Gen_4:23........Zillah/Hear my voice ye wives/of 1/550
Gen_21:6..........that/hear will/laugh......... 2/550
Gen_23:6...........him/Hear us my/lord......... 3/550
Gen_23:8.........sight/hear me and intreat/for. 4/550
Gen_23:11.........lord/hear me the/field....... 5/550
Gen_23:13.........thee/hear me I will/give..... 6/550
Gen_37:6..........them/Hear I pray you this/dream 7/550
Gen_42:21..........not/hear therefore is/this.. 8/550
Gen_42:22..........not/hear therefore behold/also 9/550
Gen_49:2...........and/hear ye sons/of........ 10/550
Exo_6:12.......Pharaoh/hear me who/am......... 11/550
Exo_7:16...........not/hear Thus/saith........ 12/550
Exo_15:14........shall/hear and be/afraid..... 13/550
Exo_19:9...........may/hear when I speak/with. 14/550
Exo_20:19.........will/hear but let/not....... 15/550
Exo_22:23.......surely/hear their cry And my/wrath 16/550
Exo_22:27.........will/hear for I am/gracious. 17/550
Exo_32:18............I/hear And it/came....... 18/550
Lev_5:1............and/hear the voice of swearing/and 19/550
Num_9:8...........will/hear what the LORD/will 20/550
Num_12:6..........said/Hear now my words/If... 21/550
Num_14:13........shall/hear it for/thou....... 22/550
Num_16:8.........Korah/Hear I pray you ye/sons 23/550
Num_20:10.........them/Hear now ye rebels/must 24/550
Num_23:18..........and/hear hearken/unto...... 25/550
Num_30:4........father/hear her/vow........... 26/550
Deu_1:16........saying/Hear the causes/between 27/550
Deu_1:17.........shall/hear the small/as...... 28/550
Deu_1:17..........will/hear it And I/commanded 29/550
Deu_1:43...........not/hear but rebelled/against 30/550
Deu_2:25.........shall/hear report/of......... 31/550
Deu_3:26...........not/hear me and the/LORD... 32/550
Deu_4:6..........shall/hear all these statutes/and 33/550
Deu_4:10..........them/hear my words that/they 34/550
Deu_4:28...........nor/hear nor eat/nor....... 35/550
Deu_4:33........people/hear the voice of God/speaking 36/550 his voice that/he. 37/550
Deu_5:1...........them/Hear O Israel the statutes/and 38/550
Deu_5:25............we/hear the voice of the LORD/our 39/550
Deu_5:27...........and/hear all that/the...... 40/550
Deu_5:27..........will/hear it and do it And/the 41/550
Deu_6:3......prolonged/Hear therefore O/Israel 42/550
Deu_6:4..........honey/Hear O Israel The LORD our God is one LORD And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine/heart 43/550
Deu_9:1............God/Hear O Israel Thou/art. 44/550
Deu_12:28..........and/hear all these words/which 45/550
Deu_13:11........shall/hear and fear and shall do/no 46/550
Deu_13:12........shalt/hear say in/one........ 47/550
Deu_17:13........shall/hear and fear and do/no 48/550
Deu_18:16..........not/hear again the voice/of 49/550
Deu_19:20........shall/hear and fear and shall henceforth/commit 50/550
Deu_20:3..........them/Hear O Israel ye/approach 51/550
Deu_21:21........shall/hear and fear And if/a. 52/550 unto this day And I/have 53/550
Deu_30:12..........may/hear it and do it Neither/is 54/550
Deu_30:13..........may/hear it and do it But/the 55/550
Deu_30:17..........not/hear but shalt/be...... 56/550
Deu_31:12..........may/hear and that/they..... 57/550
Deu_31:13..........may/hear and learn/to...... 58/550
Deu_32:1...........and/hear O earth the/words. 59/550
Deu_33:7..........said/Hear LORD/the.......... 60/550
Jos_3:9............and/hear the words of the LORD/your 61/550 the sound of the trumpet all/the 62/550
Jos_7:9..........shall/hear of it/and......... 63/550
Jdg_5:3.....themselves/Hear O ye/kings........ 64/550 the bleatings/of.. 65/550
Jdg_7:11.........shalt/hear what they/say..... 66/550
Jdg_14:13..........may/hear it And he/said.... 67/550
1Sa_2:23.............I/hear of your evil/dealings 68/550
1Sa_2:24.............I/hear ye make/the....... 69/550
1Sa_8:18...........not/hear you in/that....... 70/550
1Sa_13:3.......Hebrews/hear And all Israel/heard 71/550
1Sa_15:14............I/hear And Saul/said..... 72/550
1Sa_16:2..........Saul/hear it he will kill/me 73/550
1Sa_22:7...........him/Hear now ye Benjamites/will 74/550
1Sa_22:12.........said/Hear now thou/son...... 75/550
1Sa_25:24..........and/hear the words of thine handmaid Let/not 76/550
1Sa_26:19.........king/hear the words of his/servant 77/550
2Sa_14:16.........will/hear to deliver/his.... 78/550 thee Absalom/said. 79/550 the sound of the trumpet then/ye 80/550
2Sa_15:35........shalt/hear out/of............ 81/550
2Sa_15:36..........can/hear So Hushai/David's. 82/550
2Sa_16:21........shall/hear that thou art abhorred/of 83/550 likewise/what..... 84/550
2Sa_19:35............I/hear any/more.......... 85/550 hear/say.......... 86/550
2Sa_20:16.........Hear/hear say I/pray........ 87/550
2Sa_20:17..........him/Hear the words of thine handmaid And/he 88/550 Then she/spake.... 89/550
2Sa_22:7...........did/hear my voice out/of... 90/550
2Sa_22:45.........they/hear they shall/be..... 91/550 the wisdom of Solomon from/all 92/550
1Ki_8:30...........and/hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place and when/thou 93/550
1Ki_8:32..........Then/hear thou in heaven and do/and 94/550
1Ki_8:34..........Then/hear thou in heaven and forgive the sin of thy people/Israel 95/550
1Ki_8:36..........Then/hear thou in heaven and forgive the sin of thy servants/and 96/550
1Ki_8:39..........Then/hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place and forgive/and 97/550
1Ki_8:42.........shall/hear of thy/great...... 98/550 thou in heaven thy dwelling place and do/according 99/550
1Ki_8:45..........Then/hear thou in heaven their/prayer 100/550
1Ki_8:49..........Then/hear thou their/prayer 101/550
1Ki_10:8..........that/hear thy wisdom Blessed be the LORD thy God which delighted in thee to set thee on the/throne 102/550 his wisdom which/God 103/550
1Ki_18:26.........Baal/hear us But/there..... 104/550
1Ki_18:37.........word/Hear me O LORD hear/me 105/550
1Ki_18:37.........LORD/hear me that/this..... 106/550
1Ki_22:19.........said/Hear thou therefore/the 107/550
2Ki_7:1...........said/Hear ye the word of the LORD Thus saith the LORD To/morrow 108/550 a noise/of....... 109/550
2Ki_14:11..........not/hear Therefore Jehoash/king 110/550
2Ki_17:14..........not/hear but hardened/their 111/550
2Ki_18:12..........not/hear them nor/do...... 112/550
2Ki_18:28.......saying/Hear the word of the great/king 113/550
2Ki_19:4..........will/hear all the words of Rabshakeh/whom 114/550
2Ki_19:7.........shall/hear a rumour and shall/return 115/550
2Ki_19:16..........and/hear open LORD/thine.. 116/550
2Ki_19:16..........and/hear the words of Sennacherib/which 117/550
2Ki_20:16.....Hezekiah/Hear the word of the LORD Behold/the 118/550
1Ch_14:15........shalt/hear a sound/of....... 119/550
1Ch_28:2..........said/Hear me my/brethren... 120/550 thou from thy/dwelling 121/550
2Ch_6:23..........Then/hear thou from heaven and do/and 122/550
2Ch_6:25..........Then/hear thou from the heavens and/forgive 123/550
2Ch_6:27..........Then/hear thou from heaven and forgive/the 124/550
2Ch_6:30..........Then/hear thou from heaven thy/dwelling 125/550
2Ch_6:33..........Then/hear thou from the heavens even from thy dwelling place and/do 126/550
2Ch_6:35..........Then/hear thou from the heavens their/prayer 127/550
2Ch_6:39..........Then/hear thou from the heavens even from thy dwelling place their/prayer 128/550
2Ch_7:14.............I/hear from/heaven...... 129/550
2Ch_9:7............and/hear thy wisdom Blessed be the LORD thy God which delighted in thee to set thee on his/throne 130/550 his wisdom that/God 131/550
2Ch_13:4..........said/Hear me thou/Jeroboam. 132/550
2Ch_15:2...........him/Hear ye me/Asa........ 133/550
2Ch_18:18....Therefore/hear the word of the LORD I/saw 134/550
2Ch_20:9..........wilt/hear and help/And..... 135/550
2Ch_20:20.........said/Hear me O Judah/and... 136/550
2Ch_25:20..........not/hear for it/came...... 137/550
2Ch_28:11..........Now/hear me therefore/and. 138/550
2Ch_29:5..........them/Hear me ye/Levites.... 139/550
Neh_1:6.........mayest/hear the prayer of thy servant which/I 140/550
Neh_4:4...........wall/Hear O our/God........ 141/550 the sound of the trumpet resort/ye 142/550
Neh_8:2..........could/hear with understanding/upon 143/550
Neh_9:29...........not/hear Yet/many......... 144/550
Job_3:18..........they/hear not the/voice.... 145/550 it and know/thou. 146/550
Job_13:6........wisdom/Hear now my reasoning/and 147/550
Job_13:17..........him/Hear diligently my speech and my/declaration 148/550
Job_15:17.........thee/hear me and that/which 149/550
Job_21:2..........said/Hear diligently my speech and let/this 150/550
Job_22:27........shall/hear thee and/thou.... 151/550
Job_27:9...........God/hear his cry/when..... 152/550
Job_30:20..........not/hear me I stand/up.... 153/550
Job_31:35........would/hear me behold/my..... 154/550
Job_33:1..........thee/hear my speeches/and.. 155/550
Job_34:2..........said/Hear my words O/ye.... 156/550
Job_34:16understanding/hear this hearken/to.. 157/550
Job_35:13..........not/hear vanity/neither... 158/550 attentively/the.. 159/550
Job_42:4...........not/Hear I beseech/thee... 160/550
Psa_4:1..........Selah/Hear me when/I........ 161/550
Psa_4:1............and/hear my prayer O ye/sons 162/550
Psa_4:3...........will/hear when I call/unto. 163/550
Psa_5:3...........thou/hear in the morning/O. 164/550 To judge/the..... 165/550
Psa_13:3...........and/hear me O LORD my/God. 166/550
Psa_17:1......evermore/Hear the right/O...... 167/550
Psa_17:6..........wilt/hear me O God/incline. 168/550
Psa_17:6...........and/hear my speech Shew/thy 169/550
Psa_18:44.........they/hear of me/they....... 170/550
Psa_20:1..........LORD/hear thee in/the...... 171/550
Psa_20:6..........will/hear him from/his..... 172/550
Psa_20:9..........king/hear us when/we....... 173/550
Psa_27:7..........LORD/Hear O LORD when/I.... 174/550
Psa_28:2...........pit/Hear the voice of my supplications when/I 175/550
Psa_30:10........truth/Hear O LORD and/have.. 176/550
Psa_34:2.........shall/hear thereof/and...... 177/550
Psa_38:15.........wilt/hear O Lord my/God.... 178/550
Psa_38:16.........said/Hear me lest/otherwise 179/550
Psa_39:12........Selah/Hear my prayer O LORD and give/ear 180/550
Psa_49:1.........death/Hear this all/ye...... 181/550
Psa_50:7.........Selah/Hear O my people and I will speak/O 182/550 joy/and.......... 183/550
Psa_54:2......strength/Hear my prayer O God/give 184/550
Psa_55:2...........and/hear me I mourn/in.... 185/550
Psa_55:17........shall/hear my voice He/hath. 186/550
Psa_55:19........shall/hear and afflict/them. 187/550
Psa_59:7..........doth/hear But thou/O....... 188/550
Psa_60:5...........and/hear me God/hath...... 189/550
Psa_61:1.......enemies/Hear my cry/O......... 190/550
Psa_64:1.......stopped/Hear my voice O/God... 191/550
Psa_66:16..........and/hear all ye that/fear. 192/550
Psa_66:18..........not/hear me But/verily.... 193/550
Psa_69:13........mercy/hear me in/the........ 194/550 me O LORD for/thy 195/550
Psa_69:17......trouble/hear me speedily Draw/nigh 196/550
Psa_81:8.........Selah/Hear O my people and I will testify/unto 197/550
Psa_84:8.........hosts/hear my prayer give/ear 198/550
Psa_85:8..........will/hear what God/the..... 199/550
Psa_86:1..........LORD/hear me for/I......... 200/550
Psa_92:11........shall/hear my desire/of..... 201/550
Psa_94:9...........not/hear he that formed/the 202/550
Psa_95:7..........will/hear his voice Harden not your heart/as 203/550
Psa_102:1.........LORD/Hear my prayer O LORD and let/my 204/550
Psa_102:20..........To/hear the groaning/of.. 205/550
Psa_115:6.........they/hear not noses/have... 206/550
Psa_119:145......heart/hear me O LORD I/will. 207/550
Psa_119:149.......word/Hear my voice according/unto 208/550
Psa_130:2.........Lord/hear my voice let/thine 209/550
Psa_135:17........they/hear not neither is/there 210/550
Psa_138:4.........they/hear the words of thy/mouth 211/550
Psa_140:6..........God/hear the voice of my supplications O/LORD 212/550
Psa_141:6........shall/hear my words for/they 213/550 my prayer O LORD give/ear 214/550
Psa_143:7........Selah/Hear me speedily O/LORD 215/550 thy lovingkindness/in 216/550
Psa_145:19........will/hear their cry and will/save 217/550
Pro_1:5...........will/hear and will/increase 218/550
Pro_1:8............son/hear the instruction of/thy 219/550
Pro_4:1..........fools/Hear ye children/the.. 220/550
Pro_4:10..........thee/Hear O my son/and..... 221/550
Pro_5:7...........them/Hear me now/therefore. 222/550
Pro_8:6..........heart/Hear for I will/speak. 223/550
Pro_8:33..........ways/Hear instruction/and.. 224/550
Pro_19:20........again/Hear counsel/and...... 225/550 the instruction that/causeth 226/550
Pro_22:17..........and/hear the words of the wise/and 227/550 thou my/son...... 228/550 than/to.......... 229/550 the rebuke/of.... 230/550 the song/of...... 231/550
Ecc_7:21..........thou/hear thy servant/curse 232/550 the conclusion/of 233/550 thy voice for/sweet 234/550 it Make/haste.... 235/550
Isa_1:2..........Judah/Hear O heavens/and.... 236/550
Isa_1:10......Gomorrah/Hear the word of the LORD ye rulers/of 237/550
Isa_1:15...........not/hear your hands/are... 238/550
Isa_6:9.........people/Hear ye indeed/but.... 239/550
Isa_6:10...........and/hear with their ears and understand with their heart and convert/and 240/550
Isa_7:13..........said/Hear ye now O/house... 241/550
Isa_18:3.......trumpet/hear ye For/so........ 242/550
Isa_28:12..........not/hear But the/word..... 243/550
Isa_28:14....Wherefore/hear the word of the LORD ye scornful/men 244/550
Isa_28:23..........and/hear my voice hearken/and 245/550
Isa_28:23..........and/hear my speech Doth/the 246/550
Isa_29:18.........deaf/hear the words of the book/and 247/550
Isa_30:9...........not/hear the law of/the... 248/550
Isa_30:19........shall/hear it he will answer/thee 249/550
Isa_30:21........shall/hear a word/behind.... 250/550
Isa_32:3..........that/hear shall hearken/The 251/550
Isa_32:9..........ease/hear my voice ye careless/daughters 252/550 ye that/are...... 253/550 and hearken/ye... 254/550 and all that/is.. 255/550
Isa_36:13.........said/Hear ye the words of the/great 256/550
Isa_37:4..........will/hear the words of Rabshakeh/whom 257/550
Isa_37:7.........shall/hear a rumour and return/to 258/550
Isa_37:17..........and/hear open thine eyes O/LORD 259/550
Isa_37:17..........and/hear all the words of Sennacherib/which 260/550
Isa_39:5......Hezekiah/Hear the word of the LORD of/hosts 261/550
Isa_41:17.........will/hear them I the/God... 262/550
Isa_42:18.........gods/Hear ye deaf/and...... 263/550
Isa_42:23..........and/hear for the/time..... 264/550
Isa_43:9..........them/hear and say/It....... 265/550 O Jacob/my....... 266/550
Isa_47:8.....Therefore/hear now this thou that/art 267/550
Isa_48:1..........thee/Hear ye this O house/of 268/550
Isa_48:14..........and/hear which/among...... 269/550 ye this I/have... 270/550 as/the........... 271/550
Isa_51:21....Therefore/hear now this thou afflicted/and 272/550 and your/soul.... 273/550
Isa_59:1........cannot/hear But your/iniquities 274/550
Isa_59:2...........not/hear For your/hands... 275/550
Isa_65:12..........not/hear but did/evil..... 276/550
Isa_65:24.........will/hear The wolf/and..... 277/550
Isa_66:4...........not/hear but they/did..... 278/550
Isa_66:5...........not/Hear the word of the LORD ye that/tremble 279/550
Jer_2:4...........LORD/Hear ye the word of the LORD O house of Jacob/and 280/550
Jer_4:21...........and/hear the sound of the trumpet For/my 281/550
Jer_5:21........saying/Hear now this O/foolish 282/550
Jer_5:21...........and/hear not Fear/ye...... 283/550
Jer_6:10...........may/hear behold/their..... 284/550
Jer_6:18.....Therefore/hear ye nations/and... 285/550
Jer_6:19..........them/Hear O earth behold/I. 286/550
Jer_7:2............say/Hear the word of the LORD all ye/of 287/550
Jer_7:16...........not/hear thee Seest/thou.. 288/550 the voice of the cattle/both 289/550
Jer_9:20...........Yet/hear the word of the LORD O ye women/and 290/550
Jer_10:1.........heart/Hear ye the word which/the 291/550
Jer_11:2........saying/Hear ye the words of this covenant and speak/unto 292/550
Jer_11:6........saying/Hear ye the words of this covenant and do/them 293/550 my words and they/went 294/550
Jer_11:14..........not/hear them in/the...... 295/550 my words which/walk 296/550
Jer_13:11..........not/hear Therefore thou/shalt 297/550
Jer_13:15.........them/Hear ye and give/ear.. 298/550
Jer_13:17..........not/hear it my/soul....... 299/550
Jer_14:12..........not/hear their cry and when/they 300/550
Jer_17:20.........them/Hear ye the word of the LORD ye/kings 301/550
Jer_17:23..........not/hear nor receive/instruction 302/550 my words Then I/went 303/550
Jer_19:3...........say/Hear ye the word of the LORD O kings/of 304/550
Jer_19:15..........not/hear my words Now/Pashur 305/550
Jer_20:16..........him/hear the cry/in....... 306/550
Jer_21:11..........say/Hear ye the word of the LORD O house of David/thus 307/550
Jer_22:2...........say/Hear the word of the LORD O king/of 308/550
Jer_22:5...........not/hear these words I/swear 309/550
Jer_22:21..........not/hear This hath/been... 310/550 the word of the LORD Thus saith the LORD Write/ye 311/550 my words then they/should 312/550 They said/Turn... 313/550
Jer_28:7..Nevertheless/hear thou now/this.... 314/550
Jer_28:15......prophet/Hear now Hananiah/The. 315/550
Jer_29:19..........not/hear saith the LORD Hear/ye 316/550
Jer_29:20.........LORD/Hear ye therefore the word/of 317/550
Jer_31:10....firstborn/Hear the word of the LORD O ye nations/and 318/550
Jer_33:9.........shall/hear all the good/that 319/550
