Gen_5:5.........were/nine hundred and thirty years/and 1/50
Gen_5:8.........were/nine hundred and twelve/years 2/50
Gen_5:11........were/nine hundred and five/years 3/50
Gen_5:14........were/nine hundred and ten/years 4/50
Gen_5:20........were/nine hundred sixty and two/years 5/50
Gen_5:27........were/nine hundred sixty and nine/years 6/50
Gen_5:27.........and/nine years and he died/And 7/50
Gen_9:29........were/nine hundred and fifty years/and 8/50
Gen_11:19........and/nine years and begat/sons 9/50
Gen_11:24......lived/nine and twenty years and/begat 10/50
Gen_17:1.........and/nine the LORD/appeared.. 11/50
Gen_17:24........and/nine when/he............ 12/50
Exo_38:24........and/nine talents/and........ 13/50
Lev_25:8.........and/nine years Then/shalt... 14/50
Num_1:23.........and/nine thousand and three hundred Of/the 15/50
Num_2:13.........and/nine thousand and three hundred Then/the 16/50 bullocks/two....... 17/50
Num_34:13........the/nine tribes and to/the.. 18/50
Deu_3:11.......Ammon/nine cubits/was......... 19/50
Jos_13:7.........the/nine tribes and the/half 20/50
Jos_14:2.........the/nine tribes and for/the. 21/50
Jos_15:32........and/nine with/their......... 22/50
Jos_15:44...Mareshah/nine cities with their villages Ekron/with 23/50
Jos_15:54.......Zior/nine cities with their villages Maon/Carmel 24/50
Jos_21:16....suburbs/nine cities out/of...... 25/50
Jdg_4:3..........had/nine hundred chariots of iron and twenty/years 26/50
Jdg_4:13........even/nine hundred chariots of iron and all/the 27/50
2Sa_24:8..........of/nine months/and......... 28/50
2Ki_14:2.........and/nine years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD yet/not 29/50
2Ki_15:13........the/nine and thirtieth year of Uzziah/king 30/50
2Ki_15:17........the/nine and thirtieth year of Azariah/king 31/50
2Ki_17:1......Israel/nine years And he did/that 32/50
2Ki_18:2.........and/nine years in Jerusalem His/mother's 33/50
1Ch_3:8....Eliphelet/nine These/were......... 34/50
1Ch_9:9..generations/nine hundred and fifty and/six 35/50
2Ch_25:1.........and/nine years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD but/not 36/50
2Ch_29:1.....reigned/nine and twenty years in/Jerusalem 37/50
Ezr_1:9.......silver/nine and twenty knives/Thirty 38/50
Ezr_2:8........Zattu/nine hundred forty/and.. 39/50
Ezr_2:36......Jeshua/nine hundred seventy and three The children of Immer a thousand fifty and two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua and/Kadmiel 40/50
Ezr_2:42.........and/nine The Nethinims/the.. 41/50
Neh_7:38....thousand/nine hundred and thirty The/priests 42/50
Neh_7:39......Jeshua/nine hundred seventy and three The children of Immer a thousand fifty and two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua of/Kadmiel 43/50
Neh_11:1.........and/nine parts/to........... 44/50
Neh_11:8......Sallai/nine hundred twenty/and. 45/50
Mat_18:12........and/nine and goeth/into..... 46/50
Mat_18:13........and/nine which/went......... 47/50
Luk_15:4.........and/nine in/the............. 48/50
Luk_15:7.........and/nine just/persons....... 49/50
Luk_17:17........the/nine There/are.......... 50/50
Gen_11:25........and/nineteen years/and........ 1/3
Jos_19:38Bethshemesh/nineteen cities/with...... 2/3
2Sa_2:30....servants/nineteen men/and.......... 3/3
2Ki_25:8.........the/nineteenth year of king/Nebuchadnezzar 1/4
1Ch_24:16........The/nineteenth to Pethahiah/the 2/4
1Ch_25:26........The/nineteenth to Mallothi/he. 3/4
Jer_52:12........the/nineteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar/king 4/4
Gen_5:9........lived/ninety years and/begat... 1/24
Gen_5:17.....hundred/ninety and five years and he/died 2/24
Gen_5:30.....hundred/ninety and five years and begat/sons 3/24
Gen_17:1.........was/ninety years old and nine the/LORD 4/24 years old bear/And 5/24
Gen_17:24........was/ninety years old and nine when/he 6/24
1Sa_4:15.........was/ninety and eight years/old 7/24
1Ch_9:6..........and/ninety And of/the........ 8/24
Ezr_2:16....Hezekiah/ninety and eight The children of Bezai/three 9/24
Ezr_2:20......Gibbar/ninety and five The children/of 10/24
Ezr_2:58.....hundred/ninety and two And these were they which went up from/Telmelah 11/24
Ezr_8:35......Israel/ninety and six rams/seventy 12/24
Neh_7:21....Hezekiah/ninety and eight The children of Hashum/three 13/24
Neh_7:25......Gibeon/ninety and five The men/of 14/24
Neh_7:60.....hundred/ninety and two And these were they which went up also/from 15/24
Jer_52:23.......were/ninety and six pomegranates/on 16/24
Eze_4:5..........and/ninety days so/shalt.... 17/24
Eze_4:9..........and/ninety days shalt/thou.. 18/24
Eze_41:12....thereof/ninety cubits/So........ 19/24
Dan_12:11........and/ninety days Blessed/is.. 20/24
Mat_18:12........the/ninety and nine and/goeth 21/24
Mat_18:13........the/ninety and nine which/went 22/24
Luk_15:4.........the/ninety and nine in/the.. 23/24
Luk_15:7........over/ninety and nine just/persons 24/24
Luk_11:32.........of/Nineve/shall.............. 1/1
Gen_10:11....builded/Nineveh and the/city..... 1/18
Gen_10:12....between/Nineveh and Calah/the.... 2/18 And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 3/18 And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 4/18 that great city and cry/against 5/18
Jon_3:2.........unto/Nineveh that great city and preach/unto 6/18
Jon_3:3.........unto/Nineveh according/to..... 7/18
Jon_3:3..........Now/Nineveh was/an........... 8/18
Jon_3:4..........and/Nineveh shall be/overthrown 9/18
Jon_3:5...........of/Nineveh believed/God.... 10/18
Jon_3:6...........of/Nineveh and he/arose.... 11/18
Jon_3:7......through/Nineveh by/the.......... 12/18
Jon_4:11.......spare/Nineveh that great city wherein/are 13/18
Nah_1:1...........of/Nineveh The/book........ 14/18
Nah_2:8..........But/Nineveh is of/old....... 15/18
Nah_3:7..........say/Nineveh is laid/waste... 16/18
Zep_2:13........make/Nineveh a/desolation.... 17/18
Mat_12:41.........of/Nineveh shall rise/in... 18/18
Luk_11:30........the/Ninevites/so.............. 1/1
