Gen_7:1........I/seen righteous/before... 1/277
Gen_8:5mountains/seen And it came to pass at/the 2/277 in the cloud/And... 3/277 And the angel/of... 4/277
Gen_31:12...have/seen all that Laban/doeth 5/277
Gen_31:42...hath/seen mine/affliction.... 6/277
Gen_32:30...have/seen God face/to........ 7/277
Gen_33:10...have/seen thy face as/though. 8/277
Gen_33:10....had/seen the face/of........ 9/277
Gen_45:13...have/seen and ye shall/haste 10/277
Gen_46:30...have/seen thy face because/thou 11/277
Exo_3:7...surely/seen the affliction of my people which are/in 12/277
Exo_3:9.....also/seen the oppression/wherewith 13/277
Exo_3:16.....and/seen that which is/done 14/277
Exo_10:6....have/seen since/the......... 15/277 with thee neither/shall 16/277
Exo_13:7..leaven/seen with thee in all thy quarters/And 17/277
Exo_14:13...have/seen to day/ye......... 18/277
Exo_19:4....have/seen what I did/unto... 19/277
Exo_20:22...have/seen that I/have....... 20/277
Exo_32:9....have/seen this people and behold it is a stiffnecked people Now/therefore 21/277 And the LORD/said. 22/277 throughout/all.... 23/277
Lev_5:1.....hath/seen or/known.......... 24/277
Lev_13:7....been/seen of the priest for/his 25/277 of the priest again/And 26/277 face/to........... 27/277
Num_14:22...have/seen my glory and my/miracles 28/277
Num_23:21.....he/seen perverseness/in... 29/277
Num_27:13...hast/seen it thou/also...... 30/277
Deu_1:28....have/seen the sons/of....... 31/277
Deu_1:31....hast/seen how that the LORD thy/God 32/277
Deu_3:21....have/seen all that the LORD your God hath done unto these/two 33/277
Deu_4:3.....have/seen what the LORD/did. 34/277
Deu_4:9.....have/seen and lest/they..... 35/277
Deu_5:24....have/seen this day/that..... 36/277
Deu_9:13....have/seen this people and behold it is a stiffnecked people Let/me 37/277
Deu_10:21...have/seen Thy fathers/went.. 38/277
Deu_11:2.....not/seen the chastisement/of 39/277
Deu_11:7....have/seen all the great acts/of 40/277
Deu_16:4...bread/seen with thee in all thy coast/seven 41/277
Deu_21:7....eyes/seen it Be/merciful.... 42/277
Deu_29:2....have/seen all that the LORD did/before 43/277
Deu_29:3....have/seen the signs/and..... 44/277
Deu_29:17...have/seen their/abominations 45/277
Deu_33:9.....not/seen him neither did/he 46/277
Jos_23:3....have/seen all that the LORD your God hath done unto all/these 47/277
Jos_24:7....have/seen what I have/done.. 48/277
Jdg_2:7......had/seen all the great works/of 49/277
Jdg_5:8....spear/seen among/forty....... 50/277
Jdg_6:22....have/seen an angel of/the... 51/277
Jdg_9:48....have/seen me do/make........ 52/277
Jdg_13:22...have/seen God But/his....... 53/277
Jdg_14:2....have/seen a woman/in........ 54/277
Jdg_18:9....have/seen the land/and...... 55/277
Jdg_19:30....nor/seen from the day/that. 56/277
1Sa_6:16.....had/seen it they returned/to 57/277
1Sa_16:18...have/seen a son/of.......... 58/277 this man/that..... 59/277
1Sa_23:22...hath/seen him there/for..... 60/277
1Sa_24:10...have/seen how that the LORD had/delivered 61/277 to come/into...... 62/277
2Sa_18:21...hast/seen And Cushi/bowed... 63/277
2Sa_22:11....was/seen upon the/wings.... 64/277
1Ki_6:18...stone/seen And the oracle/he. 65/277
1Ki_8:8.....were/seen out/in............ 66/277
1Ki_8:8......not/seen without and there they/are 67/277
1Ki_10:4.....had/seen all Solomon's/wisdom 68/277
1Ki_10:7.....had/seen it and behold the half/was 69/277
1Ki_10:12...were/seen unto/this......... 70/277
