Gen_2:6..........ground/But there went/up...... 1/3992 of the tree/of..... 2/3992
Gen_2:20..........field/but for Adam/there..... 3/3992 of the fruit/of.... 4/3992
Gen_4:2...........sheep/but Cain/was........... 5/3992
Gen_4:5........offering/But unto Cain/and...... 6/3992
Gen_6:8............them/But Noah/found......... 7/3992
Gen_6:18............die/But with thee/will..... 8/3992
Gen_8:9..........ground/But the dove/found..... 9/3992
Gen_9:4..........things/But flesh with/the.... 10/3992
Gen_11:30.........Iscah/But Sarai/was......... 11/3992 they will save/thee 12/3992
Gen_13:13.........Sodom/But the men of Sodom/were 13/3992
Gen_15:4...........heir/but he that shall come/forth 14/3992
Gen_15:10.......another/but the birds/divided. 15/3992
Gen_15:16...........age/But in the fourth generation/they 16/3992
Gen_16:6...........thee/But Abram/said........ 17/3992
Gen_17:5..........Abram/but thy name/shall.... 18/3992
Gen_17:15.........Sarai/but Sarah/shall....... 19/3992
Gen_17:21........nation/But my covenant/will.. 20/3992
Gen_18:15...........Nay/but thou didst laugh/And 21/3992
Gen_18:22.........Sodom/but Abraham stood/yet. 22/3992 dust/and.......... 23/3992
Gen_18:32...........yet/but this once Peradventure/ten 24/3992
Gen_19:2............Nay/but we will abide/in.. 25/3992 before they/lay... 26/3992
Gen_19:10..........door/But the men put/forth. 27/3992 he seemed/as...... 28/3992
Gen_19:26........ground/But his wife looked/back 29/3992
Gen_20:3..........Sarah/But God came/to....... 30/3992 a dead/man........ 31/3992
Gen_20:4...........wife/But Abimelech/had..... 32/3992
Gen_20:12........father/but not the/daughter.. 33/3992
Gen_21:23...........son/but according to the kindness/that 34/3992 to day/And........ 35/3992
Gen_22:7...........wood/but where is/the...... 36/3992
Gen_23:6......sepulchre/but that thou mayest/bury 37/3992
Gen_23:13........saying/But if thou wilt give/it 38/3992
Gen_24:4..........dwell/But thou shalt go unto my country/and 39/3992 he said I will/not 40/3992
Gen_24:38.........dwell/But thou shalt go unto my father's/house 41/3992
Gen_25:6..........Isaac/But unto the sons of the/concubines 42/3992
Gen_25:28.......venison/but Rebekah/loved..... 43/3992
Gen_26:29.......nothing/but good/and.......... 44/3992
Gen_27:22.........voice/but the hands/are..... 45/3992
Gen_27:38..........thou/but one blessing/my... 46/3992
Gen_28:17.........other/but the house of God/and 47/3992
Gen_28:19........Bethel/but the name of that/city 48/3992
Gen_29:17..........eyed/but Rachel was beautiful/and 49/3992
Gen_29:20...........him/but a few days/for.... 50/3992
Gen_29:31..........womb/but Rachel was barren/And 51/3992
Gen_30:42..........rods/But when the cattle/were 52/3992
Gen_31:5.........before/but the God of my/father 53/3992
Gen_31:7..........times/but God suffered/him.. 54/3992
Gen_31:29..........hurt/but the God of your/father 55/3992
Gen_31:33.........tents/but he found them/not. 56/3992
Gen_31:34..........tent/but found them not And/she 57/3992
Gen_31:35......searched/but found not/the..... 58/3992
Gen_31:47Jegarsahadutha/but Jacob called/it... 59/3992
Gen_32:28.........Jacob/but Israel for/as..... 60/3992 give me/the....... 61/3992 in this/will...... 62/3992
Gen_34:17........people/But if ye will not hearken unto us/to 63/3992 Deborah/Rebekah's. 64/3992
Gen_35:10.........Jacob/but Israel shall be thy/name 65/3992
Gen_35:16...........was/but a little way to come to/Ephrath 66/3992
Gen_35:18........Benoni/but his father called/him 67/3992
Gen_37:11...........him/but his father observed/the 68/3992
Gen_37:22.........blood/but cast him/into..... 69/3992
Gen_37:35...........him/but he refused to be/comforted 70/3992
Gen_38:20..........hand/but he found her/not.. 71/3992 he refused and said unto/his 72/3992 thee because/thou. 73/3992
Gen_39:21........prison/But the LORD was with/Joseph 74/3992
Gen_40:14........butler/But think/on.......... 75/3992
Gen_40:22..........hand/But he hanged/the..... 76/3992
Gen_40:23........Joseph/but forgat/him........ 77/3992
Gen_41:8..........dream/but there was none that could interpret/them 78/3992
Gen_41:21..........them/but they were still/ill 79/3992
Gen_41:24.....magicians/but there was none that could declare/it 80/3992
Gen_41:54.........lands/but in all the/land... 81/3992
Gen_42:4..........Egypt/But Benjamin/Joseph's. 82/3992
Gen_42:7...........them/but made himself strange/unto 83/3992
Gen_42:8.......brethren/but they knew not him/And 84/3992
Gen_42:10..........lord/but to buy/food....... 85/3992
Gen_42:12...........Nay/but to see/the........ 86/3992
Gen_42:20........houses/But bring your/youngest 87/3992
Gen_42:34.........spies/but that ye are/true.. 88/3992 if thou wilt not send/him 89/3992
Gen_43:34...........him/but Benjamin's/mess... 90/3992 the man in/whose.. 91/3992
Gen_45:8.........hither/but God and/he........ 92/3992
Gen_45:22.......raiment/but to Benjamin/he.... 93/3992
Gen_46:12.........Zarah/but Er/and............ 94/3992
Gen_47:18..........lord/but our bodies/and.... 95/3992
Gen_47:30.........Egypt/But I will lie/with... 96/3992
Gen_48:7............was/but a little way to come unto/Ephrath 97/3992
Gen_48:19.........great/but truly his/younger. 98/3992
Gen_48:21...........die/but God shall be/with. 99/3992
Gen_49:19...........him/but he shall overcome/at 100/3992
Gen_49:24...........him/But his bow/abode.... 101/3992
Gen_50:20...........God/But as for you ye/thought 102/3992 God meant/it..... 103/3992
Exo_1:12........Raamses/But the more they/afflicted 104/3992
Exo_1:16............him/but if it be a daughter/then 105/3992 the midwives/feared 106/3992
Exo_1:17...........them/but saved the/men.... 107/3992
Exo_2:15..........Moses/But Moses fled/from.. 108/3992
Exo_2:17...........away/but Moses stood/up... 109/3992
Exo_3:22..........empty/But every woman shall/borrow 110/3992
Exo_4:1............said/But behold they/will. 111/3992
Exo_4:10........servant/but I am slow/of..... 112/3992
Exo_4:21...........hand/but I will harden/his 113/3992
Exo_5:16.........beaten/but the fault/is..... 114/3992
Exo_5:17.........people/But he said Ye/are... 115/3992
Exo_6:3........Almighty/but by my name/JEHOVAH 116/3992
Exo_6:9..........Israel/but they hearkened not unto/Moses 117/3992
Exo_7:4...........Egypt/But Pharaoh/shall.... 118/3992
Exo_7:12.......serpents/but Aaron's/rod...... 119/3992
Exo_8:15..........stank/But when Pharaoh/saw. 120/3992
Exo_8:18...........lice/but they could not so/there 121/3992
Exo_8:29.........morrow/but let not Pharaoh/deal 122/3992
Exo_9:6............died/but of the cattle/of. 123/3992
Exo_9:30.........LORD's/But as for thee and/thy 124/3992
Exo_9:32.........bolled/But the wheat/and.... 125/3992
Exo_10:8............God/but who are they/that 126/3992
Exo_10:20.........Egypt/But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart so/that 127/3992
Exo_10:23..........days/but all the children/of 128/3992
Exo_10:27.......thither/But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart and/he 129/3992
Exo_11:7...........more/But against any/of... 130/3992
Exo_12:9..........water/but roast/with....... 131/3992
Exo_12:44.......thereof/But every man's servant/that 132/3992
Exo_13:15.........males/but all the firstborn/of 133/3992
Exo_13:18.........Egypt/But God led/the...... 134/3992
Exo_14:9...........hand/But the Egyptians/pursued 135/3992
Exo_14:16.......forward/But lift/thou........ 136/3992
Exo_14:20..........them/but it gave/light.... 137/3992
Exo_14:29..........them/But the children of Israel walked/upon 138/3992
Exo_15:19..........them/but the children of Israel went/on 139/3992 against the LORD/And 140/3992
Exo_16:20.........Moses/but some of them left/of 141/3992 on the seventh day which/is 142/3992
Exo_17:12.....prevailed/But Moses hands/were. 143/3992
Exo_18:22..........thee/but every small matter they shall/judge 144/3992
Exo_18:26.........Moses/but every small matter they judged/themselves 145/3992 he shall surely/be 146/3992
Exo_19:24..........thee/but let not the/priests 147/3992 the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy/manservant 148/3992
Exo_20:19..........hear/but let not God/speak 149/3992
Exo_21:13..........wait/but God deliver/him.. 150/3992
Exo_21:14..........flee/But if a man come/presumptuously 151/3992
Exo_21:18...........not/but keepeth/his...... 152/3992
Exo_21:28.........eaten/but the owner/of..... 153/3992
Exo_21:29..........quit/But if the ox/were... 154/3992 that he hath/killed 155/3992
Exo_22:15..........good/But if the owner/thereof 156/3992
Exo_23:11.......thereof/But the seventh year/thou 157/3992
Exo_23:22...........him/But if thou shalt indeed/obey 158/3992 thou shalt utterly overthrow/them 159/3992
Exo_24:2...........LORD/but they shall not come/nigh 160/3992
Exo_29:14.........altar/But the flesh of/the. 161/3992
Exo_29:33..........them/but a stranger shall/not 162/3992
Exo_31:15..........done/but in the seventh is/the 163/3992
Exo_32:18......overcome/but the noise/of..... 164/3992 his servant/Joshua 165/3992 my face/shall.... 166/3992
Exo_34:13..........thee/But ye shall destroy/their 167/3992
Exo_34:20..........male/But the firstling of an/ass 168/3992 on the seventh day thou/shalt 169/3992
Exo_34:34..........face/But when Moses/went.. 170/3992
Exo_35:2...........done/but on the seventh day there/shall 171/3992 their five/sockets 172/3992
Exo_40:37......journeys/But if the cloud/were 173/3992
Lev_1:9...........altar/But his inwards/and.. 174/3992
Lev_1:13..........altar/But he shall wash/the 175/3992
Lev_1:17........thereof/but shall not divide it asunder and the/priest 176/3992
Lev_2:12...........LORD/but they shall not be/burnt 177/3992
Lev_5:8............neck/but shall not divide it asunder And he/shall 178/3992
Lev_5:11............him/But if he be not able to bring/two 179/3992 the earthen/vessel 180/3992
Lev_7:16........morning/But if the sacrifice/of 181/3992
Lev_7:17..........eaten/But the remainder/of. 182/3992
Lev_7:20........thereof/But the soul that eateth/of 183/3992
Lev_7:24............use/but ye shall in/no... 184/3992
Lev_7:31..........altar/but the breast/shall. 185/3992
Lev_8:17..........altar/But the bullock/and.. 186/3992
Lev_9:10..........altar/But the fat/and...... 187/3992
Lev_10:6.........people/but let your brethren/the 188/3992
Lev_11:4............cud/but divideth not the hoof he is unclean unto you And the coney/because 189/3992
Lev_11:5............cud/but divideth not the hoof he is unclean unto you And the hare/because 190/3992
Lev_11:6............cud/but divideth not the hoof he is unclean unto you And the swine/though 191/3992
Lev_11:11.........flesh/but ye shall have/their 192/3992
Lev_11:23..........kind/But all other/flying. 193/3992
Lev_11:36.........clean/but that which toucheth/their 194/3992
Lev_11:38.........clean/But if any water/be.. 195/3992
Lev_12:5......fulfilled/But if she bear/a.... 196/3992 a scab/and....... 197/3992
Lev_13:7..........clean/But if the scab/spread 198/3992
Lev_13:14.........clean/But when raw/flesh... 199/3992
Lev_13:21..........boil/But if the priest look on it and behold there be no white hairs/therein 200/3992 be somewhat dark then the priest shall shut him up seven days And if/it 201/3992
Lev_13:23........plague/But if the bright/spot 202/3992
Lev_13:26.......leprosy/But if the priest look on it and behold there be no white hair/in 203/3992 be somewhat dark then the priest shall shut him up seven days And the/priest 204/3992 it be/somewhat... 205/3992
Lev_13:33........shaven/but the scall/shall.. 206/3992
Lev_13:35.........clean/But if the scall spread/much 207/3992
Lev_13:37.......unclean/But if the scall be/in 208/3992
Lev_14:9...........days/But it shall be on/the 209/3992
Lev_14:53.......scarlet/But he shall let/go.. 210/3992
Lev_15:28..........even/But if she be/cleansed 211/3992
Lev_16:10......offering/But the goat/on...... 212/3992
Lev_17:16.........clean/But if he wash/them.. 213/3992
Lev_19:14.........blind/but shalt fear thy God I/am 214/3992
Lev_19:15........mighty/but in righteousness/shalt 215/3992
Lev_19:18........people/but thou shalt love/thy 216/3992
Lev_19:24............of/But in the fourth year/all 217/3992
Lev_19:34...........him/But the stranger/that 218/3992
Lev_20:24..........them/But I have said/unto. 219/3992
Lev_21:2.........people/But for his kin/that. 220/3992
Lev_21:4........defiled/But he shall not defile/himself 221/3992
Lev_21:14..........take/but he shall take/a.. 222/3992
Lev_22:11.........thing/But if the priest buy/any 223/3992
Lev_22:13........things/But if the priest's/daughter 224/3992
Lev_22:13..........meat/but there shall be no/stranger 225/3992
Lev_22:20.........goats/But whatsoever hath/a 226/3992
Lev_22:23......offering/but for a vow/it..... 227/3992 I will be/hallowed 228/3992
Lev_23:3...........done/but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest/an 229/3992
Lev_23:8........therein/But ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD seven/days 230/3992
Lev_23:25.......therein/but ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD And/the 231/3992
Lev_25:4........thereof/But in the seventh year/shall 232/3992
Lev_25:17.......another/but thou shalt fear/thy 233/3992
Lev_25:28....possession/But if he be not able to restore/it 234/3992
Lev_25:31........jubile/But the houses/of.... 235/3992
Lev_25:34........Israel/But the field of/the. 236/3992
Lev_25:36......increase/but fear thy/God..... 237/3992
Lev_25:40...bondservant/But as an/hired...... 238/3992
Lev_25:43........rigour/but shalt fear thy God Both/thy 239/3992
Lev_25:46..........ever/but over/your........ 240/3992
Lev_25:52........remain/but few years/unto... 241/3992
Lev_26:14.......upright/But if ye will not hearken unto me and/will 242/3992
Lev_26:15..commandments/but that ye break/my. 243/3992
Lev_26:23........things/but will walk/contrary 244/3992 walk/contrary.... 245/3992
Lev_26:45...........God/But I will for/their. 246/3992
Lev_27:8........shekels/But if he be poorer/than 247/3992 if he will at/all 248/3992
Lev_27:18.........stand/But if he sanctify/his 249/3992
Lev_27:21..........more/But the field when/it 250/3992
Lev_27:29......redeemed/but shall surely be put/to 251/3992
Num_1:47..........fifty/But the Levites after/the 252/3992
Num_1:50.........Israel/But thou shalt appoint/the 253/3992
Num_1:53..........hosts/But the Levites shall pitch/round 254/3992
Num_2:33..........fifty/But the Levites were/not 255/3992
Num_3:38..........cords/But those that encamp/before 256/3992 they shall not touch/any 257/3992
Num_4:19........Levites/But thus do/unto..... 258/3992
Num_4:20.........burden/But they shall not go/in 259/3992
Num_5:8......trespassed/But if the man/have.. 260/3992
Num_5:20..........curse/But if thou hast/gone 261/3992
Num_5:28........defiled/but be clean/then.... 262/3992
Num_6:12.......offering/but the days that/were 263/3992
Num_7:9..........priest/But unto the sons of Kohath/he 264/3992
Num_8:26...........more/But shall minister/with 265/3992 the man that is/clean 266/3992
Num_9:22............not/but when it was/taken 267/3992
Num_10:4...........blow/but with one/trumpet. 268/3992
Num_10:7.......journeys/But when the congregation/is 269/3992
Num_10:7...........blow/but ye shall not sound/an 270/3992
Num_10:30............go/but I will depart/to. 271/3992
Num_11:6........garlick/But now our/soul..... 272/3992
Num_11:20..........days/But even a/whole..... 273/3992
Num_11:26.........cease/But there remained/two 274/3992
Num_11:26.......written/but went not out/unto 275/3992
Num_12:14...........had/but spit/in.......... 276/3992 the men that/went 277/3992
Num_14:10...........not/But all the congregation/bade 278/3992
Num_14:21..........word/But as truly/as...... 279/3992 my servant Caleb/because 280/3992
Num_14:31...........Nun/But your little/ones. 281/3992
Num_14:32......despised/But as for you your/carcases 282/3992
Num_14:38..........LORD/But Joshua the son of Nun and/Caleb 283/3992
Num_14:41..........LORD/but it shall not prosper Go/not 284/3992 they presumed/to. 285/3992
Num_15:30..........them/But the soul that doeth/ought 286/3992 a small/thing.... 287/3992 if the LORD/make. 288/3992
Num_16:41.........Moses/But on the morrow/all 289/3992
Num_18:2...........thee/but thou and thy sons/with 290/3992
Num_18:17........gerahs/But the firstling of a/cow 291/3992
Num_18:23...........die/But the Levites shall do/the 292/3992
Num_18:24...inheritance/But the tithes/of.... 293/3992
Num_19:12.........clean/but if he purify/not. 294/3992
Num_19:20..........even/But the man that shall be/unclean 295/3992
Num_21:22..........well/but we will go along/by 296/3992
Num_21:23........border/but Sihon gathered all his people together and went/out 297/3992
Num_22:20..........them/but yet the/word..... 298/3992
Num_22:24...........way/But the angel of the LORD stood/in 299/3992 only the/word.... 300/3992
Num_23:13...........see/but the utmost/part.. 301/3992
Num_23:26...........all/But Balaam/answered.. 302/3992
Num_24:1...enchantments/but he set/his....... 303/3992
Num_24:4.........trance/but having his eyes open How/goodly 304/3992
Num_24:11........honour/but lo the/LORD...... 305/3992
Num_24:13..........mind/but what the/LORD.... 306/3992
Num_24:16........trance/but having his eyes open I/shall 307/3992
Num_24:17...........him/but not now/I........ 308/3992
Num_24:17...........him/but not nigh/there... 309/3992
Num_24:20.......nations/but his latter/end... 310/3992
Num_26:33..........sons/but daughters and the/names 311/3992
Num_26:64.......Jericho/But among these/there 312/3992
Num_27:3..........Korah/but died/in.......... 313/3992
Num_28:19.......therein/But ye shall offer a sacrifice/made 314/3992 ye shall offer the/burnt 315/3992
Num_29:8........therein/But ye shall offer a burnt offering unto/the 316/3992
Num_29:36.......therein/But ye shall offer a burnt offering a/sacrifice 317/3992
Num_30:5..........stand/But if her father/disallow 318/3992
Num_30:8..........stand/But if her husband disallowed/her 319/3992
Num_30:9............her/But every vow/of..... 320/3992
Num_30:12.........stand/But if her husband hath/utterly 321/3992
Num_30:14..........void/But if her husband altogether/hold 322/3992
Num_30:15..........them/But if he shall/any.. 323/3992
Num_31:18...........him/But all the women/children 324/3992
Num_32:17..........ones/But we ourselves will/go 325/3992
Num_32:23..........LORD/But if ye will not do/so 326/3992
Num_32:27........Gilead/But thy servants/will 327/3992
Num_32:30....possession/But if they will not pass/over 328/3992
Num_33:55.......inherit/But if ye will not drive/out 329/3992
Num_35:8...........many/but from them/that... 330/3992
Num_35:20...........him/But if he thrust him of/hatred 331/3992
Num_35:22...........him/But if he thrust him suddenly/without 332/3992
Num_35:26...........oil/But if the slayer/shall 333/3992
Num_35:28........priest/but after the death/of 334/3992
Num_35:30.....witnesses/but one witness/shall 335/3992
Num_35:31.........death/but he shall be surely/put 336/3992
Num_35:33.......therein/but by the blood/of.. 337/3992
Num_36:9..........tribe/but every one of/the. 338/3992
Deu_1:17.......judgment/but ye shall hear/the 339/3992
Deu_1:26.............up/but rebelled against the commandment of the LORD your/God 340/3992
Deu_1:38........thither/But Joshua the son of Nun which/standeth 341/3992 as for you turn/you 342/3992
Deu_1:43...........hear/but rebelled against the commandment of the LORD and/went 343/3992
Deu_1:45...........LORD/but the LORD would/not 344/3992
Deu_2:11........Anakims/but the Moabites/called 345/3992
Deu_2:12.....beforetime/but the children of Esau/succeeded 346/3992
Deu_2:21........Anakims/but the LORD destroyed/them 347/3992 Sihon king/of.... 348/3992 all the cattle/and 349/3992
Deu_3:19............war/But your wives/and... 350/3992
Deu_3:26........Lebanon/But the LORD was wroth/with 351/3992
Deu_3:28.........Jordan/But charge/Joshua.... 352/3992 ye that/did...... 353/3992 teach/them....... 354/3992
Deu_4:12..........words/but saw/no........... 355/3992
Deu_4:20.........heaven/But the LORD hath/taken 356/3992
Deu_4:22....inheritance/But I must die/in.... 357/3992
Deu_4:22.........Jordan/but ye shall go/over. 358/3992 shall utterly/be. 359/3992
Deu_4:29..........smell/But if from/thence... 360/3992
Deu_5:3.........fathers/but with us even/us.. 361/3992 the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter nor/thy 362/3992
Deu_5:31..........again/But as for thee stand/thou 363/3992
Deu_7:5........suddenly/But thus shall/ye.... 364/3992
Deu_7:8..........people/But because the/LORD. 365/3992
Deu_7:15...........thee/but will lay/them.... 366/3992
Deu_7:18...........them/but shalt well/remember 367/3992
Deu_7:23...........thee/But the LORD thy God shall/deliver 368/3992 thou shalt utterly detest/it 369/3992
Deu_8:3............only/but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the/LORD 370/3992
Deu_8:18.........wealth/But thou shalt remember the/LORD 371/3992 for the wickedness of these nations the LORD doth/drive 372/3992 for the wickedness of these nations the LORD thy/God 373/3992 the LORD hearkened/unto 374/3992
Deu_10:12..........thee/but to fear/the...... 375/3992
Deu_11:7.........Israel/But your eyes/have... 376/3992
Deu_11:11.........herbs/But the land whither/ye 377/3992
Deu_11:28...........God/but turn aside/out... 378/3992
Deu_12:5............God/But unto the place/which 379/3992 when ye go/over.. 380/3992
Deu_12:14.........seest/But in the place/which 381/3992
Deu_12:18..........hand/But thou must/eat.... 382/3992
Deu_13:9............him/But thou shalt surely kill/him 383/3992
Deu_14:7............cud/but divide not/the... 384/3992 these are they/of 385/3992
Deu_14:20.........eaten/But of all/clean..... 386/3992
Deu_15:3..........again/but that which is thine/with 387/3992
Deu_15:6........nations/but thou shalt not borrow/and 388/3992
Deu_15:6........nations/but they shall not reign/over 389/3992 thou shalt open/thine 390/3992
Deu_16:6...........thee/But at the place/which 391/3992
Deu_17:6..........death/but at the mouth/of.. 392/3992 he shall not multiply/horses 393/3992
Deu_18:14......diviners/but as for thee the/LORD 394/3992
Deu_18:20...........him/But the prophet which/shall 395/3992
Deu_18:22........spoken/but the prophet hath/spoken 396/3992
Deu_19:11..........thee/But if any man hate/his 397/3992
Deu_19:13...........him/but thou shalt put/away 398/3992
Deu_19:21..........pity/but life shall/go.... 399/3992
Deu_20:12..........thee/but will make/war.... 400/3992
Deu_20:14.........sword/But the women/and.... 401/3992
Deu_20:16.......nations/But of the cities/of. 402/3992
Deu_20:17.....breatheth/But thou shalt utterly destroy/them 403/3992
Deu_21:14..........will/but thou shalt not sell/her 404/3992
Deu_21:17.....firstborn/But he shall acknowledge/the 405/3992
Deu_21:23..........tree/but thou shalt in any wise bury/him 406/3992
Deu_22:7..........young/But thou shalt in any wise let/the 407/3992
Deu_22:20..........days/But if this/thing.... 408/3992 if a man find/a.. 409/3992
Deu_22:26...........die/But unto the damsel/thou 410/3992
Deu_23:5.........Balaam/but the LORD thy God turned/the 411/3992 it shall be when/evening 412/3992
Deu_23:20.........usury/but unto thy brother/thou 413/3992
Deu_23:22..........thee/But if thou shalt forbear/to 414/3992
Deu_23:24......pleasure/but thou shalt not put/any 415/3992
Deu_23:25..........hand/but thou shalt not move/a 416/3992 he shall be free/at 417/3992
Deu_24:18........pledge/But thou shalt remember that/thou 418/3992
Deu_25:15.........small/But thou shalt have/a 419/3992
Deu_26:14..........dead/but I have hearkened/to 420/3992
Deu_28:15..........them/But it shall come to pass if/thou 421/3992
Deu_28:38........gather/but little/in........ 422/3992
Deu_28:39..........them/but shalt neither/drink 423/3992
Deu_28:40........coasts/but thou shalt not anoint thyself/with 424/3992
Deu_28:41.....daughters/but thou shalt not enjoy/them 425/3992 the LORD shall give/thee 426/3992
Deu_29:15..........oath/But with him/that.... 427/3992
Deu_29:20...........him/but then the/anger... 428/3992
Deu_29:29...........God/but those things which are/revealed 429/3992 the word is/very. 430/3992 if thine heart/turn 431/3992
Deu_30:17..........hear/but shalt be drawn/away 432/3992
Deu_32:15.........grape/But Jeshurun/waxed... 433/3992
Deu_32:52..........thee/but thou shalt not go thither/unto 434/3992
Deu_34:4...........eyes/but thou shalt not go over/thither 435/3992
Deu_34:6.......Bethpeor/but no man knoweth/of 436/3992
Jos_1:8...........mouth/but thou shalt meditate/therein 437/3992
Jos_1:14.........Jordan/but ye shall pass/before 438/3992 I wist/not....... 439/3992
Jos_2:6............them/But she had/brought.. 440/3992
Jos_2:22............way/but found them not So/the 441/3992
Jos_5:5.....circumcised/but all the people that/were 442/3992
Jos_5:12...........more/but they did eat of the fruit/of 443/3992
Jos_5:14............Nay/but as captain/of.... 444/3992
Jos_6:13...........them/but the rereward/came 445/3992 all the silver/and 446/3992
Jos_6:22..........sword/But Joshua had/said.. 447/3992 the children of Israel committed/a 448/3992
Jos_7:3..............up/but let about/two.... 449/3992
Jos_7:3.............are/but few So/there..... 450/3992
Jos_7:12........enemies/but turned their/backs 451/3992 be ye all/ready.. 452/3992
Jos_8:9..............Ai/but Joshua lodged/that 453/3992
Jos_8:14..........plain/but he wist/not...... 454/3992 now behold/it.... 455/3992
Jos_9:19........princes/But all the princes/said 456/3992 let them be hewers/of 457/3992
Jos_10:16........Gilgal/But these five/kings. 458/3992
Jos_10:19...........not/but pursue/after..... 459/3992 did unto/the..... 460/3992
Jos_10:37.........Eglon/but destroyed/it..... 461/3992
Jos_10:40.....remaining/but utterly/destroyed 462/3992
Jos_11:13.....commanded/But as for the cities/that 463/3992
Jos_11:14....themselves/but every man they/smote 464/3992
Jos_11:20........favour/but that he might/destroy 465/3992
Jos_13:13..Maachathites/but the Geshurites/and 466/3992
Jos_13:33......eastward/But unto the tribe/of 467/3992
Jos_14:3.........Jordan/but unto the Levites/he 468/3992
Jos_14:8...........melt/but I wholly/followed 469/3992
Jos_15:63...........out/but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Judah/at 470/3992
Jos_16:10.........Gezer/but the Canaanites dwell/among 471/3992
Jos_17:3.......families/But Zelophehad/the... 472/3992
Jos_17:3...........sons/but daughters and these/are 473/3992
Jos_17:8........Tappuah/but Tappuah/on....... 474/3992
Jos_17:12........cities/but the Canaanites would dwell in that land Yet/it 475/3992
Jos_17:13.......tribute/but did not/utterly.. 476/3992 one lot/and...... 477/3992
Jos_17:18..........only/But the mountain/shall 478/3992
Jos_18:7............God/But the Levites have/no 479/3992 the fields of the city and the villages thereof gave/they 480/3992 have kept/the.... 481/3992
Jos_22:5.........Jordan/But take diligent/heed 482/3992
Jos_22:7.........Bashan/but unto the other/half 483/3992
Jos_22:18..........LORD/But that ye must/turn 484/3992 rebel not/against 485/3992
Jos_22:27.....sacrifice/But that it may/be... 486/3992
Jos_22:28....sacrifices/but it is a/witness.. 487/3992
Jos_23:8...........them/But cleave/unto...... 488/3992
Jos_23:9.........strong/but as for you no/man 489/3992 they shall be snares/and 490/3992 Jacob and/his.... 491/3992 I would not hearken/unto 492/3992
Jos_24:12......Amorites/but not with thy/sword 493/3992
Jos_24:15.........dwell/but as for me and/my. 494/3992
Jos_24:21...........Nay/but we will serve/the 495/3992
Jdg_1:6......Perizzites/But Adonibezek/fled.. 496/3992
Jdg_1:19.......mountain/but could not drive/out 497/3992
Jdg_1:21......Jerusalem/but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Benjamin/in 498/3992
Jdg_1:25..........sword/but they let/go...... 499/3992
Jdg_1:27..........towns/but the Canaanites would dwell in that land And/it 500/3992
Jdg_1:29..........Gezer/but the Canaanites dwelt in/Gezer 501/3992
