Gen_4:14..........shall/come to pass that every one that findeth/me 1/1971 before me/for..... 2/1971
Gen_6:18..........shalt/come into the ark/thou. 3/1971
Gen_6:20..........shall/come unto thee to keep/them 4/1971
Gen_7:1............Noah/Come thou and all/thy.. 5/1971
Gen_9:14..........shall/come to pass when I/bring 6/1971
Gen_12:11...........was/come near to enter/into 7/1971
Gen_12:12.........shall/come to pass when the Egyptians/shall 8/1971
Gen_12:14...........was/come into Egypt the/Egyptians 9/1971
Gen_15:4..........shall/come forth out of thine/own 10/1971
Gen_15:14..........they/come out with/great... 11/1971
Gen_15:16.........shall/come hither again/for. 12/1971
Gen_17:6..........shall/come out of thee And/I 13/1971 to your/servant.. 14/1971 unto me and if/not 15/1971 thither Therefore/the 16/1971 in unto us/after. 17/1971 let us make/our.. 18/1971
Gen_20:4............not/come near her/and..... 19/1971
Gen_20:13.........shall/come say/of........... 20/1971
Gen_22:5............and/come again to you And/Abraham 21/1971 out to draw/water 22/1971 to pass that the damsel/to 23/1971
Gen_24:31..........said/Come in thou blessed/of 24/1971
Gen_24:43.........shall/come to pass that when the virgin/cometh 25/1971
Gen_26:27.....Wherefore/come ye to me/seeing.. 26/1971
Gen_27:21.........Jacob/Come near I/pray...... 27/1971
Gen_27:26...........him/Come near now/and..... 28/1971
Gen_27:40.........shall/come to pass when thou shalt have/the 29/1971
Gen_28:21.............I/come again to my/father's 30/1971
Gen_30:16..........must/come in unto me for/surely 31/1971 when it/shall.... 32/1971
Gen_30:33.........shall/come for my/hire...... 33/1971
Gen_31:44.....therefore/come thou let/us...... 34/1971
Gen_32:8...........Esau/come to the one/company 35/1971
Gen_32:11..........will/come and smite me/and. 36/1971
Gen_33:14.............I/come unto my lord/unto 37/1971
Gen_34:5...........were/come And Hamor/the.... 38/1971
Gen_35:11.........shall/come out of thy/loins. 39/1971 to Ephrath/and... 40/1971
Gen_37:10........indeed/come to bow/down...... 41/1971
Gen_37:13.......Shechem/come and I will send/thee 42/1971
Gen_37:20........cometh/Come now therefore and let us slay/him 43/1971
Gen_37:23...........was/come unto his brethren/that 44/1971
Gen_37:27.........blood/Come and let us sell/him 45/1971 in unto thee/for. 46/1971
Gen_38:16........mayest/come in unto me And/he 47/1971
Gen_41:29.........there/come seven/years...... 48/1971
Gen_41:35..........that/come and lay up/corn.. 49/1971 according as/Joseph 50/1971
Gen_42:7.........Whence/come ye And they said From/the 51/1971
Gen_42:9............are/come And they said unto/him 52/1971
Gen_42:10......servants/come We are all/one... 53/1971
Gen_42:12...........are/come And they said Thy/servants 54/1971 hither Send/one.. 55/1971
Gen_42:21......distress/come upon us And/Reuben 56/1971 down with you/ye. 57/1971
Gen_44:30.............I/come to thy servant/my 58/1971
Gen_44:31.........shall/come to pass when he seeth/that 59/1971
Gen_44:34.........shall/come on my/father..... 60/1971
Gen_45:4.......brethren/Come near to me I/pray 61/1971
Gen_45:9..........Egypt/come down unto me tarry/not 62/1971
Gen_45:11..........hast/come to poverty And behold/your 63/1971
Gen_45:16...........are/come and it pleased/Pharaoh 64/1971
Gen_45:18...........and/come unto me and I will/give 65/1971
Gen_45:19...........and/come Also regard/not.. 66/1971
Gen_46:31...........are/come unto me And the/men 67/1971
Gen_46:33.........shall/come to pass when Pharaoh/shall 68/1971
Gen_47:1............are/come out of the land of Canaan/and 69/1971
Gen_47:4.............we/come for thy servants have/no 70/1971
Gen_47:5............are/come unto thee The land/of 71/1971
Gen_47:24.........shall/come to pass in the increase/that 72/1971 unto Ephrath/and. 73/1971
Gen_49:6...........soul/come not thou/into.... 74/1971
Gen_49:10........Shiloh/come and unto/him..... 75/1971
Gen_50:5...........will/come again And Pharaoh/said 76/1971
Exo_1:10.............we/Come on let/us........ 77/1971 to pass that when there/falleth 78/1971
Exo_1:19.......midwives/come in unto them/Therefore 79/1971
Exo_2:18............are/come so soon/to....... 80/1971 down to deliver them out/of 81/1971 unto me and I have also/seen 82/1971
Exo_3:10...........them/Come now therefore and I/will 83/1971
Exo_3:13..............I/come unto the children/of 84/1971
Exo_3:18..........shalt/come thou and the/elders 85/1971
Exo_3:21..........shall/come to pass that when ye/go 86/1971
Exo_4:8...........shall/come to pass if they will not believe thee/neither 87/1971
Exo_4:9...........shall/come to pass if they will not believe also/these 88/1971
Exo_7:15.............he/come and the rod/which 89/1971
Exo_8:3.............and/come into thine house and/into 90/1971
Exo_8:4...........shall/come up both/on....... 91/1971 up upon the land of Egypt And Aaron/stretched 92/1971
Exo_9:19..........shall/come down upon them/and 93/1971
Exo_10:12...........may/come up upon the land of Egypt and eat/every 94/1971
Exo_10:26............we/come thither But/the.. 95/1971
Exo_11:8..........shall/come down unto me and/bow 96/1971 in unto your/houses 97/1971
Exo_12:25.........shall/come to pass when ye be come/to 98/1971 to the land which/the 99/1971
Exo_12:26.........shall/come to pass when your/children 100/1971
Exo_12:48...........him/come near and keep/it 101/1971 saying What is/this 102/1971
Exo_14:26...........may/come again upon/the.. 103/1971
Exo_16:5..........shall/come to pass that on/the 104/1971
Exo_16:9.........Israel/Come near before the/LORD 105/1971
Exo_17:6..........shall/come water/out....... 106/1971 unto thee and thy/wife 107/1971
Exo_18:8............had/come upon them by/the 108/1971
Exo_18:15........people/come unto me to enquire/of 109/1971
Exo_18:16..........they/come unto me and I judge/between 110/1971
Exo_19:2...........were/come to the desert/of 111/1971
Exo_19:9..............I/come unto thee in a/thick 112/1971
Exo_19:11..........will/come down in the/sight 113/1971
Exo_19:13.........shall/come up to the mount/And 114/1971 not at your/wives 115/1971
Exo_19:22.........which/come near to the LORD sanctify/themselves 116/1971
Exo_19:23........cannot/come up to mount/Sinai 117/1971
Exo_19:24.........shalt/come up thou/and..... 118/1971 up unto the LORD lest/he 119/1971 to prove/you.... 120/1971
Exo_20:24..........will/come unto thee and I/will 121/1971 presumptuously/upon 122/1971
Exo_22:9..........shall/come before the judges/and 123/1971
Exo_22:27.........shall/come to pass when he crieth/unto 124/1971
Exo_23:27.........shalt/come and I will make/all 125/1971
Exo_24:1..........Moses/Come up unto the LORD thou/and 126/1971
Exo_24:2..........shall/come near the LORD/but 127/1971
Exo_24:2............not/come nigh neither/shall 128/1971
Exo_24:12.........Moses/Come up to me/into... 129/1971
Exo_24:14............we/come again unto you and/behold 130/1971
Exo_24:14...........him/come unto them And/Moses 131/1971
Exo_25:32.........shall/come out of the sides/of 132/1971
Exo_25:33..........that/come out of the candlestick/And 133/1971
Exo_28:43..........they/come in unto the tabernacle/of 134/1971
Exo_28:43..........they/come near unto the/altar 135/1971
Exo_30:20..........they/come near to the altar/to 136/1971 down out of the mount/the 137/1971
Exo_32:26...........him/come unto me And all/the 138/1971
Exo_33:5...........will/come up into the midst/of 139/1971
Exo_33:22.........shall/come to pass while/my 140/1971
Exo_34:2............and/come up in the/morning 141/1971
Exo_34:3..........shall/come up with thee/neither 142/1971 nigh him/And.... 143/1971
Exo_35:10.........shall/come and make all/that 144/1971 unto the work/to 145/1971
Lev_4:23.........sinned/come to his knowledge he/shall 146/1971
Lev_4:28.........sinned/come to his knowledge then/he 147/1971
Lev_10:3...........that/come nigh me/and..... 148/1971
Lev_10:4...........them/Come near carry/your. 149/1971
Lev_10:6..........wrath/come upon all the people/but 150/1971
Lev_12:4............nor/come into the sanctuary/until 151/1971
Lev_13:16.........shall/come unto the priest/And 152/1971
Lev_14:8..........shall/come into the camp and shall/tarry 153/1971 into the land of Canaan which/I 154/1971
Lev_14:35.........shall/come and tell the/priest 155/1971
Lev_14:39.........shall/come again the/seventh 156/1971
Lev_14:43........plague/come again and break/out 157/1971
Lev_14:44.........shall/come and look/and.... 158/1971
Lev_14:48.........shall/come in and look/upon 159/1971
Lev_15:14...........and/come before the LORD unto/the 160/1971
Lev_16:2.............he/come not at all/times 161/1971
Lev_16:3..........Aaron/come into the holy/place 162/1971
Lev_16:17............he/come out and have/made 163/1971
Lev_16:23.........shall/come into the tabernacle of the/congregation 164/1971
Lev_16:24...........and/come forth and offer/his 165/1971
Lev_16:26.....afterward/come into the camp And the bullock/for 166/1971
Lev_16:28.........shall/come into the camp And this/shall 167/1971
Lev_19:19.......woollen/come upon thee And whosoever/lieth 168/1971
Lev_19:23.........shall/come into the land and/shall 169/1971
Lev_21:21.........shall/come nigh to offer the offerings/of 170/1971
Lev_21:21...........not/come nigh to offer the bread/of 171/1971
Lev_21:23...........nor/come nigh unto the altar/because 172/1971 into the land which I give unto/you 173/1971 into the land which I give you/then 174/1971
Lev_25:22........fruits/come in ye/shall..... 175/1971
Lev_25:25...........kin/come to redeem/it.... 176/1971
Num_1:1............were/come out of the land of Egypt saying Take/ye 177/1971
Num_4:5...........shall/come and his sons/and 178/1971
Num_4:15..........shall/come to bear/it...... 179/1971
Num_5:14.......jealousy/come upon him and he be jealous of his wife and she be defiled/or 180/1971
Num_5:14.......jealousy/come upon him and he be jealous of his wife and she be not/defiled 181/1971
Num_5:27..........shall/come to pass that if/she 182/1971
Num_6:5...........razor/come upon his head until/the 183/1971
Num_6:6...........shall/come at no dead body/He 184/1971
Num_8:19.........Israel/come nigh unto the sanctuary/And 185/1971
Num_9:1............were/come out of the land of Egypt saying Let/the 186/1971 thou with/us.... 187/1971
Num_11:17..........will/come down and talk/with 188/1971 out at/your..... 189/1971
Num_11:23.........shall/come to pass unto thee/or 190/1971
Num_12:4.........Miriam/Come out ye/three.... 191/1971 to Hamath/And... 192/1971
Num_13:33.........which/come of the/giants... 193/1971
Num_14:30...........not/come into the land concerning/which 194/1971 into the land of your/habitations 195/1971 into the land whither/I 196/1971 near unto him even/him 197/1971 near unto him This/do 198/1971
Num_16:12...........not/come up Is/it........ 199/1971
Num_16:14...........not/come up And Moses/was 200/1971
Num_16:40.........Aaron/come near to offer/incense 201/1971
Num_17:5..........shall/come to pass that the man's/rod 202/1971
Num_18:3............not/come nigh the vessels/of 203/1971
Num_18:4............not/come nigh unto you And/ye 204/1971
Num_18:22....henceforth/come nigh the tabernacle/of 205/1971
Num_19:7..........shall/come into the camp and the priest/shall 206/1971
Num_19:14..........that/come into the tent/and 207/1971 up out of Egypt/to 208/1971
Num_20:18.............I/come out against thee with/the 209/1971
Num_21:8..........shall/come to pass that every one that is bitten/when 210/1971
Num_21:27...........say/Come into Heshbon/let 211/1971
Num_22:5.........people/come out from Egypt/behold 212/1971 now therefore I/pray 213/1971
Num_22:11........people/come out of Egypt which/covereth 214/1971 now curse/me.... 215/1971 with us And/Balak 216/1971 therefore I/pray 217/1971 to call thee/rise 218/1971
Num_22:36...........was/come he went out to/meet 219/1971 unto thee have/I 220/1971
Num_23:3...........will/come to meet me and/whatsoever 221/1971
Num_23:7.........saying/Come curse/me........ 222/1971
Num_23:7............and/come defy/Israel..... 223/1971
Num_23:13...........him/Come I pray thee with/me 224/1971
Num_23:27........Balaam/Come I pray thee I/will 225/1971
Num_24:14........people/come therefore and/I. 226/1971
Num_24:17.........shall/come a Star/out...... 227/1971
Num_24:19.........shall/come he that shall/have 228/1971
Num_24:24.........shall/come from the coast/of 229/1971
Num_26:29........Gilead/come the family/of... 230/1971
Num_27:21.........shall/come in both/he...... 231/1971
Num_31:24.........shall/come into the camp And the LORD/spake 232/1971
Num_33:38..........were/come out of the land of Egypt in the first/day 233/1971
Num_33:55.........shall/come to pass that those/which 234/1971
Num_33:56.........shall/come to pass that I/shall 235/1971 into the land of Canaan this/is 236/1971 over Jordan into/the 237/1971
Num_35:26..........time/come without/the..... 238/1971
Num_35:32........should/come again to dwell/in 239/1971
Deu_1:20............are/come unto the mountain/of 240/1971
Deu_1:22..........shall/come And the saying/pleased 241/1971
Deu_2:14...........were/come over the brook/Zered 242/1971
Deu_4:30............are/come upon thee even/in 243/1971
Deu_4:46...........were/come forth out of Egypt And they/possessed 244/1971 saying What mean the/testimonies 245/1971
Deu_7:12..........shall/come to pass if ye hearken/to 246/1971
Deu_10:1............and/come up unto me into/the 247/1971
Deu_11:13.........shall/come to pass if ye shall/hearken 248/1971
Deu_11:29.........shall/come to pass when the LORD thy/God 249/1971
Deu_12:5..........shalt/come And thither/ye.. 250/1971
Deu_12:9............yet/come to the rest/and. 251/1971
Deu_13:2.........wonder/come to pass whereof/he 252/1971
Deu_14:29.........shall/come and shall eat/and 253/1971
Deu_15:19..........that/come of thy/herd..... 254/1971
Deu_17:9..........shalt/come unto the priests/the 255/1971 unto the land/which 256/1971
Deu_18:6.........Levite/come from any/of..... 257/1971
Deu_18:6............and/come with all/the.... 258/1971 into the land which the/LORD 259/1971
Deu_18:19.........shall/come to pass that whosoever will/not 260/1971
Deu_18:22...........nor/come to pass that is/the 261/1971
Deu_20:2............are/come nigh unto the battle/that 262/1971
Deu_21:2..........shall/come forth and they shall/measure 263/1971
Deu_21:5..........shall/come near for/them... 264/1971
Deu_23:10...........not/come within the/camp. 265/1971
Deu_23:11.........shall/come into the camp again/Thou 266/1971 to pass that she/find 267/1971
Deu_24:9...........were/come forth out of Egypt When/thou 268/1971
Deu_25:1...........they/come unto judgment/that 269/1971
Deu_25:9...........wife/come unto him in/the. 270/1971
Deu_25:17..........were/come forth out of Egypt How/he 271/1971 in unto the land/which 272/1971 unto the country/which 273/1971
Deu_27:12...........are/come over Jordan Simeon/and 274/1971
Deu_28:1..........shall/come to pass if thou shalt/hearken 275/1971
Deu_28:2..........shall/come on thee and/overtake 276/1971
Deu_28:7..........shall/come out against thee one/way 277/1971
Deu_28:15.........shall/come to pass if thou wilt/not 278/1971
Deu_28:15.........shall/come upon thee and overtake/thee 279/1971 down upon thee/until 280/1971
Deu_28:43.........shalt/come down very/low... 281/1971
Deu_28:45.........shall/come upon thee and shall/pursue 282/1971
Deu_28:52.........walls/come down wherein/thou 283/1971
Deu_28:63.........shall/come to pass that as the/LORD 284/1971 to pass when he heareth/the 285/1971 of your/children 286/1971
Deu_29:22.........shall/come from a far land/shall 287/1971
Deu_30:1..........shall/come to pass when all/these 288/1971
Deu_30:1............are/come upon thee the blessing/and 289/1971
Deu_31:2............and/come in also the/LORD 290/1971 to appear before the/LORD 291/1971