1Ki_13:12....had/seen what way/the...... 71/277
1Ki_20:13...thou/seen all this great/multitude 72/277
2Ki_9:26....have/seen yesterday/the..... 73/277
2Ki_20:5....have/seen thy tears behold I will heal/thee 74/277
2Ki_20:15...they/seen in thine house And Hezekiah answered All the/things 75/277
2Ki_20:15...they/seen there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shewed them And/Isaiah 76/277
2Ki_23:29....had/seen him And his/servants 77/277
1Ch_29:17......I/seen with joy/thy...... 78/277
2Ch_5:9.....were/seen from the ark/before 79/277
2Ch_5:9......not/seen without And there it/is 80/277
2Ch_9:3......had/seen the wisdom/of..... 81/277
2Ch_9:6......had/seen it and behold the one/half 82/277
2Ch_9:11....such/seen before in/the..... 83/277
Ezr_3:12.....had/seen the first/house... 84/277
Est_9:26.....had/seen concerning/this... 85/277
Job_4:8.....have/seen they/that......... 86/277
Job_5:3.....have/seen the foolish/taking 87/277
Job_7:8.....hath/seen me shall/see...... 88/277
Job_8:18.....not/seen thee Behold/this.. 89/277
Job_10:18....had/seen me I/should....... 90/277
Job_13:1....hath/seen all this mine/ear. 91/277
Job_15:17...have/seen I will declare/Which 92/277
Job_20:7....have/seen him shall/say..... 93/277
Job_27:12...have/seen it why/then....... 94/277
Job_28:7.....not/seen The lion's/whelps. 95/277
Job_31:19...have/seen any/perish........ 96/277 and his/bones..... 97/277
Job_33:21....not/seen stick/out......... 98/277
Job_38:17...thou/seen the doors/of...... 99/277
Job_38:22...thou/seen the treasures/of. 100/277
Psa_10:14...hast/seen it for/thou...... 101/277
Psa_18:15...were/seen and the foundations/of 102/277
Psa_35:21...hath/seen it This/thou..... 103/277
Psa_35:22...hast/seen O LORD/keep...... 104/277
Psa_37:25....not/seen the righteous/forsaken 105/277
Psa_37:35...have/seen the wicked/in.... 106/277
Psa_48:8......we/seen in the city/of... 107/277
Psa_54:7....hath/seen his desire/upon.. 108/277
Psa_55:9....have/seen violence/and..... 109/277
Psa_63:2....have/seen thee in/the...... 110/277
Psa_68:24...have/seen thy goings/O..... 111/277
Psa_90:15...have/seen evil/Let......... 112/277
Psa_98:3....have/seen the salvation/of. 113/277
Psa_119:96..have/seen an end/of........ 114/277
Pro_25:7....have/seen Go/not........... 115/277
Ecc_1:14....have/seen all the works/that 116/277
Ecc_3:10....have/seen the travail/which 117/277
Ecc_4:3......not/seen the evil/work.... 118/277
Ecc_5:13....have/seen under the sun namely/riches 119/277
Ecc_5:18....have/seen it is/good....... 120/277
Ecc_6:1.....have/seen under the sun and/it 121/277
Ecc_6:5......not/seen the sun/nor...... 122/277
Ecc_6:6.......he/seen no/good.......... 123/277
Ecc_7:15.......I/seen in the days/of... 124/277
Ecc_8:9........I/seen and applied/my... 125/277
Ecc_9:13.......I/seen also under/the... 126/277
Ecc_10:5....have/seen under the sun as/an 127/277
Ecc_10:7....have/seen servants/upon.... 128/277
Isa_6:5.....have/seen the King/the..... 129/277
Isa_9:2.....have/seen a great/light.... 130/277 that Moab/is..... 131/277
Isa_22:9....have/seen also the/breaches 132/277
Isa_38:5....have/seen thy tears behold I will add/unto 133/277
Isa_39:4....they/seen in thine house And Hezekiah answered All that/is 134/277
Isa_39:4....they/seen there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shewed them Then/said 135/277
Isa_44:16...have/seen the fire/And..... 136/277 I will take/vengeance 137/277
