and let/the....... 1/716
Gen_12:6.......the/place of Sichem/unto.... 2/716
Gen_13:3.......the/place where his tent/had 3/716
Gen_13:4.......the/place of the altar which/he 4/716
Gen_13:14......the/place where thou art/northward 5/716
Gen_18:24......the/place for the fifty/righteous 6/716
Gen_18:26......the/place for their sakes/And 7/716
Gen_18:33......his/place And there came/two 8/716
Gen_19:12.....this/place For we will/destroy 9/716
Gen_19:13.....this/place because the/cry.. 10/716
Gen_19:14.....this/place for the LORD will/destroy 11/716
Gen_19:27......the/place where he stood/before 12/716
Gen_20:11.....this/place and they will/slay 13/716
Gen_20:13....every/place whither we/shall. 14/716
Gen_21:31.....that/place Beersheba/because 15/716
Gen_22:3.......the/place of which God/had. 16/716
Gen_22:4.......the/place afar/off......... 17/716
Gen_22:9.......the/place which God/had.... 18/716
Gen_22:14.....that/place Jehovahjireh/as.. 19/716
Gen_26:7.......the/place asked/him........ 20/716
Gen_26:7.......the/place should/kill...... 21/716
Gen_28:11..certain/place and tarried/there 22/716
Gen_28:11.....that/place and put them/for. 23/716
Gen_28:11.....that/place to sleep/And..... 24/716
Gen_28:16.....this/place and I knew/it.... 25/716
Gen_28:17.....this/place this is none/other 26/716
Gen_28:19.....that/place Bethel/but....... 27/716
Gen_29:3.......his/place And Jacob said/unto 28/716
Gen_29:22......the/place and made a feast/And 29/716
Gen_30:25......own/place and to/my........ 30/716
Gen_31:55......his/place And Jacob went/on 31/716
Gen_32:2......that/place Mahanaim/And..... 32/716
Gen_32:30......the/place Peniel/for....... 33/716
Gen_33:17......the/place is called Succoth/And 34/716
Gen_35:7.......the/place Elbethel/because. 35/716
Gen_35:13......the/place where he talked with him And/Jacob 36/716
Gen_35:14......the/place where he talked with him even/a 37/716
Gen_35:15......the/place where God/spake.. 38/716 which is by/the.. 39/716
Gen_38:21.....that/place saying/Where..... 40/716
Gen_38:21.....this/place And he returned/to 41/716
Gen_38:22......the/place said/that........ 42/716
Gen_38:22.....this/place And Judah/said... 43/716
Gen_39:20........a/place where the king's/prisoners 44/716
Gen_40:3.......the/place where Joseph/was. 45/716
Gen_40:13......thy/place and thou shalt deliver/Pharaoh's 46/716
Gen_48:9......this/place And he said/Bring 47/716
Gen_50:19......the/place of God/But....... 48/716
Exo_3:5........the/place whereon thou standest is holy ground/Moreover 49/716
Exo_3:8........the/place of the Canaanites/and 50/716
Exo_10:23......his/place for three/days... 51/716
Exo_13:3......this/place there shall/no... 52/716
Exo_15:17......the/place O LORD/which..... 53/716
Exo_16:29......his/place let/no........... 54/716
Exo_16:29......his/place on the seventh/day 55/716
Exo_17:7.......the/place Massah/and....... 56/716
Exo_18:21......and/place such/over........ 57/716
Exo_18:23....their/place in peace/So...... 58/716
Exo_21:13........a/place whither he shall/flee 59/716
Exo_23:20......the/place which I have/prepared 60/716
Exo_26:33.....holy/place and the most/holy 61/716
Exo_26:34.....holy/place And thou shalt set/the 62/716
Exo_28:29.....holy/place for a memorial/before 63/716
Exo_28:35.....holy/place before the LORD/and 64/716
Exo_28:43.....holy/place that they bear/not 65/716
Exo_29:30.....holy/place And thou shalt take/the 66/716
Exo_29:31.....holy/place And Aaron/and.... 67/716
Exo_31:11.....holy/place according to all/that 68/716
Exo_32:34......the/place of which I/have.. 69/716
Exo_33:21........a/place by me/and........ 70/716
Exo_35:19.....holy/place the holy garments/for 71/716
Exo_38:24.....holy/place even the gold/of. 72/716
Exo_39:1......holy/place and made the/holy 73/716
Exo_39:41.....holy/place and the holy/garments 74/716
Lev_1:16.......the/place of the ashes/And. 75/716
Lev_4:12.....clean/place where the ashes/are 76/716
Lev_4:24.......the/place where they kill the burnt offering before/the 77/716
Lev_4:29.......the/place of the burnt/offering 78/716
Lev_4:33.......the/place where they kill the burnt offering And/the 79/716
Lev_6:11.....clean/place And the fire/upon 80/716
Lev_6:16......holy/place in the court/of.. 81/716
Lev_6:25.......the/place where the burnt/offering 82/716
Lev_6:26......holy/place shall it/be...... 83/716
Lev_6:27......holy/place But the/earthen.. 84/716
Lev_6:30......holy/place shall be eaten/it 85/716
Lev_7:2........the/place where they kill the burnt offering shall/they 86/716
Lev_7:6.......holy/place it is most/holy.. 87/716
Lev_10:13.....holy/place because it/is.... 88/716
Lev_10:14....clean/place thou and thy/sons 89/716
Lev_10:17.....holy/place seeing/it........ 90/716
Lev_10:18.....holy/place ye should/indeed. 91/716
Lev_10:18.....holy/place as I/commanded... 92/716
Lev_13:19......the/place of the boil/there 93/716
Lev_13:23......his/place and spread not it/is 94/716
Lev_13:28......his/place and spread not in/the 95/716
Lev_14:13......the/place where he shall kill/the 96/716
Lev_14:13.....holy/place for as/the....... 97/716
Lev_14:28......the/place of the blood/of.. 98/716
Lev_14:40..unclean/place without/the...... 99/716
Lev_14:41..unclean/place And they shall take/other 100/716
Lev_14:42......the/place of those/stones. 101/716
Lev_14:45..unclean/place Moreover he/that 102/716
Lev_16:2......holy/place within/the...... 103/716
Lev_16:3......holy/place with a young/bullock 104/716
Lev_16:16.....holy/place because of/the.. 105/716
Lev_16:17.....holy/place until he/come... 106/716
Lev_16:20.....holy/place and the tabernacle/of 107/716
Lev_16:23.....holy/place and shall leave/them 108/716
Lev_16:24.....holy/place and put on/his.. 109/716
Lev_16:27.....holy/place shall one/carry. 110/716
Lev_24:9......holy/place for it is/most.. 111/716
Num_2:17.......his/place by their/standards 112/716
Num_9:17.......the/place where the cloud/abode 113/716
Num_10:14....first/place went/the........ 114/716
Num_10:29......the/place of which the/LORD 115/716
Num_10:33..resting/place for them And the/cloud 116/716
Num_11:3.......the/place Taberah/because. 117/716
Num_11:34.....that/place Kibrothhattaavah/because 118/716
Num_13:24......The/place was called the brook/Eshcol 119/716
Num_14:40......the/place which the LORD hath/promised 120/716
Num_18:10.....holy/place shalt thou eat/it 121/716
Num_18:31....every/place ye and/your..... 122/716