Deu_31:17.........evils/come upon us because/our 292/1971
Deu_31:21.........shall/come to pass when many/evils 293/1971
Deu_32:35.........shall/come upon them make/haste 294/1971
Deu_33:16......blessing/come upon the head/of 295/1971
Jos_2:3.............are/come to thee which/are 296/1971 to search/out... 297/1971
Jos_2:18.............we/come into the land thou/shalt 298/1971
Jos_3:4.........measure/come not near unto/it 299/1971
Jos_3:8.............are/come to the brink/of. 300/1971
Jos_3:9..........Israel/Come hither and hear/the 301/1971
Jos_3:13..........shall/come to pass as soon as the/soles 302/1971
Jos_3:13...........that/come down from above/and 303/1971
Jos_3:15...........were/come unto Jordan/and. 304/1971 saying What mean ye/by 305/1971
Jos_4:16...........they/come up out of Jordan/Joshua 306/1971
Jos_4:17.........saying/Come ye up/out....... 307/1971
Jos_4:18...........were/come up out of the midst/of 308/1971 saying What mean these/stones 309/1971 And Joshua/fell. 310/1971
Jos_6:5...........shall/come to pass that when they make/a 311/1971
Jos_6:19..........shall/come into the treasury/of 312/1971
Jos_7:14..........shall/come according to/the 313/1971
Jos_7:14..........shall/come by households/and 314/1971
Jos_7:14..........shall/come man/by.......... 315/1971
Jos_8:5...........shall/come to pass when they/come 316/1971
Jos_8:5............they/come out against us/as 317/1971
Jos_8:6............will/come out after us/till 318/1971 from a far country now/therefore 319/1971
Jos_9:8..........whence/come ye And they said unto/him 320/1971
Jos_9:9.............are/come because of/the.. 321/1971
Jos_10:4.........saying/Come up unto me and/help 322/1971
Jos_10:6.......servants/come up to us quickly/and 323/1971
Jos_10:24...........him/Come near put/your... 324/1971
Jos_11:20........should/come against Israel/in 325/1971 in Now/therefore 326/1971
Jos_18:4..........shall/come again to me And they/shall 327/1971
Jos_18:8............and/come again to me that/I 328/1971
Jos_20:6............and/come unto his own/city 329/1971 your/children... 330/1971 Ye have/no...... 331/1971 that we may say/again 332/1971 not among/these. 333/1971
Jos_23:14...........are/come to pass unto you/and 334/1971
Jos_23:15.........shall/come to pass that as all/good 335/1971
Jos_23:15...........are/come upon you which the/LORD 336/1971 up with me/into. 337/1971 forth out of the city and they/said 338/1971 down to the/valley 339/1971
Jdg_3:27............was/come that he blew/a.. 340/1971
Jdg_4:20...........doth/come and enquire/of.. 341/1971
Jdg_4:22............him/Come and I will shew/thee 342/1971
Jdg_6:4............thou/come unto Gaza/and... 343/1971
Jdg_6:18..............I/come unto thee and bring/forth 344/1971
Jdg_6:18...........thou/come again And Gideon/went 345/1971
Jdg_7:13............was/come behold there/was 346/1971
Jdg_7:17..............I/come to the outside/of 347/1971
Jdg_7:24.........saying/come down against the/Midianites 348/1971
Jdg_8:9...............I/come again in peace I/will 349/1971
Jdg_9:10...........tree/Come thou and reign over us But/the 350/1971
Jdg_9:12...........vine/Come thou and reign over us And the vine/said 351/1971
Jdg_9:14........bramble/Come thou and reign over us And the bramble/said 352/1971
Jdg_9:15...........then/come and put/your.... 353/1971 out of the bramble/and 354/1971 out from Abimelech/and 355/1971 out from the/men 356/1971
Jdg_9:24..........might/come and their/blood. 357/1971
Jdg_9:29............and/come out And when/Zebul 358/1971 to Shechem and/behold 359/1971
Jdg_9:33............him/come out against thee then/mayest 360/1971
Jdg_9:36..........there/come people down from/the 361/1971
Jdg_9:37..........there/come people down by/the 362/1971 along/by........ 363/1971
Jdg_9:43...........were/come forth out of the city and he/rose 364/1971
Jdg_11:6.......Jephthah/Come and be our/captain 365/1971 unto me now when/ye 366/1971 against me to/fight 367/1971
Jdg_11:33..........thou/come to Minnith/even. 368/1971 up unto me this/day 369/1971
Jdg_13:5..........shall/come on his/head..... 370/1971
Jdg_13:8...........send/come again unto us/and 371/1971
Jdg_13:12.........words/come to pass How/shall 372/1971
Jdg_13:17.......sayings/come to pass we/may.. 373/1971 up against us And/they 374/1971
Jdg_15:10............we/come up to do/to..... 375/1971
Jdg_15:12...........are/come down to bind/thee 376/1971 hither And they/compassed 377/1971
Jdg_16:17...........not/come a razor/upon.... 378/1971
Jdg_16:18........saying/Come up this/once.... 379/1971
Jdg_18:10.........shall/come unto a people secure/and 380/1971
Jdg_19:11........master/Come I pray thee and/let 381/1971
Jdg_19:13.......servant/Come and let us draw/near 382/1971 into mine/house. 383/1971
Jdg_19:29...........was/come into his house he/took 384/1971
Jdg_20:10..........they/come to Gibeah/of.... 385/1971
Jdg_20:41...........was/come upon them Therefore/they 386/1971
Jdg_21:3...........this/come to pass in Israel/that 387/1971
Jdg_21:21........Shiloh/come out to dance/in. 388/1971
Jdg_21:21..........then/come ye out/of....... 389/1971
Jdg_21:22......brethren/come unto us to/complain 390/1971
Rut_1:19...........were/come to Bethlehem/that 391/1971 unto a people which/thou 392/1971 to trust/Then... 393/1971
Rut_2:14.......mealtime/come thou hither/and. 394/1971 again out of the country/of 395/1971 into thine house like/Rachel 396/1971
1Sa_1:11..........razor/come upon his head And/it 397/1971
1Sa_1:20............was/come about after/Hannah 398/1971
1Sa_2:3.......arrogancy/come out of your/mouth 399/1971
1Sa_2:31...........days/come that I will cut/off 400/1971
1Sa_2:34..........shall/come upon thy/two.... 401/1971
1Sa_2:36..........shall/come to pass that every one that is left in/thine 402/1971
1Sa_2:36..........shall/come and crouch/to... 403/1971
1Sa_4:3............were/come into the camp the/elders 404/1971
1Sa_4:6.............was/come into the camp And the Philistines/were 405/1971 into the camp And they/said 406/1971
1Sa_5:5............that/come into Dagon's/house 407/1971
1Sa_6:7............hath/come no yoke/and..... 408/1971
1Sa_6:21...........LORD/come ye down/and..... 409/1971
1Sa_9:5............were/come to the land of/Zuph 410/1971
1Sa_9:5.............him/Come and let us return lest/my 411/1971
1Sa_9:9...........spake/Come and let us go to the/seer 412/1971
1Sa_9:10...........said/come let us go/So.... 413/1971 into the city ye/shall 414/1971
1Sa_9:13.............he/come because he/doth. 415/1971
1Sa_9:14...........were/come into the city behold/Samuel 416/1971 unto me And when/Samuel 417/1971
1Sa_9:25...........were/come down from the high/place 418/1971
1Sa_10:3..........shalt/come to the plain/of. 419/1971
1Sa_10:5..........shalt/come to the hill of God/where 420/1971
1Sa_10:5..........shall/come to pass when thou art/come 421/1971 thither to/the.. 422/1971
1Sa_10:6...........will/come upon thee and thou shalt/prophesy 423/1971
1Sa_10:7............are/come unto thee that/thou 424/1971
1Sa_10:8...........will/come down unto thee/to 425/1971
1Sa_10:8..............I/come to thee and/shew 426/1971 unto the son/of. 427/1971 near the tribe/of 428/1971 near by/their... 429/1971
1Sa_10:22...........yet/come thither And the/LORD 430/1971
1Sa_11:3...........will/come out to thee/Then 431/1971
1Sa_11:10..........will/come out unto/you.... 432/1971
1Sa_11:14........people/Come and let us go to Gilgal/and 433/1971
1Sa_12:8............was/come into Egypt and your/fathers 434/1971
1Sa_13:12..........will/come down now/upon... 435/1971
1Sa_14:1.........armour/Come and let us go over to/the 436/1971
1Sa_14:6.........armour/Come and let us go over unto/the 437/1971
1Sa_14:9.............we/come to you then/we.. 438/1971
1Sa_14:10..........thus/Come up unto us/then. 439/1971
1Sa_14:11.......Hebrews/come forth out of the holes/where 440/1971
1Sa_14:12..........said/Come up to us and/we. 441/1971
1Sa_14:12..armourbearer/Come up after me/for. 442/1971
1Sa_14:26..........were/come into the wood/behold 443/1971 to sacrifice to/the 444/1971 to sacrifice unto/the 445/1971
1Sa_16:5............and/come with me to/the.. 446/1971
1Sa_16:6...........were/come that he looked/on 447/1971
1Sa_16:11............he/come hither And he/sent 448/1971
1Sa_16:16.........shall/come to pass when the evil/spirit 449/1971 out to set/your. 450/1971
1Sa_17:8............him/come down to me/If... 451/1971 up surely/to.... 452/1971
1Sa_17:25............he/come up and it/shall. 453/1971 down that thou/mightest 454/1971
1Sa_17:44.........David/Come to me and I will/give 455/1971
1Sa_17:45.............I/come to thee in the/name 456/1971
1Sa_17:52..........thou/come to the valley/and 457/1971
1Sa_19:16..........were/come in behold/there. 458/1971 upon thee then/would 459/1971
1Sa_20:11.........David/Come and let us go out/into 460/1971
1Sa_20:19...........and/come to the place where/thou 461/1971
1Sa_20:21..........then/come thou for/there.. 462/1971
1Sa_20:24...........was/come the king/sat.... 463/1971
1Sa_20:37...........was/come to the place of/the 464/1971
1Sa_21:15........fellow/come into my house David/therefore 465/1971
1Sa_22:3...........thee/come forth and be/with 466/1971
1Sa_23:3.............we/come to Keilah against/the 467/1971
1Sa_23:7............was/come to Keilah And/Saul 468/1971 to Keilah to/destroy 469/1971
1Sa_23:11..........Saul/come down as/thy..... 470/1971
1Sa_23:11..........will/come down Then/said.. 471/1971
1Sa_23:15...........was/come out to seek his/life 472/1971
1Sa_23:20..........king/come down according/to 473/1971 down and our/part 474/1971
1Sa_23:23...........and/come ye again/to..... 475/1971
1Sa_23:23.........shall/come to pass if he/be 476/1971
1Sa_23:27...........and/come for the/Philistines 477/1971
1Sa_24:14........Israel/come out after whom/dost 478/1971
1Sa_25:8.............we/come in a good/day... 479/1971
1Sa_25:19.............I/come after you/But... 480/1971
1Sa_25:30.........shall/come to pass when the LORD shall/have 481/1971
1Sa_25:34...........and/come to meet me surely/there 482/1971
1Sa_25:40..........were/come to Abigail/to... 483/1971
1Sa_26:4............was/come in very/deed.... 484/1971
1Sa_26:10.........shall/come to die/or....... 485/1971 out to seek a/flea 486/1971 over and fetch/it 487/1971
1Sa_29:10...........are/come with thee/and... 488/1971
1Sa_30:1...........were/come to Ziklag/on.... 489/1971
1Sa_31:4..uncircumcised/come and thrust/me... 490/1971 upon me because/my 491/1971
2Sa_2:24...........were/come to the hill of Ammah/that 492/1971
2Sa_3:23...........were/come they told/Joab.. 493/1971
2Sa_3:26............was/come out from David/he 494/1971
2Sa_5:6.............not/come in hither thinking/David 495/1971
2Sa_5:6..........cannot/come in hither Nevertheless/David 496/1971
2Sa_5:8.............not/come into the house So/David 497/1971
2Sa_5:13............was/come from Hebron/and. 498/1971
2Sa_5:23............and/come upon them over against the mulberry trees And let/it 499/1971
2Sa_5:25...........thou/come to Gazer/Again.. 500/1971
2Sa_6:9............LORD/come to me So/David.. 501/1971 And is/this..... 502/1971
2Sa_9:6.............was/come unto David/he... 503/1971
2Sa_10:11..........will/come and help thee/Be 504/1971
2Sa_11:7............was/come unto him David/demanded 505/1971
2Sa_12:4............was/come unto him but/took 506/1971
2Sa_12:4............was/come to him And David's/anger 507/1971
2Sa_13:5..........Tamar/come and give/me..... 508/1971
2Sa_13:6............was/come to see him/Amnon 509/1971
2Sa_13:6.........sister/come and make me/a... 510/1971
2Sa_13:11...........her/Come lie with/me..... 511/1971
2Sa_13:35..........sons/come as thy/servant.. 512/1971
2Sa_14:3............And/come to the king and/speak 513/1971 to speak/of..... 514/1971
2Sa_14:29...........not/come to him and when/he 515/1971
2Sa_14:29...........not/come Therefore he/said 516/1971
2Sa_14:32........saying/Come hither that/I... 517/1971
2Sa_14:32.............I/come from Geshur/it.. 518/1971
2Sa_15:4..........might/come unto me and I would/do 519/1971
2Sa_15:28.........there/come word/from....... 520/1971
2Sa_15:32...........was/come to the top/of... 521/1971
2Sa_16:7.........cursed/Come out come/out.... 522/1971
2Sa_16:7............out/come out thou/bloody. 523/1971
2Sa_16:16...........was/come unto Absalom/that 524/1971
2Sa_17:2...........will/come upon him while/he 525/1971
2Sa_17:6............was/come to Absalom/Absalom 526/1971
2Sa_17:9...........will/come to pass when some/of 527/1971
2Sa_17:12............we/come upon him in/some 528/1971 into the city and/a 529/1971
2Sa_17:27...........was/come to Mahanaim/that 530/1971 to the king even/to 531/1971
2Sa_19:18...........was/come over Jordan And/said 532/1971 the first/this.. 533/1971
2Sa_19:25...........was/come to Jerusalem to/meet 534/1971 again in peace unto/his 535/1971
2Sa_19:33.....Barzillai/Come thou over/with.. 536/1971
2Sa_19:39...........was/come over the king/kissed 537/1971
2Sa_20:16..........Joab/Come near hither/that 538/1971
2Sa_20:17...........was/come near unto her/the 539/1971
2Sa_24:13........famine/come unto thee in thy/land 540/1971
2Sa_24:21..........king/come to his servant/And 541/1971
1Ki_1:12......therefore/come let me/I........ 542/1971
1Ki_1:14...........will/come in after/thee... 543/1971
1Ki_1:21..........shall/come to pass when my/lord 544/1971
1Ki_1:23............was/come in before the/king 545/1971
1Ki_1:35..........shall/come up after him/that 546/1971
1Ki_1:35............may/come and sit/upon.... 547/1971
1Ki_1:42............him/Come in for/thou..... 548/1971
1Ki_1:45............are/come up from thence/rejoicing 549/1971
1Ki_2:30...........king/Come forth And he said/Nay 550/1971
1Ki_2:41............was/come again And the/king 551/1971
1Ki_3:7..............or/come in And thy/servant 552/1971
1Ki_6:1............were/come out of the land of Egypt in the fourth/year 553/1971
1Ki_8:10...........were/come out of the holy place that/the 554/1971
1Ki_8:19..........shall/come forth out of thy loins he shall build the house unto/my 555/1971
1Ki_8:31...........oath/come before thine altar in this house Then hear thou in/heaven 556/1971
1Ki_8:42..........shall/come and pray toward/this 557/1971
1Ki_10:2............was/come to Solomon she communed with him of all that was in her heart And Solomon told her all her questions there/was 558/1971
1Ki_11:2...........they/come in unto you/for. 559/1971
1Ki_12:1...........were/come to Shechem to/make 560/1971
1Ki_12:5...........then/come again to me And the/people 561/1971
1Ki_12:12........saying/Come to me again/the. 562/1971
1Ki_12:20...........was/come again that/they. 563/1971
1Ki_12:21...........was/come to Jerusalem he assembled/all 564/1971
1Ki_13:7............God/Come home with me and refresh/thyself 565/1971
1Ki_13:15...........him/Come home with me and eat/bread 566/1971
1Ki_13:22...........not/come unto the sepulchre/of 567/1971
1Ki_13:32........surely/come to pass After this/thing 568/1971
1Ki_14:6...........said/Come in thou wife/of. 569/1971
1Ki_14:13.........shall/come to the grave/because 570/1971
1Ki_15:17............or/come in to Asa king of Judah Then Asa took/all 571/1971 and break/thy... 572/1971
1Ki_17:18..........thou/come unto me to call/my 573/1971
1Ki_17:21..........soul/come into him/again.. 574/1971
1Ki_18:12.........shall/come to pass as soon as I/am 575/1971
1Ki_18:12.............I/come and tell Ahab/and 576/1971
1Ki_18:30........people/Come near unto me And/all 577/1971
1Ki_19:17.........shall/come to pass that him/that 578/1971 out of Samaria/And 579/1971 out for peace/take 580/1971 out for war/take 581/1971
1Ki_20:22..........will/come up against thee And/the 582/1971
1Ki_20:33.........would/come from him/and.... 583/1971 up into the chariot/And 584/1971
1Ki_22:27.............I/come in peace/And.... 585/1971
2Ki_1:4.............not/come down from that bed on which thou art gone up but shalt surely die And Elijah/departed 586/1971
