Gen_37:16............I/seek my brethren/tell... 1/244
Gen_43:18..........may/seek occasion/against... 2/244
Lev_13:36..........not/seek for yellow/hair.... 3/244
Lev_19:31......neither/seek after wizards/to... 4/244 not after/your..... 5/244
Num_16:10..........and/seek ye the priesthood/also 6/244 for enchantments/but 7/244
Deu_4:29.........shalt/seek the LORD thy/God... 8/244
Deu_4:29..........thou/seek him with all/thy... 9/244 and thither/thou.. 10/244 after it/and...... 11/244
Deu_23:6...........not/seek their peace nor/their 12/244
Rut_3:1............not/seek rest/for.......... 13/244
1Sa_9:3.............go/seek the asses And he/passed 14/244 are/found......... 15/244
1Sa_10:14...........To/seek the asses and when/we 16/244 out a/man......... 17/244 his life and/David 18/244 him And/they...... 19/244 David and his/men. 20/244
1Sa_25:26.........that/seek evil/to........... 21/244 thy soul/but...... 22/244 David in/the...... 23/244 a flea/as......... 24/244 me any/more....... 25/244
1Sa_28:7......servants/Seek me a/woman........ 26/244 David and David heard of it and went down/to 27/244 his servants/and.. 28/244 thee and/when..... 29/244
1Ki_19:10.........they/seek my life to take it away And he/said 30/244
1Ki_19:14.........they/seek my life to take it away And the/LORD 31/244
2Ki_2:16...........and/seek thy master/lest... 32/244 But/he............ 33/244 pasture/for....... 34/244 David And David heard of it and went out/against 35/244
1Ch_16:10.........that/seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face continually/Remember 36/244
1Ch_16:11.........LORD/Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face continually/Remember 37/244
1Ch_16:11.....strength/seek his face continually/Remember 38/244 the LORD your/God. 39/244
1Ch_28:8...........and/seek for all/the....... 40/244
1Ch_28:9..........thou/seek him he will be found of thee/but 41/244
2Ch_7:14...........and/seek my face and/turn.. 42/244 the LORD God of Israel came/to 43/244 the LORD Now/the.. 44/244 the LORD God of their fathers and/to 45/244 him he will be found of you/but 46/244 the LORD God of their fathers with/all 47/244
2Ch_15:13..........not/seek the LORD God of Israel should/be 48/244 God And/Jehoshaphat 49/244 the LORD and proclaimed/a 50/244 the LORD And Jehoshaphat/stood 51/244 God the/LORD...... 52/244 his God/he........ 53/244 after the God/of.. 54/244
Ezr_4:2.............we/seek your/God.......... 55/244 the LORD God of Israel did/eat 56/244 the law of/the.... 57/244 of/him............ 58/244
Ezr_8:22..........that/seek him but/his....... 59/244
Ezr_9:12...........nor/seek their peace or/their 60/244 the welfare/of.... 61/244
Job_5:8..........would/seek unto God and/unto. 62/244
Job_7:21.........shalt/seek me in/the......... 63/244
Job_8:5.......wouldest/seek unto God betimes/and 64/244
Job_20:10........shall/seek to please the/poor 65/244
Psa_4:2............and/seek after leasing/Selah 66/244
Psa_9:10..........that/seek thee Sing/praises. 67/244
Psa_10:4...........not/seek after God/God..... 68/244 out his/wickedness 69/244
Psa_14:2...........and/seek God They/are...... 70/244
Psa_22:26.........that/seek him your/heart.... 71/244
Psa_24:6..........that/seek him that seek/thy. 72/244
Psa_24:6..........that/seek thy face O/Jacob.. 73/244
Psa_27:4.............I/seek after that/I...... 74/244
Psa_27:8........saidst/Seek ye my/face........ 75/244
Psa_27:8.............I/seek Hide/not.......... 76/244
Psa_34:10.........that/seek the LORD shall/not 77/244
Psa_34:14.........good/seek peace and pursue/it 78/244
Psa_35:4..........that/seek after my soul let them be turned back/and 79/244
Psa_38:12.........that/seek after my life/lay. 80/244
Psa_38:12.........that/seek my hurt speak/mischievous 81/244
Psa_40:14.........that/seek after my soul to/destroy 82/244
Psa_40:16.........that/seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee let/such 83/244
Psa_53:2...........did/seek God Every/one..... 84/244
