Num_4:12.........them/on a bar/And......... 259/2011
Mat_9:2.........lying/on a bed and/Jesus.. 1451/2011
2Sa_4:5...........lay/on a bed at/noon..... 634/2011 a blue/lace....... 133/2011
Mat_5:15..........but/on a candlestick and/it 1443/2011
Mar_4:21..........set/on a candlestick For/there 1544/2011
Luk_11:33.........but/on a candlestick that they which come/in 1631/2011 a candlestick that they which enter/in 1617/2011
Luk_5:17.........pass/on a certain day as/he 1602/2011
Luk_8:22.........pass/on a certain day that/he 1618/2011
2Ki_4:8..........fell/on a day that Elisha/passed 798/2011
2Ki_4:11.........fell/on a day that he came/thither 800/2011
2Ki_4:18.........fell/on a day that he went/out 801/2011
1Sa_15:18........thee/on a journey/and..... 571/2011
2Ki_23:8.........were/on a man's/left...... 856/2011
1Sa_17:3........stood/on a mountain on the one/side 578/2011
1Sa_17:3........stood/on a mountain on the other/side 580/2011
Rut_2:3.........light/on a part/of......... 531/2011
Mar_4:38.......asleep/on a pillow/and..... 1545/2011
Luk_4:9...........him/on a pinnacle of the temple and said/unto 1596/2011
Mat_4:5...........him/on a pinnacle of the temple And saith/unto 1440/2011
Eze_24:3..........Set/on a pot/set........ 1300/2011 a reed and gave him to drink saying/Let 1584/2011 a reed and gave him to drink The/rest 1526/2011 a rock/and....... 1610/2011
Lev_24:6..........six/on a row/upon........ 246/2011 a seat/in........ 1139/2011
Jer_52:23pomegranates/on a side/and....... 1274/2011
Exo_19:18..altogether/on a smoke/because... 100/2011
2Sa_3:29......leaneth/on a staff/or........ 632/2011
Jdg_9:8.........forth/on a time/to......... 499/2011
Est_2:23.......hanged/on a tree and it/was 1023/2011
Gen_40:19........thee/on a tree and the/birds 49/2011
Act_10:39......hanged/on a tree Him God/raised 1781/2011
Act_5:30.......hanged/on a tree Him hath/God 1758/2011
Deu_21:22.........him/on a tree His/body... 364/2011
Gal_3:13......hangeth/on a tree That/the.. 1879/2011
Jos_8:29.......hanged/on a tree until/eventide 413/2011
Mat_22:11.........not/on a wedding/garment 1499/2011
Mat_5:28......looketh/on a woman/to....... 1444/2011
Deu_22:5..........put/on a woman's/garment. 365/2011
Mar_15:40.....looking/on afar/off......... 1585/2011
2Sa_20:13........went/on after/Joab........ 683/2011
Jer_43:3.........thee/on against/us....... 1265/2011
1Ch_15:20..psalteries/on Alamoth/And....... 879/2011
Luk_7:16.........fear/on all and/they..... 1612/2011
Lev_11:27..........go/on all four/those.... 200/2011
Isa_7:25..........And/on all hills/that... 1155/2011
2Sa_3:29..........and/on all his father's/house 631/2011
Neh_9:10..........and/on all his servants/and 998/2011
2Sa_6:5..........LORD/on all manner/of..... 638/2011
1Ki_4:24........peace/on all sides/round... 714/2011
Luk_1:65.........came/on all that dwelt/round 1593/2011 all that haunt/it 1305/2011
Jos_22:20........fell/on all the congregation/of 470/2011
Act_17:26.......dwell/on all the face/of.. 1803/2011
Jdg_6:40..........dew/on all the ground/Then 490/2011
2Ch_20:29.........was/on all the kingdoms/of 950/2011
Neh_9:10..........and/on all the people/of. 999/2011
Ecc_2:11.......looked/on all the works/that 1149/2011
Isa_15:2.......Medeba/on all their/heads.. 1164/2011
Luk_21:35........come/on all them that dwell/on 1664/2011
Act_5:5..........came/on all them that heard/these 1755/2011
Act_10:44........fell/on all them which/heard 1782/2011
1Sa_9:20..........and/on all thy father's/house 550/2011
Neh_9:32..........and/on all thy people/since 1006/2011
Psa_143:5....meditate/on all thy works/I.. 1135/2011
Jos_19:13.....passeth/on along/on.......... 461/2011
Job_9:11......passeth/on also/but......... 1058/2011
Num_24:20......looked/on Amalek/he......... 308/2011
Joh_12:15.....sitting/on an ass's/colt.... 1719/2011
1Sa_16:16......player/on an harp/and....... 577/2011
Isa_30:17......ensign/on an hill And/therefore 1181/2011
Mat_5:14..........set/on an hill cannot/be 1442/2011
1Ki_20:20.....escaped/on an horse/with..... 769/2011
Eze_33:32........well/on an instrument/for 1308/2011
Mar_2:21........cloth/on an old/garment... 1530/2011 an uproar/and.... 1802/2011 and also/pour.... 1301/2011
Pro_22:3.........pass/on and are punished By/humility 1145/2011
Pro_27:12........pass/on and are punished Take/his 1146/2011
Jos_6:9.........going/on and blowing with the trumpets And Joshua/had 396/2011
Jos_6:13........going/on and blowing with the trumpets And the/second 398/2011
Act_23:24........Paul/on and bring/him.... 1824/2011
Jos_6:7..........Pass/on and compass/the... 393/2011
1Sa_17:41........came/on and drew/near..... 582/2011
Jer_23:12......driven/on and fall/therein. 1252/2011
2Ki_2:6..........went/on And fifty/men..... 789/2011
1Sa_15:12......passed/on and gone/down..... 569/2011
2Sa_5:10.........went/on and grew/great.... 637/2011
Jer_38:22........thee/on and have/prevailed 1264/2011
Gen_24:33.......Speak/on And he said I/am... 30/2011
1Ki_2:16..........Say/on And he said Speak/I 703/2011
1Ki_2:14..........Say/on And he said Thou/knowest 701/2011
Lev_16:4.........them/on And he shall/take. 225/2011
1Sa_14:19........went/on and increased/and. 563/2011
Gen_41:45..........of/On And Joseph/went.... 50/2011
Pro_4:25........right/on and let/thine.... 1137/2011
1Sa_19:23........went/on and prophesied/until 585/2011 and prospereth/in. 979/2011
1Sa_15:16.........Say/on And Samuel/said... 570/2011
2Ki_2:11.........went/on and talked/that... 791/2011
2Sa_16:2.........ride/on and the bread/and. 674/2011 and the innocent/shall 1072/2011
2Sa_14:12.........Say/on And the woman/said 662/2011
Luk_23:54........drew/on And the women/also 1675/2011
Luk_18:32.....spitted/on And they/shall... 1654/2011
1Sa_2:26.........grew/on and was/in........ 536/2011
Jdg_19:14......passed/on and went/their.... 522/2011 another doubting/of 1726/2011
Luk_6:6..........also/on another sabbath/that 1605/2011
1Ch_29:25........been/on any king/before... 896/2011
Lev_15:6......sitteth/on any thing whereon he/sat 219/2011
Lev_15:23..........or/on any thing whereon she/sitteth 222/2011
Rev_7:1...........nor/on any tree/And..... 1974/2011
2Ki_3:21..........put/on armour/and........ 795/2011
Job_21:3.........mock/on As/for........... 1067/2011
Isa_44:20.....feedeth/on ashes/a.......... 1197/2011
1Ch_12:40.......bread/on asses and on/camels 873/2011
1Sa_25:18........them/on asses And she/said 602/2011
Isa_48:14....pleasure/on Babylon/and...... 1199/2011
Gen_41:50..........of/On bare unto him And Joseph/called 51/2011
Gen_46:20..........of/On bare unto him And the/sons 56/2011
1Sa_14:16........went/on beating/down...... 562/2011
Act_5:15.........them/on beds/and......... 1756/2011
1Sa_25:19..........Go/on before me/behold.. 603/2011
Jos_6:7..........pass/on before the ark/of. 394/2011
2Sa_15:18......passed/on before the king/Then 672/2011
Jos_6:8........passed/on before the LORD/and 395/2011
Exo_17:5...........Go/on before the people/and 93/2011
2Ki_4:31.......passed/on before them/and... 804/2011
1Sa_9:27.........pass/on before us/and..... 551/2011
2Sa_15:18......passed/on beside/him........ 671/2011
Act_27:44........some/on boards/and....... 1832/2011
2Sa_9:13.........lame/on both his/feet..... 647/2011
Jdg_5:30...needlework/on both sides/meet... 486/2011
Exo_32:15.....written/on both their/sides.. 138/2011
Jer_6:23.........hold/on bow/and.......... 1226/2011
Gen_43:31.........Set/on bread/And.......... 52/2011
Act_27:44........some/on broken/pieces.... 1833/2011
1Sa_9:27.......passed/on but stand/thou.... 552/2011
Est_1:11.........look/on But the/queen.... 1020/2011
1Sa_29:2.......passed/on by hundreds/and... 614/2011
Est_8:14......pressed/on by the/king's.... 1041/2011
1Ch_12:40.........and/on camels/and........ 874/2011
Jer_50:19........feed/on Carmel/and....... 1273/2011
Col_3:14..........put/on charity/which.... 1903/2011 Christ Jesus/When 1807/2011
Gal_3:27..........put/on Christ There/is.. 1881/2011
Jos_6:13.........went/on continually/and... 397/2011
2Sa_6:5...........and/on cornets/and....... 642/2011
2Sa_13:19........went/on crying/And........ 655/2011
2Sa_6:5...........and/on cymbals/And....... 643/2011
Dan_6:14........heart/on Daniel/to........ 1383/2011
2Sa_12:30.........set/on David's/head...... 650/2011
2Ki_2:8..........over/on dry ground And/it. 790/2011
Jos_3:17.........firm/on dry ground in/the. 383/2011
Exo_14:16..........go/on dry ground through/the 77/2011
Jos_3:17.........over/on dry ground until/all 384/2011
Jos_4:22.......Jordan/on dry land For/the.. 387/2011
Exo_15:19........went/on dry land in/the.... 83/2011
1Ch_20:6..........six/on each foot/and..... 884/2011
1Ch_20:6..........six/on each hand/and..... 883/2011
2Ch_9:18........stays/on each side/of...... 930/2011
2Ch_4:13.pomegranates/on each wreath/to.... 919/2011 eagles'/wings...... 98/2011
Mat_18:19.......agree/on earth as/touching 1480/2011
1Ki_8:23...........or/on earth beneath/who. 736/2011
Mar_9:3........fuller/on earth can/white.. 1555/2011
Eph_1:10..........are/on earth even/in.... 1883/2011
Heb_8:4..........were/on earth he/should.. 1929/2011
Mat_10:34.......peace/on earth I came/not. 1456/2011
Luk_12:51.......peace/on earth I tell/you. 1634/2011
Heb_12:25.......spake/on earth much/more.. 1933/2011
Luk_2:14..........and/on earth peace/good. 1595/2011
Mat_16:19........bind/on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou/shalt 1474/2011
Mat_18:18........bind/on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever ye/shall 1478/2011
Mat_18:18.......loose/on earth shall be loosed in heaven Again/I 1479/2011
Mat_16:19.......loose/on earth shall be loosed in heaven Then/charged 1475/2011
Mar_2:10........power/on earth to forgive sins he/saith 1528/2011
Mat_9:6.........power/on earth to forgive sins then/saith 1452/2011
Jdg_14:9.........went/on eating/and........ 511/2011
Eze_18:2..........set/on edge As/I........ 1292/2011
Jer_31:30.........set/on edge Behold/the.. 1258/2011
Jer_31:29.........set/on edge But/every... 1257/2011
Jer_17:11.....sitteth/on eggs/and......... 1240/2011 Egypt for chariots and for horsemen Am/I 849/2011 Egypt for chariots and for horsemen And/am 1191/2011
Isa_36:6.........reed/on Egypt whereon/if. 1189/2011
Rev_22:2..........and/on either side of/the 2011/2011
1Ki_10:19.......stays/on either side on/the 744/2011
Joh_19:18.........him/on either side one/and 1735/2011
1Sa_16:6.......looked/on Eliab/and......... 572/2011
1Ki_18:46.........was/on Elijah/and........ 765/2011 Elisha/And........ 792/2011
Gen_25:26........hold/on Esau's/heel........ 32/2011
1Ti_6:19.........hold/on eternal life O/Timothy 1912/2011
1Ti_6:12.........hold/on eternal life whereunto/thou 1911/2011
Num_23:2......offered/on every altar a/bullock 305/2011
Num_23:14.........ram/on every altar And he/said 306/2011
Num_23:30.........ram/on every altar And when/Balaam 307/2011
2Sa_21:20.........and/on every foot/six.... 686/2011
2Ki_3:25..........and/on every good/piece.. 797/2011
2Sa_21:20.........had/on every hand/six.... 685/2011
1Ki_14:23......groves/on every high/hill... 751/2011
1Sa_25:13......girded/on every man his sword and David/also 599/2011 every man his sword And they/girded 598/2011
Deu_1:41.......girded/on every man his weapons/of 346/2011
Luk_4:40........hands/on every one of/them 1600/2011
Job_40:12........Look/on every one that is/proud 1089/2011
Eze_16:15fornications/on every one that passed/by 1290/2011
1Sa_14:47.....enemies/on every side against/Moab 568/2011
Eze_37:21........them/on every side and bring/them 1310/2011
Num_16:27......Abiram/on every side and Dathan/and 288/2011 every side and I/am 1066/2011
2Ch_32:22........them/on every side And many/brought 967/2011
Job_18:11......afraid/on every side and shall drive/him 1065/2011 every side And shall lay/thee 1657/2011 every side And the doors/of 1349/2011 every side And the side/chambers 1348/2011
Eze_28:23.........her/on every side and they/shall 1306/2011
1Sa_12:11.....enemies/on every side and ye/dwelled 557/2011 every side Flee/get 1271/2011 every side for he/hath 888/2011
Eze_16:33........thee/on every side for thy/whoredom 1291/2011
Eze_19:8..........him/on every side from/the 1293/2011 every side I/will 1114/2011
Jdg_8:34......enemies/on every side Neither/shewed 498/2011 every side O/daughter 1227/2011
Jdg_7:18.........also/on every side of/all. 493/2011
Jer_20:10........fear/on every side Report/say 1248/2011 every side so that/there 717/2011 every side So they/built 936/2011
Eze_36:3...........up/on every side that/ye 1309/2011
Eze_23:22........thee/on every side The Babylonians/and 1299/2011
Psa_65:12.....rejoice/on every side The pastures/are 1107/2011
Job_1:10.........hath/on every side thou/hast 1055/2011
Eze_39:17..yourselves/on every side to/my. 1314/2011
1Ki_5:3...........him/on every side until/the 716/2011
Psa_12:8.........walk/on every side when/the 1091/2011
Psa_31:13.........was/on every side while/they 1099/2011
2Co_7:5......troubled/on every side without/were 1874/2011
2Co_4:8......troubled/on every side yet/not 1870/2011
Rom_12:8....exhorteth/on exhortation/he... 1851/2011 fire according/to. 403/2011
Jdg_20:48.........set/on fire all/the...... 525/2011
2Sa_14:31.......field/on fire And Absalom/answered 668/2011 fire And Absalom's/servants 666/2011 fire And afterward/the 476/2011
Eze_39:9..........set/on fire and burn/the 1312/2011
2Ki_8:12..........set/on fire and their/young 813/2011 fire And when/the. 409/2011
Psa_57:4..........set/on fire even/the.... 1105/2011
Isa_27:11........them/on fire for/it...... 1176/2011
Jdg_15:5.......brands/on fire he/let....... 515/2011
Jam_3:6...........set/on fire of/hell..... 1935/2011
Isa_42:25.........him/on fire round/about. 1196/2011
2Pe_3:12........being/on fire shall/be.... 1947/2011
Psa_83:14...mountains/on fire So/persecute 1120/2011
Jam_3:6.......setteth/on fire the course/of 1934/2011
Deu_32:22.........set/on fire the foundations/of 376/2011
2Sa_14:30.......field/on fire Then/Joab.... 667/2011
Jdg_9:49.........hold/on fire upon/them.... 502/2011
Jos_10:26........them/on five/trees........ 419/2011
Ecc_2:3..........hold/on folly/till....... 1148/2011
Pro_15:14.....feedeth/on foolishness/All.. 1143/2011
Jdg_5:15.........sent/on foot into/the..... 484/2011
Mat_14:13.........him/on foot out/of...... 1465/2011
Exo_12:37....thousand/on foot that/were..... 76/2011
