Lev_19:31......have/familiar spirits neither/seek 1/18
Lev_20:6.......have/familiar spirits and after/wizards 2/18
Lev_20:27.........a/familiar spirit or/that.. 3/18
Deu_18:11......with/familiar spirits or/a.... 4/18
1Sa_28:3........had/familiar spirits and the wizards out of the land And/the 5/18
1Sa_28:7..........a/familiar spirit that/I... 6/18
1Sa_28:7..........a/familiar spirit at/Endor. 7/18
1Sa_28:8........the/familiar spirit and bring/me 8/18
1Sa_28:9.......have/familiar spirits and the wizards out of the land wherefore/then 9/18
2Ki_21:6.......with/familiar spirits and wizards/he 10/18
2Ki_23:24......with/familiar spirits and the wizards and/the 11/18
1Ch_10:13.........a/familiar spirit to/enquire 12/18
2Ch_33:6..........a/familiar spirit and with/wizards 13/18
Job_19:14........my/familiar friends/have... 14/18
Psa_41:9........own/familiar friend/in...... 15/18
Isa_8:19.......have/familiar spirits and unto/wizards 16/18
Isa_19:3.......have/familiar spirits and to/the 17/18
Isa_29:4..........a/familiar spirit out/of.. 18/18
Jer_20:10........my/familiars/watched......... 1/1
Gen_10:5......their/families in/their....... 1/174
Gen_10:18.......the/families of the Canaanites/spread 2/174
Gen_10:20.....their/families after their tongues in their countries/and 3/174
Gen_10:31.....their/families after their tongues in their lands/after 4/174
Gen_10:32.......the/families of the sons of Noah/after 5/174
Gen_12:3........all/families of the earth be blessed So/Abram 6/174
Gen_28:14.......the/families of the earth be blessed And/behold 7/174
Gen_36:40.....their/families after their places/by 8/174
Gen_47:12.....their/families And there/was.. 9/174
Exo_6:14........the/families of Reuben/And. 10/174
Exo_6:15........the/families of Simeon/And. 11/174
Exo_6:17......their/families And the sons/of 12/174
Exo_6:19........the/families of Levi/according 13/174
Exo_6:24........the/families of the Korhites/And 14/174
Exo_6:25......their/families These are that/Aaron 15/174
Exo_12:21......your/families and kill/the.. 16/174
Lev_25:45.....their/families that are/with. 17/174
Num_1:2.......their/families by the house of their fathers with/the 18/174
Num_1:18......their/families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward by/their 19/174
Num_1:20......their/families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names by/their 20/174
Num_1:22......their/families by the house of their fathers those/that 21/174
Num_1:24......their/families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Gad/were 22/174
Num_1:26......their/families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Judah/were 23/174
Num_1:28......their/families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Issachar/were 24/174
Num_1:30......their/families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Zebulun/were 25/174
Num_1:32......their/families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Ephraim/were 26/174
Num_1:34......their/families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Manasseh/were 27/174
Num_1:36......their/families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Benjamin/were 28/174
Num_1:38......their/families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Dan/were 29/174
Num_1:40......their/families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Asher/were 30/174
Num_1:42......their/families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Naphtali/were 31/174
Num_2:34......their/families according/to.. 32/174
Num_3:15......their/families every male/from 33/174
Num_3:18......their/families Libni/and..... 34/174
Num_3:19......their/families Amram/and..... 35/174
Num_3:20......their/families Mahli/and..... 36/174
Num_3:20........the/families of the Levites according to the/house 37/174
Num_3:21........the/families of the Gershonites Those/that 38/174
Num_3:23........The/families of the Gershonites shall/pitch 39/174
Num_3:27........the/families of the Kohathites In/the 40/174
Num_3:29........The/families of the sons of Kohath shall/pitch 41/174
Num_3:30........the/families of the Kohathites shall/be 42/174
Num_3:33........the/families of Merari And/those 43/174
