Gen_1:29.......for/meat And to/every....... 1/290
Gen_1:30.......for/meat and it/was......... 2/290 for you even/as.... 3/290
Gen_24:33......set/meat before him/to...... 4/290
Gen_27:4...savoury/meat such as I/love..... 5/290
Gen_27:7...savoury/meat that I/may......... 6/290
Gen_27:9...savoury/meat for thy/father..... 7/290
Gen_27:14..savoury/meat such as his/father. 8/290
Gen_27:17..savoury/meat and the bread/which 9/290
Gen_27:31..savoury/meat and brought/it.... 10/290
Gen_45:23......and/meat for his/father.... 11/290
Exo_29:41......the/meat offering of the morning and according/to 12/290
Exo_30:9.......nor/meat offering neither/shall 13/290
Exo_40:29......the/meat offering as/the... 14/290
Lev_2:1..........a/meat offering unto the LORD his/offering 15/290
Lev_2:3........the/meat offering shall be Aaron's and his sons' it is a thing most holy of the offerings of the LORD made by fire And/if 16/290
Lev_2:4..........a/meat offering baken in the oven/it 17/290
Lev_2:5..........a/meat offering baken in a/pan 18/290
Lev_2:6..........a/meat offering And if/thy 19/290
Lev_2:7..........a/meat offering baken in the fryingpan/it 20/290
Lev_2:8........the/meat offering that is made/of 21/290
Lev_2:9........the/meat offering a memorial/thereof 22/290
Lev_2:10.......the/meat offering shall be Aaron's and his sons' it is a thing most holy of the offerings of the LORD made by fire No/meat 23/290
Lev_2:11........No/meat offering which/ye. 24/290
Lev_2:13.......thy/meat offering shalt thou season/with 25/290
Lev_2:13.......thy/meat offering with all/thine 26/290
Lev_2:14.........a/meat offering of thy firstfruits unto/the 27/290
Lev_2:14.......the/meat offering of thy firstfruits green/ears 28/290
Lev_2:15.........a/meat offering And the priest shall burn/the 29/290
Lev_5:13.........a/meat offering And the LORD/spake 30/290
Lev_6:14.......the/meat offering the/sons. 31/290
Lev_6:15.......the/meat offering and of the oil/thereof 32/290
Lev_6:15.......the/meat offering and shall/burn 33/290
Lev_6:20.........a/meat offering perpetual/half 34/290
Lev_6:21.......the/meat offering shalt thou offer/for 35/290
Lev_6:23.....every/meat offering for the priest/shall 36/290
Lev_7:9........the/meat offering that is baken/in 37/290
Lev_7:10.....every/meat offering mingled with oil and dry/shall 38/290
Lev_7:37.......the/meat offering and of the sin/offering 39/290
Lev_9:4..........a/meat offering mingled with oil for to/day 40/290
Lev_9:17.......the/meat offering and took/an 41/290
Lev_10:12......the/meat offering that remaineth/of 42/290
Lev_11:34......all/meat which may/be...... 43/290
Lev_14:10........a/meat offering mingled with oil and one/log 44/290
Lev_14:20......the/meat offering upon/the. 45/290
Lev_14:21........a/meat offering and a log/of 46/290
Lev_14:31......the/meat offering and the priest shall make/an 47/290
Lev_22:11......his/meat If/the............ 48/290
Lev_22:13.father's/meat but there/shall... 49/290
Lev_23:13......the/meat offering thereof shall/be 50/290 offering unto the LORD Ye/shall 51/290
Lev_23:18....their/meat offering and their drink offerings even/an 52/290
Lev_23:37........a/meat offering a sacrifice/and 53/290 for you for/thee.. 54/290 And thou/shalt.... 55/290
Num_4:16.....daily/meat offering and the anointing/oil 56/290
Num_6:15.....their/meat offering and their drink offerings And the/priest 57/290
Num_6:17.......his/meat offering and his drink offering And the/Nazarite 58/290
Num_7:13.........a/meat offering One spoon of ten/shekels 59/290
Num_7:19.........a/meat offering One spoon of gold/of 60/290
Num_7:25.........a/meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 61/290
Num_7:31.........a/meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 62/290
Num_7:37.........a/meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 63/290
Num_7:43.........a/meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 64/290
Num_7:49.........a/meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 65/290
Num_7:55.........a/meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 66/290
Num_7:61.........a/meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 67/290
Num_7:67.........a/meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 68/290
Num_7:73.........a/meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 69/290
Num_7:79.........a/meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 70/290
