Gen_11:5.......came/down to see the/city... 1/1125
Gen_11:7.........go/down and there confound/their 2/1125
Gen_12:10......went/down into Egypt to/sojourn 3/1125
Gen_15:11......came/down upon the carcases/Abram 4/1125
Gen_15:12.....going/down a deep/sleep...... 5/1125
Gen_15:17......went/down and it was/dark... 6/1125
Gen_18:21........go/down now and see/whether 7/1125
Gen_19:4........lay/down the men/of........ 8/1125
Gen_19:33.......lay/down nor when she arose And/it 9/1125
Gen_19:35.......lay/down nor when she arose Thus/were 10/1125
Gen_21:16.......her/down over against/him. 11/1125
Gen_23:12.....bowed/down himself before the/people 12/1125
Gen_24:11.....kneel/down without/the...... 13/1125
Gen_24:14.......Let/down thy pitcher/I.... 14/1125
Gen_24:16......went/down to the well/and.. 15/1125
Gen_24:18.......let/down her pitcher upon/her 16/1125
Gen_24:26.....bowed/down his head and worshipped/the 17/1125
Gen_24:45......went/down unto the well/and 18/1125
Gen_24:46.......let/down her pitcher from/her 19/1125
Gen_24:48.....bowed/down my head/and...... 20/1125
Gen_26:2........not/down into Egypt dwell/in 21/1125
Gen_27:29.......bow/down to thee be/lord.. 22/1125
Gen_27:29.......bow/down to thee cursed/be 23/1125
Gen_28:11.......lay/down in that/place.... 24/1125
Gen_37:10.......bow/down ourselves/to..... 25/1125
Gen_37:25.......sat/down to eat bread/and. 26/1125 to Egypt And Judah/said 27/1125
Gen_37:35........go/down into the grave/unto 28/1125
Gen_38:1.......went/down from his brethren/and 29/1125
Gen_39:1....brought/down to Egypt and Potiphar/an 30/1125
Gen_39:1........him/down thither And the/LORD 31/1125 thither and buy/for 32/1125
Gen_42:3.......went/down to buy/corn...... 33/1125
Gen_42:6......bowed/down themselves before/him 34/1125
Gen_42:38........go/down with you for/his. 35/1125
Gen_42:38.....bring/down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave And/the 36/1125
Gen_43:4.........go/down and buy/thee..... 37/1125
Gen_43:5.........go/down for the man/said. 38/1125 And Judah/said... 39/1125
Gen_43:11.....carry/down the man/a........ 40/1125
Gen_43:15......went/down to Egypt and stood/before 41/1125
Gen_43:20....indeed/down at the first time/to 42/1125
Gen_43:22...brought/down in our hands/to.. 43/1125
Gen_43:28.....bowed/down their heads and made/obeisance 44/1125
Gen_44:11......took/down every man his sack/to 45/1125
Gen_44:21.......him/down unto me that/I... 46/1125
Gen_44:23......come/down with you ye/shall 47/1125
Gen_44:26........go/down if/our........... 48/1125
Gen_44:26........go/down for we/may....... 49/1125
Gen_44:29.....bring/down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave Now/therefore 50/1125
Gen_44:31.....bring/down the gray/hairs... 51/1125
Gen_45:9.......come/down unto me tarry/not 52/1125
Gen_45:13.....bring/down my father/hither. 53/1125
Gen_46:3.........go/down into Egypt for/I. 54/1125
Gen_46:4.........go/down with thee into/Egypt 55/1125
Gen_49:6.....digged/down a wall/Cursed.... 56/1125
Gen_49:8........bow/down before thee/Judah 57/1125
Gen_49:9....stooped/down he couched/as.... 58/1125
Gen_49:14..couching/down between/two...... 59/1125
Gen_50:18......fell/down before his/face.. 60/1125
Exo_2:5........came/down to wash/herself.. 61/1125
Exo_2:15........sat/down by a well/Now.... 62/1125
Exo_3:8........come/down to deliver them out/of 63/1125
Exo_7:10.......cast/down his rod/before... 64/1125
Exo_7:12.......cast/down every man his rod/and 65/1125
Exo_9:19.......come/down upon them and/they 66/1125
Exo_11:8.......come/down unto me and/bow.. 67/1125
Exo_11:8........bow/down themselves unto/me 68/1125
Exo_17:11.......let/down his hand/Amalek.. 69/1125
Exo_17:12.....going/down of the sun And/Joshua 70/1125
Exo_19:11......come/down in the sight/of.. 71/1125
Exo_19:14......went/down from the mount unto/the 72/1125
Exo_19:20......came/down upon mount/Sinai. 73/1125
Exo_19:21........Go/down charge/the....... 74/1125
Exo_19:24......thee/down and thou shalt come/up 75/1125
Exo_19:25......went/down unto the people/and 76/1125
Exo_20:5........bow/down thyself to/them.. 77/1125
Exo_22:26.....goeth/down For that/is...... 78/1125
Exo_23:24.......bow/down to their gods nor/serve 79/1125
Exo_23:24.....break/down their images And ye/shall 80/1125
Exo_32:1.......come/down out of the mount/the 81/1125
Exo_32:6........sat/down to eat and to/drink 82/1125
Exo_32:7.......thee/down for thy/people... 83/1125
Exo_32:15......went/down from the mount and the two/tables 84/1125
Exo_34:13.......cut/down their groves For/thou 85/1125
Exo_34:29......came/down from mount Sinai/with 86/1125
Exo_34:29......came/down from the mount that/Moses 87/1125
Lev_9:22.......came/down from offering/of. 88/1125
Lev_11:35....broken/down for they/are..... 89/1125
Lev_14:45.....break/down the house the/stones 90/1125
Lev_18:23.......lie/down thereto it/is.... 91/1125
Lev_19:16.......and/down as a talebearer/among 92/1125
Lev_20:16.......lie/down thereto thou/shalt 93/1125 he shall be/clean 94/1125
Lev_26:1........bow/down unto it for/I.... 95/1125
Lev_26:6........lie/down and none shall make you/afraid 96/1125
Lev_26:30.......cut/down your images/and.. 97/1125 and when the/tabernacle 98/1125
Num_4:5........take/down the covering/vail 99/1125
Num_10:17.....taken/down and the sons/of. 100/1125
Num_11:17......come/down and talk/with... 101/1125
Num_11:25......came/down in a cloud/and.. 102/1125
Num_12:5.......came/down in the pillar/of 103/1125
Num_13:23.......cut/down from thence a/branch 104/1125
Num_13:24.......cut/down from thence And they/returned 105/1125
Num_14:45......came/down and the Canaanites/which 106/1125
Num_16:30........go/down quick into the/pit 107/1125
Num_16:33......went/down alive/into...... 108/1125
Num_20:15......went/down into Egypt and we/have 109/1125
Num_20:28......came/down from the mount And when/all 110/1125
Num_21:15.....goeth/down to the dwelling/of 111/1125
Num_22:27......fell/down under Balaam/and 112/1125
Num_22:31.....bowed/down his head and fell/flat 113/1125
Num_23:24.......lie/down until he/eat.... 114/1125
Num_24:9........lay/down as a lion/and... 115/1125
Num_25:2......bowed/down to their gods And/Israel 116/1125
Num_33:52.....pluck/down all their high/places 117/1125
Num_34:11........go/down from Shepham/to. 118/1125
Num_34:12........go/down to Jordan/and... 119/1125 unto us/and..... 120/1125
Deu_5:9.........bow/down thyself unto/them 121/1125
Deu_6:7.......liest/down and when thou risest up And thou shalt bind/them 122/1125
Deu_7:5.......break/down their images and cut/down 123/1125
Deu_7:5.........cut/down their groves and/burn 124/1125
Deu_9:3........them/down before thy/face. 125/1125
Deu_9:12.......thee/down quickly from/hence 126/1125
Deu_9:15.......came/down from the mount and the mount/burned 127/1125
Deu_9:18.......fell/down before the LORD as/at 128/1125
Deu_9:25.......fell/down before the LORD forty/days 129/1125
Deu_9:25.......fell/down at the first because/the 130/1125
Deu_10:5.......came/down from the mount and put/the 131/1125
Deu_10:22......went/down into Egypt with/threescore 132/1125
Deu_11:19.....liest/down and when thou risest up And thou shalt write/them 133/1125
Deu_11:30.....goeth/down in the land/of.. 134/1125
Deu_12:3........hew/down the graven/images 135/1125
Deu_16:6......going/down of the sun at/the 136/1125
Deu_19:5........cut/down the tree and the/head 137/1125
Deu_20:19......them/down for the tree/of. 138/1125
Deu_20:20......them/down and thou shalt build/bulwarks 139/1125
Deu_21:4......bring/down the heifer/unto. 140/1125
Deu_22:4.......fall/down by the way and/hide 141/1125 he shall come/into 142/1125
Deu_24:13.....goeth/down that he/may..... 143/1125
Deu_24:15........go/down upon it/for..... 144/1125
Deu_24:19...cuttest/down thine harvest/in 145/1125
