Psa_112:10shall/gnash with/his............ 1/2
Lam_2:16....and/gnash the/teeth........... 2/2
Psa_35:16..they/gnashed upon/me........... 1/2
Act_7:54...they/gnashed on/him............ 2/2
Job_16:9.....he/gnasheth upon me/with..... 1/3
Psa_37:12...and/gnasheth upon him/with.... 2/3
Mar_9:18....and/gnasheth with/his......... 3/3
Mat_8:12....and/gnashing of teeth And/Jesus 1/7
Mat_13:42...and/gnashing of teeth Then shall the righteous/shine 2/7
Mat_13:50...and/gnashing of teeth Jesus/saith 3/7
Mat_22:13...and/gnashing of teeth For/many 4/7
Mat_24:51...and/gnashing of teeth Then shall the kingdom/of 5/7
Mat_25:30...and/gnashing of teeth When the/Son 6/7
Luk_13:28...and/gnashing of teeth when ye/shall 7/7
