Luk_17:20......with/observation/Neither....... 1/1 all my/statutes.. 8/55 all things/whatsoever 51/55 and do all/the.. 39/55
Mat_23:3.......that/observe and do but/do... 50/55
Deu_16:12.....shalt/observe and do these/statutes 20/55
Deu_12:28.....flesh/Observe and hear/all.... 16/55
Jdg_13:14.......her/observe And Manoah/said. 33/55 and to do all/his 25/55 and to do them/And 26/55 being/Romans.... 52/55
Gal_4:10.........Ye/observe days/and........ 54/55
Deu_24:8.......thou/observe diligently/and.. 23/55
Neh_1:5.........and/observe his commandments/Let 38/55
Psa_105:45....might/observe his statutes/and 40/55
Psa_119:34....shall/observe it/with......... 42/55
Jon_2:8........that/observe lying/vanities.. 48/55
Eze_37:24.......and/observe my statutes and do/them 46/55
2Ch_7:17......shalt/observe my statutes and my/judgments 37/55
Pro_23:26......eyes/observe my ways/For..... 43/55
Act_21:25......they/observe no/such......... 53/55 that/observe.... 49/55
Deu_16:13.....shalt/observe the feast of tabernacles/seven 21/55
Exo_12:17.....shall/observe the feast of unleavened/bread 1/55
Exo_34:22.....shalt/observe the feast of weeks/of 6/55
Deu_16:1......water/Observe the month/of.... 19/55 the sabbath/throughout 4/55
Jer_8:7.....swallow/observe the time/of..... 44/55
Eze_20:18...neither/observe their/judgments. 45/55
Hos_13:7..........I/observe them/I.......... 47/55
Psa_107:43.....will/observe these things even/they 41/55
1Ti_5:21.......thou/observe these things without/preferring 55/55 this day/in...... 2/55
Exo_12:24.....shall/observe this thing/for... 3/55
Exo_34:11......thee/Observe thou/that........ 5/55
Lev_19:26.......nor/observe times/Ye......... 7/55
2Ki_21:8.......will/observe to do according to all that I/have 36/55
Jos_1:8......mayest/observe to do according to all that is/written 32/55
Deu_17:10.....shalt/observe to do according to all that they/inform 22/55
Jos_1:7......mayest/observe to do according to all the/law 31/55 to do all his/commandments 27/55
Deu_11:32.....shall/observe to do all the statutes/and 14/55
Deu_31:12.......and/observe to do all the words of this law And/that 29/55 to do all the words of this law For/it 30/55
Deu_28:58.......not/observe to do all the words of this law that/are 28/55
Deu_6:25.........we/observe to do all these commandments before/the 12/55 to do all these commandments which/I 18/55
2Ki_17:37.....shall/observe to do for/evermore 35/55
Deu_12:1......shall/observe to do in/the.... 15/55
Deu_6:3.........and/observe to do it that/it 11/55 to do it thou/shalt 17/55
Deu_24:8......shall/observe to do Remember/what 24/55 to do that/ye... 13/55
Deu_5:32......shall/observe to do therefore/as 10/55 to offer/unto.... 9/55
1Ki_20:33diligently/observe whether/any..... 34/55
Num_15:22.......not/observed all/these....... 4/11
Mar_10:20.........I/observed from/my........ 11/11
Mar_6:20........and/observed him and/when... 10/11
Hos_14:8........and/observed him I/am........ 9/11 of/all.......... 3/11
2Sa_11:16......Joab/observed the city/that... 6/11
Gen_37:11....father/observed the saying/And.. 1/11
Deu_33:9.......have/observed thy/word........ 5/11
2Ki_21:6........and/observed times and used enchantments and dealt/with 7/11
2Ch_33:6.........he/observed times and used enchantments and used/witchcraft 8/11
Exo_12:42......much/observed unto/the........ 2/11 1/1
Deu_18:14......unto/observers/of.............. 1/1
Isa_42:20......thou/observest/not............. 1/1
Ecc_11:4.......that/observeth/the............. 1/1
