Gen_1:26..........over/all the earth and over/every 1/5620
Gen_1:29............of/all the earth and every/tree 2/5620
Gen_2:1............and/all the host of them And/on 3/5620
Gen_2:2...........from/all his work which he/had 4/5620
Gen_2:3...........from/all his work which God/created 5/5620 cattle and to/the.. 6/5620
Gen_3:14.........above/all cattle and above/every 7/5620 the days of thy life And I/will 8/5620 the days of thy life Thorns/also 9/5620
Gen_3:20............of/all living Unto/Adam.. 10/5620
Gen_4:21............of/all such as handle/the 11/5620
Gen_5:5............And/all the days that Adam/lived 12/5620
Gen_5:8............And/all the days of Seth/were 13/5620
Gen_5:11...........And/all the days of Enos/were 14/5620
Gen_5:14...........And/all the days of Cainan/were 15/5620
Gen_5:17...........And/all the days of Mahalaleel/were 16/5620
Gen_5:20...........And/all the days of Jared/were 17/5620
Gen_5:23...........And/all the days of Enoch/were 18/5620
Gen_5:27...........And/all the days of Methuselah/were 19/5620
Gen_5:31...........And/all the days of Lamech/were 20/5620
Gen_6:2.............of/all which they/chose.. 21/5620
Gen_6:12...........for/all flesh had/corrupted 22/5620
Gen_6:13............of/all flesh is come/before 23/5620
Gen_6:17.......destroy/all flesh wherein is the breath of life from/under 24/5620
Gen_6:19............of/all flesh two/of...... 25/5620
Gen_6:21............of/all food/that......... 26/5620 that God commanded/him 27/5620
Gen_7:1............and/all thy house into/the 28/5620
Gen_7:3.............of/all the earth For yet/seven 29/5620
Gen_7:5...........unto/all that the LORD commanded him And/Noah 30/5620
Gen_7:11..........were/all the fountains of/the 31/5620
Gen_7:14...........and/all the cattle after/their 32/5620
Gen_7:15............of/all flesh wherein is the breath of life And/they 33/5620
Gen_7:16............of/all flesh as/God...... 34/5620
Gen_7:19...........and/all the high hills/that 35/5620
Gen_7:21...........And/all flesh died/that... 36/5620 in whose/nostrils. 37/5620
Gen_7:22............of/all that was in the dry/land 38/5620
Gen_8:1............and/all the cattle that/was 39/5620
Gen_8:17............of/all flesh both/of..... 40/5620
Gen_9:2...........upon/all that moveth/upon.. 41/5620
Gen_9:2...........upon/all the fishes/of..... 42/5620 things But flesh/with 43/5620
Gen_9:10..........from/all that go out/of.... 44/5620
Gen_9:11.........shall/all flesh be/cut...... 45/5620
Gen_9:15............of/all flesh and the waters/shall 46/5620
Gen_9:15.......destroy/all flesh And the bow/shall 47/5620
Gen_9:16............of/all flesh that is upon the earth And God/said 48/5620
Gen_9:17...........and/all flesh that is upon the earth And the/sons 49/5620
Gen_9:29...........And/all the days of Noah/were 50/5620
Gen_10:21...........of/all the children of Eber/the 51/5620
Gen_10:29........Jobab/all these were the sons of Joktan And/their 52/5620
Gen_11:6..........have/all one language/and.. 53/5620
Gen_11:8............of/all the earth and they/left 54/5620
Gen_11:9............of/all the earth and from/thence 55/5620
Gen_11:9............of/all the earth These/are 56/5620
Gen_12:3.........shall/all families/of....... 57/5620
Gen_12:5...........and/all their substance/that 58/5620
Gen_12:20..........and/all that he had And Abram/went 59/5620
Gen_13:1...........and/all that he had and Lot/with 60/5620
Gen_13:10.......beheld/all the plain of Jordan that/it 61/5620
Gen_13:11..........him/all the plain of Jordan and/Lot 62/5620
Gen_13:15..........For/all the land which thou/seest 63/5620
Gen_14:3..........Zoar/All these were joined/together 64/5620
Gen_14:7.........smote/all the country of the Amalekites/and 65/5620
Gen_14:11.........took/all the goods of Sodom/and 66/5620
Gen_14:11..........and/all their victuals/and 67/5620
Gen_14:16.........back/all the goods and/also 68/5620
Gen_14:20...........of/all And the king/of... 69/5620
Gen_15:10..........him/all these and/divided. 70/5620
Gen_16:12...........of/all his brethren And she/called 71/5620
Gen_17:8......stranger/all the land of Canaan for/an 72/5620
Gen_17:23..........and/all that were born/in. 73/5620
Gen_17:23..........and/all that were bought/with 74/5620
Gen_17:27..........And/all the men of his house/born 75/5620
Gen_18:18..........and/all the nations of the earth shall/be 76/5620
Gen_18:25...........of/all the earth do right/And 77/5620
Gen_18:26........spare/all the place/for..... 78/5620
Gen_18:28......destroy/all the city for/lack. 79/5620
Gen_19:2.........tarry/all night and wash/your 80/5620
Gen_19:2........street/all night And he/pressed 81/5620
Gen_19:4.........young/all the people from every/quarter 82/5620 the plain escape/to 83/5620
Gen_19:25..........and/all the plain and/all. 84/5620
Gen_19:25..........and/all the inhabitants of the cities/and 85/5620
Gen_19:28.......toward/all the land of the plain/and 86/5620
Gen_19:31...........of/all the earth Come/let 87/5620
Gen_20:7...........and/all that are thine/Therefore 88/5620
Gen_20:8........called/all his servants and told/all 89/5620
Gen_20:8..........told/all these things in/their 90/5620
Gen_20:16.........unto/all that are with thee and/with 91/5620
Gen_20:16.........with/all other thus/she.... 92/5620
Gen_20:18...........up/all the wombs/of...... 93/5620
Gen_21:6..........that/all that hear will/laugh 94/5620 that Sarah/hath... 95/5620 that thou doest Now/therefore 96/5620
Gen_22:18........shall/all the nations of the earth be blessed because thou/hast 97/5620
Gen_23:10...........of/all that went in at the gate of his city saying/Nay 98/5620
Gen_23:17..........and/all the trees that/were 99/5620 the borders round/about 100/5620
Gen_23:18.......before/all that went in at the gate of his city And/after 101/5620 things And Abraham/said 102/5620
Gen_24:2..........over/all that he had Put/I 103/5620
Gen_24:10..........for/all the goods of his/master 104/5620
Gen_24:20..........for/all his camels/And... 105/5620
Gen_24:36........given/all that he hath And my/master 106/5620
Gen_24:54......tarried/all night and they rose/up 107/5620
Gen_24:66........Isaac/all things that he had/done 108/5620
Gen_25:4........Eldaah/All these were the children of Keturah/And 109/5620
Gen_25:5..........gave/all that he had unto/Isaac 110/5620
Gen_25:18...........of/all his brethren And these/are 111/5620 over/like........ 112/5620
Gen_26:3..........give/all these countries and I/will 113/5620
Gen_26:4..........seed/all these countries and in/thy 114/5620
Gen_26:4.........shall/all the nations of the earth be blessed Because that/Abraham 115/5620
Gen_26:11......charged/all his people saying He/that 116/5620
Gen_26:15..........For/all the wells which/his 117/5620
Gen_27:33...........of/all before thou/camest 118/5620
Gen_27:37..........and/all his brethren have/I 119/5620
Gen_28:11........there/all night because/the 120/5620
Gen_28:14........shall/all the families of the earth be/blessed 121/5620 places whither thou goest and/will 122/5620
Gen_28:22...........of/all that thou shalt give/me 123/5620
Gen_29:3..........were/all the flocks gathered/and 124/5620
Gen_29:8.........until/all the flocks be/gathered 125/5620
Gen_29:13........Laban/all these things And Laban/said 126/5620
Gen_29:22.....together/all the men of the place/and 127/5620
Gen_30:32......through/all thy flock/to..... 128/5620
Gen_30:32.......thence/all the speckled/and. 129/5620
Gen_30:32..........and/all the brown cattle/among 130/5620
Gen_30:35..........and/all the she/goats.... 131/5620
Gen_30:35..........and/all the brown among/the 132/5620
Gen_30:40..........and/all the brown in/the. 133/5620
Gen_31:1..........away/all that was our/father's 134/5620
Gen_31:1........gotten/all this glory/And... 135/5620
Gen_31:6..........with/all my power/I....... 136/5620
Gen_31:8..........then/all the cattle bare/speckled 137/5620
Gen_31:8..........bare/all the cattle ringstraked/Thus 138/5620
Gen_31:12..........see/all the rams/which... 139/5620
Gen_31:12.........seen/all that Laban/doeth. 140/5620
Gen_31:16..........For/all the riches/which. 141/5620
Gen_31:18.........away/all his cattle/and... 142/5620
Gen_31:18..........and/all his goods which/he 143/5620
Gen_31:21.........with/all that he had and he/rose 144/5620
Gen_31:34.....searched/all the tent/but..... 145/5620
Gen_31:37.....searched/all my stuff/what.... 146/5620
Gen_31:37...........of/all thy household/stuff 147/5620
Gen_31:43..........and/all that thou seest is/mine 148/5620
Gen_31:54......tarried/all night in the mount/And 149/5620
Gen_32:10...........of/all the mercies/and.. 150/5620
Gen_32:10...........of/all the truth which/thou 151/5620
Gen_32:19..........and/all that followed/the 152/5620 this drove/which. 153/5620 the flock will/die 154/5620
Gen_34:19.........than/all the house of his father And/Hamor 155/5620
Gen_34:24....hearkened/all that went out of the gate of his city and every/male 156/5620
Gen_34:24..circumcised/all that went out of the gate of his city And it/came 157/5620
Gen_34:25.........slew/all the males And they slew Hamor/and 158/5620
Gen_34:29..........And/all their wealth/and. 159/5620
Gen_34:29..........and/all their little ones and/their 160/5620
Gen_34:29.........even/all that was in the house/And 161/5620 that were with him Put/away 162/5620
Gen_35:4.........Jacob/all the strange/gods. 163/5620
Gen_35:4...........and/all their earrings/which 164/5620
Gen_35:6...........and/all the people that were with him And he/built 165/5620
Gen_36:6...........and/all the persons of his/house 166/5620
Gen_36:6...........and/all his beasts/and... 167/5620
Gen_36:6...........and/all his substance which/he 168/5620
Gen_37:3..........than/all his children because/he 169/5620
Gen_37:4..........than/all his brethren they/hated 170/5620
Gen_37:35..........And/all his sons and all/his 171/5620
Gen_37:35..........and/all his daughters/rose 172/5620
Gen_39:3..........made/all that he did to prosper/in 173/5620
Gen_39:4...........and/all that he had he/put 174/5620
Gen_39:5..........over/all that he had that/the 175/5620
Gen_39:5..........upon/all that he had in the/house 176/5620
Gen_39:6..........left/all that he had in Joseph's/hand 177/5620
Gen_39:8.....committed/all that he hath to/my 178/5620
Gen_39:22.........hand/all the prisoners that/were 179/5620
Gen_40:17...........of/all manner of bakemeats/for 180/5620
Gen_40:20.........unto/all his servants and he/lifted 181/5620
Gen_41:8...........for/all the magicians of/Egypt 182/5620
Gen_41:8...........and/all the wise men thereof/and 183/5620 the land of Egypt for badness/And 184/5620
Gen_41:29...throughout/all the land of Egypt And there/shall 185/5620
Gen_41:30..........and/all the plenty/shall. 186/5620
Gen_41:35.......gather/all the food of those/good 187/5620
Gen_41:37...........of/all his servants And Pharaoh/said 188/5620
Gen_41:39.........thee/all this there/is.... 189/5620
Gen_41:40........shall/all my people be/ruled 190/5620
Gen_41:41.........over/all the land of Egypt And Pharaoh took/off 191/5620
Gen_41:43.........over/all the land of Egypt And Pharaoh said/unto 192/5620 the land of Egypt And Pharaoh called/Joseph's 193/5620
Gen_41:45.........over/all the land of Egypt And Joseph/was 194/5620
Gen_41:46...throughout/all the land of Egypt And in/the 195/5620
Gen_41:48...........up/all the food of the/seven 196/5620
Gen_41:51.......forget/all my toil/and...... 197/5620
Gen_41:51..........and/all my father's house/And 198/5620 lands but/in..... 199/5620 the land of Egypt there/was 200/5620
Gen_41:55.........when/all the land of Egypt was/famished 201/5620
Gen_41:55.........unto/all the Egyptians Go/unto 202/5620
Gen_41:56.........over/all the face of the earth and Joseph/opened 203/5620
Gen_41:56.......opened/all the storehouses/and 204/5620
Gen_41:57..........And/all countries came/into 205/5620 lands Now when/Jacob 206/5620 the people of the land and Joseph's/brethren 207/5620
Gen_42:11..........are/all one man's/sons... 208/5620
Gen_42:17.........them/all together into/ward 209/5620
Gen_42:29..........him/all that befell/unto. 210/5620
Gen_42:36.........away/all these things are against/me 211/5620
Gen_45:1........before/all them that stood/by 212/5620
Gen_45:8............of/all his house and a/ruler 213/5620
Gen_45:8....throughout/all the land of Egypt Haste/ye 214/5620
Gen_45:9............of/all Egypt come/down.. 215/5620
Gen_45:10..........and/all that thou hast And there/will 216/5620
Gen_45:11..........and/all that thou hast come/to 217/5620
Gen_45:13...........of/all my glory/in...... 218/5620
Gen_45:13...........of/all that ye have/seen 219/5620
Gen_45:15.......kissed/all his brethren and wept/upon 220/5620
Gen_45:20...........of/all the land of Egypt is/your's 221/5620
Gen_45:22...........To/all of them he/gave.. 222/5620
Gen_45:26.........over/all the land of Egypt And Jacob's/heart 223/5620
Gen_45:27..........him/all the words of Joseph/which 224/5620
Gen_46:1..........with/all that he had and came/to 225/5620
Gen_46:6...........and/all his seed with/him 226/5620
Gen_46:7...........and/all his seed brought/he 227/5620
Gen_46:15........Dinah/all the souls of his/sons 228/5620
Gen_46:22........Jacob/all the souls were fourteen/And 229/5620
Gen_46:25........Jacob/all the souls were seven/All 230/5620 the souls that came with/Jacob 231/5620
Gen_46:26........wives/all the souls were threescore/and 232/5620
Gen_46:27........souls/all the souls of the/house 233/5620
Gen_46:32..........and/all that they have And it/shall 234/5620
Gen_47:1...........and/all that they have are/come 235/5620
Gen_47:12..........and/all his father's household/with 236/5620 the land for the/famine 237/5620
Gen_47:13..........and/all the land of Canaan fainted/by 238/5620
Gen_47:14...........up/all the money that was found/in 239/5620
Gen_47:15.......Canaan/all the Egyptians came/unto 240/5620
Gen_47:17..........for/all their cattle for/that 241/5620
Gen_47:20.......bought/all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh/for 242/5620 my life/long..... 243/5620
Gen_48:16.........from/all evil bless/the... 244/5620
Gen_49:28........spoil/All these are the twelve/tribes 245/5620
Gen_50:7............up/all the servants of Pharaoh/the 246/5620
Gen_50:7...........and/all the elders of the land of/Egypt 247/5620
Gen_50:8...........And/all the house of Joseph and/his 248/5620
Gen_50:14..........and/all that went up/with 249/5620 the evil which we/did 250/5620
Exo_1:5............And/all the souls that came out/of 251/5620
Exo_1:6............and/all his brethren and all that/generation 252/5620
Exo_1:6............and/all that generation And/the 253/5620 manner of service in/the 254/5620
Exo_1:14.........field/all their service wherein/they 255/5620
Exo_1:22.......charged/all his people saying Every/son 256/5620
Exo_3:15..........unto/all generations Go/and 257/5620
Exo_3:20..........with/all my wonders/which. 258/5620
Exo_4:19...........for/all the men are/dead. 259/5620 those wonders/before 260/5620
Exo_4:28.........Aaron/all the words of the LORD who/had 261/5620
Exo_4:28...........and/all the signs which he/had 262/5620
Exo_4:29......together/all the elders of the children/of 263/5620
Exo_4:30.........spake/all the words which the LORD had/spoken 264/5620
Exo_5:12....throughout/all the land of Egypt to/gather 265/5620 Then the LORD said/unto 266/5620
Exo_6:29.........Egypt/all that I say unto thee And/Moses 267/5620
Exo_7:2..........speak/all that I command thee and Aaron/thy 268/5620
Exo_7:19..........upon/all their pools/of... 269/5620
Exo_7:19....throughout/all the land of Egypt both/in 270/5620
Exo_7:20...........and/all the waters that/were 271/5620
Exo_7:21....throughout/all the land of Egypt And the magicians of/Egypt 272/5620
Exo_7:24...........And/all the Egyptians digged/round 273/5620
Exo_8:2..........smite/all thy borders with/frogs 274/5620
Exo_8:4...........upon/all thy servants And the LORD/spake 275/5620
Exo_8:16....throughout/all the land of Egypt And they did/so 276/5620
Exo_8:17.........beast/all the dust/of...... 277/5620
Exo_8:17....throughout/all the land of Egypt And the magicians did/so 278/5620
Exo_8:24..........into/all the land of Egypt the/land 279/5620
Exo_9:4.............of/all that is the/children's 280/5620
Exo_9:6............and/all the cattle of/Egypt 281/5620 the land of Egypt and shall/be 282/5620
Exo_9:9.....throughout/all the land of Egypt And they took/ashes 283/5620
Exo_9:11..........upon/all the Egyptians And the/LORD 284/5620
Exo_9:14..........send/all my plagues/upon.. 285/5620 the earth For now/I 286/5620
Exo_9:16....throughout/all the earth As/yet. 287/5620
Exo_9:19...........and/all that thou hast in/the 288/5620 the land of Egypt upon/man 289/5620 the land of Egypt since/it 290/5620
Exo_9:25....throughout/all the land of Egypt all/that 291/5620
Exo_9:25.........Egypt/all that was in the field/both 292/5620
Exo_10:6............of/all thy servants and the houses/of 293/5620
Exo_10:6............of/all the Egyptians which/neither 294/5620
Exo_10:12.........even/all that the hail/hath 295/5620 that day and all that night and when/it 296/5620
Exo_10:13..........and/all that night and when/it 297/5620
Exo_10:14.........over/all the land of Egypt and rested/in 298/5620 the coasts of Egypt very/grievous 299/5620
Exo_10:15..........and/all the fruit of the trees/which 300/5620
Exo_10:15......through/all the land of Egypt Then/Pharaoh 301/5620 the coasts of Egypt But/the 302/5620 the land of Egypt three/days 303/5620
Exo_10:23..........but/all the children of Israel had/light 304/5620
Exo_11:5...........And/all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall/die 305/5620
Exo_11:5...........and/all the firstborn of beasts/And 306/5620
Exo_11:6....throughout/all the land of Egypt such/as 307/5620
Exo_11:8...........And/all these thy servants/shall 308/5620
Exo_11:8...........and/all the people that follow thee/and 309/5620
Exo_11:10..........did/all these wonders/before 310/5620
Exo_12:3..........unto/all the congregation of Israel saying/In 311/5620 with water/but... 312/5620
Exo_12:12........smite/all the firstborn in the land of Egypt both man/and 313/5620
Exo_12:12......against/all the gods of Egypt/I 314/5620 your habitations/shall 315/5620
Exo_12:21..........for/all the elders of Israel and said/unto 316/5620
Exo_12:29........smote/all the firstborn in the land of Egypt from/the 317/5620
Exo_12:29..........and/all the firstborn of cattle/And 318/5620
Exo_12:30..........and/all his servants and all the/Egyptians 319/5620
Exo_12:30..........and/all the Egyptians and there/was 320/5620 dead men/And..... 321/5620
Exo_12:41.........that/all the hosts of the LORD/went 322/5620
Exo_12:42...........of/all the children of Israel in/their 323/5620
Exo_12:47......thereof/All the congregation of Israel shall/keep 324/5620
Exo_12:48..........let/all his males/be..... 325/5620
Exo_12:50..........did/all the children of Israel as/the 326/5620 the firstborn whatsoever/openeth 327/5620 thy quarters/And. 328/5620
Exo_13:12.........LORD/all that openeth the matrix and/every 329/5620
Exo_13:13..........and/all the firstborn of man/among 330/5620
Exo_13:15.........slew/all the firstborn in the land of Egypt both the/firstborn 331/5620
Exo_13:15.........LORD/all that openeth the matrix being/males 332/5620
Exo_13:15..........but/all the firstborn of my/children 333/5620
Exo_14:4..........upon/all his host that/the 334/5620
Exo_14:7...........and/all the chariots of/Egypt 335/5620
Exo_14:9..........them/all the horses/and... 336/5620
Exo_14:17.........upon/all his host upon/his 337/5620
Exo_14:20........other/all the night And Moses/stretched 338/5620
Exo_14:21.........wind/all that night and made/the 339/5620
Exo_14:23.........even/all Pharaoh's/horses. 340/5620
Exo_14:28..........and/all the host of Pharaoh/that 341/5620
Exo_15:15.........them/all the inhabitants of Canaan/shall 342/5620
Exo_15:20..........and/all the women went/out 343/5620
Exo_15:26.........keep/all his statutes I/will 344/5620
Exo_16:1...........and/all the congregation of the children of Israel came/unto 345/5620
Exo_16:6..........unto/all the children of Israel At/even 346/5620
Exo_16:9..........unto/all the congregation of the children of Israel Come/near 347/5620
Exo_16:22..........and/all the rulers of the congregation came/and 348/5620
Exo_17:1...........And/all the congregation of the children of Israel journeyed/from 349/5620
Exo_18:1............of/all that God had done for/Moses 350/5620 that the LORD had done/unto 351/5620
Exo_18:8...........and/all the travail that had/come 352/5620
Exo_18:9...........for/all the goodness which the/LORD 353/5620
Exo_18:11.........than/all gods for in/the.. 354/5620
Exo_18:12..........and/all the elders of Israel to eat/bread 355/5620
Exo_18:14..........saw/all that he did to the people/he 356/5620
Exo_18:14..........and/all the people stand/by 357/5620
Exo_18:21...........of/all the people able/men 358/5620 seasons and/it... 359/5620
Exo_18:23..........and/all this people shall/also 360/5620
Exo_18:24..........did/all that he had said/And 361/5620
Exo_18:25...........of/all Israel and made/them 362/5620 seasons the/hard. 363/5620
Exo_19:5.........above/all people for all/the 364/5620
Exo_19:5...........for/all the earth is mine/And 365/5620
Exo_19:7.........faces/all these words which the/LORD 366/5620
Exo_19:8...........And/all the people answered together/and 367/5620
Exo_19:8..........said/All that the LORD hath spoken/we 368/5620
Exo_19:11...........of/all the people upon/mount 369/5620
Exo_19:16.........that/all the people that was in/the 370/5620
Exo_20:1.........spake/all these words saying I/am 371/5620 thy work But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy/manservant 372/5620
Exo_20:11..........and/all that in them is and/rested 373/5620
Exo_20:18..........And/all the people saw the thunderings/and 374/5620 places where I/record 375/5620
Exo_22:9...........For/all manner of trespass/whether 376/5620 unto me/I........ 377/5620 take thy/neighbour's 378/5620 things that I have said/unto 379/5620
Exo_23:17.........year/all thy males shall/appear 380/5620 that I speak/then 381/5620
Exo_23:27......destroy/all the people to whom/thou 382/5620
Exo_23:27.........make/all thine enemies turn/their 383/5620
Exo_24:3........people/all the words of the LORD and all/the 384/5620
Exo_24:3...........and/all the judgments and/all 385/5620
Exo_24:3...........and/all the people answered with/one 386/5620
Exo_24:3..........said/All the words which the LORD hath/said 387/5620
Exo_24:4.........wrote/all the words of the LORD and rose/up 388/5620
Exo_24:7..........said/All that the LORD hath said/will 389/5620
Exo_24:8....concerning/all these words Then went/up 390/5620 that I shew/thee. 391/5620
Exo_25:9............of/all the instruments thereof even/so 392/5620
Exo_25:22...........of/all things which I will/give 393/5620
Exo_25:36.........same/all it/shall......... 394/5620
Exo_25:39.........with/all these vessels And/look 395/5620 of one measure/And 396/5620
Exo_26:17..........for/all the boards of the tabernacle And thou/shalt 397/5620
Exo_27:3......firepans/all the vessels thereof thou/shalt 398/5620
Exo_27:17.........four/All the pillars round/about 399/5620
Exo_27:19........brass/All the vessels of the tabernacle/in 400/5620 the service thereof and all/the 401/5620
Exo_27:19..........and/all the pins thereof/and 402/5620
Exo_27:19..........and/all the pins of the court shall/be 403/5620
Exo_28:3..........unto/all that are wise hearted whom/I 404/5620
Exo_28:31........ephod/all of blue And there shall/be 405/5620 their holy/gifts. 406/5620
Exo_29:12.........pour/all the blood beside/the 407/5620
Exo_29:13.........take/all the fat that covereth/the 408/5620
Exo_29:24..........put/all in the hands/of.. 409/5620 things which I have commanded/thee 410/5620
Exo_30:27..........and/all his vessels and the candlestick/and 411/5620
Exo_30:28.........with/all his vessels and the laver/and 412/5620 manner of workmanship To/devise 413/5620 manner of workmanship And I/behold 414/5620
Exo_31:6............of/all that are wise hearted I/have 415/5620
Exo_31:6..........make/all that I have commanded thee The/tabernacle 416/5620
Exo_31:7...........and/all the furniture/of. 417/5620
Exo_31:8..........with/all his furniture and the altar/of 418/5620
Exo_31:9..........with/all his furniture and the laver/and 419/5620 that I have commanded thee shall/they 420/5620
Exo_32:3...........And/all the people brake/off 421/5620
Exo_32:13..........and/all this land/that... 422/5620
Exo_32:26..........And/all the sons of Levi/gathered 423/5620
Exo_33:8..........that/all the people rose up and stood/every 424/5620
Exo_33:10..........And/all the people saw the cloudy/pillar 425/5620
Exo_33:10..........and/all the people rose up and worshipped/every 426/5620
Exo_33:16.........from/all the people that are upon/the 427/5620
Exo_33:19.........make/all my goodness/pass. 428/5620
Exo_34:3....throughout/all the mount/neither 429/5620
Exo_34:10.......before/all thy people I/will 430/5620 the earth nor/in. 431/5620
Exo_34:10..........and/all the people among/which 432/5620
Exo_34:19........Egypt/All that openeth the matrix is/mine 433/5620
Exo_34:20.........neck/All the firstborn of thy/sons 434/5620
Exo_34:23........shall/all your menchildren/appear 435/5620
Exo_34:30..........and/all the children of Israel saw Moses/behold 436/5620
Exo_34:31..........and/all the rulers of the congregation returned/unto 437/5620
Exo_34:32....afterward/all the children of Israel came/nigh 438/5620
Exo_34:32..commandment/all that the LORD had spoken/with 439/5620
Exo_35:1......gathered/all the congregation of the children of Israel together/and 440/5620
Exo_35:4..........unto/all the congregation of the children of Israel saying/This 441/5620
Exo_35:10.........make/all that the LORD hath commanded The/tabernacle 442/5620
Exo_35:13..........and/all his vessels and the shewbread/The 443/5620
Exo_35:16..........and/all his vessels the laver and his foot The hangings of the court his pillars and their/sockets 444/5620
Exo_35:20..........And/all the congregation of the children of Israel departed/from 445/5620
Exo_35:21..........for/all his service/and.. 446/5620
Exo_35:22......tablets/all jewels/of........ 447/5620
Exo_35:25..........And/all the women that were/wise 448/5620
Exo_35:26..........And/all the women whose/heart 449/5620
Exo_35:29..........for/all manner of work which/the 450/5620 manner of workmanship And to/devise 451/5620 manner of work of/the 452/5620 manner of work for/the 453/5620 that the LORD had commanded And/Moses 454/5620
Exo_36:3.........Moses/all the offering/which 455/5620
Exo_36:4...........And/all the wise men that/wrought 456/5620
Exo_36:4.......wrought/all the work of the sanctuary/came 457/5620
Exo_36:7...........for/all the work to/make. 458/5620
Exo_36:9..........were/all of one size/And.. 459/5620
Exo_36:22..........for/all the boards of the tabernacle And he/made 460/5620
Exo_37:22.........same/all of it was/one.... 461/5620
Exo_37:24..........and/all the vessels thereof And he/made 462/5620
Exo_38:3..........made/all the vessels of the altar the/pots 463/5620
Exo_38:3......firepans/all the vessels thereof made/he 464/5620
Exo_38:16........three/All the hangings/of.. 465/5620
Exo_38:17..........and/all the pillars of/the 466/5620
Exo_38:20..........And/all the pins of the tabernacle and of/the 467/5620
Exo_38:22.........made/all that the LORD commanded Moses And with/him 468/5620
Exo_38:24........linen/All the gold that was occupied/for 469/5620 the work of the holy/place 470/5620
Exo_38:30..........and/all the vessels of the altar And the/sockets 471/5620
Exo_38:31..........and/all the pins of the tabernacle and all/the 472/5620
Exo_38:31..........and/all the pins of the court round/about 473/5620 of blue And there was/an 474/5620
Exo_39:32..........was/all the work of the tabernacle/of 475/5620 that the LORD commanded Moses so did they And they/brought 476/5620
Exo_39:33..........and/all his furniture his/taches 477/5620
Exo_39:36..........and/all the vessels thereof and the shewbread The/pure 478/5620
Exo_39:37..........and/all the vessels thereof and the oil/for 479/5620
Exo_39:39..........and/all his vessels the laver and his foot The hangings of the court his pillars and his/sockets 480/5620
Exo_39:40..........and/all the vessels of the service/of 481/5620 that the LORD commanded Moses so the/children 482/5620
Exo_39:42.........made/all the work And Moses/did 483/5620
Exo_39:43.........upon/all the work and behold/they 484/5620
Exo_40:9...........and/all that is therein and shalt/hallow 485/5620
Exo_40:9...........and/all the vessels thereof and it/shall 486/5620
Exo_40:10..........and/all his vessels and sanctify/the 487/5620 that the LORD commanded him so/did 488/5620 their journeys But/if 489/5620
Exo_40:38...........of/all the house of Israel throughout/all 490/5620
Exo_40:38...throughout/all their journeys And/the 491/5620
Lev_1:9...........burn/all on the altar/to.. 492/5620 and burn/it...... 493/5620
Lev_2:2...........with/all the frankincense thereof and/the 494/5620
Lev_2:13..........with/all thine offerings/thou 495/5620
Lev_2:16..........with/all the frankincense thereof it/is 496/5620
Lev_3:3............and/all the fat that is upon the inwards And the two kidneys and the fat that is on/them 497/5620
Lev_3:9............and/all the fat that is upon the inwards And the two kidneys and the fat that is upon them which is by the flanks and the caul above the liver with the kidneys it shall he take away And the priest shall burn it/upon 498/5620
Lev_3:14...........and/all the fat that is upon the inwards And the two kidneys and the fat that is upon them which is by the flanks and the caul above the liver with the kidneys it shall he take away And the priest shall burn them/upon 499/5620
Lev_3:16........savour/all the fat is/the... 500/5620
Lev_3:17....throughout/all your dwellings that/ye 501/5620
Lev_4:7...........pour/all the blood of the bullock/at 502/5620 the fat of/the... 503/5620
Lev_4:8............and/all the fat that is upon the inwards And the two kidneys and the fat that is upon them which is by the flanks and the caul above the liver with the kidneys it shall he take away As/it 504/5620
Lev_4:11...........and/all his flesh with/his 505/5620
Lev_4:18...........out/all the blood at/the. 506/5620
Lev_4:19..........take/all his fat from/him. 507/5620
Lev_4:26..........burn/all his fat upon/the. 508/5620
Lev_4:30...........out/all the blood thereof at the bottom of the altar And he shall take away all the fat thereof as the fat is/taken 509/5620
Lev_4:31..........away/all the fat thereof as the fat is/taken 510/5620
Lev_4:34...........out/all the blood thereof at the bottom of the altar And he shall take away all the fat thereof as the fat of/the 511/5620
Lev_4:35..........away/all the fat thereof as the fat of/the 512/5620
Lev_6:3.............of/all these that a/man. 513/5620
Lev_6:5.............Or/all that about/which. 514/5620
Lev_6:7.............of/all that he hath done in/trespassing 515/5620
Lev_6:9..........altar/all night unto/the... 516/5620
Lev_6:15...........and/all the frankincense which/is 517/5620
Lev_6:18......offering/All the males among the children/of 518/5620
Lev_6:29.........water/All the males among the priests shall/eat 519/5620 the fat thereof the/rump 520/5620
Lev_7:9............And/all the meat/offering 521/5620
Lev_7:9............and/all that is dressed/in 522/5620
Lev_7:10.........shall/all the sons of Aaron/have 523/5620 on the third day it shall/not 524/5620
Lev_7:19.........flesh/all that be clean/shall 525/5620
Lev_8:3...........thou/all the congregation together unto/the 526/5620
Lev_8:10...........and/all that was therein and/sanctified 527/5620
Lev_8:11...........and/all his vessels both/the 528/5620
Lev_8:16..........took/all the fat that was upon the inwards and the caul above the liver and the two kidneys and their fat and Moses/burned 529/5620
Lev_8:25...........and/all the fat that was upon the inwards and the caul above the liver and the two kidneys and their fat and the/right 530/5620
Lev_8:27...........put/all upon Aaron's/hands 531/5620
Lev_8:36...........did/all things which the/LORD 532/5620
Lev_9:5............and/all the congregation drew/near 533/5620
Lev_9:23..........unto/all the people And there/came 534/5620
Lev_9:24..........when/all the people saw they/shouted 535/5620
Lev_10:3........before/all the people I/will 536/5620
Lev_10:6..........upon/all the people but let/your 537/5620
Lev_10:11.......Israel/all the statutes which/the 538/5620
Lev_11:2.........among/all the beasts that are/on 539/5620
Lev_11:9............of/all that are in the waters whatsoever/hath 540/5620
Lev_11:10..........And/all that have not/fins 541/5620
Lev_11:10...........of/all that move/in..... 542/5620
Lev_11:20..........bat/All fowls that/creep. 543/5620
Lev_11:20.........upon/all four shall/be.... 544/5620
Lev_11:21.........upon/all four which/have.. 545/5620
Lev_11:23..........But/all other flying/creeping 546/5620
Lev_11:27........among/all manner of beasts that/go 547/5620
Lev_11:27...........on/all four those/are... 548/5620
Lev_11:31........among/all that creep/whosoever 549/5620
Lev_11:34...........Of/all meat/which....... 550/5620
Lev_11:34..........and/all drink that/may... 551/5620
Lev_11:42.........upon/all four or/whatsoever 552/5620
Lev_11:42........among/all creeping things that creep upon the earth them/ye 553/5620
Lev_13:12........cover/all the skin/of...... 554/5620
Lev_13:13......covered/all his flesh he/shall 555/5620 turned/white..... 556/5620
Lev_13:46......unclean/All the days wherein/the 557/5620 his hair and/wash 558/5620
Lev_14:9.........shave/all his hair off/his. 559/5620
Lev_14:9..........even/all his hair he/shall 560/5620
Lev_14:36.........that/all that is in the house/be 561/5620
Lev_14:45..........and/all the morter/of.... 562/5620 the while that it/is 563/5620
Lev_14:54..........for/all manner of plague/of 564/5620
Lev_15:16.........wash/all his flesh in/water 565/5620 and her/flowers.. 566/5620
Lev_15:24..........and/all the bed/whereon.. 567/5620
Lev_15:25...separation/all the days of the issue/of 568/5620
Lev_15:26........lieth/all the days of her issue/shall 569/5620 times into/the... 570/5620 their sins and/so 571/5620
Lev_16:17..........for/all the congregation of Israel And he/shall 572/5620
Lev_16:21..........him/all the iniquities/of 573/5620
Lev_16:21..........and/all their transgressions in/all 574/5620 their sins putting/them 575/5620
Lev_16:22..........him/all their iniquities unto/a 576/5620 whether/it....... 577/5620
Lev_16:30.........from/all your sins before/the 578/5620
Lev_16:33..........for/all the people of the congregation/And 579/5620
Lev_16:34..........for/all their sins once/a 580/5620
Lev_17:2..........unto/all the children of Israel and say unto them This/is 581/5620
Lev_17:14...........of/all flesh the blood/of 582/5620
Lev_17:14...........of/all flesh is the/blood 583/5620 these the nations/are 584/5620
Lev_18:27..........For/all these abominations have/the 585/5620
Lev_19:2..........unto/all the congregation of the children of Israel and say/unto 586/5620 on the third day it is/abominable 587/5620
Lev_19:13.........thee/all night until the morning Thou shalt/not 588/5620 redeemed/nor..... 589/5620
Lev_19:23......planted/all manner of trees for/food 590/5620
Lev_19:24.........year/all the fruit thereof/shall 591/5620
Lev_19:37......observe/all my statutes and all my judgments and do them I/am 592/5620
Lev_19:37..........and/all my judgments and do them I/am 593/5620
Lev_20:5...........and/all that go a/whoring 594/5620
Lev_20:22.........keep/all my statutes and all my judgments and do them that/the 595/5620
Lev_20:22..........and/all my judgments and do them that/the 596/5620
Lev_20:23....committed/all these things and therefore/I 597/5620
Lev_21:24.........unto/all the children of Israel And the LORD spake/unto 598/5620
Lev_22:3............of/all your seed/among.. 599/5620
Lev_22:18.........unto/all the children of Israel and say unto them Whatsoever/he 600/5620
Lev_22:18..........for/all his vows/and..... 601/5620
Lev_22:18..........for/all his freewill/offerings 602/5620 your dwellings These/are 603/5620 your dwellings And/ye 604/5620 your dwellings throughout/your 605/5620 your dwellings It/shall 606/5620
Lev_23:38.......beside/all your vows/and.... 607/5620
Lev_23:38.......beside/all your freewill/offerings 608/5620
Lev_23:42.........days/all that are Israelites/born 609/5620
Lev_24:14..........let/all that heard him lay/their 610/5620
Lev_24:14..........let/all the congregation stone/him 611/5620
Lev_24:16..........and/all the congregation shall certainly/stone 612/5620
Lev_25:7.........shall/all the increase thereof/be 613/5620
Lev_25:9....throughout/all your land/And.... 614/5620
Lev_25:10...throughout/all the land unto all/the 615/5620
Lev_25:10.........unto/all the inhabitants thereof it/shall 616/5620 the land of your/possession 617/5620 these commandments And/if 618/5620 my commandments but/that 619/5620
Lev_26:18..........for/all this hearken unto me then/I 620/5620
Lev_26:27..........for/all this hearken unto me but/walk 621/5620
Lev_26:44..........for/all that when/they... 622/5620
Lev_27:9..........LORD/all that any/man..... 623/5620 change/beast..... 624/5620 redeem it/then... 625/5620
Lev_27:25..........And/all thy estimations/shall 626/5620
Lev_27:28...........of/all that he hath both/of 627/5620
Lev_27:30..........And/all the tithe of the/land 628/5620 redeem ought/of.. 629/5620 then both/it..... 630/5620
Num_1:2.............of/all the congregation of the children of Israel after/their 631/5620
Num_1:3.........upward/all that are able to go forth/to 632/5620
Num_1:18.....assembled/all the congregation together on/the 633/5620
Num_1:20........upward/all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Reuben/were 634/5620
Num_1:22........upward/all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Simeon/were 635/5620
Num_1:24........upward/all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Gad/were 636/5620
Num_1:26........upward/all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Judah/were 637/5620
Num_1:28........upward/all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Issachar/were 638/5620
Num_1:30........upward/all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Zebulun/were 639/5620
Num_1:32........upward/all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Ephraim/were 640/5620
Num_1:34........upward/all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Manasseh/were 641/5620
Num_1:36........upward/all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Benjamin/were 642/5620
Num_1:38........upward/all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Dan/were 643/5620
Num_1:40........upward/all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Asher/were 644/5620
Num_1:42........upward/all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Naphtali/were 645/5620
Num_1:45..........were/all those that were numbered of the children/of 646/5620
Num_1:45........upward/all that were able to go forth to war in/Israel 647/5620
Num_1:46..........Even/all they that were numbered were/six 648/5620
Num_1:50..........over/all the vessels thereof and over/all 649/5620
Num_1:50..........over/all things that belong/to 650/5620
Num_1:50...........and/all the vessels thereof and they/shall 651/5620 that the LORD commanded Moses so did they And the/LORD 652/5620
Num_2:9........hundred/All that were numbered in the camp of Judah/were 653/5620
Num_2:16.........fifty/All that were numbered in the camp of Reuben/were 654/5620
Num_2:24.......hundred/All that were numbered of the camp/of 655/5620
Num_2:31.......hundred/All they that were numbered in/the 656/5620
Num_2:32.......fathers/all those that were numbered of the camps/throughout 657/5620 that the LORD commanded Moses so they/pitched 658/5620
Num_3:8...........keep/all the instruments of the tabernacle/of 659/5620
Num_3:12............of/all the firstborn that/openeth 660/5620
Num_3:13.......Because/all the firstborn are/mine 661/5620
Num_3:13.........smote/all the firstborn in the land of Egypt I/hallowed 662/5620 the firstborn in Israel/both 663/5620
Num_3:22............of/all the males from a month old and upward even/those 664/5620
Num_3:26...........for/all the service thereof And of/Kohath 665/5620
Num_3:28............of/all the males from a month old and upward were eight/thousand 666/5620
Num_3:31...........and/all the service thereof And Eleazar/the 667/5620
Num_3:34............of/all the males from a month old and upward were six/thousand 668/5620
Num_3:36...........and/all the vessels thereof and all/that 669/5620
Num_3:36...........and/all that serveth/thereto 670/5620
Num_3:39.........death/All that were numbered of the Levites/which 671/5620
Num_3:39......families/all the males from a month old and upward were twenty/and 672/5620
Num_3:40........Number/all the firstborn of the males/of 673/5620
Num_3:41............of/all the firstborn among the children of Israel and the cattle of the Levites instead of all/the 674/5620
Num_3:41............of/all the firstlings/among 675/5620
Num_3:42...........him/all the firstborn among the children of Israel And all/the 676/5620
Num_3:43...........And/all the firstborn males/by 677/5620
Num_3:45............of/all the firstborn among the children of Israel and the cattle of the Levites instead of their/cattle 678/5620
