Gen_24:22.......of/half a shekel weight/and 1/136
Exo_24:6......took/half of the blood and/put 2/136
Exo_24:6.......and/half of the blood he/sprinkled 3/136
Exo_25:10........a/half shall be the length thereof and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof and a/cubit 4/136
Exo_25:10........a/half the breadth thereof and a/cubit 5/136
Exo_25:10........a/half the height thereof And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold within/and 6/136
Exo_25:17........a/half shall be the length thereof and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof And thou/shalt 7/136
Exo_25:17........a/half the breadth thereof And thou/shalt 8/136
Exo_25:23........a/half the height thereof And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold and/make 9/136
Exo_26:12......the/half curtain/that...... 10/136
Exo_26:16........a/half shall be the breadth/of 11/136
Exo_30:13.numbered/half a shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary a/shekel 12/136 shekel/shall...... 13/136
Exo_30:15.....than/half a shekel when/they 14/136
Exo_30:23.cinnamon/half so/much........... 15/136
Exo_36:21........a/half One/board......... 16/136
Exo_37:1.........a/half was the length of/it 17/136
Exo_37:1.........a/half the breadth of/it. 18/136
Exo_37:1.........a/half the height of/it.. 19/136
Exo_37:6.........a/half was the length thereof/and 20/136
Exo_37:6.........a/half the breadth thereof And he/made 21/136
Exo_37:10........a/half the height thereof And he/overlaid 22/136 a shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary for/every 23/136
Lev_6:20.perpetual/half of it in/the...... 24/136
Lev_6:20.......and/half thereof at/night.. 25/136 consumed/when..... 26/136
Num_15:9......with/half an hin of oil/And. 27/136
Num_15:10.offering/half an hin of wine for/an 28/136 an hin of wine unto/a 29/136
Num_31:29....their/half and give/it....... 30/136
Num_31:30.Israel's/half thou/shalt........ 31/136
Num_31:36......the/half which was/the..... 32/136
Num_31:42.Israel's/half which Moses/divided 33/136
Num_31:43......the/half that/pertained.... 34/136
Num_31:47.Israel's/half Moses/took........ 35/136
Num_32:33.....unto/half the tribe of Manasseh the/son 36/136
Num_34:13......the/half tribe For the/tribe 37/136
Num_34:14......and/half the tribe of Manasseh have received their inheritance The/two 38/136
Num_34:15......the/half tribe have/received 39/136
Deu_3:12.......and/half mount/Gilead...... 40/136
Deu_3:13.......the/half tribe of Manasseh all/the 41/136
Deu_3:16.....Arnon/half the valley/and.... 42/136
Deu_29:8.......the/half tribe of Manasseh Keep/therefore 43/136 the tribe of Manasseh spake/Joshua 44/136
Jos_4:12.......and/half the tribe of Manasseh passed/over 45/136
Jos_8:33......them/half of them over against mount Gerizim/and 46/136
Jos_8:33.......and/half of them over against mount Ebal/as 47/136
Jos_12:2......from/half Gilead even/unto.. 48/136
Jos_12:5.......and/half Gilead the/border. 49/136
Jos_12:6.......the/half tribe of Manasseh And these/are 50/136
Jos_13:7.......the/half tribe of Manasseh With whom/the 51/136
Jos_13:25......and/half the land/of....... 52/136
Jos_13:29......the/half tribe of Manasseh and this/was 53/136
Jos_13:29......the/half tribe of the/children 54/136
Jos_13:31......And/half Gilead and/Ashtaroth 55/136 of the children/of 56/136
Jos_14:2.......the/half tribe For Moses/had 57/136 tribe on/the...... 58/136
Jos_18:7.......and/half the tribe of Manasseh have received their inheritance beyond/Jordan 59/136
Jos_21:5.......the/half tribe of Manasseh ten/cities 60/136
Jos_21:6.......the/half tribe of Manasseh in Bashan/thirteen 61/136
Jos_21:25......the/half tribe of Manasseh Tanach/with 62/136
