Gen_3:7...sewed/fig leaves/together...... 1/41
Deu_8:8.....and/fig trees and pomegranates/a 2/41
Jdg_9:10....the/fig tree Come/thou....... 3/41
Jdg_9:11....the/fig tree said/unto....... 4/41
1Ki_4:25....his/fig tree from/Dan........ 5/41
2Ki_18:31...his/fig tree and drink ye every one the waters of his cistern/Until 6/41
Psa_105:33their/fig trees and brake/the.. 7/41
Pro_27:18...the/fig tree shall eat/the... 8/41
Son_2:13....The/fig tree putteth/forth... 9/41
Isa_34:4falling/fig from/the............ 10/41
Isa_34:4....the/fig tree For/my......... 11/41
Isa_36:16...his/fig tree and drink ye every one the waters of his own/cistern 12/41
Jer_5:17....thy/fig trees they/shall.... 13/41
Jer_8:13....the/fig tree and the leaf/shall 14/41
Hos_2:12....her/fig trees whereof/she... 15/41
Hos_9:10....the/fig tree at/her......... 16/41 tree he/hath........ 17/41
Joe_1:12....the/fig tree languisheth/the 18/41
Joe_2:22....the/fig tree and the vine/do 19/41
Amo_4:9....your/fig trees and your/olive 20/41
Mic_4:4.....his/fig tree and none/shall. 21/41 trees with/the...... 22/41
Hab_3:17....the/fig tree shall not/blossom 23/41
Hag_2:19....the/fig tree and the pomegranate/and 24/41
Zec_3:10....the/fig tree And the angel/that 25/41
Mat_21:19.....a/fig tree in/the......... 26/41
Mat_21:19...the/fig tree withered away And/when 27/41
Mat_21:20...the/fig tree withered away Jesus/answered 28/41
Mat_21:21...the/fig tree but/also....... 29/41
Mat_24:32...the/fig tree When his/branch 30/41
Mar_11:13.....a/fig tree afar/off....... 31/41
Mar_11:20...the/fig tree dried/up....... 32/41
Mar_11:21...the/fig tree which/thou..... 33/41
Mar_13:28...the/fig tree When her/branch 34/41
Luk_13:6......a/fig tree planted/in..... 35/41
Luk_13:7...this/fig tree and find/none.. 36/41
Luk_21:29...the/fig tree and all/the.... 37/41
Joh_1:48....the/fig tree I/saw.......... 38/41
Joh_1:50....the/fig tree believest/thou. 39/41
Jam_3:12....the/fig tree my/brethren.... 40/41
Rev_6:13......a/fig tree casteth/her.... 41/41