Deu_25:2........lie/down and to be/beaten 146/1125 before the altar/of 147/1125
Deu_26:5.......went/down into Egypt and sojourned/there 148/1125
Deu_26:15......Look/down from thy holy/habitation 149/1125
Deu_28:24......come/down upon thee/until. 150/1125
Deu_28:43......come/down very/low........ 151/1125
Deu_28:52......come/down wherein/thou.... 152/1125
Deu_33:3........sat/down at thy feet/every 153/1125
Deu_33:28......drop/down dew/Happy....... 154/1125
Jos_1:4.......going/down of the sun shall/be 155/1125
Jos_2:8........laid/down she/came........ 156/1125
Jos_2:15.......them/down by a cord/through 157/1125 by and/thou..... 158/1125
Jos_3:13.......come/down from above and/they 159/1125
Jos_3:16.......came/down from above stood/and 160/1125
Jos_3:16.......came/down toward/the...... 161/1125
Jos_4:8........them/down there And Joshua/set 162/1125
Jos_6:5........fall/down flat and/the.... 163/1125
Jos_6:20.......fell/down flat so/that.... 164/1125
Jos_7:5.......going/down wherefore/the... 165/1125
Jos_8:29........was/down Joshua/commanded 166/1125
Jos_8:29....carcase/down from the tree and cast/it 167/1125
Jos_10:11.....going/down to Bethhoron/that 168/1125
Jos_10:11......cast/down great/stones.... 169/1125
Jos_10:13........go/down about/a......... 170/1125
Jos_10:27.....going/down of the sun that/Joshua 171/1125
Jos_10:27......them/down off the/trees... 172/1125
Jos_15:10......went/down to Bethshemesh/and 173/1125
Jos_16:3......goeth/down westward/to..... 174/1125
Jos_16:7.......went/down from Janohah/to. 175/1125
Jos_17:15.......cut/down for thyself/there 176/1125 and the outgoings/of 177/1125
Jos_18:16......came/down to the end of the mountain/that 178/1125
Jos_18:18......went/down unto Arabah/And. 179/1125
Jos_24:4.......went/down into Egypt I/sent 180/1125
Jdg_1:9........went/down to fight against/the 181/1125
Jdg_1:34.......come/down to the valley/But 182/1125
Jdg_2:2.......throw/down their altars but/ye 183/1125
Jdg_2:19........bow/down unto them they/ceased 184/1125
Jdg_3:25.....fallen/down dead on/the..... 185/1125
Jdg_3:27.......went/down with him from/the 186/1125
Jdg_3:28.......went/down after him/and... 187/1125
Jdg_4:14.......went/down from mount Tabor/and 188/1125
Jdg_4:15....lighted/down off his/chariot. 189/1125
Jdg_5:11.........go/down to the gates/Awake 190/1125
Jdg_5:14.......came/down governors/and... 191/1125
Jdg_5:21....trodden/down strength/Then... 192/1125
Jdg_5:27........lay/down at her/feet..... 193/1125
Jdg_5:27.......fell/down dead The/mother. 194/1125
Jdg_6:25......throw/down the altar of Baal that/thy 195/1125
Jdg_6:25........cut/down the grove that is/by 196/1125
Jdg_6:26........cut/down Then Gideon/took 197/1125
Jdg_6:28.......cast/down and the grove/was 198/1125
Jdg_6:28........cut/down that was/by..... 199/1125
Jdg_6:30.......cast/down the altar of Baal and/because 200/1125
Jdg_6:30........cut/down the grove that was/by 201/1125
Jdg_6:31.......cast/down his altar Therefore/on 202/1125
Jdg_6:32.....thrown/down his altar Then/all 203/1125
Jdg_7:4........them/down unto the water/and 204/1125
Jdg_7:5.....brought/down the people unto/the 205/1125
Jdg_7:5......boweth/down upon his knees to/drink 206/1125
Jdg_7:6.......bowed/down upon their/knees 207/1125
Jdg_7:9........thee/down unto the host for/I 208/1125
Jdg_7:10.........go/down go/thou......... 209/1125
Jdg_7:10....servant/down to the host/And. 210/1125
Jdg_7:11.........go/down unto the host Then/went 211/1125
Jdg_7:11.........he/down with Phurah/his. 212/1125
Jdg_7:24.......come/down against the/Midianites 213/1125
Jdg_8:9.......break/down this tower/Now.. 214/1125
Jdg_8:17.......beat/down the tower/of.... 215/1125
Jdg_9:36.....people/down from the top of the mountains/And 216/1125
Jdg_9:37.....people/down by the middle/of 217/1125
Jdg_9:45.......beat/down the city/and.... 218/1125
Jdg_9:48........cut/down a bough/from.... 219/1125
Jdg_9:49........cut/down every man his bough/and 220/1125
Jdg_11:37.......and/down upon the mountains/and 221/1125
Jdg_14:1.......went/down to Timnath/and.. 222/1125
Jdg_14:5.....Samson/down and his father/and 223/1125
Jdg_14:7.......went/down and talked/with. 224/1125
Jdg_14:10......went/down unto the woman/and 225/1125
Jdg_14:18......went/down What/is......... 226/1125
Jdg_14:19......went/down to Ashkelon/and. 227/1125
Jdg_15:8.......went/down and dwelt/in.... 228/1125
Jdg_15:12......come/down to bind/thee.... 229/1125
Jdg_16:21.......him/down to Gaza/and..... 230/1125
Jdg_16:31......came/down and took/him.... 231/1125
Jdg_19:6........sat/down and did/eat..... 232/1125
Jdg_19:14......went/down upon them when/they 233/1125
Jdg_19:15.......him/down in a street/of.. 234/1125
Jdg_19:26......fell/down at the door of the man's/house 235/1125
Jdg_19:27....fallen/down at the door of the house/and 236/1125
Jdg_20:21.destroyed/down to the ground of the Israelites/that 237/1125
Jdg_20:25.destroyed/down to the ground of the children/of 238/1125
Jdg_20:32...smitten/down before us as at/the 239/1125
Jdg_20:39...smitten/down before us as in/the 240/1125
Jdg_20:43......them/down with ease/over.. 241/1125
Rut_3:3........thee/down to the floor/but 242/1125
Rut_3:4.......lieth/down that thou shalt/mark 243/1125
Rut_3:4........thee/down and he will/tell 244/1125
Rut_3:6........went/down unto the floor/and 245/1125
Rut_3:7.........lie/down at the end/of... 246/1125
Rut_3:7.........her/down And it came/to.. 247/1125
Rut_3:13........lie/down until the/morning 248/1125
Rut_4:1.........him/down there and behold/the 249/1125
Rut_4:1.........sit/down here And he/turned 250/1125
Rut_4:1.........sat/down And he took/ten. 251/1125 here And they/sat 252/1125
Rut_4:2.........sat/down And he said/unto 253/1125
1Sa_2:6....bringeth/down to the grave and bringeth/up 254/1125
1Sa_3:2........laid/down in his place and his/eyes 255/1125
1Sa_3:3........laid/down to sleep/That... 256/1125
1Sa_3:5.........lie/down again And he/went 257/1125
1Sa_3:5.........lay/down And the LORD called/yet 258/1125
1Sa_3:6.........lie/down again Now/Samuel 259/1125
1Sa_3:9.........lie/down and it shall be/if 260/1125
1Sa_3:9.........lay/down in his place And the/LORD 261/1125
1Sa_6:15.......took/down the ark of the LORD and/the 262/1125
1Sa_6:18........set/down the ark of the LORD which/stone 263/1125 and fetch/it.... 264/1125
1Sa_9:25.......come/down from the high place into/the 265/1125
1Sa_9:27......going/down to the end of the city/Samuel 266/1125
1Sa_10:5.....coming/down from the high place with/a 267/1125
1Sa_10:8.........go/down before me to/Gilgal 268/1125
1Sa_10:8.......come/down unto thee to/offer 269/1125
1Sa_13:12......come/down now upon/me..... 270/1125
1Sa_13:20......went/down to the Philistines/to 271/1125
1Sa_14:16...beating/down one another/Then 272/1125
1Sa_14:36........go/down after the Philistines by/night 273/1125
1Sa_14:37........go/down after the Philistines wilt/thou 274/1125 from among/the.. 275/1125
1Sa_15:12......gone/down to Gilgal/And... 276/1125
1Sa_16:11.......sit/down till/he......... 277/1125
1Sa_17:8.......come/down to me/If........ 278/1125
1Sa_17:28......thou/down hither/and...... 279/1125
1Sa_17:28......come/down that thou mightest/see 280/1125
1Sa_17:52......fell/down by the way to/Shaaraim 281/1125
1Sa_19:12.....David/down through a window/and 282/1125
1Sa_19:24.......lay/down naked/all....... 283/1125
1Sa_20:19........go/down quickly and come/to 284/1125
1Sa_20:24.......him/down to eat meat/And. 285/1125
1Sa_21:13......fall/down upon his beard/Then 286/1125
1Sa_22:1.......went/down thither to/him.. 287/1125
1Sa_23:4.........go/down to Keilah for/I. 288/1125
1Sa_23:6.......came/down with an/ephod... 289/1125
1Sa_23:8.........go/down to Keilah to/besiege 290/1125
1Sa_23:11......come/down as thy/servant.. 291/1125
1Sa_23:11......come/down Then said/David. 292/1125
1Sa_23:20......come/down according to all/the 293/1125