Num_19:9.....clean/place and it shall be/kept 123/716
Num_20:5......evil/place it is no/place.. 124/716 of seed/or...... 125/716
Num_21:3.......the/place Hormah/And...... 126/716
Num_22:26...narrow/place where was/no.... 127/716
Num_23:3......high/place And God/met..... 128/716
Num_23:13..another/place from whence thou/mayest 129/716
Num_23:27..another/place peradventure/it. 130/716
Num_24:11......thy/place I thought/to.... 131/716
Num_24:25......his/place and Balak/also.. 132/716
Num_28:7......holy/place shalt thou cause/the 133/716
Num_32:1.......the/place was a place/for. 134/716
Num_32:1.........a/place for cattle/The.. 135/716
Num_32:17....their/place and our/little.. 136/716
Num_33:54......the/place where his lot/falleth 137/716
Deu_1:31......this/place Yet/in.......... 138/716
Deu_1:33.........a/place to pitch/your... 139/716
Deu_2:37.......any/place of the river/Jabbok 140/716
Deu_9:7.......this/place ye have/been.... 141/716
Deu_11:5......this/place And what he/did. 142/716
Deu_11:24....Every/place whereon the/soles 143/716
Deu_12:3......that/place Ye shall/not.... 144/716
Deu_12:5.......the/place which the LORD your God shall choose out/of 145/716
Deu_12:11........a/place which the LORD your God shall choose to/cause 146/716
Deu_12:13....every/place that thou seest/But 147/716
Deu_12:14......the/place which the LORD shall choose in/one 148/716
Deu_12:18......the/place which the LORD thy God shall choose thou/and 149/716
Deu_12:21......the/place which the LORD thy God hath chosen to put/his 150/716
Deu_12:26......the/place which the LORD shall choose And/thou 151/716
Deu_14:23......the/place which he shall choose to/place 152/716 his name there the/tithe 153/716
Deu_14:24......the/place be too/far...... 154/716
Deu_14:25......the/place which the LORD thy God shall choose And thou shalt bestow/that 155/716
Deu_15:20......the/place which the LORD shall choose thou/and 156/716
Deu_16:2.......the/place which the LORD shall choose to/place 157/716 his name there Thou/shalt 158/716
Deu_16:6.......the/place which the LORD thy God shall choose to place his name in/there 159/716 his name in/there 160/716
Deu_16:7.......the/place which the LORD thy God shall choose and thou shalt turn/in 161/716
Deu_16:11......the/place which the LORD thy God hath chosen to place/his 162/716 his name there And thou shalt remember/that 163/716
Deu_16:15......the/place which the LORD shall choose because/the 164/716
Deu_16:16......the/place which he shall choose in the/feast 165/716
Deu_17:8.......the/place which the LORD thy God shall choose And thou shalt come/unto 166/716
Deu_17:10.....that/place which the LORD shall choose shall/shew 167/716
Deu_18:6.......the/place which the LORD shall choose Then/he 168/716
Deu_21:19......his/place And they shall say/unto 169/716
Deu_23:12........a/place also without/the 170/716
Deu_23:16.....that/place which he shall choose in one/of 171/716
Deu_26:2.......the/place which the LORD thy God shall choose to place his name there/And 172/716 his name there And thou shalt go/unto 173/716
Deu_26:9......this/place and hath/given.. 174/716
Deu_27:15...secret/place And all the/people 175/716
Deu_29:7......this/place Sihon/the....... 176/716
Deu_31:11......the/place which he shall choose thou/shalt 177/716
Jos_1:3......Every/place that the sole/of 178/716
Jos_3:3.......your/place and go/after.... 179/716
Jos_4:3........the/place where the priests' feet/stood 180/716
Jos_4:3....lodging/place where ye/shall.. 181/716
Jos_4:8........the/place where they lodged/and 182/716
Jos_4:9........the/place where the feet/of 183/716
Jos_4:18.....their/place and flowed/over. 184/716
Jos_5:9........the/place is called Gilgal/unto 185/716
Jos_5:15.......the/place whereon thou standest is holy And/Joshua 186/716
Jos_7:26......that/place was called The valley of Achor/unto 187/716
Jos_8:19.....their/place and they ran/as. 188/716
Jos_9:27.......the/place which he should choose/Now 189/716
Jos_20:4.........a/place that he may/dwell 190/716
Jdg_2:5.......that/place Bochim/and...... 191/716
Jdg_6:26...ordered/place and take/the.... 192/716
Jdg_7:7........his/place So the people/took 193/716
Jdg_7:21.......his/place round/about..... 194/716
Jdg_9:55.......his/place Thus/God........ 195/716 But Sihon/trusted 196/716
Jdg_15:17.....that/place Ramathlehi/And.. 197/716
Jdg_15:19...hollow/place that was in/the. 198/716
Jdg_17:8.........a/place and he came/to.. 199/716
Jdg_17:9.........a/place And Micah/said.. 200/716
Jdg_18:3......this/place and what hast/thou 201/716
Jdg_18:10........a/place where there is no want/of 202/716
Jdg_18:12.....that/place Mahanehdan/unto. 203/716
Jdg_19:16......the/place were/Benjamites. 204/716
Jdg_19:28......his/place And when he/was. 205/716
Jdg_20:22......the/place where they put/themselves 206/716
Jdg_20:33....their/place and put themselves/in 207/716
Jdg_20:36.....gave/place to the Benjamites/because 208/716
Jdg_21:19........a/place which is on/the. 209/716
Rut_1:7........the/place where she was/and 210/716
Rut_3:4........the/place where he shall lie/and 211/716
Rut_4:10.......his/place ye are/witnesses 212/716
1Sa_3:2........his/place and his/eyes.... 213/716
1Sa_3:9........his/place And the LORD/came 214/716
1Sa_5:3........his/place again And/when.. 215/716
1Sa_5:11.......own/place that it slay/us. 216/716
1Sa_6:2........his/place And they said/If 217/716
1Sa_9:12......high/place As soon/as...... 218/716
1Sa_9:13......high/place to eat/for...... 219/716
1Sa_9:14......high/place Now the LORD had/told 220/716
1Sa_9:19......high/place for ye/shall.... 221/716
1Sa_9:22..chiefest/place among/them...... 222/716
1Sa_9:25......high/place into the city/Samuel 223/716
1Sa_10:5......high/place with a psaltery/and 224/716
1Sa_10:12.....same/place answered/and.... 225/716
1Sa_10:13.....high/place And Saul's/uncle 226/716
1Sa_12:8......this/place And when they/forgat 227/716
1Sa_14:9.......our/place and will not/go. 228/716
1Sa_14:46......own/place So Saul/took.... 229/716
1Sa_15:12........a/place and is/gone..... 230/716
1Sa_19:2....secret/place and hide/thyself 231/716
1Sa_20:19......the/place where thou didst/hide 232/716
1Sa_20:25..David's/place was empty Nevertheless/Saul 233/716
1Sa_20:27..David's/place was empty and/Saul 234/716
1Sa_20:37......the/place of the arrow/which 235/716
1Sa_20:41........a/place toward the south/and 236/716
1Sa_21:2.........a/place Now therefore what/is 237/716