Jdg_1:30........Nahalol/but the Canaanites dwelt among/them 502/3992
Jdg_1:32..........Rehob/But the Asherites/dwelt 503/3992
Jdg_1:33......Bethanath/but he dwelt/among... 504/3992
Jdg_1:35.........valley/But the Amorites/would 505/3992
Jdg_2:2..........altars/but ye have not obeyed my voice why/have 506/3992 they shall be as thorns/in 507/3992
Jdg_2:17.........judges/but they went a/whoring 508/3992
Jdg_2:17...........LORD/but they did not so/And 509/3992
Jdg_3:15..........years/But when the children/of 510/3992
Jdg_3:16...........Moab/But Ehud/made........ 511/3992
Jdg_3:19........present/But he himself turned/again 512/3992
Jdg_4:8..............go/but if thou wilt not go with/me 513/3992
Jdg_4:16...........feet/But Barak/pursued.... 514/3992
Jdg_5:31...........LORD/but let them that/love 515/3992
Jdg_6:10..........dwell/but ye have not obeyed my voice And/there 516/3992
Jdg_6:13..........Egypt/but now the LORD hath forsaken/us 517/3992
Jdg_6:34........Jezreel/But the Spirit of the LORD came/upon 518/3992
Jdg_6:39..........speak/but this once let/me. 519/3992
Jdg_6:39...........thee/but this once with/the 520/3992 all the rest/of.. 521/3992
Jdg_7:10...........hand/But if thou fear/to.. 522/3992
Jdg_7:19............had/but newly/set........ 523/3992
Jdg_8:20...........them/But the youth/drew... 524/3992 the olive/tree... 525/3992 the fig/tree..... 526/3992 if not let/fire.. 527/3992 there was a strong/tower 528/3992
Jdg_11:16.........Ammon/But when Israel/came. 529/3992 the king of Edom/would 530/3992
Jdg_11:17..........Moab/but he would not consent/and 531/3992
Jdg_11:18.........Arnon/but came/not......... 532/3992 Sihon trusted/not 533/3992
Jdg_11:20.........coast/but Sihon gathered all his people together and pitched/in 534/3992
Jdg_11:27..........thee/but thou doest/me.... 535/3992
Jdg_13:3............not/but thou shalt conceive/and 536/3992
Jdg_13:6.......terrible/but I asked/him...... 537/3992 he said unto me Behold/thou 538/3992
Jdg_13:9..........field/but Manoah/her....... 539/3992
Jdg_13:21........ground/But the angel of the LORD did/no 540/3992
Jdg_13:23...........God/But his wife said/unto 541/3992
Jdg_14:4...........well/But his father and/his 542/3992
Jdg_14:6...........hand/but he told not his father or/his 543/3992 he told not them/that 544/3992
Jdg_14:13......garments/But if ye cannot/declare 545/3992
Jdg_14:16..........dost/but hate/me.......... 546/3992 Samson's/wife.... 547/3992
Jdg_15:1.........friend/But it came to pass within/a 548/3992
Jdg_15:1........chamber/But her father/would. 549/3992
Jdg_15:13............No/but we will bind/thee 550/3992
Jdg_15:13..........hand/but surely/we........ 551/3992
Jdg_15:19.uncircumcised/But God clave/an..... 552/3992
Jdg_16:21...........him/But the Philistines took/him 553/3992
Jdg_17:6.........Israel/but every man did/that 554/3992
Jdg_19:10..........home/But the man would/not 555/3992
Jdg_19:10.........night/but he rose/up....... 556/3992
Jdg_19:16........Gibeah/but the men of the/place 557/3992
Jdg_19:18Bethlehemjudah/but I am now/going... 558/3992 unto this/man.... 559/3992
Jdg_19:25.........thing/But the men would/not 560/3992
Jdg_19:28.........going/But none answered/Then 561/3992 now this/shall... 562/3992
Jdg_20:13........Israel/But the children of Benjamin would/not 563/3992
Jdg_20:14........Israel/But the children of Benjamin gathered/themselves 564/3992
Jdg_20:32.........first/But the children of Israel said/Let 565/3992
Jdg_20:34..........sore/but they knew not that evil/was 566/3992
Jdg_20:40........battle/But when the flame/began 567/3992
Jdg_20:42....wilderness/but the battle/overtook 568/3992
Jdg_20:47........valour/But six/hundred...... 569/3992 Ruth/clave....... 570/3992
Rut_1:17..........ought/but death/part....... 571/3992
Rut_2:8...........hence/but abide/here....... 572/3992
Rut_3:3...........floor/but make not thyself/known 573/3992
Rut_3:13...........part/but if he will not do/the 574/3992 if thou wilt not redeem/it 575/3992
1Sa_1:2........children/but Hannah had/no.... 576/3992
1Sa_1:5........portions/But unto Hannah/he... 577/3992
1Sa_1:5..........Hannah/but the LORD had/shut 578/3992
1Sa_1:11.......handmaid/but wilt give/unto... 579/3992
1Sa_1:13..........moved/but her voice/was.... 580/3992
1Sa_1:15..........drink/but have poured/out.. 581/3992
1Sa_1:22............vow/But Hannah went/not.. 582/3992
1Sa_2:15...........thee/but raw/And.......... 583/3992
1Sa_2:16............Nay/but thou shalt give/it 584/3992
1Sa_2:18...........LORD/But Samuel ministered/before 585/3992
1Sa_2:25............him/but if a man sin/against 586/3992
1Sa_2:30...........ever/but now the LORD saith/Be 587/3992
1Sa_4:20............son/But she answered/not. 588/3992 the hand of the LORD was heavy/upon 589/3992
1Sa_6:3...........empty/but in any/wise...... 590/3992
1Sa_6:9............evil/but if not then/we... 591/3992
1Sa_7:10.........Israel/but the LORD thundered/with 592/3992
1Sa_8:3............ways/but turned aside/after 593/3992
1Sa_8:6.........nations/But the thing displeased/Samuel 594/3992
1Sa_8:7............thee/but they have rejected/me 595/3992
1Sa_8:19............Nay/but we will have/a... 596/3992
1Sa_9:4........Shalisha/but they found them not then/they 597/3992
1Sa_9:4......Benjamites/but they found them not And/when 598/3992
1Sa_9:7.........servant/But behold if/we..... 599/3992
1Sa_9:27.............on/but stand/thou....... 600/3992
1Sa_10:12..........said/But who is their/father 601/3992
1Sa_10:16.........found/But of the matter/of. 602/3992
1Sa_10:19...........Nay/but set/a............ 603/3992
1Sa_10:27.......touched/But the children of Belial/said 604/3992
1Sa_10:27......presents/But he held his peace Then/Nahash 605/3992
1Sa_12:10.....Ashtaroth/but now deliver/us... 606/3992
1Sa_12:12...........Nay/but a king/shall..... 607/3992
1Sa_12:15...........God/But if ye will not obey/the 608/3992
1Sa_12:15..........LORD/but rebel against/the 609/3992
1Sa_12:20..........LORD/but serve/the........ 610/3992 I will teach/you. 611/3992 if ye shall still/do 612/3992
1Sa_13:8......appointed/but Samuel came/not.. 613/3992
1Sa_13:14..........ever/But now thy/kingdom.. 614/3992
1Sa_13:16......Benjamin/but the Philistines encamped/in 615/3992
1Sa_13:20........spears/But all the Israelites/went 616/3992
1Sa_13:22......Jonathan/but with Saul/and.... 617/3992
1Sa_14:1...........side/But he told not his father And/Saul 618/3992
1Sa_14:10..........them/But if they say/thus. 619/3992
1Sa_14:26.......dropped/but no man put/his... 620/3992
1Sa_14:27..........oath/But Jonathan heard/not 621/3992
1Sa_14:37........Israel/But he answered him not/that 622/3992
1Sa_14:39...........die/But there was not/a.. 623/3992
1Sa_14:41.........taken/but the people escaped/And 624/3992
1Sa_14:43...........did/but taste/a.......... 625/3992
1Sa_15:3............not/but slay/both........ 626/3992
1Sa_15:9..........sword/But Saul and/the..... 627/3992
1Sa_15:9...........them/but every thing/that. 628/3992
1Sa_15:19..........LORD/but didst/fly........ 629/3992
1Sa_15:21....Amalekites/But the people took/of 630/3992
1Sa_16:7............him/But the LORD said unto Samuel/Look 631/3992
1Sa_16:7.....appearance/but the LORD looketh/on 632/3992
1Sa_16:14.........Ramah/But the Spirit of the LORD departed/from 633/3992
1Sa_17:9.......servants/but if I prevail/against 634/3992
1Sa_17:15..........Saul/But David went/and... 635/3992 a youth and he/a. 636/3992
1Sa_17:42...........was/but a youth and ruddy/and 637/3992
1Sa_17:45........shield/but I come/to........ 638/3992
1Sa_17:50...........him/but there was no sword/in 639/3992
1Sa_17:54.....Jerusalem/but he put/his....... 640/3992
1Sa_18:8.......ascribed/but thousands/and.... 641/3992
1Sa_18:8...........more/but the kingdom And/Saul 642/3992
1Sa_18:16...........him/But all Israel/and... 643/3992
1Sa_18:17...........him/but let the hand/of.. 644/3992
1Sa_18:19..........king/But it came to pass at/the 645/3992
1Sa_18:25.........dowry/but an hundred/foreskins 646/3992
1Sa_18:25.......enemies/But Saul thought/to.. 647/3992
1Sa_19:2..........David/But Jonathan Saul's/son 648/3992
1Sa_19:10.......javelin/but he slipped/away.. 649/3992
1Sa_20:2..........small/but that he will/shew 650/3992
1Sa_20:3........grieved/but truly as/the..... 651/3992 a step/between... 652/3992
1Sa_20:5...........meat/but let me go/that... 653/3992
1Sa_20:7..........peace/but if he be very/wroth 654/3992
1Sa_20:13......Jonathan/but if it please/my.. 655/3992
1Sa_20:15...........not/But also thou/shalt.. 656/3992
1Sa_20:22........liveth/But if I say/thus.... 657/3992
1Sa_20:39........master/But the lad/knew..... 658/3992
1Sa_21:4...........hand/but there is hallowed/bread 659/3992
1Sa_21:6..........there/but the shewbread/that 660/3992 the servants of the/king 661/3992 with me thou/shalt 662/3992 God delivered/him 663/3992
1Sa_23:24..........Saul/but David and his men were/in 664/3992
1Sa_23:27..........them/But there came a messenger/unto 665/3992
1Sa_24:7...........Saul/But Saul rose/up..... 666/3992
1Sa_24:10..........thee/but mine eye spared/thee 667/3992
1Sa_24:12..........thee/but mine hand shall not be upon thee As/saith 668/3992
1Sa_24:13........wicked/but mine hand shall not be upon thee After/whom 669/3992
1Sa_24:22..........home/but David and his men gat/them 670/3992
1Sa_25:3....countenance/but the man was/churlish 671/3992
1Sa_25:14.........stuff/But one of the young/men 672/3992
1Sa_25:15..........them/But the men were/very 673/3992 she told/not..... 674/3992
1Sa_25:25...........him/but I thine/handmaid. 675/3992
1Sa_25:29..........soul/but the soul of my/lord 676/3992
1Sa_25:31.......himself/but when the LORD/shall 677/3992
1Sa_25:37.........light/But it came to pass in the morning/when 678/3992
1Sa_25:44.........wives/But Saul had/given... 679/3992
1Sa_26:3............way/But David abode/in... 680/3992
1Sa_26:7........bolster/but Abner and/the.... 681/3992
1Sa_26:11......anointed/but I pray/thee...... 682/3992
1Sa_26:19......offering/but if they be the/children 683/3992 I would not stretch/forth 684/3992
1Sa_28:23...........way/But he refused and said I/will 685/3992 his servants/together 686/3992
1Sa_29:2......thousands/but David and his men passed/on 687/3992
1Sa_29:8.........Achish/But what have/I...... 688/3992
1Sa_30:2..........small/but carried them/away 689/3992
1Sa_30:6......daughters/but David encouraged/himself 690/3992
1Sa_30:10........stayed/But David pursued/he. 691/3992
1Sa_30:24........matter/but as his/part...... 692/3992 his armourbearer would not for he was sore afraid Therefore/Saul 693/3992
2Sa_2:8............them/But Abner the/son.... 694/3992
2Sa_2:10..........years/But the house of Judah/followed 695/3992
2Sa_2:21.........armour/But Asahel/would..... 696/3992
2Sa_2:31.........Asahel/But the servants of David/had 697/3992
2Sa_3:1...........David/but David waxed/stronger 698/3992
2Sa_3:13...........thee/but one thing I/require 699/3992
2Sa_3:22...........them/but Abner was/not.... 700/3992
2Sa_3:26..........Sirah/but David knew/it.... 701/3992
2Sa_4:12.........Hebron/But they took/the.... 702/3992
2Sa_5:17......Eliphalet/But when the Philistines/heard 703/3992
2Sa_5:23.............up/but fetch/a.......... 704/3992
2Sa_6:10..........David/but David carried/it. 705/3992
2Sa_7:2...........cedar/but the ark of God dwelleth/within 706/3992 have walked in/a. 707/3992 my mercy/shall... 708/3992
2Sa_7:19............GOD/but thou hast spoken/also 709/3992
2Sa_8:4..........horses/but reserved of them for/an 710/3992 Mephibosheth/thy. 711/3992 if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will come/and 712/3992
2Sa_11:1.........Rabbah/But David tarried still/at 713/3992
2Sa_11:9...........king/But Uriah/slept...... 714/3992
2Sa_11:13..........lord/but went not down/to. 715/3992
2Sa_11:27...........son/But the thing that/David 716/3992
2Sa_12:3..........herds/But the poor man/had. 717/3992
2Sa_12:4............him/but took/the......... 718/3992
2Sa_12:12......secretly/but I will do/this... 719/3992 he would not neither/did 720/3992
2Sa_12:19..........dead/But when David/saw... 721/3992
2Sa_12:21.........alive/but when the child/was 722/3992 now he is dead/wherefore 723/3992
2Sa_12:23...........him/but he shall not return/to 724/3992
2Sa_13:3............her/But Amnon/had........ 725/3992
2Sa_13:9............him/but he refused to eat/And 726/3992
2Sa_13:14.........voice/but being stronger/than 727/3992 he would not hearken/unto 728/3992
2Sa_13:20..........thee/but hold/now......... 729/3992 when king/David.. 730/3992
2Sa_13:25............go/but blessed him/Then. 731/3992
2Sa_13:27..........thee/But Absalom pressed/him 732/3992
2Sa_13:34..........dead/But Absalom fled And the/young 733/3992
2Sa_13:37..........sore/But Absalom fled and went/to 734/3992
2Sa_14:2............oil/but be as/a.......... 735/3992
2Sa_14:6...........them/but the one/smote.... 736/3992
2Sa_14:25..........face/But in all Israel/there 737/3992
2Sa_14:29..........king/but he would not come/to 738/3992
2Sa_15:3..........right/but there is no man/deputed 739/3992
2Sa_15:10........Hebron/But Absalom sent/spies 740/3992
2Sa_15:20........camest/but yesterday/should. 741/3992
2Sa_15:26....habitation/But if he thus/say... 742/3992 if thou return/to 743/3992
2Sa_16:18...........Nay/but whom the LORD and/this 744/3992
2Sa_17:16....wilderness/but speedily/pass.... 745/3992
2Sa_17:18.......Absalom/but they went both/of 746/3992
2Sa_18:3...........also/But the people answered/Thou 747/3992 now thou/art..... 748/3992 thou shalt bear/tidings 749/3992 this day/thou.... 750/3992
2Sa_18:22..........Joab/But howsoever let/me. 751/3992
2Sa_18:23.........ready/But howsoever said/he 752/3992
2Sa_18:29........tumult/but I knew/not....... 753/3992
2Sa_19:4.........battle/But the king covered/his 754/3992
2Sa_19:21..........king/But Abishai the son of Zeruiah answered/and 755/3992
2Sa_19:27..........king/but my lord the king is/as 756/3992
2Sa_19:28..........were/but dead men/before.. 757/3992
2Sa_19:37........mother/But behold thy/servant 758/3992
2Sa_20:2.........Bichri/but the men of Judah/clave 759/3992
2Sa_20:3...........them/but went not in/unto. 760/3992
2Sa_20:5..........Judah/but he tarried/longer 761/3992
2Sa_20:10...........him/But Amasa/took....... 762/3992 a man of mount/Ephraim 763/3992
2Sa_21:2.........Israel/but of the remnant/of 764/3992
2Sa_21:7...........them/But the king spared/Mephibosheth 765/3992
2Sa_21:8...........Saul/But the king took/the 766/3992
2Sa_21:17.........David/But Abishai the son of Zeruiah succoured/him 767/3992
2Sa_22:19......calamity/but the LORD was my stay He brought me forth also into a large place he delivered me because he delighted in me The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and as/for 768/3992 thine eyes are/upon 769/3992
2Sa_22:42........looked/but there was none to save even/unto 770/3992
2Sa_22:42..........LORD/but he answered them not Then did I beat them as/small 771/3992
2Sa_23:6...........grow/But the sons of Belial/shall 772/3992
2Sa_23:7..........hands/But the man that shall touch/them 773/3992
2Sa_23:12...Philistines/But he stood/in...... 774/3992
2Sa_23:16.......thereof/but poured it out unto/the 775/3992
2Sa_23:21..........hand/but he went down/to.. 776/3992
2Sa_23:23........thirty/but he attained/not.. 777/3992 why doth/my...... 778/3992
2Sa_24:17......wickedly/but these sheep/what. 779/3992
2Sa_24:24...........Nay/but I will surely/buy 780/3992
1Ki_1:1.........clothes/but he gat/no........ 781/3992
1Ki_1:4.............him/but the king knew/her 782/3992
1Ki_1:8.............him/But Zadok/the........ 783/3992
1Ki_1:10.......servants/But Nathan/the....... 784/3992 Solomon thy/servant 785/3992
1Ki_1:26.......Adonijah/But me even/me....... 786/3992 if wickedness/shall 787/3992
1Ki_2:7...........peace/But shew/kindness.... 788/3992
1Ki_2:8........Mahanaim/but he came/down..... 789/3992
1Ki_2:9.............him/but his hoar/head.... 790/3992
1Ki_2:26..........death/but I will not at/this 791/3992
1Ki_2:30............Nay/but I will die/here.. 792/3992
1Ki_2:33...........ever/but upon David/and... 793/3992 a little child/I. 794/3992
1Ki_3:11........enemies/but hast asked for/thyself 795/3992
1Ki_3:21...........dead/but when I had/considered 796/3992
1Ki_3:22............Nay/but the living/is.... 797/3992
1Ki_3:22.............No/but the dead is/thy.. 798/3992
1Ki_3:23............Nay/but thy son is/the... 799/3992 the other said/Let 800/3992
1Ki_3:26..........thine/but divide it/Then... 801/3992
1Ki_5:4............feet/But now the LORD my/God 802/3992 Solomon was/building 803/3992
1Ki_7:31..........cubit/but the mouth thereof/was 804/3992
1Ki_8:16........therein/but I chose/David.... 805/3992 thy son that/shall 806/3992
1Ki_8:27.........father/But will God indeed/dwell 807/3992
1Ki_8:41.........Israel/but cometh/out....... 808/3992
1Ki_9:6..........Israel/But if ye shall at/all 809/3992 go and serve/other 810/3992 of the children of Israel did Solomon make no bondmen/but 811/3992
1Ki_9:22........bondmen/but they were men of war and his/servants 812/3992 Pharaoh's/daughter 813/3992
1Ki_11:1..........means/But king Solomon/loved 814/3992
1Ki_11:10..........gods/but he kept/not...... 815/3992
1Ki_11:12..........sake/but I will rend/it... 816/3992
1Ki_11:13.......kingdom/but will give/one.... 817/3992
1Ki_11:22...........him/But what hast/thou... 818/3992
1Ki_11:32..........thee/But he shall have one/tribe 819/3992
1Ki_11:34..........hand/but I will make him/prince 820/3992
1Ki_11:35......statutes/But I will take/the.. 821/3992
1Ki_11:39.........David/but not for ever/Solomon 822/3992
1Ki_12:8...........ever/But he forsook the counsel of/the 823/3992
1Ki_12:10.........heavy/but make thou it lighter/unto 824/3992
1Ki_12:11.........whips/but I will chastise you with scorpions So Jeroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam the/third 825/3992
1Ki_12:14.........whips/but I will chastise you with scorpions Wherefore/the 826/3992
1Ki_12:17.........tents/But as for the children of Israel which/dwelt 827/3992
1Ki_12:20.........David/but the tribe of Judah only And/when 828/3992
1Ki_12:22.......Solomon/But the word of God came/unto 829/3992
1Ki_13:18.........water/But he lied/unto..... 830/3992
1Ki_13:22..........thee/But camest/back...... 831/3992
1Ki_13:33...........way/but made again/of.... 832/3992
1Ki_14:4.........Ahijah/But Ahijah/could..... 833/3992
1Ki_14:9...........eyes/But hast done/evil... 834/3992 what even/now.... 835/3992
1Ki_15:14........Kidron/But the high places were not removed/nevertheless 836/3992
1Ki_16:22..........Omri/But the people that followed/Omri 837/3992
1Ki_16:25.......Samaria/But Omri/wrought..... 838/3992
1Ki_17:1..........years/but according to my/word 839/3992
1Ki_17:12..........cake/but an handful/of.... 840/3992
1Ki_17:13..........said/but make me/thereof.. 841/3992 I thy/servant.... 842/3992
1Ki_18:18........Israel/but thou and thy father's house in/that 843/3992
1Ki_18:21...........him/but if Baal/then..... 844/3992
1Ki_18:22..........LORD/but Baal's/prophets.. 845/3992
1Ki_18:25..........gods/but put no/fire...... 846/3992 there was no voice/nor 847/3992
1Ki_19:4..........there/But he himself went/a 848/3992
1Ki_19:11..........LORD/but the LORD was not in the wind/and 849/3992
1Ki_19:11....earthquake/but the LORD was not in the earthquake/And 850/3992 the LORD was not in the fire/and 851/3992 this thing I/may. 852/3992
1Ki_20:16..........noon/But Benhadad/was..... 853/3992
1Ki_20:23............we/but let us fight/against 854/3992 the Syrians filled/the 855/3992
1Ki_20:28.........hills/but he is not God/of. 856/3992 the rest fled/to. 857/3992
1Ki_21:5..........bread/But Jezebel/his...... 858/3992
1Ki_21:15.........alive/but dead And/it...... 859/3992 there was none like/unto 860/3992
1Ki_21:29..........days/but in his son's/days 861/3992
1Ki_22:8...........LORD/but I hate him for he doth/not 862/3992 evil And Jehoshaphat/said 863/3992
1Ki_22:16.......nothing/but that which is true/in 864/3992 evil And he/said. 865/3992
1Ki_22:24..........thee/But Zedekiah/the..... 866/3992
1Ki_22:30........battle/but put thou on thy robes And/the 867/3992
1Ki_22:31........battle/But the king of Syria/commanded 868/3992 they went not/for 869/3992
1Ki_22:49.........ships/But Jehoshaphat would/not 870/3992
2Ki_1:3.........disease/But the angel of the LORD said/to 871/3992
2Ki_1:4..............up/but shalt surely die And Elijah/departed 872/3992
2Ki_1:6..............up/but shalt surely die And he/said 873/3992
2Ki_1:16.............up/but shalt surely die So/he 874/3992
2Ki_2:10...........thee/but if not it/shall.. 875/3992
2Ki_2:17...........days/but found him/not.... 876/3992
2Ki_2:19..........seeth/but the water is/naught 877/3992
2Ki_3:2............LORD/but not like/his..... 878/3992
2Ki_3:5............wool/But it came to pass when Ahab/was 879/3992
2Ki_3:11...........Moab/But Jehoshaphat said Is there not here a prophet of the LORD that/we 880/3992
2Ki_3:15...........thee/But now bring/me..... 881/3992 a light/thing.... 882/3992
2Ki_3:24...........them/but they went forward/smiting 883/3992
2Ki_3:26...........Edom/but they could not Then/he 884/3992
2Ki_4:27...........feet/but Gehazi came/near. 885/3992
2Ki_4:31..........child/but there was neither/voice 886/3992
2Ki_4:41........thereof/But he said Then/bring 887/3992
2Ki_5:1..........valour/but he was a/leper... 888/3992
2Ki_5:11..........clean/But Naaman/was....... 889/3992 in Israel/now.... 890/3992
2Ki_5:16........servant/But he said As/the... 891/3992 he refused And Naaman/said 892/3992
2Ki_5:17...........gods/but unto the LORD/In. 893/3992
2Ki_5:20............way/But Gehazi the/servant 894/3992
2Ki_5:20........brought/but as the LORD/liveth 895/3992
2Ki_5:25.......departed/But he went in/and... 896/3992
2Ki_6:5............wood/But as one/was....... 897/3992
2Ki_6:12...........king/but Elisha the/prophet 898/3992 he led/them...... 899/3992 Elisha sat/in.... 900/3992
2Ki_6:32............him/but ere/the.......... 901/3992
2Ki_7:2............eyes/but shalt not eat thereof And there/were 902/3992
2Ki_7:4...........shall/but die/And.......... 903/3992 horses/tied...... 904/3992
2Ki_7:19...........eyes/but shalt not eat thereof And so/it 905/3992
2Ki_8:13...........said/But what is/thy...... 906/3992
2Ki_9:15..........Syria/But king Joram/was... 907/3992
2Ki_9:18...........them/but he cometh/not.... 908/3992
2Ki_9:27...........LORD/But when Ahaziah/the. 909/3992
2Ki_9:35............her/but they found no/more 910/3992 they were exceedingly/afraid 911/3992
2Ki_10:9............him/but who slew/all..... 912/3992
2Ki_10:18........little/but Jehu shall/serve. 913/3992 Jehu did/it...... 914/3992
2Ki_10:23..........LORD/but the worshippers/of 915/3992
2Ki_10:31........Israel/But Jehu took/no..... 916/3992
2Ki_11:2..........royal/But Jehosheba/the.... 917/3992
2Ki_11:15.......Treason/But Jehoiada the priest commanded/the 918/3992
2Ki_12:3............him/But the high places were not taken away the/people 919/3992
2Ki_12:6..........found/But it was so/that... 920/3992
2Ki_12:7...acquaintance/but deliver it/for... 921/3992 Jehoiada the priest took/a 922/3992
2Ki_12:14..........LORD/But they gave/that... 923/3992
2Ki_13:6............sin/but walked therein/and 924/3992
2Ki_13:7.......Jehoahaz/but fifty/horsemen... 925/3992
2Ki_13:11...........sin/but he walked therein/And 926/3992
2Ki_13:19.........Syria/but thrice/And....... 927/3992
2Ki_13:22..........feet/But Hazael/king...... 928/3992
2Ki_14:6.........father/But the children of the murderers/he 929/3992
2Ki_14:6........fathers/but every man shall be/put 930/3992
2Ki_14:11..........thee/But Amaziah would not hear Therefore/Jehoash 931/3992
2Ki_14:19.......Lachish/but they sent after/him 932/3992
2Ki_14:27........heaven/but he saved/them.... 933/3992
2Ki_15:25...........sin/But Pekah/the........ 934/3992
2Ki_16:3.........father/But he walked in/the. 935/3992
2Ki_16:5...........Ahaz/but could not overcome/him 936/3992
2Ki_17:2...........LORD/but not as the kings/of 937/3992
2Ki_17:14..........hear/but hardened their necks like/to 938/3992
2Ki_17:18..........left/but the tribe of Judah only Also/Judah 939/3992
2Ki_17:19...........God/but walked in the statutes/of 940/3992
2Ki_17:36..........them/But the LORD who/brought 941/3992
2Ki_17:39..........gods/But the LORD your/God 942/3992
2Ki_17:40.......hearken/but they did after/their 943/3992
2Ki_18:6............him/but kept/his......... 944/3992
2Ki_18:12...........God/but transgressed/his. 945/3992
2Ki_18:20........sayest/but they are but vain words I have counsel and strength for the/war 946/3992
2Ki_18:20...........are/but vain words I have counsel and strength for the/war 947/3992
2Ki_18:22...........him/But if ye say unto/me 948/3992
2Ki_18:27..........wall/But Rabshakeh said unto/them 949/3992
2Ki_18:36..........hand/But the people held/their 950/3992
2Ki_19:18..........gods/but the work of men's hands wood and stone therefore they have destroyed them Now therefore O LORD our God I/beseech 951/3992
2Ki_19:27............up/But I know thy abode and thy going out and thy coming in and thy rage against me Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears therefore I/will 952/3992
2Ki_20:10...........nay/but let the shadow/return 953/3992
2Ki_21:9...........them/But they hearkened not and/Manasseh 954/3992
2Ki_22:18......quenched/But to the king/of... 955/3992
2Ki_23:9......Jerusalem/but they did eat of the unleavened/bread 956/3992
2Ki_23:23.........Judah/But in the eighteenth/year 957/3992
2Ki_23:35.......Pharaoh/but he taxed/the..... 958/3992
2Ki_25:12..........away/But the captain/of... 959/3992 it came to pass in the seventh/month 960/3992
1Ch_2:30.........Appaim/but Seled/died....... 961/3992
1Ch_2:34...........sons/but daughters And Sheshan/had 962/3992
1Ch_4:27......daughters/but his brethren/had. 963/3992
1Ch_5:1.......firstborn/but forasmuch as he defiled/his 964/3992
1Ch_5:2...........ruler/but the birthright/was 965/3992
1Ch_6:49............God/But Aaron/and........ 966/3992 the fields of the city and the villages thereof they/gave 967/3992
1Ch_7:14...........bare/but his concubine/the 968/3992 his armourbearer would not for he was sore afraid So/Saul 969/3992
1Ch_11:18.........David/but David would/not.. 970/3992 poured it out to/the 971/3992
1Ch_11:25........thirty/but attained/not..... 972/3992 if ye be come/to. 973/3992
1Ch_12:19........battle/but they helped/them. 974/3992
1Ch_13:13.........David/but carried it/aside. 975/3992
1Ch_15:2............God/but the Levites for/them 976/3992
1Ch_16:5..........harps/but Asaph/made....... 977/3992
1Ch_16:19..........were/but few even/a....... 978/3992
1Ch_16:26.........idols/but the LORD made the heavens Glory/and 979/3992
1Ch_17:1.........cedars/but the ark of the/covenant 980/3992 have gone/from... 981/3992
1Ch_17:14..........thee/But I will settle/him 982/3992
1Ch_18:4.........horses/but reserved of them an/hundred 983/3992
1Ch_19:3............him/But the princes/of... 984/3992 if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will help/thee 985/3992
1Ch_19:18...........him/But the Syrians fled/before 986/3992
1Ch_20:1.........Rabbah/But David tarried at/Jerusalem 987/3992
1Ch_20:7..........giant/But when he defied/Israel 988/3992 my lord the king are/they 989/3992
1Ch_21:6..........sword/But Levi/and......... 990/3992
1Ch_21:8..........thing/but now I beseech/thee 991/3992
1Ch_21:13.......mercies/but let me not/fall.. 992/3992
1Ch_21:17........indeed/but as for these/sheep 993/3992 not on/thy....... 994/3992
1Ch_21:24...........Nay/but I will verily/buy 995/3992
1Ch_21:30........Gibeon/But David could/not.. 996/3992
1Ch_22:8............God/But the word of the LORD came to me/saying 997/3992
1Ch_23:11........second/but Jeush/and........ 998/3992
1Ch_23:17..........sons/but the sons of Rehabiah/were 999/3992
1Ch_23:22..........sons/but daughters and their/brethren 1000/3992
1Ch_24:2........Ithamar/But Nadab/and....... 1001/3992
