Gen_2:7.......breathed/into his nostrils/the.. 1/2015
Gen_2:10........became/into four/heads........ 2/2015
Gen_2:15...........him/into the garden of Eden/to 3/2015
Gen_6:18..........come/into the ark thou/and.. 4/2015
Gen_6:19.........bring/into the ark to/keep... 5/2015 the ark for thee/have 6/2015
Gen_7:7............him/into the ark because/of 7/2015
Gen_7:9...........Noah/into the ark the male/and 8/2015
Gen_7:13..........them/into the ark They/and.. 9/2015
Gen_7:15..........Noah/into the ark two/and.. 10/2015
Gen_8:9............him/into the ark for the/waters 11/2015
Gen_8:9............him/into the ark And he/stayed 12/2015
Gen_9:2............sea/into your hand are/they 13/2015
Gen_11:31...........go/into the land of Canaan and they/came 14/2015
Gen_12:5............go/into the land of Canaan and into/the 15/2015
Gen_12:5...........and/into the land of Canaan they/came 16/2015
Gen_12:10.........down/into Egypt to sojourn there for/the 17/2015
Gen_12:11........enter/into Egypt that he/said 18/2015
Gen_12:14.........come/into Egypt the Egyptians/beheld 19/2015
Gen_12:15........taken/into Pharaoh's house And he/entreated 20/2015
Gen_13:1...........him/into the south/And.... 21/2015
Gen_14:20......enemies/into thy hand And he/gave 22/2015
Gen_16:5..........maid/into thy bosom and when/she 23/2015
Gen_18:6......hastened/into the tent unto/Sarah 24/2015 your servant's/house 25/2015
Gen_19:3.......entered/into his house and he/made 26/2015
Gen_19:10..........Lot/into the house to them/and 27/2015
Gen_19:23......entered/into Zoar/Then........ 28/2015
Gen_21:32.....returned/into the land of the Philistines And Abraham/planted 29/2015
Gen_22:2..........thee/into the land of Moriah/and 30/2015
Gen_24:20......pitcher/into the trough/and... 31/2015
Gen_24:32.........came/into the house and he ungirded/his 32/2015
Gen_24:67..........her/into his mother/Sarah's 33/2015
Gen_26:2..........down/into Egypt dwell/in... 34/2015
Gen_27:17.....prepared/into the hand of her son/Jacob 35/2015
Gen_28:15........again/into this land for I/will 36/2015
Gen_29:1..........came/into the land of the people/of 37/2015
Gen_30:35.........them/into the hand of his sons/And 38/2015
Gen_31:33.........went/into Jacob's/tent..... 39/2015
Gen_31:33..........and/into Leah's/tent...... 40/2015
Gen_31:33..........and/into the two/maidservants' 41/2015
Gen_31:33......entered/into Rachel's/tent.... 42/2015
Gen_32:7........camels/into two bands/And.... 43/2015
Gen_32:16.........them/into the hand of his servants every/drove 44/2015
Gen_36:6..........went/into the country from/the 45/2015
Gen_37:20..........him/into some pit/and..... 46/2015
Gen_37:22..........him/into this pit/that.... 47/2015
Gen_37:24..........him/into a pit and the/pit 48/2015
Gen_37:28.......Joseph/into Egypt And Reuben/returned 49/2015
Gen_37:35.........down/into the grave/unto... 50/2015
Gen_37:36..........him/into Egypt unto Potiphar/an 51/2015
Gen_39:4...........put/into his hand And it/came 52/2015
Gen_39:11.........went/into the house to do/his 53/2015
Gen_39:20..........him/into the prison a/place 54/2015
Gen_40:3.........guard/into the prison the/place 55/2015
Gen_40:11.........them/into Pharaoh's cup/and 56/2015
Gen_40:11..........cup/into Pharaoh's hand And/Joseph 57/2015
Gen_40:13..........cup/into his hand after/the 58/2015 the dungeon When/the 59/2015
Gen_40:21..........cup/into Pharaoh's hand But/he 60/2015
Gen_41:57.........came/into Egypt to Joseph/for 61/2015
Gen_42:17.....together/into ward/three....... 62/2015 his sack/and..... 63/2015
Gen_42:37..........him/into my hand and/I.... 64/2015 Joseph's house And the/men 65/2015
Gen_43:18......brought/into Joseph's house and they/said 66/2015 Joseph's house and gave/them 67/2015
Gen_43:26.........hand/into the house and bowed/themselves 68/2015
Gen_43:30......entered/into his chamber/and.. 69/2015
Gen_45:4..........sold/into Egypt Now/therefore 70/2015
Gen_45:25.........came/into the land of Canaan unto/Jacob 71/2015
Gen_46:3..........down/into Egypt for I/will. 72/2015
Gen_46:4..........thee/into Egypt and I/will. 73/2015
Gen_46:6..........came/into Egypt Jacob and all/his 74/2015
Gen_46:7...........him/into Egypt And these/are 75/2015
Gen_46:8..........came/into Egypt Jacob and his/sons 76/2015
Gen_46:26........Jacob/into Egypt which/came. 77/2015
Gen_46:27.........came/into Egypt were/threescore 78/2015
Gen_46:28.........came/into the land of Goshen/And 79/2015 Pharaoh's house And when/money 80/2015
Gen_48:5..........thee/into Egypt are/mine... 81/2015
Gen_48:16.........grow/into a multitude/in... 82/2015
Gen_49:6..........thou/into their secret/unto 83/2015
Gen_49:33.........feet/into the bed and/yielded 84/2015
Gen_50:13..........him/into the land of Canaan and buried/him 85/2015
Gen_50:14.....returned/into Egypt he/and..... 86/2015
Exo_1:1...........came/into Egypt every/man.. 87/2015
Exo_1:22..........cast/into the river and/every 88/2015
Exo_3:18.......journey/into the wilderness that/we 89/2015
Exo_4:6...........hand/into thy bosom And he/put 90/2015
Exo_4:6...........hand/into his bosom and/when 91/2015
Exo_4:7...........hand/into thy bosom again/And 92/2015
Exo_4:7...........hand/into his bosom again/and 93/2015
Exo_4:19........return/into Egypt for all/the 94/2015
Exo_4:21........return/into Egypt see/that... 95/2015
Exo_4:27............Go/into the wilderness to meet/Moses 96/2015
Exo_5:3........journey/into the desert and sacrifice/unto 97/2015
Exo_7:23..........went/into his house neither/did 98/2015
Exo_8:3...........come/into thine house and into/thy 99/2015
Exo_8:3............and/into thy bedchamber/and 100/2015
Exo_8:3............and/into the house of thy/servants 101/2015
Exo_8:3............and/into thine ovens/and. 102/2015
Exo_8:3............and/into thy kneadingtroughs/And 103/2015
Exo_8:21...........and/into thy houses/and.. 104/2015
Exo_8:24.........flies/into the house of Pharaoh/and 105/2015
Exo_8:24...........and/into his servants'/houses 106/2015
Exo_8:24...........and/into all the land of/Egypt 107/2015
Exo_8:27.......journey/into the wilderness and sacrifice/to 108/2015
Exo_9:20..........flee/into the houses/And.. 109/2015
Exo_10:4.......locusts/into thy coast/And... 110/2015
Exo_10:19.........them/into the Red/sea..... 111/2015
Exo_11:4...........out/into the midst of Egypt/And 112/2015
Exo_13:5..........thee/into the land of the Canaanites and/the 113/2015
Exo_13:11.........thee/into the land of the Canaanites as/he 114/2015
Exo_14:22.........went/into the midst of the sea upon/the 115/2015
Exo_14:28.........came/into the sea after/them 116/2015
Exo_15:1........thrown/into the sea The LORD/is 117/2015
Exo_15:4..........cast/into the sea his/chosen 118/2015
Exo_15:5..........sank/into the bottom/as... 119/2015
Exo_15:19.....horsemen/into the sea and the LORD/brought 120/2015
Exo_15:21.......thrown/into the sea So Moses/brought 121/2015
Exo_15:22..........out/into the wilderness of Shur/and 122/2015
Exo_15:25.........cast/into the waters the/waters 123/2015
Exo_16:3.........forth/into this wilderness to/kill 124/2015
Exo_18:5.........Moses/into the wilderness where he/encamped 125/2015
Exo_18:7..........came/into the tent And Moses/told 126/2015
Exo_18:27..........way/into his own land In/the 127/2015
Exo_19:1..........they/into the wilderness of Sinai/For 128/2015
Exo_19:12...........up/into the mount or/touch 129/2015
Exo_21:13..........him/into his hand then/I. 130/2015
Exo_23:19........bring/into the house of the LORD thy God Thou/shalt 131/2015
Exo_23:20.........thee/into the place which I/have 132/2015 your hand and thou/shalt 133/2015 the mount and be/there 134/2015
Exo_24:13...........up/into the mount of God/And 135/2015
Exo_24:15...........up/into the mount and a/cloud 136/2015
Exo_24:18.........went/into the midst of the cloud/and 137/2015
Exo_24:18...........up/into the mount and Moses/was 138/2015
Exo_25:14.......staves/into the rings by the sides of the ark that/the 139/2015
Exo_25:16..........put/into the ark the testimony/which 140/2015
Exo_26:11.......taches/into the loops/and... 141/2015
Exo_27:7...........put/into the rings and/the 142/2015
Exo_29:3..........them/into one basket/and.. 143/2015
Exo_29:30.......cometh/into the tabernacle of the congregation to minister/in 144/2015
Exo_30:20...........go/into the tabernacle of the congregation they/shall 145/2015 the fire and there/came 146/2015
Exo_33:5............up/into the midst of thee in/a 147/2015
Exo_33:8..........gone/into the tabernacle And it/came 148/2015
Exo_33:9.......entered/into the tabernacle the/cloudy 149/2015
Exo_33:11........again/into the camp but/his 150/2015
Exo_37:5........staves/into the rings by the sides of the ark to/bear 151/2015
Exo_38:7........staves/into the rings on/the 152/2015 thin/plates..... 153/2015 wires/to........ 154/2015
Exo_40:20....testimony/into the ark and set/the 155/2015
Exo_40:21..........ark/into the tabernacle and set/up 156/2015
Exo_40:32.........went/into the tent of the congregation and/when 157/2015
Exo_40:35........enter/into the tent of the congregation because/the 158/2015 his pieces And/the 159/2015 his pieces with/his 160/2015
Lev_6:30.......brought/into the tabernacle of the congregation to reconcile/withal 161/2015
Lev_8:20...........ram/into pieces/and...... 162/2015
Lev_9:23..........went/into the tabernacle of the congregation and came/out 163/2015
Lev_10:9............go/into the tabernacle of the congregation lest/ye 164/2015
Lev_11:32..........put/into water/and....... 165/2015
Lev_12:4..........come/into the sanctuary until/the 166/2015
Lev_13:17.......turned/into white/then...... 167/2015
Lev_14:7.........loose/into the open field/And 168/2015
Lev_14:8..........come/into the camp and shall/tarry 169/2015 the palm of his own left hand And the priest shall dip/his 170/2015
Lev_14:26..........oil/into the palm of his own left hand And the priest shall sprinkle/with 171/2015
Lev_14:34.........come/into the land of Canaan which/I 172/2015
Lev_14:36...........go/into it to see/the... 173/2015
Lev_14:40.........them/into an unclean place without/the 174/2015 an unclean place And/they 175/2015 an unclean place Moreover/he 176/2015
Lev_14:46........goeth/into the house all/the 177/2015 the open fields/and 178/2015
Lev_16:2.........times/into the holy place within/the 179/2015
Lev_16:3..........come/into the holy place with/a 180/2015
Lev_16:10....scapegoat/into the wilderness And Aaron/shall 181/2015 the wilderness And the/goat 182/2015
Lev_16:23.........come/into the tabernacle of the congregation and shall/put 183/2015
Lev_16:23.........went/into the holy place and/shall 184/2015
Lev_16:26.........come/into the camp And the bullock/for 185/2015
Lev_16:28.........come/into the camp And this/shall 186/2015
Lev_19:23.........come/into the land and/shall 187/2015
Lev_23:10.........come/into the land which I give unto/you 188/2015
Lev_25:2..........come/into the land which I give you/then 189/2015
Lev_26:25....delivered/into the hand of the enemy And when/I 190/2015 desolation and/your 191/2015
Lev_26:36....faintness/into their hearts in/the 192/2015
Lev_26:41.........them/into the land of their enemies/if 193/2015
Num_4:3..........enter/into the host to/do.. 194/2015
Num_4:30......entereth/into the service to/do 195/2015
Num_4:35......entereth/into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation And/those 196/2015
Num_4:39......entereth/into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them throughout/their 197/2015
Num_4:43......entereth/into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them after/their 198/2015 the water And the/priest 199/2015
Num_5:22............go/into thy bowels/to... 200/2015
Num_5:24.........enter/into her and become bitter Then/the 201/2015
Num_5:27.........enter/into her and become bitter and/her 202/2015
Num_7:89..........gone/into the tabernacle of the congregation to speak/with 203/2015
Num_11:30..........him/into the camp he/and. 204/2015
Num_13:17...........up/into the mountain And see/the 205/2015
Num_14:3........return/into Egypt And they said/one 206/2015
Num_14:4........return/into Egypt Then/Moses 207/2015 this land and/give 208/2015
Num_14:16.......people/into the land which he sware unto them/therefore 209/2015
Num_14:24........bring/into the land whereinto/he 210/2015 the wilderness by the way of the Red sea And/the 211/2015
Num_14:30.........come/into the land concerning which I/sware 212/2015
Num_14:40...........up/into the top of the/mountain 213/2015
Num_15:2..........come/into the land of your/habitations 214/2015
Num_15:18.........come/into the land whither I/bring 215/2015 a land that floweth/with 216/2015
Num_16:30........quick/into the pit then/ye. 217/2015
Num_16:33........alive/into the pit and the/earth 218/2015
Num_16:47..........ran/into the midst of the congregation/and 219/2015
Num_17:8..........went/into the tabernacle of witness/and 220/2015 the midst of the burning of/the 221/2015
Num_19:7..........come/into the camp and the priest/shall 222/2015
Num_19:14.........come/into the tent and all/that 223/2015
Num_20:1..congregation/into the desert of/Zin 224/2015
Num_20:4..........LORD/into this wilderness that/we 225/2015
Num_20:12.congregation/into the land which I have given them/This 226/2015
Num_20:15.........down/into Egypt and we/have 227/2015
Num_20:24........enter/into the land which I have given unto/the 228/2015
Num_20:27...........up/into mount Hor in/the 229/2015
Num_21:2........people/into my hand then/I.. 230/2015
Num_21:22.........turn/into the fields or/into 231/2015
Num_21:22...........or/into the vineyards/we 232/2015
Num_21:23.......Israel/into the wilderness and he came/to 233/2015
Num_21:27.........Come/into Heshbon/let..... 234/2015
Num_21:29....daughters/into captivity unto Sihon/king 235/2015
Num_21:34..........him/into thy hand and all/his 236/2015 your land/for... 237/2015
Num_22:23.........went/into the field and Balaam/smote 238/2015
Num_22:23..........her/into the way But/the. 239/2015
Num_22:41...........up/into the high places/of 240/2015
Num_23:14..........him/into the field of Zophim/to 241/2015
Num_24:4.......falling/into a trance but having his eyes open How/goodly 242/2015
Num_24:16......falling/into a trance but having his eyes open I/shall 243/2015
Num_25:8........Israel/into the tent and thrust/both 244/2015
Num_27:12...........up/into this mount/Abarim 245/2015
Num_31:24.........come/into the camp And the LORD/spake 246/2015
Num_31:27.........prey/into two parts between/them 247/2015 the tabernacle of the congregation for/a 248/2015
Num_32:7..........over/into the land which the LORD hath/given 249/2015
Num_32:9............go/into the land which the LORD had/given 250/2015
Num_32:32.........LORD/into the land of Canaan that/the 251/2015
Num_33:8...........sea/into the wilderness and went/three 252/2015
Num_33:38...........up/into mount Hor at/the 253/2015
Num_33:51.......Jordan/into the land of Canaan Then ye shall drive/out 254/2015
Num_34:2..........come/into the land of Canaan this/is 255/2015
Num_35:10.......Jordan/into the land of Canaan Then ye shall appoint/you 256/2015
Num_35:28.......return/into the land of his/possession 257/2015
Num_36:12......married/into the families/of. 258/2015