1Sa_23:22......his/place where his haunt/is 238/716
1Sa_23:28.....that/place Selahammahlekoth/And 239/716
1Sa_26:5.......the/place where Saul had/pitched 240/716
1Sa_26:5.......the/place where Saul lay/and 241/716
1Sa_26:25......his/place And David/said.. 242/716
1Sa_27:5.........a/place in some/town.... 243/716
1Sa_29:4.......his/place which thou hast appointed/him 244/716
2Sa_2:16......that/place was called Helkathhazzurim/which 245/716
2Sa_2:23......same/place and it came to pass that/as 246/716
2Sa_2:23.......the/place where Asahel/fell 247/716
2Sa_5:20......that/place Baalperazim And there/they 248/716
2Sa_6:8........the/place Perezuzzah/to... 249/716
2Sa_6:17.......his/place in the midst/of. 250/716
2Sa_7:10.........a/place for my people Israel and will plant them that/they 251/716
2Sa_7:10.........a/place of their/own.... 252/716
2Sa_11:16........a/place where he knew/that 253/716
2Sa_15:17........a/place that was far/off 254/716
2Sa_15:19......thy/place and abide/with.. 255/716
2Sa_15:21.....what/place my/lord......... 256/716
2Sa_17:9.....other/place and it will/come 257/716
2Sa_17:12.....some/place where he shall be/found 258/716
2Sa_18:18Absalom's/place Then said/Ahimaaz 259/716
2Sa_19:39......own/place Then the king/went 260/716
2Sa_22:20....large/place he delivered me because he delighted in me The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and as/for 261/716
2Sa_23:7......same/place These/be........ 262/716
1Ki_3:4.......high/place a/thousand...... 263/716
1Ki_4:12.......the/place that is beyond/Jokneam 264/716
1Ki_4:28.......the/place where the officers/were 265/716
1Ki_5:9........the/place that thou shalt/appoint 266/716
1Ki_6:16......holy/place And the house that/is 267/716
1Ki_7:50......holy/place and for/the..... 268/716
1Ki_8:6........his/place into the oracle/of 269/716
1Ki_8:6.......holy/place even under the wings of the cherubims For the cherubims spread forth their two/wings 270/716
1Ki_8:7........the/place of the ark and the cherubims covered the ark and the staves thereof above And they drew out the staves that/the 271/716
1Ki_8:8.......holy/place before the oracle/and 272/716
1Ki_8:10......holy/place that the cloud/filled 273/716
1Ki_8:13...settled/place for thee/to..... 274/716
1Ki_8:21.........a/place for the ark wherein/is 275/716
1Ki_8:29.......the/place of which thou/hast 276/716
1Ki_8:29......this/place And hearken/thou 277/716
1Ki_8:30......this/place and hear/thou... 278/716
1Ki_8:30..dwelling/place and when thou/hearest 279/716
1Ki_8:35......this/place and confess thy name and turn from their sin when thou afflictest/them 280/716
1Ki_8:39..dwelling/place and forgive and do/and 281/716
1Ki_8:43..dwelling/place and do according to all that the stranger calleth to thee for that all people of the earth may know thy name to/fear 282/716
1Ki_8:49..dwelling/place and maintain/their 283/716
1Ki_10:19......the/place of the seat/and. 284/716
1Ki_11:7......high/place for Chemosh/the. 285/716
1Ki_13:8......this/place For so/was...... 286/716
1Ki_13:16.....this/place For it was/said. 287/716
1Ki_13:22......the/place of the which/the 288/716
1Ki_20:24......his/place and put captains/in 289/716
1Ki_21:19......the/place where dogs/licked 290/716
1Ki_22:10.....void/place in the entrance/of 291/716
2Ki_5:11.......the/place and recover/the. 292/716
2Ki_6:1........the/place where we/dwell.. 293/716
2Ki_6:2..........a/place there where/we.. 294/716
2Ki_6:6........the/place And he cut/down. 295/716
2Ki_6:8..........a/place shall be my/camp 296/716
2Ki_6:9..........a/place for thither/the. 297/716
2Ki_6:10.......the/place which the man/of 298/716
2Ki_18:25.....this/place to destroy/it... 299/716
2Ki_22:16.....this/place and upon the inhabitants thereof even all the words/of 300/716
2Ki_22:17.....this/place and shall not be quenched But/to 301/716
2Ki_22:19.....this/place and against the inhabitants thereof that/they 302/716
2Ki_22:20.....this/place And they brought/the 303/716
2Ki_23:15.....high/place which Jeroboam/the 304/716
2Ki_23:15.....high/place he brake/down... 305/716
2Ki_23:15.....high/place and stamped/it.. 306/716
1Ch_6:32..dwelling/place of the tabernacle/of 307/716
1Ch_6:49.......the/place most/holy....... 308/716
1Ch_13:11.....that/place is called Perezuzza/to 309/716
1Ch_14:11.....that/place Baalperazim And when/they 310/716
1Ch_15:1.........a/place for the ark of/God 311/716
1Ch_15:3.......his/place which he had/prepared 312/716
1Ch_15:12......the/place that I have prepared/for 313/716
1Ch_16:27......his/place Give/unto....... 314/716
1Ch_16:39.....high/place that was at Gibeon To offer/burnt 315/716
1Ch_17:9.........a/place for my people Israel and will plant them and/they 316/716
1Ch_17:9.....their/place and shall be/moved 317/716
1Ch_21:22......the/place of this/threshingfloor 318/716
1Ch_21:25......the/place six/hundred..... 319/716
1Ch_21:29.....high/place at Gibeon/But... 320/716
1Ch_23:32.....holy/place and the charge/of 321/716
1Ch_28:11......the/place of the mercy/seat 322/716
2Ch_1:3.......high/place that was at Gibeon for/there 323/716
2Ch_1:4........the/place which David/had. 324/716
2Ch_1:13......high/place that was at Gibeon to Jerusalem/from 325/716
2Ch_3:1........the/place that David/had.. 326/716
2Ch_4:22......holy/place and the doors/of 327/716
2Ch_5:7........his/place to the oracle/of 328/716
2Ch_5:7.......holy/place even under the wings of the cherubims For the cherubims spread forth their wings/over 329/716
2Ch_5:8........the/place of the ark and the cherubims covered the ark and the staves thereof above And they drew out the staves of/the 330/716
2Ch_5:11......holy/place for all the/priests 331/716
2Ch_6:2..........a/place for thy/dwelling 332/716
2Ch_6:20.......the/place whereof/thou.... 333/716
2Ch_6:20......this/place Hearken/therefore 334/716
2Ch_6:21......this/place hear thou/from.. 335/716
2Ch_6:21..dwelling/place even from/heaven 336/716
2Ch_6:26......this/place and confess thy name and turn from their sin when thou dost/afflict 337/716
2Ch_6:30..dwelling/place and forgive and render/unto 338/716
2Ch_6:33..dwelling/place and do according to all that the stranger calleth to thee for that all people of the earth may know thy name and/fear 339/716
2Ch_6:39..dwelling/place their/prayer.... 340/716
2Ch_6:40......this/place Now therefore arise/O 341/716
2Ch_6:41...resting/place thou and the/ark 342/716
2Ch_7:12......this/place to myself/for... 343/716