1Ch_27:23........Israel/But David took/not.. 1002/3992
1Ch_27:24........number/but he finished/not. 1003/3992
1Ch_28:3.......building/But God said unto me/Thou 1004/3992
1Ch_28:9...........thee/but if thou forsake/him 1005/3992 for the LORD God/Now 1006/3992 who am/I........ 1007/3992
2Ch_1:4......wilderness/But the ark of God had/David 1008/3992 hast asked wisdom/and 1009/3992
2Ch_2:6............gods/But who is able to build/him 1010/3992
2Ch_4:6............them/but the sea was/for. 1011/3992 they were not seen/without 1012/3992
2Ch_6:2........darkness/But I have built/an. 1013/3992
2Ch_6:6..........Israel/But I have chosen Jerusalem/that 1014/3992
2Ch_6:8..........Israel/But the LORD said to/David 1015/3992 thy son which/shall 1016/3992
2Ch_6:18..........David/But will God in/very 1017/3992
2Ch_6:32.........Israel/but is come/from.... 1018/3992
2Ch_7:19.........Israel/But if ye turn away/and 1019/3992
2Ch_8:8..........Israel/But of their/children 1020/3992 of the children of Israel did Solomon make no servants/for 1021/3992 they were men of war and chief/of 1022/3992
2Ch_10:8...........ever/But he forsook the counsel which/the 1023/3992
2Ch_10:10.........heavy/but make thou it somewhat/lighter 1024/3992
2Ch_10:11.........whips/but I will chastise you with scorpions So Jeroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam on/the 1025/3992
2Ch_10:14.........heavy/but I will add/thereto 1026/3992
2Ch_10:14.........whips/but I will chastise you with scorpions So the/king 1027/3992
2Ch_10:17.........tents/But as for the children of Israel that/dwelt 1028/3992
2Ch_10:18..........died/But king Rehoboam/made 1029/3992
2Ch_11:2.......Rehoboam/But the word of the LORD came to Shemaiah/the 1030/3992
2Ch_12:7...........them/but I will grant/them 1031/3992
2Ch_13:10..........gods/But as for us/the... 1032/3992
2Ch_13:11...........God/but ye have forsaken/him 1033/3992
2Ch_13:13.......prosper/But Jeroboam/caused. 1034/3992
2Ch_13:21..........died/But Abijah/waxed.... 1035/3992 if ye forsake/him 1036/3992 when they in/their 1037/3992 great/vexations. 1038/3992
2Ch_15:17........Kidron/But the high places were not taken away out/of 1039/3992
2Ch_16:12..........LORD/but to the physicians/And 1040/3992
2Ch_17:4.........Baalim/But sought/to....... 1041/3992
2Ch_18:6...........hand/But Jehoshaphat said Is there not here a prophet of the LORD besides/that 1042/3992
2Ch_18:7...........LORD/but I hate him for he never/prophesied 1043/3992 always/evil..... 1044/3992
2Ch_18:15.......nothing/but the truth/to.... 1045/3992 evil Again/he... 1046/3992
2Ch_18:29........battle/but put thou on thy robes So/the 1047/3992
2Ch_18:31.........fight/but Jehoshaphat cried/out 1048/3992 for the LORD who/is 1049/3992
2Ch_20:10.........Egypt/but they turned/from 1050/3992 our eyes/are.... 1051/3992
2Ch_20:15.........yours/but God's/To........ 1052/3992
2Ch_21:3..........Judah/but the kingdom gave/he 1053/3992
2Ch_21:13.........Judah/But hast walked/in.. 1054/3992
2Ch_21:20.........David/but not in the/sepulchres 1055/3992
2Ch_22:10.......kingdom/But when Athaliah/the 1056/3992
2Ch_22:11.........Judah/But Jehoshabeath/the 1057/3992
2Ch_23:6...........LORD/But let none come/into 1058/3992
2Ch_23:6...........holy/but all the people shall/keep 1059/3992
2Ch_23:7..........death/but be ye with/the.. 1060/3992
2Ch_24:15......Jehoiada/But Jehoiada waxed/old 1061/3992
2Ch_24:19..........them/but they would not give/ear 1062/3992
2Ch_24:22...........him/but slew/his........ 1063/3992
2Ch_24:25.........David/but they buried/him. 1064/3992
2Ch_25:2...........LORD/but not with a/perfect 1065/3992
2Ch_25:4.........father/But he slew/not..... 1066/3992
2Ch_25:4.......children/but did as/it....... 1067/3992
2Ch_25:4........fathers/but every man shall die/for 1068/3992
2Ch_25:7.........silver/But there came a man/of 1069/3992
2Ch_25:8........Ephraim/But if thou wilt go/do 1070/3992
2Ch_25:9............God/But what shall/we... 1071/3992
2Ch_25:13........pieces/But the soldiers/of. 1072/3992
2Ch_25:20..........thee/But Amaziah would not hear for/it 1073/3992
2Ch_25:27.......Lachish/but they sent to/Lachish 1074/3992
2Ch_26:16........strong/But when he was strong/his 1075/3992
2Ch_26:18..........LORD/but to the priests/the 1076/3992
2Ch_28:1......Jerusalem/but he did not/that. 1077/3992
2Ch_28:9........Samaria/But a prophet/of.... 1078/3992 are there/not... 1079/3992
2Ch_28:20...........him/but strengthened/him 1080/3992
2Ch_28:21.......Assyria/but he helped/him... 1081/3992 they were the/ruin 1082/3992
2Ch_28:27.....Jerusalem/but they brought/him 1083/3992
2Ch_29:34.........sheep/But the priests were/too 1084/3992
2Ch_30:8...........were/but yield yourselves unto the/LORD 1085/3992
2Ch_30:10.......Zebulun/but they laughed/them 1086/3992
2Ch_30:18.......written/But Hezekiah prayed/for 1087/3992
2Ch_32:8..........flesh/but with us is/the.. 1088/3992
2Ch_32:9......Jerusalem/but he himself laid/siege 1089/3992
2Ch_32:25..........sign/But Hezekiah rendered/not 1090/3992
2Ch_33:2......Jerusalem/But did that/which.. 1091/3992
2Ch_33:10........people/but they would not hearken/Wherefore 1092/3992
2Ch_33:22.....Jerusalem/But he did that/which 1093/3992
2Ch_33:23.......himself/but Amon/trespassed. 1094/3992 the people of/the 1095/3992
2Ch_35:13.....ordinance/but the other holy/offerings 1096/3992
2Ch_35:21...........him/But he sent ambassadors/to 1097/3992 against the house/wherewith 1098/3992
2Ch_35:22...........him/but disguised/himself 1099/3992
2Ch_36:13...........God/but he stiffened/his 1100/3992 they mocked/the. 1101/3992
Ezr_2:59..........Immer/but they could not shew their father's house and/their 1102/3992
Ezr_2:62......genealogy/but they were not found/therefore 1103/3992
Ezr_3:6............LORD/But the foundation/of 1104/3992
Ezr_3:12...........laid/But many of/the..... 1105/3992
Ezr_4:3..........hither/But Zerubbabel/and.. 1106/3992
Ezr_4:3.............God/but we ourselves together/will 1107/3992
Ezr_5:5........building/But the eye/of...... 1108/3992
Ezr_5:12.............up/But after that our/fathers 1109/3992
Ezr_5:13........Babylon/But in the first/year 1110/3992
Ezr_8:22............him/but his power/and... 1111/3992
Ezr_9:9.........bondage/but hath extended/mercy 1112/3992 the people are/many 1113/3992
Neh_1:9.........nations/But if ye turn unto/me 1114/3992
Neh_2:2............else/but sorrow/of....... 1115/3992
Neh_2:14...........pool/but there was no place/for 1116/3992 when Sanballat/the 1117/3992 ye have no/portion 1118/3992
Neh_3:3............Imri/But the fish/gate... 1119/3992
Neh_3:5........repaired/but their nobles/put 1120/3992
Neh_3:14...........gate/But the dung/gate... 1121/3992
Neh_3:15........thereof/But the gate of/the. 1122/3992
Neh_4:1.......merchants/But it came to pass that when Sanballat heard/that 1123/3992 it came to pass that when Sanballat and/Tobiah 1124/3992
Neh_5:15.......governor/But the former/governors 1125/3992
Neh_5:15.........people/but so did/not...... 1126/3992
Neh_6:2.............Ono/But they thought to/do 1127/3992
Neh_6:8..........sayest/but thou feignest/them 1128/3992
Neh_6:12............him/but that he pronounced/this 1129/3992
Neh_7:4...........great/but the people were/few 1130/3992
Neh_7:61..........Immer/but they could not shew their father's house nor/their 1131/3992
Neh_7:64......genealogy/but it was not/found 1132/3992
Neh_9:16...........them/But they and/our.... 1133/3992
Neh_9:17...........them/but hardened their necks and/in 1134/3992
Neh_9:17........bondage/but thou art a/God.. 1135/3992
Neh_9:28........enemies/But after they had rest/they 1136/3992
Neh_9:29...commandments/but sinned/against.. 1137/3992
Neh_9:33..........right/but we have done/wickedly 1138/3992
Neh_11:3......Jerusalem/but in the cities/of 1139/3992
Neh_11:21...inheritance/But the Nethinims/dwelt 1140/3992
Neh_13:2..........water/but hired/Balaam.... 1141/3992
Neh_13:6........priests/But in all this/time 1142/3992
Neh_13:24......language/but according to the language/of 1143/3992
Est_1:12.............on/But the queen/Vashti 1144/3992
Est_1:16...........only/but also to all/the. 1145/3992
Est_1:17............him/but she came/not.... 1146/3992
Est_2:15........nothing/but what Hegai/the.. 1147/3992
Est_3:2.............him/But Mordecai/bowed.. 1148/3992
Est_3:15..........drink/but the city/Shushan 1149/3992
Est_4:4.............him/but he received it not Then/called 1150/3992 I have not been/called 1151/3992 thou and thy father's house shall/be 1152/3992
Est_5:9...........heart/but when Haman/saw.. 1153/3992
Est_5:12.......prepared/but myself/and...... 1154/3992
Est_6:12...........gate/But Haman/hasted.... 1155/3992
Est_6:13............him/but shalt surely fall/before 1156/3992
Est_7:4..........perish/But if we had/been.. 1157/3992
Est_9:10...........they/but on the spoil/laid 1158/3992
Est_9:15........Shushan/but on the prey/they 1159/3992
Est_9:16...........hand/But the other Jews/that 1160/3992
Est_9:16.......thousand/but they laid not/their 1161/3992
Est_9:18.......gladness/But the Jews that/were 1162/3992
Est_9:25...........them/But when Esther/came 1163/3992 put forth thine hand now and touch all/that 1164/3992 put forth thine hand now and touch his/bone 1165/3992
Job_2:6............hand/but save/his........ 1166/3992
Job_2:10............die/But he said unto her/Thou 1167/3992
Job_3:9...........light/but have none/neither 1168/3992
Job_3:21..........death/but it cometh/not... 1169/3992
Job_4:2.........grieved/but who can/withhold 1170/3992
Job_4:5...........knees/But now it/is....... 1171/3992
Job_4:16..........still/but I could not discern/the 1172/3992
Job_5:3............root/but suddenly/I...... 1173/3992
Job_5:15..........night/But he saveth/the... 1174/3992
Job_6:1............good/But Job answered and said Oh/that 1175/3992
Job_6:14.........friend/but he forsaketh/the 1176/3992
Job_6:25..........words/but what doth/your.. 1177/3992
Job_7:21........morning/but I shall not/be.. 1178/3992
Job_8:9.............are/but of yesterday/and 1179/3992 it shall not stand/he 1180/3992 it shall not endure/He 1181/3992
Job_9:2...........truth/but how should/man.. 1182/3992
Job_9:11...........also/but I perceive/him.. 1183/3992
Job_9:15.........answer/but I would make/supplication 1184/3992
Job_9:18.........breath/but filleth/me...... 1185/3992
Job_9:35............him/but it is not/so.... 1186/3992
Job_11:5...........eyes/But oh/that......... 1187/3992
Job_11:20..........thee/But the eyes of the/wicked 1188/3992
Job_12:2..........doubt/but ye are the/people 1189/3992 I have understanding/as 1190/3992
Job_12:7.....abundantly/But ask/now......... 1191/3992
Job_13:4............God/But ye are forgers/of 1192/3992
Job_13:15...........him/but I will maintain/mine 1193/3992
Job_14:10.........plant/But man/dieth....... 1194/3992
Job_14:21...........low/but he perceiveth/it 1195/3992
Job_14:22..........them/But his flesh/upon.. 1196/3992 I would strengthen/you 1197/3992
Job_16:7..........eased/But now he hath made/me 1198/3992
Job_16:12..........ease/but he hath broken/me 1199/3992 mine eye poureth/out 1200/3992
Job_17:10......stronger/But as for you all/do 1201/3992
Job_19:7..........wrong/but I am not/heard.. 1202/3992
Job_19:7..........aloud/but there is no judgment/He 1203/3992 ye should/say... 1204/3992
Job_20:5......hypocrite/but for a moment Though/his 1205/3992
Job_20:13...........not/but keep it/still... 1206/3992
Job_21:1............God/But Job answered and said Hear/diligently 1207/3992
Job_22:8.........hungry/But as for the mighty/man 1208/3992
Job_22:18........things/but the counsel/of.. 1209/3992
Job_22:20..........down/but the remnant/of.. 1210/3992
Job_23:6.............No/but he would put/strength 1211/3992
Job_23:8........forward/but he is not there/and 1212/3992
Job_23:8.......backward/but I cannot perceive/him 1213/3992 I cannot behold/him 1214/3992
Job_23:10...........him/But he knoweth the/way 1215/3992 he is in/one.... 1216/3992
Job_24:24.........while/but are gone/and.... 1217/3992
Job_26:1...........worm/But Job answered and said How/hast 1218/3992
Job_26:14..........ways/but how little/a.... 1219/3992
Job_26:14...........him/but the thunder/of.. 1220/3992 the just shall put/it 1221/3992
Job_27:19..........down/but he shall not be gathered/he 1222/3992
Job_28:12.........light/But where shall/wisdom 1223/3992
Job_30:1.......mourners/But now they that/are 1224/3992
Job_31:32........street/but I opened/my..... 1225/3992
Job_32:8.........wisdom/But there is a spirit/in 1226/3992
Job_32:16...........not/but stood/still..... 1227/3992
Job_35:10........mighty/But none saith/Where 1228/3992
Job_35:12...........cry/but none giveth/answer 1229/3992
Job_35:15...........him/But now because/it.. 1230/3992
Job_36:6.........wicked/but giveth right/to. 1231/3992
Job_36:7......righteous/but with kings/are.. 1232/3992
Job_36:12.....pleasures/But if they obey/not 1233/3992
Job_36:13.....knowledge/But the hypocrites/in 1234/3992
Job_36:17.......fatness/But thou hast fulfilled/the 1235/3992
Job_37:21........clouds/but the wind passeth/and 1236/3992
Job_38:11..........come/but no further/and.. 1237/3992
Job_40:5.........spoken/but I will not answer yea/twice 1238/3992
Job_40:5..........twice/but I will proceed/no 1239/3992
Job_42:5............ear/but now mine/eye.... 1240/3992
Psa_1:2........scornful/But his delight/is.. 1241/3992 are like/the.... 1242/3992
Psa_1:6.......righteous/but the way of the ungodly/shall 1243/3992
Psa_2:12........kindled/but a little Blessed/are 1244/3992
Psa_3:3...........Selah/But thou O LORD art a shield/for 1245/3992
Psa_4:3...........Selah/But know that/the... 1246/3992 as for me I will come/into 1247/3992
Psa_5:11...........thee/But let all/those... 1248/3992
Psa_6:3...........vexed/but thou O LORD how/long 1249/3992
Psa_7:9.............end/but establish/the... 1250/3992
Psa_9:7............them/But the LORD shall endure/for 1251/3992 men Selah/Why... 1252/3992
Psa_11:5......righteous/but the wicked and/him 1253/3992
Psa_13:5..........moved/But I have trusted/in 1254/3992
Psa_15:4......contemned/but he honoureth/them 1255/3992
Psa_16:3...........thee/But to the saints/that 1256/3992
Psa_18:18......calamity/but the LORD was my stay He brought me forth also into a large place he delivered me because he delighted in me The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and I/did 1257/3992
Psa_18:27........people/but wilt bring/down. 1258/3992
Psa_18:41.........cried/but there was none to save them/even 1259/3992
Psa_18:41..........LORD/but he answered them not Then did I beat them small/as 1260/3992
Psa_20:7.........horses/but we will remember/the 1261/3992
Psa_20:8.........fallen/but we are risen/and 1262/3992
Psa_22:2...........time/but thou hearest/not 1263/3992
Psa_22:3.........silent/But thou art holy/O. 1264/3992
Psa_22:6.....confounded/But I am a/worm..... 1265/3992
Psa_22:9............him/But thou art he/that 1266/3992
Psa_22:19.......vesture/But be not thou/far. 1267/3992
Psa_22:24...........him/but when he cried/unto 1268/3992
Psa_26:11........bribes/But as for me I will walk/in 1269/3992
Psa_28:3.....neighbours/but mischief/is..... 1270/3992
Psa_30:5.......endureth/but a moment/in..... 1271/3992
Psa_30:5..........night/but joy/cometh...... 1272/3992
Psa_31:6.......vanities/but I trust in the LORD I/will 1273/3992
Psa_31:11.......enemies/but especially among/my 1274/3992 I trusted/in.... 1275/3992
Psa_32:10........wicked/but he that trusteth/in 1276/3992
Psa_34:10........hunger/but they that seek the LORD shall/not 1277/3992
Psa_34:19.....righteous/but the LORD delivereth/him 1278/3992
Psa_35:13..........soul/But as for me when/they 1279/3992
Psa_35:15........mother/But in mine adversity/they 1280/3992
Psa_35:20.........peace/but they devise/deceitful 1281/3992 those that wait/upon 1282/3992 the meek/shall.. 1283/3992
Psa_37:17........broken/but the LORD upholdeth/the 1284/3992
Psa_37:20.....satisfied/But the wicked shall perish/and 1285/3992
Psa_37:21.........again/but the righteous sheweth/mercy 1286/3992
Psa_37:28..........ever/but the seed of the wicked/shall 1287/3992
Psa_37:36...........him/but he could not be found/Mark 1288/3992
Psa_37:38.........peace/But the transgressors shall be/destroyed 1289/3992 the salvation/of 1290/3992
Psa_38:13..........long/But I as/a.......... 1291/3992
Psa_38:19...........sin/But mine enemies/are 1292/3992
Psa_40:17.....magnified/But I am poor and needy yet/the 1293/3992 thou O LORD be/merciful 1294/3992
Psa_44:3...........them/but thy right/hand.. 1295/3992 thou hast saved/us 1296/3992
Psa_44:9..........Selah/But thou hast cast off and put/us 1297/3992
Psa_49:15......dwelling/But God will/redeem. 1298/3992 unto the wicked/God 1299/3992
Psa_50:21.......thyself/but I will reprove/thee 1300/3992
Psa_52:7.......strength/but trusted/in...... 1301/3992
Psa_52:8.....wickedness/But I am like/a..... 1302/3992
Psa_55:13...........him/But it was thou/a... 1303/3992
Psa_55:21........butter/but war/was......... 1304/3992
Psa_55:23.........moved/But thou O God/shalt 1305/3992
Psa_55:23..........days/but I will trust/in. 1306/3992
Psa_59:8...........hear/But thou O LORD shalt/laugh 1307/3992
Psa_59:16.....satisfied/But I will sing/of.. 1308/3992
Psa_62:4..........mouth/but they curse/inwardly 1309/3992 those that seek/my 1310/3992
Psa_63:11.........foxes/But the king shall/rejoice 1311/3992
Psa_63:11.........glory/but the mouth of them/that 1312/3992
Psa_64:7...........deep/But God shall shoot/at 1313/3992
Psa_66:12.........water/but thou broughtest/us 1314/3992 verily/God...... 1315/3992
Psa_68:3............God/But let the righteous/be 1316/3992
Psa_68:6.........chains/but the rebellious/dwell 1317/3992
Psa_68:21.........death/But God shall wound/the 1318/3992
Psa_69:13.....drunkards/But as for me my prayer/is 1319/3992
Psa_69:20..........pity/but there was none and/for 1320/3992
Psa_69:20....comforters/but I found none They/gave 1321/3992
Psa_69:29.....righteous/But I am poor and sorrowful/let 1322/3992
Psa_70:5......magnified/But I am poor and needy make/haste 1323/3992
Psa_71:7...........many/but thou art my/strong 1324/3992
Psa_71:14..........hurt/But I will hope/continually 1325/3992
Psa_73:2..........heart/But as for me my feet/were 1326/3992
Psa_73:4..........death/but their strength/is 1327/3992
Psa_73:25........heaven/but thee and/there.. 1328/3992
Psa_73:26.......faileth/but God is the strength/of 1329/3992
Psa_73:28..........thee/But it is good for/me 1330/3992
Psa_74:6..........trees/But now they break/down 1331/3992
Psa_75:7..........south/But God is the judge/he 1332/3992
Psa_75:8...........same/but the dregs/thereof 1333/3992
Psa_75:9...........them/But I will declare/for 1334/3992 the horns/of.... 1335/3992
Psa_77:10.....infirmity/but I will remember/the 1336/3992
Psa_78:7............God/but keep his/commandments 1337/3992
Psa_78:30..........lust/But while their/meat 1338/3992
Psa_78:38......covenant/But he being full of compassion/forgave 1339/3992
Psa_78:39..........were/but flesh a/wind.... 1340/3992
Psa_78:50.........death/but gave/their...... 1341/3992
Psa_78:52...........Ham/But made his/own.... 1342/3992
Psa_78:53...........not/but the sea overwhelmed/their 1343/3992
Psa_78:57...testimonies/But turned back/and. 1344/3992
Psa_78:68.......Ephraim/But chose/the....... 1345/3992 my people would/not 1346/3992
Psa_81:15...........him/but their time/should 1347/3992
Psa_82:7...........High/But ye shall die/like 1348/3992
Psa_85:8.........saints/but let them not/turn 1349/3992
Psa_86:15..........them/But thou O Lord art a God/full 1350/3992
Psa_88:13.forgetfulness/But unto thee/have.. 1351/3992
Psa_89:24...........him/But my faithfulness/and 1352/3992
Psa_89:38.........Selah/But thou hast cast off and abhorred/thou 1353/3992
Psa_90:4............are/but as yesterday/when 1354/3992
Psa_91:7...........hand/but it shall not come/nigh 1355/3992
Psa_92:8...........ever/But thou LORD/art... 1356/3992
Psa_92:10.....scattered/But my horn/shalt... 1357/3992
Psa_94:15...inheritance/But judgment/shall.. 1358/3992
Psa_94:22.........blood/But the LORD is my/defence 1359/3992
Psa_96:5..........idols/but the LORD made the heavens Honour/and 1360/3992
Psa_102:12........grass/But thou O LORD shall/endure 1361/3992
Psa_102:26.......perish/but thou shalt endure/yea 1362/3992
Psa_102:27......changed/But thou art the same and thy years shall have/no 1363/3992
Psa_103:17.........more/But the mercy/of.... 1364/3992
Psa_105:12.........were/but a few men/in.... 1365/3992
Psa_106:7.......mercies/but provoked/him.... 1366/3992
Psa_106:14......counsel/But lusted/exceedingly 1367/3992
Psa_106:15......request/but sent/leanness... 1368/3992
Psa_106:25.........word/But murmured/in..... 1369/3992
Psa_106:35.........them/But were mingled/among 1370/3992
Psa_106:43.........them/but they provoked/him 1371/3992
Psa_109:4...adversaries/but I give/myself... 1372/3992
Psa_109:16........mercy/but persecuted/the.. 1373/3992
Psa_109:21.........soul/But do thou/for..... 1374/3992
Psa_109:28........curse/but bless/thou...... 1375/3992
Psa_109:28......ashamed/but let thy/servant. 1376/3992 unto thy name/give 1377/3992
Psa_115:3...........God/But our God/is...... 1378/3992
Psa_115:5........mouths/but they speak not eyes have they but they see not They have ears but they hear not noses/have 1379/3992
Psa_115:5..........they/but they see not They have ears but they hear not noses/have 1380/3992
Psa_115:6..........ears/but they hear not noses/have 1381/3992
Psa_115:6..........they/but they smell/not.. 1382/3992
Psa_115:7.........hands/but they handle/not. 1383/3992
Psa_115:7..........they/but they walk/not... 1384/3992
Psa_115:16.......LORD's/but the earth hath/he 1385/3992
Psa_115:18......silence/But we will bless/the 1386/3992
Psa_118:10........about/but in the name of the LORD will/I 1387/3992
Psa_118:11........about/but in the name of the LORD I/will 1388/3992
Psa_118:13.........fall/but the LORD helped/me 1389/3992
Psa_118:17..........die/but live and/declare 1390/3992
Psa_118:18.........sore/but he hath not/given 1391/3992 thy servant/did. 1392/3992 I have not forgotten/thy 1393/3992
Psa_119:67.......astray/but now have I/kept. 1394/3992 I will keep/thy. 1395/3992
Psa_119:70.......grease/but I delight/in.... 1396/3992
Psa_119:78........cause/but I will meditate/in 1397/3992
Psa_119:81....salvation/but I hope/in....... 1398/3992 I forsook/not... 1399/3992 I will consider/thy 1400/3992
Psa_119:96...perfection/but thy commandment/is 1401/3992
Psa_119:113....thoughts/but thy law do I love Thou/art 1402/3992
Psa_119:161.......cause/but my heart standeth/in 1403/3992
Psa_119:163.......lying/but thy law do I love Seven/times 1404/3992
Psa_120:7.........peace/but when I speak they/are 1405/3992
Psa_125:1.......removed/but abideth/for..... 1406/3992
Psa_125:5......iniquity/but peace/shall..... 1407/3992
Psa_127:1........waketh/but in vain It/is... 1408/3992
Psa_127:5.......ashamed/but they shall speak/with 1409/3992
Psa_130:4.........stand/But there is forgiveness/with 1410/3992
Psa_132:18........shame/but upon himself/shall 1411/3992
Psa_135:16.......mouths/but they speak not eyes have they but they see not They have ears but they hear not neither/is 1412/3992
Psa_135:16.........they/but they see not They have ears but they hear not neither/is 1413/3992
Psa_135:17.........ears/but they hear not neither/is 1414/3992
Psa_136:15.........ever/But overthrew/Pharaoh 1415/3992
Psa_138:6.........lowly/but the proud/he.... 1416/3992
Psa_139:4........tongue/but lo O/LORD....... 1417/3992
Psa_139:12.........thee/but the night/shineth 1418/3992 mine eyes/are... 1419/3992
Psa_142:4........beheld/but there was no man/that 1420/3992
Psa_145:20..........him/but all the wicked/will 1421/3992
Psa_146:9.........widow/but the way of the wicked he/turneth 1422/3992
Pro_1:7.......knowledge/but fools despise/wisdom 1423/3992
Pro_1:25.......regarded/But ye have set at/nought 1424/3992 I will not answer they/shall 1425/3992
Pro_1:28..........early/but they shall not find me/For 1426/3992
Pro_1:33...........them/But whoso hearkeneth/unto 1427/3992 the wicked shall be cut/off 1428/3992 let thine/heart. 1429/3992
Pro_3:32...........LORD/but his secret/is... 1430/3992
Pro_3:33.........wicked/but he blesseth/the. 1431/3992
Pro_3:34.......scorners/but he giveth grace/unto 1432/3992
Pro_3:35..........glory/but shame/shall..... 1433/3992
Pro_4:18.......violence/But the path/of..... 1434/3992
Pro_5:4.............oil/But her end/is...... 1435/3992
Pro_6:31.........hungry/But if he be found/he 1436/3992 whoso committeth/adultery 1437/3992
Pro_8:36...........LORD/But he that sinneth/against 1438/3992
Pro_9:12........thyself/but if thou scornest/thou 1439/3992
Pro_9:18.......pleasant/But he knoweth not/that 1440/3992
Pro_10:1.........father/but a foolish son/is 1441/3992
Pro_10:2........nothing/but righteousness delivereth from death The LORD/will 1442/3992
Pro_10:3.........famish/but he casteth/away. 1443/3992
Pro_10:4...........hand/but the hand of the diligent/maketh 1444/3992
Pro_10:5............son/but he that sleepeth/in 1445/3992
Pro_10:6...........just/but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked The/memory 1446/3992
Pro_10:7........blessed/but the name of the/wicked 1447/3992
Pro_10:8...commandments/but a prating fool shall fall He/that 1448/3992
Pro_10:9.........surely/but he that perverteth/his 1449/3992
Pro_10:10........sorrow/but a prating fool shall fall The/mouth 1450/3992 violence covereth the mouth of the wicked Hatred/stirreth 1451/3992
Pro_10:12.......strifes/but love covereth/all 1452/3992
Pro_10:13.........found/but a rod/is........ 1453/3992
Pro_10:14.....knowledge/but the mouth of the foolish/is 1454/3992
Pro_10:17...instruction/but he that refuseth/reproof 1455/3992
Pro_10:19...........sin/but he that refraineth/his 1456/3992
Pro_10:21..........many/but fools die/for... 1457/3992
Pro_10:23......mischief/but a man of understanding hath/wisdom 1458/3992
Pro_10:24...........him/but the desire/of... 1459/3992
Pro_10:25..........more/but the righteous is/an 1460/3992
Pro_10:27..........days/but the years/of.... 1461/3992
Pro_10:28......gladness/but the expectation of the wicked shall/perish 1462/3992
Pro_10:29.......upright/but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity The righteous/shall 1463/3992
Pro_10:30.......removed/but the wicked shall not/inhabit 1464/3992
Pro_10:31........wisdom/but the froward/tongue 1465/3992
Pro_10:32....acceptable/but the mouth of the wicked speaketh/frowardness 1466/3992
Pro_11:1...........LORD/but a just/weight... 1467/3992
Pro_11:2..........shame/but with the lowly/is 1468/3992
Pro_11:3...........them/but the perverseness/of 1469/3992
Pro_11:4..........wrath/but righteousness delivereth from death The righteousness/of 1470/3992
Pro_11:5............way/but the wicked shall fall by/his 1471/3992
Pro_11:6...........them/but transgressors/shall 1472/3992
Pro_11:9......neighbour/but through knowledge/shall 1473/3992
Pro_11:11.......exalted/but it is overthrown/by 1474/3992
Pro_11:12.....neighbour/but a man of understanding holdeth/his 1475/3992
Pro_11:13.......secrets/but he that is of a faithful/spirit 1476/3992
Pro_11:14..........fall/but in the multitude of counsellors there/is 1477/3992
Pro_11:17..........soul/but he that is cruel/troubleth 1478/3992 to him that soweth/righteousness 1479/3992
Pro_11:20..........LORD/but such as are/upright 1480/3992
Pro_11:21....unpunished/but the seed of the righteous/shall 1481/3992
Pro_11:23..........good/but the expectation of the wicked is/wrath 1482/3992 it tendeth/to... 1483/3992
Pro_11:26...........him/but blessing/shall.. 1484/3992
Pro_11:27........favour/but he that seeketh mischief/it 1485/3992
Pro_11:28..........fall/but the righteous shall flourish/as 1486/3992
Pro_12:1......knowledge/but he that hateth reproof/is 1487/3992
Pro_12:2...........LORD/but a man of wicked/devices 1488/3992
Pro_12:3.....wickedness/but the root of the righteous shall/not 1489/3992
Pro_12:4........husband/but she that maketh/ashamed 1490/3992
