Gen_3:13......hast/done And the woman/said. 1/565
Gen_3:14......hast/done this thou/art...... 2/565
Gen_4:10......thou/done the voice/of....... 3/565
Gen_8:21......have/done While/the.......... 4/565
Gen_9:24.......had/done unto him And he/said 5/565
Gen_12:18.....hast/done unto me why/didst.. 6/565
Gen_18:21.....have/done altogether/according 7/565
Gen_20:5.........I/done this And God/said.. 8/565
Gen_20:9......thou/done unto us and what/have 9/565
Gen_20:9......hast/done deeds/unto........ 10/565 And Abimelech/said 11/565
Gen_20:10.....hast/done this thing And Abraham/said 12/565
Gen_21:23.....have/done unto thee thou shalt/do 13/565
Gen_21:26.....hath/done this thing neither/didst 14/565
Gen_22:16.....hast/done this thing and hast/not 15/565
Gen_24:15......had/done speaking that/behold 16/565
Gen_24:19......had/done giving/him........ 17/565
Gen_24:19.....have/done drinking And/she.. 18/565
Gen_24:22......had/done drinking that/the. 19/565
Gen_24:45......had/done speaking in/mine.. 20/565
Gen_24:66......had/done And Isaac/brought. 21/565
Gen_26:10.....hast/done unto us one/of.... 22/565
Gen_26:29.....have/done unto thee nothing/but 23/565
Gen_27:19.....have/done according as thou/badest 24/565
Gen_27:45.....hast/done to him then/I..... 25/565
Gen_28:15.....have/done that which I/have. 26/565
Gen_29:25.....hast/done unto me did/not... 27/565 in our/country.... 28/565
Gen_30:26.....have/done thee And/Laban.... 29/565
Gen_31:26.....thou/done that thou hast/stolen 30/565 foolishly in so/doing 31/565 And Hamor/communed 32/565
Gen_40:15........I/done nothing that/they. 33/565
Gen_42:28.....hath/done unto us And they/came 34/565
Gen_44:5......have/done evil in so/doing.. 35/565
Gen_44:15.....have/done wot/ye............ 36/565 this thing and have/saved 37/565 to him And the daughter/of 38/565 to you in/Egypt... 39/565
Exo_5:23......hath/done evil to/this...... 40/565
Exo_10:2......have/done among them that/ye 41/565 in them/save...... 42/565 of you/And........ 43/565 because of/that... 44/565
Exo_14:5........we/done this that/we...... 45/565
Exo_18:1.......had/done for Moses/and..... 46/565
Exo_18:8.......had/done unto Pharaoh/and.. 47/565
Exo_18:9.......had/done to Israel/whom.... 48/565 unto him If/the... 49/565 but in/the........ 50/565
Exo_34:10.....been/done in all/the........ 51/565
Exo_34:33......had/done speaking with/them 52/565 but on/the........ 53/565
Exo_39:43......had/done it as/the......... 54/565
Exo_39:43.....they/done it and Moses/blessed 55/565 and shall/do...... 56/565
Lev_4:13......have/done somewhat against/any 57/565 and are/guilty.... 58/565
Lev_4:22.......and/done somewhat through/ignorance 59/565 and is/guilty..... 60/565 and be/guilty..... 61/565
Lev_5:16......hath/done in the holy/thing. 62/565 by the commandments/of 63/565
Lev_6:7.......hath/done in trespassing/therein 64/565 And Moses/brought. 65/565
Lev_8:34......hath/done this day/so....... 66/565 it must/be........ 67/565 which were/before. 68/565
Lev_19:22.....hath/done and the sin/which. 69/565
Lev_19:22.....hath/done shall be forgiven/him 70/565 but the/seventh... 71/565
Lev_24:19.....hath/done so shall it be done to/him 72/565 to him Breach/for. 73/565 to him again/And.. 74/565
Num_5:7.......have/done and he shall/recompense 75/565
Num_5:27......have/done trespass/against.. 76/565
Num_12:11.....have/done foolishly and/wherein 77/565 for one/bullock... 78/565 to him And the LORD/said 79/565
Num_16:28......not/done them of/mine...... 80/565
Num_22:2.......had/done to the Amorites/And 81/565