Jer_34:4...........Yet/hear the word of the LORD O Zedekiah/king 320/550
Jer_36:3..........will/hear all the evil/which 321/550
Jer_36:25..........not/hear them But/the..... 322/550
Jer_37:20....Therefore/hear now I/pray....... 323/550
Jer_38:25......princes/hear that I/have...... 324/550
Jer_42:14..........nor/hear the sound of the trumpet nor/have 325/550
Jer_42:15....therefore/hear the word of the LORD ye remnant/of 326/550
Jer_44:24........women/Hear the word of the LORD all Judah/that 327/550
Jer_44:26....Therefore/hear ye the word of the LORD all/Judah 328/550
Jer_49:20....Therefore/hear the counsel/of... 329/550
Jer_50:45....Therefore/hear ye the counsel/of 330/550
Lam_1:18...commandment/hear I pray you all/people 331/550
Eze_2:5...........will/hear or whether they will forbear for they are a/rebellious 332/550
Eze_2:7...........will/hear or whether they will forbear for they are most/rebellious 333/550 what I/say....... 334/550
Eze_3:10...........and/hear with thine ears And go/get 335/550
Eze_3:11..........will/hear or whether they will forbear Then/the 336/550
Eze_3:17.....therefore/hear the word at my mouth and give/them 337/550
Eze_3:27...........him/hear and he that/forbeareth 338/550
Eze_6:3.........Israel/hear the word of the Lord GOD Thus saith the Lord GOD to the mountains and to the hills to the rivers and to the valleys Behold/I 339/550
Eze_8:18...........not/hear them He cried/also 340/550 and hear/not..... 341/550
Eze_12:2...........and/hear not for/they..... 342/550
Eze_13:2........hearts/Hear ye the word of the LORD Thus saith the Lord GOD/Woe 343/550
Eze_13:19.........that/hear your lies/Wherefore 344/550
Eze_16:35.......harlot/hear the word of the LORD Thus saith the Lord GOD Because thy/filthiness 345/550
Eze_18:25........equal/Hear now O house/of... 346/550
Eze_20:47........south/Hear the word of the LORD Thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I will/kindle 347/550 it with/thine.... 348/550
Eze_25:3.....Ammonites/Hear the word of the Lord GOD Thus saith the Lord GOD Because/thou 349/550
Eze_33:7.........shalt/hear the word at my mouth and warn/them 350/550
Eze_33:30..........and/hear what is/the...... 351/550
Eze_33:31.........they/hear thy words but they will/not 352/550
Eze_33:32.........they/hear thy words but they do/them 353/550
Eze_34:7.....shepherds/hear the word of the LORD As/I 354/550
Eze_34:9.....shepherds/hear the word of the LORD Thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I am/against 355/550
Eze_36:1........Israel/hear the word of the LORD Thus saith the Lord GOD Because the/enemy 356/550
Eze_36:4........Israel/hear the word of the Lord GOD Thus saith the Lord GOD to the mountains and to the hills to the rivers and to the valleys to/the 357/550 in thee/the...... 358/550
Eze_37:4.........bones/hear the word of the LORD Thus saith the Lord GOD unto/these 359/550
Eze_40:4...........and/hear with thine ears and set/thine 360/550
Eze_44:5...........and/hear with thine ears all/that 361/550 the sound of the cornet flute harp sackbut psaltery dulcimer/and 362/550
Dan_3:10.........shall/hear the sound of the cornet flute harp sackbut psaltery and dulcimer and all kinds of musick shall/fall 363/550 the sound of the cornet flute harp sackbut psaltery and dulcimer and all kinds of musick ye/fall 364/550
Dan_5:23...........nor/hear nor know/and..... 365/550
Dan_9:17...........God/hear the prayer of thy servant and/his 366/550
Dan_9:18...........and/hear open thine eyes and/behold 367/550
Dan_9:19..........Lord/hear O Lord forgive/O. 368/550
Hos_2:21..........will/hear saith the LORD I/will 369/550
Hos_2:21..........will/hear the heavens/and.. 370/550
Hos_2:21.........shall/hear the earth/And.... 371/550
Hos_2:22.........shall/hear the corn/and..... 372/550
Hos_2:22.........shall/hear Jezreel/And...... 373/550
Hos_4:1...........days/Hear the word of the LORD ye children/of 374/550
Hos_5:1.....sacrifices/Hear ye this O priests/and 375/550
Joe_1:2........Pethuel/Hear this ye/old...... 376/550
Amo_3:1...........LORD/Hear this word that/the 377/550
Amo_3:13.........couch/Hear ye and testify/in 378/550
Amo_4:1...........LORD/Hear this word ye/kine 379/550 ye this word/which 380/550
Amo_5:23...........not/hear the melody/of.... 381/550
Amo_7:16.....therefore/hear thou the/word.... 382/550
Amo_8:4........silence/Hear this O/ye........ 383/550
Mic_1:2......Jerusalem/Hear all ye people/hearken 384/550
Mic_3:1...........said/Hear I pray you O/heads 385/550
Mic_3:4............not/hear them he will/even 386/550
Mic_3:9............sin/Hear this I/pray...... 387/550
Mic_6:1..........heard/Hear ye now what/the.. 388/550
Mic_6:1..........hills/hear thy voice Hear/ye 389/550
Mic_6:2..........voice/Hear ye O/mountains... 390/550 ye the rod/and... 391/550
Mic_7:7...........will/hear me Rejoice/not... 392/550
Nah_3:19..........that/hear the bruit/of..... 393/550
Hab_1:2............not/hear even/cry......... 394/550
Zec_1:4............not/hear nor hearken/unto. 395/550 now O Joshua/the. 396/550
Zec_7:7............not/hear the words which/the 397/550
Zec_7:11...........not/hear Yea/they......... 398/550
Zec_7:12........should/hear the law and/the.. 399/550
Zec_7:13...........not/hear so they/cried.... 400/550
Zec_7:13...........not/hear saith the LORD of/hosts 401/550
Zec_8:9...........that/hear in these/days.... 402/550
Zec_10:6..........will/hear them And they/of. 403/550
Zec_13:9..........will/hear them I will/say.. 404/550
Mal_2:2............not/hear and if/ye........ 405/550
Mat_10:14..........nor/hear your words/when.. 406/550 in the ear/that.. 407/550 and see/The...... 408/550
Mat_11:5..........deaf/hear the dead are raised up/and 409/550 let him hear But/whereunto 410/550
Mat_11:15..........him/hear But whereunto/shall 411/550 his voice in/the. 412/550 the wisdom of Solomon and behold a greater than Solomon is here When/the 413/550 let him hear And the/disciples 414/550
Mat_13:9...........him/hear And the disciples/came 415/550
Mat_13:13.........they/hear not neither do/they 416/550
Mat_13:14........shall/hear and shall not understand and seeing ye shall see and shall/not 417/550
Mat_13:15..........and/hear with their ears and should/understand 418/550
Mat_13:16.........they/hear For verily/I..... 419/550 those things which ye hear and have not heard them Hear/ye 420/550 and have not heard them Hear/ye 421/550
Mat_13:18.........them/Hear ye therefore the parable/of 422/550 let him hear Again/the 423/550
Mat_13:43..........him/hear Again the kingdom/of 424/550
Mat_15:10.........them/Hear and understand/Not 425/550
Mat_17:5.......pleased/hear ye him And/when.. 426/550
Mat_18:15........shall/hear thee thou/hast... 427/550
Mat_18:16..........not/hear thee then/take... 428/550 them tell/it..... 429/550 the church/let... 430/550
Mat_21:33..........him/Hear another/parable.. 431/550
Mat_24:6.........shall/hear of wars and rumours of wars see/that 432/550 let him hear And when he was alone/they 433/550
Mar_4:9............him/hear And when he was alone/they 434/550
Mar_4:12...........may/hear and not/understand 435/550 the word And the/cares 436/550 the word and receive/it 437/550 let him hear And he/said 438/550
Mar_4:23...........him/hear And he said/unto. 439/550 with what/measure 440/550
Mar_4:24..........that/hear shall more/be.... 441/550 it But/without... 442/550
Mar_6:11...........nor/hear you when/ye...... 443/550 let him hear And when he was entered/into 444/550
Mar_7:16...........him/hear And when he was entered/into 445/550 and the dumb/to.. 446/550
Mar_8:18..........ears/hear ye not/and....... 447/550
Mar_9:7............Son/hear him And suddenly/when 448/550 O Israel The Lord our God is one Lord And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy/heart 449/550
Mar_13:7.........shall/hear of wars and rumours of wars be/ye 450/550 the word of God he/stood 451/550 and to/be........ 452/550 him and to/be.... 453/550
Luk_6:27.........which/hear Love/your........ 454/550
Luk_7:22..........deaf/hear the dead are raised to/the 455/550 let him hear And his/disciples 456/550
Luk_8:8............him/hear And his/disciples 457/550
Luk_8:12..........that/hear then cometh/the.. 458/550
Luk_8:13..........they/hear receive/the...... 459/550 for whosoever/hath 460/550
Luk_8:21.........which/hear the word of God and do/it 461/550
Luk_9:9..............I/hear such/things...... 462/550
Luk_9:35...........Son/hear him And when/the. 463/550 those things which ye hear and have not heard them And/behold 464/550 and have not heard them And/behold 465/550
Luk_11:28.........that/hear the word of God and keep/it 466/550 the wisdom of Solomon and behold a greater than Solomon is here The/men 467/550 let him hear Then/drew 468/550
Luk_14:35..........him/hear Then drew/near... 469/550 him And the/Pharisees 470/550
Luk_16:2.............I/hear this of/thee..... 471/550
Luk_16:29.........them/hear them And he/said. 472/550
Luk_16:31.........they/hear not Moses/and.... 473/550
Luk_18:6..........said/Hear what the unjust/judge 474/550 him And it/came.. 475/550
Luk_21:9.........shall/hear of wars and commotions/be 476/550 him Now/the...... 477/550
Joh_5:25.........shall/hear the voice of the Son/of 478/550
Joh_5:25..........that/hear shall live/For... 479/550
Joh_5:28.........shall/hear his voice And shall/come 480/550
Joh_5:30.............I/hear I judge/and...... 481/550
Joh_6:60...........can/hear it When/Jesus.... 482/550 him and know/what 483/550
Joh_8:43........cannot/hear my word/Ye....... 484/550
Joh_8:47.....therefore/hear them not/because. 485/550
Joh_9:27...........not/hear wherefore/would.. 486/550 it again/will.... 487/550
Joh_10:3.........sheep/hear his voice and he/calleth 488/550
Joh_10:8...........not/hear them I am/the.... 489/550
Joh_10:16........shall/hear my voice and there/shall 490/550
Joh_10:20..........why/hear ye him Others/said 491/550
Joh_10:27........sheep/hear my voice and I/know 492/550 my words and believe/not 493/550 is/not........... 494/550
Joh_16:13........shall/hear that shall/he.... 495/550 we/every......... 496/550 them speak/in.... 497/550
Act_2:22........Israel/hear these words Jesus/of 498/550
Act_2:33...........and/hear For David/is..... 499/550 in all/things.... 500/550
Act_3:23...........not/hear that prophet/shall 501/550 This is/he....... 502/550 words/of......... 503/550 all things/that.. 504/550 the word of God But Elymas/the 505/550 the word of God But when/the 506/550
Act_15:7........should/hear the word of the gospel/and 507/550 some/new......... 508/550
Act_17:32.........will/hear thee again/of.... 509/550
Act_19:26..........and/hear that not/alone... 510/550
Act_21:22.........will/hear that thou art come/Do 511/550
Act_22:1.......fathers/hear ye my/defence.... 512/550
Act_22:14....shouldest/hear the voice of his/mouth 513/550
Act_23:35.........will/hear thee said/he..... 514/550
Act_24:4......wouldest/hear us of/thy........ 515/550
Act_25:22.........also/hear the man/myself... 516/550
Act_25:22........shalt/hear him And on/the... 517/550 me patiently/My.. 518/550
Act_26:29.........that/hear me this/day...... 519/550 of thee/what..... 520/550
Act_28:26........shall/hear and shall not understand and seeing ye shall see and not/perceive 521/550
Act_28:27..........and/hear with their ears and understand with their heart and should/be 522/550
Act_28:28.........will/hear it And when/he... 523/550
Rom_10:14.........they/hear without/a........ 524/550
Rom_11:8...........not/hear unto this day And David/saith 525/550
1Co_11:18............I/hear that there be/divisions 526/550
1Co_14:21..........not/hear me saith/the..... 527/550
Gal_4:21...........not/hear the law For/it... 528/550
Php_1:27...........may/hear of your affairs/that 529/550 to be/in......... 530/550
2Th_3:11............we/hear that there are/some 531/550
1Ti_4:16..........that/hear thee Rebuke/not.. 532/550
2Ti_4:17.........might/hear and I/was........ 533/550
Heb_3:7...........will/hear his voice Harden not your hearts as in the provocation in/the 534/550
Heb_3:15..........will/hear his voice harden not your hearts as in the provocation For/some 535/550
Heb_4:7...........will/hear his voice harden not your hearts For/if 536/550 slow/to.......... 537/550
1Jn_5:15............he/hear us whatsoever/we. 538/550 that my/children. 539/550
Rev_1:3...........that/hear the words of this/prophecy 540/550
Rev_2:7............him/hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree/of 541/550
Rev_2:11...........him/hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches He/that 542/550
Rev_2:17...........him/hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden/manna 543/550
Rev_2:29...........him/hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches And unto the angel of the church in/Sardis 544/550
Rev_3:6............him/hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches And to/the 545/550
Rev_3:13...........him/hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches And unto the angel of the church of/the 546/550 my voice and open/the 547/550
Rev_3:22...........him/hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches After/this 548/550
Rev_9:20...........nor/hear nor walk/Neither. 549/550
Rev_13:9...........him/hear He that leadeth/into 550/550
Gen_3:8...........they/heard the voice of the LORD God/walking 1/641
Gen_3:10.............I/heard thy voice/in...... 2/641
Gen_14:14........Abram/heard that his/brother.. 3/641
Gen_16:11.........hath/heard thy affliction/And 4/641
Gen_17:20.........have/heard thee Behold/I..... 5/641
Gen_18:10........Sarah/heard it in/the......... 6/641
Gen_21:17..........God/heard the voice of the lad and/the 7/641
Gen_21:17.........hath/heard the voice of the lad where/he 8/641
Gen_21:26..........yet/heard I of/it........... 9/641
Gen_24:30...........he/heard the words of Rebekah/his 10/641
Gen_24:52......servant/heard their words/he... 11/641
Gen_27:5.......Rebekah/heard when Isaac/spake. 12/641
Gen_27:6.............I/heard thy father/speak. 13/641
Gen_27:34.........Esau/heard the words of his father/he 14/641
Gen_29:13........Laban/heard the tidings of/Jacob 15/641
Gen_29:33.........hath/heard I was/hated...... 16/641
Gen_30:6..........also/heard my voice and hath/given 17/641
Gen_31:1............he/heard the words of Laban's/sons 18/641
Gen_34:5.........Jacob/heard that he had defiled/Dinah 19/641
Gen_34:7..........they/heard it and the/men... 20/641
Gen_35:22.......Israel/heard it Now the sons/of 21/641
Gen_37:17............I/heard them say/Let..... 22/641
Gen_37:21.......Reuben/heard it and he/delivered 23/641
Gen_39:15...........he/heard that I lifted/up. 24/641
Gen_39:19.......master/heard the words of his wife/which 25/641
Gen_41:15.........have/heard say of thee/that. 26/641
Gen_42:2..........have/heard that there is/corn 27/641
Gen_43:25.........they/heard that they should/eat 28/641
Gen_45:2.......Pharaoh/heard And Joseph/said.. 29/641
Gen_45:16..........was/heard in Pharaoh's/house 30/641
Exo_2:15.......Pharaoh/heard this thing he/sought 31/641
Exo_2:24...........God/heard their groaning and God/remembered 32/641
Exo_3:7...........have/heard their cry by/reason 33/641
Exo_4:31..........they/heard that the LORD had visited/the 34/641
Exo_6:5...........also/heard the groaning/of.. 35/641
Exo_16:9..........hath/heard your/murmurings.. 36/641
Exo_16:12.........have/heard the murmurings of the children of Israel speak/unto 37/641 of all that God/had 38/641 out of thy/mouth. 39/641 when he goeth/in. 40/641
Exo_32:17.......Joshua/heard the noise of the people as/they 41/641
Exo_33:4........people/heard these evil/tidings 42/641
Lev_10:20........Moses/heard that he was content/And 43/641
Lev_24:14.........that/heard him lay/their.... 44/641
Num_7:89............he/heard the voice of one/speaking 45/641
Num_11:1..........LORD/heard it and his/anger. 46/641
Num_11:10........Moses/heard the people/weep.. 47/641
Num_12:2..........LORD/heard it Now the man/Moses 48/641
Num_14:14.........have/heard that thou LORD/art 49/641
Num_14:15.........have/heard the fame of thee/will 50/641
Num_14:27.........have/heard the murmurings of the children of Israel which/they 51/641
Num_16:4.........Moses/heard it he fell/upon.. 52/641
Num_20:16...........he/heard our voice and sent/an 53/641
Num_21:1.........south/heard tell/that........ 54/641
Num_22:36........Balak/heard that Balaam/was.. 55/641
Num_24:4.........which/heard the words of God which/saw 56/641
Num_24:16........which/heard the words of God and/knew 57/641
Num_30:7.......husband/heard it and held his peace at her in/the 58/641
Num_30:7............he/heard it then her/vows. 59/641
Num_30:8............he/heard it then he/shall. 60/641
Num_30:11......husband/heard it and held his peace at her and/disallowed 61/641
Num_30:12...........he/heard them then whatsoever/proceeded 62/641
Num_30:14...........he/heard them But/if...... 63/641
Num_30:15.........hath/heard them then he/shall 64/641
Num_33:40.......Canaan/heard of the coming/of. 65/641
Deu_1:34..........LORD/heard the voice of your words and/was 66/641 the voice of the words but/saw 67/641 a voice And/he... 68/641
Deu_4:32..........been/heard like/it.......... 69/641
Deu_4:33..........hast/heard and live/Or...... 70/641 the voice out/of. 71/641
Deu_5:24..........have/heard his voice out/of. 72/641
Deu_5:26..........hath/heard the voice of the living/God 73/641
Deu_5:28..........LORD/heard the voice of your words when/ye 74/641
Deu_5:28..........have/heard the voice of the words of/this 75/641
Deu_9:2...........hast/heard say Who/can...... 76/641
Deu_17:4..........hast/heard of it and enquired/diligently 77/641
Deu_26:7..........LORD/heard our voice and looked/on 78/641
Jos_2:10..........have/heard how the LORD dried/up 79/641
