Gen_3:22.......and/live for ever Therefore/the 1/247
Gen_12:13....shall/live because of/thee.... 2/247
Gen_17:18....might/live before thee/And.... 3/247
Gen_19:20....shall/live And he said unto/him 4/247
Gen_20:7.....shalt/live and if thou/restore 5/247
Gen_27:40.....thou/live and shalt/serve.... 6/247
Gen_31:32......not/live before our/brethren 7/247
Gen_42:2.......may/live and not die And Joseph's/ten 8/247
Gen_42:18......and/live for I/fear......... 9/247
Gen_43:8.......may/live and not die both/we 10/247
Gen_45:3.......yet/live And his brethren/could 11/247
Gen_47:19......may/live and not die that/the 12/247
Exo_1:16.....shall/live But the/midwives.. 13/247
Exo_19:13......not/live when the/trumpet.. 14/247
Exo_21:35......the/live ox/and............ 15/247 Whosoever/lieth... 16/247
Exo_33:20......and/live And the LORD said/Behold 17/247
Lev_16:20......the/live goat And Aaron/shall 18/247
Lev_16:21......the/live goat and confess/over 19/247
Lev_18:5.....shall/live in them I/am...... 20/247
Lev_25:35......may/live with thee Take/thou 21/247
Lev_25:36......may/live with thee Thou/shalt 22/247
Num_4:19.......may/live and not die when/they 23/247
Num_14:21........I/live all the/earth..... 24/247
Num_14:28........I/live saith the LORD as/ye 25/247
Num_21:8.....shall/live And Moses/made.... 26/247
Num_24:23....shall/live when God/doeth.... 27/247
Deu_4:1........may/live and go in and/possess 28/247
Deu_4:10.....shall/live upon the earth and/that 29/247
Deu_4:33.......and/live Or/hath........... 30/247
Deu_4:42.....might/live Namely/Bezer...... 31/247
Deu_5:33.......may/live and that/it....... 32/247
Deu_8:1........may/live and multiply and go/in 33/247
Deu_8:3........not/live by bread only/but. 34/247 Thy/raiment....... 35/247 upon the earth Ye/shall 36/247
Deu_16:20...mayest/live and inherit/the... 37/247
Deu_19:4.......may/live Whoso/killeth..... 38/247
Deu_19:5.......and/live Lest the/avenger.. 39/247
Deu_30:6....mayest/live And the LORD thy/God 40/247
Deu_30:16...mayest/live and multiply and the/LORD 41/247
Deu_30:19......may/live That thou/mayest.. 42/247 in the land whither/ye 43/247
Deu_32:40........I/live for ever If/I..... 44/247
Deu_33:6....Reuben/live and not die and let/not 45/247
Jos_6:17.....shall/live she/and........... 46/247
Jos_9:15......them/live and the princes/of 47/247
Jos_9:20......them/live lest wrath/be..... 48/247
Jos_9:21......them/live but let/them...... 49/247
1Sa_20:14........I/live shew/me........... 50/247
2Sa_1:10.......not/live after that/he..... 51/247
2Sa_12:22......may/live But now/he........ 52/247 that I/should..... 53/247
1Ki_1:31.....David/live for ever And king/David 54/247
1Ki_8:40......they/live in the land which thou gavest unto our fathers Moreover concerning a/stranger 55/247 And he said Is/he. 56/247
2Ki_4:7........and/live thou/and.......... 57/247
2Ki_7:4......shall/live and if they/kill.. 58/247
2Ki_10:19......not/live But Jehu/did...... 59/247
2Ki_18:32......may/live and not die and hearken/not 60/247
2Ki_20:1.......not/live Then he/turned.... 61/247
2Ch_6:31......they/live in the land which thou gavest unto our fathers Moreover concerning the/stranger 62/247
Neh_2:3.......king/live for ever why/should 63/247
Neh_5:2........and/live Some/also......... 64/247
Neh_9:29.....shall/live in them and withdrew/the 65/247
Est_4:11.......may/live but I/have........ 66/247
Job_7:16.......not/live alway/let......... 67/247
Job_14:14.......he/live again/all......... 68/247