Psa_66:6........flood/on foot there/did... 1108/2011
Gen_43:32.........set/on for him/by......... 53/2011
Jdg_13:19......looked/on For it/came....... 508/2011
Gen_18:5.........pass/on for therefore/are.. 20/2011
1Ki_7:3...........lay/on forty/five........ 721/2011
1Sa_10:3...........go/on forward/from...... 553/2011
Mat_4:21........going/on from/thence...... 1441/2011
Isa_57:17........went/on frowardly/in..... 1214/2011
Job_36:2........speak/on God's/behalf..... 1078/2011
Mar_4:8..........fell/on good ground and did/yield 1541/2011
Luk_8:8..........fell/on good ground and sprang/up 1614/2011
Mar_4:20.........sown/on good ground such/as 1543/2011
2Sa_6:5..........even/on harps/and......... 639/2011
Deu_23:11......cometh/on he/shall.......... 368/2011
Psa_79:1....Jerusalem/on heaps/The........ 1117/2011
Pro_5:5..........hold/on hell/Lest........ 1138/2011 her And a/mighty. 1996/2011
Luk_13:13.......hands/on her and immediately/she 1637/2011
2Sa_13:19.........was/on her and laid/her.. 653/2011
Deu_22:28........hold/on her and lie/with.. 367/2011
Luk_7:13...compassion/on her and said/unto 1611/2011
2Ki_11:16.......hands/on her and she went by/the 832/2011 her and she went into/the 534/2011
2Ch_23:15.......hands/on her and when/she.. 954/2011
Jer_49:24......seized/on her anguish/and.. 1270/2011 her bed/or........ 221/2011
Lam_1:2...........are/on her cheeks/among. 1275/2011
1Sa_25:23.......David/on her face and bowed herself to the ground And fell/at 606/2011
Rut_2:10.........fell/on her face and bowed herself to the ground and said/unto 533/2011
1Sa_25:41.....herself/on her face to the earth/and 607/2011
2Sa_14:4.........fell/on her face to the ground/and 659/2011
2Sa_13:19.......ashes/on her head and rent/her 652/2011
2Sa_13:19........hand/on her head and went/on 654/2011
1Co_11:10.......power/on her head because/of 1860/2011
Lam_4:6........stayed/on her Her/Nazarites 1277/2011
2Ki_4:20..........sat/on her knees/till.... 802/2011
Eze_23:5........doted/on her lovers/on.... 1296/2011
Est_5:1...........put/on her royal/apparel 1028/2011
Gen_24:45.....pitcher/on her shoulder and she/went 31/2011 her shoulder and the/child 26/2011
Mar_5:23........hands/on her that/she..... 1547/2011
Deu_32:11........them/on her wings/So...... 374/2011
Deu_28:1.........thee/on high above all/nations 371/2011
2Ch_34:4.........were/on high above them he/cut 969/2011
2Sa_22:49..........up/on high above them that/rose 688/2011
1Ki_21:9.......Naboth/on high among the people And set/two 773/2011
1Ki_21:12......Naboth/on high among the people And there/came 774/2011
Isa_40:26........eyes/on high and behold/who 1195/2011
Exo_37:9........wings/on high and covered/with 156/2011
Luk_24:49........from/on high And he/led.. 1676/2011
Isa_22:16...sepulchre/on high and that/graveth 1169/2011
Isa_24:21.........are/on high and the kings/of 1171/2011
Isa_32:15........from/on high and the wilderness/be 1184/2011
2Ch_20:19.......voice/on high And they/rose 948/2011
Jer_25:30........from/on high and utter/his 1254/2011
Isa_24:18........from/on high are/open.... 1170/2011
Psa_91:14.........him/on high because he/hath 1122/2011
1Ch_14:2...........up/on high because of/his 878/2011
Heb_1:3.......Majesty/on high Being/made.. 1919/2011
Exo_25:20.......wings/on high covering/the. 111/2011
2Ki_19:22........eyes/on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 852/2011
Isa_37:23........eyes/on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy servants/hast 1193/2011
Psa_107:41.......poor/on high from/affliction 1126/2011
Luk_1:78.........from/on high hath/visited 1594/2011
Isa_33:5.....dwelleth/on high he hath/filled 1186/2011
Eph_4:8............up/on high he led/captivity 1884/2011
Isa_33:16.......dwell/on high his/place... 1187/2011
Psa_69:29..........up/on high I/will...... 1113/2011
Isa_58:4........heard/on high Is it/such.. 1215/2011
Psa_93:4.........LORD/on high is mightier/than 1124/2011
Job_31:2.........from/on high Is not/destruction 1077/2011 high My/friends.. 1063/2011
Jer_7:29..lamentation/on high places/for.. 1228/2011
Job_39:27........nest/on high She dwelleth/and 1087/2011
Job_39:18.....herself/on high she scorneth/the 1085/2011
Psa_75:5.........horn/on high speak/not... 1115/2011
Hab_2:9..........nest/on high that/he..... 1420/2011
2Sa_23:1...........up/on high the anointed/of 689/2011
Isa_26:5........dwell/on high the lofty/city 1175/2011
Psa_7:7..........thou/on high The LORD/shall 1090/2011
Hab_3:10........hands/on high The sun/and. 1423/2011
Job_5:11...........up/on high those/that.. 1057/2011
Psa_68:18....ascended/on high thou/hast... 1109/2011 high upon/the..... 167/2011
Psa_113:5....dwelleth/on high Who/humbleth 1127/2011
Eze_31:4...........up/on high with/her.... 1307/2011
Act_13:11........fell/on him a mist/and... 1792/2011
Joh_19:2..........put/on him a purple/robe 1734/2011
Mat_27:28.........put/on him a scarlet/robe 1521/2011
Exo_21:30........laid/on him a sum/of...... 102/2011
Joh_2:11.....believed/on him After/this... 1679/2011
Lev_13:6.........look/on him again/the..... 205/2011
Lev_13:36........look/on him and behold/if. 211/2011
Deu_21:19........hold/on him and bring/him. 363/2011
Act_20:10........fell/on him and embracing/him 1812/2011
Luk_4:20.....fastened/on him And he began/to 1598/2011
Mar_14:51........hold/on him And he left/the 1576/2011
Mar_11:7.....garments/on him and he sat/upon 1565/2011
Act_28:8........hands/on him and healed/him 1837/2011
1Ki_13:4.........hold/on him And his/hand.. 750/2011
Joh_9:36......believe/on him And Jesus/said 1713/2011
Mat_27:31.....raiment/on him and led him away/to 1523/2011
Mar_15:20.....clothes/on him and led him out/to 1580/2011
Php_2:27........mercy/on him and not/on... 1892/2011
Luk_10:32......looked/on him and passed/by 1625/2011
Lev_13:3.........look/on him and pronounce/him 203/2011 him and put/a.... 1647/2011
1Ki_11:30.........was/on him and rent/it... 748/2011
Act_13:9.........eyes/on him And said O/full 1791/2011
Exo_2:6....compassion/on him and said This/is 63/2011
Joh_7:31.....believed/on him and said When/Christ 1701/2011
Joh_11:48.....believe/on him and the/Romans 1716/2011
Luk_20:19.......hands/on him and they feared/the 1660/2011
Gen_37:23.........was/on him And they took/him 44/2011
Mar_14:65........spit/on him and to/cover. 1578/2011
Mar_14:46.......hands/on him and took him And/one 1575/2011
Mat_18:28.......hands/on him and took him by/the 1481/2011
Luk_10:33..compassion/on him And went/to.. 1627/2011
Job_27:20........hold/on him as/waters.... 1073/2011
Joh_7:30........hands/on him because his/hour 1700/2011
Mar_3:9..........wait/on him because of/the 1536/2011
Php_1:29......believe/on him but also/to.. 1889/2011
Joh_12:42....believed/on him but because/of 1721/2011
Mar_12:12........hold/on him but feared/the 1567/2011 him But if/ye..... 847/2011
Joh_11:45....believed/on him But some/of.. 1715/2011
Jer_20:10.....revenge/on him But the/LORD. 1249/2011
Joh_7:48.....believed/on him But this/people 1705/2011
Act_10:7.......waited/on him continually/And 1776/2011
Act_21:27.......hands/on him Crying/out... 1818/2011
Joh_8:20........hands/on him for his/hour. 1708/2011
Joh_4:39.....believed/on him for the/saying 1685/2011
Mar_3:21.........hold/on him for they/said 1537/2011
Rev_6:2...........sat/on him had a bow/and 1964/2011
Rev_6:5...........sat/on him had a pair/of 1965/2011
Job_24:20.....sweetly/on him he shall/be.. 1071/2011
Act_10:4.......looked/on him he was/afraid 1775/2011
Exo_33:4..........put/on him his/ornaments. 144/2011
Joh_8:31.....believed/on him If/ye........ 1710/2011 him in/whom...... 1847/2011
Joh_3:18....believeth/on him is/not....... 1680/2011
Joh_6:40....believeth/on him may/have..... 1695/2011
Php_2:27..........not/on him only/but..... 1893/2011
Act_9:17........hands/on him said/Brother. 1773/2011
Act_6:15...stedfastly/on him saw/his...... 1760/2011
Luk_23:39......railed/on him saying/If.... 1674/2011
Gen_4:15........taken/on him sevenfold/And... 3/2011
Rom_9:33....believeth/on him shall not be ashamed Brethren/my 1844/2011
Rom_10:11...believeth/on him shall not be ashamed For/there 1846/2011
1Pe_2:6.....believeth/on him shall not be confounded/Unto 1940/2011
Joh_7:39......believe/on him should/receive 1703/2011
Act_9:12.........hand/on him that he/might 1771/2011
Rom_4:5.....believeth/on him that justifieth/the 1838/2011
Rom_4:24......believe/on him that raised/up 1839/2011
Joh_12:44.........but/on him that sent me And/he 1724/2011
Joh_5:24....believeth/on him that sent me hath/everlasting 1688/2011
Joh_12:37.........not/on him That the/saying 1720/2011
Isa_53:6.........laid/on him the iniquity/of 1208/2011
Heb_2:16..........not/on him the nature/of 1921/2011
Joh_1:33....remaining/on him the same/is.. 1678/2011
Heb_2:16.........took/on him the seed/of.. 1922/2011
Lev_13:5.........look/on him the seventh/day 204/2011
Joh_7:44........hands/on him Then came/the 1704/2011
Joh_8:30.....believed/on him Then said Jesus to/those 1709/2011
Luk_10:37.......mercy/on him Then said Jesus unto/him 1630/2011
Joh_10:42....believed/on him there/Now.... 1714/2011
2Sa_14:26.......heavy/on him therefore/he.. 665/2011
Mat_21:46.......hands/on him they feared/the 1498/2011
Luk_23:26.........and/on him they laid/the 1670/2011
2Ki_6:31........stand/on him this/day...... 810/2011
1Ti_1:16......believe/on him to/life...... 1906/2011
Mar_15:29......railed/on him wagging/their 1583/2011
Rev_6:8...........sat/on him was/Death.... 1966/2011
Joh_3:36......abideth/on him When/therefore 1682/2011
Act_19:4......believe/on him which/should. 1806/2011
Joh_6:29......believe/on him whom he/hath. 1693/2011
Joh_19:37........look/on him whom they/pierced 1738/2011
Act_7:54......gnashed/on him with/their... 1763/2011
Nah_1:2.....vengeance/on his adversaries/and 1418/2011
2Sa_1:10..........was/on his arm/and....... 622/2011
2Ch_24:25.........him/on his bed and/he.... 955/2011
2Sa_4:7...........lay/on his bed in/his.... 635/2011
2Sa_11:13.........lie/on his bed with/the.. 648/2011
2Sa_3:12........David/on his behalf/saying. 629/2011
Mar_6:21........Herod/on his birthday/made 1549/2011
Joh_21:20......leaned/on his breast/at.... 1743/2011
Hos_11:6........abide/on his cities/and... 1399/2011
2Sa_1:11.........hold/on his clothes/and... 623/2011
Jdg_19:29........hold/on his concubine/and. 523/2011
1Sa_16:7..........not/on his countenance/or 573/2011
Num_7:11.......prince/on his day/for....... 264/2011
Luk_6:20.........eyes/on his disciples and/said 1608/2011
Mar_8:33.......looked/on his disciples he/rebuked 1554/2011
2Ch_36:15.........and/on his dwelling/place 972/2011
Jer_30:18.......mercy/on his dwellingplaces/and 1256/2011
Mar_8:23.........spit/on his eyes/and..... 1553/2011
Luk_5:12.........fell/on his face and besought/him 1601/2011
2Sa_14:22......ground/on his face and bowed/himself 664/2011
2Sa_9:6..........fell/on his face and did/reverence 646/2011
Gen_17:3.........fell/on his face and God/talked 19/2011
Mat_26:39........fell/on his face and prayed/saying 1512/2011
1Ki_18:7.........fell/on his face and said/Art 754/2011
Num_22:31........flat/on his face And the/angel 303/2011
Luk_17:16........down/on his face at/his.. 1652/2011
Exo_34:33........vail/on his face But/when. 147/2011
1Co_14:25........down/on his face he/will. 1861/2011 his face so/that.. 815/2011
Jos_5:14.........fell/on his face to the earth/and 392/2011
1Sa_20:41........fell/on his face to the ground and/bowed 589/2011
2Sa_14:33.....himself/on his face to the ground before/the 669/2011
2Sa_24:20........king/on his face upon/the. 692/2011
2Ki_10:3..........him/on his father's/throne 825/2011 his feet And bring/hither 1649/2011
2Sa_9:3..........lame/on his feet And the/king 645/2011
Jdg_4:15.........away/on his feet But Barak/pursued 479/2011
2Ki_13:21..........up/on his feet But Hazael/king 836/2011
1Ki_2:5..........were/on his feet Do/therefore 700/2011
Jdg_4:17.........away/on his feet to/the... 480/2011
Job_15:27.........fat/on his flanks/And... 1061/2011
Eze_25:9..........are/on his frontiers/the 1304/2011
Jer_43:12.....putteth/on his garment/and.. 1266/2011
Lev_16:24.........put/on his garments/and.. 228/2011
Luk_15:22........ring/on his hand and shoes/on 1648/2011
Act_28:3.....fastened/on his hand And when/the 1835/2011
Act_28:4.........hang/on his hand they/said 1836/2011
1Ki_20:11.....girdeth/on his harness/boast. 768/2011
Rev_14:14......having/on his head a/golden 1988/2011
2Ki_9:6...........oil/on his head and said/unto 817/2011 his head and say/Thus 816/2011 his head And there/were 1571/2011 his head and they/put 1733/2011 his head as/he... 1510/2011 his head Be/not.. 1852/2011
Jdg_13:5.........come/on his head for/the.. 507/2011 his head He/asked 1092/2011
Rev_19:12.........and/on his head were/many 1998/2011
Mat_21:38.......seize/on his inheritance/And 1495/2011
Gen_29:1.........went/on his journey/and.... 36/2011
Gen_13:3.........went/on his journeys/from.. 16/2011
2Ki_1:13.........fell/on his knees before/Elijah 787/2011
1Ki_8:54.....kneeling/on his knees with/his 740/2011
Jer_48:11.....settled/on his lees/and..... 1268/2011
2Ch_18:18.........and/on his left And the LORD said Who shall entice/Ahab 944/2011
1Ki_22:19.........and/on his left And the LORD said Who shall persuade/Ahab 779/2011
Mar_15:27.......other/on his left And the scripture/was 1582/2011
2Sa_16:6..........and/on his left And thus/said 676/2011
Neh_8:4...........and/on his left hand/Pedaiah 995/2011
Lev_6:10..........put/on his linen/garment. 186/2011
Jer_30:6........hands/on his loins/as..... 1255/2011
Pro_27:18.....waiteth/on his master/shall. 1147/2011
Joh_1:12......believe/on his name/Which... 1677/2011
Gen_46:29........wept/on his neck a/good.... 58/2011
Luk_15:20........fell/on his neck and kissed him And the/son 1646/2011
Gen_33:4.........fell/on his neck and kissed him and they/wept 40/2011
Gen_46:29........fell/on his neck and wept/on 57/2011
Job_15:26........even/on his neck upon/the 1060/2011
Luk_10:34.........him/on his own beast/and 1628/2011 his own things/but 1890/2011
Dan_11:31.......stand/on his part/and..... 1389/2011
2Ch_36:15..compassion/on his people/and.... 971/2011
Isa_31:4......roaring/on his prey/when.... 1183/2011
2Ch_18:18....standing/on his right hand and on his left And the LORD said Who shall entice/Ahab 943/2011
1Ki_22:19.........him/on his right hand and on his left And the LORD said Who shall persuade/Ahab 778/2011