Pro_12:5..........right/but the counsels/of. 1491/3992
Pro_12:6..........blood/but the mouth of the upright/shall 1492/3992
Pro_12:7............not/but the house of the/righteous 1493/3992
Pro_12:8.........wisdom/but he that is of a perverse/heart 1494/3992
Pro_12:10.........beast/but the tender/mercies 1495/3992
Pro_12:11.........bread/but he that followeth vain/persons 1496/3992 the root of the righteous yieldeth/fruit 1497/3992
Pro_12:13..........lips/but the just shall come/out 1498/3992
Pro_12:15..........eyes/but he that hearkeneth/unto 1499/3992
Pro_12:16.........known/but a prudent/man... 1500/3992
Pro_12:17.righteousness/but a false witness deceit/There 1501/3992
Pro_12:18.........sword/but the tongue of/the 1502/3992
Pro_12:19..........ever/but a lying/tongue.. 1503/3992 for a moment Deceit/is 1504/3992
Pro_12:20..........evil/but to the counsellors/of 1505/3992
Pro_12:21..........just/but the wicked shall be filled/with 1506/3992
Pro_12:22..........LORD/but they that deal/truly 1507/3992
Pro_12:23.....knowledge/but the heart of fools proclaimeth/foolishness 1508/3992
Pro_12:24..........rule/but the slothful/shall 1509/3992
Pro_12:25.........stoop/but a good/word..... 1510/3992
Pro_12:26.....neighbour/but the way of the wicked seduceth/them 1511/3992
Pro_12:27.......hunting/but the substance/of 1512/3992
Pro_13:1....instruction/but a scorner/heareth 1513/3992
Pro_13:2..........mouth/but the soul of the transgressors/shall 1514/3992 he that openeth/wide 1515/3992
Pro_13:4........nothing/but the soul of the diligent/shall 1516/3992
Pro_13:5..........lying/but a wicked/man.... 1517/3992
Pro_13:6............way/but wickedness/overthroweth 1518/3992
Pro_13:8.........riches/but the poor heareth/not 1519/3992
Pro_13:9......rejoiceth/but the lamp/of..... 1520/3992
Pro_13:10....contention/but with the well/advised 1521/3992
Pro_13:11....diminished/but he that gathereth/by 1522/3992
Pro_13:12..........sick/but when the desire/cometh 1523/3992
Pro_13:13.....destroyed/but he that feareth/the 1524/3992
Pro_13:15........favour/but the way of transgressors/is 1525/3992
Pro_13:16.....knowledge/but a fool/layeth... 1526/3992
Pro_13:17......mischief/but a faithful ambassador/is 1527/3992
Pro_13:18...instruction/but he that regardeth reproof shall/be 1528/3992
Pro_13:19..........soul/but it is abomination/to 1529/3992
Pro_13:20..........wise/but a companion/of.. 1530/3992
Pro_13:21.......sinners/but to the righteous/good 1531/3992
Pro_13:23..........poor/but there is that/is 1532/3992
Pro_13:24...........son/but he that loveth/him 1533/3992
Pro_13:25..........soul/but the belly/of.... 1534/3992 the foolish/plucketh 1535/3992
Pro_14:2...........LORD/but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth/him 1536/3992
Pro_14:3..........pride/but the lips of the/wise 1537/3992
Pro_14:4..........clean/but much/increase... 1538/3992
Pro_14:5............lie/but a false witness will/utter 1539/3992
Pro_14:6............not/but knowledge/is.... 1540/3992
Pro_14:8............way/but the folly/of.... 1541/3992
Pro_14:9............sin/but among the/righteous 1542/3992
Pro_14:11....overthrown/but the tabernacle/of 1543/3992 the end thereof are the ways of death Even/in 1544/3992
Pro_14:15..........word/but the prudent man/looketh 1545/3992
Pro_14:16..........evil/but the fool rageth/and 1546/3992
Pro_14:18.........folly/but the prudent are/crowned 1547/3992
Pro_14:20.....neighbour/but the rich hath/many 1548/3992
Pro_14:21.......sinneth/but he that hath/mercy 1549/3992
Pro_14:22..........evil/but mercy/and....... 1550/3992
Pro_14:23........profit/but the talk/of..... 1551/3992
Pro_14:24........riches/but the foolishness/of 1552/3992
Pro_14:25.........souls/but a deceitful/witness 1553/3992
Pro_14:28........honour/but in the want/of.. 1554/3992
Pro_14:29.understanding/but he that is hasty/of 1555/3992
Pro_14:30.........flesh/but envy/the........ 1556/3992
Pro_14:31.........Maker/but he that honoureth/him 1557/3992
Pro_14:32....wickedness/but the righteous hath/hope 1558/3992
Pro_14:33.understanding/but that which is in/the 1559/3992
Pro_14:34........nation/but sin is a/reproach 1560/3992
Pro_14:35.......servant/but his wrath/is.... 1561/3992
Pro_15:1..........wrath/but grievous words/stir 1562/3992
Pro_15:2.........aright/but the mouth of fools poureth/out 1563/3992 perverseness/therein 1564/3992
Pro_15:5....instruction/but he that regardeth reproof is/prudent 1565/3992
Pro_15:6.......treasure/but in the revenues/of 1566/3992
Pro_15:7......knowledge/but the heart of the/foolish 1567/3992
Pro_15:8...........LORD/but the prayer/of... 1568/3992
Pro_15:9...........LORD/but he loveth/him... 1569/3992
Pro_15:13...countenance/but by sorrow/of.... 1570/3992
Pro_15:14.....knowledge/but the mouth of fools feedeth/on 1571/3992
Pro_15:15..........evil/but he that is of a merry/heart 1572/3992
Pro_15:18........strife/but he that is slow/to 1573/3992
Pro_15:19........thorns/but the way of the righteous/is 1574/3992
Pro_15:20........father/but a foolish man despiseth/his 1575/3992
Pro_15:21........wisdom/but a man of understanding walketh/uprightly 1576/3992
Pro_15:22..disappointed/but in the multitude of counsellors they/are 1577/3992
Pro_15:25.........proud/but he will establish/the 1578/3992
Pro_15:26..........LORD/but the words/of.... 1579/3992 he that hateth gifts/shall 1580/3992
Pro_15:28........answer/but the mouth of the wicked poureth/out 1581/3992
Pro_15:29........wicked/but he heareth the/prayer 1582/3992
Pro_15:32..........soul/but he that heareth reproof/getteth 1583/3992
Pro_16:2...........eyes/but the LORD weigheth/the 1584/3992
Pro_16:9............way/but the LORD directeth/his 1585/3992
Pro_16:14.........death/but a wise man will/pacify 1586/3992 the instruction/of 1587/3992 the end thereof are the ways of death He/that 1588/3992
Pro_16:33...........lap/but the whole disposing/thereof 1589/3992 the LORD trieth/the 1590/3992 he that repeateth/a 1591/3992
Pro_17:22......medicine/but a broken/spirit. 1592/3992
Pro_17:24.understanding/but the eyes of a/fool 1593/3992
Pro_18:2..understanding/but that his heart/may 1594/3992
Pro_18:14.....infirmity/but a wounded/spirit 1595/3992
Pro_18:17..........just/but his neighbour/cometh 1596/3992
Pro_18:23....intreaties/but the rich answereth/roughly 1597/3992
Pro_19:4........friends/but the poor is/separated 1598/3992
Pro_19:12..........lion/but his favour/is... 1599/3992
Pro_19:16..........soul/but he that despiseth/his 1600/3992
Pro_20:3.........strife/but every fool/will. 1601/3992
Pro_20:5..........water/but a man of understanding will/draw 1602/3992
Pro_20:6.......goodness/but a faithful man/who 1603/3992
Pro_20:14.........buyer/but when he is/gone. 1604/3992
Pro_20:15........rubies/but the lips of knowledge/are 1605/3992 afterwards/his.. 1606/3992
Pro_20:21.....beginning/but the end thereof shall/not 1607/3992
Pro_20:22..........evil/but wait on/the..... 1608/3992
Pro_21:2...........eyes/but the LORD pondereth/the 1609/3992
Pro_21:5..plenteousness/but of every/one.... 1610/3992
Pro_21:8........strange/but as for the pure/his 1611/3992
Pro_21:12........wicked/but God overthroweth/the 1612/3992
Pro_21:13.......himself/but shall not be/heard 1613/3992
Pro_21:15......judgment/but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity The man/that 1614/3992
Pro_21:20..........wise/but a foolish man spendeth/it 1615/3992
Pro_21:26..........long/but the righteous giveth/and 1616/3992
Pro_21:28........perish/but the man that heareth/speaketh 1617/3992
Pro_21:29..........face/but as for the upright/he 1618/3992
Pro_21:31........battle/but safety/is....... 1619/3992
Pro_22:3........himself/but the simple pass on and are punished By/humility 1620/3992
Pro_22:15.........child/but the rod/of...... 1621/3992
Pro_23:7...........thee/but his heart/is.... 1622/3992
Pro_23:17.......sinners/but be thou in/the.. 1623/3992
Pro_24:16.........again/but the wicked shall fall into/mischief 1624/3992
Pro_24:25...........him/But to them that rebuke/him 1625/3992
Pro_25:2..........thing/but the honour/of... 1626/3992
Pro_27:3........weighty/but a fool's wrath/is 1627/3992
Pro_27:4.....outrageous/but who is able to stand/before 1628/3992
Pro_27:6.........friend/but the kisses/of... 1629/3992
Pro_27:7......honeycomb/but to the hungry/soul 1630/3992
Pro_27:12.......himself/but the simple pass on and are punished Take/his 1631/3992
Pro_28:1.......pursueth/but the righteous are/bold 1632/3992
Pro_28:2........thereof/but by a/man........ 1633/3992
Pro_28:4.........wicked/but such as keep/the 1634/3992
Pro_28:5.......judgment/but they that seek the LORD understand/all 1635/3992
Pro_28:7............son/but he that is a/companion 1636/3992
Pro_28:10...........pit/but the upright/shall 1637/3992
Pro_28:11.......conceit/but the poor that/hath 1638/3992
Pro_28:12.........glory/but when the wicked rise/a 1639/3992
Pro_28:13.......prosper/but whoso confesseth/and 1640/3992
Pro_28:14.........alway/but he that hardeneth/his 1641/3992
Pro_28:16.....oppressor/but he that hateth covetousness/shall 1642/3992
Pro_28:18.........saved/but he that is perverse in his ways shall/fall 1643/3992
Pro_28:19.........bread/but he that followeth after/vain 1644/3992
Pro_28:20.....blessings/but he that maketh/haste 1645/3992
Pro_28:25........strife/but he that putteth his trust in the/LORD 1646/3992
Pro_28:26..........fool/but whoso walketh/wisely 1647/3992
Pro_28:27..........lack/but he that hideth/his 1648/3992
Pro_28:28....themselves/but when they perish/the 1649/3992
Pro_29:2........rejoice/but when the wicked beareth/rule 1650/3992
Pro_29:3.........father/but he that keepeth company/with 1651/3992 he that receiveth/gifts 1652/3992
Pro_29:6..........snare/but the righteous doth/sing 1653/3992
Pro_29:7...........poor/but the wicked regardeth/not 1654/3992
Pro_29:8..........snare/but wise/men........ 1655/3992
Pro_29:10.......upright/but the just seek/his 1656/3992
Pro_29:11..........mind/but a wise man keepeth/it 1657/3992
Pro_29:15........wisdom/but a child/left.... 1658/3992
Pro_29:16....increaseth/but the righteous shall see/their 1659/3992
Pro_29:18........perish/but he that keepeth the/law 1660/3992
Pro_29:23...........low/but honour/shall.... 1661/3992
Pro_29:25.........snare/but whoso putteth/his 1662/3992
Pro_29:26........favour/but every man's judgment/cometh 1663/3992 they are exceeding/wise 1664/3992
Pro_30:26...........are/but a feeble/folk... 1665/3992
Pro_31:29....virtuously/but thou excellest/them 1666/3992
Pro_31:30..........vain/but a woman that/feareth 1667/3992
Ecc_1:4..........cometh/but the earth abideth/for 1668/3992
Ecc_2:14...........head/but the fool walketh/in 1669/3992 to the sinner/he 1670/3992
Ecc_3:12...........them/but for a man/to.... 1671/3992
Ecc_4:1...........power/but they had no/comforter 1672/3992
Ecc_4:10.........fellow/but woe to him/that. 1673/3992
Ecc_4:11...........heat/but how can/one..... 1674/3992
Ecc_5:7........vanities/but fear thou/God... 1675/3992
Ecc_5:12...........much/but the abundance/of 1676/3992
Ecc_5:14...........hurt/But those riches/perish 1677/3992
Ecc_6:2.........thereof/but a stranger eateth/it 1678/3992
Ecc_7:4........mourning/but the heart of fools is/in 1679/3992
Ecc_7:12........defence/but the excellency/of 1680/3992
Ecc_7:14.........joyful/but in the day/of... 1681/3992
Ecc_7:23...........wise/but it was far/from. 1682/3992
Ecc_7:26............her/but the sinner shall/be 1683/3992
Ecc_7:28........seeketh/but I find/not...... 1684/3992
Ecc_7:28..........found/but a woman among/all 1685/3992
Ecc_7:29........upright/but they have sought/out 1686/3992
Ecc_8:13............him/But it shall not be well/with 1687/3992
Ecc_9:5.............die/but the dead know/not 1688/3992
Ecc_9:11..........skill/but time/and........ 1689/3992
Ecc_9:18............war/but one sinner/destroyeth 1690/3992
Ecc_10:2...........hand/but a fool's heart/at 1691/3992
Ecc_10:10......strength/but wisdom is profitable/to 1692/3992
Ecc_10:12......gracious/but the lips of a/fool 1693/3992
Ecc_10:19.........merry/but money/answereth. 1694/3992
Ecc_11:8............sun/But if a man live/many 1695/3992
Ecc_11:9...........eyes/but know thou/that.. 1696/3992 comely/O........ 1697/3992
Son_1:6.......vineyards/but mine own/vineyard 1698/3992
Son_3:1.............him/but I found him not I/will 1699/3992
Son_3:2.............him/but I found him not The/watchmen 1700/3992
Son_3:4.............was/but a little that/I. 1701/3992
Son_3:4............them/but I found him whom/my 1702/3992
Son_5:2...........sleep/but my heart waketh/it 1703/3992
Son_5:6.........beloved/but my beloved/had.. 1704/3992
Son_5:6.............him/but I could not find/him 1705/3992
Son_5:6.............him/but he gave/me...... 1706/3992 one she/is...... 1707/3992
Isa_1:3............crib/but Israel doth/not. 1708/3992 wounds/and...... 1709/3992 if ye refuse/and 1710/3992 now murderers/Thy 1711/3992
Isa_5:6..........digged/but there shall come/up 1712/3992
Isa_5:7........judgment/but behold oppression/for 1713/3992
Isa_5:7...righteousness/but behold a/cry.... 1714/3992
Isa_5:12.........feasts/but they regard/not. 1715/3992
Isa_5:16........humbled/But the LORD of/hosts 1716/3992
Isa_5:25...........away/but his hand is stretched out still And/he 1717/3992
Isa_6:9..........indeed/but understand/not.. 1718/3992
Isa_6:9..........indeed/but perceive/not.... 1719/3992 yet in/it....... 1720/3992 could not prevail/against 1721/3992
Isa_7:12..........above/But Ahaz/said....... 1722/3992 will ye/weary... 1723/3992
Isa_7:25.........thorns/but it shall be for the/sending 1724/3992
Isa_8:14......sanctuary/but for a stone/of.. 1725/3992
Isa_9:5...........blood/but this shall be with/burning 1726/3992
Isa_9:10...........down/but we will build/with 1727/3992
Isa_9:10...........down/but we will change/them 1728/3992
Isa_9:12...........away/but his hand is stretched out still For the/people 1729/3992
Isa_9:17...........away/but his hand is stretched out still For wickedness/burneth 1730/3992
Isa_9:21...........away/but his hand is stretched out still Woe/unto 1731/3992
Isa_10:4...........away/but his hand is stretched out still O/Assyrian 1732/3992 it is in/his.... 1733/3992
Isa_10:20..........them/but shall stay/upon. 1734/3992
Isa_11:4...........ears/But with righteousness/shall 1735/3992
Isa_11:14.......Ephraim/But they shall fly/upon 1736/3992
Isa_13:21.........there/But wild/beasts..... 1737/3992 thou art cast/out 1738/3992
Isa_16:6..........wrath/but his lies/shall.. 1739/3992
Isa_16:12..........pray/but he shall not prevail/This 1740/3992
Isa_16:14..........time/But now the LORD hath spoken/saying 1741/3992
Isa_17:11......flourish/but the harvest/shall 1742/3992
Isa_17:13........waters/but God shall rebuke/them 1743/3992
Isa_22:11..........pool/but ye have not looked/unto 1744/3992
Isa_24:16.....righteous/But I said My/leanness 1745/3992
Isa_26:11...........see/but they shall see/and 1746/3992 by thee/only.... 1747/3992
Isa_28:7...........gate/But they also/have.. 1748/3992
Isa_28:13..........hear/But the word of the LORD was/unto 1749/3992
Isa_28:27........cummin/but the fitches/are. 1750/3992
Isa_29:8.........eateth/but he awaketh and his/soul 1751/3992
Isa_29:8.......drinketh/but he awaketh and behold/he 1752/3992
Isa_29:9........drunken/but not with wine they/stagger 1753/3992
Isa_29:9........stagger/but not with strong/drink 1754/3992 have removed/their 1755/3992
Isa_29:23..........pale/But when he seeth/his 1756/3992
Isa_30:1........counsel/but not of me/and... 1757/3992
Isa_30:1.......covering/but not of my/spirit 1758/3992
Isa_30:5.........profit/but a shame/and..... 1759/3992
Isa_30:16...........not/But ye said No/for.. 1760/3992
Isa_30:20..........more/but thine eyes shall/see 1761/3992
Isa_31:1.........strong/but they look/not... 1762/3992
Isa_31:2..........words/but will arise/against 1763/3992
Isa_31:8............him/but he shall flee/from 1764/3992
Isa_32:8..........right/But the liberal/deviseth 1765/3992
Isa_33:21........broken/But there the/glorious 1766/3992
Isa_34:11..........ever/But the cormorant/and 1767/3992
Isa_34:12.......kingdom/but none shall be/there 1768/3992 it shall be for those/the 1769/3992
Isa_35:9..........there/but the redeemed/shall 1770/3992
Isa_36:5...........thou/but they are but vain words I have counsel and strength for war/now 1771/3992
Isa_36:5............are/but vain words I have counsel and strength for war/now 1772/3992
Isa_36:7............him/But if thou say/to.. 1773/3992
Isa_36:12..........wall/But Rabshakeh said Hath/my 1774/3992
Isa_36:21..........hand/But they held their peace and answered/him 1775/3992
Isa_37:19..........gods/but the work of men's hands wood and stone therefore they have destroyed them Now therefore O LORD our God save/us 1776/3992
Isa_37:28............up/But I know thy abode and thy going out and thy coming in and thy rage against me Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears therefore will/I 1777/3992
Isa_38:17....bitterness/but thou hast in/love 1778/3992
Isa_40:8.........fadeth/but the word of our/God 1779/3992
Isa_40:31..........fall/But they that wait/upon 1780/3992
Isa_41:8..........moved/But thou Israel/art. 1781/3992
Isa_42:19.........blind/but my servant or/deaf 1782/3992
Isa_42:20........things/but thou observest/not 1783/3992
Isa_42:20..........ears/but he heareth not/The 1784/3992
Isa_42:22....honourable/But this is a/people 1785/3992
Isa_43:1..........heart/But now thus/saith.. 1786/3992
Isa_43:22........praise/But thou hast not/called 1787/3992
Isa_43:22.........Jacob/but thou hast been/weary 1788/3992
Isa_43:24....sacrifices/but thou hast made/me 1789/3992
Isa_45:17.........idols/But Israel shall be saved/in 1790/3992
Isa_46:2.........burden/but themselves/are.. 1791/3992
Isa_47:9.......children/But these two/things 1792/3992
Isa_48:1.........Israel/but not in truth/nor 1793/3992
Isa_48:10..........thee/but not with silver/I 1794/3992
Isa_49:14.....afflicted/But Zion/said....... 1795/3992
Isa_49:25.....delivered/But thus saith/the.. 1796/3992
Isa_51:6.........manner/but my salvation/shall 1797/3992
Isa_51:8...........wool/but my righteousness/shall 1798/3992 I am the/LORD... 1799/3992
Isa_51:21.......drunken/but not with wine Thus/saith 1800/3992
Isa_51:23.........again/But I will put it/into 1801/3992
Isa_53:5......afflicted/But he was wounded/for 1802/3992
Isa_54:7...........thee/but with great/mercies 1803/3992
Isa_54:8.........moment/but with everlasting/kindness 1804/3992
Isa_54:10.......removed/but my kindness/shall 1805/3992
Isa_54:15......together/but not by me whosoever/shall 1806/3992
Isa_55:10.......thither/but watereth/the.... 1807/3992
Isa_55:11..........void/but it shall accomplish/that 1808/3992
Isa_57:3....uprightness/But draw/near....... 1809/3992
Isa_57:13..........thee/but the wind shall/carry 1810/3992
Isa_57:13..........them/but he that putteth his trust in me/shall 1811/3992
Isa_57:20...........him/But the wicked are/like 1812/3992
Isa_59:2...........hear/But your iniquities/have 1813/3992
Isa_59:9..........light/but behold obscurity/for 1814/3992
Isa_59:9.....brightness/but we walk/in...... 1815/3992
Isa_59:11......judgment/but there is none for/salvation 1816/3992
Isa_59:11.....salvation/but it is far/off... 1817/3992
Isa_60:2.........people/but the LORD shall arise/upon 1818/3992
Isa_60:10..........thee/but in my/favour.... 1819/3992
Isa_60:18.......borders/but thou shalt call/thy 1820/3992
Isa_60:19..........thee/but the LORD shall be/unto 1821/3992
Isa_61:6...vinedressers/But ye shall be named/the 1822/3992
Isa_62:4.......Desolate/but thou shalt be called/Hephzibah 1823/3992
Isa_62:9.......laboured/But they that have/gathered 1824/3992
Isa_63:10...........old/But they rebelled and/vexed 1825/3992 a little while/our 1826/3992
Isa_64:6..........saved/But we are all/as... 1827/3992
Isa_64:8.....iniquities/But now O/LORD...... 1828/3992
Isa_65:6........silence/but will recompense/even 1829/3992 ye are they/that 1830/3992
Isa_65:12..........hear/but did evil/before. 1831/3992 ye shall be hungry/behold 1832/3992
Isa_65:13.........drink/but ye shall be thirsty/behold 1833/3992
Isa_65:13.......rejoice/but ye shall be ashamed/Behold 1834/3992
Isa_65:14.........heart/but ye shall cry/for 1835/3992
Isa_65:18..........mind/But be ye glad/and.. 1836/3992
Isa_65:20...........old/but the sinner being/an 1837/3992
Isa_66:2...........LORD/but to this/man..... 1838/3992
Isa_66:4...........hear/but they did evil/before 1839/3992
Isa_66:5......glorified/but he shall appear/to 1840/3992
Jer_1:7...........child/But the LORD said unto me/Say 1841/3992
Jer_1:19...........thee/but they shall not prevail against thee for I am with thee saith/the 1842/3992
Jer_2:7.........thereof/but when ye entered/ye 1843/3992
Jer_2:11...........gods/but my people have/changed 1844/3992
Jer_2:25.........thirst/but thou saidst There/is 1845/3992
Jer_2:27...........face/but in the time/of.. 1846/3992 where are thy/gods 1847/3992 upon all/these.. 1848/3992
Jer_3:1........polluted/but thou hast played/the 1849/3992 she returned/not 1850/3992
Jer_3:8.............not/but went and played/the 1851/3992
Jer_3:10..........heart/but feignedly/saith. 1852/3992
Jer_3:19........fathers/But I said How/shall 1853/3992
Jer_4:22...........evil/but to do good they/have 1854/3992
Jer_5:3............them/but they have not grieved/thou 1855/3992
Jer_5:3............them/but they have refused/to 1856/3992
Jer_5:5.............God/but these have/altogether 1857/3992
Jer_5:10........destroy/but make not a/full. 1858/3992 this people hath a/revolting 1859/3992
Jer_6:16..........souls/But they said We will not walk/therein 1860/3992
Jer_6:17........trumpet/But they said We will not hearken/Therefore 1861/3992 rejected/it..... 1862/3992
Jer_7:12...........LORD/But go ye now/unto.. 1863/3992
Jer_7:13.......speaking/but ye heard/not.... 1864/3992 ye answered/not. 1865/3992
Jer_7:23.....sacrifices/But this thing commanded/I 1866/3992 they hearkened not nor inclined their ear but/walked 1867/3992
Jer_7:24............ear/but walked in the counsels/and 1868/3992
Jer_7:26............ear/but hardened their neck/they 1869/3992
Jer_7:27...........them/but they will not hearken/to 1870/3992
Jer_7:27...........them/but they will not answer/thee 1871/3992
Jer_7:28...........thee/But thou shalt say/unto 1872/3992
Jer_7:32.........Hinnom/but the valley of slaughter for/they 1873/3992
Jer_8:6...........heard/but they spake/not.. 1874/3992
Jer_8:7..........coming/but my people know/not 1875/3992
Jer_8:15..........peace/but no good/came.... 1876/3992
Jer_9:3............lies/but they are not valiant/for 1877/3992
Jer_9:8...........mouth/but in heart/he..... 1878/3992
Jer_9:14........therein/But have walked after/the 1879/3992
Jer_9:24.........riches/But let him that/glorieth 1880/3992
Jer_10:5...........tree/but speak not/they.. 1881/3992
Jer_10:8...........thee/But they are altogether/brutish 1882/3992 the LORD is the/true 1883/3992
Jer_10:19......grievous/but I said Truly/this 1884/3992 with judgment/not 1885/3992
Jer_11:8............ear/but walked every/one 1886/3992 they did them/not 1887/3992
Jer_11:12.......incense/but they shall not save/them 1888/3992
Jer_11:19........doings/But I was like/a.... 1889/3992
Jer_11:20....remembered/But O LORD of hosts that judgest/righteously 1890/3992
Jer_12:3..........reins/But thou O LORD knowest/me 1891/3992
Jer_12:13.........wheat/but shall reap/thorns 1892/3992
Jer_12:13..........pain/but shall not profit/and 1893/3992
Jer_12:17........people/But if they will not obey/I 1894/3992
Jer_13:11.........glory/but they would not hear/Therefore 1895/3992
Jer_13:14.........mercy/but destroy/them.... 1896/3992
Jer_13:17......darkness/But if ye will not hear it/my 1897/3992
Jer_14:12..........them/but I will consume/them 1898/3992
Jer_14:13........famine/but I will give/you. 1899/3992
Jer_15:19..........thee/but return/not...... 1900/3992
Jer_15:20..........thee/but they shall not prevail against thee for I am with thee to/save 1901/3992
Jer_16:4.........buried/but they shall be as dung/upon 1902/3992
Jer_16:15.........Egypt/But The LORD liveth that/brought 1903/3992
Jer_17:6.........cometh/but shall inhabit/the 1904/3992
Jer_17:8.........cometh/but her leaf/shall.. 1905/3992 let not me be confounded/let 1906/3992
Jer_17:18......dismayed/but let not me be dismayed/bring 1907/3992 hallow ye/the... 1908/3992
Jer_17:23.......fathers/But they obeyed not neither/inclined 1909/3992
Jer_17:23...........ear/but made their/neck. 1910/3992 hallow the/sabbath 1911/3992
Jer_17:27..........LORD/But if ye will not hearken unto me to/hallow 1912/3992
Jer_18:12..........hope/but we will walk/after 1913/3992
Jer_18:23.........sight/but let them be overthrown/before 1914/3992
Jer_19:6.........Hinnom/but The valley of slaughter And/I 1915/3992
Jer_20:3.........Pashur/but Magormissabib/For 1916/3992 his word/was.... 1917/3992
Jer_20:11...........him/But the LORD is with/me 1918/3992
Jer_20:12.....forgotten/But O LORD of hosts that triest/the 1919/3992
Jer_21:9.....pestilence/but he that goeth out/and 1920/3992
Jer_21:14...habitations/But I will punish/you 1921/3992
Jer_22:5.........people/But if ye will not hear these/words 1922/3992
Jer_22:10...........him/but weep sore/for... 1923/3992
Jer_22:12..........more/But he shall die/in. 1924/3992
Jer_22:17..........LORD/But thine eyes and/thine 1925/3992
Jer_22:17...........not/but for thy covetousness/and 1926/3992
Jer_22:21....prosperity/but thou saidst I/will 1927/3992
Jer_22:27...........die/But to the land/whereunto 1928/3992
Jer_23:8..........Egypt/But The LORD liveth which/brought 1929/3992
Jer_23:22....prophesied/But if they had/stood 1930/3992
Jer_23:38........spoken/But since ye/say.... 1931/3992
Jer_25:3.......speaking/but ye have not hearkened And/the 1932/3992
Jer_25:4...........them/but ye have not hearkened nor/inclined 1933/3992
Jer_26:5...........them/but ye have not hearkened Then/will 1934/3992 know ye/for..... 1935/3992
Jer_26:21.........death/but when Urijah/heard 1936/3992
Jer_27:11........perish/But the nations/that 1937/3992
Jer_27:18.........waste/But if they be prophets/and 1938/3992
Jer_28:13..........wood/but thou shalt make/for 1939/3992
Jer_28:15..........thee/but thou makest/this 1940/3992
Jer_29:19..........them/but ye would/not.... 1941/3992
Jer_30:7........trouble/but he shall be saved/out 1942/3992
Jer_30:9............him/But they shall serve/the 1943/3992
Jer_30:11..........thee/but I will correct/thee 1944/3992
Jer_31:30..........edge/But every one shall/die 1945/3992
Jer_31:33..........LORD/But this shall be the/covenant 1946/3992
Jer_32:4......Chaldeans/but shall surely be delivered/into 1947/3992 they obeyed not thy/voice 1948/3992
Jer_32:34...instruction/But they set/their.. 1949/3992
Jer_32:40..........good/but I will put my/fear 1950/3992
Jer_33:5......Chaldeans/but it is to/fill... 1951/3992
Jer_34:3...........hand/but shalt surely be/taken 1952/3992
Jer_34:5..........sword/But thou shalt die/in 1953/3992
Jer_34:11............go/But afterward they/turned 1954/3992
Jer_34:14..........thee/but your fathers/hearkened 1955/3992 ye turned/and... 1956/3992 they said We will drink/no 1957/3992
Jer_35:7............any/but all your/days... 1958/3992
Jer_35:10..........seed/But we have dwelt/in 1959/3992 it came to pass when Nebuchadrezzar/king 1960/3992
Jer_35:14..........none/but obey their/father's 1961/3992
Jer_35:14......speaking/but ye hearkened/not 1962/3992
Jer_35:15.......fathers/but ye have not inclined/your 1963/3992
Jer_35:16..........them/but this people hath not/hearkened 1964/3992
Jer_35:17..........them/but they have not heard/and 1965/3992
Jer_35:17..........them/but they have not answered/And 1966/3992
Jer_36:20.........court/but they laid up/the 1967/3992
Jer_36:25..........roll/but he would not hear/them 1968/3992
Jer_36:26..........them/But the king commanded/Jerahmeel 1969/3992
Jer_36:26.......prophet/but the LORD hid/them 1970/3992
