Gen_1:11....the/herb yielding seed and/the 1/19
Gen_1:12....and/herb yielding seed after/his 2/19
Gen_1:29..every/herb bearing/seed........ 3/19 for meat/and........ 4/19
Gen_2:5...every/herb of the field before/it 5/19
Gen_3:18....the/herb of the field In/the. 6/19 have/I.............. 7/19
Exo_9:22..every/herb of the field throughout/the 8/19
Exo_9:25..every/herb of the field and/brake 9/19
Exo_10:12.every/herb of the land even/all 10/19
Exo_10:15.every/herb of the land and/all 11/19
Deu_32:2.tender/herb and as/the......... 12/19 as the grass on the house/tops 13/19
Job_8:12..other/herb So/are............. 14/19
Job_38:27tender/herb to/spring.......... 15/19 Trust/in........... 16/19
Psa_104:14..and/herb for the/service.... 17/19 as the grass on the housetops/and 18/19 and the/hand....... 19/19
Exo_10:15...the/herbs of the field/through 1/18
Exo_12:8.bitter/herbs they shall eat/it.. 2/18
Num_9:11.bitter/herbs They shall leave/none 3/18
Deu_11:10....of/herbs But/the............ 4/18
1Ki_21:2.....of/herbs because/it......... 5/18
2Ki_4:39.gather/herbs and found/a........ 6/18
Psa_105:35..the/herbs in/their........... 7/18
Pro_15:17....of/herbs where/love......... 8/18
Pro_27:25...and/herbs of the mountains/are 9/18
Isa_18:4...upon/herbs and like/a........ 10/18
Isa_26:19....of/herbs and the/earth..... 11/18
Isa_42:15.their/herbs and I/will........ 12/18
Jer_12:4....the/herbs of every/field.... 13/18
Mat_13:32.among/herbs and becometh/a.... 14/18
Mar_4:32....all/herbs and shooteth/out.. 15/18
Luk_11:42....of/herbs and pass/over..... 16/18
Rom_14:2.eateth/herbs Let/not........... 17/18
Heb_6:7...forth/herbs meet/for.......... 18/18
