Gen_14:10...Gomorrah/fled and fell/there..... 1/146
Gen_14:10...remained/fled to the mountain/And 2/146
Gen_16:6.........she/fled from her/face...... 3/146
Gen_31:20.........he/fled So/he.............. 4/146
Gen_31:21.........he/fled with/all........... 5/146
Gen_31:22........was/fled And he took/his.... 6/146
Gen_35:7..........he/fled from the face of his/brother 7/146
Gen_39:12........and/fled and got him out And it/came 8/146
Gen_39:13........was/fled forth/That......... 9/146
Gen_39:15........and/fled and got him out And she/laid 10/146
Gen_39:18........and/fled out And/it........ 11/146
Exo_2:15.......Moses/fled from the face of Pharaoh/and 12/146
Exo_4:3........Moses/fled from before it/And 13/146
Exo_14:5......people/fled and the heart/of.. 14/146
Exo_14:27..Egyptians/fled against/it........ 15/146
Num_16:34.......them/fled at the cry/of..... 16/146
Num_35:25........was/fled and he shall/abide 17/146
Num_35:26........was/fled And the revenger/of 18/146 to the city/of.... 19/146
Jos_7:4.........they/fled before the men/of. 20/146
Jos_8:15.........and/fled by the way of the wilderness/And 21/146
Jos_8:20........that/fled to the wilderness turned/back 22/146
Jos_10:11.......they/fled from before Israel/and 23/146
Jos_10:16......kings/fled and hid/themselves 24/146
Jos_20:6..........he/fled And they appointed/Kedesh 25/146
Jdg_1:6...Adonibezek/fled and they pursued/after 26/146
Jdg_4:15.........and/fled away on his feet But/Barak 27/146
Jdg_4:17......Sisera/fled away on his feet to/the 28/146
Jdg_7:21.........and/fled And the three/hundred 29/146 to Bethshittah/in. 30/146
Jdg_8:12....Zalmunna/fled he pursued/after.. 31/146
Jdg_9:21.........and/fled and went to Beer/and 32/146
Jdg_9:40..........he/fled before him and many/were 33/146
Jdg_9:51.....thither/fled all/the........... 34/146
Jdg_11:3....Jephthah/fled from his brethren/and 35/146
Jdg_20:45........and/fled toward/the........ 36/146
Jdg_20:47........and/fled to the wilderness unto/the 37/146
1Sa_4:10........they/fled every man into/his 38/146
1Sa_4:16...........I/fled to day/out........ 39/146 before the Philistines/and 40/146
1Sa_14:22Philistines/fled even/they......... 41/146 from him and were/sore 42/146
1Sa_17:51.......they/fled And the men/of.... 43/146
1Sa_19:8........they/fled from him And the/evil 44/146
1Sa_19:10......David/fled and escaped that/night 45/146
1Sa_19:12........and/fled and escaped And Michal/took 46/146
1Sa_19:18......David/fled and escaped and came/to 47/146
1Sa_20:1.......David/fled from Naioth/in.... 48/146
1Sa_21:10........and/fled that/day.......... 49/146
1Sa_22:17.........he/fled and did/not....... 50/146
1Sa_22:20........and/fled after/David....... 51/146
1Sa_23:6...Ahimelech/fled to David/to....... 52/146
1Sa_27:4.........was/fled to Gath/and....... 53/146
1Sa_30:17........and/fled And David/recovered 54/146
1Sa_31:1......Israel/fled from before the Philistines and fell down slain in mount Gilboa And the Philistines followed hard upon/Saul 55/146
1Sa_31:7......Israel/fled and that Saul and his sons were dead they/forsook 56/146
1Sa_31:7.........and/fled and the Philistines came and dwelt in them And it came to pass on the morrow when the Philistines came to strip the slain that they found Saul and his three/sons 57/146
2Sa_1:4..........are/fled from the battle/and 58/146
2Sa_4:3..Beerothites/fled to Gittaim/and.... 59/146
2Sa_4:4..........and/fled and it came to pass as/she 60/146
2Sa_10:13.......they/fled before him And when the children of Ammon saw that the Syrians were fled then/fled 61/146
2Sa_10:14.......were/fled then fled/they.... 62/146
2Sa_10:14.......then/fled they also/before.. 63/146
2Sa_10:18....Syrians/fled before Israel and David slew the/men 64/146
2Sa_13:29........and/fled And it came to pass while/they 65/146
2Sa_13:34....Absalom/fled And the young/man. 66/146
2Sa_13:37....Absalom/fled and went to Talmai/the 67/146
2Sa_13:38....Absalom/fled and went to Geshur/and 68/146
2Sa_18:17.....Israel/fled every one to his tent/Now 69/146
2Sa_19:8.........had/fled every man to his tent And all/the 70/146 out of the/land... 71/146
2Sa_23:11.....people/fled from the Philistines/But 72/146
1Ki_2:7............I/fled because/of........ 73/146
1Ki_2:28........Joab/fled unto the tabernacle of the LORD and caught/hold 74/146
1Ki_2:29.........was/fled unto the tabernacle of the LORD and behold/he 75/146