2Sa_16:6.........were/on his right hand and on his left And thus/said 675/2011
Neh_8:4......Maaseiah/on his right hand and on his left hand/Pedaiah 994/2011 his right hand and the/other 1581/2011
Mat_25:33.......sheep/on his right hand but/the 1505/2011
Mat_25:34........them/on his right hand Come/ye 1507/2011
1Ch_6:39........stood/on his right hand even/Asaph 864/2011
1Ki_2:19..........sat/on his right hand Then/she 705/2011 his shoulder/and.. 501/2011 his shoulders/rejoicing 1645/2011
2Ch_11:12....Benjamin/on his side And/the.. 935/2011
Dan_11:17.......stand/on his side neither/be 1388/2011
1Sa_25:13......girded/on his sword/and..... 600/2011
Rev_19:16.........and/on his thigh/a...... 2000/2011
1Ki_22:19.....sitting/on his throne and all/the 777/2011
1Ki_2:19.........down/on his throne and caused/a 704/2011
1Ki_3:6...........sit/on his throne as/it.. 711/2011
2Ch_18:9.........them/on his throne clothed/in 942/2011
1Ki_22:10........each/on his throne having/put 775/2011
Act_2:30..........sit/on his throne He/seeing 1748/2011
1Ki_16:11.........sat/on his throne that/he 752/2011
2Ch_9:8..........thee/on his throne to/be.. 929/2011
Exo_12:29.........sat/on his throne unto/the 75/2011
Rev_19:16........hath/on his vesture/and.. 1999/2011
Job_17:9.........hold/on his way and he/that 1064/2011
1Sa_26:25........went/on his way and Saul/returned 609/2011
Gen_32:1.........went/on his way and the/angels 38/2011
1Sa_24:7.........went/on his way David/also 597/2011 his way he/is.... 1223/2011
Act_8:39.........went/on his way rejoicing/But 1770/2011 his way unto/Seir.. 42/2011 his ways/and..... 1403/2011
1Sa_2:34.........sons/on Hophni/and........ 537/2011
Est_8:10........posts/on horseback and/riders 1038/2011
Est_6:9...........him/on horseback through the street of the city and proclaim/before 1032/2011
Est_6:11..........him/on horseback through the street of the city and proclaimed/before 1033/2011 horseback to/meet. 820/2011
2Ki_9:19.......second/on horseback which/came 821/2011
2Ki_14:20.........him/on horses and he/was. 839/2011
Isa_31:1.........stay/on horses and trust/in 1182/2011
Jer_22:4..........and/on horses he/and.... 1251/2011
Zec_10:5.......riders/on horses shall/be.. 1431/2011
Jer_17:25.........and/on horses they/and.. 1244/2011 I/have........... 1154/2011
1Co_15:53.........put/on immortality So/when 1863/2011
1Co_15:54.........put/on immortality then/shall 1865/2011
Psa_82:5.........walk/on in darkness/all.. 1119/2011
1Sa_29:2.......passed/on in the rereward/with 615/2011
1Ti_3:16.....believed/on in the world/received 1908/2011
Num_16:46.........put/on incense and go/quickly 290/2011
Num_16:47.........put/on incense and made/an 291/2011
1Co_15:53.........put/on incorruption and this mortal must/put 1862/2011
1Co_15:54.........put/on incorruption and this mortal shall/have 1864/2011
Hab_1:13.........look/on iniquity/wherefore 1419/2011
Psa_68:25.....players/on instruments followed/after 1111/2011
Psa_87:7......players/on instruments shall/be 1121/2011
Mat_6:25..........put/on Is/not........... 1450/2011
Gen_28:12..descending/on it And behold the/LORD 34/2011
Lev_13:26........look/on it and behold there be no white hair/in 207/2011
Lev_13:21........look/on it and behold there be no white hairs/therein 206/2011
Jdg_13:20......looked/on it and fell/on.... 509/2011
Mat_12:11........hold/on it and lift/it... 1461/2011
Isa_28:20.....himself/on it and the/covering 1180/2011
1Ch_13:6.......called/on it And they/carried 877/2011
Exo_40:38.........was/on it by/night....... 172/2011
Lev_6:12.........wood/on it every/morning.. 189/2011
Hos_10:5.....rejoiced/on it for/the....... 1395/2011
Rev_20:11.........sat/on it from/whose.... 2006/2011
Isa_56:2.........hold/on it that/keepeth.. 1213/2011
Isa_14:1........mercy/on Jacob/and........ 1163/2011
2Ki_10:15.....lighted/on Jehonadab/the..... 826/2011
Zec_1:12........mercy/on Jerusalem and/on. 1427/2011
Isa_10:12.........and/on Jerusalem I/will. 1159/2011
Mat_26:50.......hands/on Jesus and/took... 1514/2011
Joh_13:23.....leaning/on Jesus' bosom/one. 1727/2011
Joh_13:25.......lying/on Jesus' breast/saith 1728/2011
Mat_26:57........hold/on Jesus led/him.... 1516/2011
Joh_12:11....believed/on Jesus On/the..... 1717/2011
Mat_14:3.........hold/on John/and......... 1464/2011
Deu_32:41........hold/on judgment/I........ 377/2011
Exo_1:10.........Come/on let/us............. 62/2011 Magog/and........ 1311/2011
Php_2:27..........but/on me also/lest..... 1894/2011
Jdg_7:17.........Look/on me and do/likewise 492/2011
Luk_18:39.......mercy/on me And Jesus stood and/commanded 1656/2011
Mar_10:48.......mercy/on me And Jesus stood still/and 1564/2011
Mar_10:47.......mercy/on me And many/charged 1563/2011 me and on my father's house and/the 660/2011 me and on my father's house but/not 885/2011
Gen_20:9......brought/on me and on my kingdom/a 24/2011
Luk_16:24.......mercy/on me and send/Lazarus 1650/2011
Luk_18:38.......mercy/on me And they/which 1655/2011
Joh_7:38....believeth/on me as/the........ 1702/2011
Joh_12:44...believeth/on me believeth/not. 1722/2011
Mat_26:55........hold/on me But all/this.. 1515/2011
Joh_12:44.........not/on me but on/him.... 1723/2011
Rom_15:3.........fell/on me For whatsoever/things 1855/2011 me For ye/have... 1572/2011
1Sa_23:21..compassion/on me Go/I........... 593/2011
Joh_6:47....believeth/on me hath/everlasting 1696/2011
Jer_8:21.........hold/on me Is/there...... 1231/2011
Mat_15:22.......mercy/on me O/Lord........ 1471/2011
Joh_16:9..........not/on me Of/righteousness 1730/2011
Joh_6:35....believeth/on me shall/never... 1694/2011
Joh_12:46...believeth/on me should/not.... 1725/2011
1Ki_2:15........faces/on me that/I......... 702/2011
Joh_14:12...believeth/on me the/works..... 1729/2011
Joh_17:20.....believe/on me through/their. 1732/2011
Luk_1:25.......looked/on me to/take....... 1590/2011
Job_13:13........come/on me what/will..... 1059/2011
Gen_40:14.......think/on me when/it......... 47/2011
2Ki_18:14.....puttest/on me will/I......... 844/2011
Psa_119:143......hold/on me yet/thy....... 1131/2011
Job_4:13......falleth/on men/Fear......... 1056/2011
Mat_23:4.........them/on men's/shoulders.. 1502/2011
Phl_1:18.........that/on mine account/I... 1917/2011
2Sa_16:12........look/on mine affliction/and 677/2011
Isa_60:7...acceptance/on mine altar and/I. 1219/2011 mine altar for/nought 1437/2011
Isa_51:5..........and/on mine arm/shall... 1204/2011
Psa_92:11......desire/on mine enemies and/mine 1123/2011
1Sa_14:24.....avenged/on mine enemies So/none 564/2011
Exo_32:22.........set/on mischief/For...... 141/2011
Hos_5:1.........snare/on Mizpah/and....... 1393/2011
Est_3:6.........hands/on Mordecai/alone... 1024/2011
Oba_1:21...........up/on mount/Zion....... 1413/2011
1Ch_12:40.........and/on mules and/on...... 875/2011
Est_8:10.......riders/on mules camels/and. 1039/2011
Son_3:1.........night/on my bed/I......... 1153/2011
Mat_26:12....ointment/on my body/she...... 1511/2011
Job_16:16.........and/on my eyelids/is.... 1062/2011
Dan_10:9........sleep/on my face and/my... 1387/2011
Eze_3:23.........fell/on my face Then/the. 1283/2011
Dan_8:18........sleep/on my face toward/the 1386/2011
Gen_44:34........come/on my father/Then..... 55/2011
2Sa_14:9..........and/on my father's house and/the 661/2011
1Ch_21:17.........and/on my father's house but/not 886/2011
Num_20:19.....through/on my feet And/he.... 298/2011
Deu_2:28......through/on my feet As/the.... 347/2011
Job_21:6.........hold/on my flesh/Wherefore 1068/2011
2Ki_5:18......leaneth/on my hand/and....... 808/2011
Act_2:18..........and/on my handmaidens/I. 1745/2011
Gen_40:16.....baskets/on my head/And........ 48/2011
Isa_58:13....pleasure/on my holy/day...... 1216/2011 my journey/whithersoever 1866/2011
Gen_20:9..........and/on my kingdom/a....... 25/2011
Mar_10:40.........and/on my left hand/is.. 1562/2011
Mat_20:23.........and/on my left is/not... 1489/2011 my loins/And..... 1236/2011
1Ki_2:20..........Ask/on my mother/for..... 706/2011 my name/and...... 1434/2011
Psa_142:4......looked/on my right hand and beheld/but 1134/2011
Mar_10:40.........sit/on my right hand and on my left hand/is 1561/2011
Mat_20:23.........sit/on my right hand and on my left is/not 1488/2011 my right hand that/I 1747/2011
Luk_20:42........thou/on my right hand Till I make thine enemies thy footstool David therefore calleth/him 1661/2011
Mar_12:36........thou/on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool David therefore himself/calleth 1568/2011
Mat_22:44........thou/on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool If/David 1501/2011
Heb_1:13..........Sit/on my right hand until I make thine/enemies 1920/2011
Act_2:34.........thou/on my right hand Until I make thy/foes 1749/2011
Act_2:18..........And/on my servants/and.. 1744/2011 my side I/will... 1128/2011 my side who/And... 822/2011
Mat_17:15.......mercy/on my son/for....... 1477/2011
Hab_3:19.......singer/on my stringed/instruments 1424/2011
1Ki_1:48..........sit/on my throne/this.... 696/2011
Rom_15:24.....brought/on my way thitherward/by 1856/2011
2Co_1:16......brought/on my way toward/Judaea 1869/2011
Psa_119:59....thought/on my ways/and...... 1129/2011
2Ki_5:2........waited/on Naaman's/wife..... 806/2011
1Ti_5:22.....suddenly/on no/man........... 1910/2011
Mat_26:45.......Sleep/on now and take your rest behold/the 1513/2011
Mar_14:41.......Sleep/on now and take your rest it/is 1574/2011
2Sa_14:2..........put/on now mourning/apparel 657/2011
1Pe_3:3.......putting/on of apparel/But... 1942/2011
Heb_6:2........laying/on of hands/and..... 1927/2011
2Ti_1:6.......putting/on of my/hands...... 1913/2011
Act_8:18.......laying/on of the apostles'/hands 1767/2011
1Ti_4:14.......laying/on of the hands/of.. 1909/2011
2Sa_2:21.........hold/on one of the/young.. 627/2011
Luk_20:1.........that/on one of those/days 1658/2011 one side and I/and 566/2011
Dan_7:5........itself/on one side and it/had 1384/2011
Exo_28:10.......names/on one stone/and..... 127/2011
2Sa_1:24..........put/on ornaments/of...... 624/2011
Lev_6:11..........put/on other garments and carry/forth 188/2011
Eze_42:14.........put/on other garments and shall/approach 1363/2011
Eze_44:19.........put/on other garments and they/shall 1367/2011
2Ch_7:22.........hold/on other gods/and.... 924/2011
1Sa_28:8..........put/on other raiment/and. 611/2011
Deu_26:7.......looked/on our affliction/and 369/2011
2Co_1:11.........many/on our behalf For/our 1868/2011
2Co_5:12........glory/on our behalf that/ye 1871/2011
Mat_27:25.........and/on our children/Then 1520/2011
Neh_9:32..........and/on our fathers/and.. 1005/2011 our head/if....... 382/2011 our kings/on..... 1001/2011
1Ki_20:31...sackcloth/on our loins/and..... 770/2011
Rom_12:7.........wait/on our ministering/or 1849/2011 our part/For..... 1558/2011
Neh_9:32..........and/on our priests/and.. 1003/2011
Neh_9:32........kings/on our princes/and.. 1002/2011
Neh_9:32..........and/on our prophets/and. 1004/2011
Psa_124:1.........was/on our side now/may. 1132/2011
Psa_124:2.........was/on our side when/men 1133/2011
Psa_81:3....appointed/on our solemn/feast. 1118/2011 our way/with..... 1815/2011
1Ch_12:40.........and/on oxen/and.......... 876/2011
Act_27:33......coming/on Paul/besought.... 1831/2011
Act_20:37........fell/on Paul's/neck...... 1813/2011
2Sa_6:5...........and/on psalteries/and.... 640/2011
Psa_35:17........look/on rescue/my........ 1100/2011
Job_29:14.........put/on righteousness and/it 1075/2011
Isa_59:17.........put/on righteousness as/a 1217/2011
Jon_3:5...........put/on sackcloth from/the 1414/2011
Est_4:1...........put/on sackcloth with/ashes 1026/2011
Psa_78:53........them/on safely/so........ 1116/2011
Luk_10:19.......tread/on serpents/and..... 1623/2011
Exo_29:30........them/on seven/days........ 135/2011
Act_13:36........fell/on sleep/and........ 1796/2011
Gen_28:20.........put/on So/that............ 35/2011
Gen_33:14........lead/on softly/according... 41/2011
Psa_68:21.......goeth/on still in/his..... 1110/2011
Gen_12:9........going/on still toward/the... 15/2011
Mar_4:5..........fell/on stony ground where/it 1540/2011
Mar_4:16.........sown/on stony ground who/when 1542/2011
Isa_51:9..........put/on strength/O....... 1205/2011
Jer_5:29......avenged/on such a nation as this A/wonderful 1225/2011
Jer_9:9.......avenged/on such a nation as this For/the 1232/2011
Jer_5:9.......avenged/on such a nation as this Go/ye 1224/2011
Est_9:2..........hand/on such as/sought... 1043/2011
Rev_20:6.resurrection/on such the/second.. 2004/2011
Rom_12:7.....teacheth/on teaching/Or...... 1850/2011
1Sa_7:6........fasted/on that day and said/there 545/2011 that day and smote/it 421/2011
Num_9:6......passover/on that day and they/came 278/2011
Num_9:6.........Aaron/on that day And those/men 279/2011
1Ch_16:7.........Then/on that day David/delivered 881/2011
Est_8:1......pacified/On that day did/the. 1036/2011
1Sa_22:18........slew/on that day fourscore/and 591/2011
Jdg_6:32....Therefore/on that day he/called 487/2011
Jdg_4:23......subdued/on that day Jabin/the 481/2011
Jdg_5:1.......Abinoam/on that day saying Praise/ye 482/2011
Jos_14:9........sware/on that day saying Surely/the 436/2011
Lev_16:30.........For/on that day shall/the 230/2011
Jos_4:14......Jericho/On that day the LORD/magnified 385/2011
Est_9:11.........hand/On that day the number/of 1045/2011
Jos_6:15.........only/on that day they compassed/the 400/2011
Neh_13:1........Aaron/On that day they read/in 1011/2011
1Sa_7:10......thunder/on that day upon/the. 546/2011
2Ch_18:24.........see/on that day when/thou 945/2011
2Sa_5:8..........said/on that day Whosoever/getteth 636/2011
1Ch_29:22........LORD/on that day with/great 894/2011
1Ki_22:20........said/on that manner/And... 781/2011
Est_6:1..........made/On that night/could. 1029/2011 that side according/to 1430/2011
Eze_40:49.....another/on that side Afterward/he 1343/2011
Eze_40:10.........and/on that side And he/measured 1320/2011
Eze_40:48......cubits/on that side and the breadth/of 1339/2011
Eze_40:34.........and/on that side and the going up to it had eight steps And he/brought 1330/2011
Eze_40:37.........and/on that side and the going up to it had eight steps And the/chambers 1332/2011
Eze_40:12.......cubit/on that side and the little/chambers 1322/2011
Eze_40:21.......three/on that side and the posts/thereof 1326/2011