Jer_36:31..........them/but they hearkened not Then/took 1971/3992
Jer_37:2..........Judah/But neither he/nor.. 1972/3992
Jer_37:10......remained/but wounded/men..... 1973/3992
Jer_37:14.....Chaldeans/But he hearkened/not 1974/3992
Jer_38:2.....pestilence/but he that goeth forth/to 1975/3992
Jer_38:4.........people/but the hurt/Then... 1976/3992
Jer_38:6..........water/but mire/so......... 1977/3992 if thou wilt not go forth/to 1978/3992 Jeremiah/said... 1979/3992 if thou refuse/to 1980/3992
Jer_38:23..........hand/but shalt be taken/by 1981/3992
Jer_38:25...........die/But if the princes/hear 1982/3992
Jer_39:5..........plain/But the Chaldeans'/army 1983/3992
Jer_39:10......remained/But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left of/the 1984/3992
Jer_39:12..........harm/but do unto/him..... 1985/3992
Jer_39:17..........thee/But I will deliver/thee 1986/3992
Jer_39:18.........sword/but thy life shall/be 1987/3992
Jer_40:4...........thee/but if it seem/ill.. 1988/3992 ye gather/ye.... 1989/3992
Jer_40:14..........thee/But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam believed/them 1990/3992
Jer_40:16........perish/But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam said/unto 1991/3992
Jer_41:8............him/But ten men/were.... 1992/3992
Jer_41:11.....Ammonites/But when Johanan/the 1993/3992
Jer_41:15........Kareah/But Ishmael/the..... 1994/3992
Jer_42:2...........left/but a few of/many... 1995/3992 if ye say We/will 1996/3992
Jer_42:14............No/but we will go into/the 1997/3992 ye have not obeyed the/voice 1998/3992
Jer_43:3..........there/But Baruch/the...... 1999/3992
Jer_43:5..........Judah/But Johanan/the..... 2000/3992
Jer_44:5...........hate/But they hearkened not nor inclined their ear to/turn 2001/3992
Jer_44:14........return/but such as shall/escape 2002/3992
Jer_44:17..........thee/But we will certainly/do 2003/3992
Jer_44:18..........evil/But since we/left... 2004/3992
Jer_45:5...........LORD/but thy life will/I. 2005/3992 a noise/he...... 2006/3992
Jer_46:20........heifer/but destruction cometh/it 2007/3992
Jer_46:27..........LORD/But fear not/thou... 2008/3992
Jer_46:28..........thee/but I will not make/a 2009/3992
Jer_46:28..........thee/but correct/thee.... 2010/3992
Jer_48:30..........LORD/but it shall not be so his/lies 2011/3992
Jer_48:45.........force/but a fire/shall.... 2012/3992
Jer_49:10........enough/But I have made/Esau 2013/3992
Jer_49:12....unpunished/but thou shalt surely drink/of 2014/3992
Jer_49:19........strong/but I will suddenly/make 2015/3992
Jer_49:39..........LORD/But it shall come to pass in/the 2016/3992
Jer_50:13.....inhabited/but it shall be wholly/desolate 2017/3992
Jer_50:44........strong/but I will make them suddenly/run 2018/3992
Jer_51:9........Babylon/but she is not/healed 2019/3992
Jer_51:26...foundations/but thou shalt be desolate/for 2020/3992
Jer_51:62.........beast/but that it shall/be 2021/3992
Jer_52:8..........plain/But the army/of..... 2022/3992
Jer_52:16.....multitude/But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left certain/of 2023/3992
Lam_1:19.........lovers/but they deceived/me 2024/3992
Lam_2:14......captivity/but have seen/for... 2025/3992
Lam_3:2........darkness/but not into/light.. 2026/3992
Lam_3:32...........ever/But though he cause/grief 2027/3992
Lam_5:22............old/But thou hast utterly/rejected 2028/3992
Eze_2:8......rebellious/But thou son/of..... 2029/3992
Eze_3:5........language/but to the house/of. 2030/3992
Eze_3:7............thee/But the house of Israel will/not 2031/3992
Eze_3:14.........spirit/but the hand of the LORD was strong/upon 2032/3992
Eze_3:18.......iniquity/but his blood will I require at thine hand Yet/if 2033/3992
Eze_3:19.......iniquity/but thou hast delivered thy soul Again/When 2034/3992
Eze_3:20.....remembered/but his blood will I require at thine hand Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous/man 2035/3992 thou O son/of... 2036/3992 when I speak with/thee 2037/3992
Eze_7:4............pity/but I will recompense thy/ways 2038/3992
Eze_7:14..........ready/but none goeth/to... 2039/3992
Eze_7:16............him/But they that escape/of 2040/3992
Eze_7:20........majesty/but they made the/images 2041/3992
Eze_7:26........prophet/but the law/shall... 2042/3992
Eze_8:6.......sanctuary/but turn thee/yet... 2043/3992
Eze_9:6...........women/but come not/near... 2044/3992
Eze_9:10...........pity/but I will recompense their/way 2045/3992
Eze_10:11..........went/but to the place/whither 2046/3992
Eze_11:7........caldron/but I will bring/you 2047/3992
Eze_11:11.......thereof/but I will judge/you 2048/3992
Eze_11:12.....judgments/but have done after/the 2049/3992
Eze_11:21...........God/But as for them whose/heart 2050/3992
Eze_12:16.....countries/But I will leave/a.. 2051/3992
Eze_12:23........Israel/but say unto/them... 2052/3992
Eze_12:28..........more/but the word which/I 2053/3992
Eze_14:11transgressions/but that they may/be 2054/3992
Eze_14:14.......deliver/but their own souls/by 2055/3992
Eze_14:16.....delivered/but the land shall/be 2056/3992
Eze_14:18.....daughters/but they only/shall. 2057/3992
Eze_14:20.........shall/but deliver their/own 2058/3992
Eze_16:5...........thee/but thou wast/cast.. 2059/3992
Eze_16:15...........GOD/But thou didst trust/in 2060/3992
Eze_16:32..........hire/But as a/wife....... 2061/3992
Eze_16:33........whores/but thou givest/thy. 2062/3992
Eze_16:43.........youth/but hast fretted/me. 2063/3992
Eze_16:47..abominations/but as if/that...... 2064/3992
Eze_16:51..........sins/but thou hast multiplied/thine 2065/3992
Eze_16:61.....daughters/but not by thy/covenant 2066/3992
Eze_17:14............up/but that by/keeping. 2067/3992
Eze_17:15.........stand/But he rebelled/against 2068/3992
Eze_18:5............die/But if a man be/just 2069/3992
Eze_18:7............any/but hath restored/to 2070/3992
Eze_18:11........duties/but even hath/eaten. 2071/3992
Eze_18:16......violence/but hath given/his.. 2072/3992
Eze_18:21...........him/But if the wicked will/turn 2073/3992 when the righteous/turneth 2074/3992
Eze_19:12......branches/But she was/plucked. 2075/3992
Eze_20:8............God/But they rebelled against/me 2076/3992
Eze_20:9..........Egypt/But I wrought for my name's sake that it should not be polluted before the heathen among/whom 2077/3992
Eze_20:13..........them/But the house of Israel rebelled/against 2078/3992
Eze_20:14..........them/But I wrought for my name's sake that it should not be polluted before the heathen in/whose 2079/3992
Eze_20:16......statutes/but polluted/my..... 2080/3992
Eze_20:18....wilderness/But I said unto their/children 2081/3992
Eze_20:24.....judgments/but had despised/my. 2082/3992 pollute/ye...... 2083/3992
Eze_21:23.........oaths/but he will call/to. 2084/3992 I found none Therefore/have 2085/3992
Eze_24:23..........weep/but ye shall pine/away 2086/3992
Eze_28:9............God/but thou shalt be a/man 2087/3992
Eze_29:4.........myself/But I will put hooks/in 2088/3992
Eze_29:16..........them/but they shall know/that 2089/3992
Eze_30:24..........hand/but I will break/Pharaoh's 2090/3992 I will strengthen/the 2091/3992
Eze_32:27.........heads/but their iniquities/shall 2092/3992
Eze_33:5............him/But he that taketh/warning 2093/3992
Eze_33:6...........soul/But if the watchman/see 2094/3992
Eze_33:6.......iniquity/but his blood will I require at the/watchman's 2095/3992
Eze_33:8.......iniquity/but his blood will I require at thine hand Nevertheless if thou warn the wicked/of 2096/3992
Eze_33:9.......iniquity/but thou hast delivered thy soul Therefore/O 2097/3992
Eze_33:11........wicked/but that the wicked/turn 2098/3992
Eze_33:13....remembered/but for his iniquity/that 2099/3992
Eze_33:17.........equal/but as for them their/way 2100/3992
Eze_33:19.......thereby/But if the wicked turn/from 2101/3992 we are many/the. 2102/3992
Eze_33:31.........words/but they will not do/them 2103/3992 their heart goeth/after 2104/3992
Eze_33:32.........words/but they do/them.... 2105/3992
Eze_34:3............fed/but ye feed/not..... 2106/3992
Eze_34:4...........lost/but with force/and.. 2107/3992
Eze_34:8..........flock/but the shepherds/fed 2108/3992
Eze_34:16..........sick/but I will destroy/the 2109/3992
Eze_34:18.......pasture/but ye must tread/down 2110/3992
Eze_34:18........waters/but ye must foul/the 2111/3992
Eze_34:28..........them/but they shall dwell/safely 2112/3992
Eze_36:8..........shame/But ye O/mountains.. 2113/3992 I had/pity...... 2114/3992
Eze_36:22........Israel/but for mine/holy... 2115/3992
Eze_37:8..........above/but there was no breath/in 2116/3992
Eze_37:23transgressions/but I will save/them 2117/3992
Eze_38:8..........waste/but it is brought/forth 2118/3992
Eze_39:2..........leave/but the sixth/part.. 2119/3992
Eze_39:28.......heathen/but I have gathered/them 2120/3992
Eze_41:6...........hold/but they had not/hold 2121/3992
Eze_42:6........stories/but had not/pillars. 2122/3992
Eze_42:14.........court/but there they/shall 2123/3992
Eze_44:8.........things/but ye have set keepers/of 2124/3992 they shall bear/their 2125/3992
Eze_44:14.....committed/But I will make them keepers/of 2126/3992
Eze_44:15.......therein/But the priests the/Levites 2127/3992
Eze_44:22..........away/but they shall take/maidens 2128/3992
Eze_44:25....themselves/but for father/or... 2129/3992
Eze_46:1...........days/but on the sabbath/it 2130/3992
Eze_46:2..........forth/but the gate shall/not 2131/3992
Eze_46:9........thereof/But when the people of/the 2132/3992 shall go/forth.. 2133/3992
Eze_46:17...inheritance/But if he give/a.... 2134/3992
Eze_46:17........prince/but his inheritance/shall 2135/3992
Eze_46:18....possession/but he shall give/his 2136/3992
Eze_47:11..........many/But the miry/places. 2137/3992
Dan_1:4.........blemish/but well/favoured... 2138/3992
Dan_1:8........Abednego/But Daniel purposed/in 2139/3992
Dan_2:6........dunghill/But if ye shew/the.. 2140/3992 if ye will not make/known 2141/3992 one decree/for.. 2142/3992
Dan_2:28...........king/But there is a God/in 2143/3992
Dan_2:30...........pass/But as for me this/secret 2144/3992 for their/sakes. 2145/3992
Dan_2:41........divided/but there shall be in/it 2146/3992 they shall not cleave/one 2147/3992
Dan_2:44.........people/but it shall break/in 2148/3992
Dan_2:49........Babylon/but Daniel sat/in... 2149/3992
Dan_3:15...........well/but if ye worship/not 2150/3992
Dan_3:18...........king/But if not be/it.... 2151/3992
Dan_4:7............them/but they did not make/known 2152/3992
Dan_4:8.........thereof/But at the last/Daniel 2153/3992
Dan_4:18.interpretation/but thou art able/for 2154/3992 they could not read/the 2155/3992
Dan_5:15........thereof/but they could not shew the/interpretation 2156/3992
Dan_5:20...........down/But when his heart/was 2157/3992
Dan_5:23...........this/But hast lifted/up.. 2158/3992
Dan_6:4.........kingdom/but they could find/none 2159/3992
Dan_6:13.........signed/but maketh/his...... 2160/3992 the saints/of... 2161/3992
Dan_7:26...........time/But the judgment/shall 2162/3992 I kept/the...... 2163/3992
Dan_8:3............high/but one was/higher.. 2164/3992
Dan_8:4............hand/but he did according/to 2165/3992
Dan_8:7.............him/but he cast/him..... 2166/3992
Dan_8:17...........face/but he said unto me Understand/O 2167/3992
Dan_8:18.........ground/but he touched/me... 2168/3992
Dan_8:22.........nation/but not in his/power 2169/3992
Dan_8:24.........mighty/but not by his/own.. 2170/3992
Dan_8:25........princes/but he shall be broken/without 2171/3992 none understood/it 2172/3992
Dan_9:7............thee/but unto us confusion/of 2173/3992
Dan_9:18righteousnesses/but for thy great/mercies 2174/3992 not for himself/and 2175/3992
Dan_10:1...........true/but the time appointed/was 2176/3992 a great/quaking. 2177/3992
Dan_10:13.........words/But the prince/of... 2178/3992
Dan_10:13..........days/but lo Michael/one.. 2179/3992
Dan_10:21..........come/But I will shew/thee 2180/3992
Dan_10:21........things/but Michael/your.... 2181/3992
Dan_11:6......agreement/but she shall not retain/the 2182/3992
Dan_11:6............arm/but she shall be/given 2183/3992
Dan_11:7..........times/But out of a/branch. 2184/3992 his sons/shall.. 2185/3992
Dan_11:11.....multitude/but the multitude shall/be 2186/3992
Dan_11:12.....thousands/but he shall not be strengthened/by 2187/3992 they shall fall/So 2188/3992
Dan_11:16.....withstand/But he that cometh against/him 2189/3992
Dan_11:17...........her/but she shall not stand/on 2190/3992
Dan_11:18..........many/but a prince/for.... 2191/3992 he shall stumble/and 2192/3992
Dan_11:20.......kingdom/but within few/days. 2193/3992
Dan_11:21.......kingdom/but he shall come/in 2194/3992 he shall not stand/for 2195/3992
Dan_11:27.........table/but it shall not prosper for/yet 2196/3992
Dan_11:29.........south/but it shall not be as/the 2197/3992
Dan_11:32....flatteries/but the people that do/know 2198/3992 many shall/cleave 2199/3992
Dan_11:38...........all/But in his estate/shall 2200/3992
Dan_11:41....overthrown/but these shall/escape 2201/3992
Dan_11:43........escape/But he shall have power/over 2202/3992
Dan_11:44.........steps/But tidings/out..... 2203/3992
Dan_12:4...........ever/But thou O Daniel/shut 2204/3992
Dan_12:8..........heard/but I understood/not 2205/3992
Dan_12:10.........tried/but the wicked shall do/wickedly 2206/3992
Dan_12:10....understand/but the wise shall/understand 2207/3992
Dan_12:13..........days/But go thou thy/way. 2208/3992
Hos_1:6..........Israel/but I will utterly/take 2209/3992
Hos_1:7............away/But I will have/mercy 2210/3992
Hos_2:7..........lovers/but she shall not overtake/them 2211/3992
Hos_2:7............them/but shall not find/them 2212/3992
Hos_5:6............LORD/but they shall not find him/he 2213/3992
Hos_6:7.......offerings/But they like/men... 2214/3992
Hos_7:16.........return/but not to the/most. 2215/3992
Hos_8:4...........kings/but not by me they/have 2216/3992
Hos_8:6.............God/but the calf/of..... 2217/3992 they were counted/as 2218/3992 the LORD accepteth/them 2219/3992
Hos_8:14.........cities/but I will send a fire upon his/cities 2220/3992 Ephraim shall return/to 2221/3992
Hos_9:8.............God/but the prophet is/a 2222/3992
Hos_9:10...........time/but they went to/Baalpeor 2223/3992 Ephraim shall bring/forth 2224/3992
Hos_10:11..........corn/but I passed/over... 2225/3992
Hos_11:3...........arms/but they knew not that I/healed 2226/3992
Hos_11:12........deceit/but Judah yet/ruleth 2227/3992
Hos_13:1.........Israel/but when he offended/in 2228/3992
Hos_13:4............god/but me for/there.... 2229/3992
Hos_13:9........thyself/but in me/is........ 2230/3992
Hos_14:9...........them/but the transgressors shall fall/therein 2231/3992
Joe_2:20........heathen/But I will remove/far 2232/3992
Joe_3:16..........shake/but the LORD will/be 2233/3992 Judah shall/dwell 2234/3992
Amo_1:4............iron/But I will send a fire into/the 2235/3992
Amo_1:7............Edom/But I will send a fire on the wall of Gaza/which 2236/3992
Amo_1:10.......covenant/But I will send a fire on the wall of Tyrus/which 2237/3992
Amo_1:12...........ever/But I will send a fire upon Teman/which 2238/3992
Amo_1:14.........border/But I will kindle/a. 2239/3992
Amo_2:2............lime/But I will send a fire upon Moab/and 2240/3992
Amo_2:5..........walked/But I will send a fire upon Judah/and 2241/3992
Amo_2:12...........LORD/But ye gave/the..... 2242/3992
Amo_3:7.........nothing/but he revealeth/his 2243/3992
Amo_3:8.............can/but prophesy Publish/in 2244/3992
Amo_4:8...........water/but they were not satisfied/yet 2245/3992 seek not/Bethel. 2246/3992
Amo_5:11..........stone/but ye shall not dwell/in 2247/3992
Amo_5:11......vineyards/but ye shall not drink/wine 2248/3992
Amo_5:24..........viols/But let judgment/run 2249/3992
Amo_5:26.........Israel/But ye have borne/the 2250/3992
Amo_6:6.......ointments/but they are not grieved/for 2251/3992
Amo_6:14.......strength/But behold I/will... 2252/3992
Amo_7:13..........there/But prophesy not/again 2253/3992
Amo_7:14............son/but I was an/herdman 2254/3992
Amo_8:11..........water/but of hearing/the.. 2255/3992
Oba_1:12...........them/But thou shouldest/not 2256/3992
Oba_1:17...........been/But upon mount/Zion. 2257/3992 Jonah rose/up... 2258/3992
Jon_1:4............LORD/But the LORD sent/out 2259/3992
Jon_1:5............them/But Jonah was/gone.. 2260/3992 they could not for/the 2261/3992
Jon_2:9...........mercy/But I will sacrifice/unto 2262/3992
Jon_3:8...........water/But let man/and..... 2263/3992
Jon_4:1.............not/But it displeased/Jonah 2264/3992
Jon_4:7...........gourd/But God prepared/a.. 2265/3992
Mic_1:12...........good/but evil came/down.. 2266/3992
Mic_3:4............LORD/but he will not/hear 2267/3992
Mic_3:8.............God/But truly I/am...... 2268/3992
Mic_4:1..........forest/But in the last/days 2269/3992
Mic_4:4............more/But they shall sit/every 2270/3992
Mic_4:12...........Zion/But they know/not... 2271/3992
Mic_5:2...........cheek/But thou Bethlehem/Ephratah 2272/3992
Mic_6:8............thee/but to do justly/and 2273/3992 not be/satisfied 2274/3992
Mic_6:14...........hold/but shalt not deliver/and 2275/3992
Mic_6:15............sow/but thou shalt not reap/thou 2276/3992
Mic_6:15.........olives/but thou shalt not anoint thee/with 2277/3992 shalt not drink/wine 2278/3992
Nah_1:8.............him/But with an/overrunning 2279/3992
Nah_2:8.........breasts/But Nineveh/is...... 2280/3992
Nah_2:8.............cry/but none shall look/back 2281/3992 when the sun ariseth/they 2282/3992
Hab_2:3............time/but at the end/it... 2283/3992
Hab_2:4.............him/but the just shall live/by 2284/3992
Hab_2:5.......satisfied/but gathereth/unto.. 2285/3992 the LORD is in/his 2286/3992
Zep_1:13.........houses/but not inhabit/them 2287/3992
Zep_1:13......vineyards/but not drink/the... 2288/3992
Zep_1:18..........wrath/but the whole land/shall 2289/3992
Zep_3:5.............not/but the unjust/knoweth 2290/3992
Zep_3:7............them/but they rose/early. 2291/3992 ye have not enough/ye 2292/3992
Hag_1:6...........drink/but ye are not filled/with 2293/3992 there is none warm/and 2294/3992
Hag_2:16...........were/but ten when/one.... 2295/3992
Hag_2:16...........were/but twenty/I........ 2296/3992
Zec_1:4..........doings/but they did not hear/nor 2297/3992
Zec_1:6............ever/But my words and/my. 2298/3992
Zec_1:15............was/but a little displeased/and 2299/3992
Zec_1:21...........head/but these are come/to 2300/3992
Zec_4:6...........power/but by my spirit/saith 2301/3992
Zec_7:11..........heart/But they refused/to. 2302/3992
Zec_7:14..........hosts/But I scattered/them 2303/3992
Zec_8:11......neighbour/But now I will/not.. 2304/3992
Zec_8:13............not/but let your hands/be 2305/3992
Zec_9:7...........teeth/but he that remaineth/even 2306/3992
Zec_11:6...........LORD/but lo I/will....... 2307/3992
Zec_11:16.........still/but he shall eat/the 2308/3992
Zec_13:5........deceive/But he shall say I am/no 2309/3992
Zec_13:8............die/but the third shall/be 2310/3992
Zec_14:7...........dark/But it shall be one/day 2311/3992
Zec_14:7..........night/but it shall come to pass that/at 2312/3992
Zec_14:11...destruction/but Jerusalem shall/be 2313/3992
Mal_1:4....impoverished/but we will return/and 2314/3992 I will throw/down 2315/3992
Mal_1:12..........hosts/But ye have profaned/it 2316/3992
Mal_1:14...........LORD/But cursed/be....... 2317/3992
Mal_2:8...........hosts/But ye are departed/out 2318/3992
Mal_2:9............ways/but have been/partial 2319/3992
Mal_3:2...........hosts/But who may/abide... 2320/3992
Mal_3:7...........hosts/But ye said Wherein/shall 2321/3992 ye say Wherein/have 2322/3992
Mal_4:2..........branch/But unto you that/fear 2323/3992
Mat_1:20........privily/But while he/thought 2324/3992
Mat_2:19............not/But when Herod was/dead 2325/3992
Mat_2:22.........Israel/But when he heard/that 2326/3992
Mat_3:7............sins/But when he saw many/of 2327/3992
Mat_3:11.....repentance/but he that cometh after/me 2328/3992
Mat_3:12.........garner/but he will burn/up. 2329/3992
Mat_3:14............him/But John/forbad..... 2330/3992
Mat_4:4...........bread/But he answered and said It is written/Man 2331/3992
Mat_4:4...........alone/but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God/Then 2332/3992 if the salt have lost his savour wherewith shall it be salted/it 2333/3992
Mat_5:13........nothing/but to be cast/out.. 2334/3992
Mat_5:15.........bushel/but on a candlestick and/it 2335/3992
Mat_5:17........destroy/but to fulfil/For... 2336/3992
Mat_5:19.........heaven/but whosoever shall do/and 2337/3992
Mat_5:22.......judgment/But I say unto you That whosoever is/angry 2338/3992
Mat_5:22........council/but whosoever shall say/Thou 2339/3992
Mat_5:28.......adultery/But I say unto you That whosoever looketh/on 2340/3992
Mat_5:32....divorcement/But I say unto you That whosoever shall/put 2341/3992
Mat_5:33........thyself/but shalt perform/unto 2342/3992
Mat_5:34..........oaths/But I say unto you Swear/not 2343/3992 let your communication/be 2344/3992
Mat_5:39..........tooth/But I say unto you That ye/resist 2345/3992
Mat_5:39...........evil/but whosoever shall smite/thee 2346/3992
Mat_5:44..........enemy/But I say unto you Love/your 2347/3992
Mat_6:3..........reward/But when thou doest/alms 2348/3992
Mat_6:6..........reward/But thou when thou prayest/enter 2349/3992
Mat_6:7..........openly/But when ye pray/use 2350/3992
Mat_6:13.....temptation/but deliver us from evil For/thine 2351/3992 if ye forgive/not 2352/3992
Mat_6:17.........reward/But thou when thou fastest/anoint 2353/3992 unto thy Father/which 2354/3992
Mat_6:20..........steal/But lay/up.......... 2355/3992
Mat_6:23..........light/But if thine eye/be. 2356/3992
Mat_6:33.........things/But seek ye/first... 2357/3992
Mat_7:3.............eye/but considerest/not. 2358/3992 inwardly/they... 2359/3992
Mat_7:17..........fruit/but a corrupt/tree.. 2360/3992
Mat_7:21.........heaven/but he that doeth the will of my/Father 2361/3992 go thy way shew thyself to the priest and offer the/gift 2362/3992
Mat_8:8............roof/but speak the word/only 2363/3992
Mat_8:12.........heaven/But the children of the kingdom/shall 2364/3992
Mat_8:20..........nests/but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head And another/of 2365/3992
Mat_8:22.........father/But Jesus said unto him Follow/me 2366/3992
Mat_8:24..........waves/but he was asleep/And 2367/3992
Mat_8:27...........calm/But the men marvelled/saying 2368/3992
Mat_9:6............walk/But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins then/saith 2369/3992 when the multitudes/saw 2370/3992
Mat_9:12........sinners/But when Jesus heard that/he 2371/3992
Mat_9:12......physician/but they that are sick But/go 2372/3992
Mat_9:13...........sick/But go ye and/learn. 2373/3992
Mat_9:13......righteous/but sinners to repentance Then/came 2374/3992
Mat_9:14............oft/but thy disciples fast not And Jesus said unto them Can the children of the bridechamber mourn/as 2375/3992
Mat_9:15...........them/but the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken from/them 2376/3992
Mat_9:17.........perish/but they put/new.... 2377/3992
Mat_9:18...........dead/but come and/lay.... 2378/3992
Mat_9:21............may/but touch/his....... 2379/3992
Mat_9:22..........whole/But Jesus turned/him 2380/3992
Mat_9:24...........dead/but sleepeth And they laughed him to scorn But when the/people 2381/3992
Mat_9:25..........scorn/But when the people were/put 2382/3992 they when/they.. 2383/3992
Mat_9:34.........Israel/But the Pharisees said/He 2384/3992
Mat_9:36.........people/But when he saw the multitudes/he 2385/3992
Mat_9:37......plenteous/but the labourers are few Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will/send 2386/3992
Mat_10:6............not/But go rather/to.... 2387/3992 if it be not/worthy 2388/3992
Mat_10:17.........doves/But beware/of....... 2389/3992
Mat_10:19......Gentiles/But when they deliver/you 2390/3992
Mat_10:20.........speak/but the Spirit of your/Father 2391/3992
Mat_10:22..........sake/but he that endureth/to 2392/3992
Mat_10:23.........saved/But when they persecute/you 2393/3992
Mat_10:28..........body/but are not/able.... 2394/3992
Mat_10:28..........soul/but rather fear/him. 2395/3992
Mat_10:30........Father/But the very/hairs.. 2396/3992
Mat_10:33........heaven/But whosoever shall deny/me 2397/3992
Mat_10:34.........peace/but a sword/For..... 2398/3992
Mat_11:8...........wind/But what went ye out for to see A man clothed in soft raiment behold they that/wear 2399/3992
Mat_11:9.........houses/But what went ye out for to see A prophet yea I say unto you and more/than 2400/3992
Mat_11:16..........hear/But whereunto/shall. 2401/3992
Mat_11:19.......sinners/But wisdom is justified of her/children 2402/3992
Mat_11:22.........ashes/But I say unto you It/shall 2403/3992 I say unto you That it shall be more tolerable for/the 2404/3992
Mat_11:27...........Son/but the Father neither/knoweth 2405/3992 when the Pharisees saw/it 2406/3992 he said unto them Have/ye 2407/3992
Mat_12:4............him/but only for/the.... 2408/3992
Mat_12:6......blameless/But I say unto you That in/this 2409/3992
Mat_12:7.........temple/But if ye had/known. 2410/3992
Mat_12:15...........him/But when Jesus knew/it 2411/3992
Mat_12:24.........David/But when the Pharisees heard/it 2412/3992
Mat_12:24........devils/but by Beelzebub/the 2413/3992
Mat_12:28........judges/But if I cast/out... 2414/3992 the blasphemy/against 2415/3992
Mat_12:32...........him/but whosoever speaketh/against 2416/3992
Mat_12:36........things/But I say unto you That every/idle 2417/3992
Mat_12:39..........thee/But he answered and said unto them An/evil 2418/3992 the sign of the prophet Jonas For/as 2419/3992
Mat_12:48..........thee/But he answered and said unto him/that 2420/3992
Mat_13:8...........them/But other fell/into. 2421/3992
Mat_13:11........heaven/but to them it/is... 2422/3992
Mat_13:12.....abundance/but whosoever hath/not 2423/3992
Mat_13:16..........them/But blessed are/your 2424/3992
Mat_13:20..........side/But he that received the/seed 2425/3992
Mat_13:21.......himself/but dureth/for...... 2426/3992
Mat_13:23....unfruitful/But he that received seed/into 2427/3992
Mat_13:25.........field/But while men/slept. 2428/3992
Mat_13:26...........way/But when the blade/was 2429/3992
Mat_13:29............up/But he said Nay/lest 2430/3992
Mat_13:30..........them/but gather/the...... 2431/3992
Mat_13:32.........seeds/but when it is grown/it 2432/3992
Mat_13:38.......kingdom/but the tares/are... 2433/3992
Mat_13:48.......vessels/but cast the/bad.... 2434/3992
Mat_13:57...........him/But Jesus said unto them A prophet is not without honour save/in 2435/3992
Mat_14:6........prophet/But when Herod's/birthday 2436/3992
Mat_14:16......victuals/But Jesus said unto them They/need 2437/3992 five loaves and two fishes He/said 2438/3992
Mat_14:24.........alone/But the ship/was.... 2439/3992
Mat_14:27..........fear/But straightway/Jesus 2440/3992
Mat_14:30.........Jesus/But when he saw the wind/boisterous 2441/3992
Mat_15:3..........bread/But he answered and said unto them Why/do 2442/3992
Mat_15:5..........death/But ye say Whosoever/shall 2443/3992
Mat_15:8...........lips/but their heart is far from me But/in 2444/3992 in vain they/do. 2445/3992 that which cometh/out 2446/3992
Mat_15:13........saying/But he answered and said Every/plant 2447/3992
Mat_15:18.......draught/But those things which proceed/out 2448/3992 to eat/with..... 2449/3992
Mat_15:23.........devil/But he answered her/not 2450/3992 he answered and said I/am 2451/3992
Mat_15:24..........sent/but unto the lost/sheep 2452/3992 he answered and said It is not/meet 2453/3992 can/ye.......... 2454/3992 the sign of the prophet Jonas And/he 2455/3992
Mat_16:12.........bread/but of the doctrine/of 2456/3992
Mat_16:15..........them/But whom say ye that I am And Simon/Peter 2457/3992
