Gen_1:29..........said/Behold I have given you/every 1/1326
Gen_1:31...........and/behold it was very/good 2/1326
Gen_3:22..........said/Behold the man is/become 3/1326
Gen_4:14..........bear/Behold thou hast driven/me 4/1326
Gen_6:12...........and/behold it was corrupt/for 5/1326
Gen_6:13...........and/behold I will destroy/them 6/1326
Gen_6:17...........And/behold I even I do/bring 7/1326
Gen_8:13...........and/behold the face of the/ground 8/1326
Gen_9:9..............I/behold I establish/my.. 9/1326
Gen_11:6..........said/Behold the people is/one 10/1326
Gen_12:11.........wife/Behold now I know that thou/art 11/1326
Gen_12:19....therefore/behold thy wife/take.. 12/1326
Gen_15:3..........said/Behold to me/thou..... 13/1326
Gen_15:4...........And/behold the word of the LORD came unto/him 14/1326
Gen_15:17.........dark/behold a smoking/furnace 15/1326
Gen_16:2.........Abram/Behold now the LORD/hath 16/1326
Gen_16:6.........Sarai/Behold thy maid/is.... 17/1326
Gen_16:11..........her/Behold thou art with/child 18/1326
Gen_16:14.Beerlahairoi/behold it is between/Kadesh 19/1326 my covenant/is. 20/1326
Gen_17:20.........thee/Behold I have blessed/him 21/1326
Gen_18:9..........said/Behold in the tent/And 22/1326
Gen_18:27.........said/Behold now I have taken upon me to speak unto the LORD which/am 23/1326
Gen_18:31.........said/Behold now I have taken upon me to speak unto the LORD Peradventure/there 24/1326
Gen_19:2..........said/Behold now my/lords... 25/1326
Gen_19:8......wickedly/Behold now I have two/daughters 26/1326
Gen_19:19.........LORD/Behold now thy servant hath found/grace 27/1326
Gen_19:20..........die/Behold now this/city.. 28/1326
Gen_19:34......younger/Behold I lay yesternight/with 29/1326
Gen_20:3...........him/Behold thou art but/a. 30/1326
Gen_20:15.........said/Behold my land/is..... 31/1326
Gen_20:16.........said/Behold I have given thy/brother 32/1326
Gen_20:16.......silver/behold he is to/thee.. 33/1326
Gen_22:1..........said/Behold here I am And/he 34/1326
Gen_22:7..........said/Behold the fire/and... 35/1326
Gen_22:13..........and/behold behind/him..... 36/1326
Gen_22:20.......saying/Behold Milcah/she..... 37/1326
Gen_24:13......Abraham/Behold I stand here/by 38/1326
Gen_24:15.........that/behold Rebekah came out/who 39/1326
Gen_24:30..........and/behold he stood by the camels/at 40/1326
Gen_24:43...........go/Behold I stand by/the. 41/1326
Gen_24:45........heart/behold Rebekah came forth/with 42/1326
Gen_24:51.........good/Behold Rebekah is/before 43/1326
Gen_24:63..........and/behold the camels/were 44/1326
Gen_25:24....fulfilled/behold there were twins/in 45/1326
Gen_25:32.........said/Behold I am at/the.... 46/1326
Gen_26:8...........and/behold Isaac/was...... 47/1326
Gen_26:9..........said/Behold of/a........... 48/1326
Gen_27:1...........him/Behold here am I And/he 49/1326
Gen_27:2..........said/Behold now I am/old... 50/1326
Gen_27:6........saying/Behold I heard/thy.... 51/1326
Gen_27:11.......mother/Behold Esau my/brother 52/1326
Gen_27:36..........and/behold now he/hath.... 53/1326
Gen_27:37.........Esau/Behold I have made him/thy 54/1326
Gen_27:39..........him/Behold thy dwelling/shall 55/1326
Gen_27:42..........him/Behold thy brother/Esau 56/1326
Gen_28:12..........and/behold a ladder/set... 57/1326
Gen_28:12..........and/behold the angels/of.. 58/1326
Gen_28:13..........And/behold the LORD stood above/it 59/1326
Gen_28:15..........And/behold I am with thee and/will 60/1326
Gen_29:2...........and/behold a well/in...... 61/1326
Gen_29:6...........and/behold Rachel/his..... 62/1326
Gen_29:25......morning/behold it was Leah/and 63/1326
Gen_30:3..........said/Behold my maid/Bilhah. 64/1326
Gen_30:34.........said/Behold I would/it..... 65/1326
Gen_31:2...........and/behold it was not toward/him 66/1326
Gen_31:10..........and/behold the rams/which. 67/1326
Gen_31:51........Jacob/Behold this heap/and.. 68/1326
Gen_31:51..........and/behold this pillar/which 69/1326
Gen_32:18..........and/behold also he/is..... 70/1326
Gen_32:20.....moreover/Behold thy servant Jacob/is 71/1326
Gen_33:1...........and/behold Esau came/and.. 72/1326 it is large/enough 73/1326
Gen_37:7...........For/behold we were/binding 74/1326
Gen_37:7...........and/behold your sheaves/stood 75/1326
Gen_37:9..........said/Behold I have dreamed/a 76/1326
Gen_37:9...........and/behold the sun and/the 77/1326
Gen_37:15..........and/behold he was wandering/in 78/1326
Gen_37:19......another/Behold this dreamer/cometh 79/1326
Gen_37:25..........and/behold a company of Ishmeelites/came 80/1326
Gen_37:29..........and/behold Joseph/was..... 81/1326
Gen_38:13.......saying/Behold thy father in/law 82/1326
Gen_38:23.......shamed/behold I sent this/kid 83/1326
Gen_38:24.........also/behold she is/with.... 84/1326
Gen_38:27.........that/behold twins/were..... 85/1326
Gen_38:29.........that/behold his brother/came 86/1326
Gen_39:8..........wife/Behold my master wotteth/not 87/1326
Gen_40:6...........and/behold they were sad/And 88/1326
Gen_40:9.........dream/behold a vine/was..... 89/1326
Gen_40:16..........and/behold I had/three.... 90/1326
Gen_41:1...........and/behold he stood by the river/And 91/1326
Gen_41:2...........And/behold there came up out of the river seven well/favoured 92/1326
Gen_41:3...........And/behold seven other kine came up after them out/of 93/1326
Gen_41:5...........and/behold seven ears of/corn 94/1326
Gen_41:6...........And/behold seven thin/ears 95/1326
Gen_41:7...........and/behold it was a dream And it/came 96/1326
Gen_41:17........dream/behold I stood/upon... 97/1326
Gen_41:18..........And/behold there came up out of the river seven kine/fatfleshed 98/1326
Gen_41:19..........And/behold seven other kine came up after them poor/and 99/1326
Gen_41:22..........and/behold seven ears came/up 100/1326
Gen_41:23..........And/behold seven ears withered/thin 101/1326
Gen_41:29......Pharaoh/Behold there come seven/years 102/1326
Gen_42:2..........said/Behold I have heard/that 103/1326
Gen_42:13..........and/behold the youngest/is 104/1326
Gen_42:22....therefore/behold also his/blood 105/1326
Gen_42:27..........for/behold it was in/his. 106/1326
Gen_42:35.........that/behold every man's bundle/of 107/1326
Gen_43:21..........and/behold every man's money/was 108/1326
Gen_44:8.........thing/Behold the money/which 109/1326
Gen_44:16.....servants/behold we are my/lord's 110/1326
Gen_45:12..........And/behold your eyes/see. 111/1326
Gen_47:1...........and/behold they are in/the 112/1326
Gen_47:23.......people/Behold I have bought/you 113/1326
Gen_48:1........Joseph/Behold thy father is/sick 114/1326
Gen_48:2..........said/Behold thy son Joseph/cometh 115/1326 I will make thee fruitful/and 116/1326
Gen_48:21.......Joseph/Behold I die/but..... 117/1326
Gen_50:18.........said/Behold we be thy/servants 118/1326
Exo_1:9.........people/Behold the people of the children/of 119/1326
Exo_2:6............and/behold the babe/wept. 120/1326 two men of/the 121/1326
Exo_3:2............and/behold the bush/burned 122/1326
Exo_3:9......therefore/behold the cry/of.... 123/1326
Exo_3:13...........God/Behold when I come unto/the 124/1326
Exo_4:1............But/behold they will/not. 125/1326
Exo_4:6............out/behold his hand/was.. 126/1326
Exo_4:7............and/behold it was turned/again 127/1326
Exo_4:14..........also/behold he cometh forth/to 128/1326
Exo_4:23............go/behold I will slay/thy 129/1326
Exo_5:5...........said/Behold the people of the land/now 130/1326
Exo_5:16...........and/behold thy servants are beaten/but 131/1326
Exo_6:12........saying/Behold the children of Israel/have 132/1326
Exo_6:30..........LORD/Behold I am of/uncircumcised 133/1326
Exo_7:16...........and/behold hitherto/thou. 134/1326
Exo_7:17..........LORD/behold I will smite with/the 135/1326
Exo_8:2.............go/behold I will smite all/thy 136/1326
Exo_8:21............go/behold I will send swarms/of 137/1326
Exo_8:29..........said/Behold I go out/from. 138/1326
Exo_9:3..........still/Behold the hand of the LORD is upon thy/cattle 139/1326
Exo_9:7............and/behold there was not/one 140/1326
Exo_9:18............go/Behold to morrow about/this 141/1326
Exo_10:4............go/behold to morrow will/I 142/1326
Exo_14:10..........and/behold the Egyptians/marched 143/1326
Exo_14:17............I/behold I will harden/the 144/1326
Exo_16:4.........Moses/Behold I will rain/bread 145/1326
Exo_16:10..........and/behold the glory of the LORD appeared/in 146/1326
Exo_16:14...........up/behold upon the face/of 147/1326
Exo_17:6............go/Behold I will stand/before 148/1326
Exo_23:20.........milk/Behold I send an/Angel 149/1326
Exo_24:8..........said/Behold the blood of the/covenant 150/1326
Exo_24:14..........and/behold Aaron/and..... 151/1326
Exo_31:6.............I/behold I have given with/him 152/1326
Exo_32:9...........and/behold it is a stiffnecked people Now/therefore 153/1326
Exo_32:34.........thee/behold mine Angel/shall 154/1326
Exo_33:21.........said/Behold there is a place/by 155/1326
Exo_34:10.........said/Behold I make a/covenant 156/1326 I drive/out... 157/1326
Exo_34:30........Moses/behold the skin/of... 158/1326
Exo_39:43..........and/behold they had/done. 159/1326
Lev_10:16..........and/behold it was burnt/and 160/1326
Lev_10:18.........LORD/Behold the blood of it/was 161/1326
Lev_10:19........Moses/Behold this day have/they 162/1326
Lev_13:5...........and/behold if the plague in/his 163/1326
Lev_13:6...........and/behold if the plague be somewhat/dark 164/1326
Lev_13:8..........that/behold the scab/spreadeth 165/1326
Lev_13:10..........and/behold if the rising be/white 166/1326
Lev_13:13..........and/behold if the leprosy/have 167/1326
Lev_13:17..........and/behold if the plague be turned/into 168/1326 it be in/sight 169/1326
Lev_13:21..........and/behold there be no white hairs/therein 170/1326
Lev_13:25..........and/behold if the hair/in 171/1326
Lev_13:26..........and/behold there be no white hair/in 172/1326
Lev_13:30..........and/behold if it be in/sight 173/1326
