2Ch_28:23....the/ruin of him/and.......... 1/11
Psa_89:40.....to/ruin All/that............ 2/11
Pro_24:22....the/ruin of them/both........ 3/11
Pro_26:28worketh/ruin Boast/not........... 4/11
Isa_3:6.....this/ruin be/under............ 5/11
Isa_23:13.....to/ruin Howl/ye............. 6/11
Isa_25:2.......a/ruin a/palace............ 7/11
Eze_18:30...your/ruin Cast/away........... 8/11
Eze_27:27....thy/ruin The/suburbs......... 9/11
Eze_31:13....his/ruin shall/all.......... 10/11
Luk_6:49.....the/ruin of that/house...... 11/11
Isa_3:8.......is/ruined and/Judah.......... 1/3
Eze_36:35....and/ruined cities/are......... 2/3
Eze_36:36....the/ruined places/and......... 3/3
2Ki_19:25...into/ruinous heaps Therefore their inhabitants were of small power they were dismayed and confounded they were as the grass of the field and as the green herb as the grass on the house/tops 1/3
Isa_17:1.......a/ruinous heap/The.......... 2/3
Isa_37:26...into/ruinous heaps Therefore their inhabitants were of small power they were dismayed and confounded they were as the grass of the field and as the green herb as the grass on the housetops/and 3/3
Eze_21:15..their/ruins be/multiplied....... 1/3
Amo_9:11.....his/ruins and/I............... 2/3
Act_15:16....the/ruins thereof/and......... 3/3
