to pass that Cain/brought 1/2093 to pass when they were in/the 2/2093 to pass when men/began 3/2093
Gen_6:4............God/came in unto the daughters/of 4/2093 to pass after seven/days 5/2093 to pass at the end of forty days that/Noah 6/2093
Gen_8:11..........dove/came in to him/in...... 7/2093 to pass in the six/hundredth 8/2093
Gen_10:14.........whom/came Philistim/and..... 9/2093 to pass as they journeyed/from 10/2093
Gen_11:5..........LORD/came down to see/the.. 11/2093
Gen_11:31.........they/came unto Haran/and... 12/2093
Gen_12:5..........they/came And Abram/passed. 13/2093 to pass when he was come near/to 14/2093 to pass that when Abram/was 15/2093
Gen_13:18..........and/came and dwelt in the/plain 16/2093 to pass in the days of Amraphel/king 17/2093
Gen_14:5..........year/came Chedorlaomer/and. 18/2093
Gen_14:7...........and/came to Enmishpat/which 19/2093
Gen_14:13........there/came one that/had..... 20/2093
Gen_15:1..........LORD/came unto Abram/in.... 21/2093
Gen_15:4..........LORD/came unto him saying This/shall 22/2093
Gen_15:11........fowls/came down upon the/carcases 23/2093 to pass that when the sun/went 24/2093
Gen_19:1.........there/came two angels/to.... 25/2093
Gen_19:5.........which/came in to thee/this.. 26/2093
Gen_19:8.....therefore/came they under/the... 27/2093
Gen_19:9........fellow/came in to sojourn/and 28/2093
Gen_19:9...........and/came near to break/the 29/2093 to pass when they had brought/them 30/2093 to pass when God destroyed/the 31/2093 to pass on the morrow that the firstborn/said 32/2093
Gen_20:3...........God/came to Abimelech/in.. 33/2093 to pass when God caused/me 34/2093 to pass at that time that Abimelech/and 35/2093 to pass after these things that God/did 36/2093
Gen_22:9..........they/came to the place which/God 37/2093 to pass after these things that it/was 38/2093
Gen_23:2.......Abraham/came to mourn/for..... 39/2093 to pass before/he 40/2093
Gen_24:15......Rebekah/came out who/was...... 41/2093
Gen_24:16..........and/came up And the servant/ran 42/2093 to pass as the camels/had 43/2093 to pass when he saw the/earring 44/2093
Gen_24:30...........he/came unto the man and/behold 45/2093 into the house and/he 46/2093
Gen_24:42............I/came this day/unto.... 47/2093
Gen_24:45......Rebekah/came forth with/her... 48/2093 to pass that when Abraham's/servant 49/2093
Gen_24:62........Isaac/came from the way of the well/Lahairoi 50/2093 to pass after the death of Abraham/that 51/2093
Gen_25:25........first/came out red/all...... 52/2093
Gen_25:26.........that/came his brother/out.. 53/2093
Gen_25:29.........Esau/came from the field/and 54/2093 to pass when he had been/there 55/2093 to pass the same day/that 56/2093
Gen_26:32.....servants/came and told him concerning/the 57/2093 to pass that when Isaac/was 58/2093
Gen_27:18...........he/came unto his father/and 59/2093
Gen_27:27...........he/came near and kissed/him 60/2093 to pass as soon as Isaac/had 61/2093 in from/his...... 62/2093 with subtilty/and 63/2093
Gen_29:1...........and/came into the land of the people/of 64/2093
Gen_29:9........Rachel/came with her father's/sheep 65/2093 to pass when Jacob/saw 66/2093 to pass when Laban/heard 67/2093 to pass in the evening/that 68/2093 to pass that in the morning behold/it 69/2093
Gen_30:16........Jacob/came out of the field in/the 70/2093 to pass when Rachel/had 71/2093
Gen_30:30............I/came and it/is........ 72/2093
Gen_30:38.......flocks/came to drink that/they 73/2093
Gen_30:38.........they/came to drink And/the. 74/2093 to pass whensoever/the 75/2093 to pass at the time that/the 76/2093
Gen_31:24..........God/came to Laban/the..... 77/2093
Gen_32:6............We/came to thy/brother... 78/2093
Gen_32:13........which/came to his hand/a.... 79/2093
Gen_33:1..........Esau/came and with him four/hundred 80/2093
Gen_33:3............he/came near to his/brother 81/2093
Gen_33:6...handmaidens/came near they/and.... 82/2093
Gen_33:7......children/came near and bowed/themselves 83/2093
Gen_33:7.........after/came Joseph/near...... 84/2093
Gen_33:18........Jacob/came to Shalem/a...... 85/2093
Gen_33:18...........he/came from Padanaram/and 86/2093
Gen_34:7.........Jacob/came out of the field when/they 87/2093
Gen_34:20..........son/came unto the gate/of. 88/2093 to pass on the third day when/they 89/2093
Gen_34:25..........and/came upon the city/boldly 90/2093
Gen_34:27........Jacob/came upon the slain/and 91/2093
Gen_35:6.........Jacob/came to Luz/which..... 92/2093
Gen_35:9............he/came out of Padanaram/and 93/2093 to pass when she was/in 94/2093 to pass as her/soul 95/2093 to pass when Israel dwelt/in 96/2093
Gen_35:27........Jacob/came unto Isaac/his... 97/2093
Gen_36:16.........that/came of Eliphaz/in.... 98/2093
Gen_36:17.........that/came of Reuel/in...... 99/2093
Gen_36:18.........that/came of Aholibamah/the 100/2093
Gen_36:29.........that/came of the Horites/duke 101/2093
Gen_36:30.........that/came of Hori/among... 102/2093
Gen_36:40.........that/came of Esau/according 103/2093
Gen_37:14...........he/came to Shechem/And.. 104/2093
Gen_37:18...........he/came near unto them/they 105/2093 to pass when Joseph/was 106/2093
Gen_37:25..Ishmeelites/came from Gilead/with 107/2093 to pass at that time that Judah/went 108/2093 to pass when he went/in 109/2093
Gen_38:18..........and/came in unto her and she/conceived 110/2093 to pass about three/months 111/2093 to pass in the time/of 112/2093 to pass when she travailed/that 113/2093
Gen_38:28.........This/came out first/And... 114/2093 to pass as he drew/back 115/2093 out and she/said 116/2093
Gen_38:30....afterward/came out his/brother. 117/2093 to pass from the/time 118/2093 to pass after these things that his/master's 119/2093 to pass as she spake/to 120/2093 to pass about this/time 121/2093 to pass when she saw/that 122/2093
Gen_39:14...........he/came in unto me to lie/with 123/2093 to pass when he heard/that 124/2093
Gen_39:16.........lord/came home And/she.... 125/2093 in unto me to mock/me 126/2093 to pass as I/lifted 127/2093 to pass when his/master 128/2093 to pass after these things that the butler/of 129/2093
Gen_40:6........Joseph/came in unto them/in. 130/2093 to pass the third day which/was 131/2093 to pass at the end of two full/years 132/2093
Gen_41:2.........there/came up out of the river seven well/favoured 133/2093
Gen_41:3..........kine/came up after them out/of 134/2093
Gen_41:5..........corn/came up upon one/stalk 135/2093 to pass in the morning that his/spirit 136/2093 to pass as he interpreted/to 137/2093
Gen_41:14..........and/came in unto Pharaoh And Pharaoh/said 138/2093
Gen_41:18........there/came up out of the river seven kine/fatfleshed 139/2093
Gen_41:19.........kine/came up after them poor/and 140/2093
Gen_41:22.........ears/came up in one/stalk. 141/2093
Gen_41:27.........that/came up after them are/seven 142/2093
Gen_41:50.......famine/came which/Asenath... 143/2093
Gen_41:57....countries/came into Egypt to/Joseph 144/2093
Gen_42:5........Israel/came to buy/corn..... 145/2093
Gen_42:5..........that/came for the/famine.. 146/2093
Gen_42:6......brethren/came and bowed down/themselves 147/2093
Gen_42:29.........they/came unto Jacob/their 148/2093 to pass as they emptied/their 149/2093 to pass when they had eaten/up 150/2093
Gen_43:19.........they/came near to the steward/of 151/2093
Gen_43:20...........we/came indeed/down..... 152/2093 to pass when we came to/the 153/2093
Gen_43:21...........we/came to the inn/that. 154/2093
Gen_43:25.......Joseph/came at noon/for..... 155/2093
Gen_43:26.......Joseph/came home they/brought 156/2093
Gen_44:14.....brethren/came to Joseph's/house 157/2093
Gen_44:18........Judah/came near unto him and said Oh/my 158/2093 to pass when we came up/unto 159/2093
Gen_44:24...........we/came up unto thy/servant 160/2093
Gen_45:4..........they/came near And he/said 161/2093
Gen_45:25..........and/came into the land of Canaan/unto 162/2093
Gen_46:1...........and/came to Beersheba and/offered 163/2093
Gen_46:6...........and/came into Egypt Jacob and all/his 164/2093
Gen_46:8.........which/came into Egypt Jacob and his/sons 165/2093
Gen_46:26.........that/came with Jacob into/Egypt 166/2093
Gen_46:26........which/came out of his/loins 167/2093
Gen_46:27........which/came into Egypt were/threescore 168/2093
Gen_46:28.........they/came into the land of Goshen/And 169/2093
Gen_47:1........Joseph/came and told Pharaoh/and 170/2093
Gen_47:15....Egyptians/came unto Joseph/and. 171/2093
Gen_47:18.........they/came unto him the/second 172/2093 to pass after these things that one/told 173/2093
Gen_48:5.............I/came unto thee into/Egypt 174/2093
Gen_48:7.............I/came from Padan/Rachel 175/2093
Gen_50:10.........they/came to the threshingfloor/of 176/2093
Exo_1:1..........which/came into Egypt every/man 177/2093
Exo_1:1......household/came with Jacob Reuben/Simeon 178/2093
Exo_1:5...........that/came out of the loins/of 179/2093 to pass because the/midwives 180/2093
Exo_2:5........Pharaoh/came down to wash/herself 181/2093 to pass in those days when Moses/was 182/2093
Exo_2:16..........they/came and drew water/and 183/2093
Exo_2:17.....shepherds/came and drove/them.. 184/2093
Exo_2:18..........they/came to Reuel/their.. 185/2093 to pass in process of time that the king/of 186/2093
Exo_2:23...........cry/came up unto God/by.. 187/2093
Exo_3:1............and/came to the mountain/of 188/2093 to pass by/the.. 189/2093
Exo_5:15........Israel/came and cried/unto.. 190/2093
Exo_5:20..........they/came forth from Pharaoh/And 191/2093
Exo_5:23.............I/came to Pharaoh/to... 192/2093 to pass on the day when/the 193/2093
Exo_8:6..........frogs/came up and covered the land/of 194/2093
Exo_8:24.........there/came a grievous/swarm 195/2093
Exo_10:3.........Aaron/came in unto Pharaoh and said/unto 196/2093 to pass that at midnight/the 197/2093 to pass at the end of the four/hundred 198/2093 to pass that all/the 199/2093 to pass the selfsame/day 200/2093 out from Egypt/out 201/2093 ye/out.......... 202/2093
Exo_13:8.............I/came forth out of Egypt And it/shall 203/2093 to pass when Pharaoh would/hardly 204/2093 to pass when Pharaoh had/let 205/2093 between/the..... 206/2093 not near/the.... 207/2093 to pass that in the morning watch/the 208/2093
Exo_14:28.........that/came into the sea/after 209/2093
Exo_15:23.........they/came to Marah/they... 210/2093
Exo_15:27.........they/came to Elim/where... 211/2093
Exo_16:1........Israel/came unto the wilderness/of 212/2093 to pass as Aaron/spake 213/2093 to pass that at even/the 214/2093
Exo_16:13.......quails/came up and covered the camp/and 215/2093 to pass that on the sixth/day 216/2093
Exo_16:22.congregation/came and told Moses/And 217/2093 to pass that there/went 218/2093
Exo_16:35.........they/came to a land/inhabited 219/2093
Exo_16:35.........they/came unto the borders of the/land 220/2093
Exo_17:8..........Then/came Amalek/and...... 221/2093 to pass when Moses held/up 222/2093 with his sons/and 223/2093
Exo_18:7..........they/came into the tent/And 224/2093
Exo_18:12........Aaron/came and all the elders/of 225/2093 to pass on the morrow that Moses sat/to 226/2093 they into/the... 227/2093
Exo_19:7.........Moses/came and called for/the 228/2093 to pass on the third day in/the 229/2093
Exo_19:20.........LORD/came down upon mount/Sinai 230/2093
Exo_21:3............he/came in by/himself... 231/2093 for his/hire.... 232/2093
Exo_24:3.........Moses/came and told the people/all 233/2093 to pass as soon as he came/nigh 234/2093
Exo_32:19...........he/came nigh unto the camp/that 235/2093
Exo_32:24........there/came out this/calf... 236/2093 to pass on the morrow that Moses said/unto 237/2093 to pass that every/one 238/2093 to pass when Moses went/out 239/2093 to pass as Moses/entered 240/2093 to pass when Moses came/down 241/2093
Exo_34:29........Moses/came down from mount/Sinai 242/2093
Exo_34:29...........he/came down from the mount that/Moses 243/2093
Exo_34:32.......Israel/came nigh and/he..... 244/2093
Exo_34:34...........he/came out And he/came. 245/2093
Exo_34:34...........he/came out and spake/unto 246/2093
Exo_35:21.........they/came every one whose/heart 247/2093
Exo_35:22.........they/came both/men........ 248/2093
Exo_36:4.....sanctuary/came every man/from.. 249/2093 to pass in the first/month 250/2093
Exo_40:32.........they/came near unto the/altar 251/2093 to pass on the eighth/day 252/2093
Lev_9:22...........and/came down from offering/of 253/2093
Lev_9:23...........and/came out and blessed/the 254/2093
Lev_9:24.........there/came a fire/out...... 255/2093
Num_4:47..........that/came to do/the....... 256/2093 to pass on the day that/Moses 257/2093
Num_9:6...........they/came before Moses/and 258/2093 to pass on the twentieth/day 259/2093
Num_10:21.........they/came And the standard/of 260/2093 to pass when the ark/set 261/2093
Num_11:20..........Why/came we forth/out.... 262/2093
Num_11:25.........LORD/came down in a/cloud. 263/2093 to pass that when the spirit/rested 264/2093
Num_12:4.........three/came out And the LORD/came 265/2093
Num_12:5..........LORD/came down in the/pillar 266/2093
Num_12:5..........both/came forth And he/said 267/2093
Num_13:22..........and/came unto Hebron/where 268/2093
Num_13:23.........they/came unto the brook/of 269/2093
Num_13:26..........and/came to Moses and to/Aaron 270/2093
Num_13:27...........We/came unto the land/whither 271/2093
Num_14:45...Amalekites/came down and the Canaanites/which 272/2093
Num_16:27.......Abiram/came out and stood/in 273/2093 to pass as he had/made 274/2093
Num_16:35........there/came out a fire/from. 275/2093 to pass when the congregation/was 276/2093
Num_16:43........Aaron/came before the tabernacle/of 277/2093 to pass that on the morrow/Moses 278/2093
Num_19:2.........never/came yoke/And........ 279/2093
Num_20:1..........Then/came the children of Israel even/the 280/2093
Num_20:11........water/came out abundantly/and 281/2093
Num_20:20.........Edom/came out against him/with 282/2093
Num_20:22..........and/came unto mount/Hor.. 283/2093
Num_20:28......Eleazar/came down from the mount And when/all 284/2093
Num_21:1........Israel/came by the way of the spies/then 285/2093
Num_21:7........people/came to Moses and said/We 286/2093 to pass that if/a 287/2093
Num_21:23...........he/came to Jahaz/and.... 288/2093
Num_22:7..........they/came unto Balaam and spake/unto 289/2093
Num_22:9...........God/came unto Balaam and said/What 290/2093
Num_22:16.........they/came to Balaam/and... 291/2093
Num_22:20..........God/came unto Balaam at/night 292/2093
Num_22:39.........they/came unto Kirjathhuzoth/And 293/2093 to pass on the morrow that Balak/took 294/2093
Num_23:17...........he/came to him behold/he 295/2093
Num_24:2...........God/came upon him And he took/up 296/2093
Num_25:6........Israel/came and brought unto/his 297/2093 to pass after the plague/that 298/2093
Num_27:1..........Then/came the daughters/of 299/2093
Num_31:14........which/came from the battle/And 300/2093
Num_31:48.....hundreds/came near unto Moses/And 301/2093
Num_32:2........Reuben/came and spake unto Moses/and 302/2093
Num_32:11.........that/came up out of Egypt from twenty/years 303/2093
Num_32:16.........they/came near unto him and said We/will 304/2093
Num_33:9...........and/came unto Elim/and... 305/2093
Num_36:1........Joseph/came near and spake before Moses/and 306/2093 to pass in the fortieth/year 307/2093
Deu_1:19............we/came to Kadeshbarnea/And 308/2093 near unto me every/one 309/2093
