it And the/LORD.... 1/362 the way of the tree/of 2/362 them alive with/thee 3/362 them alive And/take 4/362 seed/alive......... 5/362
Gen_17:9.........shalt/keep my covenant therefore/thou 6/362
Gen_17:10........shall/keep between/me......... 7/362
Gen_18:19........shall/keep the way of the LORD to do/justice 8/362
Gen_28:15.........will/keep thee in all places/whither 9/362
Gen_28:20.........will/keep me in/this........ 10/362
Gen_30:31..........and/keep thy flock/I....... 11/362 that thou/hast.... 12/362
Gen_41:35.........them/keep food/in........... 13/362
Exo_6:5......Egyptians/keep in bondage/and.... 14/362
Exo_12:6.........shall/keep it up/until....... 15/362
Exo_12:14........shall/keep it a feast to/the. 16/362
Exo_12:14........shall/keep it a feast by/an.. 17/362
Exo_12:25........shall/keep this service And/it 18/362
Exo_12:47........shall/keep it And when a/stranger 19/362
Exo_12:48.........will/keep the passover to/the 20/362
Exo_12:48..........and/keep it and he/shall... 21/362
Exo_13:5.........shalt/keep this service in/this 22/362
Exo_13:10....therefore/keep this ordinance/in. 23/362
Exo_15:26..........and/keep all his statutes I/will 24/362 my commandments and my laws/See 25/362
Exo_19:5...........and/keep my covenant then/ye 26/362
Exo_20:6...........and/keep my commandments Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Remember/the 27/362 it holy/Six....... 28/362 and it be/stolen.. 29/362 and it die/or..... 30/362
Exo_23:7.........cause/Keep thee far/from..... 31/362
Exo_23:14........shalt/keep a feast unto me/in 32/362
Exo_23:15........shalt/keep the feast of unleavened bread thou/shalt 33/362 thee in the/way... 34/362
Exo_31:13........shall/keep for it/is......... 35/362
Exo_31:14........shall/keep the sabbath therefore/for 36/362
Exo_31:16........shall/keep the sabbath to/observe 37/362
Exo_34:18.........thou/keep Seven/days........ 38/362 or in/fellowship.. 39/362 or the/lost....... 40/362
Lev_8:35...........and/keep the charge of the LORD that/ye 41/362
Lev_18:4...........and/keep mine ordinances to/walk 42/362
Lev_18:5.....therefore/keep my statutes and my judgments which/if 43/362
Lev_18:26....therefore/keep my statutes and my judgments and/shall 44/362 mine ordinance that/ye 45/362
Lev_19:3...........and/keep my sabbaths I/am.. 46/362
Lev_19:19........shall/keep my statutes Thou/shalt 47/362
Lev_19:30........shall/keep my sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary I am the LORD Regard/not 48/362
Lev_20:8.........shall/keep my statutes and do/them 49/362
Lev_20:22....therefore/keep all my statutes and all/my 50/362
Lev_22:9.....therefore/keep mine ordinance lest/they 51/362 my commandments and do them I/am 52/362
Lev_23:39........shall/keep a feast unto the LORD seven days on/the 53/362
Lev_23:41........shall/keep it a feast unto/the 54/362 a sabbath/unto.... 55/362
Lev_25:18..........and/keep my judgments and do them and ye shall dwell in the land in/safety 56/362
Lev_26:2.........shall/keep my sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary I am the LORD If/ye 57/362
Lev_26:3...........and/keep my commandments and do them Then/I 58/362
Num_1:53.........shall/keep the charge of the tabernacle of testimony/And 59/362
Num_3:7..........shall/keep his charge and the/charge 60/362
Num_3:8..........shall/keep all the instruments/of 61/362
Num_3:32..........that/keep the charge of the sanctuary Of/Merari 62/362
Num_6:24...........and/keep thee The/LORD..... 63/362 the charge and/shall 64/362
Num_9:2...........also/keep the passover at his/appointed 65/362
Num_9:3..........shall/keep it in/his......... 66/362 it And Moses/spake 67/362