Mat_16:17..........thee/but my Father which/is 2458/3992
Mat_16:23..........thee/But he turned and said/unto 2459/3992
Mat_16:23...........God/but those that be/of 2460/3992
Mat_17:12........things/But I say unto you That Elias is come/already 2461/3992
Mat_17:12...........not/but have done unto/him 2462/3992
Mat_17:21...........out/but by prayer and fasting And while/they 2463/3992 whoso shall/offend 2464/3992
Mat_18:7...........come/but woe to that man by whom the offence/cometh 2465/3992 if he will not hear/thee 2466/3992 if he neglect/to 2467/3992
Mat_18:22.........times/but Until/seventy... 2468/3992
Mat_18:25.......talents/But forasmuch as he had/not 2469/3992
Mat_18:28..........debt/But the same servant/went 2470/3992
Mat_18:30...........not/but went and cast/him 2471/3992
Mat_19:6..........twain/but one flesh What therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder They/say 2472/3992
Mat_19:8..........wives/but from the beginning it/was 2473/3992
Mat_19:11.........marry/But he said unto them All/men 2474/3992
Mat_19:14..........them/But Jesus said Suffer/little 2475/3992
Mat_19:17..........good/but one that is God but/if 2476/3992
Mat_19:17...........God/but if thou wilt enter/into 2477/3992 when the young/man 2478/3992
Mat_19:26.........saved/But Jesus beheld/them 2479/3992
Mat_19:26....impossible/but with God/all.... 2480/3992 many that are first shall be last and the last shall/be 2481/3992
Mat_20:10.........penny/But when the first/came 2482/3992
Mat_20:12.......wrought/but one hour/and.... 2483/3992 he answered one/of 2484/3992
Mat_20:16........called/but few chosen/And.. 2485/3992
Mat_20:22.......kingdom/But Jesus answered and/said 2486/3992
Mat_20:23..........with/but to sit on my right hand and on my left is/not 2487/3992
Mat_20:23..........give/but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of/my 2488/3992
Mat_20:25......brethren/But Jesus called them unto him and said Ye/know 2489/3992
Mat_20:26..........them/But it shall not be so among/you 2490/3992 whosoever will be great among you let/him 2491/3992
Mat_20:28..........unto/but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many And as/they 2492/3992
Mat_20:31.........peace/but they cried the/more 2493/3992
Mat_21:13........prayer/but ye have made it a den of thieves And the blind/and 2494/3992
Mat_21:19.......thereon/but leaves only/and. 2495/3992
Mat_21:21..........tree/but also if/ye...... 2496/3992
Mat_21:26...........him/But if we shall say Of men we/fear 2497/3992
Mat_21:28........things/But what think/ye... 2498/3992
Mat_21:29...........not/but afterward he repented/and 2499/3992
Mat_21:32...........not/but the publicans/and 2500/3992
Mat_21:37......likewise/But last/of......... 2501/3992
Mat_21:38...........son/But when the husbandmen saw the/son 2502/3992
Mat_21:44........broken/but on whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him to powder And when/the 2503/3992
Mat_21:46..........them/But when they sought/to 2504/3992
Mat_22:5.......marriage/But they made light/of 2505/3992
Mat_22:7...........them/But when the king/heard 2506/3992
Mat_22:8..........ready/but they which were/bidden 2507/3992
Mat_22:14........called/but few are/chosen.. 2508/3992
Mat_22:18...........not/But Jesus perceived/their 2509/3992
Mat_22:30......marriage/but are as the angels of/God 2510/3992
Mat_22:31........heaven/But as touching the resurrection/of 2511/3992
Mat_22:32..........dead/but of the living And/when 2512/3992
Mat_22:34......doctrine/But when the Pharisees had/heard 2513/3992 do not ye/after. 2514/3992
Mat_23:4......shoulders/but they themselves/will 2515/3992
Mat_23:5........fingers/But all their/works. 2516/3992
Mat_23:8..........Rabbi/But be not ye/called 2517/3992
Mat_23:11........Christ/But he that is greatest among you shall/be 2518/3992
Mat_23:13.......exalted/But woe unto you scribes/and 2519/3992
Mat_23:16.......nothing/but whosoever shall swear/by 2520/3992
Mat_23:18.......nothing/but whosoever sweareth/by 2521/3992
Mat_23:25.......platter/but within they/are. 2522/3992
Mat_23:27.......outward/but are within/full. 2523/3992 within ye/are... 2524/3992
Mat_24:6...........pass/but the end is not yet/For 2525/3992
Mat_24:13..........cold/But he that shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved And/this 2526/3992
Mat_24:20..........days/But pray/ye......... 2527/3992
Mat_24:22.........saved/but for the elect's sake those/days 2528/3992
Mat_24:35..........away/but my words shall not pass away But of that day and hour/knoweth 2529/3992
Mat_24:36..........away/But of that day and hour/knoweth 2530/3992
Mat_24:36........heaven/but my Father only/But 2531/3992
Mat_24:37..........only/But as the days/of.. 2532/3992
Mat_24:43..........come/But know this/that.. 2533/3992
Mat_24:48.........goods/But and if that evil/servant 2534/3992
Mat_25:4...........them/But the wise took/oil 2535/3992
Mat_25:9............out/But the wise answered/saying 2536/3992 go ye rather/to. 2537/3992 he answered and said Verily/I 2538/3992
Mat_25:18...........two/But he that had/received 2539/3992
Mat_25:29.....abundance/but from him/that... 2540/3992
Mat_25:33..........hand/but the goats/on.... 2541/3992
Mat_25:46....punishment/but the righteous into/life 2542/3992
Mat_26:5............him/But they said Not on the feast day lest there be an uproar among/the 2543/3992
Mat_26:8...........meat/But when his disciples saw it they had/indignation 2544/3992 me ye have not always For/in 2545/3992
Mat_26:24...........him/but woe unto that man by whom the/Son 2546/3992
Mat_26:29..........sins/But I say unto you I/will 2547/3992
Mat_26:32........abroad/But after I/am...... 2548/3992
Mat_26:39..........will/but as thou/wilt.... 2549/3992
Mat_26:41.......willing/but the flesh is weak He/went 2550/3992
Mat_26:54........angels/But how then/shall.. 2551/3992 all this/was.... 2552/3992
Mat_26:58.....assembled/But Peter followed/him 2553/3992
Mat_26:60.........death/But found none/yea.. 2554/3992
Mat_26:63..........thee/But Jesus held/his.. 2555/3992
Mat_26:70.......Galilee/But he denied before/them 2556/3992
Mat_27:20...........him/But the chief priests and elders/persuaded 2557/3992
Mat_27:23..........done/But they cried out the/more 2558/3992
Mat_27:24.......nothing/but that rather/a... 2559/3992
Mat_28:17...........him/but some doubted/And 2560/3992
Mar_1:8...........water/but he shall baptize/you 2561/3992
Mar_1:30...........John/But Simon's/wife's.. 2562/3992 go thy way shew thyself to the priest and offer for/thy 2563/3992
Mar_1:45...........them/But he went out/and. 2564/3992 was without/in.. 2565/3992
Mar_2:6............thee/But there was certain/of 2566/3992
Mar_2:7............sins/but God only/And.... 2567/3992
Mar_2:10...........walk/But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins he/saith 2568/3992
Mar_2:17......physician/but they that are sick I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance And the/disciples 2569/3992
Mar_2:17......righteous/but sinners to repentance And the/disciples 2570/3992 thy disciples fast not And Jesus said unto them Can the children of the bridechamber fast/while 2571/3992 the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast in those days No/man 2572/3992
Mar_2:22.........marred/but new wine must be put into new bottles And it/came 2573/3992 for the priests and/gave 2574/3992
Mar_3:4............kill/But they held their peace And when/he 2575/3992
Mar_3:7.............him/But Jesus withdrew/himself 2576/3992
Mar_3:26..........stand/but hath an/end..... 2577/3992
Mar_3:29......blaspheme/But he that shall blaspheme/against 2578/3992
Mar_3:29....forgiveness/but is in/danger.... 2579/3992 when the sun was/up 2580/3992
Mar_4:11............God/but unto them that are without/all 2581/3992
Mar_4:15...........sown/but when they have/heard 2582/3992
Mar_4:17.........endure/but for a time/afterward 2583/3992
Mar_4:22.........secret/but that it should come/abroad 2584/3992
Mar_4:29............ear/But when the fruit/is 2585/3992 when it is sown/it 2586/3992 without a/parable 2587/3992
Mar_5:6..........stones/But when he saw Jesus/afar 2588/3992
Mar_5:19............not/but saith/unto...... 2589/3992
Mar_5:26.......bettered/but rather grew/worse 2590/3992
Mar_5:28..........touch/but his clothes/I... 2591/3992
Mar_5:33..........thing/But the woman fearing/and 2592/3992
Mar_5:39...........dead/but sleepeth And they laughed him to scorn But when he/had 2593/3992
Mar_5:40..........scorn/But when he had put/them 2594/3992
Mar_6:4.............him/But Jesus said unto them A prophet is not without honour but/in 2595/3992
Mar_6:4..........honour/but in his own/country 2596/3992
Mar_6:9...........purse/But be shod/with.... 2597/3992
Mar_6:16.......prophets/But when Herod heard/thereof 2598/3992
Mar_6:19............him/but she could/not... 2599/3992
Mar_6:49...........them/But when they saw/him 2600/3992
Mar_6:56...........were/but the border/of... 2601/3992
Mar_7:5..........elders/but eat/bread....... 2602/3992
Mar_7:6............lips/but their heart is far from me Howbeit/in 2603/3992
Mar_7:11..........death/But ye say If/a..... 2604/3992
Mar_7:15............him/but the things which come/out 2605/3992
Mar_7:19..........heart/but into the belly/and 2606/3992 he could not be hid/For 2607/3992
Mar_7:27.......daughter/But Jesus said unto her/Let 2608/3992 the more he/charged 2609/3992
Mar_8:28........Baptist/but some say Elias and others One/of 2610/3992
Mar_8:29...........them/But whom say ye that I am And Peter/answereth 2611/3992
Mar_8:33............him/But when he had turned/about 2612/3992
Mar_8:33............God/but the things that/be 2613/3992 whosoever shall lose/his 2614/3992
Mar_9:13.........nought/But I say unto you That Elias is indeed/come 2615/3992
Mar_9:22............him/but if thou canst/do 2616/3992
Mar_9:27...........dead/But Jesus took/him.. 2617/3992
Mar_9:29........nothing/but by prayer and fasting And they/departed 2618/3992 they understood not that/saying 2619/3992
Mar_9:34............way/But they held their peace for/by 2620/3992 him that/sent... 2621/3992 Jesus said Forbid/him 2622/3992
Mar_9:50...........good/but if the salt have lost his saltness/wherewith 2623/3992
Mar_10:6........precept/But from the beginning of/the 2624/3992
Mar_10:8..........twain/but one flesh What therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder And/in 2625/3992
Mar_10:14..........them/But when Jesus saw/it 2626/3992
Mar_10:18..........good/but one that is God Thou/knowest 2627/3992
Mar_10:24.........words/But Jesus answereth/again 2628/3992
Mar_10:27....impossible/but not with God/for 2629/3992
Mar_10:30......gospel's/But he shall receive/an 2630/3992 many that are first shall be last and the last first/And 2631/3992
Mar_10:38.........glory/But Jesus said unto them Ye/know 2632/3992
Mar_10:40......baptized/But to sit on my right hand and on my left hand/is 2633/3992
Mar_10:40..........give/but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared And/when 2634/3992
Mar_10:42..........John/But Jesus called them to/him 2635/3992
Mar_10:43..........them/But so shall/it..... 2636/3992 whosoever will be great among you shall/be 2637/3992
Mar_10:45..........unto/but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many And they/came 2638/3992
Mar_10:48.........peace/but he cried the/more 2639/3992
Mar_11:13.......nothing/but leaves for/the.. 2640/3992
Mar_11:17........prayer/but ye have made it a den of thieves And the scribes/and 2641/3992
Mar_11:23.........heart/but shall believe/that 2642/3992
Mar_11:26....trespasses/But if ye do/not.... 2643/3992
Mar_11:32...........him/But if we shall say Of men they/feared 2644/3992
Mar_12:7............son/But those husbandmen/said 2645/3992
Mar_12:12...........him/but feared/the...... 2646/3992 teachest the way of God in/truth 2647/3992
Mar_12:15..........give/But he knowing their hypocrisy/said 2648/3992
Mar_12:25......marriage/but are as the angels which/are 2649/3992
Mar_12:27..........dead/but the God of the/living 2650/3992
Mar_12:32.........other/but he And/to....... 2651/3992
Mar_12:44.....abundance/but she of her want/did 2652/3992 the end shall/not 2653/3992
Mar_13:9........sorrows/But take heed to/yourselves 2654/3992
Mar_13:11.......nations/But when they shall/lead 2655/3992
Mar_13:11...premeditate/but whatsoever shall/be 2656/3992
Mar_13:11.........speak/but the Holy/Ghost.. 2657/3992
Mar_13:13..........sake/but he that shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved But/when 2658/3992
Mar_13:14.........saved/But when ye shall see/the 2659/3992
Mar_13:17.......garment/But woe to them/that 2660/3992
Mar_13:20.........saved/but for the elect's sake whom/he 2661/3992
Mar_13:23.........elect/But take ye/heed.... 2662/3992
Mar_13:24........things/But in those days/after 2663/3992
Mar_13:31..........away/but my words shall not pass away But of that day and that/hour 2664/3992
Mar_13:32..........away/But of that day and that/hour 2665/3992
Mar_13:32...........Son/but the Father Take/ye 2666/3992
Mar_14:2..........death/But they said Not on the feast day lest there be an uproar of/the 2667/3992
Mar_14:7...........good/but me ye have not always She/hath 2668/3992
Mar_14:21...........him/but woe to that man by whom the Son/of 2669/3992
Mar_14:28.....scattered/But after that I/am. 2670/3992
Mar_14:29.......Galilee/But Peter said unto him Although/all 2671/3992
Mar_14:31........thrice/But he spake the/more 2672/3992
Mar_14:36..........will/but what thou/wilt.. 2673/3992
Mar_14:38.........ready/but the flesh is weak And/again 2674/3992
Mar_14:49...........not/but the scriptures/must 2675/3992
Mar_14:56...........him/but their witness/agreed 2676/3992
Mar_14:59.........hands/But neither so/did.. 2677/3992
Mar_14:61..........thee/But he held his peace and/answered 2678/3992
Mar_14:68......Nazareth/But he denied saying/I 2679/3992
Mar_14:71.......thereto/But he began/to..... 2680/3992
Mar_15:3.........things/but he answered nothing/And 2681/3992
Mar_15:5...........thee/But Jesus yet/answered 2682/3992
Mar_15:9...........them/But Pilate/answered. 2683/3992
Mar_15:11..........envy/But the chief priests moved/the 2684/3992
Mar_15:23.........myrrh/but he received it not And/when 2685/3992
Mar_16:7............him/But go your/way..... 2686/3992
Mar_16:16.........saved/but he that believeth not shall/be 2687/3992
Luk_1:13............him/But the angel said/unto 2688/3992 he shall be called/John 2689/3992
Luk_2:19......shepherds/But Mary kept/all... 2690/3992
Luk_2:37.........temple/but served/God...... 2691/3992 they supposing/him 2692/3992
Luk_2:51...........them/but his mother/kept. 2693/3992
Luk_3:16..........water/but one mightier/than 2694/3992
Luk_3:17.........garner/but the chaff/he.... 2695/3992
Luk_3:19.........people/But Herod/the....... 2696/3992
Luk_4:4...........alone/but by every word of/God 2697/3992 I tell you of a truth many/widows 2698/3992 unto none/of.... 2699/3992
Luk_4:30.......headlong/But he passing/through 2700/3992
Luk_5:2............lake/but the fishermen/were 2701/3992 go and shew/thyself 2702/3992
Luk_5:15...........them/But so much/the..... 2703/3992
Luk_5:21...........sins/but God alone/But... 2704/3992
Luk_5:22..........alone/But when Jesus perceived/their 2705/3992
Luk_5:24...........walk/But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon/earth 2706/3992
Luk_5:30...........them/But their scribes/and 2707/3992
Luk_5:31......physician/but they that are sick I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance And they/said 2708/3992
Luk_5:32......righteous/but sinners to repentance And they/said 2709/3992
Luk_5:33......Pharisees/but thine eat/and... 2710/3992
Luk_5:35...........them/But the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast in those days And/he 2711/3992
Luk_5:38.........perish/But new wine must be put into new bottles and both/are 2712/3992 for the priests alone/And 2713/3992
Luk_6:8.............him/But he knew/their... 2714/3992
Luk_6:24.......prophets/But woe unto you that/are 2715/3992
Luk_6:27.......prophets/But I say unto you which/hear 2716/3992
Luk_6:35..........again/But love ye/your.... 2717/3992
Luk_6:40.........master/but every one that/is 2718/3992
Luk_6:41............eye/but perceivest/not.. 2719/3992
Luk_6:49...........rock/But he that heareth and/doeth 2720/3992
Luk_7:7............thee/but say in/a........ 2721/3992
Luk_7:25...........wind/But what went ye out for to see A man clothed in soft raiment Behold they which/are 2722/3992
Luk_7:26.........courts/But what went ye out for to see A prophet Yea I say unto you and much/more 2723/3992
Luk_7:28........Baptist/but he that is least/in 2724/3992
Luk_7:30...........John/But the Pharisees and/lawyers 2725/3992
Luk_7:35........sinners/But wisdom is justified of all/her 2726/3992
Luk_7:44...........feet/but she hath/washed. 2727/3992
Luk_7:45...........kiss/but this woman since/the 2728/3992
Luk_7:46.........anoint/but this woman hath/anointed 2729/3992
Luk_7:47...........much/but to whom/little.. 2730/3992
Luk_8:10............God/but to others/in.... 2731/3992
Luk_8:15.....perfection/But that on/the..... 2732/3992
Luk_8:16............bed/but setteth/it...... 2733/3992
Luk_8:23..........forth/But as they/sailed.. 2734/3992 in the tombs/When 2735/3992
Luk_8:38............him/but Jesus sent/him.. 2736/3992
Luk_8:42..........dying/But as he went/the.. 2737/3992
Luk_8:50.........Master/But when Jesus heard it/he 2738/3992
Luk_8:52............her/but he said Weep/not 2739/3992
Luk_8:52...........dead/but sleepeth And they laughed him to scorn knowing/that 2740/3992
Luk_8:56.....astonished/but he charged/them. 2741/3992
Luk_9:9........beheaded/but who is this/of.. 2742/3992 he said unto them Give/ye 2743/3992
Luk_9:13...........more/but five loaves and two fishes except/we 2744/3992
Luk_9:19........Baptist/but some say Elias and others say/that 2745/3992
Luk_9:20...........them/But whom say ye that I am Peter/answering 2746/3992 whosoever will lose/his 2747/3992
Luk_9:27.........angels/But I tell you of a truth there/be 2748/3992
Luk_9:32......Jerusalem/But Peter and they/that 2749/3992
Luk_9:43............God/But while they wondered/every 2750/3992 they understood not this/saying 2751/3992
Luk_9:55............did/But he turned and rebuked/them 2752/3992
Luk_9:56..........lives/but to save them/And 2753/3992
Luk_9:58..........nests/but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head And he/said 2754/3992 he said Lord/suffer 2755/3992
Luk_9:60...........dead/but go thou and/preach 2756/3992
Luk_9:61...........thee/but let me first/go. 2757/3992
Luk_10:2..........great/but the labourers are few pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he would/send 2758/3992 into whatsoever/city 2759/3992 I say unto you that it shall be more tolerable in/that 2760/3992
Luk_10:14.........ashes/But it shall be more/tolerable 2761/3992 rather rejoice/because 2762/3992 the Father and/who 2763/3992 the Son and/he.. 2764/3992 he willing/to... 2765/3992
Luk_10:33..........side/But a certain Samaritan/as 2766/3992
Luk_10:40..........word/But Martha/was...... 2767/3992
Luk_10:42........things/But one thing is/needful 2768/3992
Luk_11:4.....temptation/but deliver us from evil And/he 2769/3992
Luk_11:15......wondered/But some of them said/He 2770/3992
Luk_11:17........heaven/But he knowing their thoughts/said 2771/3992
Luk_11:20........judges/But if I with/the... 2772/3992
Luk_11:22.........peace/But when a/stronger. 2773/3992
Luk_11:28........sucked/But he said Yea/rather 2774/3992 the sign of Jonas/the 2775/3992
Luk_11:33........bushel/but on a candlestick that/they 2776/3992
Luk_11:34.........light/but when thine/eye.. 2777/3992
Luk_11:39.......platter/but your inward/part 2778/3992
Luk_11:41..........also/But rather give alms/of 2779/3992 woe unto you Pharisees/for 2780/3992 I will forewarn/you 2781/3992
Luk_12:7............God/But even the/very... 2782/3992
Luk_12:9............God/But he that denieth me/before 2783/3992
Luk_12:10...........him/but unto him that/blasphemeth 2784/3992
Luk_12:20.........merry/But God said unto him/Thou 2785/3992
Luk_12:31........things/But rather seek/ye.. 2786/3992
Luk_12:45..........hath/But and if that servant/say 2787/3992
Luk_12:48.......stripes/But he that knew/not 2788/3992
Luk_12:50.......kindled/But I have a baptism/to 2789/3992
Luk_12:51...........Nay/but rather division/For 2790/3992 how is/it....... 2791/3992
Luk_13:3............Nay/but except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish Or/those 2792/3992
Luk_13:5............Nay/but except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish He/spake 2793/3992
Luk_13:27.......streets/But he shall say I tell/you 2794/3992 when thou art/bidden 2795/3992
Luk_14:13..........thee/But when thou makest/a 2796/3992
Luk_14:34..........good/but if the salt have lost his savour wherewith shall it be seasoned/It 2797/3992
Luk_14:35......dunghill/but men cast/it..... 2798/3992
Luk_15:20........father/But when he was yet/a 2799/3992
Luk_15:22...........son/But the father said/to 2800/3992
Luk_15:30.......friends/But as soon as this/thy 2801/3992 God knoweth/your 2802/3992
Luk_16:25.........flame/But Abraham said/Son 2803/3992
Luk_16:25........things/but now he is comforted/and 2804/3992
Luk_16:30.......Abraham/but if one/went..... 2805/3992
Luk_17:1.....impossible/but that offences/will 2806/3992
Luk_17:1...........come/but woe unto him/through 2807/3992 which of/you.... 2808/3992
Luk_17:17......cleansed/but where are the/nine 2809/3992 first must/he... 2810/3992
Luk_17:29.......builded/But the same day/that 2811/3992
Luk_18:4..........while/but afterward he said/within 2812/3992
Luk_18:13........heaven/but smote/upon...... 2813/3992
Luk_18:15..........them/but when his disciples saw it they rebuked/them 2814/3992
Luk_18:16..........them/But Jesus called them unto him and said Suffer/little 2815/3992
Luk_18:39.........peace/but he cried so/much 2816/3992
Luk_19:14..........come/But his citizens/hated 2817/3992
Luk_19:27...........him/But those mine/enemies 2818/3992
Luk_19:42.........peace/but now they are/hid 2819/3992
Luk_19:46........prayer/but ye have made it a den of thieves And he/taught 2820/3992
Luk_19:47........temple/But the chief priests and the/scribes 2821/3992
Luk_20:6............not/But and if we/say... 2822/3992
Luk_20:10......vineyard/but the husbandmen/beat 2823/3992
Luk_20:14...........him/But when the husbandmen saw him/they 2824/3992
Luk_20:18........broken/but on whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him to powder And the/chief 2825/3992
Luk_20:21...........any/but teachest the way of God truly/Is 2826/3992 he perceived/their 2827/3992
Luk_20:35......marriage/But they which shall/be 2828/3992
Luk_20:38..........dead/but of the living for/all 2829/3992
Luk_21:4............God/but she of her penury/hath 2830/3992
Luk_21:7.........Master/but when shall/these 2831/3992
Luk_21:9...........them/But when ye shall hear/of 2832/3992
Luk_21:9...........pass/but the end is not by/and 2833/3992
Luk_21:12........heaven/But before all/these 2834/3992
Luk_21:18..........sake/But there shall not/an 2835/3992
Luk_21:23.....fulfilled/But woe unto them/that 2836/3992
Luk_21:33..........away/but my words shall not pass away And/take 2837/3992 behold the/hand. 2838/3992
Luk_22:22....determined/but woe unto that man by whom he/is 2839/3992
Luk_22:26...benefactors/But ye shall not be/so 2840/3992 he that is greatest among you let/him 2841/3992
Luk_22:27..........meat/but I am among/you.. 2842/3992
Luk_22:32.........wheat/But I have prayed/for 2843/3992
Luk_22:36..........them/But now he that/hath 2844/3992
Luk_22:42..........will/but thine be/done... 2845/3992
Luk_22:48...........him/But Jesus said unto him Judas/betrayest 2846/3992 this is your/hour 2847/3992
Luk_22:56..........them/But a certain maid/beheld 2848/3992
Luk_23:9..........words/but he answered him nothing/And 2849/3992
Luk_23:21..........them/But they cried saying/Crucify 2850/3992
Luk_23:25.......desired/but he delivered/Jesus 2851/3992
Luk_23:28...........him/But Jesus turning/unto 2852/3992 weep for/yourselves 2853/3992 the other answering/rebuked 2854/3992
Luk_23:41.........deeds/but this man hath/done 2855/3992 is risen/remember 2856/3992
Luk_24:16..........them/But their eyes/were. 2857/3992
Luk_24:21...........him/But we trusted/that. 2858/3992
Luk_24:24..........said/but him they/saw.... 2859/3992
Luk_24:29.......further/But they constrained/him 2860/3992 they were terrified/and 2861/3992 tarry/ye........ 2862/3992
Joh_1:8...........Light/but was sent/to..... 2863/3992
Joh_1:12............not/But as many/as...... 2864/3992 of God And/the.. 2865/3992
Joh_1:17..........Moses/but grace/and....... 2866/3992
Joh_1:20............not/but confessed/I..... 2867/3992
Joh_1:26..........water/but there standeth/one 2868/3992
Joh_1:31............not/but that he should/be 2869/3992
Joh_1:33............not/but he that sent me to/baptize 2870/3992
Joh_2:9.............was/but the servants which/drew 2871/3992
Joh_2:10..........worse/but thou hast kept/the 2872/3992
Joh_2:21...........days/But he spake of/the. 2873/3992
Joh_2:24............did/But Jesus did/not... 2874/3992
Joh_3:8.........thereof/but canst/not....... 2875/3992
Joh_3:13.........heaven/but he that came/down 2876/3992
Joh_3:15.........perish/but have eternal/life 2877/3992
Joh_3:16.........perish/but have everlasting/life 2878/3992 that the world through/him 2879/3992
Joh_3:18......condemned/but he that believeth not is/condemned 2880/3992
Joh_3:21.......reproved/But he that doeth truth/cometh 2881/3992
Joh_3:28.........Christ/but that I/am....... 2882/3992
Joh_3:29.....bridegroom/but the friend/of... 2883/3992
Joh_3:30.......increase/but I must decrease/He 2884/3992 the wrath/of.... 2885/3992
Joh_4:2.............not/but his disciples/He 2886/3992
Joh_4:14..........again/But whosoever drinketh/of 2887/3992
Joh_4:14.........thirst/but the water that/I 2888/3992
Joh_4:23...........Jews/But the hour/cometh. 2889/3992 he said unto them I/have 2890/3992
Joh_5:7............pool/but while I/am...... 2891/3992 Jesus answered them/My 2892/3992
Joh_5:18........sabbath/but said also/that.. 2893/3992
Joh_5:19........himself/but what he/seeth... 2894/3992 hath committed/all 2895/3992
Joh_5:24...condemnation/but is passed/from.. 2896/3992
Joh_5:30...........will/but the will of the/Father 2897/3992
Joh_5:34..........truth/But I receive/not... 2898/3992 these things I/say 2899/3992
Joh_5:36..........light/But I have greater/witness 2900/3992 I know you/that. 2901/3992 if ye believe/not 2902/3992
Joh_6:9..........fishes/but what are/they... 2903/3992
Joh_6:20.........afraid/But he saith unto/them 2904/3992
Joh_6:22...........boat/but that his disciples/were 2905/3992
Joh_6:26.......miracles/but because ye did/eat 2906/3992
Joh_6:27......perisheth/but for that meat/which 2907/3992
Joh_6:32.........heaven/but my Father giveth/you 2908/3992
Joh_6:36.........thirst/But I said unto you/That 2909/3992
Joh_6:38...........will/but the will of him/that 2910/3992
Joh_6:39........nothing/but should/raise.... 2911/3992 there are/some.. 2912/3992
Joh_7:6............come/but your time/is.... 2913/3992 me it/hateth.... 2914/3992
Joh_7:10........Galilee/But when his brethren/were 2915/3992
Joh_7:10.........openly/but as it were in/secret 2916/3992
Joh_7:12............Nay/but he deceiveth/the 2917/3992
Joh_7:16...........mine/but his that/sent... 2918/3992
Joh_7:18..........glory/but he that seeketh his/glory 2919/3992
Joh_7:22..........Moses/but of the fathers/and 2920/3992
Joh_7:24.....appearance/but judge righteous/judgment 2921/3992
Joh_7:26...........kill/But lo he/speaketh.. 2922/3992 when Christ/cometh 2923/3992
Joh_7:28.........myself/but he that sent me is true whom/ye 2924/3992
Joh_7:29............not/But I know him for/I 2925/3992
Joh_7:30............him/but no man laid hands on him because/his 2926/3992
Joh_7:39..........water/But this spake/he... 2927/3992