Deu_1:24...........and/came unto the valley/of 310/2093 into this place Yet/in 311/2093
Deu_1:44......mountain/came out against you/and 312/2093
Deu_2:14............we/came from Kadeshbarnea/until 313/2093 to pass when all the men/of 314/2093
Deu_2:23.........which/came forth out of Caphtor/destroyed 315/2093
Deu_2:32.........Sihon/came out against us he and all his people to fight/at 316/2093
Deu_3:1.........Bashan/came out against us he and all his people to battle/at 317/2093 near and stood/under 318/2093
Deu_4:45..........they/came forth out of Egypt On/this 319/2093 to pass when ye/heard 320/2093 near unto me even/all 321/2093 unto this place ye/have 322/2093 to pass at the end of forty days and/forty 323/2093
Deu_9:15...........and/came down from the mount and the/mount 324/2093
Deu_10:5...........and/came down from the mount and put/the 325/2093 into this place And/what 326/2093 out where/thou.. 327/2093
Deu_22:14............I/came to her I/found.. 328/2093 forth out of Egypt and because/they 329/2093 unto this place Sihon/the 330/2093
Deu_29:7........Bashan/came out against us unto/battle 331/2093
Deu_29:16...........we/came through the nations/which 332/2093 to pass when Moses had/made 333/2093
Deu_32:17.........that/came newly/up........ 334/2093
Deu_32:44........Moses/came and spake all/the 335/2093
Deu_33:2..........LORD/came from Sinai/and.. 336/2093
Deu_33:2............he/came with ten/thousands 337/2093
Deu_33:21...........he/came with the heads/of 338/2093 to pass that the LORD/spake 339/2093
Jos_2:1............and/came into an/harlot's 340/2093
Jos_2:2..........there/came men in/hither... 341/2093
Jos_2:4..........There/came men unto/me..... 342/2093 to pass about the time/of 343/2093
Jos_2:8............she/came up unto them/upon 344/2093 out of Egypt and what/ye 345/2093
Jos_2:22...........and/came unto the mountain/and 346/2093
Jos_2:23...........and/came to Joshua/the... 347/2093
Jos_3:1............and/came to Jordan he/and 348/2093 to pass after three/days 349/2093 to pass when the people removed/from 350/2093
Jos_3:16.........which/came down from above/stood 351/2093
Jos_3:16..........that/came down toward/the. 352/2093 to pass when all the people were clean passed over Jordan/that 353/2093 to pass when all the people were clean passed over that/the 354/2093 to pass when the priests that/bare 355/2093
Jos_4:19........people/came up out of Jordan/on 356/2093
Jos_4:22........Israel/came over this/Jordan 357/2093 to pass when all the kings of/the 358/2093
Jos_5:4...........that/came out of Egypt that/were 359/2093
Jos_5:4...........they/came out of Egypt Now/all 360/2093
Jos_5:5...........that/came out were/circumcised 361/2093
Jos_5:5...........they/came forth out of Egypt them/they 362/2093
Jos_5:6..........which/came out of Egypt were/consumed 363/2093 to pass when they had done/circumcising 364/2093 to pass when Joshua was/by 365/2093
Jos_6:1...........none/came in And the LORD/said 366/2093 to pass when Joshua had/spoken 367/2093
Jos_6:9.......rereward/came after the ark the/priests 368/2093
Jos_6:11..........they/came into the camp and/lodged 369/2093
Jos_6:13......rereward/came after the ark of/the 370/2093 to pass on the seventh day that they rose/early 371/2093 to pass at the seventh time when/the 372/2093 to pass when the people heard/the 373/2093
Jos_8:11...........and/came before the city/and 374/2093 to pass when the king of Ai/saw 375/2093 to pass when Israel had/made 376/2093 to pass when all the kings which/were 377/2093
Jos_9:12............we/came forth to go/unto 378/2093 to pass at the end of three days/after 379/2093
Jos_9:17...........and/came unto their cities/on 380/2093 to pass when Adonizedec/king 381/2093
Jos_10:9.....therefore/came unto them suddenly/and 382/2093 to pass as they fled/from 383/2093 to pass when Joshua and/the 384/2093 to pass when they brought/out 385/2093
Jos_10:24.........they/came near and put/their 386/2093 to pass at the time of the going/down 387/2093
Jos_10:33........Gezer/came up to help/Lachish 388/2093 to pass when Jabin/king 389/2093
Jos_11:5..........they/came and pitched together/at 390/2093
Jos_11:7........Joshua/came and all the people/of 391/2093
Jos_11:21.........time/came Joshua/and...... 392/2093
Jos_14:6.........Judah/came unto Joshua/in.. 393/2093 to pass as she came/unto 394/2093
Jos_15:18..........she/came unto him that/she 395/2093
Jos_16:7...........and/came to Jericho and went/out 396/2093
Jos_17:4..........they/came near before/Eleazar 397/2093 to pass when the children of Israel were/waxen 398/2093
Jos_18:9...........and/came again to Joshua/to 399/2093
Jos_18:11.....Benjamin/came up according/to. 400/2093
Jos_18:11..........lot/came forth between/the 401/2093
Jos_18:16.......border/came down to the end/of 402/2093
Jos_19:1...........lot/came forth to Simeon/even 403/2093
Jos_19:10..........lot/came up for/the...... 404/2093
Jos_19:17..........lot/came out to Issachar/for 405/2093
Jos_19:24..........lot/came out for the tribe of the children of Asher/according 406/2093
Jos_19:32..........lot/came out to the/children 407/2093
Jos_19:40..........lot/came out for the tribe of the children of Dan/according 408/2093
Jos_21:1..........Then/came near the/heads.. 409/2093
Jos_21:4...........lot/came out for the families/of 410/2093
Jos_21:45..........all/came to pass Then/Joshua 411/2093
Jos_22:10.........they/came unto the borders of Jordan/that 412/2093
Jos_22:15.........they/came unto the children/of 413/2093 to pass a/long.. 414/2093 unto the sea and/the 415/2093
Jos_24:11..........and/came unto Jericho/and 416/2093 to pass after these things that Joshua/the 417/2093 to pass that the children/of 418/2093 to pass when she came/to 419/2093
Jdg_1:14...........she/came to him that/she. 420/2093 to pass when Israel was/strong 421/2093
Jdg_2:1...........LORD/came up from Gilgal/to 422/2093 to pass when the angel/of 423/2093 to pass when the judge/was 424/2093
Jdg_3:10..........LORD/came upon him and he judged/Israel 425/2093
Jdg_3:20..........Ehud/came unto him and he was/sitting 426/2093
Jdg_3:22..........dirt/came out Then/Ehud... 427/2093
Jdg_3:24......servants/came and when/they... 428/2093 to pass when he was come that/he 429/2093
Jdg_4:5.........Israel/came up to her/for... 430/2093
Jdg_4:22..........Jael/came out to meet him and/said 431/2093
Jdg_4:22............he/came into her/tent... 432/2093
Jdg_5:14........Machir/came down governors/and 433/2093
Jdg_5:19.........kings/came and fought/then. 434/2093
Jdg_5:23..........they/came not to the/help. 435/2093
Jdg_6:3.....Midianites/came up and the Amalekites/and 436/2093
Jdg_6:3...........they/came up against them/And 437/2093
Jdg_6:5...........they/came up with their/cattle 438/2093
Jdg_6:5...........they/came as/grasshoppers. 439/2093 to pass when the children of Israel cried/unto 440/2093
Jdg_6:11.........there/came an angel/of..... 441/2093 to pass the same night that the LORD said unto him Take/thy 442/2093
Jdg_6:34..........LORD/came upon Gideon/and. 443/2093
Jdg_6:35..........they/came up to meet them/And 444/2093 to pass the same night that the LORD said unto him Arise/get 445/2093
Jdg_7:13...........and/came unto a tent/and. 446/2093
Jdg_7:19...........him/came unto the outside/of 447/2093
Jdg_8:4.........Gideon/came to Jordan and passed/over 448/2093
Jdg_8:15............he/came unto the men/of. 449/2093 to pass as soon as Gideon/was 450/2093
Jdg_9:25..........that/came along/that...... 451/2093
Jdg_9:26..........Ebed/came with his brethren/and 452/2093 to pass on the morrow that the people went/out 453/2093
Jdg_9:52.....Abimelech/came unto the tower/and 454/2093
Jdg_9:57..........them/came the curse/of.... 455/2093 to pass in process of time that the children/of 456/2093
Jdg_11:13.........they/came up out of Egypt from Arnon/even 457/2093
Jdg_11:16.......Israel/came up from Egypt and/walked 458/2093
Jdg_11:16..........and/came to Kadesh/Then.. 459/2093
Jdg_11:18..........and/came by the east/side 460/2093
Jdg_11:18..........but/came not within/the.. 461/2093
Jdg_11:29.........LORD/came upon Jephthah/and 462/2093
Jdg_11:34.....Jephthah/came to Mizpeh/unto.. 463/2093
Jdg_11:34.....daughter/came out to meet him with/timbrels 464/2093 to pass when he saw her/that 465/2093 to pass at the end of two months/that 466/2093
Jdg_13:6.........woman/came and told her/husband 467/2093
Jdg_13:6...........God/came unto me and his/countenance 468/2093
Jdg_13:9...........God/came again unto the/woman 469/2093
Jdg_13:10.........that/came unto me the other/day 470/2093
Jdg_13:11..........and/came to the man and/said 471/2093 to pass when the flame/went 472/2093
Jdg_14:2............he/came up and told/his. 473/2093
Jdg_14:5...........and/came to the vineyards/of 474/2093
Jdg_14:6..........LORD/came mightily upon him and he/rent 475/2093
Jdg_14:9...........and/came to his father and/mother 476/2093 to pass when they saw/him 477/2093
Jdg_14:14........eater/came forth meat/and.. 478/2093
Jdg_14:14.......strong/came forth sweetness/And 479/2093 to pass on the seventh day that they said/unto 480/2093 to pass on the seventh day that he/told 481/2093
Jdg_14:19.........LORD/came upon him and he went/down 482/2093 to pass within/a 483/2093
Jdg_15:6...Philistines/came up and burnt/her 484/2093
Jdg_15:14...........he/came unto Lehi/the... 485/2093
Jdg_15:14.........LORD/came mightily upon him and the/cords 486/2093 to pass when he had made an end of speaking that/he 487/2093
Jdg_15:19........there/came water thereout/and 488/2093
Jdg_15:19.......spirit/came again and he/revived 489/2093 to pass afterward that he loved/a 490/2093
Jdg_16:5...Philistines/came up unto her and said/unto 491/2093 to pass when she pressed/him 492/2093
Jdg_16:18..Philistines/came up unto her and brought/money 493/2093 to pass when their/hearts 494/2093
Jdg_16:31.......father/came down and took/him 495/2093
Jdg_17:8............he/came to mount Ephraim to the house of Micah as/he 496/2093
Jdg_18:2..........they/came to mount Ephraim to the house of Micah they/lodged 497/2093
Jdg_18:7...........and/came to Laish/and.... 498/2093
Jdg_18:8..........they/came unto their brethren/to 499/2093
Jdg_18:13..........and/came unto the house of Micah/Then 500/2093
Jdg_18:15..........and/came to the house of the young/man 501/2093
Jdg_18:17..........and/came in thither/and.. 502/2093
Jdg_18:27..........and/came unto Laish/unto. 503/2093 to pass in those days when there/was 504/2093 to pass on the fourth/day 505/2093
Jdg_19:10..........and/came over against/Jebus 506/2093
Jdg_19:16........there/came an old/man...... 507/2093
Jdg_19:22.........that/came into thine/house 508/2093
Jdg_19:26.........Then/came the woman/in.... 509/2093
Jdg_19:30.......Israel/came up out of the land of Egypt unto/this 510/2093
Jdg_20:4.............I/came into Gibeah/that 511/2093
Jdg_20:21.....Benjamin/came forth out of Gibeah/and 512/2093
Jdg_20:24.......Israel/came near against/the 513/2093
Jdg_20:26..........and/came unto the house of God/and 514/2093
Jdg_20:33.......Israel/came forth out of their/places 515/2093
Jdg_20:34........there/came against Gibeah/ten 516/2093
Jdg_20:42........which/came out of the cities/they 517/2093
Jdg_20:48.........that/came to hand/also.... 518/2093
Jdg_20:48.........they/came to Now/the...... 519/2093
Jdg_21:2........people/came to the house of God/and 520/2093 to pass on the morrow that the people rose/early 521/2093
Jdg_21:5..........that/came not up with/the. 522/2093
Jdg_21:5..........that/came not up to the LORD/to 523/2093
Jdg_21:8..........that/came not up to Mizpeh/to 524/2093
Jdg_21:8.........there/came none/to......... 525/2093
Jdg_21:14.....Benjamin/came again at/that... 526/2093 to pass in the days when/the 527/2093
Rut_1:2...........they/came into the country/of 528/2093
Rut_1:19..........they/came to Bethlehem And it/came 529/2093 to pass when they were come to/Bethlehem 530/2093
Rut_1:22..........they/came to Bethlehem in/the 531/2093
Rut_2:3............and/came and gleaned/in.. 532/2093
Rut_2:4...........Boaz/came from Bethlehem/and 533/2093
Rut_2:6...........that/came back/with....... 534/2093
Rut_2:7............she/came and hath/continued 535/2093
Rut_3:7............she/came softly/and...... 536/2093 to pass at midnight/that 537/2093
Rut_3:14.........woman/came into the floor/Also 538/2093
Rut_3:16...........she/came to her mother/in 539/2093
Rut_4:1..........spake/came by unto/whom.... 540/2093 to pass as she continued/praying 541/2093
1Sa_1:19...........and/came to their/house.. 542/2093 to pass when the time was come about/after 543/2093
1Sa_2:13.......servant/came while/the....... 544/2093
1Sa_2:14..........that/came thither Also before/they 545/2093
1Sa_2:15.......servant/came and said to/the. 546/2093
1Sa_2:19...........she/came up with her/husband 547/2093
1Sa_2:27.........there/came a man of God unto/Eli 548/2093 to pass at that time when Eli/was 549/2093
1Sa_3:10..........LORD/came and stood and/called 550/2093
1Sa_4:1.........Samuel/came to all/Israel... 551/2093
1Sa_4:5...........LORD/came into the camp all/Israel 552/2093
1Sa_4:12...........and/came to Shiloh/the... 553/2093
1Sa_4:13............he/came lo/Eli.......... 554/2093 into the city and told/it 555/2093 in hastily/and.. 556/2093
1Sa_4:16..........that/came out of the army/and 557/2093 to pass when he made/mention 558/2093
1Sa_4:19.........pains/came upon her/And.... 559/2093 to pass as the ark of God/came 560/2093
1Sa_5:10...........God/came to Ekron/that... 561/2093
1Sa_6:14..........cart/came into the field/of 562/2093
1Sa_7:1..Kirjathjearim/came and fetched up/the 563/2093 to pass while the/ark 564/2093
1Sa_7:11..........they/came under/Bethcar... 565/2093
1Sa_7:13..........they/came no more into the coast/of 566/2093 to pass when Samuel/was 567/2093
1Sa_8:4............and/came to Samuel unto/Ramah 568/2093
1Sa_9:12............he/came to day/to....... 569/2093
1Sa_9:14........Samuel/came out against them for/to 570/2093
1Sa_9:15..........Saul/came saying To/morrow 571/2093 to pass about the spring/of 572/2093
1Sa_10:9.........signs/came to pass that day/And 573/2093
1Sa_10:10.........they/came thither to/the.. 574/2093
1Sa_10:10..........God/came upon him and he prophesied/among 575/2093 to pass when all that/knew 576/2093
1Sa_10:13...........he/came to the high/place 577/2093
1Sa_10:14...........we/came to Samuel And/Saul's 578/2093
1Sa_11:1......Ammonite/came up and encamped/against 579/2093
1Sa_11:4..........Then/came the messengers/to 580/2093
1Sa_11:5..........Saul/came after the herd/out 581/2093
1Sa_11:6...........God/came upon Saul when/he 582/2093
1Sa_11:7..........they/came out with/one.... 583/2093
1Sa_11:9..........that/came Thus/shall...... 584/2093
1Sa_11:9....messengers/came and shewed it/to 585/2093
1Sa_11:11.........they/came into the midst of the host/in 586/2093 to pass that they which/remained 587/2093
1Sa_12:12........Ammon/came against you/ye.. 588/2093
1Sa_13:5..........they/came up and pitched/in 589/2093
1Sa_13:8........Samuel/came not to Gilgal/and 590/2093 to pass that as soon as he/had 591/2093
1Sa_13:10.......Samuel/came and Saul/went... 592/2093
1Sa_13:17.....spoilers/came out of the camp of/the 593/2093 to pass in the day/of 594/2093 to pass upon/a.. 595/2093 to pass while Saul/talked 596/2093
1Sa_14:20.........they/came to the battle/and 597/2093 to a wood/and... 598/2093
1Sa_15:2............he/came up from Egypt Now/go 599/2093
1Sa_15:5..........Saul/came to a city/of.... 600/2093
1Sa_15:6..........they/came up out of Egypt So/the 601/2093