Jos_8:22.........some/on that side and they/smote 411/2011
Num_22:24........wall/on that side And when/the 302/2011
Jos_8:33..........and/on that side before/the 415/2011
Eze_40:41......tables/on that side by/the. 1337/2011
Eze_40:12......cubits/on that side He/measured 1324/2011
Dan_12:5........other/on that side of the bank/of 1391/2011 that side of the mountain/and 596/2011
Exo_37:8..........end/on that side out/of.. 154/2011
Eze_47:12.........and/on that side shall/grow 1377/2011
Eze_40:48......cubits/on that side The/length 1341/2011
Eze_1:23......covered/on that side their/bodies 1282/2011
Eze_40:10.......three/on that side they/three 1318/2011
Exo_26:13.........and/on that side to cover/it 117/2011
Eze_40:39......tables/on that side to slay/thereon 1334/2011
Eze_40:26.....another/on that side upon/the 1328/2011
1Sa_1:11.........look/on the affliction/of. 535/2011 the altar according/to 185/2011
Lev_9:14.....offering/on the altar And he brought/the 197/2011
Lev_6:10.....offering/on the altar and he shall/put 187/2011
Exo_24:6....sprinkled/on the altar And he took/the 105/2011 the altar and the blood/thereof 178/2011
Gen_8:20....offerings/on the altar And the LORD/smelled 11/2011
Lev_2:12........burnt/on the altar for/a... 180/2011 the altar likewise/when 962/2011
1Ch_6:49..........and/on the altar of incense/and 866/2011
2Ch_29:21........them/on the altar of the LORD So/they 961/2011
2Ch_8:12.........LORD/on the altar of the LORD which/he 925/2011
Lev_1:9...........all/on the altar to/be... 174/2011
Lev_8:28.........them/on the altar upon the burnt offering/they 195/2011 the altar upon the burnt sacrifice/which 182/2011
Gen_22:9..........him/on the altar upon the wood/And 29/2011
Act_5:18........hands/on the apostles/and. 1757/2011
Exo_40:20......staves/on the ark/and....... 170/2011
Rom_13:12.........put/on the armour/of.... 1853/2011
1Sa_25:20........rode/on the ass/that...... 604/2011
Eze_23:5.......lovers/on the Assyrians/her 1297/2011
Rev_5:1...........and/on the backside/sealed 1961/2011 the bank/of....... 432/2011
1Ki_7:43.......lavers/on the bases/And..... 732/2011
2Ki_4:21..........him/on the bed/of........ 803/2011
Exo_27:21.generations/on the behalf/of..... 125/2011 the boil/and...... 855/2011
Jos_17:8......Tappuah/on the border/of..... 447/2011
1Ki_7:29..........And/on the borders that/were 724/2011
1Ki_7:36..........and/on the borders thereof/he 727/2011 the bread/for..... 247/2011
Rev_20:9...........up/on the breadth/of... 2005/2011
1Th_5:8.......putting/on the breastplate of faith/and 1904/2011
Eph_6:14.......having/on the breastplate of righteousness/And 1888/2011
Jer_46:4..........put/on the brigandines/Wherefore 1267/2011 the burnt/sacrifice 762/2011
2Ch_3:16.........them/on the chains/And.... 904/2011 the Chaldeans/I.. 1200/2011
1Ki_22:24.....Micaiah/on the cheek/and..... 782/2011
Col_3:6........cometh/on the children/of.. 1900/2011
2Co_8:1......bestowed/on the churches/of.. 1875/2011
Zec_1:12..........and/on the cities/of.... 1428/2011
Jer_25:29........evil/on the city/which... 1253/2011
Rev_14:16.........sat/on the cloud thrust in his/sickle 1990/2011
Rev_14:15.........sat/on the cloud Thrust in thy/sickle 1989/2011
1Ki_19:6........baken/on the coals/and..... 766/2011
Isa_11:8.........hand/on the cockatrice'/den 1161/2011 the cross/And.... 1736/2011
Gen_49:26.........and/on the crown/of....... 61/2011
Num_30:12........void/on the day he/heard.. 323/2011
Oba_1:12.......looked/on the day of/thy... 1410/2011
Neh_4:22.......labour/on the day So/neither 992/2011
Num_30:8..........her/on the day that he/heard 322/2011
Num_3:13..........for/on the day that I smote all/the 256/2011
Num_8:17........beast/on the day that I smote every/firstborn 276/2011
Num_7:1..........pass/on the day that Moses/had 263/2011
Deu_4:15...similitude/on the day that the LORD/spake 349/2011
Num_9:15..........And/on the day that the tabernacle/was 280/2011
1Ki_2:37.........that/on the day thou goest out and passest/over 709/2011
1Ki_2:42......certain/on the day thou goest out and walkest/abroad 710/2011
Jos_9:12.......houses/on the day we/came... 417/2011
Exo_6:28.........pass/on the day when the/LORD 67/2011 the day when ye/shall 370/2011
1Sa_21:13...scrabbled/on the doors of the gate/and 590/2011
Eze_41:25........them/on the doors of the temple/cherubims 1357/2011
Rev_20:2.........hold/on the dragon/that.. 2003/2011
Neh_9:11..........sea/on the dry/land..... 1000/2011
Rev_11:10.......dwelt/on the earth And after/three 1981/2011
2Sa_13:31.........lay/on the earth and all/his 656/2011
Jam_5:5......pleasure/on the earth and been/wanton 1937/2011
Rev_10:2.........foot/on the earth And cried/with 1980/2011
Jdg_3:25.........dead/on the earth And Ehud/escaped 478/2011 the earth And he/spake 1653/2011
Rev_5:10........reign/on the earth And I/beheld 1962/2011 the earth and it grieved/him 6/2011
Psa_104:32....looketh/on the earth and it trembleth/he 1125/2011
Rev_14:16......sickle/on the earth and the earth/was 1991/2011
Gen_28:12..........up/on the earth and the top/of 33/2011
Rev_14:6........dwell/on the earth and to/every 1987/2011
Rev_5:13..........and/on the earth and under/the 1963/2011
1Sa_28:20.......along/on the earth and was/sore 612/2011 the earth and what/will 1633/2011
Rev_6:10........dwell/on the earth And white/robes 1968/2011
Eph_6:3..........long/on the earth And ye/fathers 1886/2011
1Ch_29:15........days/on the earth are/as.. 892/2011 the earth behold heaven/and 921/2011
1Ki_8:27........dwell/on the earth behold the/heaven 738/2011
Rev_13:14.......dwell/on the earth by the means/of 1984/2011
Jam_5:17..........not/on the earth by the space/of 1938/2011
Luk_21:26......coming/on the earth for the/powers 1663/2011
Heb_11:13....pilgrims/on the earth For they/that 1932/2011
Col_3:2........things/on the earth For ye/are 1899/2011
Joh_17:4.........thee/on the earth I/have. 1731/2011
Rev_13:13......heaven/on the earth in/the. 1983/2011
Job_37:6.........thou/on the earth likewise/to 1082/2011
Rev_7:1..........blow/on the earth nor/on. 1972/2011
Isa_18:3.....dwellers/on the earth see/ye. 1167/2011
Rev_17:8........dwell/on the earth shall/wonder 1993/2011
Rev_13:14.......dwell/on the earth that/they 1985/2011 the earth the likeness/of 350/2011
Son_2:12.......appear/on the earth the time/of 1152/2011
Lev_11:2..........are/on the earth Whatsoever/parteth 199/2011
Job_38:26........rain/on the earth where/no 1083/2011
Jos_17:10....Issachar/on the east And Manasseh/had 450/2011
Jos_11:3....Canaanite/on the east and on/the 424/2011
Zec_14:4....Jerusalem/on the east and the/mount 1435/2011
Gen_12:8..........Hai/on the east and there/he 14/2011
Jos_12:3...Chinneroth/on the east and unto/the 428/2011
Gen_12:8.....mountain/on the east of Bethel and pitched/his 12/2011
Jos_7:2......Bethaven/on the east of Bethel and spake/unto 401/2011
Gen_4:16..........Nod/on the east of Eden/And 4/2011
Jdg_8:11........tents/on the east of Nobah/and 495/2011
Eze_39:11..passengers/on the east of the/sea 1313/2011
Lev_1:16........altar/on the east part/by.. 179/2011
Num_10:5..........lie/on the east parts/shall 281/2011
Eze_42:9........entry/on the east side as/one 1362/2011
Exo_27:13.......court/on the east side eastward/shall 123/2011
Eze_48:16.........and/on the east side four/thousand 1378/2011
Num_34:11......Riblah/on the east side of Ain/and 336/2011
1Ch_6:78......Jericho/on the east side of Jordan/were 868/2011 the east side of the city Afterwards/the 1287/2011
Jon_4:5...........sat/on the east side of the city and/there 1415/2011
Jdg_21:19......Bethel/on the east side of the highway/that 528/2011 the east side This/was 460/2011
Num_2:3...........And/on the east side toward/the 251/2011 the east side two/thousand 338/2011
Jos_16:5..inheritance/on the east side was/Atarothaddar 442/2011
Jos_12:1........plain/on the east Sihon/king 427/2011
Jos_12:3..........sea/on the east the/way.. 429/2011
Rev_21:13......Israel/On the east three/gates 2007/2011
Jos_19:13.......along/on the east to Gittahhepher/to 462/2011 the east to Janohah/And 444/2011
Jos_16:1......Jericho/on the east to the/wilderness 441/2011
Jos_18:7.......Jordan/on the east which/Moses 453/2011 the edge of one/curtain 149/2011
Exo_26:10.......loops/on the edge of the one/curtain 113/2011
Jos_8:24.......fallen/on the edge of the sword/until 412/2011
Lev_14:23........them/on the eighth day for/his 217/2011
1Ki_8:66.........days/On the eighth day he sent/the 741/2011
Num_6:10..........And/on the eighth day he shall bring/two 261/2011
Lev_15:14.........And/on the eighth day he shall take to/him 220/2011
Lev_14:10.........And/on the eighth day he shall take two/he 216/2011
2Ch_29:17.........and/on the eighth day of/the 960/2011
Num_7:54......Ammihud/On the eighth day offered/Gamaliel 271/2011
Lev_23:39.........and/on the eighth day shall be a/sabbath 244/2011
Lev_23:36........LORD/on the eighth day shall be an/holy 242/2011
Lev_15:29.........And/on the eighth day she/shall 223/2011
Lev_9:1..........pass/on the eighth day that/Moses 196/2011
Luk_1:59.........that/on the eighth day they/came 1592/2011
Exo_22:30.........dam/on the eighth day thou/shalt 103/2011
Neh_8:18..........and/on the eighth day was/a 997/2011
Num_29:35....offering/On the eighth day ye/shall 321/2011
Num_7:72..Ammishaddai/On the eleventh/day.. 274/2011
Exo_37:8.......cherub/on the end/on........ 151/2011
Exo_28:24.........are/on the ends of the breastplate And the other/two 130/2011
Exo_39:17.......rings/on the ends of the breastplate And the two/ends 162/2011
Mat_5:45.........rise/on the evil/and..... 1446/2011
Luk_22:64.........him/on the face and/asked 1668/2011 the face I/speak. 1878/2011
Gen_6:1......multiply/on the face of the earth/and 5/2011
Dan_8:5..........west/on the face of the whole earth and/touched 1385/2011
Gen_8:9..........were/on the face of the whole earth then/he 9/2011
Luk_21:35.......dwell/on the face of the whole earth Watch/ye 1665/2011
Lev_8:26.........them/on the fat/and....... 194/2011 the Father/who... 1939/2011
Mat_26:5..........Not/on the feast day lest there be an uproar among/the 1509/2011
Mar_14:2..........Not/on the feast day lest there be an uproar of/the 1570/2011 the field/that.... 532/2011
Joh_4:35.........look/on the fields/for... 1684/2011
Num_33:3........month/on the fifteenth day of the first/month 330/2011
1Ki_12:32.......month/on the fifteenth day of the month/like 749/2011
Lev_23:6..........And/on the fifteenth day of the same month/is 237/2011
Est_9:18..........and/on the fifteenth day of the same they/rested 1053/2011
Exo_16:1........Sinai/on the fifteenth day of the second/month 84/2011
Num_29:12.........And/on the fifteenth day of the seventh/month 314/2011
Num_29:26.........And/on the fifth day nine/bullocks 318/2011
Num_7:36......Shedeur/On the fifth day Shelumiel/the 268/2011
Jdg_19:8......morning/on the fifth day to/depart 520/2011
Jer_8:13.........figs/on the fig/tree..... 1230/2011 the fire it/is.... 183/2011
Act_28:3.........them/on the fire there/came 1834/2011 the fire which is upon the altar But he/shall 177/2011 the fire which is upon the altar But his/inwards 173/2011
Ezr_7:9...........and/on the first day of the fifth/month 982/2011
Exo_40:2.......saying/On the first day of the first month shalt/thou 168/2011
2Ch_29:17.......began/on the first day of the first month to/sanctify 959/2011
Deu_1:3.........month/on the first day of the month that Moses/spake 344/2011
Exo_40:17........year/on the first day of the month that the/tabernacle 169/2011
Gen_8:5.........month/on the first day of the month were/the 8/2011
Num_29:1........month/on the first day of the month ye/shall 312/2011
Num_1:18.....together/on the first day of the second month and/they 250/2011
Num_1:1..congregation/on the first day of the second month in/the 249/2011
Lev_23:39........days/on the first day shall be a/sabbath 243/2011
Lev_23:35........LORD/On the first day shall be an/holy 241/2011 the first day the/boughs 245/2011 the fleece/only... 488/2011
Eze_42:7........court/on the forepart/of.. 1361/2011
Isa_32:19........down/on the forest/and... 1185/2011
Exo_38:2......thereof/on the four corners of it/the 157/2011
Rev_7:1......standing/on the four corners of the earth/holding 1971/2011
Eze_43:20.........and/on the four corners of the settle/and 1365/2011
Exo_25:26.........are/on the four feet/thereof 112/2011 the four horns/of 1364/2011
Est_9:15.....together/on the fourteenth day also/of 1046/2011
2Ch_35:1.....passover/on the fourteenth day of the first month And/he 970/2011
Num_9:5......passover/on the fourteenth day of the first month at/even 277/2011
Jos_5:10.....passover/on the fourteenth day of the month at even in/the 389/2011
Exo_12:18.......month/on the fourteenth day of the month at even ye/shall 73/2011
Est_9:17..........and/on the fourteenth day of the same/rested 1050/2011
2Ch_30:15....passover/on the fourteenth day of the second/month 963/2011
Est_9:18..........and/on the fourteenth thereof/and 1052/2011
Num_7:30........Helon/On the fourth day Elizur/the 267/2011
Num_29:23.........And/on the fourth day ten/bullocks 317/2011
2Ch_20:26.........And/on the fourth day they/assembled 949/2011
Ezr_8:33..........Now/on the fourth day was/the 984/2011
Jdg_19:5.........pass/on the fourth day when/they 519/2011
Isa_13:18........pity/on the fruit/of..... 1162/2011
Est_6:4......Mordecai/on the gallows that he had prepared for him/And 1031/2011
Est_7:10........Haman/on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai/Then 1035/2011
Est_9:25.......hanged/on the gallows Wherefore/they 1054/2011
Gen_38:19.........put/on the garments of her/widowhood 46/2011
Isa_59:17.........put/on the garments of vengeance/for 1218/2011
Lev_21:10.........put/on the garments shall/not 235/2011
Act_10:45........that/on the Gentiles also/was 1783/2011
Gal_3:14.........come/on the Gentiles through/Jesus 1880/2011
1Ch_4:10.......called/on the God/of........ 862/2011
Mat_5:45..........and/on the good and/sendeth 1447/2011
Luk_8:15.........that/on the good ground/are 1616/2011
Jon_4:10.........pity/on the gourd/for.... 1416/2011
Mat_14:19........down/on the grass/and.... 1466/2011
2Ki_4:38..........Set/on the great pot/and. 805/2011
1Sa_6:15.........them/on the great stone/and 544/2011 the ground And he cast/it 65/2011
Mar_8:6..........down/on the ground and he took the seven loaves and gave/thanks 1552/2011