2Ki_1:6.............not/come down from that bed on which thou art gone up but shalt surely die And he/said 587/1971
2Ki_1:9............said/Come down And Elijah/answered 588/1971 down from heaven and consume thee and thy fifty And there/came 589/1971
2Ki_1:11...........said/Come down quickly/And 590/1971 down from heaven and consume thee and thy fifty And the/fire 591/1971
2Ki_1:16............not/come down off/that... 592/1971
2Ki_3:21...........were/come up to fight/against 593/1971 to take unto/him 594/1971 in thou shalt/shut 595/1971
2Ki_4:22............and/come again And he/said 596/1971
2Ki_4:32............was/come into the house behold/the 597/1971
2Ki_4:36............was/come in unto him/he.. 598/1971 unto thee behold/I 599/1971
2Ki_5:8.............him/come now to/me....... 600/1971
2Ki_5:10..........shall/come again to thee/and 601/1971
2Ki_5:11.........surely/come out to me and stand/and 602/1971 to me from/mount 603/1971
2Ki_6:9.............are/come down And the/king 604/1971
2Ki_6:20...........were/come into Samaria/that 605/1971
2Ki_7:4.......therefore/come and let us fall/unto 606/1971
2Ki_7:5............were/come to the uttermost/part 607/1971 upon us Wherefore/they 608/1971
2Ki_7:9............will/come upon us now/therefore 609/1971
2Ki_7:9.......therefore/come that we may go/and 610/1971
2Ki_7:12...........they/come out of the city/we 611/1971
2Ki_8:1............also/come upon the land seven/years 612/1971 hither And the/king 613/1971
2Ki_9:16............was/come down to see/Joram 614/1971
2Ki_9:30............was/come to Jezreel/Jezebel 615/1971
2Ki_9:34............was/come in he did/eat... 616/1971
2Ki_10:6............and/come to me to/Jezreel 617/1971
2Ki_10:16..........said/Come with me and see/my 618/1971
2Ki_10:25..........none/come forth And they smote/them 619/1971 in on the sabbath with them that should/go 620/1971
2Ki_14:8.........saying/Come let us look/one. 621/1971
2Ki_16:7............son/come up and save/me.. 622/1971
2Ki_16:12...........was/come from Damascus/the 623/1971
2Ki_18:13.......Assyria/come up against all/the 624/1971
2Ki_18:17..........were/come up they/came.... 625/1971 up without the LORD against this place/to 626/1971
2Ki_18:31...........and/come out to me and then/eat 627/1971
2Ki_18:32.............I/come and take you away to a land like your own land a land of corn and wine a land of bread and vineyards a/land 628/1971
2Ki_19:3............are/come to the birth and there is not strength to bring forth It may be the LORD thy God will hear all/the 629/1971 out to fight/against 630/1971 up to the height of the mountains to the sides of Lebanon and will/cut 631/1971 up into mine ears therefore I/will 632/1971
2Ki_19:32...........not/come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shield/nor 633/1971
2Ki_19:32...........nor/come before it with shield/nor 634/1971
2Ki_19:33...........not/come into this city saith the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake And/it 635/1971
2Ki_20:14...........are/come from a far country even/from 636/1971
2Ki_20:17..........days/come that all that is in thine house and that which thy fathers have laid up in store unto/this 637/1971 after seven/days 638/1971
1Ch_10:4..uncircumcised/come and abuse/me.... 639/1971
1Ch_11:5............not/come hither Nevertheless/David 640/1971 peaceably/unto.. 641/1971 to betray/me.... 642/1971 and make David/king 643/1971
1Ch_14:14...........and/come upon them over against the mulberry trees And it/shall 644/1971
1Ch_16:29...........and/come before him worship/the 645/1971
1Ch_17:11.........shall/come to pass when thy/days 646/1971 and hast/regarded 647/1971
1Ch_19:3.......servants/come unto thee for to/search 648/1971
1Ch_19:9...........were/come were/by......... 649/1971 into the house of the LORD according/to 650/1971
1Ch_29:12........honour/come of thee and thou/reignest 651/1971
1Ch_29:14........things/come of thee and of/thine 652/1971
2Ch_1:10............and/come in before this/people 653/1971
2Ch_5:11...........were/come out of the holy place for/all 654/1971
2Ch_6:9...........shall/come forth out of thy loins he shall build the house for/my 655/1971
2Ch_6:22...........oath/come before thine altar in this house Then hear thou from/heaven 656/1971 from a far country for/thy 657/1971
2Ch_6:32...........they/come and pray in/this 658/1971
2Ch_8:11...........hath/come Then Solomon/offered 659/1971
2Ch_9:1.............was/come to Solomon she communed with him of all that was in her heart And Solomon told her all her questions and/there 660/1971
2Ch_10:1.........Israel/come to make him/king 661/1971
2Ch_10:5...........them/Come again unto me/after 662/1971
2Ch_10:12........saying/Come again to me on/the 663/1971
2Ch_11:1............was/come to Jerusalem he gathered/of 664/1971 about behind/them 665/1971
2Ch_16:1.............or/come in to Asa king of Judah Then Asa brought/out 666/1971
2Ch_18:14...........was/come to the king the/king 667/1971
2Ch_19:10.........shall/come to you of/your.. 668/1971
2Ch_19:10.........wrath/come upon you and upon/your 669/1971 to cast/us...... 670/1971
2Ch_20:16..........they/come up by/the....... 671/1971
2Ch_20:22..........were/come against Judah/and 672/1971
2Ch_22:7............was/come he went out with/Jehoram 673/1971
2Ch_23:6...........none/come into the house of the LORD save/the 674/1971 in on the sabbath with them that were/to 675/1971
2Ch_23:15...........was/come to the entering/of 676/1971
2Ch_25:10...........was/come to him out of Ephraim/to 677/1971
2Ch_25:14...........was/come from the slaughter/of 678/1971
2Ch_25:17........saying/Come let us see/one.. 679/1971
2Ch_28:17...........had/come and smitten/Judah 680/1971
2Ch_29:31..........LORD/come near and bring/sacrifices 681/1971
2Ch_30:1.........should/come to the house/of. 682/1971
2Ch_30:5.........should/come to keep/the..... 683/1971
2Ch_30:9..........shall/come again into/this. 684/1971
2Ch_32:2............was/come and that/he..... 685/1971
2Ch_32:4........Assyria/come and find/much... 686/1971
2Ch_32:21...........was/come into the house of his/god 687/1971
2Ch_35:21.............I/come not against/thee 688/1971
Ezr_3:1.............was/come and the children/of 689/1971
Ezr_3:8............were/come out of the captivity unto/Jerusalem 690/1971
Ezr_4:12............are/come unto Jerusalem/building 691/1971
Ezr_6:21...........were/come again out of captivity/and 692/1971
Ezr_8:35...........were/come out of the captivity offered/burnt 693/1971 upon us for/our. 694/1971
Ezr_10:8............not/come within three/days 695/1971
Ezr_10:14........cities/come at appointed/times 696/1971
Neh_2:7...............I/come into Judah/And.. 697/1971
Neh_2:10............was/come a man/to........ 698/1971 and let us build/up 699/1971 and to/fight.... 700/1971
Neh_4:11.............we/come in the midst/among 701/1971
Neh_6:2..........saying/Come let us meet/together 702/1971
Neh_6:3..........cannot/come down why/should. 703/1971
Neh_6:3.............and/come down to you/Yet. 704/1971
Neh_6:7...........words/Come now therefore and let us take/counsel 705/1971
Neh_6:10...........will/come to slay thee yea/in 706/1971
Neh_6:10...........they/come to slay thee And/I 707/1971
Neh_8:17...........were/come again out of the captivity/made 708/1971
Neh_9:32...........hath/come upon us on/our.. 709/1971
Neh_13:1............not/come into the congregation/of 710/1971
Neh_13:22........should/come and keep/the.... 711/1971 at the/king's... 712/1971
Est_1:17..........shall/come abroad unto all women/so 713/1971
Est_1:19.........Vashti/come no more before/king 714/1971
Est_2:12............was/come to go in to/king 715/1971
Est_2:15............was/come to go in unto/the 716/1971
Est_4:11..........shall/come unto the king/into 717/1971 in unto the king/these 718/1971 to the kingdom/for 719/1971
Est_5:4...........Haman/come this day/unto... 720/1971
Est_5:8...........Haman/come to the banquet/that 721/1971 in with/the..... 722/1971
Est_6:4.............was/come into the outward/court 723/1971
Est_6:5.............him/come in So/Haman..... 724/1971
Est_8:6...........shall/come unto my people/or 725/1971
Est_9:26............had/come unto them The/Jews 726/1971
Job_2:11............was/come upon him they/came 727/1971 to mourn/with... 728/1971
Job_3:6.............not/come into the number/of 729/1971
Job_3:7...........voice/come therein/Let..... 730/1971 upon me and that/which 731/1971 unto me I was/not 732/1971 upon thee and thou faintest/it 733/1971
Job_5:26..........shalt/come to thy grave/in. 734/1971
Job_7:9...........shall/come up no/more...... 735/1971
Job_8:22..........shall/come to nought Then/Job 736/1971
Job_9:32.........should/come together in judgment/Neither 737/1971
Job_13:13...........let/come on me/what...... 738/1971
Job_13:16...........not/come before him Hear/diligently 739/1971
Job_14:14........change/come Thou shalt/call. 740/1971
Job_14:21..........sons/come to honour/and... 741/1971
Job_15:21.........shall/come upon him He believeth/not 742/1971
Job_16:22...........are/come then I/shall.... 743/1971
Job_17:10...........and/come now for/I....... 744/1971
Job_18:20..........that/come after him shall/be 745/1971
Job_19:12........troops/come together and raise/up 746/1971
Job_20:22.........shall/come upon him When/he 747/1971
Job_22:21.........shall/come unto thee Receive/I 748/1971
Job_23:3..........might/come even to his/seat 749/1971
Job_23:10.........shall/come forth as/gold... 750/1971
Job_26:10.........night/come to an end The/pillars 751/1971 unto him and he/heareth 752/1971 whether/for..... 753/1971
Job_38:11..........thou/come but no/further.. 754/1971
Job_41:13...........can/come to him with his/double 755/1971
Job_41:16...........can/come between/them.... 756/1971
Psa_5:7............will/come into thy house/in 757/1971
Psa_7:9..........wicked/come to an end but/establish 758/1971
Psa_7:16..........shall/come down upon his/own 759/1971
Psa_9:6.............are/come to a/perpetual.. 760/1971
Psa_14:7...........were/come out of Zion when the/LORD 761/1971
Psa_17:2.......sentence/come forth from thy/presence 762/1971
Psa_22:31.........shall/come and shall declare/his 763/1971
Psa_24:7..........shall/come in Who is this King of glory The LORD strong/and 764/1971
Psa_24:9..........shall/come in Who is this King of glory The LORD of/hosts 765/1971
Psa_32:6............not/come nigh unto him Thou/art 766/1971
Psa_32:9...........they/come near unto thee/Many 767/1971
Psa_34:11.........thing/Come ye children/hearken 768/1971
Psa_35:8....destruction/come upon him at/unawares 769/1971
Psa_36:11.........pride/come against me and/let 770/1971
Psa_40:7..............I/come in the volume of the book it is written of me I/delight 771/1971
Psa_41:6.............he/come to see me/he.... 772/1971
Psa_42:2..............I/come and appear/before 773/1971 upon us yet have/we 774/1971
Psa_46:8..........Selah/Come behold the works/of 775/1971
Psa_50:3..........shall/come and shall not/keep 776/1971
Psa_53:6...........were/come out of Zion When God/bringeth 777/1971
Psa_55:5............are/come upon me and horror/hath 778/1971
Psa_65:2..........flesh/come Iniquities/prevail 779/1971
Psa_66:5..........Selah/Come and see the/works 780/1971
Psa_66:16.........Selah/Come and hear/all.... 781/1971
Psa_68:31.........shall/come out of Egypt Ethiopia/shall 782/1971
Psa_69:1............are/come in unto my/soul. 783/1971 into deep/waters 784/1971
Psa_69:27...........not/come into thy righteousness/Let 785/1971 Thy righteousness/also 786/1971
Psa_72:6..........shall/come down like/rain.. 787/1971 the praises/of.. 788/1971 might/know...... 789/1971
Psa_79:1............are/come into thine inheritance/thy 790/1971
Psa_79:11......prisoner/come before thee according/to 791/1971
Psa_80:2............and/come and save us/Turn 792/1971
Psa_83:4...........said/Come and let us cut them/off 793/1971
Psa_86:9..........shall/come and worship before thee O/Lord 794/1971
Psa_88:2.........prayer/come before thee incline/thine 795/1971
Psa_88:8.........cannot/come forth Mine/eye.. 796/1971
Psa_91:7............not/come nigh thee/Only.. 797/1971
Psa_91:10........plague/come nigh thy/dwelling 798/1971
Psa_95:1..............O/come let us sing/unto 799/1971 before his presence with thanksgiving/and 800/1971
Psa_95:6..............O/come let us worship/and 801/1971
Psa_96:8............and/come into his courts/O 802/1971
Psa_100:2......gladness/come before his presence with singing/Know 803/1971
Psa_101:2..........thou/come unto me I will/walk 804/1971
Psa_102:1...........cry/come unto thee Hide/not 805/1971 For thy servants take/pleasure 806/1971 and the people/which 807/1971 unto him as/he.. 808/1971 into his bowels/like 809/1971
Psa_119:41......mercies/come also unto/me.... 810/1971
Psa_119:77......mercies/come unto me that/I.. 811/1971
Psa_119:169.........cry/come near before thee/O 812/1971
Psa_119:170supplication/come before thee deliver/me 813/1971
Psa_126:6.....doubtless/come again with/rejoicing 814/1971
Psa_132:3...........not/come into the tabernacle of my/house 815/1971
Psa_144:5...........and/come down touch/the.. 816/1971
Pro_1:11............say/Come with us let/us.. 817/1971
Pro_3:28............and/come again and to/morrow 818/1971
Pro_5:8.............and/come not nigh/the.... 819/1971 into the hand/of 820/1971
Pro_6:11........poverty/come as one that travelleth and thy want as an armed man A/naughty 821/1971
Pro_6:15.......calamity/come suddenly/suddenly 822/1971
Pro_7:18.......cinnamon/Come let us take/our. 823/1971
Pro_7:20...........will/come home at/the..... 824/1971
Pro_9:5.............him/Come eat/of.......... 825/1971
Pro_10:24.........shall/come upon him but/the 826/1971
Pro_11:27.........shall/come unto him He that/trusteth 827/1971
Pro_12:13.........shall/come out of trouble/A 828/1971
Pro_20:13..........thou/come to poverty open/thine 829/1971
Pro_22:16........surely/come to want/Bow..... 830/1971
Pro_23:21.........shall/come to poverty and drowsiness/shall 831/1971
Pro_24:25.........shall/come upon them Every/man 832/1971
Pro_24:34.......poverty/come as one that travelleth and thy want as an armed man These/are 833/1971
Pro_25:4..........shall/come forth a vessel/for 834/1971
Pro_25:7...........thee/Come up hither than/that 835/1971
Pro_26:2............not/come A whip/for...... 836/1971
Pro_28:22.........shall/come upon him He that/rebuketh 837/1971 She/openeth..... 838/1971
Ecc_1:7..........rivers/come thither they/return 839/1971 with those/that. 840/1971
Ecc_1:11..........shall/come after I/the..... 841/1971 to great/estate. 842/1971 shall all/be.... 843/1971
Ecc_4:16...........that/come after shall/not. 844/1971
Ecc_7:18..........shall/come forth of them/all 845/1971
Ecc_8:10............had/come and gone/from... 846/1971
Ecc_9:2..........things/come alike/to........ 847/1971
Ecc_12:1...........days/come not nor/the..... 848/1971
Son_2:10............and/come away For/lo..... 849/1971 and the voice/of 850/1971
Son_2:13............and/come away O/my....... 851/1971
Son_4:8............thee/Come with me from/Lebanon 852/1971
Son_4:16............and/come thou south/blow. 853/1971
Son_4:16........beloved/come into his garden/and 854/1971 into my garden/my 855/1971 my beloved/let.. 856/1971 to appear before me/who 857/1971
Isa_1:18..........widow/Come now and/let..... 858/1971
Isa_1:23..........widow/come unto them Therefore/saith 859/1971
Isa_2:2...........shall/come to pass in the last days that/the 860/1971
Isa_2:3.............say/Come ye and let us go/up 861/1971
Isa_2:5...........Jacob/come ye and let us walk/in 862/1971
Isa_3:24..........shall/come to pass that instead/of 863/1971
Isa_4:3...........shall/come to pass that he that/is 864/1971
Isa_5:6...........shall/come up briers/and... 865/1971
Isa_5:19............and/come that we may know/it 866/1971
