Num_34:14...of/Reuben according to the/house 37/74
Num_2:10....of/Reuben according to their/armies 20/74
Jos_13:23...of/Reuben after/their...... 44/74
Eze_48:6...for/Reuben And by/the....... 71/74
Jos_22:25...of/Reuben and children/of.. 57/74
Jos_22:32...of/Reuben and from/the..... 60/74
Jos_22:33...of/Reuben and Gad/dwelt.... 61/74
Jos_18:7...and/Reuben and half/the..... 46/74
Jos_21:7....of/Reuben and out of the tribe of Gad and out of the tribe of Zebulun twelve cities And the children of Israel gave by/lot 49/74
1Ch_6:63....of/Reuben and out of the tribe of Gad and out of the tribe of Zebulun twelve cities And the children of Israel gave to/the 69/74
Jos_18:17...of/Reuben And passed/along. 47/74
Jos_20:8....of/Reuben and Ramoth/in.... 48/74 and Simeon/they.. 12/74
Jos_15:6....of/Reuben And the border/went 45/74
Jos_4:12....of/Reuben and the children of Gad and half/the 41/74
Jos_22:30...of/Reuben and the children of Gad and the children/of 58/74
Jos_22:21...of/Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh answered/and 56/74
Jos_22:10...of/Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh built/there 52/74
Jos_22:11...of/Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh have/built 53/74
Jos_22:9....of/Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh returned/and 51/74
Jos_22:34...of/Reuben and the children of Gad called/the 62/74
Num_32:1....of/Reuben and the children of Gad had/a 29/74
1Ch_5:18....of/Reuben and the Gadites/and 68/74
Exo_6:14....of/Reuben And the sons/of.. 16/74
Jos_22:31...of/Reuben and to the children of Gad and to the children/of 59/74
Jos_22:13...of/Reuben and to the children of Gad and to the half tribe of Manasseh into/the 54/74
Jos_22:15...of/Reuben and to the children of Gad and to the half tribe of Manasseh unto/the 55/74
Num_32:33...of/Reuben and unto/half.... 35/74
Num_32:31...of/Reuben answered saying/As 34/74
Gen_42:22..And/Reuben answered them/saying 8/74
1Ch_6:78....of/Reuben Bezer in/the..... 70/74
Jos_21:36...of/Reuben Bezer with/her... 50/74
Num_32:37...of/Reuben built/Heshbon.... 36/74
Num_32:2....of/Reuben came/and......... 30/74
Num_7:30....of/Reuben did/offer........ 23/74
Num_1:5.....of/Reuben Elizur/the....... 17/74 for/she........... 1/74
Eze_48:7....of/Reuben from/the......... 72/74
Deu_27:13curse/Reuben Gad/and.......... 39/74
Gen_46:9....of/Reuben Hanoch and/Phallu 11/74
Num_26:5....of/Reuben Hanoch of/whom... 28/74
Gen_37:21..And/Reuben heard/it.......... 5/74
Deu_11:6....of/Reuben how/the.......... 38/74
Jos_13:15...of/Reuben inheritance/according 42/74
Num_1:20....of/Reuben Israel's/eldest.. 18/74
Gen_35:23.Leah/Reuben Jacob's firstborn and Simeon/and 4/74
Gen_46:8..sons/Reuben Jacob's firstborn And the/sons 10/74
Deu_33:6...Let/Reuben live/and......... 40/74
Eze_48:31...of/Reuben one/gate......... 73/74
Gen_37:29..And/Reuben returned/unto..... 7/74
Gen_37:22..And/Reuben said/unto......... 6/74
Num_10:18...of/Reuben set/forward...... 24/74
Num_2:10....of/Reuben shall be/Elizur.. 21/74
Num_32:6....of/Reuben Shall your/brethren 31/74
Num_13:4....of/Reuben Shammua/the...... 25/74
1Ch_2:1.Israel/Reuben Simeon Levi and Judah Issachar and/Zebulun 65/74
Exo_1:2..Jacob/Reuben Simeon Levi and Judah Issachar Zebulun/and 14/74
Gen_42:37..And/Reuben spake unto his/father 9/74
Num_32:25...of/Reuben spake unto Moses/saying 32/74
Num_26:5.Egypt/Reuben the eldest/son... 27/74
1Ch_5:1.....of/Reuben the firstborn of Israel for/he 66/74
Exo_6:14....of/Reuben the firstborn of Israel Hanoch/and 15/74
1Ch_5:3.....of/Reuben the firstborn of Israel were/Hanoch 67/74
Jdg_5:16....of/Reuben there were great searchings/of 64/74
Jdg_5:15....of/Reuben there were great thoughts/of 63/74
Gen_49:3father/Reuben thou/art......... 13/74
Num_16:1....of/Reuben took/men......... 26/74
Jos_13:23...of/Reuben was/Jordan....... 43/74
Gen_35:22.that/Reuben went and/lay...... 3/74
Gen_30:14..And/Reuben went in/the....... 2/74
Num_2:16....of/Reuben were an/hundred.. 22/74
Num_1:21....of/Reuben were forty/and... 19/74
Rev_7:5.....of/Reuben were sealed/twelve 74/74
Num_32:29...of/Reuben will/pass........ 33/74
1Ch_11:42..the/Reubenite/a............... 1/1
1Ch_5:6....the/Reubenites And his/brethren 11/16
Deu_4:43...the/Reubenites and Ramoth/in. 4/16
1Ch_12:37..the/Reubenites and the Gadites and of/the 14/16
1Ch_5:26...the/Reubenites and the Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh and brought/them 12/16
Jos_22:1...the/Reubenites and the Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh And said/unto 9/16
Jos_12:6...the/Reubenites and the Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh And these/are 7/16
Jos_13:8...the/Reubenites and the Gadites have/received 8/16
2Ki_10:33..the/Reubenites and the Manassites/from 10/16
Num_26:7...the/Reubenites and they/that. 1/16
1Ch_11:42..the/Reubenites and thirty/with 13/16
Deu_3:12...the/Reubenites and to the Gadites And the/rest 2/16
Jos_1:12...the/Reubenites and to the Gadites and to half/the 6/16
Deu_29:8...the/Reubenites and to the Gadites and to the/half 5/16
Deu_3:16...the/Reubenites and unto/the.. 3/16
1Ch_26:32..the/Reubenites the/Gadites.. 15/16
1Ch_27:16..the/Reubenites was/Eliezer.. 16/16
