Exo_14:19..the/camp of Israel removed/and 1/136
Exo_14:20..the/camp of the Egyptians/and 2/136
Exo_14:20..the/camp of Israel and it/was 3/136
Exo_16:13..the/camp and in/the......... 4/136
Exo_19:16..the/camp trembled/And....... 5/136
Exo_19:17..the/camp to meet/with....... 6/136
Exo_29:14..the/camp it is/a............ 7/136
Exo_32:17..the/camp And he said/It..... 8/136
Exo_32:19..the/camp that/he............ 9/136
Exo_32:26..the/camp and said/Who...... 10/136
Exo_32:27..the/camp and slay/every.... 11/136
Exo_33:7...the/camp afar/off.......... 12/136
Exo_33:7...the/camp and called/it..... 13/136
Exo_33:7...the/camp And it came to pass when Moses/went 14/136
Exo_33:11..the/camp but his/servant... 15/136
Exo_36:6...the/camp saying/Let........ 16/136
Lev_4:12...the/camp unto a clean place where/the 17/136
Lev_4:21...the/camp and burn/him...... 18/136
Lev_6:11...the/camp unto a clean place And/the 19/136
Lev_8:17...the/camp as the LORD commanded/Moses 20/136
Lev_9:11...the/camp And he slew/the... 21/136
Lev_10:4...the/camp So they went/near. 22/136
Lev_10:5...the/camp as Moses/had...... 23/136
Lev_13:46..the/camp shall his/habitation 24/136
Lev_14:3...the/camp and the priest shall look/and 25/136
Lev_14:8...the/camp and shall/tarry... 26/136
Lev_16:26..the/camp And the bullock/for 27/136
Lev_16:27..the/camp and they shall/burn 28/136
Lev_16:28..the/camp And this/shall.... 29/136
Lev_17:3...the/camp or/that........... 30/136
Lev_17:3...the/camp And bringeth/it... 31/136
Lev_24:10..the/camp And the Israelitish/woman's 32/136
Lev_24:14..the/camp and let/all....... 33/136
Lev_24:23..the/camp and stone/him..... 34/136
Num_1:52...own/camp and every/man..... 35/136
Num_2:3....the/camp of Judah pitch/throughout 36/136
Num_2:9....the/camp of Judah were/an.. 37/136
Num_2:10...the/camp of Reuben according/to 38/136
Num_2:16...the/camp of Reuben were/an. 39/136
Num_2:17...the/camp of the Levites/in. 40/136
Num_2:17...the/camp as they/encamp.... 41/136
Num_2:18...the/camp of Ephraim according/to 42/136
Num_2:24...the/camp of Ephraim were/an 43/136
Num_2:25...the/camp of Dan shall/be... 44/136
Num_2:31...the/camp of Dan were/an.... 45/136
Num_4:5....the/camp setteth/forward... 46/136
Num_4:15...the/camp is to/set......... 47/136
Num_5:2....the/camp every/leper....... 48/136
Num_5:3....the/camp shall ye/put...... 49/136
Num_5:4....the/camp as the LORD spake/unto 50/136
Num_10:14..the/camp of the children of Judah/according 51/136
Num_10:18..the/camp of Reuben set/forward 52/136
Num_10:22..the/camp of the children of Ephraim/set 53/136
Num_10:25..the/camp of the children of Dan/set 54/136
Num_10:34..the/camp And it came to pass when the/ark 55/136
Num_11:1...the/camp And the people/cried 56/136
Num_11:9...the/camp in the night/the.. 57/136
Num_11:26..the/camp the name/of....... 58/136
Num_11:26..the/camp And there/ran..... 59/136
Num_11:27..the/camp And Joshua the/son 60/136
Num_11:30..the/camp he and/the........ 61/136
Num_11:31..the/camp as it were/a...... 62/136
Num_11:31..the/camp and as/it......... 63/136
Num_11:32..the/camp And while/the..... 64/136
Num_12:14..the/camp seven days and after/that 65/136
Num_12:15..the/camp seven days and the/people 66/136
Num_14:44..the/camp Then/the.......... 67/136
Num_15:35..the/camp And all the congregation/brought 68/136
Num_15:36..the/camp and stoned/him.... 69/136
Num_19:3...the/camp and one/shall..... 70/136
Num_19:7...the/camp and the priest shall be/unclean 71/136
Num_19:9...the/camp in a/clean........ 72/136
Num_31:12..the/camp at the/plains..... 73/136