Deu_1:22...........and/into what/cities..... 259/2015
Deu_1:24............up/into the mountain and came/unto 260/2015 the hand of the Amorites to destroy us Whither/shall 261/2015
Deu_1:31..........came/into this place Yet/in 262/2015
Deu_1:40.......journey/into the wilderness by the way of the Red sea Then/ye 263/2015
Deu_1:41............up/into the hill And the LORD/said 264/2015
Deu_1:43............up/into the hill And the Amorites/which 265/2015
Deu_2:1........journey/into the wilderness by the way of the Red sea as/the 266/2015
Deu_2:24.........given/into thine hand Sihon/the 267/2015
Deu_2:29........Jordan/into the land which the LORD our/God 268/2015
Deu_2:30...........him/into thy hand as/appeareth 269/2015 thy hand and thou/shalt 270/2015
Deu_3:3......delivered/into our hands Og/also 271/2015
Deu_3:27............up/into the top of Pisgah/and 272/2015
Deu_5:5.............up/into the mount saying/I 273/2015 your tents/again 274/2015
Deu_6:10..........thee/into the land which he sware unto thy/fathers 275/2015
Deu_7:1...........thee/into the land whither thou/goest 276/2015
Deu_7:24.........kings/into thine hand and thou/shalt 277/2015
Deu_7:26...abomination/into thine house lest/thou 278/2015
Deu_8:7...........thee/into a good land/a... 279/2015
Deu_9:9.............up/into the mount to/receive 280/2015
Deu_9:21.......thereof/into the brook that/descended 281/2015
Deu_9:28..........them/into the land which he promised/them 282/2015 the mount and make/thee 283/2015
Deu_10:3............up/into the mount having/the 284/2015
Deu_10:22.........down/into Egypt with/threescore 285/2015
Deu_11:5..........came/into this place And what/he 286/2015 the midst of the street/thereof 287/2015
Deu_14:6.........cleft/into two claws/and... 288/2015 money/and....... 289/2015
Deu_17:8............up/into the place which the/LORD 290/2015
Deu_18:9..........come/into the land which the LORD thy/God 291/2015
Deu_19:3.......inherit/into three parts that/every 292/2015
Deu_19:5.........goeth/into the wood with/his 293/2015
Deu_19:11.......fleeth/into one of these/cities 294/2015
Deu_19:12..........him/into the hand of the avenger/of 295/2015 thine hands thou/shalt 296/2015
Deu_21:10.........them/into thine hands and/thou 297/2015
Deu_23:1.........enter/into the congregation of the LORD A/bastard 298/2015
Deu_23:2.........enter/into the congregation of the LORD even to his/tenth 299/2015
Deu_23:2.........enter/into the congregation of the LORD An/Ammonite 300/2015
Deu_23:3.........enter/into the congregation of the LORD even to their/tenth 301/2015
Deu_23:3.........enter/into the congregation of the LORD for/ever 302/2015
Deu_23:5.........curse/into a blessing unto/thee 303/2015
Deu_23:8.........enter/into the congregation of the LORD in/their 304/2015
Deu_23:11.........come/into the camp again/Thou 305/2015 the house of the LORD thy God for/any 306/2015
Deu_23:24.......comest/into thy neighbour's/vineyard 307/2015
Deu_23:25.......comest/into the standing corn of thy/neighbour 308/2015
Deu_24:10...........go/into his house to fetch/his 309/2015
Deu_26:5..........down/into Egypt and sojourned/there 310/2015 this place and hath/given 311/2015
Deu_28:25......removed/into all the kingdoms of the earth And thy/carcase 312/2015
Deu_28:38..........out/into the field and shalt/gather 313/2015
Deu_28:41...........go/into captivity All/thy 314/2015
Deu_28:68.........thee/into Egypt again/with 315/2015
Deu_29:12........enter/into covenant with the/LORD 316/2015
Deu_29:12..........and/into his oath/which.. 317/2015
Deu_29:28.........them/into another land/as. 318/2015
Deu_30:5..........thee/into the land which thy/fathers 319/2015
Deu_31:20.........them/into the land which I sware unto their/fathers 320/2015
Deu_31:21.........them/into the land which I sware Moses/therefore 321/2015
Deu_31:23.......Israel/into the land which I sware unto them/and 322/2015
Deu_32:26.........them/into corners I/would. 323/2015
Deu_32:49...........up/into this mountain/Abarim 324/2015
Jos_2:1...........came/into an harlot's/house 325/2015
Jos_2:3........entered/into thine house for/they 326/2015
Jos_2:18..........come/into the land thou/shalt 327/2015 the street his/blood 328/2015
Jos_2:24.....delivered/into our hands all/the 329/2015 Jordan/Now...... 330/2015
Jos_4:5............God/into the midst of Jordan/and 331/2015
Jos_6:2..........given/into thine hand Jericho/and 332/2015
Jos_6:11..........came/into the camp and lodged/in 333/2015
Jos_6:14......returned/into the camp so/they 334/2015
Jos_6:19..........come/into the treasury of the LORD/So 335/2015
Jos_6:20............up/into the city every/man 336/2015
Jos_6:22............Go/into the harlot's/house 337/2015
Jos_6:24...........put/into the treasury of the house/of 338/2015 the hand of the Amorites to destroy us would/to 339/2015
Jos_8:1..........given/into thy hand the/king 340/2015 your hand And it shall/be 341/2015
Jos_8:13.........night/into the midst of the valley/And 342/2015 thine hand And Joshua/stretched 343/2015
Jos_8:19.......entered/into the city and took/it 344/2015
Jos_10:8..........them/into thine hand there/shall 345/2015
Jos_10:19........enter/into their cities/for 346/2015
Jos_10:19.........them/into your hand And it came/to 347/2015
Jos_10:20......entered/into fenced/cities... 348/2015
Jos_10:27.........them/into the cave wherein/they 349/2015
Jos_10:30......thereof/into the hand of Israel and he/smote 350/2015
Jos_10:32......Lachish/into the hand of Israel which/took 351/2015
Jos_11:8..........them/into the hand of Israel who/smote 352/2015
Jos_13:5......entering/into Hamath/All...... 353/2015 seven parts Judah/shall 354/2015 seven parts and/bring 355/2015
Jos_18:9........cities/into seven parts in/a 356/2015
Jos_20:4...........him/into the city unto/them 357/2015
Jos_20:5............up/into his hand because/he 358/2015
Jos_21:44......enemies/into their hand There/failed 359/2015
Jos_22:13.....Manasseh/into the land of Gilead Phinehas/the 360/2015
Jos_24:4..........down/into Egypt I/sent.... 361/2015 the land of the Amorites/which 362/2015
Jos_24:8..........them/into your hand that/ye 363/2015
Jos_24:11.........them/into your hand And I/sent 364/2015 his hand And Judah/said 365/2015 my lot/that..... 366/2015
Jdg_1:3...........thee/into thy lot/So...... 367/2015
Jdg_1:4.....Perizzites/into their hand and they slew/of 368/2015
Jdg_1:16.........Judah/into the wilderness of Judah/which 369/2015
Jdg_1:24......entrance/into the city and we/will 370/2015
Jdg_1:25......entrance/into the city they smote/the 371/2015
Jdg_1:26..........went/into the land of the Hittites/and 372/2015
Jdg_1:34...........Dan/into the mountain for/they 373/2015
Jdg_2:14..........them/into the hands of spoilers/that 374/2015
Jdg_2:14..........them/into the hands of their/enemies 375/2015
Jdg_2:23..........them/into the hand of Joshua/Now 376/2015
Jdg_3:8...........them/into the hand of Chushanrishathaim/king 377/2015
Jdg_3:10...Mesopotamia/into his hand and his/hand 378/2015 his belly/And... 379/2015
Jdg_3:28......Moabites/into your hand And they/went 380/2015
Jdg_4:2...........them/into the hand of Jabin/king 381/2015
Jdg_4:7............him/into thine hand And Barak/said 382/2015
Jdg_4:9.........Sisera/into the hand of a woman/And 383/2015
Jdg_4:14........Sisera/into thine hand is/not 384/2015
Jdg_4:18...........her/into the tent she/covered 385/2015
Jdg_4:21..........nail/into his temples/and. 386/2015 the ground for/he 387/2015
Jdg_4:22..........came/into her tent/behold. 388/2015
Jdg_5:15..........foot/into the valley For/the 389/2015
Jdg_6:1...........them/into the hand of Midian/seven 390/2015
Jdg_6:5........entered/into the land to/destroy 391/2015 the hands of the Midianites/And 392/2015
Jdg_7:2.....Midianites/into their hands lest/Israel 393/2015
Jdg_7:7.....Midianites/into thine hand and let/all 394/2015 thine hand But/if 395/2015
Jdg_7:13.......tumbled/into the host of Midian/and 396/2015
Jdg_7:14...........for/into his hand hath/God 397/2015
Jdg_7:15......returned/into the host of Israel/and 398/2015
Jdg_7:15.....delivered/into your hand the/host 399/2015 three companies and he/put 400/2015
Jdg_8:3......delivered/into your hands the/princes 401/2015
Jdg_8:7.......Zalmunna/into mine hand then/I 402/2015
Jdg_9:27...........out/into the fields and/gathered 403/2015
Jdg_9:27..........went/into the house of their/god 404/2015
Jdg_9:42...........out/into the field and they told/Abimelech 405/2015
Jdg_9:43..........them/into three companies and laid/wait 406/2015
Jdg_9:46.......entered/into an hold/of...... 407/2015
Jdg_10:7..........them/into the hands of the Philistines/and 408/2015
Jdg_10:7...........and/into the hands of the children/of 409/2015 my place/But.... 410/2015
Jdg_11:21.......people/into the hand of Israel and they/smote 411/2015
Jdg_11:30........Ammon/into mine hands/Then. 412/2015
Jdg_11:32.........them/into his hands And he/smote 413/2015
Jdg_12:3..........them/into my hand wherefore/then 414/2015
Jdg_13:1..........them/into the hand of the Philistines forty/years 415/2015
Jdg_15:1..........wife/into the chamber But/her 416/2015
Jdg_15:5............go/into the standing corn of the/Philistines 417/2015
Jdg_15:12.........thee/into the hand of the Philistines And Samson/said 418/2015
Jdg_15:13.........thee/into their hand but/surely 419/2015
Jdg_15:18..deliverance/into the hand of thy servant/and 420/2015
Jdg_15:18.........fall/into the hand of the uncircumcised/But 421/2015
Jdg_16:23........enemy/into our hand And when/the 422/2015
Jdg_16:24....delivered/into our hands our/enemy 423/2015 your hands a/place 424/2015
Jdg_18:18.........went/into Micah's/house... 425/2015
Jdg_19:3...........him/into her father's/house 426/2015 this city of/the 427/2015
Jdg_19:12.......hither/into the city of a/stranger 428/2015
Jdg_19:15.........them/into his house to lodging/And 429/2015
Jdg_19:21..........him/into his house and gave/provender 430/2015
Jdg_19:22.........came/into thine house that we/may 431/2015
Jdg_19:23.........come/into mine house do/not 432/2015
Jdg_19:29.........come/into his house he took/a 433/2015
Jdg_19:29........bones/into twelve/pieces... 434/2015
Jdg_19:29..........her/into all the coasts/of 435/2015
Jdg_20:4..........came/into Gibeah/that..... 436/2015
Jdg_20:8..........turn/into his house But/now 437/2015
Jdg_20:28.........them/into thine hand And Israel/set 438/2015
Rut_1:2...........came/into the country of Moab/and 439/2015
Rut_2:18..........went/into the city and her/mother 440/2015
Rut_3:14..........came/into the floor Also/he 441/2015
Rut_3:15..........went/into the city And when she/came 442/2015
Rut_4:11..........come/into thine house like/Rachel 443/2015 the pan/or...... 444/2015
1Sa_2:36..........thee/into one of the priests'/offices 445/2015
1Sa_4:3...........come/into the camp the/elders 446/2015
1Sa_4:5...........came/into the camp all/Israel 447/2015
1Sa_4:6...........come/into the camp And the Philistines/were 448/2015
1Sa_4:7...........come/into the camp And they/said 449/2015 his tent/and.... 450/2015
1Sa_4:13..........came/into the city and told it/all 451/2015 the house of Dagon/and 452/2015
1Sa_5:5...........come/into Dagon's/house... 453/2015
1Sa_6:14..........came/into the field of Joshua/a 454/2015
1Sa_6:19........looked/into the ark of/the.. 455/2015 the house of Abinadab/in 456/2015
1Sa_7:13..........more/into the coast/of.... 457/2015
1Sa_9:13..........come/into the city ye/shall 458/2015
1Sa_9:14............up/into the city and when they/were 459/2015
1Sa_9:14..........come/into the city behold/Samuel 460/2015
1Sa_9:22..........them/into the parlour/and. 461/2015 the city Samuel/communed 462/2015
1Sa_10:6........turned/into another man/And. 463/2015
1Sa_11:11.........came/into the midst of the host/in 464/2015
1Sa_12:8..........come/into Egypt and your/fathers 465/2015
1Sa_12:9..........them/into the hand of Sisera/captain 466/2015
1Sa_12:9...........and/into the hand of the Philistines and into/the 467/2015
1Sa_12:9...........and/into the hand of the king of Moab/and 468/2015
1Sa_14:10.........them/into our hand and this/shall 469/2015
1Sa_14:12.........them/into the hand of Israel And Jonathan/climbed 470/2015
1Sa_14:21.........them/into the camp from/the 471/2015
1Sa_14:26.........come/into the wood behold/the 472/2015
1Sa_14:37.........them/into the hand of Israel But/he 473/2015
1Sa_17:22..........ran/into the army/and.... 474/2015
1Sa_17:46.........thee/into mine hand and I/will 475/2015 our hands And/it 476/2015
1Sa_17:49.........sunk/into his forehead/and 477/2015
1Sa_19:10......javelin/into the wall and/David 478/2015
1Sa_20:8.......servant/into a covenant of/the 479/2015
1Sa_20:11..........out/into the field And they went/out 480/2015
1Sa_20:11.........them/into the field And Jonathan/said 481/2015
1Sa_20:35..........out/into the field at/the 482/2015
1Sa_20:42.........went/into the city Then came/David 483/2015
1Sa_21:15.........come/into my house David/therefore 484/2015
1Sa_22:5..........thee/into the land of Judah Then/David 485/2015
1Sa_22:5..........came/into the forest of Hareth/When 486/2015
1Sa_23:4...Philistines/into thine hand So David/and 487/2015
1Sa_23:7...........him/into mine hand for/he 488/2015
1Sa_23:7......entering/into a town/that..... 489/2015
1Sa_23:11...........up/into his hand will/Saul 490/2015 the hand of Saul/And 491/2015
1Sa_23:14..........not/into his hand And David/saw 492/2015
1Sa_23:16........David/into the wood and/strengthened 493/2015
1Sa_23:20..........him/into the king's hand And Saul/said 494/2015
1Sa_23:25.........down/into a rock/and...... 495/2015
1Sa_24:4.........enemy/into thine hand that/thou 496/2015 mine hand in/the 497/2015 thine hand thou killedst/me 498/2015
1Sa_26:3...........him/into the wilderness David/therefore 499/2015
1Sa_26:8.........enemy/into thine hand this day now/therefore 500/2015
1Sa_26:10......descend/into battle/and...... 501/2015
1Sa_26:23.........thee/into my hand to/day.. 502/2015
1Sa_27:1........escape/into the land of the Philistines and Saul/shall 503/2015
1Sa_28:19.........thee/into the hand of the Philistines and to/morrow 504/2015
1Sa_28:19.......Israel/into the hand of the Philistines Then/Saul 505/2015
1Sa_29:11.......return/into the land of the Philistines And the/Philistines 506/2015 the hands of my/master 507/2015 our hand For/who 508/2015
1Sa_31:9..........sent/into the land of the Philistines round about to publish/it 509/2015
2Sa_2:1.............up/into any of/the...... 510/2015
2Sa_3:8...........thee/into the hand of David/that 511/2015
2Sa_3:34...........put/into fetters/as...... 512/2015
2Sa_4:6........thither/into the midst of the house/as 513/2015
2Sa_4:7...........came/into the house he lay/on 514/2015
2Sa_5:8...........come/into the house So/David 515/2015
2Sa_5:19..........them/into mine hand And the LORD said unto David/Go 516/2015
2Sa_5:19...Philistines/into thine hand And David/came 517/2015
2Sa_6:10...........him/into the city of David but/David 518/2015
2Sa_6:10.........aside/into the house of Obededom the Gittite And the ark of the/LORD 519/2015
2Sa_6:12......Obededom/into the city of David with/gladness 520/2015
2Sa_6:16..........came/into the city of David Michal/Saul's 521/2015
