Gen_7:2...........thee/by sevens the male and his/female 1/2624
Gen_7:2..........clean/by two the/male........ 2/2624
Gen_7:3............air/by sevens the male and the/female 3/2624
Gen_9:6..........blood/by man shall/his....... 4/2624
Gen_9:11..........more/by the waters of a/flood 5/2624
Gen_10:5.......Dodanim/By these were the isles/of 6/2624
Gen_10:32..........and/by these were the nations/divided 7/2624 the wilderness/And.. 8/2624
Gen_14:15.....servants/by night and smote them/and 9/2624
Gen_16:2......children/by her And Abram/hearkened 10/2624
Gen_16:7...........her/by a fountain of/water 11/2624
Gen_16:7....wilderness/by the fountain/in.... 12/2624
Gen_18:2.........stood/by him and when/he.... 13/2624
Gen_18:8.........stood/by them under/the..... 14/2624
Gen_19:36........child/by their father/And... 15/2624
Gen_20:3.........dream/by night and said to/him 16/2624 God that thou wilt not/deal 17/2624
Gen_21:28........flock/by themselves And Abimelech/said 18/2624
Gen_21:29..........set/by themselves And he said/For 19/2624
Gen_22:13......thicket/by his horns/and...... 20/2624
Gen_22:16.........said/By myself have/I...... 21/2624
Gen_23:20.buryingplace/by the sons/of........ 22/2624
Gen_24:3.........swear/by the LORD the God/of 23/2624 a well of/water.... 24/2624 the well of water and the/daughters 25/2624
Gen_24:30........stood/by the camels/at...... 26/2624
Gen_24:43........stand/by the well of water and it/shall 27/2624
Gen_25:11........dwelt/by the well Lahairoi/Now 28/2624
Gen_25:13......Ishmael/by their names according/to 29/2624
Gen_25:16........names/by their towns/and.... 30/2624
Gen_25:16..........and/by their castles/twelve 31/2624
Gen_26:18........names/by which his/father... 32/2624
Gen_27:40..........And/by thy sword/shalt.... 33/2624
Gen_29:2.........lying/by it for out/of...... 34/2624
Gen_30:3......children/by her And she/gave... 35/2624
Gen_30:27......learned/by experience/that.... 36/2624
Gen_30:40.......flocks/by themselves and put/them 37/2624
Gen_31:24........dream/by night and said unto him Take/heed 38/2624
Gen_31:31.........take/by force thy/daughters 39/2624
Gen_31:39.......stolen/by day or stolen/by... 40/2624
Gen_31:39.......stolen/by night Thus/I....... 41/2624
Gen_31:40........frost/by night and my/sleep. 42/2624
Gen_31:53........sware/by the fear of his/father 43/2624
Gen_32:16........drove/by themselves and said/unto 44/2624
Gen_33:8..........thou/by all this drove/which 45/2624
Gen_35:4...........was/by Shechem/And........ 46/2624
Gen_36:37.....Rehoboth/by the river reigned in his stead And Saul/died 47/2624
Gen_36:40.......places/by their names duke/Timnah 48/2624
Gen_37:28.......passed/by Midianites/merchantmen 49/2624 the way to Timnath/for 50/2624
Gen_38:16..........her/by the way and said/Go 51/2624
Gen_38:18....conceived/by him And she/arose.. 52/2624
Gen_38:19.........laid/by her vail/from...... 53/2624
Gen_38:20..........kid/by the hand of his friend/the 54/2624
Gen_38:21.......openly/by the way side And they/said 55/2624
Gen_38:24........child/by whoredom/And....... 56/2624
Gen_38:25.......saying/By the man/whose...... 57/2624 day that he hearkened/not 58/2624
Gen_39:10..........lie/by her or/to.......... 59/2624
Gen_39:12..........him/by his garment/saying. 60/2624
Gen_39:16......garment/by her until/his...... 61/2624
Gen_41:1.........stood/by the river And behold/there 62/2624
Gen_41:3.........stood/by the other/kine..... 63/2624 reason of that/famine 64/2624
Gen_41:32..established/by God and/God........ 65/2624
Gen_41:47........forth/by handfuls/And....... 66/2624
Gen_42:15.......proved/By the life of Pharaoh ye/shall 67/2624
Gen_42:16.........else/by the life of Pharaoh surely/ye 68/2624
Gen_42:23.........them/by an interpreter/And. 69/2624
Gen_42:38..........him/by the way in the which/ye 70/2624
Gen_43:32..........him/by himself and for/them 71/2624
Gen_43:32.........them/by themselves and for/the 72/2624
Gen_43:32..........him/by themselves because/the 73/2624
Gen_45:1.........stood/by him and he cried/Cause 74/2624
Gen_45:7.........lives/by a great deliverance So/now 75/2624
Gen_45:23.......father/by the way So/he...... 76/2624
Gen_45:24..........out/by the way And they/went 77/2624
Gen_47:13......fainted/by reason of the famine/And 78/2624
Gen_48:7..........died/by me in/the.......... 79/2624
Gen_49:17......serpent/by the way an/adder... 80/2624
Gen_49:22........bough/by a well whose/branches 81/2624
Gen_49:24.......strong/by the hands of the mighty/God 82/2624
Gen_49:25.........Even/by the God of thy/father 83/2624
Gen_49:25..........and/by the Almighty/who... 84/2624
Exo_2:3..........flags/by the river's brink And/his 85/2624
Exo_2:5..........along/by the river's side and/when 86/2624
Exo_2:15..........down/by a well Now/the..... 87/2624
Exo_2:23........sighed/by reason of the bondage and they/cried 88/2624
Exo_2:23...........God/by reason of the bondage And God/heard 89/2624
Exo_3:7............cry/by reason of their/taskmasters 90/2624
Exo_3:19...........not/by a mighty hand And I/will 91/2624 the tail/And....... 92/2624
Exo_4:13..........thee/by the hand of him/whom 93/2624
Exo_4:24..........pass/by the way in the inn/that 94/2624
Exo_6:3..........Jacob/by the name of God/Almighty 95/2624
Exo_6:3............but/by my name JEHOVAH/was 96/2624
Exo_7:4..........Egypt/by great judgments/And 97/2624
Exo_7:15.........stand/by the river's brink against/he 98/2624
Exo_8:24.....corrupted/by reason of the swarm/of 99/2624
Exo_9:35........spoken/by Moses And the/LORD 100/2624
Exo_12:14........feast/by an ordinance for ever Seven/days 101/2624
Exo_12:17..generations/by an ordinance for ever In/the 102/2624 this service/That. 103/2624
Exo_12:31........Aaron/by night and said Rise/up 104/2624
Exo_12:51........Egypt/by their armies And the LORD/spake 105/2624
Exo_13:3...........for/by strength of hand the LORD brought you/out 106/2624
Exo_13:14..........him/By strength of hand the LORD brought us out/from 107/2624
Exo_13:16..........for/by strength of hand the LORD brought us forth/out 108/2624
Exo_13:21.........them/by day in a/pillar... 109/2624
Exo_13:21..........and/by night in a/pillar. 110/2624
Exo_13:21...........go/by day and night/He.. 111/2624 day nor the pillar/of 112/2624 night from/before. 113/2624
Exo_14:2........encamp/by the sea For Pharaoh/will 114/2624
Exo_14:9.....encamping/by the sea beside/Pihahiroth 115/2624
Exo_14:20........light/by night to these/so. 116/2624
Exo_14:21.........back/by a strong/east..... 117/2624
Exo_15:16.........them/by the greatness of thine/arm 118/2624
Exo_15:27........there/by the waters And they/took 119/2624
Exo_16:3..........died/by the hand of the LORD/in 120/2624
Exo_16:3...........sat/by the flesh pots/and 121/2624
Exo_18:8..........them/by the way and how/the 122/2624
Exo_18:13........stood/by Moses from/the.... 123/2624
Exo_18:14........stand/by thee from/morning. 124/2624
Exo_19:19..........him/by a voice/And....... 125/2624
Exo_20:26...........up/by steps/unto........ 126/2624 himself he/shall.. 127/2624
Exo_21:3...........out/by himself if/he..... 128/2624
Exo_21:4...........out/by himself And if/the 129/2624
Exo_22:25.........poor/by thee thou/shalt... 130/2624
Exo_22:26..........him/by that the/sun...... 131/2624
Exo_23:30.........thee/By little and little I/will 132/2624
Exo_25:14........rings/by the sides of the ark that/the 133/2624
Exo_26:9......curtains/by themselves and six curtains by themselves and shalt/double 134/2624
Exo_26:9......curtains/by themselves and shalt/double 135/2624
Exo_28:28..breastplate/by the rings/thereof. 136/2624
Exo_29:11.........LORD/by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation And thou/shalt 137/2624
Exo_29:18.........made/by fire unto the LORD And thou shalt take the other/ram 138/2624
Exo_29:25.........made/by fire unto the LORD And thou shalt take the breast/of 139/2624
Exo_29:28........sons'/by a statute for ever from the/children 140/2624
Exo_29:32.......basket/by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation And they/shall 141/2624 day continually/The 142/2624
Exo_29:41.........made/by fire unto the LORD This/shall 143/2624
Exo_29:43...sanctified/by my glory/And...... 144/2624 the two corners thereof/upon 145/2624 the ark of the/testimony 146/2624
Exo_30:20.........made/by fire unto the LORD So/they 147/2624
Exo_31:2........called/by name Bezaleel the son of Uri the son of Hur of the tribe of Judah And I/have 148/2624
Exo_32:13......swarest/by thine own/self.... 149/2624
Exo_32:27........sword/by his side and go/in 150/2624
Exo_33:6.....ornaments/by the mount/Horeb... 151/2624
Exo_33:12.........thee/by name and thou/hast 152/2624
Exo_33:17.........thee/by name And he/said.. 153/2624 me and thou/shalt. 154/2624
Exo_33:22......passeth/by that I/will....... 155/2624
Exo_33:22.........pass/by And I/will........ 156/2624
Exo_34:6........passed/by before/him........ 157/2624
Exo_34:7..........will/by no means clear/the 158/2624
Exo_35:29.........made/by the hand of Moses And Moses said/unto 159/2624
Exo_35:30.......called/by name Bezaleel the son of Uri the son of Hur of the tribe of Judah And he/hath 160/2624
Exo_36:16.....curtains/by themselves and six curtains by themselves And he/made 161/2624
Exo_36:16.....curtains/by themselves And he made/fifty 162/2624
Exo_37:3...........set/by the four corners of it/even 163/2624
Exo_37:5.........rings/by the sides of the ark to/bear 164/2624
Exo_37:27......thereof/by the two corners of/it 165/2624
Exo_38:21......Levites/by the hand of Ithamar/son 166/2624
Exo_39:4......together/by the two edges/was. 167/2624
Exo_39:21..breastplate/by his rings/unto.... 168/2624
Exo_40:29.....offering/by the door of the tabernacle of the tent/of 169/2624
Exo_40:38...tabernacle/by day and fire/was.. 170/2624 night in the/sight 171/2624 the door of the tabernacle of the congregation And he/shall 172/2624
Lev_1:9...........made/by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD And if his offering be/of 173/2624
Lev_1:13..........made/by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD And if the/burnt 174/2624
Lev_1:16..........part/by the place/of...... 175/2624
Lev_1:17..........made/by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD And when/any 176/2624
Lev_2:2...........made/by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD And the/remnant 177/2624
Lev_2:3...........made/by fire And if/thou.. 178/2624
Lev_2:9...........made/by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD And that/which 179/2624
Lev_2:10..........made/by fire No/meat...... 180/2624
Lev_2:11..........made/by fire As/for....... 181/2624
Lev_2:14.........dried/by the fire even/corn 182/2624
Lev_2:16..........made/by fire unto the LORD And if his oblation/be 183/2624
Lev_3:3...........made/by fire unto the LORD the fat that covereth the inwards and all the fat that is upon the inwards And the two kidneys and the fat that is on/them 184/2624 the flanks and the caul above the liver with the kidneys it shall he take away And Aaron's/sons 185/2624
Lev_3:5...........made/by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD And if his offering for/a 186/2624
Lev_3:9...........made/by fire unto the LORD the fat thereof/and 187/2624
Lev_3:9...........hard/by the backbone/and.. 188/2624 the flanks and the caul above the liver with the kidneys it shall he take away And the priest shall burn it/upon 189/2624
Lev_3:11..........made/by fire unto the LORD And if his offering/be 190/2624
Lev_3:14..........made/by fire unto the LORD the fat that covereth the inwards and all the fat that is upon the inwards And the two kidneys and the fat that is upon/them 191/2624 the flanks and the caul above the liver with the kidneys it shall he take away And the priest shall burn them/upon 192/2624
Lev_3:16..........made/by fire for a sweet savour all/the 193/2624 the flanks and the caul above the liver with the kidneys it shall he take away As/it 194/2624
Lev_4:35..........made/by fire unto the LORD and the priest/shall 195/2624
Lev_5:12..........made/by fire unto the LORD it is a sin/offering 196/2624
Lev_5:15....estimation/by shekels/of........ 197/2624
Lev_5:17..........done/by the commandments/of 198/2624
Lev_6:2...........away/by violence or/hath.. 199/2624
Lev_6:17..........made/by fire it/is........ 200/2624
Lev_6:18..........made/by fire every/one.... 201/2624 the flanks and the caul that/is 202/2624
Lev_7:5...........made/by fire unto the LORD it is a trespass/offering 203/2624
Lev_7:25..........made/by fire unto the LORD even/the 204/2624
Lev_7:30..........made/by fire the/fat...... 205/2624
Lev_7:34..........sons/by a statute for ever from among/the 206/2624
Lev_7:35..........made/by fire in/the....... 207/2624
Lev_7:36..........them/by a statute for ever throughout/their 208/2624
Lev_8:21..........made/by fire unto the LORD as/the 209/2624
Lev_8:28..........made/by fire unto the LORD And Moses/took 210/2624
Lev_8:36.....commanded/by the hand of Moses And it/came 211/2624
Lev_10:11.........them/by the hand of Moses And Moses spake/unto 212/2624
Lev_10:12.........made/by fire and eat/it... 213/2624
Lev_10:13.........made/by fire for so/I..... 214/2624
Lev_10:15.........made/by fire of the fat/to 215/2624
Lev_10:15.........thee/by a statute for ever as/the 216/2624
Lev_16:21.........away/by the hand of a fit/man 217/2624
Lev_16:31........souls/by a statute for ever And/the 218/2624
Lev_19:12........swear/by my name falsely/neither 219/2624
Lev_19:31......defiled/by them I/am......... 220/2624
Lev_20:25...abominable/by beast/or.......... 221/2624
Lev_20:25...........or/by fowl/or........... 222/2624
Lev_20:25...........or/by any manner/of..... 223/2624
Lev_21:6..........made/by fire and the bread/of 224/2624
Lev_21:9.......herself/by playing/the....... 225/2624
Lev_21:21.........made/by fire he/hath...... 226/2624
Lev_22:4.......unclean/by the dead or/a..... 227/2624
Lev_22:22.....offering/by fire of them/upon. 228/2624
Lev_22:27.........made/by fire unto the LORD And whether/it 229/2624
Lev_23:8..........made/by fire unto the LORD seven/days 230/2624
Lev_23:13.........made/by fire unto the LORD for/a 231/2624
Lev_23:18.........made/by fire of sweet/savour 232/2624
Lev_23:25.........made/by fire unto the LORD And the LORD/spake 233/2624
Lev_23:27.........made/by fire unto the LORD And ye shall do/no 234/2624
Lev_23:36.........made/by fire unto the LORD on/the 235/2624
Lev_23:36.........made/by fire unto the LORD it is a solemn/assembly 236/2624
Lev_23:37.........made/by fire unto the LORD a burnt offering and/a 237/2624
Lev_24:7..........made/by fire unto the LORD Every/sabbath 238/2624
Lev_24:8........Israel/by an everlasting/covenant 239/2624
Lev_24:9..........made/by fire by/a......... 240/2624 a perpetual statute/And 241/2624
Lev_25:39.....dwelleth/by thee be/waxen..... 242/2624 thee and thy/brother 243/2624
Lev_25:47.....dwelleth/by him wax/poor...... 244/2624
Lev_25:47....sojourner/by thee or/to........ 245/2624 the sword And five/of 246/2624 the sword For I/will 247/2624
Lev_26:23.....reformed/by me by/these....... 248/2624 these things but/will 249/2624
Lev_26:26........again/by weight and ye/shall 250/2624
Lev_26:46........Sinai/by the hand of Moses And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Speak/unto 251/2624
Lev_27:2..........LORD/by thy estimation/And 252/2624
Num_1:2.......families/by the house of their fathers with/the 253/2624
Num_1:2...........male/by their polls From/twenty 254/2624
Num_1:3...........them/by their armies And with/you 255/2624
Num_1:17.....expressed/by their names And they/assembled 256/2624
Num_1:18......families/by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward by/their 257/2624
Num_1:18........upward/by their polls As/the 258/2624
Num_1:20...........son/by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names by/their 259/2624
Num_1:20......families/by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names by/their 260/2624
Num_1:20.........names/by their polls every male from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Reuben/were 261/2624
Num_1:22........Simeon/by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers those/that 262/2624
Num_1:22......families/by the house of their fathers those/that 263/2624
Num_1:22.........names/by their polls every male from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Simeon/were 264/2624
Num_1:24...........Gad/by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Gad/were 265/2624
Num_1:24......families/by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Gad/were 266/2624
Num_1:26.........Judah/by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Judah/were 267/2624
Num_1:26......families/by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Judah/were 268/2624
Num_1:28......Issachar/by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Issachar/were 269/2624
Num_1:28......families/by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Issachar/were 270/2624
Num_1:30.......Zebulun/by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Zebulun/were 271/2624
Num_1:30......families/by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Zebulun/were 272/2624
Num_1:32.......Ephraim/by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Ephraim/were 273/2624
Num_1:32......families/by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Ephraim/were 274/2624
Num_1:34......Manasseh/by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Manasseh/were 275/2624
Num_1:34......families/by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Manasseh/were 276/2624
Num_1:36......Benjamin/by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Benjamin/were 277/2624
Num_1:36......families/by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Benjamin/were 278/2624
Num_1:38...........Dan/by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Dan/were 279/2624
Num_1:38......families/by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Dan/were 280/2624
Num_1:40.........Asher/by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Asher/were 281/2624
Num_1:40......families/by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Asher/were 282/2624
Num_1:42......families/by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Naphtali/were 283/2624
Num_1:45........Israel/by the house of their fathers from twenty/years 284/2624 his own camp/and.. 285/2624 his own standard throughout/their 286/2624
Num_2:2..........pitch/by his own standard with/the 287/2624
Num_2:12.........pitch/by him shall be the tribe of Simeon/and 288/2624 their standards On/the 289/2624
Num_2:20...........And/by him shall be the tribe of Manasseh/and 290/2624
Num_2:25..........side/by their armies and the captain/of 291/2624
Num_2:27........encamp/by him shall be the tribe of Asher/and 292/2624
Num_2:32........Israel/by the house of their fathers all/those 293/2624
Num_2:34.......pitched/by their standards and/so 294/2624
Num_3:15.......fathers/by their families every/male 295/2624
Num_3:17..........Levi/by their names Gershon/and 296/2624
Num_3:18.......Gershon/by their families Libni/and 297/2624
