Gen_1:18.........rule/over the day/and....... 1/1008
Gen_1:18..........and/over the night/and..... 2/1008
Gen_1:26.....dominion/over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the/cattle 3/1008
Gen_1:26..........and/over the fowl of the air and over the/cattle 4/1008
Gen_1:26..........and/over the cattle/and.... 5/1008
Gen_1:26..........and/over all the earth and over/every 6/1008
Gen_1:26..........and/over every creeping/thing 7/1008
Gen_1:28.....dominion/over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every/living 8/1008
Gen_1:28..........and/over the fowl of the air and over every/living 9/1008
Gen_1:28..........and/over every living/thing 10/1008
Gen_3:16.........rule/over thee And unto/Adam 11/1008
Gen_4:7..........rule/over him And Cain/talked 12/1008
Gen_8:1..........pass/over the earth and/the 13/1008 the earth that/the 14/1008
Gen_21:16........down/over against him a/good 15/1008
Gen_21:16.........sat/over against him and lift/up 16/1008
Gen_24:2........ruled/over all that he had Put/I 17/1008
Gen_25:25.........all/over like/an.......... 18/1008
Gen_27:29........lord/over thy brethren/and. 19/1008
Gen_31:21......passed/over the river and set/his 20/1008
Gen_31:52........pass/over this heap to/thee 21/1008
Gen_31:52........pass/over this heap and/this 22/1008
Gen_32:10......passed/over this Jordan and/now 23/1008
Gen_32:16........Pass/over before me/and.... 24/1008
Gen_32:21.....present/over before him/and... 25/1008
Gen_32:22......passed/over the ford/Jabbok.. 26/1008
Gen_32:23........them/over the brook and/sent 27/1008
Gen_32:23........sent/over that he/had...... 28/1008
Gen_32:31......passed/over Penuel/the....... 29/1008
Gen_33:3.......passed/over before them/and.. 30/1008
Gen_33:14........pass/over before his/servant 31/1008
Gen_36:31........king/over the children of Israel And/Bela 32/1008
Gen_37:8........reign/over us or/shalt...... 33/1008
Gen_37:8.....dominion/over us And they/hated 34/1008
Gen_39:4.....overseer/over his house/and.... 35/1008
Gen_39:5..........and/over all that he had that/the 36/1008
Gen_41:33.........him/over the land of Egypt Let/Pharaoh 37/1008
Gen_41:34....officers/over the land and take/up 38/1008 my house/and..... 39/1008
Gen_41:41........thee/over all the land of Egypt And Pharaoh took/off 40/1008
Gen_41:43.......ruler/over all the land of Egypt And Pharaoh said/unto 41/1008
Gen_41:45.........out/over all the land of Egypt And Joseph/was 42/1008
Gen_41:56.........was/over all the face/of.. 43/1008
Gen_42:6.....governor/over the land and he/it 44/1008
Gen_45:26....governor/over all the land of Egypt And Jacob's/heart 45/1008
Gen_47:6.......rulers/over my cattle/And.... 46/1008
Gen_47:20...prevailed/over them so/the...... 47/1008 the land of Egypt unto/this 48/1008 the wall The/archers 49/1008
Exo_1:8..........king/over Egypt which/knew. 50/1008
Exo_1:11..........set/over them taskmasters/to 51/1008
Exo_2:14........judge/over us intendest/thou 52/1008
Exo_5:14..........set/over them were/beaten. 53/1008
Exo_8:5...........rod/over the streams/over. 54/1008
Exo_8:5.......streams/over the rivers and/over 55/1008
Exo_8:5...........and/over the ponds/and.... 56/1008
Exo_8:6..........hand/over the waters/of.... 57/1008
Exo_8:9.........Glory/over me when shall/I.. 58/1008
Exo_10:12........hand/over the land of Egypt for/the 59/1008
Exo_10:13.........rod/over the land of Egypt and/the 60/1008
Exo_10:14..........up/over all the land of Egypt and rested/in 61/1008
Exo_10:21....darkness/over the land of Egypt even/darkness 62/1008
Exo_12:13........pass/over you and the/plague 63/1008
Exo_12:23........pass/over the door and/will 64/1008
Exo_12:27......passed/over the houses/of.... 65/1008
Exo_14:2..........sea/over against Baalzephon/before 66/1008
Exo_14:7.....captains/over every one/of..... 67/1008
Exo_14:16........hand/over the sea and divide/it 68/1008
Exo_14:21........hand/over the sea and the LORD/caused 69/1008
Exo_14:26........hand/over the sea that/the. 70/1008
Exo_14:27........hand/over the sea and the sea/returned 71/1008
Exo_15:16........pass/over O/LORD........... 72/1008
Exo_15:16........pass/over which thou/hast.. 73/1008
Exo_16:18.....nothing/over and he that gathered/little 74/1008
Exo_16:23...remaineth/over lay/up........... 75/1008
Exo_18:21........such/over them to be/rulers 76/1008
Exo_18:25.......heads/over the people rulers/of 77/1008
Exo_25:27.....thereof/Over against the border shall/the 78/1008
Exo_25:37.......light/over against it And the tongs/thereof 79/1008
Exo_26:12........hang/over the backside/of.. 80/1008
Exo_26:13........hang/over the sides/of..... 81/1008
Exo_26:35.candlestick/over against the table on the side of the tabernacle toward/the 82/1008
Exo_28:27.....thereof/over against the other coupling thereof above the curious girdle of the ephod And they shall/bind 83/1008 the testimony/where 84/1008
Exo_36:14........tent/over the tabernacle eleven/curtains 85/1008
Exo_37:9........wings/over the mercy/seat... 86/1008
Exo_37:14.....thereof/Over against the border were/the 87/1008 against the other coupling thereof above the curious girdle of the ephod And they did/bind 88/1008
Exo_40:19........tent/over the tabernacle and/put 89/1008
Exo_40:24congregation/over against the table on the side of the tabernacle southward/And 90/1008
Exo_40:36........from/over the tabernacle the/children 91/1008
Lev_14:5.......vessel/over running water As/for 92/1008
Lev_14:6.......killed/over the running/water 93/1008
Lev_14:50......vessel/over running water And/he 94/1008
Lev_16:21.....confess/over him all/the...... 95/1008
Lev_25:43........rule/over him with rigour/but 96/1008
Lev_25:46.........but/over your brethren/the 97/1008 another with/rigour 98/1008
Lev_25:53......rigour/over him in thy/sight. 99/1008
Lev_26:16.....appoint/over you terror/consumption 100/1008
Lev_26:17.......reign/over you and ye shall/flee 101/1008
Num_1:50......Levites/over the tabernacle of/testimony 102/1008
Num_1:50..........and/over all the vessels/thereof 103/1008
Num_1:50..........and/over all things that/belong 104/1008
Num_3:32........chief/over the chief/of.... 105/1008
Num_3:49.........were/over and above them/that 106/1008
Num_4:6........spread/over it a/cloth...... 107/1008
Num_5:30......jealous/over his wife/and.... 108/1008
Num_7:2..........were/over them that were/numbered 109/1008
Num_8:2.........light/over against the candlestick And/Aaron 110/1008
Num_8:3.......thereof/over against the candlestick as/the 111/1008
Num_10:10....trumpets/over your burnt/offerings 112/1008
Num_10:10.........and/over the sacrifices/of 113/1008
Num_10:14.........and/over his host was Nahshon/the 114/1008
Num_10:15.........And/over the host of the tribe of the children of Issachar/was 115/1008
Num_10:16.........And/over the host of the tribe of the children of Zebulun/was 116/1008
Num_10:18.........and/over his host was Elizur/the 117/1008
Num_10:19.........And/over the host of the tribe of the children of Simeon/was 118/1008
Num_10:20.........And/over the host of the tribe of the children of Gad/was 119/1008
Num_10:22.........and/over his host was Elishama/the 120/1008
Num_10:23.........And/over the host of the tribe of the children of Manasseh/was 121/1008
Num_10:24.........And/over the host of the tribe of the children of Benjamin/was 122/1008
Num_10:25.........and/over his host was Ahiezer/the 123/1008
Num_10:26.........And/over the host of the tribe of the children of Asher/was 124/1008
Num_10:27.........And/over the host of the tribe of the children of Naphtali/was 125/1008
Num_11:16....officers/over them and bring/them 126/1008
Num_14:14....standeth/over them and that/thou 127/1008
Num_16:13......prince/over us Moreover/thou 128/1008
Num_22:5........abide/over against me/Come. 129/1008
Num_25:15........head/over a people and/of. 130/1008 the congregation/Which 131/1008
Num_31:14....captains/over thousands and captains over hundreds which/came 132/1008
Num_31:14....captains/over hundreds which/came 133/1008
Num_31:48........were/over thousands of/the 134/1008
Num_32:5..........not/over Jordan And Moses/said 135/1008
Num_32:7........going/over into the land/which 136/1008
Num_32:21.......armed/over Jordan before the LORD/until 137/1008
Num_32:27........pass/over every man/armed. 138/1008 Jordan every/man 139/1008
Num_32:30........pass/over with you armed/they 140/1008
Num_32:32........pass/over armed before the LORD/into 141/1008
Num_33:51......passed/over Jordan into the land of Canaan Then ye shall drive/out 142/1008
Num_35:10........come/over Jordan into the land of Canaan Then ye shall appoint/you 143/1008
Deu_1:1.........plain/over against the Red/sea 144/1008
Deu_1:13.......rulers/over you And ye answered/me 145/1008
Deu_1:15........heads/over you captains/over 146/1008
Deu_1:15.....captains/over thousands and captains over hundreds and/captains 147/1008
Deu_1:15.....captains/over hundreds and captains/over 148/1008
Deu_1:15.....captains/over fifties and captains/over 149/1008
Deu_1:15.....captains/over tens/and........ 150/1008 the brook Zered And we/went 151/1008