Num_4:3............old/all that enter into/the 679/5620
Num_4:9............and/all the oil/vessels.. 680/5620
Num_4:10...........and/all the vessels thereof within/a 681/5620
Num_4:12..........take/all the instruments of ministry/wherewith 682/5620 the vessels thereof wherewith/they 683/5620
Num_4:14........basons/all the vessels of the altar and they/shall 684/5620
Num_4:15...........and/all the vessels of the sanctuary/as 685/5620
Num_4:16............of/all the tabernacle and/of 686/5620
Num_4:16............of/all that therein is in/the 687/5620
Num_4:23..........them/all that enter in/to. 688/5620
Num_4:26...........and/all the instruments of their/service 689/5620
Num_4:26...........and/all that is made for/them 690/5620 the service of the sons/of 691/5620 their burdens and/in 692/5620 their service and ye/shall 693/5620
Num_4:27........charge/all their burdens This/is 694/5620 their service in the tabernacle of the congregation the/boards 695/5620
Num_4:32..........with/all their instruments and/with 696/5620
Num_4:32..........with/all their service and by/name 697/5620 their service in the tabernacle of the congregation under/the 698/5620
Num_4:37....Kohathites/all that might do service in the tabernacle of the congregation which/Moses 699/5620
Num_4:41............of/all that might do service in the tabernacle of the congregation whom/Moses 700/5620
Num_4:46.........Moses/All those that were numbered of the Levites/whom 701/5620
Num_5:9.............of/all the holy things/of 702/5620
Num_5:30...........her/all this law Then/shall 703/5620
Num_6:4..........dried/All the days of his separation shall/he 704/5620
Num_6:5...........husk/All the days of the vow/of 705/5620
Num_6:6...........grow/All the days that he/separateth 706/5620
Num_6:8...........head/All the days of his separation he/is 707/5620
Num_7:1............and/all the instruments thereof both/the 708/5620
Num_7:1............and/all the vessels thereof and had/anointed 709/5620
Num_7:85.......seventy/all the silver vessels/weighed 710/5620
Num_7:86.....sanctuary/all the gold of the spoons/was 711/5620
Num_7:87.......shekels/All the oxen for the burnt/offering 712/5620
Num_7:88...........And/all the oxen for the sacrifice/of 713/5620
Num_8:7..........shave/all their flesh and/let 714/5620
Num_8:16............of/all the children of Israel have/I 715/5620
Num_8:17...........For/all the firstborn of the children of Israel are/mine 716/5620
Num_8:18...........for/all the firstborn of the children of Israel And/I 717/5620
Num_8:20...........and/all the congregation of the children of Israel did/to 718/5620
Num_8:20..........unto/all that the LORD commanded Moses concerning/the 719/5620 the rites/of..... 720/5620 the ceremonies/thereof 721/5620 that the LORD commanded Moses so did the/children 722/5620 the ordinances of the passover/they 723/5620
Num_10:3..........them/all the assembly shall/assemble 724/5620
Num_10:25...........of/all the camps/throughout 725/5620 beside/this...... 726/5620
Num_11:11...........of/all this people upon/me 727/5620
Num_11:12....conceived/all this people have/I 728/5620
Num_11:13.........unto/all this people for they weep/unto 729/5620
Num_11:14.........bear/all this people alone/because 730/5620
Num_11:22........shall/all the fish of the/sea 731/5620
Num_11:29.........that/all the LORD's people/were 732/5620
Num_11:32...........up/all that day and all that night and all/the 733/5620
Num_11:32..........and/all that night and all/the 734/5620
Num_11:32..........and/all the next/day..... 735/5620
Num_11:32.........them/all abroad/for....... 736/5620
Num_12:3.........above/all the men which were/upon 737/5620 mine house/With.. 738/5620
Num_13:3.........Paran/all those men were/heads 739/5620 the congregation of the children of Israel unto/the 740/5620
Num_13:26.........unto/all the congregation and shewed/them 741/5620
Num_13:32..........and/all the people that we/saw 742/5620
Num_14:1...........And/all the congregation lifted/up 743/5620
Num_14:2...........And/all the children of Israel murmured/against 744/5620
Num_14:5........before/all the assembly of the congregation/of 745/5620
Num_14:7..........unto/all the company of/the 746/5620
Num_14:10..........But/all the congregation bade/stone 747/5620
Num_14:10.......before/all the children of Israel And the LORD said/unto 748/5620
Num_14:11..........for/all the signs which I/have 749/5620
Num_14:15.........kill/all this people as/one 750/5620 the earth shall be filled/with 751/5620
Num_14:22......Because/all those men which/have 752/5620
Num_14:29..........and/all that were numbered of you/according 753/5620
Num_14:35.........unto/all this evil congregation/that 754/5620
Num_14:36.........made/all the congregation to/murmur 755/5620
Num_14:39.........unto/all the children of Israel and the people/mourned 756/5620
Num_15:13.......number/All that are born/of. 757/5620
Num_15:22.....observed/all these commandments which the/LORD 758/5620
Num_15:23.........Even/all that the LORD hath commanded you/by 759/5620
Num_15:24.........that/all the congregation shall offer/one 760/5620
Num_15:25..........for/all the congregation of the children of Israel and it/shall 761/5620
Num_15:26.....forgiven/all the congregation of the children of Israel and the/stranger 762/5620
Num_15:26.......seeing/all the people were in/ignorance 763/5620
Num_15:33.........unto/all the congregation And they/put 764/5620
Num_15:35........death/all the congregation shall stone/him 765/5620
Num_15:36..........And/all the congregation brought/him 766/5620
Num_15:39.....remember/all the commandments of the LORD and/do 767/5620 my commandments and/be 768/5620
Num_16:3........seeing/all the congregation are/holy 769/5620
Num_16:5..........unto/all his company saying/Even 770/5620
Num_16:6...........and/all his company And put/fire 771/5620
Num_16:10..........and/all thy brethren/the. 772/5620
Num_16:11..........and/all thy company are/gathered 773/5620
Num_16:16..........and/all thy company before/the 774/5620
Num_16:19.....gathered/all the congregation against/them 775/5620
Num_16:19.........unto/all the congregation And the LORD spake unto Moses and/unto 776/5620
Num_16:22...........of/all flesh shall one/man 777/5620
Num_16:22.........with/all the congregation And the LORD spake unto Moses saying/Speak 778/5620 their sins So/they 779/5620 these works for/I 780/5620
Num_16:29...........of/all men or/if........ 781/5620
Num_16:29...........of/all men then/the..... 782/5620
Num_16:30.........with/all that appertain/unto 783/5620
Num_16:31.....speaking/all these words that the ground/clave 784/5620
Num_16:32..........and/all the men that appertained/unto 785/5620
Num_16:32..........and/all their goods They/and 786/5620
Num_16:33..........and/all that appertained/to 787/5620
Num_16:34..........And/all Israel that were round/about 788/5620
Num_16:41.......morrow/all the congregation of the children of Israel murmured/against 789/5620
Num_17:2............of/all their princes according/to 790/5620
Num_17:9...........out/all the rods/from.... 791/5620
Num_17:9..........unto/all the children of Israel and they/looked 792/5620
Num_17:12...........we/all perish/Whosoever. 793/5620
Num_18:3............of/all the tabernacle only/they 794/5620
Num_18:4...........for/all the service of the tabernacle/and 795/5620
Num_18:8............of/all the hallowed things of/the 796/5620
Num_18:11.........with/all the wave/offerings 797/5620 the best of the oil/and 798/5620
Num_18:12..........and/all the best of the wine/and 799/5620 flesh which/they. 800/5620
Num_18:19........thine/All the heave/offerings 801/5620
Num_18:21.........Levi/all the tenth/in..... 802/5620
Num_18:28...........of/all your tithes/which 803/5620
Num_18:29...........of/all your gifts/ye.... 804/5620
Num_18:29...........of/all the best thereof/even 805/5620
Num_19:14.........tent/all that come/into... 806/5620
Num_19:14..........and/all that is in the tent/shall 807/5620
Num_19:18.........upon/all the vessels and/upon 808/5620
Num_20:14......knowest/all the travail that hath/befallen 809/5620
Num_20:27...........of/all the congregation And Moses stripped/Aaron 810/5620
Num_20:29.........when/all the congregation saw/that 811/5620
Num_20:29.........even/all the house of Israel And/when 812/5620
Num_21:23.....gathered/all his people together and went/out 813/5620
Num_21:25.........took/all these cities and Israel/dwelt 814/5620 the cities of the Amorites/in 815/5620 the villages thereof/For 816/5620
Num_21:26........taken/all his land out of his/hand 817/5620
Num_21:33..........and/all his people to the/battle 818/5620
Num_21:34..........and/all his people and his land and/thou 819/5620
Num_21:35..........and/all his people until/there 820/5620
Num_22:2...........saw/all that Israel/had.. 821/5620
Num_22:4............up/all that are round about us/as 822/5620 to say/any....... 823/5620
Num_23:6...........and/all the princes of Moab/And 824/5620
Num_23:13.........them/all and curse/me..... 825/5620 nor bless/them... 826/5620 But Balaam/answered 827/5620
Num_23:26.......saying/All that the LORD speaketh/that 828/5620
Num_24:17......destroy/all the children of Sheth/And 829/5620
Num_25:4..........Take/all the heads of the people/and 830/5620
Num_25:6............of/all the congregation of the children of Israel who/were 831/5620
Num_26:2............of/all the congregation of the children of Israel from/twenty 832/5620 that are able to go to/war 833/5620
Num_26:43.....families/All the families of the Shuhamites/according 834/5620
Num_26:62.....thousand/all males/from....... 835/5620
Num_27:2...........and/all the congregation by/the 836/5620
Num_27:16...........of/all flesh set/a...... 837/5620
Num_27:19.......before/all the congregation and give/him 838/5620
Num_27:20.........that/all the congregation of the children of Israel may/be 839/5620
Num_27:21..........and/all the children of Israel with/him 840/5620
Num_27:21.........even/all the congregation And Moses did/as 841/5620
Num_27:22.......before/all the congregation And he/laid 842/5620 that the LORD commanded Moses And Moses/spake 843/5620 that proceedeth/out 844/5620
Num_30:4..........then/all her vows shall stand and every bond wherewith she hath/bound 845/5620 an husband/when.. 846/5620
Num_30:11.........then/all her vows shall stand and every bond wherewith she bound/her 847/5620
Num_30:14.establisheth/all her vows or/all.. 848/5620
Num_30:14...........or/all her bonds/which.. 849/5620
Num_31:4....throughout/all the tribes of Israel shall ye/send 850/5620
Num_31:7..........slew/all the males And they slew the/kings 851/5620
Num_31:9..........took/all the women of/Midian 852/5620
Num_31:9............of/all their cattle and/all 853/5620
Num_31:9...........and/all their flocks and/all 854/5620
Num_31:9...........and/all their goods And/they 855/5620
Num_31:10........burnt/all their cities wherein/they 856/5620
Num_31:10..........and/all their goodly/castles 857/5620
Num_31:11.........took/all the spoil and/all 858/5620
Num_31:11..........and/all the prey/both.... 859/5620
Num_31:13..........and/all the princes of the congregation/went 860/5620
Num_31:15........saved/all the women alive/Behold 861/5620
Num_31:18..........But/all the women children/that 862/5620
Num_31:20.......purify/all your raiment/and. 863/5620
Num_31:20..........and/all that is made of/skins 864/5620
Num_31:20..........and/all work/of.......... 865/5620
Num_31:20..........and/all things made/of... 866/5620
Num_31:23..........and/all that abideth/not. 867/5620
Num_31:27......between/all the congregation And levy/a 868/5620
Num_31:30...........of/all manner of beasts and give/them 869/5620 of women/that.... 870/5620
Num_31:51.........even/all wrought/jewels... 871/5620
Num_31:52..........And/all the gold of the offering/that 872/5620
Num_32:13........until/all the generation that/had 873/5620
Num_32:15......destroy/all this people And/they 874/5620
Num_32:21...........go/all of you armed/over 875/5620
Num_32:26..........and/all our cattle/shall. 876/5620
Num_33:3............of/all the Egyptians For/the 877/5620
Num_33:4........buried/all their firstborn/which 878/5620
Num_33:52..........out/all the inhabitants of the land from before you and/destroy 879/5620
Num_33:52......destroy/all their pictures/and 880/5620
Num_33:52......destroy/all their molten/images 881/5620
Num_33:52.........down/all their high/places 882/5620
Num_35:3...........for/all their beasts/And. 883/5620
Num_35:7............So/all the cities which ye/shall 884/5620 your dwellings Whoso/killeth 885/5620
Deu_1:1...........unto/all Israel on/this... 886/5620
Deu_1:3...........unto/all that the LORD had given/him 887/5620
Deu_1:7...........unto/all the places nigh/thereunto 888/5620
Deu_1:18..........time/all the things which/ye 889/5620
Deu_1:19.......through/all that great and/terrible 890/5620 that he did for/you 891/5620 the way that ye/went 892/5620 that the LORD our God commanded/us 893/5620 the works of thy/hand 894/5620
Deu_2:14.........until/all the generation of/the 895/5620
Deu_2:16..........when/all the men of war were/consumed 896/5620
Deu_2:32...........and/all his people to fight/at 897/5620
Deu_2:33...........and/all his people And we took/all 898/5620
Deu_2:34..........took/all his cities at that time and/utterly 899/5620
Deu_2:36.....delivered/all unto us/Only..... 900/5620
Deu_3:1............and/all his people to battle/at 901/5620
Deu_3:2............and/all his people and his land into/thy 902/5620
Deu_3:3............and/all his people and we smote/him 903/5620
Deu_3:4...........took/all his cities at that time there/was 904/5620
Deu_3:4.........cities/all the region of Argob the/kingdom 905/5620
Deu_3:5.........Bashan/All these cities were/fenced 906/5620
Deu_3:7............But/all the cattle and/the 907/5620
Deu_3:10........Shenir/All the cities of the plain and all Gilead/and 908/5620
Deu_3:10...........and/all Gilead/and....... 909/5620
Deu_3:10...........and/all Bashan unto Salchah/and 910/5620
Deu_3:13...........and/all Bashan being/the. 911/5620
Deu_3:13......Manasseh/all the region of Argob with/all 912/5620
Deu_3:13..........with/all Bashan which/was. 913/5620
Deu_3:14..........took/all the country of Argob/unto 914/5620
Deu_3:18........Israel/all that are meet/for 915/5620
Deu_3:21..........seen/all that the LORD your God hath done unto these/two 916/5620
Deu_3:21..........unto/all the kingdoms whither/thou 917/5620
Deu_4:3............for/all the men that followed/Baalpeor 918/5620
Deu_4:6...........hear/all these statutes and/say 919/5620 things that we/call 920/5620 this law which/I. 921/5620
Deu_4:9..........heart/all the days of thy life but/teach 922/5620 the days that they shall/live 923/5620
Deu_4:19..........even/all the host of heaven shouldest/be 924/5620
Deu_4:19..........unto/all nations under/the 925/5620
Deu_4:29..........with/all thy heart and with all thy soul When/thou 926/5620
Deu_4:29..........with/all thy soul When/thou 927/5620
Deu_4:30...........and/all these things are come upon thee even/in 928/5620 that the LORD your God did/for 929/5620
Deu_4:49...........And/all the plain on this/side 930/5620
Deu_5:1.........called/all Israel and said unto them Hear/O 931/5620
Deu_5:3............are/all of us here/alive. 932/5620 thy work But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter nor/thy 933/5620
Deu_5:22..........unto/all your assembly/in. 934/5620
Deu_5:23..........even/all the heads of your/tribes 935/5620
Deu_5:26............of/all flesh that hath/heard 936/5620
Deu_5:27..........hear/all that the LORD our God shall say and/speak 937/5620 that the LORD our God shall speak/unto 938/5620
Deu_5:28..........said/all that they have spoken/O 939/5620
Deu_5:29..........keep/all my commandments always/that 940/5620
Deu_5:31..........thee/all the commandments and the/statutes 941/5620 the ways which/the 942/5620
Deu_6:2...........keep/all his statutes and/his 943/5620
Deu_6:2............son/all the days of thy life and that/thy 944/5620
Deu_6:5...........with/all thine heart and with all thy soul and/with 945/5620
Deu_6:5...........with/all thy soul and with all thy might/And 946/5620
Deu_6:5...........with/all thy might/And.... 947/5620
Deu_6:11............of/all good things which/thou 948/5620
Deu_6:19...........out/all thine enemies from before thee as/the 949/5620
Deu_6:22..........upon/all his household before/our 950/5620 these statutes to/fear 951/5620 these commandments before/the 952/5620
Deu_7:6..........above/all people that are/upon 953/5620
Deu_7:7.............of/all people But/because 954/5620
Deu_7:14.........above/all people there/shall 955/5620
Deu_7:15..........thee/all sickness/and..... 956/5620
Deu_7:15..........upon/all them that hate/thee 957/5620
Deu_7:16.......consume/all the people which the/LORD 958/5620
Deu_7:18..........unto/all Egypt The/great.. 959/5620
Deu_7:19..........unto/all the people of whom/thou 960/5620
Deu_8:1..........thing/All the commandments which I command thee/this 961/5620
Deu_8:2.......remember/all the way which/the 962/5620
Deu_8:13...........and/all that thou hast is/multiplied 963/5620 forget/the....... 964/5620 the words which the LORD spake/with 965/5620
Deu_9:18............of/all your sins which/ye 966/5620 his ways and to love/him 967/5620
Deu_10:12.........with/all thy heart and with all thy soul To/keep 968/5620
Deu_10:12.........with/all thy soul To/keep. 969/5620
Deu_10:14.........with/all that therein is Only/the 970/5620
Deu_10:15........above/all people as/it..... 971/5620
Deu_11:3..........unto/all his land And what/he 972/5620
Deu_11:6...........and/all the substance that was in/their 973/5620
Deu_11:6............of/all Israel But/your.. 974/5620
Deu_11:7..........seen/all the great acts/of 975/5620
Deu_11:8..........keep/all the commandments which I command you this day that/ye 976/5620
Deu_11:13.........with/all your heart and with all your soul That/I 977/5620
Deu_11:13.........with/all your soul That/I. 978/5620
Deu_11:22.........keep/all these commandments which I command you/to 979/5620 his ways and to cleave/unto 980/5620
Deu_11:23..........out/all these nations from before/you 981/5620
Deu_11:25.........upon/all the land that/ye. 982/5620 the statutes and/judgments 983/5620 the days that ye/live 984/5620
Deu_12:2.......destroy/all the places wherein the/nations 985/5620
Deu_12:5............of/all your tribes/to... 986/5620 that ye put/your. 987/5620
Deu_12:8.........after/all the things that we/do 988/5620
Deu_12:10.........from/all your enemies round/about 989/5620
Deu_12:11........bring/all that I command you/your 990/5620
Deu_12:11..........and/all your choice/vows. 991/5620 that I command thee Notwithstanding/thou 992/5620 thy gates whatsoever/thy 993/5620 that thou puttest thine hands/unto 994/5620
Deu_12:28.........hear/all these words which I/command 995/5620
Deu_13:3..........with/all your heart and with all your soul Ye/shall 996/5620
Deu_13:3..........with/all your soul Ye/shall 997/5620
Deu_13:9............of/all the people And thou/shalt 998/5620
Deu_13:11..........And/all Israel shall hear and fear and shall/do 999/5620
Deu_13:15..........and/all that is therein and the/cattle 1000/5620
Deu_13:16.......gather/all the spoil of it/into 1001/5620
Deu_13:16..........and/all the spoil thereof every/whit 1002/5620
Deu_13:18.........keep/all his commandments which I command thee this day to/do 1003/5620
Deu_14:2.........above/all the nations that are upon/the 1004/5620
Deu_14:9............of/all that are in the waters all/that 1005/5620
Deu_14:9........waters/all that have fins/and 1006/5620
Deu_14:11...........Of/all clean birds/ye.. 1007/5620
Deu_14:20...........of/all clean fowls/ye.. 1008/5620
Deu_14:22........tithe/all the increase of thy/seed 1009/5620
Deu_14:28........forth/all the tithe of thine/increase 1010/5620 the work of thine hand which/thou 1011/5620 these commandments which I command thee/this 1012/5620 thy works and/in 1013/5620 that thou puttest thine hand/unto 1014/5620 that thou doest All/the 1015/5620
Deu_15:19........doest/All the firstling/males 1016/5620
Deu_16:3.........Egypt/all the days of thy life And there/shall 1017/5620 thy coast/seven. 1018/5620
Deu_16:4........remain/all night until the morning Thou mayest/not 1019/5620 thine increase and/in 1020/5620 the works of thine/hands 1021/5620
Deu_16:16........shall/all thy males appear/before 1022/5620 thy gates which/the 1023/5620
Deu_17:7............of/all the people So thou/shalt 1024/5620 that they inform/thee 1025/5620
Deu_17:13..........And/all the people shall hear/and 1026/5620 the nations that are about/me 1027/5620
Deu_17:19......therein/all the days of his life that/he 1028/5620
Deu_17:19.........keep/all the words of this law and these/statutes 1029/5620
Deu_18:1...........and/all the tribe of Levi/shall 1030/5620
Deu_18:5............of/all thy tribes/to... 1031/5620
Deu_18:6............of/all Israel where/he. 1032/5620
Deu_18:6..........with/all the desire of his/mind 1033/5620 his brethren the Levites/do 1034/5620
Deu_18:12..........For/all that do these/things 1035/5620 that thou desiredst/of 1036/5620
Deu_18:18.........them/all that I shall command/him 1037/5620
Deu_19:8..........thee/all the land which he promised/to 1038/5620
Deu_19:9..........keep/all these commandments to/do 1039/5620
Deu_20:11.........that/all the people that is/found 1040/5620
Deu_20:14..........and/all that is in the city/even 1041/5620
Deu_20:14.........even/all the spoil thereof shalt/thou 1042/5620
Deu_20:15.........unto/all the cities which are/very 1043/5620
Deu_20:18........after/all their abominations which they have done/unto 1044/5620
Deu_21:6...........And/all the elders of that/city 1045/5620 for money/thou.. 1046/5620
Deu_21:17...........of/all that he hath for/he 1047/5620
Deu_21:21..........And/all the men of his city/shall 1048/5620
Deu_21:21..........and/all Israel shall hear and fear And if/a 1049/5620
Deu_21:23.......remain/all night upon the tree/but 1050/5620
Deu_22:3..........with/all lost/thing...... 1051/5620
Deu_22:5...........for/all that do so/are.. 1052/5620
Deu_22:19.........away/all his days But/if. 1053/5620
Deu_22:29.........away/all his days A/man.. 1054/5620
Deu_23:6....prosperity/all thy days for/ever 1055/5620 that thou settest thine hand to/in 1056/5620 that the priests/the 1057/5620 the work of thine hands/When 1058/5620
Deu_25:16..........For/all that do such/things 1059/5620
Deu_25:16..........and/all that do unrighteously/are 1060/5620
Deu_25:18.........even/all that were feeble/behind 1061/5620
Deu_25:19.........from/all thine enemies round/about 1062/5620
Deu_26:2............of/all the fruit of the earth/which 1063/5620
Deu_26:12......tithing/all the tithes of/thine 1064/5620 thy commandments which/thou 1065/5620 that thou hast commanded/me 1066/5620
Deu_26:16.........with/all thine heart and with all thy soul Thou/hast 1067/5620
Deu_26:16.........with/all thy soul Thou/hast 1068/5620
Deu_26:18.........keep/all his commandments And to/make 1069/5620
Deu_26:19........above/all nations which he hath/made 1070/5620
Deu_27:1..........Keep/all the commandments which I command you this day And/it 1071/5620
Deu_27:3..........them/all the words of this law when/thou 1072/5620
Deu_27:8........stones/all the words of this law very/plainly 1073/5620
Deu_27:9..........unto/all Israel saying/Take 1074/5620
Deu_27:14.........unto/all the men of Israel with a/loud 1075/5620
Deu_27:15..........And/all the people shall answer/and 1076/5620
Deu_27:16..........And/all the people shall say Amen Cursed be he that removeth/his 1077/5620
Deu_27:17..........And/all the people shall say Amen Cursed be he that maketh/the 1078/5620
Deu_27:18..........And/all the people shall say Amen Cursed be he that perverteth/the 1079/5620
Deu_27:19..........And/all the people shall say Amen Cursed be he that lieth with his father's/wife 1080/5620
Deu_27:20..........And/all the people shall say Amen Cursed be he that lieth with any/manner 1081/5620
Deu_27:21..........And/all the people shall say Amen Cursed be he that lieth with his sister/the 1082/5620
Deu_27:22..........And/all the people shall say Amen Cursed be he that lieth with his mother/in 1083/5620
Deu_27:23..........And/all the people shall say Amen Cursed be he that smiteth/his 1084/5620
Deu_27:24..........And/all the people shall say Amen Cursed be he that taketh/reward 1085/5620
Deu_27:25..........And/all the people shall say Amen Cursed be he that confirmeth/not 1086/5620
Deu_27:26..........not/all the words of this law to/do 1087/5620
Deu_27:26..........And/all the people shall say Amen And/it 1088/5620 his commandments which I command thee this day that/the 1089/5620
Deu_28:1.........above/all nations of the/earth 1090/5620
Deu_28:2...........And/all these blessings/shall 1091/5620 that thou settest thine hand unto and/he 1092/5620
Deu_28:10..........And/all people of the earth shall/see 1093/5620
Deu_28:12........bless/all the work of thine hand and/thou 1094/5620 his commandments and his/statutes 1095/5620
Deu_28:15.........that/all these curses shall come upon thee and overtake/thee 1096/5620 that thou settest thine hand unto for/to 1097/5620
Deu_28:25.........into/all the kingdoms of the earth And thy/carcase 1098/5620
Deu_28:26.........unto/all fowls of/the.... 1099/5620
Deu_28:32.........them/all the day long and there/shall 1100/5620
Deu_28:33..........and/all thy labours/shall 1101/5620
Deu_28:37........among/all nations whither the/LORD 1102/5620
Deu_28:40...throughout/all thy coasts/but.. 1103/5620
Deu_28:42....captivity/All thy trees/and... 1104/5620
Deu_28:45.....Moreover/all these curses shall come upon thee and shall/pursue 1105/5620
Deu_28:47...........of/all things Therefore/shalt 1106/5620
Deu_28:48...........of/all things and he shall/put 1107/5620 thy gates until/thy 1108/5620
Deu_28:52...throughout/all thy land and/he. 1109/5620 thy gates throughout/all 1110/5620
Deu_28:52...throughout/all thy land which/the 1111/5620 thy gates The/tender 1112/5620
Deu_28:57...........of/all things secretly/in 1113/5620 the words of this law that/are 1114/5620
Deu_28:60.........thee/all the diseases/of. 1115/5620
Deu_28:64........among/all people from/the. 1116/5620
Deu_29:2..........unto/all Israel and said unto them Ye/have 1117/5620
Deu_29:2..........seen/all that the LORD did/before 1118/5620
Deu_29:2..........unto/all his servants and unto/all 1119/5620
Deu_29:2..........unto/all his land The/great 1120/5620 that ye do/Ye... 1121/5620 of you before/the 1122/5620
Deu_29:10.........with/all the men of Israel Your/little 1123/5620
Deu_29:20..........and/all the curses that are written in this book shall/lie 1124/5620
Deu_29:21...........of/all the tribes of Israel according/to 1125/5620 the curses of/the 1126/5620
Deu_29:24.........Even/all nations shall say/Wherefore 1127/5620 the curses that are written in this book And/the 1128/5620 the words of this law And it/shall 1129/5620
Deu_30:1..........when/all these things are come upon thee the/blessing 1130/5620
Deu_30:1.........among/all the nations whither the LORD thy God hath driven/thee 1131/5620 that I command thee this/day 1132/5620
Deu_30:2..........with/all thine heart and with all thy soul That then/the 1133/5620
Deu_30:2..........with/all thy soul That then/the 1134/5620
Deu_30:3..........from/all the nations whither the LORD thy God hath scattered/thee 1135/5620
Deu_30:6..........with/all thine heart and with all thy soul that thou/mayest 1136/5620
Deu_30:6..........with/all thy soul that thou/mayest 1137/5620
Deu_30:7...........put/all these curses upon/thine 1138/5620 his commandments which I command thee this day And/the 1139/5620
Deu_30:10.........with/all thine heart and with all thy soul For/this 1140/5620
Deu_30:10.........with/all thy soul For/this 1141/5620
Deu_31:1..........unto/all Israel And he said unto them I/am 1142/5620
Deu_31:5..........unto/all the commandments which I have/commanded 1143/5620
Deu_31:7............of/all Israel Be strong/and 1144/5620
Deu_31:9..........unto/all the elders of Israel And Moses/commanded 1145/5620
Deu_31:11.........When/all Israel is come to appear/before 1146/5620
Deu_31:11.......before/all Israel in their hearing/Gather 1147/5620 the words of this law And that/their 1148/5620
Deu_31:18..........for/all the evils which they/shall 1149/5620 the elders of your/tribes 1150/5620
Deu_31:30...........of/all the congregation of Israel the/words 1151/5620
Deu_32:4...........for/all his ways are/judgment 1152/5620
Deu_32:27.........done/all this For/they... 1153/5620
Deu_32:44........spake/all the words of this song/in 1154/5620
Deu_32:45.....speaking/all these words to/all 1155/5620 Israel And he said unto them Set/your 1156/5620
Deu_32:46.........unto/all the words which I/testify 1157/5620 the words of this law For/it 1158/5620
Deu_33:3........people/all his saints are/in 1159/5620
Deu_33:12..........him/all the day long and he/shall 1160/5620
Deu_34:1...........him/all the land of Gilead unto/Dan 1161/5620
Deu_34:2...........And/all Naphtali/and.... 1162/5620
Deu_34:2...........and/all the land of Judah unto/the 1163/5620
Deu_34:11...........In/all the signs and/the 1164/5620 his servants and to/all 1165/5620 his land And in/all 1166/5620 that mighty/hand 1167/5620 the great terror/which 1168/5620
Deu_34:12...........of/all Israel Now after/the 1169/5620
Jos_1:2............and/all this people unto/the 1170/5620
Jos_1:4......Euphrates/all the land of the Hittites/and 1171/5620
Jos_1:5...........thee/all the days of thy life as/I 1172/5620 the law which Moses/my 1173/5620 that is written therein/for 1174/5620
Jos_1:14.........armed/all the mighty men of valour and help/them 1175/5620
Jos_1:16........saying/All that thou commandest us/we 1176/5620 things so/will.. 1177/5620 that thou commandest him/he 1178/5620
Jos_2:3............out/all the country And the woman/took 1179/5620
Jos_2:9...........that/all the inhabitants of the land faint/because 1180/5620
Jos_2:13...........and/all that they have and deliver/our 1181/5620
Jos_2:18...........and/all thy father's household/home 1182/5620
Jos_2:22....throughout/all the way but/found 1183/5620
Jos_2:23...........him/all things that befell/them 1184/5620
Jos_2:24.........hands/all the land for even/all 1185/5620
Jos_2:24..........even/all the inhabitants of the country/do 1186/5620
Jos_3:1............and/all the children of Israel and lodged/there 1187/5620
Jos_3:7.............of/all Israel that they/may 1188/5620
Jos_3:11............of/all the earth passeth/over 1189/5620
Jos_3:13............of/all the earth shall rest/in 1190/5620
Jos_3:15...overfloweth/all his banks all/the 1191/5620
Jos_3:15.........banks/all the time of/harvest 1192/5620
Jos_3:17...........and/all the Israelites passed/over 1193/5620
Jos_3:17.........until/all the people were passed/clean 1194/5620
Jos_4:1...........when/all the people were clean passed over Jordan/that 1195/5620 that Moses commanded Joshua/and 1196/5620
Jos_4:11..........when/all the people were clean passed over that/the 1197/5620
Jos_4:14............of/all Israel and they feared/him 1198/5620
Jos_4:14.........Moses/all the days of his life And the/LORD 1199/5620
Jos_4:18..........over/all his banks as/they 1200/5620
Jos_4:24..........That/all the people of the earth might/know 1201/5620
Jos_5:1...........when/all the kings of the Amorites which/were 1202/5620
Jos_5:1............and/all the kings of the Canaanites/which 1203/5620
Jos_5:4.....circumcise/All the people that came out of/Egypt 1204/5620
Jos_5:4...........even/all the men of war died/in 1205/5620
Jos_5:5............Now/all the people that came out were/circumcised 1206/5620
Jos_5:5............but/all the people that were born/in 1207/5620
Jos_5:6...........till/all the people that were men/of 1208/5620
Jos_5:8...circumcising/all the people that they/abode 1209/5620 ye men/of....... 1210/5620
Jos_6:5........trumpet/all the people shall shout/with 1211/5620
Jos_6:17...........and/all that are therein/to 1212/5620
Jos_6:17...........and/all that are with her/in 1213/5620
Jos_6:19...........But/all the silver and gold and/vessels 1214/5620
Jos_6:21.....destroyed/all that was in the city/both 1215/5620
Jos_6:22...........and/all that she hath as/ye 1216/5620
Jos_6:23...........and/all that she had and they/brought 1217/5620
Jos_6:23...........out/all her kindred/and. 1218/5620
Jos_6:24...........and/all that was therein only/the 1219/5620
Jos_6:25...........and/all that she had and she/dwelleth 1220/5620
Jos_6:27....throughout/all the country But/the 1221/5620
Jos_7:3............not/all the people go/up 1222/5620
Jos_7:3............not/all the people to labour/thither 1223/5620 brought this/people 1224/5620
Jos_7:9............and/all the inhabitants of the land shall hear/of 1225/5620
Jos_7:15...........and/all that he hath because/he 1226/5620
Jos_7:23..........unto/all the children of Israel and laid/them 1227/5620
Jos_7:24...........and/all Israel with him took/Achan 1228/5620
Jos_7:24...........and/all that he had and they/brought 1229/5620
Jos_7:25...........And/all Israel stoned him with stones and/burned 1230/5620
Jos_8:1...........take/all the people of war with thee/and 1231/5620
Jos_8:3............and/all the people of war to/go 1232/5620 ready And/I..... 1233/5620
Jos_8:5............and/all the people that are with me/will 1234/5620
Jos_8:11...........And/all the people even the people/of 1235/5620
Jos_8:13..........even/all the host that was on/the 1236/5620
Jos_8:14...........and/all his people at/a. 1237/5620
Jos_8:15...........and/all Israel made as/if 1238/5620
Jos_8:16...........And/all the people that were in Ai/were 1239/5620
Jos_8:21...........and/all Israel saw that the ambush/had 1240/5620
Jos_8:24.......slaying/all the inhabitants of Ai in/the 1241/5620
Jos_8:24..........were/all fallen on/the... 1242/5620
Jos_8:24..........that/all the Israelites returned/unto 1243/5620
Jos_8:25..........that/all that fell/that.. 1244/5620
Jos_8:25..........even/all the men of Ai/For 1245/5620
Jos_8:26.....destroyed/all the inhabitants of Ai Only/the 1246/5620
Jos_8:33...........And/all Israel and their/elders 1247/5620 the words of the law/the 1248/5620 that is written in the book of the law There/was 1249/5620
Jos_8:35............of/all that Moses commanded which/Joshua 1250/5620
Jos_8:35........before/all the congregation of Israel with the/women 1251/5620
Jos_9:1...........when/all the kings which/were 1252/5620 the coasts of the great/sea 1253/5620
Jos_9:5............and/all the bread of/their 1254/5620
Jos_9:9............and/all that he did in/Egypt 1255/5620
Jos_9:10...........And/all that he did to the two/kings 1256/5620
Jos_9:11...........and/all the inhabitants of our/country 1257/5620
Jos_9:18...........And/all the congregation murmured/against 1258/5620
Jos_9:19...........But/all the princes said/unto 1259/5620
Jos_9:19..........unto/all the congregation We/have 1260/5620
Jos_9:21..........unto/all the congregation as/the 1261/5620 the land and to/destroy 1262/5620
Jos_9:24.......destroy/all the inhabitants of the land from before you therefore/we 1263/5620
Jos_10:2...........and/all the men thereof/were 1264/5620
Jos_10:5...........and/all their hosts and/encamped 1265/5620
Jos_10:6...........for/all the kings of the Amorites that/dwell 1266/5620
Jos_10:7...........and/all the people of war with him and/all 1267/5620
Jos_10:7...........and/all the mighty men of valour And the LORD/said 1268/5620
Jos_10:9........Gilgal/all night And the/LORD 1269/5620
Jos_10:15..........and/all Israel with him unto the camp to Gilgal But/these 1270/5620
Jos_10:21..........And/all the people returned to the/camp 1271/5620
Jos_10:24..........for/all the men of Israel and/said 1272/5620 your enemies against/whom 1273/5620
Jos_10:28..........and/all the souls that were therein he let none remain and/he 1274/5620
Jos_10:29..........and/all Israel with him unto Libnah/and 1275/5620
Jos_10:30..........and/all the souls that were therein he let none remain in/it 1276/5620
Jos_10:31..........and/all Israel with him unto Lachish/and 1277/5620
Jos_10:32..........and/all the souls that were therein according/to 1278/5620 that he had done to Libnah/Then 1279/5620
Jos_10:34..........and/all Israel with him and they encamped/against 1280/5620
Jos_10:35..........and/all the souls that were therein he utterly/destroyed 1281/5620 that he had done to Lachish/And 1282/5620
Jos_10:36..........and/all Israel with him unto Hebron/and 1283/5620
Jos_10:37..........and/all the cities thereof and all/the 1284/5620
Jos_10:37..........and/all the souls that were therein he left none remaining according/to 1285/5620 that he had done to Eglon/but 1286/5620
Jos_10:37..........and/all the souls that were therein And/Joshua 1287/5620
Jos_10:38..........and/all Israel with him to/Debir 1288/5620
Jos_10:39..........and/all the cities thereof and they/smote 1289/5620
Jos_10:39....destroyed/all the souls that were therein he left none remaining as/he 1290/5620
Jos_10:40........smote/all the country of the hills/and 1291/5620
Jos_10:40..........and/all their kings he left/none 1292/5620
Jos_10:40....destroyed/all that breathed/as 1293/5620
Jos_10:41..........and/all the country of Goshen/even 1294/5620
Jos_10:42..........And/all these kings and/their 1295/5620
Jos_10:43..........and/all Israel with him unto the camp to Gilgal And/it 1296/5620
Jos_11:4...........and/all their hosts with/them 1297/5620
Jos_11:5..........when/all these kings were/met 1298/5620
Jos_11:6............up/all slain/before.... 1299/5620
Jos_11:7...........and/all the people of war with him against/them 1300/5620
Jos_11:10...........of/all those kingdoms/And 1301/5620
Jos_11:11........smote/all the souls that were therein with/the 1302/5620
Jos_11:12..........And/all the cities of those/kings 1303/5620
Jos_11:12..........and/all the kings of them/did 1304/5620
Jos_11:14..........And/all the spoil of these/cities 1305/5620
Jos_11:15...........of/all that the LORD commanded Moses So Joshua/took 1306/5620
Jos_11:16.........took/all that land the/hills 1307/5620
Jos_11:16..........and/all the south/country 1308/5620
Jos_11:16..........and/all the land of Goshen/and 1309/5620
Jos_11:17..........and/all their kings he took/and 1310/5620
Jos_11:18.........with/all those kings/There 1311/5620
Jos_11:19.......Gibeon/all other they/took. 1312/5620
Jos_11:21.........from/all the mountains of Judah/and 1313/5620
Jos_11:21.........from/all the mountains of Israel/Joshua 1314/5620 that the LORD said/unto 1315/5620
Jos_12:1...........and/all the plain on the/east 1316/5620 Bashan unto the/border 1317/5620 the kings thirty/and 1318/5620
Jos_13:2.....remaineth/all the borders of the Philistines/and 1319/5620
Jos_13:2...........and/all Geshuri/From.... 1320/5620
Jos_13:4.........south/all the land of the Canaanites/and 1321/5620
Jos_13:5...........and/all Lebanon/toward.. 1322/5620
Jos_13:6........Hamath/All the inhabitants of the hill/country 1323/5620
Jos_13:6...........and/all the Sidonians/them 1324/5620
Jos_13:9...........and/all the plain of Medeba/unto 1325/5620
Jos_13:10..........And/all the cities of Sihon/king 1326/5620
Jos_13:11..........and/all mount Hermon/and 1327/5620
Jos_13:11..........and/all Bashan unto Salcah/All 1328/5620
Jos_13:12.......Salcah/All the kingdom of Og in/Bashan 1329/5620
Jos_13:16..........and/all the plain by/Medeba 1330/5620
Jos_13:17..........and/all her cities/that. 1331/5620
Jos_13:21..........And/all the cities of the plain and all the/kingdom 1332/5620
Jos_13:21..........and/all the kingdom of Sihon/king 1333/5620
Jos_13:25..........and/all the cities of Gilead/and 1334/5620
Jos_13:30.....Mahanaim/all Bashan all/the.. 1335/5620
Jos_13:30.......Bashan/all the kingdom of Og king/of 1336/5620
Jos_13:30..........and/all the towns/of.... 1337/5620
Jos_15:32.......Rimmon/all the cities are/twenty 1338/5620
Jos_15:46..........sea/all that lay/near... 1339/5620
Jos_16:9......Manasseh/all the cities with/their 1340/5620
Jos_17:16..........and/all the Canaanites that/dwell 1341/5620
Jos_19:8...........And/all the villages that/were 1342/5620
Jos_20:9...........for/all the children of Israel and for/the 1343/5620
Jos_21:19.......cities/All the cities of the children of Aaron/the 1344/5620
Jos_21:26.......cities/All the cities were/ten 1345/5620
Jos_21:33.......cities/All the cities of the Gershonites/according 1346/5620 So all/the...... 1347/5620
Jos_21:40...........So/all the cities for the/children 1348/5620
Jos_21:41.......cities/All the cities of the Levites/within 1349/5620
Jos_21:42.........were/all these cities And the/LORD 1350/5620
Jos_21:43.......Israel/all the land which he sware/to 1351/5620 that he sware/unto 1352/5620
Jos_21:44...........of/all their enemies before/them 1353/5620
Jos_21:44....delivered/all their enemies into/their 1354/5620
Jos_21:45.......Israel/all came/to......... 1355/5620
Jos_22:2..........kept/all that Moses the servant of the LORD commanded you/and 1356/5620 that I commanded you/Ye 1357/5620 his ways and to keep his commandments and to/cleave 1358/5620
Jos_22:5..........with/all your heart and with all your soul So/Joshua 1359/5620
Jos_22:5..........with/all your soul So/Joshua 1360/5620
Jos_22:14...throughout/all the tribes of Israel and each/one 1361/5620
Jos_22:20...........on/all the congregation of Israel and that/man 1362/5620