Isa_57:18...have/seen his ways/and..... 138/277 upon thee/And.... 139/277
Isa_64:4.....eye/seen O God/beside..... 140/277
Isa_66:8....hath/seen such/things...... 141/277
Isa_66:19...have/seen my glory and they/shall 142/277
Jer_1:12....well/seen for I/will....... 143/277
Jer_3:6.....thou/seen that which backsliding/Israel 144/277
Jer_7:11....have/seen it saith/the..... 145/277
Jer_12:3....hast/seen me and tried/mine 146/277
Jer_13:27...have/seen thine/adulteries. 147/277
Jer_23:13...have/seen folly/in......... 148/277
Jer_23:14...have/seen also in/the...... 149/277
Jer_44:2....have/seen all the evil/that 150/277
Jer_46:5.......I/seen them dismayed/and 151/277
Lam_1:8.....have/seen her/nakedness.... 152/277
Lam_1:10....hath/seen that the/heathen. 153/277
Lam_2:14....have/seen vain/and......... 154/277
Lam_2:14....have/seen for thee/false... 155/277
Lam_2:16....have/seen it The/LORD...... 156/277
Lam_3:1.....hath/seen affliction/by.... 157/277
Lam_3:59....hast/seen my wrong/judge... 158/277
Lam_3:60....hast/seen all their/vengeance 159/277
Eze_8:12....thou/seen what the ancients/of 160/277
Eze_8:15....thou/seen this O son of man turn/thee 161/277
Eze_8:17....thou/seen this O son of man Is/it 162/277
Eze_11:24....had/seen went/up.......... 163/277
Eze_13:3....have/seen nothing/O........ 164/277
Eze_13:6....have/seen vanity/and....... 165/277
Eze_13:7.....not/seen a vain/vision.... 166/277
Eze_13:8.....and/seen lies/therefore... 167/277
Eze_47:6....thou/seen this Then/he..... 168/277
Dan_2:26....have/seen and the interpretation thereof Daniel/answered 169/277
Dan_4:9.....have/seen and the interpretation thereof Thus/were 170/277
Dan_4:18....have/seen Now/thou......... 171/277
Dan_8:6......had/seen standing/before.. 172/277
Dan_8:15.....had/seen the vision and/sought 173/277
Dan_9:21.....had/seen in the vision/at. 174/277
Hos_6:10....have/seen an horrible/thing 175/277
Zec_9:8........I/seen with mine/eyes... 176/277 over/them........ 177/277
Zec_10:2....have/seen a lie/and........ 178/277
Mat_2:2.....have/seen his star/in...... 179/277 of them otherwise/ye 180/277 of men Verily/I.. 181/277 in Israel/But.... 182/277
Mat_13:17....not/seen them and to hear those things which ye hear and have not heard them Hear/ye 183/277
Mat_21:32....had/seen it repented/not.. 184/277 of men they/make. 185/277
Mar_9:1.....have/seen the kingdom/of... 186/277
Mar_9:9......had/seen till/the......... 187/277
Mar_16:11...been/seen of her/believed.. 188/277
Mar_16:14....had/seen him after/he..... 189/277
Luk_1:22.....had/seen a vision in/the.. 190/277
Luk_2:17.....had/seen it they made/known 191/277
Luk_2:20.....and/seen as it/was........ 192/277
Luk_2:26.....had/seen the Lord's/Christ 193/277
Luk_2:30....have/seen thy salvation/Which 194/277
Luk_5:26....have/seen strange/things... 195/277
Luk_7:22....have/seen and heard how/that 196/277
Luk_9:36.....had/seen And it came to pass that/on 197/277
Luk_10:24....not/seen them and to hear those things which ye hear and have not heard them And/behold 198/277
Luk_19:37....had/seen Saying/Blessed... 199/277
Luk_23:8....have/seen some/miracle..... 200/277
Luk_24:23...also/seen a vision of/angels 201/277
Luk_24:37....had/seen a spirit/And..... 202/277
Joh_1:18....hath/seen God at any time the/only 203/277
Joh_3:11....have/seen and ye receive/not 204/277
Joh_3:32....hath/seen and heard that/he 205/277
Joh_4:45..having/seen all the things/that 206/277