Joh_7:41.........Christ/But some said/Shall. 2928/3992
Joh_7:44............him/but no man laid hands on him Then/came 2929/3992
Joh_7:49............him/But this people who/knoweth 2930/3992
Joh_8:5..........stoned/but what sayest/thou 2931/3992
Joh_8:6.............him/But Jesus stooped/down 2932/3992
Joh_8:10...........none/but the woman he/said 2933/3992
Joh_8:12.......darkness/but shall have/the.. 2934/3992
Joh_8:14.............go/but ye cannot tell/whence 2935/3992
Joh_8:16..........alone/but I and/the....... 2936/3992 he that sent me is true and/I 2937/3992
Joh_8:28.........myself/but as my Father/hath 2938/3992
Joh_8:35...........ever/but the Son abideth/ever 2939/3992
Joh_8:37...........seed/but ye seek/to...... 2940/3992
Joh_8:40........Abraham/But now ye seek/to.. 2941/3992
Joh_8:42.........myself/but he sent me/Why.. 2942/3992
Joh_8:49..........devil/but I honour/my..... 2943/3992
Joh_8:55............him/but I know him and if/I 2944/3992 I know him and keep/his 2945/3992
Joh_8:59............him/but Jesus hid/himself 2946/3992
Joh_9:3.........parents/but that the works/of 2947/3992
Joh_9:9.............him/but he said I am he/Therefore 2948/3992
Joh_9:18........prophet/But the Jews did/not 2949/3992
Joh_9:21..........blind/But by what/means... 2950/3992
Joh_9:28.......disciple/but we are Moses'/disciples 2951/3992
Joh_9:31........sinners/but if any man be a/worshipper 2952/3992
Joh_9:41............sin/but now ye say/We... 2953/3992
Joh_10:1......sheepfold/but climbeth/up..... 2954/3992
Joh_10:2.........robber/But he that entereth/in 2955/3992
Joh_10:5.........follow/but will flee/from.. 2956/3992
Joh_10:6...........them/but they understood not what/things 2957/3992
Joh_10:8........robbers/but the sheep/did... 2958/3992
Joh_10:10...........not/but for to/steal.... 2959/3992
Joh_10:12.........sheep/But he that is an/hireling 2960/3992 I lay/it........ 2961/3992 ye believe/not.. 2962/3992
Joh_10:33...........not/but for blasphemy/and 2963/3992
Joh_10:38...........not/But if I do/though.. 2964/3992
Joh_10:39...........him/but he escaped/out.. 2965/3992
Joh_10:41.......miracle/but all things that John/spake 2966/3992
Joh_11:4..........death/but for the glory/of 2967/3992 if a man walk/in 2968/3992
Joh_11:11......sleepeth/but I go/that....... 2969/3992
Joh_11:13.........death/but they thought that/he 2970/3992
Joh_11:20...........him/but Mary sat/still.. 2971/3992
Joh_11:22..........died/But I know that/even 2972/3992 was in that/place 2973/3992
Joh_11:42........always/but because of the people/which 2974/3992
Joh_11:46...........him/But some of them went/their 2975/3992
Joh_11:51.......himself/but being high/priest 2976/3992
Joh_11:52..........only/but that also/he.... 2977/3992
Joh_11:54..........Jews/but went thence/unto 2978/3992
Joh_12:2.........served/but Lazarus/was..... 2979/3992
Joh_12:6...........poor/but because he/was.. 2980/3992 me ye have not always Much/people 2981/3992
Joh_12:9...........only/but that they might see/Lazarus 2982/3992
Joh_12:10..........dead/But the chief priests consulted/that 2983/3992
Joh_12:16.........first/but when Jesus was/glorified 2984/3992
Joh_12:24.........alone/but if it die/it.... 2985/3992
Joh_12:27..........hour/but for this/cause.. 2986/3992 for your/sakes.. 2987/3992
Joh_12:37..........them/But though he had/done 2988/3992
Joh_12:42...........him/but because of the Pharisees/they 2989/3992 on him/that..... 2990/3992 to save the/world 2991/3992
Joh_12:49........myself/but the Father which/sent 2992/3992 thou shalt know/hereafter 2993/3992
Joh_13:9...........only/but also my/hands... 2994/3992
Joh_13:10..........feet/but is clean/every.. 2995/3992
Joh_13:10.........clean/but not all/For..... 2996/3992
Joh_13:18........chosen/but that the scripture/may 2997/3992 thou shalt follow/me 2998/3992
Joh_14:6.........Father/but by me/If........ 2999/3992
Joh_14:10........myself/but the Father that/dwelleth 3000/3992
Joh_14:17...........him/but ye know him/for. 3001/3992
Joh_14:19..........more/but ye see/me....... 3002/3992
Joh_14:24..........mine/but the Father's/which 3003/3992 the Comforter/which 3004/3992 that the world may/know 3005/3992
Joh_15:15.........doeth/but I have called/you 3006/3992 I have chosen you and/ordained 3007/3992
Joh_15:19...........own/but because ye are/not 3008/3992 I have chosen you out/of 3009/3992
Joh_15:21..........also/But all these things/will 3010/3992
Joh_15:22...........sin/but now they have/no 3011/3992
Joh_15:24...........sin/but now have they/both 3012/3992
Joh_15:25........Father/But this cometh/to.. 3013/3992
Joh_15:26.........cause/But when the Comforter/is 3014/3992 these things have/I 3015/3992 now I go my/way. 3016/3992
Joh_16:6...........thou/But because I/have.. 3017/3992 if I depart/I... 3018/3992 ye cannot bear/them 3019/3992
Joh_16:13.......himself/but whatsoever he/shall 3020/3992
Joh_16:20........lament/but the world/shall. 3021/3992
Joh_16:20.....sorrowful/but your sorrow/shall 3022/3992
Joh_16:21..........come/but as soon as she/is 3023/3992
Joh_16:22........sorrow/but I will see/you.. 3024/3992
Joh_16:25......proverbs/but the time cometh/when 3025/3992
Joh_16:25......proverbs/but I shall shew/you 3026/3992
Joh_16:33...tribulation/but be of/good...... 3027/3992 for them which thou/hast 3028/3992 these are in/the 3029/3992
Joh_17:12..........lost/but the son of perdition/that 3030/3992 that thou shouldest/keep 3031/3992
Joh_17:20.........alone/but for them also/which 3032/3992
Joh_17:25..........thee/but I have known/thee 3033/3992
Joh_18:16........priest/But Peter stood/at.. 3034/3992
Joh_18:23..........evil/but if well/why..... 3035/3992
Joh_18:28.......defiled/but that they might eat/the 3036/3992
Joh_18:36..........Jews/but now is my/kingdom 3037/3992
Joh_18:39...........all/But ye have a/custom 3038/3992 Barabbas/Now.... 3039/3992
Joh_19:9...........thou/But Jesus gave/him.. 3040/3992
Joh_19:12...........him/but the Jews cried/out 3041/3992
Joh_19:13......Pavement/but in the Hebrew/Gabbatha 3042/3992
Joh_19:15..........King/But they cried out Away/with 3043/3992
Joh_19:15..........king/but Caesar/Then..... 3044/3992
Joh_19:21..........Jews/but that he said/I.. 3045/3992 cast lots/for... 3046/3992
Joh_19:33...........him/But when they came/to 3047/3992
Joh_19:34..........legs/But one of the soldiers/with 3048/3992
Joh_19:38.........Jesus/but secretly/for.... 3049/3992
Joh_20:7........clothes/but wrapped/together 3050/3992
Joh_20:11..........home/But Mary stood/without 3051/3992
Joh_20:17........Father/but go to/my........ 3052/3992
Joh_20:24......retained/But Thomas/one...... 3053/3992
Joh_20:25..........LORD/But he said unto them Except/I 3054/3992
Joh_20:27.....faithless/but believing/And... 3055/3992 these are written/that 3056/3992
Joh_21:4........nothing/But when the morning/was 3057/3992
Joh_21:4..........shore/but the disciples/knew 3058/3992 as it were two/hundred 3059/3992
Joh_21:18......wouldest/but when thou shalt/be 3060/3992
Joh_21:23...........die/but If I will/that.. 3061/3992
Act_1:4.......Jerusalem/but wait for/the.... 3062/3992
Act_1:5...........water/but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not/many 3063/3992
Act_1:8...........power/But ye shall receive/power 3064/3992 Peter standing/up 3065/3992 the third hour/of 3066/3992 this is that/which 3067/3992
Act_2:34........heavens/but he saith himself/The 3068/3992
Act_3:6............none/but such as I/have.. 3069/3992
Act_3:14.............go/But ye denied/the... 3070/3992
Act_3:18.........rulers/But those things which God/before 3071/3992 when they had/commanded 3072/3992 that it spread/no 3073/3992
Act_4:19..........Jesus/But Peter and John/answered 3074/3992
Act_4:20.........cannot/but speak the things/which 3075/3992
Act_4:32............own/but they had all/things 3076/3992
Act_5:1............feet/But a certain man/named 3077/3992
Act_5:3............feet/But Peter said Ananias/why 3078/3992 unto God And/Ananias 3079/3992
Act_5:13...........them/but the people magnified/them 3080/3992
Act_5:19.........prison/But the angel of the Lord by/night 3081/3992
Act_5:21.........taught/But the high priest/came 3082/3992
Act_5:22........brought/But when the officers/came 3083/3992
Act_5:23..........doors/but when we had/opened 3084/3992
Act_5:39.........nought/But if it be of God/ye 3085/3992 we will give/ourselves 3086/3992
Act_7:9...........Egypt/but God was/with.... 3087/3992
Act_7:12.....sustenance/But when Jacob/heard 3088/3992
Act_7:17.........Sychem/But when the time/of 3089/3992
Act_7:25...........them/but they understood not And/the 3090/3992
Act_7:27........another/But he that did/his. 3091/3992
Act_7:39...........obey/but thrust/him...... 3092/3992
Act_7:47..........Jacob/But Solomon built/him 3093/3992
Act_7:55..........teeth/But he being full of the/Holy 3094/3992 there was a certain/man 3095/3992
Act_8:12......sorceries/But when they believed/Philip 3096/3992
Act_8:20..........Ghost/But Peter said unto him Thy/money 3097/3992
Act_8:40......rejoicing/But Philip/was...... 3098/3992
Act_9:7...........voice/but seeing no/man... 3099/3992 they led/him.... 3100/3992 the Lord said unto him/Go 3101/3992
Act_9:21............God/But all that/heard.. 3102/3992
Act_9:22........priests/But Saul increased/the 3103/3992
Act_9:24............him/But their laying/await 3104/3992
Act_9:26......disciples/but they were all/afraid 3105/3992
Act_9:27.......disciple/But Barnabas/took... 3106/3992
Act_9:29.......Grecians/but they went about/to 3107/3992
Act_9:40...........them/But Peter put/them.. 3108/3992
Act_10:10.........eaten/but while they made/ready 3109/3992 Peter said Not/so 3110/3992
Act_10:26...........him/But Peter took/him.. 3111/3992
Act_10:28........nation/but God hath shewed/me 3112/3992
Act_10:35.......persons/But in every nation/he 3113/3992
Act_10:41........people/but unto witnesses/chosen 3114/3992
Act_11:4...........them/But Peter rehearsed/the 3115/3992 I said Not/so... 3116/3992
Act_11:9..........mouth/But the voice/answered 3117/3992
Act_11:16.........water/but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost Forasmuch/then 3118/3992
Act_11:19..........none/but unto the Jews/only 3119/3992
Act_12:5.........prison/but prayer/was...... 3120/3992
Act_12:9..........angel/but thought/he...... 3121/3992
Act_12:14......gladness/but ran/in.......... 3122/3992
Act_12:15...........mad/But she constantly/affirmed 3123/3992
Act_12:16.........angel/But Peter continued/knocking 3124/3992
Act_12:17....astonished/But he beckoning/unto 3125/3992
Act_12:20.........Sidon/but they came/with.. 3126/3992
Act_12:24.........ghost/But the word of God grew/and 3127/3992
Act_13:8............God/But Elymas/the...... 3128/3992
Act_13:14.....Jerusalem/But when they departed/from 3129/3992
Act_13:25............he/But behold there/cometh 3130/3992
Act_13:30.....sepulchre/But God raised/him.. 3131/3992
Act_13:37....corruption/But he whom/God..... 3132/3992
Act_13:45...........God/But when the Jews saw/the 3133/3992 seeing ye/put... 3134/3992
Act_13:50........region/But the Jews stirred/up 3135/3992
Act_13:51........coasts/But they shook/off.. 3136/3992
Act_14:2.......believed/But the unbelieving/Jews 3137/3992
Act_14:4..........hands/But the multitude of/the 3138/3992
Act_15:5...........them/But there rose/up... 3139/3992
Act_15:11..........bear/But we believe/that. 3140/3992
Act_15:20...........God/But that we write/unto 3141/3992
Act_15:38..........Mark/But Paul thought/not 3142/3992
Act_16:1.......believed/but his father was/a 3143/3992
Act_16:7.......Bithynia/but the Spirit suffered/them 3144/3992
Act_16:18..........days/But Paul being/grieved 3145/3992
Act_16:28..........fled/But Paul cried/with. 3146/3992
Act_16:37.........peace/But Paul said unto/them 3147/3992
Act_16:37........verily/but let them come/themselves 3148/3992
Act_17:5............few/But the Jews which/believed 3149/3992
Act_17:13...........few/But when the Jews of/Thessalonica 3150/3992
Act_17:14...........sea/but Silas/and....... 3151/3992
Act_17:21..........else/but either/to....... 3152/3992 now commandeth/all 3153/3992
Act_18:9.........afraid/but speak and/hold.. 3154/3992 if it be a question/of 3155/3992
Act_18:19.........there/but he himself entered/into 3156/3992
Act_18:21...........not/But bade/them....... 3157/3992
Act_18:21.....Jerusalem/but I will return/again 3158/3992
Act_19:9............God/But when divers/were 3159/3992
Act_19:9............not/but spake/evil...... 3160/3992
Act_19:15..........know/but who are ye/And.. 3161/3992
Act_19:22.......Erastus/but he himself stayed/in 3162/3992
Act_19:26.......Ephesus/but almost/throughout 3163/3992
Act_19:27........nought/but also that/the... 3164/3992
Act_19:34........people/But when they knew/that 3165/3992
Act_19:39.......another/But if ye enquire/any 3166/3992 have shewed/you. 3167/3992 none of/these... 3168/3992
Act_21:13..........only/but also to die/at.. 3169/3992
Act_21:24.......nothing/but that thou thyself/also 3170/3992
Act_21:39.....murderers/But Paul said I/am.. 3171/3992
Act_22:9.........afraid/but they heard/not.. 3172/3992
Act_22:28..........said/But I was free/born. 3173/3992
Act_23:6.........people/But when Paul perceived/that 3174/3992
Act_23:8.........spirit/but the Pharisees confess/both 3175/3992 if a spirit/or.. 3176/3992
Act_23:21.....perfectly/But do not thou/yield 3177/3992 to have/nothing. 3178/3992 the chief captain/Lysias 3179/3992
Act_24:11...........yet/but twelve/days..... 3180/3992 this I confess/unto 3181/3992
Act_24:27...........him/But after two/years. 3182/3992
Act_25:4............him/But Festus answered/that 3183/3992
Act_25:9............all/But Festus willing/to 3184/3992
Act_25:11...........die/but if there be none/of 3185/3992
Act_25:19......supposed/But had certain/questions 3186/3992
Act_25:21.......matters/But when Paul had/appealed 3187/3992
Act_25:25........longer/But when I found/that 3188/3992
Act_26:16...persecutest/But rise/and........ 3189/3992 shewed/first.... 3190/3992
Act_26:25...........mad/But he said I am not/mad 3191/3992
Act_26:25........Festus/but speak forth/the. 3192/3992
Act_26:29..........thou/but also all that/hear 3193/3992
Act_27:10..........ship/but also of our/lives 3194/3992
Act_27:14.........Crete/But not long/after.. 3195/3992
Act_27:21..........away/But after long/abstinence 3196/3992 of the ship/For. 3197/3992
Act_27:27........island/But when the fourteenth/night 3198/3992 they discovered/a 3199/3992
Act_27:41....unmoveable/but the hinder/part. 3200/3992
Act_27:43........escape/But the centurion/willing 3201/3992
Act_28:6.......suddenly/but after they had looked/a 3202/3992
Act_28:16.........guard/but Paul was/suffered 3203/3992 when the Jews spake/against 3204/3992
Act_28:22..........thee/But we desire/to.... 3205/3992 was let/hitherto 3206/3992
Rom_1:21.......thankful/but became/vain..... 3207/3992
Rom_1:32...........same/but have pleasure/in 3208/3992
Rom_2:2..........things/But we are sure/that 3209/3992
Rom_2:5......repentance/But after thy/hardness 3210/3992 unto them that are contentious/and 3211/3992
Rom_2:8...........truth/but obey unrighteousness/indignation 3212/3992
Rom_2:10........Gentile/But glory/honour.... 3213/3992
Rom_2:13............God/but the doers/of.... 3214/3992 if thou be/a.... 3215/3992
Rom_2:29..........flesh/But he is a/Jew..... 3216/3992 of God What/advantage 3217/3992
Rom_3:4............true/but every man a/liar 3218/3992
Rom_3:5..........judged/But if our unrighteousness/commend 3219/3992
Rom_3:21............sin/But now the righteousness/of 3220/3992
Rom_3:27............Nay/but by the law of/faith 3221/3992
Rom_4:2...........glory/but not before/God.. 3222/3992
Rom_4:4...........grace/but of debt/But..... 3223/3992
Rom_4:5............debt/But to him that worketh/not 3224/3992
Rom_4:5.............not/but believeth/on.... 3225/3992
Rom_4:10...circumcision/but in uncircumcision/And 3226/3992
Rom_4:12...........only/but who also/walk... 3227/3992 through the/righteousness 3228/3992 to that/also.... 3229/3992
Rom_4:20.......unbelief/but was strong/in... 3230/3992
Rom_4:24............him/But for us/also..... 3231/3992 we glory/in..... 3232/3992
Rom_5:8.............die/But God commendeth/his 3233/3992 we also/joy..... 3234/3992 sin is not/imputed 3235/3992
Rom_5:15...........come/But not as the offence/so 3236/3992
Rom_5:16...condemnation/but the free/gift... 3237/3992
Rom_5:20.........abound/But where sin/abounded 3238/3992
Rom_6:10...........once/but in that/he...... 3239/3992
Rom_6:11............sin/but alive/unto...... 3240/3992
Rom_6:13............sin/but yield yourselves unto God/as 3241/3992 under grace What/then 3242/3992 under grace God/forbid 3243/3992
Rom_6:17..righteousness/But God be/thanked.. 3244/3992
Rom_6:17............sin/but ye have obeyed/from 3245/3992
Rom_6:22..........death/But now being/made.. 3246/3992
Rom_6:23..........death/but the gift/of..... 3247/3992
Rom_7:2..........liveth/but if the husband/be 3248/3992
Rom_7:3......adulteress/but if her husband be dead she is free/from 3249/3992
Rom_7:6...........death/But now we are/delivered 3250/3992
Rom_7:7.............sin/but by the law for/I 3251/3992
Rom_7:8...........covet/But sin taking/occasion 3252/3992
Rom_7:9............once/but when the commandment/came 3253/3992
Rom_7:13.........forbid/But sin that it/might 3254/3992
Rom_7:14......spiritual/but I am carnal/sold 3255/3992
Rom_7:15............not/but what I hate/that 3256/3992 sin that dwelleth in me For/I 3257/3992 how to/perform.. 3258/3992
Rom_7:19............not/but the evil/which.. 3259/3992 sin that dwelleth in me I/find 3260/3992 I see/another... 3261/3992
Rom_7:25............God/but with the flesh/the 3262/3992
Rom_8:1...........flesh/but after the Spirit For the/law 3263/3992
Rom_8:4...........flesh/but after the Spirit For they/that 3264/3992
Rom_8:5...........flesh/but they that are after/the 3265/3992
Rom_8:6...........death/but to be spiritually/minded 3266/3992
Rom_8:9.............God/But ye are not in/the 3267/3992
Rom_8:9...........flesh/but in the Spirit/if 3268/3992
Rom_8:10............sin/but the Spirit is/life 3269/3992
Rom_8:11..righteousness/But if the Spirit/of 3270/3992
Rom_8:13............die/but if ye through/the 3271/3992
Rom_8:15...........fear/but ye have received/the 3272/3992
Rom_8:20......willingly/but by reason/of.... 3273/3992
Rom_8:23...........they/but ourselves/also.. 3274/3992
Rom_8:24...........hope/but hope/that....... 3275/3992
Rom_8:25............for/But if we hope/for.. 3276/3992
Rom_8:26..........ought/but the Spirit itself/maketh 3277/3992
Rom_8:32............Son/but delivered/him... 3278/3992
Rom_9:7........children/but In Isaac/shall.. 3279/3992
Rom_9:8.............God/but the children of the promise/are 3280/3992
Rom_9:10...........this/but when Rebecca/also 3281/3992 of him that/calleth 3282/3992
Rom_9:13..........loved/but Esau/have....... 3283/3992
Rom_9:16........runneth/but of God that/sheweth 3284/3992
Rom_9:20............Nay/but O man/who....... 3285/3992
Rom_9:24...........only/but also of the/Gentiles 3286/3992 Israel which/followed 3287/3992 as it were by/the 3288/3992
Rom_10:2............God/but not according/to 3289/3992
Rom_10:6...........them/But the righteousness/which 3290/3992
Rom_10:8...........dead/But what saith it/The 3291/3992
Rom_10:16........things/But they have not all/obeyed 3292/3992
Rom_10:18...........God/But I say Have/they. 3293/3992 I say Did/not... 3294/3992 Esaias/is....... 3295/3992 to Israel/he.... 3296/3992 what saith the/answer 3297/3992
Rom_11:6..........grace/But if it be of works/then 3298/3992
Rom_11:7............for/but the election/hath 3299/3992
Rom_11:11........forbid/but rather through/their 3300/3992 life from/the... 3301/3992
Rom_11:18......branches/But if thou boast/thou 3302/3992
Rom_11:18..........root/but the root thee/Thou 3303/3992
Rom_11:20....highminded/but fear For/if..... 3304/3992
Rom_11:22......severity/but toward/thee..... 3305/3992
Rom_11:28.........sakes/but as touching the election/they 3306/3992 be ye transformed/by 3307/3992
Rom_12:3..........think/but to think/soberly 3308/3992
Rom_12:16........things/but condescend/to... 3309/3992
Rom_12:19....yourselves/but rather give place/unto 3310/3992
Rom_12:21..........evil/but overcome/evil... 3311/3992
Rom_13:1..........power/but of God the/powers 3312/3992 to the evil/Wilt 3313/3992
Rom_13:4...........good/But if thou do/that. 3314/3992
Rom_13:5..........wrath/but also for conscience/sake 3315/3992
Rom_13:8..........thing/but to love/one..... 3316/3992
Rom_13:14.......envying/But put ye/on....... 3317/3992 not to doubtful/disputations 3318/3992 why dost/thou... 3319/3992
Rom_14:13..........more/but judge this/rather 3320/3992
Rom_14:14........itself/but to him that esteemeth/any 3321/3992
Rom_14:15.......unclean/But if thy/brother.. 3322/3992
Rom_14:17.........drink/but righteousness and/peace 3323/3992
Rom_14:20..........pure/but it is evil/for.. 3324/3992
Rom_15:3........himself/but as it is written The/reproaches 3325/3992 as it is written To/whom 3326/3992 now having/no... 3327/3992 now I go unto/Jerusalem 3328/3992
Rom_16:4.........thanks/but also all the/churches 3329/3992
Rom_16:18........Christ/but their own belly/and 3330/3992
Rom_16:19........behalf/but yet I/would..... 3331/3992
Rom_16:26.........began/But now is made manifest and/by 3332/3992 that ye be/perfectly 3333/3992 Crispus/and..... 3334/3992
1Co_1:17........baptize/but to preach/the... 3335/3992
1Co_1:18....foolishness/but unto us which/are 3336/3992
1Co_1:23.........wisdom/But we preach/Christ 3337/3992
1Co_1:24....foolishness/But unto them which are/called 3338/3992
1Co_1:27.........called/But God hath chosen/the 3339/3992
1Co_1:30.......presence/But of him are/ye... 3340/3992
1Co_2:4..........wisdom/but in demonstration/of 3341/3992 in the power/of. 3342/3992
1Co_2:7..........nought/But we speak/the.... 3343/3992
1Co_2:9...........glory/But as it is written Eye/hath 3344/3992
1Co_2:10............him/But God hath revealed/them 3345/3992 the Spirit of God/Now 3346/3992 the spirit which/is 3347/3992
1Co_2:13.......teacheth/but which the/Holy.. 3348/3992
1Co_2:14......spiritual/But the natural/man. 3349/3992
1Co_2:15......discerned/But he that is spiritual/judgeth 3350/3992
1Co_2:16............him/But we have the/mind 3351/3992
1Co_3:1.......spiritual/but as unto/carnal.. 3352/3992
1Co_3:5.........Apollos/but ministers/by.... 3353/3992
1Co_3:6.........watered/but God gave the/increase 3354/3992
1Co_3:7........watereth/but God that/giveth. 3355/3992
1Co_3:10........thereon/But let every man take/heed 3356/3992
1Co_3:15...........loss/but he himself shall/be 3357/3992
1Co_4:3........faithful/But with me it/is... 3358/3992
1Co_4:4.......justified/but he that judgeth/me 3359/3992
1Co_4:10...........sake/but ye are wise/in.. 3360/3992
1Co_4:10...........weak/but ye are strong/ye 3361/3992
1Co_4:10.....honourable/but we are despised/Even 3362/3992 as my beloved/sons 3363/3992 I will come/to.. 3364/3992
1Co_4:19.............up/but the power/For... 3365/3992
1Co_4:20...........word/but in power/What... 3366/3992
1Co_5:3............body/but present/in...... 3367/3992
1Co_5:8......wickedness/but with the unleavened/bread 3368/3992 now I have/written 3369/3992
1Co_5:13.........within/But them/that....... 3370/3992
1Co_6:6........brethren/But brother/goeth... 3371/3992 ye are washed/but 3372/3992
1Co_6:11.........washed/but ye are sanctified/but 3373/3992
1Co_6:11.....sanctified/but ye are justified/in 3374/3992 all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me but I/will 3375/3992 I will not be/brought 3376/3992
1Co_6:13..........meats/but God shall destroy/both 3377/3992
1Co_6:13....fornication/but for the Lord and/the 3378/3992
1Co_6:17..........flesh/But he that is joined/unto 3379/3992
1Co_6:18...........body/but he that committeth/fornication 3380/3992
1Co_7:4............body/but the husband/and. 3381/3992
1Co_7:4............body/but the wife/Defraud 3382/3992
1Co_7:6....incontinency/But I speak this/by. 3383/3992
1Co_7:7..........myself/But every man hath/his 3384/3992
1Co_7:9...............I/But if they cannot/contain 3385/3992
1Co_7:10..............I/but the Lord Let/not 3386/3992
1Co_7:11........husband/But and if she/depart 3387/3992
1Co_7:12...........wife/But to the rest/speak 3388/3992
1Co_7:14........unclean/but now are they holy/But 3389/3992
1Co_7:15...........holy/But if the unbelieving/depart 3390/3992
1Co_7:15..........cases/but God hath called/us 3391/3992
1Co_7:17...........wife/But as God hath/distributed 3392/3992
1Co_7:19........nothing/but the keeping/of.. 3393/3992 if thou mayest/be 3394/3992
1Co_7:28...........wife/But and if thou/marry 3395/3992
1Co_7:28..........flesh/but I spare/you..... 3396/3992 this I say brethren/the 3397/3992
1Co_7:32...........away/But I would have you without/carefulness 3398/3992
1Co_7:33...........Lord/But he that is married/careth 3399/3992
1Co_7:34.........spirit/but she that is/married 3400/3992 for that which/is 3401/3992
1Co_7:36....distraction/But if any man think/that 3402/3992
1Co_7:37......necessity/but hath power/over. 3403/3992
1Co_7:38...........well/but he that giveth/her 3404/3992
1Co_7:39.........liveth/but if her husband be dead she is at/liberty 3405/3992
1Co_7:40...........Lord/But she is happier/if 3406/3992
1Co_8:1..............up/but charity/edifieth 3407/3992
1Co_8:3............know/But if any man love/God 3408/3992
1Co_8:4.............God/but one For/though.. 3409/3992
1Co_8:6............many/But to us/there..... 3410/3992 one God/the..... 3411/3992
1Co_8:8.........defiled/But meat/commendeth. 3412/3992
1Co_8:9...........worse/But take heed lest/by 3413/3992
1Co_8:12...........died/But when ye sin/so.. 3414/3992
1Co_9:12..........power/but suffer/all...... 3415/3992
1Co_9:15.........gospel/But I have used/none 3416/3992
1Co_9:17.........reward/but if against/my... 3417/3992
1Co_9:21............God/but under the/law... 3418/3992
1Co_9:24............all/but one receiveth/the 3419/3992 we an/incorruptible 3420/3992
1Co_9:27............air/But I keep/under.... 3421/3992
1Co_10:5.........Christ/But with many/of.... 3422/3992 such as is/common 3423/3992 God is faithful/who 3424/3992 will with/the... 3425/3992
1Co_10:20.........thing/But I say that/the.. 3426/3992 all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me but all/things 3427/3992 all things edify/not 3428/3992
1Co_10:24...........own/but every man another's/wealth 3429/3992
1Co_10:28..........sake/But if any man say/unto 3430/3992
1Co_10:29...........own/but of the other/for 3431/3992
1Co_10:33........profit/but the profit/of... 3432/3992 I would have you know/that 3433/3992
1Co_11:5...........head/But every woman that/prayeth 3434/3992
1Co_11:6..........shorn/but if it be a shame/for 3435/3992
1Co_11:7............God/but the woman is/the 3436/3992
1Co_11:8..........woman/but the woman of/the 3437/3992
1Co_11:9..........woman/but the woman for/the 3438/3992
1Co_11:12.........woman/but all things of/God 3439/3992
1Co_11:15...........him/But if a woman/have. 3440/3992
1Co_11:16......covering/But if any man seem/to 3441/3992
1Co_11:17........better/but for the worse/For 3442/3992
1Co_11:28..........Lord/But let a/man....... 3443/3992
1Co_11:32........judged/But when we are/judged 3444/3992
1Co_12:3...........Lord/but by the Holy/Ghost 3445/3992 the same Spirit/And 3446/3992
1Co_12:5administrations/but the same Lord/And 3447/3992
1Co_12:6.....operations/but it is the/same.. 3448/3992
1Co_12:7............all/But the manifestation/of 3449/3992
1Co_12:11.......tongues/But all these worketh/that 3450/3992
1Co_12:14........member/but many If/the..... 3451/3992
1Co_12:18......smelling/But now hath God/set 3452/3992
1Co_12:20..........body/But now are they many/members 3453/3992
1Co_12:20...........yet/but one body/And.... 3454/3992
1Co_12:24..........need/but God hath tempered/the 3455/3992
1Co_12:25..........body/but that the members/should 3456/3992
1Co_12:31.....interpret/But covet/earnestly. 3457/3992