Num_22:28........I/done unto thee that/thou 82/565
Num_23:11.....thou/done unto me I/took.... 83/565 away from/among... 84/565
Num_32:13......had/done evil in the sight of the LORD was/consumed 85/565
Deu_3:21......hath/done unto these/two.... 86/565
Deu_10:21.....hath/done for thee these/great 87/565
Deu_12:31.....they/done unto their gods for/even 88/565
Deu_19:19.....have/done unto his brother/so 89/565
Deu_20:18.....have/done unto their gods so/should 90/565 unto that/man..... 91/565
Deu_26:14.....have/done according to all that thou/hast 92/565
Deu_29:24.....LORD/done thus unto this land what/meaneth 93/565
Deu_32:27......not/done all this For/they. 94/565
Jos_5:8........had/done circumcising/all.. 95/565
Jos_7:19......hast/done hide/it........... 96/565
Jos_7:20.........I/done When/I............ 97/565
Jos_9:3........had/done unto Jericho/and.. 98/565
Jos_9:24......have/done this thing And now/behold 99/565
Jos_10:1.......had/done to Jericho/and... 100/565
Jos_10:1.......had/done to Ai/and........ 101/565
Jos_10:32......had/done to Libnah/Then... 102/565
Jos_10:35......had/done to Lachish/And... 103/565
Jos_10:37......had/done to Eglon/but..... 104/565
Jos_10:39......had/done to Hebron/so..... 105/565
Jos_10:39......had/done also/to.......... 106/565
Jos_22:24...rather/done it for/fear...... 107/565
Jos_23:3......hath/done unto all these/nations 108/565
Jos_23:8......have/done unto this day/For 109/565
Jos_24:7......have/done in Egypt/and..... 110/565
Jos_24:20.....hath/done you/good......... 111/565
Jos_24:31......had/done for Israel And the bones/of 112/565
Jdg_1:7.......have/done so God/hath...... 113/565 this Wherefore/I. 114/565
Jdg_2:10.......had/done for Israel And the children/of 115/565
Jdg_3:12.......had/done evil in the sight of the LORD And/he 116/565
Jdg_6:29......hath/done this thing And when/they 117/565
Jdg_6:29......hath/done this thing Then/the 118/565
Jdg_8:2..........I/done now in/comparison 119/565
Jdg_9:16......have/done truly/and........ 120/565
Jdg_9:16......have/done unto him according/to 121/565
Jdg_9:24...cruelty/done to the threescore/and 122/565
Jdg_9:48......have/done And all the/people 123/565 for me/let....... 124/565
Jdg_14:6.......had/done And he went/down. 125/565
Jdg_15:6......hath/done this And they/answered 126/565
Jdg_15:7......have/done this yet/will.... 127/565
Jdg_15:10.....hath/done to us Then/three. 128/565
Jdg_15:11.....hast/done unto us And he/said 129/565
Jdg_15:11........I/done unto them And they/said 130/565
Jdg_19:30.....deed/done nor seen/from.... 131/565 among you/Now.... 132/565
Rut_2:11......hast/done unto thy/mother.. 133/565
Rut_3:3.......have/done eating/and....... 134/565
Rut_3:16.......had/done to her/And....... 135/565
1Sa_4:16.....there/done my/son........... 136/565
1Sa_6:9.......hath/done us/this.......... 137/565
1Sa_8:8.......have/done since/the........ 138/565 unto his oxen/And 139/565
1Sa_12:17.....have/done in the sight/of.. 140/565
1Sa_12:20.....have/done all this wickedness/yet 141/565
1Sa_12:24.....hath/done for you/But...... 142/565
1Sa_13:11.....thou/done And Saul said/Because 143/565
1Sa_13:13.....hast/done foolishly thou/hast 144/565
1Sa_14:43.....hast/done And Jonathan/told 145/565 to the man that killeth this/Philistine 146/565 to the man that killeth him/And 147/565 Is there/not..... 148/565
1Sa_19:18......had/done to him And he/and 149/565
1Sa_20:1.........I/done what is/mine..... 150/565
1Sa_20:32.......he/done And Saul cast/a.. 151/565
1Sa_20:34......had/done him/shame........ 152/565