Jos_2:11...........had/heard these things our/hearts 80/641
Jos_5:1............sea/heard that the LORD had dried/up 81/641
Jos_6:20........people/heard the sound of the trumpet and the/people 82/641
Jos_9:1.......Jebusite/heard thereof That they/gathered 83/641
Jos_9:3.........Gibeon/heard what Joshua/had.. 84/641
Jos_9:9...........have/heard the fame of him/and 85/641
Jos_9:16..........they/heard that they were their/neighbours 86/641
Jos_10:1...........had/heard how Joshua/had... 87/641
Jos_11:1...........had/heard those things/that 88/641
Jos_22:11.......Israel/heard say Behold/the... 89/641
Jos_22:12.......Israel/heard of it the/whole.. 90/641
Jos_22:30..........him/heard the words that the/children 91/641
Jos_24:27.........hath/heard all the words of the LORD/which 92/641
Jdg_7:15........Gideon/heard the telling/of... 93/641 the words of Gaal/the 94/641
Jdg_9:46.......Shechem/heard that they entered into an/hold 95/641 among us/lest.... 96/641
Jdg_20:3......Benjamin/heard that the children of Israel were gone/up 97/641
Rut_1:6............had/heard in the country/of 98/641
1Sa_1:13...........not/heard therefore Eli/thought 99/641
1Sa_2:22...........and/heard all that his/sons 100/641
1Sa_4:6....Philistines/heard the noise of the shout/they 101/641
1Sa_4:14...........Eli/heard the noise of the crying/he 102/641
1Sa_4:19...........she/heard the tidings that/the 103/641
1Sa_7:7....Philistines/heard that the children of Israel were gathered/together 104/641
1Sa_7:7.........Israel/heard it they were afraid/of 105/641
1Sa_7:9...........LORD/heard him And as/Samuel 106/641
1Sa_8:21........Samuel/heard all the words of the people/and 107/641
1Sa_11:6............he/heard those tidings/and 108/641
1Sa_13:3...Philistines/heard of it And Saul/blew 109/641
1Sa_13:4........Israel/heard say that Saul/had 110/641
1Sa_14:22.........they/heard that the Philistines/fled 111/641
1Sa_14:27.....Jonathan/heard not when/his.... 112/641
1Sa_17:11.......Israel/heard those words of/the 113/641
1Sa_17:23........David/heard them And all/the 114/641 when he spake/unto 115/641
1Sa_17:31.........were/heard which David/spake 116/641 it they went/down 117/641
1Sa_22:6..........Saul/heard that David was discovered/and 118/641
1Sa_23:10....certainly/heard that Saul/seeketh 119/641
1Sa_23:11.........hath/heard O LORD/God...... 120/641
1Sa_23:25.........Saul/heard that he pursued/after 121/641
1Sa_25:4.........David/heard in the wilderness/that 122/641
1Sa_25:7..........have/heard that thou hast/shearers 123/641
1Sa_25:39........David/heard that Nabal/was.. 124/641
1Sa_31:11.Jabeshgilead/heard of that/which... 125/641
2Sa_3:28.........David/heard it he said/I.... 126/641
2Sa_4:1............son/heard that Abner/was.. 127/641
2Sa_5:17...Philistines/heard that they had anointed David/king 128/641
2Sa_5:17.........David/heard of it and went down/to 129/641
2Sa_7:22..........have/heard with our ears And what one nation in the earth is like thy people even/like 130/641
2Sa_8:9.........Hamath/heard that David had/smitten 131/641
2Sa_10:7.........David/heard of it he sent Joab and all the host of the mighty men And the children of Ammon came out and put the battle in array at/the 132/641
2Sa_11:26........Uriah/heard that Uriah/her.. 133/641
2Sa_13:21........David/heard of all these/things 134/641
2Sa_18:5........people/heard when the/king... 135/641
2Sa_19:2........people/heard say that day/how 136/641
1Ki_1:11...........not/heard that Adonijah/the 137/641
1Ki_1:41...........him/heard it as/they...... 138/641
1Ki_1:41..........Joab/heard the sound of the trumpet he/said 139/641
1Ki_1:45..........have/heard And also/Solomon 140/641
1Ki_2:42..........have/heard is/good......... 141/641
1Ki_3:28........Israel/heard of the judgment/which 142/641
1Ki_4:34...........had/heard of his wisdom/And 143/641
1Ki_5:1............had/heard that they had anointed him/king 144/641
1Ki_5:7..........Hiram/heard the words of Solomon/that 145/641
1Ki_6:7...........iron/heard in the house/while 146/641
1Ki_9:3...........have/heard thy prayer and thy/supplication 147/641
1Ki_10:1.........Sheba/heard of the fame of Solomon concerning/the 148/641
1Ki_10:6.............I/heard in mine own land of thy/acts 149/641
1Ki_10:7.............I/heard Happy are thy men happy/are 150/641
1Ki_11:21........Hadad/heard in Egypt/that... 151/641
1Ki_12:2.........Egypt/heard of it for/he.... 152/641
1Ki_12:20.......Israel/heard that Jeroboam/was 153/641
1Ki_13:4......Jeroboam/heard the saying/of... 154/641
1Ki_13:26..........way/heard thereof he said It is the/man 155/641
1Ki_14:6........Ahijah/heard the sound of her/feet 156/641
1Ki_15:21.......Baasha/heard thereof that he/left 157/641
1Ki_16:16.....encamped/heard say Zimri/hath.. 158/641
1Ki_17:22.........LORD/heard the voice of Elijah/and 159/641
1Ki_19:13.......Elijah/heard it that he wrapped/his 160/641
1Ki_20:12....Ben-hadad/heard this message/as. 161/641
1Ki_20:31.........have/heard that the kings of/the 162/641
1Ki_21:15......Jezebel/heard that Naboth was stoned/and 163/641
1Ki_21:16.........Ahab/heard that Naboth was dead/that 164/641
1Ki_21:27.........Ahab/heard those words that/he 165/641
2Ki_3:21......Moabites/heard that the kings were/come 166/641
2Ki_5:8............had/heard that the king of Israel/had 167/641
2Ki_6:30..........king/heard the words of the woman/that 168/641
2Ki_9:30.......Jezebel/heard of it and she/painted 169/641
2Ki_11:13.....Athaliah/heard the noise of the guard/and 170/641
2Ki_19:1......Hezekiah/heard it that he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim which/was 171/641
2Ki_19:4..........hath/heard wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant that are/left 172/641
2Ki_19:6..........hast/heard with which/the.. 173/641
2Ki_19:8...........had/heard that he was departed from Lachish And when/he 174/641
2Ki_19:9............he/heard say of Tirhakah/king 175/641
2Ki_19:11.........hast/heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all lands by destroying them utterly and shalt thou be delivered Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the children of Eden which were in Thelasar/Where 176/641
2Ki_19:20.........have/heard This is/the..... 177/641
2Ki_19:25..........not/heard long ago how I have done it and of ancient times that I have formed it now have I brought it to pass that thou shouldest be to lay waste fenced/cities 178/641
2Ki_20:5..........have/heard thy prayer I have seen thy tears behold I will heal/thee 179/641
2Ki_20:12..........had/heard that Hezekiah/had 180/641
2Ki_22:11..........had/heard the words of the book/of 181/641
2Ki_22:18.........hast/heard Because thine heart was tender and thou hast/humbled 182/641
2Ki_22:19.........have/heard thee saith/the.. 183/641 that the king of Babylon had made Gedaliah governor/there 184/641
1Ch_10:11.Jabeshgilead/heard all that the/Philistines 185/641
1Ch_14:8...Philistines/heard that David was anointed/king 186/641
1Ch_14:8.........David/heard of it and went out/against 187/641
1Ch_17:20.........have/heard with our ears And what one nation in the earth is like thy people Israel/whom 188/641
1Ch_18:9........Hamath/heard how David/had... 189/641
1Ch_19:8.........David/heard of it he sent Joab and all the host of the mighty men And the children of Ammon came out and put the battle in array before/the 190/641 in praising/and. 191/641
2Ch_7:12..........have/heard thy prayer and have/chosen 192/641
2Ch_9:1..........Sheba/heard of the fame of Solomon she/came 193/641
2Ch_9:5..............I/heard in mine own land of thine/acts 194/641
2Ch_9:6..............I/heard Happy are thy men and/happy 195/641
2Ch_10:2..........king/heard it that Jeroboam/returned 196/641
2Ch_15:8...........Asa/heard these words and the/prophecy 197/641
2Ch_16:5........Baasha/heard it that he left/off 198/641
2Ch_20:29..........had/heard that the LORD fought/against 199/641
2Ch_23:12.....Athaliah/heard the noise of the people running/and 200/641
2Ch_30:27..........was/heard and their/prayer 201/641
2Ch_33:13..........and/heard his supplication/and 202/641
2Ch_34:19..........had/heard the words of the law that/he 203/641
2Ch_34:26.........hast/heard Because thine heart was tender and thou didst/humble 204/641
2Ch_34:27.........even/heard thee also/saith. 205/641
Ezr_3:13...........was/heard afar/off........ 206/641
Ezr_4:1.......Benjamin/heard that the children of the/captivity 207/641
Ezr_9:3..............I/heard this thing I/rent 208/641
Neh_1:4..............I/heard these words that/I 209/641
Neh_2:10......Ammonite/heard of it it/grieved 210/641
Neh_2:19.......Arabian/heard it they laughed/us 211/641
Neh_4:1......Sanballat/heard that we/builded. 212/641
Neh_4:7.....Ashdodites/heard that the walls/of 213/641
Neh_4:15.......enemies/heard that it was known/unto 214/641
Neh_5:6..............I/heard their cry and these/words 215/641
Neh_6:1........enemies/heard that I had/builded 216/641
Neh_6:16.......enemies/heard thereof and/all. 217/641
Neh_8:9...........they/heard the words of the law Then/he 218/641
Neh_12:43..........was/heard even afar/off... 219/641
Neh_13:3...........had/heard the law/that.... 220/641
Est_1:18..........have/heard of the deed/of.. 221/641
Est_2:8............was/heard and when/many... 222/641
Job_2:11.......friends/heard of all this/evil 223/641
Job_4:16.............I/heard a voice saying Shall/mortal 224/641
Job_13:1..........hath/heard and understood/it 225/641
Job_15:8..........thou/heard the secret/of... 226/641
Job_16:2..........have/heard many such/things 227/641
Job_19:7...........not/heard I cry/aloud..... 228/641
Job_20:3..........have/heard the check/of.... 229/641 of him but/the.. 230/641
Job_28:22.........have/heard the fame thereof with/our 231/641
Job_29:11..........ear/heard me then/it...... 232/641
Job_33:8..........have/heard the voice of thy/words 233/641 God/thundereth.. 234/641
Job_42:5..........have/heard of thee by/the.. 235/641
Psa_3:4.............he/heard me out of his/holy 236/641
Psa_6:8...........hath/heard the voice of my weeping/The 237/641
Psa_6:9...........hath/heard my supplication/the 238/641
Psa_10:17.........hast/heard the desire/of... 239/641
Psa_18:6............he/heard my voice out/of. 240/641
Psa_19:3...........not/heard Their line/is... 241/641
Psa_22:21.........hast/heard me from/the..... 242/641
Psa_22:24...........he/heard My praise/shall. 243/641
Psa_28:6..........hath/heard the voice of my supplications/The 244/641
Psa_31:13.........have/heard the slander/of.. 245/641
Psa_34:4............he/heard me and delivered/me 246/641
Psa_34:6..........LORD/heard him and saved/him 247/641 not and I was/as 248/641
Psa_40:1...........and/heard my cry/He....... 249/641
Psa_44:1..........have/heard with our ears O/God 250/641
Psa_48:8..........have/heard so have/we...... 251/641
Psa_61:5..........hast/heard my vows/thou.... 252/641
Psa_62:11............I/heard this that/power. 253/641 Which holdeth/our 254/641
Psa_66:19.........hath/heard me he/hath...... 255/641 from heaven the/earth 256/641
Psa_78:3..........have/heard and known/and... 257/641
Psa_78:21.........LORD/heard this and/was.... 258/641
Psa_78:59..........God/heard this he was wroth/and 259/641
Psa_81:5.............I/heard a language/that. 260/641
Psa_97:8..........Zion/heard and was/glad.... 261/641
Psa_106:44..........he/heard their cry And he/remembered 262/641
Psa_116:1.........hath/heard my voice and my/supplications 263/641
Psa_118:21........hast/heard me and art/become 264/641
Psa_120:1...........he/heard me Deliver/my... 265/641
Psa_132:6...........we/heard of it at/Ephratah 266/641 A gift/in....... 267/641
Ecc_9:16...........not/heard The words of wise/men 268/641
Ecc_9:17...........are/heard in quiet/more... 269/641 in our/land..... 270/641
Isa_6:8..............I/heard the voice of the Lord saying/Whom 271/641 unto/Laish...... 272/641 even unto/Jahaz. 273/641
Isa_16:6..........have/heard of the pride/of. 274/641
Isa_21:10.........have/heard of the LORD/of.. 275/641
Isa_24:16...........we/heard songs/even...... 276/641
Isa_28:22.........have/heard from the Lord/GOD 277/641 and shall/shew.. 278/641
Isa_37:1......Hezekiah/heard it that he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim who/was 279/641
Isa_37:4..........hath/heard wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant that is/left 280/641
Isa_37:6..........hast/heard wherewith/the... 281/641
Isa_37:8...........had/heard that he was departed from Lachish And he/heard 282/641
Isa_37:9............he/heard say concerning/Tirhakah 283/641
Isa_37:9............he/heard it he sent/messengers 284/641
Isa_37:11.........hast/heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all lands by destroying them utterly and shalt thou be delivered Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the children of Eden which were in Telassar/Where 285/641
Isa_37:26..........not/heard long ago how I have done it and of ancient times that I have formed it now have I brought it to pass that thou shouldest be to lay waste defenced/cities 286/641
Isa_38:5..........have/heard thy prayer I have seen thy tears behold I will add/unto 287/641
Isa_39:1...........had/heard that he had been sick and/was 288/641
Isa_40:21..........not/heard hath/it......... 289/641
Isa_40:28..........not/heard that the everlasting/God 290/641 in the street/A. 291/641
Isa_48:6..........hast/heard see/all......... 292/641
Isa_49:8.............I/heard thee and/in..... 293/641
Isa_52:15..........not/heard shall they/consider 294/641 on/high......... 295/641 in thy/land..... 296/641
Isa_64:4...........not/heard nor/perceived... 297/641
Isa_65:19.........more/heard in her nor/the.. 298/641
Isa_66:8..........hath/heard such a/thing.... 299/641
Isa_66:19..........not/heard my fame/neither. 300/641
Jer_3:21...........was/heard upon the high/places 301/641
Jer_4:19..........hast/heard O my/soul....... 302/641
Jer_4:31..........have/heard a voice as/of... 303/641 in her before/me 304/641
Jer_6:24..........have/heard the fame thereof our/hands 305/641 not and I called/you 306/641
Jer_8:6............and/heard but they/spake.. 307/641
Jer_8:16...........was/heard from Dan/the.... 308/641 out of Zion/How. 309/641
Jer_18:13.........hath/heard such things/the. 310/641 from their/houses 311/641
Jer_20:1..........LORD/heard that Jeremiah/prophesied 312/641
Jer_20:10............I/heard the defaming/of. 313/641
Jer_23:18..........and/heard his word who/hath 314/641
Jer_23:18..........and/heard it Behold/a..... 315/641
Jer_23:25.........have/heard what the prophets/said 316/641
Jer_25:8...........not/heard my words/Behold. 317/641 for the/LORD.... 318/641
Jer_26:7........people/heard Jeremiah/speaking 319/641
Jer_26:10........Judah/heard these things then/they 320/641
Jer_26:11.........have/heard with your/ears.. 321/641
Jer_26:12.........have/heard Therefore now/amend 322/641
Jer_26:21......princes/heard his words/the... 323/641
Jer_26:21.......Urijah/heard it he was/afraid 324/641
Jer_30:5..........have/heard a voice of trembling/of 325/641
Jer_31:15..........was/heard in Ramah/lamentation 326/641
Jer_31:18.......surely/heard Ephraim/bemoaning 327/641 in this/place... 328/641
Jer_34:10.....covenant/heard that every/one.. 329/641
Jer_35:17..........not/heard and I have/called 330/641
Jer_36:11..........had/heard out of the book/all 331/641
Jer_36:13..........had/heard when Baruch/read 332/641
Jer_36:16..........had/heard all the words they/were 333/641
Jer_36:24.........that/heard all these words/Nevertheless 334/641
Jer_37:5.....Jerusalem/heard tidings/of...... 335/641
Jer_38:1......Malchiah/heard the words that Jeremiah/had 336/641 that they had put/Jeremiah 337/641 that the king of Babylon had made Gedaliah the/son 338/641
Jer_40:11....countries/heard that the king of Babylon had left/a 339/641
Jer_41:11..........him/heard of all the/evil. 340/641
Jer_42:4..........have/heard you/behold...... 341/641
Jer_46:12.........have/heard of thy/shame.... 342/641 For in/the...... 343/641
Jer_48:5..........have/heard a cry/of........ 344/641
Jer_48:29.........have/heard the pride/of.... 345/641 in Rabbah/of.... 346/641
Jer_49:14.........have/heard a rumour from the LORD and an ambassador is sent unto/the 347/641
Jer_49:21..........was/heard in the Red/sea.. 348/641
Jer_49:23.........have/heard evil/tidings.... 349/641
Jer_50:43.........hath/heard the report/of... 350/641 among the/nations 351/641 in the land/a... 352/641
Jer_51:51.........have/heard reproach/shame.. 353/641
Lam_1:21..........have/heard that I sigh/there 354/641
Lam_1:21..........have/heard of my trouble/they 355/641
Lam_3:56..........hast/heard my voice hide/not 356/641
Lam_3:61..........hast/heard their reproach/O 357/641
Eze_1:24.............I/heard the noise of their/wings 358/641
Eze_1:28.............I/heard a voice of one/that 359/641
Eze_2:2..............I/heard him that/spake.. 360/641
Eze_3:12.............I/heard behind me a voice/of 361/641
Eze_3:13.............I/heard also/the........ 362/641
Eze_10:5...........was/heard even to/the..... 363/641
Eze_19:4..........also/heard of him he/was... 364/641 upon the mountains/of 365/641
Eze_26:13.........more/heard And I will/make. 366/641 against/thee.... 367/641
Eze_33:5............He/heard the sound of the trumpet and took/not 368/641
Eze_35:12.........have/heard all thy/blasphemies 369/641
Eze_35:13.........have/heard them Thus/saith. 370/641
Eze_43:6.............I/heard him speaking/unto 371/641
Dan_3:7.........people/heard the sound of the cornet/flute 372/641
Dan_5:14..........even/heard of thee that the/spirit 373/641
Dan_5:16..........have/heard of thee that thou/canst 374/641
Dan_6:14............he/heard these words was/sore 375/641