Num_3:35........the/families of Merari was/Zuriel 44/174
Num_3:39......their/families all the males/from 45/174
Num_4:2.......their/families by the house of their fathers From thirty years old and upward even until/fifty 46/174
Num_4:18........the/families of the Kohathites from/among 47/174
Num_4:22......their/families From/thirty... 48/174
Num_4:24........the/families of the Gershonites to/serve 49/174
Num_4:28........the/families of the sons of Gershon in/the 50/174
Num_4:29......their/families by the house of their fathers From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old shalt/thou 51/174
Num_4:33........the/families of the sons of Merari according/to 52/174
Num_4:34......their/families and after the house of their fathers From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old every one that entereth/into 53/174
Num_4:36......their/families were two/thousand 54/174
Num_4:37........the/families of the Kohathites all/that 55/174
Num_4:38......their/families and by/the.... 56/174
Num_4:40......their/families by the house of their fathers were/two 57/174
Num_4:41........the/families of the sons of Gershon of/all 58/174
Num_4:42........the/families of the sons of Merari throughout/their 59/174
Num_4:42......their/families by the house of their fathers From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old every/one 60/174
Num_4:44......their/families were three/thousand 61/174
Num_4:45........the/families of the sons of Merari whom/Moses 62/174
Num_4:46......their/families and after the house of their fathers From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old every one that came/to 63/174
Num_11:10.....their/families every man/in.. 64/174
Num_26:7........the/families of the Reubenites/and 65/174
Num_26:12.....their/families of Nemuel/the. 66/174
Num_26:14.......the/families of the Simeonites/twenty 67/174
Num_26:15.....their/families of Zephon/the. 68/174
Num_26:18.......the/families of the children of Gad/according 69/174
Num_26:20.....their/families were of/Shelah 70/174
Num_26:22.......the/families of Judah/according 71/174
Num_26:23.....their/families of Tola/the... 72/174
Num_26:25.......the/families of Issachar according/to 73/174
Num_26:26.....their/families of Sered/the.. 74/174
Num_26:27.......the/families of the Zebulunites/according 75/174
Num_26:28.....their/families were Manasseh/and 76/174
Num_26:34.......the/families of Manasseh and/those 77/174
Num_26:35.....their/families of Shuthelah/the 78/174
Num_26:37.......the/families of the sons of Ephraim/according 79/174
Num_26:37.....their/families The sons/of... 80/174
Num_26:38.....their/families of Bela/the... 81/174
Num_26:41.....their/families and they that were numbered of them were forty and five thousand and six/hundred 82/174
Num_26:42.....their/families of Shuham/the. 83/174
Num_26:42.......the/families of Dan/after.. 84/174
Num_26:42.....their/families All the families/of 85/174
Num_26:43.......the/families of the Shuhamites/according 86/174
Num_26:44.....their/families of Jimna/the.. 87/174
Num_26:47.......the/families of the sons of Asher/according 88/174
Num_26:48.....their/families of Jahzeel/the 89/174
Num_26:50.......the/families of Naphtali/according 90/174
Num_26:50.....their/families and they that were numbered of them were forty and five thousand and four/hundred 91/174
Num_26:57.....their/families of Gershon/the 92/174
Num_26:58.......the/families of the Levites the/family 93/174
Num_27:1........the/families of Manasseh the/son 94/174
Num_33:54......your/families and to/the.... 95/174
Num_36:1........the/families of the children of Gilead/the 96/174
Num_36:1........the/families of the sons of Joseph/came 97/174
Num_36:12.......the/families of the sons of Manasseh/the 98/174
Jos_7:14........the/families thereof/and... 99/174
Jos_13:15.....their/families And their coast was from Aroer/that 100/174
Jos_13:23.....their/families the cities and the/villages 101/174
Jos_13:24.....their/families And their coast was Jazer/and 102/174
Jos_13:28.....their/families the cities and their villages And Moses/gave 103/174
Jos_13:29.....their/families And their coast was from Mahanaim/all 104/174