Isa_5:26..........shall/come with speed/swiftly 867/1971 to pass For the head/of 868/1971
Isa_7:17............not/come from the day/that 869/1971
Isa_7:18..........shall/come to pass in that day that the LORD shall hiss/for 870/1971
Isa_7:19..........shall/come and shall rest/all 871/1971
Isa_7:21..........shall/come to pass in that day that a man/shall 872/1971
Isa_7:22..........shall/come to pass for the abundance/of 873/1971
Isa_7:23..........shall/come to pass in that day that every/place 874/1971 thither because/all 875/1971
Isa_7:25............not/come thither the/fear 876/1971
Isa_8:7...........shall/come up over all/his. 877/1971
Isa_8:10..........shall/come to nought speak/the 878/1971
Isa_8:21..........shall/come to pass that when they shall/be 879/1971
Isa_10:3..........shall/come from far to/whom 880/1971
Isa_10:12.........shall/come to pass that when the Lord/hath 881/1971
Isa_10:20.........shall/come to pass in that day that the remnant/of 882/1971
Isa_10:27.........shall/come to pass in that day that his/burden 883/1971 to Aiath/he..... 884/1971
Isa_11:1..........shall/come forth a rod/out. 885/1971
Isa_11:11.........shall/come to pass in that day that the Lord shall set/his 886/1971
Isa_13:5...........They/come from a far country from/the 887/1971
Isa_13:6..........shall/come as a destruction/from 888/1971 and her/days.... 889/1971
Isa_14:3..........shall/come to pass in the day that/the 890/1971 up against us Hell/from 891/1971 to pass and as/I 892/1971
Isa_14:29.........shall/come forth a cockatrice/and 893/1971
Isa_14:31.........shall/come from the north a/smoke 894/1971
Isa_16:8............are/come even unto Jazer/they 895/1971
Isa_16:12.........shall/come to pass when it/is 896/1971
Isa_16:12.........shall/come to his sanctuary/to 897/1971
Isa_17:4..........shall/come to pass that the glory/of 898/1971
Isa_19:1..........shall/come into Egypt and the idols/of 899/1971
Isa_19:23.........shall/come into Egypt and the Egyptian/into 900/1971
Isa_21:12........return/come The burden/upon. 901/1971
Isa_22:7..........shall/come to pass that thy/choicest 902/1971
Isa_22:20.........shall/come to pass in that day that I will call/my 903/1971
Isa_23:15.........shall/come to pass in that day that Tyre/shall 904/1971
Isa_23:17.........shall/come to pass after the/end 905/1971
Isa_24:10...........may/come in There/is..... 906/1971
Isa_24:18.........shall/come to pass that he who/fleeth 907/1971
Isa_24:21.........shall/come to pass in that day that the LORD shall punish/the 908/1971
Isa_26:20..........dead/Come my people/enter. 909/1971
Isa_27:6...........that/come of Jacob/to..... 910/1971
Isa_27:11.........women/come and set them/on. 911/1971
Isa_27:12.........shall/come to pass in that day that the LORD shall beat/off 912/1971
Isa_27:13.........shall/come to pass in that day that the great/trumpet 913/1971
Isa_27:13.........shall/come which were/ready 914/1971
Isa_28:15...........not/come unto us for/we.. 915/1971
Isa_29:24.........shall/come to understanding/and 916/1971
Isa_30:6.........whence/come the young/and... 917/1971 for ever/and.... 918/1971 into the mountain/of 919/1971
Isa_31:4..........hosts/come down to fight/for 920/1971
Isa_32:10...........not/come Tremble/ye...... 921/1971
Isa_32:13.........shall/come up thorns/and... 922/1971
Isa_34:1.......iniquity/Come near ye/nations. 923/1971
Isa_34:1...........that/come forth of it/For. 924/1971
Isa_34:3..........shall/come up out of their/carcases 925/1971
Isa_34:5..........shall/come down upon Idumea/and 926/1971
Isa_34:7..........shall/come down with them/and 927/1971
Isa_34:13.........shall/come up in her/palaces 928/1971
Isa_35:4...........will/come with vengeance/even 929/1971
Isa_35:4...........will/come and save you/Then 930/1971
Isa_35:10...........and/come to Zion with/songs 931/1971 up without the LORD against this land/to 932/1971
Isa_36:16...........and/come out to me and eat/ye 933/1971
Isa_36:17.............I/come and take you away to a land like your own land a land of corn and wine a land of bread and vineyards Beware/lest 934/1971
Isa_37:3............are/come to the birth and there is not strength to bring forth It may be the LORD thy God will hear the/words 935/1971 forth to make/war 936/1971
Isa_37:24.............I/come up to the height of the mountains to the sides of Lebanon and I/will 937/1971 up into mine ears therefore will/I 938/1971
Isa_37:33...........not/come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shields/nor 939/1971
Isa_37:33...........nor/come before it with shields/nor 940/1971
Isa_37:34...........not/come into this city saith the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake Then/the 941/1971
Isa_39:3............are/come from a far country unto/me 942/1971
Isa_39:6...........days/come that all that is in thine house and that which thy fathers have laid up in store until/this 943/1971
Isa_40:10..........will/come with strong/hand 944/1971
Isa_41:1...........them/come near then/let... 945/1971 near together/to 946/1971 Shew/the........ 947/1971 hereafter/that.. 948/1971
Isa_41:25.........shall/come from the rising/of 949/1971
Isa_41:25.........shall/come upon princes/as. 950/1971
Isa_42:9............are/come to pass and new/things 951/1971 Who gave/Jacob.. 952/1971
Isa_44:7..........shall/come let them/shew... 953/1971 concerning/my... 954/1971
Isa_45:14.........shall/come over unto/thee.. 955/1971
Isa_45:14.........shall/come after thee/in... 956/1971
Isa_45:14.........shall/come over and they/shall 957/1971
Isa_45:20...........and/come draw/near....... 958/1971 and all that/are 959/1971
Isa_47:1..........glory/Come down and sit/in. 960/1971
Isa_47:9..........shall/come to thee in a/moment 961/1971
Isa_47:9..........shall/come upon thee in/their 962/1971
Isa_47:11..........evil/come upon thee thou shalt/not 963/1971
Isa_47:11.........shall/come upon thee suddenly/which 964/1971
Isa_47:13.........shall/come upon thee Behold/they 965/1971
Isa_48:1............are/come forth out of the waters/of 966/1971
Isa_48:16....prosperous/Come ye near/unto.... 967/1971
Isa_49:12.........shall/come from far and lo/these 968/1971
Isa_49:18...........and/come to thee As/I.... 969/1971
Isa_50:8............him/come near to me Behold/the 970/1971
Isa_51:11...........and/come with singing/unto 971/1971
Isa_51:19...........are/come unto thee who/shall 972/1971
Isa_52:1...........more/come into thee/the... 973/1971
Isa_54:14...........not/come near thee/Behold 974/1971
Isa_55:1......thirsteth/come ye to the/waters 975/1971 ye buy/and...... 976/1971
Isa_55:1............yea/come buy/wine........ 977/1971
Isa_55:3............and/come unto me hear/and 978/1971
Isa_55:13.........shall/come up the fir/tree. 979/1971
Isa_55:13.........shall/come up the myrtle/tree 980/1971 and my/righteousness 981/1971
Isa_56:9..........field/come to devour yea/all 982/1971
Isa_56:12.......quarter/Come ye say/they..... 983/1971 He shall enter/into 984/1971
Isa_59:19.........shall/come in like a/flood. 985/1971
Isa_59:20.........shall/come to Zion and/unto 986/1971 and the glory/of 987/1971
Isa_60:3..........shall/come to thy light/and 988/1971
Isa_60:4...........they/come to thee thy/sons 989/1971
Isa_60:4..........shall/come from far and thy/daughters 990/1971
Isa_60:5..........shall/come unto thee The multitude/of 991/1971
Isa_60:6..........shall/come they shall/bring 992/1971
Isa_60:7..........shall/come up with acceptance/on 993/1971
Isa_60:13.........shall/come unto thee the fir/tree 994/1971
Isa_60:14.........shall/come bending/unto.... 995/1971 And I looked/and 996/1971
Isa_64:1.......wouldest/come down that the/mountains 997/1971
Isa_65:5........thyself/come not near to/me.. 998/1971
Isa_65:17...........nor/come into mind/But... 999/1971
Isa_65:24.........shall/come to pass that before/they 1000/1971
Isa_66:15..........will/come with fire/and.. 1001/1971
Isa_66:18.........shall/come that I will gather/all 1002/1971
Isa_66:18.........shall/come and see my/glory 1003/1971
Isa_66:23.........shall/come to pass that from/one 1004/1971
Isa_66:23.........flesh/come to worship before/me 1005/1971
Jer_1:15..........shall/come and they shall set/every 1006/1971
Jer_2:3...........shall/come upon them saith/the 1007/1971
Jer_2:31...........will/come no more unto/thee 1008/1971
Jer_3:16..........shall/come to pass when ye be multiplied/and 1009/1971 to mind/neither 1010/1971
Jer_3:18..........shall/come together out/of 1011/1971
Jer_3:22.............we/come unto thee for thou/art 1012/1971
Jer_4:4............fury/come forth like/fire 1013/1971 up from his/thicket 1014/1971
Jer_4:9...........shall/come to pass at that day saith/the 1015/1971
Jer_4:12..........shall/come unto me now also/will 1016/1971
Jer_4:13..........shall/come up as clouds/and 1017/1971
Jer_4:16.......watchers/come from a far country and/give 1018/1971
Jer_5:12...........evil/come upon us neither/shall 1019/1971
Jer_5:19..........shall/come to pass when ye shall/say 1020/1971
Jer_6:3...........shall/come unto her they/shall 1021/1971
Jer_6:26.......suddenly/come upon us I/have. 1022/1971
Jer_7:10............And/come and stand/before 1023/1971
Jer_7:32...........days/come saith the LORD that it shall no more be called/Tophet 1024/1971
Jer_8:16............are/come and have/devoured 1025/1971
Jer_9:17............may/come and send/for... 1026/1971
Jer_9:17............may/come And let them/make 1027/1971 up into our/windows 1028/1971
Jer_9:25...........days/come saith the LORD that I will punish/all 1029/1971 and a/great.... 1030/1971
Jer_12:9............her/come ye assemble/all 1031/1971
Jer_12:9..........field/come to devour Many/pastors 1032/1971
Jer_12:12...........are/come upon all high/places 1033/1971
Jer_12:15.........shall/come to pass after that/I 1034/1971
Jer_12:16.........shall/come to pass if they will diligently/learn 1035/1971
Jer_13:18.........shall/come down even/the.. 1036/1971
Jer_13:20..........that/come from the north where/is 1037/1971
Jer_13:22.....Wherefore/come these things/upon 1038/1971
Jer_15:2..........shall/come to pass if they say/unto 1039/1971
Jer_16:10.........shall/come to pass when thou shalt shew/this 1040/1971
Jer_16:14..........days/come saith the LORD that it shall no more be said/The 1041/1971
Jer_16:19.........shall/come unto thee from/the 1042/1971 now As/for..... 1043/1971
Jer_17:19.........Judah/come in and by/the.. 1044/1971
Jer_17:24.........shall/come to pass if ye diligently/hearken 1045/1971
Jer_17:26.........shall/come from the cities/of 1046/1971
Jer_18:14..........that/come from another/place 1047/1971
Jer_18:18..........they/Come and let us devise/devices 1048/1971
Jer_18:18.......prophet/Come and let us smite/him 1049/1971
Jer_19:6...........days/come saith the LORD that this/place 1050/1971
Jer_20:6..........shalt/come to Babylon/and. 1051/1971
Jer_21:13.........shall/come down against us/or 1052/1971
Jer_22:23.........pangs/come upon thee the pain/as 1053/1971
Jer_23:5...........days/come saith the LORD that I will raise/unto 1054/1971
Jer_23:7...........days/come saith the LORD that they/shall 1055/1971
Jer_23:17.........shall/come upon you For who/hath 1056/1971
Jer_25:3...........hath/come unto me and I have spoken/unto 1057/1971
Jer_25:12.........shall/come to pass when seventy/years 1058/1971
Jer_25:31.........shall/come even to the/ends 1059/1971
Jer_26:2..........which/come to worship in/the 1060/1971
Jer_27:3..........which/come to Jerusalem unto/Zedekiah 1061/1971 and then/many.. 1062/1971
Jer_27:8..........shall/come to pass that the nation/and 1063/1971
Jer_28:9..........shall/come to pass then shall/the 1064/1971
Jer_30:3...........days/come saith the LORD that I will bring/again 1065/1971
Jer_30:8..........shall/come to pass in that day saith the LORD of hosts that I will break/his 1066/1971
Jer_31:9..........shall/come with weeping/and 1067/1971
Jer_31:12.........shall/come and sing/in.... 1068/1971
Jer_31:16.........shall/come again from/the. 1069/1971
Jer_31:17.........shall/come again to their/own 1070/1971
Jer_31:27..........days/come saith the LORD that I will sow/the 1071/1971
Jer_31:28.........shall/come to pass that like/as 1072/1971
Jer_31:31..........days/come saith the LORD that I will make/a 1073/1971
Jer_31:38..........days/come saith the LORD that the city/shall 1074/1971
Jer_32:7..........shall/come unto thee saying/Buy 1075/1971 upon them Behold/the 1076/1971
Jer_32:24...........are/come unto the city/to 1077/1971 to pass and behold thou/seest 1078/1971
Jer_32:29.........shall/come and set fire/on 1079/1971
Jer_33:5...........They/come to fight/with.. 1080/1971
Jer_33:14..........days/come saith the LORD that I will perform/that 1081/1971
Jer_35:11..........said/Come and let us go to Jerusalem/for 1082/1971
Jer_36:6...........that/come out of their/cities 1083/1971
Jer_36:14...........and/come So Baruch/the.. 1084/1971
Jer_36:29.....certainly/come and destroy this/land 1085/1971
Jer_37:5............was/come forth out of Egypt and when/the 1086/1971 forth to help/you 1087/1971
Jer_37:8..........shall/come again and fight/against 1088/1971
Jer_37:19...........not/come against you/nor 1089/1971
Jer_38:25..........they/come unto thee and say/unto 1090/1971 upon you And now/behold 1091/1971 with me into Babylon come/and 1092/1971
Jer_40:4........Babylon/come and I will look/well 1093/1971 with me into Babylon forbear/behold 1094/1971
Jer_40:10..........will/come unto us but/ye. 1095/1971
Jer_41:6...........them/Come to Gedaliah/the 1096/1971
Jer_42:4..........shall/come to pass that whatsoever/thing 1097/1971
Jer_42:16.........shall/come to pass that the sword/which 1098/1971
Jer_46:9........thereof/Come up ye/horses... 1099/1971 forth the/Ethiopians 1100/1971
Jer_46:13........should/come and smite the land/of 1101/1971
Jer_46:18............he/come O/thou......... 1102/1971
Jer_46:21...........was/come upon them and/the 1103/1971
Jer_46:22...........and/come against her with/axes 1104/1971 upon Gaza/Ashkelon 1105/1971 and let us cut it/off 1106/1971
Jer_48:8..........shall/come upon every/city 1107/1971
Jer_48:12..........days/come saith the LORD that I will send/unto 1108/1971 and his affliction/hasteth 1109/1971
Jer_48:18.........Dibon/come down from thy/glory 1110/1971
Jer_48:18.........shall/come upon thee and he/shall 1111/1971 upon the plain/country 1112/1971
Jer_48:45.........shall/come forth out of Heshbon/and 1113/1971
Jer_49:2...........days/come saith the LORD that I will cause/an 1114/1971
Jer_49:4..........shall/come unto me Behold/I 1115/1971
Jer_49:9.grapegatherers/come to thee would/they 1116/1971
Jer_49:14...........and/come against her and/rise 1117/1971
Jer_49:19.........shall/come up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan against/the 1118/1971
Jer_49:22.........shall/come up and fly/as.. 1119/1971
Jer_49:36...........not/come For I/will..... 1120/1971
Jer_49:39.........shall/come to pass in the latter/days 1121/1971
Jer_50:4..........shall/come they and/the... 1122/1971
Jer_50:5.........saying/Come and let us join/ourselves 1123/1971 up against Babylon/an 1124/1971
Jer_50:26.....Chaldeans/Come against her from/the 1125/1971 the time of/their 1126/1971 the time that I/will 1127/1971
Jer_50:41.........shall/come from the north and/a 1128/1971
Jer_50:44.........shall/come up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan unto/the 1129/1971
Jer_51:10.righteousness/come and let us declare/in 1130/1971 and the measure/of 1131/1971 up as the/rough 1132/1971
Jer_51:33.........shall/come Nebuchadrezzar/the 1133/1971 up upon Babylon/she 1134/1971
Jer_51:46..........both/come one/year....... 1135/1971
Jer_51:46.........shall/come a rumour/and... 1136/1971
Jer_51:47..........days/come that I will do/judgment 1137/1971
Jer_51:48.........shall/come unto her from/the 1138/1971
Jer_51:50.....Jerusalem/come into your mind We/are 1139/1971
