Gen_3:5...........doth/know that in the/day.... 1/763 good/and........... 2/763
Gen_4:9..............I/know not Am/I........... 3/763
Gen_12:11............I/know that thou art a fair/woman 4/763
Gen_15:8.............I/know that I shall inherit/it 5/763
Gen_15:13........Abram/Know of a surety that thy/seed 6/763
Gen_18:19............I/know him that he/will... 7/763
Gen_18:21.........will/know And the men/turned. 8/763
Gen_19:5...........may/know them And Lot/went.. 9/763
Gen_20:6.............I/know that thou didst/this 10/763
Gen_20:7...........not/know thou that thou/shalt 11/763
Gen_22:12............I/know that thou fearest/God 12/763
Gen_24:14............I/know that thou hast shewed/kindness 13/763
Gen_27:2.............I/know not the day/of.... 14/763
Gen_29:5..........them/Know ye Laban/the...... 15/763
Gen_29:5............We/know him And he said unto them Is/he 16/763 that with/all..... 17/763
Gen_37:32........found/know now whether/it.... 18/763
Gen_42:33............I/know that ye are true/men 19/763
Gen_42:34............I/know that ye are no/spies 20/763
Gen_43:7.....certainly/know that he would/say. 21/763
Gen_44:27...........Ye/know that my wife/bare. 22/763
Gen_48:19............I/know it my/son......... 23/763
Gen_48:19............I/know it he/also........ 24/763
Exo_3:7..............I/know their sorrows/And. 25/763
Exo_4:14.............I/know that he can/speak. 26/763
Exo_5:2..............I/know not the LORD/neither 27/763
Exo_6:7..........shall/know that I am the LORD your God which/bringeth 28/763
Exo_7:5..........shall/know that I am the LORD when I stretch/forth 29/763
Exo_7:17.........shalt/know that I am the LORD behold/I 30/763
Exo_8:10........mayest/know that there is none like unto/the 31/763
Exo_8:22........mayest/know that I am the LORD in/the 32/763
Exo_9:14........mayest/know that there is none like me/in 33/763
Exo_9:29........mayest/know how that the earth/is 34/763
Exo_9:30.............I/know that ye will/not.. 35/763
Exo_10:2...........may/know how that I/am..... 36/763
Exo_10:26...........we/know not with/what..... 37/763
Exo_11:7...........may/know how that the LORD/doth 38/763
Exo_14:4...........may/know that I am the LORD And they did/so 39/763
Exo_14:18........shall/know that I am the LORD when I have gotten/me 40/763
Exo_16:6.........shall/know that the LORD hath brought/you 41/763
Exo_16:12........shall/know that I am the LORD your God And it/came 42/763
Exo_18:11............I/know that the LORD is greater/than 43/763
Exo_18:16.........them/know the statutes/of... 44/763 the heart/of...... 45/763
Exo_29:46........shall/know that I am the LORD their God that/brought 46/763
Exo_31:13..........may/know that I am the LORD that doth/sanctify 47/763
Exo_33:5...........may/know what to/do........ 48/763 whom thou/wilt.... 49/763
Exo_33:12............I/know thee by name and thou/hast 50/763
Exo_33:13..........may/know thee that/I....... 51/763
Exo_33:17............I/know thee by name And he/said 52/763 how to work/all... 53/763
Lev_23:43..........may/know that I made/the... 54/763
Num_14:31........shall/know the land/which.... 55/763
Num_14:34........shall/know my breach/of...... 56/763
Num_16:28........shall/know that the LORD hath sent/me 57/763
Num_22:19..........may/know what the LORD will/say 58/763
Deu_3:19.............I/know that ye have much/cattle 59/763
Deu_4:35......mightest/know that the LORD he/is 60/763 therefore this/day 61/763
Deu_7:9..........Egypt/Know therefore that the/LORD 62/763 what was/in....... 63/763
Deu_8:3........fathers/know that he might/make 64/763
Deu_8:3...........thee/know that man/doth..... 65/763
Deu_11:2...........And/know ye this/day....... 66/763 whether ye/love... 67/763
Deu_18:21...........we/know the word/which.... 68/763
Deu_22:2..........thou/know him not then/thou. 69/763
Deu_29:6.........might/know that I am the LORD your God And when/ye 70/763 how we have/dwelt. 71/763
Deu_31:21............I/know their imagination/which 72/763
Deu_31:27............I/know thy rebellion/and. 73/763
Deu_31:29............I/know that after my/death 74/763
Jos_2:9..............I/know that the LORD hath given/you 75/763
Jos_3:4............may/know the way by/which.. 76/763
Jos_3:7............may/know that as/I......... 77/763
Jos_3:10.........shall/know that the living/God 78/763
Jos_4:22......children/know saying/Israel..... 79/763
Jos_4:24.........might/know the hand/of....... 80/763
Jos_22:22........shall/know if it/be.......... 81/763 for a certainty/that 82/763 in all/your....... 83/763
Jdg_3:2..........might/know to teach/them..... 84/763 whether they/would 85/763
Jdg_6:37.............I/know that thou wilt save/Israel 86/763
Jdg_17:13..........Now/know I that the LORD will/do 87/763
Jdg_18:5...........may/know whether our/way... 88/763 that there is in/these 89/763
Jdg_19:22..........may/know him And the man/the 90/763
Rut_3:11..........doth/know that thou art a virtuous/woman 91/763
Rut_3:14.........could/know another/And....... 92/763
Rut_3:18..........thou/know how the/matter.... 93/763
Rut_4:4............may/know for there/is...... 94/763
1Sa_3:7............yet/know the LORD neither/was 95/763
1Sa_6:9..........shall/know that it is not/his 96/763
1Sa_14:38..........and/know and see wherein/this 97/763
1Sa_17:28............I/know thy pride/and..... 98/763
1Sa_17:46..........may/know that there is a God/in 99/763
1Sa_17:47........shall/know that the LORD saveth/not 100/763
1Sa_20:3......Jonathan/know this lest/he..... 101/763
1Sa_20:30............I/know that thou hast chosen/the 102/763 any thing of/the. 103/763
1Sa_22:3.............I/know what God/will.... 104/763
1Sa_23:22..........and/know and see his/place 105/763
1Sa_24:11..........not/know thou and/see..... 106/763
1Sa_24:20............I/know well/that........ 107/763
1Sa_25:11............I/know not whence/they.. 108/763
1Sa_25:17....therefore/know and consider what/thou 109/763
1Sa_28:1.........David/Know thou assuredly/that 110/763
1Sa_28:2.........shalt/know what thy servant/can 111/763
1Sa_29:9.............I/know that thou art good/in 112/763 thy going/out.... 113/763 all that thou/doest 114/763
2Sa_3:38......servants/Know ye not that there/is 115/763
2Sa_7:21.......servant/know them Wherefore/thou 116/763 all things that/are 117/763
2Sa_19:20.........doth/know that I have sinned/therefore 118/763
2Sa_19:22............I/know that I am this/day 119/763
2Sa_24:2...........may/know the number/of.... 120/763
1Ki_2:37.........shalt/know for certain/that. 121/763
1Ki_2:42........saying/Know for a certain/on. 122/763
1Ki_3:7..............I/know not how to go/out 123/763
1Ki_8:38.........shall/know every/man........ 124/763
1Ki_8:43...........may/know thy name to/fear. 125/763
1Ki_8:43...........may/know that this house which I have builded/is 126/763
1Ki_8:60...........may/know that the LORD is God/and 127/763
1Ki_17:24............I/know that thou art a man/of 128/763
1Ki_18:12............I/know not and so/when.. 129/763
1Ki_18:37..........may/know that thou art the LORD God and/that 130/763
1Ki_20:13........shalt/know that I am the LORD And Ahab/said 131/763
1Ki_20:28........shall/know that I am the LORD And they pitched/one 132/763
1Ki_22:3......servants/Know ye that Ramoth/in 133/763
2Ki_2:3..............I/know it hold ye your peace And Elijah said unto him Elisha/tarry 134/763
2Ki_2:5..............I/know it hold ye your peace And Elijah said unto him Tarry/I 135/763
2Ki_5:8..........shall/know that there is a prophet/in 136/763
2Ki_5:15.............I/know that there is no God/in 137/763
2Ki_7:12..........They/know that we be/hungry 138/763
2Ki_8:12.............I/know the evil/that.... 139/763
2Ki_9:11............Ye/know the man and his/communication 140/763
2Ki_10:10........these/Know now that there/shall 141/763
2Ki_17:26......Samaria/know not the manner of the God of the land therefore/he 142/763
2Ki_17:26.........they/know not the manner of the God of the land Then/the 143/763
2Ki_19:19..........may/know that thou art the LORD God even/thou 144/763
2Ki_19:27............I/know thy abode and thy going out and thy coming in and thy rage against me Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears therefore I/will 145/763 what Israel/ought 146/763
1Ch_21:2...........may/know it And Joab/answered 147/763
1Ch_28:9...........son/know thou the/God..... 148/763
1Ch_29:17............I/know also my/God...... 149/763
2Ch_2:8..............I/know that thy servants/can 150/763
2Ch_6:29.........shall/know his own/sore..... 151/763
2Ch_6:33...........may/know thy name and/fear 152/763
2Ch_6:33...........may/know that this house which I have built/is 153/763
2Ch_12:8...........may/know my service/and... 154/763 that the LORD God/of 155/763
2Ch_20:12......neither/know we what/to....... 156/763
2Ch_25:16............I/know that God hath/determined 157/763 ye not what I/and 158/763
2Ch_32:31........might/know all that was/in.. 159/763
Ezr_4:15...........and/know that this city/is 160/763 the laws/of...... 161/763
Ezr_7:25..........that/know them not And/whosoever 162/763
Neh_4:11...........not/know neither see/till. 163/763 how Esther/did... 164/763 what it/was...... 165/763 that whosoever whether/man 166/763
Job_5:24.........shalt/know that thy tabernacle/shall 167/763
Job_5:25.........shalt/know also that thy/seed 168/763
Job_5:27...........and/know thou it/for...... 169/763 him any/more..... 170/763
Job_8:9............and/know nothing because/our 171/763
Job_9:2..............I/know it is/so......... 172/763
Job_9:5...........they/know not which/overturneth 173/763
Job_9:21...........not/know my soul/I........ 174/763
Job_9:28.............I/know that thou wilt not/hold 175/763