2Ch_7:15......this/place For now/have.... 344/716
2Ch_9:18...sitting/place and two/lions... 345/716
2Ch_18:9......void/place at the entering/in 346/716
2Ch_20:26.....same/place was called The valley of Berachah/unto 347/716
2Ch_24:11......his/place again Thus/they. 348/716
2Ch_29:5......holy/place For our/fathers. 349/716
2Ch_29:7......holy/place unto the/God.... 350/716
2Ch_30:16....their/place after their/manner 351/716
2Ch_30:27.dwelling/place even unto/heaven 352/716
2Ch_34:24.....this/place and upon the inhabitants thereof even all the curses/that 353/716
2Ch_34:25.....this/place and shall not be quenched And/as 354/716
2Ch_34:27.....this/place and against the inhabitants thereof and/humbledst 355/716
2Ch_34:28.....this/place and upon the inhabitants of/the 356/716
2Ch_34:31......his/place and made a covenant/before 357/716
2Ch_35:5......holy/place according to the divisions/of 358/716
2Ch_35:10....their/place and the Levites/in 359/716
2Ch_35:15....their/place according to the commandment/of 360/716
2Ch_36:15.dwelling/place But they mocked/the 361/716
Ezr_1:4........any/place where he sojourneth/let 362/716
Ezr_1:4........his/place help/him........ 363/716
Ezr_2:68.......his/place They gave/after. 364/716
Ezr_5:15.......his/place Then came/the... 365/716
Ezr_6:3........the/place where they offered/sacrifices 366/716
Ezr_6:5........his/place and place/them.. 367/716
Ezr_6:5........and/place them in the/house 368/716
Ezr_6:7........his/place Moreover I/make. 369/716
Ezr_8:17.......the/place Casiphia and/I.. 370/716
Ezr_8:17.......the/place Casiphia that/they 371/716
Ezr_9:8.......holy/place that our/God.... 372/716
Neh_1:9........the/place that I have chosen/to 373/716
Neh_2:3........the/place of my fathers'/sepulchres 374/716 for the beast/that 375/716
Neh_3:16.......the/place over against the sepulchres/of 376/716
Neh_3:26.......the/place over against the water/gate 377/716
Neh_3:31.......the/place of the Nethinims/and 378/716
Neh_4:20......what/place therefore/ye.... 379/716
Neh_8:7......their/place So they/read.... 380/716
Neh_9:3......their/place and read/in..... 381/716
Neh_13:11....their/place Then brought/all 382/716 of the house of/the 383/716
Est_4:14...another/place but thou/and.... 384/716
Est_7:8........the/place of the banquet/of 385/716
Job_2:11.......own/place Eliphaz/the..... 386/716
Job_6:17.....their/place The paths/of.... 387/716
Job_7:10.......his/place know/him........ 388/716
Job_8:17.......the/place of stones/If.... 389/716
Job_8:18.......his/place then it/shall... 390/716
Job_8:22..dwelling/place of the wicked/shall 391/716
Job_9:6........her/place and the pillars/thereof 392/716
Job_14:18......his/place The waters/wear. 393/716 Also now/behold. 394/716
Job_18:4.......his/place Yea/the......... 395/716
Job_18:21......the/place of him/that..... 396/716
Job_20:9.......his/place any/more........ 397/716
Job_26:7.....empty/place and hangeth/the. 398/716
Job_27:21......his/place For God/shall... 399/716
Job_27:23......his/place Surely/there.... 400/716
Job_28:1.........a/place for gold/where.. 401/716
Job_28:6.......the/place of sapphires/and 402/716
Job_28:12......the/place of understanding Man/knoweth 403/716
Job_28:20......the/place of understanding Seeing/it 404/716
Job_28:23......the/place thereof For/he.. 405/716
Job_36:16....broad/place where there is no straitness/and 406/716
Job_36:20....their/place Take/heed....... 407/716
Job_37:1.......his/place Hear attentively/the 408/716
Job_38:10..decreed/place and set/bars.... 409/716
Job_38:12......his/place That it might/take 410/716
Job_38:19......the/place thereof That/thou 411/716
Job_39:28...strong/place From thence/she. 412/716
Job_40:12....their/place Hide/them....... 413/716
Psa_18:11...secret/place his pavilion/round 414/716
Psa_18:19....large/place he delivered me because he delighted in me The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and I/did 415/716
Psa_24:3......holy/place He that/hath.... 416/716
Psa_26:8.......the/place where thine/honour 417/716
Psa_26:12.....even/place in the congregations/will 418/716
Psa_32:7....hiding/place thou shalt/preserve 419/716
Psa_33:14......the/place of his/habitation 420/716
Psa_37:10......his/place and it shall not/be 421/716
Psa_44:19......the/place of dragons/and.. 422/716
Psa_46:4......holy/place of the tabernacles/of 423/716
Psa_52:5..dwelling/place and root/thee... 424/716
Psa_66:12..wealthy/place I will/go....... 425/716
Psa_68:17.....holy/place Thou hast/ascended 426/716
Psa_74:7..dwelling/place of thy name/to.. 427/716
Psa_76:2..dwelling/place in Zion/There... 428/716
Psa_79:7..dwelling/place O remember/not.. 429/716
Psa_81:7....secret/place of thunder/I.... 430/716
Psa_90:1..dwelling/place in all/generations 431/716
Psa_91:1....secret/place of the most/High 432/716
Psa_103:16.....the/place thereof shall/know 433/716
Psa_104:8......the/place which thou hast founded/for 434/716
Psa_118:5....large/place The LORD/is..... 435/716
Psa_119:114.hiding/place and my/shield... 436/716
Psa_132:5........a/place for the LORD an/habitation 437/716
Pro_1:21.....chief/place of concourse/in. 438/716
Pro_14:26........a/place of refuge The/fear 439/716
Pro_15:3.....every/place beholding/the... 440/716
Pro_24:15..resting/place For a just/man.. 441/716
Pro_25:6.......the/place of great/men.... 442/716
Pro_27:8.......his/place Ointment/and.... 443/716
Ecc_1:5........his/place where he arose/The 444/716
Ecc_1:7........the/place from whence the/rivers 445/716
Ecc_3:16.......the/place of judgment/that 446/716
Ecc_3:16.......the/place of righteousness/that 447/716 all are/of...... 448/716 All the labour/of 449/716
Ecc_8:10.......the/place of the holy/and. 450/716
Ecc_10:4.......thy/place for yielding/pacifieth 451/716
Ecc_10:6.......low/place I have/seen..... 452/716
Ecc_11:3.......the/place where the tree/falleth 453/716
Isa_4:5...dwelling/place of mount/Zion... 454/716
Isa_4:6..........a/place of refuge and/for 455/716 that they may/be 456/716
Isa_7:23.....every/place shall be where/there 457/716
Isa_13:13......her/place in the wrath/of. 458/716
Isa_14:2.....their/place and the house of/Israel 459/716
Isa_16:12.....high/place that he shall/come 460/716
Isa_18:4..dwelling/place like/a.......... 461/716
Isa_18:7.......the/place of the name/of.. 462/716
Isa_22:23.....sure/place and he shall be/for 463/716
Isa_22:25.....sure/place be removed/and.. 464/716