Mat_15:35........down/on the ground And he took the seven loaves and the/fishes 1473/2011 the ground and it/became 66/2011
Gen_44:14.........him/on the ground And Joseph/said 54/2011
Joh_9:6..........spat/on the ground and made/clay 1711/2011
2Sa_17:12.....falleth/on the ground and of/him 679/2011
Mar_14:35........fell/on the ground and prayed/that 1573/2011
1Sa_14:32........them/on the ground and the/people 565/2011
Joh_8:8.........wrote/on the ground And they/which 1707/2011
Mar_9:20.........fell/on the ground and wallowed/foaming 1556/2011
Exo_16:14.......frost/on the ground And when/the 86/2011
Joh_8:6.........wrote/on the ground as/though 1706/2011
Lam_2:21..........lie/on the ground in/the 1276/2011 the ground lest/that 45/2011
Deu_4:18.....creepeth/on the ground the/likeness 351/2011
Isa_47:1..........sit/on the ground there/is 1198/2011
Deu_22:6...........or/on the ground whether/they 366/2011
2Sa_14:14.......spilt/on the ground which cannot/be 663/2011
Lev_20:25....creepeth/on the ground which I/have 234/2011
Mat_10:29........fall/on the ground without/your 1455/2011 the hand/of...... 1436/2011
2Ki_3:11........water/on the hands/of...... 794/2011
Mat_27:30.........him/on the head And/after 1522/2011 the head of Joab/and 630/2011 the head of Joseph/and 60/2011 the head of the fat valley/shall 1179/2011
Isa_28:1..........are/on the head of the fat valleys/of 1178/2011 the head of the poor/and 1407/2011
Mic_2:13.........LORD/on the head of them/And 1417/2011
Mar_15:19.........him/on the head with/a.. 1579/2011
2Ch_3:16.........them/on the heads/of...... 903/2011
1Sa_16:7......looketh/on the heart/Then.... 576/2011 the hearth burning/before 1261/2011
Jer_36:23.........was/on the hearth until/all 1262/2011
Jer_36:23.........was/on the hearth Yet/they 1263/2011
1Sa_16:7...........or/on the height/of..... 574/2011
Isa_16:12.......weary/on the high place/that 1166/2011
2Ki_14:4......incense/on the high places And it/came 838/2011
2Ki_15:4........still/on the high places And the/LORD 840/2011
Deu_32:13........ride/on the high places of/the 375/2011
Neh_4:13..........and/on the higher/places. 990/2011
1Sa_25:20......covert/on the hill and behold/David 605/2011
1Ki_16:24.......built/on the hill and called/the 753/2011
2Ki_16:4..........and/on the hills and under every green tree Then/Rezin 842/2011
2Ch_28:4..........and/on the hills and under every green tree Wherefore/the 958/2011
Jer_13:27abominations/on the hills in/the. 1237/2011
2Sa_16:13.......along/on the hill's side/over 678/2011 the hole/of...... 1160/2011
Neh_10:31..........or/on the holy day/and. 1009/2011
Lev_16:4..........put/on the holy linen/coat 224/2011
1Ki_2:28.........hold/on the horns of the altar And it was told king/Solomon 708/2011
1Ki_1:50.........hold/on the horns of the altar And it was told Solomon/saying 697/2011
1Ki_1:51.........hold/on the horns of the altar saying/Let 698/2011
Rev_19:19.........sat/on the horse/and.... 2002/2011
2Ki_9:33..........and/on the horses/and.... 824/2011
2Ki_19:26.......grass/on the house tops/and 853/2011
1Ki_6:10.......rested/on the house with/timber 718/2011 the housetop not come/down 1503/2011 the housetop not go/down 1569/2011
Isa_37:27.......grass/on the housetops/and 1194/2011
Heb_5:2....compassion/on the ignorant/and. 1924/2011
Exo_15:14........hold/on the inhabitants/of. 82/2011
1Ki_6:15.........them/on the inside/with... 719/2011
Act_25:17.........sat/on the judgment seat and/commanded 1828/2011
Act_25:6......sitting/on the judgment seat commanded/Paul 1826/2011
Mat_27:19........down/on the judgment seat his/wife 1518/2011
Mat_5:45.........rain/on the just/and..... 1448/2011
Num_24:21......looked/on the Kenites/and... 309/2011
Est_6:2..........hand/on the king Ahasuerus And the king/said 1030/2011
Est_2:21........hands/on the king Ahasuerus And the thing/was 1022/2011
2Ch_17:19......waited/on the king beside/those 941/2011
2Ch_16:7.......relied/on the king of/Syria. 938/2011
Jdg_8:26..........was/on the kings/of...... 497/2011
Ecc_2:11..........and/on the labour/that.. 1150/2011
Luk_8:23.........wind/on the lake/and..... 1619/2011
Mar_6:47........alone/on the land And he saw/them 1550/2011
Mar_4:1...........sea/on the land And he taught/them 1539/2011
Isa_25:6........wines/on the lees of/fat.. 1172/2011
Isa_25:6........wines/on the lees well/refined 1173/2011
2Ch_3:17........other/on the left and called/the 906/2011
2Ch_4:8..........five/on the left And he/made 914/2011
Zec_12:6..........and/on the left and Jerusalem/shall 1433/2011
Mat_27:38.....another/on the left And they/that 1525/2011
Isa_54:3..........and/on the left and thy/seed 1210/2011
1Ki_7:49.........five/on the left before/the 734/2011
2Ch_3:17.........that/on the left Boaz/Moreover 908/2011
2Co_6:7...........and/on the left By/honour 1873/2011
Jos_19:27.......Cabul/on the left hand And Hebron/and 464/2011 the left hand and sailed/into 1814/2011 the left hand and they/shall 1158/2011
Mat_25:41........them/on the left hand Depart/from 1508/2011
1Ch_6:44........stood/on the left hand Ethan/the 865/2011 the left hand of/Damascus 18/2011
Job_23:9..........him/On the left hand where/he 1069/2011
2Ch_4:7..........five/on the left He/made.. 912/2011
Mat_20:21.......other/on the left in/thy.. 1487/2011
1Ki_7:39.........five/on the left side of/the 729/2011
Eze_1:10...........ox/on the left side they/four 1280/2011
Luk_23:33.......other/on the left Then said/Jesus 1673/2011
Mat_25:33.......goats/on the left Then shall/the 1506/2011
2Ch_4:6..........five/on the left to/wash.. 910/2011
Eze_21:16..........or/on the left whithersoever/thy 1295/2011
Luk_12:22.........put/on The life/is...... 1632/2011
Lev_16:32.........put/on the linen/clothes. 231/2011
Pro_20:22........wait/on the LORD and he/shall 1144/2011
Psa_37:34........Wait/on the LORD and keep/his 1101/2011
Jdg_15:18......called/on the LORD and said/Thou 516/2011
Psa_27:14........Wait/on the LORD be/of... 1097/2011
2Ch_32:17........rail/on the LORD God/of... 965/2011
2Ch_16:8.........rely/on the LORD he/delivered 940/2011 the Lord Jesus Christ and make/not 1854/2011
Act_16:31.....Believe/on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou/shalt 1801/2011
Act_11:17....believed/on the Lord Jesus Christ what/was 1786/2011 the Lord out/of.. 1914/2011
Psa_22:8......trusted/on the LORD that/he. 1093/2011
2Ch_16:7.......relied/on the LORD thy/God.. 939/2011
Psa_27:14.........say/on the LORD Unto/thee 1098/2011 the LORD who/is... 687/2011
Act_18:8.....believed/on the Lord with/all 1804/2011
Rev_1:10.......Spirit/on the Lord's day/and 1954/2011 the LORD's side/let 142/2011
1Ch_29:21........LORD/on the morrow after that/day 893/2011
Num_33:3........month/on the morrow after the passover the/children 331/2011 the morrow after the passover unleavened/cakes 390/2011 the morrow after the sabbath/the 238/2011
Jos_5:12.......ceased/on the morrow after they/had 391/2011
Num_16:41.........But/on the morrow all/the 289/2011
Lev_7:16..........and/on the morrow also/the 191/2011
Exo_9:6.........thing/on the morrow and all/the 69/2011
Act_20:7.......depart/on the morrow and continued/his 1811/2011
Lev_19:6..........and/on the morrow and if/ought 232/2011
Exo_32:6........early/on the morrow and offered/burnt 137/2011
Jdg_6:38........early/on the morrow and thrust/the 489/2011
Act_10:9........Joppa/On the morrow as/they 1777/2011
Act_22:30.........him/On the morrow because/he 1822/2011
1Sa_5:3.........early/on the morrow behold/Dagon 538/2011 the morrow For/what 1936/2011
Act_25:17.......delay/on the morrow I/sat. 1827/2011
1Sa_5:4.........early/on the morrow morning/behold 539/2011
Num_17:8.........that/on the morrow Moses/went 292/2011
Act_10:23.........And/on the morrow Peter/went 1780/2011
Est_2:14..........and/on the morrow she/returned 1021/2011
Num_22:41........pass/on the morrow that Balak/took 304/2011
2Ki_8:15.........pass/on the morrow that he/took 814/2011
Exo_32:30........pass/on the morrow that Moses said/unto 143/2011
Exo_18:13........pass/on the morrow that Moses sat/to 97/2011
Jer_20:3.........pass/on the morrow that Pashur/brought 1247/2011 the morrow that Saul/put 556/2011
1Sa_18:10........pass/on the morrow that the evil/spirit 583/2011
Gen_19:34........pass/on the morrow that the firstborn/said 23/2011
Jdg_21:4.........pass/on the morrow that the people rose/early 526/2011
Jdg_9:42.........pass/on the morrow that the people went/out 500/2011
Act_4:5..........pass/on the morrow that their/rulers 1753/2011
Act_23:32..Antipatris/On the morrow they/left 1825/2011
Act_25:23.........And/on the morrow when Agrippa/was 1829/2011
Luk_10:35.........And/on the morrow when he/departed 1629/2011
1Ch_10:8.........pass/on the morrow when the Philistines came to strip the slain that they found Saul and his sons/fallen 870/2011
1Sa_31:8.........pass/on the morrow when the Philistines came to strip the slain that they found Saul and his three/sons 620/2011
Mar_11:12.........And/on the morrow when they/were 1566/2011
1Sa_20:27........pass/on the morrow which/was 588/2011
Rev_14:1........stood/on the mount/Sion... 1986/2011
Luk_8:32......feeding/on the mountain/and. 1620/2011
Isa_18:3.......ensign/on the mountains and/when 1168/2011 the mountains like/doves 1285/2011
Jer_50:6.........away/on the mountains they/have 1272/2011
Act_23:2..........him/on the mouth/Then... 1823/2011
Mat_15:32..compassion/on the multitude because they continue/with 1472/2011
Mar_8:2....compassion/on the multitude because they have/now 1551/2011
1Ki_18:26......called/on the name of Baal/from 760/2011
1Jn_3:23......believe/on the name of his/Son 1948/2011
Act_22:16.....calling/on the name of the Lord And it/came 1820/2011
Gen_13:4.......called/on the name of the LORD And Lot/also 17/2011 the name of the LORD and the/God 758/2011 the name of the LORD his/God 807/2011 the name of the LORD shall be delivered/for 1404/2011 the name of the Lord shall be saved/Ye 1746/2011
Gen_21:33.......there/on the name of the LORD the/everlasting 27/2011
1Jn_5:13......believe/on the name of the Son of God And/this 1951/2011
1Jn_5:13......believe/on the name of the Son of God that/ye 1950/2011 the name of your gods and/I 757/2011 the name of your gods but/put 759/2011
Eph_4:24..........put/on the new man which after/God 1885/2011
Col_3:10..........put/on the new man which is/renewed 1901/2011
2Ch_2:4...........and/on the new moons and on the solemn feasts of/the 898/2011
2Ch_8:13..........and/on the new moons and on the solemn feasts three/times 927/2011
2Ki_6:29..........her/on the next day Give/thy 809/2011
Joh_12:12.......Jesus/On the next day much/people 1718/2011
Luk_9:37.........that/on the next day when/they 1621/2011
Num_7:60.....Pedahzur/On the ninth day Abidan/the 272/2011
2Ki_25:3..........And/on the ninth day of/the 859/2011
Jos_18:16......giants/on the north and descended/to 458/2011
Jos_17:10.......Asher/on the north and in/Issachar 449/2011
Jos_8:13..........was/on the north of the city/and 407/2011
Jos_11:2.........were/on the north of the mountains/and 422/2011
Jos_16:6...Michmethah/on the north side and the/border 443/2011
Exo_26:35.......table/on the north side And thou/shalt 121/2011
Jos_15:10....Chesalon/on the north side and went down/to 439/2011
Jos_18:12.....Jericho/on the north side and went up/through 455/2011 the north side by/their 254/2011 the north side four/thousand 1381/2011
Jos_8:11......pitched/on the north side of Ai/now 405/2011 the north side of Bethel/on 527/2011 the north side of the altar/And 843/2011
Jdg_2:9.......Ephraim/on the north side of the hill Gaash/And 477/2011
Jos_24:30.....Ephraim/on the north side of the hill of/Gaash 475/2011
Jos_17:9..........was/on the north side of the river/and 448/2011
Jdg_7:1..........were/on the north side of them/by 491/2011
Exo_26:20..tabernacle/on the north side there/shall 119/2011 the north side to/Hannathon 463/2011
Num_35:5..........and/on the north side two/thousand 341/2011
Jos_18:12......border/on the north side was/from 454/2011
Rev_21:13.......gates/on the north three/gates 2008/2011
Jos_18:5.......coasts/on the north Ye/shall 452/2011
Luk_6:29.........thee/on the one cheek/offer 1609/2011
Exo_25:19......cherub/on the one end/and... 108/2011
Exo_26:13.......cubit/on the one side and a cubit/on 114/2011
1Sa_14:4.........rock/on the one side and a sharp/rock 560/2011
Eze_41:2.......cubits/on the one side and five/cubits 1346/2011
1Sa_17:3.....mountain/on the one side and Israel/stood 579/2011
Eze_48:21......prince/on the one side and on the other of/the 1379/2011
Eze_41:15.....thereof/on the one side and on the other side an/hundred 1350/2011
Eze_45:7.......prince/on the one side and on the other side of/the 1368/2011
Eze_41:26.......trees/on the one side and on the other side on/the 1358/2011
Eze_47:7........trees/on the one side and on the other Then/said 1374/2011
1Ki_10:20.......there/on the one side and on the other upon the six steps there was not the like made in any kingdom And all king/Solomon's 746/2011
2Ch_9:19........there/on the one side and on the other upon the six steps There was not the like made in any kingdom And all the/drinking 931/2011
Exo_32:15.......sides/on the one side and on the other were/they 139/2011
Eze_41:1........broad/on the one side and six/cubits 1344/2011
Eze_41:19........tree/on the one side and the face/of 1353/2011 the one side and the other/on 95/2011 the one side of/the 625/2011
Exo_25:19......cherub/on the other end even/of 109/2011
Exo_37:8.......cherub/on the other end on/that 153/2011
Eze_48:21.........and/on the other of/the. 1380/2011
Eze_41:15.........and/on the other side an/hundred 1351/2011
Eze_41:2.......cubits/on the other side and he/measured 1347/2011
Exo_17:12.......other/on the other side and his/hands 96/2011 the other side And likewise/a 1624/2011
1Sa_14:4.........rock/on the other side and the name/of 561/2011 the other side And the people/said 567/2011
1Sa_17:3.....mountain/on the other side and there/was 581/2011
2Ki_3:22........water/on the other side as/red 796/2011 the other side But a/certain 1626/2011 the other side But he/told 559/2011
Oba_1:11.....stoodest/on the other side in/the 1409/2011
Eze_41:19........tree/on the other side it/was 1354/2011
Jdg_7:25.......Gideon/on the other side Jordan And the/men 494/2011
Jos_24:8........dwelt/on the other side Jordan and they/fought 472/2011