Deu_2:13.........went/over the brook Zered And the/space 152/1008
Deu_2:14.........come/over the brook Zered was/thirty 153/1008
Deu_2:18.........pass/over through/Ar...... 154/1008
Deu_2:19.........nigh/over against the children of Ammon distress/them 155/1008
Deu_2:24.........pass/over the river Arnon/behold 156/1008
Deu_2:29.........pass/over Jordan into the land which/the 157/1008
Deu_3:18.........pass/over armed before your/brethren 158/1008
Deu_3:25...........go/over and see/the..... 159/1008
Deu_3:27...........go/over this Jordan But/charge 160/1008
Deu_3:28...........go/over before this/people 161/1008
Deu_3:29.......valley/over against Bethpeor Now/therefore 162/1008
Deu_4:14...........go/over to possess/it... 163/1008
Deu_4:21...........go/over Jordan and that/I 164/1008
Deu_4:22...........go/over Jordan but/ye... 165/1008
Deu_4:22...........go/over and possess/that 166/1008
Deu_4:26...........go/over Jordan to possess it ye/shall 167/1008
Deu_4:46.......valley/over against Bethpeor in/the 168/1008
Deu_9:1..........pass/over Jordan this/day. 169/1008
Deu_9:3.........goeth/over before thee as a/consuming 170/1008
Deu_11:30...champaign/over against Gilgal/beside 171/1008
Deu_11:31........pass/over Jordan to go in/to 172/1008
Deu_12:10..........go/over Jordan and dwell/in 173/1008
Deu_15:6........reign/over many nations/but 174/1008
Deu_15:6........reign/over thee If/there... 175/1008
Deu_17:14........king/over me like/as...... 176/1008
Deu_17:15........king/over thee whom/the... 177/1008
Deu_17:15........king/over thee thou/mayest 178/1008
Deu_17:15....stranger/over thee which/is... 179/1008
Deu_21:6........hands/over the heifer/that. 180/1008
Deu_24:20..........go/over the boughs/again 181/1008
Deu_27:2.........pass/over Jordan unto/the. 182/1008
Deu_27:3.......passed/over that thou/mayest 183/1008
Deu_27:4.........gone/over Jordan that ye/shall 184/1008
Deu_27:12........come/over Jordan Simeon/and 185/1008 thy head/shall.. 186/1008
Deu_28:36.........set/over thee unto/a..... 187/1008
Deu_28:63....rejoiced/over you to do/you... 188/1008
Deu_28:63.....rejoice/over you to destroy/you 189/1008
Deu_30:9......rejoice/over thee for good/as 190/1008
Deu_30:9.....rejoiced/over thy fathers/If.. 191/1008
Deu_30:13..........go/over the sea for/us.. 192/1008
Deu_30:18.....passest/over Jordan to go to/possess 193/1008
Deu_31:2...........go/over this Jordan The/LORD 194/1008
Deu_31:3...........go/over before thee and/he 195/1008
Deu_31:3...........go/over before thee as the/LORD 196/1008
Deu_31:13..........go/over Jordan to possess it And the LORD said/unto 197/1008
Deu_31:15.......stood/over the door of/the. 198/1008
Deu_32:11..fluttereth/over her young/spreadeth 199/1008
Deu_32:47..........go/over Jordan to possess it And the LORD spake/unto 200/1008 against Jericho and behold/the 201/1008 against Jericho And the/LORD 202/1008
Deu_34:4...........go/over thither/So...... 203/1008
Deu_34:6.........Moab/over against Bethpeor but/no 204/1008
Jos_1:2............go/over this Jordan thou/and 205/1008
Jos_1:11.........pass/over this Jordan to/go 206/1008
Jos_2:23.......passed/over and came to/Joshua 207/1008
Jos_3:1........passed/over And it came to pass after/three 208/1008
Jos_3:6..........pass/over before the people/And 209/1008
Jos_3:11......passeth/over before you/into. 210/1008
Jos_3:14.........pass/over Jordan and the/priests 211/1008
Jos_3:16.......passed/over right/against... 212/1008
Jos_3:17.......passed/over on dry ground until/all 213/1008
Jos_3:17........clean/over Jordan And it/came 214/1008
Jos_4:1........passed/over Jordan that the/LORD 215/1008
Jos_4:3..........them/over with you and/leave 216/1008
Jos_4:5..........Pass/over before the ark/of 217/1008
Jos_4:7........passed/over Jordan the/waters 218/1008
Jos_4:8..........them/over with them/unto.. 219/1008
Jos_4:10.......passed/over And it came to pass when/all 220/1008
Jos_4:11.......passed/over that the ark/of. 221/1008
Jos_4:11.......passed/over and the/priests. 222/1008
Jos_4:12.......passed/over armed before the children/of 223/1008
Jos_4:13.......passed/over before the LORD/unto 224/1008
Jos_4:18.......flowed/over all his banks as/they 225/1008
Jos_4:22.........came/over this Jordan on/dry 226/1008
Jos_4:23.......passed/over as/the.......... 227/1008
Jos_4:23.........gone/over That all/the.... 228/1008
Jos_5:1........passed/over that their/heart 229/1008 against him with/his 230/1008
Jos_7:7........people/over Jordan to deliver/us 231/1008
Jos_7:26.......raised/over him a/great..... 232/1008
Jos_8:31.......stones/over which no/man.... 233/1008
Jos_8:33.........them/over against mount Gerizim/and 234/1008
Jos_8:33.........them/over against mount Ebal/as 235/1008
Jos_9:1...........sea/over against Lebanon/the 236/1008
Jos_18:13........went/over from thence/toward 237/1008 against the going up of/Adummim 238/1008
Jos_18:18........side/over against Arabah/northward 239/1008
Jos_22:11.......altar/over against the land/of 240/1008 unto the land/of 241/1008
Jos_24:11........went/over Jordan and came unto/Jericho 242/1008
Jdg_3:28.........pass/over And they slew/of 243/1008
Jdg_5:13.....dominion/over the nobles/among 244/1008
Jdg_5:13.....dominion/over the mighty/Out.. 245/1008
Jdg_6:33.........went/over and pitched/in.. 246/1008
Jdg_8:4........passed/over he and/the...... 247/1008
Jdg_8:22.........thou/over us both/thou.... 248/1008
Jdg_8:23.........rule/over you neither/shall 249/1008
Jdg_8:23.........rule/over you the/LORD.... 250/1008
Jdg_8:23.........rule/over you And Gideon/said 251/1008
Jdg_9:2.........reign/over you or/that..... 252/1008
Jdg_9:2.........reign/over you remember/also 253/1008
Jdg_9:8..........king/over them and they said/unto 254/1008
Jdg_9:8..........thou/over us But the olive/tree 255/1008
Jdg_9:9......promoted/over the trees And/the 256/1008
Jdg_9:10........reign/over us But the fig/tree 257/1008
Jdg_9:11.....promoted/over the trees Then said the/trees 258/1008
Jdg_9:12........reign/over us And the vine/said 259/1008
Jdg_9:13.....promoted/over the trees Then said all/the 260/1008
Jdg_9:14........reign/over us And the bramble/said 261/1008
Jdg_9:15.........king/over you then/come... 262/1008
Jdg_9:18.........king/over the men of Shechem/because 263/1008
Jdg_9:22........years/over Israel Then God/sent 264/1008
Jdg_9:26.........went/over to Shechem/and.. 265/1008
Jdg_10:9.......passed/over Jordan to fight/also 266/1008
Jdg_10:18........head/over all the inhabitants of Gilead Now/Jephthah 267/1008
Jdg_11:8.........head/over all the inhabitants of Gilead And/Jephthah 268/1008
Jdg_11:11.....captain/over them and Jephthah/uttered 269/1008
Jdg_11:29......passed/over Gilead and Manasseh/and 270/1008
Jdg_11:29......passed/over Mizpeh/of....... 271/1008
Jdg_11:29......passed/over unto the children of Ammon And/Jephthah 272/1008
Jdg_11:32......passed/over unto the children of Ammon to/fight 273/1008
Jdg_12:1.........thou/over to fight/against 274/1008
Jdg_12:3.......passed/over against the children of Ammon and/the 275/1008
Jdg_12:5...........go/over that the men/of. 276/1008
Jdg_14:4.....dominion/over Israel Then went/Samson 277/1008
Jdg_15:11......rulers/over us what/is...... 278/1008
Jdg_19:10........came/over against Jebus/which 279/1008
Jdg_19:12........pass/over to Gibeah/And... 280/1008
Jdg_20:43........ease/over against Gibeah toward/the 281/1008
Rut_2:5...........set/over the reapers Whose/damsel 282/1008
Rut_2:6...........set/over the reapers answered/and 283/1008
Rut_3:9.........skirt/over thine/handmaid.. 284/1008
1Sa_2:1......enlarged/over mine enemies/because 285/1008
1Sa_8:1........judges/over Israel Now the/name 286/1008
1Sa_8:7.........reign/over them According/to 287/1008
1Sa_8:9.........reign/over them And Samuel/told 288/1008
1Sa_8:11........reign/over you He/will..... 289/1008
1Sa_8:12.....captains/over thousands and captains over fifties/and 290/1008
1Sa_8:12.....captains/over fifties and will/set 291/1008
1Sa_8:19.........king/over us That/we...... 292/1008
1Sa_9:16......captain/over my people Israel that/he 293/1008
1Sa_9:17........reign/over my people Then/Saul 294/1008
1Sa_10:1......captain/over his inheritance/When 295/1008
1Sa_10:19........king/over us Now/therefore 296/1008
1Sa_11:12.......reign/over us bring/the.... 297/1008
1Sa_12:1.........king/over you And now/behold 298/1008
1Sa_12:12.......reign/over us when/the..... 299/1008
1Sa_12:13........king/over you If/ye....... 300/1008
1Sa_12:14....reigneth/over you continue/following 301/1008
1Sa_13:1........years/over Israel Saul/chose 302/1008
1Sa_13:7.........went/over Jordan to the/land 303/1008
1Sa_13:14.....captain/over his people because/thou 304/1008
1Sa_14:1...........go/over to the Philistines'/garrison 305/1008
1Sa_14:4...........go/over unto the Philistines'/garrison 306/1008
1Sa_14:5....northward/over against Michmash/and 307/1008
1Sa_14:5....southward/over against Gibeah And/Jonathan 308/1008
1Sa_14:6...........go/over unto the garrison/of 309/1008
1Sa_14:8.........pass/over unto these/men.. 310/1008
1Sa_14:23......passed/over unto Bethaven/And 311/1008