Isa_25:5.......dry/place even the heat/with 465/716
Isa_26:21......his/place to punish/the... 466/716 clean/Whom...... 467/716
Isa_28:17...hiding/place And your/covenant 468/716
Isa_28:25....their/place For his/God..... 469/716
Isa_30:32....every/place where the grounded/staff 470/716
Isa_32:2....hiding/place from the/wind... 471/716
Isa_32:2.......dry/place as the/shadow... 472/716
Isa_32:19......low/place Blessed/are..... 473/716
Isa_33:16......his/place of defence/shall 474/716
Isa_33:21........a/place of broad/rivers. 475/716
Isa_34:14........a/place of rest/There... 476/716
Isa_35:1..solitary/place shall be glad/for 477/716
Isa_45:19.....dark/place of the earth/I.. 478/716
Isa_46:7.......his/place and he standeth/from 479/716
Isa_46:7.......his/place shall he/not.... 480/716
Isa_46:13.....will/place salvation/in.... 481/716
Isa_49:20......The/place is too/strait... 482/716
Isa_49:20.....give/place to me/that...... 483/716
Isa_54:2.......the/place of thy tent/and. 484/716
Isa_56:5.........a/place and a/name...... 485/716
Isa_57:15.....holy/place with him/also... 486/716
Isa_60:13......the/place of my sanctuary/and 487/716
Isa_60:13......the/place of my feet/glorious 488/716
Isa_65:10........a/place for the herds/to 489/716
Isa_66:1.......the/place of my rest For/all 490/716
Jer_4:7........his/place to make/thy..... 491/716
Jer_4:26..fruitful/place was a wilderness/and 492/716
Jer_6:3........his/place Prepare/ye...... 493/716
Jer_7:3.......this/place Trust/ye........ 494/716
Jer_7:6.......this/place neither walk/after 495/716
Jer_7:7.......this/place in the land/that 496/716 which was in/Shiloh 497/716
Jer_7:14.......the/place which I gave/to. 498/716
Jer_7:20......this/place upon/man........ 499/716 And the carcases/of 500/716
Jer_9:2....lodging/place of wayfaring/men 501/716
Jer_13:7.......the/place where I/had..... 502/716
Jer_14:13.....this/place Then the LORD/said 503/716
Jer_16:2......this/place For thus/saith.. 504/716
Jer_16:3......this/place and concerning/their 505/716
Jer_16:9......this/place in your/eyes.... 506/716
Jer_17:12......the/place of our/sanctuary 507/716
Jer_18:14..another/place be forsaken/Because 508/716
Jer_19:3......this/place the which/whosoever 509/716
Jer_19:4......this/place and have/burned. 510/716
Jer_19:4......this/place with the/blood.. 511/716
Jer_19:6......this/place shall no/more... 512/716
Jer_19:7......this/place and I will cause them to fall/by 513/716 to bury/Thus.... 514/716
Jer_19:12.....this/place saith/the....... 515/716
Jer_19:13......the/place of Tophet/because 516/716
Jer_22:3......this/place For if/ye....... 517/716
Jer_22:11.....this/place He shall/not.... 518/716
Jer_22:12......the/place whither they/have 519/716
Jer_24:5......this/place into the land/of 520/716
Jer_27:22.....this/place And it came to pass the/same 521/716
Jer_28:3......this/place all the vessels/of 522/716
Jer_28:3......this/place and carried/them 523/716
Jer_28:4......this/place Jeconiah/the.... 524/716
Jer_28:6......this/place Nevertheless/hear 525/716
Jer_29:10.....this/place For I/know...... 526/716
Jer_29:14......the/place whence/I........ 527/716
Jer_32:37.....this/place and I will cause them to dwell/safely 528/716
Jer_33:10.....this/place which ye/say.... 529/716
Jer_33:12.....this/place which is desolate/without 530/716
Jer_38:9.......the/place where he is/for. 531/716
Jer_40:2......this/place Now the LORD hath/brought 532/716
Jer_42:18.....this/place no/more......... 533/716
Jer_42:22......the/place whither ye desire/to 534/716
Jer_44:29.....this/place that ye/may..... 535/716
Jer_51:62.....this/place to cut/it....... 536/716
Eze_3:12.......his/place I heard/also.... 537/716
Eze_6:13.......the/place where they did offer/sweet 538/716
Eze_7:22....secret/place for the robbers/shall 539/716
Eze_10:11......the/place whither the/head 540/716
Eze_12:3.......thy/place to another/place 541/716
Eze_12:3...another/place in their/sight.. 542/716
Eze_16:24..eminent/place and hast/made... 543/716
Eze_16:24.....high/place in every street Thou/hast 544/716
Eze_16:25.....high/place at every/head... 545/716
Eze_16:31..eminent/place in the head/of.. 546/716
Eze_16:31.....high/place in every street and/hast 547/716
Eze_16:39..eminent/place and shall break/down 548/716
Eze_17:16......the/place where the king/dwelleth 549/716
Eze_20:29.....high/place whereunto/ye.... 550/716
Eze_21:19........a/place choose/it....... 551/716
Eze_21:30......the/place where thou wast/created 552/716
Eze_25:5..couching/place for flocks/and.. 553/716
Eze_26:5.........a/place for the spreading/of 554/716
Eze_26:14........a/place to spread nets/upon 555/716
Eze_37:14....shall/place you/in.......... 556/716
Eze_37:26.....will/place them and/multiply 557/716
Eze_38:15......thy/place out/of.......... 558/716
Eze_39:11........a/place there of/graves. 559/716
Eze_41:4......holy/place After he/measured 560/716
Eze_41:9.......the/place of the side/chambers 561/716
Eze_41:11......the/place that was left one/door 562/716
Eze_41:11......the/place that was left was/five 563/716
Eze_41:12.separate/place at the end/toward 564/716
Eze_41:13.separate/place and the building/with 565/716
Eze_41:14.separate/place toward the east/an 566/716
Eze_41:15.separate/place which was behind/it 567/716
Eze_42:1..separate/place and which/was... 568/716
Eze_42:10.separate/place and over/against 569/716
Eze_42:13.separate/place they be/holy.... 570/716
Eze_42:13......the/place is holy/When.... 571/716
Eze_42:14.....holy/place into the utter/court 572/716
Eze_42:20..profane/place Afterward he/brought 573/716
Eze_43:7.......the/place of my throne/and 574/716
Eze_43:7.......the/place of the soles/of. 575/716
Eze_43:13...higher/place of the altar And/from 576/716
Eze_43:21appointed/place of the house without/the 577/716
Eze_44:13.....holy/place but they shall/bear 578/716
Eze_45:3......holy/place The holy portion/of 579/716
Eze_45:4.........a/place for their houses/and 580/716
Eze_45:4......holy/place for the sanctuary/And 581/716
Eze_46:19........a/place on the two/sides 582/716
Eze_46:20......the/place where the priests shall/boil 583/716
Eze_47:10........a/place to spread forth/nets 584/716
Eze_48:15..profane/place for the city/for 585/716 was found/for... 586/716
Dan_8:11.......the/place of the sanctuary/was 587/716
Dan_11:31....shall/place the abomination/that 588/716
Hos_1:10.......the/place where it was said unto them Ye are not my people there it/shall 589/716
