Exo_24:10......the/body of heaven/in....... 1/174
Lev_21:11.....dead/body nor/defile......... 2/174
Num_6:6.......dead/body He shall/not....... 3/174
Num_9:6.......dead/body of a man that/they. 4/174
Num_9:7.......dead/body of a man wherefore/are 5/174
Num_9:10......dead/body or be/in........... 6/174
Num_19:11.....dead/body of any man shall/be 7/174
Num_19:13.....dead/body of any man that/is. 8/174
Num_19:16.....dead/body or a/bone.......... 9/174
Deu_21:23......His/body shall not/remain.. 10/174
Deu_28:4.......thy/body and the fruit of thy ground/and 11/174
Deu_28:11......thy/body and in the fruit of thy cattle and in the fruit of thy ground/in 12/174
Deu_28:18......thy/body and the fruit of thy land/the 13/174
Deu_28:53......own/body the flesh/of...... 14/174
Deu_30:9.......thy/body and in the fruit of thy cattle and in the fruit of thy land/for 15/174
Jdg_8:30.......his/body begotten/for...... 16/174
1Sa_31:10......his/body to the wall/of.... 17/174
1Sa_31:12......the/body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from/the 18/174
2Ki_8:5.......dead/body to life/that...... 19/174
1Ch_10:12......the/body of Saul and the bodies of his sons and/brought 20/174
Job_19:17......own/body Yea young/children 21/174
Job_19:26.....this/body yet/in............ 22/174
Job_20:25......the/body yea the/glittering 23/174
Psa_132:11.....thy/body will/I............ 24/174
Pro_5:11.......thy/body are/consumed...... 25/174
Isa_10:18......and/body and they/shall.... 26/174
Isa_26:19.....dead/body shall they/arise.. 27/174
Isa_51:23......thy/body as the/ground..... 28/174
Jer_26:23.....dead/body into/the.......... 29/174
Jer_36:30.....dead/body shall be cast/out. 30/174
Lam_4:7.........in/body than rubies/their. 31/174
Eze_10:12....whole/body and their/backs... 32/174
Dan_4:33.......his/body was wet with the dew of heaven till his/hairs 33/174
Dan_5:21.......his/body was wet with the dew of heaven till he/knew 34/174
Dan_7:11.......his/body destroyed/and..... 35/174
Dan_7:15........my/body and the visions/of 36/174
Dan_10:6.......His/body also was/like..... 37/174
Mic_6:7.........my/body for the/sin....... 38/174
Hag_2:13......dead/body touch/any......... 39/174
Mat_5:29.....whole/body should be cast into hell And/if 40/174
Mat_5:30.....whole/body should be cast into hell It/hath 41/174
Mat_6:22.......the/body is the eye if/therefore 42/174
Mat_6:22.....whole/body shall be full of light/But 43/174
Mat_6:23.....whole/body shall be full of darkness/If 44/174
Mat_6:25......your/body what ye shall put on Is/not 45/174
Mat_6:25.......the/body than raiment/Behold 46/174
Mat_10:28......the/body but are/not....... 47/174
Mat_10:28......and/body in hell/Are....... 48/174
Mat_14:12......the/body and buried/it..... 49/174
Mat_26:12.......my/body she/did........... 50/174
Mat_26:26.......my/body And he took the cup and gave/thanks 51/174
Mat_27:58......the/body of Jesus Then/Pilate 52/174
Mat_27:58......the/body to be delivered/And 53/174
Mat_27:59......the/body he wrapped/it..... 54/174
Mar_5:29.......her/body that she/was...... 55/174
Mar_14:8........my/body to the burying/Verily 56/174
Mar_14:22.......my/body And he took the cup and when/he 57/174
Mar_14:51....naked/body and the young/men. 58/174
Mar_15:43......the/body of Jesus And Pilate marvelled/if 59/174
Mar_15:45......the/body to Joseph/And..... 60/174
Luk_11:34......the/body is the eye therefore/when 61/174
Luk_11:34....whole/body also is full of light/but 62/174
Luk_11:34......thy/body also is full of darkness/Take 63/174
Luk_11:36....whole/body therefore be/full. 64/174
Luk_12:4.......the/body and after/that.... 65/174
Luk_12:22......the/body what ye shall put on The/life 66/174
Luk_12:23......the/body is more/than...... 67/174
Luk_17:37......the/body is thither/will... 68/174
Luk_22:19.......my/body which is given/for 69/174
Luk_23:52......the/body of Jesus And he/took 70/174
Luk_23:55......his/body was laid/And...... 71/174
Luk_24:3.......the/body of the Lord/Jesus. 72/174
Luk_24:23......his/body they/came......... 73/174
Joh_2:21.......his/body When/therefore.... 74/174
Joh_19:38......the/body of Jesus and Pilate gave/him 75/174
Joh_19:38......the/body of Jesus And there/came 76/174
Joh_19:40......the/body of Jesus and wound/it 77/174
Joh_20:12......the/body of Jesus had/lain. 78/174
Act_9:40.......the/body said/Tabitha...... 79/174
Act_19:12......his/body were brought/unto. 80/174
Rom_4:19.......own/body now/dead.......... 81/174
Rom_6:6........the/body of sin/might...... 82/174
Rom_6:12....mortal/body that ye/should.... 83/174
Rom_7:4........the/body of Christ that/ye. 84/174
Rom_7:24.......the/body of this/death..... 85/174