2Sa_10:2..........came/into the land of the children of Ammon And/the 522/2015
2Sa_10:10....delivered/into the hand of Abishai/his 523/2015
2Sa_10:14......entered/into the city So/Joab 524/2015
2Sa_11:11...........go/into mine house to/eat 525/2015 the field and we/were 526/2015
2Sa_12:8.........wives/into thy bosom and gave/thee 527/2015
2Sa_12:20.........came/into the house of the LORD and worshipped/then 528/2015
2Sa_13:10.........meat/into the chamber that I/may 529/2015
2Sa_13:10.........them/into the chamber to/Amnon 530/2015
2Sa_15:25..........God/into the city if/I... 531/2015
2Sa_15:27.......return/into the city in/peace 532/2015
2Sa_15:31...Ahithophel/into foolishness/And. 533/2015
2Sa_15:37.........came/into the city and Absalom/came 534/2015
2Sa_15:37.........came/into Jerusalem And when/David 535/2015
2Sa_16:8.......kingdom/into the hand of Absalom/thy 536/2015
2Sa_17:13.......gotten/into a city then/shall 537/2015 the river until/there 538/2015
2Sa_17:17.........come/into the city and a/wench 539/2015
2Sa_18:6...........out/into the field against/Israel 540/2015
2Sa_18:17..........him/into a great/pit..... 541/2015
2Sa_19:2........turned/into mourning unto/all 542/2015 the city as/people 543/2015
2Sa_19:5..........came/into the house to the/king 544/2015
2Sa_20:12......highway/into the field and cast/a 545/2015
2Sa_21:9..........them/into the hands of the Gibeonites/and 546/2015
2Sa_22:7.........enter/into his ears Then the earth shook and trembled the foundations of/heaven 547/2015
2Sa_22:20.........also/into a large place he delivered me because he delighted in me The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and as/for 548/2015
2Sa_23:11.....together/into a troop/where... 549/2015 the hand of the LORD for his/mercies 550/2015
2Sa_24:14.........fall/into the hand of man So the LORD sent a/pestilence 551/2015
1Ki_1:15..........king/into the chamber and the/king 552/2015
1Ki_1:28..........came/into the king's presence/and 553/2015
1Ki_3:1............her/into the city of David until/he 554/2015
1Ki_6:8.........stairs/into the middle chamber/and 555/2015
1Ki_6:8.........middle/into the third So/he. 556/2015 the oracle/of... 557/2015
1Ki_11:17...........go/into Egypt Hadad/being 558/2015
1Ki_11:40.........fled/into Egypt unto Shishak/king 559/2015
1Ki_13:18.........thee/into thine house that he/may 560/2015
1Ki_14:12........enter/into the city the/child 561/2015
1Ki_14:28.........went/into the house of the LORD that/the 562/2015
1Ki_14:28.........back/into the guard chamber Now/the 563/2015
1Ki_15:15....dedicated/into the house of the LORD silver/and 564/2015
1Ki_15:18.........them/into the hand of his servants and king/Asa 565/2015
1Ki_16:18.........went/into the palace of the king's/house 566/2015
1Ki_16:21......divided/into two parts half/of 567/2015
1Ki_17:19...........up/into a loft/where.... 568/2015
1Ki_17:21.........come/into him again And the/LORD 569/2015
1Ki_17:22.........came/into him again and he/revived 570/2015
1Ki_17:23......chamber/into the house and delivered/him 571/2015
1Ki_18:5............Go/into the land unto/all 572/2015
1Ki_18:9.......servant/into the hand of Ahab/to 573/2015
1Ki_19:4.......journey/into the wilderness and came/and 574/2015
1Ki_20:2........Israel/into the city and said/unto 575/2015 thine hand this day and/thou 576/2015
1Ki_20:28....multitude/into thine hand and ye/shall 577/2015
1Ki_20:30........Aphek/into the city and there a/wall 578/2015
1Ki_20:30.........came/into the city into/an 579/2015 an inner chamber And/his 580/2015
1Ki_20:33...........up/into the chariot And Ben-hadad/said 581/2015
1Ki_20:39..........out/into the midst of the battle/and 582/2015
1Ki_21:4..........came/into his house heavy/and 583/2015 the hand of the king And Jehoshaphat/said 584/2015 the king's hand And the/messenger 585/2015 the hand of the king And the king/said 586/2015
1Ki_22:25...........go/into an inner chamber to hide thyself And/the 587/2015
1Ki_22:30........enter/into the battle but put/thou 588/2015
1Ki_22:30.........went/into the battle But the/king 589/2015
1Ki_22:35........wound/into the midst of the chariot/And 590/2015
2Ki_2:1.........Elijah/into heaven by/a..... 591/2015
2Ki_2:11.....whirlwind/into heaven And Elisha/saw 592/2015
2Ki_2:16............or/into some valley/And. 593/2015
2Ki_3:10..........them/into the hand of Moab But/Jehoshaphat 594/2015
2Ki_3:13..........them/into the hand of Moab And/Elisha 595/2015
2Ki_3:18..........also/into your hand And ye shall/smite 596/2015
2Ki_4:4............out/into all those/vessels 597/2015
2Ki_4:11........turned/into the chamber and lay/there 598/2015
2Ki_4:32..........come/into the house behold/the 599/2015
2Ki_4:39...........out/into the field to/gather 600/2015
2Ki_4:39..........them/into the pot of/pottage 601/2015 the pot and/he.. 602/2015
2Ki_5:18.........goeth/into the house of Rimmon/to 603/2015
2Ki_6:5...........fell/into the water and he/cried 604/2015
2Ki_6:20..........come/into Samaria/that.... 605/2015
2Ki_6:23..........more/into the land of Israel And it/came 606/2015
2Ki_7:4..........enter/into the city then the/famine 607/2015
2Ki_7:8...........went/into one tent/and.... 608/2015
2Ki_7:8........entered/into another tent/and 609/2015
2Ki_7:12...........get/into the city And one/of 610/2015
2Ki_8:21..........fled/into their tents Yet/Edom 611/2015
2Ki_9:6...........went/into the house and he poured/the 612/2015
2Ki_9:26...........him/into the plat/of..... 613/2015
2Ki_10:15..........him/into the chariot And he/said 614/2015
2Ki_10:21.........came/into the house of Baal and the/house 615/2015
2Ki_10:23.......Rechab/into the house of Baal and said/unto 616/2015
2Ki_10:24......brought/into your hands escape/he 617/2015
2Ki_11:4...........him/into the house of the LORD and made/a 618/2015
2Ki_11:13.......people/into the temple of the LORD And when/she 619/2015
2Ki_11:16.........came/into the king's house and there/was 620/2015
2Ki_11:18.........went/into the house of Baal and brake/it 621/2015
2Ki_12:4.......brought/into the house of the LORD even/the 622/2015
2Ki_12:4........cometh/into any man's/heart. 623/2015
2Ki_12:4.........bring/into the house of the LORD Let/the 624/2015
2Ki_12:9........cometh/into the house of the LORD and the priests/that 625/2015
2Ki_12:9.......brought/into the house of the LORD And it/was 626/2015
2Ki_12:11.........told/into the hands of them/that 627/2015
2Ki_12:13......brought/into the house of the LORD But/they 628/2015 whose hand they/delivered 629/2015
2Ki_12:16......brought/into the house of the LORD it/was 630/2015
2Ki_13:3..........them/into the hand of Hazael/king 631/2015
2Ki_13:3...........and/into the hand of Benhadad/the 632/2015 the sepulchre of/Elisha 633/2015
2Ki_17:6..........away/into Assyria and placed/them 634/2015
2Ki_17:20.........them/into the hand of spoilers/until 635/2015
2Ki_18:21...........go/into his hand and pierce it so is Pharaoh king of Egypt unto/all 636/2015
2Ki_18:30....delivered/into the hand of the king of Assyria Hearken not to Hezekiah for thus saith the king of Assyria Make an agreement with me by a present and come out to me and then/eat 637/2015
2Ki_19:1..........went/into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim which/was 638/2015
2Ki_19:10....delivered/into the hand of the king of Assyria Behold thou hast heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all lands by destroying them utterly and shalt thou be delivered Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the children of Eden which were in Thelasar/Where 639/2015
2Ki_19:14...........up/into the house of the LORD and spread/it 640/2015
2Ki_19:18.........gods/into the fire for they were no gods but the work of men's hands wood and stone therefore they have destroyed them Now therefore O LORD our God I/beseech 641/2015
2Ki_19:23........enter/into the lodgings/of. 642/2015
2Ki_19:23..........and/into the forest of his/Carmel 643/2015
2Ki_19:25.......cities/into ruinous heaps Therefore their inhabitants were of small power they were dismayed and confounded they were as the grass of the field and as the green herb as the grass on the house/tops 644/2015
2Ki_19:28...........up/into mine ears therefore I/will 645/2015
2Ki_19:32.........come/into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shield/nor 646/2015
2Ki_19:33.........come/into this city saith the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake And/it 647/2015
2Ki_19:37......escaped/into the land of Armenia And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 648/2015
2Ki_20:4...........out/into the middle court/that 649/2015
2Ki_20:8............up/into the house of the LORD the third/day 650/2015
2Ki_20:17......carried/into Babylon nothing/shall 651/2015
2Ki_20:20........water/into the city are/they 652/2015
2Ki_21:14.........them/into the hand of their enemies and they/shall 653/2015
2Ki_22:4.......brought/into the house of the LORD which/the 654/2015 the hand of the doers/of 655/2015
2Ki_22:7.....delivered/into their hand because they dealt/faithfully 656/2015 the hand of them that do/the 657/2015
2Ki_22:20.....gathered/into thy grave/in.... 658/2015
2Ki_23:2............up/into the house of the LORD and all the men of Judah and all/the 659/2015
2Ki_23:12.........them/into the brook Kidron And/the 660/2015
2Ki_24:15...........he/into captivity from Jerusalem/to 661/2015
1Ch_5:20.....delivered/into their hand and all/that 662/2015
1Ch_6:15..........went/into captivity when/the 663/2015
1Ch_10:9..........sent/into the land of the Philistines round about to carry/tidings 664/2015
1Ch_11:15........David/into the cave of/Adullam 665/2015
1Ch_12:8.........David/into the hold/to..... 666/2015
1Ch_13:13........aside/into the house of Obededom the Gittite And the ark of God/remained 667/2015
1Ch_14:10.........them/into mine hand And the LORD said unto him/Go 668/2015
1Ch_14:10.........them/into thine hand So they/came 669/2015
1Ch_14:17..........out/into all lands/and... 670/2015
1Ch_16:7..........LORD/into the hand of Asaph/and 671/2015
1Ch_19:2..........came/into the land of the children of Ammon to/Hanun 672/2015
1Ch_19:15......entered/into the city Then Joab/came 673/2015 the hand of the LORD for very/great 674/2015
1Ch_21:13.........fall/into the hand of man So the LORD sent pestilence/upon 675/2015
1Ch_21:27........again/into the sheath thereof/At 676/2015 mine hand and the land/is 677/2015
1Ch_22:19..........God/into the house that/is 678/2015
1Ch_23:6..........them/into courses/among... 679/2015
1Ch_24:19.........come/into the house of the LORD according/to 680/2015 the most/holy... 681/2015
2Ch_6:41...........God/into thy resting/place 682/2015
2Ch_7:2..........enter/into the house of the LORD because/the 683/2015
2Ch_7:10..........away/into their tents glad/and 684/2015
2Ch_7:11..........came/into Solomon's/heart. 685/2015
2Ch_9:4.............up/into the house of the LORD there/was 686/2015
2Ch_12:11......entered/into the house of the LORD the guard/came 687/2015
2Ch_12:11........again/into the guard chamber And/when 688/2015
2Ch_13:16.........them/into their hand And Abijah/and 689/2015
2Ch_15:12......entered/into a covenant to/seek 690/2015
2Ch_15:18......brought/into the house of God the/things 691/2015
2Ch_16:8..........them/into thine hand For/the 692/2015 the king's hand But/Jehoshaphat 693/2015 the hand of the king And the messenger/that 694/2015
2Ch_18:14....delivered/into your hand And the/king 695/2015
2Ch_18:24...........go/into an inner chamber to hide thyself Then/the 696/2015
2Ch_20:20........forth/into the wilderness of Tekoa/and 697/2015
2Ch_21:17...........up/into Judah and brake/into 698/2015
2Ch_21:17........brake/into it and carried/away 699/2015
2Ch_23:1........Zichri/into covenant with him/And 700/2015
2Ch_23:6..........come/into the house of the LORD save/the 701/2015
2Ch_23:7........cometh/into the house he shall/be 702/2015
2Ch_23:12.......people/into the house of the LORD And she/looked 703/2015
2Ch_23:20.........gate/into the king's house and set/the 704/2015
2Ch_24:10.........cast/into the chest/until. 705/2015 their hand because they had/forsaken 706/2015
2Ch_25:20.........them/into the hand of their enemies because/they 707/2015
2Ch_26:16.........went/into the temple of the LORD to/burn 708/2015
2Ch_27:2...........not/into the temple of the LORD And the people/did 709/2015
2Ch_28:5...........him/into the hand of the king of Syria/and 710/2015
2Ch_28:5.....delivered/into the hand of the king of Israel/who 711/2015
2Ch_28:9..........them/into your hand and ye have/slain 712/2015
2Ch_28:27..........not/into the sepulchres/of 713/2015
2Ch_29:4......together/into the east/street. 714/2015
2Ch_29:16.........went/into the inner part/of 715/2015
2Ch_29:16.........LORD/into the court of the house/of 716/2015
2Ch_29:16.......abroad/into the brook Kidron Now/they 717/2015
2Ch_29:31....offerings/into the house of the LORD And the congregation/brought 718/2015
2Ch_30:8.........enter/into his sanctuary/which 719/2015
2Ch_30:9.........again/into this land for the/LORD 720/2015
2Ch_30:14.........them/into the brook Kidron Then/they 721/2015
2Ch_30:15....offerings/into the house of the LORD And they/stood 722/2015
2Ch_31:1....possession/into their own cities/And 723/2015
2Ch_31:10....offerings/into the house of the LORD we/have 724/2015
2Ch_31:16.....entereth/into the house of the LORD his/daily 725/2015
2Ch_32:1.......entered/into Judah and encamped/against 726/2015
2Ch_32:21.........come/into the house of his/god 727/2015
2Ch_33:13....Jerusalem/into his kingdom Then/Manasseh 728/2015
2Ch_34:7........images/into powder/and...... 729/2015
2Ch_34:9.......brought/into the house of God which/the 730/2015
2Ch_34:14......brought/into the house of the LORD Hilkiah/the 731/2015 the hand of the overseers/and 732/2015
2Ch_34:30...........up/into the house of the LORD and all the men of Judah and the/inhabitants 733/2015
2Ch_36:17..........all/into his hand And all/the 734/2015
Ezr_5:8...........went/into the province of/Judea 735/2015
Ezr_5:12..........them/into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon the/Chaldean 736/2015
Ezr_5:12..........away/into Babylon But/in.. 737/2015
Ezr_5:14..........them/into the temple of Babylon/those 738/2015
Ezr_5:15..........them/into the temple that/is 739/2015
Ezr_9:7......delivered/into the hand of the kings/of 740/2015
Ezr_10:6..........went/into the chamber of Johanan/the 741/2015
Neh_2:7...........come/into Judah And a/letter 742/2015
Neh_2:8..........enter/into And/the......... 743/2015
Neh_5:5..........bring/into bondage our/sons 744/2015
Neh_6:11............go/into the temple to save/his 745/2015
Neh_7:5............put/into mine heart/to... 746/2015 the street that/was 747/2015
Neh_9:11......threwest/into the deeps/as.... 748/2015
Neh_9:11.........stone/into the mighty/waters 749/2015
Neh_9:22..........them/into corners so/they. 750/2015
Neh_9:23..........them/into the land concerning which thou/hadst 751/2015
Neh_9:24..........them/into their hands with/their 752/2015
Neh_9:27..........them/into the hand of their enemies who/vexed 753/2015
Neh_9:30..........them/into the hand of the people of the lands/Nevertheless 754/2015
Neh_10:29......entered/into a curse/and..... 755/2015