Jos_17:5.........were/on the other side Jordan Because/the 445/2011 the other side Jordan But take/diligent 468/2011
Jos_14:3........tribe/on the other side Jordan but unto/the 435/2011
Jos_13:32........Moab/on the other side Jordan by Jericho eastward But/unto 434/2011
Jos_20:8..........And/on the other side Jordan by Jericho eastward they/assigned 467/2011
1Ch_6:78..........And/on the other side Jordan by Jericho on/the 867/2011
Deu_11:30.........not/on the other side Jordan by the/way 361/2011
Jos_13:27..Chinnereth/on the other side Jordan eastward/This 433/2011
Jdg_10:8.........were/on the other side Jordan in/the 504/2011
Jos_7:7.........dwelt/on the other side Jordan O/LORD 402/2011
1Sa_31:7.........were/on the other side Jordan saw/that 619/2011
Jos_2:10.........were/on the other side Jordan Sihon/and 381/2011 the other side Jordan toward/the 426/2011
Jdg_11:18.....pitched/on the other side of Arnon but/came 505/2011
Num_21:13.....pitched/on the other side of Arnon which/is 299/2011
1Ch_12:37.........And/on the other side of Jordan/of 872/2011
Exo_26:13.......cubit/on the other side of that/which 115/2011
Jos_24:14......served/on the other side of the flood and/in 473/2011
Jos_24:2........dwelt/on the other side of the flood in/old 471/2011
Jos_24:15........were/on the other side of the flood or/the 474/2011
Eze_45:7..........and/on the other side of the oblation/of 1369/2011
2Sa_2:13........other/on the other side of the pool/And 626/2011
Joh_6:22........stood/on the other side of the sea saw/that 1691/2011
Joh_6:25..........him/on the other side of the sea they/said 1692/2011
1Sa_31:7.........were/on the other side of the valley/and 618/2011
Eze_41:26.........and/on the other side on/the 1359/2011
Num_11:31.....journey/on the other side round/about 285/2011
Exo_27:15.........And/on the other side shall/be 124/2011
Eze_40:40.........and/on the other side which was at/the 1335/2011
Eze_41:1........broad/on the other side which was the/breadth 1345/2011 the other stone/according 128/2011
Eze_47:7..........and/on the other Then/said 1375/2011
1Ki_10:20.........and/on the other upon the six steps there was not the like made in any kingdom And all king/Solomon's 747/2011
2Ch_9:19..........and/on the other upon the six steps There was not the like made in any kingdom And all the/drinking 932/2011
Exo_32:15.........and/on the other were/they 140/2011
Eze_40:5.........wall/on the outside of/the 1316/2011 the outside toward/the 722/2011
1Sa_16:7......looketh/on the outward/appearance 575/2011 the people and said/Behold 106/2011
1Sa_11:7.........fell/on the people and they/came 555/2011
1Ki_10:19........side/on the place/of...... 745/2011
Lev_13:55........look/on the plague after/that 214/2011
Lev_14:37........look/on the plague and behold if the plague/be 218/2011
Lev_13:32........look/on the plague and behold if the scall/spread 209/2011
Lev_13:3.........look/on the plague in/the. 202/2011
Lev_13:31........look/on the plague of/the. 208/2011
Lev_13:51........look/on the plague on/the. 212/2011
1Ki_7:36..........For/on the plates/of..... 726/2011
Pro_14:21.......mercy/on the poor happy/is 1141/2011
Pro_14:31.......mercy/on the poor The/wicked 1142/2011
Est_9:16........hands/on the prey On/the.. 1048/2011
Est_9:15..........but/on the prey they/laid 1047/2011
Neh_6:14..........and/on the prophetess/Noadiah 993/2011 the right hand and another/on 1524/2011
Isa_9:20.......snatch/on the right hand and be/hungry 1157/2011
2Ch_4:7..........five/on the right hand and five on the left He/made 911/2011
2Ch_4:6..........five/on the right hand and five on the left to/wash 909/2011
Zec_12:6........about/on the right hand and on the left and Jerusalem/shall 1432/2011
Isa_54:3........forth/on the right hand and on the left and thy/seed 1209/2011
2Co_6:7.righteousness/on the right hand and on the left By/honour 1872/2011 the right hand and the other on the left and/called 905/2011 the right hand and the other on the left Then/said 1672/2011
2Ch_3:17.........that/on the right hand Jachin/and 907/2011
Act_7:55.....standing/on the right hand of God And said/Behold 1764/2011
Mar_16:19.........sat/on the right hand of God And they/went 1588/2011 the right hand of God angels/and 1943/2011
Heb_10:12........down/on the right hand of God From/henceforth 1931/2011
Col_3:1.......sitteth/on the right hand of God Set/your 1896/2011
Act_7:56.....standing/on the right hand of God Then/they 1765/2011
Mar_14:62.....sitting/on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven Then the high priest rent his clothes and/saith 1577/2011
Mat_26:64.....sitting/on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven Then the high priest rent his clothes saying/He 1517/2011
Heb_1:3..........down/on the right hand of the Majesty/on 1918/2011
2Ki_23:13........were/on the right hand of the mount/of 858/2011
Luk_22:69.........sit/on the right hand of the power/of 1669/2011
Heb_8:1...........set/on the right hand of the throne/of 1928/2011
Eze_21:16......either/on the right hand or/on 1294/2011
Job_23:9......himself/on the right hand that/I 1070/2011
Jos_17:7........along/on the right hand unto/the 446/2011
Neh_12:31........went/on the right hand upon/the 1010/2011
2Ch_4:8..........five/on the right side and five on the left And/he 913/2011
1Ki_7:49.........five/on the right side and five on the left before/the 733/2011
Eze_1:10.........lion/on the right side and they/four 1279/2011
Eze_47:2.......waters/on the right side And when/the 1373/2011
2Ki_12:9........altar/on the right side as/one 834/2011
Mar_16:5......sitting/on the right side clothed/in 1586/2011
Luk_1:11.....standing/on the right side of the altar/of 1589/2011
2Sa_24:5........Aroer/on the right side of the city/that 690/2011
2Ch_4:10..........sea/on the right side of the east/end 915/2011
1Ki_7:39........bases/on the right side of the house and/five 728/2011
1Ki_7:39..........sea/on the right side of the house eastward/over 730/2011
Eze_10:3........stood/on the right side of the house when/the 1286/2011 the right side of the ship/and 1742/2011
Luk_8:13.........They/on the rock are/they 1615/2011
Job_39:28.....abideth/on the rock upon/the 1088/2011
Luk_13:10..synagogues/on the sabbath And behold/there 1636/2011
Neh_13:15.....presses/on the sabbath and bringing/in 1012/2011
2Ki_11:9..........out/on the sabbath and came/to 831/2011
Neh_13:21........more/on the sabbath And I/commanded 1017/2011
Mar_2:23.......fields/on the sabbath day and his/disciples 1531/2011
Neh_13:15...Jerusalem/on the sabbath day and I/testified 1013/2011
Luk_13:14......healed/on the sabbath day and said/unto 1638/2011
Act_13:14...synagogue/on the sabbath day and sat/down 1793/2011
Luk_4:16....synagogue/on the sabbath day and stood/up 1597/2011
Luk_14:5..........out/on the sabbath day And they could/not 1644/2011
Luk_14:3.........heal/on the sabbath day And they held/their 1643/2011 the sabbath day And when/he 1641/2011 the sabbath day but hallow/the 1243/2011
Joh_5:16.......things/on the sabbath day But Jesus/answered 1687/2011 the sabbath day circumcise/a 1697/2011
Joh_19:31.......cross/on the sabbath day for that/sabbath 1737/2011
Mat_24:20.....neither/on the sabbath day For then/shall 1504/2011
Mar_1:21..straightway/on the sabbath day he/entered 1527/2011
Joh_7:23........whole/on the sabbath day Judge/not 1699/2011
Jer_17:22......houses/on the sabbath day neither/do 1242/2011
Jer_17:21......burden/on the sabbath day nor/bring 1241/2011 the sabbath day receive/circumcision 1698/2011 the sabbath day So/the 1015/2011
Mar_3:2...........him/on the sabbath day that they might accuse/him 1533/2011
Luk_6:7..........heal/on the sabbath day that they might find/an 1606/2011
Luk_14:1........bread/on the sabbath day that they watched/him 1642/2011
Mar_2:24.........they/on the sabbath day that which/is 1532/2011
Luk_13:14.........not/on the sabbath day The/Lord 1639/2011
Eze_46:12.........did/on the sabbath day then he/shall 1371/2011
Jer_17:27...Jerusalem/on the sabbath day then will/I 1245/2011
Mat_12:1.........went/on the sabbath day through/the 1457/2011
Neh_10:31....victuals/on the sabbath day to/sell 1007/2011
Num_28:9..........And/on the sabbath day two/lambs 310/2011
Mat_12:11.........pit/on the sabbath day will/he 1460/2011 the sabbath days And Jesus/answering 1604/2011
Luk_4:31.........them/on the sabbath days And they/were 1599/2011
Mar_3:4..........good/on the sabbath days or/to 1534/2011
Mat_12:10........heal/on the sabbath days that/they 1459/2011
Mat_12:5.........that/on the sabbath days the/priests 1458/2011
Mat_12:12........well/on the sabbath days Then/saith 1462/2011
Luk_6:9........lawful/on the sabbath days to/do 1607/2011
2Ki_11:7........forth/on the sabbath even/they 829/2011
2Ch_23:8..........out/on the sabbath for/Jehoiada 953/2011
Eze_46:1..........but/on the sabbath it/shall 1370/2011 the sabbath loose/his 1640/2011
2Ch_23:4.....entering/on the sabbath of/the 951/2011
Neh_10:31........them/on the sabbath or/on 1008/2011 the sabbath shall/even 828/2011
Neh_13:16........sold/on the sabbath unto/the 1014/2011
Act_16:13.........And/on the sabbath we/went 1800/2011 the sabbath with them that should/go 830/2011 the sabbath with them that were/to 952/2011
2Ch_2:4.......evening/on the sabbaths and on the new moons and on the solemn feasts of/the 897/2011
2Ch_8:13........Moses/on the sabbaths and on the new moons and on the solemn feasts three/times 926/2011
Lev_22:30........will/On the same day it/shall 236/2011
Joh_5:9...........and/on the same day was/the 1686/2011
Lev_13:34........look/on the scall/and..... 210/2011
Joh_6:19......walking/on the sea and drawing/nigh 1690/2011
Mat_14:25.....walking/on the sea And when/the 1467/2011
Jer_49:23......sorrow/on the sea it/cannot 1269/2011
Rev_7:1...........nor/on the sea nor/on... 1973/2011
Rev_15:2........stand/on the sea of/glass. 1992/2011
Jdg_5:17....continued/on the sea shore and abode/in 485/2011 the sea shore And Solomon's/wisdom 715/2011 the sea shore in/multitude 558/2011
Mat_14:26.....walking/on the sea they/were 1468/2011 the second day and/smote 420/2011
Est_7:2........Esther/on the second day at/the 1034/2011
Num_7:18....Amminadab/On the second day Nethaneel/the 265/2011
Eze_43:22.........And/on the second day thou/shalt 1366/2011
Neh_8:13..........And/on the second day were/gathered 996/2011
Num_29:17.........And/on the second day ye/shall 315/2011
Luk_6:1..........pass/on the second sabbath/after 1603/2011
Lev_23:21....proclaim/on the selfsame/day.. 239/2011
2Sa_8:7..........were/on the servants of Hadadezer/and 644/2011
1Ch_18:7.........were/on the servants of Hadarezer/and 882/2011
1Ch_23:31.........and/on the set/feasts.... 890/2011
2Ki_25:27.......month/on the seven and twentieth day of the month that/Evilmerodach 861/2011
Gen_8:14........month/on the seven and twentieth day of the month was/the 10/2011
Gen_8:4.........month/on the seventeenth/day. 7/2011
Num_19:19.........and/on the seventh day and on/the 296/2011
Num_31:19.........and/on the seventh day And purify/all 325/2011
Exo_16:30......rested/on the seventh day And the/house 92/2011
Num_31:24.....clothes/on the seventh day and ye/shall 326/2011
Jdg_14:18.........him/on the seventh day before/the 514/2011
Num_7:48........Deuel/On the seventh day Elishama/the 270/2011
Exo_16:27......people/on the seventh day for/to 89/2011
Gen_2:2........rested/on the seventh day from/all 2/2011
Gen_2:2...........And/on the seventh day God/ended 1/2011
Exo_31:17.........and/on the seventh day he rested/and 136/2011
Num_19:12.........and/on the seventh day he shall be/clean 294/2011
Num_19:19.........and/on the seventh day he shall purify/himself 297/2011
Lev_13:51......plague/on the seventh day if/the 213/2011
2Ki_25:8........month/on the seventh day of/the 860/2011
Num_29:32.........And/on the seventh day seven/bullocks 320/2011
Deu_16:8..........and/on the seventh day shall be/a 362/2011
Num_6:9.....cleansing/on the seventh day shall he/shave 260/2011 the seventh day So/the 91/2011 the seventh day that he shall/shave 215/2011
Jdg_14:17........pass/on the seventh day that he told/her 513/2011
2Sa_12:18........pass/on the seventh day that the/child 649/2011
Jos_6:15.........pass/on the seventh day that they rose/early 399/2011
Jdg_14:15........pass/on the seventh day that they said/unto 512/2011
Exo_35:2..........but/on the seventh day there/shall 148/2011
Exo_34:21.........but/on the seventh day thou shalt rest in/earing 146/2011
Exo_23:12.........and/on the seventh day thou shalt rest that/thine 104/2011
Est_1:10....Ahasuerus/On the seventh day when/the 1019/2011
Exo_16:26.........but/on the seventh day which/is 88/2011
Num_28:25.........And/on the seventh day ye/shall 311/2011
1Ch_15:21.......harps/on the Sheminith/to.. 880/2011
Mat_13:2........stood/on the shore And he/spake 1463/2011
Act_21:5.........down/on the shore and prayed/And 1816/2011
Joh_21:4........stood/on the shore but/the 1741/2011
1Ki_9:26........Eloth/on the shore of/the.. 742/2011
Exo_39:18........them/on the shoulderpieces of the ephod before it And they/made 163/2011
Exo_28:25........them/on the shoulderpieces of the ephod before it And thou/shalt 131/2011
Exo_39:7.........them/on the shoulders/of.. 161/2011
Mar_16:18.......hands/on the sick/and..... 1587/2011
Act_12:7........Peter/on the side and/raised 1787/2011
Jos_5:1..........were/on the side of Jordan/westward 388/2011
Jdg_19:1...sojourning/on the side of mount/Ephraim 518/2011 the side of the altar/northward 175/2011
Exo_39:19.........was/on the side of the ephod/inward 165/2011
Num_3:35........pitch/on the side of the tabernacle northward/And 258/2011
Exo_40:24.......table/on the side of the tabernacle southward And he/lighted 171/2011
Num_3:29........pitch/on the side of the tabernacle southward And the/chief 257/2011
Exo_26:35.......table/on the side of the tabernacle toward/the 120/2011
Ecc_4:1...........and/on the side of their/oppressors 1151/2011
1Sa_20:20......arrows/on the side thereof/as 586/2011
Exo_38:7........rings/on the sides of the altar/to 158/2011
1Ki_6:16.......cubits/on the sides of the house/both 720/2011
Psa_48:2.........Zion/on the sides of the north/the 1102/2011
Eze_41:26........side/on the sides of the porch/and 1360/2011
Num_29:29.........And/on the sixth day eight/bullocks 319/2011