Jos_23:1..........from/all their enemies round/about 1363/5620
Jos_23:2...........for/all Israel and for/their 1364/5620
Jos_23:3..........seen/all that the LORD your God hath done unto all/these 1365/5620
Jos_23:3..........unto/all these nations because/of 1366/5620
Jos_23:4..........with/all the nations that I/have 1367/5620 that is written in the book of the law of/Moses 1368/5620
Jos_23:14...........of/all the earth and ye/know 1369/5620 your hearts and/in 1370/5620 your souls/that. 1371/5620
Jos_23:14...........of/all the good things/which 1372/5620 are come/to..... 1373/5620 good things are/come 1374/5620 evil things/until 1375/5620
Jos_24:1......gathered/all the tribes of Israel to Shechem/and 1376/5620
Jos_24:2..........unto/all the people Thus saith the LORD God/of 1377/5620
Jos_24:3....throughout/all the land of Canaan and/multiplied 1378/5620 the way wherein/we 1379/5620
Jos_24:17........among/all the people through/whom 1380/5620 the people even the Amorites/which 1381/5620
Jos_24:27.........unto/all the people Behold/this 1382/5620
Jos_24:27........heard/all the words of the LORD which he spake/unto 1383/5620
Jos_24:31.........LORD/all the days of Joshua and all the days of the elders that overlived/Joshua 1384/5620
Jos_24:31..........and/all the days of the elders that overlived/Joshua 1385/5620
Jos_24:31........known/all the works of the LORD/that 1386/5620
Jdg_1:25...........and/all his family/And.. 1387/5620
Jdg_2:4...........unto/all the children of Israel that the/people 1388/5620
Jdg_2:7...........LORD/all the days of Joshua and all the days of the elders that outlived/Joshua 1389/5620
Jdg_2:7............and/all the days of the elders that outlived/Joshua 1390/5620
Jdg_2:7...........seen/all the great works/of 1391/5620
Jdg_2:10..........also/all that generation were/gathered 1392/5620
Jdg_2:18.......enemies/all the days of the judge/for 1393/5620
Jdg_3:1..........known/all the wars/of..... 1394/5620
Jdg_3:3............and/all the Canaanites and/the 1395/5620
Jdg_3:19...........And/all that stood by/him 1396/5620 lusty/and....... 1397/5620
Jdg_3:29...........and/all men of valour/and 1398/5620
Jdg_4:13......together/all his chariots even/nine 1399/5620
Jdg_4:13...........and/all the people that were with him from Harosheth/of 1400/5620
Jdg_4:15...........and/all his chariots and/all 1401/5620
Jdg_4:15...........and/all his host with/the 1402/5620
Jdg_4:16...........and/all the host of Sisera/fell 1403/5620
Jdg_5:31...........let/all thine enemies perish/O 1404/5620
Jdg_6:9.............of/all that oppressed/you 1405/5620 this befallen/us 1406/5620 his miracles/which 1407/5620
Jdg_6:31..........unto/all that stood against/him 1408/5620
Jdg_6:33..........Then/all the Midianites/and 1409/5620
Jdg_6:35....throughout/all Manasseh who/also 1410/5620
Jdg_6:37..........upon/all the earth beside/then 1411/5620
Jdg_6:39..........upon/all the ground let/there 1412/5620
Jdg_6:40............on/all the ground Then/Jerubbaal 1413/5620
Jdg_7:1............and/all the people that were with him rose/up 1414/5620
Jdg_7:6............but/all the rest of the/people 1415/5620
Jdg_7:7............let/all the other/people 1416/5620
Jdg_7:8...........sent/all the rest of Israel/every 1417/5620
Jdg_7:12...........and/all the children of the east lay/along 1418/5620
Jdg_7:14...........and/all the host And it/was 1419/5620
Jdg_7:18...........and/all that are with me then/blow 1420/5620
Jdg_7:18............of/all the camp/and.... 1421/5620
Jdg_7:21...........and/all the host ran/and 1422/5620
Jdg_7:22....throughout/all the host and the/host 1423/5620
Jdg_7:23............of/all Manasseh and/pursued 1424/5620
Jdg_7:24....throughout/all mount Ephraim/saying 1425/5620
Jdg_7:24..........Then/all the men of Ephraim/gathered 1426/5620 that were left/of 1427/5620
Jdg_8:10............of/all the hosts of the children/of 1428/5620
Jdg_8:12...discomfited/all the host And Gideon/the 1429/5620
Jdg_8:27...........and/all Israel went thither/a 1430/5620
Jdg_8:34............of/all their enemies on/every 1431/5620 the goodness which he/had 1432/5620
Jdg_9:1...........with/all the family of/the 1433/5620
Jdg_9:2.............of/all the men of Shechem Whether/is 1434/5620
Jdg_9:2...........that/all the sons of Jerubbaal/which 1435/5620
Jdg_9:3.............of/all the men of Shechem all/these 1436/5620
Jdg_9:3........Shechem/all these words and their/hearts 1437/5620
Jdg_9:6............And/all the men of Shechem gathered/together 1438/5620
Jdg_9:6............and/all the house of Millo/and 1439/5620
Jdg_9:14..........said/all the trees unto/the 1440/5620
Jdg_9:25........robbed/all that came along/that 1441/5620
Jdg_9:34...........and/all the people that were with him by/night 1442/5620
Jdg_9:44..........upon/all the people that were in the fields/and 1443/5620 that day and he/took 1444/5620
Jdg_9:46..........when/all the men of the tower of Shechem heard/that 1445/5620
Jdg_9:47..........that/all the men of the tower of Shechem were/gathered 1446/5620
Jdg_9:48...........and/all the people that were with him and Abimelech/took 1447/5620
Jdg_9:49...........And/all the people likewise/cut 1448/5620
Jdg_9:49..........that/all the men of the tower of Shechem died/also 1449/5620
Jdg_9:51..........fled/all the men and women/and 1450/5620
Jdg_9:51...........and/all they of the city/and 1451/5620
Jdg_9:53...........and/all to brake/his.... 1452/5620
Jdg_9:57...........And/all the evil of the men/of 1453/5620
Jdg_10:8.........years/all the children of Israel that were/on 1454/5620
Jdg_10:18.........over/all the inhabitants of Gilead Now/Jephthah 1455/5620
Jdg_11:8..........over/all the inhabitants of Gilead And/Jephthah 1456/5620
Jdg_11:11......uttered/all his words before/the 1457/5620
Jdg_11:20.....gathered/all his people together and pitched/in 1458/5620
Jdg_11:21..........and/all his people into/the 1459/5620
Jdg_11:21....possessed/all the land of the Amorites/the 1460/5620
Jdg_11:22....possessed/all the coasts of the Amorites/from 1461/5620 the cities that be/along 1462/5620
Jdg_12:4......together/all the men of Gilead/and 1463/5620
Jdg_13:13...........Of/all that I said/unto 1464/5620
Jdg_13:14........thing/all that I commanded her/let 1465/5620 these things nor/would 1466/5620
Jdg_14:3.........among/all my people that/thou 1467/5620
Jdg_16:2...........him/all night in the gate/of 1468/5620
Jdg_16:2.........quiet/all the night saying/In 1469/5620
Jdg_16:3...........and/all and put/them.... 1470/5620
Jdg_16:17..........her/all his heart and said/unto 1471/5620
Jdg_16:18..........her/all his heart she/sent 1472/5620 his heart Then/the 1473/5620
Jdg_16:27..........and/all the lords of the Philistines were/there 1474/5620
Jdg_16:30.........with/all his might and the/house 1475/5620
Jdg_16:30.........upon/all the people that were therein/So 1476/5620
Jdg_16:31..........and/all the house of his father came/down 1477/5620 their inheritance/had 1478/5620
Jdg_18:31.........made/all the time that the house/of 1479/5620
Jdg_19:6.........tarry/all night and let/thine 1480/5620
Jdg_19:9.........tarry/all night behold/the 1481/5620
Jdg_19:13........lodge/all night in Gibeah/or 1482/5620
Jdg_19:20..........let/all thy wants/lie... 1483/5620
Jdg_19:25..........her/all the night until/the 1484/5620
Jdg_19:29.........into/all the coasts of Israel And it/was 1485/5620
Jdg_19:30.........that/all that saw/it..... 1486/5620
Jdg_20:1..........Then/all the children of Israel went/out 1487/5620
Jdg_20:2............of/all the people even of all the/tribes 1488/5620
Jdg_20:2............of/all the tribes of Israel presented/themselves 1489/5620
Jdg_20:6....throughout/all the country of the inheritance/of 1490/5620
Jdg_20:7...........are/all children of/Israel 1491/5620
Jdg_20:8...........And/all the people arose/as 1492/5620
Jdg_20:10...throughout/all the tribes of Israel and an/hundred 1493/5620 the folly/that.. 1494/5620
Jdg_20:11...........So/all the men of Israel were gathered/against 1495/5620
Jdg_20:12......through/all the tribe of Benjamin/saying 1496/5620
Jdg_20:16........Among/all this people there/were 1497/5620
Jdg_20:17........sword/all these were men of war/And 1498/5620 these drew the sword Then/all 1499/5620
Jdg_20:26.........Then/all the children of Israel and all/the 1500/5620
Jdg_20:26..........and/all the people went up/and 1501/5620
Jdg_20:33..........And/all the men of Israel rose/up 1502/5620
Jdg_20:34...........of/all Israel and the battle/was 1503/5620 these drew the sword So/the 1504/5620
Jdg_20:37........smote/all the city with/the 1505/5620 these were men of valour And/they 1506/5620
Jdg_20:46.........that/all which fell/that. 1507/5620
Jdg_20:46........sword/all these were men of valour But/six 1508/5620
Jdg_20:48..........and/all that came to/hand 1509/5620 the cities that they/came 1510/5620
Jdg_21:5.........among/all the tribes of Israel that/came 1511/5620
Rut_1:19..........that/all the city was moved about/them 1512/5620 that thou hast done unto/thy 1513/5620
Rut_2:21.........ended/all my harvest/And.. 1514/5620
Rut_3:5............her/All that thou sayest/unto 1515/5620 that her/mother. 1516/5620
Rut_3:11..........thee/all that thou requirest/for 1517/5620
Rut_3:11...........for/all the city of/my.. 1518/5620
Rut_3:16...........her/all that the man/had 1519/5620
Rut_4:7........confirm/all things a/man.... 1520/5620
Rut_4:9...........unto/all the people Ye are/witnesses 1521/5620
Rut_4:9.........bought/all that was Elimelech's/and 1522/5620
Rut_4:9............and/all that was Chilion's/and 1523/5620
Rut_4:11...........And/all the people that were in the gate/and 1524/5620 her sons/and.... 1525/5620
1Sa_1:11..........LORD/all the days of his life and there/shall 1526/5620
1Sa_1:21...........and/all his house went/up 1527/5620
1Sa_2:14...........pot/all that the fleshhook/brought 1528/5620
1Sa_2:14..........unto/all the Israelites that/came 1529/5620
1Sa_2:22.........heard/all that his sons/did 1530/5620
1Sa_2:22..........unto/all Israel and how/they 1531/5620 this people Nay/my 1532/5620
1Sa_2:28............of/all the tribes of Israel to be/my 1533/5620
1Sa_2:28........father/all the offerings made/by 1534/5620
1Sa_2:29............of/all the offerings of/Israel 1535/5620 the wealth/which 1536/5620
1Sa_2:33...........and/all the increase of thine/house 1537/5620
1Sa_3:12...........Eli/all things which I have spoken/concerning 1538/5620
1Sa_3:17............of/all the things that he said/unto 1539/5620
1Sa_3:20...........And/all Israel from Dan/even 1540/5620 Israel Now Israel/went 1541/5620 Israel shouted/with 1542/5620
1Sa_4:8...........with/all the plagues in/the 1543/5620 the city cried/out 1544/5620
1Sa_5:8.......gathered/all the lords of the Philistines unto/them 1545/5620
1Sa_5:11......together/all the lords of the Philistines and/said 1546/5620
1Sa_5:11....throughout/all the city the/hand 1547/5620 and on/your..... 1548/5620
1Sa_6:18............of/all the cities of the Philistines/belonging 1549/5620
1Sa_7:2............and/all the house of Israel lamented/after 1550/5620
1Sa_7:3...........unto/all the house of Israel saying/If 1551/5620
1Sa_7:3...........with/all your hearts then/put 1552/5620
1Sa_7:5.........Gather/all Israel to Mizpeh/and 1553/5620
1Sa_7:13...Philistines/all the days of Samuel/And 1554/5620
1Sa_7:15........Israel/all the days of his life And he/went 1555/5620 those places/And 1556/5620
1Sa_8:4...........Then/all the elders of Israel gathered/themselves 1557/5620 the nations But/the 1558/5620 that they say/unto 1559/5620 the works which/they 1560/5620
1Sa_8:10..........told/all the words of the LORD unto/the 1561/5620 the nations and that/our 1562/5620
1Sa_8:21.........heard/all the words of the people/and 1563/5620 that he saith/cometh 1564/5620
1Sa_9:19..........thee/all that is in thine heart And/as 1565/5620 the desire of Israel/Is 1566/5620
1Sa_9:20............on/all thy father's house And Saul/answered 1567/5620
1Sa_9:21............of/all the families of the tribe/of 1568/5620
1Sa_10:9...........and/all those signs/came 1569/5620
1Sa_10:11.........when/all that knew him/beforetime 1570/5620
1Sa_10:18...........of/all kingdoms and of/them 1571/5620
1Sa_10:19...........of/all your adversities/and 1572/5620
1Sa_10:20.......caused/all the tribes of Israel to come/near 1573/5620 the people See ye/him 1574/5620
1Sa_10:24........among/all the people And all the people/shouted 1575/5620
1Sa_10:24..........And/all the people shouted and/said 1576/5620
1Sa_10:25.........sent/all the people away/every 1577/5620
1Sa_11:1...........and/all the men of Jabesh/said 1578/5620
1Sa_11:2...........out/all your right/eyes. 1579/5620
1Sa_11:2..........upon/all Israel And the elders/of 1580/5620
1Sa_11:3..........unto/all the coasts of Israel and then/if 1581/5620
1Sa_11:4...........and/all the people lifted/up 1582/5620
1Sa_11:7....throughout/all the coasts of Israel by/the 1583/5620 that seemeth/good 1584/5620
1Sa_11:15..........And/all the people went to Gilgal/and 1585/5620
1Sa_11:15..........and/all the men of Israel rejoiced/greatly 1586/5620
1Sa_12:1..........unto/all Israel Behold/I. 1587/5620 that ye said/unto 1588/5620
1Sa_12:7............of/all the righteous acts/of 1589/5620
1Sa_12:18..........and/all the people greatly/feared 1590/5620
1Sa_12:19..........And/all the people said unto Samuel/Pray 1591/5620
1Sa_12:19.........unto/all our sins/this... 1592/5620
1Sa_12:20.........done/all this wickedness/yet 1593/5620
1Sa_12:20.........with/all your heart And turn/ye 1594/5620
1Sa_12:24.........with/all your heart for/consider 1595/5620
1Sa_13:3....throughout/all the land saying/Let 1596/5620
1Sa_13:4...........And/all Israel heard say/that 1597/5620
1Sa_13:7...........and/all the people followed/him 1598/5620
1Sa_13:19...throughout/all the land of Israel for/the 1599/5620
1Sa_13:20..........But/all the Israelites went/down 1600/5620
1Sa_14:7............Do/all that is in thine heart turn/thee 1601/5620
1Sa_14:15........among/all the people the garrison/and 1602/5620
1Sa_14:20..........and/all the people that were with him assembled/themselves 1603/5620
1Sa_14:22.....Likewise/all the men of Israel which/had 1604/5620
1Sa_14:25..........And/all they of the land/came 1605/5620
1Sa_14:34..........And/all the people brought/every 1606/5620
1Sa_14:38.......hither/all the chief of the people/and 1607/5620
1Sa_14:39........among/all the people that answered/him 1608/5620
1Sa_14:40.........unto/all Israel Be ye/on. 1609/5620
1Sa_14:47......against/all his enemies on/every 1610/5620
1Sa_14:52..Philistines/all the days of Saul/and 1611/5620
1Sa_15:3.......destroy/all that they have and spare/them 1612/5620 the children of Israel when/they 1613/5620
1Sa_15:8.....destroyed/all the people with/the 1614/5620
1Sa_15:9...........and/all that was good/and 1615/5620
1Sa_15:11.........LORD/all night And when/Samuel 1616/5620 thy children And/he 1617/5620
1Sa_17:11..........and/all Israel heard those/words 1618/5620
1Sa_17:19..........and/all the men of Israel were in/the 1619/5620
1Sa_17:24..........And/all the men of Israel when/they 1620/5620
1Sa_17:46.........that/all the earth may/know 1621/5620
1Sa_17:47..........And/all this assembly/shall 1622/5620
1Sa_18:5............of/all the people and also/in 1623/5620
1Sa_18:6............of/all cities of/Israel 1624/5620 his ways and the/LORD 1625/5620
1Sa_18:16..........But/all Israel and Judah loved/David 1626/5620
1Sa_18:22..........and/all his servants love/thee 1627/5620
1Sa_18:30.........than/all the servants of Saul/so 1628/5620 his servants that they/should 1629/5620
1Sa_19:5...........for/all Israel thou/sawest 1630/5620
1Sa_19:7...........him/all those things And/Jonathan 1631/5620
1Sa_19:18..........him/all that Saul/had... 1632/5620
1Sa_19:24........naked/all that day and all that night Wherefore/they 1633/5620
1Sa_19:24..........and/all that night Wherefore/they 1634/5620 miss/me......... 1635/5620
1Sa_20:6...........for/all the family If/he 1636/5620
1Sa_22:1...........and/all his father's house heard/it 1637/5620
1Sa_22:4...........him/all the while that David/was 1638/5620
1Sa_22:6...........and/all his servants were/standing 1639/5620 captains/of..... 1640/5620
1Sa_22:8..........That/all of you have/conspired 1641/5620
1Sa_22:11..........and/all his father's house the/priests 1642/5620
1Sa_22:11.........came/all of them to/the.. 1643/5620
1Sa_22:14........among/all thy servants as/David 1644/5620 the house of my father for/thy 1645/5620
1Sa_22:15...........of/all this less/or.... 1646/5620
1Sa_22:16..........and/all thy father's house And the/king 1647/5620
1Sa_22:22...........of/all the persons of thy/father's 1648/5620
1Sa_23:8........called/all the people together to/war 1649/5620 the desire of thy/soul 1650/5620
1Sa_23:23...........of/all the lurking/places 1651/5620
1Sa_23:23...throughout/all the thousands/of 1652/5620
1Sa_24:2............of/all Israel and went/to 1653/5620
1Sa_25:1...........and/all the Israelites were gathered/together 1654/5620
1Sa_25:6..........unto/all that thou hast And now/I 1655/5620
1Sa_25:7..........them/all the while they/were 1656/5620 those words/in.. 1657/5620
1Sa_25:12..........him/all those sayings/And 1658/5620 the while we/were 1659/5620
1Sa_25:17......against/all his household for/he 1660/5620
1Sa_25:21.........kept/all that this/fellow 1661/5620
1Sa_25:21...........of/all that pertained unto him/and 1662/5620
1Sa_25:22...........of/all that pertain/to. 1663/5620
1Sa_25:28.........thee/all thy days Yet/a.. 1664/5620 the good that he/hath 1665/5620
1Sa_26:12.........were/all asleep/because.. 1666/5620
1Sa_26:24...........of/all tribulation/Then 1667/5620
1Sa_27:11.......manner/all the while he/dwelleth 1668/5620
1Sa_28:3...........and/all Israel had/lamented 1669/5620
1Sa_28:4......gathered/all Israel together and they/pitched 1670/5620
1Sa_28:20..straightway/all along on/the.... 1671/5620
1Sa_28:20........bread/all the day nor/all. 1672/5620
1Sa_28:20..........nor/all the night And the/woman 1673/5620
1Sa_29:1......together/all their armies to/Aphek 1674/5620
1Sa_30:6............of/all the people was grieved/every 1675/5620
1Sa_30:8.......recover/all So David/went... 1676/5620
1Sa_30:16.........upon/all the earth eating/and 1677/5620
1Sa_30:16...........of/all the great spoil/that 1678/5620
1Sa_30:18....recovered/all that the Amalekites/had 1679/5620
1Sa_30:19....recovered/all And David/took.. 1680/5620
1Sa_30:20.........took/all the flocks and/the 1681/5620
1Sa_30:22.....answered/all the wicked men/and 1682/5620 the places where/David 1683/5620
1Sa_31:6...........and/all his men that/same 1684/5620
1Sa_31:12.........Saul/All the valiant men arose/and 1685/5620
1Sa_31:12.........went/all night and took/the 1686/5620
2Sa_1:11......likewise/all the men that were/with 1687/5620
2Sa_2:9...........over/all Israel Ishbosheth/Saul's 1688/5620
2Sa_2:28...........and/all the people stood still and/pursued 1689/5620
2Sa_2:29........walked/all that night through/the 1690/5620
2Sa_2:29.......through/all Bithron/and..... 1691/5620
2Sa_2:30......gathered/all the people together there/lacked 1692/5620
2Sa_2:32..........went/all night and they came/to 1693/5620
2Sa_3:12.........about/all Israel unto thee/And 1694/5620
2Sa_3:18............of/all their enemies And/Abner 1695/5620
2Sa_3:19........Hebron/all that seemed/good 1696/5620
2Sa_3:21........gather/all Israel unto my/lord 1697/5620
2Sa_3:21..........over/all that thine/heart 1698/5620
2Sa_3:23...........and/all the host that was with/him 1699/5620
2Sa_3:25..........know/all that thou doest And when/Joab 1700/5620
2Sa_3:29............on/all his father's house and/let 1701/5620 the people that were with him Rend/your 1702/5620
2Sa_3:32...........and/all the people wept And/the 1703/5620
2Sa_3:34...........And/all the people wept again/over 1704/5620
2Sa_3:35..........when/all the people came to cause/David 1705/5620
2Sa_3:36...........And/all the people took notice/of 1706/5620
2Sa_3:36.......pleased/all the people For all/the 1707/5620
2Sa_3:37...........For/all the people and all Israel/understood 1708/5620
2Sa_3:37...........and/all Israel understood/that 1709/5620
2Sa_4:1............and/all the Israelites were troubled/And 1710/5620
2Sa_4:7..........plain/all night And they brought/the 1711/5620
2Sa_4:9.............of/all adversity When/one 1712/5620
2Sa_5:1...........came/all the tribes of Israel to David/unto 1713/5620
2Sa_5:3.............So/all the elders of Israel came to/the 1714/5620
2Sa_5:5...........over/all Israel and Judah And the/king 1715/5620
2Sa_5:17........Israel/all the Philistines came/up 1716/5620
2Sa_6:1.......together/all the chosen/men.. 1717/5620
2Sa_6:2...........with/all the people that were with him from Baale/of 1718/5620
2Sa_6:5............and/all the house of Israel played/before 1719/5620
2Sa_6:5.............on/all manner of instruments made/of 1720/5620
2Sa_6:11...........and/all his household And/it 1721/5620
2Sa_6:12...........and/all that pertaineth/unto 1722/5620
2Sa_6:14..........with/all his might and David/was 1723/5620
2Sa_6:15...........and/all the house of Israel brought/up 1724/5620
2Sa_6:19.........among/all the people even among/the 1725/5620
2Sa_6:19............So/all the people departed every one/to 1726/5620
2Sa_6:21........before/all his house to/appoint 1727/5620
2Sa_7:1...........from/all his enemies That/the 1728/5620 that is in thine heart for the/LORD 1729/5620
2Sa_7:7.............In/all the places wherein I/have 1730/5620
2Sa_7:7...........with/all the children of Israel spake/I 1731/5620 thine enemies out/of 1732/5620
2Sa_7:11..........from/all thine enemies Also/the 1733/5620 these words and according to all this vision so did Nathan speak unto David Then/went 1734/5620 this vision so did Nathan speak unto David Then/went 1735/5620
2Sa_7:21..........done/all these great things to/make 1736/5620 that we have heard with our ears And what one nation in the earth is like thy people even/like 1737/5620
2Sa_8:4........houghed/all the chariot horses but reserved of them for/an 1738/5620
2Sa_8:9........smitten/all the host of Hadadezer/Then 1739/5620
2Sa_8:11............of/all nations which he subdued/Of 1740/5620
2Sa_8:14....throughout/all Edom/put........ 1741/5620
2Sa_8:14...........and/all they of Edom/became 1742/5620
2Sa_8:15..........over/all Israel and David/executed 1743/5620
2Sa_8:15..........unto/all his people And Joab the son of Zeruiah was over the host and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was/recorder 1744/5620
2Sa_9:7...........thee/all the land of Saul/thy 1745/5620
2Sa_9:9............son/all that pertained to Saul/and 1746/5620 his house Thou/therefore 1747/5620 that my lord/the 1748/5620
2Sa_9:12...........And/all that dwelt in/the 1749/5620
2Sa_10:7...........and/all the host of the mighty men And the children of Ammon came out and put the battle in array at/the 1750/5620
2Sa_10:9............of/all the choice men/of 1751/5620
2Sa_10:17.....gathered/all Israel together and passed/over 1752/5620
2Sa_10:19.........when/all the kings that/were 1753/5620
2Sa_11:1...........and/all Israel and they destroyed/the 1754/5620
2Sa_11:9..........with/all the servants of his/lord 1755/5620
2Sa_11:18........David/all the things concerning/the 1756/5620
2Sa_11:22........David/all that Joab/had... 1757/5620
2Sa_12:12.......before/all Israel and before/the 1758/5620
2Sa_12:16..........lay/all night upon the earth/And 1759/5620
2Sa_12:29.....gathered/all the people together and went/to 1760/5620
2Sa_12:31.........unto/all the cities of the children of Ammon So/David 1761/5620
2Sa_12:31..........and/all the people returned unto/Jerusalem 1762/5620
2Sa_13:9...........out/all men from/me..... 1763/5620
2Sa_13:21...........of/all these things he was/very 1764/5620
2Sa_13:23......invited/all the king's sons And Absalom/came 1765/5620
2Sa_13:25..........not/all now go/lest..... 1766/5620
2Sa_13:27..........and/all the king's sons go/with 1767/5620
2Sa_13:29.........Then/all the king's sons arose/and 1768/5620
2Sa_13:30........slain/all the king's sons and there/is 1769/5620
2Sa_13:31..........and/all his servants stood/by 1770/5620
2Sa_13:32........slain/all the young men/the 1771/5620
2Sa_13:33.........that/all the king's sons are/dead 1772/5620
2Sa_13:36..........and/all his servants wept/very 1773/5620 this And the/woman 1774/5620
2Sa_14:19..........put/all these words in the mouth/of 1775/5620
2Sa_14:20.........know/all things that are in/the 1776/5620 Israel there was none to/be 1777/5620 Israel that came/to 1778/5620
2Sa_15:10...throughout/all the tribes of Israel saying As/soon 1779/5620
2Sa_15:14.........unto/all his servants that were/with 1780/5620
2Sa_15:16..........and/all his household after/him 1781/5620
2Sa_15:17..........and/all the people after/him 1782/5620
2Sa_15:18..........And/all his servants passed/on 1783/5620
2Sa_15:18..........and/all the Cherethites/and 1784/5620
2Sa_15:18..........and/all the Pelethites/and 1785/5620
2Sa_15:18..........and/all the Gittites/six 1786/5620
2Sa_15:22..........and/all his men and/all. 1787/5620
2Sa_15:22..........and/all the little/ones. 1788/5620
2Sa_15:23..........And/all the country wept/with 1789/5620
2Sa_15:23..........and/all the people passed over the/king 1790/5620
2Sa_15:23..........and/all the people passed over toward/the 1791/5620
2Sa_15:24..........and/all the Levites were/with 1792/5620
2Sa_15:24........until/all the people had/done 1793/5620
2Sa_15:30..........and/all the people that was with/him 1794/5620
2Sa_16:4...........are/all that pertained unto Mephibosheth/And 1795/5620 the servants of king/David 1796/5620
2Sa_16:6...........and/all the people and all the mighty/men 1797/5620
2Sa_16:6...........and/all the mighty men were/on 1798/5620
2Sa_16:8..........thee/all the blood of the house/of 1799/5620 his servants Behold/my 1800/5620
2Sa_16:14..........and/all the people that were with him came/weary 1801/5620
2Sa_16:15..........and/all the people the men/of 1802/5620
2Sa_16:18..........and/all the men of Israel choose/his 1803/5620
2Sa_16:21..........and/all Israel shall hear that/thou 1804/5620
2Sa_16:21...........of/all that are with thee be/strong 1805/5620
2Sa_16:22...........of/all Israel And the counsel/of 1806/5620
2Sa_16:23..........was/all the counsel of Ahithophel/both 1807/5620
2Sa_17:2...........and/all the people that are with him shall/flee 1808/5620
2Sa_17:3..........back/all the people unto thee/the 1809/5620
2Sa_17:3............if/all returned/so..... 1810/5620 the people shall be in peace/And 1811/5620
2Sa_17:4...........and/all the elders of Israel Then/said 1812/5620
2Sa_17:10..........for/all Israel knoweth/that 1813/5620
2Sa_17:11.........that/all Israel be generally/gathered 1814/5620
2Sa_17:12...........of/all the men that are with/him 1815/5620
2Sa_17:13........shall/all Israel bring/ropes 1816/5620
2Sa_17:14..........and/all the men of Israel said/The 1817/5620
2Sa_17:16..........and/all the people that are with him Now/Jonathan 1818/5620
2Sa_17:22..........and/all the people that were with him and they/passed 1819/5620
2Sa_17:24..........and/all the men of Israel with him/And 1820/5620
2Sa_18:4...........and/all the people came out/by 1821/5620
2Sa_18:5...........And/all the people heard when/the 1822/5620
2Sa_18:5..........gave/all the captains charge/concerning 1823/5620
2Sa_18:8............of/all the country and the wood/devoured 1824/5620
2Sa_18:17..........and/all Israel fled/every 1825/5620
2Sa_18:28.........king/All is well And/he.. 1826/5620
2Sa_18:31...........of/all them that rose/up 1827/5620
2Sa_18:32..........and/all that rise/against 1828/5620
2Sa_19:2..........unto/all the people for the/people 1829/5620
2Sa_19:5............of/all thy servants which/this 1830/5620
2Sa_19:6...........and/all we had/died..... 1831/5620
2Sa_19:7..........than/all the evil that befell/thee 1832/5620
2Sa_19:8..........unto/all the people saying Behold/the 1833/5620
2Sa_19:8...........And/all the people came before/the 1834/5620
2Sa_19:9...........And/all the people were at/strife 1835/5620
2Sa_19:9....throughout/all the tribes of Israel saying The/king 1836/5620
2Sa_19:11...........of/all Israel is come to the/king 1837/5620
2Sa_19:14...........of/all the men of Judah even/as 1838/5620
2Sa_19:14..........and/all thy servants So/the 1839/5620
2Sa_19:20...........of/all the house of Joseph to/go 1840/5620
2Sa_19:28..........For/all of my/father's.. 1841/5620
2Sa_19:30.........take/all forasmuch/as.... 1842/5620
2Sa_19:39..........And/all the people went over/Jordan 1843/5620
2Sa_19:40..........and/all the people of Judah conducted/the 1844/5620
2Sa_19:41.......behold/all the men of Israel came/to 1845/5620
2Sa_19:41..........and/all David's/men..... 1846/5620
2Sa_19:42..........And/all the men of Judah answered/the 1847/5620 of the/king's... 1848/5620
2Sa_20:7...........and/all the mighty men and/they 1849/5620
2Sa_20:12.........that/all the people stood still he/removed 1850/5620
2Sa_20:13......highway/all the people went on/after 1851/5620
2Sa_20:14......through/all the tribes of Israel unto/Abel 1852/5620
2Sa_20:14..........and/all the Berites/and. 1853/5620
2Sa_20:15..........and/all the people that were with Joab/battered 1854/5620
2Sa_20:22.........unto/all the people in her/wisdom 1855/5620
2Sa_20:23.........over/all the host of Israel/and 1856/5620
2Sa_21:9..........fell/all seven/together.. 1857/5620
2Sa_21:14....performed/all that the king/commanded 1858/5620
2Sa_22:1............of/all his enemies and/out 1859/5620
2Sa_22:23..........For/all his judgments were before me and as/for 1860/5620 them that trust in him For/who 1861/5620 things and sure/for 1862/5620 my salvation/and 1863/5620
2Sa_23:5...........and/all my desire although/he 1864/5620 of them as/thorns 1865/5620 And again/the... 1866/5620
2Sa_24:2.......through/all the tribes of Israel from/Dan 1867/5620 the cities of the Hivites/and 1868/5620
2Sa_24:8.......through/all the land they/came 1869/5620
2Sa_24:23.........wood/All these things did/Araunah 1870/5620
1Ki_1:3.....throughout/all the coasts of Israel and found/Abishag 1871/5620
1Ki_1:9.........called/all his brethren the king's/sons 1872/5620
1Ki_1:9............and/all the men of Judah the/king's 1873/5620
1Ki_1:19........called/all the sons of the/king 1874/5620
1Ki_1:20............of/all Israel are/upon. 1875/5620
1Ki_1:25........called/all the king's sons and the/captains 1876/5620
1Ki_1:29............of/all distress/Even... 1877/5620
1Ki_1:39...........and/all the people said God/save 1878/5620
1Ki_1:40...........And/all the people came up/after 1879/5620
1Ki_1:41...........and/all the guests that were with him/heard 1880/5620
1Ki_1:49...........And/all the guests that were with Adonijah/were 1881/5620
1Ki_2:2.............of/all the earth be thou/strong 1882/5620 that thou doest and whithersoever/thou 1883/5620
1Ki_2:4...........with/all their heart and with all their soul there/shall 1884/5620
1Ki_2:4...........with/all their soul there/shall 1885/5620
1Ki_2:15..........that/all Israel set/their 1886/5620 wherein/my...... 1887/5620
1Ki_2:44.......knowest/all the wickedness/which 1888/5620
1Ki_3:13..........thee/all thy days And/if. 1889/5620 his servants Then/came 1890/5620
1Ki_3:28...........And/all Israel heard of/the 1891/5620
1Ki_4:1...........over/all Israel And these/were 1892/5620
1Ki_4:7...........over/all Israel which provided/victuals 1893/5620
1Ki_4:10...........and/all the land of Hepher/The 1894/5620 the region of Dor/which 1895/5620
1Ki_4:12...........and/all Bethshean/which. 1896/5620
1Ki_4:21..........over/all kingdoms from/the 1897/5620
1Ki_4:21.......Solomon/all the days of his life And Solomon's/provision 1898/5620
1Ki_4:24..........over/all the region on/this 1899/5620
1Ki_4:24..........over/all the kings on/this 1900/5620
1Ki_4:24............on/all sides round/about 1901/5620
1Ki_4:25.....Beersheba/all the days of Solomon And/Solomon 1902/5620
1Ki_4:27...........for/all that came unto/king 1903/5620
1Ki_4:30............of/all the children of the east country/and 1904/5620
1Ki_4:30...........and/all the wisdom of Egypt/For 1905/5620
1Ki_4:31..........than/all men than/Ethan.. 1906/5620 nations round/about 1907/5620
1Ki_4:34............of/all people to/hear.. 1908/5620
1Ki_4:34..........from/all kings of/the.... 1909/5620 that thou shalt appoint/for 1910/5620 thy desire/concerning 1911/5620 his desire And/Solomon 1912/5620
1Ki_5:13............of/all Israel and the levy/was 1913/5620
1Ki_6:10.......against/all the house five/cubits 1914/5620
1Ki_6:12..........keep/all my commandments to/walk 1915/5620 was cedar/there. 1916/5620
1Ki_6:22......finished/all the house also/the 1917/5620
1Ki_6:29........carved/all the walls of the/house 1918/5620
1Ki_6:38....throughout/all the parts/thereof 1919/5620 the fashion/of.. 1920/5620
1Ki_7:1.......finished/all his house He/built 1921/5620
1Ki_7:5............And/all the doors and/posts 1922/5620
1Ki_7:9..........porch/All these were of/costly 1923/5620 works/in........ 1924/5620
1Ki_7:14.......wrought/all his work For/he. 1925/5620
1Ki_7:23.........round/all about/and....... 1926/5620
1Ki_7:25...........and/all their hinder parts were inward And it/was 1927/5620
1Ki_7:33..........were/all molten/And...... 1928/5620
1Ki_7:37.........bases/all of them had/one. 1929/5620
1Ki_7:40.........doing/all the work that he/made 1930/5620
1Ki_7:45...........and/all these vessels which/Hiram 1931/5620
1Ki_7:47..........left/all the vessels unweighed/because 1932/5620
1Ki_7:48..........made/all the vessels that pertained/unto 1933/5620
1Ki_7:51.........ended/all the work that king/Solomon 1934/5620
1Ki_8:1............and/all the heads of the tribes the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel unto king/Solomon 1935/5620
1Ki_8:2............And/all the men of Israel assembled themselves unto king/Solomon 1936/5620
1Ki_8:3............And/all the elders of Israel came and the priests/took 1937/5620
1Ki_8:4............and/all the holy vessels that were in the tabernacle even/those 1938/5620
1Ki_8:5............and/all the congregation of Israel that were assembled unto him were/with 1939/5620
1Ki_8:14.......blessed/all the congregation of Israel and all/the 1940/5620
1Ki_8:14...........and/all the congregation of Israel stood And he said Blessed be the LORD God of Israel which/spake 1941/5620
1Ki_8:16............of/all the tribes of Israel to build an house that/my 1942/5620
1Ki_8:22............of/all the congregation of Israel and spread forth his hands toward heaven And he/said 1943/5620
1Ki_8:23..........with/all their heart Who/hast 1944/5620 thy people Israel which/shall 1945/5620
1Ki_8:39............of/all the children of men/That 1946/5620
1Ki_8:40..........thee/all the days that they live/in 1947/5620 that the stranger calleth to thee for that all people of the earth may know thy name to/fear 1948/5620
1Ki_8:43..........that/all people of the earth may know thy name to/fear 1949/5620
1Ki_8:48..........with/all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their enemies/which 1950/5620
1Ki_8:48..........with/all their soul in the land of their enemies/which 1951/5620
1Ki_8:50...........and/all their transgressions wherein/they 1952/5620 that they call/for 1953/5620
1Ki_8:53.........among/all the people of the earth to/be 1954/5620
1Ki_8:54.......praying/all this prayer/and. 1955/5620
1Ki_8:55.......blessed/all the congregation of Israel with a/loud 1956/5620 that he promised/there 1957/5620
1Ki_8:56............of/all his good/promise 1958/5620 his ways and to keep his commandments and his/statutes 1959/5620 times as/the.... 1960/5620
1Ki_8:60..........That/all the people of the earth may/know 1961/5620
1Ki_8:62...........and/all Israel with him offered/sacrifice 1962/5620
1Ki_8:63...........and/all the children of Israel dedicated/the 1963/5620
1Ki_8:65...........and/all Israel with him a great/congregation 1964/5620
1Ki_8:66...........for/all the goodness that/the 1965/5620
1Ki_9:1............and/all Solomon's desire/which 1966/5620 that I have commanded thee and wilt/keep 1967/5620 turn from/following 1968/5620
1Ki_9:7..........among/all people And at/this 1969/5620
1Ki_9:9...........them/all this evil And/it 1970/5620 his desire that/then 1971/5620
1Ki_9:19...........And/all the cities of store/that 1972/5620 the land of his dominion And all/the 1973/5620
1Ki_9:20...........And/all the people that were left of the Amorites/Hittites 1974/5620
1Ki_10:2............of/all that was in her heart And Solomon told her all her questions there/was 1975/5620
1Ki_10:3...........her/all her questions there/was 1976/5620
1Ki_10:4..........seen/all Solomon's wisdom/and 1977/5620
1Ki_10:13........Sheba/all her desire whatsoever she asked beside that which Solomon/gave 1978/5620
1Ki_10:15...........of/all the kings of Arabia and of/the 1979/5620
1Ki_10:21..........And/all king/Solomon's.. 1980/5620
1Ki_10:21..........and/all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold none were of silver it was nothing/accounted 1981/5620
1Ki_10:23.....exceeded/all the kings of the earth for/riches 1982/5620
1Ki_10:24..........And/all the earth sought/to 1983/5620
1Ki_10:29..........for/all the kings of the Hittites and for the kings of Syria did/they 1984/5620
1Ki_11:8...........for/all his strange/wives 1985/5620
1Ki_11:13.........away/all the kingdom but/will 1986/5620
1Ki_11:16.........with/all Israel until/he. 1987/5620
1Ki_11:25.......Israel/all the days of Solomon beside/the 1988/5620
1Ki_11:28.........over/all the charge/of... 1989/5620
1Ki_11:32...........of/all the tribes of Israel Because/that 1990/5620
1Ki_11:34.......prince/all the days of his life for/David 1991/5620 that thy/soul... 1992/5620
1Ki_11:38.........unto/all that I command thee and wilt/walk 1993/5620
1Ki_11:41..........and/all that he did and his wisdom/are 1994/5620
1Ki_11:42.........over/all Israel was/forty 1995/5620
1Ki_12:1...........for/all Israel were come/to 1996/5620
1Ki_12:3...........and/all the congregation of Israel came/and 1997/5620
1Ki_12:12..........and/all the people came to Rehoboam the/third 1998/5620
1Ki_12:16.........when/all Israel saw that the king hearkened/not 1999/5620
1Ki_12:18..........and/all Israel stoned him with stones that/he 2000/5620
1Ki_12:20.........when/all Israel heard that/Jeroboam 2001/5620
1Ki_12:20.........over/all Israel there was none that/followed 2002/5620
1Ki_12:21....assembled/all the house of Judah with/the 2003/5620
1Ki_12:23.........unto/all the house of Judah and/Benjamin 2004/5620
1Ki_13:11..........him/all the works that the/man 2005/5620
1Ki_13:32......against/all the houses of the high/places 2006/5620
1Ki_14:8..........with/all his heart to/do. 2007/5620
1Ki_14:9.........above/all that were before thee/for 2008/5620 gone Him/that... 2009/5620
1Ki_14:13..........And/all Israel shall mourn/for 2010/5620
1Ki_14:18..........and/all Israel mourned/for 2011/5620
1Ki_14:21...........of/all the tribes of Israel to put his name there And his mother's name was Naamah an Ammonitess And Judah/did 2012/5620
1Ki_14:22........above/all that their/fathers 2013/5620 the abominations of the nations/which 2014/5620
1Ki_14:26.........away/all and he took away/all 2015/5620
1Ki_14:26.........away/all the shields/of.. 2016/5620
1Ki_14:29..........and/all that he did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And there was war between Rehoboam/and 2017/5620
1Ki_14:30.....Jeroboam/all their days And Rehoboam/slept 2018/5620 the sins of his/father 2019/5620
1Ki_15:5...........him/all the days of his life save/only 2020/5620
1Ki_15:6......Jeroboam/all the days of his life Now/the 2021/5620
1Ki_15:7...........and/all that he did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And there was war between Abijam/and 2022/5620
1Ki_15:12......removed/all the idols that/his 2023/5620
1Ki_15:14.........LORD/all his days And he brought in/the 2024/5620
1Ki_15:16.......Israel/all their days And Baasha/king 2025/5620
1Ki_15:18.........took/all the silver and the/gold 2026/5620
1Ki_15:20..........and/all Cinneroth/with.. 2027/5620
1Ki_15:20.........with/all the land of Naphtali And it/came 2028/5620
1Ki_15:22...throughout/all Judah none/was.. 2029/5620
1Ki_15:23...........of/all the acts of Asa/and 2030/5620
1Ki_15:23..........and/all his might and all/that 2031/5620
1Ki_15:23..........and/all that he did and the cities/which 2032/5620
1Ki_15:27..........and/all Israel laid/siege 2033/5620
1Ki_15:29........smote/all the house of Jeroboam/he 2034/5620
1Ki_15:31..........and/all that he did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And there/was 2035/5620
1Ki_15:32.......Israel/all their days In/the 2036/5620
1Ki_15:33.........over/all Israel in Tirzah/twenty 2037/5620
1Ki_16:7...........for/all the evil that he/did 2038/5620
1Ki_16:11.........slew/all the house of Baasha he/left 2039/5620
1Ki_16:12......destroy/all the house of Baasha according/to 2040/5620
1Ki_16:13..........For/all the sins of Baasha/and 2041/5620
1Ki_16:14..........and/all that he did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel In/the 2042/5620
1Ki_16:16....wherefore/all Israel made Omri/the 2043/5620
1Ki_16:17..........and/all Israel with him and they besieged/Tirzah 2044/5620
1Ki_16:25.........than/all that were before him For/he 2045/5620 the way of Jeroboam/the 2046/5620
1Ki_16:30........above/all that were before him And/it 2047/5620
1Ki_16:33.........than/all the kings of Israel that/were 2048/5620