Neh_10:29..........and/into an oath/to...... 756/2015 the house of our/God 757/2015
Neh_10:38.....chambers/into the treasure house For/the 758/2015
Neh_12:44.......gather/into them out/of..... 759/2015
Neh_13:1..........come/into the congregation of God/for 760/2015
Neh_13:2.........curse/into a blessing Now/it 761/2015
Neh_13:15......brought/into Jerusalem on/the 762/2015
Est_1:22.......letters/into all the king's provinces into/every 763/2015
Est_1:22.....provinces/into every province/according 764/2015
Est_2:14......returned/into the second house/of 765/2015
Est_2:16.....Ahasuerus/into his house royal/in 766/2015 the king's treasuries/And 767/2015
Est_3:13.........posts/into all the king's provinces to/destroy 768/2015
Est_4:1............out/into the midst of the city and/cried 769/2015
Est_4:2..........enter/into the king's gate/clothed 770/2015
Est_4:11..........king/into the inner court who/is 771/2015
Est_6:4...........come/into the outward court of/the 772/2015
Est_7:7...........went/into the palace garden/and 773/2015 the place of the/banquet 774/2015
Est_9:22......mourning/into a good day/that. 775/2015
Job_3:6...........come/into the number of/the 776/2015
Job_9:24.........given/into the hand of the wicked he/covereth 777/2015 dust/again...... 778/2015 whose hand God/bringeth 779/2015 judgment with thee/Who 780/2015
Job_16:11.........over/into the hands of the wicked/I 781/2015
Job_17:12........night/into day/the......... 782/2015
Job_18:8..........cast/into a net/by........ 783/2015
Job_18:18........light/into darkness and chased/out 784/2015
Job_22:4..........thee/into judgment Is/not. 785/2015
Job_30:3.......fleeing/into the wilderness in/former 786/2015 the mire/and.... 787/2015
Job_30:31........organ/into the voice/of.... 788/2015
Job_33:28........going/into the pit and his/life 789/2015
Job_34:23........enter/into judgment with God/He 790/2015
Job_36:16.......strait/into a broad/place... 791/2015
Job_37:8............go/into dens/and........ 792/2015
Job_38:16......entered/into the springs/of.. 793/2015
Job_38:22......entered/into the treasures/of 794/2015
Job_38:38......groweth/into hardness/and.... 795/2015 thy barn/Gavest. 796/2015
Job_40:23.......Jordan/into his mouth/He.... 797/2015
Job_41:2..........hook/into his nose/or..... 798/2015
Job_41:22.......turned/into joy before/him.. 799/2015
Job_41:28..........him/into stubble/Darts... 800/2015
Psa_4:2..........glory/into shame how/long.. 801/2015
Psa_5:7...........come/into thy house in/the 802/2015
Psa_7:15........fallen/into the ditch which/he 803/2015
Psa_9:17........turned/into hell and all/the 804/2015
Psa_10:9...........him/into his net/He...... 805/2015
Psa_16:4.........names/into my lips/The..... 806/2015
Psa_18:6..........even/into his ears Then the earth shook and trembled the foundations also/of 807/2015
Psa_18:19.........also/into a large place he delivered me because he delighted in me The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and I/did 808/2015 the dust/of..... 809/2015
Psa_24:3........ascend/into the hill of/the. 810/2015
Psa_28:1..........down/into the pit Hear/the 811/2015
Psa_30:11.....mourning/into dancing/thou.... 812/2015
Psa_31:5......strength/Into thine hand I/commit 813/2015
Psa_31:8............up/into the hand of the enemy thou/hast 814/2015
Psa_32:4........turned/into the drought/of.. 815/2015
Psa_35:8.......himself/into that very/destruction 816/2015
Psa_35:13.....returned/into mine own/bosom.. 817/2015
Psa_37:15........enter/into their own heart/and 818/2015
Psa_37:20......consume/into smoke/shall..... 819/2015
Psa_45:2........poured/into thy lips/therefore 820/2015
Psa_45:15........enter/into the king's palace/Instead 821/2015
Psa_46:2.......carried/into the midst of the sea Though/the 822/2015
Psa_55:15........quick/into hell for/wickedness 823/2015
Psa_55:23.........down/into the pit of/destruction 824/2015
Psa_56:8.........tears/into thy bottle/are.. 825/2015 the midst whereof/they 826/2015 the strong city who will lead me into Edom Wilt not thou O God which/hadst 827/2015 Edom Wilt not thou O God which/hadst 828/2015
Psa_63:9............go/into the lower parts of the earth They/shall 829/2015
Psa_66:6...........sea/into dry land/they... 830/2015 the net/thou.... 831/2015
Psa_66:12..........out/into a wealthy/place. 832/2015
Psa_66:13...........go/into thy house with/burnt 833/2015
Psa_69:2..........come/into deep waters/where 834/2015
Psa_69:27.........come/into thy righteousness/Let 835/2015
Psa_73:17.........went/into the sanctuary of/God 836/2015
Psa_73:18.........down/into destruction/How. 837/2015
Psa_73:19......brought/into desolation as/in 838/2015 thy sanctuary/they 839/2015
Psa_76:6..........cast/into a dead/sleep.... 840/2015
Psa_78:44.......rivers/into blood and their/floods 841/2015
Psa_78:61.....strength/into captivity and his glory/into 842/2015
Psa_78:61........glory/into the enemy's/hand 843/2015
Psa_79:1..........come/into thine inheritance/thy 844/2015
Psa_79:12....sevenfold/into their bosom their/reproach 845/2015
Psa_88:4..........down/into the pit I/am.... 846/2015
Psa_88:18.acquaintance/into darkness I/will. 847/2015
Psa_95:11........enter/into my rest O/sing.. 848/2015
Psa_96:8..........come/into his courts O/worship 849/2015
Psa_100:4........Enter/into his gates with/thanksgiving 850/2015
Psa_100:4..........and/into his courts with/praise 851/2015
Psa_104:10.....springs/into the valleys/which 852/2015
Psa_105:23........came/into Egypt and Jacob/sojourned 853/2015
Psa_105:29......waters/into blood and slew/their 854/2015
Psa_106:15....leanness/into their soul/They. 855/2015
Psa_106:20.......glory/into the similitude/of 856/2015
Psa_106:41........them/into the hand of the heathen/and 857/2015
Psa_106:42.....brought/into subjection under/their 858/2015
Psa_107:33......rivers/into a wilderness/and 859/2015
Psa_107:33watersprings/into dry ground/A.... 860/2015 barrenness/for.. 861/2015
Psa_107:35..wilderness/into a standing water and/dry 862/2015
Psa_107:35......ground/into watersprings/And 863/2015 the strong city who will lead me into Edom Wilt not thou O God who/hast 864/2015 Edom Wilt not thou O God who/hast 865/2015
Psa_109:18........come/into his bowels/like. 866/2015
Psa_109:18.........oil/into his bones/Let... 867/2015
Psa_114:8.........rock/into a standing water the/flint 868/2015
Psa_114:8........flint/into a fountain/of... 869/2015
Psa_115:17........down/into silence/But..... 870/2015
Psa_118:19..........go/into them and I/will. 871/2015
Psa_118:20........LORD/into which/the....... 872/2015
Psa_122:1...........go/into the house of the LORD Our/feet 873/2015
Psa_132:3.........come/into the tabernacle of my/house 874/2015
Psa_132:3...........up/into my bed/I........ 875/2015
Psa_132:7...........go/into his tabernacles/we 876/2015
Psa_132:8.........LORD/into thy rest/thou... 877/2015
Psa_135:9......wonders/into the midst of thee O/Egypt 878/2015
Psa_136:13.........sea/into parts/for....... 879/2015
Psa_139:8...........up/into heaven thou/art. 880/2015
Psa_140:10........cast/into the fire into/deep 881/2015 deep pits/that.. 882/2015
Psa_141:10........fall/into their own nets/whilst 883/2015
Psa_143:2..........not/into judgment with thy/servant 884/2015
Psa_143:7.........down/into the pit Cause/me 885/2015 the land of uprightness/Quicken 886/2015
Pro_1:12..........down/into the pit We/shall 887/2015
Pro_2:10......entereth/into thine heart/and. 888/2015
Pro_4:14...........not/into the path/of..... 889/2015
Pro_6:3...........come/into the hand of thy friend/go 890/2015
Pro_13:17......falleth/into mischief but/a.. 891/2015
Pro_16:29..........him/into the way that/is. 892/2015
Pro_16:33.........cast/into the lap/but..... 893/2015
Pro_17:10.........more/into a wise/man...... 894/2015
Pro_17:10......stripes/into a fool/An....... 895/2015
Pro_17:20......falleth/into mischief He/that 896/2015
Pro_18:6.........enter/into contention/and.. 897/2015
Pro_18:8..........down/into the innermost parts of the belly He/also 898/2015
Pro_18:10......runneth/into it and is/safe.. 899/2015
Pro_19:15......casteth/into a deep sleep and an/idle 900/2015
Pro_23:10..........not/into the fields of/the 901/2015
Pro_24:16.........fall/into mischief Rejoice/not 902/2015
Pro_26:9............up/into the hand of a drunkard/so 903/2015
Pro_26:22.........down/into the innermost parts of the belly Burning/lips 904/2015
Pro_27:10...........go/into thy brother's/house 905/2015
Pro_28:10......himself/into his own pit/but. 906/2015
Pro_28:14.........fall/into mischief As/a... 907/2015 a snare/but..... 908/2015
Pro_30:4............up/into heaven or/descended 909/2015 the sea yet/the. 910/2015
Ecc_10:8..........fall/into it and whoso/breaketh 911/2015
Ecc_11:9..........thee/into judgment Therefore/remove 912/2015 judgment with every/secret 913/2015 his chambers/we. 914/2015
Son_3:4............him/into my mother's house and/into 915/2015
Son_3:4............and/into the chamber of her/that 916/2015
Son_4:16..........come/into his garden and eat/his 917/2015
Son_5:1...........come/into my garden/my.... 918/2015
Son_6:2...........down/into his garden to/the 919/2015
Son_6:11..........down/into the garden of nuts/to 920/2015
Son_7:11.........forth/into the field let/us 921/2015
Son_8:2...........thee/into my mother's house who/would 922/2015
Isa_2:4.........swords/into plowshares and their spears into pruninghooks nation shall not lift up sword/against 923/2015
Isa_2:4.........spears/into pruninghooks nation shall not lift up sword/against 924/2015
Isa_2:10.........Enter/into the rock/and.... 925/2015
Isa_2:19............go/into the holes/of.... 926/2015
Isa_2:19...........and/into the caves/of.... 927/2015
Isa_2:21............go/into the clefts/of... 928/2015
Isa_2:21...........and/into the tops/of..... 929/2015
Isa_3:14.........enter/into judgment with the/ancients 930/2015
Isa_5:13..........gone/into captivity because they/have 931/2015
Isa_5:14.......descend/into it And the mean/man 932/2015
Isa_9:8...........word/into Jacob/and....... 933/2015
Isa_9:10..........them/into cedars/Therefore 934/2015
Isa_13:2............go/into the gates of the/nobles 935/2015 his own land Every/one 936/2015
Isa_14:7.........forth/into singing Yea/the. 937/2015
Isa_14:13.......ascend/into heaven I/will... 938/2015
Isa_19:1..........come/into Egypt and the idols/of 939/2015
Isa_19:4..........over/into the hand of a cruel/lord 940/2015
Isa_19:8.........angle/into the brooks/shall 941/2015
Isa_19:23.........come/into Egypt and the Egyptian/into 942/2015
Isa_19:23.....Egyptian/into Assyria and the/Egyptians 943/2015
Isa_21:4........turned/into fear/unto....... 944/2015
Isa_22:18.........ball/into a large country/there 945/2015
Isa_22:21...government/into his hand and he/shall 946/2015
Isa_23:9.........bring/into contempt/all.... 947/2015
Isa_24:18.........fall/into the pit and he that cometh/up 948/2015
Isa_26:20.........thou/into thy chambers/and 949/2015
Isa_29:17.......turned/into a fruitful/field 950/2015
Isa_30:2..........down/into Egypt and have/not 951/2015
Isa_30:6.........south/into the land of trouble/and 952/2015
Isa_30:20......removed/into a corner/any.... 953/2015
Isa_30:29.........come/into the mountain of/the 954/2015
Isa_34:9........turned/into pitch/and....... 955/2015
Isa_34:9.......thereof/into brimstone/and... 956/2015
Isa_36:6............go/into his hand and pierce it so is Pharaoh king of Egypt to/all 957/2015
Isa_36:15....delivered/into the hand of the king of Assyria Hearken not to Hezekiah for thus saith the king of Assyria Make an agreement with me by a present and come out to me and eat/ye 958/2015
Isa_37:1..........went/into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim who/was 959/2015
Isa_37:10........given/into the hand of the king of Assyria Behold thou hast heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all lands by destroying them utterly and shalt thou be delivered Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the children of Eden which were in Telassar/Where 960/2015
Isa_37:19.........gods/into the fire for they were no gods but the work of men's hands wood and stone therefore they have destroyed them Now therefore O LORD our God save/us 961/2015
Isa_37:24........enter/into the height/of... 962/2015
Isa_37:26.......cities/into ruinous heaps Therefore their inhabitants were of small power they were dismayed and confounded they were as the grass of the field and as the green herb as the grass on the housetops/and 963/2015
Isa_37:29...........up/into mine ears therefore will/I 964/2015
Isa_37:33.........come/into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shields/nor 965/2015
Isa_37:34.........come/into this city saith the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake Then/the 966/2015
Isa_37:38......escaped/into the land of Armenia and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 967/2015
Isa_38:18.........down/into the pit cannot/hope 968/2015
Isa_40:9............up/into the high mountain/O 969/2015
Isa_44:23........forth/into singing ye/mountains 970/2015
Isa_46:2..........gone/into captivity Hearken/unto 971/2015
Isa_47:5..........thee/into darkness O/daughter 972/2015
Isa_47:6..........them/into thine hand thou didst/shew 973/2015
Isa_49:13........forth/into singing O/mountains 974/2015 the hand of them that afflict/thee 975/2015
Isa_52:1..........come/into thee/the........ 976/2015
Isa_52:4.....aforetime/into Egypt to sojourn there and/the 977/2015
Isa_52:9.........forth/into joy sing/together 978/2015
Isa_54:1.........forth/into singing and cry/aloud 979/2015 singing and all/the 980/2015
Isa_57:2.........enter/into peace/they...... 981/2015
Isa_59:5...........out/into a viper/Their... 982/2015
Isa_63:14.........down/into the valley the/Spirit 983/2015
Isa_65:6....recompense/into their bosom Your/iniquities 984/2015 their bosom Thus/saith 985/2015
Isa_65:17.........come/into mind/But........ 986/2015
Isa_66:20.......vessel/into the house of the LORD And I/will 987/2015 a plentiful/country 988/2015
Jer_2:21........turned/into the degenerate/plant 989/2015
Jer_4:5.............go/into the defenced cities Set/up 990/2015
Jer_4:29............go/into thickets/and.... 991/2015
Jer_6:9..grapegatherer/into the baskets/To.. 992/2015
Jer_6:25.........forth/into the field nor/walk 993/2015 my heart/Therefore 994/2015
Jer_8:6........rusheth/into the battle Yea/the 995/2015
Jer_8:14.........enter/into the defenced cities and/let 996/2015
Jer_9:21............up/into our windows/and. 997/2015
Jer_9:21.......entered/into our palaces/to.. 998/2015
Jer_10:9........spread/into plates/is....... 999/2015
Jer_12:7..........soul/into the hand of her enemies/Mine 1000/2015 the shadow/of.. 1001/2015
Jer_14:18........forth/into the field then/behold 1002/2015
Jer_14:18........enter/into the city then behold/them 1003/2015
Jer_14:18........about/into a land that they/know 1004/2015
Jer_15:4.......removed/into all kingdoms/of 1005/2015
Jer_15:14......enemies/into a land which thou/knowest 1006/2015
Jer_16:5...........not/into the house of mourning/neither 1007/2015
Jer_16:8............go/into the house of feasting/to 1008/2015 a land that ye/know 1009/2015
Jer_16:15........again/into their land/that 1010/2015
