about/the........ 289/313
2Th_1:11..........we/pray always for/you... 305/313
Luk_21:36........and/pray always that/ye... 277/313 And as/he........ 268/313 and continued/all 266/313
Psa_55:17..........I/pray and cry/aloud.... 211/313
Mar_14:32......shall/pray And he/taketh.... 264/313
2Ch_6:24.........and/pray and make supplication before/thee 186/313
1Ki_8:33.........and/pray and make supplication unto/thee 144/313 and not/to....... 275/313
2Ch_7:14.........and/pray and seek/my...... 192/313
Mat_19:13........and/pray and the/disciples 253/313 And when even/was 260/313 and when the/evening 252/313 as/John.......... 270/313 before the LORD and to seek/the 243/313 before the LORD And to speak/unto 242/313 before the LORD Thus/saith 244/313 before thee And/now 184/313
Neh_1:6............I/pray before thee now/day 196/313 believe/that..... 261/313 but/he........... 215/313 every/where...... 307/313
Rom_8:26......should/pray for as/we........ 292/313
1Jn_5:16.......shall/pray for it/All....... 313/313
1Ki_13:6.........and/pray for me/that...... 149/313
Ezr_6:10.........and/pray for the life/of.. 195/313
Psa_122:6......David/Pray for the peace/of. 213/313
Gen_20:7.......shall/pray for thee/and...... 10/313
Joh_17:9...........I/pray for them I/pray.. 282/313
Mat_5:44.........and/pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute/you 246/313
Luk_6:28.........and/pray for them which despitefully use you And unto/him 267/313
1Sa_12:19.....Samuel/Pray for thy/servants. 100/313 for us for/we.... 309/313
1Th_5:25....Brethren/pray for us Greet/all. 304/313
2Th_3:1.....brethren/pray for us that/the.. 306/313
Jer_42:20.....saying/Pray for us unto the LORD our/God 234/313
Jer_42:2.........and/pray for us unto the LORD thy/God 232/313
Mar_13:33........and/pray for ye/know...... 263/313 for you and/to... 301/313 for you but/I.... 101/313
Job_42:8.......shall/pray for you for/him.. 208/313
1Sa_7:5.........will/pray for you unto/the.. 97/313
Act_8:22.........and/pray God if/perhaps... 286/313
2Ti_4:16...........I/pray God that/it...... 308/313
1Th_5:23...........I/pray God your/whole... 303/313 him/to........... 258/313
Joh_17:20....Neither/pray I/for............ 285/313
1Co_14:14..........I/pray in an/unknown.... 295/313
2Ch_6:32.........and/pray in this/house.... 188/313
Jam_5:13.........him/pray Is/any........... 310/313
Luk_22:46........and/pray lest ye enter into temptation And/while 279/313
Mar_14:38........and/pray lest ye enter into temptation The/spirit 265/313
Psa_5:2............I/pray My/voice......... 209/313
Joh_17:9...........I/pray not for the/world 283/313 not for this/people 223/313
Joh_17:15..........I/pray not that/thou.... 284/313
Jer_11:14..Therefore/pray not thou for this people neither lift up a/cry 222/313
Jer_7:16...Therefore/pray not thou for this people neither lift up cry/nor 221/313
Jdg_9:38...........I/pray now and/fight..... 77/313
Jer_37:3......saying/Pray now unto/the..... 228/313
Jam_5:16.........and/pray one/for.......... 312/313
Jam_5:14........them/pray over/him......... 311/313 say/Our.......... 271/313 standing/in...... 247/313
1Co_14:13.....tongue/pray that he/may...... 294/313
Luk_22:40.......them/Pray that ye enter not into temptation And/he 278/313
Mat_26:41........and/pray that ye enter not into temptation the/spirit 256/313
Php_1:9............I/pray that your/love... 300/313
Joh_14:16.......will/pray the Father and/he 280/313
Joh_16:26.......will/pray the Father for/you 281/313 the one/a........ 276/313
1Ki_17:10..........I/pray thee a little water in/a 151/313