Num_7:87.....their/meat offering and the kids/of 71/290
Num_8:8........his/meat offering even/fine 72/290
Num_15:4.........a/meat offering of a/tenth 73/290
Num_15:6.........a/meat offering two/tenth 74/290
Num_15:9.........a/meat offering of three/tenth 75/290
Num_15:24......his/meat offering and his drink offering according/to 76/290
Num_18:9.....every/meat offering of their's/and 77/290
Num_28:5.........a/meat offering mingled with the/fourth 78/290
Num_28:8.......the/meat offering of the morning and as/the 79/290
Num_28:9.........a/meat offering mingled with oil and the/drink 80/290
Num_28:12........a/meat offering mingled with oil for one bullock/and 81/290
Num_28:12........a/meat offering mingled with oil for one ram/And 82/290
Num_28:13........a/meat offering unto one/lamb 83/290
Num_28:20....their/meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals shall/ye 84/290
Num_28:24......the/meat of the/sacrifice.. 85/290 offering unto the LORD after/your 86/290
Num_28:28....their/meat offering of flour/mingled 87/290
Num_28:31......his/meat offering they/shall 88/290
Num_29:3.....their/meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals for/a 89/290
Num_29:6.......his/meat offering and the daily/burnt 90/290
Num_29:6.......his/meat offering and their drink offerings according/unto 91/290
Num_29:9.....their/meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals to/a 92/290
Num_29:11......the/meat offering of it/and 93/290
Num_29:14....their/meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals unto/every 94/290
Num_29:16......his/meat offering and his drink offering And on the second/day 95/290
Num_29:18....their/meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks for the rams and for the lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one kid of the goats for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering and/the 96/290
Num_29:19......the/meat offering thereof and/their 97/290
Num_29:21....their/meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks for the rams and for the lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering and his meat offering and his drink offering And on the fourth/day 98/290
Num_29:22......his/meat offering and his drink offering And on the fourth/day 99/290
Num_29:24....Their/meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks for the rams and for the lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one kid of the goats for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his/meat 100/290
Num_29:25......his/meat offering and his drink offering And on the fifth/day 101/290
Num_29:27....their/meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks for the rams and for the lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering and his meat offering and his drink offering And on the sixth/day 102/290
Num_29:28......his/meat offering and his drink offering And on the sixth/day 103/290
Num_29:30....their/meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks for the rams and for the lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering And/on 104/290
Num_29:31......his/meat offering and his drink offering And on the seventh/day 105/290
Num_29:33....their/meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks for the rams and for the lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering On/the 106/290
Num_29:34......his/meat offering and his drink offering On/the 107/290
Num_29:37....Their/meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullock/for 108/290
Num_29:38......his/meat offering and his drink offering These/things 109/290
Num_29:39.....your/meat offerings and for/your 110/290 of them/for...... 111/290 for money/that... 112/290
Deu_20:20......for/meat thou/shalt....... 113/290 unto all/fowls... 114/290
Jos_22:23.......or/meat offering or/if... 115/290
Jos_22:29......for/meat offerings or/for. 116/290
Jdg_1:7......their/meat under/my......... 117/290
Jdg_13:19........a/meat offering and offered/it 118/290
Jdg_13:23........a/meat offering at/our.. 119/290
Jdg_14:14....forth/meat and out/of....... 120/290 but let/me....... 121/290 And the king/sat. 122/290 neither/yesterday 123/290 the second/day... 124/290 while/it......... 125/290
2Sa_11:8........of/meat from the/king.... 126/290
2Sa_12:3.......own/meat and drank/of..... 127/290 and dress/the.... 128/290
2Sa_13:5.......the/meat in my/sight...... 129/290
