Luk_12:33.....not/old a/treasure........ 349/380
Mic_7:14.......of/old According/to...... 322/380
Gen_44:20.....his/old age a/little....... 43/380
Gen_25:8.....good/old age an/old......... 30/380
Gen_37:3......his/old age and he/made.... 39/380
Gen_21:7......his/old age And the/child.. 26/380
Luk_1:36......her/old age and this/is... 340/380
Jdg_8:32.....good/old age and was/buried 136/380
Gen_21:2......his/old age at/the......... 23/380
Gen_15:15....good/old age But/in.......... 9/380
Rut_4:15....thine/old age for/thy....... 142/380
Psa_71:9.......of/old age forsake/me.... 247/380
1Ch_29:28....good/old age full/of....... 194/380
1Ki_15:23.....his/old age he/was........ 170/380
Isa_46:4.....your/old age I/am.......... 278/380 age they/shall.... 254/380
Job_30:2.....whom/old age was/perished.. 237/380
Num_4:3.....years/old all/that........... 88/380
Gen_18:12...being/old also/And........... 19/380
Gen_15:9....years/old and a ram/of........ 7/380
Gen_15:9....years/old and a she/goat...... 6/380
Gen_15:9....years/old and a turtledove/and 8/380
Exo_7:7.....years/old and Aaron/fourscore 47/380
1Ki_1:15.....very/old and Abishag/the... 161/380
2Ch_25:5....years/old and above and/found 207/380
1Ch_23:27...years/old and above Because/their 192/380
Lev_27:7....years/old and above if/it.... 64/380
Exo_30:14...years/old and above shall/give 50/380
Mal_3:4........of/old and as/in......... 328/380
Gen_11:10...years/old and begat/Arphaxad.. 4/380
2Sa_19:35...years/old and can/I......... 158/380 and foolish/king.. 269/380
Gen_35:29...being/old and full of days and/his 37/380
Job_42:17...being/old and full of days Blessed/is 239/380
1Ch_23:1......was/old and full of days he/made 191/380 and grayheaded/and 150/380 and greyheaded/O.. 248/380
Joh_8:57....years/old and hast/thou..... 351/380
2Sa_19:32...years/old and he had/provided 157/380
2Ch_29:1....years/old and he reigned/nine 213/380 And he said/Call.. 172/380
1Sa_2:22.....very/old and heard/all..... 143/380
Gen_27:1......was/old and his eyes were dim so/that 35/380
1Sa_4:15....years/old and his eyes were dim that/he 146/380
Mat_13:52.....and/old And it/came....... 335/380
2Ch_26:1....years/old and made him king in/the 208/380
2Ki_14:21...years/old and made him king instead/of 177/380
Gen_17:1....years/old and nine the/LORD.. 11/380
Gen_17:24...years/old and nine when/he... 15/380
Luk_5:36......the/old And no/man........ 343/380
Gen_5:32....years/old and Noah/begat...... 1/380
Jos_6:21......and/old and ox/and........ 120/380
Jos_9:4...bottles/old and rent/and...... 122/380
Gen_17:17...years/old and shall/Sarah.... 13/380
1Ch_2:21....years/old and she/bare...... 189/380
Jos_23:1....waxed/old and stricken in age And Joshua/called 130/380 and stricken in age And ye/have 131/380
Jos_13:1......was/old and stricken in years and the/LORD 126/380 and stricken in years and there/remaineth 127/380
1Ki_1:1.......was/old and stricken in years and they/covered 160/380
2Pe_3:5........of/old and the earth/standing 375/380
Mar_2:21......the/old and the rent/is... 337/380
Neh_9:21......not/old and their/feet.... 228/380 and there/is....... 22/380
1Ch_4:40.......of/old And these/written. 190/380
Jdg_2:8.....years/old And they buried him in the border of his inheritance in Timnathheres/in 134/380
Jos_24:29...years/old And they buried him in the border of his inheritance in Timnathserah/which 133/380
Gen_50:26...years/old and they embalmed/him 46/380
Isa_57:11......of/old and thou/fearest.. 283/380
Jdg_6:25....years/old and throw/down.... 135/380 and thy/sons...... 149/380
Mat_2:16....years/old and under according/to 329/380
1Ch_27:23...years/old and under because/the 193/380
Gen_24:36.....was/old and unto/him....... 29/380
Num_1:3.....years/old and upward all that are/able 65/380
Num_1:45....years/old and upward all that were able to go forth to war in/Israel 79/380
Num_1:40....years/old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Asher/were 77/380
Num_1:36....years/old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Benjamin/were 75/380
Num_1:38....years/old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Dan/were 76/380
Num_1:32....years/old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Ephraim/were 73/380
Num_1:24....years/old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Gad/were 69/380