Gen_24:43..........I/pray thee a little water of/thy 17/313
Jdg_4:19...........I/pray thee a little water to/drink 72/313
1Ki_17:11..........I/pray thee a morsel/of. 152/313
2Ki_5:22...........I/pray thee a talent/of. 175/313
2Ki_8:4............I/pray thee all/the..... 181/313
2Sa_18:22..........I/pray thee also/run.... 135/313
Gen_50:5...........I/pray thee and bury/my.. 46/313
1Ki_14:2...........I/pray thee and disguise/thyself 150/313
Jdg_13:4...........I/pray thee and drink/not 81/313
2Ki_6:3............I/pray thee and go/with. 177/313
Isa_29:12..........I/pray thee and he saith I am/not 217/313
Isa_29:11..........I/pray thee and he saith I cannot/for 216/313
Jer_40:15..........I/pray thee and I/will.. 231/313
Jdg_19:11..........I/pray thee and let/us... 92/313
Exo_4:18...........I/pray thee and return/unto 50/313
1Sa_20:29..........I/pray thee and see/my.. 108/313
2Ki_2:16..........we/pray thee and seek/thy 167/313
Gen_24:45..........I/pray thee And she/made. 18/313
Jdg_16:28..........I/pray thee and strengthen/me 86/313
2Sa_16:9...........I/pray thee and take/off 134/313
Jdg_19:6...........I/pray thee and tarry/all 89/313
1Ki_20:35..........I/pray thee And the man refused/to 158/313
1Ki_20:37..........I/pray thee And the man smote/him 159/313
Jdg_19:8...........I/pray thee And they/tarried 90/313
1Ki_22:5...........I/pray thee at the word of the LORD to day Then/the 160/313
2Ch_18:4...........I/pray thee at the word of the LORD to day Therefore/the 193/313
Jer_37:20..........I/pray thee be accepted/before 230/313
2Sa_24:17..........I/pray thee be against/me 138/313
2Ki_5:17...........I/pray thee be given/to. 174/313
2Ch_18:12..........I/pray thee be like one/of 194/313
1Ki_22:13..........I/pray thee be like the/word 161/313
1Ki_8:26...........I/pray thee be verified/which 142/313
1Sa_15:30..........I/pray thee before/the.. 104/313
Gen_13:8...........I/pray thee between/me.... 2/313
1Sa_30:7...........I/pray thee bring/me.... 120/313
Jdg_6:39...........I/pray thee but/this..... 74/313
Exo_4:13...........I/pray thee by/the....... 49/313
Mar_5:23...........I/pray thee come and/lay 259/313
1Sa_22:3...........I/pray thee come forth/and 109/313
Num_22:17..........I/pray thee curse me this people And/Balaam 64/313
Num_22:6...........I/pray thee curse me this people for/they 62/313
1Sa_28:8...........I/pray thee divine/unto. 118/313
Gen_24:17..........I/pray thee drink/a...... 15/313
2Sa_14:2...........I/pray thee feign/thyself 128/313
2Ki_7:13...........I/pray thee five/of..... 180/313
1Sa_20:29..........I/pray thee for our/family 107/313
2Ki_2:2............I/pray thee for the LORD hath sent me to Bethel/And 163/313
2Ki_2:4............I/pray thee for the LORD hath sent me to Jericho/And 164/313
Jon_1:8...........we/pray thee for whose/cause 237/313
Num_10:31..........I/pray thee forasmuch/as. 56/313
Gen_50:17.........we/pray thee forgive the trespass of the/servants 48/313
1Sa_25:28..........I/pray thee forgive the trespass of thine/handmaid 114/313
Gen_13:9...........I/pray thee from me/if.... 3/313
Gen_32:11..........I/pray thee from the/hand 25/313
Gen_18:3...........I/pray thee from thy/servant 5/313
2Ki_18:23..........I/pray thee give pledges/to 182/313
1Ki_1:12...........I/pray thee give thee/counsel 139/313
Jos_7:19...........I/pray thee glory/to..... 70/313
Exo_34:9...........I/pray thee go among/us.. 55/313
Gen_16:2...........I/pray thee go in/unto.... 4/313
Luk_14:18..........I/pray thee have me excused And another said I have bought/five 272/313
Luk_14:19..........I/pray thee have me excused And another said I have married/a 273/313
