Gen_19:1........the/gate of Sodom/and....... 1/275
Gen_22:17.......the/gate of his enemies/And. 2/275
Gen_23:10.......the/gate of his city saying/Nay 3/275
Gen_23:18.......the/gate of his city And after/this 4/275
Gen_24:60.......the/gate of those/which..... 5/275
Gen_28:17.......the/gate of heaven/And...... 6/275
Gen_34:20.......the/gate of their/city...... 7/275
Gen_34:24.......the/gate of his city and every/male 8/275
Gen_34:24.......the/gate of his city And it/came 9/275
Exo_27:14.......the/gate shall be fifteen/cubits 10/275
Exo_27:16.......the/gate of the court shall/be 11/275
Exo_32:26.......the/gate of the camp/and... 12/275
Exo_32:27......from/gate to gate throughout/the 13/275 throughout/the.... 14/275
Exo_38:14.......the/gate were fifteen/cubits 15/275
Exo_38:15.....court/gate on/this........... 16/275
Exo_38:18.......the/gate of the court was/needlework 17/275
Exo_38:31.....court/gate and all the pins/of 18/275
Exo_39:40.....court/gate his/cords......... 19/275
Exo_40:8......court/gate And thou/shalt.... 20/275
Exo_40:33.....court/gate So Moses/finished. 21/275
Num_4:26........the/gate of the court which/is 22/275
Deu_21:19.......the/gate of his place And/they 23/275
Deu_22:15.......the/gate And the damsel's/father 24/275
Deu_22:24.......the/gate of that/city...... 25/275
Deu_25:7........the/gate unto the elders/and 26/275
Jos_2:5.........the/gate when/it........... 27/275
Jos_2:7.........the/gate And before/they... 28/275
Jos_7:5.........the/gate even unto/Shebarim 29/275
Jos_8:29........the/gate of the city and raise/thereon 30/275
Jos_20:4........the/gate of the city and shall/declare 31/275
Jdg_9:35........the/gate of the city and Abimelech/rose 32/275
Jdg_9:40........the/gate And Abimelech/dwelt 33/275
Jdg_9:44........the/gate of the city and the two other/companies 34/275
Jdg_16:2........the/gate of the city and were/quiet 35/275
Jdg_16:3........the/gate of the city and the two posts/and 36/275
Jdg_18:16.......the/gate And the five/men.. 37/275
Jdg_18:17.......the/gate with/the.......... 38/275
Rut_4:1.........the/gate and sat/him....... 39/275
Rut_4:10........the/gate of his place ye/are 40/275
Rut_4:11........the/gate and the elders/said 41/275
1Sa_4:18........the/gate and his/neck...... 42/275
1Sa_9:18........the/gate and said/Tell..... 43/275
1Sa_21:13.......the/gate and let/his....... 44/275
2Sa_3:27........the/gate to speak/with..... 45/275
2Sa_10:8........the/gate and the Syrians/of 46/275
2Sa_11:23.......the/gate And the shooters/shot 47/275
2Sa_15:2........the/gate and it/was........ 48/275
2Sa_18:4........the/gate side/and.......... 49/275
2Sa_18:24.......the/gate unto the wall/and. 50/275
2Sa_18:33.......the/gate and wept/and...... 51/275
2Sa_19:8........the/gate And they told/unto 52/275
2Sa_19:8........the/gate And all the people/came 53/275
2Sa_23:15.......the/gate And the three mighty/men 54/275
2Sa_23:16.......the/gate and took it and brought it to David nevertheless/he 55/275
1Ki_17:10.......the/gate of the city behold the/widow 56/275
1Ki_22:10.......the/gate of Samaria and all the prophets prophesied before them And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made/him 57/275
2Ki_7:1.........the/gate of Samaria Then/a. 58/275
2Ki_7:3.........the/gate and they said one/to 59/275
2Ki_7:17........the/gate and the people/trode 60/275
2Ki_7:17........the/gate and he died as/the 61/275
2Ki_7:18........the/gate of Samaria And that/lord 62/275
2Ki_7:20........the/gate and he died Then/spake 63/275
2Ki_9:31........the/gate she/said.......... 64/275
2Ki_10:8........the/gate until/the......... 65/275
2Ki_11:6........the/gate of Sur/and........ 66/275
2Ki_11:6........the/gate behind/the........ 67/275
2Ki_11:19.......the/gate of the guard/to... 68/275
