Gen_4:15....should/kill him And Cain/went.. 1/125
Gen_12:12.....will/kill me but/they........ 2/125
Gen_26:7....should/kill me for/Rebekah..... 3/125 thee Now therefore my/son 4/125
Gen_37:21......not/kill him And Reuben/said 5/125
Exo_1:16.....shall/kill him but if/it...... 6/125 me as thou killedst/the 7/125 him Then Zipporah/took 8/125
Exo_12:6.....shall/kill it in the evening/And 9/125
Exo_12:21......and/kill the passover And ye/shall 10/125 this/whole........ 11/125 us and/our........ 12/125
Exo_20:13......not/kill Thou shalt not commit/adultery 13/125
Exo_22:1.......and/kill it or/sell........ 14/125
Exo_22:24.....will/kill you with/the...... 15/125
Exo_29:11....shalt/kill the bullock before the LORD by/the 16/125
Exo_29:20.....thou/kill the ram/and....... 17/125
Lev_1:5......shall/kill the bullock before the LORD and the priests/Aaron's 18/125
Lev_1:11.....shall/kill it on/the......... 19/125
Lev_3:2........and/kill it at/the......... 20/125
Lev_3:8........and/kill it before the tabernacle of the congregation and Aaron's/sons 21/125
Lev_3:13.......and/kill it before the tabernacle of the congregation and the/sons 22/125
Lev_4:4........and/kill the bullock before the LORD And the priest/that 23/125
Lev_4:24.......and/kill it in the place/where 24/125
Lev_4:24......they/kill the burnt offering before/the 25/125
Lev_4:33......they/kill the burnt offering And the priest shall take/of 26/125
Lev_7:2.......they/kill the burnt offering shall/they 27/125
Lev_7:2.......they/kill the trespass/offering 28/125
Lev_14:13....shall/kill the sin/offering.. 29/125
Lev_14:19....shall/kill the burnt offering And the priest shall offer/the 30/125
Lev_14:25....shall/kill the lamb/of....... 31/125
Lev_14:50....shall/kill the one/of........ 32/125
Lev_16:11....shall/kill the bullock of/the 33/125
Lev_16:15.......he/kill the goat/of....... 34/125
Lev_20:4.......and/kill him not/Then...... 35/125
Lev_20:16....shalt/kill the woman/and..... 36/125
Lev_22:28......not/kill it and her/young.. 37/125 me I/pray......... 38/125
Num_14:15....shalt/kill all/this.......... 39/125 us in/the......... 40/125
Num_22:29........I/kill thee And the/ass.. 41/125
Num_31:17therefore/kill every male/among.. 42/125
Num_31:17......and/kill every woman/that.. 43/125
Num_35:27....blood/kill the slayer/he..... 44/125
Deu_4:42....should/kill his/neighbour..... 45/125
Deu_5:17.......not/kill Neither/shalt..... 46/125
Deu_12:15...mayest/kill and eat flesh/in.. 47/125
Deu_12:21....shalt/kill of thy/herd....... 48/125
Deu_13:9....surely/kill him thine/hand.... 49/125
Deu_32:39........I/kill and I/make........ 50/125 us he/would....... 51/125
Jdg_15:13......not/kill thee And they/bound 52/125
Jdg_16:2.....shall/kill him And Samson/lay 53/125
Jdg_20:31......and/kill as/at............. 54/125
Jdg_20:39......and/kill of the/men........ 55/125
1Sa_16:2......will/kill me And the/LORD... 56/125 me then/will...... 57/125
1Sa_17:9.......and/kill him then shall/ye. 58/125
1Sa_19:1....should/kill David/But......... 59/125 thee now therefore I/pray 60/125
1Sa_19:17........I/kill thee So/David..... 61/125 thee but/mine..... 62/125
1Sa_30:15..neither/kill me nor/deliver.... 63/125
2Sa_13:28.....then/kill him fear/not...... 64/125
2Sa_14:7.......may/kill him for the/life.. 65/125
2Sa_14:32......him/kill me So/Joab........ 66/125
2Sa_21:4......thou/kill any/man........... 67/125 Jeroboam/And...... 68/125
1Ki_12:27....shall/kill me and go/again... 69/125 and to make/alive. 70/125
2Ki_7:4.......they/kill us we/shall....... 71/125
2Ki_11:15......her/kill with the/sword.... 72/125