Gen_23:13..........I/pray thee hear me/I.... 11/313
Job_33:1...........I/pray thee hear my/speeches 206/313
1Sa_28:22..........I/pray thee hearken/thou 119/313
2Ki_2:6............I/pray thee here/for.... 165/313
1Sa_3:17...........I/pray thee hide/it...... 96/313
Num_22:16..........I/pray thee hinder/thee.. 63/313
Num_23:27..........I/pray thee I/will....... 67/313
Gen_30:27..........I/pray thee if I have found favour/in 24/313
Exo_33:13..........I/pray thee if I have found grace/in 54/313
Gen_33:10..........I/pray thee if now/I..... 27/313
Gen_47:29..........I/pray thee in/Egypt..... 43/313
Jdg_15:2...........I/pray thee instead/of... 83/313
1Sa_2:36...........I/pray thee into/one..... 95/313
Gen_24:23..........I/pray thee is/there..... 16/313
1Ki_19:20..........I/pray thee kiss/my..... 154/313
2Ki_2:9............I/pray thee let a/double 166/313
Gen_38:16..........I/pray thee let me come/in 34/313
2Sa_15:7...........I/pray thee let me go and/pay 132/313
Deu_3:25...........I/pray thee let me go over/and 68/313
1Ki_20:32..........I/pray thee let me live/And 157/313
2Sa_13:26..........I/pray thee let my brother/Amnon 127/313
2Ki_1:13...........I/pray thee let my life/and 162/313
1Sa_26:19..........I/pray thee let my lord/the 117/313
2Sa_13:5...........I/pray thee let my sister/Tamar 124/313
2Sa_13:6...........I/pray thee let Tamar/my 125/313
2Sa_14:11..........I/pray thee let the/king 129/313
1Ki_17:21..........I/pray thee let this/child's 153/313
Gen_44:33..........I/pray thee let thy servant/abide 39/313
Gen_47:4..........we/pray thee let thy servants/dwell 41/313
Jdg_13:15..........I/pray thee let us/detain 82/313
Gen_33:11..........I/pray thee my blessing/that 28/313
Exo_10:17..........I/pray thee my sin/only.. 52/313
Gen_50:17..........I/pray thee now/the...... 47/313
1Ch_21:17..........I/pray thee O LORD my/God 185/313
Jon_4:2............I/pray thee O LORD was/not 238/313
Jer_37:20..........I/pray thee O my/lord... 229/313
Jdg_18:5..........we/pray thee of God/that.. 88/313
Job_8:8............I/pray thee of the former/age 202/313
Jer_21:2...........I/pray thee of the LORD/for 224/313
Gen_30:14..........I/pray thee of thy/son's. 23/313
Act_8:34...........I/pray thee of whom/speaketh 288/313
2Ki_4:10...........I/pray thee on/the...... 169/313
2Ki_4:22...........I/pray thee one/of...... 170/313
Jdg_16:28..........I/pray thee only/this.... 87/313
2Ki_6:17...........I/pray thee open/his.... 178/313
Num_11:15..........I/pray thee out of hand/if 57/313
Exo_32:32..........I/pray thee out of thy/book 53/313
1Sa_15:25..........I/pray thee pardon/my... 103/313
Gen_33:14..........I/pray thee pass over/before 29/313
Jdg_11:17..........I/pray thee pass through/thy 79/313
1Ki_20:31..........I/pray thee put/sackcloth 156/313
1Sa_25:25..........I/pray thee regard/this. 113/313
1Ki_2:20...........I/pray thee say/me...... 141/313
Gen_37:14..........I/pray thee see/whether.. 32/313
Gen_24:12..........I/pray thee send/me...... 13/313
Gen_27:19..........I/pray thee sit/and...... 21/313
Gen_44:18..........I/pray thee speak a/word. 38/313
1Sa_25:24..........I/pray thee speak in/thine 112/313
2Sa_14:12..........I/pray thee speak one/word 130/313
2Sa_13:13..........I/pray thee speak unto/the 126/313
1Sa_16:22..........I/pray thee stand/before 105/313
2Ki_5:15...........I/pray thee take a/blessing 173/313
1Sa_19:2...........I/pray thee take heed/to 106/313
1Sa_26:11..........I/pray thee take thou/now 116/313
2Sa_1:4............I/pray thee tell/me..... 121/313
Gen_24:14..........I/pray thee that I may drink/and 14/313