Dan_8:13.............I/heard one/saint....... 376/641
Dan_8:16.............I/heard a man's/voice... 377/641
Dan_10:9...........Yet/heard I the/voice..... 378/641
Dan_10:9.............I/heard the voice of his/words 379/641
Dan_10:12.........were/heard and I am/come... 380/641
Dan_12:7.............I/heard the man/clothed. 381/641
Dan_12:8.............I/heard but I/understood 382/641
Hos_7:12..........hath/heard Woe unto/them... 383/641
Hos_14:8..........have/heard him and observed/him 384/641
Oba_1:1...........have/heard a rumour from the LORD and an ambassador is sent among/the 385/641
Jon_2:2.............he/heard me out of the/belly 386/641
Mic_5:15...........not/heard Hear/ye......... 387/641 Woe to/the...... 388/641
Hab_3:2...........have/heard thy speech/and.. 389/641
Hab_3:16.............I/heard my belly/trembled 390/641
Zep_2:8...........have/heard the reproach/of. 391/641
Zec_8:23..........have/heard that God/is..... 392/641
Mal_3:16...........and/heard it and a/book... 393/641
Mat_2:3............had/heard these things he was/troubled 394/641
Mat_2:9............had/heard the king/they... 395/641
Mat_2:18.........voice/heard lamentation/and. 396/641
Mat_2:22............he/heard that Archelaus/did 397/641
Mat_4:12...........had/heard that John/was... 398/641
Mat_5:21..........have/heard that it was said of/them 399/641
Mat_5:27..........have/heard that it was said by/them 400/641
Mat_5:33..........have/heard that it hath been said by/them 401/641
Mat_5:38..........have/heard that it hath been said An/eye 402/641
Mat_5:43..........have/heard that it hath been said Thou/shalt 403/641 for their/much.. 404/641
Mat_8:10.........Jesus/heard it he marvelled/and 405/641
Mat_9:12.........Jesus/heard that he said unto/them 406/641
Mat_11:2...........had/heard in the prison/the 407/641
Mat_12:24....Pharisees/heard it they said This/fellow 408/641
Mat_13:17..........not/heard them Hear/ye.... 409/641
Mat_14:1......tetrarch/heard of the fame of Jesus/And 410/641
Mat_14:13........Jesus/heard of it he departed/thence 411/641
Mat_14:13..........had/heard thereof they/followed 412/641
Mat_15:12.........they/heard this saying But/he 413/641
Mat_17:6.....disciples/heard it they fell/on. 414/641 that saying he went/away 415/641
Mat_19:25....disciples/heard it they were exceedingly/amazed 416/641
Mat_20:24..........ten/heard it they were moved/with 417/641
Mat_20:30.........they/heard that Jesus passed/by 418/641
Mat_21:45..........had/heard his parables/they 419/641
Mat_22:7..........king/heard thereof he was/wroth 420/641
Mat_22:22..........had/heard these words they/marvelled 421/641
Mat_22:33....multitude/heard this they were astonished/at 422/641
Mat_22:34..........had/heard that he had put/the 423/641
Mat_26:65.........have/heard his blasphemy/What 424/641
Mat_27:47.........they/heard that said/This.. 425/641
Mar_2:17.........Jesus/heard it he saith/unto 426/641
Mar_3:8............had/heard what great/things 427/641
Mar_3:21.......friends/heard of it they went/out 428/641
Mar_4:15..........have/heard Satan/cometh.... 429/641
Mar_4:16..........have/heard the word immediately/receive 430/641
Mar_5:27...........had/heard of Jesus came/in 431/641
Mar_5:36.........Jesus/heard the word that/was 432/641
Mar_6:14.........Herod/heard of him for/his.. 433/641
Mar_6:16.........Herod/heard thereof he said It is John/whom 434/641
Mar_6:20............he/heard him he/did...... 435/641
Mar_6:20...........and/heard him gladly And when/a 436/641
Mar_6:29.....disciples/heard of it they came/and 437/641
Mar_6:55..........they/heard he/was.......... 438/641
Mar_7:25........spirit/heard of him and came/and 439/641
Mar_10:41..........ten/heard it they began/to 440/641
Mar_10:47...........he/heard that it was Jesus/of 441/641
Mar_11:14....disciples/heard it And they/come 442/641
Mar_11:18......priests/heard it and sought/how 443/641
Mar_12:28.......having/heard them reasoning/together 444/641
Mar_12:37.......people/heard him gladly And he/said 445/641
Mar_14:11.........they/heard it they were glad/and 446/641
Mar_14:58...........We/heard him say I/will.. 447/641
Mar_14:64.........have/heard the blasphemy/what 448/641
Mar_15:35.........they/heard it said Behold/he 449/641
Mar_16:11..........had/heard that he was alive/and 450/641 and thy/wife.... 451/641
Luk_1:41.....Elisabeth/heard the salutation/of 452/641
Luk_1:58.......cousins/heard how the Lord had/shewed 453/641
Luk_1:66..........that/heard them laid/them.. 454/641
Luk_2:18..........that/heard it wondered/at.. 455/641
Luk_2:20...........had/heard and seen as/it.. 456/641
Luk_2:47..........that/heard him were astonished/at 457/641
Luk_4:23..........have/heard done/in......... 458/641
Luk_4:28..........they/heard these things were/filled 459/641
Luk_7:3.............he/heard of Jesus he/sent 460/641
Luk_7:9..........Jesus/heard these things he marvelled/at 461/641
Luk_7:22...........and/heard how that/the.... 462/641
Luk_7:29..........that/heard him and the/publicans 463/641
Luk_8:14..........have/heard go/forth........ 464/641
Luk_8:15........having/heard the word keep/it 465/641
Luk_8:50.........Jesus/heard it he answered/him 466/641
Luk_9:7.......tetrarch/heard of all that was/done 467/641
Luk_10:24..........not/heard them And behold/a 468/641
Luk_10:39..........and/heard his word But/Martha 469/641 in the light/and 470/641
Luk_14:15..........him/heard these things he said unto him Blessed/is 471/641
Luk_15:25...........he/heard musick/and...... 472/641
Luk_16:14.....covetous/heard all these things/and 473/641
Luk_18:22........Jesus/heard these things he said unto him Yet/lackest 474/641
Luk_18:23...........he/heard this he was very/sorrowful 475/641
Luk_18:26.........that/heard it said Who/then 476/641
Luk_19:11.........they/heard these things he added/and 477/641
Luk_20:16.........they/heard it they said God/forbid 478/641
Luk_22:71.........have/heard of his own/mouth 479/641
Luk_23:6........Pilate/heard of Galilee/he... 480/641
Luk_23:8...........had/heard many things/of.. 481/641
Joh_1:37.....disciples/heard him speak and/they 482/641
Joh_1:40.........which/heard John/speak...... 483/641
Joh_3:32...........and/heard that he testifieth/and 484/641
Joh_4:1............had/heard that Jesus made/and 485/641
Joh_4:42..........have/heard him ourselves/and 486/641
Joh_4:47............he/heard that Jesus was come/out 487/641
Joh_5:37.......neither/heard his voice at/any 488/641
Joh_6:45..........hath/heard and hath/learned 489/641
Joh_6:60...........had/heard this said/This.. 490/641
Joh_7:32.....Pharisees/heard that the people/murmured 491/641
Joh_7:40..........they/heard this saying said/Of 492/641
Joh_8:6.............he/heard them not/So..... 493/641
Joh_8:9..........which/heard it being/convicted 494/641
Joh_8:26..........have/heard of him They/understood 495/641
Joh_8:40..........have/heard of God/this..... 496/641
Joh_9:32...........not/heard that any/man.... 497/641
Joh_9:35.........Jesus/heard that they had cast/him 498/641
Joh_9:40...........him/heard these words and said/unto 499/641
Joh_11:4.........Jesus/heard that he said This/sickness 500/641
Joh_11:6...........had/heard therefore that/he 501/641
Joh_11:20..........she/heard that Jesus was coming went/and 502/641
Joh_11:29..........she/heard that she/arose.. 503/641
Joh_11:41.........hast/heard me And I/knew... 504/641
Joh_12:12.........they/heard that Jesus was coming to/Jerusalem 505/641
Joh_12:18.........they/heard that he had done/this 506/641
Joh_12:29..........and/heard it said that/it. 507/641
Joh_12:34.........have/heard out of the law/that 508/641
Joh_14:28.........have/heard how I/said...... 509/641
Joh_15:15.........have/heard of my Father/I.. 510/641
Joh_18:21........which/heard me what/I....... 511/641
Joh_19:8.....therefore/heard that saying he was/the 512/641
Joh_19:13....therefore/heard that saying he brought/Jesus 513/641
Joh_21:7.........Peter/heard that it was the/Lord 514/641
Act_1:4...........have/heard of me For/John.. 515/641 them speak in/his 516/641
Act_2:37..........they/heard this they were pricked/in 517/641
Act_4:4..........which/heard the word believed/and 518/641
Act_4:20...........and/heard So when/they.... 519/641
Act_4:24..........they/heard that they lifted/up 520/641
Act_5:5...........that/heard these things And the/young 521/641 these things And by/the 522/641
Act_5:21..........they/heard that they entered into the/temple 523/641
Act_5:24.......priests/heard these things they doubted/of 524/641
Act_5:33..........they/heard that they were cut/to 525/641
Act_6:11..........have/heard him speak blasphemous/words 526/641
Act_6:14..........have/heard him say that/this 527/641
Act_7:12.........Jacob/heard that there was/corn 528/641
Act_7:34..........have/heard their groaning and am/come 529/641
Act_7:54..........they/heard these things they were/cut 530/641
Act_8:14.....Jerusalem/heard that Samaria/had 531/641
Act_8:30...........and/heard him read/the.... 532/641
Act_9:4............and/heard a voice saying unto him/Saul 533/641
Act_9:13..........have/heard by/many......... 534/641
Act_9:21..........that/heard him were amazed/and 535/641
Act_9:38...........had/heard that Peter/was.. 536/641 and thine/alms.. 537/641
Act_10:44........which/heard the word And/they 538/641
Act_10:46.........they/heard them speak with/tongues 539/641
Act_11:1........Judaea/heard that the Gentiles/had 540/641
Act_11:7.............I/heard a voice saying unto me Arise/Peter 541/641
Act_11:18.........they/heard these things they held/their 542/641
Act_13:48.....Gentiles/heard this they were glad/and 543/641
Act_14:9..........same/heard Paul/speak...... 544/641
Act_14:14.........Paul/heard of they/rent.... 545/641
Act_15:24.........have/heard that certain/which 546/641
Act_16:14..........God/heard us/whose........ 547/641
Act_16:25....prisoners/heard them And suddenly/there 548/641
Act_16:38.........they/heard that they were Romans/And 549/641
Act_17:8..........they/heard these things And when/they 550/641
Act_17:32.........they/heard of the resurrection/of 551/641
Act_18:26..........had/heard they/took....... 552/641 whether/there... 553/641
Act_19:5..........they/heard this they were baptized/in 554/641
Act_19:10.........Asia/heard the word of the/Lord 555/641
Act_19:28.........they/heard these sayings/they 556/641
Act_21:12...........we/heard these things both/we 557/641
Act_21:20.........they/heard it they glorified/the 558/641
Act_22:2..........they/heard that he spake/in 559/641
Act_22:7...........and/heard a voice saying unto me Saul/Saul 560/641
Act_22:9..........they/heard not the/voice... 561/641
Act_22:15..........and/heard And now/why..... 562/641
Act_22:26....centurion/heard that he went/and 563/641
Act_23:16..........son/heard of their/lying.. 564/641
Act_24:22........Felix/heard these things having/more 565/641
Act_24:24..........and/heard him concerning/the 566/641
Act_26:14............I/heard a voice speaking/unto 567/641
Act_28:15.....brethren/heard of us they/came. 568/641
Rom_10:14..........not/heard and how/shall... 569/641
Rom_10:18..........not/heard Yes/verily...... 570/641
Rom_15:21..........not/heard shall understand/For 571/641
1Co_2:9............ear/heard neither/have.... 572/641
2Co_6:2...........have/heard thee in/a....... 573/641
2Co_12:4...........and/heard unspeakable/words 574/641
Gal_1:13..........have/heard of my conversation/in 575/641
Gal_1:23...........had/heard only/That....... 576/641 the word of truth/the 577/641
Eph_1:15.............I/heard of your faith in the/Lord 578/641
Eph_3:2...........have/heard of the dispensation/of 579/641
Eph_4:21..........have/heard him and have/been 580/641
Php_2:26...........had/heard that he had been sick For/indeed 581/641
Php_4:9............and/heard and seen in/me.. 582/641
Col_1:4.............we/heard of your faith in Christ/Jesus 583/641 before/in....... 584/641 of it and knew/the 585/641
Col_1:9.............we/heard it do/not....... 586/641
Col_1:23..........have/heard and which/was... 587/641 of us ye/received 588/641
2Ti_1:13..........hast/heard of me in/faith.. 589/641
2Ti_2:2...........hast/heard of me among/many 590/641
Heb_2:1...........have/heard lest/at......... 591/641
Heb_2:3...........that/heard him God/also.... 592/641
Heb_3:16...........had/heard did/provoke..... 593/641
Heb_4:2...........that/heard it For/we....... 594/641
Heb_5:7............was/heard in that/he...... 595/641
Heb_12:19.........that/heard intreated/that.. 596/641
Jam_5:11..........have/heard of the patience/of 597/641
2Pe_1:18............we/heard when we/were.... 598/641
1Jn_1:1...........have/heard which we/have... 599/641
1Jn_1:3............and/heard declare/we...... 600/641
1Jn_1:5...........have/heard of him and declare/unto 601/641
1Jn_2:7...........have/heard from the beginning Again/a 602/641
1Jn_2:18..........have/heard that antichrist/shall 603/641
1Jn_2:24..........have/heard from the beginning If/that 604/641
1Jn_2:24..........have/heard from the beginning shall/remain 605/641 from the beginning that/we 606/641
1Jn_4:3...........have/heard that it should/come 607/641
2Jn_1:6...........have/heard from the beginning ye/should 608/641
Rev_1:10...........and/heard behind me a great/voice 609/641
Rev_3:3............and/heard and hold/fast... 610/641
Rev_4:1..............I/heard was/as.......... 611/641
Rev_5:11.............I/heard the voice of many/angels 612/641
Rev_5:13..........them/heard I saying/Blessing 613/641
Rev_6:1..............I/heard as it were the noise/of 614/641
Rev_6:3..............I/heard the second/beast 615/641
Rev_6:5..............I/heard the third/beast. 616/641
Rev_6:6..............I/heard a voice in/the.. 617/641
Rev_6:7..............I/heard the voice of the fourth/beast 618/641
Rev_7:4..............I/heard the number of them which/were 619/641
Rev_8:13...........and/heard an/angel........ 620/641
Rev_9:13.............I/heard a voice from the/four 621/641
Rev_9:16.............I/heard the number of them And/thus 622/641
Rev_10:4.............I/heard a voice from heaven saying unto me Seal/up 623/641
Rev_10:8.............I/heard from heaven spake/unto 624/641
Rev_11:12.........they/heard a great voice from/heaven 625/641
Rev_12:10............I/heard a loud/voice.... 626/641
Rev_14:2.............I/heard a voice from heaven as/the 627/641
Rev_14:2.............I/heard the voice of harpers/harping 628/641
Rev_14:13............I/heard a voice from heaven saying unto me Write/Blessed 629/641
Rev_16:1.............I/heard a great voice out of the/temple 630/641
Rev_16:5.............I/heard the angel/of.... 631/641
Rev_16:7.............I/heard another out/of.. 632/641
Rev_18:4.............I/heard another voice/from 633/641 no more at all in thee and no/craftsman 634/641 no more at all in thee And the/light 635/641 no more at all in thee for/thy 636/641
Rev_19:1.............I/heard a great voice of/much 637/641
Rev_19:6.............I/heard as it were the voice/of 638/641
Rev_21:3.............I/heard a great voice out of heaven/saying 639/641
Rev_22:8...........and/heard them And when/I. 640/641
Rev_22:8...........had/heard and seen I/fell. 641/641
Deu_4:36..........thou/heardest his words out/of 1/12
Jos_14:12.........thou/heardest in/that......... 2/12
2Ki_22:19.........thou/heardest what/I.......... 3/12
2Ch_34:27.........thou/heardest his words against/this 4/12
Neh_9:9............and/heardest their/cry....... 5/12
Neh_9:27..........thou/heardest them from heaven and according/to 6/12
Neh_9:28..........thou/heardest them from heaven and many/times 7/12
Psa_31:22.........thou/heardest the/voice....... 8/12
Psa_119:26........thou/heardest me/teach........ 9/12
Isa_48:7..........thou/heardest them not/lest.. 10/12
Isa_48:8..........thou/heardest not/yea........ 11/12
Jon_2:2...........thou/heardest my/voice....... 12/12
Jam_1:23.............a/hearer of/the............. 1/2
Jam_1:25.....forgetful/hearer but/a.............. 2/2
Rom_2:13...........the/hearers of/the............ 1/4
Eph_4:29...........the/hearers And/grieve........ 2/4
2Ti_2:14...........the/hearers Study/to.......... 3/4
Jam_1:22...........not/hearers only/deceiving.... 4/4
Rut_2:8...........Ruth/Hearest thou not my/daughter 1/11
1Sa_24:9.....Wherefore/hearest thou men's/words. 2/11
2Sa_5:24..........thou/hearest the sound of/a... 3/11
1Ki_8:30..........thou/hearest forgive If any/man 4/11
2Ch_6:21..........thou/hearest forgive If a/man. 5/11
Psa_22:2..........thou/hearest not/and.......... 6/11
Psa_65:2..........that/hearest prayer/unto...... 7/11
Mat_21:16..........him/Hearest thou what/these.. 8/11
Mat_27:13..........him/Hearest thou not how/many 9/11
Joh_3:8...........thou/hearest the sound thereof/but 10/11
Joh_11:42.........thou/hearest me/always....... 11/11
Exo_16:7............he/heareth your murmurings against/the 1/52
Exo_16:8..........LORD/heareth your murmurings which/ye 2/52
Num_30:5............he/heareth not any/of....... 3/52
Deu_29:19...........he/heareth the words of this/curse 4/52
1Sa_3:9........servant/heareth So/Samuel........ 5/52
1Sa_3:10.......servant/heareth And the/LORD..... 6/52
1Sa_3:11..........that/heareth it shall/tingle.. 7/52
2Sa_17:9.....whosoever/heareth it will/say...... 8/52
2Ki_21:12....whosoever/heareth of it/both....... 9/52
Job_34:28...........he/heareth the cry/of...... 10/52
Psa_34:17.........LORD/heareth and delivereth/them 11/52
Psa_38:14.........that/heareth not and/in...... 12/52
Psa_69:33.........LORD/heareth the poor/and.... 13/52
Pro_8:34..........that/heareth me watching/daily 14/52
Pro_13:1...........son/heareth his father's/instruction 15/52
Pro_13:1.......scorner/heareth not rebuke A/man 16/52
Pro_13:8..........poor/heareth not rebuke The/light 17/52