Rom_8:10.......the/body is dead/because... 86/174
Rom_8:13.......the/body ye/shall.......... 87/174
Rom_8:23.......our/body For we are saved/by 88/174
Rom_12:4.......one/body and all/members... 89/174
Rom_12:5.......one/body in Christ/and..... 90/174
1Co_5:3.........in/body but present/in.... 91/174
1Co_6:13.......the/body is not for/fornication 92/174
1Co_6:13.......the/body And God/hath...... 93/174
1Co_6:16.......one/body for two/saith..... 94/174
1Co_6:18.......the/body but he/that....... 95/174
1Co_6:18.......own/body What know/ye...... 96/174
1Co_6:19......your/body is the temple/of.. 97/174
1Co_6:20......your/body and in your/spirit 98/174
1Co_7:4........own/body but the husband/and 99/174
1Co_7:4........own/body but the wife/Defraud 100/174
1Co_7:34........in/body and in spirit/but 101/174
1Co_9:27........my/body and bring/it..... 102/174
1Co_10:16......the/body of Christ For/we. 103/174
1Co_10:17......one/body for we are all/partakers 104/174
1Co_11:24.......my/body which is broken/for 105/174
1Co_11:27......the/body and blood/of..... 106/174
1Co_11:29...Lord's/body For this/cause... 107/174
1Co_12:12......the/body is one/and....... 108/174
1Co_12:12......one/body being/many....... 109/174
1Co_12:12......one/body so/also.......... 110/174
1Co_12:13......one/body whether we/be.... 111/174
1Co_12:14......the/body is not one/member 112/174
1Co_12:15......the/body is it therefore not of the body And/if 113/174
1Co_12:15......the/body And if/the....... 114/174
1Co_12:16......the/body is it therefore not of the body If/the 115/174
1Co_12:16......the/body If/the........... 116/174
1Co_12:17....whole/body were an/eye...... 117/174
1Co_12:18......the/body as it hath pleased him And if/they 118/174
1Co_12:19......the/body But now/are...... 119/174
1Co_12:20......one/body And the eye/cannot 120/174
1Co_12:22......the/body which seem/to.... 121/174
1Co_12:23......the/body which we/think... 122/174
1Co_12:24......the/body together/having.. 123/174
1Co_12:25......the/body but that/the..... 124/174
1Co_12:27......the/body of Christ and/members 125/174
1Co_13:3........my/body to be burned/and. 126/174
1Co_15:35.....what/body do/they.......... 127/174
1Co_15:37.....that/body that shall/be.... 128/174
1Co_15:38........a/body as it hath pleased him and to/every 129/174
1Co_15:38......own/body All/flesh........ 130/174
1Co_15:44..natural/body it/is............ 131/174
1Co_15:44spiritual/body There/is......... 132/174
1Co_15:44..natural/body and there/is..... 133/174
1Co_15:44spiritual/body And so/it........ 134/174
2Co_4:10.......the/body the dying/of..... 135/174
2Co_4:10.......our/body For we which/live 136/174
2Co_5:6........the/body we/are........... 137/174
2Co_5:8........the/body and to/be........ 138/174
2Co_5:10.......his/body according to that/he 139/174
2Co_12:2.......the/body I cannot tell or/whether 140/174
2Co_12:2.......the/body I cannot tell God knoweth such/an 141/174
2Co_12:3.......the/body or out/of........ 142/174
2Co_12:3.......the/body I cannot tell God knoweth How/that 143/174
Gal_6:17........my/body the marks/of..... 144/174
Eph_1:23.......his/body the fulness/of... 145/174
Eph_2:16.......one/body by the/cross..... 146/174
Eph_3:6.......same/body and partakers/of. 147/174
Eph_4:4........one/body and one/Spirit... 148/174
Eph_4:12.......the/body of Christ Till/we 149/174
Eph_4:16.....whole/body fitly/joined..... 150/174
Eph_4:16.......the/body unto/the......... 151/174
Eph_5:23.......the/body Therefore as/the. 152/174
Eph_5:30.......his/body of his flesh and/of 153/174
Php_1:20........my/body whether it/be.... 154/174
Php_3:21......vile/body that it/may...... 155/174
Php_3:21..glorious/body according to the/working 156/174
Col_1:18.......the/body the church/who... 157/174
Col_1:22.......the/body of his flesh through/death 158/174
Col_2:11.......the/body of the sins/of... 159/174
Col_2:17.......the/body is of/Christ..... 160/174
Col_2:19.......the/body by joints/and.... 161/174
Col_2:23.......the/body not/in........... 162/174
Col_3:15.......one/body and be/ye........ 163/174
1Th_5:23.......and/body be/preserved..... 164/174
Heb_10:5.........a/body hast/thou........ 165/174
Heb_10:10......the/body of Jesus Christ/once 166/174
Heb_13:3.......the/body Marriage/is...... 167/174
Jam_2:16.......the/body what doth/it..... 168/174
Jam_2:26.......the/body without/the...... 169/174
Jam_3:2......whole/body Behold we/put.... 170/174
Jam_3:3......whole/body Behold also/the.. 171/174
Jam_3:6......whole/body and setteth/on... 172/174
1Pe_2:24.......own/body on/the........... 173/174
Jud_1:9........the/body of Moses/durst... 174/174
Col_1:24.......his/body's/sake............... 1/1
