Gen_28:18...poured/oil upon the/top........ 1/202
Gen_35:14...poured/oil thereon And/Jacob... 2/202
Exo_25:6......wood/Oil for the light spices/for 3/202
Exo_25:6.anointing/oil and for sweet/incense 4/202
Exo_27:20.....pure/oil olive beaten for the light to cause the lamp/to 5/202
Exo_29:2......with/oil and wafers unleavened/anointed 6/202
Exo_29:2......with/oil of wheaten/flour.... 7/202
Exo_29:7.anointing/oil and pour it upon/his 8/202
Exo_29:21anointing/oil and sprinkle/it..... 9/202
Exo_29:40...beaten/oil and the fourth part of an hin of wine for a drink offering And/the 10/202
Exo_30:24.......of/oil olive an/hin....... 11/202 of holy/ointment... 12/202
Exo_30:25anointing/oil And thou shalt anoint/the 13/202
Exo_30:31anointing/oil unto me/throughout. 14/202
Exo_31:11anointing/oil and sweet incense/for 15/202
Exo_35:8.......And/oil for the light and spices/for 16/202
Exo_35:8.anointing/oil and for the sweet incense And/onyx 17/202
Exo_35:14......the/oil for the light And the incense/altar 18/202
Exo_35:15anointing/oil and the sweet incense and the hanging for the door/at 19/202
Exo_35:28......and/oil for the light and for/the 20/202
Exo_35:28anointing/oil and for the sweet incense The/children 21/202
Exo_37:29anointing/oil and the pure/incense 22/202
Exo_39:37......the/oil for light/And...... 23/202
Exo_39:38anointing/oil and the sweet incense and the hanging for the tabernacle/door 24/202
Exo_40:9.anointing/oil and anoint/the..... 25/202
Lev_2:1.......pour/oil upon it and put/frankincense 26/202
Lev_2:2........the/oil thereof with all the frankincense thereof and/the 27/202
Lev_2:4.......with/oil or unleavened/wafers 28/202
Lev_2:4.......with/oil And if/thy......... 29/202
Lev_2:5.......with/oil Thou shalt/part.... 30/202
Lev_2:6.......pour/oil thereon it/is...... 31/202
Lev_2:7.......with/oil And thou shalt bring the/meat 32/202
Lev_2:15.......put/oil upon it and lay/frankincense 33/202
Lev_2:16.......the/oil thereof with all the frankincense thereof it/is 34/202 upon it neither/shall 35/202
Lev_6:15.......the/oil thereof and/all.... 36/202
Lev_6:21......with/oil and when it/is..... 37/202
Lev_7:10......with/oil and dry/shall...... 38/202
Lev_7:12......with/oil and unleavened/wafers 39/202
Lev_7:12......with/oil and cakes/mingled.. 40/202
Lev_7:12......with/oil of fine/flour...... 41/202
Lev_8:2..anointing/oil and a bullock/for.. 42/202
Lev_8:10.anointing/oil and anointed the/tabernacle 43/202
Lev_8:12.anointing/oil upon Aaron's/head.. 44/202
Lev_8:30.anointing/oil and of the/blood... 45/202
Lev_9:4.......with/oil for to/day......... 46/202
Lev_10:7.anointing/oil of the/LORD........ 47/202
Lev_14:10.....with/oil and one/log........ 48/202
Lev_14:10.......of/oil And the priest that/maketh 49/202
Lev_14:12.......of/oil and wave/them...... 50/202
Lev_14:15.......of/oil and pour it into/the 51/202
Lev_14:16......the/oil that is in his left hand and/shall 52/202
Lev_14:16......the/oil with his/finger.... 53/202
Lev_14:17......the/oil that is in his hand shall/the 54/202
Lev_14:18......the/oil that is in the priest's hand he shall pour/upon 55/202
Lev_14:21.....with/oil for a meat offering and/a 56/202
Lev_14:21.......of/oil And two/turtledoves 57/202
Lev_14:24.......of/oil and the priest shall/wave 58/202
Lev_14:26......the/oil into the/palm...... 59/202
Lev_14:27......the/oil that is in his left hand seven/times 60/202
Lev_14:28......the/oil that is in his hand upon/the 61/202
Lev_14:29......the/oil that is in the priest's hand he shall put/upon 62/202
Lev_21:10anointing/oil was poured/and..... 63/202
Lev_21:12anointing/oil of his/God......... 64/202
Lev_23:13.....with/oil an/offering........ 65/202
