Gen_46:13......and/Job and Shimron/And...... 1/59
Job_1:1........was/Job and that/man......... 2/59
Job_1:5.......that/Job sent/and............. 3/59
Job_1:5........for/Job said/It.............. 4/59
Job_1:5........did/Job continually/Now...... 5/59
Job_1:8....servant/Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil Then/Satan 6/59
Job_1:9.......Doth/Job fear/God............. 7/59
Job_1:14......unto/Job and said The/oxen.... 8/59
Job_1:20......Then/Job arose/and............ 9/59
Job_1:22......this/Job sinned/not.......... 10/59
Job_2:3....servant/Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil and/still 11/59
Job_2:7......smote/Job with/sore........... 12/59
Job_2:10.......not/Job sin/with............ 13/59
Job_3:1.....opened/Job his/mouth........... 14/59
Job_3:2........And/Job spake/and........... 15/59
Job_6:1........But/Job answered and said Oh/that 16/59
Job_9:1.......Then/Job answered and said I know/it 17/59
Job_12:1.......And/Job answered and said No/doubt 18/59
Job_16:1......Then/Job answered and said I have/heard 19/59
Job_19:1......Then/Job answered and said How long/will 20/59
Job_21:1.......But/Job answered and said Hear/diligently 21/59
Job_23:1......Then/Job answered and said Even/to 22/59
Job_26:1.......But/Job answered and said How hast/thou 23/59
Job_27:1..Moreover/Job continued his parable and said As/God 24/59
Job_29:1..Moreover/Job continued his parable and said Oh/that 25/59
Job_31:40.......of/Job are/ended........... 26/59
Job_32:1....answer/Job because/he.......... 27/59
Job_32:2...against/Job was/his............. 28/59
Job_32:3.condemned/Job Now/Elihu........... 29/59
Job_32:4......till/Job had/spoken.......... 30/59
Job_32:12convinced/Job or/that............. 31/59
Job_33:1.Wherefore/Job I/pray.............. 32/59
Job_33:31........O/Job hearken/unto........ 33/59
Job_34:5.......For/Job hath said/I......... 34/59 who/drinketh........ 35/59 hath spoken/without. 36/59
Job_34:36.....that/Job may/be.............. 37/59
Job_35:16.....doth/Job open/his............ 38/59
Job_37:14........O/Job stand/still......... 39/59
Job_38:1..answered/Job out of the whirlwind and said Who/is 40/59
Job_40:1..answered/Job and said Shall/he... 41/59
Job_40:3......Then/Job answered the LORD and said Behold/I 42/59
Job_40:6......unto/Job out of the whirlwind and said Gird/up 43/59
Job_42:1......Then/Job answered the LORD and said I/know 44/59
Job_42:7......unto/Job the/LORD............ 45/59
Job_42:7...servant/Job hath Therefore/take. 46/59
Job_42:8...servant/Job and offer/up........ 47/59
Job_42:8...servant/Job shall/pray.......... 48/59
Job_42:8...servant/Job So/Eliphaz.......... 49/59
Job_42:9..accepted/Job And the/LORD........ 50/59
Job_42:10.......of/Job when/he............. 51/59
Job_42:10.....gave/Job twice/as............ 52/59
Job_42:12.......of/Job more/than........... 53/59
Job_42:15.......of/Job and their/father.... 54/59
Job_42:16....lived/Job an/hundred.......... 55/59
Job_42:17.......So/Job died/being.......... 56/59
Eze_14:14......and/Job were in it they/should 57/59
Eze_14:20......and/Job were in it as/I..... 58/59
Jam_5:11........of/Job and have/seen....... 59/59