Gen_27:21..........I/pray thee that I may feel/thee 22/313
Jer_32:8...........I/pray thee that is/in.. 227/313
Act_24:4...........I/pray thee that thou/wouldest 290/313
Jdg_1:24..........we/pray thee the entrance/into 71/313
Job_22:22..........I/pray thee the law/from 204/313
2Ki_2:19...........I/pray thee the situation/of 168/313
2Sa_14:18..........I/pray thee the thing/that 131/313
Luk_16:27..........I/pray thee therefore/father 274/313
Jdg_10:15.........we/pray thee this/day..... 78/313
Gen_12:13..........I/pray thee thou/art...... 1/313
Exo_5:3...........we/pray thee three/days'.. 51/313
Num_20:17..........I/pray thee through thy country/we 60/313
Jdg_11:19.........we/pray thee through thy land/into 80/313
Gen_47:29..........I/pray thee thy hand under my thigh and deal/kindly 42/313
Gen_24:2...........I/pray thee thy hand under my thigh And I/will 12/313
Psa_119:76.........I/pray thee thy merciful/kindness 212/313
Gen_32:29..........I/pray thee thy name/And. 26/313
Neh_1:11...........I/pray thee thy servant/this 197/313
Gen_27:3...........I/pray thee thy weapons/thy 20/313
2Ki_4:26...........I/pray thee to meet/her. 171/313
Isa_36:8...........I/pray thee to my/master 218/313
2Ki_18:26..........I/pray thee to thy/servants 183/313
2Sa_19:37..........I/pray thee turn back/again 136/313
2Sa_15:31..........I/pray thee turn the/counsel 133/313
Jdg_6:18...........I/pray thee until/I...... 73/313
2Ki_6:2...........we/pray thee unto Jordan/and 176/313
Gen_48:9...........I/pray thee unto me and I/will 44/313
Gen_40:14..........I/pray thee unto me and make/mention 37/313
1Ki_2:17...........I/pray thee unto Solomon/the 140/313
Isa_36:11..........I/pray thee unto thy/servants 219/313
2Sa_1:9............I/pray thee upon/me..... 122/313
1Sa_10:15..........I/pray thee what/Samuel.. 99/313
1Sa_25:8...........I/pray thee whatsoever/cometh 111/313
1Sa_9:18...........I/pray thee where the/seer's 98/313
Gen_37:16..........I/pray thee where they/feed 33/313
Jdg_16:6...........I/pray thee wherein/thy.. 84/313
Jdg_16:10..........I/pray thee wherewith/thou 85/313
Job_4:7............I/pray thee who/ever.... 200/313
Gen_38:25..........I/pray thee whose/are.... 35/313
2Ki_6:18...........I/pray thee with blindness/And 179/313
Num_23:13..........I/pray thee with me/unto. 66/313
Gen_25:30..........I/pray thee with that/same 19/313
1Sa_26:8...........I/pray thee with the/spear 115/313 this/prayer...... 123/313
2Co_13:7...........I/pray to God/that...... 299/313 to my/Father..... 257/313
Mat_6:6.........door/pray to thy/Father.... 248/313
2Ch_6:38.........and/pray toward their/land 191/313
1Ki_8:42.........and/pray toward this house/Hear 146/313
1Ki_8:35........they/pray toward this place and confess thy name and turn from their sin when thou afflictest/them 145/313
2Ch_6:26........they/pray toward this place and confess thy name and turn from their sin when thou dost/afflict 187/313
1Ki_8:30.......shall/pray toward this place and hear/thou 143/313
Isa_45:20........and/pray unto a/god....... 220/313
Job_33:26......shall/pray unto God and/he.. 207/313
1Co_11:13......woman/pray unto God uncovered/Doth 293/313
Job_21:15.........we/pray unto him/Lo...... 203/313
Jer_29:12........and/pray unto me/and...... 226/313
Jer_29:7.........and/pray unto the LORD for/it 225/313
Num_21:7........thee/pray unto the LORD that/he 61/313
1Ki_8:44.......shall/pray unto the LORD toward/the 147/313
Jer_42:4........will/pray unto the LORD your/God 233/313
Psa_32:6.......godly/pray unto thee in a/time 210/313
2Ch_6:37.........and/pray unto thee in the/land 190/313