2Ch_35:6........So/kill the passover and sanctify/yourselves 73/125 and to cause/to... 74/125 and a/time........ 75/125
Isa_14:30.....will/kill thy/root.......... 76/125
Isa_29:1......them/kill sacrifices/Yet.... 77/125 them that/are..... 78/125
Mat_5:21.......not/kill and whosoever/shall 79/125
Mat_5:21.....shall/kill shall/be.......... 80/125
Mat_10:28....which/kill the body but/are.. 81/125 the soul/but...... 82/125
Mat_17:23....shall/kill him and the third day he shall be/raised 83/125 him and let/us.... 84/125
Mat_23:34....shall/kill and crucify/and... 85/125
Mat_24:9.....shall/kill you and/ye........ 86/125
Mat_26:4.......and/kill him But they/said. 87/125 But they/held..... 88/125
Mar_9:31.....shall/kill him and after/that 89/125
Mar_10:19......not/kill Do not steal Do not bear false witness Defraud/not 90/125
Mar_10:34....shall/kill him and the third day he shall rise/again 91/125 him and the inheritance/shall 92/125
Luk_12:4......that/kill the body and/after 93/125
Luk_13:31.....will/kill thee And he/said.. 94/125
Luk_15:23......and/kill it and let/us..... 95/125
Luk_18:20......not/kill Do not steal Do not bear false witness Honour/thy 96/125 him that/the...... 97/125
Luk_22:2.....might/kill him for they/feared 98/125 him because/he.... 99/125 him Now/the...... 100/125 me The/people.... 101/125 thee Jesus/answered 102/125 But lo/he........ 103/125
Joh_8:22........he/kill himself/because.. 104/125 me because/my.... 105/125 me a/man......... 106/125 and to destroy/I. 107/125
Act_7:28......thou/kill me as thou diddest/the 108/125 him But their/laying 109/125 him Then the/disciples 110/125
Act_10:13....Peter/kill and eat But/Peter 111/125 him tidings/came. 112/125 him And when/Paul's 113/125 him But Festus/answered 114/125 me Having/therefore 115/125 the prisoners/lest 116/125
Rom_13:9.......not/kill Thou shalt not steal/Thou 117/125
Jam_2:11.......not/kill Now/if........... 118/125
Jam_2:11......thou/kill thou art/become.. 119/125 and desire/to.... 120/125
Rev_2:23......will/kill her/children..... 121/125
Rev_6:4.....should/kill one/another...... 122/125 with sword/and... 123/125
Rev_9:5........not/kill them but/that.... 124/125
Rev_11:7.......and/kill them And/their... 125/125
Gen_37:31......and/killed a kid/of.......... 1/67
Exo_21:29.....hath/killed a man/or.......... 2/67 before the LORD And/the 3/67 shall/the......... 4/67 before the LORD it/is 5/67
Lev_8:19........he/killed it and Moses/sprinkled 6/67 in/an............. 7/67
Lev_14:6.......was/killed over/the.......... 8/67
Num_16:41.....have/killed the people/of..... 9/67
Num_31:19.....hath/killed any/person....... 10/67
1Sa_24:11......and/killed thee/not......... 11/67
1Sa_25:11.....have/killed for my/shearers.. 12/67
1Sa_28:24......and/killed it and took/flour 13/67
2Sa_12:9......hast/killed Uriah/the........ 14/67
2Sa_21:17......and/killed him Then/the..... 15/67
1Ki_16:7........he/killed him In the twenty and sixth/year 16/67
1Ki_16:10......and/killed him in the twenty and seventh/year 17/67
1Ki_21:19.....thou/killed and also/taken... 18/67
2Ki_15:25.......he/killed him and reigned/in 19/67
1Ch_19:18......and/killed Shophach/the..... 20/67
2Ch_18:2......Ahab/killed sheep/and........ 21/67
2Ch_25:3.......had/killed the king/his..... 22/67
2Ch_29:22.....they/killed the bullocks/and. 23/67
2Ch_29:22......had/killed the rams/they.... 24/67
2Ch_29:22.....they/killed also/the......... 25/67
2Ch_29:24..priests/killed them and they/made 26/67
2Ch_30:15.....they/killed the passover on the fourteenth day of the second/month 27/67