Jos_13:31.....their/families These are the/countries 105/174
Jos_15:1......their/families even/to...... 106/174
Jos_15:12.....their/families And unto/Caleb 107/174
Jos_15:20.....their/families And the uttermost/cities 108/174
Jos_16:5......their/families was/thus..... 109/174
Jos_16:8......their/families And the separate/cities 110/174
Jos_17:2......their/families for/the...... 111/174
Jos_17:2......their/families But/Zelophehad 112/174
Jos_18:11.....their/families and the coast of their lot/came 113/174
Jos_18:20.....their/families Now/the...... 114/174
Jos_18:21.....their/families were Jericho/and 115/174
Jos_18:28.....their/families And the second/lot 116/174
Jos_19:1......their/families and their inheritance/was 117/174
Jos_19:8......their/families Out of the portion/of 118/174
Jos_19:10.....their/families and the border/of 119/174
Jos_19:16.....their/families these cities with their villages And/the 120/174
Jos_19:17.....their/families And their border was toward/Jezreel 121/174
Jos_19:23.....their/families the cities and their villages And the fifth/lot 122/174
Jos_19:24.....their/families And their border was Helkath/and 123/174
Jos_19:31.....their/families these cities with their villages The/sixth 124/174
Jos_19:32.....their/families And their coast was from Heleph/from 125/174
Jos_19:39.....their/families the cities and their villages And the seventh/lot 126/174
Jos_19:40.....their/families And the coast of their inheritance/was 127/174
Jos_19:48.....their/families these cities with their villages When/they 128/174
Jos_21:4........the/families of the Kohathites and/the 129/174
Jos_21:5........the/families of the tribe of Ephraim/and 130/174
Jos_21:6........the/families of the tribe of Issachar/and 131/174
Jos_21:7......their/families had/out...... 132/174
Jos_21:10.......the/families of the Kohathites who/were 133/174
Jos_21:20.......the/families of the children of Kohath the/Levites 134/174
Jos_21:26.......the/families of the children of Kohath that/remained 135/174
Jos_21:27.......the/families of the Levites out/of 136/174
Jos_21:33.....their/families were thirteen cities with/their 137/174
Jos_21:34.......the/families of the children of Merari/the 138/174
Jos_21:40.....their/families which were/remaining 139/174
Jos_21:40.......the/families of the Levites were/by 140/174
1Sa_9:21........the/families of the tribe of Benjamin/wherefore 141/174
1Sa_10:21.....their/families the family/of 142/174
1Ch_2:53........the/families of Kirjathjearim/the 143/174
1Ch_2:55........the/families of the scribes/which 144/174
1Ch_4:2.........the/families of the Zorathites/And 145/174
1Ch_4:8.........the/families of Aharhel/the 146/174
1Ch_4:21........the/families of the house of them/that 147/174
1Ch_4:38......their/families and the house/of 148/174
1Ch_5:7.......their/families when/the..... 149/174
1Ch_6:19........the/families of the Levites according to their/fathers 150/174
1Ch_6:54........the/families of the Kohathites for/theirs 151/174
1Ch_6:60......their/families were thirteen cities And/unto 152/174
1Ch_6:62......their/families out of the tribe of Issachar/and 153/174
1Ch_6:63......their/families out of the tribe of Reuben/and 154/174
1Ch_6:66........the/families of the sons of Kohath had/cities 155/174
1Ch_7:5.........the/families of Issachar were/valiant 156/174
2Ch_35:5........the/families of the fathers/of 157/174
2Ch_35:5........the/families of the Levites So/kill 158/174
2Ch_35:12.......the/families of the people/to 159/174
Neh_4:13......their/families with/their... 160/174
Job_31:34........of/families terrify/me... 161/174
Psa_68:6.........in/families he/bringeth.. 162/174
Psa_107:41......him/families like/a....... 163/174
Jer_1:15........the/families of the kingdoms/of 164/174
Jer_2:4.........the/families of the house of Israel/Thus 165/174
Jer_10:25.......the/families that call/not 166/174
Jer_25:9........the/families of the north/saith 167/174
Jer_31:1........the/families of Israel/and 168/174
Jer_33:24.......two/families which the/LORD 169/174
Eze_20:32.......the/families of the countries/to 170/174
Amo_3:2.........the/families of the earth therefore/I 171/174
Nah_3:4.........and/families through/her.. 172/174
