into Egypt Jacob/and 10/127
Num_26:33........the/names of the daughters/of 48/127
Gen_36:40........the/names of the dukes/that. 8/127
Zec_13:2.........the/names of the idols/out 104/127
Num_34:19........the/names of the men are/these 55/127
Ezr_5:4..........the/names of the men that make/this 73/127
Num_1:5..........the/names of the men that shall/stand 25/127
Ezr_5:10.........the/names of the men that were/the 75/127
Num_13:16........the/names of the men which Moses/sent 47/127
Num_34:17........the/names of the men which shall/divide 54/127
2Sa_23:8.........the/names of the mighty/men 62/127
Exo_28:10........six/names of the rest/on... 15/127
Num_3:2..........the/names of the sons of Aaron Nadab/the 40/127
Num_3:3..........the/names of the sons of Aaron the/priests 41/127
1Ch_6:17.........the/names of the sons of Gershom/Libni 66/127
Num_3:18.........the/names of the sons of Gershon/by 43/127
Gen_25:13........the/names of the sons of Ishmael/by 2/127
Exo_6:16.........the/names of the sons of Levi/according 12/127
Num_13:4.......their/names of the tribe/of.. 46/127
Eze_48:1.........the/names of the tribes From/the 100/127
Eze_48:31........the/names of the tribes of Israel/three 101/127
Num_26:55........the/names of the tribes of their/fathers 50/127
Mat_10:2.........the/names of the twelve apostles are/these 105/127
Rev_21:14........the/names of the twelve apostles of/the 127/127
Rev_21:12........the/names of the twelve tribes/of 126/127
Deu_12:3.........the/names of them out/of... 56/127
Eze_23:4.........the/names of them were/Aholah 97/127
2Sa_5:14.........the/names of those/that.... 61/127
Exo_28:10......their/names on/one........... 14/127's sake And Ananias/went 115/127's sake And it/shall 111/127's sake And then/shall 108/127
2Ch_6:32.......great/name's sake and thy/mighty 72/127
1Sa_12:22......great/name's sake because it/hath 58/127's sake because they/know 113/127
Psa_109:21.......thy/name's sake because thy/mercy 85/127's sake but he that endureth/to 106/127's sake but he that shall/endure 109/127's sake But there/shall 112/127
Jer_14:21........thy/name's sake do/not..... 92/127
Jer_14:7.........thy/name's sake for our/backslidings 91/127
1Ki_8:41.........thy/name's sake For they/shall 64/127
Psa_143:11.......thy/name's sake for thy/righteousness' 86/127's sake hast/laboured 120/127
1Jn_2:12.........his/name's sake I/write... 118/127
Psa_31:3.........thy/name's sake lead/me.... 81/127's sake not/according 96/127
Psa_25:11........thy/name's sake O/LORD..... 80/127's sake said/Let... 90/127's sake shall/receive 107/127
Psa_106:8........his/name's sake that he/might 84/127's sake that it should not be polluted before the heathen among/whom 93/127's sake that it should not be polluted before the heathen in/whose 94/127's sake that it should not be polluted in/the 95/127
3Jn_1:7..........his/name's sake they/went. 119/127
Psa_79:9.........thy/name's sake Wherefore/should 83/127
Eze_36:22.......holy/name's sake which/ye... 99/127's sake will/I..... 89/127
Psa_23:3.........his/name's sake Yea/though. 79/127
Eze_23:4.......their/names Samaria/is....... 98/127
1Ki_4:8........their/names The/son.......... 63/127
Gen_2:20........gave/names to all/cattle..... 1/127
Num_26:53.........of/names To many/thou..... 49/127
Act_1:15..........of/names together/were... 114/127
Num_32:38......other/names unto/the......... 53/127
Rev_17:8.......whose/names were not/written 124/127
1Ch_4:38.......their/names were princes/in.. 65/127
Ezr_10:16......their/names were separated/and 77/127
Rev_21:12........and/names written/thereon. 125/127
2Ti_2:19........that/nameth/the................ 1/1