Num_1:28....years/old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Issachar/were 71/380
Num_1:26....years/old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Judah/were 70/380
Num_1:34....years/old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Manasseh/were 74/380
Num_1:42....years/old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Naphtali/were 78/380
Num_1:20....years/old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Reuben/were 67/380
Num_1:22....years/old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Simeon/were 68/380
Num_1:30....years/old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Zebulun/were 72/380
Num_3:40....month/old and upward and/take 85/380
Num_26:4....years/old and upward as/the. 105/380
Num_1:18....years/old and upward by/their 66/380
Num_3:22....month/old and upward even those/that 81/380
Num_4:3.....years/old and upward even until/fifty 87/380
2Ch_31:16...years/old and upward even unto every/one 214/380
Num_4:47....years/old and upward even unto fifty years old every one that came/to 99/380
Num_4:35....years/old and upward even unto fifty years old every one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation And/those 93/380
Num_4:43....years/old and upward even unto fifty years old every one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them after/their 97/380
Num_4:39....years/old and upward even unto fifty years old every one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them throughout/their 95/380
Num_4:30....years/old and upward even unto fifty years old shalt/thou 91/380
Exo_38:26...years/old and upward for six/hundred 51/380
Num_26:62...month/old and upward for they/were 106/380
2Ch_31:17...years/old and upward in/their 215/380
Num_3:43....month/old and upward of/those 86/380
Num_32:11...years/old and upward shall/see 107/380
Num_3:15....month/old and upward shalt/thou 80/380
Num_8:24....years/old and upward they/shall 101/380
Num_26:2....years/old and upward throughout/their 104/380
Ezr_3:8.....years/old and upward to/set. 224/380
Num_4:23....years/old and upward until/fifty 89/380
Num_3:28....month/old and upward were eight/thousand 82/380
Num_3:34....month/old and upward were six/thousand 83/380
Num_3:39....month/old and upward were twenty/and 84/380
Num_14:29...years/old and upward which/have 102/380
2Ch_24:15...waxed/old and was/full...... 204/380
Gen_18:11....were/old and well stricken in age and it/ceased 17/380
Gen_24:1......was/old and well stricken in age and the/LORD 28/380
Gen_19:4.....both/old and young all/the.. 21/380
Jer_51:22..pieces/old and young and/with 301/380
Eze_9:6...utterly/old and young both/maids 309/380
Isa_25:1.......of/old are/faithfulness.. 274/380
Gen_47:8......How/old art thou And/Jacob. 44/380
Isa_51:9.......of/old Art thou not/it... 282/380
Isa_50:9......wax/old as a/garment...... 280/380
Heb_1:11......wax/old as doth/a......... 368/380
Gen_21:4.....days/old as God/had......... 24/380
Jos_14:10...years/old As yet/I.......... 129/380
Gen_17:17...years/old bear/And........... 14/380
Psa_6:7....waxeth/old because of all/mine 240/380
Lev_26:10.....the/old because of the/new. 57/380
Isa_43:18......of/old Behold/I.......... 277/380
Mat_9:17.....into/old bottles else the bottles/break 334/380
Mar_2:22.....into/old bottles else the new wine doth/burst 338/380
Luk_5:37.....into/old bottles else the new wine will/burst 344/380
Isa_65:20...years/old but the/sinner.... 289/380
Isa_63:9.......of/old But they/rebelled. 286/380
Lam_5:21.......of/old But thou/hast..... 308/380 Buy/the........... 267/380
Jos_9:13...become/old by/reason......... 125/380 can/he............ 350/380
Jer_38:11..thence/old cast clouts and old/rotten 296/380
Jer_38:12...these/old cast clouts and rotten/rags 298/380
1Jn_2:7.......The/old commandment is/the 377/380 commandment which/ye 376/380
Deu_32:7.......of/old consider/the...... 116/380
Jos_5:12......the/old corn of the land neither/had 119/380
Jos_5:11......the/old corn of the land on/the 118/380 disciple/with..... 357/380
Eze_36:11....your/old estates/and....... 314/380
Lev_27:3....years/old even thy/estimation 59/380
Lev_27:6....month/old even unto five/years 62/380
Lev_27:3....years/old even unto sixty/years 58/380
Lev_27:5....years/old even unto twenty/years 60/380