1Ki_11:17......Hadad/fled he and/certain.... 76/146
1Ki_11:23......which/fled from his lord/Hadadezer 77/146
1Ki_11:40........and/fled into Egypt/unto... 78/146
1Ki_12:2.........was/fled from the presence of king/Solomon 79/146
1Ki_20:20....Syrians/fled and Israel/pursued 80/146 to Aphek/into..... 81/146
1Ki_20:30...Benhadad/fled and came/into..... 82/146
2Ki_3:24........they/fled before them/but... 83/146
2Ki_7:7..........and/fled in/the............ 84/146
2Ki_7:7..........and/fled for their/life.... 85/146
2Ki_8:21......people/fled into their/tents.. 86/146
2Ki_9:10.........and/fled Then Jehu/came.... 87/146
2Ki_9:23.........and/fled and said/to....... 88/146
2Ki_9:27..........he/fled by the way of the garden/house 89/146
2Ki_9:27..........he/fled to Megiddo/and.... 90/146
2Ki_14:12.......they/fled every man to their/tents 91/146
2Ki_14:19.........he/fled to Lachish but they sent after/him 92/146
2Ki_25:4.........war/fled by night/by....... 93/146
1Ch_10:1......Israel/fled from before the Philistines and fell down slain in mount Gilboa And the Philistines followed hard after/Saul 94/146
1Ch_10:7........they/fled and that Saul and his sons were dead then/they 95/146
1Ch_10:7.........and/fled and the Philistines came and dwelt in them And it came to pass on the morrow when the Philistines came to strip the slain that they found Saul and his sons/fallen 96/146
1Ch_11:13.....people/fled from before the Philistines And they/set 97/146
1Ch_19:14.......they/fled before him And when the children of Ammon saw that the Syrians were fled they/likewise 98/146
1Ch_19:15.......were/fled they likewise/fled 99/146
1Ch_19:15...likewise/fled before Abishai/his 100/146
1Ch_19:18....Syrians/fled before Israel and David slew of/the 101/146
2Ch_10:2..........he/fled from the presence of Solomon/the 102/146
2Ch_13:16.....Israel/fled before Judah/and. 103/146
2Ch_14:12.Ethiopians/fled And Asa/and...... 104/146
2Ch_25:22.......they/fled every man to his tent And Joash/the 105/146
2Ch_25:27.........he/fled to Lachish but they sent to/Lachish 106/146
Neh_13:10.......were/fled every one to his field/Then 107/146
Psa_31:11....without/fled from me I/am..... 108/146
Psa_104:7.......they/fled at the voice/of.. 109/146
Psa_114:3........and/fled Jordan/was....... 110/146 Lift/up.......... 111/146
Isa_21:14.......that/fled For they/fled.... 112/146
Isa_21:15.......they/fled from the swords/from 113/146
Isa_22:3.........are/fled together/they.... 114/146
Isa_22:3........have/fled from far/Therefore 115/146
Isa_33:3......people/fled at the lifting/up 116/146
Jer_4:25........were/fled I/beheld......... 117/146
Jer_9:10.........are/fled they are/gone.... 118/146
Jer_26:21........and/fled and went into/Egypt 119/146
Jer_39:4........they/fled and went forth out of the city by night by the way of the king's/garden 120/146
Jer_46:5.........are/fled apace/and........ 121/146
Jer_46:21........are/fled away together/they 122/146
Jer_48:45.......that/fled stood/under...... 123/146
Jer_52:7.........war/fled and went forth out of the city by night by the way of the gate/between 124/146
Lam_4:15........they/fled away and wandered/they 125/146
Dan_10:7........they/fled to hide/themselves 126/146
Hos_7:13........have/fled from me destruction/unto 127/146
Hos_12:12......Jacob/fled into the country/of 128/146
Jon_1:10..........he/fled from the presence of the/LORD 129/146
Jon_4:2............I/fled before unto/Tarshish 130/146 from before the earthquake/in 131/146
Mat_8:33........them/fled and went their/ways 132/146
Mat_26:56........and/fled And they that/had 133/146
Mar_5:14.......swine/fled and told/it...... 134/146
Mar_14:50........and/fled And there/followed 135/146
Mar_14:52........and/fled from them/naked.. 136/146
Mar_16:8.........and/fled from the sepulchre/for 137/146
Luk_8:34........they/fled and went and/told 138/146
Act_7:29........Then/fled Moses/at......... 139/146
Act_14:6.........and/fled unto Lystra/and.. 140/146
Act_16:27.......been/fled But/Paul......... 141/146
Act_19:16.......they/fled out of that/house 142/146
Heb_6:18........have/fled for refuge/to.... 143/146
Rev_12:6.......woman/fled into the wilderness/where 144/146
Rev_16:20.....island/fled away and the/mountains 145/146
Rev_20:11.....heaven/fled away and there/was 146/146
Gen_35:1........thou/fleddest from/the......... 1/2
Psa_114:5.......thou/fleddest thou/Jordan...... 2/2