Num_9:4.........should/keep the passover And they/kept 68/362
Num_9:6............not/keep the passover on/that 69/362
Num_9:10.........shall/keep the passover unto the LORD The/fourteenth 70/362
Num_9:11.........shall/keep it and eat/it..... 71/362
Num_9:12.........shall/keep it But/the........ 72/362 the passover even/the 73/362
Num_9:14..........will/keep the passover unto the LORD according/to 74/362
Num_18:3.........shall/keep thy charge/and.... 75/362
Num_18:4...........and/keep the charge of the tabernacle of the congregation for/all 76/362
Num_18:5.........shall/keep the charge of the sanctuary and/the 77/362
Num_18:7.........shall/keep your priest's/office 78/362
Num_29:12........shall/keep a feast unto the LORD seven days And/ye 79/362
Num_31:18..........him/keep alive for/yourselves 80/362
Num_31:30........which/keep the charge of the tabernacle of the LORD/And 81/362
Num_36:7.........shall/keep himself to the/inheritance 82/362
Num_36:9.........shall/keep himself to his/own 83/362
Deu_4:2............may/keep the commandments of the LORD your God which/I 84/362 therefore and/do.. 85/362
Deu_4:9............and/keep thy soul/diligently 86/362
Deu_4:40.........shalt/keep therefore his/statutes 87/362
Deu_5:1............and/keep and do them The/LORD 88/362
Deu_5:10...........and/keep my commandments Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Keep/the 89/362
Deu_5:12..........vain/Keep the sabbath day to/sanctify 90/362 the sabbath day Honour/thy 91/362
Deu_5:29...........and/keep all my commandments always/that 92/362 all his statutes and/his 93/362
Deu_6:17....diligently/keep the commandments of the LORD your God and/his 94/362
Deu_7:8..........would/keep the oath/which.... 95/362
Deu_7:9............and/keep his commandments to/a 96/362
Deu_7:11.....therefore/keep the commandments and/the 97/362
Deu_7:12...........and/keep and do them that/the 98/362
Deu_7:12.........shall/keep unto/thee......... 99/362
Deu_8:2.......wouldest/keep his commandments or/no 100/362
Deu_8:6..........shalt/keep the commandments of the LORD thy God to/walk 101/362
Deu_10:13...........To/keep the commandments of the LORD and/his 102/362
Deu_11:1...........and/keep his charge and his/statutes 103/362 all the commandments which I command you this day that/ye 104/362
Deu_11:22...diligently/keep all these commandments which/I 105/362
Deu_13:4...........and/keep his commandments and obey/his 106/362 all his commandments which/I 107/362
Deu_16:1...........and/keep the passover unto the LORD thy/God 108/362
Deu_16:10........shalt/keep the feast of weeks/unto 109/362
Deu_16:15.........thou/keep a solemn/feast... 110/362 all the words/of. 111/362
Deu_19:9.........shalt/keep all these commandments to/do 112/362
Deu_23:9..........then/keep thee from every/wicked 113/362
Deu_23:23........shalt/keep and perform/even. 114/362
Deu_26:16....therefore/keep and do them with/all 115/362 his statutes and his commandments and his judgments and to/hearken 116/362
Deu_26:18....shouldest/keep all his commandments And/to 117/362
Deu_27:1........saying/Keep all the commandments which I command you this day And/it 118/362
Deu_28:9.........shalt/keep the commandments of the LORD thy God and/walk 119/362 his commandments and his statutes which he/commanded 120/362
Deu_29:9......Manasseh/Keep therefore the/words 121/362 his commandments and his statutes which are/written 122/362 his commandments and his statutes and his judgments that/thou 123/362
Jos_6:18..........wise/keep yourselves from the/accursed 124/362 them And/stay.... 125/362 his commandments and to/cleave 126/362 and to/do........ 127/362