Num_4:47....years/old every one that came/to 100/380
Num_4:35....years/old every one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation And/those 94/380
Num_4:43....years/old every one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them after/their 98/380
Num_4:39....years/old every one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them throughout/their 96/380
Isa_15:5....years/old for by/the........ 271/380
Isa_46:9.......of/old for I/am.......... 279/380
Jer_48:34...years/old for the/waters.... 300/380
Mic_5:2........of/old from/everlasting.. 320/380
Lev_25:22......of/old fruit/until........ 54/380 garment else/the.. 336/380 garment for/that.. 333/380
Jos_9:5.......and/old garments/upon..... 124/380
Neh_12:39.....the/old gate and/above.... 229/380
Neh_3:6.......the/old gate repaired/Jehoiada 227/380
Psa_102:25.....Of/old hast/thou......... 256/380
Eze_25:15.....the/old hatred/Therefore.. 311/380
1Ti_5:9.....years/old having/been....... 367/380
Lam_3:4......made/old he hath broken/my. 306/380
Lam_3:6........of/old He hath hedged/me. 307/380
Lam_2:17.......of/old he hath thrown/down 304/380 he will/not....... 265/380
Psa_44:1.......of/old How/thou.......... 244/380 I know/not......... 36/380
Psa_143:5......of/old I meditate/on..... 260/380
Pro_8:22.......of/old I was/set......... 262/380
Psa_77:11......of/old I will/meditate... 252/380 if/otherwise...... 342/380
Eze_23:43.....was/old in adulteries/Will 310/380
Job_14:8......wax/old in the/earth...... 233/380 Is any/thing....... 20/380
Luk_5:39......The/old is better/And..... 346/380
Heb_8:13...waxeth/old is ready/to....... 370/380
Act_7:23....years/old it came/into...... 355/380
Dan_5:31....years/old It pleased/Darius. 316/380
Pro_23:10.....the/old landmark/and...... 266/380
1Co_5:8......with/old leaven neither/with 361/380
1Co_5:7.......the/old leaven that/ye.... 360/380 leprosy/in......... 52/380
Lam_2:21......the/old lie/on............ 305/380
Isa_51:6......wax/old like a garment and/they 281/380
Psa_102:26....wax/old like a garment as/a 257/380
Nah_2:8........of/old like a pool/of.... 324/380
Job_4:11......The/old lion perisheth/for 232/380
Isa_30:6......and/old lion the/viper.... 275/380
Nah_2:11......the/old lion walked/and... 325/380 lion who/shall..... 45/380
Est_3:13......and/old little/children... 231/380
Psa_68:33......of/old lo/he............. 246/380 man and a/child.... 42/380
Lev_19:32.....the/old man and fear/thy... 53/380 man and full/of.... 31/380 man and heavy/And. 147/380 man and my/wife... 339/380
1Sa_28:14......An/old man cometh/up..... 153/380 man from/his...... 137/380 man in the/days... 151/380 man in thine house And/thou 144/380 man in thine house for/ever 145/380
Rom_6:6.......our/old man is/crucified.. 359/380
Gen_43:27.....the/old man of/whom........ 41/380
2Ch_36:17..maiden/old man or/him........ 223/380
Jdg_19:20.....the/old man said Peace/be. 139/380
Jdg_19:17.....the/old man said Whither/goest 138/380
Jdg_19:22.....the/old man saying/Bring.. 140/380 man that/hath..... 288/380
Eph_4:22......the/old man which/is...... 364/380
Col_3:9.......the/old man with/his...... 365/380
2Ch_10:13.....the/old men And answered/them 197/380
Psa_148:12maidens/old men and children/Let 261/380 men and give/ear.. 317/380
Zec_8:4.......yet/old men and old/women. 326/380
Pro_17:6.......of/old men and the/glory. 263/380
2Ch_10:8......the/old men gave/him...... 196/380
Pro_20:29......of/old men is/the........ 264/380
Gen_6:4........of/old men of/renown....... 2/380
Act_2:17.....your/old men shall dream dreams And/on 353/380
Joe_2:28.....your/old men shall dream dreams your/young 318/380
2Ch_10:6......the/old men that had/stood 195/380
1Ki_12:6......the/old men that stood/before 163/380
1Ki_12:8......the/old men which/they.... 164/380
1Ki_12:13.....the/old men's/counsel..... 165/380
Isa_63:11......of/old Moses/and......... 287/380
Isa_20:4......and/old naked/and......... 272/380
Rom_4:19....years/old neither/yet....... 358/380
Deu_28:50.....the/old nor/shew.......... 112/380
Heb_8:13....first/old Now/that.......... 369/380
Psa_119:52.....of/old O/LORD............ 258/380
Act_4:22....years/old on/whom........... 354/380
Jud_1:4........of/old ordained/to....... 378/380
Jer_6:16......the/old paths/where....... 292/380
Isa_22:11.....the/old pool/but.......... 273/380