Zec_12:14.......the/families that remain/every 173/174
Zec_14:17.......the/families of the earth unto/Jerusalem 174/174
Lev_20:5........his/family and will/cut..... 1/123
Lev_25:10.......his/family A/jubile......... 2/123
Lev_25:41.......own/family and unto/the..... 3/123
Lev_25:47stranger's/family After/that....... 4/123
Lev_25:49.......his/family may/redeem....... 5/123
Num_3:21........the/family of the Libnites and/the 6/123
Num_3:21........the/family of the Shimites/these 7/123
Num_3:27........the/family of the Amramites/and 8/123
Num_3:27........the/family of the Izeharites/and 9/123
Num_3:27........the/family of the Hebronites and/the 10/123
Num_3:27........the/family of the Uzzielites/these 11/123
Num_3:33........the/family of the Mahlites and/the 12/123
Num_3:33........the/family of the Mushites these/are 13/123
Num_26:5........the/family of the Hanochites/of 14/123
Num_26:5........the/family of the Palluites/Of 15/123
Num_26:6........the/family of the Hezronites of Carmi/the 16/123
Num_26:6........the/family of the Carmites/These 17/123
Num_26:12.......the/family of the Nemuelites/of 18/123
Num_26:12.......the/family of the Jaminites/of 19/123
Num_26:12.......the/family of the Jachinites/Of 20/123
Num_26:13.......the/family of the Zarhites of/Shaul 21/123
Num_26:13.......the/family of the Shaulites/These 22/123
Num_26:15.......the/family of the Zephonites/of 23/123
Num_26:15.......the/family of the Haggites/of 24/123
Num_26:15.......the/family of the Shunites/Of 25/123
Num_26:16.......the/family of the Oznites/of 26/123
Num_26:16.......the/family of the Erites/Of 27/123
Num_26:17.......the/family of the Arodites/of 28/123
Num_26:17.......the/family of the Arelites/These 29/123
Num_26:20.......the/family of the Shelanites/of 30/123
Num_26:20.......the/family of the Pharzites/of 31/123
Num_26:20.......the/family of the Zarhites And the/sons 32/123
Num_26:21.......the/family of the Hezronites of Hamul/the 33/123
Num_26:21.......the/family of the Hamulites/These 34/123
Num_26:23.......the/family of the Tolaites/of 35/123
Num_26:23.......the/family of the Punites/Of 36/123
Num_26:24.......the/family of the Jashubites/of 37/123
Num_26:24.......the/family of the Shimronites/These 38/123
Num_26:26.......the/family of the Sardites/of 39/123
Num_26:26.......the/family of the Elonites/of 40/123
Num_26:26.......the/family of the Jahleelites/These 41/123
Num_26:29.......the/family of the Machirites/and 42/123
Num_26:29.......the/family of the Gileadites/These 43/123
Num_26:30.......the/family of the Jeezerites/of 44/123
Num_26:30.......the/family of the Helekites/And 45/123
Num_26:31.......the/family of the Asrielites/and 46/123
Num_26:31.......the/family of the Shechemites/And 47/123
Num_26:32.......the/family of the Shemidaites/and 48/123
Num_26:32.......the/family of the Hepherites/And 49/123
Num_26:35.......the/family of the Shuthalhites/of 50/123
Num_26:35.......the/family of the Bachrites/of 51/123
Num_26:35.......the/family of the Tahanites/And 52/123
Num_26:36.......the/family of the Eranites/These 53/123
Num_26:38.......the/family of the Belaites/of 54/123
Num_26:38.......the/family of the Ashbelites/of 55/123
Num_26:38.......the/family of the Ahiramites/Of 56/123
Num_26:39.......the/family of the Shuphamites/of 57/123
Num_26:39.......the/family of the Huphamites/And 58/123
Num_26:40.......the/family of the Ardites/and 59/123
Num_26:40.......the/family of the Naamites/These 60/123
Num_26:42.......the/family of the Shuhamites/These 61/123
Num_26:44.......the/family of the Jimnites/of 62/123
Num_26:44.......the/family of the Jesuites/of 63/123
Num_26:44.......the/family of the Beriites/Of 64/123
Num_26:45.......the/family of the Heberites/of 65/123
Num_26:45.......the/family of the Malchielites/And 66/123
Num_26:48.......the/family of the Jahzeelites/of 67/123
Num_26:48.......the/family of the Gunites/Of 68/123
Num_26:49.......the/family of the Jezerites/of 69/123
Num_26:49.......the/family of the Shillemites/These 70/123
Num_26:57.......the/family of the Gershonites/of 71/123
Num_26:57.......the/family of the Kohathites/of 72/123
Num_26:57.......the/family of the Merarites/These 73/123