Hos_4:16.....large/place Ephraim/is...... 590/716 till/they....... 591/716
Hos_9:13..pleasant/place but Ephraim/shall 592/716
Hos_11:11.....will/place them in their/houses 593/716
Hos_13:13......the/place of the breaking/forth 594/716
Joe_3:7........the/place whither ye have/sold 595/716
Amo_8:3......every/place they shall/cast. 596/716
Mic_1:3........his/place and will come/down 597/716
Mic_1:4......steep/place For the transgression/of 598/716
Nah_1:8........the/place thereof and/darkness 599/716
Nah_3:17.....their/place is not/known.... 600/716
Zep_1:4.......this/place and the name/of. 601/716
Zep_2:11.......his/place even all/the.... 602/716
Zep_2:15.........a/place for beasts/to... 603/716
Hag_2:9.......this/place will/I.......... 604/716
Zec_6:12.......his/place and he shall build/the 605/716 them for/I...... 606/716
Zec_10:10......and/place shall not/be.... 607/716
Zec_12:6.......own/place even in/Jerusalem 608/716
Zec_14:10......her/place from Benjamin's/gate 609/716
Zec_14:10......the/place of the first/gate 610/716
Mal_1:11.....every/place incense/shall... 611/716
Mat_8:32.....steep/place into the sea and/perished 612/716
Mat_9:24......Give/place for the maid/is. 613/716
Mat_12:6......this/place is one/greater.. 614/716
Mat_14:13...desert/place apart/and....... 615/716
Mat_14:15...desert/place and the time/is. 616/716
Mat_14:35.....that/place had/knowledge... 617/716
Mat_17:20...yonder/place and it shall remove/and 618/716
Mat_24:15.....holy/place whoso/readeth... 619/716
Mat_26:36........a/place called Gethsemane/and 620/716
Mat_26:52......his/place for all they/that 621/716
Mat_27:33........a/place called Golgotha/that 622/716
Mat_27:33........a/place of a skull They/gave 623/716
Mat_28:6.......the/place where the Lord/lay 624/716
Mar_1:35..solitary/place and there prayed/And 625/716
Mar_5:13.....steep/place into the sea they/were 626/716
Mar_6:10......what/place soever/ye....... 627/716
Mar_6:10......that/place And whosoever/shall 628/716
Mar_6:31....desert/place and rest/a...... 629/716
Mar_6:32....desert/place by ship/privately 630/716
Mar_6:35....desert/place and now/the..... 631/716
Mar_11:4.........a/place where two ways/met 632/716
Mar_12:1.........a/place for the winefat/and 633/716
Mar_14:32........a/place which was named/Gethsemane 634/716
Mar_15:22......the/place Golgotha/which.. 635/716
Mar_15:22......The/place of a skull And/they 636/716
Mar_16:6.......the/place where they laid/him 637/716
Luk_4:17.......the/place where it was written/The 638/716
Luk_4:37.....every/place of the country/round 639/716
Luk_4:42....desert/place and the people/sought 640/716
Luk_8:33.....steep/place into the lake/and 641/716
Luk_9:10....desert/place belonging/to.... 642/716
Luk_9:12....desert/place But he/said..... 643/716
Luk_10:1.......and/place whither he himself/would 644/716
Luk_10:32......the/place came/and........ 645/716
Luk_11:1...certain/place when he/ceased.. 646/716
Luk_11:33...secret/place neither under/a. 647/716 and thou begin/with 648/716
Luk_16:28.....this/place of torment/Abraham 649/716
Luk_19:5.......the/place he looked/up.... 650/716
Luk_22:40......the/place he said/unto.... 651/716
Luk_23:5......this/place When Pilate/heard 652/716
Luk_23:33......the/place which is called Calvary/there 653/716
Joh_4:20.......the/place where men/ought. 654/716
Joh_5:13......that/place Afterward Jesus/findeth 655/716
Joh_6:10.......the/place So the men/sat.. 656/716
Joh_6:23.......the/place where they did eat/bread 657/716 in you/I........ 658/716
Joh_10:40......the/place where John/at... 659/716
Joh_11:6......same/place where he was Then/after 660/716
Joh_11:30.....that/place where Martha/met 661/716
Joh_11:41......the/place where the dead/was 662/716
Joh_11:48......our/place and nation/And.. 663/716
Joh_14:2.........a/place for you And/if.. 664/716
Joh_14:3.........a/place for you I/will.. 665/716
Joh_18:2.......the/place for Jesus/ofttimes 666/716
Joh_19:13........a/place that is called/the 667/716
Joh_19:17........a/place called the/place 668/716
Joh_19:17......the/place of a skull which/is 669/716
Joh_19:20......the/place where Jesus/was. 670/716
Joh_19:41......the/place where he was crucified/there 671/716
Joh_20:7.........a/place by itself/Then.. 672/716
Act_1:25.......own/place And they gave/forth 673/716 And suddenly/there 674/716
Act_4:31.......the/place was shaken/where 675/716
Act_6:13......holy/place and the law/For. 676/716
Act_6:14......this/place and shall change/the 677/716
Act_7:7.......this/place And he gave/him. 678/716
Act_7:33.......the/place where thou standest/is 679/716
Act_7:49.......the/place of my rest Hath/not 680/716
Act_8:32.......The/place of the scripture/which 681/716
Act_12:17..another/place Now as/soon..... 682/716
Act_21:12.....that/place besought/him.... 683/716
Act_21:28.....this/place and further/brought 684/716
Act_21:28.....holy/place For they/had.... 685/716
Act_25:23......the/place of hearing/with. 686/716
Act_27:8.........a/place which is called The/fair 687/716
Act_27:41........a/place where two seas/met 688/716
Rom_9:26.......the/place where it was said unto them Ye are not my people there shall/they 689/716
Rom_12:19.....give/place unto wrath/for.. 690/716
Rom_15:23.....more/place in these/parts.. 691/716
1Co_1:2......every/place call/upon....... 692/716 this is not/to.. 693/716 and all speak/with 694/716
2Co_2:14.....every/place For we are/unto. 695/716
Gal_2:5.......gave/place by subjection/no 696/716
Eph_4:27......give/place to the devil/Let 697/716
1Th_1:8......every/place your/faith...... 698/716
Heb_2:6....certain/place testified/saying 699/716
Heb_4:4....certain/place of the seventh/day 700/716
Heb_4:5.......this/place again If/they... 701/716
Heb_5:6....another/place Thou art/a...... 702/716 have/been....... 703/716
Heb_9:12......holy/place having/obtained. 704/716
Heb_9:25......holy/place every/year...... 705/716
Heb_11:8.........a/place which he should after/receive 706/716 of repentance/though 707/716
Jam_2:3.......good/place and say/to...... 708/716
Jam_3:11......same/place sweet/water..... 709/716
2Pe_1:19......dark/place until the/day... 710/716
Rev_2:5........his/place except/thou..... 711/716
Rev_12:6.........a/place prepared/of..... 712/716
Rev_12:8.....their/place found/any....... 713/716
Rev_12:14......her/place where she is/nourished 714/716
Rev_16:16........a/place called in/the... 715/716 for them And I/saw 716/716