1Sa_15:10.........Then/came the word of the LORD unto Samuel/saying 602/2093
1Sa_15:12.........Saul/came to Carmel/and... 603/2093
1Sa_15:13.......Samuel/came to Saul and Saul/said 604/2093
1Sa_15:32.........Agag/came unto him delicately/And 605/2093
1Sa_15:35.......Samuel/came no more to/see.. 606/2093
1Sa_16:4...........and/came to Bethlehem And the/elders 607/2093 to pass when they were come that/he 608/2093
1Sa_16:13.........LORD/came upon David/from. 609/2093
1Sa_16:21........David/came to Saul and stood/before 610/2093 to pass when the evil/spirit 611/2093
1Sa_17:20...........he/came to the trench/as 612/2093
1Sa_17:22..........and/came and saluted/his. 613/2093
1Sa_17:23........there/came up the champion/the 614/2093
1Sa_17:34........there/came a lion/and...... 615/2093
1Sa_17:41...Philistine/came on and/drew..... 616/2093 to pass when the Philistine/arose 617/2093
1Sa_17:48..........and/came and drew nigh to meet/David 618/2093 to pass when he had made an end of speaking unto/Saul 619/2093 to pass as they came/when 620/2093
1Sa_18:6..........they/came when/David...... 621/2093
1Sa_18:6.........women/came out of all/cities 622/2093 to pass on the morrow that the evil/spirit 623/2093
1Sa_18:10..........God/came upon Saul and/he 624/2093
1Sa_18:13..........and/came in before the/people 625/2093
1Sa_18:16..........and/came in before them/And 626/2093 to pass at the time when/Merab 627/2093 to pass after they went/forth 628/2093
1Sa_19:18..........and/came to Samuel to/Ramah 629/2093
1Sa_19:22..........and/came to a great/well. 630/2093
1Sa_19:23...........he/came to Naioth/in.... 631/2093
1Sa_20:1...........and/came and said before/Jonathan 632/2093 to pass on the morrow which/was 633/2093 to pass in the morning that Jonathan/went 634/2093
1Sa_20:38..........and/came to his master But/the 635/2093
1Sa_21:1..........Then/came David/to........ 636/2093
1Sa_21:5.............I/came out and the vessels/of 637/2093
1Sa_22:5...........and/came into the forest/of 638/2093
1Sa_22:11.........they/came all of/them..... 639/2093 to pass when Abiathar/the 640/2093
1Sa_23:6............he/came down with an/ephod 641/2093
1Sa_23:19.........Then/came up the Ziphites/to 642/2093
1Sa_23:25...........he/came down into/a..... 643/2093
1Sa_23:27........there/came a messenger unto Saul/saying 644/2093 to pass when Saul/was 645/2093
1Sa_24:3............he/came to the sheepcotes/by 646/2093 to pass afterward that David's/heart 647/2093 to pass when David had/made 648/2093 they spake/to... 649/2093
1Sa_25:12..........and/came and told him all those/sayings 650/2093
1Sa_25:20..........she/came down by/the..... 651/2093 down against/her 652/2093
1Sa_25:36......Abigail/came to Nabal/and.... 653/2093 to pass in the morning when the wine/was 654/2093 to pass about ten/days 655/2093
1Sa_26:1......Ziphites/came unto Saul to/Gibeah 656/2093
1Sa_26:3..........Saul/came after him into/the 657/2093
1Sa_26:5...........and/came to the place where Saul/had 658/2093
1Sa_26:7.......Abishai/came to the people by/night 659/2093
1Sa_26:15........there/came one of the people/in 660/2093
1Sa_27:9...........and/came to Achish/And... 661/2093 to pass in those days that the/Philistines 662/2093
1Sa_28:4...........and/came and pitched in/Shunem 663/2093
1Sa_28:8..........they/came to the woman by/night 664/2093
1Sa_28:21........woman/came unto Saul and/saw 665/2093 to pass when David and/his 666/2093 to the city and/behold 667/2093
1Sa_30:9...........and/came to the brook/Besor 668/2093
1Sa_30:12.......spirit/came again to him for he had/eaten 669/2093
1Sa_30:21........David/came to the two/hundred 670/2093
1Sa_30:21........David/came near to the people/he 671/2093
1Sa_30:23.........that/came against us/into. 672/2093
1Sa_30:26........David/came to Ziklag/he.... 673/2093
1Sa_31:7...Philistines/came and dwelt in them And it came to pass on the morrow when the Philistines came to strip the slain that they found Saul and his three/sons 674/2093 to pass on the morrow when the Philistines came to strip the slain that they found Saul and his three/sons 675/2093
1Sa_31:8...Philistines/came to strip the slain that they found Saul and his three/sons 676/2093
1Sa_31:12..........and/came to Jabesh/and... 677/2093 to pass after the death of Saul/when 678/2093
2Sa_1:2.............It/came even to pass on/the 679/2093 out of the camp from/Saul 680/2093
2Sa_1:2.............he/came to David that/he 681/2093 to pass after this that David/enquired 682/2093
2Sa_2:4..........Judah/came and there/they.. 683/2093
2Sa_2:23.........spear/came out behind/him.. 684/2093 to pass that as many/as 685/2093 to the place where Asahel/fell 686/2093
2Sa_2:29..........they/came to Mahanaim And Joab/returned 687/2093
2Sa_2:32..........they/came to Hebron/at.... 688/2093 to pass while there/was 689/2093
2Sa_3:20.........Abner/came to David to Hebron and/twenty 690/2093
2Sa_3:22..........Joab/came from pursuing/a. 691/2093
2Sa_3:23...........Ner/came to the king and he/hath 692/2093
2Sa_3:24..........Joab/came to the king and said What/hast 693/2093
2Sa_3:24.........Abner/came unto thee why/is 694/2093
2Sa_3:25............he/came to deceive/thee. 695/2093
2Sa_3:35........people/came to cause/David.. 696/2093
2Sa_4:4........tidings/came of Saul/and..... 697/2093 to pass as she made/haste 698/2093
2Sa_4:5............and/came about/the....... 699/2093
2Sa_4:6...........they/came thither into/the 700/2093
2Sa_4:7...........they/came into the house he lay/on 701/2093
2Sa_5:1...........Then/came all the tribes/of 702/2093
2Sa_5:3.........Israel/came to the king to/Hebron 703/2093
2Sa_5:17...Philistines/came up to seek/David 704/2093
2Sa_5:18..........also/came and spread themselves in the valley of Rephaim And David enquired of the/LORD 705/2093
2Sa_5:20.........David/came to Baalperazim/and 706/2093
2Sa_5:22...Philistines/came up yet/again.... 707/2093
2Sa_6:6...........they/came to Nachon's/threshingfloor 708/2093
2Sa_6:16..........LORD/came into the city of/David 709/2093
2Sa_6:20..........Saul/came out to meet David/and 710/2093 to pass when the king sat/in 711/2093 to pass that night that the word/of 712/2093
2Sa_7:4...........LORD/came unto Nathan/saying 713/2093 to pass that David smote the Philistines and subdued them and David/took 714/2093
2Sa_8:5.......Damascus/came to succour/Hadadezer 715/2093 to pass after this that the/king 716/2093
2Sa_10:2......servants/came into the land of the children of Ammon And/the 717/2093
2Sa_10:8.........Ammon/came out and put the battle in array at/the 718/2093
2Sa_10:14..........and/came to Jerusalem And when the Syrians saw that they were smitten/before 719/2093
2Sa_10:16.........they/came to Helam and Shobach/the 720/2093
2Sa_10:17..........and/came to Helam And the/Syrians 721/2093 to pass after the year/was 722/2093 to pass in an/eveningtide 723/2093
2Sa_11:4...........she/came in unto him and/he 724/2093 to pass in the morning that David/wrote 725/2093 to pass when Joab/observed 726/2093
2Sa_11:22..........and/came and shewed David/all 727/2093
2Sa_11:23..........and/came out unto/us..... 728/2093
2Sa_12:1............he/came unto him and said unto him There/were 729/2093
2Sa_12:4.........there/came a traveller/unto 730/2093 to pass on the seventh day that the/child 731/2093
2Sa_12:20..........and/came into the house of the/LORD 732/2093
2Sa_12:20...........he/came to his own/house 733/2093 to pass after this that Absalom the/son 734/2093 to pass after two/full 735/2093
2Sa_13:24......Absalom/came to the king and said Behold/now 736/2093 to pass while they were in/the 737/2093
2Sa_13:30......tidings/came to David saying/Absalom 738/2093
2Sa_13:34........there/came much/people..... 739/2093 to pass as soon as he had made an end of speaking/that 740/2093
2Sa_13:36.........sons/came and lifted/up... 741/2093
2Sa_14:31..........and/came to Absalom/unto. 742/2093
2Sa_14:33.........Joab/came to the king and told/him 743/2093
2Sa_14:33...........he/came to the king and bowed/himself 744/2093 to pass after this that Absalom prepared/him 745/2093
2Sa_15:2...controversy/came to the king for judgment then/Absalom 746/2093 nigh to him/to.. 747/2093
2Sa_15:6..........that/came to the king for judgment so/Absalom 748/2093 to pass after forty/years 749/2093
2Sa_15:13........there/came a messenger to/David 750/2093
2Sa_15:18........which/came after him from/Gath 751/2093 to pass that when David/was 752/2093
2Sa_15:32......Archite/came to meet him with/his 753/2093
2Sa_15:37.......friend/came into the city and Absalom/came 754/2093
2Sa_15:37......Absalom/came into Jerusalem/And 755/2093
2Sa_16:5.........David/came to Bahurim/behold 756/2093
2Sa_16:5........thence/came out a man/of.... 757/2093
2Sa_16:5............he/came forth and cursed/still 758/2093
2Sa_16:5............he/came And he/cast..... 759/2093
2Sa_16:11........which/came forth of my/bowels 760/2093
2Sa_16:14..........him/came weary/and....... 761/2093
2Sa_16:15.......Israel/came to Jerusalem and Ahithophel/with 762/2093 to pass when Hushai/the 763/2093
2Sa_17:18..........and/came to a man's/house 764/2093
2Sa_17:20.....servants/came to the woman to/the 765/2093 to pass after they were/departed 766/2093
2Sa_17:21.........they/came up out of the well/and 767/2093
2Sa_17:24........David/came to Mahanaim And Absalom/passed 768/2093 to pass when David was come/to 769/2093
2Sa_18:4........people/came out by/hundreds. 770/2093
2Sa_18:25...........he/came apace/and....... 771/2093
2Sa_18:31........Cushi/came and Cushi/said.. 772/2093
2Sa_19:5..........Joab/came into the house to/the 773/2093
2Sa_19:8........people/came before the king for Israel/had 774/2093
2Sa_19:15..........and/came to Jordan And Judah/came 775/2093
2Sa_19:15........Judah/came to Gilgal/to.... 776/2093
2Sa_19:16..........and/came down with the/men 777/2093
2Sa_19:24.........Saul/came down to meet the/king 778/2093
2Sa_19:24...........he/came again in/peace.. 779/2093 to pass when he was come to/Jerusalem 780/2093
2Sa_19:31....Gileadite/came down from Rogelim/and 781/2093
2Sa_19:41.......Israel/came to the king and said unto/the 782/2093
2Sa_20:3.........David/came to his house/at. 783/2093
2Sa_20:12.........that/came by him/stood.... 784/2093
2Sa_20:15.........they/came and besieged him/in 785/2093 to pass after this that there was/again 786/2093
2Sa_22:10..........and/came down and darkness was under his feet And he rode upon a cherub and did fly and/he 787/2093
2Sa_23:13..........and/came to David in/the. 788/2093
2Sa_24:6..........they/came to Gilead/and... 789/2093
2Sa_24:6..........they/came to Danjaan/and.. 790/2093
2Sa_24:7...........And/came to the strong/hold 791/2093
2Sa_24:8..........they/came to Jerusalem at/the 792/2093
2Sa_24:11.........LORD/came unto the prophet Gad/David's 793/2093
2Sa_24:13..........Gad/came to David and told/him 794/2093
2Sa_24:18..........Gad/came that day/to..... 795/2093
1Ki_1:22..........also/came in And they/told 796/2093
1Ki_1:28...........she/came into the king's presence/and 797/2093
1Ki_1:32..........they/came before the king The/king 798/2093
1Ki_1:40........people/came up after him/and 799/2093
1Ki_1:42........priest/came and Adonijah/said 800/2093
1Ki_1:47......servants/came to bless/our.... 801/2093
1Ki_1:53............he/came and bowed himself/to 802/2093
1Ki_2:7...........they/came to me when/I.... 803/2093
1Ki_2:8.............he/came down to meet me/at 804/2093
1Ki_2:13.......Haggith/came to Bathsheba/the 805/2093
1Ki_2:28.......tidings/came to Joab/for..... 806/2093
1Ki_2:30.......Benaiah/came to the tabernacle/of 807/2093 to pass at the end of three years/that 808/2093
1Ki_3:15............he/came to Jerusalem and stood/before 809/2093
1Ki_3:16..........Then/came there two/women. 810/2093 to pass the third day after/that 811/2093
1Ki_4:27..........that/came unto king/Solomon's 812/2093
1Ki_4:34.........there/came of all/people... 813/2093 to pass when Hiram/heard 814/2093 to pass in the four/hundred 815/2093
1Ki_6:11..........LORD/came to Solomon saying/Concerning 816/2093
1Ki_7:14............he/came to king/Solomon. 817/2093
1Ki_8:3.........Israel/came and the priests/took 818/2093
1Ki_8:9...........they/came out of the land of Egypt And/it 819/2093 to pass when the priests were come out of the holy place that/the 820/2093 to pass when Solomon had/finished 821/2093 to pass at the end of twenty years when/Solomon 822/2093
1Ki_9:12.........Hiram/came out from Tyre/to 823/2093
1Ki_9:24......daughter/came up out of the city/of 824/2093
1Ki_9:28..........they/came to Ophir/and.... 825/2093
1Ki_10:1...........she/came to prove him/with 826/2093
1Ki_10:2...........she/came to Jerusalem with a/very 827/2093
1Ki_10:7.............I/came and mine eyes had seen it and behold the half/was 828/2093
1Ki_10:10........there/came no more such/abundance 829/2093
1Ki_10:12........there/came no such/almug... 830/2093
1Ki_10:14.........that/came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore/and 831/2093
1Ki_10:22........years/came the navy/of..... 832/2093
1Ki_10:29......chariot/came up and went/out. 833/2093 to pass when Solomon was/old 834/2093 to pass when David was in/Edom 835/2093
1Ki_11:18..........and/came to Paran/and.... 836/2093
1Ki_11:18.........they/came to Egypt unto/Pharaoh 837/2093 to pass at that time when Jeroboam/went 838/2093 to pass when Jeroboam the son of Nebat who was yet/in 839/2093
1Ki_12:3........Israel/came and spake unto Rehoboam/saying 840/2093
1Ki_12:12.......people/came to Rehoboam the/third 841/2093 to pass when all Israel/heard 842/2093
1Ki_12:22..........God/came unto Shemaiah/the 843/2093
1Ki_13:1.........there/came a man of God out/of 844/2093 to pass when king Jeroboam/heard 845/2093
1Ki_13:10...........he/came to Bethel/Now... 846/2093
1Ki_13:11.........sons/came and told him all the/works 847/2093
1Ki_13:12........which/came from Judah And he/said 848/2093 to pass as they sat/at 849/2093
1Ki_13:20.........LORD/came unto the prophet that/brought 850/2093
1Ki_13:21.........that/came from Judah saying/Thus 851/2093 to pass after he had eaten/bread 852/2093
1Ki_13:25.........they/came and told it in/the 853/2093
1Ki_13:29......prophet/came to the city to/mourn 854/2093 to pass after he had buried/him 855/2093
1Ki_14:4...........and/came to the house of Ahijah/But 856/2093
1Ki_14:6...........she/came in at/the....... 857/2093
1Ki_14:17..........and/came to Tirzah/and... 858/2093
1Ki_14:17..........she/came to the threshold/of 859/2093 to pass in the fifth year of king/Rehoboam 860/2093
1Ki_14:25........Egypt/came up against Jerusalem And he/took 861/2093 to pass when Baasha heard thereof/that 862/2093 to pass when he reigned/that 863/2093
1Ki_16:1..........LORD/came to Jehu/the..... 864/2093
1Ki_16:7........Hanani/came the word of the LORD against/Baasha 865/2093 to pass when he began/to 866/2093 to pass when Zimri/saw 867/2093 to pass as if/it 868/2093
1Ki_17:2..........LORD/came unto him saying Get/thee 869/2093 to pass after a/while 870/2093
1Ki_17:8..........LORD/came unto him saying Arise/get 871/2093
1Ki_17:10...........he/came to the gate/of.. 872/2093 to pass after these things that the son/of 873/2093
1Ki_17:22........child/came into him/again.. 874/2093 to pass after many days that the word/of 875/2093
1Ki_18:1..........LORD/came to Elijah in/the 876/2093 to pass when Ahab saw/Elijah 877/2093
1Ki_18:21.......Elijah/came unto all/the.... 878/2093 to pass at noon/that 879/2093 to pass when midday/was 880/2093
1Ki_18:30.......people/came near unto him And he/repaired 881/2093