Lev_24:2......pure/oil olive beaten for the light to cause the lamps/to 66/202
Num_4:9........the/oil vessels/thereof.... 67/202
Num_4:16.......the/oil for the light and the sweet/incense 68/202
Num_4:16.anointing/oil and the oversight/of 69/202 upon it nor/put.... 70/202
Num_6:15......with/oil and wafers of/unleavened 71/202
Num_6:15......with/oil and their/meat..... 72/202
Num_7:13......with/oil for a meat offering One spoon of ten/shekels 73/202
Num_7:19......with/oil for a meat offering One spoon of gold/of 74/202
Num_7:25......with/oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 75/202
Num_7:31......with/oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 76/202
Num_7:37......with/oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 77/202
Num_7:43......with/oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 78/202
Num_7:49......with/oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 79/202
Num_7:55......with/oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 80/202
Num_7:61......with/oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 81/202
Num_7:67......with/oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 82/202
Num_7:73......with/oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 83/202
Num_7:79......with/oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 84/202
Num_8:8.......with/oil and another/young.. 85/202
Num_11:8.....fresh/oil And when the/dew... 86/202
Num_15:4........of/oil And the fourth part of an hin of wine for a drink offering shalt/thou 87/202
Num_15:6........of/oil And for a/drink.... 88/202
Num_15:9........of/oil And thou shalt bring for/a 89/202
Num_18:12......the/oil and all/the........ 90/202
Num_28:5....beaten/oil It/is.............. 91/202
Num_28:9......with/oil and the drink/offering 92/202
Num_28:12.....with/oil for one bullock/and 93/202
Num_28:12.....with/oil for one ram/And.... 94/202
Num_28:13.....with/oil for a meat offering unto/one 95/202
Num_28:20.....with/oil three tenth deals shall/ye 96/202
Num_28:28.....with/oil three tenth deals unto one/bullock 97/202
Num_29:3......with/oil three tenth deals for/a 98/202
Num_29:9......with/oil three tenth deals to/a 99/202
Num_29:14.....with/oil three tenth deals unto every/bullock 100/202
Num_35:25.....holy/oil But if/the........ 101/202
Deu_7:13.....thine/oil the increase/of... 102/202
Deu_8:8.........of/oil olive and honey/A. 103/202
Deu_11:14....thine/oil And I will send/grass 104/202
Deu_12:17......thy/oil or the firstlings/of 105/202
Deu_14:23....thine/oil and the firstlings/of 106/202
Deu_18:4.....thine/oil and the first/of.. 107/202
Deu_28:40......the/oil for thine/olive... 108/202
Deu_28:51.......or/oil or the increase/of 109/202
Deu_32:13......and/oil out of the flinty/rock 110/202 Thy/shoes......... 111/202
1Sa_10:1........of/oil and poured/it..... 112/202
1Sa_16:1......with/oil and go/I.......... 113/202
1Sa_16:13.......of/oil and anointed him/in 114/202
2Sa_1:21......with/oil From/the.......... 115/202
2Sa_14:2......with/oil but be/as......... 116/202
1Ki_1:39........of/oil out of the tabernacle/and 117/202
1Ki_5:11......pure/oil thus gave/Solomon. 118/202
1Ki_17:12...little/oil in a/cruse........ 119/202
1Ki_17:14.......of/oil fail until/the.... 120/202
1Ki_17:16.......of/oil fail according/to. 121/202
2Ki_4:2.........of/oil Then he/said...... 122/202
2Ki_4:6........the/oil stayed/Then....... 123/202
2Ki_4:7........the/oil and pay/thy....... 124/202
2Ki_9:1.........of/oil in thine/hand..... 125/202
2Ki_9:3.........of/oil and pour it on/his 126/202
2Ki_9:6........the/oil on/his............ 127/202
2Ki_18:32.......of/oil olive and of/honey 128/202
1Ch_9:29.......the/oil and the frankincense/and 129/202