Pro_15:29...........he/heareth the prayer/of... 18/52
Pro_15:31.........that/heareth the reproof/of.. 19/52
Pro_15:32.........that/heareth reproof/getteth. 20/52
Pro_18:13...........he/heareth it it/is........ 21/52
Pro_21:28.........that/heareth speaketh/constantly 22/52
Pro_25:10.........that/heareth it put/thee..... 23/52
Pro_29:24...........he/heareth cursing/and..... 24/52
Isa_41:26.........that/heareth your words/The.. 25/52
Isa_42:20...........he/heareth not The/LORD.... 26/52
Jer_19:3.....whosoever/heareth his ears/shall.. 27/52
Eze_3:27..........that/heareth let/him......... 28/52
Eze_33:4.....whosoever/heareth the sound/of.... 29/52
Mat_7:24.....whosoever/heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them I/will 30/52
Mat_7:26..........that/heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them not/shall 31/52 the word of/the. 32/52
Mat_13:20.........that/heareth the word and anon/with 33/52
Mat_13:22.........that/heareth the word and the/care 34/52
Mat_13:23.........that/heareth the word and understandeth/it 35/52
Luk_6:47...........and/heareth my sayings/and.. 36/52
Luk_6:49..........that/heareth and doeth/not... 37/52
Luk_10:16.........that/heareth you/heareth..... 38/52 me and/he....... 39/52
Joh_3:29...........and/heareth him/rejoiceth... 40/52
Joh_5:24..........that/heareth my word/and..... 41/52
Joh_8:47...........God/heareth God's/words..... 42/52
Joh_9:31...........God/heareth not sinners/but. 43/52
Joh_9:31............he/heareth Since/the....... 44/52
Joh_18:37........truth/heareth my voice/Pilate. 45/52
2Co_12:6............he/heareth of me/And....... 46/52 them/We......... 47/52
1Jn_4:6............God/heareth us he/that...... 48/52
1Jn_4:6............God/heareth not us/Hereby... 49/52
1Jn_5:14............he/heareth us And/if....... 50/52
Rev_22:17.........that/heareth say/Come........ 51/52
Rev_22:18.........that/heareth the words of the/prophecy 52/52
Deu_31:11........their/hearing Gather/the....... 1/39
2Sa_18:12..........our/hearing the king/charged. 2/39
2Ki_4:31...........nor/hearing Wherefore/he..... 3/39
Job_33:8..........mine/hearing and I/have....... 4/39
Job_42:5...........the/hearing of the/ear....... 5/39
Pro_20:12..........The/hearing ear/and.......... 6/39
Pro_28:9..........from/hearing the law/even..... 7/39
Ecc_1:8...........with/hearing The thing/that... 8/39
Isa_11:3...........the/hearing of his/ears...... 9/39
Isa_21:3...........the/hearing of it/I......... 10/39
Isa_33:15.........from/hearing of blood/and.... 11/39
Eze_9:5...........mine/hearing Go/ye........... 12/39 O/wheel......... 13/39
Amo_8:11............of/hearing the words/of.... 14/39
Mat_13:13..........and/hearing they hear/not... 15/39
Mat_13:14...........By/hearing ye shall hear and shall not understand and seeing ye shall see and shall/not 16/39
Mat_13:15...........of/hearing and their eyes they/have 17/39
Mar_4:12...........and/hearing they may/hear... 18/39
Mar_6:2...........many/hearing him/were........ 19/39
Luk_2:46..........both/hearing them/and........ 20/39
Luk_8:10...........and/hearing they might/not.. 21/39
Luk_18:36..........And/hearing the multitude/pass 22/39
Act_5:5........Ananias/hearing these/words..... 23/39
Act_8:6..........spake/hearing and seeing/the.. 24/39
Act_9:7.....speechless/hearing a/voice......... 25/39
Act_18:8...Corinthians/hearing believed/and.... 26/39
Act_25:21..........the/hearing of Augustus/I... 27/39
Act_25:23...........of/hearing with/the........ 28/39
Act_28:26..........say/Hearing ye shall hear and shall not understand and seeing ye shall see and not/perceive 29/39
Act_28:27...........of/hearing and their eyes have/they 30/39 and hearing/by.. 31/39
Rom_10:17..........and/hearing by/the.......... 32/39
1Co_12:17..........the/hearing If/the.......... 33/39
1Co_12:17.........were/hearing where/were...... 34/39
Gal_3:2............the/hearing of faith Are/ye. 35/39
Gal_3:5............the/hearing of faith Even/as 36/39
Phl_1:5........prayers/Hearing of thy/love..... 37/39
Heb_5:11............of/hearing For/when........ 38/39
2Pe_2:8............and/hearing vexed/his....... 39/39
Gen_4:23........Lamech/hearken unto my speech/for 1/153
Gen_21:12.........thee/hearken unto her voice for/in 2/153
Gen_23:15.........lord/hearken unto me the/land 3/153
Gen_34:17..........not/hearken unto us/to...... 4/153
Gen_49:2...........and/hearken unto Israel/your 5/153
Exo_3:18.........shall/hearken to thy voice and/thou 6/153
Exo_4:1............nor/hearken unto my voice for/they 7/153
Exo_4:8........neither/hearken to the voice of the first/sign 8/153
Exo_4:9........neither/hearken unto thy voice/that 9/153
Exo_6:30.......Pharaoh/hearken unto me And the/LORD 10/153
Exo_7:4............not/hearken unto you that I/may 11/153
Exo_7:22............he/hearken unto them as/the 12/153
Exo_11:9...........not/hearken unto you that my/wonders 13/153
Exo_15:26...diligently/hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God and/wilt 14/153
Exo_18:19........alone/Hearken now/unto....... 15/153
Lev_26:14..........not/hearken unto me and will/not 16/153
Lev_26:18.........this/hearken unto me then/I. 17/153
Lev_26:21..........not/hearken unto me I will bring/seven 18/153
Lev_26:27.........this/hearken unto me but walk/contrary 19/153
Num_23:18.........hear/hearken unto me thou/son 20/153
Deu_1:45...........not/hearken to your voice/nor 21/153
Deu_4:1......therefore/hearken O Israel unto/the 22/153 to these/judgments 23/153
Deu_11:13........shall/hearken diligently unto my/commandments 24/153
Deu_13:3...........not/hearken unto the words of that/prophet 25/153
Deu_13:8...........nor/hearken unto him neither/shall 26/153
Deu_13:18........shalt/hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God to/keep 27/153
Deu_15:5.....carefully/hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God to observe to do all these/commandments 28/153
Deu_17:12..........not/hearken unto the priest/that 29/153
Deu_18:15........shall/hearken According/to... 30/153
Deu_18:19..........not/hearken unto my words/which 31/153
Deu_21:18..........not/hearken unto them Then shall his/father 32/153
Deu_23:5...........not/hearken unto Balaam but/the 33/153 unto his/voice. 34/153
Deu_27:9...........and/hearken O Israel this/day 35/153
Deu_28:1.........shalt/hearken diligently unto the/voice 36/153
Deu_28:2.........shalt/hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God Blessed/shalt 37/153
Deu_28:13.........thou/hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy/God 38/153
Deu_28:15..........not/hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God to observe to do all his/commandments 39/153
Deu_30:10........shalt/hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God to keep/his 40/153
Jos_1:17............we/hearken unto thee only/the 41/153
Jos_1:18...........not/hearken unto thy words/in 42/153
Jos_24:10..........not/hearken unto Balaam therefore/he 43/153
Jdg_2:17...........not/hearken unto their judges/but 44/153
Jdg_3:4..........would/hearken unto the commandments of the LORD which/he 45/153
Jdg_9:7...........them/Hearken unto me ye men of Shechem/that 46/153
Jdg_9:7............may/hearken unto you The/trees 47/153
Jdg_11:17..........not/hearken thereto/And.... 48/153
Jdg_19:25..........not/hearken to him/so...... 49/153
Jdg_20:13..........not/hearken to the voice of their/brethren 50/153
1Sa_8:7.........Samuel/Hearken unto the voice of the people/in 51/153
1Sa_8:9......therefore/hearken unto their voice howbeit/yet 52/153
1Sa_8:22........Samuel/Hearken unto their voice and/make 53/153
1Sa_15:1.....therefore/hearken thou unto/the.. 54/153 than/the....... 55/153
1Sa_28:22.........thee/hearken thou also/unto. 56/153
1Sa_30:24.........will/hearken unto you in/this 57/153
2Sa_12:18..........not/hearken unto our/voice. 58/153
2Sa_13:14..........not/hearken unto her voice but/being 59/153
2Sa_13:16..........not/hearken unto her Then/he 60/153 unto the cry and to/the 61/153
1Ki_8:29........mayest/hearken unto the prayer which thy servant shall/make 62/153
1Ki_8:30...........And/hearken thou to/the.... 63/153 unto them in/all 64/153
1Ki_11:38.........wilt/hearken unto all/that.. 65/153
1Ki_20:8...........him/Hearken not unto him/nor 66/153
1Ki_22:28.........said/Hearken O people/every. 67/153
2Ki_10:6..........will/hearken unto my voice take/ye 68/153
2Ki_17:40..........not/hearken but/they....... 69/153
2Ki_18:31......Assyria/Hearken not to Hezekiah for thus saith the king of Assyria Make an agreement with me by a present and come out to me and then/eat 70/153
2Ki_18:32..........and/hearken not unto Hezekiah/when 71/153 unto the cry and the/prayer 72/153 unto the prayer which thy servant prayeth/toward 73/153 therefore unto/the 74/153
2Ch_10:16..........not/hearken unto them the/people 75/153
2Ch_18:27.........said/Hearken all/ye......... 76/153
2Ch_20:15.........said/Hearken ye all/Judah... 77/153
2Ch_33:10..........not/hearken Wherefore/the.. 78/153
Neh_13:27.........then/hearken unto you to/do. 79/153
Job_13:6...........and/hearken to the pleadings/of 80/153
Job_32:10.........said/Hearken to me I/also... 81/153
Job_33:1...........and/hearken to all/my...... 82/153
Job_33:31..........Job/hearken unto me hold thy peace and I will/speak 83/153
Job_33:33..........not/hearken unto me hold thy peace and I shall/teach 84/153
Job_34:10....Therefore/hearken unto me ye men of understanding/far 85/153
Job_34:16.........this/hearken to the voice of my/words 86/153 unto me Job/hath 87/153
Job_37:14........mercy/Hearken unto this/O.... 88/153
Psa_5:2.....meditation/Hearken unto the voice of my/cry 89/153
Psa_34:11.....children/hearken unto me I will teach/you 90/153
Psa_45:10........Ophir/Hearken O daughter/and. 91/153
Psa_58:5...........not/hearken to the voice of charmers/charming 92/153
Psa_81:8..........wilt/hearken unto me There/shall 93/153
Psa_81:11..........not/hearken to my voice/and 94/153 unto me now/therefore 95/153
Pro_8:32.....therefore/hearken unto me O ye/children 96/153
Pro_23:22.........rags/Hearken unto thy father/that 97/153
Pro_29:12........ruler/hearken to lies/all.... 98/153
Son_8:13....companions/hearken to thy voice cause/me 99/153
Isa_28:23........voice/hearken and hear my/speech 100/153
Isa_32:3.........shall/hearken The heart/also 101/153
Isa_34:1...........and/hearken ye people let/the 102/153
Isa_36:16......Assyria/Hearken not to Hezekiah for thus saith the king of Assyria Make an agreement with me by a present and come out to me and eat/ye 103/153
Isa_42:23.........will/hearken and hear for/the 104/153
Isa_46:3.....captivity/Hearken unto me O house/of 105/153 unto me ye stouthearted/that 106/153
Isa_48:12......another/Hearken unto me O Jacob/and 107/153
Isa_49:1...........and/hearken ye people from/far 108/153
Isa_51:1........sorrow/Hearken to me ye/that. 109/153
Isa_51:4........melody/Hearken unto me my/people 110/153
Isa_51:7.....abolished/Hearken unto me ye that/know 111/153
Isa_55:2...........not/hearken diligently unto me/and 112/153
Jer_6:10........cannot/hearken behold the/word 113/153
Jer_6:17........saying/Hearken to the sound/of 114/153
Jer_6:17...........not/hearken Therefore hear/ye 115/153
Jer_7:27...........not/hearken to thee/thou.. 116/153
Jer_11:11..........not/hearken unto them Then shall the/cities 117/153
Jer_16:12..........not/hearken unto me Therefore/will 118/153
Jer_17:24...diligently/hearken unto me saith the LORD to/bring 119/153
Jer_17:27..........not/hearken unto me to/hallow 120/153
Jer_18:19..........and/hearken to the voice of them/that 121/153
Jer_23:16........hosts/Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy/unto 122/153
Jer_26:3..........will/hearken and turn/every 123/153
Jer_26:4...........not/hearken to me to/walk. 124/153
Jer_26:5............To/hearken to the words/of 125/153
Jer_27:9.....Therefore/hearken not ye/to..... 126/153
Jer_27:14....Therefore/hearken not unto the words of the prophets that speak/unto 127/153
Jer_27:16.........LORD/Hearken not to the/words 128/153 not unto them/serve 129/153
Jer_29:8.......neither/hearken to your dreams/which 130/153
Jer_29:12.........will/hearken unto you And/ye 131/153 to my words saith/the 132/153
Jer_37:2...........did/hearken unto the words of the/LORD 133/153
Jer_38:15..........not/hearken unto me So/Zedekiah 134/153
Jer_44:16..........not/hearken unto thee But/we 135/153
Eze_3:7............not/hearken unto thee for/they 136/153
Eze_3:7............not/hearken unto me for/all 137/153
Eze_20:8...........not/hearken unto me they/did 138/153
Eze_20:39..........not/hearken unto me but pollute/ye 139/153
Dan_9:19..........Lord/hearken and do/defer.. 140/153
Hos_5:1............and/hearken ye house/of... 141/153
Hos_9:17...........not/hearken unto him and/they 142/153
Mic_1:2.........people/hearken O earth/and... 143/153
Zec_1:4............nor/hearken unto me saith the LORD Your/fathers 144/153 and pulled/away 145/153
Mar_4:3.......doctrine/Hearken Behold there/went 146/153
Mar_7:14..........them/Hearken unto me every/one 147/153
Act_2:14...........and/hearken to my words For/these 148/153 unto you more/than 149/153
Act_7:2........fathers/hearken The God/of.... 150/153 named/Rhoda... 151/153
Act_15:13.....brethren/hearken unto me Simeon/hath 152/153
Jam_2:5.......thoughts/Hearken my/beloved.... 153/153
Gen_3:17..........hast/hearkened unto the voice of thy/wife 1/81
Gen_16:2.........Abram/hearkened to the voice of Sarai/And 2/81
Gen_23:16......Abraham/hearkened unto Ephron/and 3/81
Gen_30:17..........God/hearkened unto Leah/and.. 4/81
Gen_30:22..........God/hearkened to her/and..... 5/81
Gen_34:24..........son/hearkened all/that....... 6/81
Gen_39:10...........he/hearkened not unto her/to 7/81
Exo_6:9...........they/hearkened not unto Moses for/anguish 8/81
Exo_6:12...........not/hearkened unto me how/then 9/81
Exo_7:13............he/hearkened not unto them as the LORD had said And the LORD said unto Moses Pharaoh's/heart 10/81
Exo_8:15...........and/hearkened not unto them as the LORD had said And the LORD said unto Moses Say/unto 11/81
Exo_8:19............he/hearkened not unto them as the LORD had said And the LORD said unto Moses Rise/up 12/81
Exo_9:12............he/hearkened not unto them as the LORD had spoken/unto 13/81
Exo_16:20.........they/hearkened not unto Moses but/some 14/81
Exo_18:24........Moses/hearkened to the voice of his/father 15/81
Num_14:22..........not/hearkened to my voice/Surely 16/81
Num_21:3..........LORD/hearkened to the voice of Israel/and 17/81
Deu_9:19..........LORD/hearkened unto me at that time also And the LORD was/very 18/81
Deu_9:23...........nor/hearkened to his/voice.. 19/81
Deu_10:10.........LORD/hearkened unto me at that time also and the LORD would/not 20/81
Deu_18:14......possess/hearkened unto observers/of 21/81
Deu_26:14.........have/hearkened to the voice of the/LORD 22/81
Deu_34:9........Israel/hearkened unto him and/did 23/81
Jos_1:17............we/hearkened unto Moses/in. 24/81
Jos_10:14.........LORD/hearkened unto the voice of a/man 25/81
Jdg_2:20...........not/hearkened unto my voice I/also 26/81
Jdg_11:28........Ammon/hearkened not unto the words of Jephthah/which 27/81
Jdg_13:9...........God/hearkened to the voice of Manoah/and 28/81
1Sa_2:25..........they/hearkened not unto the voice of their/father 29/81
1Sa_12:1..........have/hearkened unto your/voice 30/81
1Sa_19:6..........Saul/hearkened unto the voice of Jonathan/and 31/81
1Sa_25:35.........have/hearkened to thy/voice.. 32/81
1Sa_28:21.........have/hearkened unto thy words/which 33/81
1Sa_28:23...........he/hearkened unto their voice So/he 34/81
1Ki_12:15.........king/hearkened not unto the people for the cause was from/the 35/81
1Ki_12:16.........king/hearkened not unto them the/people 36/81
1Ki_12:24.........They/hearkened therefore/to.. 37/81
1Ki_15:20.....Benhadad/hearkened unto king Asa and sent the captains of the/hosts 38/81
1Ki_20:25...........he/hearkened unto their voice and/did 39/81
2Ki_13:4..........LORD/hearkened unto him for he/saw 40/81
2Ki_16:9.......Assyria/hearkened unto him for the/king 41/81
2Ki_20:13.....Hezekiah/hearkened unto them and shewed/them 42/81
2Ki_21:9..........they/hearkened not and/Manasseh 43/81
2Ki_22:13..........not/hearkened unto the words/of 44/81
2Ch_10:15.........king/hearkened not unto the people for the cause was of/God 45/81
2Ch_16:4......Benhadad/hearkened unto king Asa and sent the captains of his/armies 46/81
2Ch_24:17.........king/hearkened unto them And they/left 47/81
2Ch_25:16..........not/hearkened unto my counsel/Then 48/81
2Ch_30:20.........LORD/hearkened to Hezekiah/and 49/81
2Ch_35:22..........and/hearkened not unto the words of Necho/from 50/81
Neh_9:16...........and/hearkened not to thy/commandments 51/81
Neh_9:29...........and/hearkened not unto thy/commandments 52/81
Neh_9:34...........nor/hearkened unto thy commandments/and 53/81
Est_3:4.............he/hearkened not unto them that/they 54/81
Job_9:16...........had/hearkened unto my voice For/he 55/81
Psa_81:13..........had/hearkened unto me and Israel/had 56/81
Psa_106:25.........and/hearkened not unto the voice of the/LORD 57/81
Isa_21:7............he/hearkened diligently/with 58/81
Isa_48:18........hadst/hearkened to my commandments/then 59/81
Jer_6:19...........not/hearkened unto my words/nor 60/81
Jer_7:24..........they/hearkened not nor inclined their ear but/walked 61/81
Jer_7:26..........they/hearkened not unto me nor/inclined 62/81
Jer_8:6..............I/hearkened and heard but/they 63/81
Jer_25:3...........not/hearkened And the/LORD.. 64/81
Jer_25:4...........not/hearkened nor/inclined.. 65/81
Jer_25:7...........not/hearkened unto me saith/the 66/81
Jer_26:5...........not/hearkened Then/will..... 67/81