1Ki_18:5..........unto/all fountains/of.... 2049/5620
1Ki_18:5..........unto/all brooks/peradventure 2050/5620
1Ki_18:5...........not/all the beasts So/they 2051/5620 Israel unto mount/Carmel 2052/5620
1Ki_18:20.........unto/all the children of Israel and gathered/the 2053/5620
1Ki_18:21.........unto/all the people and said How/long 2054/5620
1Ki_18:24..........And/all the people answered and/said 2055/5620
1Ki_18:30.........unto/all the people Come/near 2056/5620
1Ki_18:30..........And/all the people came near/unto 2057/5620
1Ki_18:36.........done/all these things at/thy 2058/5620
1Ki_18:39.........when/all the people saw it/they 2059/5620
1Ki_19:1.......Jezebel/all that Elijah/had. 2060/5620
1Ki_19:1.........slain/all the prophets with/the 2061/5620
1Ki_19:18.......Israel/all the knees/which. 2062/5620
1Ki_20:1......gathered/all his host together/and 2063/5620
1Ki_20:4...........and/all that I have And/the 2064/5620
1Ki_20:7........called/all the elders of the land and/said 2065/5620
1Ki_20:8...........And/all the elders and/all 2066/5620
1Ki_20:8...........and/all the people said unto him/Hearken 2067/5620
1Ki_20:9..........king/All that thou didst/send 2068/5620
1Ki_20:10..........for/all the people that follow me/And 2069/5620
1Ki_20:13.........seen/all this great multitude behold/I 2070/5620
1Ki_20:15.....numbered/all the people even all/the 2071/5620
1Ki_20:15.........even/all the children of Israel being/seven 2072/5620
1Ki_20:27.........were/all present/and..... 2073/5620
1Ki_20:28......deliver/all this great multitude into/thine 2074/5620 things as did/the 2075/5620
1Ki_22:10..........and/all the prophets prophesied before them And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made/him 2076/5620
1Ki_22:12..........And/all the prophets prophesied so saying Go up to Ramothgilead and prosper for the LORD shall deliver it into the king's/hand 2077/5620
1Ki_22:17..........saw/all Israel scattered upon the hills/as 2078/5620
1Ki_22:19..........and/all the host of heaven standing by/him 2079/5620
1Ki_22:22...........of/all his prophets And he/said 2080/5620
1Ki_22:23...........of/all these thy prophets/and 2081/5620 in peace/the.... 2082/5620
1Ki_22:39..........and/all that he did and the ivory/house 2083/5620
1Ki_22:39..........and/all the cities that he/built 2084/5620 the ways of Asa/his 2085/5620 that his father had done Then/Moab 2086/5620
2Ki_3:6.......numbered/all Israel And he went/and 2087/5620
2Ki_3:19..........stop/all wells/of........ 2088/5620
2Ki_3:21..........when/all the Moabites/heard 2089/5620
2Ki_3:21......gathered/all that were able to put/on 2090/5620
2Ki_3:25.......stopped/all the wells of/water 2091/5620
2Ki_3:25........felled/all the good trees/only 2092/5620
2Ki_4:3.............of/all thy neighbours/even 2093/5620
2Ki_4:4...........into/all those vessels/and 2094/5620
2Ki_4:13..........with/all this care/what.. 2095/5620
2Ki_5:12..........than/all the waters of/Israel 2096/5620
2Ki_5:15...........and/all his company and came/and 2097/5620 the earth but/in 2098/5620
2Ki_5:21............Is/all well And/he..... 2099/5620
2Ki_5:22..........said/All is well My/master 2100/5620
2Ki_6:24......gathered/all his host and/went 2101/5620 the multitude of Israel/that 2102/5620 the multitude of the Israelites/that 2103/5620
2Ki_7:15............lo/all the way was/full 2104/5620
2Ki_8:4...........thee/all the great things/that 2105/5620
2Ki_8:6........Restore/all that was hers/and 2106/5620
2Ki_8:6............and/all the fruits/of... 2107/5620
2Ki_8:21...........and/all the chariots with/him 2108/5620
2Ki_8:23...........and/all that he did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And Joram/slept 2109/5620
2Ki_9:5.............of/all us/And.......... 2110/5620
2Ki_9:7.............of/all the servants of the/LORD 2111/5620
2Ki_9:11............Is/all well wherefore/came 2112/5620
2Ki_9:14...........and/all Israel because/of 2113/5620 that thou shalt bid/us 2114/5620 the people Ye be/righteous 2115/5620
2Ki_10:9..........slew/all these Know/now.. 2116/5620
2Ki_10:11.........slew/all that remained of/the 2117/5620
2Ki_10:11..........and/all his great/men... 2118/5620
2Ki_10:17.........slew/all that remained unto/Ahab 2119/5620
2Ki_10:18.....gathered/all the people together and said/unto 2120/5620 the prophets of/Baal 2121/5620
2Ki_10:19.........Baal/all his servants and all his/priests 2122/5620
2Ki_10:19..........and/all his priests/let. 2123/5620
2Ki_10:21......through/all Israel and all the worshippers/of 2124/5620
2Ki_10:21..........and/all the worshippers of Baal came/so 2125/5620
2Ki_10:22..........for/all the worshippers of Baal And/he 2126/5620 that was in mine/heart 2127/5620
2Ki_10:31.........with/all his heart for/he 2128/5620 the coasts of Israel From/Jordan 2129/5620
2Ki_10:33.....eastward/all the land of Gilead the/Gadites 2130/5620
2Ki_10:34..........and/all that he did and all/his 2131/5620
2Ki_10:34..........and/all his might are/they 2132/5620
2Ki_11:1.....destroyed/all the seed royal But/Jehosheba 2133/5620
2Ki_11:7............of/all you/that........ 2134/5620 things that Jehoiada the priest commanded/and 2135/5620
2Ki_11:14..........and/all the people of the land rejoiced and blew/with 2136/5620
2Ki_11:18..........And/all the people of the land went/into 2137/5620
2Ki_11:19..........and/all the people of the land and they/brought 2138/5620
2Ki_11:20..........And/all the people of the land rejoiced and the city was in/quiet 2139/5620
2Ki_12:2..........LORD/all his days wherein/Jehoiada 2140/5620
2Ki_12:4.......priests/All the money of/the 2141/5620
2Ki_12:4...........and/all the money that cometh/into 2142/5620
2Ki_12:9.......therein/all the money that was brought/into 2143/5620
2Ki_12:12..........for/all that was laid/out 2144/5620
2Ki_12:18.........took/all the hallowed things that/Jehoshaphat 2145/5620
2Ki_12:18..........and/all the gold that was found/in 2146/5620
2Ki_12:19..........and/all that he did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And his/servants 2147/5620
2Ki_13:3........Hazael/all their days And Jehoahaz/besought 2148/5620
2Ki_13:8...........and/all that he did and his might are/they 2149/5620
2Ki_13:11.........from/all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel sin/but 2150/5620
2Ki_13:12..........and/all that he did and his might wherewith/he 2151/5620
2Ki_13:22.......Israel/all the days of Jehoahaz/And 2152/5620 things as Joash/his 2153/5620
2Ki_14:14.........took/all the gold and silver/and 2154/5620
2Ki_14:14..........and/all the vessels that were found in the house of the/LORD 2155/5620
2Ki_14:21..........And/all the people of Judah took Azariah/which 2156/5620
2Ki_14:24.........from/all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to/sin 2157/5620
2Ki_14:28..........and/all that he did and his might how/he 2158/5620 that his father Amaziah had/done 2159/5620
2Ki_15:6...........and/all that he did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah So Azariah/slept 2160/5620
2Ki_15:16..........and/all that were therein/and 2161/5620
2Ki_15:16..........and/all the women therein/that 2162/5620
2Ki_15:18..........not/all his days from/the 2163/5620
2Ki_15:20...........of/all the mighty men of wealth/of 2164/5620
2Ki_15:21..........and/all that he did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And Menahem/slept 2165/5620
2Ki_15:26..........and/all that he did behold they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel In the two/and 2166/5620
2Ki_15:29......Galilee/all the land of Naphtali and carried/them 2167/5620
2Ki_15:31..........and/all that he did behold they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel In the second/year 2168/5620 that his father Uzziah had/done 2169/5620
2Ki_15:36..........and/all that he did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah In those/days 2170/5620 the workmanship/thereof 2171/5620 that king Ahaz had/sent 2172/5620
2Ki_16:15...........of/all the people of the land and their/meat 2173/5620 the blood of the burnt/offering 2174/5620
2Ki_16:15..........and/all the blood of the sacrifice/and 2175/5620 that king Ahaz commanded/And 2176/5620
2Ki_17:5....throughout/all the land and went/up 2177/5620 their cities from/the 2178/5620 the high places/as 2179/5620 the prophets and by/all 2180/5620 the seers/saying 2181/5620 the law which I/commanded 2182/5620
2Ki_17:16.........left/all the commandments of the LORD their/God 2183/5620
2Ki_17:16...worshipped/all the host of heaven and served Baal/And 2184/5620
2Ki_17:20.....rejected/all the seed of Israel and/afflicted 2185/5620 the sins of Jeroboam which/he 2186/5620 his servants the prophets So/was 2187/5620
2Ki_17:39...........of/all your enemies Howbeit/they 2188/5620 that David his father did/He 2189/5620
2Ki_18:5.........among/all the kings of Judah/nor 2190/5620
2Ki_18:12..........and/all that Moses the servant of the LORD commanded and/would 2191/5620
2Ki_18:13......against/all the fenced cities of Judah and took/them 2192/5620
2Ki_18:15..........him/all the silver that/was 2193/5620
2Ki_18:21.........unto/all that trust on/him 2194/5620 his land out of the/hand 2195/5620
2Ki_18:35........among/all the gods of the countries/that 2196/5620
2Ki_19:4..........hear/all the words of Rabshakeh/whom 2197/5620 lands by destroying them utterly and shalt thou be delivered Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the children of Eden which were in Thelasar/Where 2198/5620
2Ki_19:15...........of/all the kingdoms of the earth thou hast made heaven and earth LORD/bow 2199/5620
2Ki_19:19.........that/all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the LORD God/even 2200/5620
2Ki_19:24...........up/all the rivers of besieged/places 2201/5620
2Ki_19:35.........were/all dead corpses So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and went and returned and dwelt at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 2202/5620
2Ki_20:13.........them/all the house of his precious/things 2203/5620
2Ki_20:13..........and/all the house of his armour and all that was found in his treasures there was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country even/from 2204/5620
2Ki_20:13..........and/all that was found in his treasures there was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country even/from 2205/5620 his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country even/from 2206/5620
2Ki_20:15.....answered/All the things that are/in 2207/5620
2Ki_20:17.........that/all that is in thine house and that which thy fathers have laid up in store unto/this 2208/5620
2Ki_20:20..........and/all his might and how/he 2209/5620
2Ki_21:3....worshipped/all the host of heaven and served them And/he 2210/5620
2Ki_21:5...........for/all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the LORD And he made/his 2211/5620
2Ki_21:7............of/all tribes/of....... 2212/5620 that I have commanded them and/according 2213/5620 the law that/my. 2214/5620
2Ki_21:11........above/all that the Amorites/did 2215/5620 their enemies Because/they 2216/5620
2Ki_21:17..........and/all that he did and his sin/that 2217/5620 the way that his/father 2218/5620
2Ki_21:24.........slew/all them that had conspired against king Amon and the people of the land made Josiah his son king in his stead Now/the 2219/5620 the way of David/his 2220/5620
2Ki_22:13..........for/all Judah concerning/the 2221/5620
2Ki_22:13.........unto/all that which is/written 2222/5620
2Ki_22:16.........even/all the words of the book which the/king 2223/5620
2Ki_22:17.........with/all the works of their hands therefore my wrath shall be kindled/against 2224/5620
2Ki_22:20..........see/all the evil which I will/bring 2225/5620
2Ki_23:1...........him/all the elders of Judah and of/Jerusalem 2226/5620
2Ki_23:2...........and/all the men of Judah and all/the 2227/5620
2Ki_23:2...........and/all the inhabitants of Jerusalem with him/and 2228/5620
2Ki_23:2...........and/all the people both small and great and he/read 2229/5620
2Ki_23:2..........ears/all the words of the book of the covenant which/was 2230/5620
2Ki_23:3..........with/all their heart and all/their 2231/5620
2Ki_23:3...........and/all their soul to/perform 2232/5620
2Ki_23:3...........And/all the people stood to/the 2233/5620
2Ki_23:4..........LORD/all the vessels that were made/for 2234/5620
2Ki_23:4...........for/all the host of heaven and he burned/them 2235/5620 the host of heaven And he brought/out 2236/5620
2Ki_23:8.......brought/all the priests out/of 2237/5620
2Ki_23:19..........And/all the houses also/of 2238/5620 the acts that/he 2239/5620
2Ki_23:20.........slew/all the priests of/the 2240/5620
2Ki_23:21....commanded/all the people saying Keep/the 2241/5620 the days of the kings/of 2242/5620
2Ki_23:24..........and/all the abominations that were/spied 2243/5620
2Ki_23:25.........with/all his heart and with all his soul and/with 2244/5620
2Ki_23:25.........with/all his soul and/with 2245/5620
2Ki_23:25.........with/all his might according/to 2246/5620 the law of/Moses 2247/5620
2Ki_23:26...........of/all the provocations/that 2248/5620
2Ki_23:28..........and/all that he did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah In his/days 2249/5620 that his fathers had done And/Pharaohnechoh 2250/5620 that his fathers had done In/his 2251/5620 that he did And also/for 2252/5620
2Ki_24:5...........and/all that he did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah So Jehoiakim/slept 2253/5620
2Ki_24:7.....Euphrates/all that pertained to the/king 2254/5620 that his father had done At/that 2255/5620
2Ki_24:13.......thence/all the treasures of the house/of 2256/5620
2Ki_24:13.......pieces/all the vessels of gold which/Solomon 2257/5620
2Ki_24:14.........away/all Jerusalem and/all 2258/5620
2Ki_24:14..........and/all the princes and all the mighty/men 2259/5620
2Ki_24:14..........and/all the mighty men of valour even/ten 2260/5620
2Ki_24:14..........and/all the craftsmen/and 2261/5620
2Ki_24:16..........And/all the men of might/even 2262/5620
2Ki_24:16.....thousand/all that were strong/and 2263/5620 that Jehoiakim had done For through the anger of the LORD it came to pass in Jerusalem and Judah until/he 2264/5620
2Ki_25:1...........and/all his host against/Jerusalem 2265/5620
2Ki_25:4...........and/all the men of war fled by/night 2266/5620
2Ki_25:5...........and/all his army were/scattered 2267/5620
2Ki_25:9...........and/all the houses of Jerusalem and every/great 2268/5620
2Ki_25:10..........And/all the army of the Chaldees/that 2269/5620
2Ki_25:14..........and/all the vessels of brass wherewith they ministered took they away And the firepans/and 2270/5620
2Ki_25:16...........of/all these vessels was without weight The/height 2271/5620
2Ki_25:17........about/all of brass and/like 2272/5620
2Ki_25:23.........when/all the captains of the armies/they 2273/5620
2Ki_25:26..........And/all the people both small and great and the/captains 2274/5620
2Ki_25:29..........him/all the days of his life And his/allowance 2275/5620 the days of his life Adam/Sheth 2276/5620
1Ch_1:23.........Jobab/All these were the sons of Joktan Shem/Arphaxad 2277/5620
1Ch_1:33........Eldaah/All these are the sons of Keturah/And 2278/5620
1Ch_2:4..........Zerah/All the sons of Judah/were 2279/5620 And the sons/of. 2280/5620
1Ch_2:23........cities/All these belonged/to 2281/5620
1Ch_3:9...........were/all the sons of David/beside 2282/5620
1Ch_4:27...........did/all their family/multiply 2283/5620
1Ch_4:33...........And/all their villages/that 2284/5620
1Ch_5:10....throughout/all the east/land... 2285/5620 the suburbs/of.. 2286/5620
1Ch_5:17.......borders/All these were reckoned/by 2287/5620
1Ch_5:20...........and/all that were with them/for 2288/5620
1Ch_6:48..........unto/all manner of service of/the 2289/5620
1Ch_6:49...........for/all the work of the place/most 2290/5620 that Moses the servant of God/had 2291/5620
1Ch_6:60.......suburbs/All their cities throughout/their 2292/5620
1Ch_7:3...........five/all of them chief/men 2293/5620
1Ch_7:5..........among/all the families of Issachar/were 2294/5620 by their genealogies/fourscore 2295/5620
1Ch_7:8........Alameth/All these are the sons of Becher/And 2296/5620
1Ch_7:11.....Ahishahar/All these the sons/of 2297/5620
1Ch_7:40.........Rezia/All these were the children of Asher/heads 2298/5620
1Ch_8:38.........Hanan/All these were the sons of Azel/And 2299/5620
1Ch_8:40.........fifty/All these are of/the 2300/5620
1Ch_9:1.............So/all Israel were reckoned/by 2301/5620
1Ch_9:9............six/All these men were/chief 2302/5620
1Ch_9:22..congregation/All these which were/chosen 2303/5620
1Ch_9:29...........and/all the instruments of the sanctuary/and 2304/5620
1Ch_10:6...........and/all his house died/together 2305/5620
1Ch_10:7..........when/all the men of Israel that/were 2306/5620
1Ch_10:11.........when/all Jabeshgilead/heard 2307/5620
1Ch_10:11........heard/all that the Philistines/had 2308/5620
1Ch_10:12........arose/all the valiant men and/took 2309/5620
1Ch_11:1..........Then/all Israel gathered/themselves 2310/5620
1Ch_11:3..........came/all the elders of Israel to the/king 2311/5620
1Ch_11:4...........and/all Israel went to Jerusalem/which 2312/5620
1Ch_11:10.........with/all Israel to make/him 2313/5620
1Ch_12:15....overflown/all his banks and they/put 2314/5620
1Ch_12:15.......flight/all them of the valleys/both 2315/5620
1Ch_12:21.........were/all mighty men of/valour 2316/5620
1Ch_12:32..........and/all their brethren/were 2317/5620
1Ch_12:33.........with/all instruments of war/fifty 2318/5620
1Ch_12:37.........with/all manner of instruments of/war 2319/5620
1Ch_12:38.....thousand/All these men of/war 2320/5620
1Ch_12:38.........over/all Israel and all the rest/also 2321/5620
1Ch_12:38..........and/all the rest also/of 2322/5620
1Ch_13:2..........unto/all the congregation of Israel If/it 2323/5620 the land of Israel and/with 2324/5620
1Ch_13:4...........And/all the congregation said that/they 2325/5620
1Ch_13:4............of/all the people So David/gathered 2326/5620
1Ch_13:5......gathered/all Israel together from/Shihor 2327/5620
1Ch_13:6...........and/all Israel to Baalah/that 2328/5620
1Ch_13:8...........and/all Israel played/before 2329/5620
1Ch_13:8..........with/all their might and/with 2330/5620
1Ch_13:14..........and/all that he had Now/Hiram 2331/5620
1Ch_14:8..........over/all Israel all/the.. 2332/5620
1Ch_14:8........Israel/all the Philistines went/up 2333/5620
1Ch_14:17.........into/all lands and/the... 2334/5620
1Ch_14:17.........upon/all nations And David/made 2335/5620
1Ch_15:3......gathered/all Israel together to/Jerusalem 2336/5620
1Ch_15:27..........and/all the Levites that bare/the 2337/5620
1Ch_15:28.........Thus/all Israel brought/up 2338/5620
1Ch_16:9............of/all his wondrous works Glory ye in his holy name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face continually/Remember 2339/5620 the earth Be ye/mindful 2340/5620
1Ch_16:23.........LORD/all the earth shew/forth 2341/5620
1Ch_16:24........among/all nations For great/is 2342/5620
1Ch_16:25........above/all gods For all the gods of the people/are 2343/5620
1Ch_16:26..........For/all the gods of the people/are 2344/5620
1Ch_16:30..........him/all the earth the world/also 2345/5620
1Ch_16:32..........and/all that is therein Then shall the/trees 2346/5620
1Ch_16:36..........And/all the people said Amen/and 2347/5620 that is written in the law/of 2348/5620
1Ch_16:43..........And/all the people departed every man/to 2349/5620
1Ch_17:2............Do/all that is in thine heart for God/is 2350/5620
1Ch_17:6..........with/all Israel spake/I.. 2351/5620 thine enemies from before thee and/have 2352/5620
1Ch_17:10.......subdue/all thine enemies Furthermore/I 2353/5620 these words and according to all this vision so did Nathan speak unto David And/David 2354/5620 this vision so did Nathan speak unto David And/David 2355/5620
1Ch_17:19.........done/all this greatness/in 2356/5620
1Ch_17:19........known/all these great things O/LORD 2357/5620 that we have heard with our ears And what one nation in the earth is like thy people Israel/whom 2358/5620
1Ch_18:4.......houghed/all the chariot horses but reserved of them an/hundred 2359/5620
1Ch_18:9.......smitten/all the host of Hadarezer/king 2360/5620
1Ch_18:10..........him/all manner of vessels/of 2361/5620
1Ch_18:11.........from/all these nations from Edom/and 2362/5620
1Ch_18:13..........and/all the Edomites/became 2363/5620
1Ch_18:14.........over/all Israel and executed/judgment 2364/5620
1Ch_18:14........among/all his people And Joab the son of Zeruiah was over the host and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud recorder/And 2365/5620
1Ch_19:8...........and/all the host of the mighty men And the children of Ammon came out and put the battle in array before/the 2366/5620
1Ch_19:10...........of/all the choice of/Israel 2367/5620
1Ch_19:17.....gathered/all Israel and passed/over 2368/5620
1Ch_20:3..........with/all the cities of the children of Ammon And/David 2369/5620
1Ch_20:3...........and/all the people returned to Jerusalem/And 2370/5620
1Ch_21:3...........not/all my lord's/servants 2371/5620
1Ch_21:4....throughout/all Israel and came/to 2372/5620
1Ch_21:5...........And/all they of Israel/were 2373/5620
1Ch_21:12...throughout/all the coasts of Israel Now/therefore 2374/5620 And king/David.. 2375/5620
1Ch_22:5....throughout/all countries I/will 2376/5620
1Ch_22:9..........from/all his enemies round/about 2377/5620
1Ch_22:15..........and/all manner of cunning/men 2378/5620
1Ch_22:17....commanded/all the princes of Israel to/help 2379/5620
1Ch_23:2......together/all the princes of Israel with/the 2380/5620
1Ch_23:28...........of/all holy things/and. 2381/5620
1Ch_23:29..........for/all manner of measure/and 2382/5620
1Ch_23:31........offer/all burnt/sacrifices 2383/5620
1Ch_25:5.....Mahazioth/All these were the sons of Heman/the 2384/5620
1Ch_25:6.....daughters/All these were under/the 2385/5620
1Ch_25:7..........even/all that were cunning/was 2386/5620
1Ch_26:8.....Semachiah/All these of/the.... 2387/5620
1Ch_26:11.......fourth/all the sons and/brethren 2388/5620
1Ch_26:26.........over/all the treasures of the dedicated/things 2389/5620
1Ch_26:28..........And/all that Samuel/the. 2390/5620 the business/of. 2391/5620
1Ch_27:1....throughout/all the months/of... 2392/5620
1Ch_27:3............of/all the captains of the host/for 2393/5620
1Ch_27:31.....Hagerite/All these were the rulers/of 2394/5620
1Ch_28:1.....assembled/all the princes of Israel the/princes 2395/5620
1Ch_28:1..........over/all the substance and/possession 2396/5620
1Ch_28:1..........with/all the valiant men unto/Jerusalem 2397/5620
1Ch_28:4........before/all the house of my father to/be 2398/5620
1Ch_28:4..........over/all Israel And of/all 2399/5620
1Ch_28:5............of/all my sons/for..... 2400/5620
1Ch_28:8............of/all Israel the congregation/of 2401/5620
1Ch_28:8...........for/all the commandments of the LORD your/God 2402/5620
1Ch_28:9.....searcheth/all hearts/and...... 2403/5620
1Ch_28:9.understandeth/all the imaginations/of 2404/5620
1Ch_28:12...........of/all that he had by/the 2405/5620
1Ch_28:12...........of/all the chambers/round 2406/5620
1Ch_28:13..........for/all the work of the service/of 2407/5620
1Ch_28:13..........for/all the vessels of service/in 2408/5620
1Ch_28:14..........for/all instruments of all/manner 2409/5620
1Ch_28:14...........of/all manner of service silver/also 2410/5620
1Ch_28:14..........for/all instruments of silver/by 2411/5620
1Ch_28:14..........for/all instruments of every/kind 2412/5620
1Ch_28:19.........LORD/All this said/David. 2413/5620
1Ch_28:19.........even/all the works of this/pattern 2414/5620
1Ch_28:20.....finished/all the work for/the 2415/5620
1Ch_28:21..........for/all the service of the house/of 2416/5620
1Ch_28:21..........for/all manner of workmanship every/willing 2417/5620
1Ch_28:21..........and/all the people will be/wholly 2418/5620
1Ch_29:1..........unto/all the congregation Solomon/my 2419/5620
1Ch_29:2..........with/all my might/for.... 2420/5620
1Ch_29:2...........and/all manner of precious stones and/marble 2421/5620
1Ch_29:3.........above/all that I have prepared/for 2422/5620
1Ch_29:5...........for/all manner of work to/be 2423/5620
1Ch_29:10.......before/all the congregation and David/said 2424/5620
1Ch_29:11..........for/all that is in the heaven/and 2425/5620
1Ch_29:11........above/all Both riches/and. 2426/5620
1Ch_29:12.........over/all and in thine/hand 2427/5620
1Ch_29:12.........unto/all Now therefore/our 2428/5620
1Ch_29:14..........for/all things come of/thee 2429/5620
1Ch_29:15.........were/all our fathers our/days 2430/5620
1Ch_29:16..........God/all this store/that. 2431/5620 thine own/I..... 2432/5620
1Ch_29:17......offered/all these things and now/have 2433/5620 these things and to/build 2434/5620 the congregation Now/bless 2435/5620
1Ch_29:20..........And/all the congregation blessed/the 2436/5620
1Ch_29:21..........for/all Israel And did/eat 2437/5620
1Ch_29:23..........and/all Israel obeyed/him 2438/5620
1Ch_29:24..........And/all the princes and the/mighty 2439/5620
1Ch_29:24..........and/all the sons likewise/of 2440/5620
1Ch_29:25...........of/all Israel and bestowed/upon 2441/5620
1Ch_29:26.........over/all Israel And the time/that 2442/5620
1Ch_29:30.........With/all his reign/and... 2443/5620
1Ch_29:30.........over/all the kingdoms of the countries/And 2444/5620
2Ch_1:2...........unto/all Israel to the/captains 2445/5620 Israel the chief/of 2446/5620
2Ch_1:3............and/all the congregation with/him 2447/5620
2Ch_1:17...........for/all the kings of the Hittites and for the kings of Syria by/their 2448/5620
2Ch_2:5..........above/all gods But/who.... 2449/5620
2Ch_2:17......numbered/all the strangers/that 2450/5620
2Ch_4:4............and/all their hinder parts were inward And the/thickness 2451/5620
2Ch_4:16...........and/all their instruments did/Huram 2452/5620
2Ch_4:18..........made/all these vessels in/great 2453/5620
2Ch_4:19..........made/all the vessels that were for/the 2454/5620
2Ch_5:1...........Thus/all the work that Solomon/made 2455/5620 the things that David/his 2456/5620
2Ch_5:1............and/all the instruments put/he 2457/5620
2Ch_5:2............and/all the heads of the tribes the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel unto Jerusalem/to 2458/5620
2Ch_5:3......Wherefore/all the men of Israel assembled themselves unto the/king 2459/5620
2Ch_5:4............And/all the elders of Israel came and the Levites/took 2460/5620
2Ch_5:5............and/all the holy vessels that were in the tabernacle these/did 2461/5620
2Ch_5:6............and/all the congregation of Israel that were assembled unto him before/the 2462/5620
2Ch_5:11...........for/all the priests that/were 2463/5620
2Ch_5:12.......singers/all of them of/Asaph 2464/5620
2Ch_6:3............and/all the congregation of Israel stood And he said Blessed be the LORD God of Israel who/hath 2465/5620
2Ch_6:5..........among/all the tribes of Israel to build an house in/that 2466/5620
2Ch_6:12............of/all the congregation of Israel and spread forth his hands For/Solomon 2467/5620
2Ch_6:13........before/all the congregation of Israel and spread forth his hands toward heaven And said/O 2468/5620
2Ch_6:14..........with/all their hearts/Thou 2469/5620
2Ch_6:29............of/all thy people Israel when/every 2470/5620
2Ch_6:30..........unto/all his ways whose/heart 2471/5620 that the stranger calleth to thee for that all people of the earth may know thy name and/fear 2472/5620
2Ch_6:33..........that/all people of the earth may know thy name and/fear 2473/5620
2Ch_6:38..........with/all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their captivity/whither 2474/5620
2Ch_6:38..........with/all their soul in the land of their captivity/whither 2475/5620
2Ch_7:3...........when/all the children of Israel saw how/the 2476/5620
2Ch_7:4............and/all the people offered/sacrifices 2477/5620
2Ch_7:5............and/all the people dedicated/the 2478/5620
2Ch_7:6............and/all Israel stood/Moreover 2479/5620
2Ch_7:8............and/all Israel with him a very/great 2480/5620
2Ch_7:11...........and/all that came into/Solomon's 2481/5620 that I have commanded thee and shalt/observe 2482/5620
2Ch_7:20.........among/all nations And this/house 2483/5620
2Ch_7:22.......brought/all this evil upon them/And 2484/5620
2Ch_8:4............and/all the store cities which/he 2485/5620
2Ch_8:6............and/all the store cities that/Solomon 2486/5620
2Ch_8:6............and/all the chariot cities/and 2487/5620
2Ch_8:6............and/all that Solomon/desired 2488/5620
2Ch_8:6.....throughout/all the land of his dominion As/for 2489/5620
2Ch_8:7............for/all the people that were left of the Hittites/and 2490/5620
2Ch_8:16...........Now/all the work of Solomon/was 2491/5620
2Ch_9:1.............of/all that was in her heart And Solomon told her all her questions and/there 2492/5620
2Ch_9:2............her/all her questions and/there 2493/5620
2Ch_9:12.........Sheba/all her desire whatsoever she asked beside that which she/had 2494/5620
2Ch_9:14...........And/all the kings of Arabia and governors/of 2495/5620
2Ch_9:20...........And/all the drinking/vessels 2496/5620
2Ch_9:20...........and/all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold none were of silver it was not/any 2497/5620
2Ch_9:22........passed/all the kings of the earth in/riches 2498/5620
2Ch_9:23...........And/all the kings of the earth sought/the 2499/5620
2Ch_9:26..........over/all the kings from/the 2500/5620
2Ch_9:28............of/all lands Now the/rest 2501/5620
2Ch_9:30..........over/all Israel forty/years 2502/5620
2Ch_10:1..........were/all Israel come/to.. 2503/5620
2Ch_10:3...........and/all Israel came/and. 2504/5620
2Ch_10:12..........and/all the people came to Rehoboam on/the 2505/5620
2Ch_10:16.........when/all Israel saw that the king would/not 2506/5620
2Ch_10:16...........So/all Israel went to their/tents 2507/5620 Israel in Judah/and 2508/5620 Israel resorted/to 2509/5620
2Ch_11:13...........of/all their coasts For/the 2510/5620
2Ch_11:16...........of/all the tribes of Israel such/as 2511/5620
2Ch_11:21........above/all his wives/and... 2512/5620
2Ch_11:23...........of/all his children throughout/all 2513/5620
2Ch_11:23...throughout/all the countries of/Judah 2514/5620
2Ch_12:1...........and/all Israel with him And it/came 2515/5620
2Ch_12:9..........took/all he carried/away. 2516/5620
2Ch_12:13...........of/all the tribes of Israel to put his name there And his mother's name was Naamah an Ammonitess And he/did 2517/5620
2Ch_13:4...........and/all Israel Ought/ye. 2518/5620
2Ch_13:15..........and/all Israel before/Abijah 2519/5620
2Ch_14:5............of/all the cities of Judah the/high 2520/5620
2Ch_14:8......thousand/all these were mighty/men 2521/5620
2Ch_14:14........smote/all the cities round/about 2522/5620
2Ch_14:14......spoiled/all the cities for there/was 2523/5620
2Ch_15:2...........and/all Judah and Benjamin The/LORD 2524/5620
2Ch_15:5..........upon/all the inhabitants of the countries/And 2525/5620
2Ch_15:6..........with/all adversity Be/ye. 2526/5620
2Ch_15:8............of/all the land of Judah and/Benjamin 2527/5620
2Ch_15:9......gathered/all Judah and Benjamin and the/strangers 2528/5620
2Ch_15:12.........with/all their heart and with all their soul That/whosoever 2529/5620
2Ch_15:12.........with/all their soul That/whosoever 2530/5620
2Ch_15:15..........And/all Judah rejoiced/at 2531/5620
2Ch_15:15.........with/all their heart and sought/him 2532/5620
2Ch_15:17......perfect/all his days And he brought into/the 2533/5620
2Ch_16:4...........and/all the store cities of/Naphtali 2534/5620
2Ch_16:6..........took/all Judah and they/carried 2535/5620 the fenced cities of Judah and set/garrisons 2536/5620
2Ch_17:5...........and/all Judah brought/to 2537/5620
2Ch_17:9....throughout/all the cities of Judah and taught/the 2538/5620
2Ch_17:10.........upon/all the kingdoms of the lands/that 2539/5620
2Ch_17:19...throughout/all Judah Now/Jehoshaphat 2540/5620
2Ch_18:9...........and/all the prophets prophesied before them And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah had/made 2541/5620
2Ch_18:11..........And/all the prophets prophesied so saying Go up to Ramothgilead and prosper for the LORD shall deliver it into the hand/of 2542/5620
2Ch_18:16..........see/all Israel scattered upon the mountains/as 2543/5620
2Ch_18:18..........and/all the host of heaven standing on/his 2544/5620
2Ch_18:21...........of/all his prophets And the/Lord 2545/5620
2Ch_18:27......Hearken/all ye people So/the 2546/5620
2Ch_19:5....throughout/all the fenced cities of Judah city/by 2547/5620 matters of the/LORD 2548/5620
2Ch_19:11..........for/all the king's matters/also 2549/5620
2Ch_20:3....throughout/all Judah And Judah/gathered 2550/5620
2Ch_20:4............of/all the cities of Judah they/came 2551/5620
2Ch_20:6..........over/all the kingdoms of the heathen/and 2552/5620
2Ch_20:13..........And/all Judah stood/before 2553/5620 Judah and ye/inhabitants 2554/5620
2Ch_20:18..........and/all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell/before 2555/5620
2Ch_20:29...........on/all the kingdoms of those/countries 2556/5620
2Ch_21:2....Shephatiah/all these were the sons of Jehoshaphat/king 2557/5620
2Ch_21:4..........slew/all his brethren with/the 2558/5620
2Ch_21:9...........and/all his chariots with/him 2559/5620
2Ch_21:14..........and/all thy goods/And... 2560/5620
2Ch_21:17.........away/all the substance that was found/in 2561/5620
2Ch_21:18........after/all this the/LORD... 2562/5620
2Ch_22:1.........slain/all the eldest/So... 2563/5620
2Ch_22:9..........with/all his heart So/the 2564/5620
2Ch_22:10....destroyed/all the seed royal of/the 2565/5620
2Ch_23:2............of/all the cities of Judah and the/chief 2566/5620
2Ch_23:3...........And/all the congregation made/a 2567/5620
2Ch_23:5...........and/all the people shall be in the/courts 2568/5620
2Ch_23:6...........but/all the people shall keep/the 2569/5620
2Ch_23:8...........and/all Judah did/according 2570/5620 things that Jehoiada the priest had/commanded 2571/5620
2Ch_23:10..........set/all the people every/man 2572/5620
2Ch_23:13..........and/all the people of the land rejoiced and sounded/with 2573/5620
2Ch_23:16......between/all the people and between/the 2574/5620
2Ch_23:17.........Then/all the people went to the/house 2575/5620
2Ch_23:20..........and/all the people of the land and brought/down 2576/5620
2Ch_23:21..........And/all the people of the land rejoiced and the city was quiet/after 2577/5620
2Ch_24:2..........LORD/all the days of Jehoiada the/priest 2578/5620
2Ch_24:5............of/all Israel money/to. 2579/5620
2Ch_24:7..........also/all the dedicated/things 2580/5620
2Ch_24:10..........And/all the princes and all the people rejoiced/and 2581/5620
2Ch_24:10..........and/all the people rejoiced and/brought 2582/5620
2Ch_24:14..continually/all the days of Jehoiada But/Jehoiada 2583/5620
2Ch_24:23....destroyed/all the princes of the people/from 2584/5620
2Ch_24:23.........sent/all the spoil of them/unto 2585/5620
2Ch_25:5....throughout/all Judah and Benjamin and he/numbered 2586/5620
2Ch_25:7..........with/all the children of Ephraim/But 2587/5620
2Ch_25:12.........they/all were broken/in.. 2588/5620
2Ch_25:24.........took/all the gold and the/silver 2589/5620
2Ch_25:24..........and/all the vessels that were found in the house of God/with 2590/5620
2Ch_26:1..........Then/all the people of Judah took Uzziah/who 2591/5620 that his father Amaziah did/And 2592/5620
2Ch_26:14...throughout/all the host shields/and 2593/5620
2Ch_26:20..........and/all the priests looked/upon 2594/5620 that his father Uzziah did/howbeit 2595/5620
2Ch_27:7...........and/all his wars/and.... 2596/5620
2Ch_28:6..........were/all valiant/men..... 2597/5620
2Ch_28:14..........and/all the congregation And the men/which 2598/5620
2Ch_28:15......clothed/all that were naked/among 2599/5620
2Ch_28:15......carried/all the feeble/of... 2600/5620
2Ch_28:23...........of/all Israel And Ahaz/gathered 2601/5620
2Ch_28:26...........of/all his ways first/and 2602/5620 that David his father had/done 2603/5620
2Ch_29:16..........out/all the uncleanness/that 2604/5620
2Ch_29:18.....cleansed/all the house of the/LORD 2605/5620
2Ch_29:18.........with/all the vessels thereof and the shewbread table/with 2606/5620
2Ch_29:18.........with/all the vessels thereof Moreover/all 2607/5620
2Ch_29:19.....Moreover/all the vessels which/king 2608/5620
2Ch_29:24..........for/all Israel for/the.. 2609/5620
2Ch_29:24..........for/all Israel And he set/the 2610/5620
2Ch_29:28..........And/all the congregation worshipped/and 2611/5620
2Ch_29:28..........and/all this continued/until 2612/5620
2Ch_29:29..........and/all that were present with/him 2613/5620
2Ch_29:32........lambs/all these were for/a 2614/5620
2Ch_29:34.........flay/all the burnt/offerings 2615/5620
2Ch_29:36..........and/all the people that God/had 2616/5620 Israel and Judah and wrote/letters 2617/5620
2Ch_30:2...........and/all the congregation in/Jerusalem 2618/5620
2Ch_30:4...........and/all the congregation So/they 2619/5620
2Ch_30:5....throughout/all Israel from Beersheba/even 2620/5620
2Ch_30:6....throughout/all Israel and Judah and according/to 2621/5620
2Ch_30:14..........and/all the altars for/incense 2622/5620
2Ch_30:22.........unto/all the Levites that taught/the 2623/5620
2Ch_30:25..........And/all the congregation of Judah/with 2624/5620
2Ch_30:25..........and/all the congregation that/came 2625/5620
2Ch_31:1..........when/all this was finished/all 2626/5620
2Ch_31:1......finished/all Israel that were present/went 2627/5620
2Ch_31:1............of/all Judah and Benjamin in/Ephraim 2628/5620
2Ch_31:1..........them/all Then all/the.... 2629/5620
2Ch_31:1..........Then/all the children of Israel returned/every 2630/5620
2Ch_31:5............of/all the increase of the/field 2631/5620
2Ch_31:5............of/all things brought/they 2632/5620
2Ch_31:18...........of/all their little ones their/wives 2633/5620
2Ch_31:18......through/all the congregation for/in 2634/5620 the males among the priests and/to 2635/5620 that were reckoned/by 2636/5620
2Ch_31:20...throughout/all Judah and wrought/that 2637/5620
2Ch_31:21.........with/all his heart and prospered/After 2638/5620
2Ch_32:4.......stopped/all the fountains and/the 2639/5620
2Ch_32:5............up/all the wall that/was 2640/5620
2Ch_32:7...........for/all the multitude that/is 2641/5620
2Ch_32:9...........and/all his power/with.. 2642/5620
2Ch_32:9..........unto/all Judah that were/at 2643/5620
2Ch_32:13.........unto/all the people of other/lands 2644/5620
2Ch_32:14........among/all the gods of those/nations 2645/5620 the mighty men of valour and the leaders/and 2646/5620
2Ch_32:22...........of/all other and guided/them 2647/5620
2Ch_32:23...........of/all nations from/thenceforth 2648/5620
2Ch_32:27..........for/all manner of pleasant jewels/Storehouses 2649/5620
2Ch_32:28..........for/all manner of beasts and cotes/for 2650/5620 his works Howbeit/in 2651/5620
2Ch_32:31.........know/all that was in his/heart 2652/5620
2Ch_32:33..........and/all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem did/him 2653/5620
2Ch_33:3....worshipped/all the host of heaven and served them Also/he 2654/5620
2Ch_33:5...........for/all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the LORD And he caused/his 2655/5620
2Ch_33:7........before/all the tribes of Israel will/I 2656/5620 that I have commanded them according/to 2657/5620 the fenced cities of Judah And he/took 2658/5620
2Ch_33:15..........and/all the altars that/he 2659/5620
2Ch_33:19..........and/all his sins and/his 2660/5620
2Ch_33:22.........unto/all the carved/images 2661/5620
2Ch_33:25.........slew/all them that had conspired against king Amon and the people of the land made Josiah his son king in his stead Josiah/was 2662/5620
2Ch_34:7..........down/all the idols throughout/all 2663/5620
2Ch_34:7....throughout/all the land of Israel he/returned 2664/5620
2Ch_34:9............of/all the remnant of Israel/and 2665/5620
2Ch_34:9............of/all Judah and Benjamin and they/returned 2666/5620
2Ch_34:12......Levites/all that could skill/of 2667/5620
2Ch_34:13...........of/all that wrought/the 2668/5620
2Ch_34:16.......saying/All that was committed/to 2669/5620
2Ch_34:21........after/all that is written in this book And/Hilkiah 2670/5620
2Ch_34:24.........even/all the curses that are written in the/book 2671/5620
2Ch_34:25.........with/all the works of their hands therefore my wrath shall be poured/out 2672/5620
2Ch_34:28..........see/all the evil that I will/bring 2673/5620
2Ch_34:29.....together/all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem/And 2674/5620
2Ch_34:30..........and/all the men of Judah and the/inhabitants 2675/5620
2Ch_34:30..........and/all the people great/and 2676/5620
2Ch_34:30.........ears/all the words of the book of the covenant that/was 2677/5620
2Ch_34:31.........with/all his heart and with all his soul to/perform 2678/5620
2Ch_34:31.........with/all his soul to/perform 2679/5620
2Ch_34:32.......caused/all that were present in Jerusalem/and 2680/5620
2Ch_34:33.........away/all the abominations out/of 2681/5620
2Ch_34:33...........of/all the countries that/pertained 2682/5620
