Gen_5:10......and/fifteen years and begat/sons 1/24
Gen_7:20..covered/Fifteen cubits upward/did 2/24
Gen_25:7......and/fifteen years Then/Abraham 3/24 cubits their pillars three and their sockets three And on/the 4/24
Exo_27:15hangings/fifteen cubits their pillars three and their sockets three And for the gate/of 5/24
Exo_38:14....were/fifteen cubits their pillars three and their sockets three And for the other/side 6/24
Exo_38:15......of/fifteen cubits their pillars three and their sockets three All/the 7/24
Exo_38:25.....and/fifteen shekels after/the 8/24 shekels and/for.. 9/24
Num_31:37.....and/fifteen And/the......... 10/24
Jdg_8:10....about/fifteen thousand/men.... 11/24
2Sa_9:10......had/fifteen sons and twenty/servants 12/24
2Sa_19:17.....his/fifteen sons and his/twenty 13/24
1Ki_7:3...pillars/fifteen in/a............ 14/24
2Ki_14:17..Israel/fifteen years And the/rest 15/24
2Ki_20:6.....days/fifteen years and I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria and I will defend this city for/mine 16/24
2Ch_25:25..Israel/fifteen years Now/the... 17/24
Isa_38:5.....days/fifteen years And I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria and I will defend this city And/this 18/24
Eze_45:12.shekels/fifteen shekels shall/be 19/24
Hos_3:2.......for/fifteen pieces/of....... 20/24
Joh_11:18...about/fifteen furlongs/off.... 21/24
Act_7:14......and/fifteen souls/So........ 22/24 fathoms/Then.... 23/24
Gal_1:18......him/fifteen days/But........ 24/24
Exo_16:1......the/fifteenth day of the second/month 1/18
Lev_23:6......the/fifteenth day of the same month/is 2/18
Lev_23:34.....The/fifteenth day of this seventh/month 3/18
Lev_23:39.....the/fifteenth day of the seventh month when/ye 4/18
Num_28:17.....the/fifteenth day of this month/is 5/18
Num_29:12.....the/fifteenth day of the seventh month ye/shall 6/18
Num_33:3......the/fifteenth day of the first/month 7/18
1Ki_12:32.....the/fifteenth day of the month like/unto 8/18
1Ki_12:33.....the/fifteenth day of the eighth/month 9/18
2Ki_14:23.....the/fifteenth year of Amaziah/the 10/18
1Ch_24:14.....The/fifteenth to Bilgah/the. 11/18
1Ch_25:22.....The/fifteenth to Jeremoth/he 12/18
2Ch_15:10.....the/fifteenth year of the reign of Asa/And 13/18
Est_9:18......the/fifteenth day of the same they/rested 14/18
Est_9:21......the/fifteenth day of the same yearly/As 15/18
Eze_32:17.....the/fifteenth day of the month that/the 16/18
Eze_45:25.....the/fifteenth day of the month shall/he 17/18
Luk_3:1.......the/fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius/Caesar 18/18
Gen_1:23......the/fifth day And/God........ 1/61
Gen_30:17.....the/fifth son/And............ 2/61
Gen_41:34.....the/fifth part of the land/of 3/61
Gen_47:24.....the/fifth part unto/Pharaoh.. 4/61
Gen_47:26.....the/fifth part except/the.... 5/61
Lev_5:16......the/fifth part thereto/and... 6/61
Lev_6:5.......the/fifth part more/thereto.. 7/61
Lev_19:25.....the/fifth year shall/ye...... 8/61
Lev_22:14.....the/fifth part thereof unto it/and 9/61
Lev_27:13.......a/fifth part thereof unto thy/estimation 10/61
Lev_27:15.....the/fifth part of the money of thy estimation unto it and it shall be his/And 11/61
Lev_27:19.....the/fifth part of the money of thy estimation unto it and it shall be assured/to 12/61
Lev_27:27.......a/fifth part of it/thereto 13/61
Lev_27:31.....the/fifth part thereof And concerning/the 14/61
Num_5:7.......the/fifth part thereof and give/it 15/61
Num_7:36......the/fifth day Shelumiel/the. 16/61
Num_29:26.....the/fifth day nine/bullocks. 17/61
Num_33:38.....the/fifth month And/Aaron... 18/61
Jos_19:24.....the/fifth lot/came.......... 19/61
Jdg_19:8......the/fifth day to/depart..... 20/61
2Sa_2:23......the/fifth rib that the/spear 21/61
2Sa_3:4.......the/fifth Shephatiah the/son 22/61
2Sa_3:27......the/fifth rib that he/died.. 23/61
2Sa_4:6.......the/fifth rib and Rechab/and 24/61
2Sa_20:10.....the/fifth rib and shed/out.. 25/61