1Sa_23:20......come/down and our/part.... 294/1125
1Sa_23:25......came/down into a/rock..... 295/1125
1Sa_25:1.......went/down to the wilderness of Paran/And 296/1125
1Sa_25:20......came/down by the covert/on 297/1125
1Sa_25:20......came/down against her/and. 298/1125
1Sa_26:2.......went/down to the wilderness of Ziph/having 299/1125
1Sa_26:6.........go/down with me to/Saul. 300/1125
1Sa_26:6.........go/down with thee So/David 301/1125
1Sa_29:4.........go/down with us to/battle 302/1125 to this company And he/said 303/1125
1Sa_30:15......thee/down to this company And when/he 304/1125
1Sa_30:16.......him/down behold/they..... 305/1125
1Sa_30:24.....goeth/down to the battle/so 306/1125
1Sa_31:1.......fell/down slain in mount Gilboa And the Philistines followed hard upon/Saul 307/1125
2Sa_2:13........sat/down the one/on...... 308/1125
2Sa_2:16.......fell/down together wherefore/that 309/1125
2Sa_2:23.......fell/down there and died/in 310/1125
2Sa_2:23.......fell/down and died/stood.. 311/1125
2Sa_2:24.......went/down when they/were.. 312/1125 And all/the..... 313/1125
2Sa_5:17.......went/down to the hold/The. 314/1125
2Sa_8:2........them/down to the ground even/with 315/1125
2Sa_11:8.........Go/down to thy/house.... 316/1125
2Sa_11:9........not/down to his house And when/they 317/1125
2Sa_11:10.......not/down unto his/house.. 318/1125
2Sa_11:10........go/down unto thine/house 319/1125
2Sa_11:13.......not/down to his house And it/came 320/1125
2Sa_13:5.......thee/down on thy/bed...... 321/1125
2Sa_13:6........lay/down and made/himself 322/1125
2Sa_13:8.......laid/down And she/took.... 323/1125
2Sa_15:20.......and/down with us seeing/I 324/1125
2Sa_15:24.......set/down the ark of God/and 325/1125
2Sa_17:18......went/down And the woman/took 326/1125
2Sa_18:28......fell/down to the earth upon/his 327/1125
2Sa_19:16......came/down with the men/of. 328/1125
2Sa_19:18......fell/down before the king/as 329/1125
2Sa_19:20........go/down to meet my/lord. 330/1125
2Sa_19:24......came/down to meet the/king 331/1125
2Sa_19:31......came/down from Rogelim/and 332/1125 Then cried/a.... 333/1125
2Sa_21:15......went/down and his servants/with 334/1125
2Sa_22:10......came/down and darkness was under his feet And he rode upon a cherub and did fly and/he 335/1125
2Sa_22:28......them/down For thou/art.... 336/1125
2Sa_22:48..bringeth/down the people under/me 337/1125
2Sa_23:13......went/down and came/to..... 338/1125
2Sa_23:20......went/down also and/slew... 339/1125
2Sa_23:21......went/down to him with a staff and plucked the spear out of the Egyptian's hand and slew him with his own spear These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and had the name among three/mighty 340/1125
1Ki_1:25.......gone/down this day/and.... 341/1125
1Ki_1:33........him/down to Gihon/And.... 342/1125
1Ki_1:38.......went/down and caused/Solomon 343/1125
1Ki_1:53........him/down from the altar/And 344/1125
1Ki_2:6..........go/down to the grave in/peace 345/1125
1Ki_2:8........came/down to meet me/at... 346/1125
1Ki_2:9........thou/down to the grave with/blood 347/1125
1Ki_2:19........sat/down on his throne/and 348/1125
1Ki_5:9........them/down from Lebanon/unto 349/1125
1Ki_8:33....smitten/down before the enemy/because 350/1125
1Ki_17:23.......him/down out of the chamber/into 351/1125
1Ki_18:30....broken/down And Elijah took/twelve 352/1125
1Ki_18:40......them/down to the brook/Kishon 353/1125
1Ki_18:42...himself/down upon the earth/and 354/1125
1Ki_18:44......thee/down that the rain/stop 355/1125
1Ki_19:4........sat/down under a/juniper. 356/1125
1Ki_19:6........him/down again And the/angel 357/1125
1Ki_19:10....thrown/down thine altars and slain thy prophets with the sword and I even I only am left and they seek my life to take it away And he/said 358/1125
1Ki_19:14....thrown/down thine altars and slain thy prophets with the sword and I even I only am left and they seek my life to take it away And the/LORD 359/1125
1Ki_21:4........him/down upon his bed/and 360/1125
1Ki_21:16........go/down to the vineyard/of 361/1125
1Ki_21:18........go/down to meet Ahab/king 362/1125
1Ki_21:18......gone/down to possess/it... 363/1125
1Ki_22:2.......came/down to the king/of.. 364/1125
1Ki_22:36.....going/down of the sun saying/Every 365/1125
2Ki_1:2........fell/down through a lattice/in 366/1125
2Ki_1:4........come/down from that bed on which thou art gone up but shalt surely die And Elijah/departed 367/1125
2Ki_1:6........come/down from that bed on which thou art gone up but shalt surely die And he/said 368/1125
2Ki_1:9........Come/down And Elijah answered/and 369/1125
2Ki_1:10.......come/down from heaven and consume thee and thy fifty And there/came 370/1125
2Ki_1:10.......came/down fire/from....... 371/1125
2Ki_1:11.......Come/down quickly And Elijah/answered 372/1125
2Ki_1:12.......come/down from heaven and consume thee and thy fifty And the/fire 373/1125
2Ki_1:12.......came/down from heaven and consumed him/and 374/1125 from heaven and burnt/up 375/1125
2Ki_1:15.........Go/down with him be/not. 376/1125
2Ki_1:15.......went/down with him unto/the 377/1125
2Ki_1:16.......come/down off that/bed.... 378/1125
2Ki_2:2........went/down to Bethel/And... 379/1125
2Ki_3:12.......went/down to him And Elisha/said 380/1125
2Ki_3:25.......beat/down the cities/and.. 381/1125
2Ki_5:14.........he/down and dipped/himself 382/1125
2Ki_5:18........bow/down myself/in....... 383/1125
2Ki_5:21....lighted/down from the chariot/to 384/1125
2Ki_6:4.........cut/down wood/But........ 385/1125
2Ki_6:6.........cut/down a stick/and..... 386/1125
2Ki_6:9........come/down And the king/of. 387/1125
2Ki_6:18.......came/down to him Elisha/prayed 388/1125
2Ki_6:33.......came/down unto him and he/said 389/1125
2Ki_7:17.......came/down to him And it/came 390/1125
2Ki_8:29.......went/down to see Joram the/son 391/1125
2Ki_9:16.......come/down to see Joram And/there 392/1125
2Ki_9:24.......sunk/down in his chariot/Then 393/1125
2Ki_9:33........her/down So/they......... 394/1125
2Ki_9:33........her/down and some/of..... 395/1125
2Ki_10:13........go/down to salute/the... 396/1125
2Ki_10:27.....brake/down the image/of.... 397/1125
2Ki_10:27.....brake/down the house of/Baal 398/1125
2Ki_11:6.....broken/down And two/parts... 399/1125 his altars/and.. 400/1125
2Ki_11:19...brought/down the king from the house of the LORD and came/by 401/1125
2Ki_12:20.....goeth/down to Silla/For.... 402/1125
2Ki_13:14......came/down unto him and wept/over 403/1125
2Ki_13:21.......let/down and touched/the. 404/1125
2Ki_14:9......trode/down the thistle Thou hast/indeed 405/1125
2Ki_14:13.....brake/down the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim unto/the 406/1125
2Ki_16:17......took/down the sea/from.... 407/1125
2Ki_18:4........cut/down the groves and brake/in 408/1125
2Ki_19:16.......bow/down thine ear and hear open/LORD 409/1125
2Ki_19:23.......cut/down the tall cedar/trees 410/1125
2Ki_20:10........go/down ten/degrees..... 411/1125
2Ki_20:11......gone/down in the dial/of.. 412/1125
2Ki_21:13....upside/down And I will forsake/the 413/1125
2Ki_23:5........put/down the idolatrous/priests 414/1125
2Ki_23:7......brake/down the houses/of... 415/1125
2Ki_23:8......brake/down the high places of/the 416/1125
2Ki_23:12......beat/down and brake them/down 417/1125
2Ki_23:12......them/down from thence and cast/the 418/1125
2Ki_23:14.......cut/down the groves and filled/their 419/1125
2Ki_23:15.....brake/down and burned/the.. 420/1125
2Ki_25:10.....brake/down the walls of Jerusalem round/about 421/1125
1Ch_5:22.......fell/down many slain/because 422/1125
1Ch_7:21.......came/down to take away/their 423/1125
1Ch_10:1.......fell/down slain in mount Gilboa And the Philistines followed hard after/Saul 424/1125
1Ch_11:15......went/down to the rock/to.. 425/1125