Num_7:42..Zurishaddai/On the sixth day Eliasaph/the 269/2011 the sixth day the/bread 90/2011
Exo_16:22........that/on the sixth day they gathered/twice 87/2011
Exo_16:5.........that/on the sixth day they shall/prepare 85/2011
Deu_33:26..excellency/on the sky/The....... 378/2011
2Ch_2:4...........and/on the solemn feasts of/the 899/2011
2Ch_8:13..........and/on the solemn feasts three/times 928/2011
Joh_3:36....believeth/on the Son hath/everlasting 1681/2011
1Jn_5:10....believeth/on the Son of God hath/the 1949/2011
Joh_9:35......believe/on the Son of God He/answered 1712/2011
Isa_49:15..compassion/on the son of her/womb 1202/2011
Num_16:1..........and/On the son of Peleth/sons 287/2011
1Ch_23:28........wait/on the sons/of....... 889/2011
Jos_18:16......Jebusi/on the south and descended/to 459/2011 the south And he/brought 1315/2011
Jos_18:5........coast/on the south and the/house 451/2011 the south of Jeshimon Now/therefore 592/2011
1Sa_23:24.......plain/on the south of Jeshimon Saul/also 594/2011
Jdg_21:19.........and/on the south of Lebonah/Therefore 529/2011
Jos_19:34.....Zebulun/on the south side and/reacheth 465/2011
Jos_18:13.......lieth/on the south side of the nether/Bethhoron 456/2011 the south side of the river/and 438/2011
Num_2:10........forth/On the south side shall be/the 252/2011
Num_10:6..........lie/on the south side shall take/their 282/2011
Exo_26:18......boards/on the south side southward And/thou 118/2011
Exo_38:9........court/on the south side southward the/hangings 159/2011
Num_35:5..........and/on the south side two/thousand 339/2011
Jos_15:3...........up/on the south side unto/Kadeshbarnea 437/2011
Rev_21:13.......gates/on the south three/gates 2009/2011
Est_9:10..........but/on the spoil/laid... 1044/2011
Act_21:40.......stood/on the stairs/and... 1819/2011
1Ch_10:5.....likewise/on the sword and/died 869/2011
2Sa_3:29......falleth/on the sword or/that. 633/2011 the table/And.... 1666/2011
Deu_10:4........wrote/on the tables according/to 360/2011
Deu_10:2........write/on the tables the/words 359/2011
Num_7:66......Gideoni/On the tenth day Ahiezer/the 273/2011
Jos_4:19.......Jordan/on the tenth day of the first/month 386/2011
Lev_16:29.......month/on the tenth day of the month/ye 229/2011
Lev_25:9........sound/on the tenth day of the seventh/month 248/2011
Num_29:7.........have/on the tenth day of this seventh month an/holy 313/2011
Lev_23:27........Also/on the tenth day of this seventh month there/shall 240/2011
Php_2:4..........also/on the things/of.... 1891/2011
Gen_22:4.........Then/on the third day Abraham/lifted 28/2011
Num_19:19.....unclean/on the third day and on the seventh day and on/the 295/2011
Num_31:19....captives/on the third day and on the seventh day And purify/all 324/2011 the third day and on the seventh day he/shall 293/2011
Jdg_20:30....Benjamin/on the third day and put/themselves 524/2011 the third day And the/king 934/2011
2Ch_10:12....Rehoboam/on the third day as/the 933/2011
Num_29:20.........And/on the third day eleven/bullocks 316/2011
Num_7:24.........Zuar/On the third day Eliab/the 266/2011
Exo_19:16........pass/on the third day in/the 99/2011
Lev_19:7..........all/on the third day it is/abominable 233/2011
Lev_7:18..........all/on the third day it shall/not 193/2011
Jos_9:17.......cities/on the third day Now/their 418/2011
Ezr_6:15.....finished/on the third day of/the 981/2011
Lev_7:17....sacrifice/on the third day shall/be 192/2011
2Sa_1:2..........pass/on the third day that behold/a 621/2011
Est_5:1..........pass/on the third day that Esther/put 1027/2011
Gen_31:22.......Laban/on the third day that Jacob/was 37/2011
1Sa_30:1.......Ziklag/on the third day that the/Amalekites 616/2011
2Ki_20:5.........thee/on the third day thou/shalt 854/2011
Gen_34:25........pass/on the third day when/they 43/2011
Est_3:12.......called/on the thirteenth day of the first/month 1025/2011
Est_9:17.........prey/On the thirteenth day of the month/Adar 1049/2011
Est_9:1..........Adar/on the thirteenth day of the same/when 1042/2011
Est_9:18.....together/on the thirteenth day thereof/and 1051/2011
2Ch_7:10..........And/on the three and twentieth day of/the 923/2011
Est_8:9.........Sivan/on the three and twentieth day thereof/and 1037/2011
1Sa_5:5.........tread/on the threshold of/Dagon 540/2011
Zep_1:9..........leap/on the threshold which/fill 1425/2011
Rev_5:1...........sat/on the throne a/book 1960/2011
Rev_6:16......sitteth/on the throne and from/the 1970/2011
Rev_4:2...........sat/on the throne And he/that 1956/2011
Rev_4:10..........sat/on the throne and worship/him 1959/2011 the throne of David/my 707/2011
Est_1:2...........sat/on the throne of his/kingdom 1018/2011
1Ki_8:20..........sit/on the throne of Israel as the LORD promised and have built an/house 735/2011
2Ch_6:10..........set/on the throne of Israel as the LORD promised and have built the/house 920/2011
1Ki_10:9.........thee/on the throne of Israel because/the 743/2011
2Ki_10:30.........sit/on the throne of Israel But/Jehu 827/2011 the throne of Israel Moreover/thou 699/2011
1Ki_8:25..........sit/on the throne of Israel so/that 737/2011
2Ki_15:12.........sit/on the throne of Israel unto/the 841/2011
1Ki_1:20..........sit/on the throne of my lord the king after him Otherwise/it 693/2011
1Ki_1:27..........sit/on the throne of my lord the king after him Then/king 694/2011
1Ki_1:46......sitteth/on the throne of the kingdom/And 695/2011
2Ki_11:19.........sat/on the throne of the kings/And 833/2011
1Ch_29:23.........sat/on the throne of the LORD/as 895/2011
Rev_19:4..........sat/on the throne saying/Amen 1997/2011
Rev_7:15......sitteth/on the throne shall/dwell 1976/2011
Rev_4:9...........sat/on the throne who/liveth 1958/2011
Job_36:7.........they/on the throne yea/he 1079/2011
1Sa_26:13.......stood/on the top of an hill afar/off 608/2011
2Ki_1:9...........sat/on the top of an hill And/he 786/2011
2Sa_2:25........stood/on the top of an hill Then/Abner 628/2011
2Ch_3:15..........was/on the top of each/of 902/2011
1Ki_7:35..........and/on the top of the base/the 725/2011
Exo_17:9........stand/on the top of the hill/with 94/2011
Exo_19:20.......Sinai/on the top of the mount and/the 101/2011 the top of the mount in/the 107/2011
2Ch_4:12.........were/on the top of the pillars/And 917/2011
2Ki_9:13..........him/on the top of the stairs/and 818/2011
1Ki_7:41.........were/on the top of the two pillars and the two networks/to 731/2011
2Ch_4:12.........were/on the top of the two pillars and the two wreaths/to 916/2011
2Ki_23:12........were/on the top of the upper/chamber 857/2011
Joe_2:5......chariots/on the tops of mountains/shall 1402/2011
Isa_15:3....sackcloth/on the tops of their/houses 1165/2011
2Ki_9:17.....watchman/on the tower/in...... 819/2011 the towers/and.... 956/2011
1Pe_2:24.........body/on the tree/that.... 1941/2011
Num_7:78........Ocran/On the twelfth day Ahira/the 275/2011
Ezr_8:31........Ahava/on the twelfth day of/the 983/2011
Ezr_10:9........month/on the twentieth day of the month/and 986/2011
Num_10:11........pass/on the twentieth day of the second/month 283/2011
Exo_28:23.......rings/on the two ends of the breastplate And/thou 129/2011
Exo_39:19........them/on the two ends of the breastplate upon/the 164/2011
Exo_37:7.........them/on the two ends of the mercy/seat 150/2011
Exo_25:19...cherubims/on the two ends thereof And the cherubims shall/stretch 110/2011
Exo_37:8....cherubims/on the two ends thereof And the cherubims spread/out 155/2011 the two side posts and/on 70/2011
Exo_12:23.........and/on the two side posts the/LORD 74/2011
Exo_39:20........them/on the two sides of the ephod underneath toward the forepart of/it 166/2011
Exo_28:27........them/on the two sides of the ephod underneath toward the forepart thereof/over 132/2011 the two sides westward/Then 1372/2011
2Ch_4:13.pomegranates/on the two wreaths/two 918/2011
Mat_5:45..........and/on the unjust/For... 1449/2011
Exo_12:7..........and/on the upper/door..... 71/2011
Rom_9:23........glory/on the vessels/of... 1843/2011
Jer_8:13.......grapes/on the vine/nor..... 1229/2011
Act_10:19.....thought/on the vision/the... 1779/2011
Amo_5:19.........hand/on the wall and a/serpent 1408/2011
2Ki_4:10.........thee/on the wall and let/us 799/2011
2Ki_9:33....sprinkled/on the wall and on/the 823/2011
Neh_4:17......builded/on the wall and they/that 991/2011
Isa_36:11.........are/on the wall But Rabshakeh said Hath/my 1192/2011
2Ki_18:26.........are/on the wall But Rabshakeh said unto/them 850/2011 the wall of Gaza/which 1405/2011
2Ch_27:3..........and/on the wall of Ophel/he 957/2011
Eze_41:20.........and/on the wall of the/temple 1355/2011 the wall of Tyrus/which 1406/2011
2Ki_18:27.........sit/on the wall that/they 851/2011
2Ch_32:18........were/on the wall to/affright 966/2011
Neh_3:13.......cubits/on the wall unto/the. 989/2011
2Ch_3:7.....cherubims/on the walls/And..... 900/2011
Mat_14:28........thee/on the water And/he. 1469/2011
Mat_14:29......walked/on the water to/go.. 1470/2011
Gen_18:16........them/on the way And/the.... 21/2011
Rut_1:7..........went/on the way to/return. 530/2011
Joh_4:6..........thus/on the well/and..... 1683/2011
Gen_12:8.......Bethel/on the west and Hai/on 13/2011
Jos_11:3..........and/on the west and to the Amorite/and 425/2011
Jos_11:2..........Dor/on the west And to the Canaanite/on 423/2011
Jos_18:15.........out/on the west and went/out 457/2011
Jos_12:7.......Jordan/on the west from/Baalgad 431/2011
Jos_8:13.........wait/on the west of/the... 408/2011
Jos_19:34.......Asher/on the west side and/to 466/2011
Jos_8:9............Ai/on the west side of Ai/but 404/2011
2Ch_33:14.......David/on the west side of Gihon/in 968/2011
Jos_8:12...........Ai/on the west side of the/city 406/2011
Exo_27:12.......court/on the west side shall be hangings/of 122/2011
Num_2:18....standards/On the west side shall be the/standard 253/2011
Num_35:5..........and/on the west side two/thousand 340/2011
Rev_21:13.........and/on the west three/gates 2010/2011 the wheels/And... 1246/2011
Eph_6:11..........Put/on the whole/armour. 1887/2011 the wilderness/wherein 1084/2011
1Ki_18:33.........and/on the wood And he/said 763/2011
1Ki_18:33.........him/on the wood and said/Fill 761/2011
Lev_1:12........order/on the wood that/is.. 176/2011
Lev_4:12..........him/on the wood with/fire 184/2011
Psa_143:5........muse/on the work/of...... 1136/2011
Mar_5:19...compassion/on thee And he/departed 1546/2011
Mat_18:33........pity/on thee And his/lord 1483/2011 thee and in/thy... 937/2011
1Sa_9:20..........not/on thee and on/all... 549/2011
Deu_28:2.........come/on thee and overtake/thee 372/2011
Exo_8:4..........both/on thee and upon/thy.. 68/2011
Act_22:19....believed/on thee And when/the 1821/2011
Isa_49:18........them/on thee as a bride/doeth 1203/2011
Rev_3:3..........come/on thee as a thief/and 1955/2011
Psa_25:3.........wait/on thee be/ashamed.. 1094/2011
Isa_26:3.......stayed/on thee because he/trusteth 1174/2011
Job_36:17........hold/on thee Because there/is 1081/2011
Psa_25:5....salvation/on thee do/I........ 1095/2011
Mat_21:19........grow/on thee henceforward/for 1494/2011
Psa_63:6.....meditate/on thee in/the...... 1106/2011
Psa_69:6.........wait/on thee O Lord/GOD.. 1112/2011
Isa_54:10.......mercy/on thee O thou/afflicted 1212/2011
Psa_25:21........wait/on thee Redeem/Israel 1096/2011
Isa_54:8........mercy/on thee saith/the... 1211/2011
1Ti_1:18.......before/on thee that/thou... 1907/2011
Isa_60:10.......mercy/on thee Therefore/thy 1220/2011
Act_18:10.........set/on thee to/hurt..... 1805/2011
Oba_1:13.......looked/on their affliction/in 1411/2011
Hos_10:8...........up/on their altars/and. 1396/2011
Exo_2:11.......looked/on their burdens/and.. 64/2011
Jdg_8:21.........were/on their camels'/necks 496/2011
Est_8:13...themselves/on their enemies/So. 1040/2011
Mat_17:6.........fell/on their face/and... 1476/2011
Lev_9:24.........fell/on their faces And Nadab/and 198/2011
1Ki_18:39........fell/on their faces and they/said 764/2011
Rev_7:11.......throne/on their faces and worshipped/God 1975/2011
Num_14:5.........fell/on their faces before/all 286/2011
Jdg_13:20........fell/on their faces to/the 510/2011
Isa_9:17........mercy/on their fatherless/and 1156/2011
2Ch_3:13........stood/on their feet/and.... 901/2011
Eze_1:8.........wings/on their four/sides. 1278/2011
1Ki_20:32.......ropes/on their heads and came/to 772/2011
Rev_18:19........dust/on their heads and cried/weeping 1995/2011
Rev_4:4...........had/on their heads crowns/of 1957/2011
Rev_9:7...........and/on their heads were/as 1978/2011
Hos_4:8.........heart/on their iniquity/And 1392/2011
Hos_11:4.........yoke/on their jaws/and... 1398/2011
3Jn_1:6.......forward/on their journey after/a 1952/2011
Act_10:9.........went/on their journey and/drew 1778/2011
Tit_3:13......Apollos/on their journey diligently/that 1916/2011
Zep_1:12......settled/on their lees/that.. 1426/2011
Exo_14:22.........and/on their left And/the. 79/2011
Exo_14:29.........and/on their left Thus/the 81/2011
1Ki_20:32...sackcloth/on their loins/and... 771/2011
Job_29:9.........hand/on their mouth/The.. 1074/2011
Hab_2:15.........look/on their nakedness/Thou 1421/2011
1Ch_6:32.......waited/on their office/according 863/2011
2Ch_7:6........waited/on their offices/the. 922/2011 their part/he.... 1944/2011
Num_3:10.........wait/on their priest's/office 255/2011
Exo_14:22........them/on their right hand and on their left And/the 78/2011
Exo_14:29........them/on their right hand and on their left Thus/the 80/2011
1Ki_22:10.........put/on their robes/in.... 776/2011
Rev_11:16.........God/on their seats/fell. 1982/2011
Oba_1:13........hands/on their substance/in 1412/2011
Eze_41:16.......about/on their three/stories 1352/2011
Act_15:3......brought/on their way by/the. 1799/2011
1Sa_30:2.........went/on their way So/David 617/2011
Act_8:36.........went/on their way they/came 1769/2011
Pro_9:15........right/on their ways/Whoso. 1140/2011
Isa_63:7.....bestowed/on them according/to 1222/2011
Act_19:17........fell/on them all/and..... 1810/2011
2Ki_2:24.......looked/on them and cursed/them 793/2011
Mat_19:15.......hands/on them and departed/thence 1485/2011
2Ki_13:23..compassion/on them and had/respect 837/2011
Isa_27:11.......mercy/on them and he/that. 1177/2011 them and mercy/and 1882/2011
Act_19:16......leaped/on them and overcame/them 1809/2011