1Ki_6:31........a/fifth part of the wall/The 26/61
1Ki_14:25.....the/fifth year of king Rehoboam that/Shishak 27/61
2Ki_8:16......the/fifth year of Joram/the. 28/61
2Ki_25:8......the/fifth month on/the...... 29/61
1Ch_2:14......the/fifth Ozem/the.......... 30/61
1Ch_3:3.......The/fifth Shephatiah of/Abital 31/61
1Ch_8:2.......the/fifth And the sons/of... 32/61
1Ch_12:10.....the/fifth Attai/the......... 33/61
1Ch_24:9......The/fifth to Malchijah/the.. 34/61
1Ch_25:12.....The/fifth to Nethaniah/he... 35/61
1Ch_26:3......the/fifth Jehohanan/the..... 36/61
1Ch_26:4......the/fifth Ammiel/the........ 37/61
1Ch_27:8......The/fifth captain/for....... 38/61
1Ch_27:8......the/fifth month was/Shamhuth 39/61
2Ch_12:2......the/fifth year of king Rehoboam Shishak/king 40/61
Ezr_7:8.......the/fifth month which/was... 41/61
Ezr_7:9.......the/fifth month came/he..... 42/61
Neh_6:5.......the/fifth time/with......... 43/61
Neh_6:15......and/fifth day of the month Elul/in 44/61
Jer_1:3.......the/fifth month Then/the.... 45/61
Jer_28:1......the/fifth month that/Hananiah 46/61
Jer_36:9......the/fifth year of Jehoiakim/the 47/61
Jer_52:12.....the/fifth month in/the...... 48/61
Eze_1:1.......the/fifth day of the month as I was/among 49/61
Eze_1:2.......the/fifth day of the month which/was 50/61
Eze_1:2.......the/fifth year of king Jehoiachin's/captivity 51/61
Eze_8:1.......the/fifth day of the month as I sat/in 52/61
Eze_20:1......the/fifth month the/tenth... 53/61
Eze_33:21.....the/fifth day of the month that/one 54/61
Zec_7:3.......the/fifth month separating/myself 55/61
Zec_7:5.......the/fifth and seventh/month. 56/61
Zec_8:19......the/fifth and the fast/of... 57/61
Rev_6:9.......the/fifth seal/I............ 58/61
Rev_9:1.......the/fifth angel sounded/and. 59/61
Rev_16:10.....the/fifth angel poured/out.. 60/61
Rev_21:20.....The/fifth sardonyx/the...... 61/61
Exo_18:21......of/fifties and rulers of tens And let/them 1/8
Exo_18:25......of/fifties and rulers of tens And they/judged 2/8
Deu_1:15.....over/fifties and captains/over. 3/8
1Sa_8:12.....over/fifties and will/set...... 4/8
2Ki_1:14...former/fifties with/their........ 5/8
2Ki_1:14....their/fifties therefore/let..... 6/8 And when/he....... 7/8 in/a.............. 8/8
Lev_25:10.....the/fiftieth year and/proclaim 1/4
Lev_25:11....that/fiftieth year be/unto..... 2/4
2Ki_15:23.....the/fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah Pekahiah/the 3/4
2Ki_15:27.....and/fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah Pekah/the 4/4 cubits and the height of/it 1/157
Gen_7:24......and/fifty days And God/remembered 2/157
Gen_8:3.......and/fifty days the/waters... 3/157
Gen_9:28......and/fifty years And all/the. 4/157
Gen_9:29......and/fifty years and he/died. 5/157 righteous within the city wilt/thou 6/157
Gen_18:24.....the/fifty righteous that/are 7/157
Gen_18:26...Sodom/fifty righteous within the city then/I 8/157
Gen_18:28.....the/fifty righteous wilt/thou 9/157
Exo_26:5...second/Fifty loops shalt thou make in the one/curtain 10/157
Exo_26:5......and/fifty loops shalt thou make in the edge/of 11/157
Exo_26:6.....make/fifty taches of gold and couple/the 12/157
Exo_26:10....make/fifty loops on/the..... 13/157
Exo_26:10.....and/fifty loops in/the..... 14/157
Exo_26:11....make/fifty taches of brass and/put 15/157
Exo_27:12......of/fifty cubits their pillars ten and their sockets ten And/the 16/157 cubits The hangings of one/side 17/157
Exo_27:18.breadth/fifty every/where...... 18/157
Exo_30:23.....and/fifty shekels and of sweet/calamus 19/157
Exo_30:23.....and/fifty shekels And of cassia/five 20/157
Exo_36:12..second/Fifty loops made he in one/curtain 21/157
Exo_36:12.....and/fifty loops made he in the/edge 22/157
Exo_36:13....made/fifty taches of gold and coupled/the 23/157
Exo_36:17....made/fifty loops upon/the... 24/157
Exo_36:17.....and/fifty loops made he upon/the 25/157
Exo_36:18....made/fifty taches of brass to/couple 26/157