1Sa_14:47.....kingdom/over Israel and fought/against 312/1008
1Sa_15:1.........king/over his people over/Israel 313/1008
1Sa_15:1.......people/over Israel now therefore/hearken 314/1008 against Egypt/And 315/1008
1Sa_15:17........king/over Israel And the LORD sent/thee 316/1008
1Sa_15:26........king/over Israel And as/Samuel 317/1008
1Sa_15:35........king/over Israel And the LORD said/unto 318/1008
1Sa_16:1.....reigning/over Israel fill/thine 319/1008
1Sa_17:50...prevailed/over the Philistine/with 320/1008
1Sa_18:5..........him/over the men of war and he/was 321/1008
1Sa_18:13.....captain/over a thousand and/he 322/1008
1Sa_19:20...appointed/over them the Spirit of God/was 323/1008
1Sa_22:2......captain/over them and there/were 324/1008
1Sa_22:9..........set/over the servants/of. 325/1008
1Sa_23:17........king/over Israel and I shall/be 326/1008
1Sa_25:30.......ruler/over Israel That this/shall 327/1008
1Sa_26:13........went/over to the other/side 328/1008
1Sa_26:22........come/over and fetch/it.... 329/1008
1Sa_27:2.......passed/over with the/six.... 330/1008
1Sa_30:10..........go/over the brook Besor/And 331/1008
2Sa_1:17..lamentation/over Saul and/over... 332/1008
2Sa_1:17..........and/over Jonathan/his.... 333/1008
2Sa_1:24.........weep/over Saul who/clothed 334/1008
2Sa_2:4..........king/over the house of Judah And/they 335/1008
2Sa_2:7..........king/over them But/Abner.. 336/1008
2Sa_2:8...........him/over to Mahanaim/And. 337/1008
2Sa_2:9..........king/over Gilead and over/the 338/1008
2Sa_2:9...........and/over the Ashurites/and 339/1008
2Sa_2:9...........and/over Jezreel/and..... 340/1008
2Sa_2:9...........and/over Ephraim/and..... 341/1008
2Sa_2:9...........and/over Benjamin/and.... 342/1008
2Sa_2:9...........and/over all Israel Ishbosheth/Saul's 343/1008
2Sa_2:10........reign/over Israel and reigned two/years 344/1008
2Sa_2:11.......Hebron/over the house of Judah was/seven 345/1008
2Sa_2:15.........went/over by number/twelve 346/1008
2Sa_2:29.......passed/over Jordan and went/through 347/1008
2Sa_3:10........David/over Israel and over Judah from/Dan 348/1008
2Sa_3:10..........and/over Judah from/Dan.. 349/1008
2Sa_3:17.........king/over you Now/then.... 350/1008
2Sa_3:21........reign/over all that thine/heart 351/1008
2Sa_3:33.....lamented/over Abner/and....... 352/1008
2Sa_3:34........again/over him And when/all 353/1008
2Sa_4:12...........up/over the pool/in..... 354/1008
2Sa_5:2..........king/over us thou/wast.... 355/1008
2Sa_5:2.......captain/over Israel So/all... 356/1008
2Sa_5:3..........king/over Israel David/was 357/1008
2Sa_5:5.......reigned/over Judah seven/years 358/1008
2Sa_5:5.........years/over all Israel and Judah/And 359/1008
2Sa_5:12.........king/over Israel and that/he 360/1008
2Sa_5:17.........king/over Israel all/the.. 361/1008
2Sa_5:23.........them/over against the mulberry trees And let/it 362/1008
2Sa_6:21........ruler/over the people of the LORD over/Israel 363/1008
2Sa_6:21.........LORD/over Israel therefore will/I 364/1008
2Sa_7:8.........ruler/over my people over/Israel 365/1008
2Sa_7:8........people/over Israel And I was/with 366/1008 my people Israel and have/caused 367/1008
2Sa_7:26..........God/over Israel and let/the 368/1008
2Sa_8:15......reigned/over all Israel and David/executed 369/1008
2Sa_8:16..........was/over the host and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was/recorder 370/1008
2Sa_8:18..........was/over both/the........ 371/1008
2Sa_10:17......passed/over Jordan and came to/Helam 372/1008
2Sa_12:7.........king/over Israel and I delivered/thee 373/1008
2Sa_15:22........pass/over And Ittai/the... 374/1008
2Sa_15:22......passed/over and all/his..... 375/1008
2Sa_15:23......passed/over the king also/himself 376/1008
2Sa_15:23......passed/over the brook Kidron and/all 377/1008
2Sa_15:23......passed/over toward/the...... 378/1008
2Sa_16:9...........go/over I/pray.......... 379/1008
2Sa_16:13........side/over against him and cursed/as 380/1008
2Sa_17:16........pass/over lest/the........ 381/1008
2Sa_17:19....covering/over the well's/mouth 382/1008
2Sa_17:20........gone/over the brook of/water 383/1008
2Sa_17:21.....quickly/over the water/for... 384/1008
2Sa_17:22......passed/over Jordan by/the... 385/1008
2Sa_17:22........gone/over Jordan And when Ahithophel/saw 386/1008
2Sa_17:24......passed/over Jordan he/and... 387/1008
2Sa_18:1.....hundreds/over them And David/sent 388/1008
2Sa_18:8....scattered/over the face of all/the 389/1008
2Sa_18:24........roof/over the gate unto/the 390/1008
2Sa_18:33.....chamber/over the gate and/wept 391/1008
2Sa_19:10....anointed/over us is/dead...... 392/1008
2Sa_19:15........king/over Jordan And Shimei/the 393/1008
2Sa_19:17........went/over Jordan before the king/And 394/1008
2Sa_19:18........went/over a ferry/boat.... 395/1008
2Sa_19:18.......carry/over the king's household/and 396/1008
2Sa_19:18........come/over Jordan And said/unto 397/1008
2Sa_19:22........king/over Israel Therefore the/king 398/1008
2Sa_19:31........went/over Jordan with the king to/conduct 399/1008
2Sa_19:31.........him/over Jordan Now/Barzillai 400/1008
2Sa_19:33........thou/over with me and I will feed/thee 401/1008
2Sa_19:36.........way/over Jordan with the king and/why 402/1008
2Sa_19:37..........go/over with my/lord.... 403/1008
2Sa_19:38..........go/over with me and I will do/to 404/1008
2Sa_19:39........went/over Jordan And when the/king 405/1008
2Sa_19:39........come/over the king kissed/Barzillai 406/1008
2Sa_19:41.........him/over Jordan And all/the 407/1008
2Sa_20:21........thee/over the wall Then/the 408/1008
2Sa_20:23.........was/over all the host/of. 409/1008
2Sa_20:23.........was/over the Cherethites and over/the 410/1008
2Sa_20:23.........and/over the Pelethites/And 411/1008
2Sa_20:24.........was/over the tribute and Jehoshaphat/the 412/1008
2Sa_22:30......leaped/over a wall As for God his way is perfect the word of the LORD is tried he is a buckler to all them/that 413/1008
2Sa_23:3.......ruleth/over men/must........ 414/1008
2Sa_23:23.........him/over his guard Asahel/the 415/1008
2Sa_24:5.......passed/over Jordan and pitched/in 416/1008
1Ki_1:34.........king/over Israel and blow/ye 417/1008
1Ki_1:35........ruler/over Israel and over Judah And/Benaiah 418/1008
1Ki_1:35..........and/over Judah And Benaiah/the 419/1008
1Ki_2:11......reigned/over Israel were/forty 420/1008 the host and Zadok the/priest 421/1008
1Ki_2:37......passest/over the brook Kidron thou/shalt 422/1008
1Ki_4:1..........king/over all Israel And these/were 423/1008
1Ki_4:4...........was/over the host and Zadok and/Abiathar 424/1008
1Ki_4:5...........was/over the officers/and 425/1008
1Ki_4:6...........was/over the household and Adoniram/the 426/1008
1Ki_4:6...........was/over the tribute And Solomon/had 427/1008
1Ki_4:7......officers/over all Israel which/provided 428/1008
1Ki_4:21......reigned/over all kingdoms/from 429/1008
1Ki_4:24.....dominion/over all the region/on 430/1008
1Ki_4:24........Azzah/over all the kings on/this 431/1008
1Ki_5:7...........son/over this great/people 432/1008
1Ki_5:14..........was/over the levy/And.... 433/1008
1Ki_5:16.........were/over the work three/thousand 434/1008
1Ki_5:16........ruled/over the people that wrought in the work And/the 435/1008
1Ki_6:1.........reign/over Israel in the month/Zif 436/1008
1Ki_7:20........above/over against the belly/which 437/1008
1Ki_7:39.....eastward/over against the south And Hiram/made 438/1008
1Ki_8:7.........wings/over the place of the ark and the cherubims covered the ark and the staves thereof above And they drew out the staves that/the 439/1008 my people Israel And it/was 440/1008
1Ki_9:23.........were/over Solomon's/work.. 441/1008
1Ki_9:23.........rule/over the people that wrought in the work But/Pharaoh's 442/1008
1Ki_11:24.....captain/over a band/when..... 443/1008
1Ki_11:25.....reigned/over Syria And Jeroboam/the 444/1008
1Ki_11:28.......ruler/over all the charge/of 445/1008
1Ki_11:37........king/over Israel And it/shall 446/1008
1Ki_11:42...Jerusalem/over all Israel was/forty 447/1008
1Ki_12:17.....reigned/over them Then king Rehoboam sent Adoram/who 448/1008
1Ki_12:18.........was/over the tribute and all/Israel 449/1008
1Ki_12:20........king/over all Israel there/was 450/1008
1Ki_13:30.....mourned/over him saying/Alas. 451/1008
1Ki_14:2.........king/over this people/And. 452/1008
1Ki_14:7.......prince/over my people Israel And rent/the 453/1008
1Ki_14:14........king/over Israel who/shall 454/1008
1Ki_15:1.......Abijam/over Judah Three/years 455/1008
1Ki_15:9..........Asa/over Judah And forty/and 456/1008
1Ki_15:25.......reign/over Israel in the second/year 457/1008
1Ki_15:25.....reigned/over Israel two/years 458/1008
1Ki_15:33.......reign/over all Israel in/Tirzah 459/1008
1Ki_16:2.......prince/over my people Israel and thou/hast 460/1008
1Ki_16:8........reign/over Israel in Tirzah/two 461/1008
1Ki_16:16........king/over Israel that day/in 462/1008 him with fire/and 463/1008
1Ki_16:23.......reign/over Israel twelve/years 464/1008
1Ki_16:29.......reign/over Israel and Ahab/the 465/1008