Jer_51:51...........are/come into the sanctuaries/of 1140/1971
Jer_51:52..........days/come saith the LORD that I will do/judgment 1141/1971
Jer_51:53......spoilers/come unto her saith/the 1142/1971 upon her/even.. 1143/1971
Jer_51:60........should/come upon Babylon/even 1144/1971
Lam_1:4............none/come to the solemn/feasts 1145/1971
Lam_1:14............and/come up upon my neck/he 1146/1971
Lam_1:22.....wickedness/come before thee and/do 1147/1971 upon us desolation/and 1148/1971 Our/persecutors 1149/1971 upon us consider/and 1150/1971 forth into/all. 1151/1971 upon the four/corners 1152/1971
Eze_7:3.............end/come upon thee and I/will 1153/1971 An end/is...... 1154/1971 the end/is..... 1155/1971 it watcheth/for 1156/1971 The morning is come/unto 1157/1971 unto thee O/thou 1158/1971 the day of/trouble 1159/1971 the morning is gone/forth 1160/1971 the day draweth/near 1161/1971
Eze_7:26..........shall/come upon mischief/and 1162/1971
Eze_9:6.............but/come not near any/man 1163/1971
Eze_11:5...........that/come into your mind every/one 1164/1971
Eze_11:16.........shall/come Therefore say/Thus 1165/1971
Eze_11:18.........shall/come thither and they/shall 1166/1971
Eze_12:16..........they/come and they shall know/that 1167/1971
Eze_12:25.........shall/come to pass it/shall 1168/1971 and he prophesieth/of 1169/1971
Eze_13:18..........that/come unto you And will/ye 1170/1971
Eze_14:22.........shall/come forth unto you/and 1171/1971 to excellent/ornaments 1172/1971
Eze_16:16...........not/come neither/shall.. 1173/1971
Eze_16:33...........may/come unto thee on every/side 1174/1971 to Jerusalem and hath/taken 1175/1971
Eze_18:6...........hath/come near to a/menstruous 1176/1971 to enquire/of.. 1177/1971
Eze_21:19...........may/come both/twain..... 1178/1971
Eze_21:19.........shall/come forth out of one/land 1179/1971
Eze_21:20...........may/come to Rabbath/of.. 1180/1971
Eze_21:24...........are/come to remembrance/ye 1181/1971 when iniquity/shall 1182/1971
Eze_21:27............he/come whose right/it. 1183/1971 when their/iniquity 1184/1971
Eze_22:3............may/come and maketh/idols 1185/1971 even unto thy/years 1186/1971
Eze_23:24.........shall/come against thee/with 1187/1971 from far unto/whom 1188/1971 up to take/vengeance 1189/1971
Eze_24:14.........shall/come to pass and I/will 1190/1971
Eze_24:26.........shall/come unto thee to cause/thee 1191/1971 up against thee as/the 1192/1971 up And they/shall 1193/1971
Eze_26:16.........shall/come down from their thrones/and 1194/1971
Eze_27:29.........shall/come down from their ships/they 1195/1971
Eze_30:4..........shall/come upon Egypt/and. 1196/1971
Eze_30:6..........shall/come down from the tower/of 1197/1971
Eze_30:9..........shall/come upon them as/in 1198/1971
Eze_32:11.........shall/come upon thee By/the 1199/1971
Eze_33:3..........sword/come upon the land he/blow 1200/1971
Eze_33:4..........sword/come and take him away/his 1201/1971
Eze_33:6..........sword/come and blow/not... 1202/1971
Eze_33:6..........sword/come and take any/person 1203/1971
Eze_33:30........saying/Come I pray you/and. 1204/1971
Eze_33:31..........they/come unto thee as/the 1205/1971
Eze_33:33..........will/come then shall/they 1206/1971 down in his/season 1207/1971 For behold/I... 1208/1971
Eze_37:9............GOD/Come from the four/winds 1209/1971 up out of your/graves 1210/1971
Eze_38:8..........shalt/come into the land that/is 1211/1971
Eze_38:9............and/come like/a......... 1212/1971
Eze_38:10..........also/come to pass that at the/same 1213/1971
Eze_38:10........things/come into thy mind/and 1214/1971
Eze_38:13..........thou/come to take a/spoil 1215/1971
Eze_38:15.........shalt/come from thy/place. 1216/1971
Eze_38:16.........shalt/come up against my/people 1217/1971
Eze_38:18.........shall/come to pass at the/same 1218/1971
Eze_38:18.........shall/come against the land/of 1219/1971
Eze_38:18.........shall/come up in my/face.. 1220/1971 up from the north/parts 1221/1971 and it is/done. 1222/1971
Eze_39:11.........shall/come to pass in that day that I will give/unto 1223/1971
Eze_39:17...........and/come gather/yourselves 1224/1971
Eze_40:46.........which/come near to the LORD to/minister 1225/1971
Eze_44:13...........not/come near unto me to/do 1226/1971 near to any/of. 1227/1971
Eze_44:15.........shall/come near to me to/minister 1228/1971
Eze_44:16.........shall/come near to my/table 1229/1971
Eze_44:17.........shall/come to pass that when they enter/in 1230/1971
Eze_44:17.........shall/come upon them whiles/they 1231/1971
Eze_44:25.........shall/come at no dead person/to 1232/1971
Eze_45:4..........shall/come near to minister/unto 1233/1971
Eze_46:9..........shall/come before the LORD in/the 1234/1971
Eze_47:9..........shall/come to pass that every thing/that 1235/1971
Eze_47:9..........shall/come shall live/and. 1236/1971
Eze_47:9..........shall/come thither for/they 1237/1971
Eze_47:10.........shall/come to pass that the fishers/shall 1238/1971 over against Hamath/This 1239/1971
Eze_47:22.........shall/come to pass that ye/shall 1240/1971
Eze_47:23.........shall/come to pass that in what/tribe 1241/1971
Dan_2:29.........should/come to pass hereafter and he/that 1242/1971
Dan_2:29..........shall/come to pass But as/for 1243/1971
Dan_2:45..........shall/come to pass hereafter and the/dream 1244/1971 to the dedication/of 1245/1971
Dan_3:26............God/come forth and come/hither 1246/1971
Dan_3:26............and/come hither Then/Shadrach 1247/1971 upon my lord/the 1248/1971
Dan_8:7.............him/come close/unto..... 1249/1971
Dan_8:23............are/come to the full/a.. 1250/1971 upon us yet made/we 1251/1971 forth to give/thee 1252/1971 to shew/thee... 1253/1971
Dan_9:26..........shall/come shall destroy/the 1254/1971 for thy words/But 1255/1971 to make thee/understand 1256/1971
Dan_10:20.............I/come unto thee and now/will 1257/1971
Dan_10:20.........shall/come But I/will..... 1258/1971
Dan_11:6..........shall/come to the king of/the 1259/1971
Dan_11:7..........shall/come with an/army... 1260/1971
Dan_11:9..........shall/come into his kingdom/and 1261/1971
Dan_11:10.....certainly/come and overflow/and 1262/1971
Dan_11:11.........shall/come forth and fight/with 1263/1971
Dan_11:13.....certainly/come after certain/years 1264/1971
Dan_11:15.........shall/come and cast/up.... 1265/1971
Dan_11:21.........shall/come in peaceably/and 1266/1971
Dan_11:23.........shall/come up and shall/become 1267/1971
Dan_11:29...........and/come toward/the..... 1268/1971
Dan_11:30.........shall/come against him therefore/he 1269/1971
Dan_11:40.........shall/come against him like/a 1270/1971
Dan_11:45.........shall/come to his end/and. 1271/1971
Hos_1:5...........shall/come to pass at that day that/I 1272/1971
Hos_1:10..........shall/come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them Ye are not my people there it/shall 1273/1971
Hos_1:11..........shall/come up out of the land/for 1274/1971
Hos_2:21..........shall/come to pass in that day I/will 1275/1971
Hos_4:15............and/come not ye/unto.... 1276/1971
Hos_6:1...........early/Come and let us return unto/the 1277/1971
Hos_6:3...........shall/come unto us as/the. 1278/1971
Hos_8:1...........shall/come as an/eagle.... 1279/1971
Hos_9:4.............not/come into the house of the LORD What/will 1280/1971
Hos_9:7.............are/come the days/of.... 1281/1971
Hos_9:7.............are/come Israel/shall... 1282/1971
Hos_10:8..........shall/come up on their/altars 1283/1971
Hos_10:12............he/come and rain/righteousness 1284/1971
Hos_13:13.........shall/come upon him he is/an 1285/1971
Hos_13:15.........shall/come the wind/of.... 1286/1971
Hos_13:15.........shall/come up from the wilderness/and 1287/1971 up upon my land/strong 1288/1971
Joe_1:13..........altar/come lie all/night.. 1289/1971 Is/not......... 1290/1971
Joe_2:20..........shall/come up and his/ill. 1291/1971
Joe_2:20..........shall/come up because/he.. 1292/1971 down for you/the 1293/1971
Joe_2:28..........shall/come to pass afterward/that 1294/1971
Joe_2:31...........LORD/come And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered/for 1295/1971
Joe_2:32..........shall/come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered/for 1296/1971
Joe_3:9............them/come up Beat/your... 1297/1971
Joe_3:11............and/come all ye/heathen. 1298/1971 down O/LORD.... 1299/1971
Joe_3:12............and/come up to the valley/of 1300/1971
Joe_3:13...........ripe/come get/you........ 1301/1971
Joe_3:18..........shall/come to pass in that day that the mountains/shall 1302/1971
Joe_3:18..........shall/come forth out of the house/of 1303/1971
Amo_4:2...........shall/come upon you that/he 1304/1971
Amo_4:4............LORD/Come to Bethel/and.. 1305/1971 up unto your/nostrils 1306/1971
Amo_5:5...........shall/come to nought Seek/the 1307/1971
Amo_5:9...........shall/come against the fortress/They 1308/1971 near That/lie.. 1309/1971
Amo_6:9...........shall/come to pass if there/remain 1310/1971 upon my people/of 1311/1971
Amo_8:9...........shall/come to pass in that day saith the Lord GOD/that 1312/1971
Amo_8:11...........days/come saith the Lord GOD/that 1313/1971
Amo_9:13...........days/come saith the LORD that the plowman/shall 1314/1971
Oba_1:21..........shall/come up on mount/Zion 1315/1971 up before me/But 1316/1971
Jon_1:7..........fellow/Come and let us cast/lots 1317/1971 up over Jonah/that 1318/1971
Mic_1:3............will/come down and tread/upon 1319/1971 unto Judah/he.. 1320/1971 unto the gate/of 1321/1971
Mic_1:15..........shall/come unto Adullam/the 1322/1971 up before them/they 1323/1971
Mic_3:11............can/come upon us Therefore/shall 1324/1971
Mic_4:1...........shall/come to pass that the mountain/of 1325/1971
Mic_4:2...........shall/come and say Come/and 1326/1971
Mic_4:2.............say/Come and let us go up/to 1327/1971 even the/first. 1328/1971
Mic_4:8...........shall/come to the daughter/of 1329/1971
Mic_5:2..............he/come forth unto me/that 1330/1971
Mic_5:5...........shall/come into our/land.. 1331/1971
Mic_5:10..........shall/come to pass in that day saith the LORD that I/will 1332/1971
Mic_6:6...............I/come before the LORD and/bow 1333/1971
Mic_6:6...............I/come before him with/burnt 1334/1971
Mic_7:12..........shall/come even to thee/from 1335/1971 out of thee that/imagineth 1336/1971 up before thy/face 1337/1971
Nah_3:7...........shall/come to pass that all/they 1338/1971
Hab_1:8...........shall/come from far they/shall 1339/1971
Hab_1:9...........shall/come all for/violence 1340/1971
Hab_2:3..........surely/come it will/not.... 1341/1971
Zep_1:8...........shall/come to pass in the day of/the 1342/1971
Zep_1:10..........shall/come to pass in that day saith the LORD that there/shall 1343/1971
Zep_1:12..........shall/come to pass at that time/that 1344/1971
Zep_2:2............LORD/come upon you before/the 1345/1971
Zep_2:2...........anger/come upon you Seek/ye 1346/1971
Hag_1:2.............not/come the time that the/LORD's 1347/1971
Hag_2:7...........shall/come and I will fill/this 1348/1971
Hag_2:22..........shall/come down every/one. 1349/1971
Zec_1:21...........What/come these to/do.... 1350/1971
Zec_1:21............are/come to fray/them... 1351/1971
Zec_2:6..............ho/come forth and flee/from 1352/1971
Zec_2:10..............I/come and I will dwell/in 1353/1971
Zec_6:10............are/come from Babylon/and 1354/1971
Zec_6:10............and/come thou the/same.. 1355/1971
Zec_6:15..........shall/come and build/in... 1356/1971
Zec_6:15..........shall/come to pass if ye will/diligently 1357/1971 to pass that as he/cried 1358/1971
Zec_8:13..........shall/come to pass that as ye/were 1359/1971
Zec_8:20............yet/come to pass that there/shall 1360/1971
Zec_8:20..........shall/come people and/the. 1361/1971
Zec_8:22..........shall/come to seek the/LORD 1362/1971
Zec_8:23..........shall/come to pass that ten/men 1363/1971 down There/is.. 1364/1971
Zec_12:9..........shall/come to pass in that day that I will seek/to 1365/1971
Zec_12:9...........that/come against Jerusalem/And 1366/1971
Zec_13:2..........shall/come to pass in that day saith the LORD of hosts that I will cut/off 1367/1971
Zec_13:3..........shall/come to pass that when any/shall 1368/1971
Zec_13:4..........shall/come to pass in that day that the prophets/shall 1369/1971
Zec_13:8..........shall/come to pass that in all/the 1370/1971
Zec_14:5..........shall/come and all the/saints 1371/1971
Zec_14:6..........shall/come to pass in that day that the light/shall 1372/1971
Zec_14:7..........shall/come to pass that at evening/time 1373/1971
Zec_14:13.........shall/come to pass in that day that a great/tumult 1374/1971
Zec_14:16.........shall/come to pass that every one that is left of/all 1375/1971
Zec_14:17...........not/come up of/all...... 1376/1971
Zec_14:18...........and/come not that/have.. 1377/1971
Zec_14:18..........that/come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles This/shall 1378/1971
Zec_14:19..........that/come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles In/that 1379/1971
Zec_14:21.........shall/come and take of/them 1380/1971
Mal_3:1........suddenly/come to his temple/even 1381/1971
Mal_3:1...........shall/come saith the LORD of/hosts 1382/1971
Mal_3:5............will/come near to you/to. 1383/1971
Mal_4:6...............I/come and smite the earth/with 1384/1971
Mat_2:2.............are/come to worship him/When 1385/1971
Mat_2:6...........shall/come a Governor/that 1386/1971
Mat_2:8.............may/come and worship him also/When 1387/1971
Mat_2:11...........were/come into the house they/saw 1388/1971
Mat_3:7.......Sadducees/come to his baptism/he 1389/1971 Bring forth therefore fruits meet/for 1390/1971 to destroy the/law 1391/1971
Mat_5:17............not/come to destroy but/to 1392/1971
Mat_5:24...........then/come and offer/thy.. 1393/1971
Mat_5:26..........means/come out thence/till 1394/1971
Mat_6:10........kingdom/come Thy will be done in/earth 1395/1971
Mat_7:15..........which/come to you in/sheep's 1396/1971
Mat_8:1.............was/come down from the mountain/great 1397/1971
Mat_8:7............will/come and heal him/The 1398/1971
Mat_8:8.......shouldest/come under/my....... 1399/1971
Mat_8:9.........another/Come and he cometh and to my servant Do this and he doeth it When Jesus heard it/he 1400/1971
Mat_8:11..........shall/come from the east and west/and 1401/1971
Mat_8:14............was/come into Peter's/house 1402/1971
Mat_8:16............was/come they brought unto/him 1403/1971
Mat_8:28............was/come to the other side into/the 1404/1971
Mat_8:29...........thou/come hither to torment/us 1405/1971
Mat_8:32...........were/come out they/went.. 1406/1971
Mat_9:13............not/come to call the/righteous 1407/1971
Mat_9:15...........will/come when the bridegroom shall be taken from/them 1408/1971
Mat_9:18............but/come and lay thy hand/upon 1409/1971
Mat_9:28............was/come into the house the/blind 1410/1971 into an/house.. 1411/1971
Mat_10:13.........peace/come upon it/but.... 1412/1971 The disciple/is 1413/1971 to send peace/on 1414/1971 to set/a....... 1415/1971
Mat_11:3.........should/come or do/we....... 1416/1971 He that hath/ears 1417/1971
Mat_11:28...........him/Come unto me all/ye. 1418/1971 unto you Or/else 1419/1971 Either/make.... 1420/1971 he findeth/it.. 1421/1971
Mat_13:32...........air/come and lodge/in... 1422/1971
Mat_13:49.........shall/come forth and sever/the 1423/1971
Mat_13:54...........was/come into his own/country 1424/1971
Mat_14:23...........was/come he was/there... 1425/1971 unto thee on the/water 1426/1971
Mat_14:29..........said/Come And when Peter/was 1427/1971
Mat_14:29...........was/come down out of the ship/he 1428/1971
Mat_14:32..........were/come into the ship the/wind 1429/1971
Mat_15:18.........mouth/come forth from the/heart 1430/1971