Job_10:13............I/know that this is with/thee 176/763 therefore that God/exacteth 177/763
Job_11:8..........thou/know The measure/thereof 178/763 the same/do...... 179/763
Job_13:2.............I/know also I/am........ 180/763
Job_13:18............I/know that I shall be/justified 181/763 my transgression/and 182/763
Job_15:9............we/know not what understandest/thou 183/763
Job_19:6......reproach/Know now that God/hath 184/763
Job_19:25............I/know that my redeemer/liveth 185/763
Job_19:29..........may/know there/is......... 186/763
Job_21:19........shall/know it His/eyes...... 187/763
Job_21:27............I/know your thoughts/and 188/763
Job_21:29..........not/know their tokens/That 189/763
Job_22:13..........God/know can/he........... 190/763
Job_23:5.........would/know the words/which.. 191/763
Job_24:1..........that/know him not see/his.. 192/763
Job_24:13.........they/know not the ways/thereof 193/763
Job_24:16.........they/know not the light/For 194/763 them they are in/the 195/763
Job_30:23............I/know that thou wilt bring/me 196/763
Job_31:6...........may/know mine integrity/If 197/763
Job_32:22............I/know not to give/flattering 198/763 among/ourselves.. 199/763
Job_36:26...........we/know him not neither/can 200/763
Job_37:7...........may/know his work/Then.... 201/763
Job_37:15.........thou/know when/God......... 202/763
Job_37:16.........thou/know the balancings/of 203/763 his place/That... 204/763
Job_38:20....shouldest/know the paths/to..... 205/763
Job_42:2.............I/know that thou canst/do 206/763
Psa_4:3............But/know that the LORD hath set/apart 207/763
Psa_9:10..........that/know thy name will/put 208/763
Psa_9:20...........may/know themselves/to.... 209/763
Psa_20:6...........Now/know I that the LORD saveth/his 210/763
Psa_36:10.........that/know thee and/thy..... 211/763 mine end/and..... 212/763
Psa_39:4...........may/know how frail/I...... 213/763
Psa_41:11............I/know that thou favourest/me 214/763
Psa_46:10..........and/know that I am God/I.. 215/763
Psa_50:11............I/know all the fowls/of. 216/763 wisdom Purge/me.. 217/763
Psa_56:9.............I/know for God/is....... 218/763
Psa_59:13.........them/know that God ruleth/in 219/763
Psa_71:15............I/know not the numbers/thereof 220/763
Psa_73:11..........God/know and is/there..... 221/763 this it/was...... 222/763
Psa_78:6.........might/know them even/the.... 223/763
Psa_82:5..........They/know not neither will/they 224/763
Psa_83:18..........may/know that thou whose/name 225/763
Psa_87:4..........that/know me behold/Philistia 226/763
Psa_89:15.........that/know the joyful/sound. 227/763
Psa_94:10...........he/know The LORD knoweth/the 228/763
Psa_100:3......singing/Know ye that the LORD/he 229/763
Psa_101:4..........not/know a/wicked......... 230/763
Psa_103:16.......shall/know it no/more....... 231/763
Psa_109:27.........may/know that this is thy/hand 232/763
Psa_119:75...........I/know O LORD/that...... 233/763
Psa_119:125........may/know thy testimonies/It 234/763
Psa_135:5............I/know that the LORD is great/and 235/763
Psa_139:23.........and/know my heart/try..... 236/763
Psa_139:23.........and/know my thoughts/And.. 237/763
Psa_140:12...........I/know that the LORD will/maintain 238/763
Psa_142:4........would/know me refuge/failed. 239/763 the way wherein/I 240/763
Pro_1:2.............To/know wisdom and instruction/to 241/763 understanding For/I 242/763
Pro_4:19..........they/know not at/what...... 243/763
Pro_5:6............not/know them Hear/me..... 244/763
Pro_10:32....righteous/know what is acceptable/but 245/763
Pro_22:21.........thee/know the certainty of the/words 246/763
Pro_24:12...........he/know it and shall/not. 247/763
Pro_25:8..........thou/know not what to/do... 248/763 the state/of..... 249/763 it Scornful/men.. 250/763
Pro_30:18............I/know not The way of an/eagle 251/763 wisdom and to know/madness 252/763 madness/and...... 253/763
Ecc_3:12.............I/know that there is no good/in 254/763
Ecc_3:14.............I/know that whatsoever/God 255/763 and to/search.... 256/763 the wickedness/of 257/763
Ecc_8:12.............I/know that it shall/be. 258/763 wisdom and to see/the 259/763 it yet/shall..... 260/763 that they shall/die 261/763
Ecc_9:5...........dead/know not any thing/neither 262/763
Ecc_11:9...........but/know thou that for/all 263/763
Son_1:8...........thou/know not O thou/fairest 264/763
Isa_1:3............not/know my people/doth... 265/763
Isa_5:19...........may/know it Woe/unto...... 266/763
Isa_7:15...........may/know to refuse the evil and choose the good For/before 267/763
Isa_7:16.........shall/know to refuse the evil and choose the good the/land 268/763
Isa_9:9..........shall/know even Ephraim/and. 269/763
Isa_19:12.........them/know what the LORD of/hosts 270/763
Isa_19:21........shall/know the LORD in/that. 271/763
Isa_37:20..........may/know that thou art the LORD even/thou 272/763
Isa_37:28............I/know thy abode and thy going out and thy coming in and thy rage against me Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears therefore will/I 273/763
Isa_41:20..........and/know and consider and/understand 274/763
Isa_41:22..........and/know the latter/end... 275/763
Isa_41:23..........may/know that ye are gods/yea 276/763
Isa_41:26..........may/know and beforetime/that 277/763
Isa_43:10..........may/know and believe me/and 278/763
Isa_43:19..........not/know it I will/even... 279/763
Isa_44:8.............I/know not any They/that 280/763
Isa_44:9...........nor/know that they may/be. 281/763
Isa_45:3........mayest/know that I the LORD which/call 282/763
Isa_45:6...........may/know from the rising/of 283/763
Isa_47:8.............I/know the loss/of...... 284/763
Isa_47:11..........not/know from whence/it... 285/763
Isa_47:11..........not/know Stand/now........ 286/763
Isa_48:6...........not/know them They are created/now 287/763
Isa_49:23........shalt/know that I am the LORD for they/shall 288/763
Isa_49:26........shall/know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer the mighty One of Jacob Thus/saith 289/763
Isa_50:4........should/know how to speak/a... 290/763
Isa_50:7.............I/know that I shall not/be 291/763
Isa_51:7..........that/know righteousness/the 292/763
Isa_52:6.........shall/know my name/therefore 293/763
Isa_52:6.........shall/know in that/day...... 294/763 my ways/as....... 295/763
Isa_59:8..........they/know not and there/is. 296/763
Isa_59:8...........not/know peace/Therefore.. 297/763
Isa_59:12...........we/know them In/transgressing 298/763
Isa_60:16........shalt/know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer the mighty One of Jacob For/brass 299/763
Isa_66:18............I/know their works/and.. 300/763
Jer_2:19..........thee/know therefore and see/that 301/763
Jer_2:23........valley/know what thou/hast... 302/763
Jer_5:1............and/know and seek/in...... 303/763
Jer_5:4...........they/know not the way of the/LORD 304/763
Jer_6:18...........and/know O congregation/what 305/763
Jer_6:27........mayest/know and try/their.... 306/763 not And come/and. 307/763
Jer_8:7.........people/know not the judgment/of 308/763
Jer_9:3...........they/know not me/saith..... 309/763 me saith the LORD Therefore/thus 310/763
Jer_10:23............I/know that the way/of.. 311/763
Jer_10:25.........that/know thee not/and..... 312/763
Jer_11:18............I/know it then/thou..... 313/763
Jer_13:12....certainly/know that every bottle/shall 314/763
Jer_14:18.........they/know not Hast/thou.... 315/763
Jer_15:15longsuffering/know that for thy/sake 316/763 not neither ye/nor 317/763 I will/cause..... 318/763 mine hand/and.... 319/763
Jer_16:21........shall/know that my name/is.. 320/763
Jer_17:9...........can/know it I the/LORD.... 321/763 me saith the LORD But/thine 322/763
Jer_22:28.........they/know not O earth/earth 323/763 me that/I........ 324/763
Jer_26:15..........But/know ye for/certain... 325/763
Jer_29:11............I/know the thoughts that/I 326/763
Jer_29:16......Babylon/Know that thus/saith.. 327/763
Jer_29:23............I/know and am a/witness. 328/763
Jer_31:34.......saying/Know the LORD for they/shall 329/763
Jer_31:34..........all/know me from the least of/them 330/763 where/ye......... 331/763 of these/words... 332/763
Jer_40:14....certainly/know that Baalis/the.. 333/763
Jer_40:15........shall/know it wherefore/should 334/763
Jer_42:19........Egypt/know certainly that I/have 335/763
Jer_42:22....therefore/know certainly that ye/shall 336/763
Jer_44:28........shall/know whose/words...... 337/763
Jer_44:29..........may/know that my words/shall 338/763
Jer_48:17.........that/know his name/say..... 339/763
Jer_48:30............I/know his wrath/saith.. 340/763
Eze_2:5..........shall/know that there hath/been 341/763
Eze_5:13.........shall/know that I the LORD have spoken it in/my 342/763
Eze_6:7..........shall/know that I am the LORD Yet/will 343/763
Eze_6:10.........shall/know that I am the LORD and that I have not/said 344/763 that I am the LORD when their/slain 345/763
Eze_6:14.........shall/know that I am the LORD Moreover the word of the LORD came unto/me 346/763
Eze_7:4..........shall/know that I am the LORD Thus saith the Lord GOD An/evil 347/763
Eze_7:9..........shall/know that I am the LORD that smiteth/Behold 348/763
Eze_7:27.........shall/know that I am the LORD And it came to pass in the sixth/year 349/763
Eze_11:5.............I/know the things that come/into 350/763
Eze_11:10........shall/know that I am the LORD This city/shall 351/763
Eze_11:12........shall/know that I am the LORD for ye/have 352/763