2Sa_13:7.......him/meat So/Tamar......... 130/290
2Sa_13:10......the/meat into/the......... 131/290
1Ki_8:64.......and/meat offerings and the fat of the peace offerings because/the 132/290
1Ki_8:64.......and/meat offerings and the fat of the peace offerings And/at 133/290
1Ki_10:5.......the/meat of his table and the sitting of his servants and the attendance of his ministers and their apparel and/his 134/290
1Ki_19:8......that/meat forty/days....... 135/290
2Ki_3:20.......the/meat offering was/offered 136/290
2Ki_16:13......his/meat offering and poured/his 137/290
2Ki_16:15..evening/meat offering and the king's/burnt 138/290
2Ki_16:15......his/meat offering with the/burnt 139/290
2Ki_16:15....their/meat offering and their drink offerings and sprinkle/upon 140/290
1Ch_12:40......and/meat meal/cakes....... 141/290
1Ch_21:23......the/meat offering I/give.. 142/290
1Ch_23:29......for/meat offering and for the unleavened/cakes 143/290
2Ch_7:7........the/meat offerings and the fat Also/at 144/290
2Ch_9:4........the/meat of his table and the sitting of his servants and the attendance of his ministers and their apparel his/cupbearers 145/290
Ezr_3:7........and/meat and drink and/oil 146/290
Ezr_7:17.....their/meat offerings and their/drink 147/290
Neh_10:33continual/meat offering and for the continual/burnt 148/290
Neh_13:5.......the/meat offerings the/frankincense 149/290
Neh_13:9.......the/meat offering and the frankincense/And 150/290
Job_6:7..sorrowful/meat Oh/that.......... 151/290
Job_12:11......his/meat With the/ancient. 152/290
Job_20:14......his/meat in his bowels/is. 153/290
Job_20:21......his/meat be/left.......... 154/290
Job_30:4.....their/meat They were/driven. 155/290
Job_33:20...dainty/meat His/flesh........ 156/290
Job_34:3...tasteth/meat Let us/choose.... 157/290
Job_36:31...giveth/meat in abundance/With 158/290
Job_38:41.......of/meat Knowest/thou..... 159/290 day/and.......... 160/290
Psa_44:11......for/meat and hast/scattered 161/290
Psa_59:15......for/meat and grudge/if.... 162/290 and in/my........ 163/290 to the people/inhabiting 164/290
Psa_78:18...asking/meat for their/lust... 165/290
Psa_78:25.....them/meat to the full/He... 166/290
Psa_78:30....their/meat was yet/in....... 167/290 unto the fowls of the heaven the/flesh 168/290
Psa_104:21...their/meat from God/The..... 169/290
Psa_104:27...their/meat in due season That/thou 170/290
Psa_107:18......of/meat and they draw/near 171/290
Psa_111:5....given/meat unto them that/fear 172/290
Psa_145:15...their/meat in due season Thou/openest 173/290
Pro_6:8........her/meat in the summer and/gathereth 174/290
Pro_23:3.deceitful/meat Labour/not....... 175/290
Pro_30:22.....with/meat For an/odious.... 176/290
Pro_30:25....their/meat in the summer The/conies 177/290
Pro_31:15...giveth/meat to her/household. 178/290
Isa_57:6.........a/meat offering Should/I 179/290 for thine/enemies 180/290
Isa_65:25serpent's/meat They shall/not... 181/290 for the fowls of the heaven and for the beasts of the earth and none/shall 182/290 for the fowls of heaven/and 183/290
Jer_17:26......and/meat offerings and incense/and 184/290 for the fowls of the heaven and for the beasts of the earth And I/will 185/290 offerings and to/do 186/290
Jer_34:20......for/meat unto the fowls of the heaven and/to 187/290
Lam_1:11.......for/meat to relieve the/soul 188/290
Lam_1:19.....their/meat to relieve their/souls 189/290
Lam_4:10.....their/meat in the destruction/of 190/290
Eze_4:10.......thy/meat which thou/shalt. 191/290
Eze_16:19.......My/meat also/which....... 192/290
Eze_29:5.......for/meat to the beasts/of. 193/290
Eze_34:5....became/meat to all/the....... 194/290
Eze_34:8....became/meat to every/beast... 195/290 for them/For..... 196/290
Eze_42:13......the/meat offering and the sin offering and the trespass offering for/the 197/290
Eze_44:29......the/meat offering and the sin offering and the trespass offering and/every 198/290
Eze_45:15........a/meat offering and for a/burnt 199/290
Eze_45:17......and/meat offerings and drink/offerings 200/290
Eze_45:17......the/meat offering and the burnt/offering 201/290
Eze_45:24........a/meat offering of an/ephah 202/290
Eze_45:25......the/meat offering and according/to 203/290
Eze_46:5.......the/meat offering shall be an ephah for/a 204/290
Eze_46:5.......the/meat offering for the lambs/as 205/290