Num_3:19........Kohath/by their families Amram/and 298/2624
Num_3:20........Merari/by their families Mahli/and 299/2624 the tabernacle and by the altar round about and the/cords 300/2624
Num_3:26...........and/by the altar round about and the/cords 301/2624
Num_3:43.........males/by the number/of..... 302/2624
Num_3:47........apiece/by the poll/after.... 303/2624
Num_3:49......redeemed/by the Levites/Of.... 304/2624
Num_4:2.......families/by the house of their fathers From thirty years old and upward even until/fifty 305/2624
Num_4:22.......fathers/by their families From/thirty 306/2624 the tabernacle and by the altar round about and their/cords 307/2624
Num_4:26...........and/by the altar round about and their/cords 308/2624
Num_4:29......families/by the house of their fathers From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old shalt/thou 309/2624
Num_4:32...........and/by name ye/shall..... 310/2624
Num_4:36..........them/by their families were/two 311/2624
Num_4:37..........LORD/by the hand of Moses And those/that 312/2624
Num_4:38...........and/by the house of their fathers From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old every one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them throughout/their 313/2624
Num_4:40......families/by the house of their fathers were/two 314/2624
Num_4:42......families/by the house of their fathers From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old every one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them after/their 315/2624
Num_4:45..........LORD/by the hand of Moses All/those 316/2624
Num_4:49......numbered/by the hand of Moses every/one 317/2624
Num_5:2........defiled/by the dead Both/male 318/2624
Num_5:19...........her/by an oath and/say... 319/2624
Num_6:9.......suddenly/by him and he hath/defiled 320/2624
Num_6:11........sinned/by the dead and/shall 321/2624
Num_7:84......anointed/by the princes/of.... 322/2624
Num_9:6........defiled/by the dead body of a man that/they 323/2624
Num_9:7........defiled/by the dead body of a man wherefore/are 324/2624
Num_9:10.......unclean/by reason of a dead/body 325/2624 day and the appearance/of 326/2624 night And when the cloud/was 327/2624
Num_9:21...........was/by day or by/night... 328/2624
Num_9:21............or/by night that/the.... 329/2624
Num_9:23..........LORD/by the hand of Moses And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Make/thee 330/2624
Num_10:13.........LORD/by the hand of Moses In/the 331/2624
Num_10:34.........them/by day when/they..... 332/2624
Num_11:31.........fall/by the camp/as....... 333/2624
Num_12:2..........only/by Moses hath/he..... 334/2624
Num_12:2..........also/by us And/the........ 335/2624
Num_13:3.........Moses/by the commandment of the LORD sent/them 336/2624
Num_13:22.....ascended/by the south and/came 337/2624
Num_13:29........dwell/by the sea and/by.... 338/2624
Num_13:29..........and/by the coast of Jordan/And 339/2624
Num_14:3..........fall/by the sword that/our 340/2624
Num_14:14.........them/by day time/in....... 341/2624 night Now/if...... 342/2624
Num_14:18..........and/by no means clearing/the 343/2624
Num_14:25...wilderness/by the way of the Red sea And/the 344/2624
Num_14:36..........him/by bringing up/a..... 345/2624
Num_14:37.........died/by the plague/before. 346/2624
Num_14:43.........fall/by the sword because/ye 347/2624
Num_15:3......offering/by fire unto the LORD a burnt offering or/a 348/2624
Num_15:10.........made/by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD Thus/shall 349/2624
Num_15:13.........made/by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD And if a/stranger 350/2624
Num_15:14.........made/by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD as/ye 351/2624 the hand of Moses from/the 352/2624
Num_15:24....committed/by ignorance without/the 353/2624
Num_15:25.........made/by fire unto the LORD and their sin/offering 354/2624
Num_15:28......sinneth/by ignorance before/the 355/2624
Num_16:40..........him/by the hand of Moses But/on 356/2624
Num_18:8..........them/by reason of the anointing/and 357/2624
Num_18:8..........sons/by an ordinance for ever This/shall 358/2624
Num_18:11.........thee/by a statute for ever every/one 359/2624
Num_18:17.........made/by fire for a sweet savour unto the/LORD 360/2624
Num_18:19.........thee/by a statute for ever it/is 361/2624
Num_18:32..........sin/by reason of it/when. 362/2624
Num_20:17...........go/by the king's high way we/will 363/2624
Num_20:18.........pass/by me lest/I......... 364/2624
Num_20:19...........go/by the high way and/if 365/2624
Num_20:23..........Hor/by the coast of the/land 366/2624
Num_21:1..........came/by the way of the spies/then 367/2624
Num_21:4...........Hor/by the way of the Red sea to/compass 368/2624 the direction/of.. 369/2624
Num_21:22........along/by the king's high way until/we 370/2624
Num_21:33...........up/by the way of Bashan/and 371/2624
Num_22:1........Jordan/by Jericho And/Balak. 372/2624 the river of the/land 373/2624
Num_23:3.........Stand/by thy burnt offering and/I 374/2624
Num_23:6.........stood/by his burnt sacrifice/he 375/2624 thy burnt offering while/I 376/2624
Num_23:17........stood/by his burnt offering/and 377/2624
Num_24:6.......gardens/by the river's side as/the 378/2624
Num_26:3..........Moab/by Jordan near Jericho saying Take/the 379/2624
Num_26:55......divided/by lot according/to.. 380/2624
Num_26:63.....numbered/by Moses and Eleazar/the 381/2624
Num_26:63.........Moab/by Jordan near Jericho But/among 382/2624
Num_27:2..congregation/by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation saying/Our 383/2624
Num_27:23....commanded/by the hand of Moses And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Command/the 384/2624
Num_28:2..........made/by fire for a sweet savour unto me/shall 385/2624
Num_28:3..........made/by fire which/ye..... 386/2624 day for a/continual 387/2624
Num_28:6..........made/by fire unto the LORD And the drink/offering 388/2624
Num_28:8..........made/by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD And on/the 389/2624
Num_28:13.........made/by fire unto the LORD And their drink/offerings 390/2624
Num_28:19.........made/by fire for a burnt/offering 391/2624
Num_28:24.........made/by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD it/shall 392/2624
Num_29:6..........made/by fire unto the LORD And ye shall have/on 393/2624
Num_29:13.........made/by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD thirteen/young 394/2624
Num_29:36.........made/by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD one/bullock 395/2624
Num_30:3.......herself/by a bond being/in... 396/2624
Num_30:10.........soul/by a bond with/an.... 397/2624
Num_31:12..........are/by Jordan near Jericho And Moses/and 398/2624 lying with him But/all 399/2624 lying with him keep/alive 400/2624 lying with him And/the 401/2624
Num_33:2......journeys/by the commandment of the LORD and/these 402/2624
Num_33:10.....encamped/by the Red sea And they/removed 403/2624
Num_33:48.........Moab/by Jordan near Jericho And they/pitched 404/2624
Num_33:49......pitched/by Jordan from Bethjesimoth/even 405/2624
Num_33:50.........Moab/by Jordan near Jericho saying Speak/unto 406/2624 lot for an inheritance among/your 407/2624
Num_34:3.........along/by the coast of Edom/and 408/2624
Num_34:13......inherit/by lot which/the..... 409/2624 inheritance And/the 410/2624
Num_35:1..........Moab/by Jordan near Jericho saying Command/the 411/2624
Num_35:20..........him/by laying/of......... 412/2624
Num_35:30........death/by the mouth of witnesses/but 413/2624
Num_35:33..........but/by the blood of him/that 414/2624
Num_36:2...inheritance/by lot to/the........ 415/2624
Num_36:2.....commanded/by the LORD to/give.. 416/2624
Num_36:13....commanded/by the hand of Moses unto/the 417/2624
Num_36:13.........Moab/by Jordan near Jericho These/be 418/2624
Deu_1:2..........Horeb/by the way of mount/Seir 419/2624
Deu_1:7............and/by the sea side to/the 420/2624
Deu_1:19...........saw/by the way of the mountain/of 421/2624
Deu_1:22.........again/by what way we/must.. 422/2624 night to shew you/by 423/2624 what way ye/should 424/2624 day And the LORD/heard 425/2624
Deu_1:40....wilderness/by the way of the Red sea Then/ye 426/2624
Deu_2:1.....wilderness/by the way of the Red sea as/the 427/2624
Deu_2:8.........passed/by from/our.......... 428/2624
Deu_2:8.........passed/by the way of the wilderness of Moab/And 429/2624
Deu_2:27.........along/by the high way I/will 430/2624
Deu_2:30..........pass/by him for the LORD/thy 431/2624 the brink/of...... 432/2624 the river even/unto 433/2624 the river Arnon and/half 434/2624
Deu_4:34........nation/by temptations/by.... 435/2624
Deu_4:34...temptations/by signs/and......... 436/2624
Deu_4:34...........and/by wonders/and....... 437/2624
Deu_4:34...........and/by war and by/a...... 438/2624
Deu_4:34...........and/by a mighty hand and by/a 439/2624
Deu_4:34...........and/by a stretched out arm and/by 440/2624
Deu_4:34...........and/by great terrors/according 441/2624 the bank of the/river 442/2624
Deu_5:5.........afraid/by reason of the fire/and 443/2624
Deu_5:15...........and/by a stretched out arm therefore/the 444/2624 me and I will/speak 445/2624
Deu_6:7........walkest/by the way and when/thou 446/2624
Deu_6:13.........swear/by his name Ye/shall. 447/2624
Deu_7:22..........thee/by little and little thou/mayest 448/2624 bread only/but.... 449/2624
Deu_8:3............but/by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the/LORD 450/2624
Deu_9:29...........out/by thy mighty/power.. 451/2624
Deu_9:29...........and/by thy stretched/out. 452/2624
Deu_10:20........swear/by his name He/is.... 453/2624
Deu_11:19......walkest/by the way when thou/liest 454/2624
Deu_11:30.......Jordan/by the way where the/sun 455/2624
Deu_12:30.......snared/by following/them.... 456/2624
Deu_14:22.........year/by year And thou/shalt 457/2624
Deu_15:20.........year/by year in/the....... 458/2624
Deu_16:1.........Egypt/by night Thou shalt/therefore 459/2624
Deu_18:1..........made/by fire and his/inheritance 460/2624
Deu_20:19......thereof/by forcing/an........ 461/2624
Deu_21:5...........and/by their word/shall.. 462/2624
Deu_21:17....firstborn/by giving him a/double 463/2624
Deu_22:4..........down/by the way and hide/thyself 464/2624
Deu_23:10........clean/by reason of uncleanness/that 465/2624
Deu_23:10..........him/by night then/shall.. 466/2624
Deu_24:9........Miriam/by the way after that/ye 467/2624
Deu_25:2.........fault/by a certain/number.. 468/2624
Deu_25:11..........him/by the secrets/Then.. 469/2624
Deu_25:17.........thee/by the way when ye/were 470/2624
Deu_25:18.........thee/by the way and smote/the 471/2624
Deu_27:16........light/by his father/or..... 472/2624
Deu_28:10.......called/by the name of the LORD and they/shall 473/2624
Deu_28:68........ships/by the way whereof/I. 474/2624
Deu_29:16.......passed/by And ye/have....... 475/2624 him and the Lord/shall 476/2624
Deu_33:14........forth/by the sun/and....... 477/2624
Deu_33:14........forth/by the moon/And...... 478/2624
Deu_33:29........saved/by the LORD the shield/of 479/2624 the LORD since/I.. 480/2624
Jos_2:15..........down/by a cord/through.... 481/2624
Jos_2:18..........down/by and thou/shalt.... 482/2624
Jos_3:4.........cubits/by measure come/not.. 483/2624
Jos_3:4............way/by which ye/must..... 484/2624 these stones/Then. 485/2624
Jos_5:1...........were/by the sea heard/that 486/2624
Jos_5:4.....wilderness/by the way after they/came 487/2624
Jos_5:5.....wilderness/by the way as/they... 488/2624
Jos_5:7...........them/by the way And it/came 489/2624
Jos_5:13...........was/by Jericho that/he... 490/2624
Jos_7:14..........come/by households/and.... 491/2624 man And it/shall.. 492/2624
Jos_7:16........Israel/by their tribes and the tribe/of 493/2624 man and Zabdi/was. 494/2624 man and Achan/the. 495/2624
Jos_8:3...........away/by night And he commanded/them 496/2624
Jos_8:15..........fled/by the way of the wilderness And/all 497/2624
Jos_9:13...........old/by reason of the very/long 498/2624
Jos_9:18..........them/by the LORD God of Israel And/all 499/2624
Jos_9:19..........them/by the LORD God of Israel now/therefore 500/2624 it for to/keep.... 501/2624
Jos_11:7..........them/by the waters of Merom/suddenly 502/2624
Jos_11:23....divisions/by their tribes And the land/rested 503/2624 lot unto the Israelites/for 504/2624
Jos_13:14.........made/by fire are/their.... 505/2624
Jos_13:16........plain/by Medeba/Heshbon.... 506/2624
Jos_13:22........slain/by them And the/border 507/2624
Jos_13:29.....Manasseh/by their families And their/coast 508/2624
Jos_13:31.......Machir/by their families These/are 509/2624
Jos_13:32.......Jordan/by Jericho eastward But/unto 510/2624
Jos_14:2..........them/By lot was/their..... 511/2624
Jos_14:2.....commanded/by the hand of Moses for/the 512/2624
Jos_15:1.........Judah/by their families even/to 513/2624
Jos_15:6.........along/by the north/of...... 514/2624
Jos_15:8............up/by the valley of the/son 515/2624
Jos_16:1........Jordan/by Jericho unto/the.. 516/2624
Jos_16:6........passed/by it on/the......... 517/2624
Jos_16:8.......Ephraim/by their families And the/separate 518/2624
Jos_17:2......Manasseh/by their families for/the 519/2624
Jos_17:2........Joseph/by their families But/Zelophehad 520/2624 cities/into....... 521/2624
Jos_18:20.....Benjamin/by the coasts thereof/round 522/2624
Jos_19:49..inheritance/by their coasts/the.. 523/2624
Jos_19:51..inheritance/by lot in Shiloh/before 524/2624 the hand of Moses That/the 525/2624
Jos_20:8........Jordan/by Jericho eastward they/assigned 526/2624
Jos_20:9...........die/by the hand of the avenger/of 527/2624
Jos_21:2.....commanded/by the hand of Moses to/give 528/2624
Jos_21:4...........had/by lot out of the tribe of Judah/and 529/2624
Jos_21:5...........had/by lot out of the families of the tribe of Ephraim/and 530/2624
Jos_21:6...........had/by lot out of the families of the tribe of Issachar/and 531/2624
Jos_21:7........Merari/by their families had/out 532/2624
Jos_21:8..........gave/by lot unto the Levites/these 533/2624
Jos_21:8.....commanded/by the hand of Moses And they/gave 534/2624
Jos_21:9.....mentioned/by name Which/the.... 535/2624
Jos_21:40.......Merari/by their families which/were 536/2624
Jos_21:40.........were/by their lot/twelve.. 537/2624
Jos_22:9..........LORD/by the hand of Moses And when/they 538/2624
Jos_22:10........altar/by Jordan a/great.... 539/2624 lot these/nations. 540/2624
Jos_23:7.........swear/by them neither/serve 541/2624
Jos_24:26..........was/by the sanctuary/of.. 542/2624
Jdg_2:18.....groanings/by reason of them/that 543/2624
Jdg_3:1.........Israel/by them even/as...... 544/2624
Jdg_3:4.........Israel/by them to/know...... 545/2624
Jdg_3:4........fathers/by the hand of Moses And the children/of 546/2624
Jdg_3:15...........and/by him the children/of 547/2624
Jdg_3:19..........were/by Gilgal/and........ 548/2624
Jdg_3:19.........stood/by him went/out...... 549/2624 Kedesh/And........ 550/2624
Jdg_5:10..........walk/by the way They that/are 551/2624
Jdg_5:19.......Taanach/by the waters of Megiddo/they 552/2624
Jdg_5:22........broken/by the means of the/pransings 553/2624
Jdg_6:11.........wheat/by the winepress/to.. 554/2624 it And build/an... 555/2624 day that he did/it 556/2624 night And when the men/of 557/2624
Jdg_6:28...........was/by it and the/second. 558/2624
Jdg_6:30...........was/by it And Joash/said. 559/2624
Jdg_6:36........Israel/by mine hand as thou hast said Behold/I 560/2624
Jdg_6:37........Israel/by mine hand as thou hast said And/it 561/2624
Jdg_7:1...........them/by the hill/of....... 562/2624
Jdg_7:5............set/by himself likewise/every 563/2624
Jdg_7:7.........Gideon/By the three/hundred. 564/2624
Jdg_7:12..........sand/by the sea side for/multitude 565/2624
Jdg_8:11............up/by the way of them/that 566/2624
Jdg_9:6...........king/by the plain of the/pillar 567/2624
Jdg_9:9......wherewith/by me they honour/God 568/2624
Jdg_9:25...........way/by them and it/was... 569/2624
Jdg_9:32............up/by night thou and/the 570/2624
Jdg_9:34...........him/by night and they/laid 571/2624
Jdg_9:37..........down/by the middle/of..... 572/2624
Jdg_9:37.........along/by the plain of Meonenim/Then 573/2624
Jdg_11:18.........came/by the east/side..... 574/2624
Jdg_11:26........along/by the coasts of Arnon/three 575/2624
Jdg_16:5...........and/by what means we/may. 576/2624
Jdg_16:26..........him/by the hand Suffer/me 577/2624
Jdg_17:10.......silver/by the year/and...... 578/2624
Jdg_18:3..........were/by the house of Micah/they 579/2624
Jdg_18:16........stood/by the entering/of... 580/2624
Jdg_18:28........lieth/by Bethrehob/And..... 581/2624
Jdg_19:11.........were/by Jebus/the......... 582/2624
Jdg_19:14.........were/by Gibeah/which...... 583/2624 night and thought/to 584/2624
Jdg_20:9............up/by lot against/it.... 585/2624
Jdg_21:7.........sworn/by the LORD that we/will 586/2624
Jdg_21:11.........lain/by man And they/found 587/2624 lying with any/male 588/2624 my maidens/Let.... 589/2624 my young/men...... 590/2624 the maidens/of.... 591/2624
Rut_4:1...........came/by unto/whom......... 592/2624
1Sa_1:7...........year/by year when/she..... 593/2624 a post/of......... 594/2624
1Sa_1:26.........stood/by thee here/praying. 595/2624
1Sa_2:3............and/by him actions/are... 596/2624
1Sa_2:9............for/by strength shall/no. 597/2624 force Wherefore/the 598/2624
1Sa_2:23......dealings/by all this people/Nay 599/2624
1Sa_2:28..........made/by fire of the children/of 600/2624
1Sa_3:21........Shiloh/by the word of the LORD And the word/of 601/2624 the wayside watching/for 602/2624
1Sa_4:18......backward/by the side of the gate and/his 603/2624
1Sa_4:20.........stood/by her said/unto..... 604/2624 Dagon/And......... 605/2624
1Sa_6:8.........coffer/by the side thereof/and 606/2624
1Sa_6:9.............up/by the way of his/own 607/2624 thee And the/cook. 608/2624 Rachel's/sepulchre 609/2624
1Sa_10:19.........LORD/by your tribes/and... 610/2624
1Sa_10:19..........and/by your thousands/And 611/2624
1Sa_10:21.........near/by their families the/family 612/2624
1Sa_11:7........Israel/by the hands of messengers/saying 613/2624
1Sa_11:9........morrow/by that time/the..... 614/2624
1Sa_14:4......passages/by which Jonathan/sought 615/2624 many or/by........ 616/2624
1Sa_14:6............or/by few/And........... 617/2624
1Sa_14:36..Philistines/by night and spoil/them 618/2624
1Sa_16:9..........pass/by And he said/Neither 619/2624
1Sa_16:20.........them/by David his/son..... 620/2624
1Sa_17:2.......pitched/by the valley of Elah/and 621/2624
1Sa_17:23......Goliath/by name out/of....... 622/2624
1Sa_17:26........stood/by him saying What/shall 623/2624
1Sa_17:35..........him/by his beard/and..... 624/2624
1Sa_17:43........David/by his gods/And...... 625/2624
1Sa_17:52.........down/by the way to Shaaraim/even 626/2624
1Sa_18:25.........fall/by the hand of the Philistines/And 627/2624
1Sa_18:30..........set/by And Saul/spake.... 628/2624