1Ki_16:29.....reigned/over Israel in Samaria twenty/and 466/1008
1Ki_19:15........king/over Syria And Jehu/the 467/1008
1Ki_19:16........king/over Israel and Elisha/the 468/1008 against the other seven/days 469/1008
1Ki_22:31........rule/over his chariots/saying 470/1008
1Ki_22:41.......reign/over Judah in/the.... 471/1008
1Ki_22:51.......reign/over Israel in Samaria the seventeenth/year 472/1008
1Ki_22:51.......years/over Israel And he did/evil 473/1008
2Ki_2:8..........went/over on dry ground And/it 474/1008
2Ki_2:9..........gone/over that Elijah/said 475/1008
2Ki_2:14.........went/over And when/the.... 476/1008
2Ki_3:1.........reign/over Israel in Samaria the eighteenth/year 477/1008
2Ki_5:11.........hand/over the place and/recover 478/1008
2Ki_8:13.........king/over Syria So/he..... 479/1008
2Ki_8:20.........king/over themselves/So... 480/1008
2Ki_8:21.........went/over to Zair/and..... 481/1008
2Ki_9:3..........king/over Israel Then open/the 482/1008
2Ki_9:6..........king/over the people of the LORD even/over 483/1008
2Ki_9:6..........even/over Israel And thou/shalt 484/1008
2Ki_9:12.........king/over Israel Then they/hasted 485/1008
2Ki_9:29........reign/over Judah And when/Jehu 486/1008
2Ki_10:5..........was/over the house and he/that 487/1008
2Ki_10:5..........was/over the city the/elders 488/1008
2Ki_10:22.........was/over the vestry/Bring 489/1008
2Ki_10:36.....reigned/over Israel in Samaria was/twenty 490/1008
2Ki_11:3........reign/over the land And the/seventh 491/1008
2Ki_11:4.......rulers/over hundreds with/the 492/1008
2Ki_11:9.....captains/over the hundreds did/according 493/1008
2Ki_11:10....captains/over hundreds did/the 494/1008
2Ki_11:18....officers/over the house of the/LORD 495/1008
2Ki_11:19......rulers/over hundreds and the/captains 496/1008
2Ki_13:1........reign/over Israel in Samaria and reigned seventeen/years 497/1008
2Ki_13:10.......reign/over Israel in Samaria and reigned sixteen/years 498/1008
2Ki_13:14........wept/over his face and/said 499/1008
2Ki_15:5..........was/over the house judging/the 500/1008
2Ki_15:8........reign/over Israel in Samaria six/months 501/1008
2Ki_15:17.......reign/over Israel and reigned ten/years 502/1008
2Ki_15:23.......reign/over Israel in Samaria and reigned two/years 503/1008
2Ki_15:27.......reign/over Israel in Samaria and reigned twenty/years 504/1008
2Ki_17:1......Samaria/over Israel nine/years 505/1008
2Ki_18:18.........was/over the household and Shebna the scribe and Joah the son of Asaph the recorder And/Rabshakeh 506/1008
2Ki_18:37.........was/over the household and Shebna the scribe and Joah the son of Asaph the recorder to Hezekiah with their clothes rent and told him the words of Rabshakeh And it came to pass when king Hezekiah heard it that he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim which/was 507/1008
2Ki_19:2..........was/over the household and Shebna the scribe and the elders of the priests covered with sackcloth to/Isaiah 508/1008
2Ki_21:13.....stretch/over Jerusalem the/line 509/1008
2Ki_25:19.........set/over the men of war and five/men 510/1008
2Ki_25:22........even/over them he/made.... 511/1008
1Ch_1:43......reigned/over the children of Israel Bela/the 512/1008
1Ch_5:11........dwelt/over against them in the land/of 513/1008
1Ch_6:31..........set/over the service/of.. 514/1008
1Ch_8:32....Jerusalem/over against them And Ner/begat 515/1008
1Ch_9:19.........were/over the work of/the. 516/1008
1Ch_9:19........being/over the host of the LORD/were 517/1008
1Ch_9:20........ruler/over them in time/past 518/1008
1Ch_9:26.........were/over the chambers and/treasuries 519/1008 the things/that. 520/1008
1Ch_9:32.........were/over the shewbread/to 521/1008
1Ch_9:38....Jerusalem/over against their brethren And/Ner 522/1008
1Ch_11:2........ruler/over my people Israel Therefore/came 523/1008
1Ch_11:3.........king/over Israel according/to 524/1008
1Ch_11:25.........him/over his guard Also/the 525/1008
1Ch_12:4..........and/over the thirty/and.. 526/1008
1Ch_12:14.........was/over an hundred and the/greatest 527/1008
1Ch_12:14....greatest/over a thousand These/are 528/1008
1Ch_12:15........went/over Jordan in/the... 529/1008
1Ch_12:38........king/over all Israel and all/the 530/1008
1Ch_14:2.........king/over Israel for his/kingdom 531/1008
1Ch_14:8.........king/over all Israel all/the 532/1008
1Ch_14:14........them/over against the mulberry trees And it/shall 533/1008
1Ch_15:25....captains/over thousands went/to 534/1008
1Ch_17:7........ruler/over my people Israel And I/have 535/1008 my people Israel Moreover/I 536/1008
1Ch_18:14.....reigned/over all Israel and executed/judgment 537/1008
1Ch_18:15.........was/over the host and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud recorder/And 538/1008
1Ch_18:17.........was/over the Cherethites and the/Pelethites 539/1008
1Ch_19:17......passed/over Jordan and came upon/them 540/1008
1Ch_21:16.........out/over Jerusalem Then/David 541/1008
1Ch_22:10.....kingdom/over Israel for ever Now/my 542/1008
1Ch_23:1.........king/over Israel And he gathered/together 543/1008
1Ch_24:31........lots/over against their brethren the/sons 544/1008
1Ch_24:31.....fathers/over against their younger/brethren 545/1008
1Ch_26:20.........was/over the treasures of the house of God/and 546/1008
1Ch_26:20.........and/over the treasures of the dedicated/things 547/1008
1Ch_26:22........were/over the treasures of the house of the/LORD 548/1008
1Ch_26:26........were/over all the treasures/of 549/1008
1Ch_26:26....captains/over thousands and hundreds/and 550/1008 Israel for officers/and 551/1008
1Ch_26:32......rulers/over the Reubenites/the 552/1008
1Ch_27:2.....thousand/Over the first/course 553/1008
1Ch_27:4..........And/over the course/of... 554/1008
1Ch_27:16.Furthermore/over the tribes/of... 555/1008
1Ch_27:25.........And/over the king's treasures/was 556/1008
1Ch_27:25.........and/over the storehouses/in 557/1008
1Ch_27:26.........And/over them that did/the 558/1008
1Ch_27:27.........And/over the vineyards/was 559/1008
1Ch_27:27...Ramathite/over the increase/of. 560/1008
1Ch_27:28.........And/over the olive/trees. 561/1008
1Ch_27:28.........and/over the cellars/of.. 562/1008
1Ch_27:29.........And/over the herds that fed/in 563/1008
1Ch_27:29.........and/over the herds that were/in 564/1008
1Ch_27:30.......Adlai/Over the camels/also. 565/1008
1Ch_27:30.........and/over the asses/was... 566/1008
1Ch_27:31.........And/over the flocks/was.. 567/1008
1Ch_28:1.....captains/over the thousands/and 568/1008
1Ch_28:1.....captains/over the hundreds and/the 569/1008
1Ch_28:1.....stewards/over all the substance/and 570/1008
1Ch_28:4.........king/over Israel for ever for/he 571/1008
1Ch_28:4.........king/over all Israel And of/all 572/1008
1Ch_28:5.........LORD/over Israel And he said/unto 573/1008
1Ch_29:3..........God/over and above all/that 574/1008
1Ch_29:12....reignest/over all and/in...... 575/1008
1Ch_29:26.....reigned/over all Israel And the/time 576/1008
1Ch_29:27.....reigned/over Israel was/forty 577/1008
1Ch_29:30........went/over him and over/Israel 578/1008
1Ch_29:30.........and/over Israel and over all/the 579/1008
1Ch_29:30.........and/over all the kingdoms of the countries/And 580/1008
2Ch_1:9..........king/over a people like/the 581/1008
2Ch_1:11.......people/over whom/I.......... 582/1008
2Ch_1:13......reigned/over Israel And Solomon/gathered 583/1008
2Ch_2:11.........king/over them Huram/said. 584/1008
2Ch_4:10..........end/over against the south And Huram/made 585/1008
2Ch_5:8.........wings/over the place of the ark and the cherubims covered the ark and the staves thereof above And they drew out the staves of/the 586/1008
2Ch_6:5.........ruler/over my people Israel But/I 587/1008 my people Israel Now/it 588/1008
2Ch_6:36.........them/over before their/enemies 589/1008
2Ch_8:10.........rule/over the people And Solomon/brought 590/1008
2Ch_9:8..........king/over them to do judgment/and 591/1008
2Ch_9:26......reigned/over all the kings from/the 592/1008
2Ch_9:30....Jerusalem/over all Israel forty/years 593/1008
2Ch_10:17.....reigned/over them Then king Rehoboam sent Hadoram/that 594/1008
2Ch_10:18.........was/over the tribute and the/children 595/1008
2Ch_13:1........reign/over Judah He reigned/three 596/1008
2Ch_13:5......kingdom/over Israel to/David. 597/1008 you in all matters/of 598/1008
2Ch_20:6.........thou/over all the kingdoms of the heathen/and 599/1008
2Ch_20:27.....rejoice/over their enemies/And 600/1008
2Ch_20:31.....reigned/over Judah he was/thirty 601/1008
2Ch_22:12.....reigned/over the land And in/the 602/1008
2Ch_23:14.........set/over the host and said/unto 603/1008
2Ch_25:5.....captains/over thousands and captains over hundreds according/to 604/1008
2Ch_25:5.....captains/over hundreds according/to 605/1008
2Ch_26:21.........was/over the king's house/judging 606/1008
2Ch_31:12..faithfully/over which Cononiah/the 607/1008
2Ch_31:14.........was/over the freewill/offerings 608/1008
2Ch_32:6..........war/over the people and gathered/them 609/1008
2Ch_32:11........give/over yourselves/to... 610/1008