Mat_16:5...........were/come to the other side they/had 1431/1971
Mat_16:24..........will/come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me For whosoever will save his life shall lose it and/whosoever 1432/1971
Mat_16:27.........shall/come in the glory/of 1433/1971
Mat_17:10.........first/come And Jesus/answered 1434/1971
Mat_17:11.........first/come and restore/all 1435/1971 already/and.... 1436/1971
Mat_17:14..........were/come to the multitude/there 1437/1971
Mat_17:24..........were/come to Capernaum/they 1438/1971
Mat_17:25...........was/come into the house Jesus/prevented 1439/1971
Mat_18:7.......offences/come but woe to/that 1440/1971 to save that/which 1441/1971 unto me for of/such 1442/1971
Mat_19:21...........and/come and follow/me.. 1443/1971
Mat_20:8............was/come the lord/of.... 1444/1971
Mat_21:1...........were/come to Bethphage/unto 1445/1971
Mat_21:10...........was/come into Jerusalem/all 1446/1971
Mat_21:23...........was/come into the temple/the 1447/1971
Mat_21:38..........heir/come let us kill him and let/us 1448/1971
Mat_22:3............not/come Again he/sent.. 1449/1971
Mat_22:4..........ready/come unto the marriage/But 1450/1971
Mat_23:35...........may/come all the righteous/blood 1451/1971
Mat_23:36.........shall/come upon this/generation 1452/1971
Mat_24:5..........shall/come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many And ye/shall 1453/1971
Mat_24:6...........must/come to pass but the end is not yet/For 1454/1971
Mat_24:14...........end/come When ye therefore/shall 1455/1971
Mat_24:17...........not/come down to take any/thing 1456/1971
Mat_24:42..........doth/come But know/this.. 1457/1971
Mat_24:43.........would/come he would have watched and would/not 1458/1971
Mat_24:50.........shall/come in a day when he looketh not for him and in/an 1459/1971
Mat_25:31.........shall/come in his glory/and 1460/1971
Mat_25:34..........hand/Come ye blessed/of.. 1461/1971
Mat_26:20...........was/come he sat down with/the 1462/1971
Mat_26:50..........thou/come Then came/they. 1463/1971 out as against a thief with swords and staves for/to 1464/1971
Mat_27:1............was/come all the chief/priests 1465/1971
Mat_27:33..........were/come unto a place/called 1466/1971
Mat_27:40...........God/come down from the cross Likewise also the chief priests mocking him/with 1467/1971 down from the cross and/we 1468/1971
Mat_27:49..........will/come to save him/Jesus 1469/1971
Mat_27:57...........was/come there came/a... 1470/1971
Mat_27:64.....disciples/come by night/and... 1471/1971
Mat_28:6...........said/Come see the/place.. 1472/1971
Mat_28:14..........this/come to the governor's/ears 1473/1971
Mar_1:17...........them/Come ye after/me.... 1474/1971
Mar_1:24...........thou/come to destroy us I know thee who thou art the Holy One of God And Jesus rebuked him saying Hold thy peace and come out of him And when the unclean/spirit 1475/1971
Mar_1:25............and/come out of him And when the unclean/spirit 1476/1971
Mar_1:29...........were/come out of the synagogue/they 1477/1971
Mar_2:3............they/come unto him bringing/one 1478/1971
Mar_2:4.............not/come nigh unto him for/the 1479/1971
Mar_2:18...........they/come and say unto/him 1480/1971
Mar_2:20...........will/come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast in those days No/man 1481/1971
Mar_4:22.........should/come abroad If/any.. 1482/1971 And he said Whereunto/shall 1483/1971
Mar_4:35............was/come he saith/unto.. 1484/1971
Mar_5:2.............was/come out of the ship immediately/there 1485/1971
Mar_5:8.............him/Come out of the man thou/unclean 1486/1971
Mar_5:15...........they/come to Jesus/and... 1487/1971
Mar_5:18............was/come into the ship he/that 1488/1971
Mar_5:23...........thee/come and lay thy hands/on 1489/1971
Mar_5:39............was/come in he saith/unto 1490/1971
Mar_6:2.............was/come he began/to.... 1491/1971
Mar_6:21............was/come that Herod/on.. 1492/1971
Mar_6:31...........them/Come ye yourselves/apart 1493/1971
Mar_6:47............was/come the ship/was... 1494/1971
Mar_6:54...........were/come out of the ship straightway/they 1495/1971
Mar_7:4............they/come from the market/except 1496/1971
Mar_7:15..........which/come out of him those/are 1497/1971
Mar_7:23.........things/come from within/and 1498/1971
Mar_7:30............was/come to her/house... 1499/1971
Mar_8:34...........will/come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me For whosoever will save his life shall lose it but/whosoever 1500/1971
Mar_9:1.............God/come with power/And. 1501/1971
Mar_9:11..........first/come And he answered/and 1502/1971
Mar_9:13.........indeed/come and they have/done 1503/1971
Mar_9:25...........thee/come out of him and enter/no 1504/1971
Mar_9:28............was/come into the house his/disciples 1505/1971
Mar_9:29............can/come forth by/nothing 1506/1971 unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God Verily I say unto you Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child he/shall 1507/1971
Mar_10:21...........and/come take/up........ 1508/1971 eternal/life... 1509/1971
Mar_10:35.......Zebedee/come unto him saying/Master 1510/1971
Mar_11:11...........was/come he went out unto/Bethany 1511/1971
Mar_11:12..........were/come from Bethany/he 1512/1971
Mar_11:15..........they/come to Jerusalem and Jesus/went 1513/1971
Mar_11:19...........was/come he went out of/the 1514/1971
Mar_11:23.........shall/come to pass he/shall 1515/1971
Mar_11:27..........they/come again to Jerusalem and/as 1516/1971
Mar_11:27.........there/come to him the/chief 1517/1971
Mar_12:7...........heir/come let us kill him and the/inheritance 1518/1971
Mar_12:9...........will/come and destroy the/husbandmen 1519/1971
Mar_12:14..........were/come they say/unto.. 1520/1971
Mar_12:18..........Then/come unto him the/Sadducees 1521/1971
Mar_13:6..........shall/come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many And when/ye 1522/1971
Mar_13:29........things/come to pass know that/it 1523/1971 aforehand/to... 1524/1971 behold the Son/of 1525/1971
Mar_14:45...........was/come he goeth/straightway 1526/1971 out as against a thief with swords and with/staves 1527/1971
Mar_15:30...........and/come down from the cross Likewise also the chief priests mocking said/among 1528/1971
Mar_15:33...........was/come there was/darkness 1529/1971
Mar_15:36..........will/come to take him/down 1530/1971
Mar_15:42...........was/come because it/was. 1531/1971
Mar_16:1..........might/come and anoint/him. 1532/1971
Luk_1:35..........shall/come upon thee and the/power 1533/1971
Luk_1:43.........should/come to me For/lo... 1534/1971 to pass which/the 1535/1971 Bring forth therefore fruits worthy/of 1536/1971
Luk_4:34...........thou/come to destroy us I know thee who thou art the Holy One of God And Jesus rebuked him saying Hold thy peace and come out of him And when the devil/had 1537/1971
Luk_4:35............and/come out of him And when the devil/had 1538/1971
Luk_4:36...........they/come out And the/fame 1539/1971
Luk_5:7..........should/come and help them/And 1540/1971
Luk_5:17...........were/come out of every/town 1541/1971
Luk_5:35...........will/come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast in those days And/he 1542/1971
Luk_7:3...........would/come and heal his/servant 1543/1971 unto thee but/say 1544/1971
Luk_7:8.........another/Come and he cometh and to my servant Do this and he doeth it When Jesus heard these/things 1545/1971
Luk_7:19.........should/come or look we for another When/the 1546/1971
Luk_7:20...........were/come unto him they said/John 1547/1971
Luk_7:20.........should/come or look we for another And/in 1548/1971 eating/and..... 1549/1971
Luk_8:4............were/come to him out of every/city 1550/1971
Luk_8:17............and/come abroad Take/heed 1551/1971
Luk_8:19............not/come at him/for..... 1552/1971 out of the man For/oftentimes 1553/1971
Luk_8:41..........would/come into his house For/he 1554/1971
Luk_9:23...........will/come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross daily/and 1555/1971
Luk_9:26..........shall/come in his own glory/and 1556/1971
Luk_9:37...........were/come down from the hill/much 1557/1971
Luk_9:51............was/come that he should be/received 1558/1971 down from heaven and consume them/even 1559/1971
Luk_9:56............not/come to destroy men's/lives 1560/1971
Luk_10:1..........would/come Therefore said/he 1561/1971 nigh unto you But into/whatsoever 1562/1971 nigh unto you But I/say 1563/1971
Luk_10:35.............I/come again I will repay/thee 1564/1971
Luk_11:2........kingdom/come Thy will be done as/in 1565/1971 to me and I have/nothing 1566/1971 upon you When/a 1567/1971
Luk_11:22.........shall/come upon him and overcome/him 1568/1971
Luk_11:33.........which/come in may/see..... 1569/1971
Luk_12:37..........will/come forth and serve them/And 1570/1971
Luk_12:38.........shall/come in the second/watch 1571/1971
Luk_12:38............or/come in the third/watch 1572/1971
Luk_12:39.........would/come he would have watched and not/have 1573/1971
Luk_12:46..........will/come in a day when he looketh not for him and at/an 1574/1971 to send fire/on 1575/1971 to give/peace.. 1576/1971
Luk_13:7..............I/come seeking/fruit.. 1577/1971
Luk_13:14.....therefore/come and be healed/and 1578/1971
Luk_13:29.........shall/come from the east and from/the 1579/1971
Luk_13:35..........time/come when ye shall say/Blessed 1580/1971
Luk_14:9............him/come and say to/thee 1581/1971
Luk_14:17........bidden/Come for all/things. 1582/1971
Luk_14:20........cannot/come So that/servant 1583/1971 in that/my..... 1584/1971 to me and hate/not 1585/1971
Luk_14:27...........and/come after me cannot/be 1586/1971 and thy/father. 1587/1971
Luk_15:30...........was/come which hath/devoured 1588/1971
Luk_16:26.........would/come from thence/Then 1589/1971
Luk_16:28..........also/come into this place/of 1590/1971
Luk_17:1...........will/come but woe unto/him 1591/1971
Luk_17:1...........they/come It were/better. 1592/1971 from the field/Go 1593/1971
Luk_17:20........should/come he answered/them 1594/1971
Luk_17:22..........will/come when ye shall desire/to 1595/1971
Luk_17:31...........not/come down to take it/away 1596/1971 unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God Verily I say unto you Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall/in 1597/1971
Luk_18:22...........and/come follow/me...... 1598/1971 life/everlasting 1599/1971
Luk_18:35...........was/come nigh unto Jericho/a 1600/1971
Luk_18:40...........was/come near he asked/him 1601/1971
Luk_19:5............and/come down for to/day 1602/1971
Luk_19:9......salvation/come to this/house.. 1603/1971 to seek and/to. 1604/1971
Luk_19:13.............I/come But his/citizens 1605/1971
Luk_19:29...........was/come nigh to Bethphage/and 1606/1971
Luk_19:37...........was/come nigh even/now.. 1607/1971
Luk_19:41...........was/come near he beheld/the 1608/1971
Luk_19:43.........shall/come upon thee that/thine 1609/1971
Luk_20:14..........heir/come let us kill him that/the 1610/1971
Luk_20:16.........shall/come and destroy these/husbandmen 1611/1971
Luk_21:6...........will/come in the which/there 1612/1971
Luk_21:7..........shall/come to pass And he said/Take 1613/1971
Luk_21:8..........shall/come in my name saying I am Christ and the/time 1614/1971
Luk_21:9..........first/come to pass but the end is not by/and 1615/1971 to pass then look/up 1616/1971
Luk_21:31........things/come to pass know ye/that 1617/1971 upon you unawares/For 1618/1971 on all/them.... 1619/1971
Luk_21:36.........shall/come to pass and to/stand 1620/1971
Luk_22:14...........was/come he sat down and/the 1621/1971
Luk_22:18.........shall/come And he took/bread 1622/1971
Luk_22:45...........was/come to his disciples/he 1623/1971
Luk_22:52..........were/come to him Be/ye... 1624/1971 out as against a thief with swords and staves When/I 1625/1971
Luk_23:33..........were/come to the place which/is 1626/1971
Luk_24:12...........was/come to pass And behold two/of 1627/1971
Luk_24:18...........are/come to pass there/in 1628/1971
Joh_1:31..............I/come baptizing/with. 1629/1971
Joh_1:39...........them/Come and see They/came 1630/1971
Joh_1:46..........thing/come out of Nazareth/Philip 1631/1971
Joh_1:46............him/Come and see Jesus saw/Nathanael 1632/1971
Joh_2:4.............yet/come His mother/saith 1633/1971
Joh_3:2.........teacher/come from God for/no 1634/1971 into the world and men/loved 1635/1971 to him John/answered 1636/1971
Joh_4:15........neither/come hither to draw/Jesus 1637/1971
Joh_4:16............and/come hither The/woman 1638/1971 he will tell/us 1639/1971 see a/man...... 1640/1971
Joh_4:40...........were/come unto him they besought/him 1641/1971
Joh_4:45............was/come into Galilee/the 1642/1971
Joh_4:47............was/come out of Judaea into Galilee he/went 1643/1971
Joh_4:47..........would/come down and heal/his 1644/1971
Joh_4:49............Sir/come down ere/my.... 1645/1971
Joh_4:54............was/come out of Judaea into Galilee After/this 1646/1971
Joh_5:14..........thing/come unto thee The man/departed 1647/1971
Joh_5:24............not/come into condemnation/but 1648/1971
Joh_5:29..........shall/come forth they/that 1649/1971
Joh_5:40............not/come to me that/ye.. 1650/1971 in my Father's/name 1651/1971
Joh_5:43..........shall/come in his own name/him 1652/1971 unto him he saith/unto 1653/1971
Joh_6:14.........should/come into the world When/Jesus 1654/1971
Joh_6:15..........would/come and take him by/force 1655/1971 his disciples/went 1656/1971
Joh_6:17............not/come to them And/the 1657/1971
Joh_6:37..........shall/come to me and him/that 1658/1971
Joh_6:44............can/come to me except/the 1659/1971
Joh_6:65............can/come unto me except/it 1660/1971
Joh_7:6.............yet/come but your/time.. 1661/1971
Joh_7:8............full/come When he had/said 1662/1971
Joh_7:28............not/come of myself/but.. 1663/1971
Joh_7:30............yet/come And many/of.... 1664/1971
Joh_7:34.........cannot/come Then said the Jews among/themselves 1665/1971
Joh_7:36.........cannot/come In the last day/that 1666/1971
Joh_7:37............him/come unto me and drink/He 1667/1971
Joh_7:41.........Christ/come out of Galilee/Hath 1668/1971
Joh_8:14..............I/come and whither/I.. 1669/1971
Joh_8:20............yet/come Then said Jesus/again 1670/1971
Joh_8:21.........cannot/come Then said the Jews Will/he 1671/1971
Joh_8:22.........cannot/come And he said unto/them 1672/1971 into this world/that 1673/1971 that they might/have 1674/1971
Joh_11:27........should/come into the world And when/she 1675/1971 and calleth/for 1676/1971
Joh_11:30...........yet/come into the town/but 1677/1971
Joh_11:32...........was/come where/Jesus.... 1678/1971
Joh_11:34..........Lord/come and see Jesus wept/Then 1679/1971
Joh_11:43.......Lazarus/come forth And he that/was 1680/1971
Joh_11:48.........shall/come and take away/both 1681/1971
Joh_11:56...........not/come to the feast Now/both 1682/1971
Joh_12:12..........were/come to the feast when/they 1683/1971 that the/Son... 1684/1971
Joh_12:35......darkness/come upon you for he/that 1685/1971 a light/into... 1686/1971
Joh_13:1............was/come that he should depart/out 1687/1971
Joh_13:3............was/come from God and/went 1688/1971 that when/it... 1689/1971 to pass ye may/believe 1690/1971
Joh_13:33........cannot/come so now/I....... 1691/1971
Joh_14:3...........will/come again and receive/you 1692/1971
Joh_14:18..........will/come to you Yet/a... 1693/1971
Joh_14:23..........will/come unto him and make/our 1694/1971
Joh_14:28...........and/come again unto you If/ye 1695/1971 to pass that when it/is 1696/1971 to pass ye might/believe 1697/1971
Joh_15:22...........not/come and spoken/unto 1698/1971 whom/I......... 1699/1971