1Sa_24:19.....hast/done unto me this/day. 153/565
1Sa_25:30.....have/done to my/lord....... 154/565
1Sa_26:16.....hast/done As the/LORD...... 155/565
1Sa_26:18........I/done or/what.......... 156/565
1Sa_28:9......hath/done how/he........... 157/565
1Sa_28:17.....hath/done to him as/he..... 158/565
1Sa_28:18.....LORD/done this thing unto/thee 159/565
1Sa_29:8.........I/done and what hast/thou 160/565
1Sa_31:11......had/done to Saul All/the.. 161/565
2Sa_2:6.......have/done this thing Therefore/now 162/565
2Sa_3:24......thou/done behold Abner/came 163/565
2Sa_7:21......thou/done all these great/things 164/565
2Sa_11:27......had/done displeased/the... 165/565
2Sa_12:5......hath/done this thing shall/surely 166/565
2Sa_12:21.....hast/done thou didst/fast.. 167/565 in Israel/do..... 168/565
2Sa_14:20.....Joab/done this thing and my/lord 169/565
2Sa_14:21.....have/done this thing go/therefore 170/565
2Sa_15:24......had/done passing/out...... 171/565
2Sa_16:10.....thou/done so And David/said 172/565
2Sa_21:11......had/done And David/went... 173/565
2Sa_23:20......had/done many acts he slew two lionlike men of Moab he/went 174/565
2Sa_24:10.....have/done and now I/beseech 175/565
2Sa_24:10.....have/done very foolishly For/when 176/565
2Sa_24:17.....have/done wickedly but/these 177/565
2Sa_24:17.....they/done let thine hand I pray thee be/against 178/565
1Ki_1:6.......thou/done so and he/also... 179/565
1Ki_1:27.....thing/done by my/lord....... 180/565
1Ki_3:12......have/done according to thy/words 181/565
1Ki_8:47......have/done perversely/we.... 182/565
1Ki_8:66.......had/done for David/his.... 183/565
1Ki_9:8.......LORD/done thus unto this land and to/this 184/565 of thee/and...... 185/565
1Ki_13:11......had/done that day/in...... 186/565
1Ki_14:9......hast/done evil above/all... 187/565
1Ki_14:22......had/done For they/also.... 188/565
1Ki_15:3.......had/done before/him....... 189/565
1Ki_18:36.....have/done all these things at/thy 190/565
1Ki_19:1.......had/done and withal/how... 191/565
1Ki_19:20........I/done to thee/And...... 192/565
1Ki_22:53......had/done Then Moab/rebelled 193/565 for thee wouldest/thou 194/565 for her/And...... 195/565
2Ki_5:13......have/done it how/much...... 196/565
2Ki_7:12......have/done to us They/know.. 197/565
2Ki_8:4.......hath/done And it/came...... 198/565
2Ki_10:10.....hath/done that which he spake by/his 199/565
2Ki_10:30.....hast/done well/in.......... 200/565
2Ki_10:30.....hast/done unto the house/of 201/565
2Ki_15:3.......had/done Save/that........ 202/565
2Ki_15:9.......had/done he departed/not.. 203/565
2Ki_15:34......had/done Howbeit/the...... 204/565
2Ki_17:4.......had/done year/by.......... 205/565
2Ki_19:11.....have/done to all lands by destroying them utterly and shalt thou be delivered Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the children of Eden which were in Thelasar/Where 206/565
2Ki_19:25.....have/done it and of ancient times that I have formed it now have I brought it to pass that thou shouldest be to lay waste fenced/cities 207/565
2Ki_20:3......have/done that which is good in thy sight And Hezekiah wept sore And/it 208/565
2Ki_21:11.....hath/done these abominations/and 209/565
2Ki_21:11.....hath/done wickedly above/all 210/565
2Ki_21:15.....have/done that which was evil in my/sight 211/565
2Ki_23:17.....hast/done against the/altar 212/565
2Ki_23:19......had/done in Bethel/And.... 213/565
2Ki_23:32......had/done And Pharaohnechoh/put 214/565
2Ki_23:37......had/done In his days/Nebuchadnezzar 215/565