Eze_12:15........shall/know that I am the LORD when I shall scatter/them 353/763
Eze_12:16........shall/know that I am the LORD Moreover the word of the LORD came to/me 354/763
Eze_12:20........shall/know that I am the LORD And the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man what/is 355/763
Eze_13:9.........shall/know that I am the Lord GOD Because/even 356/763
Eze_13:14........shall/know that I am the LORD Thus will/I 357/763
Eze_13:21........shall/know that I am the LORD Because with/lies 358/763
Eze_13:23........shall/know that I am the LORD Then/came 359/763
Eze_14:8.........shall/know that I am the LORD And if/the 360/763
Eze_14:23........shall/know that I have not/done 361/763
Eze_15:7.........shall/know that I am the LORD when I set/my 362/763 her/abominations. 363/763
Eze_16:62........shalt/know that I am the LORD That thou/mayest 364/763 ye not what these/things 365/763
Eze_17:21........shall/know that I the LORD have spoken it Thus/saith 366/763
Eze_17:24........shall/know that I the LORD have brought/down 367/763 the abominations/of 368/763
Eze_20:12........might/know that I am the LORD that sanctify/them 369/763
Eze_20:20..........may/know that I am the LORD your God Notwithstanding/the 370/763
Eze_20:26........might/know that I am the LORD Therefore son/of 371/763
Eze_20:38........shall/know that I am the LORD As/for 372/763
Eze_20:42........shall/know that I am the LORD when I shall bring/you 373/763
Eze_20:44........shall/know that I am the LORD when I have wrought/with 374/763
Eze_21:5...........may/know that I the LORD have drawn/forth 375/763
Eze_22:16........shalt/know that I am the LORD And the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man the/house 376/763
Eze_22:22........shall/know that I the LORD have poured/out 377/763
Eze_23:49........shall/know that I am the Lord GOD Again/in 378/763
Eze_24:24........shall/know that I am the Lord GOD Also/thou 379/763
Eze_24:27........shall/know that I am the LORD The word of the LORD came again unto me saying Son of man set/thy 380/763
Eze_25:5.........shall/know that I am the LORD For thus saith the Lord GOD Because/thou 381/763
Eze_25:7.........shalt/know that I am the LORD Thus saith the Lord GOD Because that Moab/and 382/763
Eze_25:11........shall/know that I am the LORD Thus saith the Lord GOD Because that Edom/hath 383/763
Eze_25:14........shall/know my vengeance/saith 384/763
Eze_25:17........shall/know that I am the LORD when I shall lay/my 385/763
Eze_26:6.........shall/know that I am the LORD For thus saith the Lord GOD Behold/I 386/763
Eze_28:19.........that/know thee among/the... 387/763
Eze_28:22........shall/know that I am the LORD when I shall have/executed 388/763
Eze_28:23........shall/know that I am the LORD And there/shall 389/763
Eze_28:24........shall/know that I am the Lord GOD Thus/saith 390/763
Eze_28:26........shall/know that I am the LORD their God In/the 391/763
Eze_29:6.........shall/know that I am the LORD because they/have 392/763
Eze_29:9.........shall/know that I am the LORD because he/hath 393/763
Eze_29:16........shall/know that I am the Lord GOD And/it 394/763
Eze_29:21........shall/know that I am the LORD The word of the LORD came again unto me saying Son of man prophesy/and 395/763
Eze_30:8.........shall/know that I am the LORD when I have set/a 396/763
Eze_30:19........shall/know that I am the LORD And it came to pass in the eleventh year in the first/month 397/763
Eze_30:25........shall/know that I am the LORD when I shall put/my 398/763
Eze_30:26........shall/know that I am the LORD And it came to pass in the eleventh year in the third/month 399/763
Eze_32:15.........they/know that I am the LORD This is/the 400/763
Eze_33:29.........they/know that I am the LORD when I have laid/the 401/763
Eze_33:33.........they/know that a/prophet... 402/763
Eze_34:27........shall/know that I am the LORD when I have broken/the 403/763
Eze_34:30.........they/know that I the LORD their/God 404/763
Eze_35:4.........shalt/know that I am the LORD Because thou hast had/a 405/763
Eze_35:9.........shall/know that I am the LORD Because thou hast said/These 406/763
Eze_35:12........shalt/know that I am the LORD and that I have heard/all 407/763
Eze_35:15........shall/know that I am the LORD Also/thou 408/763
Eze_36:11........shall/know that I am the LORD Yea/I 409/763
Eze_36:23........shall/know that I am the LORD saith/the 410/763
Eze_36:36........shall/know that I the LORD build/the 411/763
Eze_36:38........shall/know that I am the LORD The hand/of 412/763
Eze_37:6.........shall/know that I am the LORD So I/prophesied 413/763
Eze_37:13........shall/know that I am the LORD when I have opened/your 414/763 that I the LORD have spoken it and/performed 415/763
Eze_37:28........shall/know that I the LORD do/sanctify 416/763
Eze_38:14..........not/know it And thou/shalt 417/763
Eze_38:16..........may/know me when/I........ 418/763
Eze_38:23........shall/know that I am the LORD Therefore thou/son 419/763
Eze_39:6.........shall/know that I am the LORD So will/I 420/763
Eze_39:7.........shall/know that I am the LORD the Holy/One 421/763
Eze_39:22........shall/know that I am the LORD their God from/that 422/763
Eze_39:23........shall/know that the house/of 423/763
Eze_39:28.........they/know that I am the LORD their God which/caused 424/763 the dream/Then... 425/763
Dan_2:8..............I/know of certainty/that 426/763
Dan_2:9..........shall/know that ye can/shew. 427/763
Dan_2:21..........that/know understanding He/revealeth 428/763
Dan_2:30......mightest/know the thoughts of/thy 429/763
Dan_4:9..............I/know that the spirit/of 430/763
Dan_4:17...........may/know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever he will and setteth/up 431/763
Dan_4:25..........thou/know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever he will And whereas/they 432/763
Dan_4:32..........thou/know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever he will The/same 433/763
Dan_5:23...........nor/know and the God/in... 434/763
Dan_6:15..........king/Know O king/that...... 435/763 the interpretation/of 436/763
Dan_7:19.........would/know the truth of/the. 437/763
Dan_8:19..........thee/know what shall/be.... 438/763
Dan_9:25..........Holy/Know therefore and understand/that 439/763 their God/shall.. 440/763
Hos_2:8............not/know that I gave/her.. 441/763
Hos_2:20.........shalt/know the LORD And/it.. 442/763
Hos_5:3..............I/know Ephraim/and...... 443/763
Hos_6:3.............we/know if we/follow..... 444/763 the LORD his/going 445/763
Hos_8:2.............we/know thee Israel/hath. 446/763
Hos_9:7..........shall/know it the/prophet... 447/763
Hos_13:4.........shalt/know no/god........... 448/763
Hos_13:5...........did/know thee in/the...... 449/763
Hos_14:9.........shall/know them for/the..... 450/763
Joe_2:27.........shall/know that I am in the/midst 451/763 that I am the LORD your God dwelling/in 452/763
Amo_3:10..........they/know not to do/right.. 453/763
Amo_5:12.............I/know your manifold/transgressions 454/763
Jon_1:7............may/know for whose/cause.. 455/763
Jon_1:12.............I/know that for my/sake. 456/763 judgment/Who..... 457/763
Mic_4:12..........they/know not the thoughts/of 458/763
Mic_6:5............may/know the righteousness/of 459/763
Zec_2:9..........shall/know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me Sing/and 460/763
Zec_2:11.........shalt/know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto thee/And 461/763
Zec_4:9..........shalt/know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto you For/who 462/763
Zec_6:15.........shall/know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto you And/this 463/763
Mal_2:4..........shall/know that I have sent/this 464/763
Mat_6:3...........hand/know what thy right/hand 465/763
Mat_7:11..........evil/know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your Father/which 466/763
Mat_7:16.........shall/know them by/their.... 467/763
Mat_7:20.........shall/know them Not every/one 468/763
Mat_9:6............may/know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins then/saith 469/763 it But they/when. 470/763 the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven/but 471/763
Mat_20:22...........Ye/know not what ye ask Are/ye 472/763
Mat_20:25...........Ye/know that the princes/of 473/763
Mat_22:16...........we/know that thou art true and teachest/the 474/763 that summer is nigh/So 475/763
Mat_24:33.......things/know that it is near/even 476/763 not what hour/your 477/763
Mat_24:43..........But/know this that if/the. 478/763
Mat_25:12............I/know you not Watch/therefore 479/763 neither the/day.. 480/763
Mat_26:2............Ye/know that after two/days 481/763
Mat_26:70............I/know not what thou sayest And when/he 482/763
Mat_26:72..........not/know the man And after/a 483/763
Mat_26:74............I/know not the man/And.. 484/763
Mat_28:5.............I/know that ye seek/Jesus 485/763
Mar_1:24.............I/know thee who thou art the Holy One of God And Jesus rebuked him saying Hold thy peace and come out of him And when the unclean/spirit 486/763
Mar_2:10...........may/know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins he/saith 487/763 the mystery/of... 488/763
Mar_4:13..........them/Know ye not this/parable 489/763 all parables/The. 490/763
Mar_5:43........should/know it and commanded/that 491/763 it but he/could.. 492/763
Mar_9:30........should/know it For/he........ 493/763
Mar_10:38...........Ye/know not what ye ask can/ye 494/763
Mar_10:42...........Ye/know that they which are/accounted 495/763
