Deu_4:31........not/forsake thee neither/destroy 1/58
Deu_12:19......thou/forsake not the Levite/as 2/58
Deu_14:27.......not/forsake him for/he....... 3/58
Deu_31:6........nor/forsake thee And/Moses... 4/58
Deu_31:8....neither/forsake thee fear/not.... 5/58
Deu_31:16......will/forsake me and/break..... 6/58
Deu_31:17......will/forsake them and/I....... 7/58
Jos_1:5.........nor/forsake thee Be/strong... 8/58
Jos_24:16....should/forsake the LORD to/serve 9/58 the LORD and/serve 10/58
Jdg_9:11..........I/forsake my sweetness/and 11/58
1Sa_12:22.......not/forsake his people/for.. 12/58
1Ki_6:13........not/forsake my people/Israel 13/58
1Ki_8:57........nor/forsake us That/he...... 14/58
2Ki_21:14......will/forsake the remnant/of.. 15/58
1Ch_28:9.......thou/forsake him he will cast/thee 16/58
1Ch_28:20.......nor/forsake thee until/thou. 17/58
2Ch_7:19........and/forsake my statutes/and. 18/58 him he will forsake/you 19/58
2Ch_15:2.......will/forsake you Now/for..... 20/58
Ezr_8:22.......that/forsake him So/we....... 21/58
Neh_9:31........nor/forsake them for/thou... 22/58
Neh_10:39.......not/forsake the house/of.... 23/58
Job_20:13.......and/forsake it/not.......... 24/58
Psa_27:9....neither/forsake me O/God........ 25/58
Psa_27:10....mother/forsake me then/the..... 26/58
Psa_37:8........and/forsake wrath/fret...... 27/58 me not O/LORD... 28/58
Psa_71:9........age/forsake me not when/my.. 29/58
Psa_71:18.......God/forsake me not until/I.. 30/58
Psa_89:30..children/forsake my law/and...... 31/58
Psa_94:14........he/forsake his inheritance/But 32/58
Psa_119:8.........O/forsake me not utterly/Wherewithal 33/58
Psa_119:53.....that/forsake thy/law......... 34/58
Psa_138:8......ever/forsake not the works/of 35/58
Pro_1:8.........and/forsake not the law of thy mother For/they 36/58
Pro_3:3.......truth/forsake thee bind/them.. 37/58
Pro_4:2....doctrine/forsake ye/not.......... 38/58
Pro_4:6.......mouth/Forsake her not/and..... 39/58
Pro_6:20........and/forsake not the law of thy mother Bind/them 40/58
Pro_9:6.....mingled/Forsake the foolish/and. 41/58
Pro_27:10....friend/forsake not neither/go.. 42/58
Pro_28:4.......that/forsake the law/praise.. 43/58
Isa_1:28.......that/forsake the LORD shall/be 44/58
Isa_41:17.......not/forsake them I/will..... 45/58
Isa_42:16.......not/forsake them They/shall. 46/58
Isa_55:7.....wicked/forsake his way/and..... 47/58
Isa_65:11......that/forsake the LORD that/forget 48/58
Jer_17:13......that/forsake thee shall/be... 49/58
Jer_23:33......even/forsake you saith/the... 50/58
Jer_23:39......will/forsake you and/the..... 51/58
Jer_51:9.....healed/forsake her and/let..... 52/58
Lam_5:20........and/forsake us so/long...... 53/58
Eze_20:8.......they/forsake the idols/of.... 54/58
Dan_11:30......that/forsake the holy/covenant 55/58
Jon_2:8....vanities/forsake their/own....... 56/58 Moses/saying.... 57/58
Heb_13:5........nor/forsake thee So/that.... 58/58
Deu_28:20......hast/forsaken me The LORD/shall 1/76
Deu_29:25......have/forsaken the covenant of the LORD God/of 2/76
Jdg_6:13.......hath/forsaken us and/delivered 3/76
Jdg_10:10......have/forsaken our/God......... 4/76
Jdg_10:13......have/forsaken me and served other gods wherefore/I 5/76
1Sa_8:8........have/forsaken me and served other gods so/do 6/76
1Sa_12:10......have/forsaken the LORD and/have 7/76
1Ki_11:33......have/forsaken me and have worshipped/Ashtoreth 8/76
1Ki_18:18......have/forsaken the commandments/of 9/76
1Ki_19:10......have/forsaken thy covenant thrown down thine altars and slain thy prophets with the sword and I even I only am left and they seek my life to take it away And he/said 10/76
1Ki_19:14......have/forsaken thy covenant thrown down thine altars and slain thy prophets with the sword and I even I only am left and they seek my life to take it away And the/LORD 11/76
2Ki_22:17......have/forsaken me and have burned incense unto other gods that they might provoke me to anger with all the works of their hands therefore my wrath shall be kindled/against 12/76
2Ch_12:5.......have/forsaken me and therefore/have 13/76
2Ch_13:10.......not/forsaken him and the/priests 14/76
2Ch_13:11......have/forsaken him And behold/God 15/76
2Ch_21:10.......had/forsaken the LORD God of his/fathers 16/76
2Ch_24:20......have/forsaken the LORD he/hath 17/76
2Ch_24:20......also/forsaken you/And........ 18/76
2Ch_24:24.......had/forsaken the LORD God of their fathers So/they 19/76
2Ch_28:6........had/forsaken the LORD God of their fathers And/Zichri 20/76
2Ch_29:6.......have/forsaken him and have/turned 21/76
2Ch_34:25......have/forsaken me and have burned incense unto other gods that they might provoke me to anger with all the works of their hands therefore my wrath shall be poured/out 22/76