1Sa_20:7....determined/by him Therefore thou/shalt 629/2624
1Sa_20:9....determined/by my father/to...... 630/2624
1Sa_20:19.......remain/by the stone Ezel/And 631/2624 the wall and Jonathan/arose 632/2624
1Sa_20:25..........sat/by Saul's/side....... 633/2624 entering/into..... 634/2624
1Sa_24:3....sheepcotes/by the way where was/a 635/2624 the LORD that thou/wilt 636/2624
1Sa_25:13........abode/by the stuff But/one. 637/2624
1Sa_25:16.........both/by night and day/all. 638/2624
1Sa_25:20.........down/by the covert/on..... 639/2624
1Sa_25:22..........him/by the morning light any that pisseth against the wall And/when 640/2624
1Sa_25:34........Nabal/by the morning light any that pisseth against the wall So/David 641/2624
1Sa_26:3......Jeshimon/by the way But David/abode 642/2624
1Sa_26:7........people/by night and behold Saul/lay 643/2624
1Sa_26:24..........set/by this day/in....... 644/2624
1Sa_26:24..........set/by in the/eyes....... 645/2624 the hand of Saul/there 646/2624
1Sa_28:6.......neither/by dreams nor/by..... 647/2624
1Sa_28:6...........nor/by Urim/nor.......... 648/2624
1Sa_28:6...........nor/by prophets Then/said 649/2624
1Sa_28:8.........woman/by night and he said/I 650/2624 the familiar/spirit 651/2624
1Sa_28:10..........her/by the LORD saying As/the 652/2624
1Sa_28:15......neither/by prophets nor/by... 653/2624
1Sa_28:15..........nor/by dreams therefore/I 654/2624
1Sa_28:17........spake/by me for/the........ 655/2624
1Sa_29:1.......pitched/by a fountain which/is 656/2624
1Sa_29:2............on/by hundreds and by thousands but/David 657/2624
1Sa_29:2...........and/by thousands but/David 658/2624 God that thou wilt neither/kill 659/2624
1Sa_30:24.....tarrieth/by the stuff they/shall 660/2624
2Sa_1:6.......happened/by chance upon/mount. 661/2624
2Sa_1:12........fallen/by the sword And David/said 662/2624
2Sa_2:13......together/by the pool/of....... 663/2624
2Sa_2:15..........over/by number twelve/of.. 664/2624
2Sa_2:16........fellow/by the head/and...... 665/2624
2Sa_2:24..........Giah/by the way of the wilderness of Gibeon/And 666/2624
2Sa_3:5........Ithream/by Eglah David's/wife 667/2624
2Sa_3:18........saying/By the hand of my servant/David 668/2624
2Sa_6:2.........called/by the name of the LORD of/hosts 669/2624
2Sa_6:7...........died/by the ark of God/And 670/2624
2Sa_10:2...........him/by the hand of his servants for/his 671/2624
2Sa_10:8..........were/by themselves in the field When/Joab 672/2624 the hand of Uriah/And 673/2624
2Sa_12:14......because/by this deed/thou.... 674/2624
2Sa_12:25.........sent/by the hand of Nathan/the 675/2624
2Sa_13:31........stood/by with/their........ 676/2624
2Sa_13:32..........for/by the appointment/of 677/2624
2Sa_13:34.......people/by the way of the hill/side 678/2624
2Sa_15:30...........up/by the ascent/of..... 679/2624
2Sa_15:36..........and/by them ye/shall..... 680/2624
2Sa_16:2..........thou/by these And/Ziba.... 681/2624
2Sa_16:13.........went/by the way Shimei/went 682/2624 the sea for multitude/and 683/2624
2Sa_17:17.......stayed/by Enrogel for/they.. 684/2624
2Sa_17:22.......Jordan/by the morning light there/lacked 685/2624
2Sa_18:4.........stood/by the gate side/and. 686/2624
2Sa_18:4...........out/by hundreds and by thousands And/the 687/2624
2Sa_18:4...........and/by thousands And/the. 688/2624
2Sa_18:23..........ran/by the way of the plain and/overran 689/2624
2Sa_19:3..........them/by stealth/that...... 690/2624
2Sa_19:7.........swear/by the LORD if/thou.. 691/2624
2Sa_19:37.......buried/by the grave/of...... 692/2624
2Sa_20:9.........Amasa/by the beard/with.... 693/2624
2Sa_20:11........stood/by him and said He/that 694/2624
2Sa_20:12.........came/by him stood/still... 695/2624
2Sa_20:21.......Bichri/by name hath/lifted.. 696/2624
2Sa_21:10.........them/by day nor the beasts/of 697/2624
2Sa_21:10........field/by night And it was/told 698/2624
2Sa_21:22.........fell/by the hand of David and by the hand of his servants And David/spake 699/2624
2Sa_21:22..........and/by the hand of his servants And David/spake 700/2624
2Sa_22:9.......kindled/by it He bowed the heavens also and came down and darkness was under his feet And he rode upon a cherub and did fly and/he 701/2624
2Sa_22:30..........For/by thee I have run through a troop by/my 702/2624
2Sa_22:30........troop/by my God have I leaped over a wall As for God his way is perfect the word of the LORD is tried he is a buckler to all them/that 703/2624
2Sa_22:35.......broken/by mine arms Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy gentleness/hath 704/2624
2Sa_23:2.........spake/by me and his/word... 705/2624 clear/shining..... 706/2624 the gate And the/three 707/2624
2Sa_23:16..........was/by the gate and took it and brought it to David nevertheless/he 708/2624
2Sa_24:16..........was/by the threshingplace/of 709/2624
1Ki_1:9.........cattle/by the stone of/Zoheleth 710/2624 Enrogel and/called 711/2624
1Ki_1:17.......swarest/by the LORD thy/God.. 712/2624
1Ki_1:27..........done/by my lord/the....... 713/2624
1Ki_1:30..........thee/by the LORD God of Israel saying/Assuredly 714/2624
1Ki_2:8............him/by the LORD saying I/will 715/2624
1Ki_2:23.........sware/by the LORD saying God/do 716/2624
1Ki_2:25..........sent/by the hand of Benaiah/the 717/2624 the altar Then/Solomon 718/2624
1Ki_2:42.........swear/by the LORD and protested/unto 719/2624
1Ki_3:5..........dream/by night and God/said 720/2624 Zartanah/beneath.. 721/2624 the sea in/multitude 722/2624
1Ki_5:9...........them/by sea in/floats..... 723/2624
1Ki_5:11..........year/by year And the/LORD. 724/2624
1Ki_5:14.........month/by courses a/month... 725/2624
1Ki_6:21.....partition/by the chains/of..... 726/2624
1Ki_6:22...........was/by the oracle/he..... 727/2624
1Ki_7:20...........was/by the network/and... 728/2624
1Ki_8:38..........made/by any man/or........ 729/2624
1Ki_8:38............or/by all thy/people.... 730/2624
1Ki_8:43........called/by thy name If thy people go out to battle/against 731/2624
1Ki_8:53.......spakest/by the hand of Moses thy servant when/thou 732/2624
1Ki_8:56......promised/by the hand of Moses his/servant 733/2624
1Ki_9:8........passeth/by it shall be astonished and shall hiss and/they 734/2624
1Ki_10:5........ascent/by which he went up unto/the 735/2624
1Ki_10:25.........year/by year And Solomon gathered/together 736/2624
1Ki_10:29..........out/by their means But/king 737/2624
1Ki_12:15........spake/by Ahijah/the........ 738/2624
1Ki_13:1.........Judah/by the word of the LORD unto/Bethel 739/2624
1Ki_13:1.........stood/by the altar to/burn. 740/2624
1Ki_13:2........Josiah/by name and upon/thee 741/2624
1Ki_13:5.........given/by the word of the LORD And the king/answered 742/2624 the word of the LORD saying Eat/no 743/2624
1Ki_13:9.........again/by the same way/that. 744/2624
1Ki_13:10..........not/by the way that he came to/Bethel 745/2624 the word of the LORD Thou/shalt 746/2624
1Ki_13:17...........go/by the way that thou camest/He 747/2624 the word of the LORD saying Bring/him 748/2624
1Ki_13:24..........him/by the way and slew/him 749/2624
1Ki_13:24........stood/by it the lion/also.. 750/2624
1Ki_13:24........stood/by the carcase And behold/men 751/2624
1Ki_13:25.......passed/by and saw/the....... 752/2624
1Ki_13:25.....standing/by the carcase and they/came 753/2624
1Ki_13:28.....standing/by the carcase the/lion 754/2624
1Ki_13:32........cried/by the word of the LORD against/the 755/2624
1Ki_14:4...........set/by reason of his age/And 756/2624
1Ki_14:18........spake/by the hand of his servant Ahijah/the 757/2624 the brook Kidron/But 758/2624
1Ki_15:29........spake/by his servant Ahijah/the 759/2624
1Ki_15:30..........sin/by his provocation/wherewith 760/2624
1Ki_16:7..........also/by the hand of the prophet/Jehu 761/2624
1Ki_16:12.......Baasha/by Jehu/the.......... 762/2624
1Ki_16:13..........son/by which they sinned/and 763/2624
1Ki_16:13..........and/by which they made/Israel 764/2624
1Ki_16:34........spake/by Joshua/the........ 765/2624
1Ki_17:3.......thyself/by the brook Cherith that is before Jordan And it/shall 766/2624
1Ki_17:5.........dwelt/by the brook Cherith that is before Jordan And the/ravens 767/2624
1Ki_17:16........spake/by Elijah/And........ 768/2624
1Ki_17:20......sojourn/by slaying/her....... 769/2624
1Ki_17:24..........Now/by this I know that thou art/a 770/2624
1Ki_18:4..........them/by fifty in a cave and fed them with bread and water And Ahab/said 771/2624
1Ki_18:6...........way/by himself and Obadiah/went 772/2624
1Ki_18:6...........way/by himself And as/Obadiah 773/2624
1Ki_18:13.....prophets/by fifty in a cave and fed them with bread and water And now/thou 774/2624
1Ki_18:24....answereth/by fire let/him...... 775/2624
1Ki_19:2..........them/by to morrow about/this 776/2624
1Ki_19:11.......passed/by and a/great....... 777/2624
1Ki_19:19.......passed/by him and cast/his.. 778/2624
1Ki_20:14.........said/By whom And/he....... 779/2624
1Ki_20:14.........Even/by the young/men..... 780/2624
1Ki_20:38.........king/by the way and disguised/himself 781/2624
1Ki_20:39.......passed/by he cried/unto..... 782/2624
1Ki_20:39...........if/by any means he/be... 783/2624
1Ki_21:1..........hard/by the palace/of..... 784/2624
1Ki_21:23......Jezebel/by the wall of/Jezreel 785/2624
1Ki_22:8.........Imlah/by whom we may enquire of the LORD but I hate him for he doth/not 786/2624
1Ki_22:19.....standing/by him on/his........ 787/2624
1Ki_22:28.......spoken/by me And he said Hearken O/people 788/2624
2Ki_2:1.........heaven/by a whirlwind that/Elijah 789/2624
2Ki_2:7..........stood/by Jordan And/Elijah. 790/2624
2Ki_2:11............up/by a whirlwind into/heaven 791/2624
2Ki_2:13.........stood/by the bank of Jordan/And 792/2624
2Ki_2:23............up/by the way there/came 793/2624
2Ki_3:11..........LORD/by him And one/of.... 794/2624
2Ki_3:20.........water/by the way of Edom/and 795/2624
2Ki_4:8.........passed/by he turned/in...... 796/2624
2Ki_4:9........passeth/by us continually/Let 797/2624
2Ki_4:27...........him/by the feet but/Gehazi 798/2624
2Ki_5:1........because/by him the LORD had/given 799/2624
2Ki_5:2............out/by companies and/had. 800/2624
2Ki_6:14..........came/by night and compassed/the 801/2624
2Ki_6:26.......passing/by upon the wall there/cried 802/2624
2Ki_6:30........passed/by upon the wall and/the 803/2624
2Ki_8:8...........LORD/by him saying Shall/I 804/2624
2Ki_8:21..........rose/by night and smote the Edomites which compassed him about/and 805/2624
2Ki_9:27..........fled/by the way of the garden/house 806/2624 Ibleam/And........ 807/2624
2Ki_9:36.........spake/by his servant Elijah the/Tishbite 808/2624
2Ki_10:6.......Jezreel/by to morrow this/time 809/2624
2Ki_10:10........spake/by his servant Elijah So/Jehu 810/2624 the river Arnon even/Gilead 811/2624
2Ki_11:11........along/by the altar and the temple And/he 812/2624
2Ki_11:14........stood/by a pillar as/the... 813/2624
2Ki_11:14...trumpeters/by the king and all the people of the land rejoiced and blew/with 814/2624
2Ki_11:16.........went/by the way by the/which 815/2624
2Ki_11:16..........way/by the which the/horses 816/2624
2Ki_11:19.........came/by the way of the gate of/the 817/2624
2Ki_13:7..........dust/by threshing/Now..... 818/2624
2Ki_13:25.......father/by war Three/times... 819/2624
2Ki_14:7.........Selah/by war and called/the 820/2624
2Ki_14:9........passed/by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and trode down the thistle Thou hast/indeed 821/2624
2Ki_14:25........spake/by the hand of his servant Jonah/the 822/2624
2Ki_14:27.........them/by the hand of Jeroboam/the 823/2624
2Ki_16:15......enquire/by Thus/did.......... 824/2624
2Ki_17:4..........year/by year therefore/the 825/2624
2Ki_17:6.........Habor/by the river of Gozan and in the cities of the Medes For/so 826/2624
2Ki_17:13........Judah/by all the prophets/and 827/2624
2Ki_17:13..........and/by all the seers/saying 828/2624 my servants the prophets Notwithstanding/they 829/2624
2Ki_17:23.........said/by all his/servants.. 830/2624
2Ki_18:11........Habor/by the river of Gozan and in the cities of the Medes Because/they 831/2624
2Ki_18:17........stood/by the conduit of the upper pool which/is 832/2624 a present and come out to me and then/eat 833/2624
2Ki_19:7..........fall/by the sword in his own land So Rabshakeh returned and found the king of Assyria warring against Libnah for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish And when/he 834/2624
2Ki_19:11........lands/by destroying them utterly and shalt thou be delivered Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the children of Eden which were in Thelasar/Where 835/2624
2Ki_19:23.......Israel/By thy messengers/thou 836/2624
2Ki_19:28.........back/by the way by which thou camest And this shall be a sign unto thee Ye shall eat this year such things/as 837/2624
2Ki_19:28..........way/by which thou camest And this shall be a sign unto thee Ye shall eat this year such things/as 838/2624 the way that he came by the same shall he return and shall not come into this city saith the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake And/it 839/2624
2Ki_19:33.........came/by the same shall he return and shall not come into this city saith the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake And/it 840/2624
2Ki_20:11.....backward/by which it/had...... 841/2624
2Ki_21:10........spake/by his servants the prophets saying/Because 842/2624
2Ki_23:3.........stood/by a pillar and/made. 843/2624
2Ki_23:7..........were/by the house of the LORD where/the 844/2624
2Ki_23:11.........LORD/by the chamber of Nathanmelech/the 845/2624
2Ki_24:2.........spake/by his servants the prophets Surely/at 846/2624
2Ki_25:4..........fled/by night by the way of the gate between two/walls 847/2624
2Ki_25:4.........night/by the way of the gate between two/walls 848/2624 the king's garden now the Chaldees/were 849/2624
1Ch_1:48......Rehoboth/by the river reigned in his stead And when/Shaul 850/2624
1Ch_3:3........Ithream/by Eglah his/wife.... 851/2624
1Ch_4:38.....mentioned/by their names were princes/in 852/2624
1Ch_4:41.......written/by name came/in...... 853/2624
1Ch_5:7.......brethren/by their families when/the 854/2624
1Ch_5:10..........fell/by their hand and/they 855/2624
1Ch_5:17......reckoned/by genealogies in/the 856/2624
1Ch_6:15.....Jerusalem/by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar/The 857/2624
1Ch_6:61......Manasseh/by lot ten/cities.... 858/2624
1Ch_6:63.........given/by lot throughout/their 859/2624
1Ch_6:65..........gave/by lot out of the tribe of the/children 860/2624
1Ch_6:65........called/by their names And the/residue 861/2624
1Ch_6:78........Jordan/by Jericho on/the.... 862/2624
1Ch_7:4...........them/by their generations after the/house 863/2624
1Ch_7:5............all/by their genealogies fourscore/and 864/2624
1Ch_7:7.......reckoned/by their genealogies twenty/and 865/2624
1Ch_7:9......genealogy/by their generations heads/of 866/2624
1Ch_7:11.......Jediael/by the heads/of...... 867/2624
1Ch_7:29...........And/by the borders/of.... 868/2624
1Ch_8:28.......fathers/by their generations chief/men 869/2624
1Ch_9:1.......reckoned/by genealogies and/behold 870/2624
1Ch_9:22......reckoned/by their genealogy/in 871/2624
1Ch_9:23....tabernacle/by wards/In.......... 872/2624
1Ch_9:28...........out/by tale/Some......... 873/2624
1Ch_11:3..........LORD/by Samuel/And........ 874/2624
1Ch_11:11........slain/by him at one/time... 875/2624
1Ch_11:14.........them/by a great deliverance Now/three 876/2624
1Ch_11:18..........was/by the gate and took it and brought it to David but/David 877/2624 day there/came.... 878/2624
1Ch_12:31....expressed/by name to come/and.. 879/2624
1Ch_14:11......enemies/by mine hand like/the 880/2624
1Ch_15:16.....sounding/by lifting/up........ 881/2624
1Ch_16:41....expressed/by name to give thanks/to 882/2624
1Ch_17:21.terribleness/by driving/out....... 883/2624
1Ch_18:3......dominion/by the river Euphrates And/David 884/2624
1Ch_19:4..........hard/by their buttocks/and 885/2624
1Ch_19:9..........were/by themselves in the field Now/when 886/2624
1Ch_20:8..........fell/by the hand of David and by the hand of his servants And Satan/stood 887/2624
1Ch_20:8...........and/by the hand of his servants And Satan/stood 888/2624
1Ch_21:15........stood/by the threshingfloor/of 889/2624 weight And David/built 890/2624
1Ch_21:26.......heaven/by fire upon/the..... 891/2624
1Ch_23:3........number/by their polls man/by 892/2624 man was/thirty.... 893/2624
1Ch_23:24......counted/by number of/names... 894/2624
1Ch_23:24........names/by their polls that/did 895/2624
1Ch_23:27..........For/by the last/words.... 896/2624
1Ch_23:31.......feasts/by number according to the order/commanded 897/2624
1Ch_24:5.......divided/by lot one/sort...... 898/2624
1Ch_24:27.......Merari/by Jaaziah/Beno...... 899/2624
1Ch_26:16..Shallecheth/by the causeway/of... 900/2624
1Ch_26:25.....brethren/by Eliezer/Rehabiah.. 901/2624
1Ch_27:1.........month/by month/throughout.. 902/2624
1Ch_28:1..........king/by course and the/captains 903/2624
1Ch_28:12..........had/by the spirit of the courts/of 904/2624 weight for things/of 905/2624
1Ch_28:14.......silver/by weight for all/instruments 906/2624 weight for every candlestick/and 907/2624
1Ch_28:15.......silver/by weight both/for... 908/2624
1Ch_28:16..........And/by weight he/gave.... 909/2624 weight for every bason and/likewise 910/2624
1Ch_28:17.......silver/by weight for every bason of/silver 911/2624 weight and gold/for 912/2624
1Ch_28:19......writing/by his hand upon/me.. 913/2624
1Ch_29:5..........made/by the hands of artificers/And 914/2624
1Ch_29:8..........LORD/by the hand of Jehiel/the 915/2624
2Ch_1:17.........Syria/by their means And Solomon/determined 916/2624
2Ch_2:16........floats/by sea to/Joppa...... 917/2624
2Ch_3:3.........length/by cubits/after...... 918/2624
2Ch_5:11..........wait/by course Also/the... 919/2624
2Ch_5:14......minister/by reason of the cloud/for 920/2624
2Ch_6:23......servants/by requiting/the..... 921/2624
2Ch_6:23........wicked/by recompensing/his.. 922/2624
2Ch_6:23...........and/by justifying/the.... 923/2624
2Ch_6:23.....righteous/by giving him according/to 924/2624
2Ch_6:33........called/by thy name If thy people go out to war/against 925/2624
2Ch_6:34.......enemies/by the way that thou shalt/send 926/2624
2Ch_7:6........praised/by their ministry/and 927/2624
2Ch_7:12.......Solomon/by night and said unto him I/have 928/2624
2Ch_7:14........called/by my name shall/humble 929/2624
2Ch_7:20............up/by the roots out/of.. 930/2624
2Ch_7:21.......passeth/by it so/that........ 931/2624
2Ch_8:14..........also/by their courses at/every 932/2624
2Ch_8:18...........him/by the hands of his/servants 933/2624
2Ch_9:4.........ascent/by which he went up into/the 934/2624
2Ch_9:18......standing/by the stays/And..... 935/2624
2Ch_9:24..........year/by year And Solomon had/four 936/2624
2Ch_10:15........spake/by the hand of Ahijah/the 937/2624
2Ch_12:7.....Jerusalem/by the hand of Shishak/Nevertheless 938/2624