Job_21:7....wicked/live become/old........ 69/247
Job_27:6.........I/live Let/mine.......... 70/247
Psa_22:26....shall/live for ever All the ends/of 71/247
Psa_49:9.....still/live for ever and not/see 72/247
Psa_55:23......not/live out/half.......... 73/247
Psa_63:4.........I/live I will lift/up.... 74/247
Psa_69:32....shall/live that seek/God..... 75/247
Psa_72:15....shall/live and to/him........ 76/247
Psa_104:33.......I/live I will sing/praise 77/247
Psa_116:2........I/live The sorrows/of.... 78/247
Psa_118:17.....but/live and declare/the... 79/247
Psa_119:17.....may/live and keep/thy...... 80/247
Psa_119:77.....may/live for thy/law....... 81/247
Psa_119:116....may/live and let/me........ 82/247
Psa_119:144..shall/live I cried/with...... 83/247
Psa_119:175...soul/live and it/shall...... 84/247
Psa_146:2........I/live will/I............ 85/247
Pro_4:4........and/live Get/wisdom........ 86/247
Pro_7:2........and/live and my/law........ 87/247
Pro_9:6........and/live and go in the/way. 88/247
Pro_15:27....shall/live The heart/of...... 89/247
Ecc_6:3........and/live many years so/that 90/247
Ecc_6:6.........he/live a/thousand........ 91/247
Ecc_9:3.......they/live and after/that.... 92/247
Ecc_9:9...ointment/Live joyfully/with..... 93/247 many years and/rejoice 94/247
Isa_6:6..........a/live coal/in........... 95/247
Isa_26:14......not/live they/are.......... 96/247
Isa_26:19....shall/live together with my/dead 97/247
Isa_38:1.......not/live Then Hezekiah/turned 98/247 and in/all........ 99/247 Behold/for....... 100/247
Isa_49:18........I/live saith the LORD thou/shalt 101/247
Isa_55:3.....shall/live and I will make/an 102/247
Jer_21:9.....shall/live and his life/shall 103/247
Jer_22:24........I/live saith the LORD though/Coniah 104/247
Jer_27:12......and/live Why/will......... 105/247
Jer_27:17......and/live wherefore/should. 106/247
Jer_35:7.......may/live many days/in..... 107/247
Jer_38:2.....shall/live for he/shall..... 108/247
Jer_38:2.....shall/live Thus/saith....... 109/247
Jer_38:17....shall/live and this/city.... 110/247
Jer_38:17....shalt/live and thine/house.. 111/247
Jer_38:20....shall/live But if/thou...... 112/247
Jer_46:18........I/live saith the King/whose 113/247
Lam_4:20.....shall/live among/the........ 114/247
Eze_3:21....surely/live because he/is.... 115/247
Eze_5:11.........I/live saith the Lord GOD Surely because thou/hast 116/247
Eze_13:19......not/live by your/lying.... 117/247
Eze_14:16........I/live saith the Lord GOD they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters they/only 118/247
Eze_14:18........I/live saith the Lord GOD they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters but/they 119/247
Eze_14:20........I/live saith the Lord GOD they shall deliver neither son/nor 120/247
Eze_16:6.....blood/Live yea/I............ 121/247
Eze_16:6.....blood/Live I have/caused.... 122/247
Eze_16:48........I/live saith the Lord GOD Sodom/thy 123/247
Eze_17:16........I/live saith the Lord GOD surely in/the 124/247
Eze_17:19........I/live surely mine/oath. 125/247
Eze_18:3.........I/live saith the Lord GOD ye/shall 126/247
Eze_18:9....surely/live saith the Lord GOD If/he 127/247
Eze_18:13.....then/live he shall not live/he 128/247
Eze_18:13......not/live he hath/done..... 129/247
Eze_18:17...surely/live As for/his....... 130/247
Eze_18:19...surely/live The soul/that.... 131/247
Eze_18:21...surely/live he shall not die All/his 132/247