Eze_46:7.........a/meat offering an/ephah 206/290
Eze_46:11......the/meat offering shall be an ephah to/a 207/290
Eze_46:14........a/meat offering for it/every 208/290
Eze_46:14........a/meat offering continually/by 209/290
Eze_46:15......the/meat offering and the oil/every 210/290
Eze_46:20......the/meat offering that they/bear 211/290
Eze_47:12......for/meat whose/leaf....... 212/290
Eze_47:12......for/meat and the leaf/thereof 213/290
Dan_1:5.....king's/meat and of/the....... 214/290
Dan_1:8.....king's/meat nor/with......... 215/290
Dan_1:10......your/meat and your/drink... 216/290
Dan_1:13....king's/meat and as/thou...... 217/290
Dan_1:15....king's/meat Thus/Melzar...... 218/290
Dan_1:16.....their/meat and the wine/that 219/290
Dan_4:12.......was/meat for all the/beasts 220/290
Dan_4:21.......was/meat for all under/which 221/290
Dan_11:26......his/meat shall destroy/him 222/290
Hos_11:4......laid/meat unto them He/shall 223/290
Joe_1:9........The/meat offering and the drink offering is cut/off 224/290
Joe_1:13.......the/meat offering and the drink offering is withholden/from 225/290
Joe_1:16.......the/meat cut/off.......... 226/290
Joe_2:14.........a/meat offering and a drink/offering 227/290
Amo_5:22......your/meat offerings I/will. 228/290
Hab_1:16.....their/meat plenteous/Shall.. 229/290 the flock/shall.. 230/290
Hag_2:12.......any/meat shall it/be...... 231/290
Mal_1:12.......his/meat is contemptible/Ye 232/290 in mine/house.... 233/290
Mat_3:4........his/meat was locusts/and.. 234/290
Mat_6:25......than/meat and the body than/raiment 235/290 in the house/behold 236/290
Mat_10:10......his/meat And into/whatsoever 237/290 he commanded/it.. 238/290
Mat_15:37...broken/meat that was left seven baskets full/And 239/290
Mat_24:45.....them/meat in due season Blessed is that servant whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing Verily/I 240/290 I was thirsty and ye gave me drink/I 241/290 I was thirsty and ye gave me no/drink 242/290 But when/his..... 243/290 in his house/many 244/290
Mar_8:8.....broken/meat that was left seven baskets And/they 245/290 there/came....... 246/290 and upbraided/them 247/290
Luk_3:11......hath/meat let him/do....... 248/290 And behold/a..... 249/290 in the Pharisee's/house 250/290 with him began/to 251/290
Luk_8:55.......her/meat And her/parents.. 252/290 for all this/people 253/290 And when/the..... 254/290
Luk_12:23.....than/meat and the body is/more 255/290 and will come/forth 256/290
Luk_12:42.......of/meat in due season Blessed is that servant whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing Of/a 257/290 with thee/For.... 258/290 with him heard/these 259/290 And will not/rather 260/290 or he/that....... 261/290 but I/am......... 262/290 with them/he..... 263/290
Luk_24:41......any/meat And they gave/him 264/290 Then/saith....... 265/290
Joh_4:32......have/meat to eat/that...... 266/290
Joh_4:34........My/meat is to/do......... 267/290
Joh_6:27.......the/meat which perisheth/but 268/290
Joh_6:27......that/meat which endureth/unto 269/290 indeed/and....... 270/290
Joh_21:5.......any/meat They answered/him 271/290
Act_2:46.....their/meat with gladness/and 272/290
Act_9:19..received/meat he was/strengthened 273/290
Act_16:34......set/meat before them/and.. 274/290
Act_27:33.....take/meat saying/This...... 275/290
Act_27:34.....some/meat for this/is...... 276/290
Act_27:36.....some/meat And we/were...... 277/290
Rom_14:15......thy/meat now/walkest...... 278/290
Rom_14:15......thy/meat for whom/Christ.. 279/290
Rom_14:17......not/meat and drink but/righteousness 280/290
Rom_14:20......For/meat destroy/not...... 281/290
1Co_3:2.......with/meat for hitherto/ye.. 282/290
1Co_8:8........But/meat commendeth/us.... 283/290 in the idol's/temple 284/290
1Co_8:13........if/meat make/my.......... 285/290
1Co_10:3.spiritual/meat And did/all...... 286/290 or in/drink...... 287/290
Heb_5:12....strong/meat For every/one.... 288/290
Heb_5:14....strong/meat belongeth/to..... 289/290
Heb_12:16.......of/meat sold/his......... 290/290
Pro_23:6....dainty/meats For as/he........... 1/8
Mar_7:19.......all/meats And he/said......... 2/8
Act_15:29.....from/meats offered/to.......... 3/8
1Co_6:13.......any/Meats for the/belly....... 4/8
1Co_6:13.......for/meats but/God............. 5/8
1Ti_4:3.......from/meats which God/hath...... 6/8 and drinks/and...... 7/8
Heb_13:9......with/meats which have/not...... 8/8