1Ki_8:48.........and/pray unto thee toward their/land 148/313
2Ch_6:34........they/pray unto thee toward this/city 189/313 use/not.......... 249/313
1Co_14:15.......will/pray with the spirit/and 296/313
1Co_14:15.......will/pray with the understanding/also 297/313
1Th_5:17....evermore/Pray without/ceasing.. 302/313
Mat_6:9....therefore/pray ye Our/Father.... 250/313
Mar_13:18........And/pray ye that your flight be not in the winter For/in 262/313
Mat_24:20........But/pray ye that your flight be not in the winter neither/on 254/313
Mat_9:38.........few/Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will/send 251/313
Luk_10:2.........few/pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he would/send 269/313
Act_8:24........said/Pray ye to/the........ 287/313
Mat_26:36........and/pray yonder/And....... 255/313
Job_32:21..........I/pray you accept/any... 205/313
Lam_1:18...........I/pray you all/people... 235/313
Eze_33:30..........I/pray you and hear/what 236/313
2Ki_5:7............I/pray you and see how he/seeketh 172/313
1Ki_20:7...........I/pray you and see how this/man 155/313
Gen_40:8...........I/pray you And the/chief. 36/313
Gen_45:4...........I/pray you And they/came. 40/313
Gen_18:4...........I/pray you be/fetched..... 6/313
Mal_1:9............I/pray you beseech/God.. 245/313
Isa_5:3............I/pray you betwixt/me... 214/313
Gen_19:7...........I/pray you brethren/do.... 8/313
Gen_19:8...........I/pray you bring/them..... 9/313
Hag_2:15...........I/pray you consider/from 241/313
Jdg_19:23..........I/pray you do/not........ 93/313
Num_16:26..........I/pray you from/the...... 59/313
Gen_34:8...........I/pray you give/her...... 30/313
1Sa_14:29..........I/pray you how/mine..... 102/313
2Co_5:20..........we/pray you in Christ's/stead 298/313
Jdg_9:2............I/pray you in the ears of all/the 76/313
Gen_50:4...........I/pray you in the ears of Pharaoh/saying 45/313
Gen_19:2...........I/pray you into/your...... 7/313
Job_6:29...........I/pray you let it/not... 201/313
Rut_2:7............I/pray you let me/glean.. 94/313
Neh_5:10...........I/pray you let us/leave. 198/313
Jdg_8:5............I/pray you loaves/of..... 75/313
Mic_3:1............I/pray you O/heads...... 239/313
1Sa_23:22..........I/pray you prepare/yet.. 110/313
Jos_2:12...........I/pray you swear/unto.... 69/313
Jdg_19:9...........I/pray you tarry all/night 91/313
Num_22:19..........I/pray you tarry ye/also. 65/313
Gen_37:6...........I/pray you this/dream.... 31/313
Act_27:34..........I/pray you to take/some. 291/313
Neh_5:11...........I/pray you to them/even. 199/313
2Sa_20:16..........I/pray you unto/Joab.... 137/313
Mic_3:9............I/pray you ye heads/of.. 240/313
Num_16:8...........I/pray you ye sons/of.... 58/313
Jam_5:18..........he/prayed again/and........ 65/65
2Ch_32:20.......Amoz/prayed and cried/to..... 17/65
Dan_6:10.........and/prayed and gave/thanks.. 28/65
Luk_5:16.........and/prayed And it/came...... 40/65
Act_28:8.........and/prayed and laid his/hands 63/65
Act_13:3.........and/prayed and laid their/hands 55/65
2Ki_6:17......Elisha/prayed and said LORD/I.. 11/65
1Sa_2:1.......Hannah/prayed and said My/heart. 8/65
Act_1:24........they/prayed and said Thou/Lord 47/65
Act_16:25......Silas/prayed and sang/praises. 58/65
Mar_1:35.......there/prayed And Simon/and.... 35/65
Mar_14:39........and/prayed and spake/the.... 38/65
1Sa_1:27...........I/prayed and the/LORD...... 7/65
Act_9:40.........and/prayed and turning/him.. 51/65
Ezr_10:1.........had/prayed and when he/had.. 20/65
Act_21:5.........and/prayed And when we/had.. 60/65