2Ki_14:13.......the/gate of Ephraim unto/the 69/275
2Ki_14:13....corner/gate four hundred cubits And he took all the gold and silver/and 70/275
2Ki_15:35....higher/gate of the house of the LORD Now/the 71/275
2Ki_23:8........the/gate of Joshua/the..... 72/275
2Ki_23:8........the/gate of the city Nevertheless/the 73/275
2Ki_25:4........the/gate between two/walls. 74/275
1Ch_9:18.....king's/gate eastward they/were 75/275
1Ch_11:17.......the/gate And the three brake/through 76/275
1Ch_11:18.......the/gate and took it and brought it to David but/David 77/275
1Ch_19:9........the/gate of the city and the kings/that 78/275
1Ch_26:13.....every/gate And the lot/eastward 79/275
1Ch_26:16.......the/gate Shallecheth/by.... 80/275
2Ch_8:14......every/gate for so/had........ 81/275
2Ch_18:9........the/gate of Samaria and all the prophets prophesied before them And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah had/made 82/275
2Ch_23:5........the/gate of the foundation/and 83/275 by the king's/house 84/275
2Ch_23:20......high/gate into the king's/house 85/275
2Ch_24:8........the/gate of the house of the LORD And they/made 86/275
2Ch_25:23.......the/gate of Ephraim to/the. 87/275
2Ch_25:23....corner/gate four hundred cubits And he took all the gold and the/silver 88/275
2Ch_26:9.....corner/gate and at the valley/gate 89/275
2Ch_26:9.....valley/gate and at the turning/of 90/275
2Ch_27:3.......high/gate of the house of the LORD and on/the 91/275
2Ch_32:6........the/gate of the city and spake/comfortably 92/275 and compassed/about 93/275
2Ch_35:15.....every/gate they might/not.... 94/275
Neh_2:13........the/gate of the valley even/before 95/275
Neh_2:14........the/gate of the fountain and/to 96/275
Neh_2:15........the/gate of the valley and/so 97/275
Neh_3:1.......sheep/gate they sanctified/it 98/275 did/the........... 99/275
Neh_3:6.........old/gate repaired Jehoiada/the 100/275
Neh_3:13.....valley/gate repaired Hanun/and 101/275
Neh_3:13.......dung/gate But the/dung..... 102/275
Neh_3:14.......dung/gate repaired Malchiah/the 103/275
Neh_3:15........the/gate of the fountain repaired/Shallun 104/275
Neh_3:26......water/gate toward the east and/the 105/275 repaired the priests/every 106/275
Neh_3:29.......east/gate After/him........ 107/275
Neh_3:31........the/gate Miphkad/and...... 108/275
Neh_3:32......sheep/gate repaired the goldsmiths/and 109/275
Neh_8:1.......water/gate and they spake/unto 110/275
Neh_8:3.......water/gate from the morning/until 111/275
Neh_8:16......water/gate and in/the....... 112/275
Neh_8:16........the/gate of Ephraim And all/the 113/275
Neh_12:31......dung/gate And after/them... 114/275
Neh_12:37..fountain/gate which was over/against 115/275
Neh_12:37.....water/gate eastward And/the. 116/275
Neh_12:39.......the/gate of Ephraim and above/the 117/275
Neh_12:39.......old/gate and above/the.... 118/275 and the tower/of. 119/275
Neh_12:39.....sheep/gate and they stood/still 120/275
Neh_12:39....prison/gate So stood/the..... 121/275
Est_2:19.....king's/gate Esther/had....... 122/275
Est_2:21.....king's/gate two/of........... 123/275
Est_3:2......king's/gate bowed/and........ 124/275
Est_3:3......king's/gate said/unto........ 125/275
Est_4:2......king's/gate for none/might... 126/275
Est_4:2......king's/gate clothed/with..... 127/275
Est_4:6......king's/gate And Mordecai/told 128/275
Est_5:1.........the/gate of the house And/it 129/275
Est_5:9......king's/gate that he/stood.... 130/275
Est_5:13.....king's/gate Then said/Zeresh. 131/275
Est_6:10.....king's/gate let nothing/fail. 132/275
Est_6:12.....king's/gate But Haman/hasted. 133/275
Job_5:4.........the/gate neither/is....... 134/275
Job_29:7........the/gate through/the...... 135/275
Job_31:21.......the/gate Then let/mine.... 136/275
Psa_69:12.......the/gate speak/against.... 137/275
