Exo_9:25.......and/brake every/tree......... 1/73
Exo_32:3....people/brake off/the............ 2/73
Exo_32:19......and/brake them beneath/the... 3/73
Deu_9:17.......and/brake them before/your... 4/73
Jdg_7:19.......and/brake the pitchers that/were 5/73
Jdg_7:20.......and/brake the pitchers and/held 6/73
Jdg_9:53........to/brake his skull/Then..... 7/73
Jdg_16:9........he/brake the withs/as....... 8/73
Jdg_16:12.......he/brake them from/off...... 9/73
1Sa_4:18......neck/brake and he/died....... 10/73
2Sa_23:16......men/brake through the host of the Philistines and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem that was by the gate and took it and brought it to David nevertheless/he 11/73
1Ki_19:11......and/brake in pieces the rocks/before 12/73
2Ki_10:27.....they/brake down the image/of. 13/73
2Ki_10:27......and/brake down the house/of. 14/73
2Ki_11:18......and/brake it down his/altars 15/73
2Ki_11:18...images/brake they/in........... 16/73
2Ki_14:13......and/brake down the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim unto/the 17/73
2Ki_18:4.......and/brake the images and/cut 18/73
2Ki_18:4.......and/brake in pieces the brasen/serpent 19/73
2Ki_23:7........he/brake down the houses/of 20/73
2Ki_23:8.......and/brake down the high/places 21/73
2Ki_23:12......and/brake them down/from.... 22/73
2Ki_23:14.......he/brake in pieces the images/and 23/73
2Ki_23:15.......he/brake down and/burned... 24/73
2Ki_25:10....guard/brake down the walls of Jerusalem round/about 25/73
1Ch_11:18....three/brake through the host of the Philistines and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem that was by the gate and took it and brought it to David but/David 26/73
2Ch_14:3.......and/brake down the images/and 27/73
2Ch_21:17......and/brake into/it........... 28/73
2Ch_23:17......and/brake it down and/brake. 29/73
2Ch_23:17......and/brake his altars/and.... 30/73
2Ch_25:23......and/brake down the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim to/the 31/73
2Ch_26:6.......and/brake down the wall of Gath/and 32/73
2Ch_31:1.......and/brake the images in/pieces 33/73
2Ch_34:4......they/brake down the altars/of 34/73
2Ch_34:4........he/brake in pieces and made/dust 35/73
2Ch_36:19......and/brake down the wall of Jerusalem and/burnt 36/73
Job_29:17........I/brake the jaws/of....... 37/73
Job_38:8........it/brake forth/as.......... 38/73
Job_38:10......And/brake up/for............ 39/73
Psa_76:3.....There/brake he/the............ 40/73
Psa_105:16......he/brake the whole/staff... 41/73
Psa_105:33.....and/brake the trees/of...... 42/73
Psa_106:29..plague/brake in upon/them...... 43/73
Psa_107:14.....and/brake their/bands....... 44/73
Jer_28:10......and/brake it And Hananiah/spake 45/73
Jer_31:32.....they/brake although/I........ 46/73
Jer_39:8.......and/brake down the walls of Jerusalem Then/Nebuzaradan 47/73
Jer_52:14....guard/brake down all/the...... 48/73
Jer_52:17Chaldeans/brake and carried/all... 49/73
Eze_17:16.......he/brake even/with......... 50/73
Dan_2:1......sleep/brake from/him.......... 51/73
Dan_2:34.......and/brake them to/pieces.... 52/73
Dan_2:45........it/brake in pieces the iron/the 53/73
Dan_6:24.......and/brake all/their......... 54/73
Dan_7:7........and/brake in pieces and stamped the residue with the/feet 55/73
Dan_7:19..devoured/brake in pieces and stamped the residue with his/feet 56/73
Dan_8:7........and/brake his two/horns..... 57/73
Mat_14:19......and/brake and gave the/loaves 58/73
Mat_15:36......and/brake them and/gave..... 59/73
Mat_26:26......and/brake it and gave it/to. 60/73
Mar_6:41.......and/brake the loaves/and.... 61/73
Mar_8:6........and/brake and gave to his/disciples 62/73
Mar_8:19.........I/brake the five/loaves... 63/73
Mar_14:3.......she/brake the box/and....... 64/73
Mar_14:22......and/brake it and gave to/them 65/73
Luk_5:6........net/brake And they/beckoned. 66/73
Luk_8:29........he/brake the bands/and..... 67/73
Luk_9:16.......and/brake and gave to the/disciples 68/73
Luk_22:19......and/brake it and gave unto/them 69/73
Luk_24:30......and/brake and gave to them/And 70/73
Joh_19:32......and/brake the legs/of....... 71/73
Joh_19:33.....they/brake not/his........... 72/73
1Co_11:24.......he/brake it and said/Take.. 73/73
Exo_34:1......thou/brakest And be/ready...... 1/5
Deu_10:2......thou/brakest and thou/shalt.... 2/5
Psa_74:13.....thou/brakest the heads of the/dragons 3/5
Psa_74:14.....Thou/brakest the heads of leviathan/in 4/5
Eze_29:7......thou/brakest and madest/all.... 5/5
