Lev_13:34shall/pronounce him clean and he/shall 16/23
Lev_14:7.shall/pronounce him clean and shall/let 21/23
Lev_13:28shall/pronounce him clean for/it 14/23
Lev_13:37shall/pronounce him clean If/a 17/23
Lev_13:6.shall/pronounce him clean it/is 3/23
Lev_13:23shall/pronounce him clean Or/if 11/23
Lev_13:17shall/pronounce him clean that hath the plague he/is 8/23
Lev_13:13shall/pronounce him clean that hath the plague it/is 6/23
Lev_13:15..and/pronounce him to/be...... 7/23
Lev_13:11shall/pronounce him unclean and/shall 5/23
Lev_13:3...and/pronounce him unclean If/the 2/23
Lev_13:30shall/pronounce him unclean it is a dry/scall 15/23
Lev_13:8.shall/pronounce him unclean it is a leprosy/When 4/23
Lev_13:22shall/pronounce him unclean it is a plague But/if 10/23
Lev_13:20shall/pronounce him unclean it is a plague of/leprosy 9/23
Lev_13:27shall/pronounce him unclean it is the plague of leprosy And/if 13/23
Lev_13:25shall/pronounce him unclean it is the plague of leprosy But/if 12/23
Lev_13:44shall/pronounce him utterly/unclean 18/23
Lev_13:59...to/pronounce it clean/or... 19/23
Jdg_12:6....to/pronounce it right/Then. 23/23
Lev_13:59...to/pronounce it unclean/And 20/23
Lev_14:48shall/pronounce the/house..... 22/23
Lev_5:4..shall/pronounce with/an........ 1/23
Jer_19:15.have/pronounced against it because/they 5/14
Jer_25:13.have/pronounced against it even/all 6/14
Jer_35:17.have/pronounced against them because/I 10/14
Jer_36:31.have/pronounced against them but/they 13/14
Jer_26:19..had/pronounced against them Thus/might 8/14
Jer_36:7..hath/pronounced against this/people 11/14
Jer_26:13.hath/pronounced against you/As 7/14
Jer_36:18...He/pronounced all these/words 12/14
Jer_16:10.LORD/pronounced all this/great 3/14
Jer_11:17.hath/pronounced evil/against.. 2/14
Jer_34:5..have/pronounced the/word...... 9/14
Jer_40:2..hath/pronounced this evil/upon 14/14
Neh_6:12....he/pronounced this prophecy/against 1/14
Jer_18:8..have/pronounced turn/from..... 4/14
Lev_5:4..swear/pronouncing/with.......... 1/1
