Jer_44:4........saying/Oh do/not............... 38/38
Psa_31:19....righteous/Oh how/great............ 27/38 let me/escape......... 4/38
Gen_18:30..........him/Oh let not the LORD be angry and I will speak Peradventure/there 1/38
Gen_18:32.........said/Oh let not the LORD be angry and I will speak yet/but 2/38 let the/wickedness... 25/38
1Sa_1:26..........said/Oh my lord as/thy........ 9/38
Jdg_6:13...........him/Oh my Lord if/the........ 7/38
Gen_44:18.........said/Oh my lord let/thy....... 5/38
Jdg_6:15...........him/Oh my Lord wherewith/shall 8/38
Gen_19:18.........them/Oh not/so................ 3/38
Psa_6:4...........soul/oh save/me.............. 24/38
Job_11:5...........But/oh that God/would....... 17/38
Job_10:18.........womb/Oh that I had given/up.. 16/38
Jer_9:2.........people/Oh that I had in/the.... 37/38
Psa_55:6..........said/Oh that I had wings/like 29/38
Job_23:3......groaning/Oh that I knew/where.... 20/38
Job_6:8...........meat/Oh that I might/have.... 15/38
Job_29:2..........said/Oh that I were as/in.... 21/38
2Sa_15:4......moreover/Oh that I were made/judge 10/38
Psa_107:21destructions/Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men And/let 33/38
Psa_107:15......sunder/Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men For he hath/broken 32/38
Psa_107:8...habitation/Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men For he satisfieth/the 31/38
Psa_107:31.......haven/Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men Let/them 34/38
Job_6:2...........said/Oh that my grief/were... 14/38
Jer_9:1......recovered/Oh that my head/were.... 36/38
Psa_81:13.....counsels/Oh that my people/had... 30/38
Job_19:23........flesh/Oh that my words/were... 18/38
1Ch_11:17.........said/Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem that/is 13/38
2Sa_23:15.........said/Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem which/is 11/38
Job_31:35.........door/Oh that one would hear/me 23/38
Psa_53:6..........them/Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion When God/bringeth 28/38
Psa_14:7........refuge/Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion when the/LORD 26/38
Job_19:23......written/oh that they/were....... 19/38
1Ch_4:10........saying/Oh that thou wouldest bless/me 12/38 that thou wouldest rend/the 35/38
Job_31:31..........not/Oh that we/had.......... 22/38
Exo_32:31.........said/Oh this/people........... 6/38