Psa_54:3....oppressors/seek after my soul they/have 85/244
Psa_63:1.............I/seek thee my/soul...... 86/244
Psa_63:9..........that/seek my soul/to........ 87/244
Psa_69:6..........that/seek thee be/confounded 88/244
Psa_69:32.........that/seek God For/the....... 89/244
Psa_70:2..........that/seek after my soul let them be turned backward/and 90/244
Psa_70:4..........that/seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee and/let 91/244
Psa_71:13.........that/seek my hurt But/I..... 92/244
Psa_71:24.........that/seek my hurt Give/the.. 93/244
Psa_83:16..........may/seek thy name/O........ 94/244
Psa_104:21.........and/seek their meat/from... 95/244
Psa_105:3.........that/seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face evermore/Remember 96/244
Psa_105:4.........LORD/Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face evermore/Remember 97/244
Psa_105:4.....strength/seek his face evermore/Remember 98/244
Psa_109:10........them/seek their bread/also.. 99/244
Psa_119:2.........that/seek him with the/whole 100/244
Psa_119:45...........I/seek thy precepts/I... 101/244
Psa_119:155.......they/seek not thy/statutes. 102/244
Psa_119:176......sheep/seek thy servant/for.. 103/244
Psa_122:9.........will/seek thy good/Unto.... 104/244
Pro_1:28.........shall/seek me early but/they 105/244 thy face and/I... 106/244
Pro_8:17..........that/seek me early shall/find 107/244
Pro_21:6..........that/seek death The/robbery 108/244 mixed/wine....... 109/244
Pro_23:35.........will/seek it yet/again..... 110/244
Pro_28:5..........that/seek the LORD understand/all 111/244
Pro_29:10.........just/seek his soul/A....... 112/244
Pro_29:26.........Many/seek the ruler's/favour 113/244 and search/out... 114/244 out wisdom/and... 115/244 it out/yet....... 116/244
Son_3:2...........will/seek him whom/my...... 117/244
Son_6:1............may/seek him with thee/My. 118/244
Isa_1:17..........well/seek judgment/relieve. 119/244 unto them/that... 120/244
Isa_8:19........people/seek unto their/God... 121/244
Isa_9:13..........they/seek the LORD of hosts Therefore/the 122/244
Isa_11:10.....Gentiles/seek and his/rest..... 123/244
Isa_19:3.........shall/seek to the/idols..... 124/244
Isa_26:9.............I/seek thee early/for... 125/244
Isa_29:15.........that/seek deep/to.......... 126/244
Isa_31:1.......neither/seek the LORD Yet/he.. 127/244
Isa_34:16.........mate/Seek ye out/of........ 128/244
Isa_41:12........shalt/seek them and/shalt... 129/244
Isa_41:17........needy/seek water/and........ 130/244
Isa_45:19........Jacob/Seek ye me in/vain.... 131/244
Isa_51:1..........that/seek the LORD look/unto 132/244
Isa_55:6..........thee/Seek ye the LORD while/he 133/244
Isa_58:2..........they/seek me daily/and..... 134/244
Jer_2:24..........that/seek her/will......... 135/244 love/therefore... 136/244
Jer_4:30..........will/seek thy life For/I... 137/244
Jer_5:1............and/seek in/the........... 138/244
Jer_11:21.........that/seek thy life saying/Prophesy 139/244
Jer_19:7..........that/seek their lives and their/carcases 140/244
Jer_19:9..........that/seek their lives shall/straiten 141/244
Jer_21:7..........that/seek their life and he/shall 142/244
Jer_22:25.........that/seek thy life and/into 143/244
Jer_29:7...........And/seek the peace/of..... 144/244
Jer_29:13........shall/seek me and find/me... 145/244
Jer_30:14.........they/seek thee not/for..... 146/244
Jer_34:20.........that/seek their life and their/dead 147/244
Jer_34:21.........that/seek their life and into/the 148/244
Jer_38:16.........that/seek thy life Then/said 149/244
Jer_44:30.........that/seek his life as/I.... 150/244
Jer_45:5.......thyself/seek them not/for..... 151/244
Jer_46:26.........that/seek their lives and into/the 152/244
Jer_49:37.........that/seek their life and I/will 153/244
Jer_50:4...........and/seek the LORD their God They/shall 154/244
Lam_1:11..........they/seek bread/they....... 155/244
Eze_7:25.........shall/seek peace and there/shall 156/244
Eze_7:26..........they/seek a vision/of...... 157/244
