Isa_49:18.....a/bride doeth/For.......... 1/14
Isa_61:10.....a/bride adorneth/herself... 2/14
Isa_62:5....the/bride so/shall........... 3/14
Jer_2:32......a/bride her/attire......... 4/14
Jer_7:34....the/bride for/the............ 5/14
Jer_16:9....the/bride And/it............. 6/14
Jer_25:10...the/bride the sound/of....... 7/14
Jer_33:11...the/bride the voice/of....... 8/14
Joe_2:16....the/bride out/of............. 9/14
Joh_3:29....the/bride is/the............ 10/14
Rev_18:23...the/bride shall/be.......... 11/14
Rev_21:2......a/bride adorned/for....... 12/14
Rev_21:9....the/bride the Lamb's/wife... 13/14
Rev_22:17...the/bride say/Come.......... 14/14
Mat_9:15....the/bridechamber mourn/as..... 1/3
Mar_2:19....the/bridechamber fast while the bridegroom is with them as/long 2/3
Luk_5:34....the/bridechamber fast while the bridegroom is with them But/the 3/3
Psa_19:5......a/bridegroom coming/out.... 1/23
Isa_61:10.....a/bridegroom decketh/himself 2/23
Isa_62:5....the/bridegroom rejoiceth/over 3/23
Jer_7:34....the/bridegroom and the voice of the bride for/the 4/23
Jer_16:9....the/bridegroom and the voice of the bride And/it 5/23
Jer_25:10...the/bridegroom and the voice of the bride the sound/of 6/23
Jer_33:11...the/bridegroom and the voice of the bride the voice/of 7/23
Joe_2:16....the/bridegroom go/forth...... 8/23
Mat_9:15....the/bridegroom is with them but the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken from/them 9/23
Mat_9:15....the/bridegroom shall be taken from/them 10/23
Mat_25:1....the/bridegroom And five/of.. 11/23
Mat_25:5....the/bridegroom tarried/they. 12/23
Mat_25:6....the/bridegroom cometh/go.... 13/23
Mat_25:10...the/bridegroom came/and..... 14/23
Mar_2:19....the/bridegroom is with them as/long 15/23
Mar_2:19....the/bridegroom with/them.... 16/23
Mar_2:20....the/bridegroom shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast in those days No/man 17/23
Luk_5:34....the/bridegroom is with them But the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away/from 18/23
Luk_5:35....the/bridegroom shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast in those days And/he 19/23
Joh_2:9.....the/bridegroom And saith/unto 20/23
Joh_3:29....the/bridegroom but/the...... 21/23
Joh_3:29....the/bridegroom which/standeth 22/23
Rev_18:23...the/bridegroom and of/the... 23/23
Joh_3:29....the/bridegroom's/voice........ 1/1 in thy lips and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest And this shall be a sign unto thee Ye shall eat this year such things/as 1/9
Job_30:11...the/bridle before/me.......... 2/9
Job_41:13double/bridle Who/can............ 3/9
Psa_32:9....and/bridle lest/they.......... 4/9
Psa_39:1......a/bridle while/the.......... 5/9
Pro_26:3......a/bridle for/the............ 6/9
Isa_30:28.....a/bridle in the/jaws........ 7/9 in thy lips and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest And this shall be a sign unto thee Ye shall eat this year such as/groweth 8/9 the/whole.......... 9/9 1/1
Jam_1:26....and/bridleth/not.............. 1/1