2Ch_34:13........were/over the bearers/of.. 611/1008
2Ch_36:4.........king/over Judah and Jerusalem and/turned 612/1008
2Ch_36:10........king/over Judah and Jerusalem Zedekiah/was 613/1008
Ezr_4:10......brought/over and set/in...... 614/1008
Ezr_4:20.........also/over Jerusalem which/have 615/1008
Ezr_4:20........ruled/over all countries/beyond 616/1008
Ezr_9:6.....increased/over our head/and.... 617/1008 till/I.......... 618/1008
Neh_3:10.........even/over against his house And/next 619/1008 against the sepulchres/of 620/1008
Neh_3:19........piece/over against the going up to/the 621/1008
Neh_3:23.......Hashub/over against their house/After 622/1008
Neh_3:25.........Uzai/over against the turning/of 623/1008 against the water/gate 624/1008
Neh_3:27........piece/over against the great/tower 625/1008 against his house After them/repaired 626/1008
Neh_3:29........Immer/over against his house After him/repaired 627/1008
Neh_3:30....Berechiah/over against his chamber/After 628/1008
Neh_3:31....merchants/over against the gate Miphkad/and 629/1008
Neh_5:15.........rule/over the people but/so 630/1008
Neh_7:2........charge/over Jerusalem for/he 631/1008 against his house Now/the 632/1008
Neh_9:28.....dominion/over them yet/when... 633/1008
Neh_9:37..........set/over us because/of... 634/1008
Neh_9:37.....dominion/over our bodies/and.. 635/1008
Neh_9:37..........and/over our cattle/at... 636/1008
Neh_11:9.......second/over the city Of/the. 637/1008
Neh_11:21........were/over the Nethinims/The 638/1008
Neh_11:22........were/over the business/of. 639/1008
Neh_12:8..........was/over the thanksgiving/he 640/1008
Neh_12:9.........were/over against them in the watches/And 641/1008
Neh_12:24....brethren/over against them to/praise 642/1008
Neh_12:24........ward/over against ward/Mattaniah 643/1008
Neh_12:37.........was/over against them they/went 644/1008
Neh_12:38........went/over against them and I/after 645/1008
Neh_12:44...appointed/over the chambers for/the 646/1008
Neh_13:13..treasurers/over the treasuries/Shelemiah 647/1008
Neh_13:26........king/over all Israel nevertheless/even 648/1008
Est_1:1......Ethiopia/over an hundred and seven/and 649/1008
Est_3:12.........were/over every province/and 650/1008 against the king's/house 651/1008 against the gate of/the 652/1008
Est_8:2......Mordecai/over the house of Haman/And 653/1008
Est_9:1.........power/over them though/it.. 654/1008
Est_9:1..........rule/over them that hated/them 655/1008
Job_6:5............ox/over his fodder/Can.. 656/1008 me When I/say... 657/1008 my sin/My....... 658/1008 into the hands/of 659/1008
Job_26:7........north/over the empty/place. 660/1008
Job_34:13......charge/over the earth or/who 661/1008
Job_41:34........king/over all the children/of 662/1008
Job_42:11.........him/over all the evil/that 663/1008
Psa_8:6......dominion/over the works of thy hands thou hast put all things under/his 664/1008
Psa_12:4.........lord/over us For/the...... 665/1008
Psa_13:2......exalted/over me Consider/and. 666/1008
Psa_18:29......leaped/over a wall As for God his way is perfect the word of the LORD is tried he is a buckler to all those/that 667/1008
Psa_19:13....dominion/over me then shall/I. 668/1008
Psa_23:5......runneth/over Surely/goodness. 669/1008
Psa_25:2......triumph/over me Yea/let...... 670/1008
Psa_27:12.........not/over unto the will/of 671/1008
Psa_30:1......rejoice/over me O/LORD....... 672/1008
Psa_35:19.....rejoice/over me neither/let.. 673/1008
Psa_35:24.....rejoice/over me Let/them..... 674/1008
Psa_38:4.........gone/over mine head as/an. 675/1008
Psa_38:16.....rejoice/over me when my/foot. 676/1008
Psa_41:11.....triumph/over me And/as....... 677/1008
Psa_42:7.........gone/over me Yet/the...... 678/1008
Psa_47:2.........King/over all the earth He/shall 679/1008
Psa_47:8.....reigneth/over the heathen/God. 680/1008
Psa_49:14....dominion/over them in the/morning 681/1008
Psa_60:8......washpot/over Edom will I cast out my shoe Philistia/triumph 682/1008
Psa_65:13.....covered/over with corn/they.. 683/1008
Psa_66:12........ride/over our heads/we.... 684/1008 Israel and his/strength 685/1008 to the pestilence/And 686/1008
Psa_78:62......people/over also/unto....... 687/1008
Psa_83:18........high/over all the earth How/amiable 688/1008
Psa_88:16.......goeth/over me thy/terrors.. 689/1008
Psa_91:11......charge/over thee to keep thee in/all 690/1008
Psa_103:16....passeth/over it and it/is.... 691/1008
Psa_103:19.....ruleth/over all Bless/the... 692/1008
Psa_104:9........pass/over that they/turn.. 693/1008
Psa_106:41......ruled/over them Their/enemies 694/1008
Psa_108:9.....washpot/over Edom will I cast out my shoe over/Philistia 695/1008
Psa_108:9........shoe/over Philistia/will.. 696/1008 him and let/Satan 697/1008
Psa_110:6.......heads/over many countries/He 698/1008 unto death/Open. 699/1008
Psa_119:133..dominion/over me Deliver/me... 700/1008
Psa_124:4........gone/over our soul Then/the 701/1008
Psa_124:5........gone/over our soul Blessed/be 702/1008
Psa_145:9.........are/over all his works/All 703/1008
Pro_17:2.........rule/over a son/that...... 704/1008
Pro_19:10........rule/over princes/The..... 705/1008
Pro_19:11........pass/over a transgression/The 706/1008
Pro_20:26.......wheel/over them The spirit of man/is 707/1008
Pro_22:7.......ruleth/over the poor and/the 708/1008
Pro_24:31.......grown/over with thorns/and. 709/1008
Pro_25:28........rule/over his own spirit/is 710/1008
Pro_28:15.......ruler/over the poor people/The 711/1008
Ecc_1:12.........king/over Israel in Jerusalem/And 712/1008
Ecc_2:19.........rule/over all my/labour... 713/1008 against the other to/the 714/1008
Ecc_7:16....righteous/over much neither/make 715/1008
Ecc_7:16......thyself/over wise/why........ 716/1008
Ecc_7:17..........not/over much wicked/neither 717/1008
Ecc_8:8.........power/over the spirit/to... 718/1008
Ecc_8:9........ruleth/over another to/his.. 719/1008
Son_2:4........banner/over me was/love..... 720/1008 and gone/The.... 721/1008
Isa_3:4..........rule/over them And the/people 722/1008
Isa_3:12.........rule/over them O/my....... 723/1008
Isa_8:7............up/over all his channels/and 724/1008
Isa_8:7............go/over all his banks And/he 725/1008
Isa_8:8............go/over he shall reach/even 726/1008
Isa_10:29........gone/over the passage/they 727/1008
Isa_11:15........hand/over the river and shall/smite 728/1008
Isa_11:15..........go/over dryshod/And..... 729/1008
Isa_14:2.........rule/over their oppressors/And 730/1008
Isa_15:2.........howl/over Nebo/and........ 731/1008
Isa_15:2..........and/over Medeba/on....... 732/1008
Isa_16:8.........gone/over the sea Therefore/I 733/1008
Isa_19:4.........give/over into the hand/of 734/1008
Isa_19:4.........rule/over them saith/the.. 735/1008
Isa_19:16.....shaketh/over it And the land/of 736/1008 the house and say/What 737/1008
Isa_23:2.........pass/over the sea have/replenished 738/1008 to Tarshish/howl 739/1008
Isa_23:11........hand/over the sea he/shook 740/1008
Isa_23:12........pass/over to Chittim/there 741/1008
Isa_25:7.........cast/over all people/and.. 742/1008
Isa_25:7.......spread/over all nations/He.. 743/1008
Isa_26:13....dominion/over us but by/thee.. 744/1008
Isa_28:19........pass/over by day/and...... 745/1008
Isa_31:5......passing/over he will/preserve 746/1008
Isa_31:9.........pass/over to his/strong... 747/1008
Isa_35:8.........pass/over it but it/shall. 748/1008
Isa_36:3..........was/over the house and Shebna/the 749/1008
Isa_36:22.........was/over the household and Shebna the scribe and Joah the son of Asaph the recorder to Hezekiah with their clothes rent and told him the words of Rabshakeh And it came to pass when king Hezekiah heard it that he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim who/was 750/1008
Isa_37:2..........was/over the household and Shebna the scribe and the elders of the priests covered with sackcloth unto/Isaiah 751/1008 with gold and casteth/silver 752/1008
Isa_40:27......passed/over from my/God..... 753/1008
Isa_41:2.........rule/over kings/he........ 754/1008
Isa_45:14........come/over unto thee/and... 755/1008
Isa_45:14........come/over and they shall/fall 756/1008
Isa_47:2.........pass/over the rivers Thy/nakedness 757/1008
Isa_51:10........pass/over Therefore/the... 758/1008
Isa_51:23..........go/over and thou/hast... 759/1008
Isa_51:23........went/over Awake/awake..... 760/1008
Isa_52:5.........rule/over them make/them.. 761/1008
Isa_54:9...........go/over the earth so/have 762/1008
Isa_62:5....rejoiceth/over the bride/so.... 763/1008
Isa_62:5......rejoice/over thee I/have..... 764/1008
Isa_63:19........rule/over them they were/not 765/1008
Jer_1:10.........thee/over the nations and over/the 766/1008
Jer_1:10..........and/over the kingdoms/to. 767/1008
Jer_2:10.........pass/over the isles/of.... 768/1008 their cities/every 769/1008
Jer_5:22.........pass/over it But this/people 770/1008
Jer_6:17.....watchmen/over you saying/Hearken 771/1008
Jer_13:21.......chief/over thee shall/not.. 772/1008
Jer_15:3......appoint/over them four/kinds. 773/1008
