Lev_13:2..........a/rising a/scab............ 1/39
Luk_2:34........and/rising again/of......... 39/39
Lev_14:56.........a/rising and/for........... 7/39
Lev_13:10.......the/rising be/white.......... 2/39
Job_24:5.......work/rising betimes/for...... 13/39
Jer_11:7........day/rising early and protesting/saying 25/39
Jer_25:4...prophets/rising early and sending them but/ye 27/39
Jer_44:4...prophets/rising early and sending them saying/Oh 33/39
Jer_25:3........you/rising early and speaking but ye have/not 26/39
Jer_35:14.......you/rising early and speaking but ye hearkened/not 31/39
Pro_27:14.....voice/rising early in/the..... 17/39
Mar_9:10........the/rising from/the......... 37/39
Lev_13:10.......the/rising It/is............. 3/39
Isa_60:3........thy/rising Lift/up.......... 22/39
Lev_13:28.........a/rising of the burning/and 5/39
Neh_4:21........the/rising of the morning/till 11/39
Lev_13:43.......the/rising of the sore/be.... 6/39
Isa_45:6........the/rising of the sun and from/the 20/39
Mar_16:2........the/rising of the sun And they/said 38/39
Mal_1:11........the/rising of the sun even/unto 35/39
Jos_12:1........the/rising of the sun from/the 9/39
Isa_41:25.......the/rising of the sun shall he/call 19/39
Num_2:3.........the/rising of the sun shall they/of 8/39
Psa_113:3.......the/rising of the sun unto the going down of/the 16/39
Psa_50:1........the/rising of the sun unto the going down thereof/Out 15/39
Isa_59:19.......the/rising of the sun When/the 21/39
Lev_13:19.....white/rising or/a.............. 4/39
Mar_1:35....morning/rising up a/great....... 36/39
2Ch_36:15messengers/rising up betimes/and... 10/39
Jer_26:5.......both/rising up early and sending them but ye have/not 28/39
Jer_29:19..prophets/rising up early and sending them but ye would/not 29/39
Jer_35:15..prophets/rising up early and sending them saying/Return 32/39
Jer_7:25......daily/rising up early and sending them Yet/they 24/39
Jer_7:13........you/rising up early and speaking/but 23/39
Jer_32:33......them/rising up early and teaching/them 30/39
Lam_3:63......their/rising up I/am.......... 34/39
Pro_30:31........no/rising up If/thou....... 18/39
Job_16:8...leanness/rising up in/me......... 12/39
Job_24:14..murderer/rising with/the......... 14/39