Jdg_2:22..........will/keep the way of the LORD to walk/therein 128/362
Jdg_2:22...........did/keep it or/not........ 129/362
Jdg_3:19..........said/Keep silence And all/that 130/362
Rut_2:21.........shalt/keep fast/by.......... 131/362
1Sa_2:9...........will/keep the feet/of...... 132/362 the ark/of....... 133/362 alive And/so..... 134/362 the house And the/king 135/362 the house and all/Israel 136/362 my name/in....... 137/362 the house and put/them 138/362
1Ki_2:3............And/keep the charge of the LORD thy/God 139/362 his statutes and his commandments and his judgments and his/testimonies 140/362 my statutes and my commandments as thy/father 141/362
1Ki_6:12...........and/keep all my commandments to/walk 142/362
1Ki_8:25........Israel/keep with thy servant David my father that thou/promisedst 143/362 his commandments and his statutes and his judgments which/he 144/362 his commandments as/at 145/362
1Ki_9:4...........wilt/keep my statutes and my judgments Then/I 146/362
1Ki_9:6............not/keep my commandments and my statutes which/I 147/362 my statutes and my judgments as/did 148/362 my statutes and my commandments as David/my 149/362
1Ki_20:39.........said/Keep this man/if...... 150/362 the watch of the house that/it 151/362
2Ki_11:7.........shall/keep the watch of the house of/the 152/362
2Ki_17:13..........and/keep my commandments and my statutes according/to 153/362 his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all their/heart 154/362
2Ki_23:21.......saying/Keep the passover unto the LORD your/God 155/362
1Ch_4:10......wouldest/keep me from evil/that 156/362
1Ch_12:33........could/keep rank they/were... 157/362
1Ch_12:38........could/keep rank came/with... 158/362
1Ch_22:12.......mayest/keep the law of the/LORD 159/362
1Ch_23:32.......should/keep the charge of the tabernacle of the congregation and/the 160/362
1Ch_28:8...........God/keep and seek/for..... 161/362
1Ch_29:18......fathers/keep this for/ever.... 162/362 thy commandments thy/testimonies 163/362
2Ch_6:16........Israel/keep with thy servant David my father that which/thou 164/362
2Ch_13:11...........we/keep the charge of the LORD our/God 165/362 still/the........ 166/362
2Ch_23:6.........shall/keep the watch of the LORD/And 167/362 under the/children 168/362 the passover unto the LORD God of Israel For/the 169/362 the passover in/the 170/362
2Ch_30:3...........not/keep it at/that....... 171/362 the passover unto the LORD God of Israel at/Jerusalem 172/362 the feast of unleavened bread in/the 173/362 other/seven...... 174/362 his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all his/heart 175/362 the passover and to/offer 176/362
2Ch_35:18.......Israel/keep such/a........... 177/362
Ezr_8:29...........and/keep them until/ye.... 178/362
Neh_1:9............and/keep my commandments and do them though/there 179/362 the dedication/with 180/362
Neh_13:22..........and/keep the gates/to..... 181/362
Est_3:8........neither/keep they/the......... 182/362
Est_9:21........should/keep the fourteenth/day 183/362
Est_9:27.........would/keep these/two........ 184/362
Job_14:13.....wouldest/keep me secret/until.. 185/362
Job_20:13..........but/keep it still/within.. 186/362
Psa_12:7.........shalt/keep them O/LORD...... 187/362
Psa_17:8..........them/Keep me as/the........ 188/362
Psa_19:13.......faults/Keep back thy/servant. 189/362
Psa_22:29..........can/keep alive his/own.... 190/362 his covenant and his/testimonies 191/362
Psa_25:20............O/keep my soul/and...... 192/362
Psa_31:20........shalt/keep them secretly/in. 193/362 them alive in/famine 194/362
Psa_34:13.........good/Keep thy tongue/from.. 195/362