Psa_118:20.....This/gate of the LORD/into. 138/275
Psa_127:5.......the/gate Blessed/is....... 139/275
Pro_17:19.......his/gate seeketh/destruction 140/275
Pro_22:22.......the/gate For the/LORD..... 141/275
Pro_24:7........the/gate He that/deviseth. 142/275
Son_7:4.........the/gate of Bathrabbim/thy 143/275
Isa_14:31.........O/gate cry/O............ 144/275
Isa_22:7........the/gate And he discovered/the 145/275
Isa_24:12.......the/gate is/smitten....... 146/275
Isa_28:6........the/gate But they/also.... 147/275
Isa_29:21.......the/gate and turn/aside... 148/275
Jer_7:2.........the/gate of the LORD's house and proclaim/there 149/275
Jer_17:19.......the/gate of the children/of 150/275
Jer_19:2.......east/gate and proclaim/there 151/275
Jer_20:2.......high/gate of Benjamin which/was 152/275 of the LORD's house Then/spake 153/275
Jer_31:38.......the/gate of the corner/And 154/275 toward the east shall/be 155/275 of the LORD's house in/the 156/275
Jer_37:13.......the/gate of Benjamin a/captain 157/275
Jer_38:7........the/gate of Benjamin Ebedmelech/went 158/275
Jer_39:3.....middle/gate even Nergalsharezer/Samgarnebo 159/275
Jer_39:4........the/gate betwixt/the...... 160/275
Jer_52:7........the/gate between the/two.. 161/275
Lam_5:14........the/gate the young/men.... 162/275
Eze_8:3.......inner/gate that looketh toward the north/where 163/275
Eze_8:5.........the/gate of the altar/this 164/275
Eze_8:14........the/gate of the LORD's house which was/toward 165/275
Eze_9:2......higher/gate which lieth/toward 166/275
Eze_10:19......east/gate of the LORD's house and the/glory 167/275
Eze_11:1.......east/gate of the LORD's house which looketh/eastward 168/275
Eze_11:1........the/gate five/and......... 169/275
Eze_40:3........the/gate And the man/said. 170/275
Eze_40:6........the/gate which looketh/toward 171/275
Eze_40:6........the/gate which was one reed broad and the/other 172/275
Eze_40:6........the/gate which was one reed broad And every/little 173/275
Eze_40:7........the/gate by the porch/of.. 174/275
Eze_40:7........the/gate within was/one... 175/275
Eze_40:8........the/gate within one/reed.. 176/275
Eze_40:9........the/gate eight cubits/and. 177/275
Eze_40:9........the/gate was inward/And... 178/275
Eze_40:10.......the/gate eastward were/three 179/275
Eze_40:11.......the/gate ten/cubits....... 180/275
Eze_40:11.......the/gate thirteen/cubits.. 181/275
Eze_40:13.......the/gate from the roof/of. 182/275
Eze_40:14.......the/gate And from the face/of 183/275
Eze_40:15.......the/gate of the entrance/unto 184/275
Eze_40:15.....inner/gate were fifty/cubits 185/275
Eze_40:16.......the/gate round/about...... 186/275
Eze_40:19.....lower/gate unto the forefront/of 187/275
Eze_40:20.......the/gate of the outward court/that 188/275
Eze_40:21.....first/gate the length/thereof 189/275
Eze_40:22.......the/gate that looketh toward the east and they/went 190/275
Eze_40:23.......the/gate of the inner court was/over 191/275
Eze_40:23.......the/gate toward the north/and 192/275
Eze_40:23......from/gate to gate an/hundred 193/275 an/hundred....... 194/275
Eze_40:24.........a/gate toward the south and/he 195/275
Eze_40:27.........a/gate in/the........... 196/275
Eze_40:27......from/gate to gate toward/the 197/275 toward the south an/hundred 198/275
Eze_40:28.....south/gate and he measured/the 199/275
Eze_40:28.....south/gate according to these measures And the little chambers thereof and the posts thereof and the arches thereof according/to 200/275
Eze_40:32.......the/gate according to these measures And the little chambers thereof and the posts thereof and the arches thereof were/according 201/275
Eze_40:35.....north/gate and measured/it.. 202/275
Eze_40:39.......the/gate were two tables on/this 203/275