Ezr_9:9.........not/forsaken us in/our...... 23/76
Ezr_9:10.......have/forsaken thy commandments/Which 24/76
Neh_13:11.......God/forsaken And I/gathered. 25/76 for/thee....... 26/76
Job_20:19......hath/forsaken the poor/because 27/76
Psa_9:10........not/forsaken them/that...... 28/76
Psa_22:1.......thou/forsaken me why/art..... 29/76
Psa_37:25.righteous/forsaken nor his/seed... 30/76
Psa_71:11......hath/forsaken him persecute/and 31/76
Isa_1:4........have/forsaken the LORD they/have 32/76
Isa_2:6........hast/forsaken thy people/the. 33/76 of/both........ 34/76
Isa_17:2........are/forsaken they/shall..... 35/76
Isa_17:9..........a/forsaken bough/and...... 36/76
Isa_27:10habitation/forsaken and left/like.. 37/76 the multitude/of 38/76
Isa_49:14......hath/forsaken me and my/Lord. 39/76
Isa_54:6......woman/forsaken and grieved/in. 40/76
Isa_54:7..........I/forsaken thee/but....... 41/76
Isa_60:15......been/forsaken and hated/so... 42/76
Isa_62:4.....termed/Forsaken neither/shall.. 43/76
Isa_62:12.......not/forsaken Who/is......... 44/76
Jer_1:16.......have/forsaken me and have burned incense unto other gods and/worshipped 45/76
Jer_2:13.......have/forsaken me the fountain/of 46/76
Jer_2:17.......hast/forsaken the LORD thy God when/he 47/76
Jer_2:19.......hast/forsaken the LORD thy God and/that 48/76 and not/a...... 49/76
Jer_5:7........have/forsaken me and sworn/by 50/76
Jer_5:19.......have/forsaken me and served strange/gods 51/76
Jer_7:29........and/forsaken the generation/of 52/76
Jer_9:13.......have/forsaken my/law......... 53/76
Jer_9:19.......have/forsaken the land/because 54/76
Jer_12:7.......have/forsaken mine/house..... 55/76
Jer_15:6.......hast/forsaken me saith the LORD thou/art 56/76
Jer_16:11......have/forsaken me saith the LORD and/have 57/76
Jer_16:11......have/forsaken me and have not/kept 58/76
Jer_17:13......have/forsaken the LORD the/fountain 59/76 Because/my..... 60/76
Jer_19:4.......have/forsaken me and have estranged/this 61/76
Jer_22:9.......have/forsaken the covenant of the LORD their/God 62/76
Jer_25:38......hath/forsaken his/covert..... 63/76
Jer_51:5.......been/forsaken nor Judah/of... 64/76
Eze_8:12.......hath/forsaken the earth He/said 65/76
Eze_9:9........hath/forsaken the earth and/the 66/76
Eze_36:4........are/forsaken which/became... 67/76 upon/her....... 68/76 and Ashkelon/a. 69/76
Mat_19:27......have/forsaken all/and........ 70/76
Mat_19:29......hath/forsaken houses/or...... 71/76
Mat_27:46......thou/forsaken me Some/of..... 72/76
Mar_15:34......thou/forsaken me And some/of. 73/76
2Co_4:9.........not/forsaken cast/down...... 74/76
2Ti_4:10.......hath/forsaken me having/loved 75/76
2Pe_2:15.......have/forsaken the right/way.. 76/76
Job_6:14.........he/forsaketh the fear/of..... 1/6
Psa_37:28.......and/forsaketh not his/saints.. 2/6
Pro_2:17......Which/forsaketh the guide/of.... 3/6
Pro_15:10......that/forsaketh the way/and..... 4/6
Pro_28:13.......and/forsaketh them/shall...... 5/6
Luk_14:33......that/forsaketh not all/that.... 6/6
Isa_6:12......great/forsaking in/the.......... 1/2
Heb_10:25.......Not/forsaking the/assembling.. 2/2 1/1
Deu_32:15........he/forsook God/which........ 1/24
Jdg_2:12.......they/forsook the LORD God of their fathers which brought them out/of 2/24
Jdg_2:13.......they/forsook the LORD and served Baal/and 3/24
Jdg_10:6........and/forsook the LORD and served not/him 4/24
1Sa_31:7.......they/forsook the cities/and... 5/24
1Ki_9:9........they/forsook the LORD their/God 6/24
1Ki_12:8.........he/forsook the counsel of the old men which/they 7/24
1Ki_12:13.......and/forsook the old/men's.... 8/24
2Ki_21:22........he/forsook the LORD God of his/fathers 9/24
1Ch_10:7.......they/forsook their cities/and 10/24
2Ch_7:22.......they/forsook the LORD God of their fathers which brought them forth/out 11/24
2Ch_10:8.........he/forsook the counsel which/the 12/24
2Ch_10:13..Rehoboam/forsook the counsel of the old men And/answered 13/24
2Ch_12:1.........he/forsook the law/of...... 14/24
Psa_78:60........he/forsook the tabernacle/of 15/24
Psa_119:87........I/forsook not thy/precepts 16/24
Isa_58:2........and/forsook not the/ordinance 17/24
Jer_14:5........and/forsook it/because...... 18/24
Mat_26:56.disciples/forsook him and fled And they/that 19/24
Mar_1:18.......they/forsook their nets/and.. 20/24
Mar_14:50.......all/forsook him and fled And there/followed 21/24
Luk_5:11.......they/forsook all/and......... 22/24 me/I............ 23/24
Heb_11:27........he/forsook Egypt/not....... 24/24
Neh_9:17........and/forsookest them not Yea/when 1/2
Neh_9:19....mercies/forsookest them not in/the 2/2
Mat_5:33........not/forswear/thyself.......... 1/1