Joh_16:4..........shall/come ye may/remember 1700/1971
Joh_16:7............not/come unto you but if/I 1701/1971 he will reprove/the 1702/1971 he will guide/you 1703/1971 He shall glorify/me 1704/1971 but as/soon.... 1705/1971 into the world again/I 1706/1971 that ye/shall.. 1707/1971 glorify/thy.... 1708/1971
Joh_17:11.............I/come to thee Holy/Father 1709/1971 I to/thee...... 1710/1971
Joh_18:4.........should/come upon him went/forth 1711/1971 Jesus/stood.... 1712/1971
Joh_21:9...........were/come to land/they... 1713/1971
Joh_21:12..........them/Come and dine/And... 1714/1971
Joh_21:22.............I/come what is that to thee follow/thou 1715/1971
Joh_21:23.............I/come what is that to thee This/is 1716/1971
Act_1:6............were/come together they/asked 1717/1971 upon you and ye/shall 1718/1971 in like manner/as 1719/1971
Act_1:13...........were/come in they/went... 1720/1971
Act_2:1...........fully/come they were/all.. 1721/1971
Act_2:17..........shall/come to pass in the last days saith/God 1722/1971
Act_2:20...........Lord/come And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved/Ye 1723/1971
Act_2:21..........shall/come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved/Ye 1724/1971
Act_3:19..........shall/come from the presence/of 1725/1971
Act_3:23..........shall/come to pass that every soul/which 1726/1971
Act_5:38...........will/come to nought But if/it 1727/1971
Act_7:3.............and/come into the land which I shall/shew 1728/1971
Act_7:7............they/come forth and serve me/in 1729/1971 down to deliver them And/now 1730/1971 I will send/thee 1731/1971
Act_8:15...........were/come down prayed/for 1732/1971
Act_8:24.........spoken/come upon me And they/when 1733/1971
Act_8:27............had/come to Jerusalem for/to 1734/1971
Act_8:31..........would/come up and sit/with 1735/1971
Act_8:39...........were/come up out of the water/the 1736/1971
Act_9:26............was/come to Jerusalem he assayed/to 1737/1971 to them Then/Peter 1738/1971
Act_9:39............was/come they brought him/into 1739/1971
Act_10:4............are/come up for/a....... 1740/1971
Act_10:21...........are/come And they said Cornelius/the 1741/1971
Act_10:27..........were/come together And he/said 1742/1971
Act_10:28............or/come unto one/of.... 1743/1971 Now therefore are/we 1744/1971
Act_11:2............was/come up to Jerusalem/they 1745/1971
Act_11:11.......already/come unto the house/where 1746/1971
Act_11:20..........were/come to Antioch spake/unto 1747/1971
Act_12:11...........was/come to himself/he.. 1748/1971
Act_13:40..........that/come upon you which is/spoken 1749/1971
Act_14:11...........are/come down to us/in.. 1750/1971
Act_14:27..........were/come and had/gathered 1751/1971
Act_15:4...........were/come to Jerusalem they/were 1752/1971
Act_16:7...........were/come to Mysia/they.. 1753/1971
Act_16:9.........saying/Come over into/Macedonia 1754/1971
Act_16:15..........Lord/come into my house and/abide 1755/1971 out of her And/he 1756/1971
Act_16:37..........them/come themselves/and. 1757/1971
Act_17:6............are/come hither also/Whom 1758/1971 to him with all/speed 1759/1971
Act_18:2.........lately/come from Italy/with 1760/1971
Act_18:5...........were/come from Macedonia/Paul 1761/1971
Act_18:27...........was/come helped/them.... 1762/1971
Act_19:4.........should/come after him that/is 1763/1971
Act_19:32..........were/come together And they/drew 1764/1971
Act_20:11...........was/come up again/and... 1765/1971
Act_20:18..........were/come to him he/said. 1766/1971
Act_21:11...........was/come unto us he/took 1767/1971
Act_21:17..........were/come to Jerusalem the/brethren 1768/1971
Act_21:22.........needs/come together for/they 1769/1971 Do/therefore... 1770/1971
Act_22:6............was/come nigh unto Damascus/about 1771/1971
Act_22:17...........was/come again to Jerusalem even/while 1772/1971
Act_23:15............he/come near are/ready. 1773/1971
Act_23:35..........also/come And he commanded/him 1774/1971 unto thee by/examining 1775/1971
Act_24:22.........shall/come down I/will.... 1776/1971
Act_24:23............or/come unto him And after/certain 1777/1971 Felix/trembled. 1778/1971
Act_25:1............was/come into the province/after 1779/1971
Act_25:7............was/come the Jews/which. 1780/1971
Act_25:17..........were/come hither without/any 1781/1971
Act_25:23...........was/come and Bernice/with 1782/1971 For which/hope's 1783/1971
Act_26:22........should/come That Christ/should 1784/1971
Act_27:7...........were/come over against Cnidus/the 1785/1971 by the boat/Which 1786/1971
Act_27:27...........was/come as we/were..... 1787/1971
Act_28:6...........harm/come to him they/changed 1788/1971
Act_28:17..........were/come together he/said 1789/1971 unto you For/I. 1790/1971 unto you but was/let 1791/1971
Rom_3:8.............may/come whose damnation/is 1792/1971
Rom_3:23............and/come short of the/glory 1793/1971 But not/as..... 1794/1971 Nor/height..... 1795/1971
Rom_9:9...............I/come and Sarah/shall 1796/1971
Rom_9:26..........shall/come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them Ye are not my people there shall/they 1797/1971 unto the Gentiles/for 1798/1971 in And so/all.. 1799/1971
Rom_11:26.........shall/come out of Sion/the 1800/1971 unto you Whensoever/I 1801/1971
Rom_15:24..........will/come to you for/I... 1802/1971
Rom_15:28..........will/come by you/into.... 1803/1971
Rom_15:29.............I/come unto you I/shall 1804/1971
Rom_15:29.........shall/come in the fulness/of 1805/1971
Rom_15:32...........may/come unto you with joy/by 1806/1971 abroad unto all men/I 1807/1971 behind/in...... 1808/1971
1Co_2:6............that/come to nought But we/speak 1809/1971 all are/your's. 1810/1971
1Co_4:5............Lord/come who both/will.. 1811/1971
1Co_4:18............not/come to you But/I... 1812/1971
1Co_4:19...........will/come to you shortly/if 1813/1971
1Co_4:21..............I/come unto you with a/rod 1814/1971
1Co_7:5.............and/come together again/that 1815/1971
1Co_10:11...........are/come Wherefore let/him 1816/1971 together not/for 1817/1971 together in the/church 1818/1971 together therefore/into 1819/1971
1Co_11:26............he/come Wherefore whosoever/shall 1820/1971 together to/eat 1821/1971 not together/unto 1822/1971
1Co_11:34.............I/come Now concerning/spiritual 1823/1971 then that/which 1824/1971
1Co_14:6..............I/come unto you speaking/with 1825/1971 together into/one 1826/1971
1Co_14:23.........there/come in those/that.. 1827/1971
1Co_14:24.........there/come in one that/believeth 1828/1971 together every/one 1829/1971
1Co_15:35..........they/come Thou fool/that. 1830/1971
1Co_16:2..............I/come And when I/come 1831/1971
1Co_16:3..............I/come whomsoever/ye.. 1832/1971
1Co_16:5...........will/come unto you when/I 1833/1971
1Co_16:10.....Timotheus/come see that/he.... 1834/1971
1Co_16:11...........may/come unto me for I/look 1835/1971 unto you with the/brethren 1836/1971 at this/time... 1837/1971
1Co_16:12..........will/come when he shall/have 1838/1971 unto you before/that 1839/1971 again out of Macedonia/unto 1840/1971
2Co_2:1.............not/come again to you in/heaviness 1841/1971
2Co_6:17......Wherefore/come out from among/them 1842/1971
2Co_7:5............were/come into Macedonia/our 1843/1971
2Co_9:4.......Macedonia/come with me and find/you 1844/1971
2Co_10:14...........are/come as far/as...... 1845/1971
2Co_12:1...........will/come to visions/and. 1846/1971 to you and/I... 1847/1971
2Co_12:20.............I/come I shall/not.... 1848/1971
2Co_12:21.............I/come again my/God... 1849/1971
2Co_13:2..............I/come again I will not/spare 1850/1971
Gal_2:11............was/come to Antioch I/withstood 1851/1971
Gal_2:12...........were/come he withdrew/and 1852/1971
Gal_2:21..righteousness/come by the law/then 1853/1971
Gal_3:14..........might/come on the/Gentiles 1854/1971
Gal_3:19.........should/come to whom/the.... 1855/1971 we are no/longer 1856/1971
Gal_4:4.............was/come God/sent....... 1857/1971 And hath put/all 1858/1971 he might/shew.. 1859/1971
Eph_4:13............all/come in the unity/of 1860/1971
Php_1:27..............I/come and see you/or. 1861/1971
Php_2:24..........shall/come shortly Yet/I.. 1862/1971 unto you as/it. 1863/1971 but the/body... 1864/1971
Col_4:10.............he/come unto you receive/him 1865/1971 For yourselves/brethren 1866/1971 upon them to/the 1867/1971
1Th_2:18...........have/come unto you even/I 1868/1971
2Th_1:10..........shall/come to be/glorified 1869/1971
2Th_2:3.............not/come except/there... 1870/1971
2Th_2:3...........there/come a falling/away. 1871/1971 unto the knowledge/of 1872/1971 unto thee shortly/But 1873/1971 This is/a...... 1874/1971
1Ti_4:13..............I/come give/attendance 1875/1971 that they may/lay 1876/1971
2Ti_3:1...........shall/come For men/shall.. 1877/1971 to the knowledge/of 1878/1971
2Ti_4:3............will/come when they/will. 1879/1971 shortly unto/me 1880/1971 before winter/Eubulus 1881/1971 unto me to Nicopolis/for 1882/1971 whereof/we..... 1883/1971 short of it/For 1884/1971
Heb_4:16......therefore/come boldly/unto.... 1885/1971 If/they........ 1886/1971
Heb_7:5............they/come out of the loins/of 1887/1971
Heb_7:25...........that/come unto God/by.... 1888/1971
Heb_8:8............days/come saith the Lord when/I 1889/1971
Heb_9:11..........being/come an high/priest. 1890/1971 by a/greater... 1891/1971 and not/the.... 1892/1971
Heb_10:7..............I/come in the volume of the book it is written of me to/do 1893/1971
Heb_10:9..............I/come to do/thy...... 1894/1971
Heb_10:37.........shall/come will/come...... 1895/1971
Heb_10:37..........will/come and will/not... 1896/1971 By faith/Jacob. 1897/1971
Heb_11:24...........was/come to years/refused 1898/1971
Heb_12:18...........not/come unto the mount/that 1899/1971
Heb_12:22...........are/come unto mount/Sion 1900/1971 By him/therefore 1901/1971
Heb_13:23............he/come shortly I/will. 1902/1971
Jam_2:2...........there/come unto your/assembly 1903/1971
Jam_2:2...........there/come in also a/poor. 1904/1971
Jam_4:1..........whence/come wars/and....... 1905/1971 they not/hence. 1906/1971
Jam_5:1...........shall/come upon you Your/riches 1907/1971
1Pe_1:10.........should/come unto you Searching/what 1908/1971 that judgment/must 1909/1971
2Pe_3:3...........shall/come in the last days/scoffers 1910/1971
2Pe_3:9..........should/come to repentance/But 1911/1971
2Pe_3:10...........will/come as a thief in/the 1912/1971
1Jn_2:18..........shall/come even now/are... 1913/1971 in the flesh is of/God 1914/1971 in the flesh is not/of 1915/1971
1Jn_4:3..........should/come and even/now... 1916/1971 and hath given/us 1917/1971 in the flesh This/is 1918/1971
2Jn_1:10..........there/come any/unto....... 1919/1971 unto you and speak/face 1920/1971
3Jn_1:10..............I/come I will remember/his 1921/1971
Rev_1:1.........shortly/come to pass and he sent/and 1922/1971 and from/the... 1923/1971 the Almighty/I. 1924/1971
Rev_2:5............will/come unto thee quickly and will remove/thy 1925/1971
Rev_2:16...........will/come unto thee quickly and will fight/against 1926/1971
Rev_2:25..............I/come And he that/overcometh 1927/1971
Rev_3:3............will/come on thee as/a... 1928/1971
Rev_3:3............will/come upon thee Thou hast/a 1929/1971 and worship before thy/feet 1930/1971
Rev_3:10..........shall/come upon all the world/to 1931/1971
Rev_3:11..............I/come quickly hold/that 1932/1971
Rev_3:20...........will/come in to him/and.. 1933/1971
Rev_4:1............said/Come up hither and I/will 1934/1971 And when those/beasts 1935/1971
Rev_6:1..........saying/Come and see And I saw/and 1936/1971
Rev_6:3.............say/Come and see And there/went 1937/1971
Rev_6:5.............say/Come and see And I beheld/and 1938/1971
Rev_6:7.............say/Come and see And I looked/and 1939/1971 and who/shall.. 1940/1971
Rev_9:12..........there/come two/woes....... 1941/1971
Rev_10:1..........angel/come down from heaven clothed/with 1942/1971
Rev_11:12..........them/Come up hither And they/ascended 1943/1971 because thou/hast 1944/1971 and the time/of 1945/1971 salvation/and.. 1946/1971 down unto you/having 1947/1971 down from heaven on/the 1948/1971 and worship him that/made 1949/1971 for thee/to.... 1950/1971
Rev_15:4..........shall/come and worship before thee for/thy 1951/1971
Rev_16:13.........frogs/come out of the mouth/of 1952/1971
Rev_16:15.............I/come as a thief Blessed/is 1953/1971 hither I will shew unto/thee 1954/1971
Rev_17:10...........yet/come and when he/cometh 1955/1971
Rev_18:1..........angel/come down from heaven having great/power 1956/1971
Rev_18:4.........saying/Come out of her my/people 1957/1971
Rev_18:8........plagues/come in one day/death 1958/1971
Rev_18:10......judgment/come And the merchants/of 1959/1971 to nought And/every 1960/1971 and his wife/hath 1961/1971
Rev_19:17........heaven/Come and gather/yourselves 1962/1971
Rev_20:1..........angel/come down from heaven having the/key 1963/1971
Rev_21:9.........saying/Come hither I will shew thee/the 1964/1971
Rev_22:7..............I/come quickly blessed/is 1965/1971
Rev_22:12.............I/come quickly and/my. 1966/1971
Rev_22:17...........say/Come And let him that heareth/say 1967/1971
Rev_22:17...........say/Come And let him that is/athirst 1968/1971
Rev_22:17.......athirst/come And whosoever/will 1969/1971
Rev_22:20.............I/come quickly Amen/Even 1970/1971 Lord/Jesus..... 1971/1971
Isa_53:2............nor/comeliness and/when....... 1/5 which/I........ 2/5
Eze_27:10...........thy/comeliness The/men........ 3/5 was/turned..... 4/5
1Co_12:23......abundant/comeliness For/our........ 5/5
1Sa_16:18.............a/comely person/and........ 1/16
Job_41:12...........his/comely proportion/Who.... 2/16 for the/upright... 3/16 The/LORD.......... 4/16
Pro_30:29...........are/comely in/going.......... 5/16
Ecc_5:18............and/comely for one/to........ 6/16
Son_1:5.............but/comely O/ye.............. 7/16
Son_1:10............are/comely with/rows......... 8/16 Take/us........... 9/16 thy/temples...... 10/16
Son_6:4..........Tirzah/comely as/Jerusalem..... 11/16
Isa_4:2.............and/comely for them/that.... 12/16
Jer_6:2...............a/comely and delicate/woman 13/16 and that/ye...... 14/16 that/a........... 15/16
1Co_12:24...........our/comely parts/have....... 16/16
Heb_10:1............the/comers/thereunto.......... 1/1
Gen_10:19..........thou/comest to Gerar/unto..... 1/29
Gen_13:10..........thou/comest unto/Zoar......... 2/29
Gen_24:41..........thou/comest to my/kindred..... 3/29
Deu_2:19...........thou/comest nigh over/against. 4/29
Deu_20:10..........thou/comest nigh unto/a....... 5/29
Deu_23:24..........thou/comest into thy neighbour's/vineyard 6/29
Deu_23:25..........thou/comest into the/standing. 7/29
Deu_28:6...........thou/comest in and blessed/shalt 8/29
Deu_28:19..........thou/comest in and cursed/shalt 9/29
Jdg_17:9.........Whence/comest thou And he said unto him I/am 10/29
Jdg_18:23..........thou/comest with/such........ 11/29
Jdg_19:17........whence/comest thou And he said unto him We/are 12/29
1Sa_15:7...........thou/comest to Shur/that..... 13/29
1Sa_16:4...........said/Comest thou peaceably And he said Peaceably I/am 14/29
1Sa_17:43..........thou/comest to me with staves/And 15/29
1Sa_17:45..........Thou/comest to me with a/sword 16/29
2Sa_1:3..........whence/comest thou And he said unto him Out/of 17/29
2Sa_3:13...........thou/comest to see/my........ 18/29
1Ki_2:13...........said/Comest thou peaceably And he said Peaceably He/said 19/29
1Ki_19:15..........thou/comest anoint/Hazael.... 20/29
2Ki_5:25.........Whence/comest thou Gehazi/And.. 21/29
2Ki_9:2............thou/comest thither/look..... 22/29