1Ki_18:31.........LORD/came saying Israel/shall 882/2093 to pass at the time of the offering/of 883/2093
1Ki_18:36......prophet/came near and said LORD/God 884/2093 to pass at the seventh time that/he 885/2093 to pass in the mean/while 886/2093
1Ki_19:3...........and/came to Beersheba which/belongeth 887/2093
1Ki_19:4...........and/came and sat down under/a 888/2093
1Ki_19:7..........LORD/came again the/second 889/2093
1Ki_19:9............he/came thither unto/a.. 890/2093
1Ki_19:9..........LORD/came to him and he/said 891/2093
1Ki_19:13........there/came a voice unto/him 892/2093
1Ki_20:5....messengers/came again and said/Thus 893/2093 to pass when Ben-hadad/heard 894/2093
1Ki_20:13........there/came a prophet/unto.. 895/2093
1Ki_20:19....provinces/came out of the city/and 896/2093
1Ki_20:22......prophet/came to the king of Israel and said unto/him 897/2093 to pass at the return/of 898/2093
1Ki_20:28........there/came a man of God and/spake 899/2093
1Ki_20:30..........and/came into the city into/an 900/2093
1Ki_20:32..........and/came to the king of Israel and said Thy/servant 901/2093
1Ki_20:33.....Benhadad/came forth to him/and 902/2093
1Ki_20:43..........and/came to Samaria And it/came 903/2093 to pass after these things that Naboth/the 904/2093
1Ki_21:4..........Ahab/came into his house/heavy 905/2093
1Ki_21:5..........wife/came to him and said unto him Why/is 906/2093
1Ki_21:13........there/came in two/men...... 907/2093 to pass when Jezebel/heard 908/2093 to pass when Ahab heard that/Naboth 909/2093
1Ki_21:17.........LORD/came to Elijah the Tishbite saying Arise/go 910/2093 to pass when Ahab heard those/words 911/2093
1Ki_21:28.........LORD/came to Elijah the Tishbite saying Seest/thou 912/2093 to pass in the third year that/Jehoshaphat 913/2093
1Ki_22:2.........Judah/came down to the king/of 914/2093
1Ki_22:15...........he/came to the king And the/king 915/2093
1Ki_22:21........there/came forth a spirit/and 916/2093 to pass when the captains of the chariots saw Jehoshaphat that they said Surely/it 917/2093 to pass when the captains of the chariots perceived/that 918/2093
2Ki_1:6..........There/came a man up/to..... 919/2093
2Ki_1:7..........which/came up to meet you/and 920/2093
2Ki_1:10.........there/came down fire/from.. 921/2093
2Ki_1:12...........God/came down from heaven and consumed him/and 922/2093
2Ki_1:13...........and/came and fell on/his. 923/2093
2Ki_1:14.........there/came fire/down....... 924/2093 to pass when the LORD/would 925/2093
2Ki_2:3.........Bethel/came forth to Elisha/and 926/2093
2Ki_2:4...........they/came to Jericho And the/sons 927/2093
2Ki_2:5........Jericho/came to Elisha/and... 928/2093 to pass when they were gone/over 929/2093 to pass as they still/went 930/2093
2Ki_2:15..........they/came to meet him and/bowed 931/2093
2Ki_2:18..........they/came again to him for he tarried/at 932/2093
2Ki_2:23.........there/came forth little/children 933/2093
2Ki_2:24.........there/came forth two/she... 934/2093 to pass when Ahab was/dead 935/2093 to pass when the minstrel/played 936/2093
2Ki_3:15..........LORD/came upon him And he said/Thus 937/2093 to pass in the morning when the meat/offering 938/2093
2Ki_3:20.........there/came water by/the.... 939/2093
2Ki_3:24..........they/came to the camp of Israel/the 940/2093 to pass when the vessels/were 941/2093
2Ki_4:7............she/came and told the man/of 942/2093
2Ki_4:11............he/came thither and he/turned 943/2093
2Ki_4:25...........and/came unto the man of/God 944/2093 to pass when the man/of 945/2093
2Ki_4:27...........she/came to the man of/God 946/2093
2Ki_4:27........Gehazi/came near to thrust/her 947/2093
2Ki_4:38........Elisha/came again to Gilgal/and 948/2093
2Ki_4:39...........and/came and shred/them.. 949/2093 to pass as they were eating/of 950/2093
2Ki_4:42.........there/came a man from/Baalshalisha 951/2093 to pass when the king of Israel/had 952/2093
2Ki_5:9.........Naaman/came with his horses/and 953/2093
2Ki_5:13......servants/came near and spake unto/him 954/2093
2Ki_5:14.........flesh/came again like/unto. 955/2093
2Ki_5:15...........and/came and stood before him and he/said 956/2093
2Ki_5:24............he/came to the tower/he. 957/2093
2Ki_6:4...........they/came to Jordan they/cut 958/2093
2Ki_6:14..........they/came by night and compassed/the 959/2093
2Ki_6:18..........they/came down to him Elisha/prayed 960/2093 to pass when they were come into/Samaria 961/2093
2Ki_6:23.........Syria/came no more into the land/of 962/2093 to pass after this that Benhadad/king 963/2093 to pass when the king heard/the 964/2093
2Ki_6:32.....messenger/came to him he said to/the 965/2093
2Ki_6:33.....messenger/came down unto him and he/said 966/2093
2Ki_7:8.........lepers/came to the uttermost/part 967/2093
2Ki_7:8............and/came again and entered/into 968/2093
2Ki_7:10..........they/came and called unto/the 969/2093
2Ki_7:10............We/came to the camp of the/Syrians 970/2093
2Ki_7:17..........king/came down to him And/it 971/2093 to pass as the man/of 972/2093 to pass at the seven/years' 973/2093 to pass as he was telling/the 974/2093
2Ki_8:7.........Elisha/came to Damascus/and. 975/2093
2Ki_8:9............and/came and stood before him and said/Thy 976/2093
2Ki_8:14...........and/came to his master who/said 977/2093 to pass on the morrow that he/took 978/2093
2Ki_9:5.............he/came behold/the...... 979/2093
2Ki_9:11..........Jehu/came forth to the/servants 980/2093
2Ki_9:11.....wherefore/came this mad/fellow. 981/2093
2Ki_9:17............he/came and said I/see.. 982/2093
2Ki_9:18.....messenger/came to them but/he.. 983/2093
2Ki_9:19.........which/came to them and/said 984/2093
2Ki_9:20............He/came even unto/them.. 985/2093 to pass when Joram/saw 986/2093
2Ki_9:36..........they/came again and told/him 987/2093 to pass when the letter/came 988/2093
2Ki_10:7........letter/came to them that/they 989/2093
2Ki_10:8.........there/came a messenger and/told 990/2093 to pass in the morning that he/went 991/2093
2Ki_10:12..........and/came to Samaria And as/he 992/2093
2Ki_10:17...........he/came to Samaria he/slew 993/2093
2Ki_10:21.........Baal/came so that/there... 994/2093
2Ki_10:21.........that/came not And/they.... 995/2093
2Ki_10:21.........they/came into the house of Baal/and 996/2093 to pass as soon as he had made an end of offering/the 997/2093
2Ki_11:9...........and/came to Jehoiada/the. 998/2093
2Ki_11:13..........she/came to the people into the temple/of 999/2093
2Ki_11:16.......horses/came into the king's house/and 1000/2093
2Ki_11:19..........and/came by the way of the gate/of 1001/2093
2Ki_12:10.......priest/came up and they/put 1002/2093
2Ki_13:14.......Israel/came down unto him and wept/over 1003/2093 to pass as they were burying/a 1004/2093 to pass as soon as the/kingdom 1005/2093
2Ki_14:13..........and/came to Jerusalem and brake/down 1006/2093 to pass Shallum/the 1007/2093
2Ki_15:14..........and/came to Samaria and smote/Shallum 1008/2093
2Ki_15:19......Assyria/came against the land/and 1009/2093
2Ki_15:29.......Israel/came Tiglathpileser/king 1010/2093
2Ki_16:5........Israel/came up to Jerusalem/to 1011/2093
2Ki_16:6.......Syrians/came to Elath/and... 1012/2093
2Ki_16:11.........Ahaz/came from Damascus/And 1013/2093
2Ki_17:3...........him/came up Shalmaneser/king 1014/2093
2Ki_17:5.......Assyria/came up throughout/all 1015/2093
2Ki_17:28......Samaria/came and dwelt in Bethel/and 1016/2093 to pass in the third year of/Hoshea 1017/2093 to pass in the fourth year of king Hezekiah/which 1018/2093
2Ki_18:9.......Assyria/came up against Samaria/and 1019/2093
2Ki_18:17..........and/came to Jerusalem And when they/were 1020/2093
2Ki_18:17.........they/came and stood by/the 1021/2093
2Ki_18:18........there/came out to them/Eliakim 1022/2093
2Ki_18:37.........Then/came Eliakim the son of Hilkiah which/was 1023/2093 to pass when king Hezekiah heard it that he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim which/was 1024/2093
2Ki_19:5......Hezekiah/came to Isaiah And Isaiah said unto them Thus shall ye say to/your 1025/2093
2Ki_19:33...........he/came by the same shall he return and shall not come into this city saith the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake And/it 1026/2093 to pass that night that the angel/of 1027/2093 to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 1028/2093
2Ki_20:1..........Amoz/came to him and said unto him Thus/saith 1029/2093 to pass afore/Isaiah 1030/2093
2Ki_20:4..........LORD/came to him saying Turn/again 1031/2093
2Ki_20:14.........Then/came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country even/from 1032/2093
2Ki_20:14.......whence/came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country even/from 1033/2093
2Ki_21:15......fathers/came forth out of Egypt even/unto 1034/2093 to pass in the eighteenth/year 1035/2093
2Ki_22:9........scribe/came to the king and brought/the 1036/2093 to pass when the king had heard the words of the book/of 1037/2093
2Ki_23:9........places/came not up to the altar/of 1038/2093
2Ki_23:17........which/came from Judah and proclaimed/these 1039/2093
2Ki_23:18.........that/came out of Samaria/And 1040/2093
2Ki_23:34...........he/came to Egypt and/died 1041/2093
2Ki_24:1.......Babylon/came up and Jehoiakim/became 1042/2093
2Ki_24:3..........LORD/came this upon/Judah 1043/2093
2Ki_24:7.........Egypt/came not again/any.. 1044/2093
2Ki_24:10......Babylon/came up against Jerusalem and the/city 1045/2093
2Ki_24:11......Babylon/came against the city/and 1046/2093 to pass in Jerusalem and Judah until/he 1047/2093 to pass in the ninth year of his reign in the tenth month in the tenth day of the month that Nebuchadnezzar/king 1048/2093
2Ki_25:1.......Babylon/came he and all his host/against 1049/2093
2Ki_25:8.......Babylon/came Nebuzaradan captain of the guard a/servant 1050/2093
2Ki_25:23........there/came to Gedaliah to Mizpah even Ishmael the son of Nethaniah and Johanan the/son 1051/2093 to pass in the seventh month that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah the son of Elishama of the seed royal came/and 1052/2093
2Ki_25:25........royal/came and ten/men.... 1053/2093
2Ki_25:26..........and/came to Egypt for/they 1054/2093 to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah in the twelfth month on/the 1055/2093
1Ch_1:12..........whom/came the Philistines/and 1056/2093
1Ch_2:53..........them/came the Zareathites/and 1057/2093
1Ch_2:55..........that/came of Hemath/the.. 1058/2093 in the days of Hezekiah/king 1059/2093
1Ch_5:2............him/came the chief/ruler 1060/2093
1Ch_7:21..........they/came down to take/away 1061/2093
1Ch_7:22......brethren/came to comfort/him. 1062/2093
1Ch_10:7...Philistines/came and dwelt in them And it came to pass on the morrow when the Philistines came to strip the slain that they found Saul and his sons/fallen 1063/2093 to pass on the morrow when the Philistines came to strip the slain that they found Saul and his sons/fallen 1064/2093
1Ch_10:8...Philistines/came to strip the slain that they found Saul and his sons/fallen 1065/2093
1Ch_11:3.....Therefore/came all the elders/of 1066/2093
1Ch_12:1..........that/came to David to Ziklag/while 1067/2093
1Ch_12:16........there/came of the children/of 1068/2093
1Ch_12:18.......spirit/came upon Amasai/who 1069/2093
1Ch_12:19...........he/came with the Philistines/against 1070/2093
1Ch_12:22........there/came to David to help/him 1071/2093
1Ch_12:23..........and/came to David to Hebron to/turn 1072/2093
1Ch_12:38.........rank/came with a perfect/heart 1073/2093
1Ch_13:9..........they/came unto the threshingfloor/of 1074/2093
1Ch_14:9...Philistines/came and spread themselves in the valley of Rephaim And David enquired of God/saying 1075/2093
1Ch_14:11.........they/came up to Baalperazim/and 1076/2093 to pass when God helped/the 1077/2093 to pass as the ark of the/covenant 1078/2093
1Ch_15:29.........LORD/came to the city of/David 1079/2093 to pass as David/sat 1080/2093 to pass the same night that the word/of 1081/2093
1Ch_17:3...........God/came to Nathan/saying 1082/2093
1Ch_17:16.........king/came and sat before/the 1083/2093 to pass that David smote the Philistines and subdued them and took/Gath 1084/2093
1Ch_18:5......Damascus/came to help Hadarezer/king 1085/2093 to pass after this that Nahash/the 1086/2093
1Ch_19:2.........David/came into the land of the children of Ammon to/Hanun 1087/2093
1Ch_19:7...........who/came and pitched before/Medeba 1088/2093
1Ch_19:7...........and/came to battle/And.. 1089/2093
1Ch_19:9.........Ammon/came out and put the battle in array before/the 1090/2093
1Ch_19:15.........Joab/came to Jerusalem And when the Syrians saw that they were put/to 1091/2093
1Ch_19:17..........and/came upon them and set/the 1092/2093 to pass that after the/year 1093/2093
1Ch_20:1...........and/came and besieged Rabbah/But 1094/2093 to pass after this that there arose/war 1095/2093
1Ch_21:4...........and/came to Jerusalem And Joab/gave 1096/2093
1Ch_21:11..........Gad/came to David and said/unto 1097/2093
1Ch_21:21........David/came to Ornan/Ornan. 1098/2093
1Ch_22:8..........LORD/came to me saying Thou/hast 1099/2093
1Ch_24:7...........lot/came forth to Jehoiarib/the 1100/2093
1Ch_24:28........Mahli/came Eleazar/who.... 1101/2093
1Ch_25:9...........lot/came forth for/Asaph 1102/2093
1Ch_26:14..........lot/came out northward/To 1103/2093
1Ch_26:16..........lot/came forth westward/with 1104/2093
1Ch_27:1.........which/came in and went out month/by 1105/2093
2Ch_1:13.......Solomon/came from his/journey 1106/2093
2Ch_5:4.........Israel/came and the Levites/took 1107/2093
2Ch_5:10..........they/came out of Egypt And it/came 1108/2093 to pass when the priests were come out of the holy place for/all 1109/2093
2Ch_5:13............It/came even to pass as/the 1110/2093 down from heaven and consumed the/burnt 1111/2093 down and the glory/of 1112/2093
2Ch_7:11..........that/came into Solomon's/heart 1113/2093 to pass at the end of twenty years wherein/Solomon 1114/2093
2Ch_9:1............she/came to prove Solomon/with 1115/2093
2Ch_9:6..............I/came and mine eyes had seen it and behold the one/half 1116/2093
2Ch_9:13..........that/came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and/threescore 1117/2093
2Ch_9:21..........once/came the ships/of... 1118/2093 to pass when Jeroboam the son of Nebat who was in/Egypt 1119/2093
2Ch_10:3........Israel/came and spake to/Rehoboam 1120/2093
2Ch_10:12.......people/came to Rehoboam on/the 1121/2093
2Ch_11:2..........LORD/came to Shemaiah the/man 1122/2093
2Ch_11:14..........and/came to Judah and Jerusalem for/Jeroboam 1123/2093
2Ch_11:16.......Israel/came to Jerusalem to/sacrifice 1124/2093 to pass when Rehoboam/had 1125/2093 to pass that in the fifth/year 1126/2093
2Ch_12:2.........Egypt/came up against Jerusalem because/they 1127/2093
2Ch_12:3..........that/came with him out/of 1128/2093
2Ch_12:4...........and/came to Jerusalem Then/came 1129/2093
2Ch_12:5..........Then/came Shemaiah/the... 1130/2093
2Ch_12:7..........LORD/came to Shemaiah saying/They 1131/2093
2Ch_12:9.........Egypt/came up against Jerusalem and took/away 1132/2093
2Ch_12:11........guard/came and fetched them/and 1133/2093 to pass that God/smote 1134/2093
2Ch_14:9.........there/came out against them Zerah/the 1135/2093
2Ch_14:9...........and/came unto Mareshah/Then 1136/2093
2Ch_14:14.........LORD/came upon them and they/spoiled 1137/2093
2Ch_15:1...........God/came upon Azariah/the 1138/2093