Jer_29:19..........not/hearkened to my words/saith 68/81
Jer_32:33..........not/hearkened to receive/instruction 69/81
Jer_34:14......fathers/hearkened not unto me neither/inclined 70/81
Jer_34:17..........not/hearkened unto me in/proclaiming 71/81 not unto me I/have 72/81
Jer_35:15..........nor/hearkened unto me Because/the 73/81
Jer_35:16..........not/hearkened unto me Therefore/thus 74/81
Jer_36:31.........they/hearkened not Then/took. 75/81
Jer_37:14...........he/hearkened not to him/so. 76/81
Jer_44:5..........they/hearkened not nor inclined their ear to/turn 77/81
Eze_3:6...........have/hearkened unto thee/But. 78/81
Dan_9:6.............we/hearkened unto thy servants/the 79/81
Mal_3:16..........LORD/hearkened and heard it/and 80/81
Act_27:21.........have/hearkened unto me and not/have 81/81
Deu_28:45.........thou/hearkenedst/not........... 1/1
Pro_1:33.........whoso/hearkeneth unto me/shall.. 1/2
Pro_12:15.........that/hearkeneth unto counsel/is 2/2
Psa_103:20commandments/hearkening/unto........... 1/1
Gen_6:5............his/heart was only/evil..... 1/830
Gen_6:6............his/heart And the LORD said/I 2/830
Gen_8:21...........his/heart I will not/again.. 3/830's/heart is evil/from...... 4/830
Gen_17:17..........his/heart Shall a/child..... 5/830 and innocency/of.. 6/830
Gen_20:6...........thy/heart for I also/withheld 7/830
Gen_24:45.........mine/heart behold Rebekah/came 8/830
Gen_27:41..........his/heart The days/of....... 9/830
Gen_42:28........their/heart failed/them...... 10/830
Gen_45:26......Jacob's/heart fainted/for...... 11/830
Exo_4:14...........his/heart And thou shalt speak/unto 12/830
Exo_4:21...........his/heart that he shall not/let 13/830
Exo_7:3......Pharaoh's/heart and multiply/my.. 14/830
Exo_7:13.....Pharaoh's/heart that he hearkened/not 15/830
Exo_7:14.....Pharaoh's/heart is hardened/he... 16/830
Exo_7:22.....Pharaoh's/heart was hardened neither/did 17/830
Exo_7:23...........his/heart to this/also..... 18/830
Exo_8:15...........his/heart and hearkened/not 19/830
Exo_8:19.....Pharaoh's/heart was hardened and he/hearkened 20/830
Exo_8:32...........his/heart at this/time..... 21/830
Exo_9:7............the/heart of Pharaoh was hardened and/he 22/830
Exo_9:12...........the/heart of Pharaoh and he/hearkened 23/830
Exo_9:14.........thine/heart and upon thy/servants 24/830
Exo_9:34...........his/heart he and/his....... 25/830
Exo_9:35...........the/heart of Pharaoh was hardened neither/would 26/830
Exo_10:1...........his/heart and the heart of his/servants 27/830
Exo_10:1...........the/heart of his servants/that 28/830
Exo_10:20....Pharaoh's/heart so that he would not let the children of Israel go And/the 29/830
Exo_10:27....Pharaoh's/heart and he would/not. 30/830
Exo_11:10....Pharaoh's/heart so that he would not let the children of Israel go out/of 31/830
Exo_14:4.....Pharaoh's/heart that he shall follow/after 32/830
Exo_14:5...........the/heart of Pharaoh and of/his 33/830
Exo_14:8...........the/heart of Pharaoh king/of 34/830
Exo_15:8...........the/heart of the sea/The... 35/830
Exo_23:9...........the/heart of a stranger/seeing 36/830
Exo_25:2...........his/heart ye shall/take.... 37/830
Exo_28:29..........his/heart when he goeth in unto/the 38/830
Exo_28:30......Aaron's/heart when he goeth in before/the 39/830
Exo_28:30..........his/heart before the LORD/continually 40/830
Exo_35:5.......willing/heart let him/bring.... 41/830
Exo_35:21........whose/heart stirred him up and/every 42/830
Exo_35:26........whose/heart stirred them/up.. 43/830
Exo_35:29........whose/heart made them/willing 44/830
Exo_35:34..........his/heart that he may/teach 45/830
Exo_35:35...........of/heart to work/all...... 46/830
Exo_36:2.........whose/heart the LORD had/put. 47/830
Exo_36:2.........whose/heart stirred him up to/come 48/830
Lev_19:17........thine/heart thou shalt/in.... 49/830
Lev_26:16...........of/heart and ye shall sow/your 50/830
Num_15:39..........own/heart and your own/eyes 51/830
Num_32:7...........the/heart of the children of Israel from/going 52/830
Num_32:9...........the/heart of the children of Israel that/they 53/830
Deu_1:28...........our/heart saying The people/is 54/830
Deu_2:30...........his/heart obstinate/that... 55/830
Deu_4:9............thy/heart all the/days..... 56/830
Deu_4:29...........thy/heart and with all thy soul When/thou 57/830
Deu_4:39.........thine/heart that the/LORD.... 58/830 in them/that..... 59/830
Deu_6:5..........thine/heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might/And 60/830
Deu_6:6..........thine/heart And thou shalt teach/them 61/830
Deu_7:17.........thine/heart These/nations.... 62/830
Deu_8:2..........thine/heart whether/thou..... 63/830
Deu_8:5..........thine/heart that as/a........ 64/830
Deu_8:14.........thine/heart be lifted/up..... 65/830
Deu_8:17.........thine/heart My power/and..... 66/830
Deu_9:4..........thine/heart after that/the... 67/830
Deu_9:5..........thine/heart dost/thou........ 68/830
Deu_10:12..........thy/heart and with all thy soul To/keep 69/830
Deu_10:16.........your/heart and be no/more... 70/830
Deu_11:13.........your/heart and with all your soul That/I 71/830
Deu_11:16.........your/heart be not deceived/and 72/830
Deu_11:18.........your/heart and in your/soul. 73/830
Deu_13:3..........your/heart and with all your soul Ye/shall 74/830
Deu_15:7.........thine/heart nor shut/thine... 75/830
Deu_15:9........wicked/heart saying The seventh/year 76/830
Deu_15:10........thine/heart shall not be/grieved 77/830
Deu_17:17..........his/heart turn not/away.... 78/830
Deu_17:20..........his/heart be not lifted/up. 79/830
Deu_18:21........thine/heart How/shall........ 80/830
Deu_19:6...........his/heart is hot/and....... 81/830
Deu_20:8....brethren's/heart faint as/well.... 82/830
Deu_20:8...........his/heart And it/shall..... 83/830
Deu_24:15..........his/heart upon it/lest..... 84/830
Deu_26:16........thine/heart and with all thy soul Thou/hast 85/830
Deu_28:28...........of/heart And thou shalt grope/at 86/830
Deu_28:47...........of/heart for the abundance/of 87/830
Deu_28:65....trembling/heart and failing/of... 88/830
Deu_28:67........thine/heart wherewith/thou... 89/830 to perceive/and.. 90/830
Deu_29:18........whose/heart turneth/away..... 91/830
Deu_29:19..........his/heart saying I/shall... 92/830
Deu_29:19.........mine/heart to add/drunkenness 93/830
Deu_30:2.........thine/heart and with all thy soul That then/the 94/830
Deu_30:6.........thine/heart and the heart of thy/seed 95/830
Deu_30:6...........the/heart of thy seed/to... 96/830
Deu_30:6.........thine/heart and with all thy soul that thou/mayest 97/830
Deu_30:10........thine/heart and with all thy soul For/this 98/830
Deu_30:14..........thy/heart that thou/mayest. 99/830
Deu_30:17........thine/heart turn away/so.... 100/830
Jos_5:1..........their/heart melted/neither.. 101/830
Jos_14:7..........mine/heart Nevertheless my/brethren 102/830
Jos_14:8...........the/heart of the people/melt 103/830
Jos_22:5..........your/heart and with all your soul So/Joshua 104/830
Jos_24:23.........your/heart unto the/LORD... 105/830
Jdg_5:9.............My/heart is toward/the... 106/830
Jdg_5:15............of/heart Why/abodest..... 107/830
Jdg_5:16............of/heart Gilead/abode.... 108/830
Jdg_16:15........thine/heart is not with me/thou 109/830
Jdg_16:17..........his/heart and said unto her/There 110/830
Jdg_16:18..........his/heart she sent/and.... 111/830
Jdg_16:18..........his/heart Then the lords/of 112/830
Jdg_18:20.....priest's/heart was glad/and.... 113/830
Jdg_19:5.........thine/heart with a/morsel... 114/830
Jdg_19:6.........thine/heart be merry And/when 115/830
Jdg_19:8.........thine/heart I pray/thee..... 116/830
Jdg_19:9.........thine/heart may be merry/and 117/830
Rut_3:7............his/heart was merry he/went 118/830
1Sa_1:8............thy/heart grieved/am...... 119/830
1Sa_1:13...........her/heart only/her........ 120/830
1Sa_2:1.............My/heart rejoiceth/in.... 121/830
1Sa_2:33.........thine/heart and all the/increase 122/830
1Sa_2:35..........mine/heart and in my/mind.. 123/830
1Sa_4:13...........his/heart trembled/for.... 124/830
1Sa_9:19.........thine/heart And as for/thine 125/830
1Sa_10:9.......another/heart and all those/signs 126/830
1Sa_12:20.........your/heart And turn/ye..... 127/830
1Sa_12:24.........your/heart for consider/how 128/830
1Sa_13:14..........own/heart and the LORD hath/commanded 129/830
1Sa_14:7.........thine/heart turn thee/behold 130/830
1Sa_14:7...........thy/heart Then said/Jonathan 131/830
1Sa_16:7...........the/heart Then Jesse/called 132/830
1Sa_17:28........thine/heart for thou/art.... 133/830's/heart fail/because.... 134/830
1Sa_21:12..........his/heart and was/sore.... 135/830
1Sa_24:5.......David's/heart smote him because/he 136/830
1Sa_25:31...........of/heart unto my lord/either 137/830
1Sa_25:36......Nabal's/heart was merry within/him 138/830
1Sa_25:37..........his/heart died/within..... 139/830
1Sa_27:1...........his/heart I shall now/perish 140/830
1Sa_28:5...........his/heart greatly trembled/And 141/830
2Sa_3:21.........thine/heart desireth/And.... 142/830
2Sa_6:16...........her/heart And they brought in/the 143/830
2Sa_7:3..........thine/heart for the LORD/is. 144/830
2Sa_7:21...........own/heart hast thou done all these/great 145/830
2Sa_7:27...........his/heart to pray this/prayer 146/830
2Sa_13:28......Amnon's/heart is merry/with... 147/830
2Sa_13:33..........his/heart to think/that... 148/830
2Sa_14:1........king's/heart was toward/Absalom 149/830
2Sa_17:10........whose/heart is as the/heart. 150/830
2Sa_17:10..........the/heart of a lion/shall. 151/830
2Sa_18:14..........the/heart of Absalom/while 152/830
2Sa_19:14..........the/heart of all/the...... 153/830
2Sa_19:14..........the/heart of one/man...... 154/830
2Sa_19:19..........his/heart For thy servant/doth 155/830
2Sa_24:10......David's/heart smote him after/that 156/830
1Ki_2:4..........their/heart and with all their soul there/shall 157/830
1Ki_2:44.........thine/heart is privy/to..... 158/830
1Ki_3:6.............of/heart with thee and/thou 159/830
1Ki_3:9..understanding/heart to judge/thy.... 160/830
1Ki_3:12.understanding/heart so that there/was 161/830
1Ki_4:29............of/heart even as/the..... 162/830
1Ki_8:17...........the/heart of David my father to build an house for the name of the LORD God of Israel And/the 163/830
1Ki_8:18.........thine/heart to build an house unto/my 164/830
1Ki_8:18.........thine/heart Nevertheless thou/shalt 165/830
1Ki_8:23.........their/heart Who hast/kept... 166/830
1Ki_8:38...........own/heart and spread/forth 167/830
1Ki_8:39.........whose/heart thou knowest for thou even/thou 168/830
1Ki_8:48.........their/heart and with all their soul in the land of their enemies/which 169/830
1Ki_8:61..........your/heart therefore be/perfect 170/830
1Ki_8:66............of/heart for all/the..... 171/830
1Ki_9:3...........mine/heart shall be there perpetually And if/thou 172/830
1Ki_9:4.............of/heart and in uprightness/to 173/830
1Ki_10:2...........her/heart And Solomon told her all her questions there/was 174/830
1Ki_10:24..........his/heart And they brought every man his present vessels of silver and vessels of gold and garments/and 175/830
1Ki_11:2..........your/heart after their/gods 176/830
1Ki_11:3...........his/heart For it/came..... 177/830
1Ki_11:4...........his/heart after other/gods 178/830
1Ki_11:4...........his/heart was not perfect with the LORD his God as was/the 179/830
1Ki_11:4...........the/heart of David his father For/Solomon 180/830
1Ki_11:9...........his/heart was turned/from. 181/830
1Ki_12:26..........his/heart Now shall/the... 182/830
1Ki_12:27..........the/heart of this people turn/again 183/830
1Ki_12:33..........own/heart and ordained/a.. 184/830
1Ki_14:8...........his/heart to do that/only. 185/830
1Ki_15:3...........his/heart was not perfect with the LORD his God as the/heart 186/830
1Ki_15:3...........the/heart of David his father Nevertheless/for 187/830
1Ki_15:14........Asa's/heart was perfect/with 188/830
1Ki_18:37........their/heart back/again...... 189/830
1Ki_21:7.........thine/heart be merry I/will. 190/830
2Ki_5:26..........mine/heart with thee when/the 191/830
2Ki_6:11...........the/heart of the king of Syria/was 192/830
2Ki_9:24...........his/heart and he sunk/down 193/830
2Ki_10:15........thine/heart right/as........ 194/830 is with/thy..... 195/830
2Ki_10:15..........thy/heart And Jehonadab/answered 196/830
2Ki_10:30.........mine/heart thy children/of. 197/830
2Ki_10:31..........his/heart for he/departed. 198/830's/heart to bring/into... 199/830
2Ki_14:10........thine/heart hath lifted/thee 200/830
2Ki_20:3.......perfect/heart and have done that which is good in thy sight And Hezekiah wept sore And/it 201/830
2Ki_22:19........thine/heart was tender and thou hast/humbled 202/830
2Ki_23:3.........their/heart and all their/soul 203/830
2Ki_23:25..........his/heart and with all his soul and/with 204/830
1Ch_12:17.........mine/heart shall be knit/unto 205/830
1Ch_12:33.......double/heart And of Naphtali/a 206/830
1Ch_12:38......perfect/heart to Hebron/to.... 207/830 to make David/king 208/830
1Ch_15:29..........her/heart So they/brought. 209/830
1Ch_16:10..........the/heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face continually/Remember 210/830
1Ch_17:2.........thine/heart for God is/with. 211/830
1Ch_17:19..........own/heart hast thou done all this/greatness 212/830
1Ch_17:25..........his/heart to pray before/thee 213/830
1Ch_22:19.........your/heart and your soul/to 214/830
1Ch_28:2..........mine/heart to build an house of/rest 215/830
1Ch_28:9.......perfect/heart and with a/willing 216/830
1Ch_29:9.......perfect/heart they offered/willingly 217/830
1Ch_29:17..........the/heart and hast/pleasure 218/830
1Ch_29:17.........mine/heart I have willingly/offered 219/830
1Ch_29:18..........the/heart of thy people/and 220/830
1Ch_29:18........their/heart unto thee/And... 221/830
1Ch_29:19......perfect/heart to keep/thy..... 222/830
2Ch_1:11.........thine/heart and thou hast/not 223/830
2Ch_6:7............the/heart of David my father to build an house for the name of the LORD God of Israel But/the 224/830
2Ch_6:8..........thine/heart to build an house for/my 225/830
2Ch_6:8..........thine/heart Notwithstanding/thou 226/830
2Ch_6:30.........whose/heart thou knowest for thou only/knowest 227/830
2Ch_6:38.........their/heart and with all their soul in the land of their captivity/whither 228/830 for the goodness/that 229/830
2Ch_7:11.....Solomon's/heart to make in/the.. 230/830
2Ch_7:16..........mine/heart shall be there perpetually And as/for 231/830
2Ch_9:1............her/heart And Solomon told her all her questions and/there 232/830
2Ch_9:23...........his/heart And they brought every man his present vessels of silver and vessels of gold and raiment/harness 233/830
2Ch_12:14..........his/heart to seek the LORD/Now 234/830
2Ch_15:12........their/heart and with all their soul That/whosoever 235/830
2Ch_15:15........their/heart and sought/him.. 236/830
2Ch_15:17..........the/heart of Asa/was...... 237/830
2Ch_16:9.........whose/heart is perfect/toward 238/830
2Ch_17:6...........his/heart was lifted up in/the 239/830
2Ch_19:3.........thine/heart to seek God And/Jehoshaphat 240/830
2Ch_19:9.......perfect/heart And what/cause.. 241/830
2Ch_22:9...........his/heart So the/house.... 242/830
2Ch_25:2.......perfect/heart Now it/came..... 243/830
2Ch_25:19........thine/heart lifteth/thee.... 244/830
2Ch_26:16..........his/heart was lifted up to/his 245/830
2Ch_29:10.........mine/heart to make a/covenant 246/830 burnt/offerings. 247/830 to sanctify/themselves 248/830 to do the/commandment 249/830
2Ch_30:19..........his/heart to seek God the/LORD 250/830
2Ch_31:21..........his/heart and prospered/After 251/830
2Ch_32:25..........his/heart was lifted up therefore/there 252/830
2Ch_32:26..........his/heart both/he......... 253/830
2Ch_32:31..........his/heart Now the/rest.... 254/830
2Ch_34:27........thine/heart was tender and thou didst/humble 255/830
2Ch_34:31..........his/heart and with all his soul to/perform 256/830
2Ch_36:13..........his/heart from turning/unto 257/830
Ezr_6:22...........the/heart of the king of Assyria unto/them 258/830
Ezr_7:10...........his/heart to seek the law/of 259/830
Ezr_7:27........king's/heart to beautify/the. 260/830
Neh_2:2.............of/heart Then I/was...... 261/830 to do at/Jerusalem 262/830
Neh_6:8............own/heart For they all/made 263/830
Neh_7:5...........mine/heart to gather/together 264/830
Neh_9:8............his/heart faithful/before. 265/830
Est_1:10...........the/heart of the king was/merry 266/830
Est_5:9...........glad/heart but when/Haman.. 267/830
Est_6:6............his/heart To whom/would... 268/830
Est_7:5............his/heart to do so/And.... 269/830
Job_7:17.........thine/heart upon him/And.... 270/830
Job_8:10.........their/heart Can/the......... 271/830 and mighty/in... 272/830
Job_10:13........thine/heart I know that/this 273/830
Job_11:13........thine/heart and stretch/out. 274/830
Job_12:24..........the/heart of the chief/of. 275/830
Job_15:12........thine/heart carry/thee...... 276/830
Job_17:4.........their/heart from understanding/therefore 277/830 They change/the. 278/830
Job_22:22........thine/heart If thou/return.. 279/830 soft/and........ 280/830 shall not reproach/me 281/830
Job_29:13......widow's/heart to sing/for..... 282/830
Job_31:7..........mine/heart walked/after.... 283/830
Job_31:9..........mine/heart have been/deceived 284/830 hath been/secretly 285/830 and my lips/shall 286/830
Job_34:14..........his/heart upon man/if..... 287/830 heap/up......... 288/830 trembleth/and... 289/830