Eze_34:6............or/seek after them/Therefore 158/244
Eze_34:11..........and/seek them out/As...... 159/244
Eze_34:12............I/seek out my/sheep..... 160/244
Eze_34:16.........will/seek that which/was... 161/244 by/prayer........ 162/244
Hos_2:7..........shall/seek them but/shall... 163/244
Hos_3:5............and/seek the LORD their God and/David 164/244 the LORD but/they 165/244
Hos_5:15...........and/seek my face in/their. 166/244
Hos_5:15..........will/seek me early Come/and 167/244
Hos_7:10...........nor/seek him for/all...... 168/244 the LORD till/he. 169/244
Amo_5:4.........Israel/Seek ye me and/ye..... 170/244
Amo_5:5............But/seek not Bethel/nor... 171/244
Amo_5:6.........nought/Seek the LORD and ye/shall 172/244 him that maketh/the 173/244
Amo_5:14..........time/Seek good/and......... 174/244 the word/of...... 175/244
Nah_3:7..............I/seek comforters/for... 176/244
Nah_3:11.........shalt/seek strength/because. 177/244 ye the LORD all/ye 178/244
Zep_2:3.......judgment/seek righteousness/seek 179/244
Zep_2:3..righteousness/seek meekness/it...... 180/244 the LORD of hosts I/will 181/244 the LORD of hosts in/Jerusalem 182/244
Zec_11:16........shall/seek the young one/nor 183/244
Zec_12:9..........will/seek to destroy/all... 184/244
Mal_2:7.........should/seek the law at/his... 185/244
Mal_2:15.........might/seek a godly/seed..... 186/244 shall/suddenly... 187/244
Mat_2:13..........will/seek the young child/to 188/244
Mat_6:32......Gentiles/seek for your/heavenly 189/244
Mat_6:33...........But/seek ye first/the..... 190/244 and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you For every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened Or/what 191/244 Jesus which/was.. 192/244 for thee And he said/unto 193/244
Mar_3:32.......without/seek for thee And he answered/them 194/244
Mar_8:12....generation/seek after a/sign..... 195/244
Mar_16:6............Ye/seek Jesus of/Nazareth 196/244 and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you For every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened If/a 197/244
Luk_11:29.........they/seek a sign/and....... 198/244
Luk_12:29..........And/seek not ye/what...... 199/244 after and/your... 200/244
Luk_12:31.......rather/seek ye the kingdom/of 201/244
Luk_13:24.........will/seek to enter/in...... 202/244
Luk_15:8...........and/seek diligently/till.. 203/244
Luk_17:33........shall/seek to save/his...... 204/244 and to/save...... 205/244
Luk_24:5...........Why/seek ye the living/among 206/244
Joh_1:38..........What/seek ye They said/unto 207/244
Joh_5:30.............I/seek not mine own will/but 208/244
Joh_5:44...........and/seek not the/honour... 209/244
Joh_6:26............Ye/seek me not/because... 210/244
Joh_7:25..........they/seek to kill But/lo... 211/244
Joh_7:34.........shall/seek me and shall not find me and where I am thither ye cannot come Then/said 212/244
Joh_7:36.........shall/seek me and shall not find me and where I am thither ye cannot come In/the 213/244
Joh_8:21.........shall/seek me and shall die/in 214/244 to kill me because/my 215/244 to kill me a/man. 216/244
Joh_8:50.............I/seek not mine own glory/there 217/244
Joh_13:33........shall/seek me and as/I...... 218/244
Joh_18:4..........Whom/seek ye They answered/him 219/244
Joh_18:7..........Whom/seek ye And/they...... 220/244 me let/these..... 221/244 thee Arise/therefore 222/244 what/is.......... 223/244 Saul/And......... 224/244
Act_15:17........might/seek after the Lord/and 225/244
Act_17:27.......should/seek the Lord if/haply 226/244
Rom_2:7..........doing/seek for glory/and.... 227/244
Rom_11:3..........they/seek my life But/what. 228/244
1Co_1:22........Greeks/seek after wisdom/But. 229/244
1Co_7:27..........wife/seek not to/be........ 230/244
1Co_7:27..........wife/seek not a/wife....... 231/244 his own/but...... 232/244 that ye/may...... 233/244
2Co_12:14............I/seek not your's/but... 234/244 a proof/of....... 235/244