2Ch_15:5..........that/came in but great/vexations 1139/2093
2Ch_16:1........Israel/came up against Judah/and 1140/2093 to pass when Baasha heard it/that 1141/2093
2Ch_16:7..........seer/came to Asa/king.... 1142/2093
2Ch_18:20........there/came out a spirit/and 1143/2093
2Ch_18:23....Chenaanah/came near and smote/Micaiah 1144/2093 to pass when the captains of the chariots saw Jehoshaphat that they said It/is 1145/2093 to pass that when the captains/of 1146/2093
2Ch_20:1............It/came to pass after this also/that 1147/2093
2Ch_20:1.....Ammonites/came against Jehoshaphat/to 1148/2093
2Ch_20:2.........there/came some/that...... 1149/2093
2Ch_20:4..........they/came to seek/the.... 1150/2093
2Ch_20:10.........they/came out of the land of Egypt but/they 1151/2093
2Ch_20:14........Asaph/came the Spirit/of.. 1152/2093
2Ch_20:24........Judah/came toward/the..... 1153/2093
2Ch_20:25.......people/came to take/away... 1154/2093
2Ch_20:28.........they/came to Jerusalem with psalteries/and 1155/2093
2Ch_21:12........there/came a writing/to... 1156/2093
2Ch_21:17.........they/came up into Judah/and 1157/2093 to pass that in process/of 1158/2093
2Ch_22:1..........that/came with the Arabians/to 1159/2093 to pass that when Jehu/was 1160/2093
2Ch_23:2..........they/came to Jerusalem And all/the 1161/2093
2Ch_23:12..........she/came to the people into the house/of 1162/2093
2Ch_23:20.........they/came through the high/gate 1163/2093 to pass after this that Joash/was 1164/2093 to pass that at what/time 1165/2093
2Ch_24:11......officer/came and emptied/the 1166/2093
2Ch_24:17.....Jehoiada/came the princes/of. 1167/2093
2Ch_24:18........wrath/came upon Judah/and. 1168/2093
2Ch_24:20..........God/came upon Zechariah/the 1169/2093 to pass at the end of the year/that 1170/2093
2Ch_24:23........Syria/came up against him/and 1171/2093
2Ch_24:23.........they/came to Judah and Jerusalem and/destroyed 1172/2093
2Ch_24:24......Syrians/came with a small/company 1173/2093 to pass when the kingdom/was 1174/2093
2Ch_25:7.........there/came a man of God to/him 1175/2093 to pass after that/Amaziah 1176/2093 to pass as he talked/with 1177/2093 of God/that.... 1178/2093
2Ch_28:9..........that/came to Samaria and said/unto 1179/2093
2Ch_28:12.........that/came from the war/And 1180/2093
2Ch_28:20......Assyria/came unto him and distressed/him 1181/2093
2Ch_29:15..........and/came according/to... 1182/2093
2Ch_29:17........month/came they to/the.... 1183/2093
2Ch_30:11..........and/came to Jerusalem Also/in 1184/2093
2Ch_30:25.........that/came out of Israel/and 1185/2093
2Ch_30:25.........that/came out of the land of Israel/and 1186/2093
2Ch_30:27.......prayer/came up to his/holy. 1187/2093
2Ch_31:5...commandment/came abroad/the..... 1188/2093
2Ch_31:8.......princes/came and saw the/heaps 1189/2093
2Ch_32:1.......Assyria/came and entered/into 1190/2093
2Ch_32:21.........that/came forth of his own/bowels 1191/2093
2Ch_32:26.........LORD/came not upon/them.. 1192/2093
2Ch_34:9..........they/came to Hilkiah/the. 1193/2093 to pass when the king had heard the words of the law/that 1194/2093
2Ch_35:20........Egypt/came up to fight/against 1195/2093
2Ch_35:22..........and/came to fight/in.... 1196/2093
2Ch_36:6...........him/came up Nebuchadnezzar/king 1197/2093
Ezr_2:1............and/came again unto Jerusalem/and 1198/2093
Ezr_2:2..........Which/came with Zerubbabel Jeshua Nehemiah Seraiah/Reelaiah 1199/2093
Ezr_2:68..........they/came to the house of the LORD/which 1200/2093
Ezr_4:2...........they/came to Zerubbabel/and 1201/2093
Ezr_4:12.........which/came up from thee/to 1202/2093
Ezr_5:3...........time/came to them Tatnai/governor 1203/2093
Ezr_5:5.........matter/came to Darius/and.. 1204/2093
Ezr_5:16..........Then/came the same Sheshbazzar/and 1205/2093
Ezr_7:8.............he/came to Jerusalem in/the 1206/2093
Ezr_7:9..........month/came he to Jerusalem/according 1207/2093
Ezr_8:32............we/came to Jerusalem and abode/there 1208/2093
Ezr_9:1........princes/came to me saying The/people 1209/2093
Ezr_10:6............he/came thither he/did. 1210/2093 to pass in the month Chisleu/in 1211/2093
Neh_1:2.......brethren/came he and certain/men 1212/2093 to pass when I heard/these 1213/2093 to pass in the month Nisan/in 1214/2093
Neh_2:9..............I/came to the governors/beyond 1215/2093
Neh_2:11.............I/came to Jerusalem and was/there 1216/2093 to pass that when Sanballat heard/that 1217/2093 to pass that when Sanballat and/Tobiah 1218/2093 to pass that when the Jews/which 1219/2093
Neh_4:12..........them/came they said/unto. 1220/2093 to pass when our/enemies 1221/2093 to pass from that/time 1222/2093
Neh_5:17..........that/came unto us/from... 1223/2093 to pass when Sanballat/and 1224/2093
Neh_6:10.............I/came unto the house of Shemaiah/the 1225/2093 to pass that when all our/enemies 1226/2093
Neh_6:17........Tobiah/came unto them For/there 1227/2093 to pass when the wall/was 1228/2093
Neh_7:5..........which/came up at/the...... 1229/2093
Neh_7:6............and/came again to Jerusalem/and 1230/2093
Neh_7:7............Who/came with Zerubbabel Jeshua Nehemiah Azariah/Raamiah 1231/2093
Neh_7:73.........month/came the children of Israel were/in 1232/2093 to pass when they had heard the/law 1233/2093
Neh_13:6.......Babylon/came I unto the/king 1234/2093
Neh_13:7.............I/came to Jerusalem and understood/of 1235/2093 to pass that when the gates/of 1236/2093
Neh_13:21........forth/came they no/more... 1237/2093 to pass in the days of Ahasuerus/this 1238/2093
Est_1:17...........she/came not Likewise/shall 1239/2093 to pass when the king's/commandment 1240/2093
Est_2:13..........thus/came every maiden/unto 1241/2093
Est_2:14...........she/came in unto the king/no 1242/2093 to pass when they spake/daily 1243/2093
Est_4:2............And/came even before/the 1244/2093
Est_4:3.........decree/came there was/great 1245/2093
Est_4:4...chamberlains/came and told it her/Then 1246/2093
Est_4:9.........Hatach/came and told Esther/the 1247/2093 to pass on the third day that/Esther 1248/2093
Est_5:5..........Haman/came to the banquet/that 1249/2093
Est_5:10............he/came home he/sent... 1250/2093
Est_6:6..........Haman/came in And the king/said 1251/2093
Est_6:12......Mordecai/came again to the/king's 1252/2093
Est_6:14...........him/came the king's/chamberlains 1253/2093
Est_7:1..........Haman/came to banquet/with 1254/2093
Est_8:1.......Mordecai/came before the king for Esther/had 1255/2093
Est_8:17........decree/came the Jews had/joy 1256/2093
Est_9:25........Esther/came before the king he/commanded 1257/2093
Job_1:6............God/came to present themselves before the LORD and Satan came also among them And/the 1258/2093
Job_1:6..........Satan/came also among them And/the 1259/2093
Job_1:14.........there/came a messenger unto Job/and 1260/2093
Job_1:16.........there/came also another and said The fire/of 1261/2093
Job_1:17.........there/came also another and said The Chaldeans/made 1262/2093
Job_1:18.........there/came also another and said Thy/sons 1263/2093
Job_1:19.........there/came a great wind/from 1264/2093
Job_1:21.........Naked/came I out/of....... 1265/2093
Job_2:1............God/came to present themselves before the LORD and Satan came also among them to/present 1266/2093
Job_2:1..........Satan/came also among them to/present 1267/2093
Job_2:11..........they/came every one from/his 1268/2093
Job_3:11.............I/came out of the belly/Why 1269/2093
Job_3:26.......trouble/came Then Eliphaz/the 1270/2093
Job_4:14..........Fear/came upon me and trembling/which 1271/2093
Job_6:20..........they/came thither and were/ashamed 1272/2093
Job_26:4........spirit/came from thee/Dead. 1273/2093
Job_29:13.......perish/came upon me and I/caused 1274/2093
Job_30:14.........They/came upon me as/a... 1275/2093
Job_30:26.........evil/came unto me and when/I 1276/2093
Job_30:26........there/came darkness/My.... 1277/2093
Job_38:29.........womb/came the ice/and.... 1278/2093
Job_42:11.........Then/came there unto/him. 1279/2093
Psa_18:6...........cry/came before him/even 1280/2093
Psa_18:9...........and/came down and darkness was under his feet And he rode upon a cherub and did fly yea/he 1281/2093
Psa_27:2..........foes/came upon me to/eat. 1282/2093
Psa_78:21.........also/came up against Israel/Because 1283/2093
Psa_78:31..........God/came upon them and slew/the 1284/2093
Psa_88:17.........They/came round/about.... 1285/2093
Psa_105:19........word/came the word of the LORD tried/him 1286/2093
Psa_105:23........also/came into Egypt and/Jacob 1287/2093
Psa_105:31.......there/came divers/sorts... 1288/2093
Psa_105:34.....locusts/came and caterpillers/and 1289/2093
Pro_7:15.....Therefore/came I forth to/meet 1290/2093
Ecc_5:15............he/came forth of his mother's/womb 1291/2093
Ecc_5:15............he/came and shall/take. 1292/2093
Ecc_5:16............he/came so shall/he.... 1293/2093
Ecc_9:14.........there/came a great king/against 1294/2093
Son_4:2..........which/came up from the washing/whereof 1295/2093 to pass in the days of Ahaz/the 1296/2093
Isa_11:16...........he/came up out of the land of Egypt And in/that 1297/2093
Isa_20:1........Tartan/came unto Ashdod/when 1298/2093
Isa_30:4...ambassadors/came to Hanes/They.. 1299/2093 to pass in the fourteenth/year 1300/2093
Isa_36:1.......Assyria/came up against all/the 1301/2093
Isa_36:3..........Then/came forth unto/him. 1302/2093
Isa_36:22.........Then/came Eliakim the son of Hilkiah that/was 1303/2093 to pass when king Hezekiah heard it that he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim who/was 1304/2093
Isa_37:5......Hezekiah/came to Isaiah And Isaiah said unto them Thus shall ye say unto/your 1305/2093
Isa_37:34...........he/came by the same shall he return and shall not come into this city saith the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake Then/the 1306/2093 to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 1307/2093
Isa_38:1..........Amoz/came unto him and said unto him Thus/saith 1308/2093
Isa_38:4..........Then/came the word of the LORD to/Isaiah 1309/2093
Isa_39:3..........Then/came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country unto/me 1310/2093
Isa_39:3........whence/came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country unto/me 1311/2093
Isa_41:5...........and/came They helped/every 1312/2093
Isa_48:3..........they/came to pass Because I/knew 1313/2093 to pass I/shewed 1314/2093
Isa_50:2.............I/came was/there...... 1315/2093
Isa_66:7..........pain/came she was/delivered 1316/2093
Jer_1:2...........LORD/came in the days of Josiah/the 1317/2093
Jer_1:3.............It/came also in/the.... 1318/2093
Jer_1:4...........LORD/came unto me saying Before/I 1319/2093
Jer_1:11..........LORD/came unto me saying Jeremiah/what 1320/2093
Jer_1:13..........LORD/came unto me the second time saying What/seest 1321/2093
Jer_2:1...........LORD/came to me saying Go/and 1322/2093 to pass through/the 1323/2093
Jer_7:1...........that/came to Jeremiah from the LORD saying Stand/in 1324/2093
Jer_7:25.......fathers/came forth out of the/land 1325/2093
Jer_7:31.......neither/came it into my heart/Therefore 1326/2093
Jer_8:15..........good/came and for/a...... 1327/2093
Jer_11:1..........that/came to Jeremiah from the LORD saying Hear/ye 1328/2093
Jer_13:3..........LORD/came unto me the second time saying Take/the 1329/2093 to pass after many days that the LORD/said 1330/2093
Jer_13:8..........LORD/came unto me saying Thus saith the LORD After/this 1331/2093
Jer_14:1..........that/came to Jeremiah concerning the/dearth 1332/2093
Jer_14:3..........they/came to the pits/and 1333/2093
Jer_16:1..........LORD/came also unto/me... 1334/2093
Jer_17:16........which/came out of my/lips. 1335/2093
Jer_18:1.........which/came to Jeremiah from the LORD saying Arise/and 1336/2093
Jer_18:5..........LORD/came to me saying O/house 1337/2093
Jer_19:5.......neither/came it into my mind Therefore/behold 1338/2093
Jer_19:14.........Then/came Jeremiah/from.. 1339/2093 to pass on the morrow that Pashur/brought 1340/2093
Jer_20:18....Wherefore/came I forth out/of. 1341/2093
Jer_21:1.........which/came unto Jeremiah from the LORD when king/Zedekiah 1342/2093
Jer_24:4..........LORD/came unto me saying Thus saith the LORD the/God 1343/2093
Jer_25:1..........that/came to Jeremiah concerning all the people/of 1344/2093
Jer_26:1.........Judah/came this word from/the 1345/2093 to pass when Jeremiah/had 1346/2093
Jer_26:10.........they/came up from the king's/house 1347/2093
Jer_27:1.........Judah/came this word unto/Jeremiah 1348/2093 to pass the same year/in 1349/2093
Jer_28:12.........LORD/came unto Jeremiah the prophet/after 1350/2093
Jer_29:30.........Then/came the word of the LORD unto Jeremiah saying Send/to 1351/2093
Jer_30:1..........that/came to Jeremiah from the LORD saying Thus speaketh/the 1352/2093
Jer_32:1..........that/came to Jeremiah from the LORD in/the 1353/2093
Jer_32:6..........LORD/came unto me saying Behold/Hanameel 1354/2093
Jer_32:8...........son/came to me in the court/of 1355/2093
Jer_32:23.........they/came in and possessed/it 1356/2093
Jer_32:26.........Then/came the word of the LORD unto Jeremiah saying Behold/I 1357/2093
Jer_32:35......neither/came it into my mind that/they 1358/2093
Jer_33:1..........LORD/came unto Jeremiah the second/time 1359/2093
Jer_33:19.........LORD/came unto Jeremiah saying/Thus 1360/2093
Jer_33:23.........LORD/came to Jeremiah saying/Considerest 1361/2093
Jer_34:1.........which/came unto Jeremiah from the LORD when Nebuchadnezzar/king 1362/2093
Jer_34:8..........that/came unto Jeremiah from the LORD after/that 1363/2093
Jer_34:12.........LORD/came to Jeremiah from the LORD saying Thus saith/the 1364/2093
Jer_35:1.........which/came unto Jeremiah from the LORD in/the 1365/2093 to pass when Nebuchadrezzar/king 1366/2093
Jer_35:11......Babylon/came up into the/land 1367/2093
Jer_35:12.........Then/came the word of the LORD unto Jeremiah saying Thus/saith 1368/2093 to pass in the fourth year of Jehoiakim/the 1369/2093
Jer_36:1..........word/came unto Jeremiah from the LORD saying/Take 1370/2093 to pass in the fifth year of Jehoiakim/the 1371/2093
Jer_36:9..........that/came from the cities/of 1372/2093
Jer_36:14..........and/came unto them And they/said 1373/2093 to pass when they had heard all/the 1374/2093 to pass that when Jehudi/had 1375/2093
Jer_36:27.........LORD/came to Jeremiah after/that 1376/2093
Jer_37:4......Jeremiah/came in and went out among/the 1377/2093
Jer_37:6..........Then/came the word of the LORD unto the/prophet 1378/2093 to pass that when the army/of 1379/2093
Jer_38:27.........Then/came all the princes/unto 1380/2093
Jer_39:1.........month/came Nebuchadrezzar/king 1381/2093
Jer_39:3.......Babylon/came in and sat/in.. 1382/2093 to pass that when Zedekiah/the 1383/2093
Jer_39:15.........LORD/came unto Jeremiah while/he 1384/2093
Jer_40:1..........that/came to Jeremiah from the LORD after/that 1385/2093
Jer_40:8..........they/came to Gedaliah to Mizpah even Ishmael the son of Nethaniah and Johanan and/Jonathan 1386/2093
Jer_40:12..........and/came to the land/of. 1387/2093
Jer_40:13.......fields/came to Gedaliah to Mizpah And/said 1388/2093 to pass in the seventh month that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah the son of Elishama of the seed royal and/the 1389/2093
Jer_41:1...........him/came unto Gedaliah/the 1390/2093 to pass the second/day 1391/2093
Jer_41:5.........there/came certain from/Shechem 1392/2093 to pass as he met/them 1393/2093