Lev_13:31..........and/behold it be not/in.. 174/1326
Lev_13:32..........and/behold if the scall spread/not 175/1326
Lev_13:34..........and/behold if the scall be not/spread 176/1326
Lev_13:36..........and/behold if the scall be spread/in 177/1326
Lev_13:39..........and/behold if the bright/spots 178/1326
Lev_13:43..........and/behold if the rising of/the 179/1326
Lev_13:53..........and/behold the plague be not/spread 180/1326
Lev_13:55..........and/behold if the plague have/not 181/1326
Lev_13:56..........and/behold the plague be somewhat/dark 182/1326
Lev_14:3...........and/behold if the plague of/leprosy 183/1326
Lev_14:37..........and/behold if the plague be in/the 184/1326
Lev_14:39..........and/behold if the plague be spread in the walls/of 185/1326
Lev_14:44..........and/behold if the plague be spread in the house/it 186/1326
Lev_14:48..........and/behold the plague hath/not 187/1326
Lev_25:20.........year/behold we shall/not.. 188/1326
Num_3:12.............I/behold I have taken the/Levites 189/1326
Num_12:8............he/behold wherefore/then 190/1326
Num_12:10..........and/behold Miriam/became. 191/1326
Num_12:10..........and/behold she was/leprous 192/1326
Num_16:42..........and/behold the cloud/covered 193/1326
Num_16:47..........and/behold the plague was/begun 194/1326
Num_17:8...........and/behold the rod/of.... 195/1326
Num_17:12.......saying/Behold we die/we..... 196/1326
Num_18:6.............I/behold I have taken your/brethren 197/1326
Num_18:8.........Aaron/Behold I also/have... 198/1326
Num_18:21..........And/behold I have given the/children 199/1326
Num_20:16..........and/behold we are in Kadesh/a 200/1326
Num_22:5........saying/Behold there is a people come out from/Egypt 201/1326
Num_22:5.........Egypt/behold they cover/the 202/1326
Num_22:11.......saying/Behold there is a people come out of/Egypt 203/1326
Num_22:32........times/behold I went/out.... 204/1326
Num_23:9.............I/behold him lo/the.... 205/1326
Num_23:11..........and/behold thou hast blessed/them 206/1326
Num_23:17..........him/behold he stood by his/burnt 207/1326
Num_23:20.........good/Behold I have received/commandment 208/1326
Num_23:24......wrought/Behold the people shall/rise 209/1326
Num_24:10..........and/behold thou hast altogether/blessed 210/1326 I go unto/my.. 211/1326
Num_24:17........shall/behold him but/not... 212/1326
Num_25:6...........And/behold one of the/children 213/1326
Num_25:12..........say/Behold I give unto him/my 214/1326
Num_31:16........alive/Behold these caused/the 215/1326
Num_32:1..........that/behold the place was/a 216/1326
Num_32:14..........And/behold ye are risen/up 217/1326 ye have sinned/against 218/1326
Deu_1:8......Euphrates/Behold I have set the/land 219/1326
Deu_1:10...........and/behold ye are this/day 220/1326 the LORD thy/God 221/1326
Deu_2:24.........Arnon/behold I have given into/thine 222/1326 I have begun/to 223/1326
Deu_3:11........giants/behold his bedstead/was 224/1326
Deu_3:27...........and/behold it with/thine. 225/1326 I have taught/you 226/1326
Deu_5:24..........said/Behold the LORD our/God 227/1326
Deu_9:13...........and/behold it is a stiffnecked people Let/me 228/1326
Deu_9:16...........and/behold ye had/sinned. 229/1326
Deu_10:14.........good/Behold the heaven and the/heaven 230/1326 I set before you this/day 231/1326
Deu_13:14..........and/behold if it be truth/and 232/1326
Deu_17:4...........and/behold it be true/and 233/1326
Deu_19:18..........and/behold if the witness/be 234/1326 I have brought/the 235/1326
Deu_31:14........Moses/Behold thy days/approach 236/1326
Deu_31:16........Moses/Behold thou shalt sleep/with 237/1326
Deu_31:27.........neck/behold while I/am.... 238/1326
Deu_32:49..........and/behold the land of Canaan/which 239/1326
Jos_2:2.........saying/Behold there came men/in 240/1326
Jos_2:18.........swear/Behold when we/come.. 241/1326
Jos_3:11.....Jebusites/Behold the ark/of.... 242/1326
Jos_5:13...........and/behold there stood a/man 243/1326
Jos_7:21...........and/behold they are hid/in 244/1326
Jos_7:22...........and/behold it was hid/in. 245/1326
Jos_8:4.........saying/Behold ye shall/lie.. 246/1326
Jos_8:20...........and/behold the smoke/of.. 247/1326 it is dry/and. 248/1326
Jos_9:13...........and/behold they be rent/and 249/1326 we are in thine/hand 250/1326 the LORD hath kept/me 251/1326
Jos_22:11..........say/Behold the children of Reuben/and 252/1326
Jos_22:28........again/Behold the pattern/of 253/1326 I have divided/unto 254/1326
Jos_23:14..........And/behold this day I/am. 255/1326
Jos_24:27.......people/Behold this stone/shall 256/1326
Jdg_1:2.............up/behold I have delivered/the 257/1326
Jdg_3:24..........that/behold the doors/of.. 258/1326
Jdg_3:25...........and/behold he opened/not. 259/1326
Jdg_3:25...........and/behold their lord/was 260/1326
Jdg_4:22...........And/behold as Barak/pursued 261/1326
Jdg_4:22..........tent/behold Sisera/lay.... 262/1326
Jdg_6:15........Israel/behold my family/is.. 263/1326
Jdg_6:28.......morning/behold the altar of/Baal 264/1326
Jdg_6:37..........said/Behold I will put/a.. 265/1326
Jdg_7:13..........come/behold there was a man that/told 266/1326
Jdg_7:13..........said/Behold I dreamed/a... 267/1326
Jdg_7:17...........and/behold when I come to/the 268/1326
Jdg_8:15..........said/Behold Zebah/and..... 269/1326
Jdg_9:31........saying/Behold Gaal/the...... 270/1326
Jdg_9:31...........and/behold they fortify/the 271/1326
Jdg_9:33...........and/behold when he/and... 272/1326
Jdg_9:36.........Zebul/Behold there come people/down 273/1326
Jdg_9:43...........and/behold the people were/come 274/1326
Jdg_11:34..........and/behold his daughter/came 275/1326
Jdg_13:3...........her/Behold now thou/art.. 276/1326 thou shalt conceive and/bear 277/1326
Jdg_13:10..........him/Behold the man hath/appeared 278/1326
Jdg_14:5...........and/behold a young/lion.. 279/1326
Jdg_14:8...........and/behold there was a swarm/of 280/1326
Jdg_14:16..........her/Behold I have not/told 281/1326
Jdg_16:10.......Samson/Behold thou hast mocked/me 282/1326
Jdg_17:2..........ears/behold the silver/is. 283/1326
Jdg_18:9...........and/behold it is very/good 284/1326 it is behind/Kirjathjearim 285/1326
Jdg_19:9...........him/Behold now the day/draweth 286/1326
Jdg_19:9.........night/behold the day groweth/to 287/1326
Jdg_19:16..........And/behold there came an/old 288/1326
Jdg_19:22........merry/behold the men of/the 289/1326
Jdg_19:24........folly/Behold here is my/daughter 290/1326
Jdg_19:27..........and/behold the woman his/concubine 291/1326
Jdg_20:7........Israel/Behold ye are all/children 292/1326
Jdg_20:40..........and/behold the flame/of.. 293/1326
Jdg_21:8...........And/behold there came none/to 294/1326
Jdg_21:9...........and/behold there were none/of 295/1326
Jdg_21:19.........said/Behold there is a feast/of 296/1326
Jdg_21:21..........and/behold if the daughters/of 297/1326
Rut_1:15..........said/Behold thy sister/in. 298/1326
Rut_2:4............And/behold Boaz/came..... 299/1326
Rut_3:2...........wast/Behold he winnoweth/barley 300/1326
Rut_3:8............and/behold a woman lay/at 301/1326
Rut_4:1............and/behold the kinsman/of 302/1326
1Sa_2:31......esteemed/Behold the days come that I will cut/off 303/1326
1Sa_3:11........Samuel/Behold I will do a thing/in 304/1326
1Sa_5:3.........morrow/behold Dagon was fallen upon his face to the earth/before 305/1326
1Sa_5:4........morning/behold Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground/before 306/1326
1Sa_8:5............him/Behold thou art old/and 307/1326
1Sa_9:6............him/Behold now there is/in 308/1326
1Sa_9:7............But/behold if we/go...... 309/1326
1Sa_9:8...........said/Behold I have here/at 310/1326 he is before/you 311/1326 Samuel came out/against 312/1326
1Sa_9:17...........him/Behold the man whom/I 313/1326
1Sa_9:24..........said/Behold that which is/left 314/1326
1Sa_10:8...........and/behold I will come/down 315/1326
1Sa_10:10.........hill/behold a company of prophets/met 316/1326
1Sa_10:11.........that/behold he prophesied/among 317/1326
1Sa_10:22.....answered/Behold he hath/hid... 318/1326
1Sa_11:5...........And/behold Saul came/after 319/1326
1Sa_12:1........Israel/Behold I have hearkened/unto 320/1326 the king walketh/before 321/1326
1Sa_12:2...........and/behold my sons/are... 322/1326 here I am witness/against 323/1326
1Sa_12:13....therefore/behold the king whom/ye 324/1326
1Sa_12:13..........and/behold the LORD hath set/a 325/1326
1Sa_13:10.....offering/behold Samuel came and/Saul 326/1326
1Sa_14:7..........thee/behold I am with thee according/to 327/1326
1Sa_14:8......Jonathan/Behold we will/pass.. 328/1326
1Sa_14:11.........said/Behold the Hebrews/come 329/1326
1Sa_14:16..........and/behold the multitude/melted 330/1326
1Sa_14:17.....numbered/behold Jonathan and/his 331/1326
1Sa_14:20..........and/behold every man's sword/was 332/1326
1Sa_14:26.........wood/behold the honey/dropped 333/1326
1Sa_14:33.......saying/Behold the people sin/against 334/1326
1Sa_15:12..........and/behold he set/him.... 335/1326
1Sa_15:22.........LORD/Behold to obey/is.... 336/1326
1Sa_16:11..........and/behold he keepeth/the 337/1326
1Sa_16:15..........him/Behold now an/evil... 338/1326
1Sa_16:18.........said/Behold I have seen/a. 339/1326
1Sa_17:23.........them/behold there came up the/champion 340/1326
1Sa_18:17........David/Behold my elder/daughter 341/1326
1Sa_18:22..........say/Behold the king hath/delight 342/1326 there was an/image 343/1326
1Sa_19:19.......saying/Behold David is at/Naioth 344/1326
1Sa_19:22.........said/Behold they be at/Naioth 345/1326
1Sa_20:2...........die/behold my father/will 346/1326
1Sa_20:5......Jonathan/Behold to morrow is/the 347/1326
1Sa_20:12..........and/behold if there/be... 348/1326
1Sa_20:21..........And/behold I will send a lad/saying 349/1326
1Sa_20:21..........lad/Behold the arrows are on/this 350/1326 the arrows are beyond/thee 351/1326
1Sa_20:23...........of/behold the LORD be/between 352/1326