Eze_40:40.....north/gate were two tables and/on 204/275
Eze_40:40.......the/gate were two tables Four/tables 205/275
Eze_40:41.......the/gate eight tables/whereupon 206/275
Eze_40:44.....inner/gate were the/chambers 207/275
Eze_40:44.....north/gate and their/prospect 208/275
Eze_40:44......east/gate having/the....... 209/275
Eze_40:48.......the/gate was three/cubits. 210/275
Eze_42:15.......the/gate whose prospect is toward the east and/measured 211/275
Eze_43:1........the/gate even the/gate.... 212/275
Eze_43:1........the/gate that looketh toward the east And behold/the 213/275
Eze_43:4........the/gate whose prospect is toward the east So/the 214/275
Eze_44:1........the/gate of the outward sanctuary/which 215/275
Eze_44:2.......This/gate shall be shut/it. 216/275
Eze_44:3.......that/gate and shall/go..... 217/275
Eze_44:4......north/gate before the house/and 218/275
Eze_45:19.......the/gate of the inner court And/so 219/275
Eze_46:1........The/gate of the inner court that/looketh 220/275
Eze_46:2.......that/gate without/and...... 221/275
Eze_46:2........the/gate and the priests/shall 222/275
Eze_46:2........the/gate then he/shall.... 223/275
Eze_46:2........the/gate shall not/be..... 224/275
Eze_46:3.......this/gate before the LORD/in 225/275
Eze_46:8.......that/gate and he shall/go.. 226/275
Eze_46:9......north/gate to worship/shall. 227/275
Eze_46:9......south/gate and he that/entereth 228/275
Eze_46:9......south/gate shall go/forth... 229/275
Eze_46:9......north/gate he shall/not..... 230/275
Eze_46:9........the/gate whereby/he....... 231/275
Eze_46:12.......the/gate that looketh toward the east and he/shall 232/275
Eze_46:12.......the/gate Thou/shalt....... 233/275
Eze_46:19.......the/gate into the holy/chambers 234/275
Eze_47:2........the/gate northward/and.... 235/275
Eze_47:2......utter/gate by the way/that.. 236/275 of Reuben/one.... 237/275 of Judah/one..... 238/275 of Levi/And...... 239/275 of Joseph/one.... 240/275 of Benjamin one/gate 241/275 of Dan/And....... 242/275 of Simeon/one.... 243/275 of Issachar/one.. 244/275 of Zebulun/At.... 245/275 of Gad/one....... 246/275 of Asher/one..... 247/275 of Naphtali/It... 248/275
Dan_2:49........the/gate of the king/Nebuchadnezzar 249/275
Amo_5:10........the/gate and they abhor/him 250/275
Amo_5:12........the/gate from their/right. 251/275
Amo_5:15........the/gate it/may........... 252/275
Oba_1:13........the/gate of my people in/the 253/275
Mic_1:9.........the/gate of my people even/to 254/275
Mic_1:12........the/gate of Jerusalem/O... 255/275
Mic_2:13........the/gate and are/gone..... 256/275 and an/howling... 257/275
Zec_14:10Benjamin's/gate unto the place/of 258/275
Zec_14:10.....first/gate unto the corner/gate 259/275
Zec_14:10....corner/gate and from the tower/of 260/275
Mat_7:13.....strait/gate for wide/is...... 261/275
Mat_7:13........the/gate and broad/is..... 262/275
Mat_7:14........the/gate and narrow/is.... 263/275
Luk_7:12........the/gate of the city behold there/was 264/275
Luk_13:24....strait/gate for many/I....... 265/275
Luk_16:20.......his/gate full/of.......... 266/275
Act_3:2.........the/gate of the temple which/is 267/275
Act_3:10..Beautiful/gate of the temple and/they 268/275
Act_10:17.......the/gate And called/and... 269/275
Act_12:10......iron/gate that leadeth/unto 270/275
Act_12:13.......the/gate a/damsel......... 271/275
Act_12:14.......the/gate for gladness/but. 272/275
Act_12:14.......the/gate And they said unto/her 273/275
Heb_13:12.......the/gate Let us/go........ 274/275
Rev_21:21...several/gate was of/one....... 275/275
Exo_20:10.......thy/gates For/in............ 1/144
Deu_3:5.......walls/gates and bars beside/unwalled 2/144
Deu_5:14........thy/gates that thy/manservant 3/144
Deu_6:9.........thy/gates And it/shall...... 4/144