Jer_28:8.......of/old prophesied/both... 293/380
1Ki_13:29.....the/old prophet came/to... 168/380
1Ki_13:25.....the/old prophet dwelt/And. 167/380 prophet in/Bethel. 166/380
Luk_9:19......the/old prophets is/risen. 348/380
Luk_9:8.......the/old prophets was/risen 347/380
Psa_25:6.......of/old Remember/not...... 241/380
Jer_38:11.....and/old rotten/rags....... 297/380
Jos_9:4......took/old sacks/upon........ 121/380
Jer_46:26......of/old saith/the......... 299/380
Psa_55:19......of/old Selah/Because..... 245/380
Rev_12:9.....that/old serpent called/the 379/380
Rev_20:2.....that/old serpent which/is.. 380/380
Isa_65:20...years/old shall be accursed/And 290/380
Gen_17:12....days/old shall be circumcised/among 12/380
Gen_18:12...waxed/old shall I/have....... 18/380
Num_4:23....years/old shalt thou number them all/that 90/380
Num_4:30....years/old shalt thou number them every/one 92/380
Num_18:16...month/old shalt thou redeem/according 103/380
Jos_9:5.......And/old shoes/and......... 123/380
Job_20:4.......of/old since/man......... 234/380
2Pe_1:9.......his/old sins/Wherefore.... 372/380 store and/bring.... 56/380
Lev_25:22.....the/old store The/land..... 55/380
2Co_3:14......the/old testament/which... 362/380
1Sa_8:1.......was/old that he/made...... 148/380
1Ki_11:4......was/old that his/wives.... 162/380
Amo_9:11.......of/old That they/may..... 319/380
Psa_119:152....of/old that thou/hast.... 259/380
Mic_7:20.......of/old The burden/of..... 323/380
1Sa_27:8.......of/old the inhabitants/of 152/380
Psa_74:2.......of/old the rod/of........ 249/380
Psa_77:5.......of/old the years/of...... 251/380
Lev_27:6....years/old then thy estimation shall be of the male five/shekels 63/380
Lev_27:5....years/old then thy estimation shall be of the male twenty/shekels 61/380
Neh_12:46......of/old there/were........ 230/380
Gen_23:1....years/old these/were......... 27/380
Luk_2:42....years/old they/went......... 341/380
2Co_5:17.creature/old things/are........ 363/380
Deu_31:2....years/old this/day.......... 115/380
Psa_93:2.......of/old thou art/from..... 255/380 thou shalt/stretch 352/380
Psa_32:3....waxed/old through/my........ 242/380
Eze_26:20......of/old time and shall/set 312/380 time and the/Ammonites 109/380 time by my/servants 315/380 time by the/will.. 373/380 time even/Terah... 132/380
Ezr_4:15.......of/old time for/which.... 225/380
Act_15:21......of/old time hath in/every 356/380
Ezr_4:19.......of/old time hath made/insurrection 226/380
Deu_19:14......of/old time have/set..... 111/380
Jer_2:20.......of/old time I/have....... 291/380 time saying/They.. 159/380
1Pe_3:5.......the/old time the/holy..... 371/380
Mat_5:27.......of/old time Thou shalt not commit/adultery 331/380
Mat_5:33.......of/old time Thou shalt not forswear/thyself 332/380
Mat_5:21.......of/old time Thou shalt not kill/and 330/380
Ecc_1:10.......of/old time which/was.... 268/380
Rut_1:12......too/old to/have........... 141/380
Jer_31:13.....and/old together/for...... 295/380
Jer_31:3.......of/old unto/me........... 294/380
Deu_8:4.......not/old upon thee/neither. 110/380
Deu_29:5....waxen/old upon thy/foot..... 114/380
Deu_29:5....waxen/old upon you/and...... 113/380
2Ki_16:2....years/old was Ahaz/when..... 180/380
2Ki_8:26....years/old was Ahaziah when he began to reign and he reigned one year in Jerusalem And/his 174/380
2Ch_22:2....years/old was Ahaziah when he began to reign and he reigned one year in Jerusalem His/mother's 202/380
Gen_37:2....years/old was feeding/the.... 38/380
2Ki_8:17....years/old was he when he began to reign and he reigned eight/years 173/380
2Ch_21:20...years/old was he when he began to reign and he reigned in/Jerusalem 201/380
2Ki_15:33...years/old was he when he began to reign and he reigned sixteen/years 179/380
2Ki_18:2....years/old was he when he began to reign and he reigned twenty/and 181/380
2Ki_15:2....years/old was he when he began to reign and he reigned two/and 178/380
2Ch_24:15...years/old was he when he died/And 205/380
Jos_14:7....years/old was I/when........ 128/380
2Ki_11:21...years/old was Jehoash/when.. 175/380
2Ch_26:3....years/old was Uzziah/when... 209/380
Isa_58:12.....the/old waste/places...... 284/380
Isa_61:4......the/old wastes/they....... 285/380
Job_22:15.....the/old way/which......... 236/380
Gen_16:16...years/old when Hagar/bare.... 10/380