Jer_41:7..........they/came into the midst of the city/that 1394/2093 to pass that when all the/people 1395/2093
Jer_42:1......greatest/came near And said unto/Jeremiah 1396/2093 to pass after ten/days 1397/2093
Jer_42:7..........LORD/came unto Jeremiah Then/called 1398/2093 to pass that when Jeremiah/had 1399/2093
Jer_43:7..........they/came into the land of Egypt/for 1400/2093
Jer_43:7..........thus/came they even/to... 1401/2093
Jer_43:8..........Then/came the word of the LORD unto Jeremiah in/Tahpanhes 1402/2093
Jer_44:1..........that/came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews/which 1403/2093
Jer_44:21..........and/came it not/into.... 1404/2093
Jer_46:1.........which/came to Jeremiah the prophet against the Gentiles/Against 1405/2093
Jer_47:1..........that/came to Jeremiah the prophet against the Philistines/before 1406/2093
Jer_49:34.........that/came to Jeremiah the prophet against Elam/in 1407/2093 to pass in Jerusalem and Judah till/he 1408/2093 to pass in the ninth year of his reign in the tenth month in the tenth day of the month that Nebuchadrezzar/king 1409/2093
Jer_52:4.......Babylon/came he and all his army/against 1410/2093
Jer_52:12......Babylon/came Nebuzaradan captain of the guard which/served 1411/2093 to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah in the twelfth month in/the 1412/2093
Lam_1:9............she/came down wonderfully/she 1413/2093 to pass in the thirtieth/year 1414/2093
Eze_1:3...........LORD/came expressly/unto. 1415/2093
Eze_1:4......whirlwind/came out of the north/a 1416/2093
Eze_1:5........thereof/came the likeness/of 1417/2093
Eze_3:15.............I/came to them of/the. 1418/2093 to pass at the end of seven/days 1419/2093
Eze_3:16..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man I have made/thee 1420/2093
Eze_4:14.......neither/came there abominable/flesh 1421/2093
Eze_6:1...........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man set thy face toward the mountains/of 1422/2093
Eze_7:1...........LORD/came unto me saying Also/thou 1423/2093 to pass in the sixth/year 1424/2093 from the way of the higher/gate 1425/2093 to pass while they were slaying/them 1426/2093 to pass that when he had/commanded 1427/2093 to pass when I prophesied/that 1428/2093
Eze_11:14.........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man thy/brethren 1429/2093
Eze_12:1..........also/came unto me saying Son of man thou/dwellest 1430/2093
Eze_12:8.......morning/came the word of the LORD unto me saying Son of man hath/not 1431/2093
Eze_12:17.........LORD/came to me saying Son of man eat/thy 1432/2093
Eze_12:21.........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man what is that/proverb 1433/2093
Eze_12:26.........LORD/came to me saying Son of man behold/they 1434/2093
Eze_13:1..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man prophesy against the prophets/of 1435/2093
Eze_14:1..........Then/came certain of the elders/of 1436/2093
Eze_14:2..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man these/men 1437/2093
Eze_14:12.........LORD/came again to me/saying 1438/2093
Eze_15:1..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man what is the/vine 1439/2093
Eze_16:1..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man cause/Jerusalem 1440/2093 to pass after all/thy 1441/2093
Eze_17:1..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man put/forth 1442/2093
Eze_17:3.......colours/came unto Lebanon/and 1443/2093
Eze_17:11.........LORD/came unto me saying Say/now 1444/2093
Eze_18:1..........LORD/came unto me again saying What/mean 1445/2093 to pass in the seventh year/in 1446/2093
Eze_20:1........Israel/came to enquire/of.. 1447/2093
Eze_20:2..........Then/came the word of the LORD unto me saying Son of man speak/unto 1448/2093
Eze_20:45.........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man set thy face toward the south/and 1449/2093
Eze_21:1..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man set thy face toward Jerusalem/and 1450/2093
Eze_21:8..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man prophesy and/say 1451/2093
Eze_21:18.........LORD/came unto me again saying Also/thou 1452/2093
Eze_22:1..........LORD/came unto me saying Now/thou 1453/2093
Eze_22:17.........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man the/house 1454/2093
Eze_22:23.........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man say/unto 1455/2093
Eze_23:1..........LORD/came again unto me saying Son of man there/were 1456/2093
Eze_23:17..Babylonians/came to her into/the 1457/2093
Eze_23:39.........they/came the same day/into 1458/2093
Eze_23:40.........they/came for whom/thou.. 1459/2093
Eze_24:1..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man write/thee 1460/2093
Eze_24:15.........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man behold/I 1461/2093
Eze_24:20.........LORD/came unto me saying Speak/unto 1462/2093
Eze_25:1..........LORD/came again unto me saying Son of man set/thy 1463/2093 to pass in the eleventh year in the first day/of 1464/2093
Eze_26:1..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man because/that 1465/2093
Eze_27:1..........LORD/came again unto me saying Now/thou 1466/2093
Eze_28:1..........LORD/came again unto me saying Son of man say/unto 1467/2093
Eze_28:11.........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man take up a lamentation upon/the 1468/2093
Eze_28:20.........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man set thy face against Zidon/and 1469/2093
Eze_29:1..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man set thy face against Pharaoh/king 1470/2093 to pass in the seven and twentieth/year 1471/2093
Eze_29:17.........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man Nebuchadrezzar/king 1472/2093
Eze_30:1..........LORD/came again unto me saying Son of man prophesy/and 1473/2093 to pass in the eleventh year in the first month/in 1474/2093
Eze_30:20.........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man I have broken/the 1475/2093 to pass in the eleventh year in the third/month 1476/2093
Eze_31:1..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man speak unto/Pharaoh 1477/2093 to pass in the twelfth year in/the 1478/2093
Eze_32:1..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man take up a lamentation for/Pharaoh 1479/2093
Eze_32:17...........It/came to pass also in/the 1480/2093
Eze_32:17.........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man wail/for 1481/2093
Eze_33:1..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man speak to/the 1482/2093 to pass in the twelfth year of/our 1483/2093
Eze_33:21....Jerusalem/came unto me saying The city/is 1484/2093
Eze_33:22......escaped/came and had opened/my 1485/2093
Eze_33:22...........he/came to me in the morning/and 1486/2093
Eze_33:23.........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man they/that 1487/2093
Eze_34:1..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man prophesy against the shepherds/of 1488/2093
Eze_35:1..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man set thy face against mount/Seir 1489/2093
Eze_36:16.........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man when/the 1490/2093
Eze_37:7.........bones/came together bone/to 1491/2093
Eze_37:8.........flesh/came up upon them/and 1492/2093
Eze_37:10.......breath/came into them/and.. 1493/2093
Eze_37:15.........LORD/came again unto me saying Moreover/thou 1494/2093
Eze_38:1..........LORD/came unto me saying Son of man set thy face against Gog/the 1495/2093
Eze_40:6..........Then/came he unto/the.... 1496/2093
Eze_43:2........Israel/came from the way of the east/and 1497/2093
Eze_43:3.............I/came to destroy/the. 1498/2093
Eze_43:4..........LORD/came into the house by/the 1499/2093
Eze_46:9............he/came in but shall/go 1500/2093
Eze_47:1........waters/came down from under/from 1501/2093
Dan_1:1..........Judah/came Nebuchadnezzar/king 1502/2093
Dan_2:2...........they/came and stood before the/king 1503/2093
Dan_2:29......thoughts/came into thy/mind.. 1504/2093
Dan_3:8......Chaldeans/came near and accused/the 1505/2093
Dan_3:26Nebuchadnezzar/came near to the mouth/of 1506/2093
Dan_3:26......Abednego/came forth of the/midst 1507/2093
Dan_4:7...........Then/came in the magicians/the 1508/2093
Dan_4:8.........Daniel/came in before me/whose 1509/2093 down from heaven He/cried 1510/2093
Dan_4:28..........this/came upon the king/Nebuchadnezzar 1511/2093
Dan_5:5...........hour/came forth fingers/of 1512/2093
Dan_5:8...........Then/came in all/the..... 1513/2093
Dan_5:10.........lords/came into the banquet/house 1514/2093
Dan_6:12..........they/came near and spake before the/king 1515/2093
Dan_6:20............he/came to the den/he.. 1516/2093
Dan_6:24..........they/came at the/bottom.. 1517/2093
Dan_7:3.........beasts/came up from the sea/diverse 1518/2093
Dan_7:8..........there/came up among/them.. 1519/2093
Dan_7:10...........and/came forth from before/him 1520/2093 with the clouds/of 1521/2093
Dan_7:13...........and/came to the Ancient/of 1522/2093
Dan_7:16.............I/came near unto one/of 1523/2093
Dan_7:20.........which/came up and before/whom 1524/2093
Dan_7:22..........days/came and judgment/was 1525/2093
Dan_7:22..........time/came that the/saints 1526/2093 to pass when I saw/that 1527/2093
Dan_8:3.........higher/came up last/I...... 1528/2093
Dan_8:5...........goat/came from the west/on 1529/2093
Dan_8:6.............he/came to the ram/that 1530/2093 up four/notable 1531/2093
Dan_8:9...........them/came forth a little/horn 1532/2093 to pass when I even/I 1533/2093
Dan_8:17............he/came near where/I... 1534/2093
Dan_8:17............he/came I was/afraid... 1535/2093
Dan_9:2...........LORD/came to Jeremiah the prophet that/he 1536/2093
Dan_9:23...commandment/came forth and I/am. 1537/2093
Dan_10:3.......neither/came flesh/nor...... 1538/2093
Dan_10:13......princes/came to help me/and. 1539/2093
Dan_10:18........there/came again and touched/me 1540/2093
Hos_1:1...........that/came unto Hosea/the. 1541/2093
Hos_2:15...........she/came up out of the land of Egypt And it/shall 1542/2093
Joe_1:1...........that/came to Joel/the.... 1543/2093
Amo_6:1.........Israel/came Pass/ye........ 1544/2093 to pass that when they/had 1545/2093
Oba_1:5........thieves/came to thee if/robbers 1546/2093
Oba_1:5.grapegatherers/came to thee would/they 1547/2093
Jon_1:1...........LORD/came unto Jonah the son/of 1548/2093
Jon_1:6.....shipmaster/came to him and said unto him What/meanest 1549/2093
Jon_2:7.........prayer/came in unto thee/into 1550/2093
Jon_3:1...........LORD/came unto Jonah the second/time 1551/2093
Jon_3:6...........word/came unto the king/of 1552/2093 to pass when the sun/did 1553/2093
Jon_4:10.........which/came up in a/night.. 1554/2093
Mic_1:1...........that/came to Micah/the... 1555/2093
Mic_1:11........Zaanan/came not forth/in... 1556/2093
Mic_1:12..........evil/came down from the LORD/unto 1557/2093
Hab_3:3............God/came from Teman/and. 1558/2093
Hab_3:14..........they/came out as/a....... 1559/2093
Zep_1:1..........which/came unto Zephaniah/the 1560/2093
Hag_1:1..........month/came the word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet unto/Zerubbabel 1561/2093
Hag_1:3...........Then/came the word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet saying Is/it 1562/2093 to little/and.. 1563/2093
Hag_1:14..........they/came and did/work... 1564/2093
Hag_2:1..........month/came the word of the LORD by the/prophet 1565/2093 out of Egypt so/my 1566/2093
Hag_2:10........Darius/came the word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet saying Thus/saith 1567/2093 to an/heap..... 1568/2093 to the pressfat/for 1569/2093
Hag_2:20..........LORD/came unto Haggai/in. 1570/2093
Zec_1:1.........Darius/came the word of the LORD unto Zechariah the son of Berechiah the son of Iddo the prophet saying The/LORD 1571/2093
Zec_1:7.........Darius/came the word of the LORD unto Zechariah the son of Berechiah the son of Iddo the prophet saying I/saw 1572/2093 again and waked/me 1573/2093
Zec_4:8...........LORD/came unto me saying The hands/of 1574/2093
Zec_5:9..........there/came out two/women.. 1575/2093
Zec_6:1..........there/came four/chariots.. 1576/2093
Zec_6:9...........LORD/came unto me saying Take/of 1577/2093 to pass in the fourth year of king Darius/that 1578/2093
Zec_7:1...........LORD/came unto Zechariah in/the 1579/2093
Zec_7:4...........Then/came the word of the LORD of/hosts 1580/2093
Zec_7:8...........LORD/came unto Zechariah saying/Thus 1581/2093
Zec_7:12.....therefore/came a great wrath/from 1582/2093
Zec_8:1..........hosts/came to me saying Thus/saith 1583/2093
Zec_8:10............or/came in because/of.. 1584/2093
Zec_8:18.........hosts/came unto me saying Thus saith the LORD of/hosts 1585/2093
Zec_10:4...........him/came forth the/corner 1586/2093
Zec_14:16........which/came against Jerusalem/shall 1587/2093
Mat_1:18..........they/came together she/was 1588/2093
Mat_2:1..........there/came wise/men....... 1589/2093 and stood over/where 1590/2093
Mat_2:21...........and/came into the land of Israel/But 1591/2093
Mat_2:23............he/came and dwelt in a/city 1592/2093
Mat_3:1...........days/came John/the....... 1593/2093
Mat_4:3........tempter/came to him he said If/thou 1594/2093
Mat_4:11........angels/came and ministered/unto 1595/2093
Mat_4:13............he/came and dwelt in Capernaum/which 1596/2093
Mat_5:1......disciples/came unto him And he opened/his 1597/2093
Mat_7:25........floods/came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not/for 1598/2093
Mat_7:27........floods/came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and/great 1599/2093 to pass when Jesus had ended/these 1600/2093
Mat_8:2..........there/came a leper and/worshipped 1601/2093
Mat_8:5..........there/came unto him a centurion/beseeching 1602/2093
Mat_8:19........scribe/came and said unto him Master/I 1603/2093
Mat_8:25.....disciples/came to him and awoke him saying Lord/save 1604/2093 out to meet Jesus/and 1605/2093
Mat_9:1............and/came into his own city/And 1606/2093 to pass as Jesus/sat 1607/2093
Mat_9:10.......sinners/came and sat down with/him 1608/2093
Mat_9:14..........Then/came to him the disciples/of 1609/2093
Mat_9:18.........there/came a certain ruler/and 1610/2093
Mat_9:20.........years/came behind him and touched the hem/of 1611/2093
Mat_9:23.........Jesus/came into the ruler's/house 1612/2093 to him and Jesus/saith 1613/2093
Mat_10:34............I/came not to send/peace 1614/2093 to pass when Jesus had made/an 1615/2093
Mat_11:18.........John/came neither eating nor/drinking 1616/2093 eating/and..... 1617/2093
Mat_12:42..........she/came from the uttermost/parts 1618/2093
Mat_12:44............I/came out and when he is/come 1619/2093
Mat_13:4.........fowls/came and devoured them/up 1620/2093
Mat_13:10....disciples/came and said unto him Why/speakest 1621/2093
Mat_13:25........enemy/came and sowed/tares 1622/2093
Mat_13:27..householder/came and said unto him Sir/didst 1623/2093
Mat_13:36....disciples/came unto him saying Declare/unto 1624/2093 to pass that when Jesus had finished these parables/he 1625/2093
Mat_14:12....disciples/came and took up the/body 1626/2093
Mat_14:15....disciples/came to him saying This/is 1627/2093
Mat_14:33.........ship/came and worshipped/him 1628/2093
Mat_14:34.........they/came into the land of Gennesaret And when/the 1629/2093
Mat_15:1..........Then/came to Jesus scribes/and 1630/2093