Eze_18:22....shall/live Have/I........... 133/247
Eze_18:23......and/live But when/the..... 134/247
Eze_18:24.......he/live All his/righteousness 135/247
Eze_18:28...surely/live he shall not die Yet/saith 136/247
Eze_18:32......and/live ye Moreover/take. 137/247
Eze_20:3.........I/live saith the Lord GOD I will not be enquired of by you Wilt/thou 138/247
Eze_20:11.....even/live in them Moreover/also 139/247
Eze_20:13.....even/live in them and my/sabbaths 140/247
Eze_20:21.....even/live in them they/polluted 141/247
Eze_20:25......not/live And I polluted/them 142/247
Eze_20:31........I/live saith the Lord GOD I will not be enquired of by you And/that 143/247
Eze_20:33........I/live saith the Lord GOD surely with/a 144/247
Eze_33:10.....then/live Say/unto......... 145/247
Eze_33:11........I/live saith the Lord GOD I have/no 146/247
Eze_33:11......and/live turn/ye.......... 147/247 for his/righteousness 148/247
Eze_33:13...surely/live if he/trust...... 149/247
Eze_33:15...surely/live he shall not die None/of 150/247
Eze_33:16...surely/live Yet the/children. 151/247
Eze_33:19....shall/live thereby/Yet...... 152/247
Eze_33:27........I/live surely they/that. 153/247
Eze_34:8.........I/live saith the Lord GOD surely because my/flock 154/247
Eze_35:6.........I/live saith the Lord GOD I will prepare/thee 155/247
Eze_35:11........I/live saith the Lord GOD I will even/do 156/247
Eze_37:3.....bones/live And I answered/O. 157/247
Eze_37:5.....shall/live And I will lay/sinews 158/247
Eze_37:6.....shall/live and ye/shall..... 159/247
Eze_37:9.......may/live So/I............. 160/247
Eze_37:14....shall/live and I shall/place 161/247
Eze_47:9.....shall/live and there/shall.. 162/247
Eze_47:9.....shall/live whither/the...... 163/247
Dan_2:4.......king/live for ever tell/thy 164/247
Dan_3:9.......king/live for ever Thou/O.. 165/247
Dan_5:10......king/live for ever let/not. 166/247
Dan_6:6.....Darius/live for ever All the presidents/of 167/247
Dan_6:21......king/live for ever My/God.. 168/247
Hos_6:2......shall/live in his/sight..... 169/247
Amo_5:4......shall/live But seek/not..... 170/247
Amo_5:6......shall/live lest he/break.... 171/247
Amo_5:14.......may/live and so/the....... 172/247 Then said/the.... 173/247 And God/said..... 174/247
Hab_2:4......shall/live by his/faith..... 175/247
Zep_2:9..........I/live saith the LORD of/hosts 176/247
Zec_1:5.......they/live for ever But/my.. 177/247
Zec_10:9.....shall/live with their/children 178/247
Zec_13:3.......not/live for thou/speakest 179/247
Mat_4:4........not/live by bread alone but by every word that/proceedeth 180/247
Mat_9:18.....shall/live And Jesus arose/and 181/247
Mar_5:23.....shall/live And Jesus went/with 182/247
Luk_4:4........not/live by bread alone but by every word of/God 183/247
Luk_7:25.......and/live delicately/are... 184/247
Luk_10:28....shalt/live But he/willing... 185/247
Luk_20:38......all/live unto him/Then.... 186/247
Joh_5:25.....shall/live For as the/Father 187/247
Joh_6:51.....shall/live for ever and the/bread 188/247
Joh_6:57.........I/live by the Father/so. 189/247
Joh_6:57.....shall/live by me/This....... 190/247
Joh_6:58.....shall/live for ever These/things 191/247
Joh_11:25.......he/live And whosoever/liveth 192/247
Joh_14:19........I/live ye shall/live.... 193/247
Joh_14:19....shall/live also/At.......... 194/247
Act_7:19.......not/live In which/time.... 195/247
Act_17:28.......we/live and move/and..... 196/247