2Ki_24:9.......had/done At/that.......... 216/565
2Ki_24:19......had/done For through the anger of the LORD it came to pass in Jerusalem and Judah until/he 217/565
1Ch_10:11......had/done to Saul They/arose 218/565
1Ch_11:22......had/done many acts he slew two lionlike men of Moab also/he 219/565
1Ch_16:12.....hath/done his wonders and the judgments of his mouth O ye seed of Israel/his 220/565
1Ch_17:19.....thou/done all this greatness/in 221/565
1Ch_21:8......have/done this thing but now/I 222/565
1Ch_21:8......have/done very foolishly And/the 223/565
1Ch_21:17......and/done evil indeed/but.. 224/565
1Ch_21:17.....they/done let thine hand I pray thee O/LORD 225/565
2Ch_6:37......have/done amiss/and........ 226/565
2Ch_7:21......LORD/done thus unto this land and unto/this 227/565 of me/And........ 228/565
2Ch_16:9......hast/done foolishly therefore/from 229/565
2Ch_24:16......had/done good in/Israel... 230/565
2Ch_24:22......had/done to him but/slew.. 231/565
2Ch_25:16.....hast/done this and hast/not 232/565
2Ch_29:2.......had/done He in/the........ 233/565
2Ch_29:6.......and/done that which was evil in the/eyes 234/565
2Ch_29:36......was/done suddenly/And..... 235/565
2Ch_30:5.......not/done it of/a.......... 236/565
2Ch_32:13.....have/done unto all the/people 237/565
2Ch_32:25..benefit/done unto him for/his. 238/565
2Ch_32:31......was/done in the land/God.. 239/565 with speed/Then.. 240/565 speedily/Unto.... 241/565
Ezr_7:23diligently/done for the house of the/God 242/565
Ezr_9:1.......were/done the princes/came. 243/565 according to the law/Arise 244/565
Neh_5:19......have/done for this/people.. 245/565
Neh_6:8.....things/done as thou sayest/but 246/565
Neh_6:9........not/done Now therefore/O.. 247/565
Neh_8:17....Israel/done so And there/was. 248/565
Neh_9:33......hast/done right but/we..... 249/565
Neh_9:33......have/done wickedly Neither/have 250/565
Neh_13:14.....have/done for the house of my/God 251/565
Est_1:16.......not/done wrong/to......... 252/565
Est_2:1........had/done and what was/decreed 253/565
Est_4:1........was/done Mordecai/rent.... 254/565
Est_6:3.......been/done to Mordecai/for.. 255/565
Est_6:3....nothing/done for him And the/king 256/565 unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour Now/Haman 257/565 to the man whom/the 258/565 unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour And/Mordecai 259/565
Est_9:12......they/done in the rest/of... 260/565 Then said/Esther. 261/565 and the decree/was 262/565
Job_21:31.....hath/done Yet/shall........ 263/565 against a/nation. 264/565
Job_34:32.....have/done iniquity/I....... 265/565
Psa_7:3.......have/done this if/there.... 266/565
Psa_14:1......have/done abominable works/there 267/565
Psa_22:31.....hath/done this The LORD/is. 268/565
Psa_33:4.......are/done in truth He/loveth 269/565
Psa_33:9.......was/done he commanded/and. 270/565
Psa_40:5......hast/done and thy/thoughts. 271/565
Psa_50:21.....thou/done and I/kept....... 272/565
Psa_51:4.......and/done this evil/in..... 273/565
Psa_52:9......hast/done it and I/will.... 274/565
Psa_53:1......have/done abominable iniquity/there 275/565
Psa_66:16.....hath/done for my/soul...... 276/565
Psa_71:19.....hast/done great things O/God 277/565
Psa_74:3......hath/done wickedly in/the.. 278/565
Psa_78:4......hath/done For he/established 279/565
Psa_98:1......hath/done marvellous/things 280/565
Psa_105:5.....hath/done his wonders and the judgments of his mouth O ye seed of Abraham/his 281/565
Psa_106:6.....have/done wickedly Our/fathers 282/565