Mar_12:14...........we/know that thou art true and carest/for 496/763 not the scriptures/neither 497/763 that summer is near/So 498/763
Mar_13:29.........pass/know that it is nigh/even 499/763 not when the time/is 500/763 not when the master/of 501/763
Mar_14:68............I/know not neither understand/I 502/763
Mar_14:71............I/know not this/man..... 503/763
Luk_1:4.......mightest/know the certainty of those/things 504/763
Luk_1:18.............I/know this for/I....... 505/763
Luk_1:34.............I/know not a/man........ 506/763
Luk_4:34.............I/know thee who thou art the Holy One of God And Jesus rebuked him saying Hold thy peace and come out of him And when the devil/had 507/763
Luk_5:24...........may/know that the Son of man hath power upon/earth 508/763 the mysteries of the kingdom of God/but 509/763
Luk_9:55............Ye/know not what manner/of 510/763
Luk_11:13.........evil/know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your heavenly/Father 511/763
Luk_12:39.........this/know that if the/goodman 512/763
Luk_13:25............I/know you not whence ye are Then/shall 513/763
Luk_13:27............I/know you not whence ye are depart/from 514/763
Luk_19:15........might/know how much/every... 515/763
Luk_20:21...........we/know that thou sayest/and 516/763
Luk_21:20.........then/know that the desolation/thereof 517/763
Luk_21:30..........and/know of your/own...... 518/763
Luk_21:31.........pass/know ye that the kingdom/of 519/763
Luk_22:57............I/know him not And/after 520/763
Luk_22:60............I/know not what thou sayest And immediately/while 521/763
Luk_23:34.........they/know not what they/do. 522/763
Luk_24:16..........not/know him And he said unto them What/manner 523/763 not He it/is..... 524/763
Joh_3:2.............we/know that thou art a teacher/come 525/763 and testify/that. 526/763 not what we know/what 527/763
Joh_4:22............we/know what we/worship.. 528/763
Joh_4:25.............I/know that Messias/cometh 529/763 not of/Therefore. 530/763
Joh_4:42...........and/know that this is indeed/the 531/763
Joh_5:32.............I/know that the witness/which 532/763
Joh_5:42.............I/know you that/ye...... 533/763
Joh_6:42............we/know how is/it........ 534/763
Joh_7:17.........shall/know of the/doctrine.. 535/763
Joh_7:26........rulers/know indeed/that...... 536/763
Joh_7:27............we/know this man/whence.. 537/763
Joh_7:28..........both/know me and/ye........ 538/763 whence I am/and.. 539/763 not But I/know... 540/763
Joh_7:29.............I/know him for I/am..... 541/763
Joh_7:51...........and/know what he/doeth.... 542/763
Joh_8:14.............I/know whence I came/and 543/763
Joh_8:19.......neither/know me nor/my........ 544/763 that I am he and/that 545/763
Joh_8:32.........shall/know the truth and/the 546/763
Joh_8:37.............I/know that ye are Abraham's/seed 547/763
Joh_8:52............we/know that thou hast a/devil 548/763
Joh_8:55.............I/know him and if/I..... 549/763
Joh_8:55.............I/know him not I/shall.. 550/763
Joh_8:55.............I/know him and keep/his. 551/763
Joh_9:12.............I/know not They/brought. 552/763
Joh_9:20............We/know that this is our/son 553/763
Joh_9:21............we/know not or/who....... 554/763
Joh_9:21............we/know not he is/of..... 555/763
Joh_9:24............we/know that this man/is. 556/763
Joh_9:25.............I/know not one/thing.... 557/763
Joh_9:25.............I/know that whereas/I... 558/763
Joh_9:29............We/know that God spake/unto 559/763
Joh_9:29............we/know not from whence he is The/man 560/763 not from whence he is and/yet 561/763
Joh_9:31............we/know that God heareth/not 562/763
Joh_10:4..........they/know his voice/And.... 563/763
Joh_10:5..........they/know not the voice/of. 564/763
Joh_10:14..........and/know my sheep/and..... 565/763 I the/Father..... 566/763
Joh_10:27............I/know them and they/follow 567/763
Joh_10:38..........may/know and believe that/the 568/763
Joh_11:22............I/know that even/now.... 569/763
Joh_11:24............I/know that he shall/rise 570/763
Joh_11:49...........Ye/know nothing at/all... 571/763
Joh_12:50............I/know that his commandment/is 572/763
Joh_13:7.........shalt/know hereafter/Peter.. 573/763
Joh_13:12.........them/Know ye what/I........ 574/763 these things happy/are 575/763
Joh_13:18............I/know whom I have chosen/but 576/763 that ye are my/disciples 577/763 and the way/ye... 578/763 Thomas/saith..... 579/763
Joh_14:5............we/know not whither/thou. 580/763
Joh_14:5............we/know the way Jesus/saith 581/763 him and have/seen 582/763 him for he/dwelleth 583/763
Joh_14:20........shall/know that I am in my/Father 584/763
Joh_14:31..........may/know that I love/the.. 585/763 that it hated/me. 586/763
Joh_15:21.........they/know not him/that..... 587/763
Joh_17:3.........might/know thee the/only.... 588/763
Joh_17:23..........may/know that thou hast sent/me 589/763
Joh_18:21.........they/know what I/said...... 590/763
Joh_19:4...........may/know that I find/no... 591/763
Joh_20:2............we/know not where they have laid him Peter/therefore 592/763
Joh_20:13............I/know not where they have laid him And/when 593/763
Joh_21:24...........we/know that his testimony/is 594/763 the times/or..... 595/763
Act_2:22..........also/know Him being/delivered 596/763
Act_2:36........Israel/know assuredly/that... 597/763
Act_3:16...........and/know yea/the.......... 598/763
Act_10:28...........Ye/know how that it/is... 599/763 which/was........ 600/763
Act_12:11............I/know of a surety that the/LORD 601/763 how that a/good.. 602/763
Act_17:19...........we/know what this/new.... 603/763
Act_17:20........would/know therefore what/these 604/763
Act_19:15............I/know and Paul/I....... 605/763
Act_19:15............I/know but who/are...... 606/763 that by/this..... 607/763
Act_20:18...........Ye/know from the first/day 608/763
Act_20:25............I/know that ye all/among 609/763
Act_20:29............I/know this that after/my 610/763
Act_20:34...yourselves/know that these/hands. 611/763
Act_21:24..........may/know that those/things 612/763
Act_21:34..........not/know the certainty for/the 613/763
Act_22:14....shouldest/know his will/and..... 614/763
Act_22:19.........they/know that I imprisoned/and 615/763
Act_22:24........might/know wherefore/they... 616/763
Act_24:10............I/know that thou hast been/of 617/763
Act_24:22.........will/know the uttermost/of. 618/763
Act_26:3.............I/know thee to/be....... 619/763
Act_26:4.....Jerusalem/know all the Jews/Which 620/763
Act_26:27............I/know that thou believest/Then 621/763
Act_28:22...........we/know that every where/it 622/763
Rom_3:19............we/know that what/things. 623/763
Rom_6:3........therein/Know ye not that so/many 624/763
Rom_6:16........forbid/Know ye not that to/whom 625/763
Rom_7:1...........Lord/Know ye not brethren/for 626/763
Rom_7:1...........that/know the law/how...... 627/763
Rom_7:14............we/know that the law is spiritual/but 628/763
Rom_7:18.............I/know that in me/that.. 629/763
Rom_8:22............we/know that the whole/creation 630/763
Rom_8:26............we/know not what we should/pray 631/763
Rom_8:28............we/know that all/things.. 632/763
Rom_10:19.......Israel/know First/Moses...... 633/763
Rom_14:14............I/know and am persuaded/by 634/763
1Co_1:16.............I/know not whether/I.... 635/763 any thing among/you 636/763
1Co_2:12.........might/know the things that are/freely 637/763
1Co_2:14............he/know them because/they 638/763 ye not that ye/are 639/763
1Co_4:4..............I/know nothing by/myself 640/763
1Co_4:19..........will/know not the speech/of 641/763
1Co_5:6...........good/Know ye not that a/little 642/763
1Co_6:2............not/know that the saints/shall 643/763
1Co_6:3........matters/Know ye not that we/shall 644/763
1Co_6:9.......brethren/Know ye not that the unrighteous/shall 645/763
1Co_6:15.........power/Know ye not that your bodies/are 646/763
1Co_6:16..........What/know ye not that he/which 647/763
1Co_6:19..........What/know ye not that your body/is 648/763
1Co_8:1.............we/know that we all/have. 649/763 But if/any....... 650/763
1Co_8:4.............we/know that an/idol..... 651/763
1Co_9:13...........not/know that they which minister/about 652/763 ye not that they/which 653/763 that the head/of. 654/763
1Co_12:2............Ye/know that ye were Gentiles/carried 655/763
1Co_13:9............we/know in part and/we... 656/763
1Co_13:12............I/know in part but/then. 657/763
1Co_13:12............I/know even as/also..... 658/763
1Co_14:11............I/know not the meaning/of 659/763 that your/labour. 660/763 the house/of..... 661/763
2Co_2:4..........might/know the love which/I. 662/763
2Co_2:9..........might/know the proof of you/whether 663/763
2Co_5:1.............we/know that if our/earthly 664/763
2Co_5:16....henceforth/know we no/man........ 665/763
2Co_5:16....henceforth/know we him/no........ 666/763 the grace/of..... 667/763
2Co_9:2..............I/know the forwardness/of 668/763
2Co_13:5........selves/Know ye not your/own.. 669/763
2Co_13:6.........shall/know that we are not/reprobates 670/763
Gal_3:7..righteousness/Know ye therefore/that 671/763
Gal_4:13............Ye/know how through/infirmity 672/763
Eph_1:18...........may/know what is the/hope. 673/763 the love of/Christ 674/763 that no whoremonger/nor 675/763
Eph_6:21...........may/know my affairs/and... 676/763
Eph_6:22.........might/know our affairs/and.. 677/763
Php_1:19.............I/know that this shall/turn 678/763
Php_1:25.............I/know that I shall abide/and 679/763