Act_22:22...should/live And as/they...... 197/247 any longer But/when 198/247 And he shook/off. 199/247
Rom_1:17.....shall/live by faith For/the. 200/247
Rom_6:2........sin/live any longer therein/Know 201/247
Rom_6:8.......also/live with him Knowing/that 202/247 after the flesh For/if 203/247 after the flesh ye/shall 204/247
Rom_8:13.....shall/live For as many/as... 205/247
Rom_10:5.....shall/live by them/But...... 206/247 peaceably/with... 207/247
Rom_14:8........we/live we/live.......... 208/247
Rom_14:8........we/live unto the/Lord.... 209/247
Rom_14:8........we/live therefore/or..... 210/247
Rom_14:11........I/live saith the Lord every/knee 211/247
1Co_9:13....things/live of the things/of. 212/247
1Co_9:14....should/live of the gospel/But 213/247
2Co_4:11.....which/live are/alway........ 214/247
2Co_5:15.....which/live should/not....... 215/247
2Co_5:15henceforth/live unto themselves/but 216/247
2Co_6:9.........we/live as chastened/and. 217/247
2Co_7:3........and/live with you/Great... 218/247
2Co_13:4.....shall/live with him by/the.. 219/247
2Co_13:11.....mind/live in peace/and..... 220/247 as do/the........ 221/247
Gal_2:19.....might/live unto God/I....... 222/247
Gal_2:20.........I/live yet not/I........ 223/247 in the flesh I/live 224/247
Gal_2:20.........I/live by the faith/of.. 225/247
Gal_3:11.....shall/live by faith And/the. 226/247
Gal_3:12.....shall/live in them Christ/hath 227/247
Gal_5:25........we/live in the Spirit/let 228/247
Eph_6:3.....mayest/live long/on.......... 229/247 is/Christ........ 230/247
Php_1:22.........I/live in the flesh this/is 231/247
1Th_3:8.........we/live if ye/stand...... 232/247
1Th_5:10....should/live together with him/Wherefore 233/247
2Ti_2:11......also/live with him If/we... 234/247
2Ti_3:12......will/live godly/in......... 235/247
Tit_2:12....should/live soberly/righteously 236/247
Heb_10:38....shall/live by faith but/if.. 237/247
Heb_12:9.......and/live For they/verily.. 238/247 honestly/But..... 239/247
Jam_4:15.....shall/live and do/this...... 240/247
1Pe_2:24....should/live unto righteousness/by 241/247
1Pe_4:2.....should/live the rest/of...... 242/247
1Pe_4:6........but/live according/to..... 243/247
2Pe_2:6.....should/live ungodly/And...... 244/247
2Pe_2:18.......who/live in error/While... 245/247
1Jn_4:9......might/live through/him...... 246/247
Rev_13:14......did/live And he had/power. 247/247
Gen_5:3.......Adam/lived an hundred and thirty/years 1/58
Gen_5:5.......Adam/lived were/nine.......... 2/58
Gen_5:6.......Seth/lived an hundred and five/years 3/58
Gen_5:7.......Seth/lived after he begat Enos/eight 4/58
Gen_5:9.......Enos/lived ninety/years....... 5/58
Gen_5:10......Enos/lived after he begat Cainan/eight 6/58
Gen_5:12....Cainan/lived seventy years and begat Mahalaleel/And 7/58
Gen_5:13....Cainan/lived after he begat Mahalaleel/eight 8/58
Gen_5:15Mahalaleel/lived sixty and five years and begat Jared/And 9/58
Gen_5:16Mahalaleel/lived after he begat Jared/eight 10/58
Gen_5:18.....Jared/lived an hundred sixty/and 11/58
Gen_5:19.....Jared/lived after he begat Enoch/eight 12/58
Gen_5:21.....Enoch/lived sixty and five years and begat Methuselah/And 13/58
Gen_5:25Methuselah/lived an hundred eighty and seven/years 14/58
Gen_5:26Methuselah/lived after he begat Lamech/seven 15/58
Gen_5:28....Lamech/lived an hundred eighty and two/years 16/58
Gen_5:30....Lamech/lived after he begat Noah/five 17/58
Gen_9:28......Noah/lived after the flood/three 18/58