1Sa_21:9..........Elah/behold it is here/wrapped 353/1326
1Sa_23:1........saying/Behold the Philistines/fight 354/1326
1Sa_23:3...........him/Behold we be afraid/here 355/1326
1Sa_24:1........saying/Behold David is in/the 356/1326
1Sa_24:4...........him/Behold the day of which/the 357/1326
1Sa_24:4..........thee/Behold I will deliver thine/enemy 358/1326
1Sa_24:9........saying/Behold David seeketh/thy 359/1326
1Sa_24:10.........hurt/Behold this day thine/eyes 360/1326 I know well/that 361/1326
1Sa_25:14.......saying/Behold David sent/messengers 362/1326 I come after/you 363/1326
1Sa_25:20..........and/behold David and/his. 364/1326
1Sa_25:36..........and/behold he held/a..... 365/1326
1Sa_25:41.........said/Behold let/thine..... 366/1326
1Sa_26:7...........and/behold Saul lay/sleeping 367/1326 I have played/the 368/1326
1Sa_26:22.........said/Behold the king's spear/and 369/1326
1Sa_26:24..........And/behold as thy/life... 370/1326
1Sa_28:7...........him/Behold there is a woman/that 371/1326
1Sa_28:9...........him/Behold thou knowest/what 372/1326
1Sa_28:21..........him/Behold thine handmaid/hath 373/1326
1Sa_30:3...........and/behold it was burned/with 374/1326
1Sa_30:16.........down/behold they were spread/abroad 375/1326
1Sa_30:26.......saying/Behold a present/for. 376/1326
2Sa_1:2...........that/behold a man came/out 377/1326
2Sa_1:6.........Gilboa/behold Saul leaned/upon 378/1326
2Sa_1:18...........bow/behold it is written in/the 379/1326
2Sa_3:12...........and/behold my hand/shall. 380/1326
2Sa_3:22...........And/behold the servants/of 381/1326
2Sa_3:24..........done/behold Abner/came.... 382/1326
2Sa_4:8...........king/Behold the head/of... 383/1326
2Sa_4:10........saying/Behold Saul is/dead.. 384/1326
2Sa_5:1.........saying/Behold we are thy bone and thy flesh Also/in 385/1326
2Sa_9:4...........king/Behold he is in the house/of 386/1326
2Sa_9:6.......answered/Behold thy servant And/David 387/1326
2Sa_12:11.........LORD/Behold I will raise up evil/against 388/1326
2Sa_12:18.........said/Behold while the/child 389/1326
2Sa_13:24.........said/Behold now thy servant hath sheepshearers/let 390/1326
2Sa_13:34..........and/behold there came much/people 391/1326
2Sa_13:35.........king/Behold the king's sons come/as 392/1326
2Sa_13:36.........that/behold the king's sons came/and 393/1326
2Sa_14:7...........And/behold the whole family/is 394/1326
2Sa_14:21.........Joab/Behold now I have done/this 395/1326
2Sa_14:32.........Joab/Behold I sent unto/thee 396/1326
2Sa_15:15.........king/Behold thy servants are ready/to 397/1326
2Sa_15:26.........thee/behold here am I let/him 398/1326
2Sa_15:32..........God/behold Hushai/the.... 399/1326
2Sa_15:36......priests/Behold they have/there 400/1326
2Sa_16:1..........hill/behold Ziba/the...... 401/1326
2Sa_16:3..........king/Behold he abideth/at. 402/1326
2Sa_16:4..........Ziba/Behold thine are/all. 403/1326
2Sa_16:5.......Bahurim/behold thence/came... 404/1326
2Sa_16:8...........and/behold thou art taken/in 405/1326
2Sa_16:11.....servants/Behold my son/which.. 406/1326
2Sa_17:9........people/Behold he is hid/now. 407/1326
2Sa_18:10.........said/Behold I saw/Absalom. 408/1326
2Sa_18:11..........And/behold thou sawest/him 409/1326
2Sa_18:24..........and/behold a man running/alone 410/1326
2Sa_18:26.........said/Behold another man/running 411/1326
2Sa_18:31..........And/behold Cushi/came.... 412/1326
2Sa_19:1..........Joab/Behold the king weepeth/and 413/1326
2Sa_19:8........saying/Behold the king doth/sit 414/1326
2Sa_19:20....therefore/behold I am come/the. 415/1326
2Sa_19:37..........But/behold thy servant Chimham/let 416/1326
2Sa_19:41..........And/behold all the men/of 417/1326
2Sa_20:21.........Joab/Behold his head/shall 418/1326
2Sa_24:22..........him/behold here be/oxen.. 419/1326
1Ki_1:14.........reign/Behold while thou/yet 420/1326 Adonijah reigneth/and 421/1326
1Ki_1:23........saying/Behold Nathan/the.... 422/1326
1Ki_1:25...........and/behold they eat/and.. 423/1326
1Ki_1:42.........spake/behold Jonathan the/son 424/1326
1Ki_1:51........saying/Behold Adonijah feareth/king 425/1326
1Ki_2:8............And/behold thou hast with/thee 426/1326
1Ki_2:29...........and/behold he is by/the.. 427/1326
1Ki_2:39........saying/Behold thy servants be/in 428/1326
1Ki_3:12......judgment/Behold I have done/according 429/1326
1Ki_3:15...........and/behold it was a dream And he/came 430/1326
1Ki_3:21..........suck/behold it was dead/but 431/1326
1Ki_3:21.......morning/behold it was not my/son 432/1326
1Ki_5:5............And/behold I purpose/to.. 433/1326 the heaven and heaven/of 434/1326
1Ki_10:7...........and/behold the half/was.. 435/1326
1Ki_11:22.........that/behold thou seekest/to 436/1326
1Ki_11:31.......Israel/Behold I will rend/the 437/1326
1Ki_12:28....Jerusalem/behold thy gods/O.... 438/1326
1Ki_13:1...........And/behold there came a man of/God 439/1326
1Ki_13:2..........LORD/Behold a child/shall. 440/1326
1Ki_13:3........spoken/Behold the altar shall/be 441/1326
1Ki_13:25..........And/behold men passed/by. 442/1326
1Ki_14:2........Shiloh/behold there is Ahijah/the 443/1326
1Ki_14:5........Ahijah/Behold the wife/of... 444/1326
1Ki_14:10....Therefore/behold I will bring evil upon the/house 445/1326
1Ki_14:19......reigned/behold they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And/the 446/1326
1Ki_15:19.......father/behold I have sent unto/thee 447/1326
1Ki_16:3..........sins/Behold I will take away/the 448/1326
1Ki_17:9.........there/behold I have commanded/a 449/1326 the widow/woman 450/1326
1Ki_17:12..........and/behold I am gathering/two 451/1326
1Ki_18:7...........way/behold Elijah met/him 452/1326
1Ki_18:8..........lord/Behold Elijah is here And he said/What 453/1326
1Ki_18:11.........lord/Behold Elijah is here And it/shall 454/1326
1Ki_18:14.........lord/Behold Elijah is here and he shall/slay 455/1326
1Ki_18:44.........said/Behold there ariseth/a 456/1326
1Ki_19:5..........tree/behold then an/angel. 457/1326
1Ki_19:6...........and/behold there was a cake/baken 458/1326
1Ki_19:9...........and/behold the word of the LORD came to/him 459/1326
1Ki_19:11..........And/behold the LORD passed/by 460/1326
1Ki_19:13..........And/behold there came a voice/unto 461/1326
1Ki_20:13..........And/behold there came a prophet/unto 462/1326
1Ki_20:13....multitude/behold I will deliver it/into 463/1326
1Ki_20:31..........him/Behold now we/have... 464/1326
1Ki_20:36.........LORD/behold as soon/as.... 465/1326
1Ki_20:39..........and/behold a man turned/aside 466/1326
1Ki_21:18......Samaria/behold he is in the vineyard/of 467/1326
1Ki_21:21.........LORD/Behold I will bring evil upon thee/and 468/1326
1Ki_22:13.......saying/Behold now the words/of 469/1326
1Ki_22:23....therefore/behold the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all/these 470/1326
1Ki_22:25.........said/Behold thou shalt see in/that 471/1326
2Ki_1:9............and/behold he sat/on..... 472/1326
2Ki_1:14.........sight/Behold there came fire/down 473/1326
2Ki_2:11..........that/behold there appeared a/chariot 474/1326
2Ki_2:16...........him/Behold now there be/with 475/1326
2Ki_2:19........Elisha/Behold I pray/thee... 476/1326
2Ki_3:20..........that/behold there came water/by 477/1326
2Ki_4:9........husband/Behold now I perceive/that 478/1326
2Ki_4:13...........her/Behold thou hast been/careful 479/1326
2Ki_4:25.......servant/Behold yonder/is..... 480/1326 the child/was. 481/1326
2Ki_5:6...........thee/behold I have therewith/sent 482/1326
2Ki_5:11..........said/Behold I thought/He.. 483/1326
2Ki_5:15..........said/Behold now I know that there/is 484/1326
2Ki_5:20..........said/Behold my master hath/spared 485/1326
2Ki_5:22........saying/Behold even now/there 486/1326
2Ki_6:1.........Elisha/Behold now the place/where 487/1326
2Ki_6:13........saying/Behold he is in Dothan/Therefore 488/1326
2Ki_6:15.........forth/behold an host/compassed 489/1326
2Ki_6:17...........and/behold the mountain/was 490/1326
2Ki_6:20...........and/behold they were in/the 491/1326
2Ki_6:25...........and/behold they besieged/it 492/1326
2Ki_6:30...........and/behold he had/sackcloth 493/1326
2Ki_6:33..........them/behold the messenger/came 494/1326
2Ki_6:33..........said/Behold this evil/is.. 495/1326
2Ki_7:2...........said/Behold if the LORD would/make 496/1326
2Ki_7:2...........said/Behold thou shalt see it with thine eyes but shalt not eat thereof And there/were 497/1326
2Ki_7:5..........Syria/behold there was no man there For/the 498/1326
2Ki_7:10...........and/behold there was no man there neither/voice 499/1326 they are as/all 500/1326 I say they/are 501/1326
2Ki_7:19...........Now/behold if the LORD should/make 502/1326
2Ki_7:19..........said/Behold thou shalt see it with thine eyes but shalt not eat thereof And so/it 503/1326
2Ki_8:5...........that/behold the woman whose/son 504/1326
2Ki_9:5...........came/behold the captains/of 505/1326
2Ki_10:4..........said/Behold two kings/stood 506/1326
2Ki_10:9.....righteous/behold I conspired/against 507/1326
2Ki_11:14.......looked/behold the king stood by/a 508/1326
2Ki_13:21.........that/behold they spied/a.. 509/1326
2Ki_15:11....Zachariah/behold they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel This/was 510/1326
2Ki_15:15.........made/behold they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel Then/Menahem 511/1326
2Ki_15:26..........did/behold they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel In the two/and 512/1326
2Ki_15:31..........did/behold they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel In the second/year 513/1326
2Ki_17:26..........and/behold they slay/them 514/1326
2Ki_18:21..........Now/behold thou trustest/upon 515/1326 I will send a blast upon him and he shall hear a rumour and shall/return 516/1326
2Ki_19:9......Ethiopia/Behold he is come/out 517/1326
2Ki_19:11......Assyria/Behold thou hast heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all lands by destroying them utterly and shalt thou be delivered Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the children of Eden which were in Thelasar/Where 518/1326