2Ch_13:5..........sons/by a covenant/of..... 939/2624
2Ch_16:14.....prepared/by the apothecaries'/art 940/2624 whom we may enquire of the LORD but I hate him for he never/prophesied 941/2624
2Ch_18:27.......spoken/by me And he said Hearken all/ye 942/2624 city/And.......... 943/2624
2Ch_20:15.....dismayed/by reason of this/great 944/2624
2Ch_20:16...........up/by the cliff/of...... 945/2624
2Ch_21:9............up/by night and smote the Edomites which compassed him in/and 946/2624
2Ch_21:15.....sickness/by disease/of........ 947/2624
2Ch_21:15..........out/by reason of the sickness/day 948/2624 day Moreover/the.. 949/2624
2Ch_21:19..........out/by reason of his sickness/so 950/2624
2Ch_22:7...........God/by coming to/Joram... 951/2624
2Ch_23:10........along/by the altar and the temple by/the 952/2624
2Ch_23:10.......temple/by the king round/about 953/2624
2Ch_23:13.....trumpets/by the king and all the people of the land rejoiced and sounded/with 954/2624
2Ch_23:15.........gate/by the king's house/they 955/2624
2Ch_23:18.........LORD/by the hand of the priests/the 956/2624
2Ch_23:18.....ordained/by David And/he...... 957/2624 the hand of the Levites/and 958/2624 day and gathered/money 959/2624
2Ch_24:13....perfected/by them and they/set. 960/2624
2Ch_25:18.......passed/by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and trode down the thistle Thou sayest/Lo 961/2624
2Ch_26:11..........war/by bands according/to 962/2624
2Ch_26:11......account/by the hand of Jeiel/the 963/2624
2Ch_26:15.....invented/by cunning/men....... 964/2624
2Ch_28:15....expressed/by name rose/up...... 965/2624
2Ch_29:9........fallen/by the sword and our/sons 966/2624
2Ch_29:15.........king/by the words of the/LORD 967/2624
2Ch_29:25.........LORD/by his prophets And/the 968/2624
2Ch_29:27.....ordained/by David king/of..... 969/2624
2Ch_30:12......princes/by the word of the LORD And there/assembled 970/2624 day singing/with.. 971/2624
2Ch_31:6..........them/by heaps/In.......... 972/2624
2Ch_31:15.....brethren/by courses as/well... 973/2624
2Ch_31:17......priests/by the house of their fathers and/the 974/2624
2Ch_31:17......charges/by their courses And/to 975/2624
2Ch_31:19....expressed/by name to give portions/to 976/2624
2Ch_31:19.....reckoned/by genealogies among/the 977/2624
2Ch_32:11..........die/by famine and by/thirst 978/2624
2Ch_32:11..........and/by thirst/saying..... 979/2624
2Ch_33:8....ordinances/by the hand of Moses So/Manasseh 980/2624
2Ch_34:14........given/by Moses And Hilkiah/answered 981/2624
2Ch_35:4....yourselves/by the houses/of..... 982/2624
2Ch_35:6..........LORD/by the hand of Moses And Josiah/gave 983/2624
2Ch_35:20..Charchemish/by Euphrates and/Josiah 984/2624
2Ch_36:13........swear/by God but he/stiffened 985/2624
2Ch_36:15.........them/by his messengers/rising 986/2624
2Ch_36:21.........LORD/by the mouth of Jeremiah until/the 987/2624
2Ch_36:22.......spoken/by the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished/the 988/2624
Ezr_1:1...........LORD/by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled/the 989/2624
Ezr_1:8..........forth/by the hand of Mithredath/the 990/2624
Ezr_2:62......reckoned/by genealogy but they/were 991/2624
Ezr_3:4......offerings/by number according to the custom/as 992/2624
Ezr_3:11......together/by course in/praising 993/2624
Ezr_4:16............up/by this means/thou... 994/2624
Ezr_4:23.........cease/by force and/power... 995/2624
Ezr_5:5.........answer/by letter concerning/this 996/2624 day without/fail.. 997/2624
Ezr_7:23.....commanded/by the God of heaven/let 998/2624
Ezr_8:3.......reckoned/by genealogy of/the.. 999/2624
Ezr_8:18...........And/by the good/hand.... 1000/2624
Ezr_8:20.....expressed/by name Then/I...... 1001/2624
Ezr_8:31..........wait/by the way And we/came 1002/2624
Ezr_8:33...........God/by the hand of Meremoth/the 1003/2624
Ezr_8:34.......Levites/By number and/by.... 1004/2624
Ezr_8:34...........and/by weight of/every.. 1005/2624
Ezr_9:11.....commanded/by thy servants the/prophets 1006/2624
Ezr_10:16.........them/by their names were separated/and 1007/2624
Ezr_10:17........wives/by the first/day.... 1008/2624
Ezr_10:44........wives/by whom they/had.... 1009/2624
Neh_1:10......redeemed/by thy great power and by/thy 1010/2624
Neh_1:10...........and/by thy strong/hand.. 1011/2624
Neh_2:6........sitting/by him For how/long. 1012/2624
Neh_2:13...........out/by night by the gate/of 1013/2624
Neh_2:13.........night/by the gate of the valley even/before 1014/2624
Neh_2:15.........night/by the brook and/viewed 1015/2624
Neh_2:15.......entered/by the gate of the valley and/so 1016/2624
Neh_3:15........Siloah/by the king's garden and/unto 1017/2624
Neh_3:23.......Ananiah/by his house/After.. 1018/2624
Neh_3:25...........was/by the court/of..... 1019/2624
Neh_4:3............was/by him and he said/Even 1020/2624
Neh_4:12.........dwelt/by them came/they... 1021/2624
Neh_4:18........girded/by his side and so/builded 1022/2624
Neh_4:18...........was/by me And I said/unto 1023/2624
Neh_7:3..........stand/by let them/shut.... 1024/2624
Neh_7:5.......reckoned/by genealogy And/I.. 1025/2624
Neh_7:64......reckoned/by genealogy but it/was 1026/2624
Neh_8:14.....commanded/by Moses that/the... 1027/2624 day from/the..... 1028/2624
Neh_9:9............cry/by the Red sea And shewedst/signs 1029/2624 a cloudy/pillar.. 1030/2624
Neh_9:12.........night/by a pillar of/fire. 1031/2624
Neh_9:14..........laws/by the hand of Moses thy servant And/gavest 1032/2624
Neh_9:19..........them/by day to/lead...... 1033/2624 night to shew them/light 1034/2624
Neh_9:30..........them/by thy spirit/in.... 1035/2624
Neh_10:29........given/by Moses the/servant 1036/2624
Neh_10:34.........year/by year to/burn..... 1037/2624
Neh_10:35.........year/by year unto/the.... 1038/2624
Neh_12:37...........up/by the stairs/of.... 1039/2624
Neh_13:18.......Israel/by profaning the sabbath/And 1040/2624
Neh_13:25........swear/by God saying Ye/shall 1041/2624
Neh_13:26..........sin/by these things yet/among 1042/2624
Est_1:12...commandment/by his chamberlains/therefore 1043/2624
Est_1:15.....Ahasuerus/by the chamberlains/And 1044/2624
Est_2:14........called/by name Now/when.... 1045/2624
Est_3:13..........sent/by posts into/all... 1046/2624
Est_3:15......hastened/by the king's commandment and the decree was given in/Shushan 1047/2624
Est_7:7............him/by the king Then/the 1048/2624
Est_8:5........devised/by Haman/the........ 1049/2624
Est_8:10.......letters/by posts on/horseback 1050/2624
Est_8:14............on/by the king's commandment And the decree was given at/Shushan 1051/2624
Est_9:25.....commanded/by letters that/his. 1052/2624
Job_4:9...........same/By the blast/of..... 1053/2624
Job_4:9............and/by the breath of his nostrils/are 1054/2624
Job_6:16......blackish/by reason of the ice/and 1055/2624
Job_9:11.........goeth/by me and I see/him. 1056/2624
Job_11:7..........thou/by searching/find... 1057/2624
Job_15:30..........and/by the breath of his mouth shall/he 1058/2624 my neck/and...... 1059/2624
Job_17:7...........dim/by reason of sorrow/and 1060/2624 his own feet/and. 1061/2624
Job_18:9...........him/by the heel and/the. 1062/2624
Job_20:29..........him/by God But Job/answered 1063/2624
Job_21:29...........go/by the way and do/ye 1064/2624
Job_22:30....delivered/by the pureness/of.. 1065/2624
Job_26:12..........and/by his understanding he/smiteth 1066/2624
Job_26:13........proud/By his spirit he/hath 1067/2624 the hand of God/that 1068/2624
Job_28:8........passed/by it He putteth/forth 1069/2624
Job_28:9.....mountains/by the roots He/cutteth 1070/2624
Job_28:25.......waters/by measure When/he.. 1071/2624
Job_29:3..........when/by his light/I...... 1072/2624
Job_29:19..........out/by the waters and the/dew 1073/2624
Job_30:4.......mallows/by the bushes/and... 1074/2624 the great force/of 1075/2624
Job_31:9......deceived/by a woman/or....... 1076/2624
Job_31:11.....punished/by the judges/For... 1077/2624
Job_31:23..........and/by reason of his highness/I 1078/2624
Job_31:28.....punished/by the judge/for.... 1079/2624
Job_31:30..........sin/by wishing/a........ 1080/2624
Job_31:33.........Adam/by hiding/mine...... 1081/2624
Job_33:18....perishing/by the sword He/is.. 1082/2624 reason of the multitude of oppressions/they 1083/2624
Job_35:9...........out/by reason of the arm/of 1084/2624
Job_36:12.......perish/by the sword and they shall die/without 1085/2624
Job_36:22.....exalteth/by his power who/teacheth 1086/2624
Job_36:31..........For/by them judgeth/he.. 1087/2624
Job_36:32........shine/by the cloud/that... 1088/2624
Job_37:10........north/By the breath of God/frost 1089/2624
Job_37:11.........Also/by watering/he...... 1090/2624
Job_37:12........about/by his counsels/that 1091/2624 the south wind/Hast 1092/2624
Job_37:19.......speech/by reason of darkness/Shall 1093/2624
Job_38:2.......counsel/by words without/knowledge 1094/2624
Job_38:24..........war/By what way is/the.. 1095/2624
Job_39:9.........abide/by thy crib/Canst... 1096/2624 thy wisdom/and... 1097/2624
Job_41:18.....sundered/By his neesings/a... 1098/2624
Job_41:25.......afraid/by reason of breakings/they 1099/2624
Job_42:5..........thee/by the hearing of the/ear 1100/2624
Psa_1:3........planted/by the rivers of water/that 1101/2624
Psa_5:10..........fall/by their own counsels/cast 1102/2624
Psa_9:16.........known/by the judgment/which 1103/2624
Psa_10:10.........fall/by his strong/ones.. 1104/2624 the word of thy/lips 1105/2624
Psa_17:7........savest/by thy right/hand... 1106/2624
Psa_18:8.......kindled/by it He bowed the heavens also and came down and darkness was under his feet And he rode upon a cherub and did fly yea/he 1107/2624
Psa_18:29..........For/by thee I have run through a troop and/by 1108/2624
Psa_18:29..........and/by my God have I leaped over a wall As for God his way is perfect the word of the LORD is tried he is a buckler to all those/that 1109/2624
Psa_18:34.......broken/by mine arms Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy right/hand 1110/2624
Psa_19:11.....Moreover/by them is thy/servant 1111/2624
Psa_30:7..........LORD/by thy favour/thou.. 1112/2624
Psa_33:6..........LORD/By the word of the LORD were/the 1113/2624
Psa_33:6..........them/by the breath of his mouth He/gathereth 1114/2624
Psa_33:16........saved/by the multitude of an/host 1115/2624
Psa_33:16....delivered/by much strength/An. 1116/2624
Psa_33:17..........any/by his great/strength 1117/2624
Psa_37:23......ordered/by the LORD and he/delighteth 1118/2624
Psa_38:8........roared/by reason of the disquietness/of 1119/2624
Psa_39:10.....consumed/by the blow/of...... 1120/2624
Psa_41:11.........them/By this I know that thou favourest/me 1121/2624
Psa_44:3....possession/by their own sword/neither 1122/2624
Psa_44:12.......wealth/by their price/Thou. 1123/2624
Psa_44:16..blasphemeth/by reason of the enemy/and 1124/2624
Psa_48:4........passed/by together/They.... 1125/2624
Psa_49:7...........can/by any means redeem/his 1126/2624 sacrifice/And.... 1127/2624
Psa_54:1...........God/by thy name and judge/me 1128/2624 thy strength Hear/my 1129/2624
Psa_56:7........escape/by iniquity in/thine 1130/2624
Psa_59:11.........them/by thy power/and.... 1131/2624
Psa_63:10.........fall/by the sword they shall be/a 1132/2624
Psa_63:11.....sweareth/by him shall glory/but 1133/2624
Psa_65:5........temple/By terrible/things.. 1134/2624
Psa_65:6.........Which/by his strength setteth/fast 1135/2624
Psa_66:7........ruleth/by his power for/ever 1136/2624
Psa_68:4.......heavens/by his name JAH/and. 1137/2624
Psa_71:6.........youth/By thee have/I...... 1138/2624
Psa_72:3.........hills/by righteousness He/shall 1139/2624 my right/hand.... 1140/2624
Psa_74:7.......defiled/by casting down/the. 1141/2624
Psa_74:13..........sea/by thy strength thou/brakest 1142/2624
Psa_77:20........flock/by the hand of Moses and Aaron/Give 1143/2624
Psa_78:17..........him/by provoking/the.... 1144/2624
Psa_78:18........heart/by asking/meat...... 1145/2624
Psa_78:26..........and/by his power he brought/in 1146/2624
Psa_78:49......trouble/by sending/evil..... 1147/2624
Psa_78:55..inheritance/by line and made/the 1148/2624
Psa_78:64.........fell/by the sword and their/widows 1149/2624
Psa_78:65.....shouteth/by reason of wine/And 1150/2624
Psa_78:72.........them/by the skilfulness/of 1151/2624
Psa_79:10........sight/by the revenging/of. 1152/2624
Psa_80:12.........pass/by the way do/pluck. 1153/2624
Psa_88:9......mourneth/by reason of affliction/LORD 1154/2624
Psa_89:35........sworn/by my holiness/that. 1155/2624 casting it/to.... 1156/2624
Psa_89:41.........pass/by the way spoil/him 1157/2624
Psa_90:7......consumed/by thine anger/and.. 1158/2624
Psa_90:7...........and/by thy wrath/are.... 1159/2624
Psa_90:10...........if/by reason of strength/they 1160/2624
Psa_91:5........terror/by night nor/for.... 1161/2624
Psa_91:5........flieth/by day Nor for/the.. 1162/2624
Psa_94:20.....mischief/by a law/They....... 1163/2624
Psa_102:5........bread/By reason of the voice/of 1164/2624
Psa_104:8...........up/by the mountains/they 1165/2624
Psa_104:8.........down/by the valleys/unto. 1166/2624
Psa_104:12......thirst/By them shall/the... 1167/2624
Psa_106:22......things/by the Red sea Therefore/he 1168/2624
Psa_107:7........forth/by the right way/that 1169/2624
Psa_119:9..........way/by taking heed/thereto 1170/2624
Psa_121:6.........thee/by day nor the moon/by 1171/2624
Psa_121:6.........moon/by night The/LORD... 1172/2624
Psa_128:3.........vine/by the sides of thine/house 1173/2624
Psa_129:8...........go/by say/The.......... 1174/2624
Psa_134:1........which/by night stand/in... 1175/2624
Psa_136:5.........that/by wisdom made/the.. 1176/2624
Psa_136:8.........rule/by day for his/mercy 1177/2624
Psa_136:9.........rule/by night for his/mercy 1178/2624
Psa_137:1.........ever/By the rivers of Babylon/there 1179/2624 the wayside they/have 1180/2624
Psa_147:4..........all/by their names Great/is 1181/2624
Pro_3:19..........LORD/by wisdom hath/founded 1182/2624 understanding hath/he 1183/2624
Pro_3:20.......heavens/By his knowledge the/depths 1184/2624 thee Devise/not.. 1185/2624
Pro_3:29......securely/by thee Strive/not.. 1186/2624
Pro_4:15...........not/by it turn/from..... 1187/2624
Pro_6:26...........For/by means of a/whorish 1188/2624
Pro_7:26.........slain/by her Her/house.... 1189/2624
Pro_8:2.........places/by the way in the places/of 1190/2624
Pro_8:15......strength/By me kings/reign... 1191/2624
Pro_8:16.......justice/By me princes/rule.. 1192/2624
Pro_8:30...........was/by him as one/brought 1193/2624
Pro_9:11...........For/by me thy/days...... 1194/2624
Pro_11:5..........fall/by his own wickedness/The 1195/2624
Pro_11:11.....shouting/By the blessing/of.. 1196/2624
Pro_11:11...overthrown/by the mouth of the wicked/He 1197/2624
Pro_12:3...established/by wickedness/but... 1198/2624
Pro_12:13.......snared/by the transgression of his/lips 1199/2624
Pro_12:14.........good/by the fruit of his mouth and/the 1200/2624
Pro_13:2..........good/by the fruit of his mouth but/the 1201/2624
Pro_13:10.........Only/by pride/cometh..... 1202/2624
Pro_13:11.......gotten/by vanity/shall..... 1203/2624
Pro_13:11....gathereth/by labour/shall..... 1204/2624 the strength of the/ox 1205/2624
Pro_15:13..........but/by sorrow/of........ 1206/2624 the answer/of.... 1207/2624
Pro_16:6....unpunished/By mercy and/truth.. 1208/2624
Pro_16:6...........and/by the fear of the/LORD 1209/2624
Pro_16:12..established/by righteousness Righteous/lips 1210/2624
Pro_20:4..........plow/by reason of the cold/therefore 1211/2624
Pro_20:11........known/by his doings/whether 1212/2624
Pro_20:18..established/by counsel/and...... 1213/2624
Pro_20:28.....upholden/by mercy The/glory.. 1214/2624
Pro_21:6.....treasures/by a lying/tongue... 1215/2624
Pro_22:4......punished/By humility/and..... 1216/2624
Pro_24:3...........and/by understanding it/is 1217/2624
Pro_24:4...........And/by knowledge shall/the 1218/2624
Pro_24:6...........For/by wise/counsel..... 1219/2624
Pro_24:30.........went/by the field of/the. 1220/2624
Pro_24:30..........and/by the vineyard/of.. 1221/2624
Pro_25:15.........rain/By long/forbearing.. 1222/2624
Pro_26:2..........bird/by wandering/as..... 1223/2624
Pro_26:2.......swallow/by flying/so........ 1224/2624
Pro_26:6.......message/by the hand of a fool/cutteth 1225/2624
Pro_26:17......passeth/by and meddleth/with 1226/2624 the ears/As...... 1227/2624
Pro_26:26......covered/by deceit his/wickedness 1228/2624
Pro_26:28....afflicted/by it and a/flattering 1229/2624
Pro_27:9........friend/by hearty/counsel... 1230/2624
Pro_28:2...........but/by a man/of......... 1231/2624
Pro_28:8..........that/by usury/and........ 1232/2624
Pro_29:4..........king/by judgment/establisheth 1233/2624
Pro_29:19....corrected/by words for/though. 1234/2624
Pro_30:27.........them/by bands The/spider. 1235/2624
Pro_31:18..........out/by night She/layeth. 1236/2624
Ecc_1:13...........out/by wisdom concerning/all 1237/2624
Ecc_5:3..........known/by multitude/of..... 1238/2624
Ecc_5:9.........served/by the field He/that 1239/2624
Ecc_5:14........perish/by evil travail/and. 1240/2624
Ecc_7:3............for/by the sadness/of... 1241/2624
Ecc_7:11...........and/by it there/is...... 1242/2624
Ecc_7:23........proved/by wisdom I/said.... 1243/2624
Ecc_7:26.........taken/by her Behold/this.. 1244/2624 one to find/out.. 1245/2624
Ecc_9:1.........hatred/by all that/is...... 1246/2624
Ecc_9:15............he/by his wisdom delivered/the 1247/2624
Ecc_10:3.......walketh/by the way his/wisdom 1248/2624
Ecc_10:18..drunkenness/By much slothfulness/the 1249/2624
Ecc_12:11.....fastened/by the masters/of... 1250/2624
Ecc_12:12......further/by these my/son..... 1251/2624
Son_1:7..........aside/by the flocks/of.... 1252/2624
Son_1:8..........forth/by the footsteps/of. 1253/2624
Son_2:7......Jerusalem/by the roes and by the hinds of the field that ye stir not up nor awake my love till he please The/voice 1254/2624
Son_2:7............and/by the hinds of the field that ye stir not up nor awake my love till he please The/voice 1255/2624
Son_3:1.........Bether/By night on/my...... 1256/2624
Son_3:5......Jerusalem/by the roes and by the hinds of the field that ye stir not up nor awake my love till he please Who/is 1257/2624
Son_3:5............and/by the hinds of the field that ye stir not up nor awake my love till he please Who/is 1258/2624
Son_5:4...........hand/by the hole/of...... 1259/2624
Son_5:12.........doves/by the rivers of waters washed/with 1260/2624
Son_7:4........Heshbon/by the gate of Bathrabbim/thy 1261/2624
Isa_1:7.....overthrown/by strangers/And.... 1262/2624 another and/every 1263/2624 his neighbour/the 1264/2624
Isa_3:25..........fall/by the sword and thy mighty/in 1265/2624
Isa_4:1.........called/by thy name to/take. 1266/2624
Isa_4:4........thereof/by the spirit of judgment/and 1267/2624
Isa_4:4............and/by the spirit of burning/And 1268/2624
Isa_4:5..........smoke/by day and the shining/of 1269/2624 night for upon/all 1270/2624
Isa_7:20........namely/by them beyond/the.. 1271/2624