Php_2:19.............I/know your state/For... 680/763 the proof of him/that 681/763
Php_3:10...........may/know him and the power/of 682/763
Php_4:12.............I/know both/how......... 683/763
Php_4:12.............I/know how to abound/every 684/763
Php_4:15...Philippians/know also that in the beginning/of 685/763
Col_4:6............may/know how ye ought to answer/every 686/763
Col_4:8..........might/know your estate/and.. 687/763 what manner/of... 688/763
1Th_2:1.......brethren/know our entrance/in.. 689/763 at/Philippi...... 690/763 nor/a............ 691/763 how we exhorted/and 692/763
1Th_3:3.....yourselves/know that we are appointed/thereunto 693/763 For this/cause... 694/763 your faith/lest.. 695/763 what commandments/we 696/763
1Th_4:4.........should/know how to possess/his 697/763
1Th_4:5..........which/know not God That/no.. 698/763
1Th_5:2.....yourselves/know perfectly/that... 699/763 them which/labour 700/763
2Th_1:8...........that/know not God and/that. 701/763 what withholdeth/that 702/763
2Th_3:7.....yourselves/know how ye ought to follow/us 703/763
1Ti_1:8.............we/know that the law is good/if 704/763 not how to rule/his 705/763
1Ti_3:15........mayest/know how thou/oughtest 706/763
1Ti_4:3............and/know the truth For/every 707/763
2Ti_1:12.............I/know whom I have believed/and 708/763
2Ti_3:1...........This/know also that in the last/days 709/763
Tit_1:16..........they/know God/but.......... 710/763
Heb_8:11........saying/Know the Lord for all/shall 711/763
Heb_8:11.........shall/know me from the least to/the 712/763
Heb_10:30...........we/know him that hath/said 713/763 how that afterward/when 714/763
Heb_13:23........words/Know ye that our/brother 715/763
Jam_2:20..........thou/know O vain/man....... 716/763
Jam_4:4...adulteresses/know ye not that the friendship/of 717/763 not what shall/be 718/763
Jam_5:20...........him/know that he which/converteth 719/763 that ye were not/redeemed 720/763 them and be/established 721/763 these things before/beware 722/763 that we know/him. 723/763
1Jn_2:3.............we/know him if/we........ 724/763
1Jn_2:4..............I/know him and keepeth/not 725/763
1Jn_2:5.........hereby/know we that we are/in 726/763
1Jn_2:18............we/know that it is the/last 727/763 all things I/have 728/763 not the truth/but 729/763 it and that/no... 730/763 that he is/righteous 731/763 that every one/that 732/763
1Jn_3:2.............we/know that when/he..... 733/763 that he was/manifested 734/763
1Jn_3:14............We/know that we have passed/from 735/763 that no murderer/hath 736/763
1Jn_3:19............we/know that we are of the/truth 737/763
1Jn_3:24............we/know that he abideth/in 738/763
1Jn_4:2.........Hereby/know ye the/Spirit.... 739/763
1Jn_4:6.........Hereby/know we the/spirit.... 740/763
1Jn_4:13........Hereby/know we that we dwell/in 741/763
1Jn_5:2.............we/know that we love/the. 742/763
1Jn_5:13...........may/know that ye have eternal/life 743/763
1Jn_5:15............we/know that he hear/us.. 744/763
1Jn_5:15............we/know that we have the/petitions 745/763
1Jn_5:18............We/know that whosoever is/born 746/763
1Jn_5:19............we/know that we are of God/and 747/763
1Jn_5:20............we/know that the Son of God/is 748/763
1Jn_5:20...........may/know him that is/true. 749/763 that our/record.. 750/763
Jud_1:10..........they/know not but what/they 751/763
Jud_1:10..........they/know naturally/as..... 752/763
Rev_2:2..............I/know thy works and thy/labour 753/763
Rev_2:9..............I/know thy works and tribulation/and 754/763
Rev_2:9..............I/know the blasphemy/of. 755/763
Rev_2:13.............I/know thy works and where/thou 756/763
Rev_2:19.............I/know thy works and charity/and 757/763
Rev_2:23.........shall/know that I am he which/searcheth 758/763
Rev_3:1..............I/know thy works that thou hast/a 759/763
Rev_3:3............not/know what hour/I...... 760/763
Rev_3:8..............I/know thy works behold/I 761/763 that I have loved/thee 762/763
Rev_3:15.............I/know thy works that thou art/neither 763/763
Gen_30:26.........thou/knowest my service/which. 1/89
Gen_30:29.........Thou/knowest how I/have....... 2/89
Gen_47:6..........thou/knowest any/men.......... 3/89
Exo_10:7...........God/knowest thou not yet/that 4/89
Exo_32:22.........thou/knowest the people/that.. 5/89
Num_10:31.........thou/knowest how we/are....... 6/89
Num_11:16.........thou/knowest to/be............ 7/89
Num_20:14.........Thou/knowest all the travail/that 8/89
Deu_7:15..........thou/knowest upon/thee........ 9/89
Deu_9:2...........thou/knowest and of/whom..... 10/89
Deu_20:20.........thou/knowest that they/be.... 11/89
Deu_28:33.........thou/knowest not eat/up...... 12/89
Jos_14:6..........Thou/knowest the thing/that.. 13/89
Jdg_15:11.......Samson/Knowest thou not that the/Philistines 14/89
1Sa_28:9..........thou/knowest what Saul/hath.. 15/89
2Sa_1:5............How/knowest thou that Saul/and 16/89
2Sa_2:26..........ever/knowest thou not that it/will 17/89
2Sa_3:25..........Thou/knowest Abner/the....... 18/89
2Sa_7:20...........GOD/knowest thy servant For/thy 19/89
2Sa_17:8..........thou/knowest thy father/and.. 20/89
1Ki_1:18..........thou/knowest it not/And...... 21/89
1Ki_2:5...........thou/knowest also/what....... 22/89
1Ki_2:9............and/knowest what thou/oughtest 23/89
1Ki_2:15..........Thou/knowest that the/kingdom 24/89
1Ki_2:44..........Thou/knowest all the wickedness/which 25/89
1Ki_5:3...........Thou/knowest how that/David.. 26/89
1Ki_5:6...........thou/knowest that there/is... 27/89
1Ki_8:39..........thou/knowest for thou even/thou 28/89
1Ki_8:39..........only/knowest the hearts of all the/children 29/89
2Ki_2:3............him/Knowest thou that the LORD will take away thy master from thy head to day And he said/Yea 30/89
2Ki_2:5............him/Knowest thou that the LORD will take away thy master from thy head to day And he answered/Yea 31/89
2Ki_4:1...........thou/knowest that thy/servant 32/89
1Ch_17:18.........thou/knowest thy servant O/LORD 33/89
2Ch_6:30..........thou/knowest for thou only/knowest 34/89
2Ch_6:30..........only/knowest the hearts of the/children 35/89
Job_10:7..........Thou/knowest that I am/not... 36/89
Job_15:9..........What/knowest thou that we/know 37/89
Job_20:4........answer/Knowest thou not this/of 38/89
Job_34:33.........thou/knowest Let/men......... 39/89
Job_38:5..........thou/knowest or/who.......... 40/89
Job_38:18.........thou/knowest it all/Where.... 41/89
Job_38:21......thereof/Knowest thou it/because. 42/89
Job_38:33.........sons/Knowest thou the ordinances/of 43/89
Job_39:1..........meat/Knowest thou the time when the/wild 44/89
Job_39:2............or/knowest thou the time when they/bring 45/89
Psa_40:9..........thou/knowest I/have.......... 46/89
Psa_69:5..........thou/knowest my foolishness/and 47/89
Psa_139:2.........Thou/knowest my downsitting/and 48/89
Psa_139:4.........thou/knowest it altogether/Thou 49/89
Pro_27:1..........thou/knowest not what a/day.. 50/89
Ecc_11:2..........thou/knowest not what evil/shall 51/89
Ecc_11:5..........thou/knowest not what is/the. 52/89
Ecc_11:5..........thou/knowest not the/works... 53/89
Ecc_11:6..........thou/knowest not whether/shall 54/89
Isa_55:5..........thou/knowest not and/nations. 55/89
Jer_5:15..........thou/knowest not neither/understandest 56/89
Jer_12:3..........LORD/knowest me thou/hast.... 57/89
Jer_15:14.........thou/knowest not for a/fire.. 58/89
Jer_15:15.........thou/knowest remember/me..... 59/89
Jer_17:4..........thou/knowest not for ye/have. 60/89
Jer_17:16.........thou/knowest that which/came. 61/89
Jer_18:23.........thou/knowest all their/counsel 62/89
Jer_33:3..........thou/knowest not For thus/saith 63/89
Eze_37:3..........thou/knowest Again/he........ 64/89
Dan_10:20...........he/Knowest thou wherefore/I 65/89 thou not what these be And I said No my lord Then he/answered 66/89
Zec_4:13..........said/Knowest thou not what these be And I said No my lord Then said/he 67/89
Mat_15:12..........him/Knowest thou that the Pharisees/were 68/89
Mar_10:19.........Thou/knowest the commandments Do not commit adultery Do not kill Do not steal Do not bear false witness Defraud/not 69/89
Luk_18:20.........Thou/knowest the commandments Do not commit adultery Do not kill Do not steal Do not bear false witness Honour/thy 70/89
Luk_22:34.........thou/knowest me And/he....... 71/89
Joh_1:48........Whence/knowest thou me/Jesus... 72/89
Joh_3:10...........and/knowest not these/things 73/89
Joh_13:7..........thou/knowest not now/but..... 74/89
Joh_16:30.........thou/knowest all things and/needest 75/89 thou not that I/have 76/89
Joh_21:15.........thou/knowest that I love thee He saith unto him Feed my lambs/He 77/89
Joh_21:16.........thou/knowest that I love thee He saith unto him Feed my sheep/He 78/89
Joh_21:17.........thou/knowest all things thou/knowest 79/89
Joh_21:17.........thou/knowest that I love thee Jesus/saith 80/89
Act_1:24.........which/knowest the hearts of all men/shew 81/89
Act_25:10.........well/knowest For if/I........ 82/89
Rom_2:18...........And/knowest his/will........ 83/89
1Co_7:16..........what/knowest thou O wife/whether 84/89 thou O man/whether 85/89
2Ti_1:15..........thou/knowest that all/they... 86/89
2Ti_1:18..........thou/knowest very/well....... 87/89
Rev_3:17...........and/knowest not that/thou... 88/89
Rev_7:14..........thou/knowest And he/said..... 89/89
Gen_33:13.........lord/knoweth that the children/are 1/104
Lev_5:3.............he/knoweth of it then he shall be guilty Or/if 2/104
Lev_5:4.............he/knoweth of it then he shall be guilty in/one 3/104