Psa_106:21.....had/done great things in/Egypt 283/565
Psa_109:27....hast/done it Let/them...... 284/565
Psa_111:8......are/done in truth and/uprightness 285/565
Psa_115:3.....hath/done whatsoever/he.... 286/565
Psa_119:121...have/done judgment/and..... 287/565
Psa_119:166....and/done thy/commandments. 288/565 unto thee thou false/tongue 289/565
Psa_126:2.....hath/done great things for them/The 290/565
Psa_126:3.....hath/done great things for us/whereof 291/565
Pro_3:30......have/done thee no/harm..... 292/565
Pro_4:16......have/done mischief/and..... 293/565
Pro_24:29.....hath/done to me I/will..... 294/565
Pro_30:20.....have/done no wickedness/For 295/565
Pro_30:32.....hast/done foolishly in lifting/up 296/565
Pro_31:29.....have/done virtuously/but... 297/565 is that/which.... 298/565 and there is no new/thing 299/565
Ecc_1:13.......are/done under heaven/this 300/565
Ecc_1:14.......are/done under the sun and behold all/is 301/565
Ecc_2:12...already/done Then I/saw....... 302/565
Ecc_4:1........are/done under the sun and behold the/tears 303/565 under the sun Again/I 304/565 under the sun there/is 305/565 this is/also..... 306/565 upon the earth that/there 307/565 upon the earth for/also 308/565 under the sun because/though 309/565
Ecc_9:3........are/done under the sun that/there 310/565 under the sun Go/thy 311/565
Isa_5:4.......been/done more/to.......... 312/565
Isa_5:4........not/done in it wherefore/when 313/565
Isa_10:11.....have/done unto Samaria/and. 314/565
Isa_10:13.....have/done it and by/my..... 315/565
Isa_12:5......hath/done excellent/things. 316/565 They shall/lift.. 317/565
Isa_25:1......hast/done wonderful/things. 318/565
Isa_33:13.....have/done and ye/that...... 319/565
Isa_37:11.....have/done to all lands by destroying them utterly and shalt thou be delivered Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the children of Eden which were in Telassar/Where 320/565
Isa_37:26.....have/done it and of ancient times that I have formed it now have I brought it to pass that thou shouldest be to lay waste defenced/cities 321/565
Isa_38:3......have/done that which is good in thy sight And Hezekiah wept sore Then/came 322/565
Isa_38:15.....hath/done it I/shall....... 323/565
Isa_41:4.......and/done it calling/the... 324/565
Isa_41:20.....hath/done this and the/Holy 325/565
Isa_44:23.....hath/done it shout/ye...... 326/565
Isa_46:10......yet/done saying/My........ 327/565
Isa_48:5......hath/done them and/my...... 328/565
Isa_53:9.......had/done no violence/neither 329/565
Jer_2:23......hast/done thou art/a....... 330/565
Jer_3:5........and/done evil things/as... 331/565
Jer_3:6.......hath/done she is/gone...... 332/565
Jer_3:7........had/done all these things Turn/thou 333/565 any more/At...... 334/565 unto them Wherefore/thus 335/565
Jer_7:13......have/done all these works/saith 336/565
Jer_7:14......have/done to Shiloh/And.... 337/565
Jer_7:30......have/done evil in my/sight. 338/565
Jer_8:6..........I/done every/one........ 339/565
Jer_11:17.....have/done against themselves/to 340/565
Jer_16:12.....have/done worse/than....... 341/565
Jer_18:13.....hath/done a/very........... 342/565
Jer_22:8......LORD/done thus unto this great/city 343/565
Jer_30:15.....have/done these things unto thee/Therefore 344/565
Jer_30:24.....hath/done it and until/he.. 345/565
Jer_31:37.....have/done saith the LORD Behold/the 346/565
Jer_32:23.....have/done nothing of/all... 347/565
Jer_32:30.....only/done evil before/me... 348/565
Jer_32:32.....have/done to provoke/me.... 349/565