2Ki_19:35......morning/behold they were all dead corpses So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and went and returned and dwelt at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 519/1326
2Ki_20:5.........tears/behold I will heal/thee 520/1326
2Ki_20:17.........LORD/Behold the days come that all that is in thine house and that which thy fathers have laid up in store unto/this 521/1326
2Ki_21:12.......Israel/Behold I am bringing/such 522/1326
2Ki_22:16.........LORD/Behold I will bring evil upon this place and upon the inhabitants thereof even all the words/of 523/1326
2Ki_22:20.........LORD/Behold therefore I will gather thee/unto 524/1326
1Ch_9:1............and/behold they were written/in 525/1326
1Ch_11:1........saying/Behold we are thy bone and thy flesh And/moreover 526/1326
1Ch_11:25.....mighties/Behold he was honourable/among 527/1326
1Ch_22:9.........sight/Behold a son/shall... 528/1326
1Ch_22:14..........Now/behold in my/trouble. 529/1326
1Ch_28:21..........And/behold the courses/of 530/1326
1Ch_29:29.........last/behold they are written in the book of Samuel/the 531/1326 I build/an.... 532/1326
2Ch_2:8............and/behold my servants shall be/with 533/1326
2Ch_2:10...........And/behold I will give to/thy 534/1326 heaven/and.... 535/1326
2Ch_9:6............and/behold the one/half.. 536/1326
2Ch_13:12..........And/behold God himself/is 537/1326
2Ch_13:14.........back/behold the battle/was 538/1326
2Ch_16:3........father/behold I have sent thee/silver 539/1326
2Ch_16:11..........And/behold the acts/of... 540/1326
2Ch_18:12.......saying/Behold the words/of.. 541/1326
2Ch_18:22....therefore/behold the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these/thy 542/1326
2Ch_18:24.........said/Behold thou shalt see on/that 543/1326
2Ch_19:11..........And/behold Amariah/the... 544/1326
2Ch_20:2...........and/behold they be in/Hazazontamar 545/1326 the children of Ammon/and 546/1326
2Ch_20:11..........not/Behold I say how/they 547/1326
2Ch_20:16.........them/behold they come/up.. 548/1326
2Ch_20:24..........and/behold they were dead/bodies 549/1326
2Ch_20:34.........last/behold they are written in the book of Jehu/the 550/1326
2Ch_21:14......thyself/Behold with a/great.. 551/1326
2Ch_23:3..........them/Behold the king's son/shall 552/1326
2Ch_23:13..........and/behold the king stood at/his 553/1326
2Ch_24:27..........God/behold they are written in the story/of 554/1326
2Ch_25:26.........last/behold are they/not.. 555/1326
2Ch_26:20..........and/behold he was leprous/in 556/1326
2Ch_28:9..........them/Behold because/the... 557/1326
2Ch_28:26.........last/behold they are written in the book of the kings of Judah/and 558/1326
2Ch_29:19..........and/behold they are before/the 559/1326
2Ch_32:32.....goodness/behold they are written in the vision/of 560/1326
2Ch_33:18.......Israel/behold they are written in the book of the kings of Israel His/prayer 561/1326
2Ch_33:19......humbled/behold they are written among/the 562/1326
2Ch_34:24.........LORD/Behold I will bring evil upon this place and upon the inhabitants thereof even all the curses/that 563/1326
2Ch_34:28.........LORD/Behold I will gather thee/to 564/1326
2Ch_35:25..........and/behold they are written in the lamentations/Now 565/1326
2Ch_35:27.........last/behold they are written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah Then/the 566/1326
2Ch_36:8...........him/behold they are written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah and/Jehoiachin 567/1326 we are before/thee 568/1326 we are servants this/day 569/1326
Neh_9:36.......thereof/behold we are servants in/it 570/1326
Est_6:5............him/Behold Haman/standeth 571/1326
Est_7:9...........king/Behold also the gallows/fifty 572/1326
Est_8:7............Jew/Behold I have given Esther/the 573/1326
Job_1:12.........Satan/Behold all that/he... 574/1326
Job_1:19...........And/behold there came a great/wind 575/1326
Job_2:6..........Satan/Behold he is in thine/hand 576/1326
Job_4:3.......speaking/Behold thou hast instructed/many 577/1326
Job_4:18.........maker/Behold he put/no..... 578/1326
Job_5:17.........mouth/Behold happy/is...... 579/1326
Job_8:19..........thee/Behold this is the joy/of 580/1326
Job_8:20..........grow/Behold God will/not.. 581/1326
Job_9:12...........not/Behold he taketh away/who 582/1326
Job_12:14understanding/Behold he breaketh/down 583/1326
Job_12:15......opening/Behold he withholdeth/the 584/1326
Job_13:18.........ears/Behold now I have ordered/my 585/1326
Job_15:15....righteous/Behold he putteth/no. 586/1326 my witness/is. 587/1326 I cry/out..... 588/1326
Job_19:27........shall/behold and not/another 589/1326
Job_20:9..........more/behold him His/children 590/1326
Job_21:27.........them/Behold I know your/thoughts 591/1326
Job_22:12..........and/behold the height/of. 592/1326
Job_23:8.........judge/Behold I go forward/but 593/1326
Job_23:9........cannot/behold him he/hideth. 594/1326
Job_24:5......together/Behold as wild/asses. 595/1326
Job_25:5.........woman/Behold even to/the... 596/1326
Job_27:12......conceal/Behold all ye yourselves/have 597/1326
Job_28:28.........said/Behold the fear/of... 598/1326 my desire/is.. 599/1326
Job_32:11......opinion/Behold I waited/for.. 600/1326
Job_32:12..........and/behold there was none/of 601/1326 my belly/is... 602/1326
Job_33:2.........words/Behold now I have opened/my 603/1326
Job_33:6............up/Behold I am according/to 604/1326
Job_33:7..........clay/Behold my terror/shall 605/1326 he findeth/occasions 606/1326
Job_33:12........paths/Behold in this thou/art 607/1326
Job_34:29..........can/behold him whether/it 608/1326
Job_35:5...........and/behold the clouds/which 609/1326
Job_36:5..........thee/Behold God is mighty/and 610/1326
Job_36:22...affliction/Behold God exalteth/by 611/1326 Every man/may. 612/1326
Job_36:25..........may/behold it afar/off... 613/1326 God is great/and 614/1326
Job_36:30...tabernacle/Behold he spreadeth/his 615/1326
Job_39:29.........eyes/behold afar/off...... 616/1326
Job_40:4..........said/Behold I am vile/what 617/1326
Job_40:11..........and/behold every one that is/proud 618/1326
Job_40:15.........thee/Behold now behemoth/which 619/1326
Job_40:23........about/Behold he drinketh up/a 620/1326
Job_41:9..........more/Behold the hope/of... 621/1326
Psa_7:14...persecutors/Behold he travaileth/with 622/1326
Psa_11:4..........eyes/behold his eyelids/try 623/1326
Psa_11:7..........doth/behold the upright Help/LORD 624/1326
Psa_17:2..........eyes/behold the things that are equal/Thou 625/1326
Psa_17:15.........will/behold thy face/in... 626/1326 the beauty/of. 627/1326
Psa_33:18.....strength/Behold the eye/of.... 628/1326
Psa_37:37..........and/behold the upright for/the 629/1326 thou hast made my/days 630/1326
Psa_46:8..........Come/behold the works/of.. 631/1326
Psa_51:5.......judgest/Behold I was shapen/in 632/1326 thou desirest/truth 633/1326
Psa_54:4.........Selah/Behold God is mine/helper 634/1326
Psa_59:4...........and/behold Thou therefore/O 635/1326 they belch/out 636/1326
Psa_66:7..........eyes/behold the nations let/not 637/1326
Psa_73:12.........High/Behold these are/the. 638/1326
Psa_73:15.........thus/behold I should/offend 639/1326
Psa_78:20...wilderness/Behold he smote/the.. 640/1326
Psa_80:14..........and/behold and visit/this 641/1326
Psa_84:9.........Selah/Behold O God/our..... 642/1326 Philistia/and. 643/1326
Psa_91:8..........thou/behold and see the/reward 644/1326
Psa_102:19........LORD/behold the earth/To.. 645/1326 the things that are in/heaven 646/1326
Psa_119:18.........may/behold wondrous/things 647/1326
Psa_119:40........good/Behold I have longed/after 648/1326
Psa_121:4......slumber/Behold he that/keepeth 649/1326
Psa_123:2......heavens/Behold as the eyes/of 650/1326
Psa_128:4........table/Behold that thus/shall 651/1326
Psa_133:1.....flourish/Behold how good/and.. 652/1326
Psa_134:1.....evermore/Behold bless/ye...... 653/1326
Psa_139:8.........hell/behold thou art there/If 654/1326
Pro_1:23.......reproof/behold I will pour/out 655/1326
Pro_7:10...........And/behold there met/him. 656/1326
Pro_11:31.........wise/Behold the righteous/shall 657/1326
Pro_23:33........shall/behold strange/women. 658/1326
Pro_24:12.......sayest/Behold we knew/it.... 659/1326
Ecc_1:14...........and/behold all is/vanity. 660/1326
Ecc_2:1............and/behold this also/is.. 661/1326
Ecc_2:11...........and/behold all was/vanity 662/1326 wisdom/and.... 663/1326
Ecc_4:1............and/behold the tears/of.. 664/1326
Ecc_5:18......sickness/Behold that which I have seen/it 665/1326
Ecc_7:27...........her/Behold this have/I... 666/1326 the sun But/if 667/1326
Son_1:15........Engedi/Behold thou art fair my love behold thou art fair thou hast doves' eyes Behold/thou 668/1326 thou art fair thou hast doves' eyes Behold/thou 669/1326
Son_1:16..........eyes/Behold thou art fair my beloved/yea 670/1326
Son_2:8........beloved/behold he cometh leaping/upon 671/1326
Son_2:9...........hart/behold he standeth/behind 672/1326
Son_3:7.......merchant/Behold his bed/which. 673/1326
Son_3:11...........and/behold king/Solomon.. 674/1326
Son_4:1..........heart/Behold thou art fair my love behold thou art fair thou hast doves' eyes within/thy 675/1326 thou art fair thou hast doves' eyes within/thy 676/1326
Isa_3:1............For/behold the Lord the LORD of hosts doth/take 677/1326
Isa_5:7............but/behold oppression/for 678/1326
Isa_5:7............but/behold a cry/Woe..... 679/1326
Isa_5:26...........and/behold they shall come with/speed 680/1326 darkness/and.. 681/1326
Isa_7:14..........sign/Behold a virgin shall conceive/and 682/1326
Isa_8:7......therefore/behold the Lord bringeth/up 683/1326
Isa_8:18...........him/Behold I and the children whom/the 684/1326
Isa_8:22...........and/behold trouble and/darkness 685/1326
Isa_10:33....Jerusalem/Behold the Lord the LORD of hosts shall/lop 686/1326 God is my/salvation 687/1326