Exo_38:12......of/fifty cubits their pillars ten and their sockets ten the/hooks 27/157
Exo_38:13eastward/fifty cubits The hangings of the/one 28/157
Exo_38:26.....and/fifty men And of/the... 29/157
Lev_23:16..number/fifty days and ye/shall 30/157 shekels of silver after/the 31/157 shekels of silver If/he 32/157
Num_1:23.....were/fifty and nine thousand and three hundred Of/the 33/157
Num_1:25......and/fifty Of the children/of 34/157
Num_1:29.....were/fifty and four thousand and four hundred Of/the 35/157
Num_1:31.....were/fifty and seven thousand and four hundred Of/the 36/157
Num_1:43.....were/fifty and three thousand and four hundred These/are 37/157
Num_1:46......and/fifty But the Levites after/the 38/157
Num_2:6......were/fifty and four thousand and four hundred Then/the 39/157
Num_2:8......were/fifty and seven thousand and four hundred All/that 40/157
Num_2:13.....were/fifty and nine thousand and three hundred Then/the 41/157
Num_2:15......and/fifty All that/were.... 42/157
Num_2:16......and/fifty and one/thousand. 43/157
Num_2:16......and/fifty throughout/their. 44/157
Num_2:30.....were/fifty and three thousand and four hundred All/they 45/157
Num_2:31......and/fifty and seven thousand and six/hundred 46/157
Num_2:32......and/fifty But the Levites were/not 47/157
Num_4:3.....until/fifty years old all/that 48/157
Num_4:23....until/fifty years old shalt thou number them all/that 49/157
Num_4:30.....unto/fifty years old shalt thou number them every/one 50/157
Num_4:35.....unto/fifty years old every one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation And/those 51/157
Num_4:36......and/fifty These/were....... 52/157
Num_4:39.....unto/fifty years old every one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them throughout/their 53/157
Num_4:43.....unto/fifty years old every one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them after/their 54/157
Num_4:47.....unto/fifty years old every one that came/to 55/157
Num_8:25.......of/fifty years they/shall. 56/157
Num_16:2......and/fifty princes/of....... 57/157
Num_16:17.....and/fifty censers/thou..... 58/157
Num_16:35.....and/fifty men that/offered. 59/157
Num_26:10.....and/fifty men and they became/a 60/157
Num_26:34....them/fifty and two thousand/and 61/157
Num_26:47....were/fifty and three thousand and four hundred Of/the 62/157
Num_31:30......of/fifty of the persons/of 63/157
Num_31:47......of/fifty both/of.......... 64/157
Num_31:52.....and/fifty shekels For/the.. 65/157
Deu_22:29..father/fifty shekels of silver and she/shall 66/157
Jos_7:21.......of/fifty shekels weight/then 67/157
1Sa_6:19...people/fifty thousand and threescore/and 68/157
2Sa_15:1......and/fifty men to run before him And Absalom/rose 69/157
2Sa_24:24.....for/fifty shekels of silver And David/built 70/157
1Ki_1:5.......and/fifty men to run before him And his/father 71/157
1Ki_7:2...thereof/fifty cubits and the height thereof/thirty 72/157
1Ki_7:6.......was/fifty cubits and the breadth thereof/thirty 73/157
1Ki_9:23......and/fifty which/bare....... 74/157
1Ki_10:29.....and/fifty and so for/all... 75/157 in a cave and fed them with bread and water And Ahab/said 76/157 in a cave and fed them with bread and water And now/thou 77/157
1Ki_18:19.....and/fifty and the prophets/of 78/157
1Ki_18:22.....and/fifty men Let/them..... 79/157
2Ki_1:9........of/fifty with his fifty And he went/up 80/157
2Ki_1:9.......his/fifty And he went/up... 81/157
2Ki_1:10.......of/fifty If/I............. 82/157
2Ki_1:10......thy/fifty And there/came... 83/157
2Ki_1:10......his/fifty Again/also....... 84/157
2Ki_1:11.......of/fifty with his fifty And he answered/and 85/157
2Ki_1:11......his/fifty And he answered/and 86/157
2Ki_1:12......thy/fifty And the fire/of.. 87/157
2Ki_1:12......his/fifty And he sent/again 88/157
2Ki_1:13....third/fifty with his fifty And the/third 89/157
2Ki_1:13......his/fifty And the third/captain 90/157
2Ki_1:13.......of/fifty went/up.......... 91/157