1Ch_12:40......and/oil and oxen/and...... 130/202
1Ch_27:28.......of/oil was Joash/And..... 131/202
2Ch_2:10........of/oil Then Huram/the.... 132/202
2Ch_2:15.......the/oil and the wine which/my 133/202
2Ch_11:11.......of/oil and wine And in/every 134/202
2Ch_31:5.......and/oil and honey and/of.. 135/202
2Ch_32:28......and/oil and stalls/for.... 136/202
Ezr_3:7........and/oil unto them/of...... 137/202
Ezr_6:9........and/oil according/to...... 138/202
Ezr_7:22........of/oil and salt/without.. 139/202
Neh_5:11.......the/oil that ye/exact..... 140/202
Neh_10:37.......of/oil unto the priests/to 141/202
Neh_10:39......the/oil unto the chambers/where 142/202
Neh_13:5.......the/oil which was/commanded 143/202
Neh_13:12......the/oil unto the treasuries/And 144/202
Est_2:12......with/oil of myrrh/and...... 145/202
Job_24:11.....make/oil within/their...... 146/202
Job_29:6........of/oil When/I............ 147/202
Psa_23:5......with/oil my/cup............ 148/202
Psa_45:7.......the/oil of gladness above thy fellows All/thy 149/202
Psa_55:21.....than/oil yet/were.......... 150/202
Psa_89:20.....holy/oil have/I............ 151/202
Psa_92:10....fresh/oil Mine/eye.......... 152/202
Psa_104:15.....and/oil to make/his....... 153/202 into his/bones.... 154/202
Psa_141:5excellent/oil which shall/not... 155/202
Pro_5:3.......than/oil But her/end....... 156/202
Pro_21:17......and/oil shall not/be...... 157/202
Pro_21:20......and/oil in the dwelling/of 158/202
Isa_41:19......the/oil tree/I............ 159/202
Isa_61:3.......the/oil of joy/for........ 160/202
Jer_31:12......for/oil and for the young/of 161/202
Jer_40:10......and/oil and put/them...... 162/202
Jer_41:8........of/oil and of honey/So... 163/202
Eze_16:9......with/oil I/clothed......... 164/202
Eze_16:13......and/oil and thou wast/exceeding 165/202
Eze_16:18.....mine/oil and mine/incense.. 166/202
Eze_16:19......and/oil and honey wherewith/I 167/202
Eze_23:41.....mine/oil And a voice/of.... 168/202
Eze_27:17......and/oil and balm/Damascus. 169/202 saith/the......... 170/202
Eze_45:14.......of/oil the bath/of....... 171/202
Eze_45:14.......of/oil ye/shall.......... 172/202
Eze_45:24.......of/oil for an/ephah...... 173/202
Eze_45:25......the/oil Thus saith/the.... 174/202
Eze_46:5........of/oil to an ephah And in/the 175/202
Eze_46:7........of/oil to an ephah And when/the 176/202
Eze_46:11.......of/oil to an ephah Now/when 177/202
Eze_46:14.......of/oil to temper/with.... 178/202
Eze_46:15......the/oil every/morning..... 179/202
Hos_2:5.......mine/oil and my/drink...... 180/202
Hos_2:8........and/oil and multiplied/her 181/202
Hos_2:22.......the/oil and they/shall.... 182/202
Hos_12:1.......and/oil is/carried........ 183/202
Joe_1:10.......the/oil languisheth/Be.... 184/202
Joe_2:19.......and/oil and ye/shall...... 185/202
Joe_2:24.......and/oil And I will restore/to 186/202
Mic_6:7.........of/oil shall I/give...... 187/202
Mic_6:15......with/oil and sweet wine/but 188/202
Hag_1:11.......the/oil and upon/that..... 189/202
Hag_2:12........or/oil or any/meat....... 190/202
Zec_4:12....golden/oil out of themselves/And 191/202 with them/But..... 192/202
Mat_25:4......took/oil in their/vessels.. 193/202
Mat_25:8......your/oil for our/lamps..... 194/202
Mar_6:13......with/oil many/that......... 195/202
Luk_7:46......with/oil thou didst/not.... 196/202 and wine and set/him 197/202
Luk_16:6........of/oil And he/said....... 198/202
Heb_1:9........the/oil of gladness above thy fellows And/Thou 199/202
Jam_5:14......with/oil in the name/of.... 200/202
Rev_6:6........the/oil and the wine And/when 201/202
Rev_18:13......and/oil and fine/flour.... 202/202