Job_37:24...........of/heart Then the LORD/answered 290/830
Job_38:36..........the/heart Who can/number.. 291/830
Job_41:24..........His/heart is as firm/as... 292/830
Psa_4:4............own/heart upon your/bed... 293/830 more/than....... 294/830 God judgeth/the. 295/830
Psa_9:1..........whole/heart I will shew/forth 296/830
Psa_10:6...........his/heart I shall not/be.. 297/830
Psa_10:11..........his/heart God hath/forgotten 298/830
Psa_10:13..........his/heart Thou wilt not/require 299/830
Psa_10:17........their/heart thou wilt cause/thine 300/830 If the/foundations 301/830
Psa_12:2........double/heart do/they......... 302/830 daily/how....... 303/830 shall rejoice in thy/salvation 304/830
Psa_14:1...........his/heart There is no God They/are 305/830
Psa_15:2...........his/heart He that/backbiteth 306/830 is glad/and..... 307/830
Psa_17:3..........mine/heart thou hast visited/me 308/830
Psa_19:8...........the/heart the commandment/of 309/830 be acceptable/in 310/830
Psa_20:4...........own/heart and fulfil/all.. 311/830 is like/wax..... 312/830
Psa_22:26.........your/heart shall live for/ever 313/830
Psa_24:4..........pure/heart who hath not/lifted 314/830 are enlarged/O.. 315/830 For thy lovingkindness/is 316/830 shall not fear/though 317/830 said/unto....... 318/830
Psa_27:14........thine/heart wait/I.......... 319/830 trusted/in...... 320/830 greatly rejoiceth/and 321/830
Psa_31:24.........your/heart all ye/that..... 322/830 Rejoice in the LORD O/ye 323/830
Psa_33:11..........his/heart to all/generations 324/830
Psa_33:21..........our/heart shall rejoice in him/because 325/830
Psa_34:18.......broken/heart and saveth/such. 326/830 that there/is... 327/830 Let not/the..... 328/830
Psa_37:4.........thine/heart Commit/thy...... 329/830
Psa_37:15..........own/heart and their/bows.. 330/830
Psa_37:31..........his/heart none/of......... 331/830 Lord/all........ 332/830
Psa_38:10...........My/heart panteth/my...... 333/830
Psa_39:3............My/heart was hot/within.. 334/830 I have preached/righteousness 335/830 I have declared/thy 336/830 faileth me/Be... 337/830
Psa_41:6...........his/heart gathereth/iniquity 338/830
Psa_44:18..........Our/heart is not turned/back 339/830
Psa_44:21..........the/heart Yea/for......... 340/830
Psa_45:1............My/heart is inditing/a... 341/830
Psa_45:5...........the/heart of the king's/enemies 342/830 shall be of/understanding 343/830
Psa_51:10........clean/heart O God and/renew. 344/830
Psa_51:17.....contrite/heart O God thou/wilt. 345/830
Psa_53:1...........his/heart There is no God Corrupt/are 346/830
Psa_55:4............My/heart is sore/pained.. 347/830
Psa_55:21..........his/heart his words/were.. 348/830
Psa_57:7............My/heart is fixed O/God.. 349/830 is fixed I will sing and give praise Awake/up 350/830 ye work/wickedness 351/830 is overwhelmed/lead 352/830
Psa_62:8..........your/heart before him/God.. 353/830
Psa_62:10.........your/heart upon them/God... 354/830
Psa_64:6...........the/heart is deep/But..... 355/830 shall glory/Praise 356/830 the Lord will not hear/me 357/830 and I am/full... 358/830
Psa_69:32.........your/heart shall live that/seek 359/830
Psa_73:1.........clean/heart But as/for...... 360/830
Psa_73:7..........than/heart could/wish...... 361/830 in vain/and..... 362/830 was grieved/and. 363/830 faileth but/God. 364/830 and my portion/for 365/830
Psa_77:6...........own/heart and my spirit/made 366/830
Psa_78:8.........their/heart aright/and...... 367/830
Psa_78:18........their/heart by/asking....... 368/830
Psa_78:37........their/heart was not right/with 369/830
Psa_78:72..........his/heart and guided/them. 370/830 and my flesh/crieth 371/830
Psa_84:5.........whose/heart are the/ways.... 372/830 to fear/thy..... 373/830 and I will glorify/thy 374/830 shall follow/it. 375/830
Psa_95:8..........your/heart as in/the....... 376/830
Psa_95:10........their/heart and they have not known my ways Unto/whom 377/830 Rejoice in the LORD ye/righteous 378/830
Psa_101:2......perfect/heart I will set/no... 379/830
Psa_101:4......froward/heart shall depart/from 380/830
Psa_101:5........proud/heart will not/I...... 381/830
Psa_102:4...........My/heart is smitten/and.. 382/830
Psa_104:15.........the/heart of man and/oil.. 383/830's/heart The trees/of.... 384/830
Psa_105:3..........the/heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face evermore/Remember 385/830
Psa_105:25.......their/heart to hate/his..... 386/830
Psa_107:12.......their/heart with labour/they 387/830 is fixed I will sing and give praise even/with 388/830 As he/loved..... 389/830 is wounded/within 390/830
Psa_111:1........whole/heart in the assembly/of 391/830
Psa_112:7..........his/heart is fixed trusting/in 392/830
Psa_112:8..........His/heart is established/he 393/830
Psa_119:2........whole/heart They also/do.... 394/830
Psa_119:7...........of/heart when I/shall.... 395/830
Psa_119:10.......whole/heart have I/sought... 396/830
Psa_119:11........mine/heart that I/might.... 397/830 Teach/me........ 398/830
Psa_119:34.......whole/heart Make/me......... 399/830 unto thy/testimonies 400/830
Psa_119:58.......whole/heart be merciful/unto 401/830
Psa_119:69.......whole/heart Their/heart..... 402/830
Psa_119:70.......Their/heart is as fat/as.... 403/830 be sound/in..... 404/830 I have inclined/mine 405/830
Psa_119:112.......mine/heart to perform/thy.. 406/830
Psa_119:145......whole/heart hear me/O....... 407/830 standeth/in..... 408/830 is not haughty/nor 409/830
Psa_138:1........whole/heart before the gods/will 410/830 try/me.......... 411/830
Psa_140:2........their/heart continually/are. 412/830 to any/evil..... 413/830 within me is desolate/I 414/830 and bindeth/up.. 415/830
Pro_2:2..........thine/heart to understanding/Yea 416/830
Pro_2:10.........thine/heart and knowledge/is 417/830
Pro_3:1..........thine/heart keep/my......... 418/830
Pro_3:3..........thine/heart So shalt/thou... 419/830
Pro_3:5..........thine/heart and lean/not.... 420/830
Pro_4:4..........thine/heart retain/my....... 421/830
Pro_4:21.........thine/heart For they are/life 422/830
Pro_4:23...........thy/heart with all diligence/for 423/830 despised/reproof 424/830
Pro_6:14...........his/heart he deviseth/mischief 425/830
Pro_6:18............An/heart that deviseth/wicked 426/830
Pro_6:21.........thine/heart and tie/them.... 427/830
Pro_6:25.........thine/heart neither let/her. 428/830
Pro_7:3..........thine/heart Say/unto........ 429/830
Pro_7:10............of/heart She is/loud..... 430/830
Pro_7:25.........thine/heart decline/to...... 431/830
Pro_8:5..understanding/heart Hear for/I...... 432/830 will receive/commandments 433/830
Pro_10:20..........the/heart of the wicked/is 434/830
Pro_11:20......froward/heart are abomination/to 435/830
Pro_11:29...........of/heart The fruit/of.... 436/830
Pro_12:8......perverse/heart shall be despised/He 437/830
Pro_12:20..........the/heart of them that/imagine 438/830
Pro_12:23..........the/heart of fools proclaimeth/foolishness 439/830
Pro_12:25..........the/heart of man maketh/it 440/830
Pro_13:12..........the/heart sick/but........ 441/830
Pro_14:10..........The/heart knoweth his/own. 442/830
Pro_14:13..........the/heart is sorrowful/and 443/830 shall be filled/with 444/830
Pro_14:30........sound/heart is the/life..... 445/830
Pro_14:33..........the/heart of him that hath understanding but/that 446/830
Pro_15:7...........the/heart of the foolish/doeth 447/830
Pro_15:13........merry/heart maketh a cheerful/countenance 448/830
Pro_15:13..........the/heart the spirit/is... 449/830
Pro_15:14..........The/heart of him that hath understanding seeketh/knowledge 450/830
Pro_15:15........merry/heart hath a/continual 451/830
Pro_15:28..........The/heart of the righteous studieth/to 452/830
Pro_15:30..........the/heart and a good/report 453/830
Pro_16:1...........the/heart in man/and...... 454/830 is an/abomination 455/830's/heart deviseth/his.... 456/830 shall be called/prudent 457/830
Pro_16:23..........The/heart of the wise teacheth/his 458/830 to it/A......... 459/830
Pro_17:20......froward/heart findeth/no...... 460/830
Pro_17:22........merry/heart doeth/good...... 461/830
Pro_18:2...........his/heart may discover/itself 462/830
Pro_18:12..........the/heart of man is haughty/and 463/830
Pro_18:15..........The/heart of the prudent/getteth 464/830
Pro_19:3...........his/heart fretteth/against 465/830's/heart nevertheless the/counsel 466/830
Pro_20:5...........the/heart of man is like/deep 467/830 clean/I......... 468/830
Pro_21:1........king's/heart is in/the....... 469/830
Pro_21:4.........proud/heart and the plowing/of 470/830
Pro_22:11...........of/heart for the grace/of 471/830
Pro_22:15..........the/heart of a child/but.. 472/830
Pro_22:17........thine/heart unto my knowledge/For 473/830
Pro_23:7...........his/heart so is/he........ 474/830
Pro_23:7...........his/heart is not with thee/The 475/830
Pro_23:12........thine/heart unto instruction/and 476/830
Pro_23:15........thine/heart be wise/my...... 477/830 shall rejoice even/mine 478/830
Pro_23:17........thine/heart envy/sinners.... 479/830
Pro_23:19........thine/heart in the way/Be... 480/830
Pro_23:26........thine/heart and let/thine... 481/830
Pro_23:33........thine/heart shall utter/perverse 482/830
Pro_24:2.........their/heart studieth/destruction 483/830
Pro_24:12..........the/heart consider/it..... 484/830
Pro_24:17........thine/heart be glad/when.... 485/830
Pro_25:3...........the/heart of kings/is..... 486/830
Pro_25:20........heavy/heart If thine/enemy.. 487/830
Pro_26:23.......wicked/heart are like/a...... 488/830
Pro_26:25..........his/heart Whose/hatred.... 489/830
Pro_27:9...........the/heart so doth/the..... 490/830 glad/that....... 491/830
Pro_27:19..........the/heart of man to/man... 492/830
Pro_28:14..........his/heart shall fall/into. 493/830
Pro_28:25........proud/heart stirreth/up..... 494/830
Pro_28:26..........own/heart is a/fool....... 495/830
Pro_31:11..........The/heart of her/husband.. 496/830 to seek and/search 497/830
Ecc_1:16...........own/heart saying Lo/I..... 498/830 had/great....... 499/830 to know wisdom and to know/madness 500/830
Ecc_2:1...........mine/heart Go/to........... 501/830
Ecc_2:3...........mine/heart to give myself/unto 502/830
Ecc_2:3...........mine/heart with wisdom/and. 503/830 from any/joy.... 504/830 rejoiced/in..... 505/830 As it/happeneth. 506/830 that this/also.. 507/830 to despair/of... 508/830
Ecc_2:22...........his/heart wherein/he...... 509/830
Ecc_2:23...........his/heart taketh/not...... 510/830
Ecc_3:11.........their/heart so that no/man.. 511/830
Ecc_3:17..........mine/heart God shall/judge. 512/830
Ecc_3:18..........mine/heart concerning/the.. 513/830
Ecc_5:2..........thine/heart be hasty/to..... 514/830
Ecc_5:20...........his/heart There is an/evil 515/830
Ecc_7:2............his/heart Sorrow/is....... 516/830
Ecc_7:3............the/heart is made/better.. 517/830
Ecc_7:4............The/heart of the wise is/in 518/830
Ecc_7:4............the/heart of fools is/in.. 519/830
Ecc_7:7............the/heart Better/is....... 520/830
Ecc_7:22...........own/heart knoweth that/thou 521/830
Ecc_7:25..........mine/heart to know and/to.. 522/830
Ecc_7:26.........whose/heart is snares/and... 523/830's/heart discerneth/both. 524/830 unto every/work. 525/830
Ecc_8:11...........the/heart of the sons of men is fully/set 526/830
Ecc_8:16..........mine/heart to know wisdom and to see/the 527/830 even to/declare. 528/830
Ecc_9:3............the/heart of the sons of men is full/of 529/830
Ecc_9:3..........their/heart while/they...... 530/830
Ecc_9:7..........merry/heart for God now/accepteth 531/830's/heart is at/his....... 532/830
Ecc_10:2........fool's/heart at his/left..... 533/830
Ecc_11:9...........thy/heart cheer/thee...... 534/830
Ecc_11:9.........thine/heart and in the/sight 535/830
Ecc_11:10..........thy/heart and put away/evil 536/830
Son_3:11...........his/heart Behold thou/art. 537/830 my sister/my.... 538/830 with one/of..... 539/830 waketh/it....... 540/830
Son_8:6..........thine/heart as a seal/upon.. 541/830
Isa_1:5..........whole/heart faint From/the.. 542/830
Isa_6:10...........the/heart of this people fat/and 543/830
Isa_6:10.........their/heart and convert/and. 544/830
Isa_7:2............his/heart was moved/and... 545/830
Isa_7:2............the/heart of his people/as 546/830
Isa_9:9.............of/heart The bricks/are.. 547/830
Isa_10:7...........his/heart think/so........ 548/830
Isa_10:7...........his/heart to destroy and/cut 549/830
Isa_10:12........stout/heart of the king of Assyria and/the 550/830's/heart shall melt And they/shall 551/830
Isa_14:13........thine/heart I will ascend/into 552/830
Isa_15:5............My/heart shall cry/out... 553/830
Isa_19:1...........the/heart of Egypt/shall.. 554/830
Isa_21:4............My/heart panted/fearfulness 555/830
Isa_29:13........their/heart far/from........ 556/830
Isa_30:29...........of/heart as when/one..... 557/830
Isa_32:4...........The/heart also of/the..... 558/830
Isa_32:6...........his/heart will work/iniquity 559/830
Isa_33:18........Thine/heart shall meditate/terror 560/830
Isa_35:4.......fearful/heart Be strong/fear.. 561/830
Isa_38:3.......perfect/heart and have done that which is good in thy sight And Hezekiah wept sore Then/came 562/830 But now/thus.... 563/830
Isa_44:19..........his/heart neither is there knowledge/nor 564/830
Isa_44:20.....deceived/heart hath turned/him. 565/830
Isa_47:7...........thy/heart neither didst/remember 566/830
Isa_47:8.........thine/heart I am and none else beside me I/shall 567/830
Isa_47:10........thine/heart I am and none else beside me Therefore/shall 568/830
Isa_49:21........thine/heart Who hath begotten/me 569/830
Isa_51:7.........whose/heart is my/law....... 570/830 and merciful/men 571/830
Isa_57:11..........thy/heart have not/I...... 572/830
Isa_57:15..........the/heart of the contrite/ones 573/830
Isa_57:17..........his/heart I have seen/his. 574/830
Isa_59:13..........the/heart words/of........ 575/830
Isa_60:5.........thine/heart shall fear/and.. 576/830
Isa_63:4..........mine/heart and the year/of. 577/830
Isa_63:17..........our/heart from thy/fear... 578/830
Isa_65:14...........of/heart but ye/shall.... 579/830
Isa_65:14...........of/heart and shall/howl.. 580/830
Isa_66:14.........your/heart shall rejoice and your bones/shall 581/830
Jer_3:10.........whole/heart but feignedly/saith 582/830
Jer_3:15..........mine/heart which shall feed/you 583/830
Jer_3:17..........evil/heart In those/days... 584/830
Jer_4:4...........your/heart ye men/of....... 585/830
Jer_4:9............the/heart of the king shall/perish 586/830
Jer_4:9............the/heart of the princes/and 587/830
Jer_4:14.........thine/heart from wickedness/that 588/830
Jer_4:18.........thine/heart My bowels/my.... 589/830
Jer_4:19..........very/heart my heart/maketh. 590/830 maketh a noise/in 591/830
Jer_5:23....rebellious/heart they are/revolted 592/830
Jer_5:24.........their/heart Let us/now...... 593/830
Jer_7:24..........evil/heart and went/backward 594/830 Therefore behold/the 595/830 is faint in/me.. 596/830 he layeth/his... 597/830
Jer_9:14...........own/heart and after/Baalim 598/830
Jer_9:26...........the/heart Hear ye/the..... 599/830
Jer_11:8..........evil/heart therefore I/will 600/830
Jer_11:20..........the/heart let me see thy vengeance on them for unto thee have I revealed/my 601/830
Jer_12:3..........mine/heart toward thee/pull 602/830 The spoilers/are 603/830
Jer_13:10........their/heart and walk/after.. 604/830
Jer_13:22........thine/heart Wherefore/come.. 605/830
Jer_14:14........their/heart Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning/the 606/830
Jer_15:16.........mine/heart for I am called/by 607/830
Jer_16:12.........evil/heart that they may/not 608/830
Jer_17:1.........their/heart and upon the/horns 609/830
Jer_17:5.........whose/heart departeth/from.. 610/830
Jer_17:9...........The/heart is deceitful/above 611/830
Jer_17:10..........the/heart I try/the....... 612/830
Jer_18:12.........evil/heart Therefore thus saith the LORD Ask/ye 613/830
Jer_20:9..........mine/heart as a burning/fire 614/830
Jer_20:12..........the/heart let me see thy vengeance on them for unto thee have I opened/my 615/830
Jer_22:17........thine/heart are not/but..... 616/830
Jer_23:9..........Mine/heart within me is broken/because 617/830
Jer_23:16..........own/heart and not out/of.. 618/830
Jer_23:17..........own/heart No/evil......... 619/830
Jer_23:20..........his/heart in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly/I 620/830
Jer_23:26..........the/heart of the prophets/that 621/830
Jer_23:26..........own/heart Which think/to.. 622/830 to know me/that. 623/830
Jer_24:7.........whole/heart And as the/evil. 624/830
Jer_29:13.........your/heart And I will be/found 625/830
Jer_30:21..........his/heart to approach/unto 626/830
Jer_30:24..........his/heart in the latter days ye shall consider it At/the 627/830
Jer_31:21........thine/heart toward the/highway 628/830 and one/way..... 629/830
Jer_32:41........whole/heart and with my/whole 630/830
Jer_48:29..........his/heart I know his/wrath 631/830
Jer_48:31.........mine/heart shall mourn/for. 632/830
Jer_48:36.........mine/heart shall sound for/Moab 633/830
Jer_48:36.........mine/heart shall sound like/pipes 634/830
Jer_48:41..........the/heart of a woman in her pangs And/Moab 635/830
Jer_49:16........thine/heart O thou/that..... 636/830
Jer_49:22..........the/heart of the mighty/men 637/830
Jer_49:22..........the/heart of a woman in her pangs Concerning/Damascus 638/830
Jer_51:46.........your/heart faint and/ye.... 639/830
Lam_1:20..........mine/heart is turned within me for/I 640/830 is faint How/hath 641/830