1Ch_11:22......went/down and slew/a...... 426/1125
1Ch_11:23......went/down to him with a staff and plucked the spear out of the Egyptian's hand and slew him with his own spear These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and had the name among the/three 427/1125
1Ch_29:20.....bowed/down their heads and worshipped/the 428/1125
2Ch_6:13....kneeled/down upon his knees before/all 429/1125
2Ch_7:1........came/down from heaven and consumed the/burnt 430/1125
2Ch_7:3........came/down and the glory/of 431/1125
2Ch_13:17......fell/down slain of/Israel. 432/1125
2Ch_14:3......brake/down the images/and.. 433/1125
2Ch_14:3........cut/down the groves And commanded/Judah 434/1125
2Ch_15:16.......cut/down her idol/and.... 435/1125
2Ch_18:2.......went/down to Ahab/to...... 436/1125
2Ch_18:34.....going/down he died/And..... 437/1125 against them/behold 438/1125
2Ch_22:6.......went/down to see Jehoram/the 439/1125 and brake his/altars 440/1125
2Ch_23:20...brought/down the king from the house of the LORD and they/came 441/1125
2Ch_25:8.......cast/down And Amaziah/said 442/1125
2Ch_25:12......them/down from the top of the rock/that 443/1125
2Ch_25:14.....bowed/down himself before them/and 444/1125
2Ch_25:18.....trode/down the thistle Thou sayest/Lo 445/1125
2Ch_25:23.....brake/down the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim to/the 446/1125
2Ch_26:6......brake/down the wall of Gath/and 447/1125
2Ch_31:1........cut/down the groves and threw/down 448/1125
2Ch_31:1......threw/down the high places and/the 449/1125
2Ch_32:30..straight/down to the west/side 450/1125
2Ch_33:3.....broken/down and he reared/up 451/1125
2Ch_34:4......brake/down the altars of/Baalim 452/1125
2Ch_34:4........cut/down and the groves/and 453/1125
2Ch_34:7.....broken/down the altars and/the 454/1125
2Ch_34:7........cut/down all the idols/throughout 455/1125
2Ch_36:3........him/down at Jerusalem/and 456/1125
2Ch_36:19.....brake/down the wall of Jerusalem and/burnt 457/1125
Ezr_6:11.....pulled/down from his house/and 458/1125
Ezr_9:3.........sat/down astonied/Then... 459/1125
Ezr_10:1....himself/down before the house/of 460/1125
Ezr_10:16.......sat/down in the first/day 461/1125
Neh_1:3......broken/down and the gates thereof are/burned 462/1125
Neh_1:4.........sat/down and wept/and.... 463/1125
Neh_2:13.....broken/down and the gates thereof were/consumed 464/1125
Neh_3:15.........go/down from the city/of 465/1125
Neh_4:3.......break/down their stone/wall 466/1125
Neh_6:3........come/down why should/the.. 467/1125
Neh_6:3........come/down to you/Yet...... 468/1125
Neh_6:16.......cast/down in their own/eyes 469/1125
Neh_9:13.....camest/down also upon/mount. 470/1125
Est_3:15........sat/down to drink/but.... 471/1125
Est_8:3........fell/down at his feet and besought him with/tears 472/1125
Job_1:7.........and/down in it And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil Then/Satan 473/1125
Job_1:20.......fell/down upon the ground/and 474/1125
Job_2:2.........and/down in it And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil and/still 475/1125
Job_2:8.........sat/down among the ashes/Then 476/1125
Job_2:13........sat/down with him upon/the 477/1125
Job_6:21....casting/down and are afraid/Did 478/1125
Job_7:4.........lie/down I say/When...... 479/1125
Job_7:9.......goeth/down to the grave shall/come 480/1125
Job_7:19....swallow/down my spittle/I.... 481/1125
Job_8:12........cut/down it/withereth.... 482/1125
Job_11:19.......lie/down and none shall make thee/afraid 483/1125
Job_12:14..breaketh/down and it cannot/be 484/1125
Job_14:2........cut/down he fleeth/also.. 485/1125
Job_14:7........cut/down that it/will.... 486/1125
Job_14:12.....lieth/down and riseth/not.. 487/1125
Job_17:3........Lay/down now put/me...... 488/1125
Job_17:16........go/down to the bars/of.. 489/1125
Job_18:7........him/down For he/is....... 490/1125
Job_20:11.......lie/down with him in/the. 491/1125
Job_20:15.swallowed/down riches/and...... 492/1125 according to his/substance 493/1125
Job_21:13........go/down to the grave Therefore/they 494/1125
Job_21:26.......lie/down alike/in........ 495/1125
Job_22:16.......cut/down out of time/whose 496/1125
Job_22:20.......cut/down but the/remnant. 497/1125
Job_22:29......cast/down then thou/shalt. 498/1125
Job_27:19.......lie/down but he/shall.... 499/1125
Job_29:24.......not/down I chose/out..... 500/1125
Job_31:10.......bow/down upon her/For.... 501/1125
Job_32:13.......him/down not man/Now..... 502/1125
Job_33:24.....going/down to the pit I/have 503/1125
Job_36:27......pour/down rain/according.. 504/1125
Job_40:12.....tread/down the wicked in/their 505/1125
Job_41:1....lettest/down Canst/thou...... 506/1125
Job_41:9.......cast/down even at/the..... 507/1125 and slept/I..... 508/1125 in peace/and.... 509/1125
Psa_7:5.......tread/down my life upon/the 510/1125
Psa_7:16.......come/down upon his own/pate 511/1125
Psa_9:15.......sunk/down in the pit/that. 512/1125
Psa_14:2.....looked/down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand and/seek 513/1125
Psa_17:11....bowing/down to the earth Like/as 514/1125
Psa_17:13.......him/down deliver/my...... 515/1125
Psa_18:9.......came/down and darkness was under his feet And he rode upon a cherub and did fly yea/he 516/1125
Psa_18:27.....bring/down high/looks...... 517/1125
Psa_20:8....brought/down and fallen/but.. 518/1125
Psa_22:29........go/down to the dust shall/bow 519/1125
Psa_23:2........lie/down in green/pastures 520/1125
Psa_28:1.........go/down into the pit Hear/the 521/1125
Psa_30:3.........go/down to the pit Sing/unto 522/1125
Psa_30:9.........go/down to the pit Shall/the 523/1125
Psa_31:2........Bow/down thine ear to/me. 524/1125
Psa_35:14.....bowed/down heavily/as...... 525/1125
Psa_36:12......cast/down and shall not/be 526/1125
Psa_37:2........cut/down like the grass/and 527/1125
Psa_37:14......cast/down the poor/and.... 528/1125
Psa_37:24......cast/down for the LORD/upholdeth 529/1125
Psa_38:6......bowed/down greatly/I....... 530/1125
Psa_42:5.......cast/down O my soul and why art thou disquieted in/me 531/1125
Psa_42:6.......cast/down within/me....... 532/1125
Psa_42:11......cast/down O my soul and why art thou disquieted within me hope thou/in 533/1125
Psa_43:5.......cast/down O my soul and why art thou disquieted within me hope in/God 534/1125
Psa_44:5.......push/down our enemies through/thy 535/1125
Psa_44:25.....bowed/down to the dust our/belly 536/1125
Psa_50:1......going/down thereof/Out..... 537/1125
Psa_53:2.....looked/down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand that/did 538/1125
Psa_55:15........go/down quick into hell/for 539/1125
Psa_55:23......them/down into the pit of/destruction 540/1125
Psa_56:7.......cast/down the people O/God 541/1125
Psa_57:6......bowed/down they have/digged 542/1125
Psa_59:11......them/down O Lord our/shield 543/1125
Psa_59:15.......and/down for meat/and.... 544/1125
Psa_60:12.....tread/down our enemies Hear/my 545/1125
Psa_62:4........him/down from his excellency/they 546/1125
Psa_72:6.......come/down like rain/upon.. 547/1125
Psa_72:11......fall/down before him all/nations 548/1125
Psa_73:18......them/down into destruction/How 549/1125
Psa_74:6......break/down the carved/work. 550/1125
Psa_74:7....casting/down the dwelling/place 551/1125
Psa_75:7....putteth/down one and/setteth. 552/1125 like rivers/And. 553/1125
Psa_78:24....rained/down manna/upon...... 554/1125
Psa_78:31.....smote/down the chosen/men.. 555/1125
Psa_80:12....broken/down her hedges/so... 556/1125
Psa_80:14......look/down from heaven and behold and/visit 557/1125
Psa_80:16.......cut/down they perish/at.. 558/1125
Psa_85:11......look/down from heaven Yea/the 559/1125
Psa_86:1........Bow/down thine ear O/LORD 560/1125
Psa_88:4.........go/down into the pit I/am 561/1125