Isa_13:9........flames/Behold the day of the LORD cometh cruel/both 688/1326
Isa_13:17.....ravished/Behold I will stir/up 689/1326
Isa_17:1......Damascus/Behold Damascus/is... 690/1326
Isa_17:14..........And/behold at eveningtide/trouble 691/1326
Isa_19:1.........Egypt/Behold the LORD rideth/upon 692/1326 such/is....... 693/1326
Isa_21:9...........And/behold here cometh/a. 694/1326
Isa_22:13..........And/behold joy/and....... 695/1326
Isa_22:17.........rock/Behold the LORD will carry/thee 696/1326 the land of the/Chaldeans 697/1326 the LORD maketh/the 698/1326
Isa_26:10..........not/behold the majesty/of 699/1326
Isa_26:21..........For/behold the LORD cometh out/of 700/1326 the Lord hath a/mighty 701/1326
Isa_28:16..........GOD/Behold I lay in Zion/for 702/1326
Isa_29:8...........and/behold he eateth/but. 703/1326
Isa_29:8...........and/behold he drinketh but/he 704/1326
Isa_29:8...........and/behold he is faint/and 705/1326
Isa_29:14....Therefore/behold I will proceed/to 706/1326
Isa_30:27........wound/Behold the name/of... 707/1326
Isa_32:1.....Jerusalem/Behold a king/shall.. 708/1326
Isa_33:7......treasure/Behold their valiant/ones 709/1326
Isa_33:17........shall/behold the land that/is 710/1326
Isa_34:5........heaven/behold it shall/come. 711/1326
Isa_35:4...........not/behold your God will/come 712/1326 I will send a blast upon him and he shall hear a rumour and return/to 713/1326
Isa_37:11......Assyria/Behold thou hast heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all lands by destroying them utterly and shalt thou be delivered Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the children of Eden which were in Telassar/Where 714/1326
Isa_37:36......morning/behold they were all dead corpses So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and went and returned and dwelt at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 715/1326
Isa_38:5.........tears/behold I will add/unto 716/1326
Isa_38:8........spoken/Behold I will bring again the shadow/of 717/1326
Isa_38:11........shall/behold man/no........ 718/1326 for peace/I... 719/1326
Isa_39:6.........hosts/Behold the days come that all that is in thine house and that which thy fathers have laid up in store until/this 720/1326
Isa_40:9.........Judah/Behold your God Behold/the 721/1326
Isa_40:10..........God/Behold the Lord GOD will come/with 722/1326
Isa_40:10..........him/behold his reward is with him and his work before him He/shall 723/1326
Isa_40:15understanding/Behold the nations are/as 724/1326
Isa_40:15......balance/behold he taketh up/the 725/1326
Isa_40:26..........and/behold who/hath...... 726/1326
Isa_41:11righteousness/Behold all they/that. 727/1326
Isa_41:15.......Israel/Behold I will make thee a new/sharp 728/1326
Isa_41:23..........and/behold it together/Behold 729/1326
Isa_41:24.....together/Behold ye are of/nothing 730/1326
Isa_41:27.........Zion/Behold behold/them... 731/1326
Isa_41:27.......Behold/behold them and/I.... 732/1326
Isa_41:29.........word/Behold they are all/vanity 733/1326
Isa_42:1.....confusion/Behold my servant whom I uphold/mine 734/1326
Isa_42:9........images/Behold the former/things 735/1326
Isa_43:19..........old/Behold I will do a new/thing 736/1326
Isa_44:11......nothing/Behold all his/fellows 737/1326
Isa_47:14.........thee/Behold they shall be/as 738/1326
Isa_48:7...........say/Behold I knew/them... 739/1326 I have refined/thee 740/1326
Isa_49:12......exalted/Behold these shall/come 741/1326
Isa_49:16.........thee/Behold I have graven/thee 742/1326
Isa_49:18..........and/behold all these/gather 743/1326
Isa_49:21........these/Behold I was left/alone 744/1326
Isa_49:22..........GOD/Behold I will lift/up 745/1326 for your/iniquities 746/1326
Isa_50:2.......deliver/behold at my/rebuke.. 747/1326 the Lord GOD will help/me 748/1326
Isa_50:11..........God/Behold all ye that/kindle 749/1326
Isa_51:22.......people/Behold I have taken out/of 750/1326
Isa_52:6.........speak/behold it is I/How... 751/1326
Isa_52:13.....rereward/Behold my servant shall/deal 752/1326
Isa_54:11....comforted/behold I will lay thy/stones 753/1326
Isa_54:15.........thee/Behold they shall surely/gather 754/1326
Isa_54:16.........sake/Behold I have created/the 755/1326
Isa_55:4.........David/Behold I have given him/for 756/1326
Isa_55:5........people/Behold thou shalt call/a 757/1326
Isa_56:3...........say/Behold I am a/dry.... 758/1326
Isa_58:3.....knowledge/Behold in the day/of. 759/1326
Isa_58:4.......labours/Behold ye fast/for... 760/1326 the LORD's/hand 761/1326
Isa_59:9...........but/behold obscurity/for. 762/1326
Isa_60:2...........For/behold the darkness/shall 763/1326
Isa_62:11.......people/Behold the LORD hath proclaimed/unto 764/1326
Isa_62:11.........Zion/Behold thy salvation/cometh 765/1326
Isa_62:11.......cometh/behold his reward is with him and his work before him And/they 766/1326
Isa_63:15..........and/behold from the/habitation 767/1326
Isa_64:5..........ways/behold thou art wroth/for 768/1326
Isa_64:9..........ever/behold see/we........ 769/1326
Isa_65:1..........said/Behold me behold/me.. 770/1326 me unto/a..... 771/1326 it is written before/me 772/1326
Isa_65:13..........GOD/Behold my servants shall eat/but 773/1326
Isa_65:13.......hungry/behold my servants shall drink/but 774/1326
Isa_65:13......thirsty/behold my servants shall rejoice/but 775/1326
Isa_65:14......ashamed/Behold my servants shall sing/for 776/1326
Isa_65:17..........For/behold I create new/heavens 777/1326
Isa_65:18..........for/behold I create Jerusalem/a 778/1326
Isa_66:12.........LORD/Behold I will extend/peace 779/1326
Isa_66:15..........For/behold the LORD will come/with 780/1326
Jer_1:6............GOD/behold I cannot/speak 781/1326 I have put/my. 782/1326
Jer_1:18...........For/behold I have made thee this/day 783/1326 I will plead with/thee 784/1326
Jer_3:5............end/Behold thou hast spoken/and 785/1326
Jer_3:22..backslidings/Behold we come/unto.. 786/1326
Jer_4:13..........them/Behold he shall come up as/clouds 787/1326
Jer_4:16.......nations/behold publish/against 788/1326
Jer_5:14..........word/behold I will make my/words 789/1326
Jer_6:10..........hear/behold their ear/is.. 790/1326
Jer_6:10.......hearken/behold the word of the LORD is/unto 791/1326 I will bring evil upon this people/even 792/1326
Jer_6:21..........LORD/Behold I will lay stumblingblocks/before 793/1326
Jer_6:22..........LORD/Behold a people cometh/from 794/1326
Jer_7:8...........ever/Behold ye trust/in... 795/1326
Jer_7:11..........eyes/Behold even I/have... 796/1326
Jer_7:20...........GOD/Behold mine anger/and 797/1326
Jer_7:32.....Therefore/behold the days come saith the LORD that it shall no more be called/Tophet 798/1326
Jer_8:15...........and/behold trouble The/snorting 799/1326
Jer_8:17...........For/behold I will send serpents/cockatrices 800/1326 the voice/of.. 801/1326
Jer_9:7..........hosts/Behold I will melt/them 802/1326
Jer_9:15........Israel/Behold I will feed them even/this 803/1326
Jer_9:25..........LORD/Behold the days come saith the LORD that I will punish/all 804/1326
Jer_10:18.........LORD/Behold I will sling/out 805/1326
Jer_10:22....scattered/Behold the noise/of.. 806/1326
Jer_11:11.........LORD/Behold I will bring evil upon them/which 807/1326
Jer_11:22........hosts/Behold I will punish them/the 808/1326
Jer_12:14......inherit/Behold I will pluck/them 809/1326
Jer_13:7...........and/behold the girdle/was 810/1326
Jer_13:13.........LORD/Behold I will fill/all 811/1326
Jer_13:20..........and/behold them that come/from 812/1326
Jer_14:13..........GOD/behold the prophets/say 813/1326
Jer_14:18.........then/behold the slain/with 814/1326
Jer_14:18.........then/behold them that are/sick 815/1326
Jer_14:19..........and/behold trouble We/acknowledge 816/1326
Jer_16:9........Israel/Behold I will cause to/cease 817/1326
Jer_16:12..........for/behold ye walk/every. 818/1326
Jer_16:14....Therefore/behold the days come saith the LORD that it shall no more be said/The 819/1326
Jer_16:16......fathers/Behold I will send for/many 820/1326
Jer_16:21....Therefore/behold I will this/once 821/1326
Jer_17:15.......praise/Behold they say unto/me 822/1326
Jer_18:3...........and/behold he wrought/a.. 823/1326
Jer_18:6..........LORD/Behold as the clay/is 824/1326
Jer_18:11.........LORD/Behold I frame/evil.. 825/1326
Jer_19:3........Israel/Behold I will bring evil upon this place the/which 826/1326
Jer_19:6.....Therefore/behold the days come saith the LORD that this/place 827/1326
Jer_19:15.......Israel/Behold I will bring upon this/city 828/1326
Jer_20:4..........LORD/Behold I will make thee a terror/to 829/1326
Jer_20:4.........shall/behold it and/I...... 830/1326
Jer_21:4........Israel/Behold I will turn/back 831/1326
Jer_21:8..........LORD/Behold I set before you the/way 832/1326
Jer_21:13.......doings/Behold I am against thee O inhabitant/of 833/1326
Jer_23:2..........them/behold I will visit/upon 834/1326
Jer_23:5..........LORD/Behold the days come saith the LORD that I will raise/unto 835/1326
Jer_23:7.....Therefore/behold the days come saith the LORD that they/shall 836/1326
Jer_23:15.....prophets/Behold I will feed them with/wormwood 837/1326 a whirlwind of/the 838/1326
Jer_23:30....Therefore/behold I am against the prophets saith the LORD that steal/my 839/1326
Jer_23:31....neighbour/Behold I am against the prophets saith the LORD that use/their 840/1326
Jer_23:32........saith/Behold I am against them/that 841/1326
Jer_23:39....Therefore/behold I even I will utterly/forget 842/1326
Jer_24:1...........and/behold two baskets/of 843/1326
Jer_25:9.........words/Behold I will send and take all/the 844/1326
Jer_25:32........hosts/Behold evil shall/go. 845/1326 I am in/your.. 846/1326
Jer_27:16.......saying/Behold the vessels/of 847/1326
Jer_28:16.........LORD/Behold I will cast thee/from 848/1326
Jer_29:17........hosts/Behold I will send upon/them 849/1326 I will deliver them/into 850/1326
Jer_29:32.........LORD/Behold I will punish Shemaiah/the 851/1326
Jer_29:32...........he/behold the good/that. 852/1326