Neh_1:4..........and/prayed before the God/of 21/65
2Ki_19:15...Hezekiah/prayed before the LORD/and 13/65
Jam_5:17..........he/prayed earnestly/that... 64/65
Deu_9:20...........I/prayed for Aaron/also.... 4/65
Job_42:10.........he/prayed for his/friends.. 23/65
Num_21:7.......Moses/prayed for the/people.... 3/65
Luk_22:32.......have/prayed for thee/that.... 43/65
2Ch_30:18...Hezekiah/prayed for them saying/The 16/65
Act_8:15........down/prayed for them that/they 50/65
Act_16:9.........and/prayed him saying Come/over 57/65
Joh_4:31...disciples/prayed him saying Master/eat 46/65
Mar_5:18.......devil/prayed him that he might/be 36/65
Luk_5:3..........and/prayed him that he would/thrust 39/65
Act_10:30..........I/prayed in my/house...... 53/65
Act_22:17..........I/prayed in the/temple.... 61/65
Act_23:18........and/prayed me/to............ 62/65
Luk_22:44.........he/prayed more/earnestly... 45/65
Luk_22:41........and/prayed Saying Father/if. 44/65
Mat_26:39........and/prayed saying O my Father if it/be 32/65
Mat_26:42........and/prayed saying O my Father if this/cup 33/65
Mar_14:35........and/prayed that/if.......... 37/65
Luk_9:29..........he/prayed the fashion/of... 41/65
Act_4:31.........had/prayed the place/was.... 48/65
Mat_26:44........and/prayed the third/time... 34/65
Deu_9:26...........I/prayed therefore/unto.... 5/65
Act_10:48.......Then/prayed they him/to...... 54/65
Act_6:6..........had/prayed they laid/their.. 49/65
Luk_18:11........and/prayed thus/with........ 42/65
Act_10:2.........and/prayed to God/alway..... 52/65
2Ki_19:20.......hast/prayed to me against Sennacherib king of Assyria I/have 14/65
Isa_37:21.......hast/prayed to me against Sennacherib king of Assyria This/is 25/65
Neh_2:4............I/prayed to the/God....... 22/65
Gen_20:17....Abraham/prayed unto God/and...... 1/65
2Ch_33:13........And/prayed unto him/and..... 19/65
2Ch_32:24........and/prayed unto the LORD and he spake/unto 18/65
2Ki_4:33.........and/prayed unto the LORD And he went/up 10/65
Jon_4:2...........he/prayed unto the LORD and said I/pray 31/65
Isa_38:2.........and/prayed unto the LORD And said Remember/now 26/65
2Ki_6:18......Elisha/prayed unto the LORD and said Smite/this 12/65
1Sa_8:6.......Samuel/prayed unto the LORD And the/LORD 9/65
1Sa_1:10.........and/prayed unto the LORD and wept/sore 6/65
Jon_2:1........Jonah/prayed unto the LORD his/God 30/65
Dan_9:4............I/prayed unto the LORD my/God 29/65
Jer_32:16..........I/prayed unto the LORD saying Ah/Lord 27/65
2Ki_20:2.........and/prayed unto the LORD saying I/beseech 15/65
Isa_37:15...Hezekiah/prayed unto the LORD saying O/LORD 24/65
Num_11:2.......Moses/prayed unto the LORD the/fire 2/65
Act_14:23........had/prayed with fasting/they 56/65
Act_20:36........and/prayed with them/all.... 59/65 a/certain....... 95/109
2Ch_33:19........His/prayer also and/how.... 23/109 also shall be in/their 59/109
Psa_72:15......Sheba/prayer also shall be made/for 47/109
1Pe_4:7.........unto/prayer And above/all.. 109/109 and attend/to... 50/109 and Bakbukiah/the 28/109
1Co_7:5..........and/prayer and come/together 98/109 and fasting And they/departed 83/109 and fasting And while/they 79/109
2Ch_7:12.........thy/prayer and have/chosen. 19/109
Eph_6:18.........all/prayer and supplication in/the 101/109
1Ki_8:38........What/prayer and supplication soever/be 5/109
1Ki_8:54........this/prayer and supplication unto/the 8/109 and supplication with thanksgiving/let 104/109 and supplication with the/women 89/109 and supplications/with 73/109
Php_1:19........your/prayer and the/supply. 103/109