Mat_15:12.........Then/came his disciples and said/unto 1631/2093
Mat_15:22.......Canaan/came out of the same/coasts 1632/2093
Mat_15:23....disciples/came and besought him/saying 1633/2093
Mat_15:25.........Then/came she and/worshipped 1634/2093
Mat_15:29..........and/came nigh unto the sea/of 1635/2093
Mat_15:30...multitudes/came unto him having/with 1636/2093
Mat_15:39..........and/came into the coasts of Magdala/The 1637/2093
Mat_16:1.....Sadducees/came and tempting/desired 1638/2093
Mat_16:13........Jesus/came into the coasts of Caesarea/Philippi 1639/2093
Mat_17:7.........Jesus/came and touched them/and 1640/2093
Mat_17:9..........they/came down from the mountain Jesus/charged 1641/2093
Mat_17:14........there/came to him a/certain 1642/2093
Mat_17:19.........Then/came the disciples to/Jesus 1643/2093 to Peter/and... 1644/2093
Mat_18:1..........time/came the disciples unto/Jesus 1645/2093
Mat_18:21.........Then/came Peter/to....... 1646/2093
Mat_18:31..........and/came and told unto/their 1647/2093 to pass that when Jesus had finished these sayings/he 1648/2093
Mat_19:1...........and/came into the coasts of Judaea/beyond 1649/2093
Mat_19:3..........also/came unto him tempting/him 1650/2093 and said unto him Good/Master 1651/2093
Mat_20:9..........they/came that were/hired 1652/2093
Mat_20:10........first/came they supposed/that 1653/2093
Mat_20:20.........Then/came to him the mother/of 1654/2093 not to be ministered unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many And as/they 1655/2093
Mat_21:14.........lame/came to him in/the.. 1656/2093
Mat_21:19...........he/came to it and/found 1657/2093
Mat_21:23.......people/came unto him as/he. 1658/2093
Mat_21:28...........he/came to the first/and 1659/2093
Mat_21:30...........he/came to the second/and 1660/2093
Mat_21:32.........John/came unto you/in.... 1661/2093
Mat_22:11.........king/came in to see/the.. 1662/2093 to him the Sadducees/which 1663/2093
Mat_24:1.....disciples/came to him for/to.. 1664/2093
Mat_24:3.....disciples/came unto him privately/saying 1665/2093
Mat_24:39........flood/came and took them/all 1666/2093
Mat_25:10...bridegroom/came and they that were ready/went 1667/2093
Mat_25:11....Afterward/came also the other/virgins 1668/2093
Mat_25:20......talents/came and brought other/five 1669/2093
Mat_25:22......talents/came and said Lord thou/deliveredst 1670/2093
Mat_25:24.......talent/came and said Lord I/knew 1671/2093 unto me Then/shall 1672/2093
Mat_25:39..........and/came unto thee And/the 1673/2093 to pass when Jesus had finished/all 1674/2093
Mat_26:7.........There/came unto him a woman/having 1675/2093
Mat_26:17....disciples/came to Jesus saying/unto 1676/2093
Mat_26:43...........he/came and found them asleep/again 1677/2093
Mat_26:47.......twelve/came and with him a/great 1678/2093
Mat_26:49...........he/came to Jesus and said/Hail 1679/2093
Mat_26:50.........Then/came they and laid/hands 1680/2093
Mat_26:60....witnesses/came yet/found...... 1681/2093
Mat_26:60.........last/came two false/witnesses 1682/2093
Mat_26:69.......damsel/came unto him saying Thou/also 1683/2093
Mat_26:73........while/came unto him they/that 1684/2093
Mat_27:32.........they/came out they found/a 1685/2093
Mat_27:53..........And/came out of the graves/after 1686/2093
Mat_27:57........there/came a rich/man..... 1687/2093
Mat_27:62....Pharisees/came together unto Pilate/Saying 1688/2093
Mat_28:1..........week/came Mary/Magdalene. 1689/2093
Mat_28:2...........and/came and rolled/back 1690/2093
Mat_28:9..........they/came and held/him... 1691/2093 into the city and shewed/unto 1692/2093
Mat_28:13....disciples/came by night and stole/him 1693/2093
Mat_28:18........Jesus/came and spake unto them/saying 1694/2093 to pass in those days that Jesus/came 1695/2093
Mar_1:9..........Jesus/came from Nazareth/of 1696/2093
Mar_1:11.........there/came a voice from/heaven 1697/2093
Mar_1:14.........Jesus/came into Galilee/preaching 1698/2093
Mar_1:26............he/came out of him And they/were 1699/2093
Mar_1:31............he/came and took her/by 1700/2093
Mar_1:38.....therefore/came I forth And/he. 1701/2093
Mar_1:40.........there/came a leper to/him. 1702/2093
Mar_1:45..........they/came to him from/every 1703/2093 to pass that as Jesus/sat 1704/2093
Mar_2:17.............I/came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance And the/disciples 1705/2093 to pass that he went/through 1706/2093
Mar_3:8............did/came unto him And he spake/to 1707/2093
Mar_3:13..........they/came unto him And he ordained/twelve 1708/2093
Mar_3:22.........which/came down from Jerusalem said/He 1709/2093
Mar_3:31.........There/came then his/brethren 1710/2093 to pass as he sowed/some 1711/2093
Mar_4:4............air/came and devoured it/up 1712/2093
Mar_5:1...........they/came over unto/the.. 1713/2093
Mar_5:27.........Jesus/came in the press/behind 1714/2093
Mar_5:33...........her/came and fell down/before 1715/2093
Mar_5:35.........there/came from the ruler/of 1716/2093
Mar_6:1............and/came into his own country/and 1717/2093
Mar_6:22......Herodias/came in and danced/and 1718/2093
Mar_6:25...........she/came in straightway/with 1719/2093
Mar_6:29..........they/came and took up his/corpse 1720/2093
Mar_6:33...........and/came together unto him And/Jesus 1721/2093
Mar_6:34............he/came out saw/much... 1722/2093
Mar_6:35.....disciples/came unto him and said This/is 1723/2093
Mar_6:53..........they/came into the land of Gennesaret and drew/to 1724/2093
Mar_7:1...........Then/came together unto him the/Pharisees 1725/2093
Mar_7:1..........which/came from Jerusalem/And 1726/2093
Mar_7:25...........and/came and fell at/his 1727/2093
Mar_7:31............he/came unto the sea of/Galilee 1728/2093
Mar_8:3...........them/came from far/And... 1729/2093
Mar_8:10...........and/came into the parts/of 1730/2093
Mar_8:11.....Pharisees/came forth and began/to 1731/2093
Mar_9:7..........voice/came out of the cloud/saying 1732/2093
Mar_9:9...........they/came down from the mountain he/charged 1733/2093
Mar_9:14............he/came to his disciples/he 1734/2093
Mar_9:21..........this/came unto him And he said/Of 1735/2093
Mar_9:25........people/came running/together 1736/2093
Mar_9:26...........and/came out of him and he/was 1737/2093
Mar_9:33............he/came to Capernaum and/being 1738/2093
Mar_10:2.....Pharisees/came to him and asked/him 1739/2093
Mar_10:17........there/came one running/and 1740/2093 not to be ministered unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many And they/came 1741/2093
Mar_10:46.........they/came to Jericho and as/he 1742/2093
Mar_10:50..........and/came to Jesus And Jesus/answered 1743/2093
Mar_11:1..........they/came nigh to Jerusalem/unto 1744/2093
Mar_11:13...........he/came if/haply....... 1745/2093
Mar_11:13...........he/came to it he/found. 1746/2093
Mar_12:28......scribes/came and having/heard 1747/2093
Mar_12:42........there/came a certain poor/widow 1748/2093
Mar_14:3.........there/came a woman/having. 1749/2093
Mar_14:16..........and/came into the city and found/as 1750/2093
Mar_14:32.........they/came to a place/which 1751/2093
Mar_15:41........which/came up with him unto/Jerusalem 1752/2093
Mar_15:43..........God/came and went/in.... 1753/2093
Mar_16:2..........they/came unto the sepulchre at/the 1754/2093 to pass that while he/executed 1755/2093
Luk_1:22............he/came out he/could... 1756/2093 to pass that as soon as the/days 1757/2093
Luk_1:28.........angel/came in unto her and said/Hail 1758/2093 to pass that when Elisabeth/heard 1759/2093
Luk_1:57..........time/came that she/should 1760/2093 to pass that on the eighth/day 1761/2093
Luk_1:59..........they/came to circumcise/the 1762/2093
Luk_1:65..........fear/came on all that/dwelt 1763/2093 to pass in those days that there/went 1764/2093
Luk_2:9...........Lord/came upon them and the/glory 1765/2093 to pass as the angels/were 1766/2093
Luk_2:16..........they/came with haste/and. 1767/2093
Luk_2:27............he/came by the Spirit/into 1768/2093 to pass that after three days they/found 1769/2093
Luk_2:51...........and/came to Nazareth and/was 1770/2093
Luk_3:2............God/came unto John the/son 1771/2093
Luk_3:3.............he/came into all/the... 1772/2093
Luk_3:7...........that/came forth to be/baptized 1773/2093
Luk_3:12..........Then/came also publicans/to 1774/2093 to pass that Jesus/also 1775/2093
Luk_3:22.........voice/came from heaven which/said 1776/2093
Luk_4:16............he/came to Nazareth where/he 1777/2093
Luk_4:31...........And/came down to Capernaum/a 1778/2093
Luk_4:35............he/came out of him and hurt/him 1779/2093
Luk_4:41..........also/came out of many crying/out 1780/2093
Luk_4:42...........and/came unto him and stayed/him 1781/2093 to pass that as the/people 1782/2093
Luk_5:7...........they/came and filled/both 1783/2093 to pass when he was in/a 1784/2093
Luk_5:15....multitudes/came together to hear/and 1785/2093 to pass on a certain day as/he 1786/2093
Luk_5:32.............I/came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance And they/said 1787/2093 to pass on the second/sabbath 1788/2093 to pass also on/another 1789/2093 to pass in those days that he/went 1790/2093
Luk_6:17............he/came down with them/and 1791/2093
Luk_6:17.........which/came to hear/him.... 1792/2093
Luk_7:4...........they/came to Jesus they/besought 1793/2093 to pass the day/after 1794/2093
Luk_7:12............he/came nigh to the/gate 1795/2093
Luk_7:14............he/came and touched the/bier 1796/2093
Luk_7:16.........there/came a fear/on...... 1797/2093
Luk_7:33.......Baptist/came neither eating bread/nor 1798/2093
Luk_7:45.............I/came in hath/not.... 1799/2093 to pass afterward that he went/throughout 1800/2093
Luk_8:19..........Then/came to him his/mother 1801/2093 to pass on a certain day that/he 1802/2093
Luk_8:23.........there/came down a storm/of 1803/2093
Luk_8:24..........they/came to him and awoke him saying Master/master 1804/2093
Luk_8:35...........and/came to Jesus and found/the 1805/2093 to pass that when Jesus was/returned 1806/2093
Luk_8:41.........there/came a man named/Jairus 1807/2093
Luk_8:44...........any/Came behind him and touched the border/of 1808/2093
Luk_8:47...........she/came trembling and falling/down 1809/2093
Luk_8:51............he/came into the house he suffered/no 1810/2093
Luk_8:55........spirit/came again and she/arose 1811/2093
Luk_9:12..........then/came the twelve/and. 1812/2093 to pass as he was alone/praying 1813/2093 to pass about an/eight 1814/2093 to pass as they departed/from 1815/2093
Luk_9:34.........there/came a cloud/and.... 1816/2093
Luk_9:35.........there/came a voice out/of. 1817/2093 to pass that on the next/day 1818/2093 to pass when the time was come that/he 1819/2093 to pass that as they went in/the 1820/2093
Luk_10:31........there/came down a certain/priest 1821/2093 and looked/on.. 1822/2093
Luk_10:33....journeyed/came where/he....... 1823/2093 to pass as they went/that 1824/2093
Luk_10:40..........and/came to him and said Lord/dost 1825/2093 to pass that as he was praying/in 1826/2093 to pass when the devil/was 1827/2093
Luk_11:24............I/came out And when he cometh/he 1828/2093 to pass as he spake/these 1829/2093
Luk_11:31..........she/came from the utmost/parts 1830/2093
Luk_13:6............he/came and sought/fruit 1831/2093
Luk_13:31........there/came certain of the Pharisees/saying 1832/2093 to pass as he went into/the 1833/2093
Luk_14:21......servant/came and shewed his/lord 1834/2093
Luk_15:17...........he/came to himself/he.. 1835/2093
Luk_15:20..........and/came to his father But/when 1836/2093
Luk_15:25...........he/came and drew nigh to the/house 1837/2093
Luk_15:28....therefore/came his father/out. 1838/2093
Luk_16:21.........dogs/came and licked/his. 1839/2093 to pass that the beggar/died 1840/2093 to pass as he went to/Jerusalem 1841/2093 to pass that as they went they/were 1842/2093
Luk_17:27........flood/came and destroyed/them 1843/2093
Luk_18:3...........she/came unto him saying Avenge/me 1844/2093 to pass that as he was come/nigh 1845/2093
Luk_19:5.........Jesus/came to the place he/looked 1846/2093
Luk_19:6...........and/came down and received/him 1847/2093 to pass that when he was/returned 1848/2093
Luk_19:16.........Then/came the first/saying 1849/2093
Luk_19:18.......second/came saying Lord thy/pound 1850/2093
Luk_19:20......another/came saying Lord behold/here 1851/2093 to pass when he was come nigh/to 1852/2093 to pass that on one/of 1853/2093
Luk_20:1.......scribes/came upon him with/the 1854/2093
Luk_20:27.........Then/came to him certain/of 1855/2093
Luk_21:38.......people/came early/in....... 1856/2093
Luk_22:7..........Then/came the day/of..... 1857/2093
Luk_22:39...........he/came out and went/as 1858/2093
Luk_22:66......scribes/came together and led/him 1859/2093
Luk_23:48.........that/came together to that/sight 1860/2093
Luk_23:55........which/came with him from/Galilee 1861/2093
Luk_24:1..........they/came unto the sepulchre bringing/the 1862/2093 to pass as they were much/perplexed 1863/2093 to pass that while they/communed 1864/2093
Luk_24:23.........they/came saying that/they 1865/2093 to pass as he sat/at 1866/2093 to pass while he/blessed 1867/2093
Joh_1:7...........same/came for a/witness.. 1868/2093
Joh_1:11............He/came unto his own/and 1869/2093
Joh_1:17.........truth/came by Jesus/Christ 1870/2093
Joh_1:39..........They/came and saw where/he 1871/2093
Joh_3:2...........same/came to Jesus by night and said/unto 1872/2093
Joh_3:13..........that/came down from heaven even/the 1873/2093
Joh_3:22........things/came Jesus and his/disciples 1874/2093
Joh_3:23..........they/came and were baptized/For 1875/2093
Joh_3:26..........they/came unto John and/said 1876/2093
Joh_4:27..........this/came his disciples and marvelled/that 1877/2093
Joh_4:30...........and/came unto him In/the 1878/2093
Joh_4:46.........Jesus/came again into Cana/of 1879/2093
Joh_6:23.........there/came other/boats.... 1880/2093
Joh_6:24...........and/came to Capernaum seeking/for 1881/2093
Joh_6:38.............I/came down from heaven not to/do 1882/2093
Joh_6:41.........which/came down from heaven And they/said 1883/2093
Joh_6:42.............I/came down from heaven Jesus/therefore 1884/2093
Joh_6:51.........which/came down from heaven if/any 1885/2093
Joh_6:58.........which/came down from heaven not as/your 1886/2093
Joh_7:45..........Then/came the officers/to 1887/2093
Joh_7:50..........that/came to Jesus by night being/one 1888/2093
Joh_8:2.............he/came again into the/temple 1889/2093
Joh_8:2.........people/came unto him and he sat/down 1890/2093
Joh_8:14.............I/came and whither/I.. 1891/2093
Joh_8:42...........and/came from God/neither 1892/2093
Joh_8:42.......neither/came I of/myself.... 1893/2093
Joh_9:7............and/came seeing/The..... 1894/2093
Joh_10:8..........ever/came before me/are.. 1895/2093
Joh_10:24.........Then/came the Jews round/about 1896/2093
Joh_10:35..........God/came and the scripture/cannot 1897/2093
Joh_11:17........Jesus/came he found/that.. 1898/2093
Joh_11:19.........Jews/came to Martha/and.. 1899/2093
Joh_11:29..........and/came unto him Now/Jesus 1900/2093
Joh_11:33........which/came with her he/groaned 1901/2093
Joh_11:44.........dead/came forth bound/hand 1902/2093
Joh_11:45........which/came to Mary/and.... 1903/2093
Joh_12:1......passover/came to Bethany/where 1904/2093
Joh_12:9..........they/came not for/Jesus'. 1905/2093