Jer_30:18.........LORD/Behold I will bring again the captivity/of 853/1326
Jer_30:23..........God/Behold the whirlwind/of 854/1326
Jer_31:8........Israel/Behold I will bring them/from 855/1326 the days come saith the LORD that I will sow/the 856/1326
Jer_31:31.........edge/Behold the days come saith the LORD that I will make/a 857/1326
Jer_31:38.........LORD/Behold the days come saith the LORD that the city/shall 858/1326
Jer_32:3..........LORD/Behold I will give this city into the hand of the king of Babylon and he shall take/it 859/1326
Jer_32:4.........shall/behold his eyes/And.. 860/1326
Jer_32:7........saying/Behold Hanameel/the.. 861/1326
Jer_32:17..........GOD/behold thou hast made the/heaven 862/1326
Jer_32:24.........them/Behold the mounts/they 863/1326
Jer_32:24..........and/behold thou seest/it. 864/1326
Jer_32:27.......saying/Behold I am the/LORD. 865/1326
Jer_32:28.........LORD/Behold I will give this city into the hand of the Chaldeans/and 866/1326
Jer_32:37...pestilence/Behold I will gather them/out 867/1326 I will bring it/health 868/1326
Jer_33:14.........LORD/Behold the days come saith the LORD that I will perform/that 869/1326
Jer_34:2..........LORD/Behold I will give this city into the hand of the king of Babylon and he shall burn/it 870/1326
Jer_34:3.........shall/behold the eyes of the king/of 871/1326
Jer_34:17....neighbour/behold I proclaim/a.. 872/1326 I will command/saith 873/1326
Jer_35:17.......Israel/Behold I will bring upon Judah/and 874/1326 Pharaoh's/army 875/1326
Jer_38:5..........said/Behold he is in your/hand 876/1326
Jer_38:22..........And/behold all the women/that 877/1326
Jer_39:16.......Israel/Behold I will bring my/words 878/1326 I loose/thee.. 879/1326
Jer_40:4.......forbear/behold all the land/is 880/1326 I will dwell/at 881/1326 us/That....... 882/1326 I will pray/unto 883/1326
Jer_43:10.......Israel/Behold I will send and take Nebuchadrezzar/the 884/1326
Jer_44:2...........and/behold this day they/are 885/1326
Jer_44:11.......Israel/Behold I will set my/face 886/1326
Jer_44:26........Egypt/Behold I have sworn/by 887/1326
Jer_44:27.......liveth/Behold I will watch/over 888/1326
Jer_44:30.........LORD/Behold I will give Pharaohhophra/king 889/1326
Jer_45:4..........thus/Behold that which I have built/will 890/1326
Jer_45:5...........for/behold I will bring evil upon all/flesh 891/1326
Jer_46:25........saith/Behold I will punish the multitude/of 892/1326
Jer_46:27..........for/behold I will save thee/from 893/1326
Jer_47:2..........LORD/Behold waters rise/up 894/1326
Jer_48:12....Therefore/behold the days come saith the LORD that I will send/unto 895/1326
Jer_48:40.........LORD/Behold he shall fly/as 896/1326
Jer_49:2.....Therefore/behold the days come saith the LORD that I will cause/an 897/1326 I will bring a fear/upon 898/1326
Jer_49:12.........LORD/Behold they whose/judgment 899/1326 he shall come up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan against/the 900/1326
Jer_49:22..........sea/Behold he shall come up and/fly 901/1326
Jer_49:35........hosts/Behold I will break the bow/of 902/1326
Jer_50:12......ashamed/behold the hindermost/of 903/1326
Jer_50:18.......Israel/Behold I will punish the king/of 904/1326
Jer_50:31.........LORD/Behold I am against thee O thou/most 905/1326
Jer_50:41......therein/Behold a people shall/come 906/1326
Jer_50:44......travail/Behold he shall come up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan unto/the 907/1326
Jer_51:1..........LORD/Behold I will raise up against Babylon/and 908/1326
Jer_51:25.........LORD/Behold I am against thee O destroying/mountain 909/1326
Jer_51:36.........LORD/Behold I will plead thy/cause 910/1326
Jer_51:47....Therefore/behold the days come that I will do/judgment 911/1326
Jer_51:52....Wherefore/behold the days come saith the LORD that I will do/judgment 912/1326
Lam_1:9...........LORD/behold my affliction/for 913/1326 and see if/there 914/1326
Lam_1:18...........and/behold my sorrow/my.. 915/1326
Lam_1:20.........souls/Behold O LORD for/I.. 916/1326
Lam_2:20........street/Behold O LORD and/consider 917/1326
Lam_3:50...........and/behold from heaven/Mine 918/1326 their sitting/down 919/1326
Lam_5:1............and/behold our reproach/Our 920/1326
Eze_1:4............and/behold a whirlwind came/out 921/1326
Eze_1:15.....creatures/behold one wheel/upon 922/1326
Eze_2:9.........looked/behold an hand was/sent 923/1326
Eze_3:8....hardhearted/Behold I have made thy/face 924/1326
Eze_3:23...........and/behold the glory of the LORD stood/there 925/1326 they shall put/bands 926/1326
Eze_4:8............And/behold I will lay bands/upon 927/1326
Eze_4:14...........GOD/behold my soul/hath.. 928/1326 I will break the staff/of 929/1326
Eze_5:8............GOD/Behold I even I am/against 930/1326
Eze_6:3........valleys/Behold I even I will bring/a 931/1326
Eze_7:5...........evil/behold is come/An.... 932/1326
Eze_7:6...........thee/behold it is come The morning is come/unto 933/1326
Eze_7:10.......smiteth/Behold the day behold/it 934/1326 it is come the morning is gone/forth 935/1326
Eze_8:4............And/behold the glory of the God of Israel was/there 936/1326
Eze_8:5............and/behold northward/at.. 937/1326
Eze_8:7.........looked/behold a hole/in..... 938/1326
Eze_8:8...........wall/behold a door And/he. 939/1326
Eze_8:9............and/behold the wicked/abominations 940/1326
Eze_8:10...........and/behold every form/of. 941/1326
Eze_8:14...........and/behold there sat/women 942/1326
Eze_8:16...........and/behold at the door of the temple/of 943/1326
Eze_9:2............And/behold six/men....... 944/1326
Eze_9:11...........And/behold the man clothed/with 945/1326
Eze_10:1...........and/behold in the firmament/that 946/1326
Eze_10:9........looked/behold the four wheels/by 947/1326
Eze_11:1...........and/behold at the door of the gate/five 948/1326 they of/the... 949/1326
Eze_13:8.....therefore/behold I am against you/saith 950/1326
Eze_13:20..........GOD/Behold I am against your/pillows 951/1326
Eze_14:22..........Yet/behold therein/shall. 952/1326
Eze_14:22....daughters/behold they shall come forth/unto 953/1326
Eze_15:4.......thereon/Behold it is cast/into 954/1326 when it/was... 955/1326
Eze_16:8..........thee/behold thy time/was.. 956/1326
Eze_16:27........anger/Behold therefore I have stretched/out 957/1326
Eze_16:37.........them/Behold therefore I will gather all/thy 958/1326
Eze_16:43.......things/behold therefore I also/will 959/1326
Eze_16:44.abominations/Behold every one that useth/proverbs 960/1326
Eze_16:49....daughters/Behold this was/the.. 961/1326
Eze_17:7...........and/behold this vine/did. 962/1326
Eze_17:10..........Yea/behold being/planted. 963/1326
Eze_17:12.........them/Behold the king of/Babylon 964/1326
Eze_18:4........Israel/Behold all souls/are. 965/1326
Eze_20:47..........GOD/Behold I will kindle/a 966/1326
Eze_21:3..........LORD/Behold I am against thee and/will 967/1326
Eze_21:7.........water/behold it cometh/and. 968/1326
Eze_22:6.........vexed/Behold the princes/of 969/1326
Eze_22:13..........GOD/Behold therefore I have smitten/mine 970/1326
Eze_22:19........dross/behold therefore I will gather you/into 971/1326
Eze_23:22..........GOD/Behold I will raise up thy/lovers 972/1326
Eze_23:28..........GOD/Behold I will deliver thee/into 973/1326 I take/away... 974/1326
Eze_24:21..........GOD/Behold I will profane/my 975/1326
Eze_25:4.....captivity/Behold therefore I will deliver/thee 976/1326
Eze_25:7........Israel/Behold therefore I will stretch/out 977/1326
Eze_25:8...........say/Behold the house/of.. 978/1326
Eze_25:9.....Therefore/behold I will open/the 979/1326
Eze_25:16..........GOD/Behold I will stretch/out 980/1326
Eze_26:3...........GOD/Behold I am against thee O Tyrus/and 981/1326
Eze_26:7...........GOD/Behold I will bring upon Tyrus/Nebuchadrezzar 982/1326
Eze_28:3...........God/Behold thou art wiser/than 983/1326
Eze_28:7...........God/Behold therefore I will bring/strangers 984/1326
Eze_28:17..........may/behold thee Thou/hast 985/1326
Eze_28:18.........that/behold thee All/they. 986/1326
Eze_28:22..........GOD/Behold I am against thee O Zidon/and 987/1326
Eze_29:3...........GOD/Behold I am against thee Pharaoh/king 988/1326
Eze_29:8...........GOD/Behold I will bring a sword/upon 989/1326 therefore I am/against 990/1326
Eze_29:19..........GOD/Behold I will give the/land 991/1326
Eze_30:22..........GOD/Behold I am against Pharaoh/king 992/1326
Eze_31:3.....greatness/Behold the Assyrian/was 993/1326
Eze_34:10..........GOD/Behold I am against the shepherds/and 994/1326
Eze_34:11..........GOD/Behold I even I will both/search 995/1326
Eze_34:17..........GOD/Behold I judge/between 996/1326
Eze_34:20.........them/Behold I even I will judge/between 997/1326
Eze_35:3...........GOD/Behold O mount/Seir.. 998/1326
Eze_36:6...........GOD/Behold I have spoken/in 999/1326
Eze_36:9...........For/behold I am for/you. 1000/1326
Eze_37:2...........and/behold there were very/many 1001/1326
Eze_37:5.........bones/Behold I will cause breath/to 1002/1326
Eze_37:7...........and/behold a shaking/and 1003/1326
Eze_37:11.......Israel/behold they say Our/bones 1004/1326
Eze_37:12..........GOD/Behold O my/people.. 1005/1326
Eze_37:19..........GOD/Behold I will take the stick/of 1006/1326
Eze_37:21..........GOD/Behold I will take the children/of 1007/1326
Eze_38:3...........GOD/Behold I am against thee O Gog the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal And I will turn thee back and put/hooks 1008/1326
Eze_39:1...........GOD/Behold I am against thee O Gog the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal And I will turn thee back and leave/but 1009/1326
Eze_39:8........Israel/Behold it is come and/it 1010/1326
Eze_40:3...........and/behold there was a man whose/appearance 1011/1326 with thine eyes and hear with thine ears and/set 1012/1326
Eze_40:5...........And/behold a wall/on.... 1013/1326
Eze_40:24..........and/behold a gate/toward 1014/1326
Eze_43:2...........And/behold the glory of the God of Israel came/from 1015/1326