Jer_23:4....shepherds/over them which shall/feed 774/1008
Jer_31:28.....watched/over them to pluck/up 775/1008 them to build/and 776/1008
Jer_31:39.......forth/over against it upon/the 777/1008
Jer_32:41.....rejoice/over them to do them/good 778/1008
Jer_33:26......rulers/over the seed/of..... 779/1008
Jer_40:5.....governor/over the cities of Judah/and 780/1008
Jer_40:11.........set/over them Gedaliah/the 781/1008
Jer_41:2.....governor/over the land Ishmael/also 782/1008
Jer_41:10..........go/over to the Ammonites/But 783/1008
Jer_43:10....pavilion/over them And when/he 784/1008 them for/evil... 785/1008
Jer_48:32........gone/over the sea they/reach 786/1008
Jer_48:40.......wings/over Moab/Kerioth.... 787/1008
Jer_49:19.....appoint/over her for who is like me and who will appoint me the time and who is that shepherd that will stand before me Therefore hear the/counsel 788/1008
Jer_49:22.......wings/over Bozrah/and...... 789/1008
Jer_50:44.....appoint/over her for who is like me and who will appoint me the time and who is that shepherd that will stand before me Therefore hear ye/the 790/1008
Lam_2:17......rejoice/over thee he/hath.... 791/1008
Lam_3:54.......flowed/over mine head then/I 792/1008
Lam_5:8.........ruled/over us there/is..... 793/1008
Eze_1:20...........up/over against them for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels When/those 794/1008
Eze_1:21...........up/over against them for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels And/the 795/1008
Eze_1:22........forth/over their heads above/And 796/1008
Eze_1:25..........was/over their heads when/they 797/1008
Eze_1:26..........was/over their heads was/the 798/1008
Eze_3:13.......wheels/over against them and a/noise 799/1008
Eze_9:1........charge/over the city to/draw 800/1008
Eze_10:1.....appeared/over them as/it...... 801/1008
Eze_10:2.........them/over the city And/he. 802/1008
Eze_10:4........stood/over the threshold/of 803/1008
Eze_10:18.......stood/over the cherubims/And 804/1008
Eze_10:19.........was/over them above This/is 805/1008
Eze_11:22.........was/over them above And/the 806/1008
Eze_16:8........skirt/over thee and covered/thy 807/1008
Eze_16:27........hand/over thee and have/diminished 808/1008 him he/was...... 809/1008
Eze_20:33........rule/over you And I/will.. 810/1008
Eze_27:32......lament/over thee saying/What 811/1008
Eze_29:15........rule/over the nations And it/shall 812/1008 thee with a/company 813/1008
Eze_32:8.........dark/over thee and set/darkness 814/1008
Eze_32:31...comforted/over all his multitude/even 815/1008
Eze_34:23....shepherd/over them and he/shall 816/1008
Eze_37:24........king/over them and they all/shall 817/1008
Eze_40:18.......gates/over against the length/of 818/1008
Eze_40:23.........was/over against the gate toward/the 819/1008 another and/thirty 820/1008
Eze_41:15....building/over against the separate place which/was 821/1008
Eze_41:16.....stories/over against the door/cieled 822/1008
Eze_42:1..........was/over against the separate place and which/was 823/1008
Eze_42:3.......cubits/Over against the twenty/cubits 824/1008
Eze_42:3..........and/over against the pavement/which 825/1008
Eze_42:7......without/over against the chambers/toward 826/1008
Eze_42:10........east/over against the separate place and over/against 827/1008
Eze_42:10.........and/over against the building/And 828/1008
Eze_45:6.........long/over against the oblation of the holy portion it/shall 829/1008 against one/of.. 830/1008
Eze_46:9........forth/over against it And the prince/in 831/1008
Eze_47:5.........pass/over for/the......... 832/1008
Eze_47:5.......passed/over And he said/unto 833/1008
Eze_47:20........come/over against Hamath/This 834/1008
Eze_48:13.........And/over against the border of/the 835/1008
Eze_48:15.....breadth/over against the five and twenty thousand shall/be 836/1008
Eze_48:18......length/over against the oblation of the holy portion shall/be 837/1008 against the oblation of the holy portion and/the 838/1008 against the five and twenty thousand of/the 839/1008
Eze_48:21....westward/over against the five and twenty thousand toward/the 840/1008
Eze_48:21......border/over against the portions/for 841/1008
Dan_1:11..........set/over Daniel/Hananiah. 842/1008
Dan_2:38........ruler/over them all/Thou... 843/1008
Dan_2:39.........rule/over all the earth And the/fourth 844/1008
Dan_2:48........ruler/over the whole province/of 845/1008
Dan_2:48....governors/over all the wise/men 846/1008
Dan_2:49.....Abednego/over the affairs of the province of Babylon but/Daniel 847/1008
Dan_3:12..........set/over the affairs of the province of Babylon Shadrach/Meshach 848/1008
Dan_4:16.........pass/over him This matter/is 849/1008
Dan_4:17...........up/over it the basest/of 850/1008
Dan_4:23.........pass/over him This is/the. 851/1008
Dan_4:25.........pass/over thee till/thou.. 852/1008
Dan_4:32.........pass/over thee until/thou. 853/1008
Dan_5:5.........wrote/over against the candlestick upon/the 854/1008
Dan_5:21...appointeth/over it whomsoever/he 855/1008
Dan_6:1...........set/over the kingdom/an.. 856/1008 the whole kingdom/And 857/1008
Dan_6:2...........And/over these three/presidents 858/1008
Dan_6:3...........him/over the whole realm/Then 859/1008
Dan_9:1..........king/over the realm/of.... 860/1008
Dan_11:39........rule/over many and/shall.. 861/1008
Dan_11:40........pass/over He shall enter/also 862/1008
Dan_11:43.......power/over the treasures of gold/and 863/1008
Dan_11:43.........and/over all the precious/things 864/1008
Hos_10:5........mourn/over it and the priests/thereof 865/1008
Hos_10:11......passed/over upon/her........ 866/1008
Hos_12:4........power/over the angel/and... 867/1008
Joe_2:17.........rule/over them wherefore/should 868/1008
Oba_1:12.....rejoiced/over the children of Judah/in 869/1008
Jon_2:3........passed/over me Then I/said.. 870/1008
Jon_4:6............up/over Jonah/that...... 871/1008
Jon_4:6........shadow/over his head to/deliver 872/1008
Mic_3:6..........down/over the prophets/and 873/1008
Mic_3:6..........dark/over them Then shall/the 874/1008
Mic_4:7.........reign/over them in mount/Zion 875/1008
Nah_3:19........hands/over thee for upon/whom 876/1008
Hab_1:11.........pass/over and offend/imputing 877/1008
Hab_1:14........ruler/over them They take/up 878/1008
Hab_2:19.........laid/over with gold and silver/and 879/1008
Zep_3:17......rejoice/over thee with joy/he 880/1008 thee with singing/I 881/1008
Hag_1:10.......heaven/over you is/stayed... 882/1008
Zec_1:21.........horn/over the land of Judah/to 883/1008
Zec_5:3.........forth/over the face of the/whole 884/1008
Zec_9:14.........seen/over them and his/arrow 885/1008
Zec_14:9.........king/over all the earth in/that 886/1008
Mat_2:9.........stood/over where/the....... 887/1008
Mat_9:1........passed/over and came into/his 888/1008
Mat_10:23........gone/over the cities of Israel/till 889/1008
Mat_14:34........gone/over they came into the land of Gennesaret And when/the 890/1008
Mat_20:25....dominion/over them and they that are/great 891/1008
Mat_21:2......village/over against you and straightway/ye 892/1008
Mat_24:45.......ruler/over his household to give them meat/in 893/1008
Mat_24:47.......ruler/over all his goods/But 894/1008
Mat_25:21....faithful/over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy lord He/also 895/1008
Mat_25:21.......ruler/over many things enter thou into the joy of thy lord He/also 896/1008
Mat_25:23....faithful/over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy lord Then/he 897/1008
Mat_25:23.......ruler/over many things enter thou into the joy of thy lord Then/he 898/1008
Mat_27:37..........up/over his head his/accusation 899/1008
Mat_27:45....darkness/over all the land unto/the 900/1008
Mat_27:61.....sitting/over against the sepulchre/Now 901/1008
Mar_4:35.........pass/over unto the other side And/when 902/1008
Mar_5:1..........came/over unto the other side of the sea/into 903/1008
Mar_5:21.......passed/over again/by........ 904/1008
Mar_6:7.........power/over unclean/spirits. 905/1008
Mar_6:53.......passed/over they came into the land of Gennesaret and drew/to 906/1008
Mar_10:42........rule/over the Gentiles exercise/lordship 907/1008
Mar_10:42....lordship/over them and their/great 908/1008
Mar_11:2......village/over against you and as/soon 909/1008
Mar_12:41.........sat/over against the treasury/and 910/1008
Mar_13:3.......Olives/over against the temple/Peter 911/1008
Mar_15:26.....written/over THE KING OF/THE. 912/1008
Mar_15:33....darkness/over the whole land/until 913/1008
Mar_15:39.......stood/over against him saw/that 914/1008
Luk_1:33........reign/over the house of Jacob/for 915/1008 their flock/by.. 916/1008
Luk_4:10.......charge/over thee to keep thee And/in 917/1008
Luk_4:39........stood/over her and/rebuked. 918/1008
Luk_6:38......running/over shall/men....... 919/1008
Luk_8:22...........go/over unto the other side of the lake/And 920/1008 against Galilee/And 921/1008
Luk_9:1.....authority/over all devils/and.. 922/1008
Luk_10:19.........and/over all the power/of 923/1008