Psa_89:23......beat/down his foes/before. 562/1125
Psa_89:40....broken/down all his/hedges.. 563/1125
Psa_89:44....throne/down to the ground The/days 564/1125
Psa_90:6........cut/down and withereth/For 565/1125
Psa_95:6........bow/down let/us.......... 566/1125 My days/are..... 567/1125
Psa_102:19...looked/down from the height/of 568/1125
Psa_104:8........go/down by the valleys/unto 569/1125
Psa_104:19....going/down Thou makest/darkness 570/1125
Psa_104:22.....them/down in their dens/Man 571/1125
Psa_107:12..brought/down their heart/with 572/1125
Psa_107:12.....fell/down and there was/none 573/1125
Psa_107:23.......go/down to the sea in/ships 574/1125
Psa_107:26.......go/down again to/the.... 575/1125
Psa_108:13....tread/down our enemies Hold/not 576/1125
Psa_109:23......and/down as the locust/My 577/1125
Psa_113:3.....going/down of the same the/LORD's 578/1125
Psa_115:17.......go/down into silence/But 579/1125
Psa_119:118.trodden/down all them/that... 580/1125 mine/eyes....... 581/1125
Psa_133:2.......ran/down upon the beard/even 582/1125
Psa_133:2......went/down to the skirts/of 583/1125
Psa_137:1.......sat/down yea we/wept..... 584/1125
Psa_139:3.....lying/down and art/acquainted 585/1125 to the ground he hath made/me 586/1125
Psa_143:7........go/down into the pit Cause/me 587/1125
Psa_144:5......come/down touch/the....... 588/1125
Psa_145:14....bowed/down The eyes/of..... 589/1125
Psa_146:8.....bowed/down the LORD loveth/the 590/1125
Psa_146:9....upside/down The LORD shall/reign 591/1125
Psa_147:6....wicked/down to the ground Sing/unto 592/1125
Pro_1:12.........go/down into the pit We/shall 593/1125
Pro_3:20.......drop/down the dew/My...... 594/1125
Pro_3:24......liest/down thou shalt/not.. 595/1125
Pro_3:24........lie/down and thy/sleep... 596/1125
Pro_5:5..........go/down to death/her.... 597/1125
Pro_7:26.......cast/down many wounded/yea 598/1125
Pro_7:27......going/down to the chambers/of 599/1125 with her/hands.. 600/1125
Pro_18:8.........go/down into the innermost parts of the belly He/also 601/1125
Pro_21:22...casteth/down the strength/of. 602/1125
Pro_22:17.......Bow/down thine ear and hear the/words 603/1125
Pro_23:34.....lieth/down in the midst of the sea/or 604/1125
Pro_24:31....broken/down Then I/saw...... 605/1125
Pro_25:26...falling/down before the wicked/is 606/1125
Pro_25:28....broken/down and without/walls 607/1125
Pro_26:22........go/down into the innermost parts of the belly Burning/lips 608/1125
Ecc_1:5.......goeth/down and hasteth/to.. 609/1125
Ecc_3:3.......break/down and a/time...... 610/1125
Son_2:3.........sat/down under his/shadow 611/1125
Son_6:2........gone/down into his/garden. 612/1125
Son_6:11.......went/down into the garden/of 613/1125
Son_7:9.......goeth/down sweetly/causing. 614/1125
Isa_2:9......boweth/down and the great/man 615/1125
Isa_2:11......bowed/down and the LORD alone/shall 616/1125
Isa_2:17......bowed/down and the haughtiness/of 617/1125
Isa_5:5.......break/down the wall thereof/and 618/1125
Isa_5:5.....trodden/down And I will lay/it 619/1125
Isa_5:15....brought/down and the mighty/man 620/1125
Isa_9:10.....fallen/down but we will build/with 621/1125
Isa_9:10........cut/down but we will change/them 622/1125
Isa_10:4........bow/down under the/prisoners 623/1125
Isa_10:6.......them/down like the mire/of 624/1125
Isa_10:13.......put/down the inhabitants/like 625/1125
Isa_10:33......hewn/down and the haughty/shall 626/1125
Isa_10:34.......cut/down the thickets/of. 627/1125
Isa_11:6........lie/down with the kid/and 628/1125
Isa_11:7........lie/down together and/the 629/1125
Isa_14:8.......laid/down no/feller....... 630/1125
Isa_14:11...brought/down to the grave and the/noise 631/1125
Isa_14:12.......cut/down to the ground which/didst 632/1125
Isa_14:15...brought/down to hell to/the.. 633/1125
Isa_14:19........go/down to the stones/of 634/1125
Isa_14:30.......lie/down in safety/and... 635/1125
Isa_16:8.....broken/down the principal/plants 636/1125
Isa_17:2........lie/down and none shall make them afraid The/fortress 637/1125
Isa_18:2....trodden/down whose/land...... 638/1125
Isa_18:5........cut/down the branches/They 639/1125
Isa_21:3......bowed/down at the hearing/of 640/1125
Isa_22:5...treading/down and of/perplexity 641/1125
Isa_22:5...breaking/down the walls and/of 642/1125
Isa_22:10....broken/down to fortify/the.. 643/1125
Isa_22:19......thee/down And it shall come/to 644/1125
Isa_22:25.......cut/down and fall/and.... 645/1125
Isa_24:1.....upside/down and scattereth/abroad 646/1125
Isa_24:10....broken/down every house/is.. 647/1125
Isa_24:19....broken/down the earth/is.... 648/1125
Isa_25:5......bring/down the noise/of.... 649/1125
Isa_25:10...trodden/down under him/even.. 650/1125
Isa_25:10...trodden/down for the dunghill/And 651/1125
Isa_25:11.....bring/down their pride/together 652/1125
Isa_25:12.....bring/down lay/low......... 653/1125
Isa_26:5...bringeth/down them/that....... 654/1125 even the feet/of 655/1125
Isa_27:10.......lie/down and consume/the. 656/1125
Isa_28:2.......cast/down to the earth with/the 657/1125
Isa_28:18...trodden/down by it/From...... 658/1125
Isa_29:4....brought/down and shalt/speak. 659/1125
Isa_29:16....upside/down shall be esteemed/as 660/1125
Isa_30:2.........go/down into Egypt and have/not 661/1125 of his/arm...... 662/1125
Isa_30:31....beaten/down which smote/with 663/1125
Isa_31:1.........go/down to Egypt for/help 664/1125
Isa_31:3.......fall/down and they all/shall 665/1125
Isa_31:4.......come/down to fight for/mount 666/1125
Isa_32:19....coming/down on the forest/and 667/1125
Isa_33:9.......hewn/down Sharon/is....... 668/1125
Isa_33:20.....taken/down not one/of...... 669/1125
Isa_34:4.......fall/down as the leaf/falleth 670/1125
Isa_34:5.......come/down upon Idumea/and. 671/1125
Isa_34:7.......come/down with them and the/bullocks 672/1125
Isa_37:24.......cut/down the tall cedars/thereof 673/1125
Isa_38:8.......gone/down in the sun/dial. 674/1125
Isa_38:8.......gone/down The writing/of.. 675/1125
Isa_38:18........go/down into the pit cannot/hope 676/1125
Isa_42:10........go/down to the sea and/all 677/1125
Isa_43:14...brought/down all their nobles/and 678/1125
Isa_43:17.......lie/down together they shall/not 679/1125
Isa_44:14.......him/down cedars/and...... 680/1125
Isa_44:15...falleth/down thereto He/burneth 681/1125
Isa_44:17...falleth/down unto it and/worshippeth 682/1125
Isa_44:19......fall/down to the stock/of. 683/1125
Isa_45:8.......Drop/down ye/heavens...... 684/1125
Isa_45:8.......pour/down righteousness/let 685/1125
Isa_45:14......fall/down unto thee they/shall 686/1125
Isa_46:1.....boweth/down Nebo/stoopeth... 687/1125
Isa_46:2........bow/down together they could/not 688/1125
Isa_46:6.......fall/down yea they/worship 689/1125
Isa_47:1.......Come/down and sit/in...... 690/1125
Isa_49:23.......bow/down to thee with/their 691/1125
Isa_50:11.......lie/down in sorrow/Hearken 692/1125
Isa_51:23.......Bow/down that we/may..... 693/1125
Isa_52:2........sit/down O Jerusalem/loose 694/1125
Isa_52:4.......went/down aforetime/into.. 695/1125
Isa_55:10....cometh/down and the snow/from 696/1125
Isa_56:10.....lying/down loving/to....... 697/1125
Isa_58:5........bow/down his head as/a... 698/1125
Isa_60:14themselves/down at the soles/of. 699/1125
Isa_60:20........go/down neither/shall... 700/1125
Isa_63:6......tread/down the people in/mine 701/1125
Isa_63:6......bring/down their strength/to 702/1125
Isa_63:14.....goeth/down into the valley the/Spirit 703/1125
Isa_63:15......Look/down from heaven and behold from/the 704/1125
Isa_63:18...trodden/down thy sanctuary/We 705/1125
Isa_64:1.......come/down that the mountains/might 706/1125
Isa_64:1.......flow/down at thy presence As/when 707/1125
Isa_64:3.....camest/down the mountains/flowed 708/1125
Isa_64:3.....flowed/down at thy presence For/since 709/1125