Psa_35:22.........LORD/keep not silence O/Lord 196/362
Psa_37:34..........and/keep his way/and...... 197/362
Psa_39:1..........will/keep my mouth/with.... 198/362
Psa_41:2...........and/keep him alive/and.... 199/362
Psa_50:3...........not/keep silence a/fire... 200/362
Psa_78:7...........but/keep his commandments And might/not 201/362
Psa_83:1.......nations/Keep not thou/silence. 202/362
Psa_89:28............I/keep for him/for...... 203/362
Psa_89:31..........and/keep not my/commandments 204/362 thee in all thy/ways 205/362
Psa_103:9...........he/keep his anger/for.... 206/362 his covenant and to/those 207/362
Psa_105:45.........and/keep his laws/Praise.. 208/362
Psa_106:3.........that/keep judgment/and..... 209/362 house/and........ 210/362
Psa_119:2.........that/keep his testimonies/and 211/362 thy precepts diligently/O 212/362 thy statutes Then/shall 213/362
Psa_119:8.........will/keep thy statutes O/forsake 214/362
Psa_119:17.........and/keep thy word Open/thou 215/362
Psa_119:33.......shall/keep it unto the/end.. 216/362
Psa_119:34.......shall/keep thy law yea/I.... 217/362
Psa_119:44...........I/keep thy law continually/for 218/362
Psa_119:57.......would/keep thy words/I...... 219/362 thy commandments The/bands 220/362
Psa_119:63........that/keep thy precepts The/earth 221/362
Psa_119:69........will/keep thy precepts with/my 222/362
Psa_119:88...........I/keep the testimony/of. 223/362
Psa_119:100..........I/keep thy precepts I/have 224/362
Psa_119:101......might/keep thy word I/have.. 225/362
Psa_119:106.......will/keep thy righteous/judgments 226/362
Psa_119:115.......will/keep the commandments of my/God 227/362
Psa_119:129.......soul/keep them The/entrance 228/362
Psa_119:134..........I/keep thy precepts Make/thy 229/362
Psa_119:136.......they/keep not thy/law...... 230/362
Psa_119:145.......will/keep thy statutes I/cried 231/362
Psa_119:146......shall/keep thy testimonies/I 232/362
Psa_127:1.........LORD/keep the city/the..... 233/362
Psa_132:12........will/keep my covenant and/my 234/362
Psa_140:4........Selah/Keep me O/LORD........ 235/362
Psa_141:3........mouth/keep the door/of...... 236/362
Psa_141:9....destitute/Keep me from the/snares 237/362
Pro_2:11.........shall/keep thee To/deliver.. 238/362
Pro_2:20...........and/keep the paths/of..... 239/362
Pro_3:1..........heart/keep my commandments For/length 240/362
Pro_3:21..........eyes/keep sound/wisdom..... 241/362
Pro_3:26.........shall/keep thy foot from/being 242/362
Pro_4:4..........words/keep my commandments and live Get/wisdom 243/362
Pro_4:6..........shall/keep thee Wisdom/is... 244/362
Pro_4:13............go/keep her/for.......... 245/362
Pro_4:21..........eyes/keep them in/the...... 246/362
Pro_4:23.........flesh/Keep thy heart/with... 247/362
Pro_5:2............may/keep knowledge For/the 248/362
Pro_6:20...........son/keep thy father's/commandment 249/362
Pro_6:22.........shall/keep thee and when/thou 250/362
Pro_6:24............To/keep thee from the evil/woman 251/362
Pro_7:1............son/keep my words and lay/up 252/362
Pro_7:2...........thee/Keep my commandments and live and/my 253/362
Pro_7:5............may/keep thee from the strange/woman 254/362
Pro_8:32..........that/keep my ways/Hear..... 255/362
Pro_22:5..........doth/keep his soul/shall... 256/362
Pro_22:18.........thou/keep them within/thee. 257/362 the law contend/with 258/362 and a/time....... 259/362 silence and a/time 260/362
Ecc_5:1.........spirit/Keep thy foot when/thou 261/362 the king's/commandment 262/362
Ecc_12:13..........and/keep his commandments for this is the whole/duty 263/362