Job_1:7..........Whence/comest thou Then/Satan.. 23/29
Job_2:2..........whence/comest thou And Satan/answered 24/29
Jer_51:61..........thou/comest to Babylon/and... 25/29
Jon_1:8..........whence/comest thou what/is..... 26/29
Mat_3:14............and/comest thou to/me....... 27/29
Luk_23:42..........thou/comest into thy kingdom/And 28/29
2Ti_4:13...........thou/comest bring/with....... 29/29 forth to draw/water 1/282
Gen_29:6.......daughter/cometh with the sheep/And 2/282
Gen_30:11.........troop/cometh and she/called... 3/282
Gen_32:6.............he/cometh to meet/thee..... 4/282
Gen_37:19.......dreamer/cometh Come/now......... 5/282
Gen_48:2.........Joseph/cometh unto thee and/Israel 6/282
Exo_4:14.............he/cometh forth to meet/thee 7/282
Exo_8:20.............he/cometh forth to the/water 8/282
Exo_13:12..........that/cometh of a/beast....... 9/282
Exo_28:35............he/cometh out that/he..... 10/282
Exo_29:30............he/cometh into the tabernacle/of 11/282
Lev_11:34.........water/cometh shall be/unclean 12/282
Num_1:51...........that/cometh nigh shall be put to death And the children/of 13/282
Num_3:10...........that/cometh nigh shall be put to death And the LORD spake unto Moses/saying 14/282
Num_3:38...........that/cometh nigh shall be put to death All/that 15/282
Num_5:30.......jealousy/cometh upon him and/he. 16/282
Num_12:12............he/cometh out of his mother's/womb 17/282
Num_17:13.....Whosoever/cometh any/thing....... 18/282
Num_18:7...........that/cometh nigh shall be put to death And the LORD spake unto Aaron/Behold 19/282
Num_21:13..........that/cometh out of the coasts/of 20/282
Num_26:5...........whom/cometh the family/of... 21/282
Deu_18:8..........which/cometh of the sale/of.. 22/282
Deu_23:11.......evening/cometh on he/shall..... 23/282
Deu_23:13.........which/cometh from thee/For... 24/282
Deu_28:57..........that/cometh out from/between 25/282
Jdg_11:31....whatsoever/cometh forth of/the.... 26/282
Jdg_13:14..........that/cometh of the vine/neither 27/282 among/us........ 28/282
1Sa_9:6...........saith/cometh surely/to....... 29/282
1Sa_11:7......Whosoever/cometh not forth after/Saul 30/282
1Sa_20:27.....Wherefore/cometh not the/son..... 31/282
1Sa_20:29............he/cometh not unto/the.... 32/282
1Sa_25:8.....whatsoever/cometh to thine/hand... 33/282 up and he/is.... 34/282
2Sa_13:5.........father/cometh to see/thee..... 35/282
2Sa_18:27...........and/cometh with good/tidings 36/282
1Ki_8:41............but/cometh out of a/far.... 37/282
1Ki_14:5.......Jeroboam/cometh to ask/a........ 38/282
1Ki_14:5............she/cometh in that/she..... 39/282
2Ki_4:10.............he/cometh to us/that...... 40/282
2Ki_6:32......messenger/cometh shut/the........ 41/282
2Ki_9:18.............he/cometh not again Then/he 42/282
2Ki_9:20............and/cometh not again and/the 43/282
2Ki_10:2.........letter/cometh to you/seeing... 44/282
2Ki_11:8...........that/cometh within/the...... 45/282
2Ki_11:8.............he/cometh in And the captains/over 46/282
2Ki_12:4...........that/cometh into any/man's.. 47/282 into the house of/the 48/282
1Ch_16:33............he/cometh to judge the earth O/give 49/282 of thine/hand... 50/282
2Ch_13:9......whosoever/cometh to consecrate/himself 51/282
2Ch_20:2..........There/cometh a great/multitude 52/282
2Ch_20:9...........evil/cometh upon us/as...... 53/282
2Ch_20:12..........that/cometh against us/neither 54/282
2Ch_23:7...........else/cometh into the house he/shall 55/282
2Ch_23:7.............he/cometh in and when/he.. 56/282 not and/dig..... 57/282
Job_3:24........sighing/cometh before/I........ 58/282
Job_5:6......affliction/cometh not forth of/the 59/282 At destruction/and 60/282
Job_5:26...........corn/cometh in in/his....... 61/282
Job_14:2.............He/cometh forth like/a.... 62/282
Job_14:18.......falling/cometh to nought/and... 63/282
Job_20:25...........and/cometh out of the body/yea 64/282
Job_20:25.........sword/cometh out of his gall/terrors 65/282
Job_21:17...........oft/cometh their/destruction 66/282
Job_27:9........trouble/cometh upon him Will/he 67/282 bread/and....... 68/282
Job_28:20..........then/cometh wisdom/and...... 69/282
Job_36:32..........that/cometh betwixt/The..... 70/282
Job_37:9..........south/cometh the whirlwind/and 71/282 out of the north with/God 72/282 in the morning/And 73/282
Psa_62:1............him/cometh my salvation/He. 74/282
Psa_75:6......promotion/cometh neither/from.... 75/282
Psa_78:39...........and/cometh not again How/oft 76/282
Psa_96:13............he/cometh for he/cometh... 77/282
Psa_96:13............he/cometh to judge the earth he/shall 78/282
Psa_98:9.............he/cometh to judge the earth with/righteousness 79/282
Psa_118:26.........that/cometh in the name of the LORD we/have 80/282
Psa_121:1........whence/cometh my help/My...... 81/282 from the LORD which/made 82/282
Pro_1:26...........fear/cometh When your/fear.. 83/282
Pro_1:27...........fear/cometh as desolation/and 84/282
Pro_1:27....destruction/cometh as a whirlwind/when 85/282
Pro_1:27........anguish/cometh upon you/Then... 86/282
Pro_2:6...........mouth/cometh knowledge/and... 87/282 For the LORD/shall 88/282
Pro_11:2..........pride/cometh then cometh shame/but 89/282
Pro_11:2...........then/cometh shame/but....... 90/282
Pro_11:8.........wicked/cometh in his/stead.... 91/282
Pro_13:5............and/cometh to shame/Righteousness 92/282
Pro_13:10.........pride/cometh contention/but.. 93/282
Pro_13:12........desire/cometh it is/a......... 94/282
Pro_18:3.........wicked/cometh then cometh also/contempt 95/282
Pro_18:3...........then/cometh also/contempt... 96/282
Pro_18:17.....neighbour/cometh and searcheth/him 97/282
Pro_29:26......judgment/cometh from the LORD An/unjust 98/282
Ecc_1:4......generation/cometh but the/earth... 99/282
Ecc_2:12...........that/cometh after the/king. 100/282
Ecc_4:14.............he/cometh to reign/whereas 101/282
Ecc_5:3...........dream/cometh through/the.... 102/282
Ecc_6:4..............he/cometh in with/vanity. 103/282
Ecc_11:8...........that/cometh is/vanity...... 104/282
Son_2:8..............he/cometh leaping/upon... 105/282
Son_3:6............that/cometh out of the wilderness/like 106/282
Son_8:5............that/cometh up from/the.... 107/282
Isa_13:9...........LORD/cometh cruel/both..... 108/282 from the desert/from 109/282 a chariot/of... 110/282
Isa_21:12.......morning/cometh and also/the... 111/282
Isa_24:18..........that/cometh up out/of...... 112/282
Isa_26:21..........LORD/cometh out of his place/to 113/282
Isa_28:29..........also/cometh forth from the LORD of/hosts 114/282
Isa_30:13......breaking/cometh suddenly/at.... 115/282
Isa_30:27..........LORD/cometh from far/burning 116/282
Isa_42:5..........which/cometh out of it/he... 117/282
Isa_55:10..........rain/cometh down and/the... 118/282
Isa_62:11.....salvation/cometh behold/his..... 119/282
Isa_63:1...........that/cometh from Edom/with. 120/282
Jer_6:20........purpose/cometh there/to....... 121/282
Jer_6:22.........people/cometh from the north/country 122/282
Jer_17:6...........good/cometh but shall/inhabit 123/282
Jer_17:8...........heat/cometh but her/leaf... 124/282
Jer_18:14.........which/cometh from the rock/of 125/282
Jer_43:11............he/cometh he shall/smite. 126/282
Jer_46:7...........that/cometh up as/a........ 127/282
Jer_46:20...destruction/cometh it cometh/out.. 128/282 out of the north Also/her 129/282
Jer_47:4...........that/cometh to spoil/all... 130/282
Jer_50:3..........there/cometh up a/nation.... 131/282
Jer_51:54...........cry/cometh from Babylon/and 132/282 to pass when/the 133/282
Eze_4:12...........that/cometh out of man/in.. 134/282
Eze_7:25....Destruction/cometh and they shall/seek 135/282
Eze_14:4............and/cometh to the prophet/I 136/282
Eze_14:4...........that/cometh according/to... 137/282
Eze_14:7............and/cometh to a/prophet... 138/282
Eze_20:32.........which/cometh into your/mind. 139/282 and every/heart 140/282 and shall/be... 141/282
Eze_24:24..........this/cometh ye/shall....... 142/282 Thus/saith..... 143/282
Eze_33:30..........that/cometh forth from the LORD And/they 144/282
Eze_33:31........people/cometh and they sit/before 145/282
Eze_33:33..........this/cometh to pass lo/it.. 146/282
Eze_47:9..........river/cometh And it/shall... 147/282
Dan_11:16..........that/cometh against him shall/do 148/282
Dan_12:12...........and/cometh to the thousand/three 149/282
Hos_7:1...........thief/cometh in and the troop/of 150/282
Joe_2:1............LORD/cometh for it/is...... 151/282
Mic_1:3............LORD/cometh forth out/of... 152/282
Mic_5:6..............he/cometh into our/land.. 153/282
Mic_7:4......visitation/cometh now/shall...... 154/282
Hab_3:16.............he/cometh up unto/the.... 155/282
Zec_9:9............King/cometh unto thee he/is 156/282
Zec_14:1...........LORD/cometh and thy/spoil.. 157/282 that shall/burn 158/282
Mal_4:1............that/cometh shall burn/them 159/282
Mat_3:11...........that/cometh after me is mightier/than 160/282
Mat_3:13...........Then/cometh Jesus from/Galilee 161/282
Mat_5:37..........these/cometh of evil/Ye..... 162/282
Mat_8:9..............he/cometh and to my servant Do this and he doeth it When Jesus heard it/he 163/282
Mat_13:19..........then/cometh the wicked/one. 164/282
Mat_15:11.........which/cometh out of the mouth/this 165/282
Mat_17:27.........first/cometh up and when/thou 166/282
Mat_18:7........offence/cometh Wherefore/if... 167/282
Mat_21:5...........King/cometh unto thee meek/and 168/282
Mat_21:9...........that/cometh in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest And when/he 169/282
Mat_21:40......vineyard/cometh what/will...... 170/282
Mat_23:39..........that/cometh in the name of the Lord And Jesus went/out 171/282
Mat_24:27.....lightning/cometh out of the east/and 172/282 Who/then....... 173/282
Mat_24:46............he/cometh shall find so doing Verily/I 174/282
Mat_25:6.....bridegroom/cometh go/ye.......... 175/282 For the kingdom/of 176/282
Mat_25:19......servants/cometh and reckoneth/with 177/282
Mat_26:36..........Then/cometh Jesus with/them 178/282
Mat_26:40............he/cometh unto the disciples/and 179/282
Mat_26:45..........Then/cometh he to his/disciples 180/282
Mar_1:7...........There/cometh one mightier/than 181/282
Mar_3:20......multitude/cometh together/again. 182/282
Mar_4:15..........Satan/cometh immediately/and 183/282
Mar_5:22..........there/cometh one of the rulers/of 184/282
Mar_5:38.............he/cometh to the house/of 185/282
Mar_6:48.............he/cometh unto them/walking 186/282
Mar_7:20..........which/cometh out of the man/that 187/282
Mar_8:22.............he/cometh to Bethsaida/and 188/282
Mar_8:38.............he/cometh in the glory/of 189/282
Mar_9:12.........verily/cometh first/and...... 190/282
Mar_10:1............and/cometh into the coasts/of 191/282
Mar_11:9...........that/cometh in the name of the Lord Blessed/be 192/282
Mar_11:10..........that/cometh in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest And Jesus/entered 193/282 at even/or..... 194/282
Mar_14:17............he/cometh with the twelve/And 195/282
Mar_14:37............he/cometh and findeth/them 196/282
Mar_14:41............he/cometh the third/time. 197/282
Mar_14:43.........spake/cometh Judas/one...... 198/282
Mar_14:66.........there/cometh one of the maids/of 199/282
Luk_3:16..............I/cometh the latchet/of. 200/282
Luk_6:47......Whosoever/cometh to me and/heareth 201/282
Luk_7:8..............he/cometh and to my servant Do this and he doeth it When Jesus heard these/things 202/282
Luk_8:12...........then/cometh the devil/and.. 203/282
Luk_8:49..........there/cometh one from/the... 204/282
Luk_11:25............he/cometh he findeth/it.. 205/282
Luk_12:36............he/cometh and knocketh/they 206/282
Luk_12:37............he/cometh shall find watching/verily 207/282 at an/hour..... 208/282
Luk_12:43............he/cometh shall find so doing Of/a 209/282
Luk_12:54.........There/cometh a shower/and... 210/282 to pass Ye/hypocrites 211/282
Luk_13:35..........that/cometh in the name of the Lord And it/came 212/282
Luk_14:10..........thee/cometh he may/say..... 213/282
Luk_14:31..........that/cometh against him with/twenty 214/282
Luk_15:6.............he/cometh home/he........ 215/282
Luk_17:20...........God/cometh not with/observation 216/282 shall he/find.. 217/282
Luk_19:38..........that/cometh in the name of the Lord peace/in 218/282
Joh_1:9............that/cometh into the world He was/in 219/282
Joh_1:15...........that/cometh after me is preferred/before 220/282 a man/which.... 221/282 and whither/it. 222/282
Joh_3:20........neither/cometh to the light lest/his 223/282
Joh_3:21..........truth/cometh to the light that/his 224/282
Joh_3:31...........that/cometh from above/is.. 225/282
Joh_3:31...........that/cometh from heaven/is. 226/282
Joh_4:5............Then/cometh he to a/city... 227/282
Joh_4:7...........There/cometh a woman/of..... 228/282
Joh_4:21...........hour/cometh when ye/shall.. 229/282
Joh_4:23...........hour/cometh and now/is..... 230/282
Joh_4:25........Messias/cometh which/is....... 231/282
Joh_4:35...........then/cometh harvest/behold. 232/282
Joh_5:44...........that/cometh from God/only.. 233/282
Joh_6:33..........which/cometh down from heaven and/giveth 234/282
Joh_6:35...........that/cometh to me shall/never 235/282
Joh_6:37...........that/cometh to me I/will... 236/282
Joh_6:45.........Father/cometh unto me/Not.... 237/282
Joh_6:50..........which/cometh down from heaven that/a 238/282
Joh_7:27.........Christ/cometh no/man......... 239/282
Joh_7:31.........Christ/cometh will/he........ 240/282
Joh_7:42.........Christ/cometh of the seed/of. 241/282
Joh_9:4...........night/cometh when no/man.... 242/282
Joh_10:10.........thief/cometh not but/for.... 243/282
Joh_11:38.......himself/cometh to the grave/It 244/282
Joh_12:13..........that/cometh in the name of the Lord And Jesus when/he 245/282
Joh_12:15..........King/cometh sitting/on..... 246/282
Joh_12:22........Philip/cometh and telleth/Andrew 247/282
Joh_13:6...........Then/cometh he to Simon/Peter 248/282 unto the Father/but 249/282 and hath/nothing 250/282
Joh_15:25..........this/cometh to pass that/the 251/282
Joh_16:2...........time/cometh that whosoever/killeth 252/282
Joh_16:25..........time/cometh when I/shall... 253/282
Joh_16:32..........hour/cometh yea/is......... 254/282
Joh_18:3......Pharisees/cometh thither/with... 255/282
Joh_20:1...........week/cometh Mary/Magdalene. 256/282
Joh_20:2............and/cometh to Simon/Peter. 257/282
Joh_20:6...........Then/cometh Simon/Peter.... 258/282
Joh_21:13..........then/cometh and taketh/bread 259/282
Act_10:32............he/cometh shall speak/unto 260/282
Act_13:25.........there/cometh one after/me... 261/282
Act_18:21..........that/cometh in Jerusalem/but 262/282
Rom_4:9.............sin/Cometh this/blessedness 263/282 by/hearing..... 264/282
1Co_15:24..........Then/cometh the end/when... 265/282
2Co_11:4...........that/cometh preacheth/another 266/282
2Co_11:28.........which/cometh upon me/daily.. 267/282
Gal_5:8......persuasion/cometh not of/him..... 268/282
Eph_5:6..........things/cometh the wrath/of... 269/282
Col_3:6.............God/cometh on the/children 270/282 as a thief/in.. 271/282
1Th_5:3.....destruction/cometh upon them/as... 272/282
1Ti_6:4.........whereof/cometh envy/strife.... 273/282
Heb_6:7............that/cometh oft/upon....... 274/282
Heb_10:5.............he/cometh into the world he saith/Sacrifice 275/282
Heb_11:6...........that/cometh to God/must.... 276/282
Jam_1:17............and/cometh down from the/Father 277/282
Jud_1:14...........Lord/cometh with ten/thousands 278/282
Rev_1:7..............he/cometh with clouds/and 279/282
Rev_3:12..........which/cometh down out/of.... 280/282
Rev_11:14...........woe/cometh quickly/And.... 281/282
Rev_17:10............he/cometh he must/continue 282/282