Num_26:58.......the/family of the Libnites the/family 74/123
Num_26:58.......the/family of the Hebronites the/family 75/123
Num_26:58.......the/family of the Mahlites the/family 76/123
Num_26:58.......the/family of the Mushites the/family 77/123
Num_26:58.......the/family of the Korathites/And 78/123
Num_27:4........his/family because/he...... 79/123
Num_27:11.......his/family and he/shall.... 80/123
Num_36:6........the/family of the tribe of their/father 81/123
Num_36:8........the/family of the tribe of her/father 82/123
Num_36:12.......the/family of their/father. 83/123
Deu_29:18........or/family or/tribe........ 84/123
Jos_7:14........the/family which the/LORD.. 85/123
Jos_7:17........the/family of Judah and/he. 86/123
Jos_7:17........the/family of the Zarhites and he/brought 87/123
Jos_7:17........the/family of the Zarhites man/by 88/123
Jdg_1:25........his/family And the/man..... 89/123
Jdg_6:15.........my/family is poor/in...... 90/123
Jdg_9:1.........the/family of the house of his/mother's 91/123
Jdg_13:2........the/family of the Danites whose/name 92/123
Jdg_17:7........the/family of Judah who/was 93/123
Jdg_18:2......their/family five/men........ 94/123
Jdg_18:11.......the/family of the Danites out/of 95/123
Jdg_18:19.........a/family in Israel And/the 96/123
Jdg_21:24.......his/family and they/went... 97/123
Rut_2:1.........the/family of Elimelech/and 98/123
1Sa_9:21.........my/family the/least....... 99/123
1Sa_10:21.......the/family of Matri/was... 100/123
1Sa_18:18..father's/family in Israel that/I 101/123
1Sa_20:6........the/family If/he.......... 102/123
1Sa_20:29.......our/family hath/a......... 103/123
2Sa_14:7......whole/family is risen/against 104/123
2Sa_16:5........the/family of the house of Saul/whose 105/123
1Ch_4:27......their/family multiply/like.. 106/123
1Ch_6:61........the/family of that/tribe.. 107/123
1Ch_6:70........the/family of the remnant/of 108/123
1Ch_6:71........the/family of the half/tribe 109/123
1Ch_13:14.......the/family of Obededom/in. 110/123
Est_9:28......every/family every/province. 111/123
Jer_3:14..........a/family and I/will..... 112/123
Jer_8:3........evil/family which remain/in 113/123
Amo_3:1.......whole/family which I/brought 114/123
Mic_2:3........this/family do/I........... 115/123
Zec_12:12.....every/family apart the/family 116/123
Zec_12:12.......the/family of the house of David/apart 117/123
Zec_12:12.......the/family of the house of Nathan/apart 118/123
Zec_12:13.......The/family of the house of Levi/apart 119/123
Zec_12:13.......the/family of Shimei/apart 120/123
Zec_12:14.....every/family apart and/their 121/123
Zec_14:18.......the/family of Egypt/go.... 122/123
Eph_3:15......whole/family in heaven/and.. 123/123
Gen_12:10.........a/famine in the land and Abram/went 1/96
Gen_12:10.......the/famine was grievous/in... 2/96
Gen_26:1..........a/famine in the land beside/the 3/96
Gen_26:1......first/famine that/was.......... 4/96
Gen_41:27........of/famine This/is........... 5/96
Gen_41:30........of/famine and all/the....... 6/96
Gen_41:30.......the/famine shall consume/the. 7/96
Gen_41:31......that/famine following/for..... 8/96
Gen_41:36........of/famine which shall be in/the 9/96
Gen_41:36.......the/famine And the thing/was 10/96
Gen_41:50........of/famine came/which....... 11/96
Gen_41:56.......the/famine was over/all..... 12/96
Gen_41:56.......the/famine waxed/sore....... 13/96
Gen_41:57.......the/famine was so/sore...... 14/96
Gen_42:5........the/famine was in/the....... 15/96
Gen_42:19.......the/famine of your houses/But 16/96
Gen_42:33.......the/famine of your households/and 17/96
Gen_43:1........the/famine was sore in the land/And 18/96
Gen_45:6........the/famine been/in.......... 19/96
Gen_45:11........of/famine lest/thou........ 20/96
Gen_47:4........the/famine is sore/in....... 21/96
Gen_47:13.......the/famine was very/sore.... 22/96
Gen_47:13.......the/famine And Joseph/gathered 23/96
Gen_47:20.......the/famine prevailed over/them 24/96
Rut_1:1...........a/famine in the land And a/certain 25/96
2Sa_21:1..........a/famine in the days/of... 26/96
2Sa_24:13........of/famine come/unto........ 27/96