Gen_11:11.....Shem/lived after he begat Arphaxad/five 19/58
Gen_11:12.Arphaxad/lived five/and.......... 20/58
Gen_11:13.Arphaxad/lived after he begat Salah/four 21/58
Gen_11:14....Salah/lived thirty years and begat Eber/And 22/58
Gen_11:15....Salah/lived after he begat Eber/four 23/58
Gen_11:16.....Eber/lived four/and.......... 24/58
Gen_11:17.....Eber/lived after he begat Peleg/four 25/58
Gen_11:18....Peleg/lived thirty years and begat Reu/And 26/58
Gen_11:19....Peleg/lived after he begat Reu/two 27/58
Gen_11:20......Reu/lived two/and........... 28/58
Gen_11:21......Reu/lived after he begat Serug/two 29/58
Gen_11:22....Serug/lived thirty years and begat Nahor/And 30/58
Gen_11:23....Serug/lived after he begat Nahor/two 31/58
Gen_11:24....Nahor/lived nine/and.......... 32/58
Gen_11:25....Nahor/lived after he begat Terah/an 33/58
Gen_11:26....Terah/lived seventy years and begat Abram/Nahor 34/58
Gen_25:6.......yet/lived eastward/unto..... 35/58
Gen_25:7........he/lived an hundred threescore/and 36/58
Gen_47:28....Jacob/lived in the/land....... 37/58
Gen_50:22...Joseph/lived an hundred and ten/years 38/58 still/And......... 39/58
Num_21:9........he/lived And the/children.. 40/58
Deu_5:26.......and/lived Go/thou........... 41/58
2Sa_19:6.......had/lived and all/we........ 42/58
1Ki_12:6.......yet/lived and said/How...... 43/58
2Ki_14:17....Judah/lived after the death of Jehoash/son 44/58
2Ch_10:6.......yet/lived saying/What....... 45/58
2Ch_25:25....Judah/lived after the death of Joash/son 46/58
Job_42:16.....this/lived Job/an............ 47/58
Psa_49:18.......he/lived he/blessed........ 48/58
Eze_37:10.....they/lived and stood/up...... 49/58
Luk_2:36.......had/lived with/an........... 50/58
Act_23:1......have/lived in all/good....... 51/58
Act_26:5.........I/lived a/Pharisee........ 52/58 in them/But....... 53/58
Jam_5:5.......have/lived in pleasure/on.... 54/58
Rev_18:7.......and/lived deliciously so/much 55/58
Rev_18:9.......and/lived deliciously with/her 56/58
Rev_20:4......they/lived and reigned/with.. 57/58
Rev_20:5......dead/lived not/again......... 58/58
Exo_1:19.......are/lively and are/delivered.. 1/5
Psa_38:19......are/lively and they/are....... 2/5
Act_7:38.......the/lively oracles/to......... 3/5
1Pe_1:3..........a/lively hope/by............ 4/5 stones/are......... 5/5
Exo_29:13......the/liver and the two kidneys and the fat that is upon them and burn/them 1/14
Exo_29:22......the/liver and the two kidneys and the fat that is upon them and the/right 2/14
Lev_3:4........the/liver with the kidneys it shall he take away And Aaron's/sons 3/14
Lev_3:10.......the/liver with the kidneys it shall he take away And the priest shall burn it/upon 4/14
Lev_3:15.......the/liver with the kidneys it shall he take away And the priest shall burn them upon the altar it/is 5/14
Lev_4:9........the/liver with the kidneys it shall he take away As/it 6/14
Lev_7:4........the/liver with the kidneys it shall he take away And the priest shall burn them upon the altar for/an 7/14
Lev_8:16.......the/liver and the two kidneys and their fat and Moses/burned 8/14
Lev_8:25.......the/liver and the two kidneys and their fat and the/right 9/14
Lev_9:10.......the/liver of/the............ 10/14
Lev_9:19.......the/liver And they/put...... 11/14
Pro_7:23.......his/liver as/a.............. 12/14 is/poured......... 13/14
Eze_21:21......the/liver At/his............ 14/14
Gen_9:5.......your/lives will/I............. 1/28
Gen_45:7......your/lives by/a............... 2/28