Deu_2:7.............he/knoweth thy/walking..... 4/104 of his/sepulchre 5/104
Jos_22:22...........he/knoweth and Israel/he... 6/104
1Sa_3:13............he/knoweth because/his..... 7/104
1Sa_20:3.....certainly/knoweth that I have found grace in thine/eyes 8/104
1Sa_23:17.......father/knoweth And they/two.... 9/104
2Sa_14:22......servant/knoweth that I have found grace in thy/sight 10/104
2Sa_17:10.......Israel/knoweth that thy/father 11/104
1Ki_1:11..........lord/knoweth it not Now/therefore 12/104
Est_4:14...........who/knoweth whether thou/art 13/104
Job_11:11...........he/knoweth vain/men....... 14/104
Job_12:3...........who/knoweth not such/things 15/104
Job_12:9...........Who/knoweth not in/all..... 16/104
Job_14:21...........he/knoweth it not and/they 17/104
Job_15:23...........he/knoweth that the day/of 18/104
Job_18:21.........that/knoweth not God Then/Job 19/104
Job_23:10...........he/knoweth the way that/I. 20/104
Job_28:7..........fowl/knoweth and which/the.. 21/104
Job_28:13..........Man/knoweth not the price/thereof 22/104
Job_28:23...........he/knoweth the place/thereof 23/104
Job_34:25...........he/knoweth their/works.... 24/104
Job_35:15...........he/knoweth it not in/great 25/104
Psa_1:6...........LORD/knoweth the way of/the. 26/104
Psa_37:18.........LORD/knoweth the days/of.... 27/104
Psa_39:6...........and/knoweth not who/shall.. 28/104
Psa_44:21...........he/knoweth the secrets/of. 29/104
Psa_74:9..........that/knoweth how long/O..... 30/104
Psa_90:11..........Who/knoweth the power/of... 31/104 not neither/doth 32/104
Psa_94:11.........LORD/knoweth the thoughts of man/that 33/104
Psa_103:14..........he/knoweth our/frame...... 34/104
Psa_104:19.........sun/knoweth his going/down. 35/104
Psa_138:6...........he/knoweth afar/off....... 36/104
Psa_139:14........soul/knoweth right/well..... 37/104
Pro_7:23...........and/knoweth not that it/is. 38/104
Pro_9:13...........and/knoweth nothing For/she 39/104
Pro_9:18............he/knoweth not that the/dead 40/104
Pro_14:10........heart/knoweth his own/bitterness 41/104
Pro_24:22..........who/knoweth the ruin/of.... 42/104
Ecc_2:19...........who/knoweth whether he/shall 43/104
Ecc_3:21...........Who/knoweth the spirit/of.. 44/104
Ecc_6:8...........that/knoweth to walk/before. 45/104
Ecc_6:12...........who/knoweth what is good/for 46/104
Ecc_7:22.........heart/knoweth that thou/thyself 47/104
Ecc_8:1............who/knoweth the interpretation/of 48/104
Ecc_8:7.............he/knoweth not that which/shall 49/104 either/love.... 50/104
Ecc_9:12..........also/knoweth not his/time... 51/104
Ecc_10:15...........he/knoweth not how to/go.. 52/104
Isa_1:3.............ox/knoweth his owner/and.. 53/104
Isa_29:15..........who/knoweth us Surely/your. 54/104
Jer_8:7.........heaven/knoweth her/appointed.. 55/104
Jer_9:24...........and/knoweth me that/I...... 56/104
Dan_2:22............he/knoweth what is in/the. 57/104
Hos_7:9.............he/knoweth it not yea/gray 58/104
Hos_7:9.............he/knoweth not And/the.... 59/104
Joe_2:14...........Who/knoweth if/he.......... 60/104
Nah_1:7.............he/knoweth them that trust/in 61/104
Zep_3:5.........unjust/knoweth no shame/I..... 62/104
Mat_6:8.........Father/knoweth what things/ye. 63/104
Mat_6:32........Father/knoweth that ye have need of all/these 64/104 the Son/but.... 65/104
Mat_11:27......neither/knoweth any man/the.... 66/104
Mat_24:36.........hour/knoweth no man no not the angels of/heaven 67/104
Mar_4:27............he/knoweth not how For/the 68/104
Mar_13:32.........hour/knoweth no man no not the angels which/are 69/104 who/the........ 70/104
Luk_12:30.......Father/knoweth that ye have need of these/things 71/104
Luk_16:15..........God/knoweth your/hearts.... 72/104
Joh_7:15...........How/knoweth this/man....... 73/104 whence/he...... 74/104
Joh_7:49...........who/knoweth not the law/are 75/104
Joh_10:15.......Father/knoweth me even/so..... 76/104
Joh_12:35.....darkness/knoweth not whither he goeth While/ye 77/104
Joh_14:17......neither/knoweth him/but........ 78/104
Joh_15:15......servant/knoweth not what/his... 79/104
Joh_19:35...........he/knoweth that he saith/true 80/104
Act_15:8.........which/knoweth the hearts/bare 81/104
Act_19:35.........that/knoweth not how that/the 82/104
Act_26:26.........king/knoweth of these/things 83/104
Rom_8:27........hearts/knoweth what is the/mind 84/104 the things/of.. 85/104
1Co_2:11...........God/knoweth no man but/the. 86/104
1Co_3:20..........Lord/knoweth the thoughts of the/wise 87/104
1Co_8:2.............he/knoweth any thing/he... 88/104
1Co_8:2.............he/knoweth nothing yet/as. 89/104
2Co_11:11..........God/knoweth But/what....... 90/104
2Co_11:31.....evermore/knoweth that I lie/not. 91/104
2Co_12:2...........God/knoweth such/an........ 92/104
2Co_12:3...........God/knoweth How that/he.... 93/104
2Ti_2:19..........Lord/knoweth them that are/his 94/104
Jam_4:17..........that/knoweth to do/good..... 95/104
2Pe_2:9...........Lord/knoweth how to/deliver. 96/104
1Jn_2:11...........and/knoweth not whither he goeth because/that 97/104 us not/because. 98/104
1Jn_3:20...........and/knoweth all/things..... 99/104
1Jn_4:6...........that/knoweth God heareth/us 100/104
1Jn_4:7............and/knoweth God He/that... 101/104
1Jn_4:8............not/knoweth not God for/God 102/104 saving/he..... 103/104
Rev_12:12...........he/knoweth that he hath/but 104/104
Gen_3:5...........gods/knowing good/and......... 1/51
1Ki_2:32...........not/knowing thereof/to....... 2/51
Mat_9:4..........Jesus/knowing their thoughts said Wherefore/think 3/51
Mat_22:29..........not/knowing the scriptures/nor 4/51
Mar_5:30...immediately/knowing in himself/that.. 5/51
Mar_5:33.....trembling/knowing what was done in/her 6/51
Mar_6:20..........John/knowing that he was/a.... 7/51
Mar_12:15...........he/knowing their hypocrisy/said 8/51
Luk_8:53.........scorn/knowing that she/was..... 9/51
Luk_9:33...........not/knowing what he/said.... 10/51
Luk_11:17...........he/knowing their thoughts said unto/them 11/51
Joh_13:3.........Jesus/knowing that the Father/had 12/51
Joh_18:4.....therefore/knowing all/things...... 13/51
Joh_19:28........Jesus/knowing that all/things. 14/51
Joh_21:12.........thou/knowing that it/was..... 15/51
Act_2:30...........and/knowing that God/had.... 16/51
Act_5:7............not/knowing what was done came/in 17/51
Act_18:25.........Lord/knowing only/the........ 18/51
Act_20:22..........not/knowing the things/that. 19/51
Rom_1:32...........Who/knowing the judgment/of. 20/51
Rom_2:4............not/knowing that the goodness/of 21/51
Rom_5:3...........also/knowing that tribulation/worketh 22/51
Rom_6:6...resurrection/Knowing this that our/old 23/51
Rom_6:9............him/Knowing that Christ/being 24/51
Rom_13:11.........that/knowing the time/that... 25/51
2Co_1:7.......stedfast/knowing that as/ye...... 26/51
2Co_4:14.........speak/Knowing that he which/raised 27/51
2Co_5:6......confident/knowing that whilst/we.. 28/51
2Co_5:11...........bad/Knowing therefore/the... 29/51
Gal_2:16......Gentiles/Knowing that a/man...... 30/51 that whatsoever/good 31/51
Eph_6:9....threatening/knowing that your/Master 32/51 that I/am....... 33/51 that of/the..... 34/51
Col_4:1..........equal/knowing that ye also/have 35/51
1Th_1:4.........Father/Knowing brethren/beloved 36/51
1Ti_1:9.......lawfully/Knowing this that the law/is 37/51
1Ti_6:4..........proud/knowing nothing/but..... 38/51
2Ti_2:23.........avoid/knowing that they/do.... 39/51
2Ti_3:14............of/knowing of/whom......... 40/51
Tit_3:11........reject/Knowing that he that/is. 41/51
Phl_1:21..........thee/knowing that thou/wilt.. 42/51
Heb_10:34........goods/knowing in yourselves/that 43/51
Heb_11:8...........not/knowing whither/he...... 44/51
Jam_1:3....temptations/Knowing this that the trying/of 45/51
Jam_3:1........masters/knowing that we/shall... 46/51
1Pe_3:9.......blessing/knowing that ye are/thereunto 47/51 that the same/afflictions 48/51
2Pe_1:14...remembrance/Knowing that shortly/I.. 49/51
2Pe_1:20........hearts/Knowing this first that no/prophecy 50/51
2Pe_3:3........Saviour/Knowing this first that there/shall 51/51
Gen_2:9.............of/knowledge of good and evil And/a 1/172
Gen_2:17...........the/knowledge of good and evil thou/shalt 2/172 and in all manner of workmanship To/devise 3/172 and in all manner of workmanship And/to 4/172
Lev_4:23...........his/knowledge he shall/bring 5/172
Lev_4:28...........his/knowledge then/he....... 6/172
Num_15:24..........the/knowledge of the congregation/that 7/172
Num_24:16..........the/knowledge of the most/High 8/172 between/good.. 9/172
Rut_2:10..........take/knowledge of me/seeing. 10/172
Rut_2:19..........take/knowledge of thee/And.. 11/172
1Sa_2:3.............of/knowledge and by/him... 12/172
1Sa_23:23.........take/knowledge of all the/lurking 13/172
1Ki_9:27...........had/knowledge of the sea with/the 14/172
2Ch_1:10...........and/knowledge that I may/go 15/172
2Ch_1:11...........and/knowledge for thyself/that 16/172
2Ch_1:12...........and/knowledge is granted/unto 17/172
2Ch_8:18...........had/knowledge of the sea and/they 18/172
2Ch_30:22.........good/knowledge of the LORD and they/did 19/172
Neh_10:28.......having/knowledge and having/understanding 20/172
Job_15:2..........vain/knowledge and fill/his. 21/172
Job_21:14..........the/knowledge of thy/ways.. 22/172
Job_21:22..........God/knowledge seeing/he.... 23/172
Job_33:3.........utter/knowledge clearly/The.. 24/172
Job_34:2..........have/knowledge For the ear/trieth 25/172
Job_34:35......without/knowledge and his/words 26/172
Job_35:16......without/knowledge Elihu/also... 27/172 from/afar.... 28/172 is with/thee. 29/172