Num_31:13..the/camp And Moses/was..... 74/136
Num_31:19..the/camp seven days whosoever/hath 75/136
Num_31:24..the/camp And the LORD/spake 76/136
Deu_23:10..the/camp he shall/not...... 77/136
Deu_23:10..the/camp But it/shall...... 78/136
Deu_23:11..the/camp again/Thou........ 79/136
Deu_23:12..the/camp whither/thou...... 80/136
Deu_23:14..thy/camp to deliver/thee... 81/136
Deu_23:14..thy/camp be/holy........... 82/136
Deu_29:11..thy/camp from the hewer/of. 83/136
Jos_5:8....the/camp till/they......... 84/136
Jos_6:11...the/camp and lodged/in..... 85/136
Jos_6:11...the/camp And Joshua rose/early 86/136
Jos_6:14...the/camp so they did/six... 87/136
Jos_6:18...the/camp of Israel a/curse. 88/136
Jos_6:23...the/camp of Israel And they/burnt 89/136
Jos_9:6....the/camp at Gilgal/and..... 90/136
Jos_10:6...the/camp to Gilgal saying/Slack 91/136
Jos_10:15..the/camp to Gilgal But/these 92/136
Jos_10:21..the/camp to Joshua/at...... 93/136
Jos_10:43..the/camp to Gilgal And/it.. 94/136
Jdg_7:17...the/camp it shall/be....... 95/136
Jdg_7:18...the/camp and say/The....... 96/136
Jdg_7:19...the/camp in the beginning/of 97/136
Jdg_7:21...the/camp and all the host/ran 98/136
Jdg_13:25..the/camp of Dan between/Zorah 99/136
Jdg_21:8...the/camp from Jabeshgilead/to 100/136
Jdg_21:12..the/camp to Shiloh/which.. 101/136
1Sa_4:3....the/camp the elders/of.... 102/136
1Sa_4:5....the/camp all/Israel....... 103/136
1Sa_4:6....the/camp of the Hebrews/And 104/136
1Sa_4:6....the/camp And the Philistines/were 105/136
1Sa_4:7....the/camp And they said/Woe 106/136
1Sa_13:17..the/camp of the Philistines in/three 107/136
1Sa_14:21..the/camp from the country/round 108/136
1Sa_17:4...the/camp of the Philistines named/Goliath 109/136
1Sa_17:17..the/camp of thy/brethren.. 110/136
1Sa_26:6...the/camp And Abishai/said. 111/136
2Sa_1:2....the/camp from Saul/with... 112/136
2Sa_1:3....the/camp of Israel am/I... 113/136
1Ki_16:16..the/camp And Omri/went.... 114/136
2Ki_3:24...the/camp of Israel the/Israelites 115/136
2Ki_6:8.....my/camp And the man/of... 116/136
2Ki_7:5....the/camp of the Syrians and when/they 117/136
2Ki_7:5....the/camp of Syria/behold.. 118/136
2Ki_7:7....the/camp as it was/and.... 119/136
2Ki_7:8....the/camp they/went........ 120/136
2Ki_7:10...the/camp of the Syrians and behold/there 121/136
2Ki_7:12...the/camp to hide/themselves 122/136
2Ki_19:35..the/camp of the Assyrians an/hundred 123/136
2Ch_22:1...the/camp had/slain........ 124/136
2Ch_32:21..the/camp of the king/of... 125/136
Psa_78:28their/camp round/about...... 126/136
Psa_106:16.the/camp and Aaron/the.... 127/136
Isa_29:3..will/camp against thee/round 128/136
Isa_37:36..the/camp of the Assyrians a/hundred 129/136
Jer_50:29..bow/camp against it/round. 130/136
Eze_4:2....the/camp also/against..... 131/136
Joe_2:11...his/camp is very/great.... 132/136
Nah_3:17.which/camp in the hedges/in. 133/136
Heb_13:11..the/camp Wherefore/Jesus.. 134/136
Heb_13:13..the/camp bearing/his...... 135/136
Rev_20:9...the/camp of the saints/about 136/136
Exo_19:2Israel/camped/before............. 1/1
Son_1:14....of/camphire in/the........... 1/2
Son_4:13fruits/camphire with/spikenard... 2/2
Num_2:32...the/camps throughout their hosts were/six 1/7
Num_5:3..their/camps in/the.............. 2/7
Num_10:2...the/camps And/when............ 3/7
Num_10:5...the/camps that lie on the east/parts 4/7
Num_10:6...the/camps that lie on the south/side 5/7
Num_10:25..the/camps throughout their hosts and/over 6/7
Amo_4:10..your/camps to/come............. 7/7