Gen_47:25......our/lives let/us............. 3/28
Exo_1:14.....their/lives bitter/with........ 4/28
Jos_2:13.......our/lives from/death......... 5/28
Jos_9:24.......our/lives because of you/and. 6/28
Jdg_5:18.....their/lives unto the death in/the 7/28
Jdg_18:25......the/lives of thy household/And 8/28
2Sa_1:23.....their/lives and in/their....... 9/28
2Sa_19:5.......the/lives of thy sons/and... 10/28
2Sa_19:5.......the/lives of thy wives/and.. 11/28
2Sa_19:5.......the/lives of thy concubines/In 12/28
2Sa_23:17....their/lives therefore/he...... 13/28
1Ch_11:19....their/lives in/jeopardy....... 14/28
1Ch_11:19....their/lives they/brought...... 15/28
Est_9:16.....their/lives and had/rest...... 16/28
Pro_1:18.......own/lives So/are............ 17/28
Jer_19:7.....their/lives and their/carcases 18/28
Jer_19:9.....their/lives shall/straiten.... 19/28
Jer_46:26....their/lives and into/the...... 20/28
Jer_48:6......your/lives and be/like....... 21/28
Lam_5:9........our/lives because of the/sword 22/28
Dan_7:12.....their/lives were/prolonged.... 23/28's/lives but/to............ 24/28
Act_15:26....their/lives for the name/of... 25/28
Act_27:10......our/lives Nevertheless/the.. 26/28
1Jn_3:16.......our/lives for the brethren/But 27/28
Rev_12:11....their/lives unto the death Therefore/rejoice 28/28
Deu_12:19.....thou/livest upon/the........... 1/4
2Sa_11:11.....thou/livest and as/thy......... 2/4
Gal_2:14.......Jew/livest after/the.......... 3/4
Rev_3:1.......thou/livest and art/dead....... 4/4
Gen_9:3.......that/liveth shall/be.......... 1/96
Deu_5:24........he/liveth Now/therefore..... 2/96
Jdg_8:19......LORD/liveth if/ye............. 3/96
Rut_3:13......LORD/liveth lie/down.......... 4/96
1Sa_1:26......soul/liveth my lord I/am...... 5/96
1Sa_1:28........he/liveth he shall be/lent.. 6/96
1Sa_14:39.....LORD/liveth which saveth/Israel 7/96
1Sa_14:45.....LORD/liveth there shall not one hair of his/head 8/96
1Sa_17:55.....soul/liveth O/king............ 9/96
1Sa_19:6......LORD/liveth he shall not/be.. 10/96
1Sa_20:3......LORD/liveth and as thy soul liveth there/is 11/96
1Sa_20:3......soul/liveth there is but/a... 12/96
1Sa_20:21.....LORD/liveth But if I/say..... 13/96
1Sa_20:31....Jesse/liveth upon/the......... 14/96
1Sa_25:6......that/liveth in prosperity/Peace 15/96
1Sa_25:26.....LORD/liveth and as thy soul liveth seeing/the 16/96
1Sa_25:26.....soul/liveth seeing/the....... 17/96
1Sa_25:34...Israel/liveth which hath kept/me 18/96
1Sa_26:10.....LORD/liveth the LORD/shall... 19/96
1Sa_26:16.....LORD/liveth ye/are........... 20/96
1Sa_28:10.....LORD/liveth there shall no/punishment 21/96
1Sa_29:6......LORD/liveth thou/hast........ 22/96
2Sa_2:27.......God/liveth unless/thou...... 23/96
2Sa_4:9.......LORD/liveth who hath redeemed/my 24/96
2Sa_11:11.....soul/liveth I will not do/this 25/96
2Sa_12:5......LORD/liveth the man/that..... 26/96
2Sa_14:11.....LORD/liveth there shall not one hair of thy/son 27/96
2Sa_14:19.....soul/liveth my lord the/king. 28/96
2Sa_15:21.....LORD/liveth and as my/lord... 29/96
2Sa_15:21.....king/liveth surely in/what... 30/96
2Sa_22:47.....LORD/liveth and blessed be my rock and exalted/be 31/96
1Ki_1:29......LORD/liveth that hath/redeemed 32/96
1Ki_2:24......LORD/liveth which hath established/me 33/96
1Ki_3:23......that/liveth and thy/son...... 34/96
1Ki_17:1....Israel/liveth before whom I stand there/shall 35/96
1Ki_17:12......God/liveth I have/not....... 36/96