Jer_34:15......had/done right in/my...... 350/565
Jer_35:10......and/done according to all that Jonadab/our 351/565
Jer_35:18......and/done according unto/all 352/565
Jer_38:9......have/done evil in all/that. 353/565
Jer_38:9......have/done to Jeremiah/the.. 354/565
Jer_40:3.......and/done according as he/hath 355/565
Jer_41:11......had/done Then they/took... 356/565
Jer_42:10.....have/done unto you Be/not.. 357/565
Jer_44:17.....have/done we/and........... 358/565 Moab/is.......... 359/565
Jer_50:15.....hath/done do unto her Cut/off 360/565
Jer_50:29.....hath/done do unto her for/she 361/565
Jer_51:12......and/done that which he spake against/the 362/565
Jer_51:24.....have/done in Zion/in....... 363/565
Jer_51:35.violence/done to me and/to..... 364/565
Jer_52:2.......had/done For through the anger of the LORD it came to pass in Jerusalem and Judah till/he 365/565 unto me wherewith/the 366/565
Lam_1:21......hast/done it thou/wilt..... 367/565
Lam_1:22......hast/done unto me for all/my 368/565
Lam_2:17......hath/done that which he had/devised 369/565
Lam_2:20......hast/done this Shall/the... 370/565
Eze_3:20......hath/done shall not be remembered/but 371/565
Eze_5:7.......have/done according to the judgments/of 372/565
Eze_5:9........not/done and whereunto/I.. 373/565 in the midst thereof/And 374/565
Eze_9:11......have/done as thou hast commanded me/Then 375/565
Eze_11:12.....have/done after the/manners 376/565
Eze_12:11.....have/done so shall it be done unto/them 377/565 unto them they/shall 378/565 saith the Lord GOD And the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man prophesy/against 379/565
Eze_14:23......not/done without/cause.... 380/565
Eze_14:23.....have/done in it saith/the.. 381/565
Eze_16:47......nor/done after their/abominations 382/565
Eze_16:48......not/done she nor/her...... 383/565
Eze_16:48.....hast/done thou and/thy..... 384/565
Eze_16:51.....hast/done Thou also/which.. 385/565
Eze_16:54.....hast/done in that/thou..... 386/565
Eze_16:59.....hast/done which hast/despised 387/565
Eze_16:63.....hast/done saith the Lord GOD And the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man put/forth 388/565
Eze_17:18.....hath/done all these things he/shall 389/565
Eze_17:24.....have/done it The/word...... 390/565
Eze_18:13.....hath/done all these abominations/he 391/565
Eze_18:14.....hath/done and considereth/and 392/565
Eze_18:19.....hath/done that which is lawful and right and/hath 393/565
Eze_18:19.....hath/done them he/shall.... 394/565
Eze_18:22.....hath/done he shall/live.... 395/565
Eze_18:24.....hath/done shall not be mentioned/in 396/565
Eze_18:26.....hath/done shall he/die..... 397/565
Eze_23:38.....have/done unto me they/have 398/565
Eze_23:39.....they/done in the midst of/mine 399/565
Eze_24:22.....have/done ye/shall......... 400/565
Eze_24:24.....hath/done shall ye/do...... 401/565
Eze_33:16.....hath/done that which is lawful and right he/shall 402/565 saith the Lord GOD this/is 403/565
Eze_39:24........I/done unto them and hid/my 404/565
Eze_43:11.....have/done shew/them........ 405/565 therein/But...... 406/565
Dan_6:22.........I/done no hurt/Then..... 407/565
Dan_9:5.......have/done wickedly and/have 408/565
Dan_9:12......been/done as hath/been..... 409/565
Dan_9:12......been/done upon Jerusalem/As 410/565
Dan_9:15......have/done wickedly O/LORD.. 411/565
Dan_11:24......not/done nor his/fathers'. 412/565 Neither/shall.... 413/565
Hos_2:5.......hath/done shamefully/for... 414/565
Joe_2:20......hath/done great things Fear/not 415/565