Son_8:12..........that/keep the fruit/thereof 264/362
Isa_26:3..........wilt/keep him in/perfect... 265/362 it I/will........ 266/362
Isa_27:3..........will/keep it night/and..... 267/362
Isa_41:1.........faint/Keep silence before me/O 268/362
Isa_42:6..........will/keep thee and give/thee 269/362
Isa_43:6.........south/Keep not back/bring... 270/362
Isa_56:1..........LORD/Keep ye/judgment...... 271/362
Isa_56:4..........that/keep my sabbaths and choose/the 272/362
Isa_62:6..........LORD/keep not silence And/give 273/362
Isa_65:6...........not/keep silence but/will. 274/362
Jer_3:5.............he/keep it to/the........ 275/362
Jer_3:12...........not/keep anger/for........ 276/362
Jer_31:10..........and/keep him as/a......... 277/362
Jer_42:4..........will/keep nothing/back..... 278/362
Lam_2:10...........and/keep silence they/have 279/362
Eze_11:20..........and/keep mine ordinances and/do 280/362
Eze_18:21..........and/keep all my statutes and do/that 281/362
Eze_20:19..........and/keep my judgments and do them And hallow/my 282/362
Eze_36:27........shall/keep my judgments and do them And ye shall dwell in the land that/I 283/362
Eze_43:11..........may/keep the whole form/thereof 284/362
Eze_44:16........shall/keep my charge And/it. 285/362
Eze_44:24........shall/keep my laws/and...... 286/362
Dan_9:4...........that/keep his commandments We/have 287/362
Hos_12:6...........God/keep mercy/and........ 288/362
Amo_5:13.........shall/keep silence in that/time 289/362 the doors/of..... 290/362
Nah_1:15.........Judah/keep thy solemn/feasts 291/362
Nah_2:1...........face/keep the munition/watch 292/362 silence before him/A 293/362
Zec_3:7...........wilt/keep my charge then/thou 294/362
Zec_3:7...........also/keep my courts/and.... 295/362 cattle/from...... 296/362 the feast of tabernacles And/it 297/362 the feast of tabernacles This/shall 298/362 the feast of tabernacles In/that 299/362
Mal_2:7.........should/keep knowledge and/they 300/362 the commandments He/saith 301/362
Mat_26:18.........will/keep the passover at thy/house 302/362
Mar_7:9............may/keep your own/tradition 303/362 thee And in/their 304/362
Luk_8:15..........word/keep it and bring/forth 305/362
Luk_11:28..........and/keep it And when the/people 306/362
Luk_19:43..........and/keep thee in on/every. 307/362 my saying he shall never see/death 308/362 my saying he shall never taste/of 309/362
Joh_8:55...........and/keep his saying/Your.. 310/362
Joh_12:25........shall/keep it unto life/eternal 311/362 my commandments And I/will 312/362
Joh_14:23.........will/keep my words and my/Father 313/362 my commandments ye/shall 314/362
Joh_15:20.........will/keep yours/also....... 315/362
Joh_17:11.......Father/keep through/thine.... 316/362
Joh_17:15....shouldest/keep them from/the.... 317/362 back part/of..... 318/362 company or/come.. 319/362 him intending/after 320/362 the law of Moses/And 321/362
Act_15:24..........and/keep the law to/whom.. 322/362 yourselves ye/shall 323/362 that were/ordained 324/362 them safely/Who.. 325/362
Act_18:21........means/keep this feast/that.. 326/362
Act_21:25.........they/keep themselves/from.. 327/362 Paul/and......... 328/362
Rom_2:25..........thou/keep the law but if/thou 329/362
Rom_2:26uncircumcision/keep the righteousness/of 330/362 the feast not/with 331/362 company if/any... 332/362
1Co_7:37..........will/keep his virgin/doeth. 333/362
1Co_9:27.............I/keep under my/body.... 334/362
1Co_11:2...........and/keep the ordinances/as 335/362
1Co_14:28..........him/keep silence in the church/and 336/362
1Co_14:34........women/keep silence in the churches/for 337/362 in memory/what... 338/362