Joh_5:37.....nor/seen his shape/And.... 207/277
Joh_6:14.....had/seen the miracle/that. 208/277
Joh_6:36....have/seen me and believe/not 209/277
Joh_6:46....hath/seen the Father save/he 210/277
Joh_6:46....hath/seen the Father Verily/verily 211/277
Joh_8:38....have/seen with my/Father... 212/277
Joh_8:38....have/seen with your/father. 213/277
Joh_8:57....thou/seen Abraham/Jesus.... 214/277
Joh_9:8......had/seen him that/he...... 215/277
Joh_9:37....both/seen him and it/is.... 216/277
Joh_11:45....had/seen the things/which. 217/277
Joh_14:7....have/seen him Philip/saith. 218/277
Joh_14:9....hath/seen me hath/seen..... 219/277
Joh_14:9....hath/seen the Father and/how 220/277
Joh_15:24...both/seen and hated/both... 221/277
Joh_20:18....had/seen the LORD and/that 222/277
Joh_20:25...have/seen the LORD But/he.. 223/277
Joh_20:29...hast/seen me thou/hast..... 224/277
Joh_20:29....not/seen and yet/have..... 225/277
Act_1:3....being/seen of them forty/days 226/277
Act_1:11....have/seen him go/into...... 227/277
Act_4:20....have/seen and heard So/when 228/277
Act_7:34....have/seen I have/seen...... 229/277
Act_7:34....have/seen the affliction of my people which is/in 230/277
Act_7:44.....had/seen Which/also....... 231/277
Act_9:12....hath/seen in a/vision...... 232/277
Act_9:27.....had/seen the Lord in/the.. 233/277
Act_10:17....had/seen should/mean...... 234/277
Act_11:13....had/seen an angel in/his.. 235/277
Act_11:23....had/seen the grace/of..... 236/277
Act_13:31....was/seen many/days........ 237/277
Act_16:10....had/seen the vision immediately/we 238/277
Act_16:40....had/seen the brethren/they 239/277
Act_21:29....had/seen before with/him.. 240/277
Act_22:15...hast/seen and heard And/now 241/277
Act_26:16...hast/seen and of/those..... 242/277
Rom_1:20.clearly/seen being/understood. 243/277 is/not........... 244/277
1Co_2:9......not/seen nor ear/heard.... 245/277
1Co_9:1......not/seen Jesus/Christ..... 246/277
1Co_15:5.....was/seen of Cephas/then... 247/277
1Co_15:6.....was/seen of above/five.... 248/277
1Co_15:7.....was/seen of James/then.... 249/277
1Co_15:8.....was/seen of me/also....... 250/277
2Co_4:18.....are/seen but/at........... 251/277
2Co_4:18.....not/seen for the/things... 252/277
2Co_4:18.....are/seen are temporal/but. 253/277
2Co_4:18.....not/seen are eternal/For.. 254/277
Php_4:9......and/seen in me/do......... 255/277
Col_2:1......not/seen my face/in....... 256/277
Col_2:18.....not/seen vainly/puffed.... 257/277
1Ti_3:16..Spirit/seen of angels/preached 258/277
1Ti_6:16....hath/seen nor can/see...... 259/277
Heb_11:1.....not/seen For by/it........ 260/277
Heb_11:3.....are/seen were/not......... 261/277
Heb_11:7.....not/seen as yet/moved..... 262/277
Heb_11:13.having/seen them afar/off.... 263/277
Jam_5:11....have/seen the end/of....... 264/277
1Pe_1:8......not/seen ye/love.......... 265/277
1Jn_1:1.....have/seen with our/eyes.... 266/277
1Jn_1:2.....have/seen it and bear/witness 267/277
1Jn_1:3.....have/seen and heard declare/we 268/277
1Jn_3:6......not/seen him neither known/him 269/277
1Jn_4:12....hath/seen God at any time If/we 270/277
1Jn_4:14....have/seen and do/testify... 271/277
1Jn_4:20....hath/seen how can/he....... 272/277
1Jn_4:20.....not/seen And this/commandment 273/277
3Jn_1:11.....not/seen God Demetrius/hath 274/277
Rev_1:19....hast/seen and the things/which 275/277
Rev_11:19....was/seen in his/temple.... 276/277
Rev_22:8.....and/seen I fell/down...... 277/277