Mat_19:13.......hands/on them and pray/and 1484/2011
Act_4:3.........hands/on them and put/them 1752/2011
Joh_20:22....breathed/on them and saith/unto 1739/2011
Rev_19:18.........sit/on them and the flesh/of 2001/2011
Gen_48:16.......named/on them and the name/of 59/2011
Exo_29:9......bonnets/on them and the priest's/office 134/2011
Psa_49:14........feed/on them and the upright/shall 1103/2011
Act_6:6.........hands/on them And the word/of 1759/2011
Act_8:17........hands/on them and they received/the 1766/2011
Act_19:6.........came/on them and they spake/with 1808/2011
Mat_20:34..compassion/on them and touched/their 1492/2011
Jer_12:15..compassion/on them and will/bring 1235/2011
Act_11:15........fell/on them as/on....... 1784/2011
Mat_9:36...compassion/on them because/they 1454/2011
1Sa_25:14......railed/on them But/the...... 601/2011 them by/day....... 684/2011
1Sa_9:20.........mind/on them for they are/found 547/2011
1Ki_8:50...compassion/on them For they be/thy 739/2011
Jer_20:12...vengeance/on them for unto thee have I opened/my 1250/2011
Jer_11:20...vengeance/on them for unto thee have I revealed/my 1234/2011
Rev_9:17..........sat/on them having/breastplates 1979/2011
Rev_7:16........light/on them nor any/heat 1977/2011 them nor take/it.. 357/2011
Eze_41:25........made/on them on/the...... 1356/2011
Isa_49:10.......mercy/on them shall/lead.. 1201/2011
Heb_5:2...........and/on them that are/out 1925/2011
Rev_6:10........blood/on them that dwell/on 1967/2011 them that fear/him 1591/2011
Deu_30:7..........and/on them that hate/thee 373/2011
2Th_1:8.....vengeance/on them that know/not 1905/2011
Psa_119:84...judgment/on them that persecute/me 1130/2011
Joh_6:2...........did/on them that were/diseased 1689/2011
Exo_28:9........grave/on them the names/of. 126/2011
Jer_33:26.......mercy/on them The word/which 1260/2011
Mat_21:7..........put/on them their/clothes 1493/2011
Act_21:23.........vow/on them Them/take... 1817/2011
Dan_3:27.......passed/on them Then/Nebuchadnezzar 1382/2011
Job_29:24.....laughed/on them they believed/it 1076/2011
Act_13:3........hands/on them they sent/them 1790/2011
Heb_9:10......imposed/on them until/the... 1930/2011
Deu_9:10..........and/on them was/written.. 358/2011
Rom_11:22.........God/on them which fell/severity 1848/2011 them which is by the flanks and the caul above/the 181/2011 them which is by the flanks and the caul that/is 190/2011
Mar_3:34........about/on them which sat/about 1538/2011
Mar_3:5.........about/on them with/anger.. 1535/2011
Act_13:15.........say/on Then/Paul........ 1794/2011
Luk_7:40..........say/on There/was........ 1613/2011
Col_3:12..........Put/on therefore/as..... 1902/2011
Mat_1:20......thought/on these things behold/the 1439/2011
Php_4:8.........think/on these things Those/things 1895/2011
Mat_22:40.....thyself/On these two/commandments 1500/2011
Col_3:2.....affection/on things above/not. 1897/2011
2Co_10:7.........look/on things after/the. 1877/2011
Col_3:2...........not/on things on/the.... 1898/2011
Jdg_10:4.........rode/on thirty/ass........ 503/2011
1Pe_4:16..........God/on this behalf/For.. 1946/2011 this city/and.... 1259/2011
1Sa_11:2.........them/On this condition/will 554/2011 this fashion/And. 1529/2011
Luk_13:7........fruit/on this fig/tree.... 1635/2011
Exo_38:15........gate/on this hand/and..... 160/2011
1Ki_22:20........said/on this manner and/another 780/2011
2Sa_15:6..........And/on this manner did/Absalom 670/2011 this manner neither/yet 964/2011
Gen_32:19......saying/On this manner shall/ye 39/2011
1Sa_18:24......saying/On this manner spake/David 584/2011
1Ki_7:28..........was/on this manner they/had 723/2011
2Sa_14:3........speak/on this manner unto/him 658/2011
Act_9:21.......called/on this name/in..... 1774/2011 this side according/to 1429/2011
Num_22:24.......being/on this side and a/wall 301/2011
Exo_37:8..........end/on this side and another cherub/on 152/2011 this side and another on that side Afterward/he 1342/2011 this side and another on that side upon/the 1327/2011
Num_11:31.....journey/on this side and as/it 284/2011
Eze_1:23......covered/on this side and every/one 1281/2011
Eze_40:48......cubits/on this side and five/cubits 1338/2011
Eze_40:41........were/on this side and four/tables 1336/2011
Eze_40:10.....measure/on this side and on that side And he/measured 1319/2011
Eze_40:34.....thereof/on this side and on that side and the going up to it had eight steps And he/brought 1329/2011
Eze_40:37.....thereof/on this side and on that side and the going up to it had eight steps And the/chambers 1331/2011
Eze_47:12.....thereof/on this side and on that side shall/grow 1376/2011
Exo_26:13..tabernacle/on this side and on that side to/cover 116/2011
Eze_40:12......cubits/on this side and six/cubits 1323/2011
Jos_8:22.........some/on this side and some/on 410/2011
Eze_40:12.......cubit/on this side and the/space 1321/2011
Eze_40:48......cubits/on this side and three cubits/on 1340/2011
Eze_40:21.......three/on this side and three on that side and/the 1325/2011
Eze_40:10.......three/on this side and three on that side they/three 1317/2011
Eze_40:39......tables/on this side and two/tables 1333/2011
Num_35:14......cities/on this side Jordan and/three 342/2011 this side Jordan but/ye 379/2011
Num_22:1.........Moab/on this side Jordan by/Jericho 300/2011 this side Jordan eastward And/Moses 328/2011
Deu_4:49........plain/on this side Jordan eastward even/unto 355/2011
Deu_3:8...........was/on this side Jordan from/the 348/2011
Jos_9:1..........were/on this side Jordan in the hills/and 416/2011
Deu_1:5.........Edrei/On this side Jordan in the land/of 345/2011
Deu_4:46........Egypt/On this side Jordan in the valley/over 353/2011
Deu_1:1........Israel/on this side Jordan in the wilderness/in 343/2011
Num_32:32.inheritance/on this side Jordan may/be 329/2011
Num_34:15.inheritance/on this side Jordan near/Jericho 337/2011
Jos_12:7........smote/on this side Jordan on/the 430/2011 this side Jordan toward the sunrising And/they 380/2011
Deu_4:47.........were/on this side Jordan toward the sunrising From/Aroer 354/2011
Deu_4:41.......cities/on this side Jordan toward the sunrising That/the 352/2011
Jos_22:7.....brethren/on this side Jordan westward And/when 469/2011
1Ch_26:30......Israel/on this side Jordan westward in/all 891/2011 this side of the bank/of 1390/2011
1Sa_23:26........went/on this side of the mountain/and 595/2011
1Sa_20:21.........are/on this side of thee/take 587/2011
2Ch_20:2..........sea/on this side Syria/and 947/2011
Jos_8:33........stood/on this side the ark/and 414/2011 this side the river and at such a time Be/it 974/2011
Ezr_4:10..........are/on this side the river and at such a time This/is 973/2011
1Ki_4:24........kings/on this side the river and he/had 713/2011
Ezr_5:6......governor/on this side the river and Shetharboznai and his/companions 977/2011
Ezr_5:3......governor/on this side the river and Shetharboznai and their/companions 976/2011
Ezr_8:36....governors/on this side the river and they/furthered 985/2011
1Ki_4:24.......region/on this side the river from/Tiphsah 712/2011
Neh_3:7......governor/on this side the river Next/unto 988/2011
Ezr_5:6..........were/on this side the river sent/unto 978/2011
Ezr_6:13.....governor/on this side the river Shetharboznai/and 980/2011
Ezr_4:16......portion/on this side the river Then/sent 975/2011
Mat_21:44........fall/on this stone/shall. 1496/2011 this wise And/God 1923/2011
Act_13:34........said/on this wise I/will. 1795/2011
Rom_10:6.....speaketh/on this wise Say/not 1845/2011
Joh_21:1..........and/on this wise shewed/he 1740/2011
Act_7:6.........spake/on this wise That/his 1762/2011
Mat_1:18..........was/on this wise When/as 1438/2011
Num_6:23.......saying/On this wise ye/shall 262/2011
Jdg_12:14........rode/on threescore/and.... 506/2011
Luk_22:30.........sit/on thrones/judging.. 1667/2011
Act_12:10......passed/on through/one...... 1789/2011
Isa_52:1..........put/on thy beautiful/garments 1207/2011
2Sa_13:5.........down/on thy bed/and....... 651/2011
Act_14:10.....upright/on thy feet/And..... 1797/2011
Mat_18:33..compassion/on thy fellowservant/even 1482/2011
Eze_16:12.......jewel/on thy forehead/and. 1289/2011
Deu_6:9...........and/on thy gates/And..... 356/2011 thy glory/For.... 1422/2011
Hos_12:6.........wait/on thy God/continually 1401/2011
Mar_10:37.......other/on thy left/hand.... 1560/2011 thy name But/the. 1772/2011
Psa_52:9.........wait/on thy name for it/is 1104/2011
Jer_10:25.........not/on thy name for they/have 1233/2011
Eze_16:11.......chain/on thy neck/And..... 1288/2011 thy part to set riders upon them How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's servants and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen Am/I 848/2011 thy part to set riders upon them How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's servants and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen And/am 1190/2011
1Ch_21:17.........not/on thy people/that... 887/2011
Mat_5:39.........thee/on thy right cheek/turn 1445/2011 thy right hand and the other on the/left 1486/2011 thy right hand and the other on thy/left 1559/2011
Eze_4:6.........again/on thy right side/and 1284/2011
1Ki_22:30........thou/on thy robes And/the. 783/2011
2Ch_18:29........thou/on thy robes So/the.. 946/2011
Act_12:8.........bind/on thy sandals/And.. 1788/2011
Eze_24:17.........put/on thy shoes/upon... 1303/2011
1Ch_12:18.........and/on thy side/thou..... 871/2011
Isa_52:1..........put/on thy strength/O... 1206/2011
Job_36:16.........set/on thy table/should. 1080/2011
1Sa_28:22.......goest/on thy way But/he.... 613/2011
1Ki_19:15......return/on thy way to/the.... 767/2011
2Sa_6:5...........and/on timbrels/and...... 641/2011
Num_34:4.........pass/on to Azmon/And...... 334/2011
2Sa_19:40........went/on to Gilgal/and..... 680/2011
Num_34:4...........go/on to Hazaraddar/and. 333/2011
Hos_6:3........follow/on to know/the...... 1394/2011
Job_39:21.......goeth/on to meet/the...... 1086/2011
Neh_2:14.........went/on to the/gate....... 987/2011
Jos_15:10......passed/on to Timnah/And..... 440/2011
Num_34:4.........pass/on to Zin/and........ 332/2011
Num_34:9...........go/on to Ziphron/and.... 335/2011
2Sa_24:20......coming/on toward/him........ 691/2011
Mar_6:9...........put/on two/coats........ 1548/2011
Heb_6:1............go/on unto/perfection.. 1926/2011
Tit_3:6..........shed/on us abundantly/through 1915/2011
Act_27:20.........lay/on us all/hope...... 1830/2011
Act_3:4..........Look/on us And he/gave... 1750/2011
Mar_9:22...compassion/on us and help/us... 1557/2011
Rev_6:16.........Fall/on us and hide/us... 1969/2011 us and on/our.... 1519/2011
Isa_63:7.....bestowed/on us and the/great. 1221/2011
Luk_23:30........Fall/on us and to/the.... 1671/2011
Luk_17:13.......mercy/on us And when he saw/them 1651/2011
Mat_9:27........mercy/on us And when he was/come 1453/2011
Act_3:12....earnestly/on us as/though..... 1751/2011 us at/the........ 1785/2011
Hos_10:8.........Fall/on us O Israel/thou. 1397/2011
Mat_20:31.......mercy/on us O Lord thou son of David And Jesus/stood 1491/2011
Mat_20:30.......mercy/on us O Lord thou son of David And the/multitude 1490/2011
Rom_16:6.......labour/on us Salute/Andronicus 1857/2011
1Sa_27:11........tell/on us saying/So...... 610/2011
Luk_10:11....cleaveth/on us we/do......... 1622/2011
Jer_15:10........lent/on usury nor/men.... 1238/2011 usury yet/every.. 1239/2011
2Sa_20:8..........put/on was/girded........ 682/2011
Lev_16:23.........put/on when/he........... 227/2011
2Ki_18:21.......Egypt/on which if/a........ 846/2011
Jdg_16:29.........and/on which it/was...... 517/2011
Lev_11:34........that/on which such/water.. 201/2011
Lev_16:10........goat/on which the lot/fell 226/2011
Rev_17:9....mountains/on which the woman/sitteth 1994/2011
1Sa_6:7..........kine/on which there/hath.. 543/2011
2Ki_1:4...........bed/on which thou art gone up but shalt surely die And Elijah/departed 784/2011
2Ki_1:6...........bed/on which thou art gone up but shalt surely die And he/said 785/2011
2Ki_1:16..........bed/on which thou art gone up but shalt surely die So/he 788/2011
Jdg_5:10.........ride/on white/asses....... 483/2011 whom dost thou trust that thou rebellest against me Lo/thou 1188/2011
2Ki_18:20.........Now/on whom dost thou trust that thou rebellest against me Now/behold 845/2011
Rom_9:18........mercy/on whom he/will..... 1842/2011
Rom_9:15...compassion/on whom I will have compassion/So 1841/2011
Rom_9:15........mercy/on whom I will have mercy/and 1840/2011
Exo_33:19.......mercy/on whom I will shew/mercy 145/2011
1Sa_9:20..........And/on whom is/all....... 548/2011
Eze_23:7..........all/on whom she/doted... 1298/2011
Act_14:23........Lord/on whom they/believed 1798/2011
Act_4:22..........old/on whom this/miracle 1754/2011
Act_8:19.........that/on whomsoever I/lay. 1768/2011
Luk_20:18.........but/on whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him to powder And the/chief 1659/2011
Mat_21:44.........but/on whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him to powder And when/the 1497/2011
2Ki_7:17.........lord/on whose hand he/leaned 812/2011
2Ki_7:2..........lord/on whose hand the/king 811/2011
Hos_12:1......feedeth/on wind/and......... 1400/2011
2Sa_19:40........went/on with him/and...... 681/2011
2Sa_15:33.....passest/on with me/then...... 673/2011 wood and put no fire under And call/ye 756/2011 wood and put no fire under and I/will 755/2011
Eze_24:10........Heap/on wood kindle/the.. 1302/2011
2Ki_12:15....bestowed/on workmen/for....... 835/2011
Act_7:5..........foot/on yet/he........... 1761/2011
Num_32:19........them/on yonder/side....... 327/2011
1Sa_6:4...........was/on you all/and....... 541/2011
Luk_21:12.......hands/on you and/persecute 1662/2011
Neh_13:21.......hands/on you From/that.... 1016/2011
Rom_16:19...therefore/on your behalf but/yet 1858/2011
2Co_8:24.....boasting/on your behalf For as/touching 1876/2011
1Co_1:4........always/on your behalf for the/grace 1859/2011 your feet/and...... 72/2011
1Sa_6:4...........and/on your lords/Wherefore 542/2011
Jud_1:20...yourselves/on your most/holy... 1953/2011
1Pe_4:14..........but/on your part he/is.. 1945/2011
1Co_16:17.....lacking/on your part they/have 1867/2011
Jdg_19:9........early/on your way/that..... 521/2011
Gen_19:2...........go/on your ways/And...... 22/2011