2Co_11:9.............I/keep myself/As........ 339/362
Gal_6:13...circumcised/keep the law but desire/to 340/362 the unity/of..... 341/362
Php_4:7..........shall/keep your hearts/and.. 342/362
2Th_3:3............and/keep you from evil/And 343/362
1Ti_5:22..........sins/keep thyself/pure..... 344/362
1Ti_6:14..........thou/keep this commandment/without 345/362
1Ti_6:20.......Timothy/keep that which is/committed 346/362 that which I/have 347/362
2Ti_1:14..........thee/keep by/the........... 348/362 himself unspotted/from 349/362
Jam_2:10.........shall/keep the whole law/and 350/362
1Jn_2:3.............we/keep his commandments He/that 351/362
1Jn_3:22............we/keep his commandments and do/those 352/362
1Jn_5:2............and/keep his commandments For this is the love/of 353/362
1Jn_5:3.............we/keep his commandments and his commandments/are 354/362
1Jn_5:21......children/keep yourselves from idols/Amen 355/362
Jud_1:21.........Ghost/Keep yourselves in/the 356/362 you from falling/and 357/362
Rev_1:3............and/keep those/things..... 358/362
Rev_3:10..........will/keep thee from the hour/of 359/362
Rev_12:17........which/keep the commandments of God and have/the 360/362
Rev_14:12.........that/keep the commandments of God and the/faith 361/362
Rev_22:9.........which/keep the sayings/of... 362/362
Gen_4:2..............a/keeper of sheep/but...... 1/21's/keeper And he/said....... 2/21
Gen_39:21..........the/keeper of the prison And/the 3/21
Gen_39:22..........the/keeper of the prison committed/to 4/21
Gen_39:23..........The/keeper of the prison looked/not 5/21
1Sa_17:20............a/keeper and took/and...... 6/21
1Sa_17:22..........the/keeper of the carriage/and 7/21
1Sa_28:2..........thee/keeper of mine/head...... 8/21
2Ki_22:14.......Harhas/keeper of the wardrobe now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the college and they communed/with 9/21
2Ch_34:22.......Hasrah/keeper of the wardrobe now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the college and they spake/to 10/21
Neh_2:8............the/keeper of the king's/forest 11/21
Neh_3:29...........the/keeper of the east/gate. 12/21
Est_2:3....chamberlain/keeper of the women and let/their 13/21
Est_2:8..........Hegai/keeper of the women And the/maiden 14/21
Est_2:15...........the/keeper of the women appointed/And 15/21
Job_27:18..........the/keeper maketh/The....... 16/21
Psa_121:5..........thy/keeper the/LORD......... 17/21
Son_1:6............the/keeper of the vineyards/but 18/21
Jer_35:4...........the/keeper of the door/And.. 19/21
Act_16:27..........the/keeper of the prison awaking/out 20/21
Act_16:36..........the/keeper of the prison told/this 21/21 of the watch/of.. 1/21
2Ki_22:4...........the/keepers of the door have/gathered 2/21
2Ki_23:4...........the/keepers of the door to/bring 3/21
2Ki_25:18........three/keepers of the door And/out 4/21
1Ch_9:19.......service/keepers of the gates/of.. 5/21
1Ch_9:19..........were/keepers of the entry/And. 6/21
Est_6:2............the/keepers of the door who/sought 7/21
Ecc_12:3...........the/keepers of the house/shall 8/21
Son_5:7............the/keepers of the walls/took 9/21
Son_8:11..........unto/keepers every/one....... 10/21
Jer_4:17............As/keepers of a/field...... 11/21
Jer_52:24........three/keepers of the door He/took 12/21
Eze_40:45..........the/keepers of the charge of the house And/the 13/21
Eze_40:46..........the/keepers of the charge of the altar/these 14/21
Eze_44:8...........set/keepers of my/charge.... 15/21
Eze_44:14.........them/keepers of the charge of the house for/all 16/21
Mat_28:4...........the/keepers did/shake....... 17/21