Jos_21:27....other/half tribe of Manasseh they/gave 63/136
Jos_22:1.......the/half tribe of Manasseh And said/unto 64/136 of the tribe/of... 65/136
Jos_22:7.....other/half thereof gave/Joshua 66/136
Jos_22:9.......the/half tribe of Manasseh returned/and 67/136
Jos_22:10......the/half tribe of Manasseh built/there 68/136
Jos_22:11......the/half tribe of Manasseh have/built 69/136
Jos_22:13......the/half tribe of Manasseh into/the 70/136
Jos_22:15......the/half tribe of Manasseh unto/the 71/136
Jos_22:21......the/half tribe of Manasseh answered/and 72/136 acre/of........... 73/136 of their/beards... 74/136
2Sa_18:3........if/half of us/die......... 75/136
2Sa_19:40.....also/half the people/of..... 76/136
1Ki_3:25......give/half to the one/and.... 77/136
1Ki_3:25.......and/half to the other/Then. 78/136 and also/upon..... 79/136
1Ki_7:32.......and/half a cubit And the work/of 80/136
1Ki_7:35........of/half a cubit high/and.. 81/136
1Ki_10:7.......the/half was not/told...... 82/136 thine/house....... 83/136
1Ki_16:9........of/half his/chariots...... 84/136 of the people followed/Tibni 85/136
1Ki_16:21......and/half followed/Omri..... 86/136
1Ch_2:52.......and/half of the Manahethites And/the 87/136
1Ch_2:54.......and/half of the Manahethites the/Zorites 88/136
1Ch_5:18.......and/half the tribe of Manasseh of/valiant 89/136
1Ch_5:23.......the/half tribe of Manasseh dwelt/in 90/136
1Ch_5:26.......the/half tribe of Manasseh and brought/them 91/136
1Ch_6:61.......the/half tribe namely/out.. 92/136
1Ch_6:61.......the/half tribe of Manasseh by/lot 93/136
1Ch_6:70.......the/half tribe of Manasseh Aner/with 94/136
1Ch_6:71.......the/half tribe of Manasseh Golan/in 95/136
1Ch_12:31......the/half tribe of Manasseh eighteen/thousand 96/136
1Ch_12:37......the/half tribe of Manasseh with all/manner 97/136
1Ch_26:32......the/half tribe of Manasseh for/every 98/136
1Ch_27:20......the/half tribe of Manasseh Joel/the 99/136
1Ch_27:21......the/half tribe of Manasseh in Gilead/Iddo 100/136 of the greatness/of 101/136
Neh_3:9........the/half part of Jerusalem And/next 102/136
Neh_3:12.......the/half part of Jerusalem he/and 103/136
Neh_3:16.......the/half part of Bethzur/unto 104/136
Neh_3:17.......the/half part of Keilah in/his 105/136
Neh_3:18.......the/half part of Keilah And/next 106/136
Neh_4:6........the/half thereof for/the.. 107/136
Neh_4:16.......the/half of my servants/wrought 108/136
Neh_4:16.....other/half of them held both/the 109/136
Neh_4:21.......and/half of them held the/spears 110/136
Neh_12:32......and/half of the princes/of 111/136
Neh_12:38......the/half of the people upon/the 112/136
Neh_12:40......the/half of the rulers/with 113/136
Neh_13:24....spake/half in/the........... 114/136
Est_5:3........the/half of the kingdom And/Esther 115/136
Est_5:6........the/half of the kingdom it/shall 116/136
Est_7:2........the/half of the kingdom Then/Esther 117/136
Psa_55:23......out/half their/days....... 118/136
Eze_16:51committed/half of thy/sins...... 119/136 long/and......... 120/136 broad/and........ 121/136 a cubit and the bottom/thereof 122/136 and when/he...... 123/136 homer/of......... 124/136
Zec_14:2.......and/half of the city/shall 125/136
Zec_14:4.......and/half of the mountain/shall 126/136
Zec_14:4.......and/half of it toward/the. 127/136
Zec_14:8.Jerusalem/half of them toward the former/sea 128/136
Zec_14:8.......and/half of them toward the hinder/sea 129/136
Mar_6:23.......the/half of my kingdom/And 130/136
Luk_10:30......him/half dead/And......... 131/136
Luk_19:8.......the/half of my goods/I.... 132/136
Rev_8:1.........of/half an hour/And...... 133/136 and shall/not.... 134/136 the spirit/of.... 135/136
Rev_12:14......and/half a time/from...... 136/136