Isa_65:10.......lie/down in for/my....... 710/1125
Isa_65:12.......bow/down to the slaughter because/when 711/1125
Jer_1:10.......pull/down and to destroy and to throw/down 712/1125
Jer_1:10......throw/down to build/and.... 713/1125
Jer_3:25........lie/down in our shame/and 714/1125
Jer_4:26.....broken/down at the presence/of 715/1125 trees/and....... 716/1125
Jer_6:15.......cast/down saith the LORD Thus/saith 717/1125
Jer_8:12.......cast/down saith the LORD I/will 718/1125 with tears and/our 719/1125 with tears because/the 720/1125
Jer_13:18.......sit/down for your/principalities 721/1125
Jer_13:18......come/down even the crown/of 722/1125 with tears night/and 723/1125
Jer_15:9.......gone/down while/it........ 724/1125
Jer_18:2.........go/down to the potter's house and there/I 725/1125
Jer_18:3.......went/down to the potter's house and behold/he 726/1125
Jer_18:7.......pull/down and to destroy it/If 727/1125
Jer_21:13......come/down against us/or... 728/1125
Jer_22:1.........Go/down to the house/of. 729/1125
Jer_22:7........cut/down thy choice/cedars 730/1125
Jer_24:6.......them/down and I will plant them/and 731/1125
Jer_25:37.......cut/down because/of...... 732/1125
Jer_26:10.......sat/down in the entry/of. 733/1125
Jer_31:28.....break/down and to throw/down 734/1125
Jer_31:28.....throw/down and to destroy and to afflict/so 735/1125
Jer_31:40....thrown/down any more/for.... 736/1125
Jer_33:4.....thrown/down by the mounts/and 737/1125
Jer_33:12.......lie/down In the cities/of 738/1125
Jer_36:12......went/down into the king's/house 739/1125
Jer_36:15.......Sit/down now and read/it. 740/1125
Jer_38:6........let/down Jeremiah/with... 741/1125
Jer_38:11......them/down by cords/into... 742/1125
Jer_39:8......brake/down the walls of Jerusalem Then/Nebuzaradan 743/1125 and I will plant you/and 744/1125
Jer_45:4......break/down and that/which.. 745/1125
Jer_46:5.....beaten/down and are fled/apace 746/1125
Jer_46:23.......cut/down her forest/saith 747/1125
Jer_48:2........cut/down O Madmen/the.... 748/1125
Jer_48:5......going/down of Horonaim/the. 749/1125
Jer_48:15......gone/down to the slaughter saith/the 750/1125
Jer_48:18......come/down from thy glory/and 751/1125
Jer_48:20....broken/down howl/and........ 752/1125
Jer_48:39....broken/down how/hath........ 753/1125
Jer_49:16......thee/down from thence saith/the 754/1125
Jer_50:15....thrown/down for it is the/vengeance 755/1125
Jer_50:27........go/down to the slaughter woe/unto 756/1125
Jer_51:25......thee/down from the rocks/and 757/1125
Jer_51:40......them/down like lambs/to... 758/1125
Jer_52:14.....brake/down all the walls/of 759/1125
Lam_1:9........came/down wonderfully/she. 760/1125
Lam_1:16....runneth/down with water/because 761/1125
Lam_2:1........cast/down from heaven unto/the 762/1125
Lam_2:2......thrown/down in his wrath/the 763/1125
Lam_2:2........them/down to the ground he hath polluted/the 764/1125
Lam_2:10.......hang/down their heads to/the 765/1125
Lam_2:17.....thrown/down and hath/not.... 766/1125 like a/river.... 767/1125
Lam_3:48....runneth/down with rivers/of.. 768/1125
Lam_3:49..trickleth/down and ceaseth/not. 769/1125
Lam_3:50.......look/down and behold/from. 770/1125
Lam_3:63....sitting/down and their/rising 771/1125
Eze_1:13........and/down among the living/creatures 772/1125
Eze_1:24........let/down their wings And there/was 773/1125
Eze_1:25........let/down their wings And above/the 774/1125
Eze_6:4........cast/down your slain/men.. 775/1125
Eze_6:6.........cut/down and your/works.. 776/1125
Eze_11:13.........I/down upon my/face.... 777/1125
Eze_13:14.....break/down the wall that/ye 778/1125 to the ground so/that 779/1125
Eze_16:39.....throw/down thine eminent/place 780/1125
Eze_16:39.....break/down thy high/places. 781/1125
Eze_17:24...brought/down the high tree/have 782/1125
Eze_19:2........lay/down among lions/she. 783/1125
Eze_19:6........and/down among the lions/he 784/1125
Eze_19:12......cast/down to the ground and the/east 785/1125 Forbear/to...... 786/1125
Eze_26:4......break/down her towers/I.... 787/1125
Eze_26:9......break/down thy towers/By... 788/1125
Eze_26:11.....tread/down all thy streets/he 789/1125
Eze_26:11........go/down to the ground And they/shall 790/1125
Eze_26:12.....break/down thy walls/and... 791/1125
Eze_26:16......come/down from their thrones/and 792/1125
Eze_26:20......thee/down with them that/descend 793/1125
Eze_26:20........go/down to the pit that/thou 794/1125
Eze_27:29......come/down from their ships/they 795/1125
Eze_28:8.......thee/down to the pit and/thou 796/1125
Eze_28:14.......and/down in the midst of the stones/of 797/1125
Eze_30:4.....broken/down Ethiopia/and.... 798/1125
Eze_30:6.......come/down from the tower/of 799/1125
Eze_30:25......fall/down and they shall know/that 800/1125
Eze_31:12......gone/down from his shadow/and 801/1125
Eze_31:14........go/down to the pit Thus/saith 802/1125
Eze_31:15......went/down to the grave I/caused 803/1125
Eze_31:16.......him/down to hell with them/that 804/1125
Eze_31:17......went/down into hell/with.. 805/1125
Eze_31:18...brought/down with the trees/of 806/1125
Eze_32:18......them/down even her/and.... 807/1125
Eze_32:18........go/down into the pit Whom/dost 808/1125
Eze_32:19........go/down and be/thou..... 809/1125
Eze_32:21......gone/down they lie/uncircumcised 810/1125
Eze_32:24......gone/down uncircumcised/into 811/1125
Eze_32:24........go/down to the pit They/have 812/1125
Eze_32:25........go/down to the pit he/is 813/1125
Eze_32:27......gone/down to hell with their/weapons 814/1125
Eze_32:29........go/down to the pit There/be 815/1125
Eze_32:30......gone/down with the slain/with 816/1125
Eze_32:30........go/down to the pit Pharaoh/shall 817/1125
Eze_34:15.......lie/down saith the Lord GOD/I 818/1125
Eze_34:18.....tread/down with your/feet.. 819/1125
Eze_34:26......come/down in his season/there 820/1125 in the midst of the valley/which 821/1125
Eze_38:20....thrown/down and the steep/places 822/1125
Eze_39:10.......cut/down any out/of...... 823/1125
Eze_47:1.......came/down from under/from. 824/1125
Eze_47:8.........go/down into the desert/and 825/1125
Dan_3:5........fall/down and worship the golden image that/Nebuchadnezzar 826/1125
Dan_3:6.........not/down and worshippeth shall/the 827/1125
Dan_3:7........fell/down and worshipped the/golden 828/1125
Dan_3:10.......fall/down and worship the golden image And/whoso 829/1125
Dan_3:11........not/down and worshippeth that/he 830/1125
Dan_3:15.......fall/down and worship the image/which 831/1125
Dan_3:23.......fell/down bound/into...... 832/1125
Dan_4:13.......came/down from heaven He/cried 833/1125
Dan_4:14........Hew/down the tree and cut/off 834/1125
Dan_4:23.....coming/down from heaven and saying/Hew 835/1125
Dan_4:23.......tree/down and destroy/it.. 836/1125
Dan_5:19........put/down But when/his.... 837/1125
Dan_6:14......going/down of the sun to/deliver 838/1125
Dan_7:9........cast/down and the Ancient/of 839/1125 and break/it.... 840/1125
Dan_8:7.........him/down to the ground and stamped/upon 841/1125
Dan_8:10.......cast/down some/of......... 842/1125
Dan_8:11.......cast/down And an/host..... 843/1125
Dan_8:12.......cast/down the truth/to.... 844/1125
Dan_11:12......cast/down many ten/thousands 845/1125
Dan_11:26......fall/down slain And/both.. 846/1125
Hos_2:18........lie/down safely/And...... 847/1125
Hos_7:12.......them/down as the fowls/of. 848/1125
Hos_10:2......break/down their altars he/shall 849/1125
Joe_1:17.....broken/down for the corn/is. 850/1125
Joe_2:23.......come/down for you/the..... 851/1125
Joe_3:2........them/down into the valley of/Jehoshaphat 852/1125
Joe_3:11.......come/down O LORD Let/the.. 853/1125 for the press/is 854/1125
Joe_3:18.......drop/down new/wine........ 855/1125