Gal_1:10.............I/seek to please men/for 236/244
Gal_2:17............we/seek to be/justified.. 237/244
Php_2:21...........all/seek their own/not.... 238/244
Col_3:1.........Christ/seek those/things..... 239/244
Heb_11:6....diligently/seek him By/faith..... 240/244
Heb_11:14.........they/seek a country/And.... 241/244
Heb_13:14...........we/seek one/to........... 242/244
1Pe_3:11...........him/seek peace and ensue/it 243/244 death and/shall.. 244/244
Gen_37:15.........What/seekest thou And/he....... 1/9
Jdg_4:22..........thou/seekest And/when.......... 2/9
2Sa_17:3..........thou/seekest is/as............. 3/9
2Sa_20:19.........thou/seekest to destroy/a...... 4/9
1Ki_11:22.........thou/seekest to go/to.......... 5/9
Pro_2:4...........thou/seekest her/as............ 6/9
Jer_45:5...........And/seekest thou great/things. 7/9
Joh_4:27..........What/seekest thou or/Why....... 8/9
Joh_20:15.........whom/seekest thou She/supposing 9/9
1Sa_19:2........father/seeketh to kill/thee..... 1/42
1Sa_20:1............he/seeketh my life And/he... 2/42
1Sa_22:23.........that/seeketh my life seeketh/thy 3/42 thy life/but..... 4/42
1Sa_23:10.........Saul/seeketh to come/to....... 5/42
1Sa_24:9.........David/seeketh thy hurt/Behold.. 6/42
2Sa_16:11.......bowels/seeketh my life how/much. 7/42 mischief for/he.. 8/42
2Ki_5:7.............he/seeketh a/quarrel........ 9/42
Job_39:29..........she/seeketh the prey/and.... 10/42
Psa_37:32..........and/seeketh to slay/him..... 11/42
Pro_11:27...diligently/seeketh good/procureth.. 12/42
Pro_11:27.........that/seeketh mischief it/shall 13/42
Pro_14:6.......scorner/seeketh wisdom/and...... 14/42
Pro_15:14understanding/seeketh knowledge but/the 15/42
Pro_17:9.transgression/seeketh love/but........ 16/42 only/rebellion.. 17/42
Pro_17:19.........gate/seeketh destruction/He.. 18/42
Pro_18:1.......himself/seeketh and intermeddleth/with 19/42
Pro_18:15.........wise/seeketh knowledge A/man's 20/42
Pro_31:13..........She/seeketh wool/and........ 21/42
Ecc_7:28..........soul/seeketh but/I........... 22/42
Isa_40:20...........he/seeketh unto him a/cunning 23/42
Jer_5:1...........that/seeketh the truth/and... 24/42 after Thus/saith 25/42 not the/welfare. 26/42
Lam_3:25..........that/seeketh him/It.......... 27/42
Eze_14:10.........that/seeketh unto him That/the 28/42
Eze_34:12.....shepherd/seeketh out/his......... 29/42
Mat_7:8...........that/seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened Or/what 30/42
Mat_12:39...generation/seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign be given to/it 31/42
Mat_16:4....generation/seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign be given unto/it 32/42
Mat_18:12..........and/seeketh that/which...... 33/42
Luk_11:10.........that/seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened If/a 34/42
Joh_4:23........Father/seeketh such/to......... 35/42
Joh_7:4........himself/seeketh to be/known..... 36/42
Joh_7:18.......himself/seeketh his own/glory... 37/42
Joh_7:18..........that/seeketh his glory/that.. 38/42
Joh_8:50..........that/seeketh and judgeth/Verily 39/42
Rom_3:11..........that/seeketh after God/They.. 40/42
Rom_11:7............he/seeketh for/but......... 41/42
1Co_13:5......unseemly/seeketh not her/own..... 42/42
Est_10:3......brethren/seeking the/wealth....... 1/14
Isa_16:5...........and/seeking judgment/and..... 2/14
Mat_12:43.......places/seeking rest and findeth/none 3/14 goodly/pearls.... 4/14
Mar_8:11...........him/seeking of/him........... 5/14
Luk_2:45.....Jerusalem/seeking him/And.......... 6/14
Luk_11:24.......places/seeking rest and finding/none 7/14
Luk_11:54..........and/seeking to catch/something 8/14
Luk_13:7..........come/seeking fruit/on......... 9/14
Joh_6:24.....Capernaum/seeking for/Jesus....... 10/14
Act_13:8..........them/seeking to turn/away.... 11/14
Act_13:11........about/seeking some/to......... 12/14
1Co_10:33..........not/seeking mine/own........ 13/14
1Pe_5:8..........about/seeking whom/he......... 14/14