Isa_7:20.........river/by the king of/Assyria 1272/2624
Isa_9:1............her/by the way of the sea beyond Jordan in/Galilee 1273/2624
Isa_10:13........saith/By the strength of my/hand 1274/2624
Isa_10:13..........and/by my wisdom/for.... 1275/2624
Isa_10:34.........fall/by a mighty one/And. 1276/2624
Isa_13:15.........fall/by the sword Their children/also 1277/2624
Isa_15:5...........for/by the mounting/up.. 1278/2624
Isa_18:2...ambassadors/by the sea even/in.. 1279/2624
Isa_19:7.........reeds/by the brooks by/the 1280/2624
Isa_19:7........brooks/by the mouth of the brooks/and 1281/2624
Isa_19:7..........sown/by the brooks shall/wither 1282/2624
Isa_20:2..........LORD/by Isaiah/the....... 1283/2624
Isa_22:3.........bound/by the archers/all.. 1284/2624
Isa_22:5....perplexity/by the Lord GOD of hosts/in 1285/2624
Isa_22:14.........ears/by the LORD of hosts/Surely 1286/2624
Isa_23:3...........And/by great waters the seed/of 1287/2624
Isa_26:13..........but/by thee only/will... 1288/2624
Isa_27:7.........slain/by him In measure/when 1289/2624
Isa_27:9..........wind/By this therefore/shall 1290/2624 one O/ye......... 1291/2624
Isa_28:18.........down/by it From/the...... 1292/2624
Isa_28:19......morning/by morning shall/it. 1293/2624
Isa_28:19.........over/by day and by/night. 1294/2624
Isa_28:19..........and/by night and it shall/be 1295/2624
Isa_29:13.......taught/by the precept/of... 1296/2624
Isa_32:8...........and/by liberal/things... 1297/2624
Isa_34:17.........them/by line they/shall.. 1298/2624
Isa_36:2.........stood/by the conduit of the upper pool in/the 1299/2624 a present and come out to me and eat/ye 1300/2624
Isa_37:7..........fall/by the sword in his own land So Rabshakeh returned and found the king of Assyria warring against Libnah for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish And he/heard 1301/2624
Isa_37:11........lands/by destroying them utterly and shalt thou be delivered Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the children of Eden which were in Telassar/Where 1302/2624
Isa_37:24.......Israel/By thy servants hast/thou 1303/2624
Isa_37:24.........said/By the multitude of my/chariots 1304/2624
Isa_37:29.........back/by the way by which thou camest And this shall be a sign unto thee Ye shall eat this year such as/groweth 1305/2624
Isa_37:29..........way/by which thou camest And this shall be a sign unto thee Ye shall eat this year such as/groweth 1306/2624 the way that he came by the same shall he return and shall not come into this city saith the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake Then/the 1307/2624
Isa_37:34.........came/by the same shall he return and shall not come into this city saith the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake Then/the 1308/2624
Isa_38:8.......degrees/by which degrees/it. 1309/2624
Isa_38:16.........LORD/by these things men/live 1310/2624 number he/calleth 1311/2624
Isa_40:26..........all/by names/by......... 1312/2624
Isa_40:26........names/by the greatness of his/might 1313/2624
Isa_41:3..........even/by the way that he had/not 1314/2624
Isa_42:16........blind/by a way/that....... 1315/2624
Isa_43:1..........thee/by thy name thou/art 1316/2624
Isa_43:7........called/by my name for/I.... 1317/2624
Isa_44:4.......willows/by the water/courses 1318/2624
Isa_44:5.......himself/by the name of Jacob/and 1319/2624
Isa_44:5.......himself/by the name of Israel Thus/saith 1320/2624 myself That/frustrateth 1321/2624
Isa_45:3..........thee/by thy name am/the.. 1322/2624
Isa_45:4..........thee/by thy name I/have.. 1323/2624
Isa_45:23........sworn/by myself the/word.. 1324/2624
Isa_46:3.........borne/by me from/the...... 1325/2624
Isa_48:1........called/by the name of Israel and/are 1326/2624
Isa_48:1.........swear/by the name of the LORD and make/mention 1327/2624
Isa_48:17.........thee/by the way that thou shouldest/go 1328/2624
Isa_49:10.........even/by the springs/of... 1329/2624
Isa_49:19.......narrow/by reason of the inhabitants/and 1330/2624
Isa_50:4.......morning/by morning he/wakeneth 1331/2624
Isa_51:18..........her/by the hand of all/the 1332/2624
Isa_51:19........sword/by whom shall I/comfort 1333/2624
Isa_52:12...........go/by flight/for....... 1334/2624
Isa_53:11....satisfied/by his knowledge shall/my 1335/2624
Isa_54:15..........not/by me whosoever/shall 1336/2624
Isa_60:19........light/by day neither/for.. 1337/2624
Isa_62:2........called/by a new name/which. 1338/2624
Isa_62:8.........sworn/by his right/hand... 1339/2624
Isa_62:8...........and/by the arm/of....... 1340/2624
Isa_63:12.........them/by the right hand of Moses/with 1341/2624
Isa_63:19.......called/by thy name Oh/that. 1342/2624
Isa_64:4.....perceived/by the ear/neither.. 1343/2624
Isa_65:1........called/by my name I/have... 1344/2624
Isa_65:5.........Stand/by thyself/come..... 1345/2624
Isa_65:15.....servants/by another name/That 1346/2624
Isa_65:16........swear/by the God of truth/because 1347/2624
Isa_66:16..........For/by fire and by/his.. 1348/2624
Isa_66:16..........and/by his sword/will... 1349/2624
Jer_2:8.....prophesied/by Baal and/walked.. 1350/2624
Jer_2:17..........thee/by the way And now/what 1351/2624 secret/search.... 1352/2624
Jer_4:26...........and/by his fierce/anger. 1353/2624
Jer_5:7..........sworn/by them that are no gods/when 1354/2624
Jer_5:7.....themselves/by troops/in........ 1355/2624
Jer_5:22...........sea/by a perpetual decree/that 1356/2624
Jer_5:31..........rule/by their means and my/people 1357/2624
Jer_6:5.............go/by night and let us/destroy 1358/2624
Jer_6:25..........walk/by the way for the/sword 1359/2624
Jer_7:10........called/by my name and say/We 1360/2624
Jer_7:11........called/by my name become/a. 1361/2624
Jer_7:14........called/by my name wherein/ye 1362/2624
Jer_7:30........called/by my name to pollute/it 1363/2624 all the residue/of 1364/2624
Jer_8:5...........back/by a perpetual backsliding/they 1365/2624 his power he hath established the world by his wisdom and hath stretched out the heavens/by 1366/2624 his wisdom and hath stretched out the heavens/by 1367/2624
Jer_10:12......heavens/by his discretion/When 1368/2624
Jer_10:14...confounded/by the graven image for his molten image is falsehood and there is no breath in them They are vanity and/the 1369/2624
Jer_11:21..........not/by our hand/Therefore 1370/2624
Jer_11:22..........die/by the sword their sons/and 1371/2624
Jer_11:22..........die/by famine And there/shall 1372/2624
Jer_12:16........swear/by my name The/LORD. 1373/2624
Jer_12:16........swear/by Baal then/shall.. 1374/2624 Euphrates as/the. 1375/2624
Jer_13:24.........away/by the wind/of...... 1376/2624
Jer_14:9........called/by thy name leave/us 1377/2624
Jer_14:12.........them/by the sword and by the famine and by the pestilence Then/said 1378/2624
Jer_14:12..........and/by the famine and by the pestilence Then/said 1379/2624
Jer_14:12..........and/by the pestilence Then/said 1380/2624 sword and/famine. 1381/2624
Jer_15:16.......called/by thy name O/LORD.. 1382/2624
Jer_16:4......consumed/by the sword and by famine/and 1383/2624
Jer_16:4...........and/by famine and their/carcases 1384/2624
Jer_17:2........groves/by the green/trees.. 1385/2624
Jer_17:8.......planted/by the waters and that/spreadeth 1386/2624
Jer_17:8.........roots/by the river and shall/not 1387/2624
Jer_17:11..........not/by right/shall...... 1388/2624
Jer_17:19..........and/by the which they/go 1389/2624 these gates Thus saith the LORD Take/heed 1390/2624 the gates of Jerusalem/Neither 1391/2624
Jer_18:21........blood/by the force of the sword and/let 1392/2624
Jer_18:21........slain/by the sword in battle/Let 1393/2624 the entry/of..... 1394/2624
Jer_19:7..........fall/by the sword before/their 1395/2624
Jer_19:7...........and/by the hands of them/that 1396/2624
Jer_20:2...........was/by the house of the LORD And/it 1397/2624
Jer_20:4..........fall/by the sword of their/enemies 1398/2624
Jer_21:9...........die/by the sword and by the famine and by the pestilence but/he 1399/2624
Jer_21:9...........and/by the famine and by the pestilence but he that goeth out/and 1400/2624
Jer_21:9...........and/by the pestilence but he that goeth out/and 1401/2624 these gates Thus saith the LORD Execute/ye 1402/2624 the gates of this/house 1403/2624
Jer_22:5.........swear/by myself saith the LORD that this/house 1404/2624
Jer_22:8..........pass/by this city/and.... 1405/2624 unrighteousness/and 1406/2624
Jer_22:13.....chambers/by wrong/that....... 1407/2624 their dreams/which 1408/2624
Jer_23:32..........err/by their lies/and... 1409/2624
Jer_23:32..........and/by their lightness/yet 1410/2624
Jer_25:29.......called/by my name and should/ye 1411/2624
Jer_27:3.........Zidon/by the hand of the messengers/which 1412/2624
Jer_27:5........ground/by my great power/and 1413/2624
Jer_27:5...........and/by my outstretched/arm 1414/2624
Jer_27:8..........them/by his hand Therefore/hearken 1415/2624
Jer_27:13.......people/by the sword by the famine and by the pestilence as/the 1416/2624
Jer_27:13........sword/by the famine and by the pestilence as/the 1417/2624
Jer_27:13..........and/by the pestilence as/the 1418/2624
Jer_29:3.....Jerusalem/By the hand of Elasah/the 1419/2624
Jer_29:19.........them/by my servants the prophets rising/up 1420/2624
Jer_29:22........curse/by all the captivity/of 1421/2624
Jer_31:9..........walk/by the rivers of waters in/a 1422/2624
Jer_31:32.........them/by the hand to bring/them 1423/2624
Jer_31:35........light/by day and the ordinances/of 1424/2624
Jer_31:35........light/by night which/divideth 1425/2624 thy great power and stretched/out 1426/2624
Jer_32:34.......called/by my name to defile/it 1427/2624
Jer_32:36......Babylon/by the sword and by the famine and by the pestilence Behold/I 1428/2624
Jer_32:36..........and/by the famine and by the pestilence Behold/I 1429/2624
Jer_32:36..........and/by the pestilence Behold/I 1430/2624
Jer_33:4..........down/by the mounts/and... 1431/2624
Jer_33:4...........and/by the sword They come/to 1432/2624
Jer_34:4...........die/by the sword But thou/shalt 1433/2624
Jer_34:15.......called/by my name But/ye... 1434/2624
Jer_35:4...........was/by the chamber of the/princes 1435/2624
Jer_37:2.........spake/by the prophet Jeremiah/And 1436/2624
Jer_38:2...........die/by the sword by the famine and by the pestilence but/he 1437/2624
Jer_38:2.........sword/by the famine and by the pestilence but he that goeth forth/to 1438/2624
Jer_38:2...........and/by the pestilence but he that goeth forth/to 1439/2624
Jer_38:11.........down/by cords/into....... 1440/2624
Jer_38:23........taken/by the hand of the king/of 1441/2624 night by the way of the king's/garden 1442/2624
Jer_39:4.........night/by the way of the king's/garden 1443/2624 the gate betwixt/the 1444/2624
Jer_39:18.........fall/by the sword but thy/life 1445/2624
Jer_41:12..........him/by the great waters/that 1446/2624 Bethlehem/to..... 1447/2624
Jer_42:17..........die/by the sword by the famine and by the pestilence and/none 1448/2624
Jer_42:17........sword/by the famine and by the pestilence and/none 1449/2624
Jer_42:17..........and/by the pestilence and/none 1450/2624
Jer_42:22..........die/by the sword by the famine and by the pestilence in/the 1451/2624
Jer_42:22........sword/by the famine and by the pestilence in/the 1452/2624
Jer_42:22..........and/by the pestilence in/the 1453/2624
Jer_44:12.....consumed/by the sword and by the famine they/shall 1454/2624
Jer_44:12..........and/by the famine they/shall 1455/2624
Jer_44:12.....greatest/by the sword and by the famine and they/shall 1456/2624
Jer_44:12..........and/by the famine and they/shall 1457/2624
Jer_44:13....Jerusalem/by the sword by the famine and by the pestilence So/that 1458/2624
Jer_44:13........sword/by the famine and by the pestilence So/that 1459/2624
Jer_44:13..........and/by the pestilence So/that 1460/2624
Jer_44:15........stood/by a great multitude/even 1461/2624
Jer_44:18.....consumed/by the sword and by the famine And when/we 1462/2624
Jer_44:18..........and/by the famine And when/we 1463/2624
Jer_44:26........sworn/by my great name/saith 1464/2624
Jer_44:27.....consumed/by the sword and by the famine until/there 1465/2624
Jer_44:27..........and/by the famine until/there 1466/2624
Jer_46:2...........was/by the river Euphrates in/Carchemish 1467/2624
Jer_46:6.........north/by the river Euphrates Who/is 1468/2624 the river Euphrates Go/up 1469/2624
Jer_46:18.......Carmel/by the sea so/shall. 1470/2624
Jer_48:19........stand/by the way and espy/ask 1471/2624
Jer_49:3...........fro/by the hedges/for... 1472/2624
Jer_49:9.......thieves/by night they/will.. 1473/2624
Jer_49:13........sworn/by myself saith the LORD that Bozrah/shall 1474/2624
Jer_49:17........goeth/by it shall be astonished and shall hiss at/all 1475/2624
Jer_50:1.....Chaldeans/by Jeremiah/the..... 1476/2624
Jer_50:13........goeth/by Babylon/shall.... 1477/2624
Jer_51:14........sworn/by himself saying Surely I/will 1478/2624 his power he hath established the world by his wisdom and hath stretched out the heaven/by 1479/2624 his wisdom and hath stretched out the heaven/by 1480/2624
Jer_51:15.......heaven/by his understanding When/he 1481/2624
Jer_51:17......brutish/by his knowledge every/founder 1482/2624
Jer_51:17...confounded/by the graven image for his molten image is falsehood and there is no breath in them They are vanity the/work 1483/2624 night by the way of the gate between the/two 1484/2624
Jer_52:7.........night/by the way of the gate between the/two 1485/2624
Jer_52:7...........was/by the king's garden now the Chaldeans/were 1486/2624
Jer_52:7..........were/by the city/round... 1487/2624
Jer_52:7..........went/by the way of the plain But/the 1488/2624
Lam_1:12..........pass/by behold/and....... 1489/2624
Lam_1:14.........bound/by his hand they/are 1490/2624
Lam_2:15..........pass/by clap/their....... 1491/2624
Lam_2:21........fallen/by the sword thou/hast 1492/2624
Lam_3:1.....affliction/by the rod/of....... 1493/2624
Lam_5:12............up/by their hand the/faces 1494/2624
Eze_1:1.......captives/by the river of Chebar that/the 1495/2624
Eze_1:3......Chaldeans/by the river Chebar and the/hand 1496/2624 the living creatures/with 1497/2624
Eze_1:19..........went/by them and when the living/creatures 1498/2624
Eze_3:15.........dwelt/by the river of Chebar and I sat/where 1499/2624
Eze_3:23...........saw/by the river of Chebar and I fell/on 1500/2624 weight twenty/shekels 1501/2624
Eze_4:11.........water/by measure the/sixth 1502/2624
Eze_4:16.........bread/by weight and with/care 1503/2624
Eze_4:16.........water/by measure and with/astonishment 1504/2624
Eze_5:12..........fall/by the sword round/about 1505/2624
Eze_5:14..........pass/by So it/shall...... 1506/2624
Eze_6:11..........fall/by the sword by the famine and by the pestilence He/that 1507/2624
Eze_6:11.........sword/by the famine and by the pestilence He/that 1508/2624
Eze_6:11...........and/by the pestilence He/that 1509/2624
Eze_6:12..........fall/by the sword and he/that 1510/2624
Eze_6:12...........die/by the famine thus/will 1511/2624 a lock/of........ 1512/2624
Eze_9:2........inkhorn/by his side and they/went 1513/2624
Eze_9:3........inkhorn/by his side And the/LORD 1514/2624
Eze_9:11.......inkhorn/by his side reported/the 1515/2624
Eze_10:9........wheels/by the cherubims/one 1516/2624
Eze_10:9.........wheel/by one cherub/and... 1517/2624
Eze_10:9.........wheel/by another cherub/and 1518/2624
Eze_10:15..........saw/by the river of Chebar And when/the 1519/2624
Eze_10:16.........went/by them and when the cherubims/lifted 1520/2624
Eze_10:20.......Israel/by the river of Chebar and I knew/that 1521/2624
Eze_10:22..........saw/by the river of Chebar their/appearances 1522/2624
Eze_11:10.........fall/by the sword I/will. 1523/2624 the Spirit of God into/Chaldea 1524/2624
Eze_12:3........remove/by day in their sight and/thou 1525/2624
Eze_12:4.........stuff/by day in their sight as/stuff 1526/2624
Eze_12:7.........stuff/by day as/stuff..... 1527/2624 your lying/to.... 1528/2624
Eze_13:22..........way/by promising/him.... 1529/2624
Eze_14:3...........all/by them Therefore/speak 1530/2624
Eze_14:7...........him/by myself And/I..... 1531/2624 trespassing/grievously 1532/2624
Eze_14:14........souls/by their righteousness saith/the 1533/2624
Eze_14:20........souls/by their righteousness For/thus 1534/2624
Eze_16:6........passed/by thee and saw/thee 1535/2624
Eze_16:8........passed/by thee and looked/upon 1536/2624
Eze_16:15.......passed/by his it/was....... 1537/2624
Eze_16:25.......passed/by and multiplied/thy 1538/2624
Eze_16:36..........and/by the blood of thy children/which 1539/2624
Eze_16:56....mentioned/by thy mouth/in..... 1540/2624
Eze_16:61..........not/by thy covenant/And. 1541/2624 great waters and/set 1542/2624 the furrows/of... 1543/2624
Eze_17:8..........soil/by great waters that/it 1544/2624
Eze_17:9............up/by the roots thereof/Yea 1545/2624
Eze_17:14.........that/by keeping/of....... 1546/2624
Eze_17:17..........war/by casting up/mounts 1547/2624
Eze_17:18.........oath/by breaking/the..... 1548/2624
Eze_17:21.........fall/by the sword and they that/remain 1549/2624
Eze_18:7..........none/by violence hath given/his 1550/2624
Eze_18:12......spoiled/by violence hath not/restored 1551/2624
Eze_18:16......spoiled/by violence but/hath 1552/2624 violence and did/that 1553/2624
Eze_19:7.......thereof/by the noise/of..... 1554/2624
Eze_19:10......planted/by the waters she/was 1555/2624
Eze_19:10.....branches/by reason of many/waters 1556/2624
Eze_20:3............of/by you Wilt/thou.... 1557/2624
Eze_20:31...........of/by you O/house...... 1558/2624
Eze_20:31...........of/by you And/that..... 1559/2624
Eze_21:12......terrors/by reason of the sword/shall 1560/2624
Eze_22:7.........light/by father/and....... 1561/2624
Eze_22:7.........dealt/by oppression with/the 1562/2624
Eze_22:12...neighbours/by extortion/and.... 1563/2624
Eze_23:21........teats/by the Egyptians/for 1564/2624
Eze_23:25.........fall/by the sword they shall take/thy 1565/2624
Eze_23:25.....devoured/by the fire They/shall 1566/2624
Eze_24:6.........piece/by piece/let........ 1567/2624
Eze_24:21.........fall/by the sword And ye/shall 1568/2624
Eze_25:12........Judah/by taking vengeance/and 1569/2624
Eze_25:13.........fall/by the sword And I/will 1570/2624
Eze_25:14.........Edom/by the hand of my people/Israel 1571/2624
Eze_25:15........dealt/by revenge/and...... 1572/2624
Eze_26:6.........slain/by the sword and they shall know/that 1573/2624
Eze_26:10.......towers/By reason of the abundance/of 1574/2624
Eze_26:11.......people/by the sword and thy strong/garrisons 1575/2624
Eze_27:12.....merchant/by reason of the multitude of all/kind 1576/2624
Eze_27:16.....merchant/by reason of the multitude of the/wares 1577/2624
Eze_27:34.......broken/by the seas/in...... 1578/2624
Eze_28:5.....treasures/By thy great wisdom/and 1579/2624
Eze_28:5...........and/by thy traffick/hast 1580/2624
Eze_28:10uncircumcised/by the hand of strangers for/I 1581/2624