Amo_3:6........not/done it Surely/the.... 416/565
Oba_1:15......hast/done it shall/be...... 417/565 unto thee thy/reward 418/565
Jon_1:10......thou/done this For/the..... 419/565
Jon_1:14......hast/done as it/pleased.... 420/565
Mic_6:3..........I/done unto thee and wherein/have 421/565
Zep_3:4.......have/done violence/to...... 422/565
Zec_7:3.......have/done these so/many.... 423/565 again/covering... 424/565
Mat_1:22.......was/done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of/the 425/565 in earth/as...... 426/565 many wonderful/works 427/565 unto thee And his/servant 428/565
Mat_11:20.....were/done because they/repented 429/565
Mat_11:21.....were/done in you had/been.. 430/565
Mat_11:21.....been/done in Tyre and Sidon they/would 431/565
Mat_11:23.....been/done in thee/had...... 432/565
Mat_11:23.....been/done in Sodom/it...... 433/565
Mat_13:28.....hath/done this The servants/said 434/565
Mat_17:12.....have/done unto him whatsoever they listed Likewise/shall 435/565 for them/of...... 436/565
Mat_18:31......was/done they were/very... 437/565
Mat_18:31......was/done Then his/lord.... 438/565
Mat_21:4.......was/done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by/the 439/565 to the fig/tree.. 440/565 And all things/whatsoever 441/565
Mat_23:23.....have/done and not to leave the other undone Ye/blind 442/565
Mat_25:21.....Well/done thou good/and.... 443/565
Mat_25:23.....Well/done good and/faithful 444/565
Mat_25:40.....have/done it unto one/of... 445/565
Mat_25:40.....have/done it unto me/Then.. 446/565
Mat_26:13.....hath/done be/told.......... 447/565 And he came/and.. 448/565
Mat_26:56......was/done that the scriptures/of 449/565
Mat_27:23.......he/done But they/cried... 450/565
Mat_27:54.....were/done they feared/greatly 451/565
Mat_28:11.....were/done And when/they.... 452/565
Mar_4:11.......are/done in parables/That. 453/565
Mar_5:14.......was/done And they come/to. 454/565
Mar_5:19......hath/done for thee and/hath 455/565
Mar_5:20.......had/done for him and all/men 456/565
Mar_5:32.......had/done this thing But the/woman 457/565
Mar_5:33.......was/done in her/came...... 458/565
Mar_6:30.......had/done and what they/had 459/565
Mar_7:37......hath/done all things/well.. 460/565
Mar_9:13......have/done unto him whatsoever they listed as/it 461/565 Heaven/and....... 462/565
Mar_14:8......hath/done what she/could... 463/565
Mar_14:9......hath/done shall be spoken/of 464/565
Mar_15:8......ever/done unto them But/Pilate 465/565
Mar_15:14.......he/done And they cried/out 466/565
Luk_1:49......hath/done to me great/things 467/565
Luk_3:19.......had/done Added/yet........ 468/565
Luk_4:23.....heard/done in Capernaum/do.. 469/565
Luk_5:6.......this/done they inclosed/a.. 470/565
Luk_8:34.......was/done they fled/and.... 471/565
Luk_8:35.......was/done and came/to...... 472/565
Luk_8:39......hath/done unto thee And he/went 473/565
Luk_8:39.......had/done unto him And it/came 474/565
Luk_8:56.......was/done Then he/called... 475/565
Luk_9:7........was/done by him and/he.... 476/565
Luk_9:10.......had/done And he took/them. 477/565
Luk_10:13.....been/done in Tyre and Sidon which/have 478/565
Luk_10:13.....been/done in you they/had.. 479/565 as in/heaven..... 480/565
Luk_11:42.....have/done and not to leave the other undone Woe/unto 481/565
Luk_13:17.....were/done by him Then said/he 482/565 as thou hast commanded and/yet 483/565
Luk_16:8.......had/done wisely/for....... 484/565
Luk_17:10.....have/done all those/things. 485/565