Act_5:23...........the/keepers standing/without 18/21
Act_12:6...........the/keepers before/the...... 19/21
Act_12:19..........the/keepers and/commanded... 20/21
Tit_2:5.........chaste/keepers at/home......... 21/21
1Ki_8:23...........who/keepest covenant and mercy with/thy 1/4
2Ch_6:14.........which/keepest covenant and shewest/mercy 2/4
Neh_9:32...........who/keepest covenant and mercy let/not 3/4
Act_21:24..........and/keepest the/law........... 4/4
Exo_21:18..........but/keepeth his bed/If....... 1/46
Deu_7:9..........which/keepeth covenant and mercy with/them 2/46
1Sa_16:11...........he/keepeth the sheep/And.... 3/46
Neh_1:5...........that/keepeth covenant and mercy for/them 4/46
Job_33:18...........He/keepeth back his soul/from 5/46
Psa_34:20...........He/keepeth all/his.......... 6/46
Psa_121:3.........that/keepeth thee/will........ 7/46
Psa_121:4.........that/keepeth Israel/shall..... 8/46
Psa_146:6........which/keepeth truth/for........ 9/46
Pro_2:8.............He/keepeth the paths/of.... 10/46
Pro_10:17.........that/keepeth instruction/but. 11/46
Pro_13:3..........that/keepeth his mouth keepeth/his 12/46
Pro_13:3.........mouth/keepeth his life/but.... 13/46
Pro_13:6.Righteousness/keepeth him/that........ 14/46
Pro_16:17.........that/keepeth his way/preserveth 15/46
Pro_19:8..........that/keepeth understanding/shall 16/46
Pro_19:16.........that/keepeth the commandment keepeth/his 17/46
Pro_19:16..commandment/keepeth his own/soul.... 18/46
Pro_21:23........Whoso/keepeth his mouth and/his 19/46
Pro_21:23.......tongue/keepeth his soul/from... 20/46
Pro_24:12.........that/keepeth thy/soul........ 21/46
Pro_27:18........Whoso/keepeth the fig/tree.... 22/46
Pro_28:7.........Whoso/keepeth the law is/a.... 23/46
Pro_29:3..........that/keepeth company/with.... 24/46 it/in........... 25/46
Pro_29:18.........that/keepeth the law happy/is 26/46
Ecc_8:5..........Whoso/keepeth the commandment shall/feel 27/46
Isa_26:2.........which/keepeth the truth/may... 28/46
Isa_56:2..........that/keepeth the sabbath from polluting it and keepeth/his 29/46
Isa_56:2...........and/keepeth his hand/from... 30/46
Isa_56:6..........that/keepeth the sabbath from polluting it and taketh/hold 31/46
Jer_48:10.........that/keepeth back his sword/from 32/46
Lam_3:28...........and/keepeth silence/because. 33/46
Hab_2:5........neither/keepeth at/home......... 34/46
Luk_11:21........armed/keepeth his palace/his.. 35/46 the law Why/go.. 36/46
Joh_9:16............he/keepeth not the/sabbath. 37/46
Joh_14:21..........and/keepeth them/he......... 38/46
Joh_14:24..........not/keepeth not my/sayings.. 39/46
1Jn_2:4............and/keepeth not his/commandments 40/46
1Jn_2:5..........whoso/keepeth his word/in..... 41/46
1Jn_3:24..........that/keepeth his commandments/dwelleth 42/46
1Jn_5:18...........God/keepeth himself/and..... 43/46
Rev_2:26...........and/keepeth my/works........ 44/46
Rev_16:15..........and/keepeth his garments/lest 45/46
Rev_22:7..........that/keepeth the sayings/of.. 46/46
Exo_34:7.........truth/Keeping mercy/for........ 1/12
Num_3:28.......hundred/keeping the charge of the sanctuary The/families 2/12
Num_3:38..........sons/keeping the charge of the sanctuary for/the 3/12
Deu_8:11...........not/keeping his/commandments. 4/12
1Sa_25:16.........them/keeping the sheep/Now.... 5/12
Neh_12:25......porters/keeping the ward/at...... 6/12 of them/there.... 7/12 of his/covenant.. 8/12
Dan_9:4............God/keeping the covenant/and. 9/12
Luk_2:8..........field/keeping watch/over...... 10/12
1Co_7:19...........the/keeping of the/commandments 11/12
1Pe_4:19...........the/keeping of their/souls.. 12/12