Jer_17:25........enter/into the gates of this/city 1011/2015 my mind Therefore/behold 1012/2015
Jer_20:4.........Judah/into the hand of the king of Babylon and he shall carry/them 1013/2015
Jer_20:4.......captive/into Babylon and/shall 1014/2015
Jer_20:5..........give/into the hand of their enemies which/shall 1015/2015
Jer_20:6............go/into captivity and thou/shalt 1016/2015
Jer_21:4..........them/into the midst of this/city 1017/2015
Jer_21:7........famine/into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and into the hand of their/enemies 1018/2015
Jer_21:7...........and/into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of those/that 1019/2015
Jer_21:7...........and/into the hand of those that seek their life/and 1020/2015
Jer_21:10........given/into the hand of the king of Babylon and he shall burn it with fire And touching/the 1021/2015
Jer_21:13........enter/into our habitations/But 1022/2015
Jer_22:7..........them/into the fire And many/nations 1023/2015
Jer_22:22...........go/into captivity surely/then 1024/2015
Jer_22:25.........thee/into the hand of them that seek thy/life 1025/2015
Jer_22:25..........and/into the hand of them whose/face 1026/2015
Jer_22:25.........even/into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and into the hand of the/Chaldeans 1027/2015
Jer_22:25..........and/into the hand of the Chaldeans And I/will 1028/2015
Jer_22:26.........thee/into another country/where 1029/2015
Jer_22:28.........cast/into a land which they/know 1030/2015
Jer_23:15........forth/into all the land Thus/saith 1031/2015 the land of the Chaldeans/for 1032/2015
Jer_24:9.......removed/into all the kingdoms of the earth for/their 1033/2015
Jer_26:21.........went/into Egypt And Jehoiakim/the 1034/2015 Egypt namely/Elnathan 1035/2015
Jer_26:22..........him/into Egypt And they fetched/forth 1036/2015
Jer_26:23.........body/into the graves/of.. 1037/2015
Jer_26:24..........him/into the hand of the people to/put 1038/2015
Jer_27:6.........lands/into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon my/servant 1039/2015
Jer_28:3.........again/into this place all/the 1040/2015
Jer_28:4..........went/into Babylon saith/the 1041/2015
Jer_28:6.......Babylon/into this place Nevertheless/hear 1042/2015
Jer_29:14........again/into the place whence/I 1043/2015 captivity Thus saith/the 1044/2015
Jer_29:21.........them/into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and he shall slay/them 1045/2015
Jer_30:6........turned/into paleness/Alas.. 1046/2015
Jer_30:16...........go/into captivity and they/that 1047/2015
Jer_31:13.....mourning/into joy and/will... 1048/2015 the hand of the king of Babylon and he shall take/it 1049/2015
Jer_32:4.....delivered/into the hand of the king of Babylon and shall/speak 1050/2015
Jer_32:18......fathers/into the bosom/of... 1051/2015
Jer_32:24........given/into the hand of the Chaldeans that fight/against 1052/2015
Jer_32:25........given/into the hand of the Chaldeans Then/came 1053/2015 the hand of the Chaldeans and into/the 1054/2015
Jer_32:28..........and/into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and he shall take/it 1055/2015 my mind that/they 1056/2015
Jer_32:36....delivered/into the hand of the king of Babylon by/the 1057/2015
Jer_32:43........given/into the hand of the Chaldeans Men/shall 1058/2015
Jer_33:11.......praise/into the house of the LORD For/I 1059/2015 the hand of the king of Babylon and he shall burn it with fire And thou/shalt 1060/2015
Jer_34:3.....delivered/into his hand and thine/eyes 1061/2015
Jer_34:10......entered/into the covenant/heard 1062/2015
Jer_34:11.........them/into subjection for/servants 1063/2015
Jer_34:16.........them/into subjection to/be 1064/2015
Jer_34:17......removed/into all the kingdoms of the earth And I/will 1065/2015
Jer_34:20.........them/into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of them that seek their life and their/dead 1066/2015
Jer_34:20..........and/into the hand of them that seek their life and their/dead 1067/2015
Jer_34:21.........give/into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of them that seek their life and into/the 1068/2015
Jer_34:21..........and/into the hand of them that seek their life and into/the 1069/2015
Jer_34:21..........and/into the hand of the king of Babylon's army which are/gone 1070/2015
Jer_35:2..........them/into the house of the LORD into one/of 1071/2015
Jer_35:2..........LORD/into one of the chambers/and 1072/2015
Jer_35:4..........them/into the house of the LORD into the/chamber 1073/2015
Jer_35:4..........LORD/into the chamber of the/sons 1074/2015
Jer_35:11...........up/into the land that we/said 1075/2015
Jer_36:5............go/into the house of the LORD Therefore/go 1076/2015
Jer_36:12.........down/into the king's house into/the 1077/2015 the scribe's/chamber 1078/2015
Jer_36:20.........king/into the court but/they 1079/2015 the fire that was/on 1080/2015
Jer_37:4...........him/into prison Then Pharaoh's/army 1081/2015
Jer_37:7.........Egypt/into their own land And the/Chaldeans 1082/2015
Jer_37:12...........go/into the land of Benjamin/to 1083/2015
Jer_37:16......entered/into the dungeon and into/the 1084/2015
Jer_37:16..........and/into the cabins/and. 1085/2015
Jer_37:17....delivered/into the hand of the king of Babylon Moreover/Jeremiah 1086/2015
Jer_37:21.....Jeremiah/into the court of the prison/and 1087/2015
Jer_38:3.........given/into the hand of the king of Babylon's army which shall/take 1088/2015
Jer_38:6...........him/into the dungeon of/Malchiah 1089/2015
Jer_38:9..........cast/into the dungeon and he/is 1090/2015
Jer_38:11.........went/into the house of the king/under 1091/2015
Jer_38:11........cords/into the dungeon to/Jeremiah 1092/2015
Jer_38:14..........him/into the third entry/that 1093/2015
Jer_38:16.........thee/into the hand of these/men 1094/2015
Jer_38:18........given/into the hand of the Chaldeans and they/shall 1095/2015 their hand and they mock/me 1096/2015
Jer_39:9.......captive/into Babylon the/remnant 1097/2015
Jer_39:17........given/into the hand of the men/of 1098/2015 Babylon come/and 1099/2015 Babylon forbear/behold 1100/2015
Jer_41:7..........came/into the midst of the city that/Ishmael 1101/2015
Jer_41:7..........them/into the midst of the pit/he 1102/2015
Jer_41:17........enter/into Egypt Because/of 1103/2015
Jer_42:14...........go/into the land of Egypt where/we 1104/2015
Jer_42:15........enter/into Egypt and go/to 1105/2015
Jer_42:17...........go/into Egypt to sojourn there they/shall 1106/2015
Jer_42:18........enter/into Egypt and ye/shall 1107/2015
Jer_42:19..........not/into Egypt know/certainly 1108/2015
Jer_43:2...........not/into Egypt to sojourn there But/Baruch 1109/2015 the hand of the Chaldeans that they/might 1110/2015
Jer_43:3......captives/into Babylon So/Johanan 1111/2015
Jer_43:7..........came/into the land of Egypt for/they 1112/2015
Jer_44:12...........go/into the land of Egypt to sojourn there and/they 1113/2015
Jer_44:14.........gone/into the land of Egypt to sojourn there shall escape/or 1114/2015
Jer_44:14.......return/into the land of Judah to/the 1115/2015
Jer_44:21..........not/into his mind/So.... 1116/2015
Jer_44:28........Egypt/into the land of Judah and all/the 1117/2015
Jer_44:28.........gone/into the land of Egypt to sojourn there shall know/whose 1118/2015
Jer_44:30........Egypt/into the hand of his enemies/and 1119/2015
Jer_44:30..........and/into the hand of them that seek his/life 1120/2015
Jer_44:30........Judah/into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon his/enemy 1121/2015
Jer_46:11...........up/into Gilead/and..... 1122/2015
Jer_46:19...........go/into captivity for Noph/shall 1123/2015
Jer_46:24....delivered/into the hand of the people of the north/The 1124/2015
Jer_46:26.........them/into the hand of those that seek their lives/and 1125/2015
Jer_46:26..........and/into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and into the hand of his/servants 1126/2015
Jer_46:26..........and/into the hand of his servants and afterward/it 1127/2015
Jer_47:6.......thyself/into thy scabbard/rest 1128/2015
Jer_48:7.........forth/into captivity with/his 1129/2015
Jer_48:11.........gone/into captivity therefore/his 1130/2015
Jer_48:44.........fall/into the pit and he that getteth/up 1131/2015
Jer_49:3............go/into captivity and his priests/and 1132/2015
Jer_49:32......scatter/into all winds/them. 1133/2015 his own country for/her 1134/2015
Jer_51:50.........come/into your mind We/are 1135/2015
Jer_51:51.........come/into the sanctuaries/of 1136/2015
Jer_51:59........Judah/into Babylon in/the. 1137/2015 the midst of Euphrates/And 1138/2015
Jer_52:12......Babylon/into Jerusalem And burned/the 1139/2015
Lam_1:3...........gone/into captivity because of/affliction 1140/2015
Lam_1:5...........gone/into captivity before the/enemy 1141/2015
Lam_1:7...........fell/into the hand of the enemy and none/did 1142/2015
Lam_1:10.......entered/into her sanctuary/whom 1143/2015
Lam_1:10.........enter/into thy congregation/All 1144/2015 my bones and it/prevaileth 1145/2015 their hands from/whom 1146/2015
Lam_1:18..........gone/into captivity I/called 1147/2015
Lam_2:7.............up/into the hand of the enemy the/walls 1148/2015
Lam_2:9...........sunk/into the ground he/hath 1149/2015
Lam_2:12...........out/into their mothers'/bosom 1150/2015 darkness but/not 1151/2015
Lam_3:2............not/into light/Surely... 1152/2015
Lam_3:13.........enter/into my reins/I..... 1153/2015
Lam_4:12.......entered/into the gates of Jerusalem/For 1154/2015
Lam_4:22..........away/into captivity he will/visit 1155/2015
Lam_5:15........turned/into mourning The/crown 1156/2015
Eze_2:2........entered/into me when/he..... 1157/2015
Eze_3:22.........forth/into the plain and I/will 1158/2015
Eze_3:23.........forth/into the plain and behold/the 1159/2015
Eze_3:24.......entered/into me and/set..... 1160/2015
Eze_4:14.........flesh/into my mouth Then/he 1161/2015
Eze_5:4...........them/into the midst of the fire and/burn 1162/2015
Eze_5:4..........forth/into all the house/of 1163/2015
Eze_5:6......judgments/into wickedness/more 1164/2015
Eze_5:10.......scatter/into all the winds Wherefore/as 1165/2015
Eze_5:12..........part/into all the winds and/I 1166/2015
Eze_7:11............up/into a rod/of....... 1167/2015 the hands of the strangers/for 1168/2015
Eze_7:22.........enter/into it and defile/it 1169/2015 the inner court of/the 1170/2015 the hands of him/that 1171/2015
Eze_11:5..........come/into your mind every/one 1172/2015 the hands of strangers/and 1173/2015
Eze_11:24..........God/into Chaldea to/them 1174/2015
Eze_12:4.........forth/into captivity Dig/thou 1175/2015
Eze_12:11...........go/into captivity And the prince/that 1176/2015
Eze_13:5............up/into the gaps/neither 1177/2015
Eze_13:9.........enter/into the land of Israel and ye shall know that I am the Lord GOD/Because 1178/2015
Eze_14:19...pestilence/into that land/and.. 1179/2015
Eze_15:4..........cast/into the fire for fuel/the 1180/2015
Eze_16:8.......entered/into a covenant with/thee 1181/2015
Eze_16:13......prosper/into a kingdom/And.. 1182/2015
Eze_16:39.........thee/into their hand and they shall/throw 1183/2015 a land of/traffick 1184/2015
Eze_17:15..ambassadors/into Egypt that they/might 1185/2015
Eze_19:9...........him/into holds/that..... 1186/2015
Eze_20:6.........Egypt/into a land that I/had 1187/2015
Eze_20:10.........them/into the wilderness And I gave/them 1188/2015
Eze_20:15.........them/into the land which I had/given 1189/2015
Eze_20:28.........them/into the land for/the 1190/2015
Eze_20:32.......cometh/into your mind shall/not 1191/2015 the wilderness of the/people 1192/2015 the bond/of.... 1193/2015
Eze_20:38........enter/into the land of Israel and ye shall know that I am the LORD As/for 1194/2015 the land of Israel into/the 1195/2015
Eze_20:42.......Israel/into the country for/the 1196/2015 the hand of the slayer/Cry 1197/2015
Eze_21:14.....entereth/into their privy/chambers 1198/2015
Eze_21:30.......return/into his sheath/I... 1199/2015
Eze_21:31.........thee/into the hand of brutish/men 1200/2015 the midst of Jerusalem/As 1201/2015
Eze_22:20..........tin/into the midst of the furnace/to 1202/2015
Eze_23:9...........her/into the hand of her lovers/into 1203/2015
Eze_23:9........lovers/into the hand of the Assyrians/upon 1204/2015
Eze_23:16.........them/into Chaldea And/the 1205/2015
Eze_23:17..........her/into the bed of/love 1206/2015
Eze_23:28.........thee/into the hand of them whom/thou 1207/2015
Eze_23:28.......hatest/into the hand of them from/whom 1208/2015
Eze_23:31..........cup/into thine hand Thus/saith 1209/2015 my sanctuary to/profane 1210/2015
Eze_24:3.........water/into it Gather/the.. 1211/2015
Eze_24:4.......thereof/into it even/every.. 1212/2015
Eze_25:3..........went/into captivity Behold/therefore 1213/2015
Eze_26:10........enter/into thy gates/as... 1214/2015
Eze_26:10........enter/into a city wherein/is 1215/2015
Eze_26:20......descend/into the pit with/the 1216/2015
Eze_27:26.........thee/into great waters/the 1217/2015
Eze_27:27.........fall/into the midst of the seas/in 1218/2015
Eze_28:4........silver/into thy treasures/By 1219/2015
Eze_28:23.........send/into her pestilence/and 1220/2015
Eze_28:23........blood/into her streets/and 1221/2015
Eze_29:5........thrown/into the wilderness thee/and 1222/2015
Eze_29:14.......return/into the land of Pathros/into 1223/2015
Eze_29:14......Pathros/into the land of their habitation/and 1224/2015 the hand of the wicked and/I 1225/2015
Eze_30:17...........go/into captivity At/Tehaphnehes 1226/2015
Eze_30:18...........go/into captivity Thus will/I 1227/2015
Eze_30:25........sword/into the hand of the king of Babylon and he shall stretch/it 1228/2015
Eze_31:11..........him/into the hand of the mighty/one 1229/2015
Eze_31:16......descend/into the pit and all/the 1230/2015
Eze_31:17.........down/into hell with/him.. 1231/2015
Eze_32:9.......nations/into the countries which/thou 1232/2015
Eze_32:18.........down/into the pit Whom/dost 1233/2015
Eze_32:24uncircumcised/into the nether/parts 1234/2015 their possession/with 1235/2015 your own/land.. 1236/2015
Eze_37:5.........enter/into you/and........ 1237/2015
Eze_37:10.........came/into them and they lived/and 1238/2015 the land of Israel And ye shall know that I am the LORD when/I 1239/2015
Eze_37:17......another/into one stick/and.. 1240/2015
Eze_37:21.........them/into their own land And I/will 1241/2015
Eze_37:22......divided/into two kingdoms/any 1242/2015
Eze_38:4.........hooks/into thy jaws/and... 1243/2015
Eze_38:8..........come/into the land that is/brought 1244/2015
Eze_38:10.........come/into thy mind and/thou 1245/2015
Eze_39:23.........went/into captivity for their/iniquity 1246/2015
Eze_39:23.........them/into the hand of their enemies so/fell 1247/2015
Eze_39:28..........led/into captivity among/the 1248/2015 the land of Israel and set/me 1249/2015 the outward court and/lo 1250/2015 the inner court toward/the 1251/2015
Eze_41:6.......entered/into the wall which/was 1252/2015
Eze_42:1.........forth/into the utter court the/way 1253/2015 the chamber that was/over 1254/2015
Eze_42:9.........goeth/into them from/the.. 1255/2015