Luk_17:10.....have/done that which was our/duty 486/565 And there appeared/an 487/565
Luk_23:8...miracle/done by him Then he/questioned 488/565 unto him I/will.. 489/565
Luk_23:22.......he/done I have/found..... 490/565 in the dry/And... 491/565
Luk_23:41.....hath/done nothing amiss/And 492/565
Luk_23:47......was/done he glorified/God. 493/565
Luk_23:48.....were/done smote/their...... 494/565
Luk_24:21.....were/done Yea/and.......... 495/565
Luk_24:35.....were/done in the way/and... 496/565
Joh_1:28......were/done in Bethabara/beyond 497/565
Joh_5:16.......had/done these things on/the 498/565
Joh_5:29......have/done good unto/the.... 499/565
Joh_5:29......have/done evil unto/the.... 500/565
Joh_7:21......have/done one/work......... 501/565
Joh_7:31......hath/done The Pharisees/heard 502/565
Joh_11:46......had/done Then gathered/the 503/565
Joh_12:16......had/done these things unto him/The 504/565
Joh_12:18......had/done this miracle/The. 505/565
Joh_12:37......had/done so many/miracles. 506/565
Joh_13:12.....have/done to you Ye/call... 507/565
Joh_13:15.....have/done to you Verily/verily 508/565 unto you Herein/is 509/565
Joh_15:24......not/done among them the/works 510/565
Joh_18:35.....thou/done Jesus/answered... 511/565
Joh_19:36.....were/done that the scripture/should 512/565
Act_2:43......were/done by the apostles/And 513/565 this Then/Peter.. 514/565
Act_4:9.......deed/done to the impotent/man 515/565
Act_4:16......been/done by them/is....... 516/565
Act_4:21.......was/done For the man/was.. 517/565 And now Lord/behold 518/565 by the name/of... 519/565
Act_5:7........was/done came/in.......... 520/565
Act_8:13......were/done Now when/the..... 521/565
Act_9:13......hath/done to thy/saints.... 522/565
Act_10:16......was/done thrice/and....... 523/565
Act_10:33.....well/done that thou art/come 524/565
Act_11:10......was/done three/times...... 525/565
Act_12:9.......was/done by the angel/but. 526/565
Act_13:12......was/done believed/being... 527/565 by their/hands... 528/565
Act_14:11......had/done they lifted/up... 529/565
Act_14:13.....have/done sacrifice with/the 530/565
Act_14:18......not/done sacrifice unto/them 531/565
Act_14:27......had/done with them and/how 532/565
Act_15:4.......had/done with them But/there 533/565 And after/those.. 534/565
Act_21:33......had/done And some/cried... 535/565
Act_24:2.......are/done unto this nation/by 536/565
Act_25:10........I/done no wrong/as...... 537/565
Act_26:26......not/done in a/corner...... 538/565
Act_28:9.......was/done others/also...... 539/565
Rom_9:11....having/done any good/or...... 540/565
1Co_5:2.......hath/done this deed might/be 541/565 this deed In/the. 542/565 unto me for it/were 543/565 away When/I...... 544/565 unto edifying/If. 545/565 decently/and..... 546/565 with charity/I... 547/565 away How/shall... 548/565 away was/glorious 549/565 away in/Christ... 550/565
2Co_5:10....things/done in his body/according 551/565
2Co_5:10......hath/done whether/it....... 552/565
2Co_7:12.......had/done the wrong/nor.... 553/565
Eph_5:12.......are/done of them/in....... 554/565
Eph_6:13....having/done all to/stand..... 555/565 through/strife... 556/565
Php_4:14......well/done that ye/did...... 557/565
Col_3:25......hath/done and there is no respect/of 558/565
Col_4:9........are/done here/Aristarchus. 559/565
Tit_3:5.......have/done but according/to. 560/565
Heb_10:29.....hath/done despite/unto..... 561/565
Heb_10:36.....have/done the will/of...... 562/565 And there were/voices 563/565 I am/Alpha....... 564/565 Behold I/come.... 565/565