Deu_11:20.......thy/gates That your/days.... 5/144
Deu_12:12......your/gates forasmuch/as...... 6/144
Deu_12:15.......thy/gates whatsoever thy soul lusteth after according/to 7/144
Deu_12:17.......thy/gates the tithe/of...... 8/144
Deu_12:18.......thy/gates and thou/shalt.... 9/144
Deu_12:21.......thy/gates whatsoever thy soul lusteth after Even/as 10/144
Deu_14:21.......thy/gates that he/may...... 11/144
Deu_14:27.......thy/gates thou/shalt....... 12/144
Deu_14:28.......thy/gates And the Levite/because 13/144
Deu_14:29.......thy/gates shall come/and... 14/144
Deu_15:7........thy/gates in thy/land...... 15/144
Deu_15:22.......thy/gates the unclean/and.. 16/144
Deu_16:5........thy/gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee But/at 17/144
Deu_16:11.......thy/gates and the stranger/and 18/144
Deu_16:14.......thy/gates Seven/days....... 19/144
Deu_16:18.......thy/gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee throughout/thy 20/144
Deu_17:2........thy/gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee man/or 21/144
Deu_17:5........thy/gates even that/man.... 22/144
Deu_17:8........thy/gates then/shalt....... 23/144
Deu_18:6........thy/gates out/of........... 24/144
Deu_23:16.......thy/gates where it/liketh.. 25/144
Deu_24:14.......thy/gates At his/day....... 26/144
Deu_26:12.......thy/gates and be filled/Then 27/144
Deu_28:52.......thy/gates until/thy........ 28/144
Deu_28:52.......thy/gates throughout/all... 29/144
Deu_28:55.......thy/gates The tender/and... 30/144
Deu_28:57.......thy/gates If/thou.......... 31/144
Deu_31:12.......thy/gates that they/may.... 32/144
Jos_6:26........the/gates of it So/the..... 33/144
Jdg_5:8.........the/gates was there/a...... 34/144
Jdg_5:11........the/gates Awake/awake...... 35/144
1Sa_17:52.......the/gates of Ekron/And..... 36/144
1Sa_23:7.......hath/gates and bars And Saul/called 37/144
2Sa_18:24.......two/gates and the watchman/went 38/144
1Ki_16:34.......the/gates thereof in/his... 39/144
2Ki_23:8........the/gates that were/in..... 40/144
1Ch_9:19........the/gates of the tabernacle/and 41/144
1Ch_9:22........the/gates were two/hundred. 42/144
1Ch_9:23........the/gates of the house of the LORD namely/the 43/144
1Ch_22:3........the/gates and for/the...... 44/144
2Ch_8:5.......walls/gates and bars And Baalath/and 45/144
2Ch_14:7.....towers/gates and bars while/the 46/144
2Ch_23:19.......the/gates of the house of the LORD that/none 47/144
2Ch_31:2........the/gates of the tents/of.. 48/144
Neh_1:3.........the/gates thereof are burned with fire And/it 49/144
Neh_2:3.........the/gates thereof are consumed/with 50/144
Neh_2:8.........the/gates of the palace/which 51/144
Neh_2:13........the/gates thereof were/consumed 52/144
Neh_2:17........the/gates thereof are burned with fire come/and 53/144
Neh_6:1.........the/gates That Sanballat/and 54/144
Neh_7:3.........the/gates of Jerusalem be/opened 55/144
Neh_11:19.......the/gates were an/hundred.. 56/144
Neh_12:25.......the/gates These/were....... 57/144
Neh_12:30.......the/gates and the wall Then/I 58/144
Neh_13:19.......the/gates of Jerusalem began/to 59/144
Neh_13:19.......the/gates should/be........ 60/144
Neh_13:19.......the/gates that there/should 61/144
Neh_13:22.......the/gates to sanctify/the.. 62/144
Job_38:17.......the/gates of death been/opened 63/144
Psa_9:13........the/gates of death That/I.. 64/144
Psa_9:14........the/gates of the daughter/of 65/144 and be ye/lift... 66/144 even lift/them... 67/144
Psa_87:2........the/gates of Zion/more..... 68/144
Psa_100:4.......his/gates with/thanksgiving 69/144
Psa_107:16......the/gates of brass and cut the/bars 70/144
Psa_107:18......the/gates of death Then/they 71/144
Psa_118:19......the/gates of righteousness/I 72/144
Psa_122:2.......thy/gates O/Jerusalem...... 73/144