2Ch_35:1......they/killed the passover on the fourteenth day of the first/month 28/67
2Ch_35:11.....they/killed the passover and/the 29/67
Ezr_6:20.......and/killed the passover for/all 30/67
Psa_44:22.......we/killed all the day long we are counted/as 31/67
Pro_9:2.......hath/killed her/beasts....... 32/67
Lam_2:21......hast/killed and not/pitied... 33/67 and be/raised.... 34/67
Mat_21:35......and/killed another/and...... 35/67
Mat_22:4.......are/killed and all/things... 36/67
Mat_23:31....which/killed the prophets/Fill 37/67
Mar_6:19......have/killed him but/she...... 38/67 and after/three.. 39/67 he/shall......... 40/67
Mar_12:5......they/killed and many/others.. 41/67
Mar_12:8.......and/killed him and cast/him. 42/67
Mar_14:12.....they/killed the passover his/disciples 43/67
Luk_11:47..fathers/killed them Truly/ye.... 44/67
Luk_11:48...indeed/killed them and ye/build 45/67
Luk_12:5......hath/killed hath/power....... 46/67
Luk_15:27.....hath/killed the fatted/calf.. 47/67
Luk_15:30.....hast/killed for him/the...... 48/67
Luk_20:15......and/killed him What/therefore 49/67 And he sent/Peter 50/67
Act_3:15.......And/killed the Prince/of.... 51/67
Act_12:2........he/killed James/the........ 52/67
Act_16:27.....have/killed himself/supposing 53/67
Act_23:12......had/killed Paul/And......... 54/67
Act_23:21.....have/killed him and now/are.. 55/67
Act_23:27.....been/killed of/them.......... 56/67
Rom_8:36.......are/killed all the day long we are accounted/as 57/67
Rom_11:3......have/killed thy/prophets..... 58/67
2Co_6:9........not/killed As sorrowful/yet. 59/67
1Th_2:15......both/killed the Lord/Jesus... 60/67
Jam_5:6........and/killed the just/and..... 61/67 as they/were..... 62/67 by the/fire...... 63/67
Rev_9:20.......not/killed by these/plagues. 64/67 These/have....... 65/67 with/the......... 66/67 And he causeth/all 67/67
Exo_2:14......thou/killedst the/Egyptian..... 1/2
1Sa_24:18.....thou/killedst me/not........... 2/2
Mat_23:37.....that/killest the prophets and stonest them which/are 1/2
Luk_13:34....which/killest the prophets and stonest them that/are 2/2
Lev_17:3......that/killeth an ox or/lamb.... 1/23
Lev_17:3......that/killeth it/out........... 2/23
Lev_24:17.....that/killeth any man/shall.... 3/23
Lev_24:18.....that/killeth a beast shall/make 4/23
Lev_24:21.....that/killeth a beast he/shall. 5/23
Lev_24:21.....that/killeth a man/he......... 6/23
Num_35:11....which/killeth any person at unawares And/they 7/23
Num_35:15.....that/killeth any person unawares may/flee 8/23
Num_35:30....Whoso/killeth any person the/murderer 9/23
Deu_19:4.....Whoso/killeth his/neighbour... 10/23
Jos_20:3......that/killeth any person unawares and/unwittingly 11/23
Jos_20:9.whosoever/killeth any person at unawares might/flee 12/23
1Sa_2:6.......LORD/killeth and/maketh...... 13/23
1Sa_17:25......who/killeth him the/king.... 14/23
1Sa_17:26.....that/killeth this/Philistine. 15/23
1Sa_17:27.....that/killeth him And/Eliab... 16/23
Job_5:2......wrath/killeth the foolish/man. 17/23
Job_24:14....light/killeth the poor/and.... 18/23
Pro_21:25.slothful/killeth him for/his..... 19/23
Isa_66:3......that/killeth an ox is/as..... 20/23
Joh_16:2.whosoever/killeth you/will........ 21/23
2Co_3:6.....letter/killeth but/the......... 22/23
Rev_13:10.....that/killeth with/the........ 23/23
Jdg_9:24.......the/killing of his/brethren... 1/5
2Ch_30:17......the/killing of the/passovers.. 2/5
Isa_22:13......and/killing sheep/eating...... 3/5
Hos_4:2........and/killing and/stealing...... 4/5
Mar_12:5.......and/killing some/Having....... 5/5