Joh_12:20.........that/came up to worship/at 1906/2093
Joh_12:21.........same/came therefore to/Philip 1907/2093
Joh_12:27........cause/came I unto this/hour 1908/2093
Joh_12:28.........Then/came there a/voice.. 1909/2093
Joh_12:30........voice/came not because/of. 1910/2093
Joh_12:47............I/came not to judge/the 1911/2093
Joh_16:27............I/came out from God/I. 1912/2093
Joh_16:28............I/came forth from the/Father 1913/2093
Joh_17:8.............I/came out from thee/and 1914/2093
Joh_18:37........cause/came I into/the..... 1915/2093
Joh_19:5..........Then/came Jesus forth/wearing 1916/2093
Joh_19:32.........Then/came the soldiers/and 1917/2093
Joh_19:33.........they/came to Jesus and saw/that 1918/2093
Joh_19:34....forthwith/came there out/blood 1919/2093
Joh_19:38...........He/came therefore and/took 1920/2093
Joh_19:39........there/came also Nicodemus/which 1921/2093
Joh_19:39........first/came to Jesus by night and brought/a 1922/2093
Joh_20:3...........and/came to the sepulchre/So 1923/2093
Joh_20:4...........and/came first to the sepulchre And he stooping/down 1924/2093
Joh_20:8.........which/came first to the sepulchre and he saw/and 1925/2093
Joh_20:18....Magdalene/came and told the disciples/that 1926/2093
Joh_20:19.........Jews/came Jesus and stood/in 1927/2093
Joh_20:24........Jesus/came The other/disciples 1928/2093
Joh_20:26.........then/came Jesus the/doors 1929/2093
Joh_21:8.....disciples/came in a/little.... 1930/2093
Act_2:2..........there/came a sound/from... 1931/2093
Act_2:6......multitude/came together and were/confounded 1932/2093
Act_2:43..........fear/came upon every/soul 1933/2093
Act_4:1......Sadducees/came upon them Being/grieved 1934/2093 to pass on the morrow that their/rulers 1935/2093
Act_5:5...........fear/came on all them/that 1936/2093
Act_5:7...........done/came in And Peter/answered 1937/2093 in and found/her 1938/2093
Act_5:11..........fear/came upon all the/church 1939/2093
Act_5:16.........There/came also a/multitude 1940/2093
Act_5:21........priest/came and they that were with/him 1941/2093
Act_5:22......officers/came and found them not/in 1942/2093
Act_5:25..........Then/came one and/told... 1943/2093
Act_6:12...........and/came upon him and caught/him 1944/2093
Act_7:4...........Then/came he out/of...... 1945/2093
Act_7:11.........there/came a dearth/over.. 1946/2093 into his heart/to 1947/2093
Act_7:31..........LORD/came unto him Saying I/am 1948/2093
Act_7:45..........that/came after brought/in 1949/2093
Act_8:7..........voice/came out of many that/were 1950/2093
Act_8:36..........they/came unto a certain/water 1951/2093
Act_8:40............he/came to Caesarea And Saul/yet 1952/2093
Act_9:3.............he/came near Damascus/and 1953/2093
Act_9:21...........and/came hither/for..... 1954/2093 to pass as Peter/passed 1955/2093
Act_9:32............he/came down also/to... 1956/2093 to pass in those days that she/was 1957/2093 to pass that he tarried/many 1958/2093
Act_10:13........there/came a voice to/him. 1959/2093
Act_10:29....Therefore/came I unto you/without 1960/2093 with Peter/because 1961/2093 even to me/Upon 1962/2093
Act_11:22.......things/came unto the ears/of 1963/2093
Act_11:23...........he/came and had seen/the 1964/2093 to pass that a/whole 1965/2093
Act_11:27.........days/came prophets/from.. 1966/2093
Act_11:28........which/came to pass in the days of Claudius/Caesar 1967/2093
Act_12:7..........Lord/came upon him and a/light 1968/2093
Act_12:10.........they/came unto the iron/gate 1969/2093
Act_12:12...........he/came to the house of Mary/the 1970/2093
Act_12:13.......damsel/came to hearken/named 1971/2093
Act_12:20.........they/came with one/accord 1972/2093
Act_13:13.........they/came to Perga/in.... 1973/2093
Act_13:14.........they/came to Antioch in/Pisidia 1974/2093
Act_13:31........which/came up with him from/Galilee 1975/2093 almost/the..... 1976/2093
Act_13:51..........and/came unto Iconium/And 1977/2093 to pass in Iconium/that 1978/2093
Act_14:19........there/came thither certain/Jews 1979/2093
Act_14:20..........and/came into the city and the/next 1980/2093
Act_14:24.........they/came to Pamphylia/And 1981/2093
Act_15:1.........which/came down from Judaea taught/the 1982/2093
Act_15:6........elders/came together for/to 1983/2093
Act_15:30.........they/came to Antioch and/when 1984/2093
Act_16:1..........Then/came he to Derbe/and 1985/2093
Act_16:8.........Mysia/came down to Troas/And 1986/2093
Act_16:11...........we/came with a straight course to/Samothracia 1987/2093 to pass as we/went 1988/2093
Act_16:18...........he/came out the/same... 1989/2093
Act_16:29..........and/came trembling and fell/down 1990/2093
Act_16:39.........they/came and besought them/and 1991/2093
Act_17:1..........they/came to Thessalonica/where 1992/2093
Act_17:13.........they/came thither also and/stirred 1993/2093
Act_18:1...........and/came to Corinth/And. 1994/2093
Act_18:2...........and/came unto them And because/he 1995/2093
Act_18:19...........he/came to Ephesus and left/them 1996/2093
Act_18:24...scriptures/came to Ephesus This/man 1997/2093 to pass that while Apollos/was 1998/2093
Act_19:1........coasts/came to Ephesus and finding/certain 1999/2093
Act_19:6.........Ghost/came on them/and.... 2000/2093
Act_19:18.....believed/came and confessed/and 2001/2093
Act_20:2............he/came into Greece/And 2002/2093
Act_20:6...........and/came unto them to/Troas 2003/2093
Act_20:7.....disciples/came together to break/bread 2004/2093
Act_20:14..........and/came to Mitylene/And 2005/2093
Act_20:15..........and/came the next day over/against 2006/2093
Act_20:15...........we/came to Miletus/For. 2007/2093
Act_20:18............I/came into Asia/after 2008/2093 to pass that after we/were 2009/2093
Act_21:1............we/came with a straight course unto/Coos 2010/2093
Act_21:7............we/came to Ptolemais/and 2011/2093
Act_21:8...........and/came unto Caesarea and/we 2012/2093
Act_21:10........there/came down from Judaea a/certain 2013/2093
Act_21:31......tidings/came unto the chief/captain 2014/2093
Act_21:33......captain/came near and took/him 2015/2093
Act_21:35...........he/came upon the stairs/so 2016/2093 to pass that as I/made 2017/2093
Act_22:11............I/came into Damascus/And 2018/2093
Act_22:13........there/Came unto me and stood/and 2019/2093 to pass that when I/was 2020/2093
Act_22:27......captain/came and said unto him Tell/me 2021/2093
Act_23:14.........they/came to the chief/priests 2022/2093
Act_23:27.........then/came I with/an...... 2023/2093
Act_23:33.........they/came to Caesarea and delivered/the 2024/2093
Act_24:7........Lysias/came upon us/and.... 2025/2093
Act_24:17............I/came to bring/alms.. 2026/2093
Act_24:24........Felix/came with his wife/Drusilla 2027/2093
Act_24:27.......Festus/came into Felix'/room 2028/2093
Act_25:7.........which/came down from Jerusalem stood/round 2029/2093
Act_25:13......Bernice/came unto Caesarea to/salute 2030/2093
Act_27:5............we/came to Myra/a...... 2031/2093 unto a place/which 2032/2093 to pass that they escaped/all 2033/2093
Act_28:3.........there/came a viper/out.... 2034/2093 to pass that the father/of 2035/2093
Act_28:9........island/came and were healed/Who 2036/2093
Act_28:13..........and/came to Rhegium/and. 2037/2093
Act_28:13...........we/came the next day to/Puteoli 2038/2093
Act_28:15.........they/came to meet us/as.. 2039/2093
Act_28:16...........we/came to Rome/the.... 2040/2093 to pass that after three days Paul/called 2041/2093
Act_28:21.........that/came shewed/or...... 2042/2093
Act_28:23........there/came many/to........ 2043/2093
Act_28:30.........that/came in unto him Preaching/the 2044/2093
Rom_5:18......judgment/came upon all men to/condemnation 2045/2093 upon all men unto/justification 2046/2093
Rom_7:9....commandment/came sin/revived.... 2047/2093
Rom_9:5.........Christ/came who/is......... 2048/2093
1Co_2:1..............I/came to you/came.... 2049/2093 not with/excellency 2050/2093
1Co_14:36.........What/came the word of God/out 2051/2093
1Co_14:36...........or/came it unto/you.... 2052/2093 death/by....... 2053/2093 also the resurrection/of 2054/2093
2Co_1:8..........which/came to us/in....... 2055/2093
2Co_1:23.............I/came not as/yet..... 2056/2093
2Co_2:3..............I/came I should/have.. 2057/2093
2Co_2:12.............I/came to Troas/to.... 2058/2093
2Co_11:9.........which/came from Macedonia/supplied 2059/2093
Gal_1:21.............I/came into the regions/of 2060/2093
Gal_2:4............who/came in privily/to.. 2061/2093
Gal_2:12.......certain/came from James/he.. 2062/2093 we were/kept... 2063/2093
Eph_2:17...........And/came and preached/peace 2064/2093
1Th_1:5.........gospel/came not unto/you... 2065/2093 to pass and/ye. 2066/2093
1Th_3:6......Timotheus/came from you/unto.. 2067/2093
1Ti_1:15.........Jesus/came into the world/to 2068/2093
2Ti_3:11.........which/came unto me at/Antioch 2069/2093
Heb_3:16..........that/came out of Egypt by/Moses 2070/2093
Heb_11:15.........they/came out they might/have 2071/2093
2Pe_1:17.........there/came such/a......... 2072/2093
2Pe_1:18.........which/came from heaven we/heard 2073/2093
2Pe_1:21......prophecy/came not in/old..... 2074/2093
1Jn_5:6...........that/came by water/and... 2075/2093
3Jn_1:3.......brethren/came and testified/of 2076/2093
Rev_5:7.............he/came and took the/book 2077/2093
Rev_7:13........whence/came they And I/said 2078/2093
Rev_7:14.........which/came out of great/tribulation 2079/2093
Rev_8:3..........angel/came and stood at/the 2080/2093
Rev_8:4..........which/came with the prayers/of 2081/2093
Rev_9:3..........there/came out of the smoke/locusts 2082/2093
Rev_14:15........angel/came out of the temple crying/with 2083/2093
Rev_14:17........angel/came out of the temple which/is 2084/2093
Rev_14:18........angel/came out from the/altar 2085/2093
Rev_14:20........blood/came out of the winepress/even 2086/2093
Rev_15:6........angels/came out of the temple having/the 2087/2093
Rev_16:17........there/came a great voice/out 2088/2093
Rev_16:19......Babylon/came in remembrance/before 2089/2093
Rev_17:1.........there/came one of the seven/angels 2090/2093
Rev_19:5.........voice/came out of the throne/saying 2091/2093 down from God/out 2092/2093
Rev_21:9.........there/came unto me one/of. 2093/2093
Gen_24:64..........the/camel For/she............. 1/9
Lev_11:4...........the/camel because/he.......... 2/9
Deu_14:7...........the/camel and the/hare........ 3/9
1Sa_15:3.........sheep/camel and ass/And......... 4/9
Zec_14:15..........the/camel and of/the.......... 5/9
Mat_19:24............a/camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God When/his 6/9
Mat_23:24............a/camel Woe/unto............ 7/9
Mar_10:25............a/camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God And/they 8/9
Luk_18:25............a/camel to go through a/needle's 9/9
Gen_12:16..........and/camels And the LORD/plagued 1/53
Gen_24:10..........ten/camels of the/camels..... 2/53
Gen_24:10..........the/camels of his/master..... 3/53
Gen_24:11..........his/camels to kneel/down..... 4/53
Gen_24:14..........thy/camels drink also let/the 5/53
Gen_24:19..........thy/camels also until/they... 6/53
Gen_24:20..........his/camels And the man wondering/at 7/53
Gen_24:22..........the/camels had/done.......... 8/53
Gen_24:30..........the/camels at/the............ 9/53
Gen_24:31..........the/camels And the man came/into 10/53
Gen_24:32..........his/camels and gave/straw... 11/53
Gen_24:32..........the/camels and water/to..... 12/53
Gen_24:35..........and/camels and asses And Sarah/my 13/53
Gen_24:44..........thy/camels let/the.......... 14/53
Gen_24:46..........thy/camels drink also so/I.. 15/53
Gen_24:46..........the/camels drink also And/I. 16/53
Gen_24:61..........the/camels and followed/the. 17/53
Gen_24:63..........the/camels were coming/And.. 18/53
Gen_30:43..........and/camels and asses And he/heard 19/53
Gen_31:17.........upon/camels And he carried/away 20/53
Gen_31:34..........the/camel's furniture/and... 21/53
Gen_32:7...........the/camels into/two......... 22/53
Gen_32:15........milch/camels with/their....... 23/53
Gen_37:25........their/camels bearing/spicery.. 24/53
Exo_9:3............the/camels upon/the......... 25/53
Jdg_6:5..........their/camels were without number and/they 26/53
Jdg_7:12.........their/camels were without number as/the 27/53
Jdg_8:21.........their/camels' necks Then/the.. 28/53
Jdg_8:26.........their/camels' necks And/Gideon 29/53
1Sa_27:9...........the/camels and the apparel/and 30/53
1Sa_30:17.........upon/camels and fled/And..... 31/53
1Ki_10:2..........with/camels that bare spices and very/much 32/53
2Ki_8:9..........forty/camels' burden/and...... 33/53
1Ch_5:21.........their/camels fifty/thousand... 34/53
1Ch_12:40...........on/camels and on/mules..... 35/53
1Ch_27:30..........the/camels also was/Obil.... 36/53
2Ch_9:1............and/camels that bare spices and gold/in 37/53
2Ch_14:15..........and/camels in/abundance..... 38/53
Ezr_2:67.........Their/camels four hundred thirty and five their/asses 39/53
Neh_7:69.........Their/camels four hundred thirty and five six/thousand 40/53
Est_8:10.........mules/camels and young/dromedaries 41/53
Est_8:14...........and/camels went/out......... 42/53
Job_1:3.......thousand/camels and five/hundred. 43/53
Job_1:17...........the/camels and have/carried. 44/53
Job_42:12.....thousand/camels and a/thousand... 45/53
Isa_21:7............of/camels and he hearkened/diligently 46/53
Isa_30:6............of/camels to a/people...... 47/53
Isa_60:6............of/camels shall cover/thee. 48/53
Jer_49:29........their/camels and they/shall... 49/53
Jer_49:32........their/camels shall be/a....... 50/53
Eze_25:5...........for/camels and the Ammonites/a 51/53
Mat_3:4.............of/camel's hair and a/leathern 52/53
Mar_1:6...........with/camel's hair and with/a. 53/53
Gen_16:8........whence/camest thou and/whither.. 1/28
Gen_24:5..........thou/camest And Abraham/said.. 2/28
Gen_27:33.........thou/camest and have/blessed.. 3/28
Exo_23:15.........thou/camest out from Egypt and/none 4/28
Exo_34:18.........thou/camest out from Egypt All/that 5/28
Num_22:37....wherefore/camest thou not unto/me.. 6/28
Deu_2:37..........thou/camest not nor/unto...... 7/28
Deu_16:3..........thou/camest forth out of the land of Egypt in/haste 8/28
Deu_16:3..........thou/camest forth out of the land of Egypt all/the 9/28
Deu_16:6..........thou/camest forth out of Egypt/And 10/28
1Sa_13:11.........thou/camest not within/the... 11/28
1Sa_17:28..........Why/camest thou down/hither. 12/28
2Sa_11:10........Uriah/Camest thou not from/thy 13/28
2Sa_15:20.........thou/camest but/yesterday.... 14/28
1Ki_13:9..........thou/camest So/he............ 15/28
1Ki_13:14.........that/camest from/Judah....... 16/28
1Ki_13:17.........thou/camest He/said.......... 17/28
1Ki_13:22..........But/camest back/and......... 18/28
2Ki_19:28.........thou/camest And this shall be a sign unto thee Ye shall eat this year such things/as 19/28
Neh_9:13..........Thou/camest down also/upon... 20/28
Isa_37:29.........thou/camest And this shall be a sign unto thee Ye shall eat this year such as/groweth 21/28
Isa_64:3..........thou/camest down the/mountains 22/28
Jer_1:5...........thou/camest forth out of the womb/I 23/28
Eze_32:2..........thou/camest forth with/thy... 24/28 thou in/hither... 25/28
Joh_6:25..........when/camest thou hither/Jesus 26/28
Joh_16:30.........thou/camest forth from/God... 27/28
Act_9:17..........thou/camest hath/sent........ 28/28