Lam_2:18.........Their/heart cried/unto...... 642/830
Lam_2:19.........thine/heart like water/before 643/830
Lam_3:41...........our/heart with our/hands.. 644/830
Lam_3:51..........mine/heart because of/all.. 645/830
Lam_3:65............of/heart thy curse/unto.. 646/830
Lam_5:15...........our/heart is ceased/our... 647/830
Lam_5:17...........our/heart is faint for/these 648/830
Eze_3:10.........thine/heart and hear/with... 649/830
Eze_6:9........whorish/heart which hath/departed 650/830 and I will put/a 651/830
Eze_11:19........stony/heart out of their/flesh 652/830 of flesh That/they 653/830
Eze_11:21........whose/heart walketh/after... 654/830
Eze_11:21..........the/heart of their/detestable 655/830
Eze_13:17..........own/heart and prophesy/thou 656/830
Eze_13:22..........the/heart of the righteous sad/whom 657/830
Eze_14:3.........their/heart and put the/stumblingblock 658/830
Eze_14:4...........his/heart and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face and cometh to the/prophet 659/830
Eze_14:5...........own/heart because they are/all 660/830
Eze_14:7...........his/heart and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face and cometh to a/prophet 661/830
Eze_16:30........thine/heart saith/the....... 662/830 and a new/spirit 663/830
Eze_20:16........their/heart went/after...... 664/830
Eze_21:7.........every/heart shall melt and all/hands 665/830
Eze_21:15........their/heart may faint/and... 666/830
Eze_22:14........thine/heart endure/or....... 667/830 with all thy/despite 668/830
Eze_25:15...despiteful/heart to destroy it/for 669/830
Eze_27:31...........of/heart and bitter/wailing 670/830
Eze_28:2.........thine/heart is lifted up and/thou 671/830
Eze_28:2.........thine/heart as the heart of God Behold thou/art 672/830
Eze_28:2...........the/heart of God Behold thou/art 673/830
Eze_28:5.........thine/heart is lifted up because/of 674/830
Eze_28:6.........thine/heart as the heart of God Behold therefore/I 675/830
Eze_28:6...........the/heart of God Behold therefore/I 676/830
Eze_28:17........Thine/heart was lifted up because/of 677/830
Eze_31:10..........his/heart is lifted up in/his 678/830
Eze_33:31........their/heart goeth/after..... 679/830
Eze_36:5.........their/heart with despiteful/minds 680/830 also will/I..... 681/830
Eze_36:26........stony/heart out of your/flesh 682/830 of flesh And/I.. 683/830
Eze_40:4.........thine/heart upon all/that... 684/830 and uncircumcised/in 685/830 nor uncircumcised/in 686/830
Dan_1:8............his/heart that he would/not 687/830
Dan_2:30...........thy/heart Thou O/king..... 688/830
Dan_4:16...........his/heart be changed/from. 689/830
Dan_4:16.......beast's/heart be given/unto... 690/830
Dan_5:20...........his/heart was lifted up and/his 691/830
Dan_5:21...........his/heart was made/like... 692/830
Dan_5:22.........thine/heart though/thou..... 693/830
Dan_6:14...........his/heart on Daniel/to.... 694/830's/heart was given/to.... 695/830 In the third/year 696/830
Dan_8:25...........his/heart and by/peace.... 697/830
Dan_10:12........thine/heart to understand/and 698/830
Dan_11:12..........his/heart shall be lifted/up 699/830
Dan_11:28..........his/heart shall be against/the 700/830
Hos_4:8..........their/heart on their/iniquity 701/830
Hos_4:11...........the/heart My people/ask... 702/830
Hos_7:6..........their/heart like an/oven.... 703/830
Hos_7:11.......without/heart they call/to.... 704/830
Hos_7:14.........their/heart when they/howled 705/830
Hos_10:2.........Their/heart is divided/now.. 706/830
Hos_11:8..........mine/heart is turned within me my/repentings 707/830
Hos_13:6.........their/heart was exalted/therefore 708/830
Hos_13:8.........their/heart and there/will.. 709/830
Joe_2:12..........your/heart and with fasting/and 710/830
Joe_2:13..........your/heart and not your/garments 711/830
Oba_1:3..........thine/heart hath deceived/thee 712/830
Oba_1:3............his/heart Who shall bring/me 713/830
Nah_2:10...........the/heart melteth/and..... 714/830
Zep_1:12.........their/heart The LORD will not do/good 715/830
Zep_2:15...........her/heart I am and there/is 716/830
Zep_3:14...........the/heart O daughter/of... 717/830
Zec_7:10..........your/heart But they/refused 718/830
Zec_10:7.........their/heart shall rejoice as/through 719/830
Zec_10:7.........their/heart shall rejoice in the/LORD 720/830
Zec_12:5.........their/heart The inhabitants/of 721/830 to give glory/unto 722/830 Behold I/will... 723/830
Mal_4:6............the/heart of the fathers/to 724/830
Mal_4:6............the/heart of the children to/their 725/830 for they shall/see 726/830
Mat_5:28...........his/heart And if/thy...... 727/830
Mat_6:21..........your/heart be also The/light 728/830 and ye shall find/rest 729/830
Mat_12:34..........the/heart the mouth/speaketh 730/830
Mat_12:35..........the/heart bringeth forth good/things 731/830
Mat_12:40..........the/heart of the earth/The 732/830
Mat_13:15.....people's/heart is waxed/gross.. 733/830
Mat_13:15........their/heart and should be converted and I should heal them But/blessed 734/830
Mat_13:19..........his/heart This is/he...... 735/830
Mat_15:8.........their/heart is far from me But/in 736/830
Mat_15:18..........the/heart and they defile/the 737/830
Mat_15:19..........the/heart proceed/evil.... 738/830
Mat_22:37..........thy/heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind This/is 739/830
Mat_24:48..........his/heart My lord delayeth his coming And shall begin to smite/his 740/830
Mar_6:52.........their/heart was hardened And when/they 741/830
Mar_7:6..........their/heart is far from me Howbeit/in 742/830
Mar_7:19...........his/heart but into/the.... 743/830
Mar_7:21...........the/heart of men/proceed.. 744/830
Mar_8:17..........your/heart yet/hardened.... 745/830
Mar_10:5..........your/heart he wrote/you.... 746/830
Mar_11:23..........his/heart but shall/believe 747/830
Mar_12:30..........thy/heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and/with 748/830
Mar_12:33..........the/heart and with all the/understanding 749/830
Mar_16:14...........of/heart because they believed/not 750/830
Luk_2:19...........her/heart And the shepherds/returned 751/830
Luk_2:51...........her/heart And Jesus/increased 752/830
Luk_6:45...........his/heart bringeth forth that which is good/and 753/830
Luk_6:45...........his/heart bringeth forth that which is evil/for 754/830
Luk_6:45...........the/heart his mouth/speaketh 755/830
Luk_8:15..........good/heart having heard/the 756/830
Luk_9:47.........their/heart took/a.......... 757/830
Luk_10:27..........thy/heart and with all thy soul and with all thy strength/and 758/830
Luk_12:34.........your/heart be also Let/your 759/830
Luk_12:45..........his/heart My lord delayeth his coming and shall begin to beat/the 760/830
Luk_24:25...........of/heart to believe/all.. 761/830
Luk_24:32..........our/heart burn/within..... 762/830
Joh_12:40........their/heart that they should/not 763/830
Joh_12:40........their/heart and be converted/and 764/830
Joh_13:2...........the/heart of Judas/Iscariot 765/830
Joh_14:1..........your/heart be troubled ye/believe 766/830
Joh_14:27.........your/heart be troubled neither/let 767/830
Joh_16:6..........your/heart Nevertheless I/tell 768/830
Joh_16:22.........your/heart shall rejoice and your joy/no 769/830 rejoice and/my.. 770/830
Act_2:37.........their/heart and said unto Peter/and 771/830
Act_2:46............of/heart Praising/God.... 772/830 and of one/soul. 773/830
Act_5:3..........thine/heart to lie/to....... 774/830
Act_5:4..........thine/heart thou hast not/lied 775/830
Act_5:33...........the/heart and took/counsel 776/830
Act_7:23...........his/heart to visit/his.... 777/830 and ears/ye..... 778/830
Act_7:54...........the/heart and they gnashed/on 779/830
Act_8:21...........thy/heart is not right/in. 780/830
Act_8:22.........thine/heart may be forgiven/thee 781/830
Act_8:37.........thine/heart thou mayest/And. 782/830
Act_11:23...........of/heart they would/cleave 783/830
Act_13:22..........own/heart which shall fulfil/all 784/830
Act_16:14........whose/heart the Lord opened/that 785/830
Act_21:13.........mine/heart for I am ready/not 786/830
Act_28:27..........the/heart of this people is/waxed 787/830
Act_28:27........their/heart and should be converted and I should heal them Be/it 788/830
Rom_1:21.......foolish/heart was darkened/Professing 789/830
Rom_2:5.....impenitent/heart treasurest/up... 790/830
Rom_2:29...........the/heart in the spirit/and 791/830
Rom_6:17...........the/heart that form/of.... 792/830 For I could/wish 793/830
Rom_10:6.........thine/heart Who shall ascend/into 794/830
Rom_10:8...........thy/heart that is/the..... 795/830
Rom_10:9.........thine/heart that God/hath... 796/830
Rom_10:10..........the/heart man/believeth... 797/830
1Co_2:9............the/heart of man the/things 798/830
1Co_7:37...........his/heart having no/necessity 799/830
1Co_7:37...........his/heart that he will/keep 800/830
1Co_14:25..........his/heart made manifest/and 801/830
2Co_2:4.............of/heart I wrote/unto.... 802/830
2Co_3:3............the/heart And such/trust.. 803/830
2Co_3:15.........their/heart Nevertheless when/it 804/830 For whether/we.. 805/830
2Co_6:11...........our/heart is enlarged/Ye.. 806/830
2Co_8:16...........the/heart of Titus/for.... 807/830
2Co_9:7............his/heart so let/him...... 808/830
Eph_4:18.........their/heart Who being/past.. 809/830
Eph_5:19..........your/heart to the/Lord..... 810/830
Eph_6:5...........your/heart as unto/Christ.. 811/830
Eph_6:6............the/heart With good/will.. 812/830 inasmuch/as..... 813/830
Col_3:22............of/heart fearing/God..... 814/830 endeavoured/the. 815/830
1Ti_1:5...........pure/heart and of a/good... 816/830
2Ti_2:22..........pure/heart But foolish/and. 817/830
Heb_3:10.........their/heart and they have not known my ways So/I 818/830
Heb_3:12..........evil/heart of unbelief/in.. 819/830
Heb_4:12...........the/heart Neither is there any/creature 820/830
Heb_10:22.........true/heart in full/assurance 821/830
Heb_13:9...........the/heart be established/with 822/830
Jam_1:26...........own/heart this man's/religion 823/830
1Pe_1:22..........pure/heart fervently/Being. 824/830
1Pe_3:4............the/heart in that/which... 825/830 they have/exercised 826/830
1Jn_3:20...........our/heart condemn us God/is 827/830
1Jn_3:20...........our/heart and knoweth/all. 828/830
1Jn_3:21...........our/heart condemn us not/then 829/830
Rev_18:7...........her/heart I sit/a......... 830/830
Exo_28:3..........wise/hearted whom/I............ 1/8
Exo_31:6..........wise/hearted I/have............ 2/8
Exo_35:10.........wise/hearted among/you......... 3/8
Exo_35:22......willing/hearted and/brought....... 4/8
Exo_35:25.........wise/hearted did/spin.......... 5/8
Exo_36:1..........wise/hearted man in whom/the... 6/8
Exo_36:2..........wise/hearted man in whose/heart 7/8
Exo_36:8..........wise/hearted man among/them.... 8/8
Gen_18:6...........the/hearth And/Abraham........ 1/7 My/heart........... 2/7
Isa_30:14..........the/hearth or/to.............. 3/7
Jer_36:22..........the/hearth burning/before..... 4/7
Jer_36:23..........the/hearth until/all.......... 5/7
Jer_36:23..........the/hearth Yet/they........... 6/7 of/fire............ 7/7 1/1
Gen_18:5..........your/hearts after/that....... 1/116
Exo_14:17..........the/hearts of the Egyptians/and 2/116
Exo_31:6...........the/hearts of all that/are.. 3/116
Lev_26:36........their/hearts in the/lands..... 4/116
Lev_26:41uncircumcised/hearts be humbled/and... 5/116
Deu_20:3..........your/hearts faint/fear....... 6/116
Deu_32:46.........your/hearts unto all/the..... 7/116
Jos_2:11...........our/hearts did/melt......... 8/116
Jos_7:5............the/hearts of the people/melted 9/116
Jos_11:20........their/hearts that they should/come 10/116
Jos_23:14.........your/hearts and in all/your. 11/116
Jdg_9:3..........their/hearts inclined/to..... 12/116
Jdg_16:25........their/hearts were/merry...... 13/116
Jdg_19:22........their/hearts merry/behold.... 14/116
1Sa_6:6...........your/hearts as the/Egyptians 15/116
1Sa_6:6..........their/hearts when he/had..... 16/116
1Sa_7:3...........your/hearts then/put........ 17/116
1Sa_7:3...........your/hearts unto the LORD/and 18/116
1Sa_10:26........whose/hearts God/had......... 19/116
2Sa_15:6...........the/hearts of the men of Israel And/it 20/116
2Sa_15:13..........The/hearts of the men of Israel are/after 21/116
1Ki_8:39...........the/hearts of all the/children 22/116
1Ki_8:58...........our/hearts unto him/to..... 23/116
1Ch_28:9...........all/hearts and understandeth/all 24/116
2Ch_6:14.........their/hearts Thou/which...... 25/116
2Ch_6:30...........the/hearts of the children of men That/they 26/116
2Ch_11:16........their/hearts to seek/the..... 27/116
2Ch_20:33........their/hearts unto the God/of. 28/116
Job_1:5..........their/hearts Thus/did........ 29/116
Psa_7:9............the/hearts and reins/My.... 30/116
Psa_10:3...........his/heart's desire and blesseth/the 31/116
Psa_21:2...........his/heart's desire and hast/not 32/116
Psa_28:3.........their/hearts Give/them....... 33/116
Psa_33:15........their/hearts alike/he........ 34/116
Psa_35:25........their/hearts Ah/so........... 35/116
Psa_74:8.........their/hearts Let us/destroy.. 36/116
Psa_81:12..........own/hearts' lust/and....... 37/116
Psa_90:12..........our/hearts unto wisdom/Return 38/116
Psa_125:4........their/hearts As for/such..... 39/116
Pro_15:11..........the/hearts of the children of men A/scorner 40/116
Pro_17:3...........the/hearts A/wicked........ 41/116
Pro_21:2...........the/hearts To do/justice... 42/116
Pro_31:6.........heavy/hearts Let him/drink... 43/116
Isa_44:18........their/hearts that they cannot/understand 44/116
Jer_31:33........their/hearts and will/be..... 45/116
Jer_32:40........their/hearts that they shall/not 46/116
Jer_42:20.........your/hearts when ye/sent.... 47/116's/hearts in Moab/at...... 48/116
Eze_13:2...........own/hearts Hear/ye......... 49/116
Eze_32:9...........the/hearts of many/people.. 50/116
Dan_11:27.......kings'/hearts shall/be........ 51/116
Hos_7:2..........their/hearts that I/remember. 52/116
Zec_7:12.........their/hearts as an/adamant... 53/116
Zec_8:17..........your/hearts against/his..... 54/116
Mat_9:4...........your/hearts For whether/is.. 55/116
Mat_18:35.........your/hearts forgive/not..... 56/116
Mat_19:8..........your/hearts suffered/you.... 57/116
Mar_2:6..........their/hearts Why/doth........ 58/116
Mar_2:8...........your/hearts Whether is it/easier 59/116
Mar_3:5..........their/hearts he saith/unto... 60/116
Mar_4:15.........their/hearts And these/are... 61/116
Luk_1:17...........the/hearts of the fathers/to 62/116
Luk_1:51.........their/hearts He hath/put..... 63/116
Luk_1:66.........their/hearts saying/What..... 64/116
Luk_2:35..........many/hearts may/be.......... 65/116
Luk_3:15.........their/hearts of John/whether. 66/116
Luk_5:22..........your/hearts Whether is easier/to 67/116
Luk_8:12.........their/hearts lest/they....... 68/116
Luk_16:15.........your/hearts for that/which.. 69/116
Luk_21:14.........your/hearts not/to.......... 70/116
Luk_21:26........Men's/hearts failing/them.... 71/116
Luk_21:34.........your/hearts be overcharged/with 72/116
Luk_24:38.........your/hearts Behold/my....... 73/116
Act_1:24...........the/hearts of all men/shew. 74/116
Act_7:39.........their/hearts turned/back..... 75/116
Act_14:17..........our/hearts with food/and... 76/116
Act_15:8...........the/hearts bare/them....... 77/116
Act_15:9.........their/hearts by faith Now/therefore 78/116
Rom_1:24...........own/hearts to dishonour/their 79/116
Rom_2:15.........their/hearts their/conscience 80/116
Rom_5:5............our/hearts by the/Holy..... 81/116
Rom_8:27...........the/hearts knoweth/what.... 82/116's desire and prayer/to 83/116
Rom_16:18..........the/hearts of the simple/For 84/116
1Co_4:5............the/hearts and then/shall.. 85/116
2Co_1:22...........our/hearts Moreover/I...... 86/116
2Co_3:2............our/hearts known/and....... 87/116
2Co_4:6............our/hearts to give/the..... 88/116
2Co_7:3............our/hearts to die/and...... 89/116
Gal_4:6...........your/hearts crying/Abba..... 90/116
Eph_3:17..........your/hearts by faith that/ye 91/116
Eph_6:22..........your/hearts Peace/be........ 92/116
Php_4:7...........your/hearts and minds/through 93/116
Col_2:2..........their/hearts might/be........ 94/116
Col_3:15..........your/hearts to the which/also 95/116
Col_3:16..........your/hearts to the Lord/And. 96/116
Col_4:8...........your/hearts With Onesimus/a. 97/116
1Th_2:4............our/hearts For neither/at.. 98/116
1Th_3:13..........your/hearts unblameable/in.. 99/116
2Th_2:17..........your/hearts and stablish/you 100/116
2Th_3:5...........your/hearts into/the....... 101/116
Heb_3:8...........your/hearts as in the provocation in/the 102/116
Heb_3:15..........your/hearts as in the provocation For/some 103/116
Heb_4:7...........your/hearts For if/Jesus... 104/116
Heb_8:10.........their/hearts and I will be/to 105/116
Heb_10:16........their/hearts and in their/minds 106/116
Heb_10:22..........our/hearts sprinkled/from. 107/116
Jam_3:14..........your/hearts glory/not...... 108/116
Jam_4:8...........your/hearts ye/double...... 109/116
Jam_5:5...........your/hearts as in a/day.... 110/116
Jam_5:8...........your/hearts for the/coming. 111/116
1Pe_3:15..........your/hearts and be/ready... 112/116
2Pe_1:19..........your/hearts Knowing/this... 113/116
1Jn_3:19...........our/hearts before/him..... 114/116
Rev_2:23...........and/hearts and I will give/unto 115/116
Rev_17:17........their/hearts to fulfil/his.. 116/116 1/1