Eze_43:5...........and/behold the glory of the LORD filled the house And/I 1016/1326
Eze_43:12.........holy/Behold this is the law/of 1017/1326
Eze_44:4...........and/behold the glory of the LORD filled the house of/the 1018/1326
Eze_44:5...........and/behold with thine eyes and hear with thine ears all/that 1019/1326
Eze_46:19..........and/behold there was a place/on 1020/1326
Eze_46:21..........and/behold in every/corner 1021/1326
Eze_47:1...........and/behold waters issued/out 1022/1326
Eze_47:2...........and/behold there ran/out 1023/1326
Eze_47:7......returned/behold at the bank/of 1024/1326
Dan_2:31...........and/behold a great image/This 1025/1326
Dan_4:10...........and/behold a tree/in.... 1026/1326
Dan_4:13...........and/behold a watcher/and 1027/1326
Dan_7:2............and/behold the four winds/of 1028/1326
Dan_7:5............And/behold another beast/a 1029/1326
Dan_7:7............and/behold a fourth/beast 1030/1326
Dan_7:8............and/behold there came up among/them 1031/1326
Dan_7:8............and/behold in this horn/were 1032/1326
Dan_7:13...........and/behold one like the Son/of 1033/1326
Dan_8:3............and/behold there stood before the/river 1034/1326
Dan_8:5....considering/behold an he/goat... 1035/1326
Dan_8:15..........then/behold there stood before me/as 1036/1326
Dan_8:19..........said/Behold I will make thee know/what 1037/1326
Dan_9:18...........and/behold our desolations/and 1038/1326
Dan_10:5...........and/behold a certain man/clothed 1039/1326
Dan_10:10..........And/behold an hand touched/me 1040/1326
Dan_10:16..........And/behold one like the similitude/of 1041/1326
Dan_11:2.........truth/Behold there shall/stand 1042/1326
Dan_12:5...........and/behold there stood other/two 1043/1326
Hos_2:6......Therefore/behold I will hedge/up 1044/1326
Hos_2:14.....Therefore/behold I will allure/her 1045/1326
Joe_2:19........people/Behold I will send you corn/and 1046/1326
Joe_3:1............For/behold in those/days 1047/1326
Joe_3:7.........border/Behold I will raise them/out 1048/1326
Amo_2:13...........not/Behold I am pressed/under 1049/1326
Amo_3:9............and/behold the great/tumults 1050/1326
Amo_6:11...........For/behold the LORD commandeth/and 1051/1326
Amo_6:14...........But/behold I will raise up against you/a 1052/1326
Amo_7:1............and/behold he formed/grasshoppers 1053/1326
Amo_7:4............and/behold the Lord GOD called/to 1054/1326
Amo_7:7............and/behold the LORD stood upon/a 1055/1326
Amo_7:8...........LORD/Behold I will set a/plumbline 1056/1326
Amo_8:1............and/behold a basket/of.. 1057/1326 the days come saith the Lord GOD/that 1058/1326
Amo_9:8............Kir/Behold the eyes of the Lord/GOD 1059/1326
Amo_9:13..........this/Behold the days come saith the LORD that the plowman/shall 1060/1326
Oba_1:2.........battle/Behold I have made thee small/among 1061/1326
Mic_1:3............For/behold the LORD cometh forth/out 1062/1326
Mic_2:3...........LORD/Behold against/this. 1063/1326
Mic_7:9..........shall/behold his righteousness/Then 1064/1326
Mic_7:10.........shall/behold her/now...... 1065/1326
Nah_1:15..........vile/Behold upon the mountains/the 1066/1326
Nah_2:13.........ravin/Behold I am against thee saith the LORD of hosts and I will burn/her 1067/1326
Nah_3:5....witchcrafts/Behold I am against thee saith the LORD of hosts and I will discover/thy 1068/1326
Nah_3:13.........eater/Behold thy people/in 1069/1326 grievance/for 1070/1326
Hab_1:5.....proceedeth/Behold ye among/the. 1071/1326 evil and/canst 1072/1326
Hab_2:4..........tarry/Behold his soul/which 1073/1326
Hab_2:13......iniquity/Behold is it/not.... 1074/1326
Hab_2:19.........teach/Behold it is laid/over 1075/1326
Zep_3:19........burden/Behold at that/time. 1076/1326
Zec_1:8............and/behold a man riding/upon 1077/1326
Zec_1:11...........and/behold all the earth/sitteth 1078/1326
Zec_1:18...........and/behold four/horns... 1079/1326
Zec_2:1............and/behold a man with/a. 1080/1326
Zec_2:3............And/behold the angel that/talked 1081/1326
Zec_2:9............For/behold I will shake/mine 1082/1326
Zec_3:4...........said/Behold I have caused/thine 1083/1326
Zec_3:8............for/behold I will bring forth/my 1084/1326
Zec_3:9............For/behold the stone/that 1085/1326
Zec_3:9...........eyes/behold I will engrave/the 1086/1326
Zec_4:2............and/behold a candlestick/all 1087/1326
Zec_5:1............and/behold a flying/roll 1088/1326
Zec_5:7............And/behold there was lifted/up 1089/1326
Zec_5:9............and/behold there came out/two 1090/1326
Zec_6:1............and/behold there came four/chariots 1091/1326
Zec_6:8.........saying/Behold these that/go 1092/1326
Zec_6:12........saying/Behold the man whose/name 1093/1326
Zec_8:7..........hosts/Behold I will save my/people 1094/1326
Zec_9:4........streets/Behold the LORD will cast/her 1095/1326
Zec_9:9......Jerusalem/behold thy King cometh unto thee he/is 1096/1326
Zec_12:2...........him/Behold I will make Jerusalem/a 1097/1326
Zec_14:1...........God/Behold the day of the LORD cometh and/thy 1098/1326
Mal_1:13..........also/Behold what a/weariness 1099/1326
Mal_2:3..........heart/Behold I will corrupt/your 1100/1326
Mal_3:1.......judgment/Behold I will send my/messenger 1101/1326 he shall come saith/the 1102/1326
Mal_4:1............For/behold the day cometh/that 1103/1326
Mal_4:5......judgments/Behold I will send you Elijah/the 1104/1326
Mat_1:20........things/behold the angel of the LORD appeared/unto 1105/1326
Mat_1:23........saying/Behold a virgin shall be/with 1106/1326
Mat_2:1...........king/behold there came wise/men 1107/1326
Mat_2:13......departed/behold the angel of the Lord appeareth/to 1108/1326
Mat_2:19..........dead/behold an angel/of.. 1109/1326
Mat_4:11...........and/behold angels/came.. 1110/1326
Mat_6:26.......raiment/Behold the fowls/of. 1111/1326
Mat_7:4............and/behold a beam/is.... 1112/1326
Mat_8:2............And/behold there came a leper/and 1113/1326
Mat_8:24...........And/behold there arose/a 1114/1326
Mat_8:29...........And/behold they cried/out 1115/1326
Mat_8:32...........and/behold the whole herd/of 1116/1326
Mat_8:34...........And/behold the whole city/came 1117/1326
Mat_9:2............And/behold they brought to him a man/sick 1118/1326
Mat_9:3............And/behold certain/of... 1119/1326 many/publicans 1120/1326
Mat_9:18..........them/behold there came a certain/ruler 1121/1326
Mat_9:20...........And/behold a woman which/was 1122/1326
Mat_9:32...........out/behold they brought to him a dumb/man 1123/1326 I send you forth as sheep/in 1124/1326
Mat_11:8.......raiment/behold they that/wear 1125/1326
Mat_11:10......written/Behold I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee Verily/I 1126/1326
Mat_11:19..........say/Behold a man gluttonous/and 1127/1326
Mat_12:2...........him/Behold thy disciples/do 1128/1326
Mat_12:10..........And/behold there was a man which/had 1129/1326
Mat_12:18.......saying/Behold my servant whom I have/chosen 1130/1326
Mat_12:41..........and/behold a greater than Jonas is here The/queen 1131/1326
Mat_12:42..........and/behold a greater than Solomon is here When/the 1132/1326
Mat_12:46.......people/behold his mother/and 1133/1326
Mat_12:47..........him/Behold thy mother and thy brethren stand/without 1134/1326
Mat_12:49.........said/Behold my mother and my brethren For whosoever shall do the will of my/Father 1135/1326
Mat_13:3........saying/Behold a sower/went. 1136/1326
Mat_15:22..........And/behold a woman of/Canaan 1137/1326
Mat_17:3...........And/behold there appeared unto/them 1138/1326
Mat_17:5.........spake/behold a bright/cloud 1139/1326
Mat_17:5...........and/behold a voice/out.. 1140/1326
Mat_18:10.......always/behold the face of my/Father 1141/1326
Mat_19:16..........And/behold one came/and. 1142/1326
Mat_19:27..........him/Behold we have/forsaken 1143/1326
Mat_20:18.........them/Behold we go up to Jerusalem and the Son of man shall be betrayed/unto 1144/1326
Mat_20:30..........And/behold two blind/men 1145/1326
Mat_21:5..........Sion/Behold thy King cometh unto thee meek/and 1146/1326
Mat_22:4........bidden/Behold I have prepared/my 1147/1326
Mat_23:34....Wherefore/behold I send unto/you 1148/1326
Mat_23:38..........not/Behold your house is left unto you desolate For/I 1149/1326
Mat_24:25........elect/Behold I have told/you 1150/1326 he is in the desert/go 1151/1326
Mat_24:26........forth/behold he is in the secret/chambers 1152/1326
Mat_25:6..........made/Behold the bridegroom/cometh 1153/1326
Mat_25:20......talents/behold I have gained beside/them 1154/1326
Mat_25:22......talents/behold I have gained two/other 1155/1326 the hour is/at 1156/1326
Mat_26:46........going/behold he is at/hand 1157/1326
Mat_26:51..........And/behold one of them/which 1158/1326
Mat_26:65....witnesses/behold now ye/have.. 1159/1326
Mat_27:51..........And/behold the veil/of.. 1160/1326
Mat_28:2...........And/behold there was a great/earthquake 1161/1326
Mat_28:7...........and/behold he goeth/before 1162/1326
Mat_28:9.....disciples/behold Jesus/met.... 1163/1326
Mat_28:11........going/behold some/of...... 1164/1326
Mar_1:2.......prophets/Behold I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee The/voice 1165/1326
Mar_2:24...........him/Behold why/do....... 1166/1326
Mar_3:32...........him/Behold thy mother and thy brethren without/seek 1167/1326
Mar_3:34..........said/Behold my mother and my brethren For whosoever shall do the will of God/the 1168/1326
Mar_4:3........Hearken/Behold there went/out 1169/1326
Mar_5:22...........And/behold there cometh one of/the 1170/1326
Mar_10:33.......Saying/Behold we go up to Jerusalem and the Son of man shall be delivered/unto 1171/1326
Mar_11:21.......Master/behold the fig tree which/thou 1172/1326
Mar_13:23.........heed/behold I have foretold/you 1173/1326
Mar_14:41.........come/behold the Son/of... 1174/1326
Mar_15:4.......nothing/behold how many/things 1175/1326