Job_36:12......without/knowledge But the hypocrites/in 30/172 How/thy...... 31/172
Job_38:2.......without/knowledge Gird/up...... 32/172
Job_42:3.......without/knowledge therefore/have 33/172 who eat up my people as they eat bread and/call 34/172
Psa_19:2.......sheweth/knowledge There/is..... 35/172 who eat up my people as they eat bread they/have 36/172
Psa_73:11........there/knowledge in the most/High 37/172 shall not/he. 38/172
Psa_119:66.........and/knowledge for I/have... 39/172
Psa_139:6.........Such/knowledge is too/wonderful 40/172
Psa_144:3.......takest/knowledge of him or/the 41/172 and discretion/A 42/172
Pro_1:7.............of/knowledge but fools/despise 43/172
Pro_1:22..........hate/knowledge Turn/you..... 44/172
Pro_1:29.........hated/knowledge and did/not.. 45/172
Pro_2:3..........after/knowledge and liftest/up 46/172
Pro_2:5............the/knowledge of God For/the 47/172
Pro_2:6.........cometh/knowledge and understanding He/layeth 48/172
Pro_2:10...........and/knowledge is pleasant/unto 49/172
Pro_3:20...........his/knowledge the depths/are 50/172
Pro_5:2...........keep/knowledge For the lips/of 51/172
Pro_8:9...........find/knowledge Receive/my... 52/172
Pro_8:10...........and/knowledge rather/than.. 53/172
Pro_8:12...........out/knowledge of witty/inventions 54/172
Pro_9:10...........the/knowledge of the holy is/understanding 55/172
Pro_10:14...........up/knowledge but the mouth of the/foolish 56/172
Pro_11:9.......through/knowledge shall the just/be 57/172
Pro_12:1........loveth/knowledge but he/that.. 58/172
Pro_12:23...concealeth/knowledge but the heart of fools/proclaimeth 59/172
Pro_13:16.........with/knowledge but a/fool... 60/172
Pro_14:6...........but/knowledge is easy/unto. 61/172
Pro_14:7............of/knowledge The wisdom/of 62/172
Pro_14:18.........with/knowledge The evil/bow. 63/172
Pro_15:2.........useth/knowledge aright/but... 64/172
Pro_15:7......disperse/knowledge but the heart of the/foolish 65/172
Pro_15:14......seeketh/knowledge but the mouth of fools/feedeth 66/172
Pro_17:27.........hath/knowledge spareth/his.. 67/172
Pro_18:15......getteth/knowledge and the ear/of 68/172
Pro_18:15......seeketh/knowledge A/man's...... 69/172
Pro_19:2.......without/knowledge it is/not.... 70/172
Pro_19:25...understand/knowledge He that/wasteth 71/172
Pro_19:27...........of/knowledge An/ungodly... 72/172
Pro_20:15...........of/knowledge are/a........ 73/172
Pro_21:11....receiveth/knowledge The righteous/man 74/172
Pro_22:12.....preserve/knowledge and he/overthroweth 75/172 For it/is.... 76/172
Pro_22:20..........and/knowledge That I might/make 77/172
Pro_23:12...........of/knowledge Withhold/not. 78/172 shall the chambers/be 79/172
Pro_24:5............of/knowledge increaseth strength/For 80/172
Pro_24:14..........the/knowledge of wisdom/be. 81/172
Pro_28:2...........and/knowledge the state/thereof 82/172
Pro_30:3...........the/knowledge of the holy Who/hath 83/172
Ecc_1:16...........and/knowledge And I/gave... 84/172
Ecc_1:18....increaseth/knowledge increaseth sorrow/I 85/172 and in equity/yet 86/172
Ecc_2:26...........and/knowledge and joy/but.. 87/172
Ecc_7:12............of/knowledge is that/wisdom 88/172
Ecc_9:10...........nor/knowledge nor wisdom/in 89/172
Ecc_12:9........people/knowledge yea/he....... 90/172 and their/honourable 91/172
Isa_8:4...........have/knowledge to cry/My.... 92/172
Isa_11:2............of/knowledge and of the fear/of 93/172
Isa_11:9...........the/knowledge of the LORD as/the 94/172
Isa_28:9.........teach/knowledge and whom/shall 95/172
Isa_32:4....understand/knowledge and the tongue/of 96/172
Isa_33:6...........and/knowledge shall be the/stability 97/172
Isa_40:14..........him/knowledge and shewed/to 98/172
Isa_44:19........there/knowledge nor understanding/to 99/172
Isa_44:25........their/knowledge foolish/That 100/172 that set/up. 101/172
Isa_47:10..........thy/knowledge it hath/perverted 102/172
Isa_53:11..........his/knowledge shall my/righteous 103/172 Behold/in... 104/172
Jer_3:15..........with/knowledge and understanding And/it 105/172 I beheld/the 106/172
Jer_10:14..........his/knowledge every founder is confounded by the graven image for his molten image is falsehood and there is no breath in them They are vanity and/the 107/172 of it/and... 108/172
Jer_51:17..........his/knowledge every founder is confounded by the graven image for his molten image is falsehood and there is no breath in them They are vanity the/work 109/172 and understanding science/and 110/172
Dan_1:17..........them/knowledge and skill/in 111/172
Dan_2:21...........and/knowledge to them/that 112/172
Dan_5:12...........and/knowledge and understanding interpreting/of 113/172
Dan_12:4...........and/knowledge shall be increased/Then 114/172
Hos_4:1............nor/knowledge of God in/the 115/172
Hos_4:6.............of/knowledge because/thou 116/172
Hos_4:6.......rejected/knowledge I will/also. 117/172
Hos_6:6............the/knowledge of God more/than 118/172
Hab_2:14...........the/knowledge of the glory of the/LORD 119/172
Mal_2:7...........keep/knowledge and they/should 120/172
Mat_14:35..........had/knowledge of him they/sent 121/172
Luk_1:77..........give/knowledge of salvation/unto 122/172
Luk_11:52...........of/knowledge ye/entered.. 123/172
Act_4:13..........took/knowledge of them/that 124/172
Act_17:13..........had/knowledge that the/word 125/172
Act_24:8..........take/knowledge of all these/things 126/172
Act_24:22......perfect/knowledge of that/way. 127/172
Rom_1:28.........their/knowledge God/gave.... 128/172
Rom_2:20............of/knowledge and of the truth/in 129/172
Rom_3:20...........the/knowledge of sin/But.. 130/172 For they/being 131/172
Rom_11:33..........and/knowledge of God how/unsearchable 132/172
Rom_15:14..........all/knowledge able/also... 133/172
1Co_1:5............all/knowledge Even/as..... 134/172
1Co_8:1...........have/knowledge Knowledge/puffeth 135/172
1Co_8:1......knowledge/Knowledge puffeth/up.. 136/172
1Co_8:7...........that/knowledge for some/with 137/172
1Co_8:10..........hast/knowledge sit/at...... 138/172
1Co_8:11...........thy/knowledge shall the weak/brother 139/172
1Co_12:8............of/knowledge by the/same. 140/172
1Co_13:2...........all/knowledge and though/I 141/172 it shall/vanish 142/172 or/by....... 143/172
1Co_15:34..........the/knowledge of God I/speak 144/172
2Co_2:14...........his/knowledge by us/in.... 145/172
2Co_4:6............the/knowledge of the glory of God/in 146/172 by longsuffering/by 147/172
2Co_8:7............and/knowledge and in all diligence/and 148/172
2Co_10:5...........the/knowledge of God and bringing/into 149/172 but we/have. 150/172
Eph_1:17...........the/knowledge of him The/eyes 151/172 in the mystery/of 152/172
Eph_3:19.......passeth/knowledge that ye/might 153/172
Eph_4:13...........the/knowledge of the Son/of 154/172 and in all judgment/That 155/172
Php_3:8............the/knowledge of Christ/Jesus 156/172
Col_1:9............the/knowledge of his/will. 157/172
Col_1:10...........the/knowledge of God Strengthened/with 158/172
Col_2:3............and/knowledge And this/I.. 159/172 after/the... 160/172
1Ti_2:4............the/knowledge of the truth For/there 161/172
2Ti_3:7............the/knowledge of the truth Now/as 162/172
Heb_10:26..........the/knowledge of the truth there/remaineth 163/172
Jam_3:13..........with/knowledge among/you... 164/172 giving/honour 165/172
2Pe_1:2............the/knowledge of God and of/Jesus 166/172
2Pe_1:3............the/knowledge of him that/hath 167/172
2Pe_1:5.........virtue/knowledge And to/knowledge 168/172 temperance/and 169/172
2Pe_1:8............the/knowledge of our Lord Jesus/Christ 170/172
2Pe_2:20...........the/knowledge of the Lord and Saviour/Jesus 171/172
2Pe_3:18...........the/knowledge of our Lord and/Saviour 172/172
Gen_19:8...........not/known man let/me........ 1/222 her/and........... 2/222 that they/had..... 3/222 in the land/by.... 4/222
Gen_45:1.......himself/known unto his/brethren. 5/222 Now when/Pharaoh.. 6/222
Exo_6:3............not/known to them/And....... 7/222 that the ox/hath.. 8/222 here/that......... 9/222 then the/congregation 10/222
Lev_5:1.............or/known of it/if......... 11/222
Num_12:6........myself/known unto him/in...... 12/222
Num_31:17.........hath/known man by lying with him But/all 13/222
Num_31:18..........not/known a/man............ 14/222
Num_31:35..........not/known man by lying with him And/the 15/222
Deu_1:13...........and/known among your/tribes 16/222
Deu_1:15...........and/known and made/them.... 17/222
Deu_11:2...........not/known and which/have... 18/222
Deu_11:28..........not/known And it/shall..... 19/222
Deu_13:2...........not/known and let/us....... 20/222
Deu_13:6...........not/known thou nor/thy..... 21/222
Deu_13:13..........not/known Then shalt/thou.. 22/222
Deu_21:1...........not/known who hath/slain... 23/222
Deu_28:36.........have/known and there/shalt.. 24/222
Deu_28:64.........have/known even wood/and.... 25/222
Deu_31:13..........not/known any thing may/hear 26/222
Jos_24:31..........had/known all the works/of. 27/222
Jdg_3:1............not/known all the wars/of.. 28/222
Jdg_16:9...........not/known And Delilah/said. 29/222
Jdg_21:12..........had/known no/man........... 30/222
Rut_3:3........thyself/known unto the man/until 31/222 that a/woman..... 32/222 to you why/his... 33/222
1Sa_28:15.........make/known unto me what/I... 34/222
2Sa_17:19..........not/known And when/Absalom's 35/222
1Ki_14:2...........not/known to be/the........ 36/222 this/day......... 37/222