Luk_11:42........pass/over judgment/and.... 924/1008
Luk_11:44........walk/over them are/not.... 925/1008
Luk_12:14.....divider/over you And he/said. 926/1008
Luk_12:42.......ruler/over his household to give them their/portion 927/1008
Luk_12:44.......ruler/over all that he hath/But 928/1008
Luk_15:7.......heaven/over one sinner that repenteth more/than 929/1008
Luk_15:7.........than/over ninety/and...... 930/1008
Luk_15:10.........God/over one sinner that repenteth And/he 931/1008
Luk_19:14.......reign/over us And it/came.. 932/1008
Luk_19:17...authority/over ten/cities...... 933/1008
Luk_19:19........also/over five/cities..... 934/1008
Luk_19:27.......reign/over them bring/hither 935/1008
Luk_19:30.....village/over against you in/the 936/1008
Luk_19:41........wept/over it Saying/If.... 937/1008
Luk_22:25....lordship/over them and they that exercise/authority 938/1008
Luk_23:38.....written/over him in letters/of 939/1008
Luk_23:44....darkness/over all the earth until/the 940/1008
Joh_6:1..........went/over the sea of Galilee/which 941/1008
Joh_6:13.....remained/over and above unto/them 942/1008
Joh_6:17.........went/over the sea toward/Capernaum 943/1008
Joh_17:2........power/over all flesh/that.. 944/1008
Joh_18:1....disciples/over the brook Cedron/where 945/1008
Act_6:3.......appoint/over this business/But 946/1008
Act_7:10.....governor/over Egypt and/all... 947/1008
Act_7:11.......dearth/over all the land of Egypt and Chanaan/and 948/1008
Act_7:16......carried/over into Sychem/and. 949/1008
Act_7:27........judge/over us Wilt/thou.... 950/1008
Act_8:2...lamentation/over him As/for...... 951/1008
Act_16:9.........Come/over into Macedonia/and 952/1008
Act_18:23........went/over all the country/of 953/1008 them which had/evil 954/1008
Act_20:2.........gone/over those/parts..... 955/1008 against Chios/and 956/1008
Act_20:28.......flock/over the which/the... 957/1008
Act_21:2......sailing/over unto Phenicia/we 958/1008
Act_27:5.......sailed/over the sea of Cilicia/and 959/1008
Act_27:7.........come/over against Cnidus/the 960/1008
Act_27:7........Crete/over against Salmone/And 961/1008
Rom_1:28.........them/over to a/reprobate.. 962/1008
Rom_5:14.........even/over them that had/not 963/1008
Rom_6:9......dominion/over him For/in...... 964/1008
Rom_6:14.....dominion/over you for/ye...... 965/1008
Rom_7:1......dominion/over a man/as........ 966/1008 all God/blessed. 967/1008
Rom_9:21........power/over the clay/of..... 968/1008
Rom_10:12........Lord/over all is/rich..... 969/1008
Rom_15:12.......reign/over the Gentiles in/him 970/1008
1Co_7:37........power/over his own will/and 971/1008
1Co_9:12........power/over you are/not..... 972/1008
2Co_1:24.....dominion/over your faith/but.. 973/1008
2Co_3:13.........vail/over his face that/the 974/1008
2Co_8:15......nothing/over and he that had/gathered 975/1008
2Co_11:2......jealous/over you with/godly.. 976/1008
Eph_1:22.........head/over all things to/the 977/1008
Eph_4:19...themselves/over unto lasciviousness/to 978/1008
Col_2:15...triumphing/over them in it/Let.. 979/1008
1Th_3:7.....comforted/over you in all our/affliction 980/1008
1Th_5:12..........are/over you in the/Lord. 981/1008
1Ti_2:12....authority/over the man/but..... 982/1008
Heb_2:7...........him/over the works of thy hands Thou hast put all things in/subjection 983/1008
Heb_3:6...........son/over his own house/whose 984/1008
Heb_9:5...........And/over it the cherubims/of 985/1008
Heb_10:21......priest/over the house of God/Let 986/1008
Heb_13:7.........rule/over you who/have.... 987/1008
Heb_13:17........rule/over you and submit/yourselves 988/1008
Heb_13:24........rule/over you and all/the. 989/1008
Jam_5:14.........pray/over him anointing/him 990/1008
1Pe_3:12..........are/over the righteous/and 991/1008
1Pe_5:3.........lords/over God's/heritage.. 992/1008
Jud_1:7....themselves/over to fornication/and 993/1008
Rev_2:26........power/over the nations And he/shall 994/1008
Rev_6:8..........them/over the fourth/part. 995/1008
Rev_9:11.........king/over them which is/the 996/1008
Rev_11:6........power/over waters/to....... 997/1008
Rev_11:10.....rejoice/over them and make/merry 998/1008
Rev_13:7..........him/over all kindreds/and 999/1008
Rev_14:18.......power/over fire/and....... 1000/1008
Rev_15:2......victory/over the beast/and.. 1001/1008
Rev_15:2..........and/over his image/and.. 1002/1008
Rev_15:2..........and/over his mark/and... 1003/1008
Rev_15:2..........and/over the number/of.. 1004/1008
Rev_16:9........power/over these plagues/and 1005/1008
Rev_17:18....reigneth/over the kings of/the 1006/1008
Rev_18:11.......mourn/over her for no/man. 1007/1008
Rev_18:20.....Rejoice/over her thou/heaven 1008/1008
Act_19:16.........and/overcame them/and......... 1/3
Rev_3:21.........also/overcame and/am........... 2/3
Rev_12:11........they/overcame him/by........... 3/3
2Co_2:5...........not/overcharge/you............ 1/1 1/1
Gen_49:19.......shall/overcome him but/he...... 1/22
Gen_49:19.......shall/overcome at/the.......... 2/22
Exo_32:18.......being/overcome but/the......... 3/22 it/But.......... 4/22 them and drive/them 5/22
2Ki_16:5..........not/overcome him At/that..... 6/22
Son_6:5..........have/overcome me/thy.......... 7/22
Isa_28:1..........are/overcome with/wine....... 8/22
Jer_23:9.........hath/overcome because/of...... 9/22
Luk_11:22.........and/overcome him he/taketh.. 10/22
Joh_16:33........have/overcome the world/These 11/22
Rom_3:4......mightest/overcome when/thou...... 12/22
Rom_12:21.........not/overcome of evil/but.... 13/22
Rom_12:21.........but/overcome evil/with...... 14/22 of the/same.... 15/22
2Pe_2:20..........and/overcome the latter/end. 16/22
1Jn_2:13.........have/overcome the wicked one I/write 17/22
1Jn_2:14.........have/overcome the wicked one Love/not 18/22
1Jn_4:4..........have/overcome them because/greater 19/22
Rev_11:7........shall/overcome them and kill/them 20/22 them and power/was 21/22
Rev_17:14.......shall/overcome them for/he.... 22/22
1Jn_5:4...........God/overcometh the world and/this 1/11
1Jn_5:4..........that/overcometh the world even/our 2/11
1Jn_5:5..........that/overcometh the world but/he 3/11
Rev_2:7..........that/overcometh will I give to eat of the tree/of 4/11
Rev_2:11.........that/overcometh shall not/be.. 5/11
Rev_2:17.........that/overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden/manna 6/11
Rev_2:26.........that/overcometh and/keepeth... 7/11
Rev_3:5..........that/overcometh the same/shall 8/11
Rev_3:12.........that/overcometh will I make/a. 9/11
Rev_3:21.........that/overcometh will I grant/to 10/11
Rev_21:7.........that/overcometh shall inherit/all 11/11
Gen_33:13......should/overdrive/them............ 1/1 them/as......... 1/13
Psa_69:2.......floods/overflow me I/am......... 2/13
Psa_69:15..waterflood/overflow me neither/let.. 3/13
Isa_8:8.........shall/overflow and go/over..... 4/13
Isa_10:22.......shall/overflow with righteousness/For 5/13
Isa_28:17.......shall/overflow the hiding/place 6/13
Isa_43:2..........not/overflow thee/when....... 7/13
Jer_47:2........shall/overflow the land/and.... 8/13
Dan_11:10.........and/overflow and pass through/then 9/13
Dan_11:26.......shall/overflow and many/shall. 10/13
Dan_11:40.......shall/overflow and pass over/He 11/13
Joe_2:24........shall/overflow with wine/and.. 12/13
Joe_3:13.........fats/overflow for/their...... 13/13
Psa_78:20.....streams/overflowed can/he......... 1/2
2Pe_3:6.........being/overflowed with/water..... 2/2
Jos_3:15.......Jordan/overfloweth/all........... 1/1
Job_28:11........from/overflowing and/the...... 1/11
Job_38:25.........the/overflowing of waters/or. 2/11
Isa_28:2.......waters/overflowing shall/cast... 3/11
Isa_28:15.........the/overflowing scourge shall pass through it/shall 4/11
Isa_28:18.........the/overflowing scourge shall pass through then/ye 5/11 stream/shall. 6/11 flood/and.... 7/11 shower and/ye 8/11 shower in/mine 9/11 rain/and.... 10/11
Hab_3:10..........the/overflowing of the/water 11/11
1Ch_12:15.........had/overflown all/his......... 1/3
Job_22:16.........was/overflown with/a.......... 2/3 from/before..... 3/3
Exo_26:32........wood/overlaid with gold their/hooks 1/35
Exo_36:34..........he/overlaid the boards/with. 2/35
Exo_36:34.........and/overlaid the bars/with... 3/35
Exo_36:36.........and/overlaid them with gold their/hooks 4/35
Exo_36:38..........he/overlaid their chapiters and their/fillets 5/35
Exo_37:2...........he/overlaid it with pure gold within/and 6/35
Exo_37:4..........and/overlaid them with gold And he put/the 7/35
Exo_37:11..........he/overlaid it with pure gold and made/thereunto 8/35
Exo_37:15.........and/overlaid them with gold to/bear 9/35
Exo_37:26..........he/overlaid it with pure gold both/the 10/35
Exo_37:28.........and/overlaid them with gold And he made/the 11/35
Exo_38:2...........he/overlaid it with brass/And 12/35
Exo_38:6..........and/overlaid them with brass/And 13/35
Exo_38:28.........and/overlaid their chapiters and filleted/them 14/35
1Ki_3:19..........she/overlaid it And/she..... 15/35
1Ki_6:20...........he/overlaid it with pure gold and so/covered 16/35