Gen_3:24........he/placed at/the............ 1/14
Gen_47:11...Joseph/placed his/father........ 2/14
1Ki_12:32.......he/placed in Bethel/the..... 3/14
2Ki_17:6.......and/placed them in Halah/and. 4/14
2Ki_17:24......and/placed them in the cities/of 5/14
2Ki_17:26......and/placed in the cities/of.. 6/14
2Ch_1:14........he/placed in the chariot/cities 7/14
2Ch_4:8........and/placed them in the temple/five 8/14
2Ch_17:2........he/placed forces/in......... 9/14
Job_20:4.......was/placed upon/earth....... 10/14
Psa_78:60.......he/placed among/men........ 11/14 alone/in......... 12/14
Jer_5:22......have/placed the/sand......... 13/14
Eze_17:5........he/placed it/by............ 14/14
Gen_28:15......all/places whither thou goest and/will 1/215
Gen_36:40....their/places by their/names... 2/215
Exo_20:24......all/places where I/record... 3/215
Exo_25:27......for/places of the staves/to. 4/215
Exo_26:29......for/places for the bars and thou/shalt 5/215
Exo_30:4.......for/places for the staves to bear it withal And thou/shalt 6/215 for the bars and overlaid/the 7/215
Exo_37:14......the/places for the staves to bear the/table 8/215 for the staves to bear it withal And he/made 9/215 for the staves And/he 10/215
Lev_26:30.....high/places and cut/down.... 11/215
Num_21:28.....high/places of Arnon/Woe.... 12/215
Num_22:41.....high/places of Baal that/thence 13/215
Num_33:52.....high/places And ye/shall.... 14/215
Deu_1:7........the/places nigh/thereunto.. 15/215
Deu_12:2.......the/places wherein the/nations 16/215
Deu_32:13.....high/places of the earth that/he 17/215
Deu_33:29.....high/places And Moses/went.. 18/215
Jos_5:8......their/places in the camp/till 19/215
Jdg_5:11.......the/places of drawing/water 20/215
Jdg_5:18......high/places of the field/The 21/215
Jdg_19:13....these/places to lodge/all.... 22/215
Jdg_20:33....their/places even/out........ 23/215
1Sa_7:16.....those/places And his return/was 24/215
1Sa_13:6......high/places and in/pits..... 25/215
1Sa_23:23..lurking/places where he/hideth. 26/215
1Sa_30:31......the/places where David/himself 27/215
2Sa_1:19......high/places how/are......... 28/215
2Sa_1:25......high/places I am/distressed. 29/215
2Sa_7:7........the/places wherein I/have.. 30/215
2Sa_22:34.....high/places He teacheth my hands to war so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy gentleness/hath 31/215
2Sa_22:46....close/places The LORD liveth and blessed be my rock and exalted/be 32/215
1Ki_3:2.......high/places because/there... 33/215
1Ki_3:3.......high/places And the king/went 34/215
1Ki_12:31.....high/places and made/priests 35/215
1Ki_12:32.....high/places which he/had.... 36/215
1Ki_13:2......high/places that burn/incense 37/215
1Ki_13:32.....high/places which are/in.... 38/215
1Ki_13:33.....high/places whosoever/would. 39/215
1Ki_13:33.....high/places And this/thing.. 40/215
1Ki_14:23.....high/places and images/and.. 41/215
1Ki_15:14.....high/places were not removed nevertheless/Asa's 42/215
1Ki_22:43.....high/places were not taken away for the/people 43/215
1Ki_22:43.....high/places And Jehoshaphat/made 44/215
2Ki_12:3......high/places were not taken away the/people 45/215
2Ki_12:3......high/places And Jehoash/said 46/215
2Ki_14:4......high/places were not taken away as/yet 47/215
2Ki_14:4......high/places And it/came..... 48/215
2Ki_15:4......high/places were not removed the people sacrificed and burnt/incense 49/215
2Ki_15:4......high/places And the LORD/smote 50/215
2Ki_15:35.....high/places were not removed the people sacrificed and burned/incense 51/215
2Ki_15:35.....high/places He built/the.... 52/215
2Ki_16:4......high/places and on the hills and under every green tree Then/Rezin 53/215
2Ki_17:9......high/places in all/their.... 54/215
2Ki_17:11.....high/places as did/the...... 55/215
2Ki_17:29.....high/places which the/Samaritans 56/215
2Ki_17:32.....high/places which sacrificed/for 57/215
2Ki_17:32.....high/places They feared/the. 58/215
2Ki_18:4......high/places and brake the/images 59/215
2Ki_18:22.....high/places and whose altars Hezekiah hath taken away and hath/said 60/215
2Ki_19:24.besieged/places Hast thou not heard long ago how I have done it and of ancient times that I have formed it now have I brought it to pass that thou shouldest be to lay waste fenced/cities 61/215
2Ki_21:3......high/places which Hezekiah his father had destroyed/and 62/215
2Ki_23:5......high/places in the cities/of 63/215
2Ki_23:5.......the/places round about Jerusalem/them 64/215
2Ki_23:8......high/places where the/priests 65/215
2Ki_23:8......high/places of the gates/that 66/215
2Ki_23:9......high/places came/not........ 67/215
2Ki_23:13.....high/places that were before/Jerusalem 68/215
2Ki_23:14....their/places with the bones/of 69/215
2Ki_23:19.....high/places that were in/the 70/215
2Ki_23:20.....high/places that were there/upon 71/215
1Ch_6:54..dwelling/places throughout/their 72/215
2Ch_8:11.......the/places are holy/whereunto 73/215
2Ch_11:15.....high/places and for/the..... 74/215
2Ch_14:3......high/places and brake down/the 75/215
2Ch_14:5......high/places and the images/and 76/215
2Ch_15:17.....high/places were not taken away out/of 77/215
2Ch_17:6......high/places and groves/out.. 78/215
2Ch_20:33.....high/places were not taken away for as/yet 79/215
2Ch_21:11.....high/places in the mountains/of 80/215
2Ch_28:4......high/places and on the hills and under every green tree Wherefore/the 81/215
2Ch_28:25.....high/places to burn/incense. 82/215
2Ch_31:1......high/places and the altars/out 83/215
2Ch_32:12.....high/places and his altars/and 84/215
2Ch_33:3......high/places which Hezekiah his father had broken/down 85/215
2Ch_33:17.....high/places yet unto/the.... 86/215
2Ch_33:19......the/places wherein he/built 87/215
2Ch_33:19.....high/places and set/up...... 88/215
2Ch_34:3......high/places and the groves/and 89/215
Neh_4:12.......all/places whence/ye....... 90/215
Neh_4:13.....lower/places behind/the...... 91/215
Neh_4:13....higher/places I even/set...... 92/215
Neh_12:27....their/places to bring/them... 93/215
Job_3:14..desolate/places for themselves/Or 94/215
Job_20:26...secret/places a/fire.......... 95/215
Job_21:28.dwelling/places of the wicked/Have 96/215
Job_25:2......high/places Is/there........ 97/215
Job_37:8.....their/places Out/of.......... 98/215
Psa_10:8...lurking/places of the villages/in 99/215
Psa_10:8....secret/places doth/he........ 100/215