Eze_28:16.........thee/By the multitude of thy/merchandise 1582/2624
Eze_28:17.......wisdom/by reason of thy/brightness 1583/2624
Eze_28:18..sanctuaries/by the multitude of thine/iniquities 1584/2624
Eze_28:18...iniquities/by the iniquity/of.. 1585/2624
Eze_28:23..........her/by the sword upon/her 1586/2624
Eze_29:7..........thee/by thy hand/thou.... 1587/2624
Eze_30:5..........them/by the sword Thus/saith 1588/2624 the sword saith the Lord GOD And/they 1589/2624
Eze_30:10........cease/by the hand of Nebuchadrezzar/king 1590/2624
Eze_30:12......therein/by the hand of strangers I/the 1591/2624
Eze_30:17.........fall/by the sword and these/cities 1592/2624
Eze_31:7...........was/by great waters The cedars/in 1593/2624
Eze_31:9..........fair/by the multitude of his/branches 1594/2624
Eze_31:12.......broken/by all the rivers/of 1595/2624
Eze_31:14........trees/by the waters exalt/themselves 1596/2624
Eze_31:18........slain/by the sword This/is 1597/2624
Eze_32:12.........thee/By the swords/of.... 1598/2624
Eze_32:20........slain/by the sword she/is. 1599/2624
Eze_32:21........slain/by the sword Asshur/is 1600/2624
Eze_32:22.......fallen/by the sword Whose/graves 1601/2624
Eze_32:23.......fallen/by the sword which caused/terror 1602/2624
Eze_32:24.......fallen/by the sword which are/gone 1603/2624
Eze_32:25........slain/by the sword though their/terror 1604/2624
Eze_32:26........slain/by the sword though they/caused 1605/2624
Eze_32:29.........laid/by them that were/slain 1606/2624
Eze_32:29........slain/by the sword they shall lie/with 1607/2624
Eze_32:30........slain/by the sword and bear/their 1608/2624
Eze_32:31........slain/by the sword saith the Lord GOD For/I 1609/2624
Eze_33:27.........fall/by the sword and him/that 1610/2624
Eze_33:30.........thee/by the walls/and.... 1611/2624
Eze_34:13.......Israel/by the rivers and/in 1612/2624
Eze_35:5........Israel/by the force of the sword in/the 1613/2624 their own way/and 1614/2624
Eze_36:17..........and/by their doings/their 1615/2624
Eze_36:34.......passed/by And they/shall... 1616/2624
Eze_36:37...........of/by the house of Israel/to 1617/2624
Eze_37:2..........pass/by them round/about. 1618/2624
Eze_37:18......meanest/by these Say/unto... 1619/2624
Eze_38:17.........time/by my servants the prophets of/Israel 1620/2624
Eze_39:15.........sign/by it till/the...... 1621/2624
Eze_39:23..........all/by the sword According/to 1622/2624
Eze_40:2......mountain/by which was/as..... 1623/2624
Eze_40:5..........long/by the cubit/and.... 1624/2624
Eze_40:7..........gate/by the porch/of..... 1625/2624
Eze_40:18.....pavement/by the side of the gates/over 1626/2624 seven/steps...... 1627/2624
Eze_40:28........court/by the south gate/and 1628/2624
Eze_40:38.........were/by the posts of/the. 1629/2624
Eze_40:41.........side/by the side of the gate eight/tables 1630/2624 the steps/whereby 1631/2624
Eze_40:49......pillars/by the posts one/on. 1632/2624
Eze_41:7.......highest/by the midst/I...... 1633/2624
Eze_41:17..........and/by all the wall/round 1634/2624
Eze_41:17......without/by measure And it/was 1635/2624 the four sides/it 1636/2624
Eze_43:3...........saw/by the river Chebar and I/fell 1637/2624 the way of the gate whose/prospect 1638/2624
Eze_43:6.........stood/by me And he said unto/me 1639/2624
Eze_43:7.........kings/by their whoredom/nor 1640/2624
Eze_43:7...........nor/by the carcases/of.. 1641/2624
Eze_43:8.....threshold/by my thresholds/and 1642/2624 my posts/and..... 1643/2624 their abominations/that 1644/2624
Eze_43:13......thereof/by the edge thereof/round 1645/2624 it because/the... 1646/2624 it therefore/it.. 1647/2624
Eze_44:3.........enter/by the way of the porch of that gate and shall/go 1648/2624
Eze_44:3...........out/by the way of the same/Then 1649/2624
Eze_45:1........divide/by lot the/land..... 1650/2624
Eze_46:2.........enter/by the way of the porch of that gate without/and 1651/2624
Eze_46:2.........stand/by the post/of...... 1652/2624 the way of the porch of that gate and he/shall 1653/2624
Eze_46:8.........forth/by the way thereof/But 1654/2624 the way of the north gate to/worship 1655/2624
Eze_46:9...........out/by the way of the south gate and/he 1656/2624
Eze_46:9......entereth/by the way of the south gate shall/go 1657/2624
Eze_46:9.........forth/by the way of the north gate he/shall 1658/2624
Eze_46:9........return/by the way of the gate whereby/he 1659/2624
Eze_46:14..continually/by a perpetual ordinance/unto 1660/2624
Eze_46:16...possession/by inheritance But/if 1661/2624
Eze_46:18..inheritance/by oppression to/thrust 1662/2624
Eze_46:21.........pass/by the four corners of the/court 1663/2624
Eze_47:2..........gate/by the way that looketh/eastward 1664/2624
Eze_47:12..........And/by the river upon/the 1665/2624 the coast of Hauran/And 1666/2624
Eze_47:18.......Israel/by Jordan from the/border 1667/2624 lot for an inheritance unto/you 1668/2624
Eze_48:2...........And/by the border of Dan/from 1669/2624
Eze_48:3...........And/by the border of Asher/from 1670/2624
Eze_48:4...........And/by the border of Naphtali/from 1671/2624
Eze_48:5...........And/by the border of Manasseh/from 1672/2624
Eze_48:6...........And/by the border of Ephraim/from 1673/2624
Eze_48:7...........And/by the border of Reuben/from 1674/2624
Eze_48:8...........And/by the border of Judah/from 1675/2624
Eze_48:12.........holy/by the border of the/Levites 1676/2624
Eze_48:20.....thousand/by five/and......... 1677/2624
Eze_48:24..........And/by the border of Benjamin/from 1678/2624
Eze_48:25..........And/by the border of Simeon/from 1679/2624
Eze_48:26..........And/by the border of Issachar/from 1680/2624
Eze_48:27..........And/by the border of Zebulun/from 1681/2624
Eze_48:28..........And/by the border of Gad/at 1682/2624
Eze_48:29.......divide/by lot unto the tribes/of 1683/2624 the decree of the watchers/and 1684/2624
Dan_4:17........demand/by the word of the holy/ones 1685/2624
Dan_4:27..........sins/by righteousness and/thine 1686/2624
Dan_4:27....iniquities/by shewing/mercy.... 1687/2624
Dan_4:30.......kingdom/by the might/of..... 1688/2624
Dan_5:10.........queen/by reason of the words/of 1689/2624 night and behold the/four 1690/2624
Dan_7:8.............up/by the roots and/behold 1691/2624
Dan_7:16.........stood/by and asked/him.... 1692/2624
Dan_8:2............was/by the river of Ulai/Then 1693/2624
Dan_8:11...........and/by him the daily/sacrifice 1694/2624
Dan_8:12.....sacrifice/by reason of transgression/and 1695/2624
Dan_8:24...........not/by his own power and/he 1696/2624
Dan_8:25...........and/by peace/shall...... 1697/2624
Dan_9:2.....understood/by books/the........ 1698/2624 prayer and supplications/with 1699/2624
Dan_9:5...........even/by departing from/thy 1700/2624 his servants the prophets Yea/all 1701/2624
Dan_9:11..........even/by departing that/they 1702/2624 bringing upon/us. 1703/2624
Dan_9:18........called/by thy name for/we.. 1704/2624
Dan_9:19........called/by thy name And whiles/I 1705/2624
Dan_10:4...........was/by the side of the great/river 1706/2624
Dan_10:16.........lord/by the vision/my.... 1707/2624
Dan_11:2...........and/by his strength through/his 1708/2624
Dan_11:12.strengthened/by it For the/king.. 1709/2624
Dan_11:16........which/by his hand shall/be 1710/2624
Dan_11:18......offered/by him to cease/without 1711/2624
Dan_11:21......kingdom/by flatteries And/with 1712/2624
Dan_11:32......corrupt/by flatteries but/the 1713/2624
Dan_11:33.........fall/by the sword and by flame/by 1714/2624
Dan_11:33..........and/by flame/by......... 1715/2624
Dan_11:33........flame/by captivity/and.... 1716/2624
Dan_11:33..........and/by spoil/many....... 1717/2624
Dan_12:7.........sware/by him that liveth for ever that/it 1718/2624
Hos_1:2...........LORD/by Hosea/And........ 1719/2624
Hos_1:7...........them/by the LORD their/God 1720/2624
Hos_1:7...........them/by bow/nor.......... 1721/2624
Hos_1:7............nor/by sword nor/by..... 1722/2624
Hos_1:7............nor/by battle/by........ 1723/2624
Hos_1:7.........battle/by horses/nor....... 1724/2624
Hos_1:7............nor/by horsemen/Now..... 1725/2624
Hos_2:17....remembered/by their name/And... 1726/2624 swearing/and..... 1727/2624
Hos_6:5...........them/by the prophets I/have 1728/2624
Hos_6:5...........them/by the words of my/mouth 1729/2624
Hos_6:9............way/by consent/for...... 1730/2624
Hos_7:4.........heated/by the baker/who.... 1731/2624
Hos_7:16..........fall/by the sword for the/rage 1732/2624
Hos_8:4............not/by me they have/made 1733/2624
Hos_8:9..........alone/by himself Ephraim/hath 1734/2624
Hos_11:3..........them/by their arms/but... 1735/2624 the heel in/the.. 1736/2624
Hos_12:3...........and/by his strength he/had 1737/2624
Hos_12:10.......spoken/by the prophets and/I 1738/2624
Hos_12:10..similitudes/by the ministry/of.. 1739/2624
Hos_12:13..........And/by a prophet the/LORD 1740/2624
Hos_12:13..........and/by a prophet was/he. 1741/2624
Hos_13:7.......leopard/by the way will/I... 1742/2624
Hos_13:16.........fall/by the sword their infants/shall 1743/2624
Hos_14:1........fallen/by thine iniquity/Take 1744/2624
Amo_2:8.........pledge/by every altar/and.. 1745/2624
Amo_4:2..........sworn/by his holiness/that 1746/2624
Amo_5:3............out/by a thousand/shall. 1747/2624
Amo_5:3..........forth/by an hundred/shall. 1748/2624
Amo_6:8..........sworn/by himself saith/the 1749/2624 the sides of the house/Is 1750/2624
Amo_6:13.........horns/by our own strength/But 1751/2624
Amo_7:2...........thee/by whom shall Jacob arise for he is small The LORD repented for this It/shall 1752/2624
Amo_7:4........contend/by fire and it/devoured 1753/2624
Amo_7:5...........thee/by whom shall Jacob arise for he is small The LORD repented for this This/also 1754/2624
Amo_7:7...........made/by a plumbline/with. 1755/2624
Amo_7:8...........pass/by them any more And the high/places 1756/2624
Amo_7:11...........die/by the sword and Israel/shall 1757/2624
Amo_7:17..........fall/by the sword and thy land/shall 1758/2624
Amo_7:17.......divided/by line and thou/shalt 1759/2624
Amo_8:2...........pass/by them any more And the songs/of 1760/2624
Amo_8:5.......balances/by deceit That/we... 1761/2624
Amo_8:7..........sworn/by the excellency/of 1762/2624 the flood of Egypt And/it 1763/2624
Amo_8:14.........swear/by the sin/of....... 1764/2624 the flood of Egypt It/is 1765/2624
Amo_9:10...........die/by the sword which say/The 1766/2624
Amo_9:12........called/by my name saith/the 1767/2624
Oba_1:5........robbers/by night how/art.... 1768/2624 slaughter/For.... 1769/2624
Jon_2:2..........cried/by reason of mine/affliction 1770/2624
Jon_3:7........Nineveh/by the decree of the king/and 1771/2624
Mic_2:2...........them/by violence and houses/and 1772/2624
Mic_2:5...........cord/by lot in the/congregation 1773/2624
Mic_2:8...........pass/by securely/as...... 1774/2624
Mic_2:12.........noise/by reason of the multitude of men/The 1775/2624
Mic_2:13...........out/by it and their/king 1776/2624
Mic_3:8..........power/by the spirit of the LORD and/of 1777/2624
Mic_7:18.......passeth/by the transgression of the/remnant 1778/2624
Nah_1:6...........down/by him The LORD is/good 1779/2624
Hab_1:16.......because/by them their/portion 1780/2624 his faith/Yea.... 1781/2624
Hab_2:5..transgresseth/by wine/he.......... 1782/2624 cutting/off...... 1783/2624 iniquity Behold/is 1784/2624
Hab_3:10........passed/by the deep/uttered. 1785/2624
Hab_3:13........wicked/by discovering/the.. 1786/2624
Zep_1:5..........swear/by the LORD and that/swear 1787/2624
Zep_1:5..........swear/by Malcham/And...... 1788/2624
Zep_1:18......devoured/by the fire of/his.. 1789/2624
Zep_2:12.........slain/by my sword/And..... 1790/2624
Zep_2:15.......passeth/by her shall hiss/and 1791/2624
Zep_3:6........passeth/by their cities/are. 1792/2624
Hag_1:1...........LORD/by Haggai the prophet unto/Zerubbabel 1793/2624
Hag_1:3...........LORD/by Haggai the prophet saying Is/it 1794/2624
Hag_2:1...........LORD/by the prophet Haggai/saying 1795/2624
Hag_2:10..........LORD/by Haggai the prophet saying Thus/saith 1796/2624
Hag_2:13.......unclean/by a dead/body...... 1797/2624 the sword of his/brother 1798/2624
Zec_1:8............saw/by night and behold a/man 1799/2624
Zec_3:5..........stood/by And the/angel.... 1800/2624
Zec_3:7..........stand/by Hear/now......... 1801/2624
Zec_4:3..........trees/by it one/upon...... 1802/2624
Zec_4:6............Not/by might nor/by..... 1803/2624
Zec_4:6............nor/by power/but........ 1804/2624
Zec_4:6............but/by my spirit/saith.. 1805/2624
Zec_4:14.........stand/by the LORD of the/whole 1806/2624
Zec_5:4........falsely/by my name and it/shall 1807/2624
Zec_7:7..........cried/by the former prophets when/Jerusalem 1808/2624
Zec_7:12........spirit/by the former prophets therefore/came 1809/2624
Zec_8:9..........words/by the mouth of the prophets/which 1810/2624
Zec_9:8........passeth/by and because/of... 1811/2624
Zec_9:11..........also/by the blood of thy covenant/I 1812/2624
Mal_1:1.........Israel/by Malachi/I........ 1813/2624
Mal_1:9...........been/by your means/will.. 1814/2624 profaning the covenant/of 1815/2624
Mat_1:22..........Lord/by the prophet saying Behold/a 1816/2624
Mat_2:5........written/by the prophet And/thou 1817/2624
Mat_2:14........mother/by night and departed/into 1818/2624
Mat_2:15..........Lord/by the prophet saying Out/of 1819/2624
Mat_2:17........spoken/by Jeremy the prophet saying In/Rama 1820/2624
Mat_2:23........spoken/by the prophets He/shall 1821/2624
Mat_3:3.............of/by the prophet Esaias/saying 1822/2624 bread alone but by every word that/proceedeth 1823/2624
Mat_4:4............but/by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God/Then 1824/2624
Mat_4:14........spoken/by Esaias the prophet saying The/land 1825/2624
Mat_4:15....Nephthalim/by the way of the sea beyond Jordan Galilee/of 1826/2624
Mat_4:18.......walking/by the sea of Galilee saw/two 1827/2624
Mat_5:26.........shalt/by no means come/out 1828/2624
Mat_5:27..........said/by them of old time Thou shalt not commit/adultery 1829/2624
Mat_5:33..........said/by them of old time Thou shalt not forswear/thyself 1830/2624
Mat_5:34.......neither/by heaven for/it.... 1831/2624
Mat_5:35...........Nor/by the earth for/it. 1832/2624
Mat_5:35.......neither/by Jerusalem/for.... 1833/2624
Mat_5:36.........swear/by thy head/because. 1834/2624 taking thought/can 1835/2624
Mat_7:16..........them/by their fruits Do/men 1836/2624
Mat_7:20.....Wherefore/by their fruits ye/shall 1837/2624
Mat_8:17........spoken/by Esaias the prophet saying Himself/took 1838/2624
Mat_8:28..........pass/by that way/And..... 1839/2624
Mat_9:25...........her/by the hand and the/maid 1840/2624 force For/all.... 1841/2624
Mat_12:17.......spoken/by Esaias the prophet saying Behold/my 1842/2624
Mat_12:24..........but/by Beelzebub the/prince 1843/2624
Mat_12:27............I/by Beelzebub cast out devils by whom do your children/cast 1844/2624
Mat_12:27.......devils/by whom do your children/cast 1845/2624
Mat_12:28.......devils/by the Spirit of God then/the 1846/2624
Mat_12:33........known/by his fruit/O...... 1847/2624
Mat_12:37..........For/by thy words thou shalt be justified/and 1848/2624
Mat_12:37..........and/by thy words thou shalt be condemned/Then 1849/2624
Mat_13:1...........sat/by the sea side And great/multitudes 1850/2624
Mat_13:4..........fell/by the way side and the fowls came/and 1851/2624
Mat_13:14........saith/By hearing ye/shall. 1852/2624
Mat_13:19.........seed/by the way side But/he 1853/2624
Mat_13:21.........word/by and by he/is..... 1854/2624
Mat_13:21..........and/by he is/offended... 1855/2624
Mat_13:35.......spoken/by the prophet saying I/will 1856/2624
Mat_14:13.......thence/by ship into/a...... 1857/2624
Mat_15:3...........God/by your tradition For/God 1858/2624 whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me And/honour 1859/2624
Mat_15:5......profited/by me And honour/not 1860/2624
Mat_15:6........effect/by your tradition Ye/hypocrites 1861/2624
Mat_17:21..........but/by prayer and fasting And while/they 1862/2624 whom the offence/cometh 1863/2624
Mat_18:28..........him/by the throat/saying 1864/2624
Mat_20:30......sitting/by the way side when/they 1865/2624
Mat_20:30.......passed/by cried/out........ 1866/2624
Mat_21:4........spoken/by the prophet saying Tell/ye 1867/2624
Mat_21:23.........said/By what authority doest thou these things and who gave thee this authority And/Jesus 1868/2624 what authority I do these things The baptism of John whence/was 1869/2624 what authority I do these things But/what 1870/2624
Mat_22:1.........again/by parables and said The/kingdom 1871/2624 God saying I/am.. 1872/2624
Mat_23:16........swear/by the temple it/is. 1873/2624
Mat_23:16........swear/by the gold/of...... 1874/2624
Mat_23:18........swear/by the altar it/is.. 1875/2624
Mat_23:18.....sweareth/by the gift/that.... 1876/2624
Mat_23:20........swear/by the altar sweareth/by 1877/2624
Mat_23:20.....sweareth/by it and by all/things 1878/2624
Mat_23:20..........and/by all things/thereon 1879/2624
Mat_23:21........swear/by the temple sweareth/by 1880/2624
Mat_23:21.....sweareth/by it and by him/that 1881/2624
Mat_23:21..........and/by him that dwelleth/therein 1882/2624
Mat_23:22........swear/by heaven sweareth/by 1883/2624
Mat_23:22.....sweareth/by the throne/of.... 1884/2624
Mat_23:22..........and/by him that sitteth/thereon 1885/2624
Mat_24:15...........of/by Daniel the prophet stand/in 1886/2624
Mat_26:4.........Jesus/by subtilty/and..... 1887/2624 whom the Son of man is betrayed it/had 1888/2624
Mat_26:63.........thee/by the living God/that 1889/2624
Mat_26:73........stood/by and said/to...... 1890/2624
Mat_27:9........spoken/by Jeremy the prophet saying And/they 1891/2624
Mat_27:32........Simon/by name him/they.... 1892/2624
Mat_27:35.......spoken/by the prophet They/parted 1893/2624
Mat_27:39.......passed/by reviled/him...... 1894/2624
Mat_27:64.........come/by night and steal/him 1895/2624
Mat_28:9...........him/by the feet and/worshipped 1896/2624
Mat_28:13.........came/by night and stole/him 1897/2624
Mar_1:16........walked/by the sea of Galilee he/saw 1898/2624
Mar_1:31...........her/by the hand and lifted her/up 1899/2624
Mar_2:13.........again/by the sea side and all/the 1900/2624
Mar_2:14........passed/by he saw Levi/the.. 1901/2624
Mar_3:22...........and/by the prince/of.... 1902/2624
Mar_4:1..........teach/by the sea side and there/was 1903/2624
Mar_4:1............was/by the sea on/the... 1904/2624
Mar_4:2.........things/by parables and said unto/them 1905/2624
Mar_4:4...........fell/by the way side and the fowls of/the 1906/2624
Mar_4:15..........they/by the way side where/the 1907/2624
Mar_5:4........asunder/by him and the fetters/broken 1908/2624
Mar_5:7...........thee/by God that thou torment/me 1909/2624
Mar_5:21.........again/by ship unto/the.... 1910/2624
Mar_5:22........Jairus/by name and when/he. 1911/2624
Mar_5:41........damsel/by the hand and said/unto 1912/2624
Mar_6:2........wrought/by his hands/Is..... 1913/2624
Mar_6:7..........forth/by two and/two...... 1914/2624 and by in/a...... 1915/2624