1Ki_8:45.......their/prayer and their supplication and maintain their cause If they sin against thee for there is no man that/sinneth 6/109
2Ch_6:35.......their/prayer and their supplication and maintain their cause If they sin against thee for there is no man which/sinneth 16/109
1Ki_8:49.......their/prayer and their supplication in/heaven 7/109
2Ch_6:39.......their/prayer and their supplications/and 17/109
Psa_109:4.......unto/prayer And they/have... 56/109
1Ki_9:3..........thy/prayer and thy/supplication 9/109 and to/the...... 91/109
Luk_22:45.......from/prayer and was/come.... 88/109 and watch/in... 105/109 be/set.......... 58/109
Psa_109:7........his/prayer become/sin...... 57/109
Job_15:4.restrainest/prayer before God/For.. 29/109
Dan_9:13.........our/prayer before the/LORD. 74/109
Act_3:1...........of/prayer being/the....... 90/109 believing/ye.... 81/109 Blessed/be...... 44/109
Luk_19:46.........of/prayer but ye have made it a den of thieves And he/taught 87/109
Mat_21:13.........of/prayer but ye have made it a den of thieves And the blind/and 80/109
Mar_11:17.........of/prayer but ye have made it a den of thieves And the scribes/and 84/109 came in/unto.... 77/109
2Ch_30:27......their/prayer came up/to...... 21/109 come/before..... 51/109 Distributing/to. 97/109 even/the........ 76/109
Isa_56:7..........of/prayer for all/people.. 68/109
2Ki_19:4.........thy/prayer for the remnant that are/left 10/109
Isa_37:4.........thy/prayer for the remnant that is/left 65/109
Jer_11:14.........or/prayer for them for/I.. 70/109
Jer_7:16.........nor/prayer for them neither/make 69/109 for us/that..... 99/109
2Co_9:14.......their/prayer for you/which.. 100/109 From/the........ 41/109 give/ear........ 49/109 He/hath......... 71/109
Isa_38:5.........thy/prayer I have seen thy tears behold I will add/unto 66/109
2Ki_20:5.........thy/prayer I have seen thy tears behold I will heal/thee 11/109
1Ti_4:5..........and/prayer If/thou........ 106/109
Act_10:31........thy/prayer is heard and thine/alms 92/109
Luk_1:13.........thy/prayer is heard and thy/wife 85/109 is pure/O....... 30/109 is unto/thee.... 46/109 Let/all......... 34/109 nor/his......... 45/109 O God and/hide.. 40/109 O God give/ear.. 39/109 O LORD and give/ear 37/109 O LORD and let/my 53/109 O LORD give/ear. 60/109 O ye/sons....... 32/109
Jam_5:16.....fervent/prayer of a/righteous. 108/109
Jam_5:15.........the/prayer of faith/shall. 107/109
Hab_3:1............A/prayer of Habakkuk/the. 78/109
Php_1:4........every/prayer of mine/for.... 102/109
Psa_102:17.......the/prayer of the destitute/and 54/109
Pro_15:29........the/prayer of the righteous/The 62/109
Pro_15:8.........the/prayer of the upright/is 61/109
Psa_80:4.........the/prayer of thy people/Thou 48/109
Dan_9:17.........the/prayer of thy servant and his/supplications 75/109
2Ch_6:19.........the/prayer of thy servant and to his supplication O LORD my God to hearken unto the cry and the/prayer 12/109
1Ki_8:28.........the/prayer of thy servant and to his supplication O LORD my God to hearken unto the cry and to/the 2/109
Neh_1:11.........the/prayer of thy servant and to the/prayer 25/109
Neh_1:6..........the/prayer of thy servant which/I 24/109
Neh_1:11.........the/prayer of thy servants/who 26/109
2Ch_6:29........what/prayer or/what......... 15/109 preserve/my..... 42/109 prevent/thee.... 52/109 returned/into... 36/109
Pro_28:9.........his/prayer shall/be........ 63/109
Lam_3:44.........our/prayer should/not...... 72/109 that goeth/not.. 35/109
2Ch_7:15.........the/prayer that is made in this place For/now 20/109