Amo_2:8..themselves/down upon clothes/laid 856/1125
Amo_3:11......bring/down thy strength/from 857/1125 as waters/and... 858/1125
Amo_6:2..........go/down to Gath/of...... 859/1125
Amo_8:9..........go/down at noon/and..... 860/1125
Amo_9:2........them/down And though/they. 861/1125 to the ground Though/thou 862/1125
Oba_1:4........thee/down saith the LORD If/thieves 863/1125
Oba_1:16....swallow/down and they shall be/as 864/1125
Jon_1:3........went/down to Joppa/and.... 865/1125
Jon_1:3........went/down into it/to...... 866/1125
Jon_1:5........gone/down into the sides/of 867/1125
Jon_2:6........went/down to the bottoms/of 868/1125
Mic_1:3........come/down and tread/upon.. 869/1125
Mic_1:4......poured/down a steep place For/the 870/1125
Mic_1:6........pour/down the stones/thereof 871/1125
Mic_1:12.......came/down from the LORD/unto 872/1125
Mic_3:6..........go/down over the/prophets 873/1125
Mic_5:8....treadeth/down and teareth/in.. 874/1125
Mic_5:11......throw/down all thy strong/holds 875/1125
Mic_6:14....casting/down shall be in/the. 876/1125
Mic_7:10....trodden/down as the mire/of.. 877/1125
Nah_1:6......thrown/down by him/The...... 878/1125
Nah_1:12........cut/down when he/shall... 879/1125
Zep_1:11........cut/down all they/that... 880/1125
Zep_2:7.........lie/down in the evening/for 881/1125
Zep_2:14........lie/down in the midst of her/all 882/1125
Zep_2:15........lie/down in every/one.... 883/1125
Zep_3:13........lie/down and none shall make them afraid Sing/O 884/1125
Hag_2:22.......come/down every one/by.... 885/1125
Zec_10:5......tread/down their enemies/in 886/1125
Zec_10:11...brought/down and the sceptre/of 887/1125
Zec_10:12.......and/down in his name/saith 888/1125
Zec_11:2.......come/down There is/a...... 889/1125
Mal_1:4.......throw/down and they shall call/them 890/1125
Mal_1:11......going/down of the same my/name 891/1125
Mal_4:3.......tread/down the wicked for/they 892/1125
Mat_2:11.......fell/down and worshipped him and/when 893/1125
Mat_3:10.......hewn/down and cast into the fire I/indeed 894/1125
Mat_4:6.....thyself/down for it is written/He 895/1125
Mat_4:9........fall/down and worship me/Then 896/1125
Mat_7:19.......hewn/down and cast into the fire Wherefore/by 897/1125
Mat_8:1........come/down from the mountain great/multitudes 898/1125
Mat_8:11........sit/down with Abraham/and 899/1125
Mat_8:32..violently/down a steep place into the sea and/perished 900/1125
Mat_9:10........sat/down with him and/his 901/1125
Mat_11:23...brought/down to hell for/if.. 902/1125
Mat_13:48.......sat/down and gathered/the 903/1125
Mat_14:19.......sit/down on the grass/and 904/1125
Mat_14:29......come/down out of the ship/he 905/1125
Mat_15:29.......sat/down there And great/multitudes 906/1125
Mat_15:30......them/down at Jesus' feet and he/healed 907/1125
Mat_15:35.......sit/down on the ground And he took the seven loaves and the/fishes 908/1125
Mat_17:9.......came/down from the mountain Jesus/charged 909/1125
Mat_17:14..kneeling/down to him and saying Lord/have 910/1125
Mat_18:26......fell/down and worshipped him saying/Lord 911/1125
Mat_18:29......fell/down at his feet and besought him saying/Have 912/1125
Mat_21:8........cut/down branches from/the 913/1125
Mat_24:2.....thrown/down And as he sat upon the mount of Olives the/disciples 914/1125
Mat_24:17......come/down to take any/thing 915/1125
Mat_26:20.......sat/down with the twelve/And 916/1125
Mat_27:5.......cast/down the pieces/of... 917/1125
Mat_27:19.......set/down on the judgment/seat 918/1125
Mat_27:36...sitting/down they watched/him 919/1125
Mat_27:40......come/down from the cross Likewise also the chief priests mocking him/with 920/1125
Mat_27:42......come/down from the cross and/we 921/1125
Mar_1:7.......stoop/down and unloose/I... 922/1125
Mar_1:40...kneeling/down to him and saying unto/him 923/1125
Mar_2:4.........let/down the bed/wherein. 924/1125
Mar_3:11.......fell/down before him and cried/saying 925/1125
Mar_3:22.......came/down from Jerusalem said/He 926/1125
Mar_5:13..violently/down a steep place into the sea they/were 927/1125
Mar_5:33.......fell/down before him and told/him 928/1125
Mar_6:39........sit/down by companies/upon 929/1125
Mar_6:40........sat/down in ranks/by..... 930/1125
Mar_8:6.........sit/down on the ground and he took the seven loaves and gave/thanks 931/1125
Mar_9:9........came/down from the mountain he/charged 932/1125
Mar_9:35........sat/down and called/the.. 933/1125
Mar_11:8........cut/down branches off/the 934/1125
Mar_13:2.....thrown/down And as he sat upon the mount of Olives over/against 935/1125
Mar_13:15........go/down into the house/neither 936/1125
Mar_15:30......come/down from the cross Likewise also the chief priests mocking said/among 937/1125
Mar_15:36.......him/down And Jesus/cried. 938/1125
Mar_15:46.......him/down and wrapped him/in 939/1125
Luk_1:52........put/down the mighty/from. 940/1125
Luk_2:51.......went/down with them and came/to 941/1125
Luk_3:9........hewn/down and cast into the fire And/the 942/1125
Luk_4:9.....thyself/down from hence/For.. 943/1125
Luk_4:20........sat/down And the eyes/of. 944/1125
Luk_4:29........him/down headlong/But.... 945/1125
Luk_4:31.......came/down to Capernaum a/city 946/1125
Luk_5:3.........sat/down and taught the/people 947/1125
Luk_5:4.........let/down your nets/for... 948/1125
Luk_5:5.........let/down the net/And..... 949/1125
Luk_5:8........fell/down at Jesus' knees/saying 950/1125
Luk_5:19........him/down through the/tiling 951/1125
Luk_5:29........sat/down with them But/their 952/1125
Luk_6:17.......came/down with them and stood/in 953/1125
Luk_6:38....pressed/down and shaken/together 954/1125
Luk_7:36........sat/down to meat And behold/a 955/1125
Luk_8:5.....trodden/down and the fowls/of 956/1125
Luk_8:23.......came/down a storm/of...... 957/1125
Luk_8:28.......fell/down before him and with/a 958/1125
Luk_8:33..violently/down a steep place into the lake/and 959/1125
Luk_8:41.......fell/down at Jesus' feet and besought/him 960/1125
Luk_8:47....falling/down before him she/declared 961/1125
Luk_9:14........sit/down by fifties/in... 962/1125
Luk_9:15........sit/down Then he/took.... 963/1125
Luk_9:37.......come/down from the hill/much 964/1125
Luk_9:42........him/down and tare/him.... 965/1125
Luk_9:44.......sink/down into your/ears.. 966/1125
Luk_9:54.......come/down from heaven and consume them/even 967/1125
Luk_10:15....thrust/down to hell He/that. 968/1125
Luk_10:30......went/down from Jerusalem to/Jericho 969/1125
Luk_10:31......came/down a certain/priest 970/1125
Luk_11:37.......sat/down to meat And when/the 971/1125
Luk_12:18......pull/down my barns/and.... 972/1125
Luk_12:37.......sit/down to meat and will come/forth 973/1125 why cumbereth/it 974/1125 And he was/teaching 975/1125
Luk_13:29.......sit/down in the kingdom/of 976/1125
Luk_14:8........not/down in the highest/room 977/1125
Luk_14:10.......sit/down in the lowest/room 978/1125
Luk_14:28.......not/down first and counteth/the 979/1125
Luk_14:31.......not/down first and consulteth/whether 980/1125
Luk_16:6........sit/down quickly and write/fifty 981/1125
Luk_17:7........sit/down to meat And will not/rather 982/1125
Luk_17:16......fell/down on his face at/his 983/1125
Luk_17:31......come/down to take it/away. 984/1125
Luk_18:14......went/down to his house justified/rather 985/1125
Luk_19:5.......come/down for to/day...... 986/1125
Luk_19:6.......came/down and received/him 987/1125
Luk_19:21.......not/down and reapest/that 988/1125
Luk_19:22.......not/down and reaping/that 989/1125
Luk_21:6.....thrown/down And they asked/him 990/1125
Luk_21:24...trodden/down of the Gentiles/until 991/1125
Luk_22:14.......sat/down and the twelve/apostles 992/1125
Luk_22:41...kneeled/down and prayed Saying/Father 993/1125
Luk_22:44...falling/down to the ground And when/he 994/1125