2Ch_34:33.........made/all that were present in Israel/to 2683/5620
2Ch_34:33..........And/all his days they/departed 2684/5620
2Ch_35:3........taught/all Israel which were/holy 2685/5620 for the passover/offerings 2686/5620
2Ch_35:7...........for/all that were present to/the 2687/5620
2Ch_35:13........among/all the people And afterward/they 2688/5620
2Ch_35:16...........So/all the service of the LORD/was 2689/5620
2Ch_35:18..........did/all the kings of Israel keep/such 2690/5620
2Ch_35:18..........and/all Judah and Israel/that 2691/5620
2Ch_35:20........After/all this when/Josiah 2692/5620
2Ch_35:24..........And/all Judah and Jerusalem/mourned 2693/5620
2Ch_35:25..........and/all the singing/men. 2694/5620
2Ch_36:14.....Moreover/all the chief of the priests/and 2695/5620
2Ch_36:14........after/all the abominations of the heathen/and 2696/5620
2Ch_36:17.........them/all into/his........ 2697/5620
2Ch_36:18..........And/all the vessels of the house of God/great 2698/5620
2Ch_36:18......princes/all these he/brought 2699/5620
2Ch_36:19........burnt/all the palaces/thereof 2700/5620
2Ch_36:19....destroyed/all the goodly/vessels 2701/5620
2Ch_36:22...throughout/all his kingdom and put it also in writing saying Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia All/the 2702/5620
2Ch_36:23.......Persia/All the kingdoms of the earth hath/the 2703/5620
2Ch_36:23...........of/all his people The/LORD 2704/5620
Ezr_1:1.....throughout/all his kingdom and put it also in writing saying Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia The/LORD 2705/5620 the kingdoms of the earth and he/hath 2706/5620
Ezr_1:3.............of/all his people his/God 2707/5620
Ezr_1:5...........with/all them whose/spirit 2708/5620
Ezr_1:6............And/all they that were about/them 2709/5620
Ezr_1:6.........beside/all that was willingly/offered 2710/5620
Ezr_1:11......thousand/All the vessels of gold and/of 2711/5620
Ezr_1:11.......hundred/All these did/Sheshbazzar 2712/5620 an hundred/thirty 2713/5620
Ezr_2:58...........Ami/All the Nethinims and the children of Solomon's servants were three hundred ninety and two And these were they which went up from/Telmelah 2714/5620
Ezr_2:70...........and/all Israel in their cities/And 2715/5620
Ezr_3:5.............of/all the set/feasts.. 2716/5620
Ezr_3:8............and/all they that were come/out 2717/5620
Ezr_3:11...........And/all the people shouted with/a 2718/5620
Ezr_4:5........purpose/all the days of Cyrus/king 2719/5620
Ezr_4:20..........over/all countries beyond/the 2720/5620
Ezr_5:7...........king/all peace/Be........ 2721/5620
Ezr_6:12.......destroy/all kings and/people 2722/5620
Ezr_6:17...........for/all Israel twelve/he 2723/5620
Ezr_6:20......together/all of them were pure/and 2724/5620
Ezr_6:20...........for/all the children of the captivity and/for 2725/5620
Ezr_6:21...........and/all such as had/separated 2726/5620
Ezr_7:6............him/all his request/according 2727/5620
Ezr_7:13..........that/all they of the people/of 2728/5620
Ezr_7:16...........And/all the silver and gold that/thou 2729/5620 the province/of. 2730/5620 the treasurers/which 2731/5620
Ezr_7:25.........judge/all the people that are beyond/the 2732/5620
Ezr_7:25.........river/all such as know/the 2733/5620
Ezr_7:28........before/all the king's mighty/princes 2734/5620
Ezr_8:20.....Nethinims/all of them were expressed/by 2735/5620
Ezr_8:21...........for/all our substance/For 2736/5620
Ezr_8:22..........upon/all them for/good... 2737/5620
Ezr_8:22.......against/all them that forsake/him 2738/5620
Ezr_8:25...........and/all Israel there present/had 2739/5620
Ezr_8:34...........and/all the weight/was.. 2740/5620
Ezr_8:35...........for/all Israel ninety/and 2741/5620
Ezr_8:35......offering/all this was a/burnt 2742/5620
Ezr_9:13.........after/all that is come/upon 2743/5620
Ezr_10:3..........away/all the wives and/such 2744/5620
Ezr_10:5...........and/all Israel to swear/that 2745/5620
Ezr_10:7..........unto/all the children of the captivity that/they 2746/5620
Ezr_10:8........elders/all his substance should/be 2747/5620
Ezr_10:9..........Then/all the men of Judah and Benjamin/gathered 2748/5620
Ezr_10:9...........and/all the people sat/in 2749/5620
Ezr_10:12.........Then/all the congregation answered/and 2750/5620
Ezr_10:14...........of/all the congregation stand/and 2751/5620
Ezr_10:14..........let/all them which have/taken 2752/5620
Ezr_10:16..........and/all of them by their/names 2753/5620
Ezr_10:17.........with/all the men that had/taken 2754/5620
Ezr_10:44......Benaiah/All these had/taken. 2755/5620
Neh_4:6............and/all the wall was/joined 2756/5620
Neh_4:8......conspired/all of them together/to 2757/5620
Neh_4:12..........From/all places whence/ye 2758/5620
Neh_4:15......returned/all of us to/the.... 2759/5620
Neh_4:16........behind/all the house of Judah They/which 2760/5620
Neh_5:13...........And/all the congregation said Amen/and 2761/5620
Neh_5:16...........and/all my servants were/gathered 2762/5620
Neh_5:18............of/all sorts of wine/yet 2763/5620
Neh_5:18...........for/all this required/not 2764/5620 that I have done for/this 2765/5620
Neh_6:9...........they/all made us/afraid.. 2766/5620
Neh_6:16..........when/all our enemies heard/thereof 2767/5620
Neh_6:16...........and/all the heathen that/were 2768/5620
Neh_7:60..........Amon/All the Nethinims and the children of Solomon's servants were three hundred ninety and two And these were they which went up also/from 2769/5620
Neh_7:73...........and/all Israel dwelt/in. 2770/5620
Neh_8:1............And/all the people gathered/themselves 2771/5620
Neh_8:2............and/all that could hear/with 2772/5620
Neh_8:3.............of/all the people were attentive/unto 2773/5620
Neh_8:5.............of/all the people for he/was 2774/5620
Neh_8:5..........above/all the people and when/he 2775/5620 the people stood up/And 2776/5620
Neh_8:6............And/all the people answered Amen/Amen 2777/5620
Neh_8:9...........unto/all the people This/day 2778/5620
Neh_8:9............For/all the people wept when/they 2779/5620
Neh_8:11.......stilled/all the people saying Hold/your 2780/5620
Neh_8:12...........And/all the people went their/way 2781/5620
Neh_8:13............of/all the people the priests/and 2782/5620 their cities and/in 2783/5620
Neh_8:17...........And/all the congregation of them/that 2784/5620
Neh_9:2...........from/all strangers and stood/and 2785/5620
Neh_9:5..........above/all blessing/and.... 2786/5620
Neh_9:6...........with/all their host the/earth 2787/5620
Neh_9:6............and/all things that are therein the/seas 2788/5620
Neh_9:6............and/all that is therein and thou/preservest 2789/5620
Neh_9:6...........them/all and the host/of. 2790/5620
Neh_9:10............on/all his servants and on/all 2791/5620
Neh_9:10............on/all the people of his/land 2792/5620
Neh_9:25............of/all goods/wells..... 2793/5620
Neh_9:32...........not/all the trouble/seem 2794/5620
Neh_9:32............on/all thy people since/the 2795/5620 that is brought/upon 2796/5620
Neh_9:38............of/all this we/make.... 2797/5620
Neh_10:28..........and/all they that had separated/themselves 2798/5620 the commandments of the LORD our/Lord 2799/5620
Neh_10:33..........for/all the work of the house/of 2800/5620
Neh_10:35...........of/all fruit/of........ 2801/5620
Neh_10:35...........of/all trees year/by... 2802/5620
Neh_10:37...........of/all manner of trees of/wine 2803/5620 the cities of our/tillage 2804/5620
Neh_11:2.......blessed/all the men that willingly/offered 2805/5620
Neh_11:6.......Shiloni/All the sons of Perez/that 2806/5620
Neh_11:18.....Jeduthun/All the Levites in/the 2807/5620 the cities of Judah every/one 2808/5620 matters concerning/the 2809/5620
Neh_12:27...........of/all their places/to. 2810/5620
Neh_12:47..........And/all Israel in the/days 2811/5620
Neh_13:3........Israel/all the mixed/multitude 2812/5620 this time/was... 2813/5620
Neh_13:8.........forth/all the household/stuff 2814/5620
Neh_13:12......brought/all Judah the/tithe. 2815/5620
Neh_13:15..........and/all manner of burdens/which 2816/5620
Neh_13:16..........and/all manner of ware/and 2817/5620
Neh_13:18........bring/all this evil upon us/and 2818/5620
Neh_13:20...........of/all kind of ware/lodged 2819/5620
Neh_13:26.........over/all Israel nevertheless/even 2820/5620 this great evil to/transgress 2821/5620
Neh_13:30.........from/all strangers and appointed/the 2822/5620
Est_1:3...........unto/all his princes and his servants the/power 2823/5620
Est_1:5...........unto/all the people that were present/in 2824/5620 the officers/of. 2825/5620
Est_1:13........toward/all that knew law/and 2826/5620 the princes and to all the people that/are 2827/5620 the people that are in/all 2828/5620 the provinces of the king Ahasuerus For/this 2829/5620
Est_1:17..........unto/all women so/that... 2830/5620
Est_1:18..........unto/all the king's princes/which 2831/5620
Est_1:20....throughout/all his empire/for.. 2832/5620
Est_1:20.........great/all the wives shall/give 2833/5620
Est_1:22..........into/all the king's provinces into/every 2834/5620 the provinces of his/kingdom 2835/5620
Est_2:3.......together/all the fair/young.. 2836/5620
Est_2:15............of/all them that looked upon/her 2837/5620
Est_2:17.........above/all the women and/she 2838/5620
Est_2:17..........than/all the virgins/so.. 2839/5620
Est_2:18..........unto/all his princes and his servants even/Esther's 2840/5620
Est_3:1..........above/all the princes that/were 2841/5620
Est_3:2............And/all the king's servants that/were 2842/5620
Est_3:6........destroy/all the Jews that were throughout/the 2843/5620 the provinces of thy/kingdom 2844/5620
Est_3:8...........from/all people neither/keep 2845/5620 that Haman/had.. 2846/5620
Est_3:13..........into/all the king's provinces to/destroy 2847/5620
Est_3:13........perish/all Jews both/young. 2848/5620
Est_3:14..........unto/all people that they/should 2849/5620
Est_4:1......perceived/all that was done Mordecai/rent 2850/5620
Est_4:7.............of/all that had happened/unto 2851/5620
Est_4:11......Mordecai/All the king's servants and/the 2852/5620
Est_4:13..........than/all the Jews For/if. 2853/5620
Est_4:16......together/all the Jews that are/present 2854/5620 that Esther/had. 2855/5620
Est_5:11...........and/all the things wherein/the 2856/5620
Est_5:13...........Yet/all this availeth/me 2857/5620
Est_5:14...........and/all his friends unto/him 2858/5620
Est_6:10............of/all that thou hast spoken/Then 2859/5620
Est_6:13...........and/all his friends every/thing 2860/5620 the king's provinces For/how 2861/5620 that Mordecai/commanded 2862/5620
Est_8:11........perish/all the power of the people/and 2863/5620 the provinces of king/Ahasuerus 2864/5620
Est_8:13..........unto/all people and that/the 2865/5620
Est_9:2.....throughout/all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus to/lay 2866/5620
Est_9:2...........upon/all people And all/the 2867/5620
Est_9:3............And/all the rulers of the provinces and/the 2868/5620
Est_9:4.....throughout/all the provinces for/this 2869/5620
Est_9:5..........smote/all their enemies with/the 2870/5620
Est_9:20..........unto/all the Jews that were in all/the 2871/5620 the provinces of the king Ahasuerus both/nigh 2872/5620
Est_9:24............of/all the Jews had/devised 2873/5620
Est_9:26...........for/all the words of this letter/and 2874/5620
Est_9:27..........upon/all such as joined/themselves 2875/5620
Est_9:29..........with/all authority to/confirm 2876/5620
Est_9:30..........unto/all the Jews to/the. 2877/5620
Est_10:2...........And/all the acts of his/power 2878/5620 his seed There/was 2879/5620
Job_1:3.............of/all the men of the east/And 2880/5620
Job_1:5...........them/all for Job/said.... 2881/5620
Job_1:10.........about/all that he hath on/every 2882/5620
Job_1:11.........touch/all that he hath and he/will 2883/5620
Job_1:12........Behold/all that he hath is/in 2884/5620
Job_1:22............In/all this Job/sinned. 2885/5620
Job_2:4............yea/all that a/man...... 2886/5620
Job_2:10............In/all this did/not.... 2887/5620
Job_2:11............of/all this evil that/was 2888/5620
Job_4:14..........made/all my bones to/shake 2889/5620
Job_8:13............of/all that forget/God. 2890/5620
Job_9:28............of/all my sorrows/I.... 2891/5620 these that the/hand 2892/5620
Job_12:10...........of/all mankind/Doth.... 2893/5620
Job_13:1..........seen/all this mine/ear... 2894/5620
Job_13:4...........are/all physicians/of... 2895/5620
Job_13:27.........unto/all my paths thou/settest 2896/5620
Job_14:14........again/all the days of my appointed/time 2897/5620
Job_15:20.........pain/all his days and the/number 2898/5620 Shall vain/words 2899/5620
Job_16:7......desolate/all my company/And.. 2900/5620
Job_17:7...........and/all my members are/as 2901/5620 do ye/return.... 2902/5620 my inward/friends 2903/5620
Job_20:26..........him/All darkness/shall.. 2904/5620 other and cut/off 2905/5620
Job_27:3..........soul/All the while my/breath 2906/5620
Job_27:12.......Behold/all ye yourselves/have 2907/5620
Job_28:3...........out/all perfection the/stones 2908/5620
Job_28:21...........of/all living and/kept. 2909/5620
Job_29:19..........lay/all night upon my/branch 2910/5620
Job_30:23..........for/all living Howbeit/he 2911/5620
Job_31:4.........count/all my steps/If..... 2912/5620
Job_31:12..........out/all mine increase/If 2913/5620 my words Behold/now 2914/5620
Job_33:11......marketh/all my paths Behold/in 2915/5620
Job_33:29...........Lo/all these things worketh/God 2916/5620
Job_34:15.......breath/All flesh shall perish/together 2917/5620
Job_34:19.........they/all are the work of his/hands 2918/5620
Job_34:21........seeth/all his goings There/is 2919/5620
Job_36:19..........nor/all the forces/of... 2920/5620
Job_37:7..........that/all men may/know.... 2921/5620
Job_38:7...........and/all the sons of God/shouted 2922/5620 Where/is........ 2923/5620
Job_40:20........where/all the beasts of the field play/He 2924/5620
Job_41:34....beholdeth/all high things/he.. 2925/5620
Job_41:34.........over/all the children of pride/Then 2926/5620
Job_42:11..........him/all his brethren and all his/sisters 2927/5620
Job_42:11..........and/all his sisters/and. 2928/5620
Job_42:11..........and/all they that had been/of 2929/5620
Job_42:11.........over/all the evil that the/LORD 2930/5620 the land were/no 2931/5620
Psa_2:12...........are/all they that put/their 2932/5620
Psa_3:7........smitten/all mine enemies upon/the 2933/5620
Psa_5:5.........hatest/all workers of iniquity/Thou 2934/5620
Psa_5:11...........let/all those that put/their 2935/5620
Psa_6:6.......groaning/all the night make/I 2936/5620
Psa_6:7.............of/all mine enemies Depart/from 2937/5620 ye workers of iniquity for/the 2938/5620
Psa_6:10...........Let/all mine enemies be/ashamed 2939/5620
Psa_7:1...........from/all them that persecute/me 2940/5620 the earth who/hast 2941/5620
Psa_8:6............put/all things under his feet All/sheep 2942/5620
Psa_8:7...........feet/All sheep/and....... 2943/5620 the earth I will praise/thee 2944/5620
Psa_9:1..........forth/all thy marvellous/works 2945/5620
Psa_9:14.........forth/all thy praise/in... 2946/5620
Psa_9:17...........and/all the nations that forget/God 2947/5620 his thoughts/His 2948/5620
Psa_10:5...........for/all his enemies he/puffeth 2949/5620 flattering/lips. 2950/5620
Psa_14:3...........are/all gone aside/they. 2951/5620
Psa_14:3...........are/all together become/filthy 2952/5620
Psa_14:4..........Have/all the workers of iniquity no/knowledge 2953/5620 my delight/Their 2954/5620
Psa_18:22..........For/all his judgments were before me and I/did 2955/5620 those that trust/in 2956/5620
Psa_19:4.......through/all the earth and their words to/the 2957/5620
Psa_20:3......Remember/all thy offerings/and 2958/5620
Psa_20:4........fulfil/all thy counsel/We.. 2959/5620
Psa_20:5........fulfil/all thy petitions/Now 2960/5620
Psa_21:8...........out/all thine enemies thy/right 2961/5620
Psa_22:7........people/All they that see/me 2962/5620
Psa_22:14..........and/all my bones are/out 2963/5620
Psa_22:17.........tell/all my bones they/look 2964/5620
Psa_22:23..........him/all ye the seed of Jacob/glorify 2965/5620
Psa_22:23..........him/all ye the seed of Israel/For 2966/5620
Psa_22:27.........ever/All the ends of the world/shall 2967/5620
Psa_22:27..........and/all the kindreds of the nations/shall 2968/5620
Psa_22:29......nations/All they that be/fat 2969/5620
Psa_22:29......worship/all they that go/down 2970/5620 the days of my life and/I 2971/5620
Psa_25:5..........wait/all the day Remember/O 2972/5620
Psa_25:10..........way/All the paths/of.... 2973/5620
Psa_25:18......forgive/all my sins Consider/mine 2974/5620
Psa_25:22...........of/all his troubles Judge/me 2975/5620
Psa_26:7............of/all thy wondrous/works 2976/5620
Psa_27:4..........LORD/all the days of my life to/behold 2977/5620
Psa_31:11........among/all mine enemies but/especially 2978/5620
Psa_31:23.........LORD/all ye his saints/for 2979/5620
Psa_31:24........heart/all ye that hope/in. 2980/5620
Psa_32:3.......roaring/all the day long For day/and 2981/5620 ye that are upright/in 2982/5620
Psa_33:4...........and/all his works are/done 2983/5620
Psa_33:6...........and/all the host of them by/the 2984/5620
Psa_33:8...........Let/all the earth fear/the 2985/5620
Psa_33:8...........let/all the inhabitants of the world stand/in 2986/5620 generations Blessed/is 2987/5620
Psa_33:13....beholdeth/all the sons of men/From 2988/5620
Psa_33:14.........upon/all the inhabitants of the earth He/fashioneth 2989/5620
Psa_33:15..considereth/all their works There/is 2990/5620 times his/praise 2991/5620
Psa_34:4..........from/all my fears/They... 2992/5620
Psa_34:6............of/all his troubles The/angel 2993/5620
Psa_34:17...........of/all their troubles/The 2994/5620
Psa_34:19.........them/all He keepeth/all.. 2995/5620
Psa_34:20......keepeth/all his bones/not... 2996/5620
Psa_35:10....salvation/All my bones shall/say 2997/5620
Psa_35:28.......praise/all the day long The/transgression 2998/5620
Psa_38:6......mourning/all the day long For my/loins 2999/5620
Psa_38:9..........Lord/all my desire is/before 3000/5620
Psa_38:12......deceits/all the day long But I/as 3001/5620
Psa_39:8..........from/all my transgressions make/me 3002/5620 my fathers were/O 3003/5620
Psa_40:16..........Let/all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee let/such 3004/5620
Psa_41:3..........make/all his bed/in...... 3005/5620 that hate me/whisper 3006/5620
Psa_42:7...waterspouts/all thy waves and/thy 3007/5620
Psa_44:8.........boast/all the day long and praise/thy 3008/5620
Psa_44:17......avenger/All this is/come.... 3009/5620
Psa_44:22.......killed/all the day long we are counted/as 3010/5620
Psa_45:8.......fellows/All thy garments/smell 3011/5620 glorious/within. 3012/5620 the earth I will make/thy 3013/5620 generations therefore/shall 3014/5620
Psa_47:1.........hands/all ye people shout/unto 3015/5620
Psa_47:2..........over/all the earth He shall/subdue 3016/5620
Psa_47:7............of/all the earth sing ye/praises 3017/5620
Psa_49:1..........this/all ye people give/ear 3018/5620
Psa_49:1...........ear/all ye inhabitants of the world Both/low 3019/5620 generations they/call 3020/5620
Psa_50:11.........know/all the fowls of the mountains/and 3021/5620
Psa_51:9...........out/all mine iniquities/Create 3022/5620
Psa_52:4........lovest/all devouring/words. 3023/5620
Psa_54:7............of/all trouble/and..... 3024/5620
Psa_56:5.........words/all their thoughts/are 3025/5620
Psa_57:2....performeth/all things for me/He 3026/5620
Psa_57:5.........above/all the earth They/have 3027/5620
Psa_57:11........above/all the earth Do ye/indeed 3028/5620
Psa_59:5.........visit/all the heathen be/not 3029/5620
Psa_59:8..........have/all the heathen in/derision 3030/5620
Psa_62:3.........slain/all of you as/a..... 3031/5620 times ye/people. 3032/5620
Psa_64:8....themselves/all that see them shall flee/away 3033/5620
Psa_64:9...........And/all men shall fear/and 3034/5620
Psa_64:10..........and/all the upright in heart shall glory/Praise 3035/5620
Psa_65:2.........shall/all flesh come Iniquities/prevail 3036/5620
Psa_65:5............of/all the ends of the earth and/of 3037/5620
Psa_66:1...........God/all ye lands Sing/forth 3038/5620
Psa_66:4..........thee/All the earth shall worship/thee 3039/5620
Psa_66:16.........hear/all ye that fear/God 3040/5620
Psa_67:2.........among/all nations Let/the. 3041/5620
Psa_67:3...........let/all the people praise thee O/let 3042/5620
Psa_67:5...........let/all the people praise thee Then/shall 3043/5620
Psa_67:7...........and/all the ends of the earth shall fear/him 3044/5620
Psa_69:19..........are/all before thee/Reproach 3045/5620
Psa_70:4...........Let/all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee and/let 3046/5620
Psa_71:8........honour/all the day Cast/me. 3047/5620
Psa_71:15....salvation/all the day for/I... 3048/5620
Psa_71:24righteousness/all the day long for they/are 3049/5620
Psa_72:5....throughout/all generations He/shall 3050/5620
Psa_72:11..........Yea/all kings shall/fall 3051/5620
Psa_72:11..........him/all nations shall serve him For/he 3052/5620
Psa_72:17..........him/all nations shall call him/blessed 3053/5620
Psa_73:14..........For/all the day long have/I 3054/5620
Psa_73:27....destroyed/all them that go/a.. 3055/5620
Psa_73:28......declare/all thy works O/God. 3056/5620
Psa_74:3..........even/all that the enemy/hath 3057/5620
Psa_74:8............up/all the synagogues/of 3058/5620
Psa_74:17..........set/all the borders of the earth/thou 3059/5620
Psa_75:3...........and/all the inhabitants thereof are/dissolved 3060/5620
Psa_75:8.......thereof/all the wicked of the earth shall/wring 3061/5620
Psa_75:10........Jacob/All the horns/of.... 3062/5620 the meek/of..... 3063/5620
Psa_76:11..........let/all that be round/about 3064/5620
Psa_77:12...........of/all thy work and/talk 3065/5620
Psa_78:14..........and/all the night with/a 3066/5620
Psa_78:32..........For/all this they/sinned 3067/5620
Psa_78:38...........up/all his wrath/For... 3068/5620
Psa_78:51........smote/all the firstborn in Egypt/the 3069/5620 generations Give/ear 3070/5620
Psa_80:12.........that/all they which pass/by 3071/5620
Psa_82:5......darkness/all the foundations/of 3072/5620
Psa_82:6...........and/all of you are/children 3073/5620
Psa_82:8.......inherit/all nations Keep/not 3074/5620
Psa_83:11..........yea/all their princes as/Zebah 3075/5620
Psa_83:18.........over/all the earth How/amiable 3076/5620
Psa_85:2.......covered/all their sin/Selah. 3077/5620
Psa_85:3..........away/all thy wrath/thou.. 3078/5620 generations Wilt/thou 3079/5620
Psa_86:5..........unto/all them that call upon thee/Give 3080/5620 nations whom/thou 3081/5620
Psa_86:12.........with/all my heart/and.... 3082/5620
Psa_87:2..........than/all the dwellings/of 3083/5620
Psa_87:7.........there/all my springs/are.. 3084/5620
Psa_88:7..........with/all thy waves Selah/Thou 3085/5620 generations For I/have 3086/5620 generations Selah/And 3087/5620
Psa_89:7............of/all them that are/about 3088/5620
Psa_89:16......rejoice/all the day and in/thy 3089/5620
Psa_89:40.........down/all his hedges/thou. 3090/5620
Psa_89:41.........ruin/All that pass by the/way 3091/5620
Psa_89:42.........made/all his enemies to/rejoice 3092/5620
Psa_89:47.........made/all men in vain/What 3093/5620
Psa_89:50...........of/all the mighty people/Wherewith 3094/5620 generations Before/the 3095/5620
Psa_90:9...........For/all our days are/passed 3096/5620
Psa_90:14.........glad/all our days Make/us 3097/5620 thy ways They/shall 3098/5620
Psa_92:7..........when/all the workers of iniquity do/flourish 3099/5620
Psa_92:9........perish/all the workers of iniquity shall/be 3100/5620
Psa_94:4...........and/all the workers of iniquity boast/themselves 3101/5620
Psa_94:15..........and/all the upright in heart shall follow/it 3102/5620
Psa_95:3.........above/all gods In/his..... 3103/5620
Psa_96:1..........LORD/all the earth Sing unto/the 3104/5620
Psa_96:3.........among/all people For the/LORD 3105/5620
Psa_96:4.........above/all gods For all the gods of the nations/are 3106/5620
Psa_96:5...........For/all the gods of the nations/are 3107/5620
Psa_96:9...........him/all the earth Say/among 3108/5620
Psa_96:12..........and/all that is therein then shall all/the 3109/5620
Psa_96:12........shall/all the trees of the wood/rejoice 3110/5620
Psa_97:6...........and/all the people see his/glory 3111/5620 they that serve/graven 3112/5620
Psa_97:7...........him/all ye gods/Zion.... 3113/5620
Psa_97:9.........above/all the earth thou/art 3114/5620
Psa_97:9.........above/all gods Ye/that.... 3115/5620
Psa_98:3........Israel/all the ends of the earth have/seen 3116/5620
Psa_98:4..........LORD/all the earth make/a 3117/5620
Psa_99:2.........above/all the people Let/them 3118/5620
Psa_100:1.........LORD/all ye lands Serve/the 3119/5620 generations I/will 3120/5620
Psa_101:8......destroy/all the wicked of the land/that 3121/5620 wicked/doers.... 3122/5620 the day and they/that 3123/5620
Psa_102:12........unto/all generations Thou shalt/arise 3124/5620
Psa_102:15.........and/all the kings of the earth thy/glory 3125/5620
Psa_102:24..throughout/all generations Of/old 3126/5620
Psa_102:26.........yea/all of them shall/wax 3127/5620
Psa_103:1..........and/all that is within/me 3128/5620
Psa_103:2..........not/all his benefits Who/forgiveth 3129/5620
Psa_103:3....forgiveth/all thine iniquities/who 3130/5620
Psa_103:3......healeth/all thy diseases/Who 3131/5620
Psa_103:6..........for/all that are oppressed/He 3132/5620
Psa_103:19........over/all Bless/the....... 3133/5620
Psa_103:21........LORD/all ye his hosts/ye. 3134/5620
Psa_103:22........LORD/all his works in/all 3135/5620 places of/his... 3136/5620
Psa_104:20.....wherein/all the beasts of the forest/do 3137/5620
Psa_104:24........them/all the earth is full/of 3138/5620
Psa_104:27........wait/all upon thee/that.. 3139/5620
Psa_105:2...........of/all his wondrous works Glory ye in his holy name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face evermore/Remember 3140/5620 the earth He hath/remembered 3141/5620
Psa_105:21..........of/all his substance To/bind 3142/5620 their coasts He/gave 3143/5620
Psa_105:35..........up/all the herbs/in.... 3144/5620
Psa_105:36........also/all the firstborn in their/land 3145/5620
Psa_105:36..........of/all their strength/He 3146/5620
Psa_106:2........forth/all his praise/Blessed 3147/5620 times Remember/me 3148/5620
Psa_106:31........unto/all generations for evermore/They 3149/5620
Psa_106:46..........of/all those that carried/them 3150/5620
Psa_106:48.........let/all the people say/Amen 3151/5620
Psa_107:18...abhorreth/all manner of meat/and 3152/5620
Psa_107:42.........and/all iniquity shall/stop 3153/5620
Psa_108:5........above/all the earth That/thy 3154/5620
Psa_109:11.......catch/all that he hath and let/the 3155/5620
Psa_111:2...........of/all them that have pleasure/therein 3156/5620
Psa_111:7.....judgment/all his commandments are/sure 3157/5620
Psa_111:10........have/all they that do/his 3158/5620
Psa_113:4........above/all nations and his glory/above 3159/5620
Psa_116:11.......haste/All men are/liars... 3160/5620
Psa_116:12.........for/all his benefits toward/me 3161/5620
Psa_116:14..........of/all his people Precious/in 3162/5620
Psa_116:18..........of/all his people In/the 3163/5620
Psa_117:1.........LORD/all ye nations/praise 3164/5620
Psa_117:1..........him/all ye people For/his 3165/5620
Psa_118:10.....princes/All nations compassed/me 3166/5620
Psa_119:6.........unto/all thy commandments I/will 3167/5620
Psa_119:13....declared/all the judgments of/thy 3168/5620 riches I/will... 3169/5620 times Thou/hast. 3170/5620
Psa_119:63..........of/all them that fear/thee 3171/5620 thy commandments are faithful/they 3172/5620
Psa_119:90........unto/all generations thou hast/established 3173/5620
Psa_119:91.........for/all are thy/servants 3174/5620
Psa_119:96..........of/all perfection but/thy 3175/5620
Psa_119:97..meditation/all the day Thou/through 3176/5620
Psa_119:99........than/all my teachers/for. 3177/5620
Psa_119:118.......down/all them that err/from 3178/5620
Psa_119:119.......away/all the wicked of the earth like/dross 3179/5620
Psa_119:128.....esteem/all thy precepts/concerning 3180/5620
Psa_119:128.concerning/all things to be/right 3181/5620
Psa_119:151........and/all thy commandments are truth/Concerning 3182/5620
Psa_119:168........for/all my ways are/before 3183/5620
Psa_119:172........for/all thy commandments are righteousness/Let 3184/5620
Psa_121:7.........from/all evil he/shall... 3185/5620
Psa_128:5....Jerusalem/all the days of thy life Yea/thou 3186/5620
Psa_129:5.........them/all be confounded/and 3187/5620
Psa_130:8.........from/all his iniquities/Lord 3188/5620
Psa_132:1..........and/all his afflictions How/he 3189/5620
Psa_134:1.........LORD/all ye servants/of.. 3190/5620
Psa_135:5........above/all gods Whatsoever/the 3191/5620
Psa_135:6..........and/all deep/places..... 3192/5620
Psa_135:9.........upon/all his servants Who/smote 3193/5620
Psa_135:11.........and/all the kingdoms of Canaan/And 3194/5620
Psa_135:13..throughout/all generations For the/LORD 3195/5620 flesh for/his... 3196/5620
Psa_138:2........above/all thy name/In..... 3197/5620
Psa_138:4.........soul/All the kings of the earth shall/praise 3198/5620
Psa_139:3.........with/all my ways For/there 3199/5620 my members were/written 3200/5620
Psa_143:5...........on/all thy works I/muse 3201/5620
Psa_143:12.....destroy/all them that afflict/my 3202/5620
Psa_144:13...affording/all manner of store/that 3203/5620 and his tender/mercies 3204/5620
Psa_145:9.........over/all his works All/thy 3205/5620 thy works shall/praise 3206/5620
Psa_145:13..throughout/all generations The/LORD 3207/5620
Psa_145:14...upholdeth/all that fall/and... 3208/5620
Psa_145:14..........up/all those that be bowed/down 3209/5620
Psa_145:15..........of/all wait/upon....... 3210/5620 his ways and holy/in 3211/5620 his works The/LORD 3212/5620
Psa_145:18........unto/all them that call upon him/to 3213/5620 that call upon him in/truth 3214/5620
Psa_145:20..preserveth/all them that love him/but 3215/5620
Psa_145:20.........but/all the wicked will/he 3216/5620
Psa_145:21.........let/all flesh bless/his. 3217/5620
Psa_146:6..........and/all that therein is which/keepeth 3218/5620
Psa_146:10........unto/all generations Praise/ye 3219/5620
Psa_147:4.........them/all by their names/Great 3220/5620
Psa_148:2..........him/all his angels/praise 3221/5620
Psa_148:2..........him/all his hosts/Praise 3222/5620
Psa_148:3..........him/all ye stars/of..... 3223/5620
Psa_148:7..........and/all deeps/Fire...... 3224/5620
Psa_148:9..........and/all hills fruitful/trees 3225/5620
Psa_148:9..........and/all cedars/Beasts... 3226/5620
Psa_148:10.........and/all cattle creeping/things 3227/5620
Psa_148:11.........and/all people princes/and 3228/5620
Psa_148:11.........and/all judges/of....... 3229/5620
Psa_148:14..........of/all his saints even/of 3230/5620
Psa_149:9.........have/all his saints Praise/ye 3231/5620
Pro_1:13..........find/all precious substance/we 3232/5620 have one/purse.. 3233/5620
Pro_1:25........nought/all my counsel/and.. 3234/5620
Pro_1:30......despised/all my reproof/Therefore 3235/5620
Pro_3:5...........with/all thine heart and lean/not 3236/5620
Pro_3:6.............In/all thy ways acknowledge/him 3237/5620
Pro_3:9.............of/all thine increase So/shall 3238/5620
Pro_3:15...........and/all the things thou/canst 3239/5620
Pro_3:17...........and/all her paths/are... 3240/5620
Pro_4:7...........with/all thy getting/get. 3241/5620 their flesh Keep/thy 3242/5620
Pro_4:23..........with/all diligence for/out 3243/5620
Pro_4:26...........let/all thy ways be/established 3244/5620 evil in/the..... 3245/5620 times and be/thou 3246/5620
Pro_5:21.....pondereth/all his goings His/own 3247/5620
Pro_6:31..........give/all the substance of his house But/whoso 3248/5620
Pro_8:8...........lips/All the words of my/mouth 3249/5620
Pro_8:9............are/all plain/to........ 3250/5620
Pro_8:11...........and/all the things that may/be 3251/5620
Pro_8:16..........even/all the judges/of... 3252/5620
Pro_8:36..........soul/all they that hate/me 3253/5620
Pro_10:12.....covereth/all sins In/the..... 3254/5620
Pro_14:23...........In/all labour/there.... 3255/5620
Pro_15:15..foolishness/All the days of the afflicted/are 3256/5620
Pro_16:2..........LORD/All the ways of a/man 3257/5620
Pro_16:4..........made/all things for himself/yea 3258/5620
Pro_16:11.......LORD's/all the weights/of.. 3259/5620 times and a/brother 3260/5620
Pro_18:1..........with/all wisdom A/fool... 3261/5620 the brethren of/the 3262/5620
Pro_20:8..........away/all evil with/his... 3263/5620
Pro_20:27....searching/all the inward/parts 3264/5620
Pro_21:26.....greedily/all the day long but the/righteous 3265/5620
Pro_22:2..........them/all A/prudent....... 3266/5620
Pro_23:17.........LORD/all the day long For surely/there 3267/5620
Pro_24:4..........with/all precious and/pleasant 3268/5620
Pro_24:31..........was/all grown/over...... 3269/5620
Pro_26:10.......formed/all things both rewardeth/the 3270/5620
Pro_28:5....understand/all things Better/is 3271/5620
Pro_29:11.....uttereth/all his mind/but.... 3272/5620
Pro_29:12.........lies/all his servants are/wicked 3273/5620
Pro_30:4...established/all the ends of the earth what/is 3274/5620
Pro_30:27........forth/all of them by bands/The 3275/5620
Pro_31:8............of/all such as are appointed/to 3276/5620
Pro_31:12.........evil/all the days of her life/She 3277/5620
Pro_31:21..........for/all her household/are 3278/5620
Pro_31:29.........them/all Favour/is....... 3279/5620
Ecc_1:2.......vanities/all is vanity What/profit 3280/5620
Ecc_1:3.............of/all his labour which/he 3281/5620
Ecc_1:7.......circuits/All the rivers run/into 3282/5620
Ecc_1:8..........again/All things are full/of 3283/5620
Ecc_1:13....concerning/all things that are done under heaven/this 3284/5620
Ecc_1:14..........seen/all the works that are/done 3285/5620
Ecc_1:14........behold/all is vanity and vexation of spirit That/which 3286/5620
Ecc_1:16..........than/all they that have been/before 3287/5620
Ecc_2:3.........heaven/all the days of their/life 3288/5620
Ecc_2:5.............of/all kind of fruits/I 3289/5620
Ecc_2:7..........above/all that were in Jerusalem/before 3290/5620
Ecc_2:8.............of/all sorts So/I...... 3291/5620
Ecc_2:9...........than/all that were before me/in 3292/5620 my labour and/this 3293/5620
Ecc_2:10............of/all my labour Then/I 3294/5620
Ecc_2:11............on/all the works that my/hands 3295/5620
Ecc_2:11........behold/all was vanity/and.. 3296/5620
Ecc_2:14..........them/all Then said/I..... 3297/5620
Ecc_2:16.........shall/all be forgotten/And 3298/5620
Ecc_2:17...........for/all is vanity and vexation of spirit Yea/I 3299/5620
Ecc_2:18.........hated/all my labour which/I 3300/5620
Ecc_2:19..........over/all my labour wherein/I 3301/5620
Ecc_2:20............of/all the labour which/I 3302/5620
Ecc_2:22............of/all his labour and/of 3303/5620
Ecc_2:23...........For/all his days are/sorrows 3304/5620
Ecc_3:13............of/all his labour it/is 3305/5620
Ecc_3:19..........have/all one breath/so... 3306/5620
Ecc_3:19...........for/all is vanity All/go 3307/5620
Ecc_3:20........vanity/All go unto/one..... 3308/5620 are of/the...... 3309/5620
Ecc_3:20...........and/all turn to/dust.... 3310/5620
Ecc_4:1.....considered/all the oppressions/that 3311/5620
Ecc_4:4.....considered/all travail/and..... 3312/5620
Ecc_4:8.............of/all his labour neither/is 3313/5620
Ecc_4:15....considered/all the living which/walk 3314/5620
Ecc_4:16............of/all the people even of all that/have 3315/5620
Ecc_4:16............of/all that have been/before 3316/5620
Ecc_5:9............for/all the king himself/is 3317/5620 points as/he.... 3318/5620
Ecc_5:17..........wind/All his days also/he 3319/5620
Ecc_5:18............of/all his labour that/he 3320/5620
Ecc_5:18...........sun/all the days of his life which/God 3321/5620
Ecc_6:2.............of/all that he desireth/yet 3322/5620
Ecc_6:6............not/all go to/one....... 3323/5620 the labour of man/is 3324/5620 the days of his vain/life 3325/5620
Ecc_7:2.............of/all men and the/living 3326/5620
Ecc_7:15...........him/All things have I seen/in 3327/5620
Ecc_7:18..........them/all Wisdom strengtheneth/the 3328/5620
Ecc_7:21..........unto/all words/that...... 3329/5620
Ecc_7:23........others/All this have I proved/by 3330/5620
Ecc_7:28.........among/all those have/I.... 3331/5620 this have I seen/and 3332/5620
Ecc_8:17........beheld/all the work of God/that 3333/5620
Ecc_9:1............For/all this I/considered 3334/5620
Ecc_9:1........declare/all this that/the... 3335/5620 that is before/them 3336/5620
Ecc_9:2...........them/All things come alike/to 3337/5620 there is/one.... 3338/5620
Ecc_9:3..........among/all things that are done under the/sun 3339/5620
Ecc_9:3...........unto/all yea/also........ 3340/5620 the living there/is 3341/5620
Ecc_9:9.........lovest/all the days of the life/of 3342/5620
Ecc_9:9............sun/all the days of thy vanity/for 3343/5620
Ecc_9:11..........them/all For man/also.... 3344/5620
Ecc_10:19....answereth/all things Curse/not 3345/5620
Ecc_11:5........maketh/all In the morning/sow 3346/5620
Ecc_11:8..........them/all yet let/him..... 3347/5620
Ecc_11:8..........many/All that cometh/is.. 3348/5620
Ecc_11:9...........for/all these things God/will 3349/5620
Ecc_12:4...........and/all the daughters of musick/shall 3350/5620
Ecc_12:8......preacher/all is vanity And moreover/because 3351/5620
Son_1:13...........lie/all night betwixt/my 3352/5620
Son_3:6...........with/all powders/of...... 3353/5620
Son_3:8...........They/all hold swords/being 3354/5620
Son_4:4.......bucklers/all shields/of...... 3355/5620 fair/my......... 3356/5620
Son_4:10..........than/all spices Thy/lips. 3357/5620
Son_4:14..........with/all trees of/frankincense 3358/5620
Son_4:14..........with/all the chief spices/A 3359/5620
Son_7:13...........are/all manner of pleasant fruits/new 3360/5620
Son_8:7...........give/all the substance of his house for/love 3361/5620
Isa_1:25..........away/all thy tin/And..... 3362/5620
Isa_2:2............and/all nations shall flow/unto 3363/5620
Isa_2:13..........upon/all the cedars/of... 3364/5620
Isa_2:13..........upon/all the oaks/of..... 3365/5620
Isa_2:14..........upon/all the high mountains/and 3366/5620
Isa_2:14..........upon/all the hills that/are 3367/5620
Isa_2:16..........upon/all the ships of Tarshish/and 3368/5620
Isa_2:16..........upon/all pleasant pictures/And 3369/5620
Isa_4:5...........upon/all the glory shall/be 3370/5620
Isa_5:25...........For/all this his anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still And/he 3371/5620
Isa_5:28...........and/all their bows/bent. 3372/5620 of them in the desolate/valleys 3373/5620
Isa_7:19..........upon/all thorns/and...... 3374/5620
Isa_7:19..........upon/all bushes/In....... 3375/5620
Isa_7:24.......because/all the land shall become/briers 3376/5620
Isa_7:25............on/all hills that/shall 3377/5620
Isa_8:7............and/all his glory and/he 3378/5620
Isa_8:7...........over/all his channels/and 3379/5620
Isa_8:7...........over/all his banks And he/shall 3380/5620
Isa_8:9............ear/all ye of far/countries 3381/5620 them to/whom.... 3382/5620
Isa_9:9............And/all the people shall know/even 3383/5620
Isa_9:12...........For/all this his anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still For the/people 3384/5620
Isa_9:17...........For/all this his anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still For wickedness/burneth 3385/5620
Isa_9:21...........For/all this his anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still Woe/unto 3386/5620
Isa_10:4...........For/all this his anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still O/Assyrian 3387/5620
Isa_10:14.....gathered/all the earth and there/was 3388/5620
Isa_10:23...........of/all the land Therefore/thus 3389/5620 my holy mountain for/the 3390/5620 the earth Cry/out 3391/5620
Isa_13:7.........shall/all hands be/faint.. 3392/5620
Isa_14:9..........even/all the chief ones/of 3393/5620
Isa_14:9.......thrones/all the kings of the nations All/they 3394/5620
Isa_14:10......nations/All they shall/speak 3395/5620
Isa_14:18....prisoners/All the kings of the nations even/all 3396/5620
Isa_14:18.........even/all of them lie/in.. 3397/5620
Isa_14:26.........upon/all the nations For the/LORD 3398/5620
Isa_15:2............on/all their heads shall/be 3399/5620
Isa_16:14.........with/all that great multitude/and 3400/5620
Isa_18:3.......spoiled/All ye inhabitants of the world and/dwellers 3401/5620
Isa_18:6...........and/all the beasts of the earth/shall 3402/5620
Isa_19:8...........and/all they that cast/angle 3403/5620
Isa_19:10......thereof/all that make/sluices 3404/5620
Isa_21:2.........Media/all the sighing/thereof 3405/5620
Isa_21:9...........and/all the graven images of/her 3406/5620
Isa_21:16..........and/all the glory of Kedar/shall 3407/5620
Isa_22:3........battle/All thy rulers/are.. 3408/5620
Isa_22:3.......archers/all that are found/in 3409/5620
Isa_22:24..........him/all the glory of his/father's 3410/5620