Psa_147:13......thy/gates he/hath.......... 74/144
Pro_1:21........the/gates in the/city...... 75/144
Pro_8:3.........the/gates at the/entry..... 76/144 waiting/at....... 77/144
Pro_14:19.......the/gates of the righteous/The 78/144
Pro_31:23.......the/gates when/he.......... 79/144
Pro_31:31.......the/gates The words/of..... 80/144
Son_7:13........our/gates are all/manner... 81/144
Isa_3:26........her/gates shall lament/and. 82/144
Isa_13:2........the/gates of the nobles/I.. 83/144
Isa_26:2........the/gates that the/righteous 84/144
Isa_38:10.......the/gates of the grave/I... 85/144
Isa_45:1.....leaved/gates and the gates/shall 86/144
Isa_45:1........the/gates shall not/be..... 87/144
Isa_45:2........the/gates of brass and cut in/sunder 88/144
Isa_54:12.......thy/gates of carbuncles/and 89/144
Isa_60:11.......thy/gates shall be open/continually 90/144
Isa_60:18.......thy/gates Praise/The....... 91/144
Isa_62:10.......the/gates prepare/ye....... 92/144
Jer_1:15........the/gates of Jerusalem and against/all 93/144
Jer_7:2.......these/gates to worship/the... 94/144
Jer_14:2........the/gates thereof languish/they 95/144
Jer_15:7........the/gates of the land/I.... 96/144
Jer_17:19.......the/gates of Jerusalem And say/unto 97/144
Jer_17:20.....these/gates Thus saith the LORD Take/heed 98/144
Jer_17:21.......the/gates of Jerusalem Neither/carry 99/144
Jer_17:24.......the/gates of this city on/the 100/144
Jer_17:25.......the/gates of this city kings/and 101/144
Jer_17:27.......the/gates of Jerusalem on/the 102/144
Jer_17:27.......the/gates thereof and it/shall 103/144
Jer_22:2......these/gates Thus saith the LORD Execute/ye 104/144
Jer_22:4........the/gates of this house/kings 105/144
Jer_22:19.......the/gates of Jerusalem Go/up 106/144
Jer_49:31...neither/gates nor/bars........ 107/144
Jer_51:58......high/gates shall be burned/with 108/144
Lam_1:4.........her/gates are desolate/her 109/144
Lam_2:9.........Her/gates are sunk/into... 110/144
Lam_4:12........the/gates of Jerusalem For/the 111/144
Eze_21:15.....their/gates that their/heart 112/144
Eze_21:22.......the/gates to cast/a....... 113/144
Eze_26:2........the/gates of the people/she 114/144
Eze_26:10.......thy/gates as/men.......... 115/144
Eze_38:11.......nor/gates To take/a....... 116/144
Eze_40:18.......the/gates over/against.... 117/144
Eze_40:18.......the/gates was the/lower... 118/144
Eze_40:38.......the/gates where they/washed 119/144
Eze_44:11.......the/gates of the house and/ministering 120/144
Eze_44:17.......the/gates of the inner court they/shall 121/144
Eze_44:17.......the/gates of the inner court and/within 122/144
Eze_48:31.......the/gates of the city/shall 123/144
Eze_48:31.....three/gates northward/one... 124/144
Eze_48:32.....three/gates and one/gate.... 125/144
Eze_48:33.....three/gates one gate of Simeon/one 126/144
Eze_48:34.....three/gates one gate of Gad/one 127/144
Oba_1:11........his/gates and cast/lots... 128/144
Nah_2:6.........The/gates of the rivers/shall 129/144
Nah_3:13........the/gates of thy/land..... 130/144
Zec_8:16.......your/gates And let/none.... 131/144
Mat_16:18.......the/gates of hell/shall... 132/144
Act_9:24........the/gates day/and......... 133/144
Act_14:13.......the/gates and would/have.. 134/144
Rev_21:12....twelve/gates and at/the...... 135/144
Rev_21:12.......the/gates twelve/angels... 136/144
Rev_21:13.....three/gates on the north/three 137/144
Rev_21:13.....three/gates on the south/three 138/144
Rev_21:13.....three/gates and on/the...... 139/144
Rev_21:13.....three/gates And the wall of/the 140/144
Rev_21:15.......the/gates thereof and the/wall 141/144
Rev_21:21....twelve/gates were twelve/pearls 142/144
Rev_21:25.......the/gates of it shall/not. 143/144
Rev_22:14.......the/gates into/the........ 144/144
