2Ki_4:16.shalt/embrace a/son............. 1/8
Job_24:8...and/embrace the rock/for...... 2/8
Pro_4:8...dost/embrace her/She........... 3/8
Pro_5:20...and/embrace the bosom/of...... 4/8
Ecc_3:5.....to/embrace and/a............. 5/8
Son_2:6...doth/embrace me I charge you O ye/daughters 6/8
Son_8:3.should/embrace me I charge you O daughters/of 7/8
Lam_4:5scarlet/embrace dunghills/For..... 8/8
Gen_29:13..and/embraced him and kissed/him 1/5
Gen_33:4...and/embraced him and fell/on.. 2/5
Gen_48:10..and/embraced them And Israel/said 3/5
Act_20:1...and/embraced them and departed/for 4/5
Heb_11:13..and/embraced them and confessed/that 5/5
Ecc_3:5...from/embracing A/time.......... 1/2
Act_20:10..and/embracing him/said........ 2/2
Exo_28:39shalt/embroider/the............. 1/1
Exo_35:35..the/embroiderer in blue and in purple in/scarlet 1/2
Exo_38:23...an/embroiderer in blue and in purple and/in 2/2