2Ch_6:40.........the/prayer that is made in this place Now/therefore 18/109
Isa_56:7..........of/prayer their/burnt..... 67/109
Mat_23:14.......long/prayer therefore/ye.... 82/109
Psa_102:17.....their/prayer This/shall...... 55/109 to God And/when. 86/109
Rom_10:1.........and/prayer to God for/Israel 96/109
Job_22:27........thy/prayer unto him/and.... 31/109
2Ch_33:18........his/prayer unto his/God.... 22/109
Neh_4:9..........our/prayer unto our/God.... 27/109 unto the/God.... 38/109
2Sa_7:27........this/prayer unto thee And now/O 1/109 unto thee and will/look 33/109
Psa_65:2.....hearest/prayer unto thee shall/all 43/109
Act_12:5.........but/prayer was made/without 93/109
Act_16:13......where/prayer was wont/to..... 94/109
Isa_26:16..........a/prayer when/thy........ 64/109
2Ch_6:19.........the/prayer which thy servant prayeth before thee That/thine 13/109
1Ki_8:28.........the/prayer which thy servant prayeth before thee to/day 3/109
2Ch_6:20.........the/prayer which thy servant prayeth toward/this 14/109
1Ki_8:29.........the/prayer which thy servant shall/make 4/109 And fear/came.... 7/24
Luk_5:33........make/prayers and likewise/the. 5/24
Heb_5:7...........up/prayers and supplications/with 19/24
Act_10:4.........Thy/prayers and thine/alms... 8/24
1Pe_3:7.........your/prayers be/not.......... 20/24
1Pe_3:12.......their/prayers but/the......... 21/24 Hearing/of...... 17/24
Phl_1:22........your/prayers I shall/be...... 18/24
Isa_1:15........many/prayers I will/not....... 2/24
1Ti_2:1supplications/prayers intercessions/and 14/24 Making/request... 9/24
Luk_2:37.........and/prayers night and day And/she 4/24
1Ti_5:5..........and/prayers night and day But/she 15/24 night and day Greatly/desiring 16/24
Rev_8:3..........the/prayers of all/saints... 23/24
Psa_72:20........The/prayers of David/the..... 1/24
Rev_5:8..........the/prayers of saints/And... 22/24
Rev_8:4..........the/prayers of the/saints... 24/24
1Th_1:2..........our/prayers Remembering/without 13/24 That the/God.... 11/24 that ye/may..... 12/24
Luk_20:47.......long/prayers the/same......... 6/24
Mar_12:40.......long/prayers these/shall...... 3/24
Rom_15:30.......your/prayers to/God.......... 10/24
Mat_6:6.........thou/prayest enter/into........ 2/2
Mat_6:5.........thou/prayest thou/shalt........ 1/2
Act_9:11..........he/prayeth And/hath.......... 5/7
2Ch_6:19.....servant/prayeth before thee That/thine 2/7
1Ki_8:28.....servant/prayeth before thee to/day 1/7
1Co_14:14.....spirit/prayeth but/my............ 7/7
1Co_11:5........that/prayeth or/prophesieth.... 6/7
2Ch_6:20.....servant/prayeth toward/this....... 3/7
Isa_44:17........and/prayeth unto/it........... 4/7
1Ki_8:54..........of/praying all/this......... 3/20
Col_4:3.......Withal/praying also/for........ 18/20
Col_1:3.......Christ/praying always for/you.. 17/20
Eph_6:18.........God/Praying always with/all. 16/20
Act_12:12...together/praying And as/Peter.... 13/20
Dan_9:20.........and/praying and confessing/my 6/20
Act_11:5.......Joppa/praying and in/a........ 12/20
Dan_6:11......Daniel/praying and making/supplication 5/20
1Sa_1:12...continued/praying before/the....... 1/20 exceedingly/that 19/20
Mar_11:25......stand/praying forgive/if....... 7/20
Luk_9:18.......alone/praying his/disciples... 10/20
Luk_11:1.........was/praying in a/certain.... 11/20 in the/Holy..... 20/20 or/prophesying.. 14/20
2Ch_7:1...........of/praying the fire/came.... 4/20
Luk_3:21.........and/praying the heaven/was... 9/20 unto/the......... 2/20
2Co_8:4...themselves/Praying us/with......... 15/20
Luk_1:10........were/praying without/at....... 8/20