Isa_22:24........issue/all vessels/of...... 3411/5620 the vessels of flagons/In 3412/5620
Isa_23:9............of/all glory/and....... 3413/5620
Isa_23:9......contempt/all the honourable/of 3414/5620
Isa_23:17.........with/all the kingdoms of the world upon/the 3415/5620
Isa_24:7...languisheth/all the merryhearted/do 3416/5620
Isa_24:11......streets/all joy is/darkened. 3417/5620
Isa_25:6..........unto/all people a feast/of 3418/5620
Isa_25:7..........over/all people and the/vail 3419/5620
Isa_25:7..........over/all nations He/will. 3420/5620 faces and the/rebuke 3421/5620 the earth for the/LORD 3422/5620
Isa_26:12......wrought/all our works/in.... 3423/5620
Isa_26:14.........made/all their memory/to. 3424/5620
Isa_26:15.........unto/all the ends of the earth LORD/in 3425/5620 the fruit to/take 3426/5620
Isa_27:9........maketh/all the stones/of... 3427/5620
Isa_28:8...........For/all tables/are...... 3428/5620
Isa_28:24.........plow/all day to/sow...... 3429/5620
Isa_29:7............of/all the nations that fight/against 3430/5620
Isa_29:7..........even/all that fight/against 3431/5620
Isa_29:8............of/all the nations be that/fight 3432/5620
Isa_29:11...........of/all is become/unto.. 3433/5620
Isa_29:20..........and/all that watch/for.. 3434/5620
Isa_30:5..........were/all ashamed of/a.... 3435/5620
Isa_30:18..........are/all they that wait/for 3436/5620
Isa_31:3..........they/all shall fail/together 3437/5620
Isa_32:13.........upon/all the houses of joy/in 3438/5620
Isa_32:20.......beside/all waters/that..... 3439/5620
Isa_34:1...........and/all that is therein the world/and 3440/5620
Isa_34:1...........and/all things that come/forth 3441/5620
Isa_34:2..........upon/all nations and his fury/upon 3442/5620
Isa_34:2..........upon/all their armies he/hath 3443/5620
Isa_34:4...........And/all the host of heaven shall/be 3444/5620
Isa_34:4...........and/all their host shall/fall 3445/5620
Isa_34:12..........and/all her princes shall/be 3446/5620
Isa_36:1.......against/all the defenced/cities 3447/5620 that trust in/him 3448/5620
Isa_36:20........among/all the gods of these/lands 3449/5620 lands by destroying them utterly and shalt thou be delivered Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the children of Eden which were in Telassar/Where 3450/5620
Isa_37:16...........of/all the kingdoms of the earth thou hast made heaven and earth Incline/thine 3451/5620
Isa_37:17.........hear/all the words of Sennacherib/which 3452/5620
Isa_37:18........waste/all the nations and their/countries 3453/5620
Isa_37:20.........that/all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the LORD even/thou 3454/5620
Isa_37:25...........up/all the rivers of the besieged/places 3455/5620
Isa_37:36.........were/all dead corpses So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and went and returned and dwelt at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 3456/5620
Isa_38:13........break/all my bones from/day 3457/5620
Isa_38:15.......softly/all my years/in..... 3458/5620 these things is/the 3459/5620
Isa_38:17.........cast/all my sins behind/thy 3460/5620
Isa_38:20..instruments/all the days of our life in/the 3461/5620
Isa_39:2...........and/all the house of his armour and all that was found in his treasures there was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country unto/me 3462/5620
Isa_39:2...........and/all that was found in his treasures there was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country unto/me 3463/5620 his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country unto/me 3464/5620
Isa_39:4......answered/All that is in mine/house 3465/5620
Isa_39:6..........that/all that is in thine house and that which thy fathers have laid up in store until/this 3466/5620
Isa_40:2...........for/all her sins/The.... 3467/5620
Isa_40:5...........and/all flesh shall see it/together 3468/5620
Isa_40:6...........cry/All flesh is grass/and 3469/5620
Isa_40:6...........and/all the goodliness/thereof 3470/5620
Isa_40:17.....offering/All nations before/him 3471/5620
Isa_40:26.........them/all by names/by..... 3472/5620
Isa_41:11.......Behold/all they that were incensed/against 3473/5620
Isa_41:29..........are/all vanity/their.... 3474/5620
Isa_42:10..........and/all that is therein the isles/and 3475/5620
Isa_42:15...........up/all their herbs/and. 3476/5620
Isa_42:22..........are/all of them snared/in 3477/5620
Isa_43:9...........Let/all the nations be gathered/together 3478/5620
Isa_43:14.........down/all their nobles/and 3479/5620
Isa_44:9...........are/all of them vanity/and 3480/5620
Isa_44:11.......Behold/all his fellows/shall 3481/5620
Isa_44:11.........them/all be gathered/together 3482/5620
Isa_44:24.......maketh/all things that stretcheth/forth 3483/5620
Isa_44:28......perform/all my pleasure even/saying 3484/5620 these things Drop/down 3485/5620
Isa_45:12..........and/all their host have/I 3486/5620 his ways he/shall 3487/5620
Isa_45:16...confounded/all of them they/shall 3488/5620
Isa_45:22........saved/all the ends of the earth for/I 3489/5620
Isa_45:24..........and/all that are incensed/against 3490/5620
Isa_45:25........shall/all the seed of Israel be/justified 3491/5620
Isa_46:3...........and/all the remnant of the house/of 3492/5620 my pleasure Calling/a 3493/5620
Isa_48:6...........see/all this and will/not 3494/5620
Isa_48:14.....together/All ye assemble/yourselves 3495/5620 high places They/shall 3496/5620
Isa_49:11.........make/all my mountains a/way 3497/5620
Isa_49:18.......behold/all these gather/themselves 3498/5620
Isa_49:18.........them/all as with/an...... 3499/5620
Isa_49:26..........and/all flesh shall know/that 3500/5620 that it/cannot.. 3501/5620
Isa_50:9..........they/all shall wax old as a/garment 3502/5620
Isa_50:11.......Behold/all ye that kindle/a 3503/5620
Isa_51:3.......comfort/all her waste/places 3504/5620
Isa_51:18........among/all the sons whom/she 3505/5620
Isa_51:18...........of/all the sons that/she 3506/5620
Isa_51:20...........of/all the streets as/a 3507/5620
Isa_52:10...........of/all the nations and all/the 3508/5620
Isa_52:10..........and/all the ends of the earth shall see/the 3509/5620
Isa_53:6........healed/All we like/sheep... 3510/5620 He was oppressed/and 3511/5620
Isa_54:12..........and/all thy borders of/pleasant 3512/5620
Isa_54:13..........And/all thy children shall/be 3513/5620
Isa_55:12..........and/all the trees of the field shall clap/their 3514/5620
Isa_56:7...........for/all people The/Lord. 3515/5620
Isa_56:9...........him/All ye beasts of/the 3516/5620
Isa_56:9...........yea/all ye beasts in/the 3517/5620
Isa_56:10..........are/all ignorant/they... 3518/5620
Isa_56:10..........are/all dumb/dogs....... 3519/5620
Isa_56:11.........they/all look/to......... 3520/5620
Isa_57:13.........them/all away vanity/shall 3521/5620
Isa_58:3.........exact/all your labours/Behold 3522/5620
Isa_59:11.........roar/all like/bears...... 3523/5620
Isa_60:4...........see/all they gather/themselves 3524/5620
Isa_60:6.........Ephah/all they from/Sheba. 3525/5620
Isa_60:7..........LORD/All the flocks of/Kedar 3526/5620
Isa_60:14..........and/all they that despised/thee 3527/5620 righteous/they.. 3528/5620
Isa_61:2.......comfort/all that mourn/To... 3529/5620
Isa_61:9........people/all that see them shall acknowledge/them 3530/5620
Isa_61:11.......before/all the nations For Zion's/sake 3531/5620
Isa_62:2...........and/all kings thy/glory. 3532/5620
Isa_63:3.........stain/all my raiment/For.. 3533/5620 that the LORD hath bestowed/on 3534/5620
Isa_63:9............In/all their affliction/he 3535/5620
Isa_63:9..........them/all the days of old/But 3536/5620
Isa_64:6...........are/all as an/unclean... 3537/5620
Isa_64:6...........and/all our righteousnesses/are 3538/5620
Isa_64:6............we/all do fade/as...... 3539/5620
Isa_64:8............we/all are the work of thy/hand 3540/5620
Isa_64:9...........are/all thy people Thy/holy 3541/5620
Isa_64:11..........and/all our pleasant/things 3542/5620
Isa_65:2.........hands/all the day unto/a.. 3543/5620
Isa_65:5.......burneth/all the day Behold it/is 3544/5620
Isa_65:8..........them/all And I/will...... 3545/5620
Isa_65:12........shall/all bow/down........ 3546/5620 my holy mountain saith/the 3547/5620
Isa_66:2...........For/all those things hath/mine 3548/5620
Isa_66:2...........and/all those things have/been 3549/5620
Isa_66:10..........her/all ye that love/her 3550/5620
Isa_66:10..........her/all ye that mourn/for 3551/5620
Isa_66:16.........with/all flesh and the slain/of 3552/5620
Isa_66:18.......gather/all nations and tongues/and 3553/5620
Isa_66:20........bring/all your brethren for/an 3554/5620
Isa_66:20...........of/all nations upon/horses 3555/5620
Isa_66:23........shall/all flesh come to/worship 3556/5620
Isa_66:24.........unto/all flesh The words/of 3557/5620 that I shall send/thee 3558/5620
Jer_1:14..........upon/all the inhabitants of the land For/lo 3559/5620 the families of the kingdoms/of 3560/5620
Jer_1:15.......against/all the walls thereof/round 3561/5620
Jer_1:15.......against/all the cities of Judah And I/will 3562/5620
Jer_1:16......touching/all their wickedness who/have 3563/5620
Jer_1:17..........them/all that I command thee be/not 3564/5620
Jer_2:3.......increase/all that devour/him. 3565/5620
Jer_2:4............and/all the families of the house/of 3566/5620
Jer_2:24..........away/all they that seek/her 3567/5620 have transgressed/against 3568/5620
Jer_2:34..........upon/all these Yet/thou.. 3569/5620
Jer_3:7...........done/all these things Turn/thou 3570/5620
Jer_3:8............for/all the causes/whereby 3571/5620
Jer_3:10...........for/all this her/treacherous 3572/5620
Jer_3:17...........and/all the nations shall/be 3573/5620
Jer_4:24...........and/all the hills moved/lightly 3574/5620
Jer_4:25...........and/all the birds/of.... 3575/5620
Jer_4:26...........and/all the cities thereof were/broken 3576/5620
Jer_5:16...........are/all mighty men And/they 3577/5620
Jer_5:19...........God/all these things unto us/then 3578/5620 ashamed neither could they blush therefore they/shall 3579/5620
Jer_6:28...........are/all grievous/revolters 3580/5620
Jer_6:28...........are/all corrupters/The.. 3581/5620
Jer_7:2...........LORD/all ye of Judah/that 3582/5620 these abominations Is/this 3583/5620
Jer_7:13..........done/all these works saith/the 3584/5620
Jer_7:15...........out/all your brethren even/the 3585/5620 the ways that/I. 3586/5620 my servants the prophets daily/rising 3587/5620
Jer_7:27.........speak/all these words unto them/but 3588/5620
Jer_8:2............and/all the host of heaven whom/they 3589/5620 the residue of them/that 3590/5620 the places whither I have driven them/saith 3591/5620 ashamed neither could they blush therefore shall/they 3592/5620
Jer_8:16...........and/all that is in it/the 3593/5620 adulterers an/assembly 3594/5620
Jer_9:25........punish/all them which are circumcised/with 3595/5620
Jer_9:26...........and/all that are in the utmost corners that/dwell 3596/5620
Jer_9:26...........for/all these nations are/uncircumcised 3597/5620
Jer_9:26...........and/all the house of Israel are uncircumcised/in 3598/5620
Jer_10:7.........among/all the wise men of the/nations 3599/5620 their kingdoms/there 3600/5620
Jer_10:9...........are/all the work of cunning/men 3601/5620
Jer_10:16...........of/all things and Israel is the rod of his inheritance The LORD of hosts is his name Gather/up 3602/5620
Jer_10:20..........and/all my cords/are.... 3603/5620
Jer_10:21..........and/all their flocks shall/be 3604/5620 which I/command. 3605/5620
Jer_11:6......Proclaim/all these words in the cities/of 3606/5620
Jer_11:8..........them/all the words of this covenant/which 3607/5620 in the time/of.. 3608/5620
Jer_12:1...........are/all they happy/that. 3609/5620
Jer_12:9......assemble/all the beasts of the field come/to 3610/5620
Jer_12:12.........upon/all high places through/the 3611/5620
Jer_12:14......against/all mine evil/neighbours 3612/5620
Jer_13:13.........fill/all the inhabitants of this/land 3613/5620
Jer_13:13..........and/all the inhabitants of Jerusalem with drunkenness/And 3614/5620
Jer_13:19......captive/all of it it/shall.. 3615/5620
Jer_14:22.........made/all these things Then/said 3616/5620
Jer_15:4..........into/all kingdoms of/the. 3617/5620
Jer_15:13..........for/all thy sins/even... 3618/5620 thy borders And I/will 3619/5620
Jer_16:10.......people/all these words and they shall/say 3620/5620
Jer_16:10...pronounced/all this great evil against/us 3621/5620
Jer_16:15.........from/all the lands/whither 3622/5620
Jer_16:17.........upon/all their ways/they. 3623/5620
Jer_17:3...........and/all thy treasures/to 3624/5620
Jer_17:3....throughout/all thy borders And thou/even 3625/5620
Jer_17:9.........above/all things and desperately/wicked 3626/5620
Jer_17:13.......Israel/all that forsake/thee 3627/5620 the gates/of.... 3628/5620
Jer_17:20..........and/all Judah and all/the 3629/5620
Jer_17:20..........and/all the inhabitants of Jerusalem that/enter 3630/5620
Jer_18:23......knowest/all their counsel/against 3631/5620
Jer_19:8............of/all the plagues thereof And/I 3632/5620
Jer_19:13...........of/all the houses upon/whose 3633/5620
Jer_19:13.........unto/all the host of heaven and have/poured 3634/5620 the people Thus saith the LORD of/hosts 3635/5620
Jer_19:15.........upon/all her towns/all... 3636/5620
Jer_19:15........towns/all the evil that I have pronounced against it/because 3637/5620 thy friends and/they 3638/5620
Jer_20:4..........give/all Judah into/the.. 3639/5620
Jer_20:5.......deliver/all the strength of/this 3640/5620
Jer_20:5...........and/all the labours thereof/and 3641/5620
Jer_20:5...........and/all the precious things thereof/and 3642/5620
Jer_20:5...........and/all the treasures of the kings/of 3643/5620
Jer_20:6...........and/all that dwell in/thine 3644/5620
Jer_20:6...........and/all thy friends to/whom 3645/5620 my familiars/watched 3646/5620 his wondrous works that/he 3647/5620
Jer_21:14.......devour/all things round/about 3648/5620
Jer_22:20..........for/all thy lovers are/destroyed 3649/5620
Jer_22:22...........up/all thy pastors/and. 3650/5620
Jer_22:22..........for/all thy wickedness O/inhabitant 3651/5620
Jer_23:3............of/all countries whither I have driven them and/will 3652/5620
Jer_23:8..........from/all countries whither I had/driven 3653/5620
Jer_23:9......prophets/all my bones shake/I 3654/5620
Jer_23:14..........are/all of them unto/me. 3655/5620
Jer_23:15.........into/all the land Thus/saith 3656/5620 saith/the....... 3657/5620
Jer_24:9..........into/all the kingdoms of the earth for/their 3658/5620 places whither I/shall 3659/5620
Jer_25:1....concerning/all the people of Judah in/the 3660/5620
Jer_25:2..........unto/all the people of Judah and/to 3661/5620 the inhabitants of Jerusalem saying/From 3662/5620 his servants the prophets rising/early 3663/5620
Jer_25:9..........take/all the families of the north/saith 3664/5620
Jer_25:9.......against/all these nations round/about 3665/5620 my words which/I 3666/5620
Jer_25:13.........even/all that is written in this book which/Jeremiah 3667/5620
Jer_25:13......against/all the nations For many/nations 3668/5620
Jer_25:15........cause/all the nations to whom/I 3669/5620
Jer_25:17.........made/all the nations to drink/unto 3670/5620
Jer_25:19..........and/all his people And all/the 3671/5620
Jer_25:20..........And/all the mingled people and all/the 3672/5620
Jer_25:20..........and/all the kings of the land of Uz/and 3673/5620
Jer_25:20..........and/all the kings of the land of the/Philistines 3674/5620
Jer_25:22..........And/all the kings of Tyrus/and 3675/5620
Jer_25:22..........and/all the kings of Zidon/and 3676/5620
Jer_25:23..........and/all that are in the utmost corners And/all 3677/5620
Jer_25:24..........And/all the kings of Arabia and all/the 3678/5620
Jer_25:24..........and/all the kings of the mingled/people 3679/5620
Jer_25:25..........And/all the kings of Zimri/and 3680/5620
Jer_25:25..........and/all the kings of Elam/and 3681/5620
Jer_25:25..........and/all the kings of the Medes/And 3682/5620
Jer_25:26..........And/all the kings of the north/far 3683/5620
Jer_25:26..........and/all the kingdoms of the world which/are 3684/5620
Jer_25:29.........upon/all the inhabitants of the earth saith/the 3685/5620
Jer_25:30.........them/all these words and say/unto 3686/5620
Jer_25:30......against/all the inhabitants of the earth A/noise 3687/5620
Jer_25:31.........with/all flesh he/will... 3688/5620
Jer_26:2..........unto/all the cities of Judah which/come 3689/5620 the words that I command/thee 3690/5620 the nations of the earth So/the 3691/5620
Jer_26:7...........and/all the people heard Jeremiah/speaking 3692/5620
Jer_26:8......speaking/all that the LORD had commanded him/to 3693/5620
Jer_26:8..........unto/all the people that the/priests 3694/5620
Jer_26:8...........and/all the people took him/saying 3695/5620
Jer_26:9...........And/all the people were gathered/against 3696/5620 the people saying This man/is 3697/5620
Jer_26:12.........unto/all the princes and to all the people saying/The 3698/5620 the people saying The/LORD 3699/5620 the words that ye/have 3700/5620
Jer_26:15........speak/all these words in your/ears 3701/5620
Jer_26:16..........and/all the people unto the/priests 3702/5620 the assembly of the people/saying 3703/5620 the people of Judah saying/Thus 3704/5620
Jer_26:19..........and/all Judah put/him... 3705/5620 to death/did.... 3706/5620 the words of Jeremiah/And 3707/5620
Jer_26:21.........with/all his mighty/men.. 3708/5620
Jer_26:21..........and/all the princes heard/his 3709/5620
Jer_27:6.........given/all these lands/into 3710/5620
Jer_27:7...........And/all nations shall serve him and/his 3711/5620 these words saying Bring/your 3712/5620 this people saying/Thus 3713/5620
Jer_27:20..........and/all the nobles of Judah and/Jerusalem 3714/5620
Jer_28:1............of/all the people saying Thus speaketh/the 3715/5620 the vessels of the LORD's/house 3716/5620
Jer_28:4..........with/all the captives/of. 3717/5620
Jer_28:5............of/all the people that stood/in 3718/5620
Jer_28:6...........and/all that is carried/away 3719/5620
Jer_28:7............of/all the people The prophets/that 3720/5620
Jer_28:11...........of/all the people saying Thus saith the LORD Even/so 3721/5620
Jer_28:11...........of/all nations within/the 3722/5620
Jer_28:14...........of/all these nations that/they 3723/5620 the people whom/Nebuchadnezzar 3724/5620
Jer_29:4..........unto/all that are carried/away 3725/5620
Jer_29:13.........with/all your heart And I/will 3726/5620
Jer_29:14.........from/all the nations and from/all 3727/5620
Jer_29:14.........from/all the places whither I have driven you/saith 3728/5620
Jer_29:16...........of/all the people that dwelleth/in 3729/5620 the kingdoms of the earth to/be 3730/5620
Jer_29:18........among/all the nations whither I have driven them/Because 3731/5620
Jer_29:20.........LORD/all ye of the/captivity 3732/5620 the captivity/of 3733/5620
Jer_29:25.........unto/all the people that are at/Jerusalem 3734/5620 the priests saying/The 3735/5620 them of the captivity/saying 3736/5620
Jer_30:2..........thee/all the words that I have spoken unto thee in/a 3737/5620
Jer_30:6...........and/all faces are/turned 3738/5620
Jer_30:11...........of/all nations whither I/have 3739/5620
Jer_30:14....medicines/All thy lovers have/forgotten 3740/5620
Jer_30:16....Therefore/all they that devour/thee 3741/5620
Jer_30:16..........and/all thine adversaries/every 3742/5620
Jer_30:16..........and/all that prey/upon.. 3743/5620
Jer_30:20.......punish/all that oppress/them 3744/5620
Jer_31:1............of/all the families of Israel/and 3745/5620 Then shall/the.. 3746/5620 the cities thereof together/husbandmen 3747/5620
Jer_31:34........shall/all know/me......... 3748/5620 the seed of Israel for/all 3749/5620
Jer_31:37..........for/all that they have done saith/the 3750/5620
Jer_31:40..........and/all the fields/unto. 3751/5620
Jer_32:12.......before/all the Jews that sat/in 3752/5620
Jer_32:19.........upon/all the ways of the/sons 3753/5620
Jer_32:23...........of/all that thou commandedst/them 3754/5620
Jer_32:23.......caused/all this evil to/come 3755/5620
Jer_32:27...........of/all flesh is there/any 3756/5620
Jer_32:32...........of/all the evil of the children/of 3757/5620
Jer_32:37...........of/all countries whither I have driven them in/mine 3758/5620
Jer_32:42......brought/all this great evil upon/this 3759/5620
Jer_32:42.........them/all the good that I have/promised 3760/5620
Jer_33:5...........for/all whose wickedness/I 3761/5620
Jer_33:8..........from/all their iniquity/whereby 3762/5620
Jer_33:8........pardon/all their iniquities whereby/they 3763/5620
Jer_33:9........before/all the nations of the earth which/shall 3764/5620
Jer_33:9..........hear/all the good that I do/unto 3765/5620
Jer_33:9...........for/all the goodness and/for 3766/5620
Jer_33:9...........for/all the prosperity/that 3767/5620 the cities thereof shall be an/habitation 3768/5620
Jer_34:1...........and/all his army and/all 3769/5620
Jer_34:1...........and/all the kingdoms of the earth of/his 3770/5620
Jer_34:1...........and/all the people fought/against 3771/5620
Jer_34:1.......against/all the cities thereof saying/Thus 3772/5620
Jer_34:6.........spake/all these words unto Zedekiah/king 3773/5620
Jer_34:7.......against/all the cities of Judah that/were 3774/5620
Jer_34:8..........with/all the people which were at/Jerusalem 3775/5620
Jer_34:10.........when/all the princes and all the people which/had 3776/5620
Jer_34:10..........and/all the people which had entered/into 3777/5620
Jer_34:17.........into/all the kingdoms of the earth And I/will 3778/5620
Jer_34:19..........and/all the people of the land which/passed 3779/5620
Jer_35:3...........and/all his sons and the/whole 3780/5620
Jer_35:7...........but/all your days/ye.... 3781/5620 that he hath charged/us 3782/5620 our days we/our. 3783/5620 that Jonadab/our 3784/5620 my servants the prophets rising up/early 3785/5620
Jer_35:17.........upon/all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all/the 3786/5620
Jer_35:17....Jerusalem/all the evil that I have pronounced against them because/I 3787/5620
Jer_35:18.........kept/all his precepts/and 3788/5620
Jer_35:18.........unto/all that he hath commanded/you 3789/5620
Jer_36:2.......therein/all the words that I have spoken unto thee against/Israel 3790/5620
Jer_36:2.......against/all the nations from/the 3791/5620
Jer_36:3..........hear/all the evil which I purpose/to 3792/5620
Jer_36:4......Jeremiah/all the words of the LORD which he had/spoken 3793/5620
Jer_36:6............of/all Judah that come/out 3794/5620 that Jeremiah/the 3795/5620 the people in Jerusalem/and 3796/5620 the people that came from/the 3797/5620
Jer_36:10...........of/all the people When Michaiah/the 3798/5620 the words of the LORD Then/he 3799/5620
Jer_36:12...........lo/all the princes sat/there 3800/5620
Jer_36:12..........and/all the princes Then/Michaiah 3801/5620
Jer_36:13.........them/all the words that he/had 3802/5620
Jer_36:14....Therefore/all the princes sent/Jehudi 3803/5620
Jer_36:16........heard/all the words they/were 3804/5620
Jer_36:16...........of/all these words And they asked/Baruch 3805/5620
Jer_36:17........write/all these words at/his 3806/5620
Jer_36:18...pronounced/all these words unto me/with 3807/5620
Jer_36:20.........told/all the words in/the 3808/5620
Jer_36:21...........of/all the princes which/stood 3809/5620
Jer_36:23........until/all the roll/was.... 3810/5620
Jer_36:24........heard/all these words Nevertheless/Elnathan 3811/5620 the former/words 3812/5620
Jer_36:31........Judah/all the evil that I have pronounced against them but/they 3813/5620
Jer_36:32.....Jeremiah/all the words of the book which Jehoiakim/king 3814/5620
Jer_37:21........until/all the bread in/the 3815/5620
Jer_38:1..........unto/all the people saying Thus saith the LORD He/that 3816/5620
Jer_38:4............of/all the people in speaking/such 3817/5620 that they have done to/Jeremiah 3818/5620
Jer_38:22.......behold/all the women that are/left 3819/5620
Jer_38:23..........out/all thy wives/and... 3820/5620
Jer_38:27.........came/all the princes unto/Jeremiah 3821/5620 these words that the king/had 3822/5620
Jer_39:1...........and/all his army against Jerusalem and they/besieged 3823/5620
Jer_39:3...........And/all the princes of the king/of 3824/5620
Jer_39:3..........with/all the residue of the princes/of 3825/5620
Jer_39:4...........and/all the men of war then/they 3826/5620
Jer_39:6..........slew/all the nobles of Judah Moreover/he 3827/5620
Jer_39:13..........and/all the king of/Babylon's 3828/5620
Jer_40:1.........among/all that were carried/away 3829/5620
Jer_40:4........behold/all the land is/before 3830/5620
Jer_40:7..........when/all the captains of the forces which were in/the 3831/5620
Jer_40:11.........when/all the Jews that were in Moab/and 3832/5620 the countries heard/that 3833/5620
Jer_40:12.........Even/all the Jews returned/out 3834/5620
Jer_40:12...........of/all places whither they/were 3835/5620
Jer_40:13..........and/all the captains of the forces that were in/the 3836/5620
Jer_40:15.........that/all the Jews which are gathered/unto 3837/5620
Jer_41:3..........slew/all the Jews that were with/him 3838/5620
Jer_41:6.......weeping/all along as/he..... 3839/5620
Jer_41:9..........cast/all the dead/bodies. 3840/5620
Jer_41:10......captive/all the residue of the people/that 3841/5620
Jer_41:10..........and/all the people that remained/in 3842/5620
Jer_41:11..........and/all the captains of the forces that were with him heard/of 3843/5620
Jer_41:11...........of/all the evil that Ishmael/the 3844/5620
Jer_41:12.........took/all the men and went/to 3845/5620
Jer_41:13.........when/all the people which were with/Ishmael 3846/5620
Jer_41:13..........and/all the captains of the forces that were with him then/they 3847/5620
Jer_41:14...........So/all the people that Ishmael/had 3848/5620
Jer_41:16..........and/all the captains of the forces that were with him all/the 3849/5620
Jer_41:16..........him/all the remnant of the people whom/he 3850/5620
Jer_42:1..........Then/all the captains of the forces and Johanan/the 3851/5620
Jer_42:1...........and/all the people from the least even unto/the 3852/5620
Jer_42:2...........for/all this remnant/for 3853/5620 things for the which/the 3854/5620
Jer_42:8...........and/all the captains of the forces which were with/him 3855/5620
Jer_42:8...........and/all the people from the least even to/the 3856/5620
Jer_42:17.........with/all the men that set/their 3857/5620
Jer_42:20.........unto/all that the LORD our God shall say so/declare 3858/5620
Jer_43:1..........unto/all the people all/the 3859/5620
Jer_43:1........people/all the words of the LORD their/God 3860/5620
Jer_43:1..........even/all these words Then spake/Azariah 3861/5620
Jer_43:2...........and/all the proud men/saying 3862/5620
Jer_43:4...........and/all the captains of the forces and all/the 3863/5620
Jer_43:4...........and/all the people obeyed/not 3864/5620
Jer_43:5...........and/all the captains of the forces took/all 3865/5620
Jer_43:5..........took/all the remnant of Judah that were/returned 3866/5620
Jer_43:5..........from/all nations whither they/had 3867/5620
Jer_44:1....concerning/all the Jews which dwell/in 3868/5620
Jer_44:2..........seen/all the evil that I have brought/upon 3869/5620
Jer_44:2..........upon/all the cities of Judah and behold/this 3870/5620 my servants the prophets rising early/and 3871/5620
Jer_44:8.........among/all the nations of the earth Have/ye 3872/5620 Judah And I/will 3873/5620
Jer_44:12........shall/all be consumed/and. 3874/5620
Jer_44:15.........Then/all the men which knew/that 3875/5620
Jer_44:15..........and/all the women that stood/by 3876/5620
Jer_44:15.........even/all the people that dwelt/in 3877/5620
Jer_44:18.......wanted/all things and have/been 3878/5620
Jer_44:20.........unto/all the people to the/men 3879/5620 the people which had given/him 3880/5620
Jer_44:24.........unto/all the people and to/all 3881/5620 the women Hear/the 3882/5620
Jer_44:24.........LORD/all Judah that are/in 3883/5620
Jer_44:26.........LORD/all Judah that dwell/in 3884/5620 the land of Egypt saying/The 3885/5620
Jer_44:27..........and/all the men of Judah that/are 3886/5620
Jer_44:28..........and/all the remnant of Judah that are/gone 3887/5620
Jer_45:5..........upon/all flesh saith/the. 3888/5620 places whither thou goest The/word 3889/5620
Jer_46:25..........and/all them that trust in him And/I 3890/5620
Jer_46:28...........of/all the nations whither I have driven thee/but 3891/5620
Jer_47:2...........and/all that is therein the city/and 3892/5620
Jer_47:2...........and/all the inhabitants of the land shall howl/At 3893/5620
Jer_47:4.........spoil/all the Philistines and/to 3894/5620 ye that are about/him 3895/5620
Jer_48:17..........and/all ye that know/his 3896/5620
Jer_48:24.........upon/all the cities of the land/of 3897/5620
Jer_48:31..........for/all Moab/mine....... 3898/5620
Jer_48:37.........upon/all the hands/shall. 3899/5620
Jer_48:38.........upon/all the housetops/of 3900/5620 them about/him.. 3901/5620
Jer_49:5..........from/all those that be about/thee 3902/5620
Jer_49:13..........and/all the cities thereof shall be perpetual/wastes 3903/5620 the plagues thereof As/in 3904/5620
Jer_49:26..........and/all the men of war shall/be 3905/5620
Jer_49:29..........and/all their vessels/and 3906/5620
Jer_49:32.........into/all winds them/that. 3907/5620
Jer_49:32.........from/all sides thereof/saith 3908/5620
Jer_49:36.......toward/all those winds/and. 3909/5620
Jer_50:7..restingplace/All that found/them. 3910/5620
Jer_50:10........spoil/all that spoil/her.. 3911/5620 her plagues/Put. 3912/5620
Jer_50:14........about/all ye that bend the bow shoot/at 3913/5620 that I have commanded thee A/sound 3914/5620
Jer_50:27.........Slay/all her bullocks/let 3915/5620
Jer_50:29......Babylon/all ye that bend the bow camp/against 3916/5620 that she hath done/do 3917/5620
Jer_50:30..........and/all her men/of...... 3918/5620
Jer_50:32.......devour/all round/about..... 3919/5620
Jer_50:33..........and/all that took/them.. 3920/5620
Jer_50:37.........upon/all the mingled people that/are 3921/5620
Jer_51:3.......utterly/all her host/Thus... 3922/5620
Jer_51:7..........made/all the earth drunken/the 3923/5620
Jer_51:19...........of/all things and Israel is the rod of his inheritance the LORD of hosts is his name Thou/art 3924/5620 the inhabitants of Chaldea/all 3925/5620
Jer_51:24......Chaldea/all their evil/that. 3926/5620
Jer_51:25...destroyest/all the earth and I/will 3927/5620
Jer_51:28..........and/all the rulers thereof/and 3928/5620
Jer_51:28..........and/all the land of his dominion And the/land 3929/5620
Jer_51:47..........and/all her slain/shall. 3930/5620
Jer_51:48..........and/all that is therein shall/sing 3931/5620
Jer_51:49...........of/all the earth Ye/that 3932/5620
Jer_51:52......through/all her land/the.... 3933/5620 the evil that should/come 3934/5620
Jer_51:60.........even/all these words that are/written 3935/5620 these words Then shalt/thou 3936/5620 that Jehoiakim had done For through the anger of the LORD it came to pass in Jerusalem and Judah till/he 3937/5620
Jer_52:4...........and/all his army against Jerusalem and pitched/against 3938/5620
Jer_52:7...........and/all the men of war fled and/went 3939/5620
Jer_52:8...........and/all his army was/scattered 3940/5620
Jer_52:10.........also/all the princes of Judah/in 3941/5620
Jer_52:13..........and/all the houses of Jerusalem and all/the 3942/5620
Jer_52:13..........and/all the houses of the great/men 3943/5620
Jer_52:14..........And/all the army of the Chaldeans/that 3944/5620
Jer_52:14.........down/all the walls of Jerusalem/round 3945/5620
Jer_52:17......carried/all the brass/of.... 3946/5620
Jer_52:18..........and/all the vessels of brass wherewith they ministered took they away And the basons/and 3947/5620
Jer_52:20...........of/all these vessels was without weight And/concerning 3948/5620
Jer_52:22........about/all of brass The/second 3949/5620
Jer_52:23..........and/all the pomegranates/upon 3950/5620
Jer_52:30......persons/all the persons were/four 3951/5620
Jer_52:33..........him/all the days of his life And for/his 3952/5620
Jer_52:34........death/all the days of his life How/doth 3953/5620
Lam_1:2..........among/all her lovers/she.. 3954/5620
Lam_1:2............her/all her friends/have 3955/5620 her persecutors/overtook 3956/5620
Lam_1:4.........feasts/all her gates/are... 3957/5620
Lam_1:6...........Zion/all her beauty/is... 3958/5620
Lam_1:7.......miseries/all her pleasant things that/she 3959/5620
Lam_1:8........removed/all that honoured/her 3960/5620
Lam_1:10..........upon/all her pleasant things for/she 3961/5620
Lam_1:11..congregation/All her people/sigh. 3962/5620 ye that pass/by. 3963/5620
Lam_1:13.........faint/all the day The/yoke 3964/5620
Lam_1:15..........foot/all my mighty/men... 3965/5620 people and behold/my 3966/5620 mine enemies have/heard 3967/5620
Lam_1:22...........Let/all their wickedness come/before 3968/5620
Lam_1:22...........for/all my transgressions for/my 3969/5620
Lam_2:2.............up/all the habitations/of 3970/5620
Lam_2:3..........anger/all the horn/of..... 3971/5620
Lam_2:4...........slew/all that were pleasant/to 3972/5620
Lam_2:5.............up/all her palaces/he.. 3973/5620
Lam_2:15....banishment/All that pass by clap/their 3974/5620 thine enemies have/opened 3975/5620 the day My/flesh 3976/5620 my people and/their 3977/5620 the day He/hath. 3978/5620
Lam_3:34..........feet/all the prisoners of/the 3979/5620
Lam_3:46........people/All our enemies have/opened 3980/5620
Lam_3:51............of/all the daughters of my/city 3981/5620
Lam_3:60..........seen/all their vengeance/and 3982/5620
Lam_3:60...........and/all their imaginations against me Thou/hast 3983/5620
Lam_3:61...........and/all their imaginations against me The/lips 3984/5620 the day Behold their/sitting 3985/5620
Lam_4:12...........and/all the inhabitants of the world would/not 3986/5620
Eze_3:7............for/all the house of Israel are impudent/and 3987/5620 my words that/I. 3988/5620
Eze_5:4...........into/all the house of Israel Thus/saith 3989/5620
Eze_5:9.............of/all thine abominations Therefore the/fathers 3990/5620
Eze_5:10..........into/all the winds Wherefore/as 3991/5620
Eze_5:11..........with/all thy detestable/things 3992/5620
Eze_5:11..........with/all thine abominations therefore will/I 3993/5620
Eze_5:12..........into/all the winds and/I. 3994/5620
Eze_5:14............of/all that pass by So/it 3995/5620
Eze_6:6.............In/all your dwellingplaces/the 3996/5620 their abominations And/they 3997/5620
Eze_6:11...........for/all the evil abominations/of 3998/5620 the tops/of..... 3999/5620 their idols So/will 4000/5620 their habitations/and 4001/5620
Eze_7:3...........thee/all thine abominations And mine eye shall not spare thee/neither 4002/5620
Eze_7:8............for/all thine abominations And mine eye shall not spare neither/will 4003/5620
Eze_7:12..........upon/all the multitude thereof For/the 4004/5620
Eze_7:14..........make/all ready but/none.. 4005/5620
Eze_7:14..........upon/all the multitude thereof The/sword 4006/5620
Eze_7:16.......valleys/all of them mourning/every 4007/5620
Eze_7:17......iniquity/All hands shall be feeble and all/knees 4008/5620
Eze_7:17...........and/all knees shall be weak as water They/shall 4009/5620
Eze_7:18..........upon/all faces and baldness/upon 4010/5620
Eze_7:18..........upon/all their heads They/shall 4011/5620
Eze_8:10...........and/all the idols of the/house 4012/5620
Eze_9:4............for/all the abominations that be/done 4013/5620
Eze_9:8........destroy/all the residue of Israel/in 4014/5620
Eze_11:15..........and/all the house of Israel wholly/are 4015/5620
Eze_11:18.........away/all the detestable/things 4016/5620
Eze_11:18..........and/all the abominations thereof/from 4017/5620
Eze_11:25....captivity/all the things that the/LORD 4018/5620
Eze_12:10..........and/all the house of Israel that/are 4019/5620
Eze_12:14.........wind/all that are about him/to 4020/5620
Eze_12:14..........and/all his bands and I/will 4021/5620
Eze_12:16......declare/all their abominations among/the 4022/5620
Eze_12:19.........from/all that is therein because/of 4023/5620
Eze_12:19...........of/all them that dwell therein And/the 4024/5620 armholes/and.... 4025/5620 by them/Therefore 4026/5620
Eze_14:5...........are/all estranged/from.. 4027/5620
Eze_14:6..........from/all your abominations For/every 4028/5620
Eze_14:11.........with/all their transgressions but/that 4029/5620
Eze_14:22...concerning/all that I have brought/upon 4030/5620
Eze_14:23........cause/all that I have done in/it 4031/5620 nor swaddled/at. 4032/5620 None/eye........ 4033/5620 thine abominations and thy/whoredoms 4034/5620
Eze_16:23........after/all thy wickedness woe/woe 4035/5620
Eze_16:30........doest/all these things the/work 4036/5620 whores/but...... 4037/5620 thy lovers and/hirest 4038/5620
Eze_16:36.........with/all the idols of thy/abominations 4039/5620
Eze_16:37.......gather/all thy lovers with/whom 4040/5620
Eze_16:37..........and/all them that thou hast loved/with 4041/5620
Eze_16:37.........with/all them that thou hast hated/I 4042/5620
Eze_16:37..........see/all thy nakedness/And 4043/5620 these things behold/therefore 4044/5620
Eze_16:43........above/all thine abominations Behold/every 4045/5620 thy ways As/I... 4046/5620 thine abominations which/thou 4047/5620 that thou hast done in/that 4048/5620
Eze_16:57..........and/all that are round about her/the 4049/5620
Eze_16:63..........for/all that thou hast done saith/the 4050/5620 the leaves/of... 4051/5620
Eze_17:18.........done/all these things he shall/not 4052/5620
Eze_17:21..........And/all his fugitives/with 4053/5620
Eze_17:21.........with/all his bands shall/fall 4054/5620
Eze_17:21.......toward/all winds and/ye.... 4055/5620
Eze_17:23........dwell/all fowl/of......... 4056/5620
Eze_17:24..........And/all the trees of the field shall know/that 4057/5620
Eze_18:4........Behold/all souls/are....... 4058/5620
Eze_18:13.........done/all these abominations he/shall 4059/5620
Eze_18:14........seeth/all his father's sins/which 4060/5620
Eze_18:19.........kept/all my statutes and hath/done 4061/5620
Eze_18:21.........from/all his sins that/he 4062/5620
Eze_18:21.........keep/all my statutes and do/that 4063/5620
Eze_18:22..........die/All his transgressions that he hath committed they/shall 4064/5620 that the wicked/should 4065/5620 the abominations that the/wicked 4066/5620 his righteousness/that 4067/5620
Eze_18:28.........from/all his transgressions that he hath committed he/shall 4068/5620
Eze_18:30.........from/all your transgressions so/iniquity 4069/5620 your transgressions whereby/ye 4070/5620
Eze_20:6............of/all lands Then/said. 4071/5620
Eze_20:15...........of/all lands Because/they 4072/5620 that openeth the womb/that 4073/5620
Eze_20:28..........and/all the thick/trees. 4074/5620
Eze_20:31.........with/all your idols even/unto 4075/5620 that ye say/We.. 4076/5620
Eze_20:40........shall/all the house of Israel all/of 4077/5620
Eze_20:40.......Israel/all of them in the land/serve 4078/5620
Eze_20:40.........with/all your holy/things 4079/5620
Eze_20:43..........and/all your doings wherein/ye 4080/5620
Eze_20:43..........for/all your evils/that. 4081/5620
Eze_20:47..........and/all faces from/the.. 4082/5620
Eze_20:48..........And/all flesh shall see that/I 4083/5620
Eze_21:4.......against/all flesh from/the.. 4084/5620
Eze_21:5..........That/all flesh may/know.. 4085/5620
Eze_21:7...........and/all hands shall be feeble and every/spirit 4086/5620
Eze_21:7...........and/all knees shall be weak as water behold/it 4087/5620
Eze_21:12.........upon/all the princes of Israel terrors/by 4088/5620
Eze_21:15......against/all their gates/that 4089/5620 your doings your/sins 4090/5620
Eze_22:2...........her/all her abominations/Then 4091/5620 countries Those/that 4092/5620
Eze_22:18........dross/all they are/brass.. 4093/5620
Eze_22:19..........are/all become/dross.... 4094/5620
Eze_23:6........rulers/all of them desirable young men horsemen/riding 4095/5620
Eze_23:7..........with/all them that were the/chosen 4096/5620
Eze_23:7..........with/all on whom/she..... 4097/5620
Eze_23:7..........with/all their idols she/defiled 4098/5620
Eze_23:12.......horses/all of them desirable young men Then/I 4099/5620
Eze_23:15........heads/all of them princes/to 4100/5620
Eze_23:23..........and/all the Chaldeans/Pekod 4101/5620
Eze_23:23..........and/all the Assyrians/with 4102/5620
Eze_23:23.........them/all of them desirable young men captains/and 4103/5620
Eze_23:23.....renowned/all of them riding upon horses And/they 4104/5620
Eze_23:29.........away/all thy labour/and.. 4105/5620
Eze_23:48.........that/all women may/be.... 4106/5620 that he hath done shall/ye 4107/5620
Eze_25:6..........with/all thy despite/against 4108/5620
Eze_25:8..........unto/all the heathen Therefore/behold 4109/5620
Eze_26:11.........down/all thy streets/he.. 4110/5620
Eze_26:16.........Then/all the princes of the sea/shall 4111/5620
Eze_26:17...........on/all that haunt/it... 4112/5620
Eze_27:5..........made/all thy ship/boards. 4113/5620
Eze_27:9.......calkers/all the ships of the/sea 4114/5620
