1Sa_17:9..........I/prevail against him and kill/him 5/29
Jer_20:10.....shall/prevail against him and we/shall 24/29
Job_15:24.....shall/prevail against him as/a 11/29
Est_6:13........not/prevail against him but/shalt 10/29
Jdg_16:5........may/prevail against him that/we 3/29
Job_18:9......shall/prevail against him The/snare 12/29
Ecc_4:12........one/prevail against him two/shall 16/29
Isa_42:13.....shall/prevail against his/enemies 19/29
Mat_16:18.......not/prevail against it And I/will 27/29
Isa_7:1.........not/prevail against it And it/was 17/29
Psa_65:3.Iniquities/prevail against me/as... 15/29
Jer_1:19........not/prevail against thee for I am with thee saith/the 21/29
Jer_15:20.......not/prevail against thee for I am with thee to/save 23/29
2Ch_14:11.......man/prevail against thee So/the 8/29
1Ki_22:22.......and/prevail also/go.......... 7/29
Dan_11:7......shall/prevail And shall/also.. 26/29
Gen_7:20.....waters/prevail and the/mountains 1/29
2Ch_18:21......also/prevail go/out........... 9/29
Psa_9:19........man/prevail let/the......... 13/29
Joh_12:19........ye/prevail nothing behold/the 29/29
Mat_27:24.....could/prevail nothing but/that 28/29
Psa_12:4.........we/prevail our/lips........ 14/29
1Sa_26:25.....still/prevail So/David......... 6/29
Num_22:6......shall/prevail that/we.......... 2/29
1Sa_2:9.........man/prevail The/adversaries.. 4/29
Jer_20:11.......not/prevail they/shall...... 25/29
Isa_16:12.......not/prevail This/is......... 18/29
Isa_47:12....mayest/prevail Thou/art........ 20/29
Jer_5:22........not/prevail though/they..... 22/29
1Ch_5:2.......Judah/prevailed above his/brethren 20/37
Gen_49:26......have/prevailed above the/blessings 8/37
Act_19:20.......and/prevailed After/these... 35/37
Jdg_3:10.......hand/prevailed against Chushanrishathaim/And 12/37
Psa_13:4.......have/prevailed against him/and 25/37
Jdg_6:2......Midian/prevailed against Israel/and 14/37
2Ch_8:3.........and/prevailed against it/And 22/37
Jdg_4:24........and/prevailed against Jabin/the 13/37
2Sa_24:4.......word/prevailed against Joab and/against 17/37
1Ch_21:4.......word/prevailed against Joab Wherefore/Joab 21/37
Psa_129:2.......not/prevailed against me/The 26/37
1Ki_16:22......Omri/prevailed against the/people 18/37
Oba_1:7.........and/prevailed against thee that/they 32/37
Jer_38:22......have/prevailed against thee thy/feet 28/37
2Ch_27:5........and/prevailed against them And/the 24/37
Act_19:16.......and/prevailed against them so/that 34/37
Dan_7:21........and/prevailed against them Until/the 30/37
2Sa_11:23.......men/prevailed against us/and 16/37
Gen_32:28......hast/prevailed And Jacob/asked 6/37
Luk_23:23...priests/prevailed And Pilate/gave 33/37
Gen_30:8.......have/prevailed and she/called. 4/37
Gen_7:18.....waters/prevailed and were/increased 1/37
Exo_17:11....Israel/prevailed and when/he.... 9/37
2Ch_13:18.....Judah/prevailed because/they.. 23/37
Exo_17:11....Amalek/prevailed But/Moses..... 10/37
Gen_7:19.....waters/prevailed exceedingly/upon 2/37
Hos_12:4........and/prevailed he/wept....... 31/37
Jer_20:7.......hast/prevailed I/am.......... 27/37
2Ki_25:3.....famine/prevailed in/the........ 19/37
Gen_32:25........he/prevailed not against/him 5/37
Rev_12:8........And/prevailed not neither/was 37/37
1Sa_17:50.....David/prevailed over the/Philistine 15/37
Gen_47:20....famine/prevailed over them/so... 7/37
Jdg_1:35.....Joseph/prevailed so/that....... 11/37
Rev_5:5........hath/prevailed to/open....... 36/37
Gen_7:24.....waters/prevailed upon/the....... 3/37
Lam_1:16......enemy/prevailed Zion/spreadeth 29/37
Job_14:20......Thou/prevailest/for............ 1/1
Lam_1:13.........it/prevaileth/against........ 1/1
Psa_59:10.....shall/prevent me God/shall...... 2/7
Job_3:12......knees/prevent me or/why......... 1/7
Psa_119:148....eyes/prevent the/night......... 5/7
Psa_88:13....prayer/prevent thee/LORD......... 4/7
1Th_4:15........not/prevent them/which........ 7/7
Psa_79:8...speedily/prevent us for/we......... 3/7
Amo_9:10........nor/prevent us In/that........ 6/7
Mat_17:25.....Jesus/prevented him/saying...... 9/9
Job_30:27affliction/prevented me I/went....... 3/9
2Sa_22:6......death/prevented me In my distress I called upon the LORD and cried to/my 1/9
Psa_18:5......death/prevented me In my distress I called upon the LORD and cried unto/my 5/9
2Sa_22:19......They/prevented me in the day of my calamity but the LORD was my stay He brought me forth also into a large place he delivered me because he delighted in me The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and as/for 2/9
Psa_18:18......They/prevented me in the day of my calamity but the LORD was my stay He brought me forth also into a large place he delivered me because he delighted in me The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and I/did 6/9
Job_41:11......hath/prevented me that/I....... 4/9
Psa_119:147.......I/prevented the/dawning..... 7/9
Isa_21:14......they/prevented with/their...... 8/9
Psa_21:3.......thou/preventest/him............ 1/1