Eze_42:12.....entereth/into them Then/said. 1256/2015 the utter court but/there 1257/2015
Eze_43:4..........came/into the house by/the 1258/2015 the inner court and/behold 1259/2015
Eze_44:7.......brought/into my sanctuary strangers/uncircumcised 1260/2015
Eze_44:9.........enter/into my sanctuary of/any 1261/2015
Eze_44:12.........fall/into iniquity/therefore 1262/2015
Eze_44:16........enter/into my sanctuary and/they 1263/2015
Eze_44:19........forth/into the utter court even/into 1264/2015
Eze_44:19.........even/into the utter court to the/people 1265/2015
Eze_44:21........enter/into the inner court Neither/shall 1266/2015
Eze_44:27........goeth/into the sanctuary unto/the 1267/2015
Eze_46:19.........gate/into the holy chambers/of 1268/2015
Eze_46:20..........out/into the utter court to sanctify/the 1269/2015
Eze_46:21........forth/into the utter court and/caused 1270/2015
Eze_47:8..........down/into the desert and go/into 1271/2015
Eze_47:8............go/into the sea which/being 1272/2015
Eze_47:8.........forth/into the sea the waters/shall 1273/2015
Dan_1:2..........Judah/into his hand with/part 1274/2015
Dan_1:2........carried/into the land of Shinar/to 1275/2015
Dan_1:2........vessels/into the treasure house of/his 1276/2015
Dan_1:9.........Daniel/into favour/and..... 1277/2015
Dan_2:29..........came/into thy mind upon/thy 1278/2015
Dan_2:38.........given/into thine hand and hath/made 1279/2015
Dan_3:6...........cast/into the midst of a burning fiery furnace Therefore/at 1280/2015
Dan_3:11..........cast/into the midst of a burning fiery furnace There/are 1281/2015
Dan_3:15..........hour/into the midst of a burning fiery furnace and/who 1282/2015
Dan_3:20..........them/into the burning/fiery 1283/2015
Dan_3:21..........cast/into the midst of the burning fiery furnace Therefore/because 1284/2015
Dan_3:23.........bound/into the midst of the burning fiery furnace Then/Nebuchadnezzar 1285/2015
Dan_3:24.........bound/into the midst of the fire They/answered 1286/2015
Dan_5:10..........came/into the banquet/house 1287/2015
Dan_6:7...........cast/into the den of lions Now O/king 1288/2015
Dan_6:10..........went/into his house and his/windows 1289/2015
Dan_6:12..........cast/into the den of lions The/king 1290/2015
Dan_6:16...........him/into the den of lions Now the/king 1291/2015
Dan_6:24..........them/into the den of lions them/their 1292/2015
Dan_7:25.........given/into his hand until/a 1293/2015 corruption/and. 1294/2015
Dan_11:7.........enter/into the fortress/of 1295/2015
Dan_11:8......captives/into Egypt their/gods 1296/2015
Dan_11:9..........come/into his kingdom and/shall 1297/2015
Dan_11:9........return/into his own land But/his 1298/2015
Dan_11:11........given/into his hand And when/he 1299/2015
Dan_11:28.......return/into his land/with.. 1300/2015
Dan_11:40........enter/into the countries and/shall 1301/2015
Dan_11:41.........also/into the glorious land/and 1302/2015
Hos_2:14...........her/into the wilderness and speak/comfortably 1303/2015
Hos_4:7..........glory/into shame They/eat. 1304/2015
Hos_9:4...........come/into the house of the LORD What/will 1305/2015
Hos_11:5........return/into the land of Egypt and/the 1306/2015
Hos_11:9.........enter/into the city They shall/walk 1307/2015
Hos_12:1.......carried/into Egypt The LORD/hath 1308/2015
Hos_12:12.........fled/into the country of Syria/and 1309/2015 the house of the LORD your/God 1310/2015
Joe_2:20...........him/into a land barren/and 1311/2015
Joe_2:31........turned/into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible/day 1312/2015
Joe_2:31..........moon/into blood before the great and terrible/day 1313/2015
Joe_3:2...........down/into the valley of/Jehoshaphat 1314/2015
Joe_3:5........carried/into your temples/my 1315/2015
Joe_3:8......daughters/into the hand of the children/of 1316/2015
Joe_3:10....plowshares/into swords/and..... 1317/2015
Joe_3:10..pruninghooks/into spears/let..... 1318/2015 the house of Hazael/which 1319/2015
Amo_1:5.............go/into captivity unto Kir/saith 1320/2015
Amo_1:15............go/into captivity he and/his 1321/2015
Amo_2:1...........Edom/into lime/But....... 1322/2015
Amo_4:3...........them/into the palace saith/the 1323/2015
Amo_5:5..........enter/into Gilgal/and..... 1324/2015
Amo_5:5.............go/into captivity and Bethel/shall 1325/2015
Amo_5:8..........death/into the morning/and 1326/2015
Amo_5:19..........went/into the house and leaned/his 1327/2015
Amo_5:27............go/into captivity beyond/Damascus 1328/2015
Amo_6:12......judgment/into gall/and....... 1329/2015
Amo_6:12.righteousness/into hemlock/Ye..... 1330/2015
Amo_7:12..........away/into the land of Judah and there/eat 1331/2015
Amo_7:17............go/into captivity forth/of 1332/2015
Amo_8:10........feasts/into mourning and/all 1333/2015
Amo_8:10.........songs/into lamentation/and 1334/2015
Amo_9:2............dig/into hell thence/shall 1335/2015
Amo_9:4.............go/into captivity before their/enemies 1336/2015
Oba_1:11.......entered/into his gates and/cast 1337/2015
Oba_1:13.......entered/into the gate/of.... 1338/2015
Jon_1:3...........down/into it to go/with.. 1339/2015
Jon_1:4...........wind/into the sea and there/was 1340/2015
Jon_1:5...........ship/into the sea to/lighten 1341/2015
Jon_1:5...........down/into the sides/of... 1342/2015
Jon_1:12.........forth/into the sea so shall/the 1343/2015
Jon_1:15.........forth/into the sea and the sea/ceased 1344/2015 the deep in/the 1345/2015
Jon_2:7...........thee/into thine holy/temple 1346/2015
Jon_3:4..........enter/into the city a/day's 1347/2015
Mic_1:6........thereof/into the valley and/I 1348/2015
Mic_1:16..........gone/into captivity from thee/Woe 1349/2015
Mic_3:5............not/into their mouths/they 1350/2015
Mic_4:3.........swords/into plowshares and their spears into pruninghooks nation shall not lift up a/sword 1351/2015
Mic_4:3.........spears/into pruninghooks nation shall not lift up a/sword 1352/2015
Mic_4:12.......sheaves/into the floor Arise/and 1353/2015
Mic_5:5...........come/into our land and when he shall/tread 1354/2015
Mic_5:6.........cometh/into our land and when he treadeth/within 1355/2015
Mic_7:19..........sins/into the depths/of.. 1356/2015
Nah_3:10..........went/into captivity her/young 1357/2015
Nah_3:12..........fall/into the mouth of/the 1358/2015
Nah_3:14............go/into clay/and....... 1359/2015
Hab_3:16.......entered/into my bones and I/trembled 1360/2015 a bag/with..... 1361/2015
Zec_5:4..........enter/into the house of the thief/and 1362/2015
Zec_5:4............and/into the house of him/that 1363/2015 the midst of the ephah/and 1364/2015
Zec_6:6..........forth/into the north/country 1365/2015
Zec_6:10............go/into the house of Josiah/the 1366/2015
Zec_10:10.........them/into the land of Gilead and/Lebanon 1367/2015 his neighbour's/hand 1368/2015
Zec_11:6...........and/into the hand of his king/and 1369/2015
Zec_14:2.........forth/into captivity and the residue/of 1370/2015
Mal_3:10........tithes/into the storehouse/that 1371/2015
Mat_1:17..........away/into Babylon are/fourteen 1372/2015
Mat_1:17..........away/into Babylon unto/Christ 1373/2015
Mat_2:11..........come/into the house they/saw 1374/2015
Mat_2:12......departed/into their own country/another 1375/2015
Mat_2:13..........flee/into Egypt and be/thou 1376/2015
Mat_2:14......departed/into Egypt And was/there 1377/2015
Mat_2:20............go/into the land of Israel for/they 1378/2015
Mat_2:21..........came/into the land of Israel But/when 1379/2015
Mat_2:22.........aside/into the parts of Galilee/And 1380/2015
Mat_3:10..........cast/into the fire I/indeed 1381/2015
Mat_3:12.........wheat/into the garner/but. 1382/2015
Mat_4:1.........spirit/into the wilderness to be/tempted 1383/2015
Mat_4:5.............up/into the holy city and setteth/him 1384/2015
Mat_4:8.............up/into an exceeding/high 1385/2015
Mat_4:12..........cast/into prison he/departed 1386/2015
Mat_4:12......departed/into Galilee And leaving/Nazareth 1387/2015 the sea for they were fishers And he/saith 1388/2015
Mat_5:1.............up/into a mountain and when/he 1389/2015
Mat_5:20.........enter/into the kingdom of heaven Ye/have 1390/2015
Mat_5:25..........cast/into prison Verily/I 1391/2015
Mat_5:29..........cast/into hell And if/thy 1392/2015
Mat_5:30..........cast/into hell It/hath... 1393/2015
Mat_6:6..........enter/into thy closet/and. 1394/2015
Mat_6:13...........not/into temptation but deliver us from evil For/thine 1395/2015
Mat_6:26........gather/into barns/yet...... 1396/2015
Mat_6:30..........cast/into the oven shall/he 1397/2015
Mat_7:19..........cast/into the fire Wherefore/by 1398/2015
Mat_7:21.........enter/into the kingdom of heaven but/he 1399/2015
Mat_8:5........entered/into Capernaum there/came 1400/2015
Mat_8:12...........out/into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth And/Jesus 1401/2015
Mat_8:14..........come/into Peter's/house.. 1402/2015
Mat_8:23.......entered/into a ship his/disciples 1403/2015
Mat_8:28..........side/into the country of the Gergesenes/there 1404/2015
Mat_8:31..........away/into the herd of swine And he/said 1405/2015
Mat_8:32..........went/into the herd of swine and behold/the 1406/2015 the sea and perished/in 1407/2015
Mat_8:33..........ways/into the city and told every/thing 1408/2015
Mat_9:1........entered/into a ship and passed/over 1409/2015
Mat_9:1...........came/into his own city And behold/they 1410/2015 old bottles else the bottles/break 1411/2015 new bottles and both are preserved While/he 1412/2015
Mat_9:23..........came/into the ruler's/house 1413/2015
Mat_9:26........abroad/into all that land/And 1414/2015
Mat_9:28..........come/into the house the/blind 1415/2015
Mat_9:38.....labourers/into his harvest And/when 1416/2015
Mat_10:5...........not/into the way of the/Gentiles 1417/2015
Mat_10:5...........and/into any city/of.... 1418/2015
Mat_10:11..........And/into whatsoever city or/town 1419/2015
Mat_10:12.........come/into an house salute/it 1420/2015 another for/verily 1421/2015
Mat_11:7...........out/into the wilderness to see/A 1422/2015
Mat_12:4.......entered/into the house of God and did eat/the 1423/2015
Mat_12:9..........went/into their synagogue/And 1424/2015
Mat_12:11.........fall/into a pit on/the... 1425/2015
Mat_12:29........enter/into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he first/bind 1426/2015
Mat_12:44.......return/into my house from/whence 1427/2015
Mat_13:2..........went/into a ship and sat and/the 1428/2015
Mat_13:8..........fell/into good/ground.... 1429/2015
Mat_13:20.........seed/into stony/places... 1430/2015
Mat_13:23.........seed/into the good/ground 1431/2015
Mat_13:30........wheat/into my barn/Another 1432/2015
Mat_13:36.........went/into the house and his/disciples 1433/2015
Mat_13:42.........them/into a furnace/of... 1434/2015
Mat_13:47.........cast/into the sea and gathered/of 1435/2015
Mat_13:48.........good/into vessels/but.... 1436/2015
Mat_13:50.........them/into the furnace/of. 1437/2015
Mat_13:54.........come/into his own country he/taught 1438/2015
Mat_14:13.........ship/into a desert place apart/and 1439/2015
Mat_14:15...........go/into the villages and buy themselves victuals/But 1440/2015
Mat_14:22..........get/into a ship and to/go 1441/2015
Mat_14:23...........up/into a mountain apart/to 1442/2015
Mat_14:32.........come/into the ship the/wind 1443/2015
Mat_14:34.........came/into the land of Gennesaret And when/the 1444/2015
Mat_14:35..........out/into all that country/round 1445/2015
Mat_15:11........goeth/into the mouth defileth/a 1446/2015
Mat_15:14.........fall/into the ditch Then/answered 1447/2015
Mat_15:17........goeth/into the belly and is/cast 1448/2015
Mat_15:17..........out/into the draught But/those 1449/2015
Mat_15:21.....departed/into the coasts of Tyre/and 1450/2015
Mat_15:29...........up/into a mountain and sat/down 1451/2015
Mat_15:39.........came/into the coasts of Magdala/The 1452/2015
Mat_16:13.........came/into the coasts of Caesarea/Philippi 1453/2015
Mat_17:1............up/into an high mountain apart And/was 1454/2015
Mat_17:15......falleth/into the fire and oft/into 1455/2015
Mat_17:15..........oft/into the water And I/brought 1456/2015
Mat_17:22.....betrayed/into the hands of men And they shall kill him and the/third 1457/2015
Mat_17:25.........come/into the house Jesus/prevented 1458/2015
Mat_18:3.........enter/into the kingdom of heaven Whosoever/therefore 1459/2015
Mat_18:8.........enter/into life halt/or... 1460/2015
Mat_18:8..........cast/into everlasting fire And/if 1461/2015
Mat_18:9.........enter/into life with/one.. 1462/2015
Mat_18:9..........cast/into hell fire Take/heed 1463/2015
Mat_18:12........goeth/into the mountains and/seeketh 1464/2015
Mat_18:30..........him/into prison till/he. 1465/2015
Mat_19:1..........came/into the coasts of Judaea beyond/Jordan 1466/2015
Mat_19:17........enter/into life keep/the.. 1467/2015
Mat_19:23........enter/into the kingdom of heaven And/again 1468/2015
Mat_19:24........enter/into the kingdom of God When/his 1469/2015
Mat_20:1.....labourers/into his vineyard And when/he 1470/2015
Mat_20:2..........them/into his vineyard And he/went 1471/2015
Mat_20:4..........also/into the vineyard and whatsoever is right I/will 1472/2015
Mat_20:7..........also/into the vineyard and whatsoever is right that/shall 1473/2015
Mat_21:2............Go/into the village over against you and straightway/ye 1474/2015
Mat_21:10.........come/into Jerusalem all/the 1475/2015
Mat_21:12.........went/into the temple of God/and 1476/2015 Bethany/and.... 1477/2015
Mat_21:18.....returned/into the city he/hungered 1478/2015
Mat_21:21.........cast/into the sea it/shall 1479/2015
Mat_21:23.........come/into the temple the/chief 1480/2015
Mat_21:31...........go/into the kingdom of God before/you 1481/2015
Mat_21:33.........went/into a far country And when/the 1482/2015
Mat_22:9.....therefore/into the highways and as/many 1483/2015
Mat_22:10..........out/into the highways and gathered/together 1484/2015
Mat_22:13..........him/into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth For/many 1485/2015
Mat_24:16.........flee/into the mountains Let/him 1486/2015
Mat_24:38......entered/into the ark And knew/not 1487/2015
Mat_25:14...travelling/into a far country who/called 1488/2015
Mat_25:21.........thou/into the joy of thy lord He/also 1489/2015
Mat_25:23.........thou/into the joy of thy lord Then/he 1490/2015
Mat_25:30......servant/into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth When/the 1491/2015
Mat_25:41.......cursed/into everlasting fire prepared/for 1492/2015
Mat_25:46.........away/into everlasting punishment/but 1493/2015
Mat_25:46....righteous/into life eternal/And 1494/2015
Mat_26:18...........Go/into the city to/such 1495/2015
Mat_26:30..........out/into the mount of Olives Then/saith 1496/2015 Galilee Peter/answered 1497/2015
Mat_26:41..........not/into temptation the spirit indeed/is 1498/2015
Mat_26:45.....betrayed/into the hands of sinners Rise let/us 1499/2015
Mat_26:52........sword/into his place/for.. 1500/2015
Mat_26:71..........out/into the porch another/maid 1501/2015
Mat_27:6..........them/into the treasury because/it 1502/2015
Mat_27:27........Jesus/into the common/hall 1503/2015