Eze_27:12...........of/all kind of riches/with 4115/5620
Eze_27:18...........of/all riches in/the... 4116/5620
Eze_27:21..........and/all the princes of Kedar/they 4117/5620
Eze_27:22...........of/all spices and/with. 4118/5620
Eze_27:22.........with/all precious stones/and 4119/5620 sorts of things/in 4120/5620
Eze_27:27..........and/all thy men/of...... 4121/5620 thy company which/is 4122/5620
Eze_27:29..........And/all that handle/the. 4123/5620
Eze_27:29..........and/all the pilots/of... 4124/5620
Eze_27:34..........and/all thy company in/the 4125/5620
Eze_27:35.........fall/All the inhabitants of the isles/shall 4126/5620
Eze_28:18...........of/all them that behold/thee 4127/5620
Eze_28:19.........thee/All they that know/thee 4128/5620
Eze_28:24...........of/all that are round about them/that 4129/5620
Eze_28:26.........upon/all those that despise/them 4130/5620
Eze_29:2.......against/all Egypt Speak/and. 4131/5620
Eze_29:4...........and/all the fish of thy rivers shall/stick 4132/5620
Eze_29:5...........and/all the fish of thy rivers thou/shalt 4133/5620
Eze_29:6...........And/all the inhabitants of Egypt/shall 4134/5620
Eze_29:7..........rend/all their shoulder/and 4135/5620
Eze_29:7........madest/all their loins/to.. 4136/5620
Eze_30:5...........and/all the mingled people and Chub/and 4137/5620
Eze_30:8..........when/all her helpers/shall 4138/5620
Eze_30:12..........and/all that is therein by/the 4139/5620
Eze_31:4..........unto/all the trees of the field Therefore/his 4140/5620
Eze_31:5.........above/all the trees of the field and/his 4141/5620
Eze_31:6.........forth/All the fowls of heaven/made 4142/5620
Eze_31:6...........did/all the beasts of the field bring/forth 4143/5620
Eze_31:6.........dwelt/all great/nations... 4144/5620
Eze_31:9..........that/all the trees of Eden that/were 4145/5620 the valleys/his. 4146/5620 the rivers of the land/and 4147/5620
Eze_31:12..........and/all the people of the earth are/gone 4148/5620
Eze_31:13........shall/all the fowls of the heaven remain/and 4149/5620
Eze_31:13..........and/all the beasts of the field shall/be 4150/5620
Eze_31:14...........of/all the trees by/the 4151/5620
Eze_31:14.......height/all that drink water for/they 4152/5620
Eze_31:14..........are/all delivered/unto.. 4153/5620
Eze_31:15..........and/all the trees of the field fainted/for 4154/5620
Eze_31:16..........and/all the trees of Eden the/choice 4155/5620
Eze_31:16......Lebanon/all that drink water shall/be 4156/5620
Eze_31:18..........and/all his multitude saith the Lord GOD And/it 4157/5620
Eze_32:4.........cause/all the fowls of the heaven to/remain 4158/5620
Eze_32:8.........light/All the bright/lights 4159/5620
Eze_32:12......nations/all of them and they/shall 4160/5620
Eze_32:12..........and/all the multitude thereof shall/be 4161/5620
Eze_32:13.........also/all the beasts thereof/from 4162/5620
Eze_32:15........smite/all them that dwell therein then/shall 4163/5620
Eze_32:16..........for/all her multitude saith/the 4164/5620
Eze_32:20..........and/all her multitudes/The 4165/5620
Eze_32:22..........and/all her company/his. 4166/5620
Eze_32:22..........him/all of them slain fallen by the sword Whose/graves 4167/5620
Eze_32:23........grave/all of them slain fallen by the sword which caused/terror 4168/5620
Eze_32:24..........and/all her multitude round/about 4169/5620
Eze_32:24........grave/all of them slain fallen by the sword which are/gone 4170/5620
Eze_32:25.........with/all her multitude her graves are round about him all of them uncircumcised slain by the sword though their/terror 4171/5620
Eze_32:25..........him/all of them uncircumcised slain by the sword though their/terror 4172/5620
Eze_32:26..........and/all her multitude her graves are round about him all of them uncircumcised slain by the sword though they/caused 4173/5620
Eze_32:26..........him/all of them uncircumcised slain by the sword though they/caused 4174/5620
Eze_32:29..........and/all her princes which/with 4175/5620
Eze_32:30........north/all of them and all/the 4176/5620
Eze_32:30..........and/all the Zidonians/which 4177/5620
Eze_32:31.........over/all his multitude even/Pharaoh 4178/5620
Eze_32:31..........and/all his army slain/by 4179/5620
Eze_32:32..........and/all his multitude saith the Lord GOD Again/the 4180/5620
Eze_33:13.....iniquity/all his righteousnesses/shall 4181/5620
Eze_33:29...........of/all their abominations which they have committed/Also 4182/5620 the beasts of the field when/they 4183/5620
Eze_34:6.......through/all the mountains and/upon 4184/5620
Eze_34:6..........upon/all the face of the earth and none/did 4185/5620
Eze_34:12...........of/all places where they/have 4186/5620 the inhabited/places 4187/5620
Eze_34:21.......pushed/all the diseased/with 4188/5620 thy rivers/shall 4189/5620
Eze_35:12........heard/all thy blasphemies/which 4190/5620
Eze_35:15..........and/all Idumea even/all. 4191/5620
Eze_35:15.........even/all of it and they/shall 4192/5620
Eze_36:5.......against/all Idumea which/have 4193/5620
Eze_36:5............of/all their heart with/despiteful 4194/5620 the house of Israel even/all 4195/5620
Eze_36:10.........even/all of it and the/cities 4196/5620
Eze_36:24...........of/all countries and/will 4197/5620
Eze_36:25.........from/all your filthiness/and 4198/5620
Eze_36:25.........from/all your idols will/I 4199/5620
Eze_36:29.........from/all your uncleannesses/and 4200/5620
Eze_36:33.........from/all your iniquities I/will 4201/5620
Eze_36:34...........of/all that passed/by.. 4202/5620
Eze_37:16..........for/all the house of Israel his/companions 4203/5620
Eze_37:22.........them/all and they shall/be 4204/5620 Neither shall/they 4205/5620
Eze_37:23...........of/all their dwellingplaces/wherein 4206/5620
Eze_37:24.........they/all shall have/one.. 4207/5620
Eze_38:4...........and/all thine army/horses 4208/5620
Eze_38:4......horsemen/all of them clothed/with 4209/5620
Eze_38:4..........with/all sorts of armour/even 4210/5620
Eze_38:4.......shields/all of them handling/swords 4211/5620
Eze_38:5..........them/all of them with shield/and 4212/5620
Eze_38:6...........and/all his bands the/house 4213/5620
Eze_38:6...........and/all his bands and many/people 4214/5620
Eze_38:7...........and/all thy company that/are 4215/5620
Eze_38:8........safely/all of them Thou/shalt 4216/5620
Eze_38:9...........and/all thy bands and many/people 4217/5620
Eze_38:11.......safely/all of them dwelling/without 4218/5620
Eze_38:13.........with/all the young lions/thereof 4219/5620
Eze_38:15.........thee/all of them riding upon horses a/great 4220/5620
Eze_38:20..........and/all creeping things that creep upon the earth and/all 4221/5620
Eze_38:20..........and/all the men that are upon/the 4222/5620
Eze_38:21...throughout/all my mountains saith/the 4223/5620
Eze_39:4...........and/all thy bands and the/people 4224/5620
Eze_39:11..........and/all his multitude and/they 4225/5620
Eze_39:13..........Yea/all the people of the land shall bury/them 4226/5620
Eze_39:18.....bullocks/all of them fatlings/of 4227/5620
Eze_39:20.........with/all men of war/saith 4228/5620
Eze_39:21..........and/all the heathen shall/see 4229/5620
Eze_39:23.........they/all by the/sword.... 4230/5620
Eze_39:26..........and/all their trespasses/whereby 4231/5620
Eze_40:4..........upon/all that I shall shew/thee 4232/5620
Eze_40:4.......declare/all that thou seest to/the 4233/5620 the wall round/about 4234/5620
Eze_41:19......through/all the house round/about 4235/5620
Eze_42:11..........and/all their goings/out 4236/5620
Eze_43:11...........of/all that they have done shew/them 4237/5620
Eze_43:11..........and/all the forms thereof and all the ordinances/thereof 4238/5620
Eze_43:11..........and/all the ordinances thereof and all/the 4239/5620
Eze_43:11..........and/all the forms thereof and all the laws/thereof 4240/5620
Eze_43:11..........and/all the laws thereof and write/it 4241/5620
Eze_43:11..........and/all the ordinances thereof and do/them 4242/5620
Eze_44:5..........ears/all that I say unto thee concerning/all 4243/5620
Eze_44:5....concerning/all the ordinances of the house/of 4244/5620
Eze_44:5...........and/all the laws thereof and mark/well 4245/5620
Eze_44:6............of/all your abominations In/that 4246/5620
Eze_44:7............of/all your abominations And/ye 4247/5620
Eze_44:14..........for/all the service thereof and for/all 4248/5620
Eze_44:14..........for/all that shall/be... 4249/5620 mine assemblies/and 4250/5620
Eze_44:30...........of/all the firstfruits/of 4251/5620
Eze_44:30...........of/all things and every/oblation 4252/5620
Eze_44:30...........of/all of every/sort... 4253/5620 the borders thereof/round 4254/5620
Eze_45:16..........GOD/All the people of the land shall give/this 4255/5620 solemnities/of.. 4256/5620
Eze_45:22..........for/all the people of the land a/bullock 4257/5620
Eze_47:12.........grow/all trees for/meat.. 4258/5620
Eze_48:13......breadth/all the length/shall 4259/5620
Eze_48:19...........of/all the tribes of Israel All/the 4260/5620
Eze_48:20.......Israel/All the oblation/shall 4261/5620 wisdom and cunning/in 4262/5620
Dan_1:15..........than/all the children which/did 4263/5620 learning/and.... 4264/5620 visions/and..... 4265/5620
Dan_1:19..........them/all was found/none.. 4266/5620 matters of wisdom/and 4267/5620
Dan_1:20..........than/all the magicians and/astrologers 4268/5620 his realm/And... 4269/5620
Dan_2:12.......destroy/all the wise men of Babylon And/the 4270/5620
Dan_2:38..........them/all Thou/art........ 4271/5620
Dan_2:39..........over/all the earth And the/fourth 4272/5620
Dan_2:40......subdueth/all things and as/iron 4273/5620
Dan_2:40......breaketh/all these shall/it.. 4274/5620
Dan_2:44.......consume/all these kingdoms/and 4275/5620
Dan_2:48..........over/all the wise men of Babylon Then/Daniel 4276/5620
Dan_3:2............and/all the rulers of the provinces to/come 4277/5620
Dan_3:3............and/all the rulers of the provinces were/gathered 4278/5620
Dan_3:5............and/all kinds of musick ye fall down and worship the golden/image 4279/5620
Dan_3:7...........when/all the people heard the/sound 4280/5620
Dan_3:7............and/all kinds of musick all/the 4281/5620
Dan_3:7.........musick/all the people the nations/and 4282/5620
Dan_3:10...........and/all kinds of musick shall/fall 4283/5620
Dan_3:15...........and/all kinds of musick ye fall down and worship the image/which 4284/5620
Dan_4:1...........unto/all people nations and languages that dwell in all the earth Peace be multiplied unto you I thought/it 4285/5620 the earth Peace be multiplied unto you I thought/it 4286/5620 the wise men of Babylon before/me 4287/5620
Dan_4:11............of/all the earth The leaves/thereof 4288/5620
Dan_4:12...........for/all the beasts of the field had/shadow 4289/5620
Dan_4:12...........and/all flesh was/fed... 4290/5620 the wise men of my/kingdom 4291/5620 the earth Whose/leaves 4292/5620
Dan_4:21...........for/all under which/the. 4293/5620
Dan_4:28..tranquillity/All this came/upon.. 4294/5620
Dan_4:35...........And/all the inhabitants of the earth are/reputed 4295/5620
Dan_4:37........heaven/all whose works/are. 4296/5620 the king's wise/men 4297/5620
Dan_5:19...........him/all people nations and languages trembled/and 4298/5620
Dan_5:22.......knewest/all this But/hast... 4299/5620
Dan_5:23...........are/all thy ways hast/thou 4300/5620
Dan_6:7...........ever/All the presidents/of 4301/5620
Dan_6:24.........brake/all their bones/in.. 4302/5620
Dan_6:25..........unto/all people nations and languages that dwell in all the earth Peace be multiplied unto you I make/a 4303/5620 the earth Peace be multiplied unto you I make/a 4304/5620
Dan_7:7...........from/all the beasts that were/before 4305/5620
Dan_7:14..........that/all people nations and languages should/serve 4306/5620
Dan_7:16............of/all this So/he...... 4307/5620
Dan_7:19..........from/all the others/exceeding 4308/5620
Dan_7:23..........from/all kingdoms and shall/devour 4309/5620
Dan_7:27...........and/all dominions/shall. 4310/5620 the people of the land O/LORD 4311/5620
Dan_9:7...........unto/all Israel that are/near 4312/5620
Dan_9:7........through/all the countries whither/thou 4313/5620
Dan_9:11...........Yea/all Israel have/transgressed 4314/5620
Dan_9:13.........Moses/all this evil is/come 4315/5620 his works which/he 4316/5620 thy righteousness/I 4317/5620 that are about us/Now 4318/5620 till/three...... 4319/5620
Dan_11:2..........they/all and by/his...... 4320/5620
Dan_11:2............up/all against the/realm 4321/5620
Dan_11:37........above/all But in/his...... 4322/5620
Dan_11:43.........over/all the precious things of/Egypt 4323/5620
Dan_12:7........people/all these things shall be finished/And 4324/5620
Hos_2:11.........cause/all her mirth/to.... 4325/5620
Hos_2:11...........and/all her solemn/feasts 4326/5620
Hos_5:2...........them/all I know Ephraim/and 4327/5620
Hos_7:2.......remember/all their wickedness now/their 4328/5620
Hos_7:4............are/all adulterers as/an 4329/5620
Hos_7:6.......sleepeth/all the night in/the 4330/5620
Hos_7:7............are/all hot/as.......... 4331/5620
Hos_7:7.........judges/all their kings are/fallen 4332/5620
Hos_7:10...........for/all this Ephraim/also 4333/5620
Hos_9:4.......mourners/all that eat/thereof 4334/5620 his ways and hatred/in 4335/5620
Hos_9:15.......breasts/All their wickedness is/in 4336/5620
Hos_9:15..........more/all their princes are/revolters 4337/5620
Hos_10:14..........and/all thy fortresses/shall 4338/5620 would/exalt..... 4339/5620 my labours/they. 4340/5620
Hos_13:2.understanding/all of it the/work.. 4341/5620 thy cities/and.. 4342/5620
Hos_13:15...........of/all pleasant vessels/Samaria 4343/5620
Hos_14:2..........away/all iniquity and receive/us 4344/5620
Joe_1:2............ear/all ye inhabitants of the land/Hath 4345/5620
Joe_1:5...........howl/all ye drinkers/of.. 4346/5620
Joe_1:12..........even/all the trees of the field are/withered 4347/5620
Joe_1:13...........lie/all night in sackcloth/ye 4348/5620
Joe_1:14...........and/all the inhabitants of the land into/the 4349/5620
Joe_1:19........burned/all the trees of the field The/beasts 4350/5620
Joe_2:1............let/all the inhabitants of the land tremble/for 4351/5620
Joe_2:6.........pained/all faces shall/gather 4352/5620
Joe_2:12..........with/all your heart and with fasting/and 4353/5620
Joe_2:28..........upon/all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your/old 4354/5620
Joe_3:2.........gather/all nations and will/bring 4355/5620
Joe_3:4............and/all the coasts of Palestine/will 4356/5620
Joe_3:9............let/all the men of war draw/near 4357/5620
Joe_3:11..........come/all ye heathen/and.. 4358/5620
Joe_3:12.........judge/all the heathen round about Put/ye 4359/5620
Joe_3:18...........and/all the rivers of Judah/shall 4360/5620 pity/and........ 4361/5620
Amo_2:3...........slay/all the princes thereof/with 4362/5620
Amo_3:2.............of/all the families of the earth therefore/I 4363/5620
Amo_3:2............for/all your iniquities Can/two 4364/5620 Shall a/trumpet. 4365/5620 your cities/and. 4366/5620 your places/yet. 4367/5620 streets/and..... 4368/5620 the highways/Alas 4369/5620 vineyards/shall. 4370/5620
Amo_6:8...........with/all that is therein And it/shall 4371/5620
Amo_7:10..........bear/all his words For/thus 4372/5620
Amo_8:10...........and/all your songs/into. 4373/5620
Amo_8:10..........upon/all loins and baldness/upon 4374/5620
Amo_9:1...........head/all of them and I/will 4375/5620
Amo_9:5............and/all that dwell therein shall/mourn 4376/5620
Amo_9:9..........among/all nations like/as. 4377/5620 the sinners/of.. 4378/5620
Amo_9:12............of/all the heathen which/are 4379/5620
Amo_9:13...........and/all the hills shall/melt 4380/5620
Oba_1:7.............up/All the men of thy/confederacy 4381/5620
Oba_1:15..........upon/all the heathen as/thou 4382/5620
Oba_1:16.........shall/all the heathen drink/continually 4383/5620
Jon_2:3..........about/all thy billows/and. 4384/5620
Mic_1:2...........Hear/all ye people hearken/O 4385/5620
Mic_1:2............and/all that therein is and/let 4386/5620 this and for/the 4387/5620
Mic_1:7............And/all the graven images thereof/shall 4388/5620
Mic_1:7............and/all the hires/thereof 4389/5620
Mic_1:7............and/all the idols thereof/will 4390/5620 in the house/of. 4391/5620
Mic_2:12.........Jacob/all of thee/I....... 4392/5620
Mic_3:7..........shall/all cover/their..... 4393/5620
Mic_3:9........pervert/all equity/They..... 4394/5620
Mic_4:5............For/all people will/walk 4395/5620
Mic_5:9............and/all thine enemies shall/be 4396/5620
Mic_5:11..........down/all thy strong holds And/I 4397/5620
Mic_6:16...........and/all the works of the house/of 4398/5620
Mic_7:2...........they/all lie/in.......... 4399/5620 their might they/shall 4400/5620
Mic_7:19..........cast/all their sins into/the 4401/5620 acquit/the...... 4402/5620
Nah_1:4.............up/all the rivers Bashan/languisheth 4403/5620
Nah_1:5............and/all that dwell therein Who/can 4404/5620
Nah_2:9.............of/all the pleasant/furniture 4405/5620 loins and the/faces 4406/5620
Nah_2:10..........them/all gather/blackness 4407/5620 full/of......... 4408/5620
Nah_3:7...........that/all they that look/upon 4409/5620
Nah_3:10............of/all the streets and/they 4410/5620
Nah_3:10...........and/all her great/men... 4411/5620
Nah_3:12.........enemy/All thy strong holds shall/be 4412/5620
Nah_3:19......grievous/all that hear the/bruit 4413/5620
Hab_1:9...........come/all for violence/their 4414/5620
Hab_1:15............up/all of them with the/angle 4415/5620
Hab_2:5............him/all nations and heapeth/unto 4416/5620
Hab_2:5............him/all people Shall/not 4417/5620
Hab_2:6............not/all these take/up... 4418/5620
Hab_2:8........nations/all the remnant of the people shall/spoil 4419/5620
Hab_2:8.............of/all that dwell therein Woe/to 4420/5620
Hab_2:17............of/all that dwell therein What/profiteth 4421/5620 in the midst/of. 4422/5620
Hab_2:20...........let/all the earth keep/silence 4423/5620
Zep_1:2........consume/all things from off/the 4424/5620
Zep_1:4...........upon/all the inhabitants of Jerusalem and/I 4425/5620
Zep_1:8............and/all such as are clothed/with 4426/5620
Zep_1:9.........punish/all those that leap/on 4427/5620
Zep_1:11...........for/all the merchant/people 4428/5620
Zep_1:11..........down/all they that bear/silver 4429/5620
Zep_1:18............of/all them that dwell in the/land 4430/5620
Zep_2:3...........LORD/all ye meek/of...... 4431/5620
Zep_2:11........famish/all the gods of the earth/and 4432/5620
Zep_2:11..........even/all the isles/of.... 4433/5620
Zep_2:14...........her/all the beasts of the nations/both 4434/5620
Zep_3:7......corrupted/all their doings/Therefore 4435/5620
Zep_3:8...........even/all my fierce/anger. 4436/5620
Zep_3:8............for/all the earth shall be devoured/with 4437/5620
Zep_3:9............may/all call/upon....... 4438/5620
Zep_3:11...........for/all thy doings/wherein 4439/5620
Zep_3:14..........with/all the heart O/daughter 4440/5620
Zep_3:19..........undo/all that afflict/thee 4441/5620
Zep_3:20.........among/all people of the earth when/I 4442/5620
Hag_1:11..........upon/all the labour of the/hands 4443/5620
Hag_1:12..........with/all the remnant of the people obeyed/the 4444/5620
Hag_1:14............of/all the remnant of the people and/they 4445/5620
Hag_2:4.........strong/all ye people of/the 4446/5620
Hag_2:7..........shake/all nations and the/desire 4447/5620
Hag_2:7.............of/all nations shall come and I/will 4448/5620 the labours of/your 4449/5620
Zec_1:11........behold/all the earth sitteth/still 4450/5620
Zec_2:13.............O/all flesh before/the 4451/5620
Zec_4:2....candlestick/all of gold/with.... 4452/5620
Zec_5:6........through/all the earth And behold/there 4453/5620
Zec_6:5.............of/all the earth The black/horses 4454/5620
Zec_7:5...........unto/all the people of the land and to/the 4455/5620 fast/unto....... 4456/5620
Zec_7:14.........among/all the nations whom/they 4457/5620
Zec_8:10...........set/all men every one/against 4458/5620
Zec_8:12.......possess/all these things And it/shall 4459/5620
Zec_8:17...........for/all these are things/that 4460/5620
Zec_8:23............of/all languages/of.... 4461/5620
Zec_9:1.............of/all the tribes of Israel shall be/toward 4462/5620
Zec_10:11..........and/all the deeps/of.... 4463/5620
Zec_11:10.........with/all the people And it/was 4464/5620
Zec_12:2..........unto/all the people round about when/they 4465/5620
Zec_12:3...........for/all people all/that. 4466/5620
Zec_12:3........people/all that burden/themselves 4467/5620
Zec_12:3........though/all the people of the earth be/gathered 4468/5620
Zec_12:6........devour/all the people round about on/the 4469/5620
Zec_12:9.......destroy/all the nations that come/against 4470/5620
Zec_12:14........apart/All the families that/remain 4471/5620 the land saith/the 4472/5620
Zec_14:2........gather/all nations against/Jerusalem 4473/5620
Zec_14:5...........and/all the saints with/thee 4474/5620
Zec_14:9..........over/all the earth in/that 4475/5620 the land shall be/turned 4476/5620
Zec_14:12........smite/all the people that have/fought 4477/5620
Zec_14:14...........of/all the heathen round about shall/be 4478/5620
Zec_14:15...........of/all the beasts that shall/be 4479/5620
Zec_14:16...........of/all the nations which/came 4480/5620
Zec_14:17...........of/all the families of the earth unto/Jerusalem 4481/5620
Zec_14:19...........of/all nations that/come 4482/5620
Zec_14:21..........and/all they that sacrifice/shall 4483/5620
Mal_2:9.........before/all the people according as/ye 4484/5620
Mal_2:10...........not/all one father/hath. 4485/5620 the tithes into/the 4486/5620
Mal_3:12...........And/all nations shall call you/blessed 4487/5620
Mal_4:1............and/all the proud yea/and 4488/5620
Mal_4:1............and/all that do wickedly/shall 4489/5620
Mal_4:4............for/all Israel with the/statutes 4490/5620
Mat_1:17............So/all the generations/from 4491/5620
Mat_1:22...........Now/all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of/the 4492/5620
Mat_2:3............and/all Jerusalem with/him 4493/5620
Mat_2:4.......gathered/all the chief priests and scribes/of 4494/5620
Mat_2:16..........slew/all the children that/were 4495/5620 the coasts thereof/from 4496/5620
Mat_3:5............and/all Judaea and all/the 4497/5620
Mat_3:5............and/all the region round about Jordan/And 4498/5620
Mat_3:15........fulfil/all righteousness Then/he 4499/5620
Mat_4:8............him/all the kingdoms of the world and/the 4500/5620
Mat_4:9............him/All these things will I/give 4501/5620
Mat_4:23.........about/all Galilee teaching/in 4502/5620
Mat_4:23.......healing/all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among/the 4503/5620
Mat_4:23...........and/all manner of disease among/the 4504/5620
Mat_4:24....throughout/all Syria/and....... 4505/5620
Mat_4:24...........him/all sick/people..... 4506/5620
Mat_5:11...........say/all manner of evil/against 4507/5620
Mat_5:15..........unto/all that are in the house/Let 4508/5620
Mat_5:18..........till/all be fulfilled Whosoever/therefore 4509/5620 neither by/heaven 4510/5620 his glory was not arrayed like one of these Wherefore/if 4511/5620
Mat_6:32.........after/all these things do the Gentiles/seek 4512/5620
Mat_6:32............of/all these things But/seek 4513/5620
Mat_6:33...........and/all these things shall be added unto you Take/therefore 4514/5620
Mat_7:12.....Therefore/all things whatsoever ye would/that 4515/5620
Mat_8:16........healed/all that were sick/That 4516/5620
Mat_9:26..........into/all that land And/when 4517/5620 that country As/they 4518/5620
Mat_9:35.........about/all the cities and/villages 4519/5620
Mat_10:1..........heal/all manner of sickness and all manner of disease Now/the 4520/5620
Mat_10:1...........and/all manner of disease Now/the 4521/5620
Mat_10:22...........of/all men for my name's sake but he that endureth/to 4522/5620
Mat_10:30..........are/all numbered Fear ye/not 4523/5620
Mat_11:13..........For/all the prophets and the/law 4524/5620
Mat_11:27........sight/All things are delivered unto/me 4525/5620 ye that labour/and 4526/5620
Mat_12:15.........them/all And charged/them 4527/5620
Mat_12:23..........And/all the people were amazed/and 4528/5620 manner of sin/and 4529/5620
Mat_13:32...........of/all seeds/but....... 4530/5620
Mat_13:34.....leavened/All these things spake/Jesus 4531/5620
Mat_13:41......kingdom/all things that offend/and 4532/5620
Mat_13:44......selleth/all that he hath and buyeth/that 4533/5620
Mat_13:46.........sold/all that he had and bought/it 4534/5620
Mat_13:51...understood/all these things They/say 4535/5620
Mat_13:56..........not/all with us/Whence.. 4536/5620 these things And they were/offended 4537/5620
Mat_14:20..........did/all eat and were filled and they took up of the fragments/that 4538/5620
Mat_14:35.........into/all that country round/about 4539/5620
Mat_14:35..........him/all that were diseased And besought/him 4540/5620
Mat_15:37..........did/all eat and were filled and they took up of the broken/meat 4541/5620
Mat_17:11......restore/all things But I/say 4542/5620
Mat_18:25..........and/all that he had and payment/to 4543/5620
Mat_18:26.........thee/all Then the lord of/that 4544/5620
Mat_18:29.........thee/all And he would/not 4545/5620
Mat_18:31.........lord/all that was done Then/his 4546/5620
Mat_18:32.........thee/all that debt/because 4547/5620 that was due/unto 4548/5620
Mat_19:11.........them/All men cannot/receive 4549/5620
Mat_19:20..........him/All these things have/I 4550/5620
Mat_19:26..........God/all things are possible Then answered/Peter 4551/5620
Mat_19:27.....forsaken/all and followed thee what/shall 4552/5620 the day idle/They 4553/5620
Mat_21:4..........them/All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by/the 4554/5620
Mat_21:10....Jerusalem/all the city was moved saying/Who 4555/5620
Mat_21:12..........out/all them that sold/and 4556/5620
Mat_21:22..........And/all things whatsoever ye shall/ask 4557/5620
Mat_21:26..........for/all hold John/as.... 4558/5620
Mat_21:37...........of/all he sent/unto.... 4559/5620
Mat_22:4...........and/all things are ready/come 4560/5620
Mat_22:10.....together/all as many as they/found 4561/5620
Mat_22:27...........of/all the woman died also Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall/she 4562/5620
Mat_22:28.........they/all had her/Jesus... 4563/5620
Mat_22:37.........with/all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind This/is 4564/5620
Mat_22:37.........with/all thy soul and with all thy mind This/is 4565/5620
Mat_22:37.........with/all thy mind This/is 4566/5620
Mat_22:40.........hang/all the law and/the. 4567/5620 therefore/whatsoever 4568/5620
Mat_23:5...........But/all their works they/do 4569/5620
Mat_23:8...........and/all ye are/brethren. 4570/5620 things thereon/And 4571/5620
Mat_23:27...........of/all uncleanness Even/so 4572/5620
Mat_23:35.........come/all the righteous blood/shed 4573/5620 these things shall come/upon 4574/5620
Mat_24:2...........not/all these things verily/I 4575/5620
Mat_24:6...........for/all these things must/come 4576/5620
Mat_24:8........places/All these are the beginning/of 4577/5620
Mat_24:9............of/all nations for my/name's 4578/5620 the world for/a. 4579/5620
Mat_24:14.........unto/all nations and then/shall 4580/5620
Mat_24:30........shall/all the tribes of the earth/mourn 4581/5620
Mat_24:33..........see/all these things know/that 4582/5620
Mat_24:34.........till/all these things be fulfilled/Heaven 4583/5620
Mat_24:39.........them/all away so/shall... 4584/5620
Mat_24:47.........over/all his goods But/and 4585/5620
Mat_25:5..........they/all slumbered/and... 4586/5620
Mat_25:7..........Then/all those virgins/arose 4587/5620
Mat_25:31..........and/all the holy angels/with 4588/5620
Mat_25:32.....gathered/all nations and he/shall 4589/5620
Mat_26:1......finished/all these sayings he/said 4590/5620 of it For/this.. 4591/5620
Mat_26:31.........them/All ye shall be offended because of me this night for it is written I will smite the shepherd and the sheep of/the 4592/5620
Mat_26:33.......Though/all men shall be/offended 4593/5620
Mat_26:35.........said/all the disciples Then/cometh 4594/5620
Mat_26:52..........for/all they that take/the 4595/5620
Mat_26:56..........But/all this was done that the/scriptures 4596/5620
Mat_26:56.........Then/all the disciples forsook/him 4597/5620
Mat_26:59..........and/all the council sought false/witness 4598/5620
Mat_26:70.........them/all saying/I........ 4599/5620
Mat_27:1..........come/all the chief priests and elders/of 4600/5620
Mat_27:22.........They/all say/unto........ 4601/5620
Mat_27:25.....answered/all the people and said His/blood 4602/5620
Mat_27:45.........over/all the land unto the/ninth 4603/5620
Mat_28:9........saying/All hail/And........ 4604/5620
Mat_28:11......priests/all the things that were/done 4605/5620
Mat_28:18.......saying/All power is/given.. 4606/5620
Mat_28:19........teach/all nations baptizing/them 4607/5620
Mat_28:20......observe/all things whatsoever I/have 4608/5620
Mar_1:5............him/all the land of Judaea/and 4609/5620
Mar_1:5...........were/all baptized of/him. 4610/5620
Mar_1:27..........were/all amazed insomuch/that 4611/5620
Mar_1:28....throughout/all the region round about Galilee/And 4612/5620
Mar_1:32...........him/all that were diseased and them/that 4613/5620
Mar_1:33...........And/all the city was gathered/together 4614/5620
Mar_1:37...........him/All men seek/for.... 4615/5620
Mar_1:39....throughout/all Galilee and/cast 4616/5620
Mar_2:12..........them/all insomuch/that... 4617/5620
Mar_2:12..........were/all amazed and glorified/God 4618/5620
Mar_2:13...........and/all the multitude resorted/unto 4619/5620 sins shall/be... 4620/5620
Mar_4:11.......without/all these things are done/in 4621/5620
Mar_4:13..........know/all parables/The.... 4622/5620
Mar_4:31..........than/all the seeds/that.. 4623/5620
Mar_4:32..........than/all herbs/and....... 4624/5620
Mar_4:34.....expounded/all things to his/disciples 4625/5620
Mar_5:12...........And/all the devils/besought 4626/5620
Mar_5:20...........and/all men did/marvel.. 4627/5620
Mar_5:26.........spent/all that she had and was/nothing 4628/5620
Mar_5:33...........him/all the truth And/he 4629/5620
Mar_5:40..........them/all out he/taketh... 4630/5620
Mar_6:30...........him/all things both what/they 4631/5620
Mar_6:33............of/all cities and/outwent 4632/5620
Mar_6:39..........make/all sit down by/companies 4633/5620
Mar_6:41..........them/all And they did/all 4634/5620
Mar_6:42...........did/all eat and were filled And they took up twelve/baskets 4635/5620
Mar_6:50..........they/all saw/him......... 4636/5620
Mar_7:3............and/all the Jews except/they 4637/5620
Mar_7:14........called/all the people unto him/he 4638/5620
Mar_7:19.......purging/all meats/And....... 4639/5620
Mar_7:23...foolishness/All these evil/things 4640/5620
Mar_7:37..........done/all things well/he.. 4641/5620
Mar_9:12.....restoreth/all things and how/it 4642/5620
Mar_9:15...straightway/all the people when they beheld/him 4643/5620
Mar_9:23.......believe/all things are possible to/him 4644/5620
Mar_9:35............of/all and servant/of.. 4645/5620
Mar_9:35............of/all And he took a/child 4646/5620
Mar_10:20.......Master/all these have I observed/from 4647/5620
Mar_10:27..........God/all things are possible Then Peter/began 4648/5620
Mar_10:28.........left/all and have/followed 4649/5620
Mar_10:44...........of/all For even/the.... 4650/5620
Mar_11:11.........upon/all things and now/the 4651/5620
Mar_11:17...........of/all nations the/house 4652/5620
Mar_11:18......because/all the people was astonished/at 4653/5620
Mar_11:32..........for/all men counted/John 4654/5620
Mar_12:22...........of/all the woman died also In/the 4655/5620
Mar_12:28...........of/all And Jesus/answered 4656/5620
Mar_12:29...........of/all the commandments is/Hear 4657/5620
Mar_12:30.........with/all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and/with 4658/5620
Mar_12:30.........with/all thy soul and with all thy mind and/with 4659/5620
Mar_12:30.........with/all thy mind and with/all 4660/5620
Mar_12:30.........with/all thy strength this/is 4661/5620
Mar_12:33.........with/all the heart and/with 4662/5620
Mar_12:33.........with/all the understanding/and 4663/5620
Mar_12:33.........with/all the soul/and.... 4664/5620
Mar_12:33.........with/all the strength and/to 4665/5620
Mar_12:33.........than/all whole/burnt..... 4666/5620
Mar_12:43.........than/all they which have/cast 4667/5620
Mar_12:44..........For/all they did/cast... 4668/5620 that she had even/all 4669/5620
Mar_12:44.........even/all her living And/as 4670/5620
Mar_13:4..........when/all these things shall be fulfilled/And 4671/5620
Mar_13:10........among/all nations But/when 4672/5620
Mar_13:13...........of/all men for my name's sake but he that shall/endure 4673/5620 things But in/those 4674/5620
Mar_13:30.........till/all these things be done/Heaven 4675/5620
Mar_13:37.........unto/all Watch/After..... 4676/5620
Mar_14:23.........they/all drank/of........ 4677/5620
Mar_14:27.........them/All ye shall be offended because of me this night for it is written I will smite the shepherd and the sheep shall/be 4678/5620
Mar_14:29.....Although/all shall be offended/yet 4679/5620
Mar_14:31.........they/all And they came/to 4680/5620
Mar_14:36.......Father/all things are possible unto/thee 4681/5620
Mar_14:50.........they/all forsook/him..... 4682/5620
Mar_14:53....assembled/all the chief priests and the/elders 4683/5620
Mar_14:55..........and/all the council sought for/witness 4684/5620
Mar_14:64.........they/all condemned/him... 4685/5620
Mar_16:15.........into/all the world and preach/the 4686/5620
Luk_1:3.............of/all things from the/very 4687/5620 the commandments and ordinances/of 4688/5620
Luk_1:48....henceforth/all generations shall/call 4689/5620
Luk_1:63.....marvelled/all And his mouth/was 4690/5620
Luk_1:65............on/all that dwelt round/about 4691/5620
Luk_1:65...........and/all these sayings were/noised 4692/5620
Luk_1:65....throughout/all the hill/country 4693/5620
Luk_1:66...........And/all they that heard them/laid 4694/5620
Luk_1:71............of/all that hate us/To. 4695/5620
Luk_1:75...........him/all the days of our life And/thou 4696/5620
Luk_2:1...........that/all the world should/be 4697/5620
Luk_2:3............And/all went/to......... 4698/5620 people For unto/you 4699/5620
Luk_2:18...........And/all they that heard it/wondered 4700/5620
Luk_2:19..........kept/all these things and pondered/them 4701/5620
Luk_2:20...........for/all the things that they/had 4702/5620
Luk_2:31............of/all people A light/to 4703/5620 them that looked for/redemption 4704/5620
Luk_2:39.....performed/all things according to the law/of 4705/5620
Luk_2:47...........And/all that heard him were astonished/at 4706/5620
Luk_2:51..........kept/all these sayings in/her 4707/5620
Luk_3:3...........into/all the country about/Jordan 4708/5620
Luk_3:6............And/all flesh shall see the/salvation 4709/5620
Luk_3:15...........and/all men mused/in.... 4710/5620
Luk_3:16..........them/all I indeed/baptize 4711/5620
Luk_3:19...........for/all the evils which Herod/had 4712/5620
Luk_3:20.........above/all that he shut/up. 4713/5620
Luk_3:21..........when/all the people were baptized/it 4714/5620
Luk_4:5............him/all the kingdoms of the world in/a 4715/5620
Luk_4:6............him/All this power/will. 4716/5620 shall be thine/And 4717/5620
Luk_4:13.........ended/all the temptation/he 4718/5620
Luk_4:14.......through/all the region round about And he/taught 4719/5620
Luk_4:15............of/all And he came/to.. 4720/5620
Luk_4:20............of/all them that were in/the 4721/5620
Luk_4:22...........And/all bare/him........ 4722/5620
Luk_4:25....throughout/all the land But/unto 4723/5620
Luk_4:28...........And/all they in/the..... 4724/5620
Luk_4:36..........were/all amazed and spake/among 4725/5620
Luk_4:40.......setting/all they that had any/sick 4726/5620
Luk_5:5.........toiled/all the night and have/taken 4727/5620
Luk_5:9............and/all that were with him at/the 4728/5620
Luk_5:11.......forsook/all and followed him/And 4729/5620
Luk_5:26..........were/all amazed and they/glorified 4730/5620
Luk_5:28..........left/all rose/up......... 4731/5620
Luk_6:10..........them/all he said/unto.... 4732/5620
Luk_6:12.....continued/all night in prayer/to 4733/5620
Luk_6:17............of/all Judaea and Jerusalem/and 4734/5620
Luk_6:19..........them/all And he lifted/up 4735/5620
Luk_6:26..........when/all men shall speak/well 4736/5620
Luk_7:1..........ended/all his sayings/in.. 4737/5620
Luk_7:16............on/all and they glorified/God 4738/5620
Luk_7:17....throughout/all Judaea and throughout/all 4739/5620
Luk_7:17....throughout/all the region round about And the/disciples 4740/5620
Luk_7:18............of/all these things And John/calling 4741/5620
Luk_7:29...........And/all the people that heard/him 4742/5620
Luk_7:35............of/all her children/And 4743/5620
Luk_8:40..........were/all waiting/for..... 4744/5620
Luk_8:43.........spent/all her living upon/physicians 4745/5620
Luk_8:45..........When/all denied/Peter.... 4746/5620
Luk_8:47........before/all the people for what/cause 4747/5620
Luk_8:52...........And/all wept and/bewailed 4748/5620
Luk_8:54..........them/all out and/took.... 4749/5620
Luk_9:1...........over/all devils/and...... 4750/5620
Luk_9:7.............of/all that was done by/him 4751/5620
Luk_9:10...........him/all that they had/done 4752/5620
Luk_9:13...........for/all this people For they were/about 4753/5620
Luk_9:15..........them/all sit down Then/he 4754/5620
Luk_9:17..........were/all filled and/there 4755/5620
Luk_9:23..........them/all If any man will/come 4756/5620
Luk_9:43..........were/all amazed at/the... 4757/5620 things which Jesus/did 4758/5620 the same/shall.. 4759/5620
Luk_10:19.........over/all the power of the enemy/and 4760/5620
Luk_10:22........sight/All things are delivered to/me 4761/5620
Luk_10:27.........with/all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy strength/and 4762/5620
Luk_10:27.........with/all thy soul and with all thy strength/and 4763/5620
Luk_10:27.........with/all thy strength and/with 4764/5620
Luk_10:27.........with/all thy mind and thy/neighbour 4765/5620
Luk_11:22..........him/all his armour/wherein 4766/5620
Luk_11:41.......behold/all things are clean/unto 4767/5620
Luk_11:42..........and/all manner of herbs/and 4768/5620
Luk_11:50...........of/all the prophets which/was 4769/5620
Luk_12:1............of/all Beware/ye....... 4770/5620
Luk_12:7...........are/all numbered Fear not/therefore 4771/5620
Luk_12:18.......bestow/all my fruits/and... 4772/5620 his glory was not arrayed like one of these If/then 4773/5620
Luk_12:30..........For/all these things do the nations/of 4774/5620
Luk_12:31..........and/all these things shall be added unto you Fear/not 4775/5620 And the Lord/said 4776/5620
Luk_12:44.........over/all that he hath But/and 4777/5620
Luk_13:2.........above/all the Galilaeans/because 4778/5620
Luk_13:3.........shall/all likewise perish Or/those 4779/5620
Luk_13:4.........above/all men that dwelt/in 4780/5620
Luk_13:5.........shall/all likewise perish He/spake 4781/5620
Luk_13:17.......things/all his adversaries/were 4782/5620
Luk_13:17..........and/all the people rejoiced for/all 4783/5620
Luk_13:17..........for/all the glorious/things 4784/5620 ye workers of iniquity There/shall 4785/5620
Luk_13:28..........and/all the prophets in/the 4786/5620
Luk_14:17..........for/all things are now/ready 4787/5620
Luk_14:18.........they/all with one consent/began 4788/5620 that behold/it.. 4789/5620
Luk_14:33..........not/all that he hath he/cannot 4790/5620
Luk_15:1...........him/all the publicans/and 4791/5620
Luk_15:13.....gathered/all together and/took 4792/5620
Luk_15:14........spent/all there arose/a... 4793/5620
Luk_15:31..........and/all that I have is/thine 4794/5620
Luk_16:14........heard/all these things and they derided/him 4795/5620
Luk_16:26.......beside/all this between/us. 4796/5620
Luk_17:10.........done/all those things which/are 4797/5620
Luk_17:27.........them/all Likewise also/as 4798/5620
Luk_17:29.........them/all Even thus/shall. 4799/5620
Luk_18:12...........of/all that I possess/And 4800/5620
Luk_18:21.........said/All these have I kept/from 4801/5620
Luk_18:22.........sell/all that thou hast and distribute/unto 4802/5620
Luk_18:28.........left/all and followed thee And/he 4803/5620
Luk_18:31..........and/all things that are written/by 4804/5620
Luk_18:43..........and/all the people when they saw/it 4805/5620
Luk_19:7..........they/all murmured/saying. 4806/5620
Luk_19:37..........for/all the mighty works/that 4807/5620
Luk_19:48..........for/all the people were very/attentive 4808/5620 the people will stone/us 4809/5620
Luk_20:32...........of/all the woman died also Therefore in the resurrection whose wife of/them 4810/5620
Luk_20:38..........for/all live/unto....... 4811/5620 And he said/unto 4812/5620
Luk_20:45...........of/all the people he/said 4813/5620
Luk_21:3..........they/all For all/these... 4814/5620