Mar_6:25...........and/by in a/charger..... 1916/2624 ship privately/And 1917/2624
Mar_6:39..........down/by companies upon/the 1918/2624
Mar_6:40.........ranks/by hundreds and by fifties/And 1919/2624
Mar_6:40...........and/by fifties And/when. 1920/2624
Mar_6:48........passed/by them But when/they 1921/2624 whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me he/shall 1922/2624
Mar_7:11......profited/by me he/shall...... 1923/2624
Mar_7:26.Syrophenician/by nation/and....... 1924/2624
Mar_8:3..........faint/by the way for divers/of 1925/2624 the hand and led/him 1926/2624
Mar_8:27...........and/by the way he/asked. 1927/2624
Mar_9:2..........apart/by themselves and he was/transfigured 1928/2624
Mar_9:27...........him/by the hand and lifted him/up 1929/2624
Mar_9:29.........forth/by nothing/but...... 1930/2624
Mar_9:29...........but/by prayer and fasting And they/departed 1931/2624
Mar_9:33....yourselves/by the way But they/held 1932/2624
Mar_9:34...........for/by the way they had/disputed 1933/2624
Mar_10:1........Judaea/by the farther/side. 1934/2624
Mar_10:46..........sat/by the highway/side. 1935/2624
Mar_11:4..........tied/by the door without/in 1936/2624
Mar_11:20.......passed/by they/saw......... 1937/2624
Mar_11:28..........him/By what authority doest thou these things and who gave thee this authority to/do 1938/2624 what authority I do these things The baptism of John was/it 1939/2624 what authority I do these things And/he 1940/2624
Mar_12:1..........them/by parables A/certain 1941/2624
Mar_12:36.........said/by the Holy Ghost The/LORD 1942/2624
Mar_13:14...........of/by Daniel the prophet standing/where 1943/2624
Mar_14:1...........him/by craft/and........ 1944/2624 one Is/it........ 1945/2624 whom the Son of man is betrayed good/were 1946/2624
Mar_14:47........stood/by drew/a........... 1947/2624
Mar_14:69........stood/by This is/one...... 1948/2624
Mar_14:70........stood/by said again/to.... 1949/2624
Mar_15:21.......passed/by coming out/of.... 1950/2624
Mar_15:29.......passed/by railed/on........ 1951/2624
Mar_15:35........stood/by when they/heard.. 1952/2624
Luk_1:61........called/by this name/And.... 1953/2624
Luk_1:70.........spake/by the mouth of his/holy 1954/2624
Luk_1:77........people/by the remission/of. 1955/2624
Luk_2:8..........flock/by night And lo/the. 1956/2624
Luk_2:18..........them/by the shepherds/But 1957/2624
Luk_2:26...........him/by the Holy Ghost that/he 1958/2624
Luk_2:27..........came/by the Spirit into the temple/and 1959/2624
Luk_3:19......reproved/by him for Herodias/his 1960/2624
Luk_4:1............led/by the Spirit into the wilderness/Being 1961/2624 bread alone but by every word of/God 1962/2624
Luk_4:4............but/by every word of/God 1963/2624
Luk_5:1..........stood/by the lake of/Gennesaret 1964/2624
Luk_5:2.......standing/by the lake but/the. 1965/2624
Luk_5:15........healed/by him of/their..... 1966/2624
Luk_5:17.......sitting/by which were/come.. 1967/2624
Luk_5:19..........find/by what way they/might 1968/2624
Luk_6:44.........known/by his own fruit/For 1969/2624
Luk_8:4..........spake/by a parable/A...... 1970/2624
Luk_8:5...........fell/by the way side and it/was 1971/2624
Luk_8:12.........Those/by the way side are/they 1972/2624
Luk_8:20...........him/by certain/which.... 1973/2624
Luk_8:36..........them/by what means he that/was 1974/2624
Luk_8:54...........her/by the hand and called/saying 1975/2624
Luk_9:7...........done/by him and he was/perplexed 1976/2624
Luk_9:14..........down/by fifties in/a..... 1977/2624
Luk_9:47...........him/by him And said unto/them 1978/2624 the way And into/whatsoever 1979/2624
Luk_10:19........shall/by any means hurt/you 1980/2624
Luk_10:31..........And/by chance there/came 1981/2624
Luk_10:31.......passed/by on the other side And/likewise 1982/2624
Luk_10:32.......passed/by on the other side But/a 1983/2624 day our/daily.... 1984/2624
Luk_11:19............I/by Beelzebub cast out devils by whom do your sons/cast 1985/2624
Luk_11:19.......devils/by whom do your sons/cast 1986/2624
Luk_13:17.........done/by him Then said/he. 1987/2624
Luk_16:22......carried/by the angels/into.. 1988/2624
Luk_17:6............up/by the root/and..... 1989/2624
Luk_17:7...........him/by and by when/he... 1990/2624
Luk_17:7...........and/by when he/is....... 1991/2624
Luk_18:5..........lest/by her continual/coming 1992/2624
Luk_18:31......written/by the prophets concerning/the 1993/2624
Luk_18:35..........sat/by the way side begging/And 1994/2624
Luk_18:36.........pass/by he asked/what.... 1995/2624
Luk_18:37......passeth/by And he cried/saying 1996/2624 false/accusation. 1997/2624
Luk_19:15.......gained/by trading/Then..... 1998/2624
Luk_19:24........stood/by Take/from........ 1999/2624 what authority doest thou these things or/who 2000/2624 what authority I do these things Then/began 2001/2624
Luk_21:9...........not/by and by Then/said. 2002/2624
Luk_21:9...........and/by Then/said........ 2003/2624
Luk_21:16.........both/by parents/and...... 2004/2624
Luk_21:24.........fall/by the edge of/the.. 2005/2624 whom he is/betrayed 2006/2624
Luk_22:56..........sat/by the fire and earnestly/looked 2007/2624
Luk_23:8..........done/by him Then he/questioned 2008/2624
Luk_24:4.........stood/by them in shining/garments 2009/2624
Luk_24:12.........laid/by themselves and departed/wondering 2010/2624 the way and while/he 2011/2624
Joh_1:3...........made/by him and without/him 2012/2624
Joh_1:10..........made/by him and the world/knew 2013/2624
Joh_1:17.........given/by Moses but grace/and 2014/2624
Joh_1:17..........came/by Jesus Christ No/man 2015/2624 interpretation A/stone 2016/2624
Joh_3:2..........Jesus/by night and said unto him Rabbi/we 2017/2624
Joh_3:34........Spirit/by measure unto/him. 2018/2624
Joh_5:2......Jerusalem/by the sheep/market. 2019/2624
Joh_6:15...........him/by force to/make.... 2020/2624
Joh_6:18.........arose/by reason of a great/wind 2021/2624 the Father/so.... 2022/2624 me This is/that.. 2023/2624
Joh_7:50.........Jesus/by night being/one.. 2024/2624
Joh_8:9......convicted/by their own conscience/went 2025/2624 one beginning/at. 2026/2624
Joh_8:59........passed/by And as/Jesus..... 2027/2624
Joh_9:1.........passed/by he saw a/man..... 2028/2624 interpretation Sent/He 2029/2624
Joh_9:21...........But/by what means he now/seeth 2030/2624
Joh_10:1...........not/by the door into/the 2031/2624 the door is/the.. 2032/2624
Joh_10:3.........sheep/by name and leadeth/them 2033/2624
Joh_10:9..........door/by me if any/man.... 2034/2624
Joh_11:39.........Lord/by this time/he..... 2035/2624
Joh_11:42........stand/by I/said........... 2036/2624
Joh_12:11.........that/by reason of him many/of 2037/2624
Joh_12:29........stood/by and heard/it..... 2038/2624
Joh_13:35......another/By this shall/all... 2039/2624
Joh_14:6...........but/by me If ye/had..... 2040/2624
Joh_16:30.........thee/by this we believe/that 2041/2624
Joh_18:22........stood/by struck/Jesus..... 2042/2624
Joh_19:7...........and/by our law/he....... 2043/2624
Joh_19:25........stood/by the cross of/Jesus 2044/2624
Joh_19:26.....standing/by whom he loved/he. 2045/2624
Joh_19:39........Jesus/by night and brought/a 2046/2624 itself/Then...... 2047/2624
Joh_21:19...signifying/by what death/he.... 2048/2624
Act_1:3........passion/by many infallible/proofs 2049/2624
Act_1:10.........stood/by them in white/apparel 2050/2624
Act_1:16.........Ghost/by the mouth of David/spake 2051/2624
Act_1:25.........Judas/by transgression/fell 2052/2624
Act_2:16........spoken/by the prophet Joel/And 2053/2624 miracles/and..... 2054/2624
Act_2:22...........did/by him in the/midst. 2055/2624
Act_2:23.....delivered/by the determinate/counsel 2056/2624
Act_2:23...........and/by wicked hands/have 2057/2624
Act_2:33.........being/by the right hand of God/exalted 2058/2624
Act_2:43..........done/by the apostles And/all 2059/2624
Act_3:7............him/by the right hand and/lifted 2060/2624
Act_3:12........though/by our own power/or. 2061/2624 him hath/given... 2062/2624
Act_3:18........shewed/by the mouth of all his prophets/that 2063/2624
Act_3:21........spoken/by the mouth of all his holy/prophets 2064/2624
Act_4:7..........asked/By what power/or.... 2065/2624
Act_4:7.............or/by what name/have... 2066/2624 what means he is/made 2067/2624
Act_4:10..........that/by the name of Jesus/Christ 2068/2624
Act_4:10..........even/by him doth/this.... 2069/2624
Act_4:16..........done/by them is manifest/to 2070/2624
Act_4:25...........Who/by the mouth of thy/servant 2071/2624
Act_4:30..........word/By stretching/forth. 2072/2624
Act_4:30..........done/by the name of thy/holy 2073/2624
Act_4:36...........who/by the apostles was/surnamed 2074/2624
Act_5:10...........her/by her husband/And.. 2075/2624
Act_5:12...........And/by the hands of the apostles/were 2076/2624
Act_5:15.......passing/by might overshadow/some 2077/2624
Act_5:19..........Lord/by night opened/the. 2078/2624
Act_6:10........spirit/by which he spake/Then 2079/2624
Act_7:25...........God/by his hand would/deliver 2080/2624
Act_7:35.....deliverer/by the hand of the angel/which 2081/2624
Act_7:42....sacrifices/by the space of forty years in/the 2082/2624 the disposition/of 2083/2624
Act_9:8............him/by the hand and brought/him 2084/2624
Act_9:13.........heard/by many of/this..... 2085/2624
Act_9:25...........him/by night and let him/down 2086/2624
Act_9:25..........down/by the wall in/a.... 2087/2624
Act_9:36.........which/by interpretation is/called 2088/2624
Act_9:39.........stood/by him weeping/and.. 2089/2624 the sea side he/shall 2090/2624
Act_10:22..........God/by an holy/angel.... 2091/2624
Act_10:32.......tanner/by the sea side who/when 2092/2624
Act_10:36........peace/by Jesus Christ he/is 2093/2624 order/unto....... 2094/2624
Act_11:5........heaven/by four/corners..... 2095/2624
Act_11:28....signified/by the Spirit that there/should 2096/2624
Act_11:30.......elders/by the hands of Barnabas/and 2097/2624
Act_12:9..........done/by the angel/but.... 2098/2624
Act_12:20....nourished/by the king's country/And 2099/2624
Act_13:4.........forth/by the Holy Ghost departed/unto 2100/2624 interpretation withstood/them 2101/2624
Act_13:11..........him/by the hand Then/the 2102/2624
Act_13:19.........them/by lot And/after.... 2103/2624
Act_13:21.....Benjamin/by the space of forty years And/when 2104/2624
Act_13:36...generation/by the will of God fell/on 2105/2624
Act_13:39..........And/by him all that/believe 2106/2624
Act_13:39....justified/by the law of Moses/Beware 2107/2624
Act_13:45.......spoken/by Paul contradicting/and 2108/2624
Act_14:3..........done/by their hands/But.. 2109/2624
Act_15:3...........way/by the church they/passed 2110/2624
Act_15:7......Gentiles/by my mouth/should.. 2111/2624
Act_15:9........hearts/by faith Now/therefore 2112/2624
Act_15:12.....Gentiles/by them And after/they 2113/2624
Act_15:23......letters/by them after/this.. 2114/2624
Act_15:27.......things/by mouth/For........ 2115/2624
Act_15:40..recommended/by the brethren unto/the 2116/2624
Act_16:2............of/by the brethren that/were 2117/2624
Act_16:8.......passing/by Mysia/came....... 2118/2624 a river/side..... 2119/2624
Act_16:16.........gain/by soothsaying/The.. 2120/2624
Act_17:10........Silas/by night unto/Berea. 2121/2624
Act_17:23.......passed/by and beheld/your.. 2122/2624
Act_17:29.......graven/by art/and.......... 2123/2624
Act_17:31righteousness/by that man/whom.... 2124/2624
Act_18:3...........for/by their occupation/they 2125/2624
Act_18:9.........night/by a vision/Be...... 2126/2624
Act_18:21.........must/by all means keep/this 2127/2624
Act_18:28......shewing/by the scriptures that/Jesus 2128/2624
Act_19:10....continued/by the space of two/years 2129/2624
Act_19:11.....miracles/by the hands of Paul/So 2130/2624 Jesus whom/Paul.. 2131/2624
Act_19:25.........that/by this craft/we.... 2132/2624
Act_20:16.........sail/by Ephesus/because.. 2133/2624 the lying/in..... 2134/2624
Act_20:31.........that/by the space of three years I/ceased 2135/2624
Act_21:19.....Gentiles/by his ministry/And. 2136/2624
Act_22:11..........led/by the hand of them/that 2137/2624
Act_22:20.....standing/by and consenting/unto 2138/2624
Act_22:24.....examined/by scourging/that... 2139/2624
Act_22:25........stood/by Is/it............ 2140/2624
Act_23:2.........stood/by him to smite/him. 2141/2624
Act_23:4.........stood/by said Revilest/thou 2142/2624
Act_23:10..........him/by force from/among. 2143/2624
Act_23:11........stood/by him and said Be/of 2144/2624
Act_23:19..........him/by the hand and went/with 2145/2624
Act_23:31..........him/by night to Antipatris/On 2146/2624
Act_24:2..........that/by thee we/enjoy.... 2147/2624
Act_24:2........nation/by thy providence/We 2148/2624
Act_24:8..........thee/by examining/of..... 2149/2624
Act_24:21.....question/by you this/day..... 2150/2624
Act_25:14........bonds/by Felix/About...... 2151/2624
Act_26:18...sanctified/by faith that is/in. 2152/2624
Act_27:2..........sail/by the coasts of Asia/one 2153/2624
Act_27:11.......spoken/by Paul And/because. 2154/2624
Act_27:12...........if/by any means they/might 2155/2624
Act_27:13........close/by Crete/But........ 2156/2624
Act_27:16.........come/by the boat/Which... 2157/2624
Act_27:23........stood/by me this night/the 2158/2624
Act_28:16........dwell/by himself with/a... 2159/2624
Act_28:25........Ghost/by Esaias the prophet unto/our 2160/2624
Rom_1:2..........afore/by his prophets in/the 2161/2624
Rom_1:4.......holiness/by the resurrection from/the 2162/2624
Rom_1:5...........dead/By whom we have received/grace 2163/2624
Rom_1:10............if/by any means now/at. 2164/2624
Rom_1:10.......journey/by the will of God to come/unto 2165/2624 the mutual/faith. 2166/2624 faith For the/wrath 2167/2624
Rom_1:20....understood/by the things that/are 2168/2624
Rom_2:7............who/by patient/continuance 2169/2624
Rom_2:12........judged/by the law For not/the 2170/2624 nature the things/contained 2171/2624 Jesus Christ according/to 2172/2624 nature if/it..... 2173/2624
Rom_2:27...........who/by the letter/and... 2174/2624
Rom_3:20.....Therefore/by the deeds/of..... 2175/2624
Rom_3:20...........for/by the law is/the... 2176/2624
Rom_3:21.....witnessed/by the law and/the.. 2177/2624 faith of Jesus Christ unto/all 2178/2624
Rom_3:24........freely/by his grace through/the 2179/2624
Rom_3:27......excluded/By what law/of...... 2180/2624
Rom_3:27...........but/by the law of faith/Therefore 2181/2624
Rom_3:28.....justified/by faith without/the 2182/2624
Rom_3:30..circumcision/by faith and uncircumcision/through 2183/2624
Rom_4:2......justified/by works he/hath.... 2184/2624 grace to/the..... 2185/2624
Rom_5:1......justified/by faith we/have.... 2186/2624
Rom_5:2.........Christ/By whom also we/have 2187/2624
Rom_5:2.........access/by faith into/this.. 2188/2624
Rom_5:5.........hearts/by the Holy Ghost which is/given 2189/2624
Rom_5:9......justified/by his blood/we..... 2190/2624
Rom_5:10...........God/by the death/of..... 2191/2624
Rom_5:10.........saved/by his life/And..... 2192/2624
Rom_5:11........Christ/by whom we have now/received 2193/2624 one man sin/entered 2194/2624
Rom_5:12.........death/by sin/and.......... 2195/2624 grace which/is... 2196/2624 one man Jesus/Christ 2197/2624
Rom_5:16...........was/by one that sinned/so 2198/2624
Rom_5:16...........was/by one to condemnation/but 2199/2624
Rom_5:17............if/by one man's offence/death 2200/2624
Rom_5:17.......reigned/by one much/more.... 2201/2624 one Jesus/Christ. 2202/2624 the offence/of... 2203/2624 the righteousness/of 2204/2624 one man's disobedience/many 2205/2624 the obedience/of. 2206/2624 Jesus Christ our/Lord 2207/2624
Rom_6:4............him/by baptism/into..... 2208/2624
Rom_6:4...........dead/by the glory/of..... 2209/2624
Rom_7:2..........bound/by the law to/her... 2210/2624 the body/of...... 2211/2624
Rom_7:5...........were/by the law did/work. 2212/2624
Rom_7:7............but/by the law for I/had 2213/2624
Rom_7:8.......occasion/by the commandment wrought/in 2214/2624
Rom_7:11......occasion/by the commandment deceived/me 2215/2624
Rom_7:11...........and/by it slew/me....... 2216/2624 that which is good/that 2217/2624
Rom_7:13...........sin/by the commandment might/become 2218/2624
Rom_8:11........bodies/by his Spirit that/dwelleth 2219/2624
Rom_8:14...........led/by the Spirit of God they/are 2220/2624
Rom_8:20...........but/by reason of him who/hath 2221/2624
Rom_8:24.........saved/by hope/but......... 2222/2624
Rom_9:10.....conceived/by one even/by...... 2223/2624
Rom_9:10..........even/by our father/Isaac. 2224/2624
Rom_9:32...........not/by faith but as/it.. 2225/2624
Rom_9:32..........were/by the works of the law For they/stumbled 2226/2624 them But the/righteousness 2227/2624
Rom_10:17.......cometh/by hearing and/hearing 2228/2624
Rom_10:17......hearing/by the word of God But/I 2229/2624
Rom_10:19.....jealousy/by them that are no people/and 2230/2624
Rom_10:19..........and/by a foolish/nation. 2231/2624
Rom_11:6............if/by grace then/is.... 2232/2624
Rom_11:14...........If/by any means I may/provoke 2233/2624
Rom_11:20.....standest/by faith Be/not..... 2234/2624
Rom_11:24.........wild/by nature and wert/graffed 2235/2624
Rom_12:1......brethren/by the mercies/of... 2236/2624
Rom_12:2...transformed/by the renewing/of.. 2237/2624
Rom_14:14....persuaded/by the Lord Jesus that there/is 2238/2624
Rom_15:16...sanctified/by the Holy Ghost I/have 2239/2624
Rom_15:18......wrought/by me to/make....... 2240/2624
Rom_15:18.....obedient/by word and/deed.... 2241/2624
Rom_15:19......wonders/by the power of the/Spirit 2242/2624
Rom_15:24..thitherward/by you if/first..... 2243/2624
Rom_15:28.........come/by you into Spain/And 2244/2624 the will of God and may/with 2245/2624
Rom_16:18..........and/by good/words....... 2246/2624
Rom_16:26..........and/by the scriptures of/the 2247/2624 Jesus Christ That/in 2248/2624
1Co_1:5.......enriched/by him in all/utterance 2249/2624
1Co_1:9.......faithful/by whom ye were/called 2250/2624
1Co_1:10......brethren/by the name of our/Lord 2251/2624
1Co_1:11......brethren/by them which/are... 2252/2624 wisdom knew/not.. 2253/2624
1Co_1:21...........God/by the foolishness/of 2254/2624 his Spirit for/the 2255/2624
1Co_3:5......ministers/by whom ye believed/even 2256/2624
1Co_3:13......revealed/by fire and the fire/shall 2257/2624 fire Know/ye..... 2258/2624
1Co_4:4........nothing/by myself yet/am.... 2259/2624
1Co_6:2.........judged/by you are/ye....... 2260/2624
1Co_6:11...........and/by the Spirit of our/God 2261/2624 his own power Know/ye 2262/2624
1Co_7:6...........this/by permission/and... 2263/2624
1Co_7:14....sanctified/by the wife/and..... 2264/2624
1Co_7:14....sanctified/by the husband/else. 2265/2624
1Co_7:39.........bound/by the law as/long.. 2266/2624
1Co_8:6.........Christ/by whom are all things and/we 2267/2624
1Co_8:6.............we/by him Howbeit/there 2268/2624
1Co_8:9...........lest/by any means this/liberty 2269/2624
1Co_9:22.........might/by all means save/some 2270/2624