Mat_27:53.........went/into the holy city and appeared/unto 1504/2015 Galilee there shall ye see him lo/I 1505/2015
Mat_28:10...........go/into Galilee and there shall/they 1506/2015
Mat_28:11.........came/into the city and shewed/unto 1507/2015
Mat_28:16.........away/into Galilee into/a. 1508/2015
Mat_28:16......Galilee/into a mountain where/Jesus 1509/2015
Mar_1:12...........him/into the wilderness And he was/there 1510/2015
Mar_1:14..........came/into Galilee preaching/the 1511/2015 the sea for they were fishers And Jesus/said 1512/2015
Mar_1:21..........went/into Capernaum and straightway/on 1513/2015
Mar_1:21.......entered/into the synagogue and taught And they/were 1514/2015
Mar_1:29.......entered/into the house of Simon/and 1515/2015
Mar_1:35......departed/into a solitary/place 1516/2015
Mar_1:38............go/into the next/towns. 1517/2015
Mar_1:45.........enter/into the city but/was 1518/2015
Mar_2:1........entered/into Capernaum after/some 1519/2015
Mar_2:11...........way/into thine house And immediately he arose/took 1520/2015 old bottles else the new wine doth/burst 1521/2015
Mar_2:22...........put/into new bottles And it/came 1522/2015
Mar_2:26..........went/into the house of God in/the 1523/2015
Mar_3:1..........again/into the synagogue and there/was 1524/2015
Mar_3:13............up/into a mountain and calleth/unto 1525/2015
Mar_3:19..........went/into an house And the/multitude 1526/2015
Mar_3:27.........enter/into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he will/first 1527/2015
Mar_4:1........entered/into a ship and sat in/the 1528/2015
Mar_4:26..........seed/into the ground And should/sleep 1529/2015
Mar_4:37..........beat/into the ship so/that 1530/2015
Mar_5:1............sea/into the country of the Gadarenes/And 1531/2015 the swine that/we 1532/2015
Mar_5:12.........enter/into them And forthwith/Jesus 1533/2015
Mar_5:13.......entered/into the swine and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea/they 1534/2015 the sea they/were 1535/2015
Mar_5:18..........come/into the ship he/that 1536/2015
Mar_6:1...........came/into his own country and/his 1537/2015
Mar_6:10.........enter/into an house there/abide 1538/2015
Mar_6:31.........apart/into a desert place and rest/a 1539/2015
Mar_6:32......departed/into a desert place by/ship 1540/2015
Mar_6:36............go/into the country round/about 1541/2015
Mar_6:36...........and/into the villages and buy themselves bread/for 1542/2015
Mar_6:45...........get/into the ship and to/go 1543/2015
Mar_6:46......departed/into a mountain to pray And when/even 1544/2015
Mar_6:51..........them/into the ship and the/wind 1545/2015
Mar_6:53..........came/into the land of Gennesaret and drew/to 1546/2015
Mar_6:56.......entered/into villages/or.... 1547/2015
Mar_7:15......entering/into him can/defile. 1548/2015
Mar_7:17.......entered/into the house from/the 1549/2015
Mar_7:18......entereth/into the man/it..... 1550/2015
Mar_7:19...........not/into his heart but/into 1551/2015
Mar_7:19...........but/into the belly and goeth/out 1552/2015
Mar_7:19...........out/into the draught purging/all 1553/2015
Mar_7:24..........went/into the borders/of. 1554/2015
Mar_7:24.......entered/into an house and would/have 1555/2015
Mar_7:33.......fingers/into his ears and/he 1556/2015
Mar_8:10.......entered/into a ship with his disciples and came/into 1557/2015
Mar_8:10..........came/into the parts of Dalmanutha/And 1558/2015
Mar_8:13......entering/into the ship again/departed 1559/2015
Mar_8:26............go/into the town nor/tell 1560/2015
Mar_8:27.....disciples/into the towns of/Caesarea 1561/2015
Mar_9:2.............up/into an high mountain apart by/themselves 1562/2015
Mar_9:22...........him/into the fire and into/the 1563/2015
Mar_9:22...........and/into the waters to/destroy 1564/2015
Mar_9:25..........more/into him And the/spirit 1565/2015
Mar_9:28..........come/into the house his/disciples 1566/2015
Mar_9:31.....delivered/into the hands of men and they shall kill him and after/that 1567/2015
Mar_9:42..........cast/into the sea And if/thy 1568/2015
Mar_9:43.........enter/into life maimed/than 1569/2015
Mar_9:43............go/into hell into the fire that never shall be quenched Where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched And if thy/foot 1570/2015
Mar_9:43..........hell/into the fire that never shall be quenched Where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched And if thy/foot 1571/2015
Mar_9:45..........halt/into life than/having 1572/2015
Mar_9:45..........cast/into hell into the fire that never shall be quenched Where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched And if thine/eye 1573/2015
Mar_9:45..........hell/into the fire that never shall be quenched Where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched And if thine/eye 1574/2015
Mar_9:47.........enter/into the kingdom of God with/one 1575/2015
Mar_9:47..........cast/into hell fire Where/their 1576/2015
Mar_10:1........cometh/into the coasts of Judaea by/the 1577/2015
Mar_10:17........forth/into the way there/came 1578/2015
Mar_10:23........enter/into the kingdom of God And the/disciples 1579/2015
Mar_10:24........enter/into the kingdom of God It/is 1580/2015
Mar_10:25........enter/into the kingdom of God And they were/astonished 1581/2015
Mar_11:2...........way/into the village over against you and as/soon 1582/2015
Mar_11:2.......entered/into it ye/shall.... 1583/2015
Mar_11:11......entered/into Jerusalem and into/the 1584/2015
Mar_11:11..........and/into the temple and when he/had 1585/2015
Mar_11:15.........went/into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and/bought 1586/2015
Mar_11:23.........cast/into the sea and shall/not 1587/2015
Mar_12:1..........went/into a far country And at/the 1588/2015 the treasury and many/that 1589/2015
Mar_12:43.........cast/into the treasury For/all 1590/2015
Mar_13:15.........down/into the house neither/enter 1591/2015 the city and there shall/meet 1592/2015
Mar_14:16.........came/into the city and found/as 1593/2015
Mar_14:26..........out/into the mount of Olives And/Jesus 1594/2015 Galilee But/Peter 1595/2015
Mar_14:38........enter/into temptation The spirit truly/is 1596/2015
Mar_14:41.....betrayed/into the hands of sinners Rise up/let 1597/2015
Mar_14:54.........even/into the palace of the high priest and/he 1598/2015
Mar_14:68..........out/into the porch and/the 1599/2015
Mar_15:16.........away/into the hall/called 1600/2015
Mar_16:5......entering/into the sepulchre they/saw 1601/2015 Galilee there shall ye see him as/he 1602/2015
Mar_16:12.........went/into the country And/they 1603/2015 all the world/and 1604/2015
Mar_16:19...........up/into heaven and sat/on 1605/2015
Luk_1:9...........went/into the temple of the Lord And the whole/multitude 1606/2015
Luk_1:39..........went/into the hill country/with 1607/2015
Luk_1:39.........haste/into a city of/Juda. 1608/2015
Luk_1:40.......entered/into the house of Zacharias/and 1609/2015
Luk_1:79..........feet/into the way of peace/And 1610/2015 his own city And Joseph/also 1611/2015
Luk_2:4.......Nazareth/into Judaea unto/the 1612/2015
Luk_2:15..........them/into heaven the/shepherds 1613/2015
Luk_2:27........Spirit/into the temple and when the/parents 1614/2015
Luk_2:39......returned/into Galilee to/their 1615/2015
Luk_3:3...........came/into all the country/about 1616/2015
Luk_3:9...........cast/into the fire And the/people 1617/2015
Luk_3:17.........wheat/into his garner/but. 1618/2015
Luk_4:1.........Spirit/into the wilderness Being/forty 1619/2015
Luk_4:5.............up/into an high mountain shewed/unto 1620/2015
Luk_4:14........Spirit/into Galilee and there went/out 1621/2015
Luk_4:16..........went/into the synagogue on the sabbath day and stood/up 1622/2015
Luk_4:37...........out/into every place/of. 1623/2015
Luk_4:38.......entered/into Simon's/house.. 1624/2015
Luk_4:42..........went/into a desert place and the/people 1625/2015
Luk_5:3........entered/into one of the ships/which 1626/2015
Luk_5:4............out/into the deep and let/down 1627/2015
Luk_5:16.......himself/into the wilderness and prayed/And 1628/2015
Luk_5:19.........couch/into the midst before/Jesus 1629/2015
Luk_5:24............go/into thine house And immediately he rose/up 1630/2015 old bottles else the new wine will/burst 1631/2015
Luk_5:38...........put/into new bottles and both are preserved No/man 1632/2015
Luk_6:4...........went/into the house of God and did take/and 1633/2015
Luk_6:6........entered/into the synagogue and taught and there/was 1634/2015
Luk_6:12...........out/into a mountain to pray and continued/all 1635/2015
Luk_6:38..........give/into your bosom/For. 1636/2015
Luk_6:39..........fall/into the ditch The/disciple 1637/2015
Luk_7:1........entered/into Capernaum And a/certain 1638/2015
Luk_7:11..........went/into a city called Nain/and 1639/2015
Luk_7:24...........out/into the wilderness for/to 1640/2015
Luk_7:36..........went/into the Pharisee's/house 1641/2015
Luk_7:44.......entered/into thine house thou/gavest 1642/2015
Luk_8:22..........went/into a ship with his disciples and he/said 1643/2015
Luk_8:29.........devil/into the wilderness And Jesus/asked 1644/2015
Luk_8:30.......entered/into him And they/besought 1645/2015
Luk_8:31...........out/into the deep And there/was 1646/2015
Luk_8:32.........enter/into them And he/suffered 1647/2015
Luk_8:33.......entered/into the swine and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake/and 1648/2015 the lake and/were 1649/2015
Luk_8:37............up/into the ship and returned/back 1650/2015
Luk_8:41..........come/into his house For/he 1651/2015
Luk_8:51..........came/into the house he suffered/no 1652/2015
Luk_9:4..........enter/into there/abide.... 1653/2015
Luk_9:10.....privately/into a desert place belonging/to 1654/2015
Luk_9:12............go/into the towns and/country 1655/2015
Luk_9:28............up/into a mountain to pray And as/he 1656/2015
Luk_9:34.......entered/into the cloud/And.. 1657/2015
Luk_9:44..........down/into your ears/for.. 1658/2015
Luk_9:44.....delivered/into the hands of men But/they 1659/2015
Luk_9:52.......entered/into a village/of... 1660/2015
Luk_10:1..........face/into every city/and. 1661/2015
Luk_10:2.....labourers/into his harvest Go/your 1662/2015
Luk_10:5...........And/into whatsoever house/ye 1663/2015
Luk_10:8...........And/into whatsoever city ye enter and they receive you eat/such 1664/2015
Luk_10:10..........But/into whatsoever city ye enter and they receive you not/go 1665/2015
Luk_10:10..........out/into the streets of/the 1666/2015
Luk_10:38......entered/into a certain village and/a 1667/2015
Luk_10:38..........him/into her house/And.. 1668/2015
Luk_11:4...........not/into temptation but deliver us from evil And/he 1669/2015
Luk_12:5..........cast/into hell yea/I..... 1670/2015
Luk_12:28.........cast/into the oven how/much 1671/2015
Luk_12:58.........thee/into prison I/tell.. 1672/2015
Luk_13:19.........cast/into his garden and it/grew 1673/2015
Luk_14:1..........went/into the house of one/of 1674/2015
Luk_14:5........fallen/into a pit and will/not 1675/2015
Luk_14:21......quickly/into the streets and lanes/of 1676/2015
Luk_14:23..........out/into the highways and hedges/and 1677/2015
Luk_15:13......journey/into a far country and there/wasted 1678/2015
Luk_15:15..........him/into his fields/to.. 1679/2015 their houses/So 1680/2015 everlasting habitations/He 1681/2015
Luk_16:16.....presseth/into it And it/is... 1682/2015
Luk_16:22.......angels/into Abraham's/bosom 1683/2015
Luk_16:28.........come/into this place of/torment 1684/2015
Luk_17:2..........cast/into the sea than/that 1685/2015
Luk_17:12......entered/into a certain village there/met 1686/2015
Luk_17:27......entered/into the ark and the/flood 1687/2015
Luk_18:10...........up/into the temple to pray/the 1688/2015
Luk_18:24........enter/into the kingdom of God For/it 1689/2015
Luk_18:25........enter/into the kingdom of God And they that/heard 1690/2015
Luk_19:4............up/into a sycomore/tree 1691/2015
Luk_19:12.........went/into a far country to/receive 1692/2015 the bank/that.. 1693/2015 the village over against you in/the 1694/2015
Luk_19:45.........went/into the temple and began to cast out them that sold therein/and 1695/2015
Luk_20:9..........went/into a far country for/a 1696/2015 the treasury And he/saw 1697/2015
Luk_21:12..........and/into prisons being/brought 1698/2015
Luk_21:24......captive/into all nations/and 1699/2015
Luk_22:3.........Satan/into Judas/surnamed. 1700/2015
Luk_22:10......entered/into the city there/shall 1701/2015
Luk_22:10..........him/into the house where/he 1702/2015
Luk_22:33.........both/into prison and to/death 1703/2015
Luk_22:40..........not/into temptation And he/was 1704/2015
Luk_22:46........enter/into temptation And while/he 1705/2015
Luk_22:54..........him/into the high priest's/house 1706/2015
Luk_22:66..........him/into their council saying/Art 1707/2015
Luk_23:19.........cast/into prison Pilate/therefore 1708/2015
Luk_23:25.........cast/into prison whom/they 1709/2015
Luk_23:42.......comest/into thy kingdom/And 1710/2015
Luk_23:46.......Father/into thy hands/I.... 1711/2015
Luk_24:7.....delivered/into the hands of sinful/men 1712/2015
Luk_24:26........enter/into his glory/And.. 1713/2015
Luk_24:51...........up/into heaven And they/worshipped 1714/2015
Joh_1:9.........cometh/into the world He was/in 1715/2015
Joh_1:43.........forth/into Galilee and findeth/Philip 1716/2015
Joh_3:4...........time/into his mother's/womb 1717/2015
Joh_3:5..........enter/into the kingdom of God That/which 1718/2015
Joh_3:17...........Son/into the world to condemn/the 1719/2015
Joh_3:19..........come/into the world and men/loved 1720/2015
Joh_3:22.....disciples/into the land of Judaea/and 1721/2015
Joh_3:24..........cast/into prison Then there/arose 1722/2015
Joh_3:35........things/into his hand He/that 1723/2015
Joh_4:3..........again/into Galilee And he/must 1724/2015
Joh_4:14............up/into everlasting life/The 1725/2015
Joh_4:28...........way/into the city and saith/to 1726/2015
Joh_4:38.......entered/into their labours/And 1727/2015
Joh_4:43..........went/into Galilee For/Jesus 1728/2015
Joh_4:45..........come/into Galilee the/Galilaeans 1729/2015
Joh_4:46.........again/into Cana/of........ 1730/2015
Joh_4:47........Judaea/into Galilee he/went 1731/2015
Joh_4:54........Judaea/into Galilee After/this 1732/2015
Joh_5:4.........season/into the pool and/troubled 1733/2015 the pool but/while 1734/2015
Joh_5:24..........come/into condemnation but/is 1735/2015
Joh_6:3.............up/into a mountain and there/he 1736/2015
Joh_6:14..........come/into the world When/Jesus 1737/2015
Joh_6:15.........again/into a mountain himself/alone 1738/2015
Joh_6:17.......entered/into a ship and went/over 1739/2015
Joh_6:21...........him/into the ship and immediately/the 1740/2015
Joh_6:22.....disciples/into the boat/but... 1741/2015
Joh_7:3.............go/into Judaea that/thy 1742/2015
Joh_7:14............up/into the temple and taught/And 1743/2015
Joh_8:2..........again/into the temple and all the people/came 1744/2015
Joh_9:39..........come/into this world that/they 1745/2015
Joh_10:1..........door/into the sheepfold/but 1746/2015
Joh_10:36.........sent/into the world Thou/blasphemest 1747/2015