Luk_21:4...........For/all these have of/their 4815/5620 the living that/she 4816/5620
Luk_21:12.......before/all these they/shall 4817/5620
Luk_21:15........which/all your adversaries/shall 4818/5620
Luk_21:17...........of/all men for my name's sake But there/shall 4819/5620
Luk_21:22.........that/all things which are written may/be 4820/5620
Luk_21:24.........into/all nations and Jerusalem/shall 4821/5620
Luk_21:29..........and/all the trees When/they 4822/5620
Luk_21:32.........till/all be fulfilled Heaven/and 4823/5620
Luk_21:35...........on/all them that dwell on/the 4824/5620
Luk_21:36.......escape/all these things that/shall 4825/5620
Luk_21:38..........And/all the people came early/in 4826/5620
Luk_22:70.........they/all Art/thou........ 4827/5620
Luk_23:5....throughout/all Jewry/beginning. 4828/5620
Luk_23:18..........out/all at/once......... 4829/5620
Luk_23:44.........over/all the earth until/the 4830/5620
Luk_23:48..........And/all the people that came together/to 4831/5620
Luk_23:49..........And/all his acquaintance/and 4832/5620
Luk_24:9..........told/all these things unto the/eleven 4833/5620 the rest It/was. 4834/5620
Luk_24:14...........of/all these things which/had 4835/5620
Luk_24:19..........and/all the people And how/the 4836/5620
Luk_24:21.......beside/all this to/day..... 4837/5620
Luk_24:25......believe/all that the prophets/have 4838/5620
Luk_24:27..........and/all the prophets he/expounded 4839/5620 the scriptures/the 4840/5620
Luk_24:44.........that/all things must/be.. 4841/5620
Luk_24:47........among/all nations beginning/at 4842/5620
Joh_1:3............God/All things were made/by 4843/5620
Joh_1:7...........that/all men through/him. 4844/5620
Joh_1:16..........have/all we received/and. 4845/5620
Joh_2:15..........them/all out of/the...... 4846/5620
Joh_2:24..........knew/all men And needed/not 4847/5620
Joh_3:26...........and/all men come/to..... 4848/5620
Joh_3:31.........above/all he that/is...... 4849/5620
Joh_3:31.........above/all And what/he..... 4850/5620
Joh_3:35.........given/all things into his hand/He 4851/5620 things Jesus/saith 4852/5620 things that ever/I 4853/5620 that ever I/did. 4854/5620
Joh_4:45..........seen/all the things that he did/at 4855/5620
Joh_5:20...........him/all things that himself/doeth 4856/5620
Joh_5:22.....committed/all judgment unto/the 4857/5620
Joh_5:23..........That/all men should/honour 4858/5620
Joh_5:28.........which/all that are in the graves/shall 4859/5620
Joh_6:37...........not/All that the Father/giveth 4860/5620
Joh_6:39............of/all which he/hath... 4861/5620 taught/of....... 4862/5620 marvel/Moses.... 4863/5620
Joh_8:2............and/all the people came unto/him 4864/5620
Joh_10:8.........sheep/All that ever came/before 4865/5620
Joh_10:29.........than/all and no/man...... 4866/5620
Joh_10:41..........but/all things that John/spake 4867/5620
Joh_11:48........alone/all men will/believe 4868/5620 Nor consider/that 4869/5620
Joh_12:32.........draw/all men unto me/This 4870/5620
Joh_13:3.........given/all things into his hands/and 4871/5620
Joh_13:10..........not/all For he knew/who. 4872/5620
Joh_13:11..........not/all clean So/after.. 4873/5620 I know whom/I... 4874/5620
Joh_13:35........shall/all men know/that... 4875/5620 things and bring/all 4876/5620
Joh_14:26........bring/all things to your/remembrance 4877/5620
Joh_15:15..........for/all things that I have heard/of 4878/5620
Joh_15:21..........But/all these things will they/do 4879/5620
Joh_16:13.........into/all truth/for....... 4880/5620 things that the/Father 4881/5620
Joh_16:30......knowest/all things and needest/not 4882/5620
Joh_17:2..........over/all flesh that he/should 4883/5620
Joh_17:7..........that/all things whatsoever thou/hast 4884/5620
Joh_17:10..........And/all mine are/thine.. 4885/5620
Joh_17:21.........they/all may be one/as... 4886/5620
Joh_18:4.......knowing/all things that should/come 4887/5620 But ye/have..... 4888/5620
Joh_18:40.........they/all again/saying.... 4889/5620 against me/except 4890/5620
Joh_19:28.........that/all things were now/accomplished 4891/5620
Joh_21:11..........for/all there were/so... 4892/5620
Joh_21:17......knowest/all things thou/knowest 4893/5620
Act_1:1.............of/all that Jesus/began 4894/5620 Judaea and in/Samaria 4895/5620
Act_1:14.........These/all continued/with.. 4896/5620
Act_1:18...........and/all his bowels/gushed 4897/5620
Act_1:19..........unto/all the dwellers/at. 4898/5620 the time that the Lord/Jesus 4899/5620
Act_1:24............of/all men shew/whether 4900/5620
Act_2:1...........were/all with one accord in one/place 4901/5620
Act_2:2.........filled/all the house where/they 4902/5620
Act_2:4...........were/all filled with the Holy Ghost and began/to 4903/5620
Act_2:7...........were/all amazed and marvelled/saying 4904/5620
Act_2:7............not/all these which speak/Galilaeans 4905/5620
Act_2:12..........were/all amazed and were/in 4906/5620
Act_2:14...........and/all ye that dwell/at 4907/5620
Act_2:17..........upon/all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and/your 4908/5620
Act_2:32............we/all are witnesses/Therefore 4909/5620
Act_2:36...........let/all the house of Israel know/assuredly 4910/5620 that are afar/off 4911/5620
Act_2:44...........And/all that believed/were 4912/5620
Act_2:44...........had/all things common And sold/their 4913/5620 men as every/man 4914/5620
Act_2:47..........with/all the people And the/Lord 4915/5620
Act_3:9............And/all the people saw him/walking 4916/5620
Act_3:11..........John/all the people ran/together 4917/5620 And now/brethren 4918/5620
Act_3:18............of/all his prophets that/Christ 4919/5620
Act_3:21............of/all things which God/hath 4920/5620
Act_3:21............of/all his holy/prophets 4921/5620 things whatsoever he/shall 4922/5620
Act_3:24...........and/all the prophets from/Samuel 4923/5620
Act_3:25.........shall/all the kindreds of the earth/be 4924/5620 and to all/the.. 4925/5620 the people of Israel that/by 4926/5620 them that dwell in Jerusalem/and 4927/5620 nor teach/in.... 4928/5620
Act_4:21...........for/all men glorified/God 4929/5620
Act_4:23......reported/all that the chief/priests 4930/5620
Act_4:24...........and/all that in them is Who/by 4931/5620
Act_4:29..........with/all boldness they/may 4932/5620
Act_4:31..........were/all filled with the Holy Ghost and they/spake 4933/5620
Act_4:32...........had/all things common And with/great 4934/5620
Act_4:33..........them/all Neither was/there 4935/5620
Act_5:5.............on/all them that heard/these 4936/5620
Act_5:11..........upon/all the church/and.. 4937/5620
Act_5:12..........were/all with one accord in Solomon's/porch 4938/5620
Act_5:17...........and/all they that were with/him 4939/5620
Act_5:20........people/all the words of this life/And 4940/5620
Act_5:21...........and/all the senate/of... 4941/5620
Act_5:23..........with/all safety/and...... 4942/5620
Act_5:34.........among/all the people and commanded/to 4943/5620
Act_5:36...........and/all as many as obeyed/him 4944/5620
Act_5:37...........and/all even as/many.... 4945/5620
Act_6:15...........And/all that sat/in..... 4946/5620
Act_7:10............of/all his afflictions and/gave 4947/5620
Act_7:10...........and/all his house Now/there 4948/5620
Act_7:11..........over/all the land of Egypt and Chanaan/and 4949/5620
Act_7:14...........and/all his kindred/threescore 4950/5620 the wisdom of the/Egyptians 4951/5620
Act_7:50..........made/all these things Ye/stiffnecked 4952/5620
Act_8:1...........were/all scattered/abroad 4953/5620
Act_8:10..........they/all gave/heed....... 4954/5620
Act_8:27............of/all her treasure/and 4955/5620
Act_8:37..........with/all thine heart thou/mayest 4956/5620 the cities till/he 4957/5620
Act_9:14..........bind/all that call on/thy 4958/5620
Act_9:21...........But/all that heard him were amazed/and 4959/5620
Act_9:26..........were/all afraid/of....... 4960/5620
Act_9:31....throughout/all Judaea and Galilee/and 4961/5620
Act_9:32....throughout/all quarters/he..... 4962/5620
Act_9:35...........And/all that dwelt at/Lydda 4963/5620
Act_9:39...........and/all the widows/stood 4964/5620
Act_9:40..........them/all forth/and....... 4965/5620
Act_9:42....throughout/all Joppa/and....... 4966/5620
Act_10:2..........with/all his house which/gave 4967/5620
Act_10:8......declared/all these things unto them/he 4968/5620
Act_10:12.........were/all manner of fourfooted/beasts 4969/5620
Act_10:22........among/all the nation/of... 4970/5620
Act_10:33...........we/all here present/before 4971/5620
Act_10:33.........hear/all things that are commanded/thee 4972/5620
Act_10:36...........of/all That word/I..... 4973/5620
Act_10:37...throughout/all Judaea and began/from 4974/5620
Act_10:38......healing/all that were oppressed/of 4975/5620
Act_10:39...........of/all things which he/did 4976/5620 the people but unto/witnesses 4977/5620
Act_10:43.........give/all the prophets witness/that 4978/5620
Act_10:44...........on/all them which heard/the 4979/5620
Act_11:10..........and/all were drawn/up... 4980/5620
Act_11:14..........and/all thy house shall/be 4981/5620
Act_11:23.........them/all that with/purpose 4982/5620
Act_11:28...throughout/all the world which/came 4983/5620
Act_12:11.........from/all the expectation/of 4984/5620
Act_13:10...........of/all subtilty/and.... 4985/5620
Act_13:10..........and/all mischief/thou... 4986/5620
Act_13:10...........of/all righteousness wilt/thou 4987/5620
Act_13:22.......fulfil/all my will/Of...... 4988/5620 the people of Israel And/as 4989/5620
Act_13:29....fulfilled/all that was written/of 4990/5620
Act_13:39..........him/all that believe are/justified 4991/5620
Act_13:39.........from/all things from which/ye 4992/5620
Act_13:49...throughout/all the region But/the 4993/5620
Act_14:15..........and/all things that are therein Who/in 4994/5620
Act_14:16.....suffered/all nations to/walk. 4995/5620
Act_14:27....rehearsed/all that God had done with/them 4996/5620
Act_15:3..........unto/all the brethren And/when 4997/5620
Act_15:4......declared/all things that God/had 4998/5620
Act_15:12.........Then/all the multitude kept/silence 4999/5620
Act_15:17..........and/all the Gentiles upon/whom 5000/5620
Act_15:17........doeth/all these things Known/unto 5001/5620
Act_15:18..........are/all his works from/the 5002/5620
Act_16:3..........knew/all that his father was/a 5003/5620
Act_16:26..immediately/all the doors were/opened 5004/5620
Act_16:28..........are/all here Then/he.... 5005/5620 that were in his/house 5006/5620
Act_16:33..........and/all his straightway/And 5007/5620
Act_16:34.........with/all his house And when/it 5008/5620
Act_17:5...........set/all the city on/an.. 5009/5620
Act_17:7.........these/all do contrary/to.. 5010/5620
Act_17:11.........with/all readiness/of.... 5011/5620
Act_17:15.........with/all speed/they...... 5012/5620
Act_17:21..........For/all the Athenians/and 5013/5620 things ye are/too 5014/5620
Act_17:24..........and/all things therein/seeing 5015/5620 life/and........ 5016/5620
Act_17:25..........and/all things And hath/made 5017/5620
Act_17:26........blood/all nations of men/for 5018/5620
Act_17:26...........on/all the face of the earth and hath/determined 5019/5620
Act_17:30...commandeth/all men every where to/repent 5020/5620
Act_17:31.........unto/all men in that/he.. 5021/5620
Act_18:2.....commanded/all Jews to/depart.. 5022/5620
Act_18:8..........with/all his house and many/of 5023/5620
Act_18:17.........Then/all the Greeks/took. 5024/5620 means keep/this. 5025/5620
Act_18:23.........over/all the country of Galatia/and 5026/5620
Act_18:23strengthening/all the disciples And/a 5027/5620
Act_19:7...........And/all the men were/about 5028/5620
Act_19:10.........that/all they which dwelt/in 5029/5620 the Jews and/Greeks 5030/5620
Act_19:17.........them/all and the name/of. 5031/5620
Act_19:19.......before/all men and they/counted 5032/5620
Act_19:26...throughout/all Asia this/Paul.. 5033/5620
Act_19:27.........whom/all Asia and/the.... 5034/5620
Act_19:34..........Jew/all with one voice/about 5035/5620 seasons Serving/the 5036/5620
Act_20:19.........with/all humility/of..... 5037/5620 among/whom...... 5038/5620
Act_20:26...........of/all men For I/have.. 5039/5620 the counsel of God/Take 5040/5620 the flock over/the 5041/5620
Act_20:32........among/all them which are sanctified/I 5042/5620 things how/that. 5043/5620
Act_20:36.........them/all And they all/wept 5044/5620
Act_20:37.........they/all wept sore/and... 5045/5620
Act_20:38...........of/all for the words/which 5046/5620
Act_21:5..........they/all brought us/on... 5047/5620
Act_21:18..........and/all the elders were/present 5048/5620
Act_21:20..........are/all zealous/of...... 5049/5620
Act_21:21.....teachest/all the Jews which are among/the 5050/5620
Act_21:24..........and/all may know/that... 5051/5620
Act_21:27...........up/all the people and laid/hands 5052/5620
Act_21:28.....teacheth/all men every where against/the 5053/5620
Act_21:30..........And/all the city was moved and/the 5054/5620
Act_21:31.........that/all Jerusalem was/in 5055/5620 are this/day.... 5056/5620
Act_22:5...........and/all the estate/of... 5057/5620
Act_22:10...........of/all things which are appointed/for 5058/5620
Act_22:12...........of/all the Jews which dwelt/there 5059/5620
Act_22:15.........unto/all men of what/thou 5060/5620
Act_22:30..........and/all their council/to 5061/5620 good conscience/before 5062/5620 places most/noble 5063/5620
Act_24:3..........with/all thankfulness/Notwithstanding 5064/5620
Act_24:5.........among/all the Jews throughout/the 5065/5620
Act_24:8............of/all these things whereof/we 5066/5620
Act_24:14....believing/all things which are written in the law/and 5067/5620 But Festus/willing 5068/5620
Act_25:24..........and/all men which/are... 5069/5620
Act_25:24.........whom/all the multitude of the Jews/have 5070/5620
Act_26:2......touching/all the things whereof/I 5071/5620 customs/and..... 5072/5620
Act_26:4..........know/all the Jews Which knew/me 5073/5620
Act_26:14.........were/all fallen to/the... 5074/5620
Act_26:20...throughout/all the coasts of Judaea/and 5075/5620
Act_26:29.........also/all that hear me/this 5076/5620 hope/that....... 5077/5620
Act_27:24.........thee/all them that sail/with 5078/5620
Act_27:33.........them/all to take/meat.... 5079/5620
Act_27:35.........them/all and when/he..... 5080/5620
Act_27:36.........they/all of good/cheer... 5081/5620 in the ship/two. 5082/5620
Act_27:44......escaped/all safe/to......... 5083/5620
Act_28:30.....received/all that came in/unto 5084/5620
Act_28:31.........with/all confidence/no... 5085/5620
Rom_1:5..........among/all nations for his/name 5086/5620
Rom_1:7.............To/all that be in/Rome. 5087/5620 that your/faith. 5088/5620
Rom_1:18.......against/all ungodliness/and. 5089/5620
Rom_1:29..........with/all unrighteousness fornication/wickedness 5090/5620
Rom_3:9............are/all under sin As/it. 5091/5620
Rom_3:12...........are/all gone out/of..... 5092/5620
Rom_3:19...........and/all the world may/become 5093/5620
Rom_3:22..........unto/all and upon/all.... 5094/5620
Rom_3:22..........upon/all them that believe for/there 5095/5620
Rom_3:23...........For/all have sinned and/come 5096/5620
Rom_4:11............of/all them that believe though/they 5097/5620 the seed not/to. 5098/5620 As it/is........ 5099/5620
Rom_5:12..........upon/all men for that/all 5100/5620
Rom_5:12..........that/all have sinned For/until 5101/5620
Rom_5:18..........upon/all men to condemnation/even 5102/5620
Rom_5:18..........upon/all men unto justification/of 5103/5620 manner of concupiscence/For 5104/5620
Rom_8:28..........that/all things work/together 5105/5620 how shall/he.... 5106/5620 things Who/shall 5107/5620
Rom_8:36........killed/all the day long we are accounted/as 5108/5620 these things we/are 5109/5620
Rom_9:5...........over/all God/blessed..... 5110/5620
Rom_9:6............not/all Israel which are/of 5111/5620
Rom_9:7...........they/all children but/In. 5112/5620
Rom_9:17....throughout/all the earth Therefore/hath 5113/5620
Rom_10:12.........over/all is rich/unto.... 5114/5620
Rom_10:12.........unto/all that call upon him For/whosoever 5115/5620
Rom_10:16..........not/all obeyed/the...... 5116/5620
Rom_10:18.........into/all the earth and their words unto/the 5117/5620
Rom_10:21........saith/All day long/I...... 5118/5620 Israel shall be/saved 5119/5620
Rom_11:32.........them/all in unbelief/that 5120/5620
Rom_11:32.........upon/all O/the........... 5121/5620
Rom_11:36..........are/all things to whom be/glory 5122/5620
Rom_12:4...........and/all members/have.... 5123/5620
Rom_12:17...........of/all men If/it....... 5124/5620
Rom_12:18.........with/all men Dearly/beloved 5125/5620 their dues/tribute 5126/5620 things another/who 5127/5620
Rom_14:10........shall/all stand/before.... 5128/5620
Rom_14:20..........God/All things indeed/are 5129/5620
Rom_15:11.........Lord/all ye Gentiles/and. 5130/5620
Rom_15:11..........him/all ye people And/again 5131/5620
Rom_15:13.........with/all joy and/peace... 5132/5620
Rom_15:14.........with/all knowledge able/also 5133/5620 Amen I/commend.. 5134/5620
Rom_16:4..........also/all the churches of/the 5135/5620
Rom_16:15..........and/all the saints which are with/them 5136/5620
Rom_16:19.........unto/all men I/am........ 5137/5620 Amen Now/to..... 5138/5620 nations for the/obedience 5139/5620
1Co_1:2...........with/all that in every/place 5140/5620 utterance/and... 5141/5620 knowledge Even/as 5142/5620 speak the/same.. 5143/5620
1Co_2:10.....searcheth/all things yea/the.. 5144/5620
1Co_2:15.......judgeth/all things yet/he... 5145/5620
1Co_3:21...........For/all things are your's/Whether 5146/5620
1Co_3:22..........come/all are your's/And.. 5147/5620
1Co_4:13............of/all things unto this/day 5148/5620
1Co_6:12...........God/All things are lawful unto/me 5149/5620
1Co_6:12...........but/all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me but I/will 5150/5620
1Co_6:12.....expedient/all things are lawful for me but I/will 5151/5620
1Co_7:7...........that/all men were/even... 5152/5620 churches Is/any. 5153/5620
1Co_8:1.............we/all have knowledge/Knowledge 5154/5620
1Co_8:6............are/all things and we in/him 5155/5620
1Co_8:6............are/all things and we by/him 5156/5620
1Co_9:12........suffer/all things lest/we.. 5157/5620
1Co_9:19..........from/all men yet/have.... 5158/5620
1Co_9:19..........unto/all that I might/gain 5159/5620
1Co_9:22..........made/all things to all/men 5160/5620 men that I/might 5161/5620 means save/some. 5162/5620 but one/receiveth 5163/5620 things Now/they. 5164/5620
1Co_10:1..........that/all our fathers were/under 5165/5620
1Co_10:1...........and/all passed/through.. 5166/5620
1Co_10:2..........were/all baptized unto/Moses 5167/5620
1Co_10:3...........did/all eat the/same.... 5168/5620
1Co_10:4...........did/all drink the/same.. 5169/5620
1Co_10:11..........Now/all these things happened/unto 5170/5620
1Co_10:17..........are/all partakers/of.... 5171/5620
1Co_10:23...........he/All things are lawful for me but all things are/not 5172/5620
1Co_10:23..........but/all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me but all/things 5173/5620
1Co_10:23....expedient/all things are lawful for me but all things edify/not 5174/5620
1Co_10:23..........but/all things edify/not 5175/5620 to the/glory.... 5176/5620
1Co_10:33.......please/all men in all/things 5177/5620 things not seeking/mine 5178/5620 things and keep/the 5179/5620
1Co_11:5..........even/all one as/if....... 5180/5620
1Co_11:12..........but/all things of/God... 5181/5620
1Co_11:18...........of/all when/ye......... 5182/5620
1Co_12:6.......worketh/all in all But/the.. 5183/5620 But the/manifestation 5184/5620
1Co_12:11..........But/all these worketh/that 5185/5620
1Co_12:12..........and/all the members of/that 5186/5620
1Co_12:13...........we/all baptized into/one 5187/5620
1Co_12:13.........been/all made to/drink... 5188/5620
1Co_12:19.........were/all one member/where 5189/5620
1Co_12:26.......suffer/all the members suffer/with 5190/5620
1Co_12:26.....honoured/all the members rejoice/with 5191/5620
1Co_12:29..........Are/all apostles/are.... 5192/5620
1Co_12:29..........are/all prophets/are.... 5193/5620
1Co_12:29..........are/all teachers/are.... 5194/5620
1Co_12:29..........are/all workers of miracles/Have 5195/5620
1Co_12:30.........Have/all the gifts/of.... 5196/5620 speak with tongues do/all 5197/5620 interpret/But... 5198/5620
1Co_13:2....understand/all mysteries/and... 5199/5620
1Co_13:2...........and/all knowledge and/though 5200/5620
1Co_13:2..........have/all faith/so........ 5201/5620
1Co_13:3........bestow/all my goods/to..... 5202/5620
1Co_13:7.......Beareth/all things believeth/all 5203/5620
1Co_13:7.....believeth/all things hopeth/all 5204/5620
1Co_13:7........hopeth/all things endureth/all 5205/5620
1Co_13:7......endureth/all things Charity/never 5206/5620 spake/with...... 5207/5620 Yet in/the...... 5208/5620
1Co_14:21..........for/all that will they/not 5209/5620
1Co_14:23..........and/all speak with tongues and/there 5210/5620
1Co_14:24...........if/all prophesy and/there 5211/5620
1Co_14:24...........of/all he is/judged.... 5212/5620
1Co_14:24...........of/all And thus/are.... 5213/5620
1Co_14:26..........Let/all things be done unto/edifying 5214/5620
1Co_14:31..........may/all prophesy one/by. 5215/5620
1Co_14:31.........that/all may learn/and... 5216/5620
1Co_14:31..........and/all may be comforted/And 5217/5620 churches of/the. 5218/5620
1Co_14:40..........Let/all things be done decently/and 5219/5620
1Co_15:3............of/all that which I/also 5220/5620
1Co_15:7............of/all the apostles/And 5221/5620
1Co_15:8............of/all he was seen/of.. 5222/5620
1Co_15:10.........they/all yet not/I....... 5223/5620
1Co_15:19...........of/all men most/miserable 5224/5620
1Co_15:22.........Adam/all die/even........ 5225/5620
1Co_15:22........shall/all be made/alive... 5226/5620
1Co_15:24.........down/all rule/and........ 5227/5620
1Co_15:24..........and/all authority and/power 5228/5620
1Co_15:25..........put/all enemies/under... 5229/5620
1Co_15:27..........put/all things under his feet But/when 5230/5620
1Co_15:27........saith/all things are put/under 5231/5620
1Co_15:27..........put/all things under him And/when 5232/5620
1Co_15:28.........when/all things shall/be. 5233/5620
1Co_15:28..........put/all things under him that/God 5234/5620 in all Else/what 5235/5620 Else/what....... 5236/5620 why/are......... 5237/5620
1Co_15:39.........body/All flesh is not/the 5238/5620
1Co_15:51..........not/all sleep/but....... 5239/5620
1Co_15:51........shall/all be changed/In... 5240/5620 to come/at...... 5241/5620
1Co_16:14..........Let/all your things/be.. 5242/5620 the brethren greet/you 5243/5620 in Christ/Jesus. 5244/5620
2Co_1:1...........with/all the saints which are in/all 5245/5620 Achaia/Grace.... 5246/5620
2Co_1:3.............of/all comfort/Who..... 5247/5620 our tribulation that/we 5248/5620
2Co_1:20...........For/all the promises/of. 5249/5620 that my joy/is.. 5250/5620 For out/of...... 5251/5620 Sufficient/to... 5252/5620 things To whom ye/forgive 5253/5620
2Co_3:2.............of/all men Forasmuch/as 5254/5620
2Co_3:18............we/all with open/face.. 5255/5620
2Co_4:15...........For/all things are for/your 5256/5620
2Co_5:10..........must/all appear/before... 5257/5620
2Co_5:14...........for/all then were/all... 5258/5620
2Co_5:14..........were/all dead And/that... 5259/5620
2Co_5:15...........for/all that they which/live 5260/5620
2Co_5:17........behold/all things are become/new 5261/5620
2Co_5:18...........And/all things are of/God 5262/5620 things approving/ourselves 5263/5620
2Co_6:10....possessing/all things O/ye..... 5264/5620
2Co_7:1...........from/all filthiness of/the 5265/5620 our tribulation For/when 5266/5620
2Co_7:11............In/all things ye have/approved 5267/5620 For if/I........ 5268/5620
2Co_7:14.........spake/all things to you/in 5269/5620 how with/fear... 5270/5620 things Moreover/brethren 5271/5620 diligence and/in 5272/5620
2Co_8:18....throughout/all the churches And/not 5273/5620
2Co_9:8...........make/all grace abound/toward 5274/5620
2Co_9:8.........having/all sufficiency/in.. 5275/5620 things may abound/to 5276/5620 bountifulness/which 5277/5620
2Co_9:13..........unto/all men And by/their 5278/5620
2Co_10:6.......revenge/all disobedience/when 5279/5620 things Have I committed/an 5280/5620 things I have kept/myself 5281/5620
2Co_11:28...........of/all the churches Who/is 5282/5620 patience in/signs 5283/5620 things dearly/beloved 5284/5620 other that/if... 5285/5620
2Co_13:13.........kiss/All the saints salute you The/grace 5286/5620 Amen Paul an apostle not/of 5287/5620
Gal_1:2............And/all the brethren which are with/me 5288/5620
Gal_2:14..........them/all If thou/being... 5289/5620
Gal_3:8..........shall/all nations be/blessed 5290/5620 things which are written in the book/of 5291/5620
Gal_3:22.....concluded/all under sin that/the 5292/5620
Gal_3:26...........are/all the children of God/by 5293/5620
Gal_3:28...........are/all one in/Christ... 5294/5620
Gal_4:1.............of/all But is/under.... 5295/5620 Ye know/how..... 5296/5620 For it/is....... 5297/5620
Gal_5:14...........For/all the law is/fulfilled 5298/5620 good things Be/not 5299/5620
Gal_6:10..........unto/all men especially/unto 5300/5620
Eph_1:3...........with/all spiritual/blessings 5301/5620 wisdom and prudence/Having 5302/5620 things in Christ/both 5303/5620
Eph_1:11.......worketh/all things after/the 5304/5620
Eph_1:15..........unto/all the saints Cease/not 5305/5620
Eph_1:21.........above/all principality and power and/might 5306/5620
Eph_1:22...........put/all things under his feet and/gave 5307/5620
Eph_1:22..........over/all things to the/church 5308/5620
Eph_1:23.......filleth/all in all And/you.. 5309/5620 And you/hath.... 5310/5620
Eph_2:3.............we/all had our/conversation 5311/5620
Eph_2:21..........whom/all the building/fitly 5312/5620
Eph_3:8.............of/all saints is/this.. 5313/5620
Eph_3:9...........make/all men see what/is. 5314/5620
Eph_3:9........created/all things by Jesus/Christ 5315/5620
Eph_3:18..........with/all saints what/is.. 5316/5620
Eph_3:19..........with/all the fulness of God/Now 5317/5620
Eph_3:20.........above/all that we ask/or.. 5318/5620
Eph_3:21....throughout/all ages/world...... 5319/5620
Eph_4:2...........With/all lowliness/and... 5320/5620
Eph_4:6.............of/all who/is.......... 5321/5620
Eph_4:6..........above/all and through/all. 5322/5620
Eph_4:6........through/all and in you/all.. 5323/5620 But unto/every.. 5324/5620
Eph_4:10.........above/all heavens/that.... 5325/5620
Eph_4:10..........fill/all things And he gave/some 5326/5620
Eph_4:13............we/all come/in......... 5327/5620 things which is/the 5328/5620 uncleanness with/greediness 5329/5620
Eph_4:31...........Let/all bitterness/and.. 5330/5620
Eph_4:31..........with/all malice And be/ye 5331/5620
Eph_5:3............and/all uncleanness or/covetousness 5332/5620 goodness/and.... 5333/5620
Eph_5:13...........But/all things that are reproved/are 5334/5620
Eph_5:20...........for/all things unto God/and 5335/5620
Eph_6:13..........done/all to stand/Stand.. 5336/5620
Eph_6:16.........Above/all taking/the...... 5337/5620
Eph_6:16........quench/all the fiery/darts. 5338/5620
Eph_6:18..........with/all prayer/and...... 5339/5620
Eph_6:18..........with/all perseverance/and 5340/5620
Eph_6:18...........for/all saints And/for.. 5341/5620 things Whom/I... 5342/5620
Eph_6:24..........with/all them that love our/Lord 5343/5620 the saints in/Christ 5344/5620 making request/with 5345/5620 because/I....... 5346/5620 are partakers of/my 5347/5620 in the bowels/of 5348/5620 judgment That/ye 5349/5620 the palace/and.. 5350/5620 other places/And 5351/5620
Php_1:20..........with/all boldness as/always 5352/5620 for your/furtherance 5353/5620
Php_2:14............Do/all things without/murmurings 5354/5620 For the same/cause 5355/5620
Php_2:21...........For/all seek/their...... 5356/5620 and was/full.... 5357/5620
Php_2:29..........with/all gladness/and.... 5358/5620
Php_3:8..........count/all things but loss/for 5359/5620
Php_3:8.............of/all things and do/count 5360/5620
Php_3:21........subdue/all things unto himself Therefore/my 5361/5620
Php_4:5...........unto/all men The/Lord.... 5362/5620
Php_4:7........passeth/all understanding/shall 5363/5620 things I am/instructed 5364/5620 things through/Christ 5365/5620
Php_4:18..........have/all and abound/I.... 5366/5620 your need/according 5367/5620 the saints salute you chiefly/they 5368/5620 Amen Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will/of 5369/5620 the saints For/the 5370/5620 the world and bringeth/forth 5371/5620 wisdom and spiritual/understanding 5372/5620
Col_1:10..........unto/all pleasing/being.. 5373/5620
Col_1:11..........with/all might according/to 5374/5620
Col_1:11..........unto/all patience and/longsuffering 5375/5620
Col_1:16..........were/all things created/that 5376/5620
Col_1:16........powers/all things were created/by 5377/5620
Col_1:17........before/all things and by him/all 5378/5620
Col_1:17...........him/all things consist/And 5379/5620 things he/might. 5380/5620
Col_1:19........should/all fulness/dwell... 5381/5620
Col_1:20.....reconcile/all things unto himself by/him 5382/5620 wisdom that/we.. 5383/5620
Col_2:2...........unto/all riches of/the... 5384/5620
Col_2:3............hid/all the treasures of wisdom/and 5385/5620
Col_2:9.......dwelleth/all the fulness of the/Godhead 5386/5620
Col_2:10............of/all principality and power In/whom 5387/5620 trespasses/Blotting 5388/5620
Col_2:19.........which/all the body/by..... 5389/5620
Col_2:22.........Which/all are to/perish... 5390/5620 these anger/wrath 5391/5620 and in all/Put.. 5392/5620 Put/on.......... 5393/5620
Col_3:14.........above/all these things put/on 5394/5620 wisdom teaching/and 5395/5620 in the name/of.. 5396/5620 things for this/is 5397/5620 things your/masters 5398/5620 my state/shall.. 5399/5620 things which are done/here 5400/5620 the will/of..... 5401/5620 making mention/of 5402/5620 that believe in/Macedonia 5403/5620 men Forbidding/us 5404/5620 our affliction/and 5405/5620
1Th_3:9............for/all the joy/wherewith 5406/5620
1Th_3:12........toward/all men even/as..... 5407/5620
1Th_3:13..........with/all his saints Furthermore/then 5408/5620
1Th_4:6.............of/all such as we/also. 5409/5620
1Th_4:10........toward/all the brethren which are in/all 5410/5620 Macedonia/but... 5411/5620
1Th_5:5............are/all the children of light/and 5412/5620
1Th_5:14........toward/all men See that/none 5413/5620 men Rejoice/evermore 5414/5620
1Th_5:21.........Prove/all things hold/fast 5415/5620
1Th_5:22..........from/all appearance/of... 5416/5620
1Th_5:26.........Greet/all the brethren with/an 5417/5620
1Th_5:27..........unto/all the holy brethren/The 5418/5620 toward/each..... 5419/5620 your persecutions/and 5420/5620 them that believe because/our 5421/5620
2Th_1:11........fulfil/all the good pleasure/of 5422/5620
2Th_2:4..........above/all that is called/God 5423/5620
2Th_2:9...........with/all power and/signs. 5424/5620
2Th_2:10..........with/all deceivableness/of 5425/5620
2Th_2:12..........they/all might be/damned. 5426/5620
2Th_3:2............for/all men have/not.... 5427/5620 but are/busybodies 5428/5620 means The/Lord.. 5429/5620 The salutation/of 5430/5620 Amen Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment/of 5431/5620
1Ti_1:15............of/all acceptation that/Christ 5432/5620
1Ti_1:16.........forth/all longsuffering for/a 5433/5620
1Ti_2:1.............of/all supplications/prayers 5434/5620
1Ti_2:1............for/all men For kings/and 5435/5620
1Ti_2:2............for/all that are in authority/that 5436/5620 godliness/and... 5437/5620
1Ti_2:4...........have/all men to be/saved. 5438/5620
1Ti_2:6............for/all to be/testified. 5439/5620
1Ti_2:11..........with/all subjection/But.. 5440/5620
1Ti_3:4...........with/all gravity/For..... 5441/5620 things Let/the.. 5442/5620
1Ti_4:8...........unto/all things having/promise 5443/5620
1Ti_4:9.............of/all acceptation For/therefore 5444/5620
1Ti_4:10............of/all men specially/of 5445/5620 Take heed/unto.. 5446/5620
1Ti_5:2...........with/all purity/Honour... 5447/5620
1Ti_5:20........before/all that others/also 5448/5620
1Ti_6:1.............of/all honour/that..... 5449/5620
1Ti_6:10............of/all evil which/while 5450/5620
1Ti_6:13....quickeneth/all things and before/Christ 5451/5620
1Ti_6:17........richly/all things to enjoy/That 5452/5620
2Ti_1:15..........that/all they which are/in 5453/5620 things Remember/that 5454/5620
2Ti_2:10........endure/all things for the elect's/sakes 5455/5620
2Ti_2:24..........unto/all men apt/to...... 5456/5620
2Ti_3:9...........unto/all men as their's/also 5457/5620
2Ti_3:11..........them/all the Lord/delivered 5458/5620
2Ti_3:12...........and/all that will live/godly 5459/5620
2Ti_3:16.........Jesus/All scripture/is.... 5460/5620
2Ti_3:17..........unto/all good works/I.... 5461/5620
2Ti_4:2...........with/all longsuffering and/doctrine 5462/5620 things endure/afflictions 5463/5620
2Ti_4:8...........unto/all them also/that.. 5464/5620
2Ti_4:16...........but/all men forsook/me.. 5465/5620
2Ti_4:17..........that/all the Gentiles might/hear 5466/5620
2Ti_4:21...........and/all the brethren The/Lord 5467/5620
Tit_1:15..........pure/all things are pure/but 5468/5620
Tit_2:7.............In/all things shewing/thyself 5469/5620 things not answering/again 5470/5620
Tit_2:10.......shewing/all good fidelity/that 5471/5620 things For the grace/of 5472/5620 men Teaching/us. 5473/5620
Tit_2:14..........from/all iniquity and purify/unto 5474/5620
Tit_2:15..........with/all authority Let/no 5475/5620
Tit_3:2........shewing/all meekness/unto... 5476/5620
Tit_3:2...........unto/all men For we/ourselves 5477/5620
Tit_3:15....unfruitful/All that are with me salute/thee 5478/5620 Amen Paul a/prisoner 5479/5620
Phl_1:5.........toward/all saints That/the. 5480/5620
Heb_1:2.............of/all things by whom/also 5481/5620
Heb_1:3......upholding/all things by the/word 5482/5620
Heb_1:6............let/all the angels of/God 5483/5620
Heb_1:11..........they/all shall wax old as doth/a 5484/5620
Heb_1:14...........not/all ministering/spirits 5485/5620
Heb_2:8............put/all things in subjection/under 5486/5620
Heb_2:8............put/all in subjection/under 5487/5620
Heb_2:8............yet/all things put/under 5488/5620
Heb_2:10...........are/all things and by whom/are 5489/5620
Heb_2:10...........are/all things in bringing/many 5490/5620
Heb_2:11...........are/all of one for/which 5491/5620
Heb_2:15..........were/all their lifetime/subject 5492/5620 things it/behoved 5493/5620 his house For/this 5494/5620
Heb_3:4..........built/all things is God/And 5495/5620 his house as/a.. 5496/5620
Heb_3:16...........not/all that came out/of 5497/5620
Heb_4:4...........from/all his works And/in 5498/5620
Heb_4:13...........but/all things are naked/and 5499/5620 points tempted/like 5500/5620
Heb_5:9...........unto/all them that obey/him 5501/5620
Heb_6:16............of/all strife/Wherein.. 5502/5620
Heb_7:2.............of/all first/being..... 5503/5620
Heb_7:7........without/all contradiction/the 5504/5620
Heb_8:5...........make/all things according to the pattern/shewed 5505/5620
Heb_8:11...........for/all shall know/me... 5506/5620
Heb_9:3.............of/all Which had/the... 5507/5620
Heb_9:8.............of/all was not/yet..... 5508/5620 while/the....... 5509/5620 the people according to/the 5510/5620
Heb_9:19...........and/all the people Saying This is/the 5511/5620
Heb_9:21...........and/all the vessels of the ministry/And 5512/5620
Heb_9:22........almost/all things are by/the 5513/5620
Heb_10:10..........for/all And every/priest 5514/5620
Heb_11:13........These/all died/in......... 5515/5620
Heb_11:39........these/all having/obtained. 5516/5620
Heb_12:8.......whereof/all are partakers then/are 5517/5620
Heb_12:14.........with/all men and holiness/without 5518/5620
Heb_12:23...........of/all and to the/spirits 5519/5620 and the bed/undefiled 5520/5620 things willing/to 5521/5620
Heb_13:24.......Salute/all them that have the/rule 5522/5620
Heb_13:24..........and/all the saints They/of 5523/5620 Amen James/a.... 5524/5620 joy when/ye..... 5525/5620 men liberally/and 5526/5620 his ways Let/the 5527/5620
Jam_1:21.........apart/all filthiness and/superfluity 5528/5620
Jam_2:10............of/all For he that/said 5529/5620
Jam_3:2.........offend/all If any man offend/not 5530/5620
Jam_4:16.....boastings/all such rejoicing/is 5531/5620
Jam_5:12.........above/all things my/brethren 5532/5620 manner of conversation/Because 5533/5620
1Pe_1:24...........For/all flesh is as/grass 5534/5620
1Pe_1:24...........and/all the glory of man/as 5535/5620
1Pe_2:1..........aside/all malice and all/guile 5536/5620
1Pe_2:1............and/all guile/and....... 5537/5620
1Pe_2:1.........envies/all evil speakings/As 5538/5620
1Pe_2:17........Honour/all men Love/the.... 5539/5620
1Pe_2:18..........with/all fear/not........ 5540/5620 of one mind/having 5541/5620
1Pe_4:7.............of/all things is at/hand 5542/5620
1Pe_4:8..........above/all things have fervent/charity 5543/5620 things may be/glorified 5544/5620
1Pe_5:5............Yea/all of you be/subject 5545/5620
1Pe_5:7........Casting/all your care/upon.. 5546/5620
1Pe_5:10............of/all grace who/hath.. 5547/5620 that are in Christ/Jesus 5548/5620 things that pertain/unto 5549/5620 diligence add/to 5550/5620
2Pe_3:4.........asleep/all things continue/as 5551/5620
2Pe_3:9...........that/all should/come..... 5552/5620
2Pe_3:11..........that/all these things shall be dissolved/what 5553/5620 holy conversation/and 5554/5620 his epistles/speaking 5555/5620 If we/say....... 5556/5620
1Jn_1:7...........from/all sin/If.......... 5557/5620
1Jn_1:9...........from/all unrighteousness If/we 5558/5620
1Jn_2:16...........For/all that is in the world/the 5559/5620
1Jn_2:19...........not/all of us But/ye.... 5560/5620
1Jn_2:20..........know/all things I have not/written 5561/5620
1Jn_2:27............of/all things and is/truth 5562/5620
1Jn_3:20.......knoweth/all things Beloved/if 5563/5620 unrighteousness is/sin 5564/5620
2Jn_1:1...........also/all they that have known/the 5565/5620
3Jn_1:2..........above/all things that thou/mayest 5566/5620
3Jn_1:12............of/all men and of/the.. 5567/5620
Jud_1:3...........gave/all diligence to/write 5568/5620
Jud_1:15..........upon/all and to convince/all 5569/5620
Jud_1:15......convince/all that are ungodly/among 5570/5620
Jud_1:15............of/all their ungodly/deeds 5571/5620
Jud_1:15............of/all their hard/speeches 5572/5620
Rev_1:2.............of/all things that he saw/Blessed 5573/5620
Rev_1:7............and/all kindreds of/the. 5574/5620
Rev_2:23...........and/all the churches shall/know 5575/5620
Rev_3:10..........upon/all the world to/try 5576/5620
Rev_4:11.......created/all things and for/thy 5577/5620
Rev_5:6...........into/all the earth And he/came 5578/5620
Rev_5:13...........and/all that are in them/heard 5579/5620
Rev_7:4.............of/all the tribes of the children/of 5580/5620
Rev_7:9.............of/all nations and kindreds/and 5581/5620
Rev_7:11...........And/all the angels stood/round 5582/5620
Rev_7:17..........away/all tears from their eyes And when/he 5583/5620
Rev_8:3.............of/all saints upon/the. 5584/5620
Rev_8:7............and/all green/grass..... 5585/5620
Rev_11:6..........with/all plagues/as...... 5586/5620
Rev_12:5..........rule/all nations with/a.. 5587/5620
Rev_13:3...........and/all the world wondered/after 5588/5620
Rev_13:7..........over/all kindreds and/tongues 5589/5620
Rev_13:8...........And/all that dwell upon/the 5590/5620
Rev_13:12...exerciseth/all the power of the first/beast 5591/5620
Rev_13:16......causeth/all both small/and.. 5592/5620
Rev_14:8..........made/all nations drink/of 5593/5620
Rev_15:4...........for/all nations shall come and worship/before 5594/5620
Rev_18:3...........For/all nations have/drunk 5595/5620
Rev_18:12..........and/all thyine/wood..... 5596/5620
Rev_18:12..........and/all manner vessels of ivory/and 5597/5620
Rev_18:12..........and/all manner vessels of most/precious 5598/5620
Rev_18:14..........and/all things which were/dainty 5599/5620 The merchants/of 5600/5620
Rev_18:17..........and/all the company in/ships 5601/5620 that had ships/in 5602/5620 And the voice/of 5603/5620 in thee and no/craftsman 5604/5620 in thee And the light/of 5605/5620 in thee and the voice/of 5606/5620 in thee for/thy. 5607/5620
Rev_18:23.........were/all nations deceived/And 5608/5620
Rev_18:24...........of/all that were slain/upon 5609/5620
Rev_19:5...........God/all ye his servants/and 5610/5620 the fowls that/fly 5611/5620
Rev_19:18...........of/all men both/free... 5612/5620
Rev_19:21..........and/all the fowls were/filled 5613/5620
Rev_21:4..........away/all tears from their eyes and there/shall 5614/5620
Rev_21:5..........make/all things new/And.. 5615/5620
Rev_21:7.......inherit/all things and I/will 5616/5620
Rev_21:8...........and/all liars/shall..... 5617/5620
Rev_21:19.........with/all manner of precious stones The/first 5618/5620 by day/for...... 5619/5620 Amen /the....... 5620/5620