1Co_9:27..........that/by any means when/I. 2271/2624
1Co_10:30............I/by grace be/a....... 2272/2624
1Co_11:12.........also/by the woman/but.... 2273/2624
1Co_12:3......speaking/by the Spirit of God calleth/Jesus 2274/2624
1Co_12:3...........but/by the Holy Ghost Now/there 2275/2624
1Co_12:8.........given/by the Spirit the/word 2276/2624
1Co_12:8.....knowledge/by the same Spirit To another faith/by 2277/2624 the same Spirit to another the gifts/of 2278/2624
1Co_12:9.......healing/by the same Spirit To another the working/of 2279/2624
1Co_12:13..........For/by one Spirit are/we 2280/2624
1Co_14:6........either/by revelation or/by. 2281/2624
1Co_14:6............or/by knowledge or/by.. 2282/2624
1Co_14:6............or/by prophesying/or... 2283/2624
1Co_14:6............or/by doctrine/And..... 2284/2624
1Co_14:9.........utter/by the tongue/words. 2285/2624
1Co_14:19.........that/by my voice/I....... 2286/2624 two or/at........ 2287/2624
1Co_14:27.........most/by three/and........ 2288/2624
1Co_14:27.........that/by course and let/one 2289/2624
1Co_14:30......sitteth/by let the/first.... 2290/2624 one that all/may. 2291/2624
1Co_15:2.........stand/By which also ye/are 2292/2624
1Co_15:10..........But/by the grace of God I/am 2293/2624
1Co_15:21........since/by man came death/by 2294/2624
1Co_15:21........death/by man came also/the 2295/2624
1Co_15:31......protest/by your rejoicing/which 2296/2624
1Co_16:2...........lay/by him in store/as.. 2297/2624
1Co_16:3.......approve/by your letters/them 2298/2624 the way but I/trust 2299/2624
2Co_1:1.........Christ/by the will of God and Timothy/our 2300/2624
2Co_1:4........trouble/by the comfort/wherewith 2301/2624
2Co_1:5......aboundeth/by Christ And/whether 2302/2624
2Co_1:11......together/by prayer for/us.... 2303/2624 the means of many/persons 2304/2624
2Co_1:11.........given/by many on/our...... 2305/2624
2Co_1:12...........but/by the grace of God we/have 2306/2624
2Co_1:16..........pass/by you into Macedonia/and 2307/2624 us even/by....... 2308/2624
2Co_1:19..........even/by me and Silvanus/and 2309/2624
2Co_1:20...........God/by us Now/he........ 2310/2624
2Co_1:24...........for/by faith ye/stand... 2311/2624
2Co_2:2..........sorry/by me And I wrote/this 2312/2624
2Co_2:14.....knowledge/by us in every/place 2313/2624
2Co_3:3.....ministered/by us written/not... 2314/2624
2Co_3:10.......respect/by reason of the glory/that 2315/2624 the Spirit of the Lord Therefore/seeing 2316/2624
2Co_4:2............but/by manifestation/of. 2317/2624
2Co_4:14..........also/by Jesus and/shall.. 2318/2624 day For our/light 2319/2624
2Co_5:7...........walk/by faith not/by..... 2320/2624
2Co_5:7............not/by sight/We......... 2321/2624
2Co_5:18.......himself/by Jesus Christ and hath/given 2322/2624 us we/pray....... 2323/2624
2Co_6:6.......fastings/By pureness/by...... 2324/2624
2Co_6:6.......pureness/by knowledge by/longsuffering 2325/2624
2Co_6:6......knowledge/by longsuffering/by. 2326/2624
2Co_6:6..longsuffering/by kindness/by...... 2327/2624
2Co_6:6.......kindness/by the Holy Ghost by/love 2328/2624
2Co_6:6..........Ghost/by love unfeigned/By 2329/2624
2Co_6:7......unfeigned/By the word of truth/by 2330/2624
2Co_6:7..........truth/by the power of God by/the 2331/2624
2Co_6:7............God/by the armour/of.... 2332/2624
2Co_6:8...........left/By honour/and....... 2333/2624
2Co_6:8......dishonour/by evil report/and.. 2334/2624 the coming of Titus/And 2335/2624
2Co_7:7............not/by his coming/only.. 2336/2624
2Co_7:7............but/by the consolation/wherewith 2337/2624
2Co_7:9.........damage/by us in nothing/For 2338/2624
2Co_7:13.....refreshed/by you all/For...... 2339/2624 the will of God Insomuch/that 2340/2624
2Co_8:8............not/by commandment/but.. 2341/2624
2Co_8:8............but/by occasion/of...... 2342/2624
2Co_8:14...........But/by an equality/that. 2343/2624
2Co_8:19..administered/by us to/the........ 2344/2624
2Co_8:20..administered/by us Providing/for. 2345/2624
2Co_9:12..........also/by many thanksgivings/unto 2346/2624
2Co_9:13........Whiles/by the experiment/of 2347/2624
2Co_9:14...........And/by their prayer/for. 2348/2624 the meekness/and. 2349/2624 letters For/his.. 2350/2624
2Co_10:11.........word/by letters when/we.. 2351/2624
2Co_10:12...themselves/by themselves and comparing/themselves 2352/2624
2Co_10:15.....enlarged/by you according/to. 2353/2624
2Co_11:3..........lest/by any means as/the. 2354/2624
2Co_11:26.......perils/by mine own/countrymen 2355/2624
2Co_11:26.......perils/by the heathen/in... 2356/2624
2Co_11:33.........down/by the wall and escaped/his 2357/2624 any of/them...... 2358/2624
2Co_13:4........liveth/by the power of God For/we 2359/2624
2Co_13:4...........him/by the power of God toward/you 2360/2624
Gal_1:1........neither/by man but/by....... 2361/2624
Gal_1:1............but/by Jesus Christ and God/the 2362/2624
Gal_1:12...........but/by the revelation/of 2363/2624 his grace To/reveal 2364/2624
Gal_1:22.......unknown/by face/unto........ 2365/2624
Gal_2:2.............up/by revelation and/communicated 2366/2624
Gal_2:2...........lest/by any means I should/run 2367/2624 subjection/no.... 2368/2624
Gal_2:15..........Jews/by nature and not/sinners 2369/2624
Gal_2:16.....justified/by the works of the law but/by 2370/2624
Gal_2:16...........but/by the faith of Jesus/Christ 2371/2624
Gal_2:16.....justified/by the faith of Christ/and 2372/2624
Gal_2:16...........not/by the works of the law for by/the 2373/2624
Gal_2:16...........for/by the works of the law shall/no 2374/2624
Gal_2:17.....justified/by Christ we/ourselves 2375/2624 the faith of the/Son 2376/2624
Gal_2:21..........come/by the law then Christ/is 2377/2624
Gal_3:2.........Spirit/by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith Are/ye 2378/2624
Gal_3:2.............or/by the hearing of faith Are/ye 2379/2624
Gal_3:3........perfect/by the flesh Have/ye 2380/2624 the works of the law or by the hearing of faith Even/as 2381/2624
Gal_3:5.............or/by the hearing of faith Even/as 2382/2624
Gal_3:11.....justified/by the law in/the... 2383/2624 faith And the/law 2384/2624
Gal_3:18.......Abraham/by promise Wherefore/then 2385/2624
Gal_3:19......ordained/by angels in/the.... 2386/2624
Gal_3:21..........been/by the law But/the.. 2387/2624
Gal_3:22.......promise/by faith of Jesus Christ might/be 2388/2624
Gal_3:24.....justified/by faith But after/that 2389/2624
Gal_3:26...........God/by faith in/Christ.. 2390/2624
Gal_4:8..........which/by nature are/no.... 2391/2624 a bondmaid/the... 2392/2624
Gal_4:22.........other/by a freewoman/But.. 2393/2624
Gal_4:23...........was/by promise Which/things 2394/2624
Gal_5:4......justified/by the law ye/are... 2395/2624
Gal_5:5..righteousness/by faith For in/Jesus 2396/2624
Gal_5:6........worketh/by love Ye/did...... 2397/2624
Gal_5:13...........but/by love serve/one... 2398/2624
Gal_6:14........Christ/by whom the world/is 2399/2624
Eph_1:1.........Christ/by the will of God to the/saints 2400/2624
Eph_1:5.......children/by Jesus Christ to himself/according 2401/2624
Eph_2:3...........were/by nature the children/of 2402/2624
Eph_2:5.........Christ/by grace ye/are..... 2403/2624
Eph_2:8............For/by grace are/ye..... 2404/2624
Eph_2:11Uncircumcision/by that which is called/the 2405/2624
Eph_2:11..........made/by hands/That....... 2406/2624
Eph_2:13..........nigh/by the blood of Christ/For 2407/2624
Eph_2:16..........body/by the cross having/slain 2408/2624
Eph_2:18........access/by one Spirit unto/the 2409/2624
Eph_3:3...........that/by revelation he/made 2410/2624
Eph_3:5.......prophets/by the Spirit That the/Gentiles 2411/2624
Eph_3:6.........Christ/by the gospel Whereof/I 2412/2624 the effectual/working 2413/2624
Eph_3:9.........things/by Jesus Christ To the/intent 2414/2624
Eph_3:10.........known/by the church the/manifold 2415/2624
Eph_3:12....confidence/by the faith of him/Wherefore 2416/2624
Eph_3:16.........might/by his Spirit in/the 2417/2624
Eph_3:17........hearts/by faith that ye/being 2418/2624 Christ Jesus throughout/all 2419/2624
Eph_4:14......doctrine/by the sleight/of... 2420/2624
Eph_4:16.....compacted/by that which every/joint 2421/2624
Eph_4:21........taught/by him as the/truth. 2422/2624
Eph_5:13......manifest/by the light/for.... 2423/2624
Eph_5:26.........water/by the word That/he. 2424/2624
Php_1:11...........are/by Jesus Christ unto/the 2425/2624
Php_1:14.....confident/by my bonds/are..... 2426/2624 life/or.......... 2427/2624
Php_1:20............or/by death/For........ 2428/2624 my coming/to..... 2429/2624
Php_1:28.....terrified/by your adversaries/which 2430/2624
Php_3:9............God/by faith That I/may. 2431/2624
Php_3:11............If/by any means I might/attain 2432/2624
Php_3:16..........walk/by the same rule/let 2433/2624
Php_4:6..........thing/by prayer and supplication/with 2434/2624
Php_4:19.........glory/by Christ Jesus Now/unto 2435/2624
Col_1:1.........Christ/by the will of God and Timotheus/our 2436/2624
Col_1:16...........For/by him were/all..... 2437/2624
Col_1:16.......created/by him and for/him.. 2438/2624
Col_1:17...........and/by him all things/consist 2439/2624
Col_1:20.........cross/by him to reconcile/all 2440/2624
Col_1:20.......himself/by him I/say........ 2441/2624
Col_1:21..........mind/by wicked works/yet. 2442/2624
Col_2:11.........flesh/by the circumcision/of 2443/2624
Col_2:18............up/by his fleshly/mind. 2444/2624
Col_2:19..........body/by joints/and....... 2445/2624
Col_3:17........Father/by him Wives/submit. 2446/2624
Col_4:18....salutation/by the hand of me/Paul 2447/2624
1Th_3:3..........moved/by these afflictions/for 2448/2624
1Th_3:5...........lest/by some means/the... 2449/2624
1Th_3:7.......distress/by your faith/For... 2450/2624 the Lord Jesus that as/ye 2451/2624 the Lord Jesus For/this 2452/2624 the word of the Lord that/we 2453/2624
1Th_5:9......salvation/by our Lord Jesus Christ Who/died 2454/2624 the Lord that this/epistle 2455/2624
2Th_2:1.......brethren/by the coming of our/Lord 2456/2624
2Th_2:1............and/by our gathering/together 2457/2624
2Th_2:2........neither/by spirit/nor....... 2458/2624
2Th_2:2............nor/by word nor/by...... 2459/2624
2Th_2:2............nor/by letter as/from... 2460/2624 any means for/that 2461/2624 our gospel/to.... 2462/2624
2Th_2:15.......whether/by word or/our...... 2463/2624
2Th_3:12........exhort/by our Lord Jesus Christ that/with 2464/2624
2Th_3:14..........word/by this epistle/note 2465/2624
2Th_3:16........always/by all means The/Lord 2466/2624
1Ti_1:1.........Christ/by the commandment of God/our 2467/2624
1Ti_1:18..........thou/by them mightest/war 2468/2624
1Ti_4:5.....sanctified/by the word of God and/prayer 2469/2624
1Ti_4:14..........thee/by prophecy/with.... 2470/2624
1Ti_5:21.......nothing/by partiality/Lay... 2471/2624
2Ti_1:1.........Christ/by the will of God according/to 2472/2624
2Ti_1:6...........thee/by the putting/on... 2473/2624
2Ti_1:10......manifest/by the appearing/of. 2474/2624
2Ti_1:14..........keep/by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth/in 2475/2624
2Ti_2:26.......captive/by him at his/will.. 2476/2624
2Ti_3:16.........given/by inspiration/of... 2477/2624
2Ti_4:17..........that/by me the/preaching. 2478/2624 sound/doctrine... 2479/2624
Tit_3:5............Not/by works of/righteousness 2480/2624 the washing/of... 2481/2624
Tit_3:7......justified/by his grace we/should 2482/2624
Phl_1:6......effectual/by the acknowledging/of 2483/2624
Phl_1:7......refreshed/by thee brother/Wherefore 2484/2624
Heb_1:1........fathers/by the prophets Hath/in 2485/2624 his Son/whom..... 2486/2624
Heb_1:2.........things/by whom also he/made 2487/2624
Heb_1:3.........things/by the word of his/power 2488/2624
Heb_1:3............had/by himself purged/our 2489/2624
Heb_1:4...........hath/by inheritance obtained/a 2490/2624
Heb_2:2.........spoken/by angels was/stedfast 2491/2624
Heb_2:3.........spoken/by the Lord and was/confirmed 2492/2624 them that heard/him 2493/2624
Heb_2:9.............he/by the grace of God should/taste 2494/2624
Heb_2:10...........and/by whom are all things in/bringing 2495/2624
Heb_3:4........builded/by some man/but..... 2496/2624
Heb_3:16.........Egypt/by Moses But with/whom 2497/2624
Heb_5:3............And/by reason hereof/he. 2498/2624
Heb_5:8......obedience/by the things which/he 2499/2624
Heb_5:14...........who/by reason of use/have 2500/2624
Heb_6:7...........them/by whom it/is....... 2501/2624
Heb_6:13.........swear/by no greater/he.... 2502/2624
Heb_6:13.........sware/by himself Saying Surely blessing/I 2503/2624
Heb_6:16.........swear/by the greater/and.. 2504/2624 an oath That/by.. 2505/2624
Heb_6:18..........That/by two immutable/things 2506/2624
Heb_7:2..........being/by interpretation King/of 2507/2624
Heb_7:11..........were/by the Levitical/priesthood 2508/2624
Heb_7:19...........did/by the which we/draw 2509/2624
Heb_7:21..........oath/by him that said/unto 2510/2624
Heb_7:22...Melchisedec/By so much/was...... 2511/2624
Heb_7:23......continue/by reason of death/But 2512/2624
Heb_7:25...........God/by him seeing/he.... 2513/2624
Heb_8:6.......ministry/by how/much......... 2514/2624
Heb_8:9...........them/by the hand to lead/them 2515/2624
Heb_9:11..........come/by a greater/and.... 2516/2624
Heb_9:12.......Neither/by the blood of goats/and 2517/2624
Heb_9:12...........but/by his own blood/he. 2518/2624
Heb_9:15..........that/by means of death/for 2519/2624
Heb_9:22...........are/by the law purged/with 2520/2624
Heb_9:26...........sin/by the sacrifice/of. 2521/2624
Heb_10:1..........year/by year continually/make 2522/2624
Heb_10:8.......offered/by the law Then said/he 2523/2624
Heb_10:10.......second/By the which will/we 2524/2624
Heb_10:14..........For/by one offering/he.. 2525/2624
Heb_10:19......holiest/by the blood of Jesus/By 2526/2624
Heb_10:20........Jesus/By a new and/living. 2527/2624
Heb_10:33.........both/by reproaches/and... 2528/2624 faith but if/any. 2529/2624
Heb_11:2...........For/by it the elders/obtained 2530/2624
Heb_11:3........framed/by the word of God so/that 2531/2624
Heb_11:4........appear/By faith Abel/offered 2532/2624
Heb_11:4..........Cain/by which he obtained/witness 2533/2624
Heb_11:4...........and/by it he being/dead. 2534/2624
Heb_11:5......speaketh/By faith Enoch/was.. 2535/2624
Heb_11:7...........him/By faith Noah/being. 2536/2624 the which he/condemned 2537/2624 faith By/faith... 2538/2624 faith Abraham when he was called/to 2539/2624
Heb_11:9..........went/By faith he sojourned/in 2540/2624 the sea shore/innumerable 2541/2624 faith Abraham when he was tried/offered 2542/2624
Heb_11:20.......figure/By faith Isaac/blessed 2543/2624
Heb_11:21.........come/By faith Jacob/when. 2544/2624
Heb_11:22........staff/By faith Joseph/when 2545/2624
Heb_11:23........bones/By faith Moses when he was born/was 2546/2624
Heb_11:24..commandment/By faith Moses when he was come/to 2547/2624
Heb_11:27.......reward/By faith he forsook/Egypt 2548/2624
Heb_11:29.........them/By faith they/passed 2549/2624 dry/land......... 2550/2624
Heb_11:30......drowned/By faith the walls/of 2551/2624
Heb_11:31.........days/By faith the harlot/Rahab 2552/2624
Heb_13:11....sanctuary/by the high priest/for 2553/2624
Heb_13:15.........come/By him therefore let/us 2554/2624 the which ye/are. 2555/2624
Jam_2:12........judged/by the law of liberty/For 2556/2624 my works/Thou.... 2557/2624
Jam_2:21.....justified/by works when he/had 2558/2624
Jam_2:22...........and/by works was/faith.. 2559/2624
Jam_2:24..........that/by works a/man...... 2560/2624
Jam_2:24...........not/by faith only/Likewise 2561/2624
Jam_2:25.....justified/by works when she/had 2562/2624
Jam_5:4...........back/by fraud/crieth..... 2563/2624
Jam_5:12.......neither/by heaven neither/by 2564/2624
Jam_5:12.......neither/by the earth neither/by 2565/2624
Jam_5:12.......neither/by any other/oath... 2566/2624 the space of three years and/six 2567/2624
1Pe_1:3...........hope/by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from/the 2568/2624
1Pe_1:5...........kept/by the power of God through/faith 2569/2624 them that have/preached 2570/2624
1Pe_1:18......received/by tradition/from... 2571/2624
1Pe_1:21...........Who/by him do/believe... 2572/2624
1Pe_1:23.incorruptible/by the word of God which/liveth 2573/2624
1Pe_1:25.........which/by the gospel is/preached 2574/2624
1Pe_2:5............God/by Jesus Christ Wherefore/also 2575/2624
1Pe_2:12...........may/by your good/works.. 2576/2624
1Pe_2:14..........sent/by him for the punishment/of 2577/2624
1Pe_2:24.righteousness/by whose/stripes.... 2578/2624
1Pe_3:1............won/by the conversation/of 2579/2624
1Pe_3:18.....quickened/by the Spirit By/which 2580/2624
1Pe_3:19........Spirit/By which also he/went 2581/2624
1Pe_3:20.........saved/by water The/like... 2582/2624
1Pe_3:21...........God/by the resurrection of Jesus Christ Who/is 2583/2624
1Pe_5:2............not/by constraint/but... 2584/2624
1Pe_5:10.........glory/by Christ Jesus after/that 2585/2624
1Pe_5:12..........Amen/By Silvanus/a....... 2586/2624
2Pe_1:4...........that/by these ye/might... 2587/2624
2Pe_1:13............up/by putting/you...... 2588/2624
2Pe_1:21..........time/by the will of man/but 2589/2624
2Pe_1:21.........moved/by the Holy Ghost But/there 2590/2624
2Pe_2:2...........ways/by reason of whom/the 2591/2624
2Pe_3:1..........minds/by way/of........... 2592/2624
2Pe_3:2.........before/by the holy prophets/and 2593/2624
2Pe_3:5...........that/by the word of God the/heavens 2594/2624 the same word/are 2595/2624 the Spirit which/he 2596/2624
1Jn_5:2............him/By this we know/that 2597/2624
1Jn_5:6...........came/by water and blood even/Jesus 2598/2624
1Jn_5:6............not/by water only/but... 2599/2624
1Jn_5:6............but/by water and blood And/it 2600/2624
3Jn_1:14.......friends/by name Jude/the.... 2601/2624
Jud_1:1.....sanctified/by God the/Father... 2602/2624
Jud_1:12............up/by the roots Raging/waves 2603/2624
Jud_1:23.......spotted/by the flesh Now/unto 2604/2624 his angel/unto... 2605/2624
Rev_5:9............God/by thy blood/out.... 2606/2624 reason of the other/voices 2607/2624
Rev_9:2.......darkened/by reason of the smoke/of 2608/2624
Rev_9:18.....brimstone/By these three/was.. 2609/2624
Rev_9:18........killed/by the fire and by/the 2610/2624
Rev_9:18...........and/by the smoke/and.... 2611/2624
Rev_9:18...........and/by the brimstone/which 2612/2624
Rev_9:20........killed/by these plagues/yet 2613/2624
Rev_10:6.........sware/by him that liveth for ever and/ever 2614/2624
Rev_12:11..........him/by the blood of the/Lamb 2615/2624
Rev_12:11..........and/by the word of their/testimony 2616/2624 the means of those/miracles 2617/2624
Rev_13:14........wound/by a sword/and...... 2618/2624
Rev_14:20......bridles/by the space of a/thousand 2619/2624 her shall stand/afar 2620/2624 sea stood/afar... 2621/2624
Rev_18:19..........sea/by reason of her/costliness 2622/2624
Rev_18:23..........for/by thy sorceries/were 2623/2624
Rev_21:25..........all/by day for there/shall 2624/2624