1Ki_17:23......son/liveth And the woman/said 37/96
1Ki_18:10......God/liveth there is no/nation 38/96
1Ki_18:15....hosts/liveth before whom I stand I will surely/shew 39/96
1Ki_22:14.....LORD/liveth what/the......... 40/96
2Ki_2:2.......LORD/liveth and as thy soul liveth I will not leave thee So they went/down 41/96
2Ki_2:2.......soul/liveth I will not leave thee So they went/down 42/96
2Ki_2:4.......LORD/liveth and as thy soul liveth I will not leave thee So they came/to 43/96
2Ki_2:4.......soul/liveth I will not leave thee So they came/to 44/96
2Ki_2:6.......LORD/liveth and as thy soul liveth I will not leave thee And they/two 45/96
2Ki_2:6.......soul/liveth I will not leave thee And they/two 46/96
2Ki_3:14.....hosts/liveth before whom I stand surely/were 47/96
2Ki_4:30......LORD/liveth and as thy soul liveth I will not leave thee And he/arose 48/96
2Ki_4:30......soul/liveth I will not leave thee And he/arose 49/96
2Ki_5:16......LORD/liveth before whom I stand I will receive/none 50/96
2Ki_5:20......LORD/liveth I will run/after. 51/96
2Ch_18:13.....LORD/liveth even what/my..... 52/96
Job_19:25.redeemer/liveth and that/he...... 53/96
Job_27:2.......God/liveth who hath taken/away 54/96
Psa_18:46.....LORD/liveth and blessed be my rock and let/the 55/96
Psa_89:48.....that/liveth and shall/not.... 56/96
Jer_4:2.......LORD/liveth in truth/in...... 57/96
Jer_5:2.......LORD/liveth surely they/swear 58/96
Jer_12:16.....LORD/liveth as/they.......... 59/96
Jer_16:14.....LORD/liveth that brought up the children of Israel out/of 60/96
Jer_16:15.....LORD/liveth that brought up the children of Israel from/the 61/96
Jer_23:7......LORD/liveth which brought up the/children 62/96
Jer_23:8......LORD/liveth which brought up and/which 63/96
Jer_38:16.....LORD/liveth that made/us..... 64/96
Jer_44:26......GOD/liveth Behold/I......... 65/96
Eze_47:9......that/liveth which moveth/whithersoever 66/96
Dan_4:34......that/liveth for ever whose/dominion 67/96
Dan_12:7......that/liveth for ever that/it. 68/96
Hos_4:15......LORD/liveth For Israel/slideth 69/96
Amo_8:14.......Dan/liveth and The manner/of 70/96
Amo_8:14.Beersheba/liveth even they/shall.. 71/96
Joh_4:50.......son/liveth And the man/believed 72/96
Joh_4:51.......son/liveth Then/enquired.... 73/96
Joh_4:53.......son/liveth and himself/believed 74/96
Joh_11:26whosoever/liveth and believeth/in. 75/96
Rom_6:10........he/liveth he liveth/unto... 76/96
Rom_6:10........he/liveth unto/God......... 77/96
Rom_7:1.........he/liveth For the/woman.... 78/96
Rom_7:2.........he/liveth but if the/husband 79/96
Rom_7:3....husband/liveth she/be........... 80/96 to himself/and... 81/96
1Co_7:39...husband/liveth but if her/husband 82/96
2Co_13:4........he/liveth by/the........... 83/96
Gal_2:20....Christ/liveth in me/and........ 84/96
1Ti_5:6.......that/liveth in pleasure/is... 85/96
1Ti_5:6........she/liveth And these/things. 86/96
Heb_7:8.........he/liveth And as I/may..... 87/96
Heb_7:25......ever/liveth to make/intercession 88/96
Heb_9:17..testator/liveth Whereupon/neither 89/96
1Pe_1:23.....which/liveth and abideth/for.. 90/96
Rev_1:18......that/liveth and was/dead..... 91/96
Rev_4:9........who/liveth for ever and ever The/four 92/96
Rev_4:10......that/liveth for ever and ever and cast/their 93/96
Rev_5:14......that/liveth for ever and ever And I/saw 94/96
Rev_10:6......that/liveth for ever and ever who/created 95/96
Rev_15:7.......who/liveth for ever and ever And the/temple 96/96