Joh_10:40.......Jordan/into the place where/John 1748/2015
Joh_11:7............go/into Judaea again/His 1749/2015
Joh_11:27.........come/into the world And when/she 1750/2015
Joh_11:30.........come/into the town but/was 1751/2015
Joh_11:54...wilderness/into a city called Ephraim/and 1752/2015
Joh_12:24.........fall/into the ground and die/it 1753/2015
Joh_12:46........light/into the world that whosoever/believeth 1754/2015
Joh_13:2...........put/into the heart of Judas/Iscariot 1755/2015
Joh_13:3........things/into his hands and that/he 1756/2015
Joh_13:5.........water/into a bason/and.... 1757/2015
Joh_13:27......entered/into him Then/said.. 1758/2015
Joh_15:6..........them/into the fire and they/are 1759/2015 all truth/for.. 1760/2015
Joh_16:20.......turned/into joy A/woman.... 1761/2015
Joh_16:21.........born/into the world And ye/now 1762/2015
Joh_16:28.........come/into the world again/I 1763/2015 the world even/so 1764/2015
Joh_17:18.........them/into the world And for/their 1765/2015 the which he/entered 1766/2015
Joh_18:11........sword/into the sheath the/cup 1767/2015
Joh_18:15........Jesus/into the palace of the high priest But/Peter 1768/2015
Joh_18:28..........not/into the judgment hall lest/they 1769/2015
Joh_18:33......entered/into the judgment hall again/and 1770/2015
Joh_18:37............I/into the world that I/should 1771/2015
Joh_19:9.........again/into the judgment hall and/saith 1772/2015
Joh_19:17........forth/into a place called the/place 1773/2015
Joh_20:6..........went/into the sepulchre and seeth the/linen 1774/2015
Joh_20:11.......looked/into the sepulchre And seeth two/angels 1775/2015
Joh_20:25.......finger/into the print/of... 1776/2015
Joh_20:25.........hand/into his side/I..... 1777/2015 my side/and.... 1778/2015
Joh_21:3.......entered/into a ship immediately/and 1779/2015
Joh_21:7.......himself/into the sea And the other/disciples 1780/2015
Act_1:11............up/into heaven this/same 1781/2015 heaven shall/so 1782/2015
Act_1:11............go/into heaven Then/returned 1783/2015
Act_1:13............up/into an upper/room.. 1784/2015
Act_2:20........turned/into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and notable/day 1785/2015
Act_2:20..........moon/into blood before the great and notable/day 1786/2015
Act_2:34......ascended/into the heavens but/he 1787/2015
Act_3:1.......together/into the temple at/the 1788/2015
Act_3:2........entered/into the temple Who/seeing 1789/2015
Act_3:3.............go/into the temple asked/an 1790/2015
Act_3:8...........them/into the temple walking/and 1791/2015
Act_5:15..........sick/into the streets and laid/them 1792/2015
Act_5:21.......entered/into the temple early/in 1793/2015
Act_7:3...........come/into the land which I shall/shew 1794/2015
Act_7:4............him/into this land wherein/ye 1795/2015
Act_7:6...........them/into bondage and/entreat 1796/2015
Act_7:9.........Joseph/into Egypt but/God.. 1797/2015
Act_7:15..........down/into Egypt and died/he 1798/2015
Act_7:16..........over/into Sychem/and..... 1799/2015
Act_7:23..........came/into his heart to/visit 1800/2015
Act_7:34..........thee/into Egypt This/Moses 1801/2015
Act_7:39.........again/into Egypt Saying/unto 1802/2015
Act_7:45.........Jesus/into the possession/of 1803/2015
Act_7:55....stedfastly/into heaven and saw/the 1804/2015
Act_8:3.......entering/into every house/and 1805/2015
Act_8:38..........both/into the water both/Philip 1806/2015
Act_9:6.............go/into the city and it/shall 1807/2015
Act_9:8............him/into Damascus And he/was 1808/2015
Act_9:11............go/into the street which/is 1809/2015
Act_9:17.......entered/into the house and putting/his 1810/2015
Act_9:39...........him/into the upper/chamber 1811/2015
Act_10:10.........fell/into a trance And/saw 1812/2015
Act_10:16........again/into heaven Now/while 1813/2015
Act_10:22.........thee/into his house and to/hear 1814/2015
Act_10:24......entered/into Caesarea/And... 1815/2015
Act_11:8.......entered/into my mouth But/the 1816/2015
Act_11:10........again/into heaven And behold/immediately 1817/2015
Act_11:12......entered/into the man's/house 1818/2015
Act_12:17.........went/into another place/Now 1819/2015
Act_13:14.........went/into the synagogue on the sabbath day and sat/down 1820/2015
Act_14:1......together/into the synagogue of the Jews and/so 1821/2015
Act_14:20.........came/into the city and the/next 1822/2015
Act_14:22........enter/into the kingdom of God And when/they 1823/2015
Act_14:25.........down/into Attalia/And.... 1824/2015
Act_16:7............go/into Bithynia/but... 1825/2015
Act_16:9..........over/into Macedonia and help/us 1826/2015
Act_16:10...........go/into Macedonia assuredly/gathering 1827/2015
Act_16:15.........come/into my house and/abide 1828/2015
Act_16:19.........them/into the marketplace/unto 1829/2015
Act_16:23.........them/into prison charging/the 1830/2015
Act_16:24.........them/into the inner prison/and 1831/2015
Act_16:34.........them/into his house he set/meat 1832/2015 prison and now/do 1833/2015
Act_16:40......entered/into the house of Lydia/and 1834/2015
Act_17:10.........went/into the synagogue of the Jews These/were 1835/2015
Act_18:7.......entered/into a certain man's/house 1836/2015
Act_18:18.......thence/into Syria and with/him 1837/2015
Act_18:19......entered/into the synagogue and reasoned/with 1838/2015
Act_18:27.........pass/into Achaia/the..... 1839/2015
Act_19:8..........went/into the synagogue and spake/boldly 1840/2015
Act_19:22.........sent/into Macedonia two/of 1841/2015
Act_19:29.......accord/into the theatre And/when 1842/2015
Act_19:31......himself/into the theatre Some/therefore 1843/2015
Act_20:1............go/into Macedonia And when/he 1844/2015
Act_20:2..........came/into Greece/And..... 1845/2015
Act_20:3..........sail/into Syria he/purposed 1846/2015
Act_20:4...........him/into Asia Sopater/of 1847/2015
Act_20:9........fallen/into a deep sleep and as/Paul 1848/2015
Act_20:18.........came/into Asia after/what 1849/2015
Act_21:3........sailed/into Syria and landed/at 1850/2015
Act_21:8.......entered/into the house of Philip/the 1851/2015
Act_21:11..........him/into the hands of the Gentiles/And 1852/2015
Act_21:26......entered/into the temple to signify/the 1853/2015
Act_21:28.........also/into the temple and hath/polluted 1854/2015
Act_21:29......brought/into the temple And all the city/was 1855/2015
Act_21:34......carried/into the castle And when/he 1856/2015
Act_21:37..........led/into the castle he/said 1857/2015
Act_21:38..........out/into the wilderness four/thousand 1858/2015
Act_22:4....delivering/into prisons both/men 1859/2015
Act_22:10...........go/into Damascus and there/it 1860/2015
Act_22:11.........came/into Damascus And one/Ananias 1861/2015
Act_22:23.........dust/into the air The/chief 1862/2015
Act_22:24......brought/into the castle and bade/that 1863/2015
Act_23:10..........him/into the castle And the/night 1864/2015
Act_23:16......entered/into the castle and told/Paul 1865/2015
Act_23:20.......morrow/into the council/as. 1866/2015
Act_23:28........forth/into their council Whom/I 1867/2015
Act_24:27.........came/into Felix'/room.... 1868/2015
Act_25:1..........come/into the province after/three 1869/2015
Act_25:23......entered/into the place of hearing/with 1870/2015
Act_27:1..........sail/into Italy they/delivered 1871/2015
Act_27:2......entering/into a ship of/Adramyttium 1872/2015
Act_27:6.......sailing/into Italy and/he... 1873/2015
Act_27:15...........up/into the wind/we.... 1874/2015
Act_27:17.........fall/into the quicksands/strake 1875/2015
Act_27:30.........boat/into the sea under/colour 1876/2015
Act_27:38........wheat/into the sea And when/it 1877/2015
Act_27:39........shore/into the which they/were 1878/2015
Act_27:41......falling/into a place where/two 1879/2015
Act_27:43........first/into the sea and get/to 1880/2015
Act_28:5.........beast/into the fire and felt/no 1881/2015
Act_28:17....Jerusalem/into the hands of the Romans/Who 1882/2015
Act_28:23..........him/into his lodging/to. 1883/2015
Rom_1:23...........God/into an image/made.. 1884/2015
Rom_1:25...........God/into a lie/and...... 1885/2015
Rom_1:26...........use/into that which/is.. 1886/2015 this grace/wherein 1887/2015
Rom_5:12.......entered/into the world and death/by 1888/2015
Rom_6:3.......baptized/into Jesus/Christ... 1889/2015
Rom_6:3.......baptized/into his death/Therefore 1890/2015
Rom_6:4........baptism/into death/that..... 1891/2015 captivity to/the 1892/2015
Rom_8:21....corruption/into the glorious liberty/of 1893/2015
Rom_10:6........ascend/into heaven that/is. 1894/2015
Rom_10:7.......descend/into the deep that/is 1895/2015
Rom_10:18.........went/into all the earth and their/words 1896/2015
Rom_11:24.......nature/into a good olive/tree 1897/2015
Rom_11:24......graffed/into their own olive/tree 1898/2015
Rom_15:24......journey/into Spain I/will... 1899/2015 Spain And/I.... 1900/2015
1Co_2:9........entered/into the heart of man/the 1901/2015 remembrance/of. 1902/2015 subjection lest/that 1903/2015
1Co_11:20....therefore/into one place this/is 1904/2015
1Co_12:13.....baptized/into one body/whether 1905/2015
1Co_12:13........drink/into one Spirit/For. 1906/2015
1Co_14:9.........speak/into the air There/are 1907/2015
1Co_14:23.....together/into one place and/all 1908/2015 Macedonia and to/come 1909/2015
2Co_2:13........thence/into Macedonia Now/thanks 1910/2015
2Co_3:18.......changed/into the same/image. 1911/2015
2Co_7:5...........come/into Macedonia our/flesh 1912/2015 the heart of Titus/for 1913/2015
2Co_10:5......bringing/into captivity every/thought 1914/2015
2Co_11:13...themselves/into the apostles/of 1915/2015
2Co_11:14..transformed/into an angel/of.... 1916/2015 bondage if/a... 1917/2015
2Co_12:4............up/into paradise/and... 1918/2015 the grace/of... 1919/2015
Gal_1:17..........went/into Arabia/and..... 1920/2015
Gal_1:21..........came/into the regions/of. 1921/2015 bondage To/whom 1922/2015
Gal_3:27......baptized/into Christ/have.... 1923/2015
Gal_4:6............Son/into your hearts/crying 1924/2015
Eph_4:9..........first/into the lower parts of the earth He/that 1925/2015
Eph_4:15............up/into him in/all..... 1926/2015 the kingdom of his/dear 1927/2015
Col_2:18.....intruding/into those/things... 1928/2015
2Th_3:5.........hearts/into the love/of.... 1929/2015
2Th_3:5............and/into the patient/waiting 1930/2015
1Ti_1:3...........went/into Macedonia that/thou 1931/2015 the ministry/Who 1932/2015
1Ti_1:15..........came/into the world to save/sinners 1933/2015
1Ti_3:6...........fall/into the condemnation/of 1934/2015
1Ti_3:7...........fall/into reproach/and... 1935/2015
1Ti_3:16............up/into glory/Now...... 1936/2015
1Ti_5:9..........taken/into the number under/threescore 1937/2015
1Ti_6:7........nothing/into this world and/it 1938/2015
1Ti_6:9...........fall/into temptation and a/snare 1939/2015
1Ti_6:9............and/into many/foolish... 1940/2015
2Ti_3:6..........creep/into houses/and..... 1941/2015
Heb_1:6..firstbegotten/into the world he saith And/let 1942/2015
Heb_3:11.........enter/into my rest Take/heed 1943/2015
Heb_3:18.........enter/into his rest but/to 1944/2015
Heb_4:1.......entering/into his rest any/of 1945/2015
Heb_4:3..........enter/into rest/as........ 1946/2015
Heb_4:3..........enter/into my rest although/the 1947/2015
Heb_4:5..........enter/into my rest Seeing/therefore 1948/2015
Heb_4:10.......entered/into his rest he/also 1949/2015
Heb_4:11.........enter/into that rest/lest. 1950/2015
Heb_4:14........passed/into the heavens Jesus/the 1951/2015
Heb_6:19......entereth/into that within/the 1952/2015
Heb_8:10..........laws/into their mind/and. 1953/2015
Heb_9:6.........always/into the first/tabernacle 1954/2015
Heb_9:7............But/into the second went/the 1955/2015
Heb_9:8............way/into the holiest of/all 1956/2015
Heb_9:12..........once/into the holy place having/obtained 1957/2015
Heb_9:24.......entered/into the holy places/made 1958/2015
Heb_9:24...........but/into heaven itself/now 1959/2015
Heb_9:25......entereth/into the holy place every/year 1960/2015
Heb_10:5........cometh/into the world he saith Sacrifice/and 1961/2015
Heb_10:16.........laws/into their hearts and/in 1962/2015
Heb_10:19........enter/into the holiest by/the 1963/2015
Heb_10:31.........fall/into the hands of the living/God 1964/2015
Heb_11:8...........out/into a place which/he 1965/2015
Heb_13:11......brought/into the sanctuary by/the 1966/2015
Jam_1:2...........fall/into divers/temptations 1967/2015
Jam_1:25.......looketh/into the perfect/law 1968/2015
Jam_4:13............go/into such/a......... 1969/2015
Jam_5:4........entered/into the ears/of.... 1970/2015
Jam_5:12..........fall/into condemnation Is/any 1971/2015
1Pe_1:12..........look/into Wherefore/gird. 1972/2015
1Pe_2:9.......darkness/into his marvellous/light 1973/2015
1Pe_3:22..........gone/into heaven and is/on 1974/2015
2Pe_1:11....abundantly/into the everlasting/kingdom 1975/2015
2Pe_2:4...........them/into chains/of...... 1976/2015
2Pe_2:6.......Gomorrha/into ashes/condemned 1977/2015
1Jn_4:1............out/into the world Hereby/know 1978/2015
1Jn_4:9............Son/into the world that we/might 1979/2015
2Jn_1:7........entered/into the world who/confess 1980/2015
2Jn_1:10...........not/into your house/neither 1981/2015
Jud_1:4............God/into lasciviousness/and 1982/2015 prison that/ye. 1983/2015
Rev_2:22...........her/into a bed/and...... 1984/2015
Rev_2:22...........her/into great tribulation/except 1985/2015
Rev_5:6..........forth/into all the earth And he/came 1986/2015 the earth and there/were 1987/2015
Rev_8:8...........cast/into the sea and the third/part 1988/2015
Rev_11:11......entered/into them and they stood/upon 1989/2015
Rev_12:6..........fled/into the wilderness where she/hath 1990/2015
Rev_12:9...........out/into the earth and his/angels 1991/2015 the wilderness into/her 1992/2015
Rev_12:14...wilderness/into her place/where 1993/2015
Rev_13:10......leadeth/into captivity shall/go 1994/2015
Rev_13:10...........go/into captivity he that/killeth 1995/2015
Rev_14:10......mixture/into the cup/of..... 1996/2015
Rev_14:19.......sickle/into the earth and gathered/the 1997/2015 the great/winepress 1998/2015
Rev_15:8.........enter/into the temple till/the 1999/2015
Rev_16:16.....together/into a place called in/the 2000/2015
Rev_16:17.........vial/into the air and/there 2001/2015
Rev_16:19......divided/into three parts and/the 2002/2015
Rev_17:3........spirit/into the wilderness and I saw/a 2003/2015
Rev_17:8............go/into perdition and they/that 2004/2015
Rev_17:11........goeth/into perdition And the/ten 2005/2015 the sea saying/Thus 2006/2015
Rev_19:20........alive/into a lake/of...... 2007/2015
Rev_20:3...........him/into the bottomless/pit 2008/2015
Rev_20:10.........cast/into the lake of fire and brimstone/where 2009/2015
Rev_20:14.........cast/into the lake of fire This/is 2010/2015
Rev_20:15.........cast/into the lake of fire And I/saw 2011/2015
Rev_21:24.......honour/into it And the gates/of 2012/2015
Rev_21:26......nations/into it And there/shall 2013/2015
Rev_21:27........enter/into it any/thing... 2014/2015
Rev_22:14........gates/into the city For/without 2015/2015