Mar_15:35.........said/Behold he calleth/Elias 1176/1326 the place where/they 1177/1326
Luk_1:20...........And/behold thou shalt be/dumb 1178/1326
Luk_1:31...........And/behold thou shalt conceive in/thy 1179/1326
Luk_1:36...........And/behold thy cousin/Elisabeth 1180/1326
Luk_1:38..........said/Behold the handmaid/of 1181/1326
Luk_1:48...........for/behold from henceforth/all 1182/1326
Luk_2:10...........for/behold I bring you/good 1183/1326
Luk_2:25...........And/behold there was a man in/Jerusalem 1184/1326
Luk_2:34........mother/Behold this child/is 1185/1326 thy father and/I 1186/1326 a man full/of 1187/1326
Luk_5:18...........And/behold men brought/in 1188/1326
Luk_6:23...........for/behold your reward/is 1189/1326 there was a dead/man 1190/1326
Luk_7:25.......raiment/Behold they which/are 1191/1326
Luk_7:27.......written/Behold I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee For/I 1192/1326
Luk_7:34...........say/Behold a gluttonous/man 1193/1326
Luk_7:37...........And/behold a woman in/the 1194/1326
Luk_8:41...........And/behold there came a man named/Jairus 1195/1326
Luk_9:30...........And/behold there talked/with 1196/1326
Luk_9:38...........And/behold a man of the/company 1197/1326
Luk_10:3..........ways/behold I send you forth as lambs/among 1198/1326
Luk_10:19.......heaven/Behold I give unto you/power 1199/1326
Luk_10:25..........And/behold a certain lawyer/stood 1200/1326
Luk_11:31..........and/behold a greater than Solomon is here The/men 1201/1326
Luk_11:32..........and/behold a greater than Jonas is here No/man 1202/1326
Luk_11:41..........and/behold all things are clean/unto 1203/1326
Luk_13:7......vineyard/Behold these three/years 1204/1326
Luk_13:11..........And/behold there was a woman/which 1205/1326
Luk_13:30..........And/behold there are/last 1206/1326 I cast/out... 1207/1326
Luk_13:35..........not/Behold your house is left unto you desolate and/verily 1208/1326
Luk_14:2...........And/behold there was a certain/man 1209/1326
Luk_14:29.........that/behold it begin/to.. 1210/1326
Luk_17:21..........for/behold the kingdom/of 1211/1326
Luk_18:31.........them/Behold we go up to Jerusalem and all/things 1212/1326
Luk_19:2...........And/behold there was a man named Zacchaeus/which 1213/1326
Luk_19:8..........Lord/Behold Lord/the..... 1214/1326
Luk_19:20.........Lord/behold here is thy/pound 1215/1326 the days will/come 1216/1326
Luk_21:29......parable/Behold the fig tree and/all 1217/1326
Luk_22:10.........them/Behold when ye/are.. 1218/1326
Luk_22:21..........But/behold the hand of him/that 1219/1326
Luk_22:31........Simon/behold Satan/hath... 1220/1326
Luk_22:38.........Lord/behold here are/two. 1221/1326
Luk_22:47........spake/behold a multitude/and 1222/1326
Luk_23:14..........and/behold I having/examined 1223/1326
Luk_23:29..........For/behold the days are/coming 1224/1326
Luk_23:50..........And/behold there was a man named Joseph/a 1225/1326
Luk_24:4....thereabout/behold two men stood by them in shining/garments 1226/1326
Luk_24:13..........And/behold two of/them.. 1227/1326
Luk_24:39.......hearts/Behold my hands and my/feet 1228/1326
Luk_24:49..........And/behold I send the/promise 1229/1326
Joh_1:29.........saith/Behold the Lamb of God which/taketh 1230/1326
Joh_1:36.........saith/Behold the Lamb of God And/the 1231/1326
Joh_1:47...........him/Behold an Israelite/indeed 1232/1326
Joh_3:26.......witness/behold the same/baptizeth 1233/1326
Joh_4:35.......harvest/behold I say unto/you 1234/1326
Joh_5:14...........him/Behold thou art made/whole 1235/1326
Joh_11:3..........Lord/behold he whom/thou. 1236/1326
Joh_11:36.........Jews/Behold how he/loved. 1237/1326
Joh_12:15.........Sion/behold thy King cometh sitting/on 1238/1326
Joh_12:19......nothing/behold the world/is. 1239/1326
Joh_16:32......believe/Behold the hour cometh/yea 1240/1326
Joh_17:24..........may/behold my glory/which 1241/1326
Joh_18:21.........them/behold they know/what 1242/1326
Joh_19:4..........them/Behold I bring him/forth 1243/1326
Joh_19:5..........them/Behold the man When/the 1244/1326
Joh_19:14.........Jews/Behold your King/But 1245/1326
Joh_19:26........Woman/behold thy son Then/saith 1246/1326
Joh_19:27.....disciple/Behold thy mother And from/that 1247/1326
Joh_20:27..........and/behold my hands and reach/hither 1248/1326
Act_1:10............up/behold two men stood by them in white/apparel 1249/1326
Act_2:7........another/Behold are not/all.. 1250/1326
Act_4:29..........Lord/behold their threatenings/and 1251/1326
Act_5:9...........Lord/behold the feet/of.. 1252/1326
Act_5:25........saying/Behold the men whom/ye 1253/1326
Act_5:28...........and/behold ye have filled/Jerusalem 1254/1326 it the/voice. 1255/1326
Act_7:32...........not/behold Then said/the 1256/1326
Act_7:56..........said/Behold I see/the.... 1257/1326
Act_8:27...........and/behold a man of Ethiopia/an 1258/1326
Act_9:10..........said/Behold I am here/Lord 1259/1326
Act_9:11...........for/behold he prayeth/And 1260/1326
Act_10:17.........mean/behold the men which/were 1261/1326
Act_10:19..........him/Behold three/men.... 1262/1326
Act_10:21.........said/Behold I am he/whom. 1263/1326
Act_10:30..........and/behold a man stood/before 1264/1326
Act_11:11..........And/behold immediately/there 1265/1326
Act_12:7...........And/behold the angel of the Lord came/upon 1266/1326 the hand of the Lord is upon thee/and 1267/1326
Act_13:25..........But/behold there cometh one after/me 1268/1326
Act_13:41.....prophets/Behold ye despisers/and 1269/1326
Act_16:1...........and/behold a certain disciple/was 1270/1326 I go bound/in 1271/1326 I know that/ye 1272/1326
Rom_2:17........gospel/Behold thou art called/a 1273/1326
Rom_9:33.......written/Behold I lay in Sion a stumblingstone/and 1274/1326
Rom_11:22.........thee/Behold therefore the/goodness 1275/1326
1Co_10:18........bread/Behold Israel/after. 1276/1326
1Co_15:51.incorruption/Behold I shew/you... 1277/1326
2Co_3:7.....stedfastly/behold the face of Moses/for 1278/1326
2Co_5:17..........away/behold all things are become/new 1279/1326
2Co_6:2...........thee/behold now is the accepted/time 1280/1326
2Co_6:2...........time/behold now is the day/of 1281/1326
2Co_6:9............and/behold we live/as... 1282/1326
2Co_7:11...........For/behold this selfsame/thing 1283/1326
2Co_12:14........wrong/Behold the third time/I 1284/1326 before/God... 1285/1326
Gal_5:2........bondage/Behold I Paul/say... 1286/1326
Heb_2:13.........again/Behold I and the children which/God 1287/1326
Heb_8:8..........saith/Behold the days come saith the Lord when/I 1288/1326
Jam_3:3...........body/Behold we put/bits.. 1289/1326
Jam_3:4...........body/Behold also the ships/which 1290/1326
Jam_3:5.........things/Behold how great/a.. 1291/1326
Jam_5:4...........days/Behold the hire/of.. 1292/1326
Jam_5:7...........Lord/Behold the husbandman/waiteth 1293/1326
Jam_5:9......condemned/behold the judge/standeth 1294/1326
Jam_5:11......patience/Behold we count/them 1295/1326
1Pe_2:6......scripture/Behold I lay in Sion a chief/corner 1296/1326
1Pe_2:12.........shall/behold glorify/God.. 1297/1326
1Pe_3:2...........they/behold your chaste/conversation 1298/1326
1Jn_3:1............him/Behold what manner/of 1299/1326
Jud_1:14........saying/Behold the Lord cometh with/ten 1300/1326
Rev_1:7...........Amen/Behold he cometh with/clouds 1301/1326
Rev_1:18...........and/behold I am alive/for 1302/1326
Rev_2:10........suffer/behold the devil/shall 1303/1326
Rev_2:22...........not/Behold I will cast her/into 1304/1326 I have set before/thee 1305/1326 I will make them of/the 1306/1326
Rev_3:9............lie/behold I will make them to/come 1307/1326 I come quickly hold/that 1308/1326
Rev_3:20........repent/Behold I stand at/the 1309/1326
Rev_4:1............and/behold a door was/opened 1310/1326
Rev_4:2............and/behold a throne/was. 1311/1326
Rev_5:5............not/behold the Lion/of.. 1312/1326
Rev_6:2............and/behold a white horse and he that sat on/him 1313/1326
Rev_6:8............and/behold a pale/horse. 1314/1326
Rev_9:12...........and/behold there come two/woes 1315/1326
Rev_11:14..........and/behold the third woe/cometh 1316/1326
Rev_12:3...........and/behold a great red/dragon 1317/1326
Rev_14:14..........and/behold a white cloud/and 1318/1326
Rev_15:5...........and/behold the temple/of 1319/1326
Rev_16:15.....Almighty/Behold I come as/a.. 1320/1326
Rev_17:8..........they/behold the beast/that 1321/1326
Rev_19:11..........and/behold a white horse and he that sat upon/him 1322/1326
Rev_21:3........saying/Behold the tabernacle/of 1323/1326
Rev_21:5..........said/Behold I make all/things 1324/1326
Rev_22:7..........done/Behold I come quickly blessed/is 1325/1326
Rev_22:12..........And/behold I come quickly and/my 1326/1326
Psa_10:14.........thou/beholdest mischief/and.... 1/4
Mat_7:3............why/beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye but considerest/not 2/4
Luk_6:41...........why/beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye but perceivest/not 3/4
Luk_6:42.......thyself/beholdest not/the......... 4/4
Job_24:18...........he/beholdeth not/the......... 1/4
Job_41:34...........He/beholdeth all high/things. 2/4
Psa_33:13...........he/beholdeth all the/sons.... 3/4
Jam_1:24............he/beholdeth himself/and..... 4/4
Psa_119:37........from/beholding vanity/and..... 1/15 the evil/and... 2/15
Ecc_5:11...........the/beholding of/them........ 3/15
Mat_27:55........there/beholding afar/off....... 4/15
Mar_10:21........Jesus/beholding him loved/him.. 5/15
Luk_23:35........stood/beholding And/the........ 6/15
Luk_23:48........sight/beholding the things/which 7/15 these/things... 8/15
Act_4:14...........And/beholding the man/which.. 9/15
Act_8:13......wondered/beholding the miracles/and 10/15
Act_14:9....stedfastly/beholding him and/perceiving 11/15
Act_23:1.....earnestly/beholding the council/said 12/15
2Co_3:18..........face/beholding as/in......... 13/15
Col_2:5............and/beholding your/order.... 14/15 his/natural... 15/15 Christ/to......... 1/2 him/to............ 2/2