Luk_22:55.......set/down together Peter/sat 995/1125
Luk_22:55.......sat/down among them/But.. 996/1125 and wrapped it/in 997/1125
Luk_24:5......bowed/down their faces/to.. 998/1125
Luk_24:12..stooping/down he beheld/the... 999/1125
Joh_2:12.......went/down to Capernaum he/and 1000/1125
Joh_3:13.......came/down from heaven even/the 1001/1125
Joh_4:47.......come/down and heal/his... 1002/1125
Joh_4:49.......come/down ere/my......... 1003/1125
Joh_4:51......going/down his servants/met 1004/1125
Joh_5:4........went/down at a/certain... 1005/1125
Joh_5:7....steppeth/down before me Jesus/saith 1006/1125
Joh_6:10........sit/down Now there/was.. 1007/1125
Joh_6:10........sat/down in number/about 1008/1125
Joh_6:11........set/down and likewise/of 1009/1125
Joh_6:16.......went/down unto the sea/And 1010/1125
Joh_6:33.....cometh/down from heaven and giveth/life 1011/1125
Joh_6:38.......came/down from heaven not to/do 1012/1125
Joh_6:41.......came/down from heaven And they/said 1013/1125
Joh_6:42.......came/down from heaven Jesus/therefore 1014/1125
Joh_6:50.....cometh/down from heaven that/a 1015/1125
Joh_6:51.......came/down from heaven if/any 1016/1125
Joh_6:58.......came/down from heaven not as/your 1017/1125
Joh_8:2.........sat/down and taught them/And 1018/1125
Joh_8:6.....stooped/down and with/his... 1019/1125
Joh_8:8.....stooped/down and wrote/on... 1020/1125
Joh_10:15.......lay/down my life for the/sheep 1021/1125
Joh_10:17.......lay/down my life that/I. 1022/1125 of myself/I.... 1023/1125 and I have/power 1024/1125
Joh_11:32......fell/down at his feet saying/unto 1025/1125
Joh_13:12.......set/down again he/said.. 1026/1125
Joh_13:37.......lay/down my life for thy/sake 1027/1125
Joh_13:38.......lay/down thy life/for... 1028/1125
Joh_15:13.......lay/down his life for his/friends 1029/1125
Joh_19:13.......sat/down in the judgment/seat 1030/1125
Joh_20:5...stooping/down and looking/in. 1031/1125
Joh_20:11...stooped/down and looked/into 1032/1125
Act_4:35.......them/down at the apostles'/feet 1033/1125
Act_5:5........fell/down and gave/up.... 1034/1125
Act_5:10........she/down straightway/at. 1035/1125
Act_7:15.......went/down into Egypt and died/he 1036/1125
Act_7:34.......come/down to deliver them And/now 1037/1125
Act_7:58.......laid/down their clothes/at 1038/1125
Act_7:60....kneeled/down and cried/with. 1039/1125
Act_8:5........went/down to the city/of. 1040/1125
Act_8:15.......come/down prayed/for..... 1041/1125
Act_8:26......goeth/down from Jerusalem unto/Gaza 1042/1125
Act_8:38.......went/down both/into...... 1043/1125
Act_9:25........him/down by the wall in/a 1044/1125
Act_9:30........him/down to Caesarea/and 1045/1125
Act_9:32.......came/down also to/the.... 1046/1125
Act_9:40....kneeled/down and prayed and/turning 1047/1125
Act_10:11.......let/down to the earth Wherein/were 1048/1125
Act_10:20......thee/down and go/with.... 1049/1125
Act_10:21......went/down to the men/which 1050/1125
Act_10:25......fell/down at his feet and worshipped/him 1051/1125
Act_11:5........let/down from heaven by/four 1052/1125
Act_12:19......went/down from Judaea to/Caesarea 1053/1125
Act_13:14.......sat/down And after/the.. 1054/1125
Act_13:29.......him/down from the tree and laid/him 1055/1125
Act_14:11......come/down to us/in....... 1056/1125
Act_14:25......went/down into Attalia/And 1057/1125
Act_15:1.......came/down from Judaea taught/the 1058/1125
Act_15:16....fallen/down and I will build/again 1059/1125
Act_16:8.......came/down to Troas/And... 1060/1125
Act_16:13.......sat/down and spake/unto. 1061/1125
Act_16:29......fell/down before Paul/and 1062/1125
Act_17:6.....upside/down are/come....... 1063/1125
Act_18:22......went/down to Antioch/And. 1064/1125
Act_19:35......fell/down from Jupiter/Seeing 1065/1125
Act_20:9.......sunk/down with sleep/and. 1066/1125
Act_20:9.......fell/down from the third/loft 1067/1125
Act_20:10......went/down and fell/on.... 1068/1125
Act_20:36...kneeled/down and prayed with/them 1069/1125
Act_21:5....kneeled/down on the shore/and 1070/1125
Act_21:10......came/down from Judaea a/certain 1071/1125
Act_21:32.......ran/down unto them and/when 1072/1125
Act_22:30......Paul/down and set/him.... 1073/1125
Act_23:10........go/down and to take/him 1074/1125
Act_23:15.......him/down unto you to/morrow 1075/1125
Act_23:20.....bring/down Paul/to........ 1076/1125
Act_24:22......come/down I will/know.... 1077/1125
Act_25:5.........go/down with me and/accuse 1078/1125
Act_25:6.......went/down unto Caesarea/and 1079/1125
Act_25:7.......came/down from Jerusalem stood/round 1080/1125
Act_27:27.......and/down in Adria/about. 1081/1125
Act_27:30.......let/down the boat/into.. 1082/1125
Act_28:6.....fallen/down dead suddenly/but 1083/1125
Rom_10:6.....Christ/down from above Or/Who 1084/1125
Rom_11:3.....digged/down thine altars and I/am 1085/1125
Rom_11:10.......bow/down their back/alway 1086/1125
Rom_16:4.......laid/down their own/necks 1087/1125
1Co_10:7........sat/down to eat and drink/and 1088/1125
1Co_14:25...falling/down on his face he/will 1089/1125
1Co_15:24.......put/down all rule/and... 1090/1125
2Co_4:9........cast/down but not/destroyed 1091/1125
2Co_7:6........cast/down comforted/us... 1092/1125
2Co_10:4....pulling/down of strong/holds 1093/1125
2Co_10:5....Casting/down imaginations/and 1094/1125
2Co_11:33.......let/down by the wall and/escaped 1095/1125
Eph_2:14.....broken/down the middle/wall 1096/1125
Eph_4:26.........go/down upon your/wrath 1097/1125
Heb_1:3.........sat/down on the right hand of the/Majesty 1098/1125
Heb_10:12.......sat/down on the right hand of God/From 1099/1125
Heb_11:30......fell/down after they/were 1100/1125
Heb_12:2........set/down at the right/hand 1101/1125
Heb_12:12......hang/down and the feeble/knees 1102/1125
Jam_1:17.....cometh/down from the Father/of 1103/1125
Jam_5:4......reaped/down your fields/which 1104/1125
1Pe_1:12.......sent/down from heaven which/things 1105/1125
2Pe_2:4........them/down to hell and/delivered 1106/1125
1Jn_3:16.......laid/down his life for us/and 1107/1125
1Jn_3:16........lay/down our lives/for.. 1108/1125
Rev_1:13....garment/down to the foot/and 1109/1125
Rev_3:12.....cometh/down out of heaven/from 1110/1125
Rev_3:21........set/down with my/Father. 1111/1125
Rev_4:10.......fall/down before him that/sat 1112/1125
Rev_5:8........fell/down before the Lamb/having 1113/1125
Rev_5:14.......fell/down and worshipped him that/liveth 1114/1125
Rev_10:1.......come/down from heaven clothed/with 1115/1125
Rev_12:10......cast/down which accused/them 1116/1125
Rev_12:12......come/down unto you having/great 1117/1125
Rev_13:13......come/down from heaven on/the 1118/1125
Rev_18:1.......come/down from heaven having great/power 1119/1125
Rev_18:21....thrown/down and shall be/found 1120/1125
Rev_19:4.......fell/down and worshipped God/that 1121/1125
Rev_20:1.......come/down from heaven having the/key 1122/1125
Rev_20:9.......came/down from God out of heaven and/devoured 1123/1125
Rev_21:2.....coming/down from God out of heaven prepared/as 1124/1125
Rev_22:8.......fell/down to worship/before 1125/1125 1/1
2Ki_19:30......root/downward and bear fruit upward For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant and they that escape out of mount Zion the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria He shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shield/nor 1/5
Ecc_3:21......goeth/downward to/the........... 2/5
Isa_37:31......root/downward and bear fruit upward For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant and they that escape out of mount Zion the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria He shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shields/nor 3/5
Eze_1:27.......even/downward I/saw............ 4/5
Eze_8:2........even/downward fire/and......... 5/5