2Ch_21:5....years/old when he began to reign and he reigned eight/years 200/380
2Ch_36:5....years/old when he began to reign and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem and he/did 220/380
Jer_52:1....years/old when he began to reign and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah And he did that which was evil in the eyes/of 302/380
2Ki_24:18...years/old when he began to reign and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah And he did that which was evil in the sight/of 188/380
2Ki_23:36...years/old when he began to reign and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Zebudah/the 186/380
2Ch_33:1....years/old when he began to reign and he reigned fifty/and 216/380
2Sa_5:4.....years/old when he began to reign and he reigned forty years In Hebron/he 156/380
2Ch_24:1....years/old when he began to reign and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem/His 203/380
2Ch_34:1....years/old when he began to reign and he reigned in Jerusalem one/and 218/380
2Ki_24:8....years/old when he began to reign and he reigned in Jerusalem three/months 187/380
1Ki_14:21...years/old when he began to reign and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem the city which the LORD did/choose 169/380
2Ch_12:13...years/old when he began to reign and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem the city which the LORD had/chosen 198/380
2Ch_28:1....years/old when he began to reign and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem but/he 212/380
2Ch_27:1....years/old when he began to reign and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem His/mother's 210/380
2Ki_22:1....years/old when he began to reign and he reigned thirty/and 184/380
2Ch_36:9....years/old when he began to reign and he reigned three months and/ten 221/380
2Ki_23:31...years/old when he began to reign and he reigned three months in Jerusalem And his/mother's 185/380
2Ch_36:2....years/old when he began to reign and he reigned three months in Jerusalem And the/king 219/380
1Ki_22:42...years/old when he began to reign and he reigned twenty and five years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi And he walked in all/the 171/380
2Ch_20:31...years/old when he began to reign and he reigned twenty and five years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi And he walked in the/way 199/380
2Ch_25:1....years/old when he began to reign and he reigned twenty and nine/years 206/380
2Ki_21:19...years/old when he began to reign and he reigned two/years 183/380
2Ch_36:11...years/old when he began to reign and reigned eleven/years 222/380
2Ki_21:1....years/old when he began to reign and reigned fifty/and 182/380
2Ch_27:8....years/old when he began to reign and reigned sixteen/years 211/380
2Ki_14:2....years/old when he began to reign and reigned twenty/and 176/380
2Ch_33:21...years/old when he began to reign and reigned two/years 217/380
2Sa_2:10....years/old when he began to reign over/Israel 154/380
Gen_12:4....years/old when he departed/out 5/380
Deu_34:7....years/old when he died his/eye 117/380
Num_33:39...years/old when he died in/mount 108/380
Gen_41:46...years/old when he stood/before 40/380
Gen_25:20...years/old when he took Rebekah/to 32/380
Gen_26:34...years/old when he took to/wife 34/380
Gen_17:25...years/old when he was/circumcised 16/380
Lam_1:7........of/old when her/people... 303/380
Gen_21:5....years/old when his/son....... 25/380
Gen_25:26...years/old when she/bare...... 33/380
Gen_7:6.....years/old when the flood/of... 3/380
2Sa_4:4.....years/old when the tidings/came 155/380
Exo_7:7.....years/old when they/spake.... 48/380
Job_32:6.....very/old wherefore/I....... 238/380
Son_7:13......and/old which I/have...... 270/380
Psa_78:2.......of/old Which we/have..... 253/380
Mic_6:6......year/old Will/the.......... 321/380
Luk_5:39....drunk/old wine/straightway.. 345/380
Exo_10:9......our/old with our/sons...... 49/380
Eze_26:20......of/old with them/that.... 313/380
1Ti_4:7.......and/old wives'/fables..... 366/380
Zec_8:4.......and/old women/dwell....... 327/380
Psa_74:12......of/old working/salvation. 250/380
2Pe_2:5.......the/old world/but......... 374/380
Job_21:7...become/old yea are/mighty.... 235/380
Isa_30:33......of/old yea for/the....... 276/380 yet/have.......... 243/380