1Ch_16:8..........make/known his deeds among the people Sing unto him sing psalms unto him talk ye of all his wondrous works Glory ye in his holy name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face continually/Remember 38/222
1Ch_17:19.......making/known all these/great.. 39/222 unto the king that the/Jews 40/222 now unto/the..... 41/222 unto the king that we/went 42/222
Neh_4:15...........was/known unto us and God/had 43/222
Neh_9:14........madest/known unto them thy/holy 44/222
Est_2:22...........was/known to Mordecai/who.. 45/222 by the judgment/which 46/222
Psa_18:43..........not/known shall/serve...... 47/222
Psa_31:7..........hast/known my soul/in....... 48/222 in her/palaces... 49/222 upon/earth....... 50/222
Psa_69:19.........hast/known my reproach/and.. 51/222
Psa_76:1...........God/known his name/is...... 52/222
Psa_77:19..........not/known Thou leddest/thy. 53/222
Psa_78:3...........and/known and our/fathers.. 54/222
Psa_78:5..........them/known to their/children 55/222
Psa_79:6...........not/known thee and upon/the 56/222 among the heathen/in 57/222 in the dark/and.. 58/222
Psa_89:1..........make/known thy faithfulness/to 59/222
Psa_91:14.........hath/known my name/He....... 60/222
Psa_95:10..........not/known my ways Unto/whom 61/222
Psa_98:2..........made/known his salvation/his 62/222
Psa_103:7.........made/known his ways/unto.... 63/222
Psa_105:1.........make/known his deeds among the people Sing unto him sing psalms unto him talk ye of all his wondrous works Glory ye in his holy name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face evermore/Remember 64/222 He rebuked/the... 65/222
Psa_119:79........have/known thy testimonies/Let 66/222
Psa_119:152.......have/known of old/that...... 67/222
Psa_139:1..........and/known me Thou/knowest.. 68/222
Psa_145:12........make/known to the sons/of... 69/222
Psa_147:20.........not/known them/Praise...... 70/222
Pro_1:23..........make/known my words/unto.... 71/222 He that/winketh.. 72/222
Pro_12:16....presently/known but/a............ 73/222
Pro_14:33.........made/known Righteousness/exalteth 74/222 by his doings/whether 75/222
Pro_22:19.........made/known to thee this/day. 76/222 in the gates/when 77/222 by multitude/of.. 78/222
Ecc_6:5............nor/known any thing this/hath 79/222 that it is/man... 80/222 in all/the....... 81/222 to Egypt/and..... 82/222
Isa_38:19.........make/known thy truth/The.... 83/222
Isa_40:21..........not/known have/ye.......... 84/222
Isa_40:28..........not/known hast/thou........ 85/222
Isa_42:16..........not/known I/will........... 86/222
Isa_44:18..........not/known nor understood/for 87/222
Isa_45:4...........not/known me I/am.......... 88/222
Isa_45:5...........not/known me That/they..... 89/222 among the Gentiles/and 90/222 to thine/adversaries 91/222 toward/his....... 92/222
Jer_4:22...........not/known me they/are...... 93/222
Jer_5:5...........have/known the way of the/LORD 94/222
Jer_9:16..........have/known and I/will....... 95/222
Jer_19:4..........have/known nor the/kings.... 96/222 that the LORD/hath 97/222
Lam_4:8............not/known in the streets/their 98/222
Eze_20:5........myself/known unto them in the/land 99/222
Eze_20:9........myself/known unto them in bringing/them 100/222
Eze_32:9...........not/known Yea/I........... 101/222
Eze_35:11.......myself/known among them/when. 102/222 unto you be/ashamed 103/222 in the eyes/of.. 104/222 in the midst/of. 105/222
Dan_2:5...........make/known unto me the dream with/the 106/222
Dan_2:9...........make/known unto me the dream there/is 107/222
Dan_2:15.........thing/known to Daniel/Then.. 108/222
Dan_2:17.........thing/known to Hananiah/Mishael 109/222
Dan_2:23..........made/known unto me now/what 110/222
Dan_2:23..........made/known unto us the king's/matter 111/222
Dan_2:25..........make/known unto the king the/interpretation 112/222
Dan_2:26..........make/known unto me the dream which/I 113/222
Dan_2:28........maketh/known to the king Nebuchadnezzar/what 114/222
Dan_2:29........maketh/known to thee what/shall 115/222
Dan_2:30..........make/known the interpretation/to 116/222
Dan_2:45..........made/known to the king what/shall 117/222 unto thee/O..... 118/222
Dan_4:6...........make/known unto me the interpretation of/the 119/222
Dan_4:7...........make/known unto me the interpretation thereof But at/the 120/222
Dan_4:18..........make/known unto me the interpretation but/thou 121/222
Dan_4:26..........have/known that the heavens/do 122/222
Dan_5:8...........make/known to the king the/interpretation 123/222
Dan_5:15..........make/known unto me the interpretation thereof but they/could 124/222
Dan_5:16..........make/known to me the interpretation/thereof 125/222
Dan_5:17..........make/known to him/the...... 126/222
Hos_5:4............not/known the LORD/And.... 127/222
Hos_5:9...........made/known that which/shall 128/222
Amo_3:2..............I/known of all/the...... 129/222
Nah_3:17...........not/known where/they...... 130/222
Hab_3:2...........make/known in wrath/remember 131/222 to the LORD/not. 132/222 What I/tell..... 133/222
Mat_12:7...........had/known what this/meaneth 134/222
Mat_12:16..........him/known That it might/be 135/222 by his fruit/O.. 136/222
Mat_24:43..........had/known in what/watch... 137/222
Mar_3:12...........him/known And he/goeth.... 138/222
Luk_2:15..........made/known unto us And they/came 139/222
Luk_2:17..........made/known abroad/the...... 140/222 by his own/fruit 141/222
Luk_7:39..........have/known who and/what.... 142/222 and come/abroad. 143/222 Therefore whatsoever/ye 144/222
Luk_12:39..........had/known what hour/the... 145/222
Luk_19:42........hadst/known even thou/at.... 146/222
Luk_24:18..........not/known the things/which 147/222
Luk_24:35..........was/known of them/in...... 148/222 openly/If....... 149/222
Joh_8:19...........had/known me ye should have known my Father also These/words 150/222
Joh_8:19..........have/known my Father also These/words 151/222
Joh_8:55...........not/known him but/I....... 152/222 of mine/As...... 153/222
Joh_14:7...........had/known me ye should have known my Father also and/from 154/222
Joh_14:7..........have/known my Father also and/from 155/222
Joh_14:9...........not/known me Philip/he.... 156/222
Joh_15:15.........made/known unto you Ye/have 157/222
Joh_16:3...........not/known the Father nor/me 158/222
Joh_17:7..........have/known that all/things. 159/222
Joh_17:8..........have/known surely/that..... 160/222
Joh_17:25..........not/known thee but/I...... 161/222
Joh_17:25.........have/known thee and these/have 162/222
Joh_17:25.........have/known that thou/hast.. 163/222
Joh_18:15..........was/known unto the high priest and went/in 164/222
Joh_18:16..........was/known unto the high priest and spake/unto 165/222
Act_1:19...........was/known unto all the/dwellers 166/222
Act_2:14..........this/known unto you and/hearken 167/222
Act_2:28..........made/known to me the ways/of 168/222 unto you all and/to 169/222
Act_7:13..........made/known to his/brethren. 170/222
Act_7:13..........made/known unto Pharaoh/Then 171/222
Act_9:24...........was/known of Saul/And..... 172/222
Act_9:42...........was/known throughout/all.. 173/222 unto you therefore/men 174/222
Act_15:18.......things/Known unto God are/all 175/222
Act_19:17..........was/known to all the/Jews. 176/222
Act_22:30.........have/known the certainty/wherefore 177/222
Act_23:28.........have/known the cause/wherefore 178/222 therefore unto/you 179/222 of God is/manifest 180/222
Rom_3:17...........not/known There/is........ 181/222
Rom_7:7............not/known sin/but......... 182/222
Rom_7:7............not/known lust/except..... 183/222
Rom_9:22.........power/known endured/with.... 184/222
Rom_9:23..........make/known the riches/of... 185/222
Rom_11:34.........hath/known the mind of the Lord or/who 186/222
Rom_16:26.........made/known to all nations/for 187/222
1Co_2:8...........they/known it they/would... 188/222
1Co_2:16..........hath/known the mind of the Lord that/he 189/222 of him/As....... 190/222 And now/abideth. 191/222 what is piped/or 192/222 what is spoken/for 193/222
2Co_3:2.........hearts/known and read/of..... 194/222
2Co_5:16..........have/known Christ/after.... 195/222
2Co_6:9...........well/known as/dying........ 196/222
Gal_4:9...........have/known God/or.......... 197/222
Gal_4:9............are/known of God how/turn. 198/222
Eph_1:9...........made/known unto us the mystery/of 199/222
Eph_3:3...........made/known unto me the mystery/as 200/222
Eph_3:5...........made/known unto the sons/of 201/222 by the church/the 202/222
Eph_6:19..........make/known the mystery/of.. 203/222
Eph_6:21..........make/known to you all/things 204/222 unto all men/The 205/222
Php_4:6...........made/known unto God And/the 206/222
Col_1:27..........make/known what is the/riches 207/222
Col_4:9...........make/known unto you all things/which 208/222
2Ti_3:10.........fully/known my doctrine/manner 209/222
2Ti_3:15..........hast/known the holy/scriptures 210/222
2Ti_4:17.........fully/known and that/all.... 211/222
Heb_3:10...........not/known my ways So/I.... 212/222
2Pe_1:16..........made/known unto you the/power 213/222
2Pe_2:21..........have/known the way of righteousness/than 214/222
2Pe_2:21..........have/known it to/turn...... 215/222
1Jn_2:13..........have/known him that is from the beginning I write/unto 216/222
1Jn_2:13..........have/known the Father I/have 217/222
1Jn_2:14..........have/known him that is from the beginning I have/written 218/222
1Jn_3:6........neither/known him Little/children 219/222
1Jn_4:16..........have/known and believed/the 220/222
2Jn_1:1...........have/known the truth/For... 221/222
Rev_2:24...........not/known the depths/of... 222/222