2Ki_1:13....these/fifty thy/servants..... 92/157
2Ki_2:7.......And/fifty men of the sons/of 93/157
2Ki_2:16.servants/fifty strong/men....... 94/157
2Ki_2:17therefore/fifty men and they sought/three 95/157
2Ki_13:7......but/fifty horsemen/and..... 96/157
2Ki_15:2......and/fifty years in/Jerusalem 97/157 shekels of silver to/give 98/157
2Ki_15:25.....him/fifty men of the Gileadites/and 99/157
2Ki_21:1..reigned/fifty and five years in Jerusalem And/his 100/157
1Ch_5:21...camels/fifty thousand and of sheep/two 101/157
1Ch_5:21......and/fifty thousand and of asses/two 102/157
1Ch_8:40......and/fifty All these/are... 103/157
1Ch_9:9.......and/fifty and six All/these 104/157
1Ch_12:33.....war/fifty thousand which/could 105/157
2Ch_1:17......and/fifty and so brought/they 106/157
2Ch_2:17......and/fifty thousand and three/thousand 107/157
2Ch_3:9.......was/fifty shekels of gold/And 108/157
2Ch_8:10......and/fifty that/bare....... 109/157
2Ch_8:18......and/fifty talents of gold/and 110/157
2Ch_26:3..reigned/fifty and two years/in 111/157
2Ch_33:1..reigned/fifty and five years in Jerusalem But/did 112/157
Ezr_2:7...hundred/fifty and four The children of Zattu nine/hundred 113/157
Ezr_2:14.thousand/fifty and six The children of Adin/four 114/157
Ezr_2:15..hundred/fifty and four The children of Ater/of 115/157
Ezr_2:22.Netophah/fifty and six The men/of 116/157
Ezr_2:29.....Nebo/fifty and two The children of Magbish/an 117/157
Ezr_2:30..hundred/fifty and six The children of the/other 118/157
Ezr_2:31..hundred/fifty and four The children of Harim three hundred and twenty The children of Lod/Hadid 119/157
Ezr_2:37.thousand/fifty and two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua and/Kadmiel 120/157
Ezr_2:60..hundred/fifty and two And/of.. 121/157
Ezr_8:3.......and/fifty Of the sons/of.. 122/157
Ezr_8:6.......him/fifty males/And....... 123/157
Ezr_8:26......and/fifty talents of silver/and 124/157
Neh_5:17......and/fifty of the Jews/and. 125/157 and two days/And 126/157
Neh_7:10..hundred/fifty and two The children of Pahathmoab/of 127/157
Neh_7:12..hundred/fifty and four The children of Zattu eight/hundred 128/157
Neh_7:20..hundred/fifty and five The/children 129/157
Neh_7:33.....Nebo/fifty and two The children of the/other 130/157
Neh_7:34..hundred/fifty and four The children of Harim three hundred and twenty The children of Jericho/three 131/157
Neh_7:40.thousand/fifty and two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua of/Kadmiel 132/157 basons/five..... 133/157
Est_5:14.......of/fifty cubits high and/to 134/157
Est_7:9...gallows/fifty cubits high which/Haman 135/157
Isa_3:3........of/fifty and the honourable/man 136/157
Eze_40:15....were/fifty cubits And there/were 137/157
Eze_40:21.....was/fifty cubits and the breadth five and twenty cubits And their/windows 138/157
Eze_40:25.....was/fifty cubits and the breadth five and twenty cubits And there/were 139/157
Eze_40:29.....was/fifty cubits long and five and twenty cubits broad And the arches round/about 140/157
Eze_40:33.....was/fifty cubits long and five and twenty cubits broad And the arches thereof/were 141/157
Eze_40:36.....was/fifty cubits and the breadth five and twenty cubits And the/posts 142/157
Eze_42:2......was/fifty cubits Over/against 143/157
Eze_42:7......was/fifty cubits For/the.. 144/157
Eze_42:8......was/fifty cubits and lo/before 145/157
Eze_45:2......and/fifty cubits round/about 146/157
Eze_48:17.....and/fifty and toward the south/two 147/157
Eze_48:17.....and/fifty and toward the east/two 148/157
Eze_48:17.....and/fifty and toward the west/two 149/157
Eze_48:17.....and/fifty And the residue/in 150/157
Hag_2:16......out/fifty vessels/out..... 151/157
Luk_7:41....other/fifty And when/they... 152/157
Luk_16:6....write/fifty Then/said....... 153/157
Joh_8:57......yet/fifty years old and/hast 154/157
Joh_21:11.....and/fifty and three and/for 155/157
Act_13:20.....and/fifty years until/Samuel 156/157 thousand pieces/of 157/157