1Co_13:6.......iniquity/but rejoiceth/in.... 3458/3992
1Co_13:8........faileth/but whether/there... 3459/3992
1Co_13:10..........part/But when that/which. 3460/3992
1Co_13:11.........child/but when I became/a. 3461/3992
1Co_13:12........darkly/but then face/to.... 3462/3992
1Co_13:12..........part/but then shall/I.... 3463/3992
1Co_13:13.........three/but the greatest/of. 3464/3992 rather that ye may/prophesy 3465/3992 unto God for/no. 3466/3992
1Co_14:3......mysteries/But he that prophesieth speaketh/unto 3467/3992
1Co_14:4........himself/but he that prophesieth edifieth/the 3468/3992
1Co_14:5........tongues/but rather that ye prophesied/for 3469/3992
1Co_14:14.......prayeth/but my understanding/is 3470/3992
1Co_14:17..........well/but the other is/not 3471/3992
1Co_14:20......children/but in understanding/be 3472/3992
1Co_14:22.......believe/but to them that believe/not 3473/3992
1Co_14:22...........not/but prophesying/serveth 3474/3992
1Co_14:22...........not/but for them which believe/If 3475/3992
1Co_14:24...........mad/But if all/prophesy. 3476/3992
1Co_14:28.....interpret/But if there be no interpreter/let 3477/3992
1Co_14:33.....confusion/but of peace/as..... 3478/3992
1Co_14:34.........speak/but they are commanded/to 3479/3992
1Co_14:38..........Lord/But if any man be ignorant/let 3480/3992
1Co_15:6........present/but some are/fallen. 3481/3992
1Co_15:10...........God/But by the grace of God I/am 3482/3992
1Co_15:10..........vain/but I laboured/more. 3483/3992
1Co_15:10.............I/but the grace/of.... 3484/3992
1Co_15:13..........dead/But if there be no resurrection/of 3485/3992
1Co_15:20.....miserable/But now is Christ/risen 3486/3992
1Co_15:23.........alive/But every man in/his 3487/3992
1Co_15:27..........feet/But when he saith/all 3488/3992
1Co_15:35.........shame/But some man/will... 3489/3992 bare/grain...... 3490/3992
1Co_15:38.........grain/But God giveth/it... 3491/3992
1Co_15:39.........flesh/but there is one/kind 3492/3992
1Co_15:40...terrestrial/but the glory/of.... 3493/3992
1Co_15:46.....spiritual/but that which is natural/and 3494/3992
1Co_15:51.........sleep/but we shall all/be. 3495/3992 thanks be to God which giveth/us 3496/3992
1Co_16:7............way/but I trust to tarry/a 3497/3992
1Co_16:8.........permit/But I will tarry/at. 3498/3992
1Co_16:11...........him/but conduct/him..... 3499/3992
1Co_16:12......brethren/but his will/was.... 3500/3992
1Co_16:12..........time/but he will come/when 3501/3992 we had/the...... 3502/3992
2Co_1:9.......ourselves/but in God/which.... 3503/3992
2Co_1:12.........wisdom/but by the grace of God we/have 3504/3992
2Co_1:18............nay/But as God is/true.. 3505/3992
2Co_1:19............nay/but in him/was...... 3506/3992 are helpers/of.. 3507/3992
2Co_2:1...........stand/But I determined/this 3508/3992
2Co_2:2............glad/but the same which/is 3509/3992
2Co_2:4.........grieved/but that ye might/know 3510/3992 if any have/caused 3511/3992 in part/that.... 3512/3992 taking/my....... 3513/3992
2Co_2:17............God/but as of sincerity/but 3514/3992
2Co_2:17......sincerity/but as of God/in.... 3515/3992 with the Spirit/of 3516/3992
2Co_3:3...........stone/but in fleshy/tables 3517/3992
2Co_3:5.......ourselves/but our sufficiency/is 3518/3992
2Co_3:6..........letter/but of the spirit/for 3519/3992
2Co_3:6.........killeth/but the spirit giveth/life 3520/3992 if the ministration/of 3521/3992
2Co_3:14......abolished/But their minds/were 3522/3992
2Co_3:15.........Christ/But even unto/this.. 3523/3992
2Co_3:18........liberty/But we all/with..... 3524/3992
2Co_4:2.............not/But have renounced/the 3525/3992
2Co_4:2.....deceitfully/but by manifestation/of 3526/3992
2Co_4:3.............God/But if our gospel/be 3527/3992
2Co_4:5.......ourselves/but Christ Jesus/the 3528/3992
2Co_4:7..........Christ/But we have this/treasure 3529/3992
2Co_4:8.......perplexed/but not in despair/Persecuted 3530/3992
2Co_4:9......Persecuted/but not forsaken/cast 3531/3992
2Co_4:9............down/but not destroyed/Always 3532/3992 life in/you..... 3533/3992
2Co_4:16............not/but though our/outward 3534/3992 for a moment worketh/for 3535/3992
2Co_4:18...........seen/but at the things/which 3536/3992
2Co_4:18.......temporal/but the things which are/not 3537/3992
2Co_5:4.......unclothed/but clothed/upon.... 3538/3992 we are made/manifest 3539/3992 give you/occasion 3540/3992
2Co_5:15.....themselves/but unto him which/died 3541/3992
2Co_6:4..........blamed/But in all things/approving 3542/3992 ye are straitened/in 3543/3992 we were troubled/on 3544/3992
2Co_7:7............only/but by the consolation/wherewith 3545/3992
2Co_7:8............were/but for a season/Now 3546/3992
2Co_7:9...........sorry/but that ye sorrowed/to 3547/3992
2Co_7:10.............of/but the sorrow/of... 3548/3992
2Co_7:12..........wrong/but that our/care... 3549/3992
2Co_7:14........ashamed/but as we spake/all. 3550/3992
2Co_8:5...........hoped/but first gave/their 3551/3992
2Co_8:8.....commandment/but by occasion/of.. 3552/3992 also to be/forward 3553/3992
2Co_8:14.......burdened/But by an/equality.. 3554/3992
2Co_8:16...........lack/But thanks be to God which put/the 3555/3992
2Co_8:17....exhortation/but being more/forward 3556/3992
2Co_8:19...........only/but who was/also.... 3557/3992
2Co_8:21...........Lord/but also in the/sight 3558/3992
2Co_8:22.........things/but now much more diligent/upon 3559/3992
2Co_9:6....covetousness/But this I say He/which 3560/3992
2Co_9:12.........saints/but is abundant/also 3561/3992 being absent/am. 3562/3992 I beseech you that/I 3563/3992
2Co_10:4.........carnal/but mighty/through.. 3564/3992
2Co_10:10......powerful/but his bodily/presence 3565/3992
2Co_10:12....themselves/but they measuring/themselves 3566/3992
2Co_10:13..........wise/But we will not/boast 3567/3992
2Co_10:13.......measure/but according to the measure/of 3568/3992
2Co_10:15.......labours/but having hope/when 3569/3992
2Co_10:17..........hand/But he that glorieth/let 3570/3992
2Co_10:18......approved/but whom the Lord commendeth/Would 3571/3992
2Co_11:3.........Christ/But I fear/lest..... 3572/3992
2Co_11:6.......apostles/But though I/be..... 3573/3992
2Co_11:6......knowledge/but we have been/throughly 3574/3992
2Co_11:12.......knoweth/But what I do/that.. 3575/3992
2Co_11:17..........Lord/but as it were foolishly/in 3576/3992
2Co_12:5..........glory/but in mine infirmities/For 3577/3992
2Co_12:6..........truth/but now I forbear/lest 3578/3992
2Co_12:14........your's/but you/for......... 3579/3992
2Co_12:14.......parents/but the parents/for. 3580/3992
2Co_12:16.........loved/But be it/so........ 3581/3992
2Co_12:19........Christ/but we do/all....... 3582/3992
2Co_13:3...........weak/but is mighty/in.... 3583/3992
2Co_13:4............him/but we shall live/with 3584/3992
2Co_13:6.....reprobates/But I trust that/ye. 3585/3992
2Co_13:7.......approved/but that ye should/do 3586/3992
2Co_13:8..........truth/but for the truth/For 3587/3992 by Jesus/Christ. 3588/3992
Gal_1:7.........another/but there be/some... 3589/3992
Gal_1:8..........Christ/But though we/or.... 3590/3992
Gal_1:11.........Christ/But I certify/you... 3591/3992 by the revelation/of 3592/3992
Gal_1:15........fathers/But when it pleased/God 3593/3992 I went/into..... 3594/3992
Gal_1:19...........days/But other of/the.... 3595/3992
Gal_1:23.........Christ/But they had heard/only 3596/3992
Gal_2:2........Gentiles/but privately/to.... 3597/3992
Gal_2:3............vain/But neither Titus/who 3598/3992 of these/who.... 3599/3992 contrariwise when/they 3600/3992 when Peter/was.. 3601/3992
Gal_2:12.......Gentiles/but when they were/come 3602/3992
Gal_2:14..dissimulation/But when I saw/that. 3603/3992 by the faith/of. 3604/3992
Gal_2:17......justified/But if while/we..... 3605/3992
Gal_2:20..............I/but Christ liveth/in 3606/3992
Gal_3:11...........them/But that no/man..... 3607/3992 The man that doeth/them 3608/3992 a man's/covenant 3609/3992
Gal_3:16...........many/but as of one/And... 3610/3992
Gal_3:18........promise/but God gave it/to.. 3611/3992 God is one/Is... 3612/3992 the scripture/hath 3613/3992
Gal_3:23........believe/But before faith/came 3614/3992 after that faith/is 3615/3992
Gal_4:2.............all/But is under/tutors. 3616/3992 when the fulness/of 3617/3992
Gal_4:7.........servant/but a son/and....... 3618/3992
Gal_4:9............gods/But now after/that.. 3619/3992
Gal_4:14.......rejected/but received/me..... 3620/3992 not well/yea.... 3621/3992
Gal_4:18...........them/But it is good to/be 3622/3992
Gal_4:23......freewoman/But he who/was...... 3623/3992
Gal_4:23..........flesh/but he of/the....... 3624/3992
Gal_4:26.......children/But Jerusalem which/is 3625/3992
Gal_4:29........promise/But as then/he...... 3626/3992
Gal_4:31......bondwoman/but of the free/Stand 3627/3992
Gal_5:6..uncircumcision/but faith/which..... 3628/3992
Gal_5:10.........minded/but he that troubleth/you 3629/3992
Gal_5:13..........flesh/but by love/serve... 3630/3992
Gal_5:15........thyself/But if ye bite/and.. 3631/3992
Gal_5:18..........would/But if ye be led/of. 3632/3992
Gal_5:22............God/But the fruit/of.... 3633/3992
Gal_6:4.........himself/But let every man prove/his 3634/3992
Gal_6:8......corruption/but he that soweth/to 3635/3992 desire/to....... 3636/3992
Gal_6:14..........flesh/But God forbid/that. 3637/3992
Gal_6:15.uncircumcision/but a new/creature.. 3638/3992 also in that/which 3639/3992
Eph_2:4..........others/But God who is/rich. 3640/3992 now in/Christ... 3641/3992
Eph_2:19.....foreigners/but fellowcitizens/with 3642/3992
Eph_4:7.............all/But unto every/one.. 3643/3992 that he also/descended 3644/3992
Eph_4:15........deceive/But speaking/the.... 3645/3992
Eph_4:20.....greediness/But ye have not so/learned 3646/3992
Eph_4:28...........more/but rather let/him.. 3647/3992
Eph_4:29..........mouth/but that which is good to/the 3648/3992
Eph_5:3..........savour/But fornication/and. 3649/3992
Eph_5:4......convenient/but rather giving/of 3650/3992
Eph_5:8........darkness/but now are ye/light 3651/3992
Eph_5:11.......darkness/but rather reprove/them 3652/3992
Eph_5:13.........secret/But all things that are/reproved 3653/3992
Eph_5:15..........fools/but as wise/Redeeming 3654/3992
Eph_5:17.........unwise/but understanding/what 3655/3992
Eph_5:18.........excess/but be filled/with.. 3656/3992
Eph_5:27..........thing/but that it should be/holy 3657/3992
Eph_5:29..........flesh/but nourisheth/and.. 3658/3992
Eph_5:32........mystery/but I speak concerning/Christ 3659/3992
Eph_6:4...........wrath/but bring them/up... 3660/3992
Eph_6:6.....menpleasers/but as the servants of Christ/doing 3661/3992
Eph_6:12..........blood/but against principalities/against 3662/3992
Eph_6:21..........speak/But that ye also/may 3663/3992
Php_1:12............God/But I would ye/should 3664/3992
Php_1:17..........bonds/But the other of/love 3665/3992
Php_1:20........ashamed/but that with/all... 3666/3992
Php_1:22...........gain/But if I live/in.... 3667/3992
Php_1:28......perdition/but to you/of....... 3668/3992
Php_1:29............him/but also to suffer/for 3669/3992
Php_2:3.......vainglory/but in lowliness/of. 3670/3992
Php_2:4..........things/but every man also/on 3671/3992
Php_2:7.............God/But made himself of/no 3672/3992
Php_2:12...........only/but now much more in/my 3673/3992 I trust in the Lord Jesus/to 3674/3992
Php_2:22.......Christ's/But ye know the/proof 3675/3992 I trust in the Lord that/I 3676/3992
Php_2:25..fellowsoldier/but your messenger/and 3677/3992
Php_2:27..........death/but God had/mercy... 3678/3992
Php_2:27...........only/but on me/also...... 3679/3992
Php_3:1........grievous/but for you/it...... 3680/3992
Php_3:7.......blameless/But what things/were 3681/3992
Php_3:8..........things/but loss/for........ 3682/3992
Php_3:8............them/but dung/that....... 3683/3992 that which is through/the 3684/3992
Php_3:12........perfect/but I follow/after.. 3685/3992
Php_3:13....apprehended/but this one/thing.. 3686/3992
Php_4:6.........nothing/but in every thing/by 3687/3992 I rejoiced/in... 3688/3992
Php_4:10........careful/but ye lacked/opportunity 3689/3992
Php_4:15......receiving/but ye only/For..... 3690/3992 I desire/fruit.. 3691/3992
Php_4:18........account/But I have all/and.. 3692/3992
Php_4:19............God/But my God/shall.... 3693/3992
Col_1:26....generations/but now is made manifest to/his 3694/3992
Col_2:17...........come/but the body/is..... 3695/3992
Col_3:8............them/But now ye also/put. 3696/3992 Christ is/all... 3697/3992
Col_3:22....menpleasers/but in singleness/of 3698/3992
Col_3:25.........Christ/But he that doeth wrong/shall 3699/3992
1Th_1:5............only/but also in power/and 3700/3992
1Th_1:8..........Achaia/but also in every/place 3701/3992
1Th_2:2............vain/But even after/that. 3702/3992
1Th_2:4...........guile/But as we were/allowed 3703/3992 God which/trieth 3704/3992
1Th_2:7..........Christ/But we were gentle/among 3705/3992
1Th_2:8............only/but also our/own.... 3706/3992 as it is in/truth 3707/3992
1Th_2:17......uttermost/But we brethren/being 3708/3992
1Th_2:18..........again/but Satan/hindered.. 3709/3992
1Th_3:6............vain/But now when/Timotheus 3710/3992
1Th_4:7.....uncleanness/but unto holiness/He 3711/3992 God who hath/also 3712/3992
1Th_4:9..........Spirit/But as touching brotherly/love 3713/3992
1Th_4:10......Macedonia/but we beseech/you.. 3714/3992
1Th_4:13........nothing/But I would not have/you 3715/3992
1Th_5:1...........words/But of the times/and 3716/3992
1Th_5:4..........escape/But ye brethren are/not 3717/3992
1Th_5:6..........others/but let us watch/and 3718/3992
1Th_5:8...........night/But let us who/are.. 3719/3992
1Th_5:9...........wrath/but to obtain/salvation 3720/3992 ever/follow..... 3721/3992
2Th_2:12..........truth/but had pleasure/in. 3722/3992
2Th_2:13unrighteousness/But we are bound/to. 3723/3992 the Lord is faithful/who 3724/3992
2Th_3:8..........nought/but wrought/with.... 3725/3992
2Th_3:9...........power/but to make/ourselves 3726/3992
2Th_3:11............all/but are busybodies/Now 3727/3992
2Th_3:13..........bread/But ye brethren be/not 3728/3992
2Th_3:15..........enemy/but admonish/him.... 3729/3992
1Ti_1:8..........affirm/But we know that the/law 3730/3992 for the lawless/and 3731/3992
1Ti_1:13......injurious/but I obtained/mercy 3732/3992
1Ti_2:10..........array/But which becometh/women 3733/3992
1Ti_2:12.....subjection/But I suffer/not.... 3734/3992 to be in/silence 3735/3992
1Ti_2:14.......deceived/but the woman being/deceived 3736/3992
1Ti_3:3...........lucre/but patient/not..... 3737/3992
1Ti_3:15........shortly/But if I tarry/long. 3738/3992
1Ti_4:7........attained/But refuse/profane.. 3739/3992
1Ti_4:8..........little/but godliness is/profitable 3740/3992
1Ti_4:12..........youth/but be thou an/example 3741/3992
1Ti_5:1...........elder/but intreat/him..... 3742/3992
1Ti_5:4..........indeed/But if any widow/have 3743/3992 she that liveth/in 3744/3992
1Ti_5:8.......blameless/But if any provide/not 3745/3992 the younger/widows 3746/3992
1Ti_5:13...........idle/but tattlers/also... 3747/3992
1Ti_5:19.....accusation/but before two/or... 3748/3992
1Ti_5:23..........water/but use/a........... 3749/3992
1Ti_6:2........brethren/but rather do/them.. 3750/3992
1Ti_6:4.........nothing/but doting/about.... 3751/3992
1Ti_6:6.........thyself/But godliness with/contentment 3752/3992
1Ti_6:9.........content/But they that will/be 3753/3992
1Ti_6:11........sorrows/But thou O man/of... 3754/3992
1Ti_6:17.........riches/but in the living/God 3755/3992
2Ti_1:7............fear/but of power/and.... 3756/3992
2Ti_1:8........prisoner/but be thou partaker/of 3757/3992 according to his own/purpose 3758/3992
2Ti_1:10..........began/But is now/made..... 3759/3992
2Ti_1:17..........chain/But when he was in/Rome 3760/3992
2Ti_2:9...........bonds/but the word of God is/not 3761/3992
2Ti_2:14.........profit/but to the subverting/of 3762/3992
2Ti_2:16..........truth/But shun/profane.... 3763/3992
2Ti_2:20.......iniquity/But in a/great...... 3764/3992
2Ti_2:20.........silver/but also of wood/and 3765/3992
2Ti_2:22..........lusts/but follow/righteousness 3766/3992
2Ti_2:23..........heart/But foolish/and..... 3767/3992
2Ti_2:24.........strive/but be gentle/unto.. 3768/3992
2Ti_3:5.......godliness/but denying/the..... 3769/3992 they shall proceed/no 3770/3992
2Ti_3:10............was/But thou hast fully/known 3771/3992
2Ti_3:11........endured/but out of them/all. 3772/3992
2Ti_3:13....persecution/But evil men/and.... 3773/3992
2Ti_3:14.......deceived/But continue/thou... 3774/3992
2Ti_4:3........doctrine/but after their/own. 3775/3992
2Ti_4:5..........fables/But watch/thou...... 3776/3992
2Ti_4:8............only/but unto all/them... 3777/3992
2Ti_4:13..........books/but especially the/parchments 3778/3992 all men/forsook. 3779/3992
2Ti_4:20........Corinth/but Trophimus/have.. 3780/3992
Tit_1:3...........began/But hath in/due..... 3781/3992
Tit_1:8...........lucre/But a lover/of...... 3782/3992
Tit_1:15...........pure/but unto them that are defiled/and 3783/3992
Tit_1:15...........pure/but even their/mind. 3784/3992
Tit_1:16............God/but in works/they... 3785/3992
Tit_2:1.......reprobate/But speak thou/the.. 3786/3992
Tit_2:10.....purloining/but shewing/all..... 3787/3992
Tit_3:2........brawlers/but gentle/shewing.. 3788/3992
Tit_3:4.........another/But after that the/kindness 3789/3992
Tit_3:5............done/but according to his mercy/he 3790/3992 avoid/foolish... 3791/3992
Phl_1:11...unprofitable/but now profitable/to 3792/3992
Phl_1:14.........gospel/But without thy/mind 3793/3992
Phl_1:14......necessity/but willingly For/perhaps 3794/3992
Phl_1:16........servant/but above a/servant. 3795/3992 how much/more... 3796/3992
Phl_1:22............say/But withal/prepare.. 3797/3992 unto the Son/he. 3798/3992
Heb_1:11.........perish/but thou remainest/and 3799/3992
Heb_1:12........changed/but thou art the same and thy years shall not/fail 3800/3992 to which/of..... 3801/3992
Heb_2:6...........speak/But one in/a........ 3802/3992
Heb_2:8.............him/But now we see/not.. 3803/3992
Heb_2:9.............him/But we see/Jesus.... 3804/3992
Heb_2:16.........angels/but he took/on...... 3805/3992 he that built/all 3806/3992
Heb_3:6...........after/But Christ as/a..... 3807/3992
Heb_3:13............God/But exhort/one...... 3808/3992
Heb_3:17..........Moses/But with whom/was... 3809/3992 to them that believed/not 3810/3992
Heb_4:2............them/but the word preached/did 3811/3992
Heb_4:13..........sight/but all things are naked/and 3812/3992
Heb_4:15....infirmities/but was in all/points 3813/3992
Heb_5:4.........himself/but he that is called/of 3814/3992
Heb_5:5..........priest/but he that said/unto 3815/3992
Heb_5:14...........babe/But strong/meat..... 3816/3992
Heb_6:8.............God/But that which beareth/thorns 3817/3992
Heb_6:9..........burned/But beloved we/are.. 3818/3992
Heb_6:12.......slothful/but followers/of.... 3819/3992 made like/unto.. 3820/3992
Heb_7:6.........Abraham/But he whose/descent 3821/3992
Heb_7:8..........tithes/but there he/receiveth 3822/3992
Heb_7:16....commandment/but after the power/of 3823/3992
Heb_7:19........perfect/but the bringing/in. 3824/3992
Heb_7:21...........oath/but this with/an.... 3825/3992
Heb_7:24..........death/But this man because/he 3826/3992
Heb_7:28......infirmity/but the word of the oath/which 3827/3992
Heb_8:6...........mount/But now hath he/obtained 3828/3992
Heb_9:7.............God/But into the second/went 3829/3992
Heb_9:11....reformation/But Christ being/come 3830/3992
Heb_9:12.........calves/but by his/own...... 3831/3992
Heb_9:23..........these/but the heavenly/things 3832/3992
Heb_9:24...........true/but into heaven/itself 3833/3992 now once/in..... 3834/3992
Heb_9:27............die/but after this/the.. 3835/3992
Heb_10:3...........sins/But in those sacrifices/there 3836/3992
Heb_10:5............not/but a body/hast..... 3837/3992
Heb_10:12..........sins/But this man after/he 3838/3992 exhorting/one... 3839/3992
Heb_10:27..........sins/But a certain fearful/looking 3840/3992
Heb_10:32...........God/But call/to......... 3841/3992 if any man draw/back 3842/3992
Heb_10:39...........him/But we are not/of... 3843/3992
Heb_10:39.....perdition/but of them/that.... 3844/3992
Heb_11:6............God/But without faith/it 3845/3992
Heb_11:13......promises/but having seen/them 3846/3992
Heb_11:16......returned/But now they desire/a 3847/3992
Heb_12:8............not/But if ye be without/chastisement 3848/3992
Heb_12:10......pleasure/but he for/our...... 3849/3992
Heb_12:11........joyous/but grievous nevertheless/afterward 3850/3992
Heb_12:13...........way/but let it rather/be 3851/3992
Heb_12:22.........quake/But ye are come/unto 3852/3992 now he hath promised/saying 3853/3992
Heb_12:26..........only/but also heaven/And. 3854/3992
Heb_13:4......undefiled/but whoremongers/and 3855/3992 we seek/one..... 3856/3992 to do good and/to 3857/3992
Heb_13:19......honestly/But I beseech you the/rather 3858/3992
Jam_1:4........patience/But let patience/have 3859/3992
Jam_1:6.............him/But let him ask/in.. 3860/3992
Jam_1:10........exalted/But the rich in/that 3861/3992
Jam_1:11...........heat/but it withereth/the 3862/3992 every man is/tempted 3863/3992
Jam_1:22..........souls/But be ye doers/of.. 3864/3992
Jam_1:25............was/But whoso looketh/into 3865/3992
Jam_1:25.........hearer/but a doer/of....... 3866/3992
Jam_1:26.........tongue/but deceiveth/his... 3867/3992
Jam_2:6.............him/But ye have despised/the 3868/3992
Jam_2:9............well/But if ye have respect/to 3869/3992
Jam_2:20........tremble/But wilt thou/know.. 3870/3992
Jam_3:8.........mankind/But the tongue can/no 3871/3992
Jam_3:14.........wisdom/But if ye have bitter/envying 3872/3992
Jam_3:15..........above/but is earthly/sensual 3873/3992 the wisdom/that. 3874/3992
Jam_4:6............envy/But he giveth more/grace 3875/3992
Jam_4:6...........proud/but giveth grace/unto 3876/3992 if thou judge/the 3877/3992 a judge/There... 3878/3992
Jam_4:16...........that/But now ye rejoice/in 3879/3992
Jam_5:12..........mercy/But above all/things 3880/3992
Jam_5:12...........oath/but let your yea/be. 3881/3992
1Pe_1:12.....themselves/but unto us they/did 3882/3992
1Pe_1:15......ignorance/But as he which/hath 3883/3992
1Pe_1:19........fathers/But with the precious/blood 3884/3992 was manifest/in. 3885/3992
1Pe_1:23...........seed/but of incorruptible/by 3886/3992
1Pe_1:25...........away/But the word of the Lord endureth/for 3887/3992 chosen/of....... 3888/3992
1Pe_2:7........precious/but unto them which be/disobedient 3889/3992
1Pe_2:9.......appointed/But ye are a/chosen. 3890/3992
1Pe_2:10.........people/but are now the/people 3891/3992
1Pe_2:10..........mercy/but now have obtained/mercy 3892/3992
1Pe_2:16..maliciousness/but as the servants of God/Honour 3893/3992
1Pe_2:18.........gentle/but also to the/froward 3894/3992
1Pe_2:20......patiently/but if when/ye...... 3895/3992
1Pe_2:23............not/but committed/himself 3896/3992
1Pe_2:25.........astray/but are now returned/unto 3897/3992
1Pe_3:4.........apparel/But let it be/the... 3898/3992
1Pe_3:9.........railing/but contrariwise blessing/knowing 3899/3992
1Pe_3:12........prayers/but the face/of..... 3900/3992
1Pe_3:14...........good/But and if ye/suffer 3901/3992
1Pe_3:15.......troubled/But sanctify/the.... 3902/3992
1Pe_3:18..........flesh/but quickened/by.... 3903/3992
1Pe_3:21..........flesh/but the answer/of... 3904/3992 to the will/of.. 3905/3992
1Pe_4:6...........flesh/but live according/to 3906/3992
1Pe_4:7..........spirit/But the end of/all.. 3907/3992 rejoice/inasmuch 3908/3992
1Pe_4:14.............of/but on your/part.... 3909/3992
1Pe_4:15......glorified/But let none of/you. 3910/3992
1Pe_4:16........ashamed/but let him glorify/God 3911/3992
1Pe_5:2......constraint/but willingly not/for 3912/3992
1Pe_5:2...........lucre/but of a/ready...... 3913/3992
1Pe_5:3........heritage/but being ensamples/to 3914/3992 the God of all/grace 3915/3992
2Pe_1:9..........Christ/But he that lacketh/these 3916/3992
2Pe_1:16.........Christ/but were eyewitnesses/of 3917/3992 holy/men........ 3918/3992
2Pe_2:1...........Ghost/But there were/false 3919/3992
2Pe_2:4..........sinned/but cast them/down.. 3920/3992 saved Noah/the.. 3921/3992
2Pe_2:10.......punished/But chiefly/them.... 3922/3992
2Pe_2:12...........Lord/But these as/natural 3923/3992
2Pe_2:16unrighteousness/But was rebuked/for. 3924/3992
2Pe_2:22...........them/But it is happened/unto 3925/3992
2Pe_3:7........perished/But the heavens/and. 3926/3992 beloved be/not.. 3927/3992
2Pe_3:9.......slackness/but is longsuffering/to 3928/3992
2Pe_3:9..........perish/but that all/should. 3929/3992
2Pe_3:10.....repentance/But the day/of...... 3930/3992
2Pe_3:18...stedfastness/But grow/in......... 3931/3992
1Jn_1:7...........truth/But if we walk/in... 3932/3992
1Jn_2:2............only/but also for the/sins 3933/3992
1Jn_2:5.............him/But whoso keepeth/his 3934/3992 an old/commandment 3935/3992
1Jn_2:11............him/But he that hateth his/brother 3936/3992
1Jn_2:16.........Father/but is of/the....... 3937/3992
1Jn_2:17........thereof/but he that doeth the will of God/abideth 3938/3992 they were not of/us 3939/3992 they went out/that 3940/3992 ye have an/unction 3941/3992
1Jn_2:21..........truth/but because ye know/it 3942/3992
1Jn_2:22...........liar/but he that denieth that/Jesus 3943/3992 the anointing/which 3944/3992 as the same/anointing 3945/3992 we know that when/he 3946/3992
1Jn_3:17.......brethren/But whoso hath/this. 3947/3992
1Jn_3:18.........tongue/but in deed/and..... 3948/3992
1Jn_4:1..........spirit/but try/the......... 3949/3992
1Jn_4:10............God/but that he loved/us 3950/3992 perfect/love.... 3951/3992 he that believeth that/Jesus 3952/3992
1Jn_5:6............only/but by water/and.... 3953/3992
1Jn_5:18............not/but he that is begotten/of 3954/3992
2Jn_1:1............only/but also all they/that 3955/3992
2Jn_1:5............thee/but that which we/had 3956/3992
2Jn_1:8.........wrought/but that we receive/a 3957/3992 I trust to come/unto 3958/3992 Diotrephes/who.. 3959/3992
3Jn_1:11...........evil/but that which is good He/that 3960/3992
3Jn_1:11............God/but he that doeth evil/hath 3961/3992
3Jn_1:13..........write/but I will not with/ink 3962/3992
3Jn_1:14...........thee/But I trust I/shall. 3963/3992 left/their...... 3964/3992
Jud_1:9......accusation/but said The/Lord... 3965/3992
Jud_1:10...........thee/But these speak/evil 3966/3992
Jud_1:10............not/but what they/know.. 3967/3992
Jud_1:17......advantage/But beloved remember/ye 3968/3992
Jud_1:20.........Spirit/But ye beloved/building 3969/3992
Rev_2:6..........repent/But this thou/hast.. 3970/3992
Rev_2:9.........poverty/but thou art rich/and 3971/3992
Rev_2:9.............not/but are the/synagogue 3972/3992
Rev_2:14.......dwelleth/But I have a few/things 3973/3992 unto you I/say.. 3974/3992
Rev_2:25.........burden/But that which ye/have 3975/3992 I will confess/his 3976/3992
Rev_3:9.............not/but do lie/behold... 3977/3992
Rev_9:4............tree/but only those/men.. 3978/3992
Rev_9:5............them/but that they should/be 3979/3992
Rev_9:11........Abaddon/but in the Greek/tongue 3980/3992
Rev_10:7.........longer/But in the days/of.. 3981/3992
Rev_10:9.........bitter/but it shall be in/thy 3982/3992
Rev_11:2........therein/But the court/which. 3983/3992
Rev_12:12..........hath/but a short/time.... 3984/3992 the hundred/and. 3985/3992
Rev_17:12...........yet/but receive/power... 3986/3992
Rev_19:12..........knew/but he himself And/he 3987/3992
Rev_20:5..........years/But the rest of/the. 3988/3992
Rev_20:6..........power/but they shall be priests/of 3989/3992
Rev_21:8............son/But the fearful/and. 3990/3992
Rev_21:27...........lie/but they which are/written 3991/3992
Rev_22:3..........curse/but the throne/of... 3992/3992