1Ki_8:37.......land/famine if/there......... 28/96
1Ki_18:2.......sore/famine in Samaria And Ahab/called 29/96
2Ki_6:25......great/famine in Samaria and behold/they 30/96
2Ki_7:4.........the/famine is in/the........ 31/96
2Ki_8:1...........a/famine and it/shall..... 32/96
2Ki_25:3........the/famine prevailed in/the. 33/96
1Ch_21:12....years'/famine or three/months.. 34/96
2Ch_20:9.........or/famine we/stand......... 35/96
2Ch_32:11........by/famine and by thirst/saying 36/96
Job_5:20.........In/famine he/shall......... 37/96
Job_5:22........and/famine thou/shalt....... 38/96
Job_30:3........and/famine they were/solitary 39/96
Psa_33:19........in/famine Our/soul......... 40/96
Psa_37:19........of/famine they shall be/satisfied 41/96
Psa_105:16........a/famine upon the/land.... 42/96
Isa_14:30......with/famine and he/shall..... 43/96
Isa_51:19.......the/famine and the sword by/whom 44/96
Jer_5:12........nor/famine And the prophets/shall 45/96
Jer_11:22........by/famine And there/shall.. 46/96
Jer_14:12.......the/famine and by the pestilence Then/said 47/96
Jer_14:13......have/famine but/I............ 48/96
Jer_14:15.......and/famine shall not/be..... 49/96
Jer_14:15.......and/famine shall those/prophets 50/96
Jer_14:16.......the/famine and the sword and/they 51/96
Jer_14:18......with/famine yea/both......... 52/96
Jer_15:2........the/famine to/the........... 53/96
Jer_15:2........the/famine and such/as...... 54/96
Jer_16:4.........by/famine and their/carcases 55/96
Jer_18:21.......the/famine and pour/out..... 56/96
Jer_21:7........the/famine into/the......... 57/96
Jer_21:9........the/famine and by the pestilence but he that goeth out/and 58/96
Jer_24:10.......the/famine and the pestilence among/them 59/96
Jer_27:8........the/famine and with the pestilence until/I 60/96
Jer_27:13.......the/famine and by the pestilence as/the 61/96
Jer_29:17.......the/famine and the pestilence and/will 62/96
Jer_29:18.......the/famine and with the pestilence and/will 63/96
Jer_32:24.......the/famine and of/the....... 64/96
Jer_32:36.......the/famine and by the pestilence Behold/I 65/96
Jer_34:17.......the/famine and I/will....... 66/96
Jer_38:2........the/famine and by the pestilence but he that goeth forth/to 67/96
Jer_42:16.......the/famine whereof/ye....... 68/96
Jer_42:17.......the/famine and by the pestilence and/none 69/96
Jer_42:22.......the/famine and by the pestilence in/the 70/96
Jer_44:12.......the/famine they shall die/from 71/96
Jer_44:12.......the/famine and they/shall... 72/96
Jer_44:13.......the/famine and by the pestilence So/that 73/96
Jer_44:18.......the/famine And when/we...... 74/96
Jer_44:27.......the/famine until/there...... 75/96
Jer_52:6........the/famine was sore in the city/so 76/96
Lam_5:10...terrible/famine They ravished/the 77/96
Eze_5:12.......with/famine shall they/be.... 78/96
Eze_5:16.........of/famine which shall be for/their 79/96
Eze_5:16........the/famine upon you and will/break 80/96
Eze_5:17........you/famine and evil/beasts.. 81/96
Eze_6:11........the/famine and by the pestilence He/that 82/96
Eze_6:12........the/famine thus/will........ 83/96
Eze_7:15........the/famine within/he........ 84/96
Eze_7:15.......city/famine and pestilence/shall 85/96
Eze_12:16.......the/famine and from/the..... 86/96
Eze_14:13......send/famine upon it/and...... 87/96
Eze_14:21.......the/famine and the noisome/beast 88/96
Eze_36:29........no/famine upon you And I/will 89/96
Eze_36:30........of/famine among/the........ 90/96
Amo_8:11..........a/famine in the land not/a 91/96
Amo_8:11..........a/famine of bread/nor..... 92/96
Luk_4:25......great/famine was throughout/all 93/96
Luk_15:14....mighty/famine in that/land..... 94/96
Rom_8:35.........or/famine or nakedness/or.. 95/96
Rev_18:8........and/famine and she/shall.... 96/96
Mat_24:7.........be/famines and pestilences and earthquakes/in 1/3
Mar_13:8.........be/famines and troubles/these 2/3
Luk_21:11.......and/famines and pestilences and fearful/sights 3/3
Pro_10:3.........to/famish but/he............. 1/2
Zep_2:11.......will/famish all/the............ 2/2
Gen_41:55.......was/famished the/people....... 1/2
Isa_5:13........are/famished and/their........ 2/2