1Ki_6:21......Solomon/overlaid the house/within 17/35
1Ki_6:21...........he/overlaid it with gold/And 18/35
1Ki_6:22...........he/overlaid with gold until/he 19/35
1Ki_6:22...........he/overlaid with gold And/within 20/35
1Ki_6:28...........he/overlaid the cherubims/with 21/35
1Ki_6:30...........he/overlaid with gold within/and 22/35
1Ki_6:32..........and/overlaid them with gold and spread/gold 23/35
1Ki_10:18.........and/overlaid it with the/best 24/35
2Ki_18:16.........had/overlaid and/gave....... 25/35
2Ch_3:4............he/overlaid it within/with. 26/35
2Ch_3:5............he/overlaid with fine/gold. 27/35
2Ch_3:7............He/overlaid also/the....... 28/35
2Ch_3:8............he/overlaid it with fine/gold 29/35
2Ch_3:9............he/overlaid the upper/chambers 30/35
2Ch_3:10..........and/overlaid them with gold And the/wings 31/35
2Ch_4:9...........and/overlaid the doors/of... 32/35
2Ch_9:17..........and/overlaid it with pure gold And there/were 33/35
Son_5:14........ivory/overlaid with sapphires/His 34/35
Heb_9:4......covenant/overlaid round/about.... 35/35
Exo_25:11.......shalt/overlay it with pure gold within/and 1/13
Exo_25:11........thou/overlay it and/shalt..... 2/13
Exo_25:13.........and/overlay them with gold And thou shalt put the/staves 3/13
Exo_25:24.......shalt/overlay it with pure gold and/make 4/13
Exo_25:28.........and/overlay them with gold that/the 5/13
Exo_26:29.......shalt/overlay the boards/with.. 6/13
Exo_26:29.......shalt/overlay the bars/with.... 7/13
Exo_26:37.........and/overlay them with gold and their/hooks 8/13
Exo_27:2........shalt/overlay it with brass/And 9/13
Exo_27:6..........and/overlay them with brass/And 10/13
Exo_30:3........shalt/overlay it with pure gold the/top 11/13
Exo_30:5..........and/overlay them with gold And thou shalt put it/before 12/13 the walls/of.... 13/13
Exo_38:17.........the/overlaying of their chapiters of/silver 1/2
Exo_38:19.........the/overlaying of their chapiters and/their 2/2
Jos_24:31........that/overlived/Joshua.......... 1/1
2Co_2:7..........with/overmuch/sorrow........... 1/1
Jer_5:28.........they/overpass/the.............. 1/1 I/will........... 1/2 For/behold....... 2/2
Lev_25:27.........the/overplus/unto............. 1/1
2Sa_18:23.........and/overran/Cushi............. 1/1 1/1 the/vessels....... 1/2 them/And.......... 2/2
Gen_39:4..........him/overseer over/his......... 1/7
Gen_39:5..........him/overseer in/his........... 2/7
Neh_11:9........their/overseer and/Judah........ 3/7
Neh_11:14.......their/overseer was/Zabdiel...... 4/7
Neh_11:22.........The/overseer also of/the...... 5/7
Neh_12:42.......their/overseer Also that/day.... 6/7 or/ruler......... 7/7
2Ch_2:18......hundred/overseers to set/the...... 1/6
2Ch_31:13........were/overseers under/the....... 2/6
2Ch_34:12.........the/overseers of them/were.... 3/6
2Ch_34:13........were/overseers of all/that..... 4/6
2Ch_34:17.........the/overseers and/to.......... 5/6 to feed/the..... 6/6
Luk_1:35........shall/overshadow thee/therefore. 1/2
Act_5:15........might/overshadow some/of........ 2/2 them and behold/a 1/3
Mar_9:7..........that/overshadowed them and a/voice 2/3
Luk_9:34..........and/overshadowed them and they/feared 3/3 Take/also...... 1/11
Num_3:32..........the/oversight of them/that... 2/11
Num_4:16..........the/oversight of all/the..... 3/11
2Ki_12:11.........the/oversight of the house of the LORD and they laid/it 4/11
2Ki_22:5..........the/oversight of the house of the LORD and let/them 5/11
2Ki_22:9..........the/oversight of the house of the LORD And Shaphan/the 6/11
1Ch_9:23..........the/oversight of the gates/of 7/11
2Ch_34:10.........the/oversight of the house of the LORD and they gave/it 8/11
Neh_11:16.........the/oversight of the outward/business 9/11
Neh_13:4..........the/oversight of the chamber/of 10/11
1Pe_5:2...........the/oversight thereof/not... 11/11 1/1
Dan_9:27..........the/overspreading/of.......... 1/1
Gen_44:4.........dost/overtake them say/unto... 1/17
Exo_15:9.........will/overtake I/will.......... 2/17
Deu_19:6..........and/overtake him/because..... 3/17
Deu_28:2..........and/overtake thee if/thou.... 4/17
Deu_28:15.........and/overtake thee Cursed/shalt 5/17
Deu_28:45.........and/overtake thee till/thou.. 6/17
Jos_2:5.........shall/overtake them But/she.... 7/17
1Sa_30:8............I/overtake them And he/answered 8/17
1Sa_30:8.......surely/overtake them and without/fail 9/17
2Sa_15:14..........he/overtake us suddenly/and 10/17
Isa_59:9......justice/overtake us we/wait..... 11/17
Jer_42:16.......shall/overtake you there/in... 12/17
Hos_2:7...........not/overtake them and she/shall 13/17
Hos_10:9..........not/overtake them It/is..... 14/17
Amo_9:10..........not/overtake nor/prevent.... 15/17
Amo_9:13........shall/overtake the/reaper..... 16/17
1Th_5:4........should/overtake you as/a....... 17/17
Psa_18:37.........and/overtaken them/neither.... 1/2 in/a............ 2/2
1Ch_21:12.....enemies/overtaketh/thee........... 1/1
Gen_19:25..........he/overthrew those/cities... 1/12
Gen_19:29..........he/overthrew the cities/in.. 2/12
Exo_14:27........LORD/overthrew the Egyptians/in 3/12
Deu_29:23........LORD/overthrew in/his......... 4/12
Psa_136:15........But/overthrew Pharaoh/and.... 5/12
Isa_13:19.........God/overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah It/shall 6/12
Jer_20:16........LORD/overthrew and/repented... 7/12
Jer_50:40.........God/overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and the/neighbour 8/12
Amo_4:11..........God/overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and ye/were 9/12
Mat_21:12.........and/overthrew the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of them that sold doves And said/unto 10/12
Mar_11:15.........and/overthrew the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of them that sold doves And would/not 11/12
Joh_2:15..........and/overthrew the tables And/said 12/12
Gen_19:21.........not/overthrow this/city...... 1/19
Gen_19:29.........the/overthrow when/he........ 2/19
Exo_23:24.....utterly/overthrow them and/quite. 3/19
Deu_12:3........shall/overthrow their altars/and 4/19
Deu_29:23.........the/overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah Admah/and 5/19 it Wherefore/Hanun 6/19
2Sa_11:25.........and/overthrow it and/encourage 7/19 and/to......... 8/19 them in/the.... 9/19
Psa_106:27.........To/overthrow their seed/also 10/19 my/goings..... 11/19 him/I......... 12/19 the righteous/in 13/19
Jer_49:18.........the/overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and/the 14/19
Hag_2:22.........will/overthrow the throne/of. 15/19
Hag_2:22.........will/overthrow the chariots/and 16/19
Act_5:39.......cannot/overthrow it lest/haply. 17/19
2Ti_2:18..........and/overthrow the faith/of.. 18/19 making/them... 19/19
Job_12:19.........and/overthroweth the mighty/He 1/5
Pro_13:6...wickedness/overthroweth the sinner/There 2/5
Pro_21:12.........God/overthroweth the wicked/for 3/5
Pro_22:12..........he/overthroweth the words/of. 4/5 it/A......... 5/5
Exo_15:7.........hast/overthrown them/that..... 1/16
Jdg_9:40.........were/overthrown and wounded/even 2/16 at/the........ 3/16
2Ch_14:13........were/overthrown that/they..... 4/16
Job_19:6.........hath/overthrown me/and........ 5/16
Psa_141:6.........are/overthrown in stony/places 6/16 by the/mouth.. 7/16
Pro_12:7..........are/overthrown and are/not... 8/16 but the/tabernacle 9/16 by strangers/And 10/16 before/thee.. 11/16
Lam_4:6...........was/overthrown as/in........ 12/16 but these/shall 13/16
Amo_4:11.........have/overthrown some/of...... 14/16 So/the....... 15/16
1Co_10:5.........were/overthrown in the/wilderness 16/16
Gen_31:23........they/overtook him in the mount/Gilead 1/10
Gen_31:25.......Laban/overtook Jacob/Now....... 2/10
Gen_44:6...........he/overtook them and he/spake 3/10
Exo_14:9..........and/overtook them encamping/by 4/10
Jdg_18:22.........and/overtook the/children.... 5/10
Jdg_20:42......battle/overtook them and them/which 6/10
2Ki_25:5..........and/overtook him in the plains/of 7/10
Jer_39:5..........and/overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho and when/they 8/10
Jer_52:8..........and/overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho and all/his 9/10
Lam_1:3...persecutors/overtook her/between.... 10/10
Job_12:15........they/overturn the/earth........ 1/4
Eze_21:27........will/overturn overturn overturn/it 2/4
Eze_21:27....overturn/overturn overturn it/and.. 3/4
Eze_21:27....overturn/overturn it/and........... 4/4
Jdg_7:13..........and/overturned/it............. 1/1
Job_9:5.........which/overturneth them in his/anger 1/3
Job_28:9...........he/overturneth the/mountains. 2/3
Job_34:25..........he/overturneth them in the/night 3/3 1/1
Psa_55:5.........hath/overwhelmed me/And........ 1/7 lead/me....... 2/7
Psa_77:3..........was/overwhelmed Selah/Thou.... 3/7
Psa_78:53.........sea/overwhelmed their/enemies. 4/7
Psa_124:4.........had/overwhelmed us/the........ 5/7
Psa_142:3.........was/overwhelmed within me then/thou 6/7
Psa_143:4......spirit/overwhelmed within me my/heart 7/7