Psa_16:6..pleasant/places yea/I.......... 101/215
Psa_17:12...secret/places Arise/O........ 102/215
Psa_18:33.....high/places He teacheth my hands to war so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy right/hand 103/215
Psa_18:45....close/places The LORD liveth and blessed be my rock and let/the 104/215
Psa_49:11.dwelling/places to all/generations 105/215
Psa_68:35.....holy/places the God/of..... 106/215
Psa_73:18.slippery/places thou castedst/them 107/215
Psa_74:20.....dark/places of the earth are/full 108/215
Psa_78:58.....high/places and moved/him.. 109/215
Psa_95:4......deep/places of the earth the strength/of 110/215
Psa_103:22.....all/places of his/dominion 111/215
Psa_105:41.....dry/places like/a......... 112/215
Psa_109:10desolate/places Let/the........ 113/215
Psa_110:6......the/places with the dead/bodies 114/215
Psa_135:6.....deep/places He causeth/the. 115/215
Psa_141:6....stony/places they shall hear/my 116/215
Pro_8:2.......high/places by the/way..... 117/215
Pro_8:2........the/places of the paths/She 118/215
Pro_9:3....highest/places of the city Whoso/is 119/215
Pro_9:14......high/places of the city To/call 120/215
Son_2:14....secret/places of the stairs/let 121/215
Isa_5:17.....waste/places of the fat/ones 122/215
Isa_15:2......high/places to weep/Moab... 123/215
Isa_32:18..resting/places When/it........ 124/215
Isa_36:7......high/places and whose altars Hezekiah hath taken away and said/to 125/215
Isa_37:25.besieged/places Hast thou not heard long ago how I have done it and of ancient times that I have formed it now have I brought it to pass that thou shouldest be to lay waste defenced/cities 126/215
Isa_40:4.....rough/places plain/And...... 127/215
Isa_41:18.....high/places and fountains/in 128/215
Isa_44:26..decayed/places thereof That/saith 129/215
Isa_45:2...crooked/places straight/I..... 130/215
Isa_45:3....secret/places that thou/mayest 131/215
Isa_49:9......high/places They shall not/hunger 132/215
Isa_49:19.desolate/places and the land/of 133/215
Isa_51:3.....waste/places and he will/make 134/215
Isa_52:9.....waste/places of Jerusalem/for 135/215
Isa_58:12....waste/places thou shalt/raise 136/215
Isa_58:14.....high/places of the earth and feed/thee 137/215
Isa_59:10.desolate/places as dead/men.... 138/215
Jer_3:2.......high/places and see/where.. 139/215
Jer_3:21......high/places weeping/and.... 140/215
Jer_4:11......high/places in the wilderness toward/the 141/215
Jer_4:12.....those/places shall come/unto 142/215
Jer_5:1......broad/places thereof if/ye.. 143/215
Jer_7:29......high/places for the LORD/hath 144/215
Jer_7:31......high/places of Tophet/which 145/215
Jer_8:3........the/places whither I have driven them/saith 146/215
Jer_12:12.....high/places through/the.... 147/215
Jer_13:17...secret/places for your/pride. 148/215
Jer_14:6......high/places they snuffed/up 149/215
Jer_17:3......high/places for sin/throughout 150/215
Jer_17:6...parched/places in the wilderness in/a 151/215
Jer_17:26......the/places about Jerusalem and from/the 152/215
Jer_19:5......high/places of Baal to/burn 153/215
Jer_23:10.pleasant/places of the wilderness/are 154/215
Jer_23:24...secret/places that I/shall... 155/215
Jer_24:9.......all/places whither I shall/drive 156/215
Jer_26:18.....high/places of a/forest.... 157/215
Jer_29:14......the/places whither I have driven you/saith 158/215
Jer_32:35.....high/places of Baal which/are 159/215
Jer_32:44......the/places about Jerusalem and in the cities of Judah and/in 160/215
Jer_33:13......the/places about Jerusalem and in the cities of Judah shall/the 161/215
Jer_40:12......all/places whither they/were 162/215
Jer_45:5.......all/places whither thou goest The/word 163/215
Jer_48:35.....high/places and him/that... 164/215
Jer_49:10...secret/places and he shall/not 165/215
Lam_2:6........his/places of the assembly/the 166/215
Lam_3:6.......dark/places as they/that... 167/215
Lam_3:10....secret/places He hath/turned. 168/215
Eze_6:3.......high/places And your/altars 169/215
Eze_6:6.......high/places shall be desolate/that 170/215
Eze_7:24......holy/places shall be defiled/Destruction 171/215
Eze_16:16.....high/places with divers/colours 172/215
Eze_16:39.....high/places they shall strip/thee 173/215
Eze_21:2......holy/places and prophesy/against 174/215 desolate/of.... 175/215
Eze_34:12......all/places where they have/been 176/215
Eze_34:13inhabited/places of the country/I 177/215
Eze_34:26......the/places round about my/hill 178/215
Eze_36:2......high/places are ours/in.... 179/215
Eze_36:36...ruined/places and plant/that. 180/215
Eze_38:12.desolate/places that are/now... 181/215
Eze_38:20....steep/places shall fall/and. 182/215
Eze_43:7......high/places In their/setting 183/215
Eze_46:23..boiling/places under/the...... 184/215
Eze_46:24......the/places of them/that... 185/215
Eze_47:11.....miry/places thereof and/the 186/215
Dan_11:24..fattest/places of the province/and 187/215
Hos_9:6...pleasant/places for their/silver 188/215
Hos_10:8......high/places also/of........ 189/215
Amo_4:6.......your/places yet have/ye.... 190/215
Amo_4:13......high/places of the earth The LORD/The 191/215
Amo_7:9.......high/places of Isaac/shall. 192/215
Mic_1:3.......high/places of the earth And the/mountains 193/215
Mic_1:5.......high/places of Judah/are... 194/215
Mic_3:12......high/places of the forest/But 195/215
Hab_3:19......high/places To the/chief... 196/215
Zec_3:7.......thee/places to walk/among.. 197/215
Mal_1:4...desolate/places thus/saith..... 198/215
Mat_12:43......dry/places seeking rest and findeth/none 199/215
Mat_13:5.....stony/places where they had/not 200/215
Mat_13:20....stony/places the same/is.... 201/215
Mat_24:7....divers/places All/these...... 202/215
Mar_1:45....desert/places and they/came.. 203/215
Mar_13:8....divers/places and there/shall 204/215
Luk_11:24......dry/places seeking rest and finding/none 205/215
Luk_21:11...divers/places and famines/and 206/215
Act_24:3.......all/places most/noble..... 207/215
Eph_1:3...heavenly/places in Christ According/as 208/215
Eph_1:20..heavenly/places Far/above...... 209/215
Eph_2:6...heavenly/places in Christ Jesus/That 210/215
Eph_3:10..heavenly/places might/be....... 211/215
Eph_6:12......high/places Wherefore/take. 212/215
Php_1:13.....other/places And many/of.... 213/215
Heb_9:24......holy/places made/with...... 214/215
Rev_6:14.....their/places And the kings/of 215/215
